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Educational tax benefits 'present challenges of complexity' |
Congress has adopted a range of tools to help students and families pay for postsecondary education, including grants, loans, and tax preferences. Many title IV financial aid programs have a long history, while most of the tax preferences do not. The addition of tax preferences to the title IV grant and loan programs has increased the number of options and given students and families new choices about how to combine saving, borrowing, and current income to meet the costs of postsecondary education. Postsecondary tax preferences are widely thought to present challenges of complexity to students and families. As we have shown, tax filers appear to have some difficulty in making fully effective use of some postsecondary tax preferences now in the tax code. ... |
Chamber, educators discuss how to reach children to improve school system |
August 19, 2005 If you're going to reach the children, you've got to start with the parents.
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Editorial notebook: Clear as mud at Sac City Unified |
August 12, 2005 Mandy Carrillo, student member of the Sacramento City Unified School District board, has a point. The way staff and board members speak and write is not understandable to a majority of people. She'd like to see somebody be in charge of &lqt;translating&lqt; district documents for the public and/or providing a glossary of terms to people.
State report puts high premium on writing skills |
July 05, 2005 Despite the high value that state employers put on writing skills, a
significant number of their employees do not meet states' expectations.
Providing writing training costs taxpayers nearly a quarter of a billion
dollars annually, according to an estimate based on a survey released
here today by the National Commission on Writing.
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