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News Release

For Release: Oct. 27, 2008       
Contact:  Michael Chiodini (831) 630-5029

Bureau of Land Management to Conduct Prescribed Burn in Laguna Mountain Area

The Bureau of Land Management's Hollister Field Office plans to conduct a prescribed burn in the Laguna Mountain area of Southern San Benito County. Twenty to 60 acres will be burned in October and November, weather permitting.

Certain weather conditions - temperature, humidity, precipitation and wind - must be met for the prescribed burn to take place and control smoke. It will be postponed if the right conditions are not met.

The prescribed burns will be conducted to improve wildlife habitat and reduce hazard fuels (brush) in the area.

"In addition this will help prevent an uncontrolled wildfire in the future by creating a fire break in which a wildland fire will run out of fuel and be easier to contain. Prescribed burning is in accordance with the National Fire Plan to protect life and property, reduce fuel loadings and improve wildlife habitat," said Mike Chiodini, BLM Hollister fire mitigation specialist.

BLM will conduct the prescribed burn in cooperation with the U.S. Forest Service, Cal Fire, the National Park Service and local landowners.

For more information contact Chiodini at (831) 630-5029, or visit the BLM Hollister Field Office, 20 Hamilton Court, Hollister, Calif.


Hollister Field Office, 20 Hamilton Court, Hollister, CA 95023

Last updated: 10-29-2008