LATITUDE,LONTITUDE,OBSDATE,MAG,SQMVALUE,CLOUD_COVE,COMMENTLOC,COMMENTSKY,COMMENTADD,GMICNTRY,CNTRYNAME 47.985002,26.741700,2/28/2008 18:25,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,ROM,Romania 47.985002,26.741700,3/3/2008 19:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,ROM,Romania 47.985002,26.741700,3/5/2008 20:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,ROM,Romania 47.984698,26.741700,2/25/2008 20:37,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,Kis felho foltokban Kozvilagitas 10m-re,,ROM,Romania 47.968101,26.741700,2/25/2008 18:36,4,-9999.00,clear,Kozvilagitas 15 meterre,,,ROM,Romania 46.724201,25.600000,2/25/2008 20:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,"sotet utca, de utcai vilagitas elottem is es mogottem is kb. 100-100 m.",,ROM,Romania 49.505300,22.893298,3/2/2008 19:17,2,-9999.00,clear,,Sok lampa,,UKR,Ukraine 48.970001,22.763100,2/28/2008 19:52,4,-9999.00,clear,,2 db lampa,,UKR,Ukraine 48.275299,22.689200,2/26/2008 20:20,4,-9999.00,clear,,sok feny,,UKR,Ukraine 48.275299,22.689200,2/27/2008 19:15,4,-9999.00,clear,,1 utcai lampa,,UKR,Ukraine 48.275299,22.689200,3/5/2008 19:05,3,-9999.00,clear,,,szel,UKR,Ukraine 48.127497,22.519199,3/5/2008 19:04,2,-9999.00,clear,,,szel,HUN,Hungary 47.948300,21.742201,2/25/2008 20:50,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,Nyugaton enyhen borus,a sarkcsillag eszlelesi moddal hataroztuk meg a fenyesseget.Az 52 volt a hatar !,eletunk elso eszlelese volt !,HUN,Hungary 47.987799,21.678600,2/26/2008 19:00,5,-9999.00,clear,derult,utcai lampa a haz mogott 25m,,HUN,Hungary 47.987799,21.678600,2/27/2008 19:04,6,-9999.00,clear,"az eg alja borult,fent teljesen derult",a haz mogott utcai lampa,,HUN,Hungary 47.951401,21.676399,2/25/2008 20:00,5,-9999.00,clear,Teljesen tiszta egbolt.,Kertvarosi resz.,,HUN,Hungary 47.682500,21.658301,2/25/2008 18:50,5,-9999.00,clear,"Az egbolt derult volt,de enyhen paras.",A tavaji mereshez kepest romlott az egbolt minosege a kozvilagitas fejlodese miatt!,Nagyon kellene egy komoly megszorito hatarozat!,HUN,Hungary 47.682500,21.658301,3/20/2008 21:00,6,-9999.00,clear,A 26-ai eghez kepest most kristalytiszta.,A kozvilagitas kozvetlen fenyei nagyon zavarnak.,Bar ne lenne kozvilagitas.,HUN,Hungary 47.682500,21.658301,3/20/2008 10:00,6,-9999.00,clear,"Egy hidegfront utan kivalo atlatszosag mellett nagyon jo az atlatszosag,de ez sem javit a fenyszennyezesen!",A kozvilagitasi lampak sajnos a szemembe vilagitanak.Viszont kitakarassal eszlelheto hely!,,HUN,Hungary 47.682500,21.658301,3/21/2008 20:00,6,-9999.00,clear,"Komoly higfront utan hihetetlen jo lett az eg.Ragyogtak a csillagok meg a horizonton is! A Hmg 6,5 es 7,0 koz volt.","Ha nem lenne az az 5-6 lampatest ami szemembe vakit itt jo eszleleseket lehetne csinalni!"" Ritka latvany tarult a szemem ele,mert a hidegfront ugy kisoporte a port s parat,hogy meg az allatovi feny is 2 oran at latszott.Gyerekkorom ota nem lattam eszlelo",,HUN,Hungary 47.644698,21.653300,2/28/2008 20:30,5,20.00,clear,,"kozvetlen fenyektol mentes, a hatso kertben, a csillagdambol",,HUN,Hungary 47.534200,21.635300,3/2/2008 20:10,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,HUN,Hungary 47.534200,21.635300,3/5/2008 19:30,3,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,,,HUN,Hungary 47.534200,21.635000,3/5/2008 20:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,HUN,Hungary 47.533902,21.635000,3/7/2008 19:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,HUN,Hungary 47.534698,21.619700,3/2/2008 22:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,HUN,Hungary 47.534698,21.619700,3/4/2008 20:00,2,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,"Sajnos elalt a szel, visszajott a por es a fust",HUN,Hungary 47.534999,21.619400,3/3/2008 22:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,HUN,Hungary 47.534698,21.619400,2/29/2008 2:30,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,HUN,Hungary 47.534401,21.619400,3/1/2008 22:30,4,-9999.00,clear,A viharos szl elfujta a felhoket,,A vihar szokatlanul tiszta levegot hozott a varosba,HUN,Hungary 47.534698,21.619200,2/25/2008 20:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,"Belvaros kozeleben, sok utcai lampa fenye zavar, 10 emeletes haz tetejerol",,HUN,Hungary 47.545801,21.616400,2/28/2008 19:45,3,18.00,clear,enyhen paras,"Az ujkerti \Szanko domb\"", kozvetlen fenyektol mentes, itt szoktuk tartani csillagaszati bemutatasainkat.""",az Orion a varosi fenyburaban van,HUN,Hungary 47.549400,21.601102,2/26/2008 19:25,3,18.90,clear,enyhen paras,"kozvetlen megvilagitas nincs, hatso udvar","A helyszin a varos eNy-i csucske, az Orion a varos fenyburaja felol latszik. Az SQM az Orion fele merve csak 18,37-es erteket mutat.",HUN,Hungary 47.549199,21.601102,2/27/2008 21:00,4,19.00,clear,"Hidegfront utani, tiszta legkor.",,Az elozo napi mereshez kepest az egbolt allapota miatt jobb erdmeny.,HUN,Hungary 47.548598,21.598901,2/28/2008 19:24,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,HUN,Hungary 47.547501,21.596901,2/26/2008 20:15,4,-9999.00,clear,,Tobb utcai lampa 100m-es korzeten belul,,HUN,Hungary 47.525300,21.596399,2/29/2008 20:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,Ez egy elhagyott ures terulet kb. 500 meterre minden epulettol es az utcai lampak fenyetol,,HUN,Hungary 48.107799,21.417802,3/2/2008 19:32,1,-9999.00,clear,,utcai lampa a haz elott,,HUN,Hungary 48.117501,21.414699,2/27/2008 19:10,3,-9999.00,clear,,sok utcai lampa,,HUN,Hungary 48.117501,21.414699,2/28/2008 20:19,3,-9999.00,clear,,tobb utcai lampa a kornyeken,,HUN,Hungary 48.115001,21.413299,3/5/2008 19:38,4,-9999.00,clear,fatyolfelhok,,,HUN,Hungary 48.118099,21.412800,2/28/2008 19:43,6,-9999.00,clear,,,enyhe