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LHNCBC: Document Abstract
Year: 2004Adobe Acrobat Reader
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Community-Based Organizations: Critical Agents To Bridging The Health Care Digital Divide
Robin T. Levine, MPH, Ph.D.
Preschool children who display disruptive behaviors that are consistent with a primary diagnosis of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) have extremely challenging behaviors that are difficult to manage in group settings. This is particularly problematic for preschoolers in center-based child care settings as these children often times require additional staff supervision as a means to undermine their disruptive impact on classroom dynamics and peer relations. The added demands placed on child care center staff occur alongside of several additional factors that contribute to a continually stressed and fragile child care staffing capacity. Consequently, the majority of these preschoolers are consistently thrown out of their child care centers; thereby, requiring their parents to repeatedly seek out new child care providers. Dr. Levine's dissertation research, completed in August of 2001, examined the nature of the relationship between providers from the child care, early intervention, and behavioral mental health systems. Specifically, the study sought to identify the inter- and intra-organizational factors that influence the capacity of center-based child care providers to include preschool children with disruptive behaviors. Dr. Levine will provide an overview of her dissertation research and highlight its major findings. In addition, Dr. Levine will discuss the emerging implications regarding the use of computers by community-based organizations as a means to: 1) enhance the relationship between stakeholder provider systems that serve children and other vulnerable populations; and 2) increase consumer health knowledge among low-income populations who are likely to have decreased access to computer-based health information.