*This is an archive page. The links are no longer being updated. 1992.09.08 : Virginia Welfare Reform Waiver Larry Dye (202) 401-9215 September 8, 1992 HHS Secretary Louis W. Sullivan, M.D., today announced approval of Virginia's welfare waiver request for a demonstration project called Virginia Incentives to Advance Learning (VITAL). "The Virginia welfare reform effort is aimed at strengthening families and promoting self-sufficiency by requiring school attendance for AFDC children," Sullivan said. "The Bush administration continues to encourage states like Virginia to take innovative actions to improve the effectiveness of current welfare practices." The HHS waivers will permit Virginia to begin the VITAL demonstration in three middle schools. Under the demonstration, the state will: o Require school attendance and achievement of all Aid for Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) recipients who are middle school students (grades 6-8). o Families of students who maintain satisfactory attendance will have their monthly AFDC payments increased from 90 to 100 percent of the state's need standard and students will receive other rewards such as movie tickets and fast food coupons. Failure of a child to attend school regularly could result in a reduced AFDC benefit to the family. o Drop-out prevention counseling services will be provided through a $100,000 per year appropriation by the Virginia General Assembly for the 1992-1994 biennium. "We will continue to expedite review of welfare reform proposals from states so that innovative approaches can be developed and tried," said Jo Anne B. Barnhart, assistant secretary for children and families. "We are here to make a long-term positive difference in the lives of children and families." ###