szel,HUN,Hungary 48.115001,21.412800,3/1/2008 20:52,6,-9999.00,clear,,,szel,HUN,Hungary 48.124700,21.407800,3/6/2008 0:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,HUN,Hungary 48.124700,21.407800,3/5/2008 19:20,3,-9999.00,clear,,,enyhe szel,HUN,Hungary 47.951200,21.368901,3/7/2008 20:20,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,HUN,Hungary 46.149300,21.315000,2/25/2008 17:30,6,-9999.00,clear,,,idoadat UT-ben,ROM,Romania 46.149300,21.315000,2/26/2008 17:45,5,-9999.00,clear,,,idoadat UT-ben,ROM,Romania 46.149300,21.315000,2/28/2008 19:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,,kozei,ROM,Romania 46.850600,21.284401,3/5/2008 19:25,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,HUN,Hungary 48.516702,21.245001,2/25/2008 20:38,5,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,Kozvilagitas 10 meterre,,HUN,Hungary 48.519700,21.242800,3/7/2008 20:22,6,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,Nincs kozvilagitas,,HUN,Hungary 48.213902,21.226401,3/1/2008 20:22,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,HUN,Hungary 48.213298,21.226401,3/1/2008 20:45,7,-9999.00,clear,,Nincs kozvilagitas,,HUN,Hungary 47.289699,21.224200,2/28/2008 20:49,5,-9999.00,clear,,"Egy lakohaz mogott, 100 meterre egy utcai lampatol",,HUN,Hungary 46.647801,21.154400,3/5/2008 20:45,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,HUN,Hungary 46.659198,21.150801,3/5/2008 20:30,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,HUN,Hungary 46.668097,21.117799,3/5/2008 21:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,,100 m-re natriumlampak,HUN,Hungary 46.686402,21.078100,2/25/2008 19:50,3,-9999.00,clear,Enyhen paras.,"Kertben, az utcai lampak lehetoleg takarasban.",,HUN,Hungary 46.497199,21.035299,2/28/2008 20:00,6,-9999.00,clear,Kivalo. Teljesen nyugodt legkor. Szelcsend.,eszakra 200 m tavolsagban kozvilagitasi lampatest.,,HUN,Hungary 47.942799,21.003598,3/1/2008 20:14,4,-9999.00,clear,"Nem teljesen tiszta,kisse kodos.",Van utcai lampa a kozelben.,,HUN,Hungary 48.042400,20.973400,3/7/2008 19:20,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,HUN,Hungary 47.316101,20.925599,3/4/2008 20:35,2,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,tarsashaz udvara,,HUN,Hungary 47.311699,20.920799,3/5/2008 0:20,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,HUN,Hungary 48.102799,20.803100,2/29/2008 19:15,5,-9999.00,clear,"Derult eg, de rossz nyugodtsag.","Hatso udvar es parkolo, viszonylag sotet, egy utcai lampa erosen zavar.",,HUN,Hungary 48.083599,20.780799,2/27/2008 19:13,5,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,"Keleti es nyugati iranyban kb. 100-100 meterre 10 emeletes panelhazak, deli iranyban 100 meterre jardat megvilagito lampak.",,HUN,Hungary 48.101699,20.779399,3/7/2008 20:04,3,-9999.00,clear,,belvarosban,,HUN,Hungary 48.113799,20.761900,3/7/2008 20:09,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,"varos szelen, de eleg eros az utcai vilagitas",,HUN,Hungary 47.610298,20.728099,3/2/2008 20:45,4,-9999.00,clear,"hidegfront utan, elenk szel, felhomentes","utcai lampak hosszan elnyulva, kisse korbefogjak alulrol az eget",,HUN,Hungary 46.576402,20.670601,3/6/2008 20:15,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,HUN,Hungary 46.560300,20.667500,2/28/2008 21:15,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,HUN,Hungary 47.773102,20.660001,3/1/2008 20:33,4,-9999.00,clear,,"falukozpont, tele lampakkal","eros szel, elotte eso",HUN,Hungary 47.799197,20.580000,2/27/2008 20:00,4,-9999.00,clear,nem eszlelheto felhosodes,Utvai fenyektol elzart udvaron. Varosszelen a varos kozeppont az eszlelohoz kepest ejszakra.,elenk nyugati szel,HUN,Hungary 47.803299,20.579700,3/7/2008 20:56,2,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,HUN,Hungary 47.799197,20.579700,2/25/2008 0:00,5,-9999.00,clear,"Tiszta, de egyatlan nem mondhato sotetnek az eg",,"Emma nevre keresztelt ciklon zivatarzonajanak atvonulasa utan, teljesen tiszta egbolt, eros nyugati szel, viharos lokesekkel. aramkimaradas miatt, az utcaban nincs kozvilagitas.",HUN,Hungary 46.859401,20.559400,2/25/2008 19:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,"A Benka Gyula Evangelikus altalanos Iskola udvarabol keszitett felmeres, melyet egy kis csoporttal keszitettunk.",eszlelo: Meissner Hannah,HUN,Hungary 46.859401,20.559400,2/25/2008 19:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,"A Benka Gyula Evangelikus altalanos Iskola udvarabol keszitett felmeres, melyet egy kis csoporttal keszitettunk.",eszlelo neve: Szklenar Tamas,HUN,Hungary 46.859401,20.559400,2/25/2008 19:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,"A Benka Gyula Evangelikus altalanos Iskola udvarabol keszitett felmeres, melyet egy kis csoporttal keszitettunk.",eszlelo: Bencsik Tiborne,HUN,Hungary 46.859401,20.559400,2/25/2008 19:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,"A Benka Gyula Evangelikus altalanos Iskola udvarabol keszitett felmeres, melyet egy kis csoporttal keszitettunk.",eszlelo: Uhljar eva,HUN,Hungary 46.859401,20.559400,2/25/2008 19:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,"A Benka Gyula Evangelikus altalanos Iskola udvarabol keszitett felmeres, melyet egy kis csoporttal keszitettunk.",eszlelo: Bencsik Bence,HUN,Hungary 46.859401,20.559400,2/25/2008 19:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,"A Benka Gyula Evangelikus altalanos Iskola udvarabol keszitett felmeres, melyet egy kis csoporttal keszitettunk.",eszlelo: Gugolya Beata,HUN,Hungary 46.859401,20.559400,2/25/2008 19:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,"A Benka Gyula Evangelikus altalanos Iskola udvarabol keszitett felmeres, melyet egy kis csoporttal keszitettunk.",eszlelo: Laczi