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News Release

For Release: September 18, 2008
Contact:   David Briery (951) 697-5220; e-mail dbriery@ca.blm.gov

 BLM to Phase Out Trash Collection at Imperial Sand Dunes

Asks Visitors to "Pack it Home"

 A new slogan will greet visitors to the Imperial Sand Dunes Recreation Area (ISDRA) this season, asking everyone to "Pack it Home," as trash collection service will be phased out as a necessary cost-cutting measure by the end of January.

BLM District Manager Steve Borchard said with costs rising and available funding declining, trash collection "simply became a luxury we could no longer afford for our visitors," he said. "We want to provide a safe, quality recreation experience," Borchard added, "so we're asking our visitors to take home their trash so our available funding can be used elsewhere in the Dunes."

To provide time for visitors "to get the word," Borchard said dumpsters will be available when the season opens October 15, but will be phased out no later than the end of January 2009.

"We need that transition time to educate visitors about the change and gain their cooperation. We're already gratified to see key user groups getting the information out, as the more education we can all do, the easier it will be to gain understanding and compliance," he said.

Beginning October 15, dumpsters will be located at Gecko Road, Glamis, Dunebuggy Flats, Buttercup, Midway Wells, and near the Plank Road. The service will be phased out and those dumpsters sites closed after the January deadline. On behalf of surrounding communities, Borchard reminded visitors that trash cannot be dumped in those towns either, but must be taken home.

The updated ISDRA website at www.blm.gov/ca/st/en/fo/elcentro/recreation/ohvs/isdra.html contains more information, including fines for littering and a new "Trash Talk" information page listing the "Top Ten Good Reasons for Taking Your Trash Home," among them:  

·         Helps keep recreation fees down and visitor services up.
·         Protects wildlife and natural resources.
·         Encourages recycling, at the dunes and at home.

 - BLM -

Last updated: 09-23-2008