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News Release

For Release:  May 15, 2008             
Contact:  Jeff Fontana (530) 252-5332 or (530) 262-1147 (cell)

BLM Puts Seasonal Fire Restrictions in Place for Public Lands in Shasta, Tehama, Butte, Trinity and Siskiyou Counties

Fire season restrictions on campfires, off-road driving and target shooting will go into effect Saturday, May 17, for public lands managed by the Bureau of Land Management in Shasta, Tehama, Butte, Trinity and Siskiyou counties.
The restrictions were put in place to lessen the danger of human-caused fires and will remain in effect until fire dangers are lessened, said Steve Anderson, manager of the BLM Redding Field Office.
Under the restrictions:

 Campfires or other open fires, including barbecues and portable stoves, are prohibited except within fire rings or stoves in designated recreation sites or campgrounds.  Portable stoves using gas, jellied petroleum or pressurized liquid fuel may be used with a valid California campfire permit.

 Target shooting is allowed only from a half-hour before sunrise to 1 p.m. daily. Use of steel jacket, steel core, armor piercing, tracer, incendiary or exploding ammunition is prohibited.  Targets made of material that could emit sparks are also prohibited.

 Internal combustion engines may be used only on roads and designated trails.  Chainsaws with functional spark arresters may be used off of roads and trails under the activity levels specified in personal use woodcutting permits and other contracts.

  Motor vehicles must remain on established roads and trails.

 Smoking is prohibited, except within enclosed vehicles or in developed recreation sites.

 Possession and use of fireworks, including those approved by the State Fire Marshal, are prohibited on all BLM-managed public lands.

Violation of the restrictions is punishable by a fine of up to $1,000 and up to 12 months imprisonment or both.
For more information contact the BLM Redding Field Office, (530) 224-2100.


Redding Field Office     355 Hemsted Drive     Redding, CA  96102

Last updated: 05-15-2008