Bence,HUN,Hungary 46.859401,20.559400,2/25/2008 19:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,"A Benka Gyula Evangelikus altalanos Iskola udvarabol keszitett felmeres, melyet egy kis csoporttal keszitettunk.",eszlelo: Szklenar Tamas,HUN,Hungary 46.859401,20.559400,2/25/2008 19:10,5,-9999.00,clear,,"A Benka Gyula Evangelikus altalanos Iskola udvarabol keszitett felmeres, melyet egy kis csoporttal keszitettunk.",eszlelo: Buzas Mihaly,HUN,Hungary 46.859401,20.559400,2/25/2008 19:10,5,-9999.00,clear,,"A Benka Gyula Evangelikus altalanos Iskola udvarabol keszitett felmeres, melyet egy kis csoporttal keszitettunk.",eszlelo: Buzas Csoban,HUN,Hungary 46.859401,20.559400,2/25/2008 19:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,"A Benka Gyula Evangelikus altalanos Iskola udvarabol keszitett felmeres, melyet egy kis csoporttal keszitettunk.",eszlelo: Babak Botond,HUN,Hungary 46.859401,20.559400,2/25/2008 19:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,"A Benka Gyula Evangelikus altalanos Iskola udvarabol keszitett felmeres, melyet egy kis csoporttal keszitettunk.",eszlelo: Babak Bence,HUN,Hungary 46.859401,20.559400,2/25/2008 19:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,"A Benka Gyula Evangelikus altalanos Iskola udvarabol keszitett felmeres, melyet egy kis csoporttal keszitettunk.",eszlelo: Franko Pal,HUN,Hungary 46.859401,20.559400,2/25/2008 19:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,"A Benka Gyula Evangelikus altalanos Iskola udvarabol keszitett felmeres, melyet egy kis csoporttal keszitettunk.",eszlelo: Korodi Mihaly,HUN,Hungary 46.859401,20.559400,2/25/2008 19:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,"A Benka Gyula Evangelikus altalanos Iskola udvarabol keszitett felmeres, melyet egy kis csoporttal keszitettunk.",eszlelo: Pinter Zoltan,HUN,Hungary 46.859401,20.559400,2/25/2008 19:10,5,-9999.00,clear,,"A Benka Gyula Evangelikus altalanos Iskola udvarabol keszitett felmeres, melyet egy kis csoporttal keszitettunk.",eszlelo: Buzas Bendeguz,HUN,Hungary 46.859401,20.559400,2/25/2008 19:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,"A Benka Gyula Evangelikus altalanos Iskola udvarabol keszitett felmeres, melyet egy kis csoporttal keszitettunk.",eszlelo: Tinka Tunde,HUN,Hungary 46.859199,20.559201,2/25/2008 19:25,5,-9999.00,clear,,"A Benka Gyula Evangelikus altalanos Iskola udvarabol keszitett felmeres, melyet egy kis csoporttal keszitettunk.",eszlelo: Stuart Caley McFarland,HUN,Hungary 48.481400,20.555299,2/26/2008 19:20,5,-9999.00,clear,"Enyhe parassag, szelcsend, jo atlatszosag",DK-en es DNy-on Philips kompakt fenycsoves utcai lampa van kb. 80 m-re.,,HUN,Hungary 48.481400,20.555299,2/28/2008 19:35,6,-9999.00,clear,Szeles ido utan nagyon jo atlatszosagu es teljesen paramentes volt az egbolt mar napnyugta utan. Kb. ejfelig ilyen is maradt.,"utcai kozvilagitas, kb. 80 m-re levo lampa",,HUN,Hungary 47.384202,20.391899,3/1/2008 19:40,5,-9999.00,clear,,"-eK-re van egy lampafeny (30-40 m) -D-re (mogottem ) utcai lampa van, de takarasban",,HUN,Hungary 47.689200,20.308599,3/1/2008 19:10,5,-9999.00,clear,vihar utan az atlatszosag kituno a nyugodtsag borzalmas,"hazunk elott 2 fenyokado szorny, de van egy olyan hely ahol a kozvetlen fenyuk nem er el",,HUN,Hungary 46.850600,20.284402,3/4/2008 19:59,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,"Eleg felhos egbolt, csillag neha bukkan elo, nagyobb teruletet megfigyelni nem lehet","Kisvaros szele, varoskozpont D-i iranyban",,HUN,Hungary 46.988898,20.249701,3/1/2008 20:47,3,-9999.00,clear,"tiszta, csillagos eg",eros fenyu utcai lampa kb. 30 meterre,szeles az ido,HUN,Hungary 47.065799,20.173300,3/1/2008 22:10,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,"haz elott, balra es jobbra egy-egy utcai lampa (25m es 45m tavolsagban)",eros szel es kisebb karokat okozo vihar,HUN,Hungary 46.245602,20.172199,2/28/2008 19:17,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,HUN,Hungary 46.266701,20.165001,2/26/2008 19:40,4,-9999.00,clear,,Utcai vilagitas,,HUN,Hungary 46.704202,20.159201,2/25/2008 20:10,5,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,Cloudy with clear windows,,,HUN,Hungary 46.707501,20.158600,2/25/2008 0:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,HUN,Hungary 47.652198,20.153800,3/7/2008 22:15,2,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,A haz elott all egy utcai lampa kb. 100 meterre,,HUN,Hungary 46.250599,20.153300,3/2/2008 19:00,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,"Kisse felhos eg, de az Orion kornyeke tiszta.",A szegedi Belvarosi hid kozepe. Zavaro belvarosi fenyek (kulonosen a Dom kivilagitasa).,Tarseszlelo: Kopasz Katalin,HUN,Hungary 47.849201,20.151700,3/5/2008 20:15,4,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,eros natriumgozlampa zavar deli iranybol,,HUN,Hungary 46.246900,20.150801,2/25/2008 19:20,4,-9999.00,clear,,rakpart a Tisza menten; faagak kozott atszurodo utcalampa-fenyek,"a hmg nem volt egeszen 4 magni, kb. 3,5 - 3,6 magnira becsultem; tarseszlelo: Kopasz Katalin",HUN,Hungary 46.248099,20.148100,2/26/2008 19:15,2,-9999.00,clear,,"Dom, kivilagitva",,HUN,Hungary 46.256899,20.141099,2/25/2008 19:26,3,-9999.00,clear,levego kisse paras,"Buszpalyaudvar, kozepes kozvilagitas",,HUN,Hungary 46.236699,20.138599,3/3/2008 18:45,3,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,"Paras ido, vekony, vonulo felhozet",Faagak kozott atszurodo utcalampa-fenyek,Tarseszlelo: Kopasz Katalin,HUN,Hungary 47.871700,20.130599,3/4/2008 21:30,6,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,nincs zavaro feny,,"a horizonton naracsszinu narancs szinu derenges lathato a horizonton nyugat felol Budapest es Gyongyos, kelet fele Miskolc es Eger