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LHNCBC: Document Abstract
Year: 2008Adobe Acrobat Reader
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Bringing the Medical Library Where Needed - At the Point of Care
Fontelo P, Liu F
The practice of evidence-based medicine (EBM) recommends that physicians obtain clinically useful information by personally searching, reading and critically appraising the medical literature. It incorporates clinical knowledge and experience with clinically oriented research in making decisions regarding a patient's diagnosis, treatment and management. The purpose of EBM is to provide the patient with the safest and most efficacious care. In evidence-based practice, medical information needed for clinical decision-making must be easily obtainable. When medical information is easily available, it will likely be used in clinical decision-making. In many cases, even if the perceived need of it is high, medical information will not be utilized if it is difficult to obtain. These resources, developed for handheld devices, tablet PCs and desktop computers, will bring the medical library to where care is delivered. With worldwide access to the Internet through wireless networks now so pervasive, and handheld devices such as smartphones quite affordable, PubMed for Handhelds and other search tools will allow any clinician to practice evidence-based medicine, anywhere in the world. With these resources, the National Library of Medicine is bringing the medical library to the point of care, where it can be used effectively.