*This is an archive page. The links are no longer being updated. 1991.07.18 : Working Group to Help Improve School Readiness Contact: HHS Press Office (202) 245-6343 HHS Denver Office (303) 844-3372 July 18, 1991 DENVER--HHS Secretary Louis W. Sullivan, M.D., today announced the formation of a working group to help improve children's readiness for school as part of the Administration's education goals. Secretary Sullivan said the purpose will be to coordinate federal agencies' activities and to challenge states and local communities to bring together the skills and resources needed to ensure that all children arrive at school each day healthy and ready to learn. Secretary Sullivan will coordinate the effort at the request of Secretary of Education Lamar Alexander. Joining Secretaries Sullivan and Alexander as expert advisors in the collaborative effort to achieve the first national education goal ("By the year 2000, all children in America will start school ready to learn") will be Governor Booth Gardner (Washington); Dr. James Renier, the CEO of Honeywell and author of the Council of Economic Development's Report on Early Childhood Development; and Dr. David Hamburg, president of Carnegie Corporation. In an effort to combat the wide range of problems which contribute to a lack of school readiness, including prenatal exposure to drugs and alcohol, lead poisoning, absence of immunizations, poor parenting skills, child abuse and neglect, and malnutrition, the newly formed working group will focus its efforts on promoting system-wide changes in the traditional, and often unsuccessful, ways in which educational, health, and social services are currently provided to children and their families. "A child's education doesn't depend solely on the school," Secretary Sullivan said. "The social environment and the communities in which children grow up are crucial elements in helping them learn and prepare for productive lives." Earlier this year President Bush announced "America 2000," a national education strategy designed to transform American education and achieve the six national education goals agreed to by the president and the governors in the fall of 1989. Secretary Alexander was asked by the president to oversee this Cabinet-wide initiative, which includes formation of the group announced today. Major activities which will be undertaken by Secretary Sullivan and the working group include: the identification of "best practices" related to school readiness problem areas, dissemination of information concerning these best practices to state and local government agencies, volunteer organizations, the private sector, university training programs and parent/community organizations, technical assistance and support to state and local school readiness efforts, and the funding and evaluation of model, community-based efforts to enhance school readiness that stress systems-change. In describing these activities, Secretary Sullivan said, "In the same way that a couple of years ago we achieved consensus on real welfare reform legislation through a process of carefully designed experimentation, I am interested in starting a process which leads to systemic changes in the provision of comprehensive health and social services to guarantee the school readiness of all of our children. The ultimate goal of our collaborative efforts is to strengthen the ability of families, neighborhoods, and local communities to provide the range of services and supports needed to ensure that every child can grow and achieve his or her full potential." ###