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LHNCBC: Document Abstract
Year: 2003Adobe Acrobat Reader
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French Unified Medical Vocabulary
Stefan Darmoni, MD, Ph.D.
The UMLS plays a unifying role by linking controlled vocabularies, but the terminologies it includes are mostly in the English language. The VUMeF project aims to extend and strengthen the coverage of French terms linked to the UMLS Metathesaurus:* improving the French translation of the MeSH thesaurus* contributing to the translation of SNOMED 3.5* mapping the new French Common Catalog of Medical Acts (CCAM) to the Metathesaurus* providing tools for mapping French natural language expressions into controlled vocabularies.It will rely on these extensions to help controlled drug prescription and medical Web site indexing.Partly supported by the French Ministry for Research and Technology, this 2-year, 14-partner project will start early 2004.