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Thursday, Feb. 14, 2002
Contact: HHS Press Office
(202) 690-6343

Regarding National Donor Day: February 14, 2002

Today Chris Klug of Oregon reaches for the pinnacle and competes in the qualifying rounds of the Alpine snowboard grand slalom at the Winter Olympics in Utah.

Chris is not only a champion athlete: He's also vivid proof of the need for all of us to agree to be organ donors.

Nineteen months ago, Chris received the gift that saved his life - a liver, transplanted to overcome a rare disease.

The donor of that liver was anonymous. He or she expected no reward beyond the opportunity to give someone a second chance at life.

Yet what a reward Chris and all of us receive from that gift! We see an Olympian triumphing over adversity and performing at his prime. And we hear the clear call that all of us should heed: Be an organ donor!

Today, National Donor Day, we need to remember that nearly 80,000 Americans are waiting for organ transplants. Each day about 60 people receive an organ transplant, yet another 16 people on the waiting list die every day because not enough organs are available.

We can do something about that. We can sign donor cards, or mark our willingness for organ donation on our driver's license. Most important of all: We must tell our loved ones that we want to be donors, so that if the situation arises, they will know what we wished.

I salute the National Donor Day partners, especially the Saturn Corporation and its United Auto Worker (UAW) partners, for helping to bring the word to Americans and encouraging blood, marrow, organ and tissue donations.

Donation saves lives and opens all the possibilities that life has to offer.

Today, Chris' donor will cross the finish line with him. We should all be so fortunate!


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