Desktop Publishing Services

Solicitation Number: CB2008-0153
Agency: Congressional Budget Office
Office: Congressional Budget Office
Location: Acquisitions Office
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Added: Jun 24, 2008 3:27 pm

This competition will remain open for the duration of Fiscal Year 2008 (which ends on September 30, 2008) or until a contract is awarded, whichever period is shorter. Interested parties are encouraged to submit their information (or any questions about the contract) at their earliest convenience. The Response Date of 9/30/2008 previously listed on this announcement was intended to coincide with the expiration of the funds currently available for this requirement. CBO will accept submissions at any time starting with the posting of this announcement.

Ford House Office Building,
Room 406, 2nd & D Streets SW
Washington, District of Columbia 20515
United States
Ford House Office Building,
2nd & D Streets, SW
Washington, District of Columbia 20515
United States
Caryn Rotheim,
Chief Acquisition Officer
Phone: 202-226-2632
Fax: 888-734-1760