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2006 USDA-ARS CEAP Watershed Assessment Study Annual Meeting

Principal scientific investigators from each of the USDA-ARS watersheds meet annually with other CEAP scientists to share technical reports and other information from the 14 ARS Benchmark Watershed studies and other relevant research.

The documents in the following table require Adobe Acrobat DocumentAdobe Acrobat or MS Powerpoint DocumentMicrosoft Powerpoint.


Brooke HarperAgriculture and Agri-Food Canada Adobe Acrobat Document Assessing the Water Quality Benefits of BMPs - at Watershed Scale Across Canada, (3.1 MB)
Paul Capel U.S. Geological Survey Adobe Acrobat Document Overview of the U.S Geological Survey, (1.1 MB)
Carlos AlonsoUSDA-ARS, National Sedimentation Laboratory - Watershed Physical Processess Research Unit; Oxford, MS Adobe Acrobat Document Tracking Sources of Eroded Sediments in CEAP Watersheds: A Progress Report, (4.6 MB)
Dale Westerman, et al.USDA-ARS, Northwest Irrigation and Soils Research Laboratory; Kimberly, ID Adobe Acrobat Document Upper Snake Rock Conservation Effects Assessment Project, (1.4 MB)
Daren Harmel, et al.USDA-ARS, Grassland Soil and Water Research Laboratory; Temple, TX Adobe Acrobat Document Uncertainty in Measured Streamflow and Water Quality Data for Small Watersheds, (1.0 MB)
Tom DrewesUSDA-NRCS Adobe Acrobat Document Conservation Effects Assessment Project (CEAP): Measuring the Environmental Benefits of Conservation, (0.5 MB)
Jurgen GarbrechtUSDA-ARS, Grazing Lands Research Lab; El Reno, OK Adobe Acrobat Document The Under-Appreciated Climate Factor in CEAP, (2.2 MB)
Bob KelloggUSDA-NRCS Microsoft Powerpoint Document Status of the CEAP National Assessment, (3 MB)
Richard Lowrance, et al.USDA-ARS, Southeast Watershed Research Laboratory; Tifton, GA Adobe Acrobat Document Applications and Modifications of the Riparian Ecosystem Management Model (REMM), (0.4 MB)
Greg McCarty, et al.USDA-ARS, Hydrology and Remote Sensing Laboratory; Beltsville, MD Adobe Acrobat Document Special Emphasis CEAP Watershed: Choptank River, (4.7 MB)
David Olaf, et al.Colorado State University/USDA-ARS, Agricultural System Research Unit; Fort Collins, CO Adobe Acrobat Document ARS Model Development using the Object Modeling System, (1.3 MB)
Douglas ShieldsUSDA-ARS, National Sedimentation Laboratory; Oxford, MS Adobe Acrobat Document The Report Card, (1.1 MB)
Mark Tomer, et al.USDA-ARS, Agricultural Land and Watershed management Research Unit; Ames, IA Adobe Acrobat Document Conservation Practices and Water Quality in Iowa’s South Fork Watershed, (13.7 MB)
Mike JawsonU.S. Geological Survey, Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center Adobe Acrobat Document Long Term Resource Monitoring Program, (3.0 MB)
Dan JaynesUSDA-ARS, National Soil Tilth Lab; Ames, IA Adobe Acrobat Document Modification & Application of SWAT to Landscapes with Subsurface Tiles and Enclosed Depressions (Potholes) as Applied to Walnut Creek watershed, IA, (4.0 MB)
Jerry WhittakerUSDA-ARS Adobe Acrobat Document Dynamic Integration of an Economic Model with SWAT, (0.7 MB)
Daren Harmel, et al.USDA-ARS, Grassland Soil and Water Research Lab; Temple, TX Adobe Acrobat Document CEAP Data Collection in the Upper Leon River Watershed, Texas, (0.3 MB)


Zachary Cain, et al.Purdue University Adobe Acrobat Document Adoption of Conservation Initiatives on Midwest Farms: Farm Size Matters, (0.1 MB)
David Bosch USDA-ARS, Southeast Watershed Reseach Laboratory, Tifton; GA Adobe Acrobat Document Hydrologic Impacts of Land-Use Changes in Coastal Plain Watersheds, (0.1 MB)
Danna Dinnes, et al. USDA-ARS, National Sedimentation Laboratory; Oxford, MS Adobe Acrobat Document Application of the AnnAGNPS Model to the Walnut Creek, Iowa CEAP Benchmark Watershed, (0.1 MB)
Gary Feyereisen, et al.USDA-ARS, Southeast Watershed Research Laboratory; Tifton, GA Adobe Acrobat Document Litter River Experimental Watershed Water Quality Record: The First Three Decades, (0.4 MB)
Cole Green, et al.USDA-ARS, Grassland Soil and Water Research Laboratory; Temple, TX Adobe Acrobat Document SWAT2005: Geo-referenced Tile Flow and Pothole Component Application to the South Fork of the Iowa River, (0.9 MB)
P. Heilman, et al.USDA-ARS, Southwest Watershed Research Center; Tucson, AZ Adobe Acrobat Document Decision Support for Nitrogen Management in Tile-Drained Agriculture to Formulate Integrated Management Systems, (0.1 MB)
Megan Lang, Charles WalthallUSDA-ARS, Hydrology and Remote Sensing Laboratory; Beltsville, MD Adobe Acrobat Document C-Band Radar Monitoring of Hydrology in Mid-Atlantic Forests: New Information for Improved Water Quality Management, (2.2 MB)
R. N. Learch, John SadlerUSDA-ARS Adobe Acrobat Document Missouri CEAP Update, (0.5 MB)
Laura McConnell, et al.USDA-ARS, Beltsville Agricultural Research Center; Beltsville, MD Adobe Acrobat Document Atmospheric Transport and Deposition of Pesticides Within the Choptank River Watershed and Role of Riparian Buffers in Pesticide Delivery to Streams, (0.4 MB)
George Mueller-WarrantUSDA-ARS, Forage Seed and Cereal Research Unit; Corvallis, OR Adobe Acrobat Document Data and Methods for GIS Analysis of Landuse and Conservation Practices in the Calapooia River Watershed, (0.2 MB)
Douglas Smith, et al. USDA-ARS, National Soil Erosion Research Laboratory; West Lafayette, IN Adobe Acrobat Document Dredging of Drainage Ditches Can Increase Short-Term Contaminant Transport, (0.2 MB)

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