fenyeitol",HUN,Hungary 46.235600,20.112800,2/25/2008 22:40,4,19.00,clear,,"Kertvaros, Szeged Belvarosatol deli iranyban, 4 eve felszerelt, lefele vilagito utcai lampak","Korabbi meresek szelso ertekei: 19,18 - 19,72 atlag: 19,39""",HUN,Hungary 45.927503,20.082800,2/28/2008 20:45,4,-9999.00,clear,,150-200 meterre utcai lampak sora,,YUG,Yugoslavia 46.049999,20.033300,3/3/2008 19:12,5,-9999.00,clear,"Tiszta az egbolt,szepen lehet latni az Orion osszes csillagat",Tolem egy 15meterre levo haz ki van vilagitva,Az Orionon kivul sok csillagkepet meg tudtam figyelni! Sot 3 hullocsillagot is pillaniotam meg,YUG,Yugoslavia 46.049702,20.033100,2/28/2008 19:20,6,-9999.00,clear,Nagyon sok csillag latszodott az egbolton,,,YUG,Yugoslavia 47.754699,20.007499,3/4/2008 20:15,5,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,Vihoros szel. Sem para sem por nincs a levegoben,,,HUN,Hungary 47.816399,19.935801,3/7/2008 20:51,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,HUN,Hungary 47.464999,19.823099,3/1/2008 20:05,6,-9999.00,clear,"A napkozben vegigsorpro orkanereju szelt kovetoen teljesen derult, tiszta egbolt.","Telepules szelen, utcai lampaktol arnyekolt helyen.",,HUN,Hungary 47.302202,19.821899,3/1/2008 20:23,3,-9999.00,clear,,van egy utcai lampa kb. 13 meterre a haz mellett,,HUN,Hungary 48.104698,19.803300,2/27/2008 20:25,4,-9999.00,clear,,"varoskozpont, benzinkut mellett",,HUN,Hungary 48.085300,19.786699,2/28/2008 20:55,6,-9999.00,clear,,,,HUN,Hungary 48.085300,19.786699,3/2/2008 19:40,6,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,HUN,Hungary 47.330298,19.756399,3/1/2008 8:20,6,-9999.00,clear,Emma nevu viharciklon utan...,,,HUN,Hungary 46.912799,19.670800,3/7/2008 19:00,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,Masodik emeleti erkelyrol keszult a megfigyeles.,,HUN,Hungary 46.912202,19.670800,3/5/2008 20:08,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,Egy lampa van a ahaztol 5 meterre.,,HUN,Hungary 46.899200,19.653900,2/26/2008 20:15,5,-9999.00,clear,,"kb. 20 meterre utcai lampa, de takarasban, a haz mogott",,HUN,Hungary 47.249698,19.608300,2/25/2008 19:39,6,-9999.00,clear,,,,HUN,Hungary 47.619399,19.572800,2/28/2008 23:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,HUN,Hungary 46.616700,19.478600,2/29/2008 19:59,1,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,kodszitalas. erosen felhos egbolt,,,HUN,Hungary 47.163600,19.417200,3/7/2008 19:30,5,-9999.00,clear,,,"Csak adatbekuldo vagyok, az eszlelo: Ludanyi Eniko Anna",HUN,Hungary 47.529999,19.398898,2/25/2008 19:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,"A lakhelyem centrumaban \izlesesen\"" elhelyezett, a semmibe (felfele) meredo lampak fenye rontja el a kilatast.""",,HUN,Hungary 47.523100,19.397500,3/1/2008 19:30,6,-9999.00,clear,"En ugy erzem ez itt ritka, mint a feher hollo... gyonyoru volt. :)",Igencsak szeles volt az ido s a lakhelyemtol elfordulva nem zavartak a telepules fenyei. Sotet hatsokertbol tortent a megfigyeles.,A szeles ido hatasara sok utcaban nem egett a kozvilagitas.,HUN,Hungary 46.587798,19.397500,3/5/2008 20:30,4,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,,,HUN,Hungary 46.710301,19.388300,3/6/2008 22:15,1,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,HUN,Hungary 46.671400,19.385800,3/5/2008 20:47,5,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,alacsony felhoreteg az eg aljan eszaknyugati iranyban es eros szel,"Van egy lampa a haz elott, kb. 100 meterre.",,HUN,Hungary 47.609403,19.361699,2/25/2008 19:07,4,-9999.00,clear,,Kb. 40 m-re utcai lampa van.,,HUN,Hungary 47.588100,19.359200,3/5/2008 20:35,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,"Foltokban, enyhen felhos",,"Jobbrol utcai lampa 20-25 m-re, balrol eros, vasutmenti lampak 80-100 m-re",HUN,Hungary 47.587502,19.358901,3/7/2008 20:50,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,nyugaton kisse felhos,"nyugat fele 50 m-re utcai lampa, eszakkeletre 150 m-re vasutallomas kivilagitva",,HUN,Hungary 47.492501,19.353300,2/26/2008 0:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,Utcai lampa 20m-re delre az eszleles helyetol.,,HUN,Hungary 47.598099,19.350800,2/26/2008 19:35,3,-9999.00,clear,,Belvaros,,HUN,Hungary 47.578603,19.340000,2/26/2008 19:17,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,HUN,Hungary 46.674999,19.317800,3/6/2008 20:50,1,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,HUN,Hungary 46.674999,19.317500,3/6/2008 20:30,4,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,,,HUN,Hungary 46.592801,19.313601,3/5/2008 19:30,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,HUN,Hungary 46.623298,19.296399,3/5/2008 19:17,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,"Van egy utcai lampa, a haz elott 10 meterre.",,HUN,Hungary 46.623298,19.296399,3/8/2008 21:22,1,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,lampa a haz elott,,HUN,Hungary 46.622199,19.294200,3/5/2008 18:50,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,"az egbolt felhos, kod nincs",A haz elott kozvetlen van egy lampa.,,HUN,Hungary 46.621700,19.294200,3/5/2008 20:54,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,HUN,Hungary 46.766100,19.293900,3/4/2008 18:48,5,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,Kod volt.,,,HUN,Hungary 46.613299,19.287500,3/5/2008 20:06,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,szeles ido,HUN,Hungary 47.203099,19.285000,3/1/2008 19:15,6,-9999.00,clear,"hidegfront utan, nagyon tiszta eg. a nyugodtsag rossz",,,HUN,Hungary 47.560001,19.283301,2/27/2008 21:00,3,-9999.00,clear,Budapest fenye zavaro,Terasz a kozseg Nyi-szelen,"Valojaban jobb a kep mint a 3-as, de a 4-et nem eri el.",HUN,Hungary 46.620300,19.281400,2/27/2008 