*This is an archive page. The links are no longer being updated. 1991.11.18 : National Eldercare Institutes Contact: Saadia Greenberg (202) 619-0441 November 18, 1991 HHS Commissioner on Aging Joyce T. Berry, Ph.D., today announced the award of funds totaling approximately three million dollars in first-year funding to support 12 National Eldercare Institutes. These new institutes will work cooperatively with Commissioner Berry's recently launched National Eldercare Campaign, a nationwide movement involving all sectors of society on behalf of frail and vulnerable older Americans at risk of losing their independence. Commissioner Berry said, "Each National Eldercare Institute will focus on a critical substantive area relevant to improving eldercare services, both in the home and in the community. Each will address issues vitally important to those older persons struggling to maintain their self-sufficiency. "Working in close collaboration with eldercare coalitions in communities across the nation, the institutes will undertake a variety of activities designed to support and assist these coalitions to accomplish their mission. These efforts will enhance the coalitions' capabilities to address important issues in their communities, assist them in the development of strategies to implement community care agendas, and promote the adoption of these agendas by segments of society that can build a broad base of support for eldercare expansion." - More - - 2 - The Administration on Aging entered into cooperative agreements with the following institutions and organizations to establish and operate National Eldercare Institutes: o The National Association of State Units on Aging, in collaboration with Brandeis University, will operate the National Eldercare Institute on Long Term Care. o The National Association of State Units on Aging will also operate the National Eldercare Institute on Elder Abuse and State Ombudsman Services, along with the American Public Welfare Association and the National Citizens Coalition for Nursing Home Reform. o The National Council of Negro Women will operate the National Eldercare Institute on Older Women, in collaboration with Brandeis University and the Older Women's League. o The National Council on Aging will operate the National Eldercare Institute on Multipurpose Senior Centers and Community Focal Points. o The Community Transportation Association of America will operate the National Eldercare Institute on Transportation in collaboration with the National Association of Area Agencies on Aging. o The University of Southern California will operate the National Eldercare Institute on Housing and Supportive Services. o The National Association of Nutrition and Aging Services Providers will operate the National Eldercare Institute on Nutrition in collaboration with the National Association of Meal Programs. o Hunter College of the City University of New York in collaboration with the University of Southern California, will operate the National Eldercare Institute on Human Resources Development. o The American Association of Retired Persons in collaboration with Meharry Medical College will operate the National Eldercare Institute on Health Promotion. - More - - 3 - o Families USA Foundation, Inc. will operate the National Eldercare Institute on Income Security. o The University of Maryland will operate the National Eldercare Institute on Employment and Volunteerism in collaboration with the National Council on Aging. o The Washington Business Group on Health in collaboration with the American Society on Aging will operate the National Eldercare Institute on Business and Aging. The Administration on Aging, an agency of the Department of Health and Human Services, serves as a focal point within the federal government for the needs and concerns of older people. ###