*This is an archive page. The links are no longer being updated. 1991.06.26 : Medicare Participating Physicians Contact: Bob Hardy (202) 245-6145 June 26, 1991 Nearly 48 percent of physicians are enrolled as Medicare participating physicians in 1991, up from 44 percent in 1990, HHS Secretary Louis W. Sullivan, M.D., announced today. The out-of-pocket costs of Medicare beneficiaries can be limited by the use of participating physicians, who agree to accept Medicare rates as full payment for their services. "The rate of participation has increased by 71 percent in five years," Secretary Sullivan said. "Only 28 percent were enrolled as participating physicians in 1986." The number of participating physicians has reached 360,765 in 1991, an increase of 31,757 from 1990. The term "physicians" also includes limited license practitioners such as optometrists, podiatrists and chiropractors. Medicare pays 80 percent of approved charges for medical services. The beneficiary's financial liability is limited to the remaining 20 percent when the doctor is a participating physician. A non-participating physician may charge more to the beneficiary. Medicare offers incentives to encourage participation. Medicare payments are higher for participating physicians, their claims are processed faster than those of non-participating physicians, and their names are included in directories which are distributed widely and are available to senior citizens in every part of the country. Gail R. Wilensky, Ph.D., administrator of the Health Care Financing Administration, said that "at a time when all of us are concerned about the growing burden of health care costs, we want Medicare beneficiaries to have the information they need to make sound choices as consumers." She explained that directories listing local participating physicians and suppliers are available in local Social Security offices and senior citizens organizations. Services provided by participating physicians account for more than 70 percent of physicians' charges paid by Medicare. In the first three months of this year, more than 85 percent of physicians' bills were paid under assignment, which means the Medicare rates were accepted as full payment. Nonparticipating physicians may accept assignment for some Medicare patients. Tables of state-by-state rates and participation by medical specialty may be obtained from the Health Care Financing Administration's Press Office, 202/245-6145. ### MEDICARE PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN AND SUPPLIER PROGRAM National Data Participation Status -- January 1, 1991 47.6% Physicians* 360,765 Participating 758,363 Billing Medicare 22.6% Suppliers 28,667 Participating 126,982 Billing Medicare 44.0% Total 389,432 Participating 885,345 Billing Medicare Comparison to Previous Enrollment January 1991 April 1990 Number % % Physicians* 360,765 47.6 44.1 Suppliers 28,667 22.6 21.8 Total 389,432 44.0 40.9 * Includes M.D.s, D.O.s, and limited license practitioners. Participation counts reflect physicians who are participating in at least one practice setting. For example, a physician who is participating in his private practice but not in his group is counted as participating.