20:50,2,-9999.00,clear,,"uttest, mindket oldalrol utcai lampak.",,HUN,Hungary 46.619999,19.280799,3/5/2008 20:38,4,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,2 db utcai lampa kb. 50-50 meterre,,HUN,Hungary 46.619999,19.280301,2/27/2008 20:52,2,-9999.00,clear,,"uttest, mindkaet oldalrol utcai lampak.",,HUN,Hungary 46.623599,19.279399,3/6/2008 20:56,2,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,Van egy utcai lampa kb. 40 meterre.,,HUN,Hungary 46.618900,19.277500,2/27/2008 20:56,2,-9999.00,clear,,"uttest, mindket oldalrol utcai lampak.",,HUN,Hungary 46.618100,19.275299,2/27/2008 20:25,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,HUN,Hungary 46.617803,19.274700,2/27/2008 21:03,2,-9999.00,clear,,"uttest, mindket oldalrol utcai lampa.",,HUN,Hungary 46.617803,19.274401,2/27/2008 20:20,6,-9999.00,clear,,,,HUN,Hungary 46.618599,19.273300,2/27/2008 20:15,6,-9999.00,clear,,,,HUN,Hungary 46.619200,19.272801,2/27/2008 20:12,6,-9999.00,clear,,,,HUN,Hungary 46.619702,19.272200,2/27/2008 20:10,6,-9999.00,clear,,,,HUN,Hungary 46.709400,19.264400,3/6/2008 21:03,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,Be van borulva. Nem lehet latni az eget.,3 utcai lampa van arra amerre nezek,Esofelhok takarjak el az eget.,HUN,Hungary 46.513301,19.261101,3/6/2008 23:00,4,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,,,HUN,Hungary 46.712200,19.258599,3/2/2008 20:42,4,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,,,HUN,Hungary 46.525001,19.255000,3/5/2008 20:53,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,egy utcai lampa kb. 11 meterre a haz elott,,HUN,Hungary 46.821097,19.242800,3/5/2008 20:54,4,-9999.00,clear,,50m-re egy utcai lampa zavarta az eszlelest.,hideg szel fujt,HUN,Hungary 46.820598,19.242501,2/26/2008 19:51,6,-9999.00,clear,"jo atlatszosag, kozepes nyugodtsag","udvar, az utcafronton egy kozvilagitasi lampaval",,HUN,Hungary 46.820598,19.242200,2/27/2008 21:20,5,-9999.00,clear,szorvanyos felho,"udvar , utcan kozvillampa",,HUN,Hungary 46.525599,19.239700,3/5/2008 21:00,4,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,,,HUN,Hungary 46.876702,19.216100,3/8/2008 20:00,4,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,,,HUN,Hungary 47.533298,19.194700,2/28/2008 20:00,4,-9999.00,clear,Deli es nyugati iranyban parasodas kb. 30 fok magassagig.,"Kozvetlen vilagitastol mentes, arnyekolt hely, de korben az utcai vilagitas erezteti a hatasat.",,HUN,Hungary 47.535600,19.185301,3/1/2008 19:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,HUN,Hungary 47.556900,19.157499,2/26/2008 19:25,4,-9999.00,clear,,Kivilagitott 4emeletes epulet kb. 500m-re,,HUN,Hungary 47.507200,19.150601,3/1/2008 22:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,HUN,Hungary 47.440301,19.141399,2/25/2008 19:00,3,-9999.00,clear,"tiszta, felhomentes ido","az eszleles helye egy kivilagitott park, ahol a lampak nagy resze jelentos mertekben bevilagitja a kornyeket is -- feleslegesen",,HUN,Hungary 47.439998,19.140801,3/5/2008 20:30,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,HUN,Hungary 47.688097,19.132501,2/25/2008 21:30,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,HUN,Hungary 47.465601,19.121401,2/28/2008 19:25,4,-9999.00,clear,"atlagos, enyhen paras",A latoterben korben utcai lampak latszanak,,HUN,Hungary 47.580003,19.105301,2/27/2008 20:26,4,-9999.00,clear,"Az eszaki egbolton a felhok gyulekeztek, bar meg csak az Ursa Maior-nal tartottak. igy az Orionban nem okoztak gondot.",Az eszleles egy patakparton tortent kb. 150 meterre volt egy utcai lampa.,2007-ben kb. 300 meterrel arrebb vegeztem el a felmerest.,HUN,Hungary 47.362799,19.101900,3/8/2008 19:45,4,-9999.00,clear,,Ket utcai lampa fenye latszik,Enyhen paras ido,HUN,Hungary 47.749699,19.081899,3/2/2008 20:39,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,A Duna menten 15 meterre a falutol.,,HUN,Hungary 47.750300,19.081699,3/4/2008 19:30,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,teljesen felhos,A Duna menten 15 meterre a falutol,,HUN,Hungary 47.750300,19.081400,3/1/2008 0:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,teljesen felhos,,,HUN,Hungary 47.751898,19.080601,2/28/2008 20:45,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,teljesen felhos minden ejjel,nem messze az utcatol,,HUN,Hungary 47.754398,19.073901,2/25/2008 20:20,4,-9999.00,clear,Felhofoszlanyok delen.,,,HUN,Hungary 47.754398,19.073901,2/26/2008 19:25,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,HUN,Hungary 47.754398,19.073901,2/27/2008 20:10,5,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,"eszakon felhos az eg, de az Orion latszik.",,,HUN,Hungary 47.754398,19.073901,3/1/2008 19:20,5,-9999.00,clear,Keleten felhofoszlanyok.,,,HUN,Hungary 47.754398,19.073901,3/2/2008 20:30,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,HUN,Hungary 47.754398,19.073901,3/5/2008 19:30,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,HUN,Hungary 47.754398,19.073901,3/7/2008 20:55,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,HUN,Hungary 47.754398,19.073901,3/8/2008 19:40,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,HUN,Hungary 47.754398,19.073901,2/28/2008 19:45,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,HUN,Hungary 47.754398,19.073901,2/29/2008 20:10,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,HUN,Hungary 47.754398,19.073901,3/3/2008 20:45,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,HUN,Hungary 47.754398,19.073901,3/4/2008 19:55,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,HUN,Hungary 47.754398,19.073901,3/6/2008 19:15,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,HUN,Hungary 47.497200,19.069999,2/28/2008 20:17,2,-9999.00,clear,,,,HUN,Hungary 47.683299,19.066700,2/26/2008 