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Date: Monday, Jan. 12, 1998
Contact:  HRSA Press Office (301) 443-3376

Clinton Administration Awards $445 Million
to 49 Cities for HIV/AIDS Care

HHS Secretary Donna E. Shalala today announced more than $445 million in grants to 49 metropolitan areas hardest hit by the HIV/AIDS epidemic to fund primary health care and support services for low-income individuals with HIV/AIDS.

Funded under Title I of the Ryan White Comprehensive AIDS Resources Emergency (CARE) Act, the grants are used to provide a wide range of assistance to those who lack or are only partially protected by health insurance. Assistance includes primary health care and medications, case management, support services, and substance abuse and mental health services.

Today's grants represent almost half of the total $1.15 billion in CARE Act funds that will be awarded in FY 1998. This total is up from $996.3 million in 1997 and $757.4 million in 1996. Ryan White Care Act funding has increased by 230 percent under the Clinton Administration.

"These CARE Act funds give communities most affected by the HIV epidemic the means to provide crucial services to those most in need," said Secretary Shalala. "These awards are invaluable in providing comprehensive care for hundreds of thousands of people."

Awards to metropolitan areas are determined by formulas set in law. To qualify for Title I funding, an eligible metropolitan area must have a population of at least 500,000 and have reported more than 2,000 AIDS cases in the preceding five years. Title I grantees receive one grant award consisting of formula and supplemental funds. Formula funds are awarded based on the estimated number of people living with HIV disease and supplemental funds are awarded competitively among metropolitan areas based on demonstration of severe need and other criteria.

"This marks the first year that formula and supplemental funds are being combined into one grant and awarded simultaneously," said Claude Earl Fox, M.D., M.P.H., acting administrator of HHS' Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), which administers the CARE Act through its HIV/AIDS Bureau. "This has streamlined the Title I application process, and will help ensure that total funding is available to metropolitan areas as quickly as possible."

Other titles and programs of the CARE Act fund HIV/AIDS services in states and U.S. territories (Title II); provide support to public and gateway.html organizations for outpatient early intervention services (Title III); fund special programs for improving access to HIV care for women, youth, adolescents and families (Title IV); train providers of HIV care (AIDS education and training centers) and reimburse certain schools of dentistry and postdoctoral dental programs for uncompensated costs incurred in dental treatment of HIV-positive patients. Under the Title II program, the CARE Act also supports the AIDS Drug Assistance Program (ADAP), which helps defray the costs of anti-HIV pharmaceutical therapies for uninsured individuals and others unable to pay.

A list of grantees and award amounts is below.

Note: HHS press releases are available on the World Wide Web at:
[Text Version -]

Ryan White CARE Act--Title I Fiscal Year 1998 Awards

Eligible Metropolitan AreasAward
Atlanta $12,021,454
Austin, Texas $2,856,752
Baltimore $12,184,481
Bergen­Passaic, N.J. $4,354,291
Boston $9,463,130
Caguas, Puerto Rico $1,405,197
Chicago $15,995,512
Cleveland $2,459,443
Dallas $9,082,217
Denver $4,278,161
Detroit $5,628,350
Dutchess County, N.Y. $854,481
Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. $10,128,631
Ft. Worth, Texas $2,618,024
Hartford, Conn. $3,613,029
Houston $12,722,479
Jacksonville, Fla. $3,443,168
Jersey City, N.J. $5,320,300
Kansas City, Mo. $2,622,409
Los Angeles $30,637,106
Miami $18,472,153
Middlesex­Somerset­Hunterdon, N.J. $2,597,923
Minneapolis­St. Paul $2,570,712
Nassau­Suffolk, N.Y. $4,939,871
New Haven, Conn. $5,348,730
New Orleans $4,921,857
New York $95,325,334
Newark, N.J. $12,630,257
Oakland, Calif. $5,926,194
Orange County, Calif. $3,810,759
Orlando, Fla. $4,609,839
Philadelphia $14,081,773
Phoenix $3,412,037
Ponce, Puerto Rico $2,200,114
Portland, Ore. $3,057,466
Riverside­San Bernardino, Calif. $5,634,427
Sacramento, Calif. $2,389,370
St. Louis, Mo. $3,561,850
San Antonio $2,952,239
San Diego $8,452,437
San Francisco $36,394,914
San Jose, Calif. $2,445,480
San Juan, Puerto Rico $11,658,912
Santa Rosa, Calif. $1,225,807
Seattle $5,060,533
Tampa­St. Petersburg, Fla. $6,536,189
Vineland­Millville­Bridgeton, N.J. $594,001
Washington $16,710,726
West Palm Beach, Fla. $5,965,481

TOTAL $445,176,000