A seagull flies over the California Coastal National Monument which stretches along the entire coast of California and extends 12 miles into the Pacific Ocean.  The Monument includes 20,000 rocks, islands, pinnacles and reefs.
Timber Crater wilderness study area Cow grazing near a stand of  Juniper trees Pit River Campground Cold Springs prescribed burn Fitzhugh Creek
BLM>California>Alturas>Firewood Cutting Stipulations
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Alturas Field Office

Firewood  Cutting Stipulations

Failure to abide by the conditions stated in this contract or permit may result in contract or permit cancellation and citation to the U.S. magistrate. 

Government is not liable for any accidents incurred during wood cutting or other harvesting activities.

A.      This contract or permit authorizes harvesting and removal only from
         designated locations. Harvesting operations are not permitted:

         1.   In areas of active logging or other commercial operations. 

         2.   In camp and picnic grounds.

         3.   On private land. It is the permittees’ responsibility to determine ownership of
               land before cutting begins. 

         4.   Within 300 feet of improved road. 

B.     Fire Danger

         1.   During periods of high fire danger, chainsaw use may be restricted or
               prohibited. Permittee shall determine from Susanville Interagency Fire Center or any
               BLM Office whether chainsaws may be used that day. 

         2.   Call the 24-hour information number for the current fire danger and road use
               restrictions. The phone number is 233-5517 for cutting areas in Alturas. This
               message is updated daily at 5:00 p.m. for the next 24-hour period. 

         3.   Firewood may be gathered without the use of chainsaws during periods when
               chainsaw use is prohibited. 

         4.   To help prevent fires that may result from wood cutting, you are required to equip you
               chainsaw with an approved spark arrester. 

         5.   An approved fire extinguisher or shovel for fire fighting purposes is required to be
               within 25 feet of the point of saw operations. 

         6.   Smoking is allowed only within areas cleared of flammable material to mineral soil for
               three feet in diameter. 

C.      Purchaser or Permittee shall comply with the following Resource Protection Measures: 

         1.   Keep vehicles off meadows, wet dirt roads or any other area that may be damaged by
               vehicle use. 

         2.   Repair any water bars or other erosion control structures that you drive over or
               otherwise damage. 

         3.   Remove slash, limbs and other debris created by purchaser or permittee’s cutting 
               activities from roadside ditches, culverts, inlets, and outlets, meadows and stream

         4.   Use of tractors, skidders, loaders, yarders or similar heavy equipment is prohibited
               under this contract or permit.       

         5.   No more than three inch deep ruts allowed on roads during wet road conditions. Roads
               closed when ruts exceed three inches. 

D.     Purchaser or permittee shall have permit when cutting and promptly display this
        permit upon request of any peace officer, Bureau of Land Management employee, California 
        Department of Forestry or Forest Service employee. 

E.      Other Stipulations        

         1.   All slash created by fuelwood harvesting activities shall be lopped to a maximum height
               of 18 inches. Scatter all slash. 

         2.   Stump height shall not exceed six (6) inches. 

         3.   Fuelwood salvaged from public land must be utilized to the greatest extent
               possible. Boles and limbwood shall be utilized to a minimum of three (3) inches in

         4.   The person issued this permit must be present when the cutting is done. Authorization 
               to both cut and transport must be in immediate possession at all times. 

         5.   Fuelwood Load Permit tags (provided) shall be prominently displayed on the rear of the
               load. Each tag is for the designated amount specified or portion thereof. The 
               responsibility for securely fastening the tag to the load is that of the permittee. Tags
               shall be perforated as to date and time of transportation and shall not be
               reused. Violation in use of the tags is violation of the permit. 

One (1) cord equals a stack of wood 4’ x 4’ x 8’.