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Chief Scientist's Honor Roll: Climate

At least three out of the following list of data records:
  1. Cloud cover and type for at least 70% of the days for the last year
  2. Maximum and minimum air temperature for at least 70% of the days for the last year
  3. Liquid precipitation and/or liquid equivalent of solid precipitation covering at least 95% of the days for the last year
  4. Relative humidity for at least 70% of the days for the last year
  5. Haze and barometric pressure for at least 70% of the days for the last year
  6. Two hydrology parameters for at least 75% of the weeks in the last year (dry or frozen count) with no gaps longer than 3 weeks (4 hydrology parameters counts as 2 out of 3 and 6 hydrology parameters counts as 3 out of 3 in qualifying for the Climate Honor Roll)
  7. At least 12 sets of gravimetric soil moisture measurements during the last year
  8. Gypsum block soil moisture data for at least three depths for at least 70% of the days during the last year and a calibration curve
  9. Soil temperature measurements for two depths for at least 75% of the weeks in the last year with at least 3 diurnal cycle measurements
  10. At least four infiltration measurements for the same site during the last year
  11. Three full data reports from visits to the same Biology Study Site in the last 3 years
  12. Budburst data for each of two branches on two trees of the same species and maximum and minimum temperature covering at least 25 of the preceding 30 days and rain or snow and snow pack rain equivalent covering all of the preceding 30 days
  13. Lilac data for two plants for all five phenophases during the last year
  14. Green-up and green-down for at least one species during the last year

The following schools qualified for the time period of February, 2002 - January, 2003

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