*This is an archive page. The links are no longer being updated. 1991.12.17 : Disability Claims Based on HIV Infection Contact: Phil Gambino or Frank Battistelli (410) 965-8904 (202) 245-2359 December 17, 1991 New criteria and procedures that update and improve those used by the Social Security Administration for evaluating disability claims filed by individuals with HIV infection were announced today by HHS Secretary Louis W. Sullivan, M.D. Secretary Sullivan said, "The intent of these changes is to facilitate the identification of severely impaired individuals who have HIV infection to ensure the most rapid and accurate delivery of benefits possible." Disability payments are potentially payable under two separate programs--Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI). SSDI provides cash benefits financed through Social Security payroll taxes to disabled workers and their families out of the Federal Disability Insurance Trust Fund. SSI provides payments from general tax revenues to eligible disabled adults and children with limited income and resources. Under both programs, applicants must meet the strict statutory definition of disability--basically the inability to work because of a disabling impairment--as well as all non-medical requirements for entitlement in order to qualify for benefits. The first change announced today expands the medical criteria used by SSA to determine if individuals are eligible for disability benefits, incorporating the latest medical knowledge and information on HIV disease. Besides including a broader range of the various disease manifestations of HIV infection, the new procedures also include functional limitations of the disease. They will also include additional criteria to take into account manifestations of the disease specific to women and children. The other new rules expand SSA field office authority to provide presumptive disability (PD) payments based on HIV infection. SSI law permits immediate payment, using specific guidelines, of up to six months of cash benefits--pending a formal disability decision--to applicants likely to be found disabled. The new procedures will significantly enhance the availability of immediate benefits for people with symptomatic HIV infection. "I believe the changes implemented today will significantly improve the treatment SSA extends to HIV-infected people," Social Security Commissioner Gwendolyn S. King said, "and reflect SSA's continuing commitment to provide timely, accurate and compassionate service to the public." Secretary Sullivan also announced the publication in tomorrow's Federal Register of proposed rules that will codify into regulations SSA's policies and procedures for evaluating disability claims filed by individuals with HIV infection. The secretary encouraged interested persons to provide the department with their comments and suggestions over the 60-day comment period. # # # # NOTE TO CORRESPONDENTS: A fact sheet providing more detailed information regarding the disability evaluation process and SSA's new procedures on evaluating disability claims filed by individuals with HIV infection is available.