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Treasury Securities Information and Auction Data Have Moved!

We’ve moved auction data and information about Treasury securities to and we have several links on this page to get you easily to the new site. Also, we’ve put redirects in place for our most popular pages that will take you automatically to their new location.

The move is the result of a major redesign effort for our public website.

The goal of the website is to make it as easy as possible to learn about Public Debt’s products and services and to make informed decisions about investing in Treasury securities.

With, you can navigate to an area on the site customized to your investing needs. You’ll find a more consistent look and feel on the website and improved navigation. The new site was optimized for screen resolutions of 1024x768.

On the home page of the new site, customers choose where to go based on who they are: individual, institution, or government entity.

The individual section is designed for those wanting to learn about Treasury securities and how to purchase them, individuals who hold securities directly with Treasury, members of the press and those doing research.

The institutional section is for financial services providers, financial institutions that serve as savings bonds agents, and other investment professionals. This section includes a results table that displays data on auction results as soon as the information is available, and comprehensive information on Treasury securities auctions.

The Government section is for state and local governments and those financial institutions and bond counsels who manage funds for state and local government entities. This section of the website is also for federal government agencies that want to invest excess funds, borrow from Treasury or liquidate securities. The government site is still in development and until it is ready, you can access information on the public debt, FedInvest, Trust Funds Management Program, Treasury’s Borrowings Program and securities liquidation at or link to the information from

Stay tuned for more changes to and our corporate site soon!