*This is an archive page. The links are no longer being updated. 1991.09.26 : Regulation -- Nurse Aides Contact: Bob Hardy (202) 245-6145 September 26, 1991 HHS Secretary Louis W. Sullivan, M.D., today issued regulations which would require nursing homes for the first time to meet training and competency standards for nurse aides. The regulations also require statewide registries for nurse aides who meet the new standards. "These regulations reflect continued movement toward improved quality of patient care in nursing homes," Dr. Sullivan said. "Only with properly trained and evaluated nursing home personnel can we ensure that the best possible care is given to nursing home residents across the country." The "Nurse Aide Training and Competency Evaluation Program" regulations were published in today's Federal Register. Nursing homes must comply with NATCEP regulations to participate in the Medicare and Medicaid programs, Dr. Sullivan said. The requirements are authorized by the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1987, which provided for comprehensive reform of health, safety, and quality standards for nursing homes caring for Medicare and Medicaid patients. Effective Oct. l, 1990, nursing homes are prevented from employing nurse aides for more than four months who have not completed a state-approved NATCEP or competency evaluation program. Congress has allowed several exemptions to the requirement for nurse aides who meet certain standards of experience or prior training. "Nursing homes must provide state-approved NATCEPs or CEPs for nurse aides without cost to their employees," according to Gail R. Wilensky, Ph.D., administrator of the Health Care Financing Administration. "The facilities must also provide continuing education programs to maintain and improve the capabilities of nurse aides," she said. Under the NATCEP regulations, states are required to establish registries of nurse aides who meet training and competency requirements. The registries must include any findings that a nurse aide has abused or neglected patients or misappropriated patient property. NATCEP regulations require that nursing home facilities provide at least 12 hours of in-service education annually, conduct annual performance reviews of nurse aides, and be available for annual on-site inspections and evaluations of nurse aides. States are responsible for approving programs as meeting federal requirements. The state-approved NATCEPs may be conducted in nursing homes or in educational institutions such as community colleges, but states must determine the competency of nurse aides through a CEP consisting of a demonstration of skills and an oral or written examination. HCFA issued advisory guidance to the states on the nurse aide training and competency evaluation requirements and on establishing the registries of nurse aides during l989. ###