22:00,3,-9999.00,clear,Nyugodtsag kozepes,"Szentendre kulterulet 40m-re utcai lampa, delre Budapest","Az Orion Bp felett delel, a 3-as hmg stimmel. eszakra inkabb 3.5-4.0 hmg tapasztalhato.",HUN,Hungary 47.475600,19.060601,2/28/2008 19:56,3,-9999.00,clear,"Enyhen paras, mivel kozel van a Duna.",,,HUN,Hungary 47.625301,19.049401,2/27/2008 0:45,5,-9999.00,clear,,"A Malyva utca 3. szamu haz kertjeben a Malyva utca fenyeit a haz takarja, de a Ciklamen utcabol bevilagit egy lampa",,HUN,Hungary 47.625000,19.049200,2/25/2008 21:30,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,HUN,Hungary 47.589999,19.045602,2/27/2008 20:25,4,-9999.00,clear,,"Utcai lampa NY-DNY iranyba, 50 meterre.",,HUN,Hungary 47.478100,19.045602,2/25/2008 20:35,2,-9999.00,clear,,20 meterre mindenoldalrol utcai lampak vettek korul.,,HUN,Hungary 47.475798,19.040300,2/25/2008 20:52,1,-9999.00,clear,,10 meterrel volt a legkozelebbi utcai lampa.,,HUN,Hungary 47.494202,19.037501,3/1/2008 18:55,4,-9999.00,clear,,,"Nagyon tiszta, viharos hidegfront utana eg!",HUN,Hungary 47.465300,19.030000,3/2/2008 23:39,1,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,"eros kozvilagitas, lakohazak fenyforrasai, fenyreklamok",mersekelt szel,HUN,Hungary 47.553102,19.025601,3/1/2008 20:00,-9999,18.00,clear,,"Polaris, markans hidegfront utan",Eros szel,HUN,Hungary 47.552501,19.025000,2/28/2008 20:00,3,-9999.00,clear,A szokasosnal jobb eg a Polarisban,,,HUN,Hungary 47.641102,19.024201,3/1/2008 20:30,5,-9999.00,clear,hidegfront utani extra tiszta,,,HUN,Hungary 47.641102,19.024201,2/25/2008 20:30,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,HUN,Hungary 47.640802,19.024201,2/26/2008 20:30,4,-9999.00,clear,nyugtalansag,"utcai lampa a haz elott 20m-re, de az udvar sotet",,HUN,Hungary 47.640802,19.024201,2/27/2008 20:40,5,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,HUN,Hungary 47.553300,19.023899,2/28/2008 21:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,HUN,Hungary 47.580300,19.021699,2/27/2008 20:20,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,HUN,Hungary 47.493099,19.021699,2/25/2008 19:50,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,HUN,Hungary 47.515000,19.020299,3/10/2008 20:10,4,-9999.00,clear,,,Utcai lampak 30m re.,HUN,Hungary 47.470798,19.018600,2/27/2008 21:24,4,-9999.00,clear,10 Celsius fok. Gyengen fujo szel.,"50 meterre volt egy utcai lampa. A 10 emeletes haz abalaki vilagitottak, ami elott alltam.""",,HUN,Hungary 47.493099,19.013599,3/1/2008 18:40,3,-9999.00,clear,,"Harmadik emeleti, utcara nezo erkely.",,HUN,Hungary 46.180302,19.010800,2/26/2008 21:00,-9999,21.00,clear,,Csillagvizsgalo fobejarat elotti,"fuves resz, e-i szektor, a varos direkt fenyeit az epulet learnyekolja. 2 meres atlagat irtam be, az eredetiek 21,00 20,98 21,02.",HUN,Hungary 46.180302,19.010800,2/27/2008 21:00,-9999,20.00,clear,"kicsivel korabban vonulaszo felhok voltak, es a meres utan nem sokkal ismet befelhosodott... Azt nem mertem.",Csillagvizsgalo fobejarat elotti,"fuves resz, e-i szektor, a varos direkt fenyeit az epulet learnyekolja. Harom meres atlagat irtam be.",HUN,Hungary 46.180302,19.010800,3/2/2008 21:15,-9999,20.00,clear,"enyhe parareteg, fatyolos,",,"meres utan felhoatvonulas kezdodott; emeletes epulet learnyekolja a varos felol erkezo direkt fenyeket. A varostol kb. 2-3 km-re mertem."" a mert ertek harom meres atlaga. Az eredeti ertekek: 20,88 21,02 21,06 .",HUN,Hungary 46.180302,19.010599,3/6/2008 21:45,-9999,19.00,over 1/2 of sky,,"epulet elotti fuves terseg, az epulet a varos kozvetlen fenyeit learnyekolja","a beirt ertek 3 atlaga: 19,31 19,38 19,29",HUN,Hungary 47.494202,18.998600,2/25/2008 20:49,3,-9999.00,clear,Teljesen tiszta egbolt.,"10-20 meterre volt egy-ket lampa de hattal voltam nekik egy sotetebb reszen es igyekeztem sotethez szoktatni a szemem, egy kiemelkedo ponton.","Leginkabb a harom magnitudoshoz hasonlitott a latvany, de egy-ket csillagot \latni veltem\"" a negy magnitudos terkepbol is (foleg az orion csillagkepen kivulrol, a negy sarokcsillagon beluli resz pont olyan volt, mint a 3-as magnitudoju terkepen).""",HUN,Hungary 47.723901,18.988899,2/26/2008 20:45,6,-9999.00,clear,,,,HUN,Hungary 47.608898,18.988100,2/26/2008 19:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,HUN,Hungary 47.608898,18.988100,2/26/2008 19:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,HUN,Hungary 47.608898,18.988100,2/26/2008 21:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,HUN,Hungary 47.608898,18.988100,2/27/2008 20:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,HUN,Hungary 47.608898,18.988100,3/1/2008 19:25,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,HUN,Hungary 47.608898,18.987801,2/25/2008 20:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,HUN,Hungary 47.784400,18.987499,2/27/2008 20:50,6,-9999.00,clear,,,,HUN,Hungary 47.784400,18.987499,2/28/2008 19:40,5,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,HUN,Hungary 46.904401,18.978300,2/29/2008 20:23,4,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,Egy nagyobb felhoresen keresztul tortent az eszeleles,utcai vilagitas,,HUN,Hungary 46.904401,18.978300,3/1/2008 20:30,5,-9999.00,clear,,(a vihar utan) nem volt utcai vilagitas,,HUN,Hungary 47.528599,18.976700,2/28/2008 19:40,2,-9999.00,clear,felhosodes eszak-nyugat felol,kb 50 meterre van egy kozepesen eros utcai lampa,,HUN,Hungary 47.502801,18.967500,3/7/2008 21:00,3,18.70,clear,hazy,,,HUN,Hungary 47.774701,18.966100,3/10/2008 19:40,5,-9999.00,clear,"Tiszta,enyhen szeles.",Lakott terulet szele.,ujhold harom napja.,HUN,Hungary 47.500301,18.963301,2/27/2008 20:15,4,19.30,clear,,,,HUN,Hungary 47.516899,18.955600,2/26/2008 19:01,3,-9999.00,clear,,"Nyugat fele Budakeszi, eszakkeletre az