Showing results 9 - 12 of 12
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Speak Plainly |
June 06, 2005 A few weeks ago, I received an e-mail from a technology company that claimed to have developed a &lqt;future-proof&lqt; product. They must have meant it wouldn't be squashed by some new innovation down the line. But the words &lqt;future-proof&lqt; are misleading (nothing can stop the future) and worse, they are ugly.
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When viewing art, verbiage can get in the way |
May 29, 2005 The sign on the gallery wall says the video &lqt;comments on politics, gender and sexuality in Irish culture.&lqt;
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Simplifying learning |
February 06, 2005 California's academics standards, adopted by the State Board of Education in English/language arts, math, science and social science/history, define the specific content and skills students should know by the end of each grade level. Following is an example of the state's expectation for fifth-graders:
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Jargon war steps upMove will boost test scores, officials say |
February 06, 2005 BEAUMONT - Fill a room with public-school teachers and administrators, give them an education topic to discuss and hunker down for the jargon fest that follows.
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