*This is an archive page. The links are no longer being updated. 1993.07.07 : Joycelyn Elders' Nomination Contact: Avis LaVelle (202) 690-7850 July 7, 1993 HHS Secretary Donna E. Shalala today issued the following statement regarding the President's nomination of Dr. Joycelyn Elders to be Surgeon General: "Joycelyn Elders has an outstanding reputation as a forceful and realistic leader for public health. She is admired nationally, among her peers, as evidenced by her election to the presidency of the Association of State and Territorial Health Officers; and she is highly regarded among those who have worked most closely with her in her home state of Arkansas. "Those who would portray Dr. Elders as being radical or out of touch with the desires of the American people are distorting her record in an effort to prove their claims. Dr. Elders supports health services for children through school-based clinics, but that does not mean she supports mandatory distribution of condoms in school-based clinics. As in her experience in her home state, she supports local decision-making on that question. Likewise, Dr. Elders supports comprehensive health training for our nation's children, but that does not mean inappropriate sex education topics for young children, as her critics suggest."