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News Release

Monday, Oct. 7, 2002

Contact: Christina Pearson, OPHS
(202) 205-1841


HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson today announced that he has named Alma L. Golden, M.D., to serve as Deputy Assistant Secretary for Population Affairs (DASPA).

In this capacity, Dr. Golden oversees the Office of Population Affairs (OPA) within the Department's Office of Public Health and Science. OPA advises the Secretary and Assistant Secretary for Health on a wide range of reproductive health topics, including adolescent pregnancy, family planning and other population issues. OPA also provides policy and administrative direction for the Title X Family Planning Program and the Title XX Adolescent Family Life Program.

"Dr. Golden's extensive and hands-on experience in health care delivery makes her a valuable addition to HHS. As a pediatrician, educator and mother of four, she is a strong voice for clear health education messages that will enhance the well-being of adolescents and their families," Secretary Thompson said.

Before joining the Department, Dr. Golden served as medical director for SAGE Advice Council, an organization for training health professionals in effective health intervention methods for adolescents. She was also editor-in-chief for Adolescent and Family Health, the Journal of the Institute of Youth Development. In addition to being a community pediatrician in Alvin, Texas, Dr. Golden's professional career began as a seventh grade life-science teacher. She also taught pediatrics at the University of Texas Medical Branch, directed pediatric services for a maternal and child program and served as associate medical director for a health care system.

She has served on several national and state committees, including the American Academy of Pediatrics Task Force on the Family and the Texas Pediatric Executive Committee. Until recently, she served on the School Health Advisory Committee to the Texas State Board of Health.

Dr. Golden received her medical degree from the University of Texas Medical Branch, where she also received post-doctoral training in pediatrics.


Note: All HHS press releases, fact sheets and other press materials are available at

Last Revised: October 15, 2002