Erzsebet-kilato (Janos-hegy) fenyei zavaroak",,HUN,Hungary 47.547798,18.948601,2/28/2008 19:15,3,-9999.00,clear,Nem volt kod viszonylag jol lathato,,,HUN,Hungary 46.958900,18.941100,3/5/2008 19:50,2,-9999.00,clear,,,,HUN,Hungary 46.959203,18.940799,2/28/2008 20:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,HUN,Hungary 46.962800,18.936100,2/27/2008 20:00,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,HUN,Hungary 47.427502,18.928300,3/1/2008 19:20,5,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,"Kituno atlatszosag, hidegfront utan.","Az utcaban fenycsoves kozvilagitas van, a haz mogott kb. 40 m-re. Az udvarba kozvetlenul nem vilagitanak be.",,HUN,Hungary 46.525797,18.919701,3/2/2008 19:08,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,HUN,Hungary 46.525797,18.919399,3/1/2008 20:30,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,HUN,Hungary 46.968301,18.913601,3/5/2008 21:54,3,-9999.00,clear,,Erkely. 10 meterrel elorebb 5 meter magas utcai lampa. 800 meterrel elorebb vasut.,,HUN,Hungary 46.968301,18.913601,3/6/2008 20:22,1,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,HUN,Hungary 46.968301,18.913299,2/27/2008 20:18,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,A szel gyorsan valtoztatja a felhok allasat.,"Az erkely alatt utcailampa van kb.5 meterrel, 10 meterrel elorebb. Nagyjabol 800 m-re vasuti terulet van, melynek tobb (kb. 6-7) nagy lampaja is van.",,HUN,Hungary 46.968301,18.913299,2/28/2008 20:46,1,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,Erkelyrol. Elotte 10 meterrel 5m magas utcai lampa. Vasut 800 m-rel szemben.,,HUN,Hungary 46.968301,18.913299,2/29/2008 20:46,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,"Olyan hatalmas felho van felettunk, hogy nem is latszik felhonek.",Erkely. Elotte 10m-rel 5m magas lampa. 800m-rel elorebb vasut.,,HUN,Hungary 46.968301,18.913299,3/2/2008 21:02,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,"Sotetfelho fedi, eros szel fuj.",Erkely. Elotte 10 meterrel 5 meter magas utcai lampa. 800 meterre vasut.,,HUN,Hungary 46.968301,18.913299,3/4/2008 20:31,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,Erkely. 10 meterrel 5 meter magas lapa. 800 meterrel elorebb vasuti lampak.,,HUN,Hungary 46.968301,18.913299,3/8/2008 21:23,1,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,HUN,Hungary 46.968103,18.913299,3/1/2008 20:22,2,-9999.00,clear,,Erkely. Elotte 10 meterrel 5 meter magas utcai lampa. 800 meterrel elottunk vasuti jelzolampak.,,HUN,Hungary 46.968103,18.913299,3/7/2008 21:10,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,HUN,Hungary 47.112801,18.866101,2/25/2008 19:30,5,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,Hidegfront utani gyors felhoatvonulas.,A szeles ido miatt nem mukodott a kozvilagitas.,,HUN,Hungary 46.950601,18.856899,3/1/2008 21:35,6,-9999.00,clear,"atvonulo felhozet, de az eszleleskor felho csak a nyugati es a keleti horizont kozeleben volt","eszakra egy utcai lampa a haz mogott, de nincs kozvetlen zavaro feny",az egbolt atlatszosaga kivalo,HUN,Hungary 47.369401,18.851401,2/26/2008 20:20,5,-9999.00,clear,Nyugaton a lemeno Nap miatt meg derengoen fenylik az eg-alja.,Az eszleles iranyaban a szomszed haz mogott kb 25 meterre van egy utcai lampa,"Az eszlelohely koordinatai tizedes formaban: 47,369728 fok 18, 851123 fok""",HUN,Hungary 46.954398,18.850600,2/28/2008 20:00,5,-9999.00,clear,paras egbolt,"seeing: 3-4 atlatszosag: 4-5. 40m-re keleti es delkeleti iranyban egy haz mogott ket utcai lampa van, de azok kozvetlenul az eszlelohelyet nem vilagitjak meg ;Dunaujvaros fenyburaja a keleti egen latszik",,HUN,Hungary 46.954398,18.850600,2/29/2008 20:25,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,HUN,Hungary 46.954398,18.850600,3/1/2008 20:15,6,-9999.00,clear,"derult eg, a felhozet elvonult, a legkor kisse nyugtalan, de az atlatszosag kivalo","40m-re keleti es delkeleti iranyban egy haz mogott ket utcai lampa van, de azok kozvetlenul az eszlelohelyet nem vilagitjak meg",,HUN,Hungary 46.954398,18.850600,3/2/2008 19:54,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,HUN,Hungary 46.210000,18.830601,2/25/2008 20:25,6,-9999.00,clear,Del fele a falu fenxei,,,HUN,Hungary 46.396901,18.825000,2/25/2008 0:00,6,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,gyenge nyugati szel,,,HUN,Hungary 47.793098,18.741699,3/3/2008 19:50,4,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,HUN,Hungary 47.793098,18.741699,3/4/2008 20:32,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,HUN,Hungary 47.793098,18.741699,3/5/2008 20:56,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,HUN,Hungary 47.793098,18.741699,3/6/2008 20:23,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,HUN,Hungary 47.793098,18.741699,3/7/2008 20:10,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,HUN,Hungary 47.634200,18.726700,3/1/2008 20:45,6,-9999.00,clear,"Igen eros, olykor orkan ereju szel, atmeneti felhosodes, az eszleleskor derult.","eszleles a telepules szelen, a szomszedos telepulestol kb. 800 meterre. Az eszleles helyetol kb. 20 meterre (takarasban) utcai lampa, kb. 50 meterre (takaras nelkul) utcai lampa.",,HUN,Hungary 47.216900,18.649401,2/25/2008 0:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,HUN,Hungary 47.037498,18.639400,3/1/2008 20:40,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,HUN,Hungary 47.037498,18.639200,2/26/2008 19:50,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,HUN,Hungary 47.037498,18.639200,2/27/2008 20:30,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,HUN,Hungary 47.037498,18.639200,2/28/2008 20:10,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,HUN,Hungary 47.037498,18.639200,2/29/2008 19:30,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,HUN,Hungary 