*This is an archive page. The links are no longer being updated. 1993.11.10 : Statement Regarding Welfare Reform Proposal U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Contact: Melissa Skolfield Wednesday, Nov. 10, 1993 (202) 690-6853 STATEMENT REGARDING WELFARE REFORM PROPOSAL The co-chairs of President Clinton's Working Group on Welfare Reform issued the following statement today in response to the release of welfare reform legislation by House Republicans. The cochairs are HHS Assistant Secretary for Children and Families Mary Jo Bane, HHS Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation David T. Ellwood, and Deputy Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy Bruce Reid. "We are pleased that the Republicans in the House of Representatives have entered the debate on welfare reform. We will certainly be looking closely at their legislation in the weeks ahead as we work with Congress and the states and localities to continue the development of the Administration's plan. Many of their proposals address the President's vision for reform, which stresses work, family, opportunity and responsibility. "Clearly there is broad consensus throughout the country and across party lines for fundamental change in the welfare system. The emphasis in the Republican plan on work and parental responsibility is very much in keeping with the President's goals. "While we applaud their emphasis on work, some elements of the plan concern us, such as the cap on the Earned Income Tax Credit -a powerful work incentive which has bipartisan support -- and the across-the-board cuts in cost-effective nutrition programs which are likely to shift costs to the state. Much more can and should also be done to crack down on parents who fail to pay child support. Most importantly, we want a plan that focuses both on opportunity and responsibility, to ensure that Americans can and do work and become self-sufficient in the work force. As the President said in his February 17 address to Congress, `In the end, we want people not to need us any more.' "We look forward to working with Congress on a bipartisan basis to develop a plan which fulfills the President's vision of a welfare system which truly helps people to work and become self- sufficient."