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Sell an Article Tax-Free?

If you want to sell an article tax-free, you must have a tax-free registration number. To obtain a tax-free registration number, you must file an Application for Registration for Tax-Free Transactions (TTB F 5300.28).

TTB F 5300.28

Tax-free informational documents

TTB I 5600.34

Exemption Certificate

support tax-free sales of articles for use as fuel supplies, ships' stores, or legitimate equipment on certain vessels or aircraft (this form must be used by the purchaser)

TTB I 5600.35

Exemption Certificate

support tax-free sales to State and local governments (this form must be used by the State or local government purchasing the article)

TTB I 5600.36

Statement of Manufacturer's Vendee

support tax-free sales of taxable articles:
- to a purchaser for export, or
- for resale to a second purchaser for export

TTB I 5600.37

Statement of Manufacturer's Vendee

Support tax-free sales of taxable articles to a purchaser for resale to a second purchaser for the second purchaser to use in further manufacture