47.037498,18.639200,3/2/2008 0:00,4,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,,,HUN,Hungary 46.881401,18.625601,2/28/2008 20:50,4,-9999.00,clear,,Az eszlelest ket utcai lampa kozott vegeztem.,,HUN,Hungary 47.190600,18.600600,2/25/2008 20:05,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,HUN,Hungary 47.190600,18.600600,2/26/2008 19:20,4,-9999.00,clear,,,enyhe fustszag,HUN,Hungary 47.190600,18.600600,2/28/2008 20:02,4,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,,,HUN,Hungary 47.190600,18.600600,3/1/2008 19:50,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,HUN,Hungary 46.345798,18.595600,2/28/2008 19:12,4,-9999.00,clear,,Van egy utcai lampa 50m-en belul.,,HUN,Hungary 47.361700,18.580799,2/25/2008 20:40,6,-9999.00,clear,teljesen tiszta,Utcai lampatol kb. 70m-re,,HUN,Hungary 47.000000,18.544201,2/25/2008 20:20,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,HUN,Hungary 47.000000,18.544201,2/26/2008 20:43,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,HUN,Hungary 47.000000,18.544201,2/27/2008 20:28,1,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,HUN,Hungary 47.000000,18.544201,2/28/2008 19:43,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,HUN,Hungary 47.200002,18.456401,2/25/2008 19:35,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,HUN,Hungary 47.200002,18.456401,2/26/2008 19:45,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,HUN,Hungary 47.200002,18.456401,2/27/2008 19:15,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,HUN,Hungary 47.194401,18.406400,2/25/2008 19:08,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,HUN,Hungary 47.194401,18.406400,2/26/2008 19:09,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,HUN,Hungary 47.156398,18.403602,3/5/2008 20:58,6,-9999.00,clear,,,,HUN,Hungary 47.156398,18.403299,2/25/2008 19:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,HUN,Hungary 47.156398,18.403299,2/26/2008 19:30,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,HUN,Hungary 47.156398,18.403299,2/27/2008 20:21,2,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,,,HUN,Hungary 47.156398,18.403299,2/28/2008 19:30,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,HUN,Hungary 47.115799,18.375000,2/25/2008 19:09,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,HUN,Hungary 47.115799,18.375000,2/26/2008 19:40,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,HUN,Hungary 47.115799,18.375000,2/27/2008 19:45,2,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,,,HUN,Hungary 47.115799,18.375000,2/28/2008 19:16,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,HUN,Hungary 47.115799,18.375000,3/1/2008 19:52,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,HUN,Hungary 47.115799,18.375000,3/2/2008 19:47,5,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,,,HUN,Hungary 47.115601,18.375000,3/5/2008 19:25,4,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,,,HUN,Hungary 47.116400,18.369200,2/25/2008 19:56,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,HUN,Hungary 47.116400,18.369200,2/26/2008 20:17,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,HUN,Hungary 47.116400,18.369200,2/27/2008 19:40,3,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,,,HUN,Hungary 47.116400,18.369200,2/28/2008 19:17,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,HUN,Hungary 47.116400,18.369200,3/1/2008 20:09,4,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,,,HUN,Hungary 47.250402,18.359600,2/26/2008 20:19,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,HUN,Hungary 47.250600,18.359400,2/26/2008 20:19,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,HUN,Hungary 47.200599,18.358100,2/27/2008 19:40,4,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,,,HUN,Hungary 47.200599,18.358100,2/28/2008 19:30,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,HUN,Hungary 47.200599,18.358100,3/1/2008 19:30,3,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,,,HUN,Hungary 47.200599,18.358100,3/2/2008 19:45,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,HUN,Hungary 47.200599,18.358100,3/5/2008 20:45,5,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,HUN,Hungary 47.200599,18.358100,3/6/2008 2:05,1,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,,,HUN,Hungary 45.846900,18.237800,2/28/2008 0:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,"a fouttol,kb 30 meter,lakohaz takarasaban.","Elnezest az idopont kesesert. Lassan lenyugszik a nyugati egen. udv,""",HUN,Hungary 46.080001,18.226100,2/25/2008 20:26,4,-9999.00,clear,,,kisse bagyadt eg,HUN,Hungary 46.080001,18.226100,2/26/2008 19:25,5,-9999.00,clear,,,"Tisztabb eg, sotetebb hatteru.",HUN,Hungary 46.067201,18.223302,3/2/2008 21:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,Kozel Pecs belvarosahoz,,HUN,Hungary 46.089198,18.198100,3/1/2008 20:10,6,-9999.00,clear,"front utani, nagyon tiszta, de nyugtalan",,,HUN,Hungary 46.615300,18.008301,3/7/2008 20:05,6,-9999.00,clear,,,,HUN,Hungary 46.342499,17.993099,2/25/2008 20:30,7,-9999.00,clear,"kivalo fekete eg, hompolygo Tejut",szolohegy,,HUN,Hungary 46.359400,17.985201,3/1/2008 20:30,6,-9999.00,clear,"kivalo, allatovi feny is latszodik",kert legvege,,HUN,Hungary 46.358102,17.984400,2/28/2008 19:40,4,-9999.00,clear,,utcai sarga lampak,,HUN,Hungary 46.358102,17.984400,2/26/2008 20:20,6,-9999.00,clear,,A kert kozepen,,HUN,Hungary 46.359100,17.984199,2/28/2008 19:50,6,-9999.00,clear,,"a falu hataraban, tavol a fenyektol",,HUN,Hungary 46.359400,17.983601,2/25/2008 20:50,6,-9999.00,clear,,"kert legvege, szantofold",,HUN,Hungary 46.355801,17.983299,3/2/2008 19:50,6,-9999.00,clear,kivalo Tejutas,udvar,,HUN,Hungary 46.355302,17.972200,2/26/2008 20:00,6,-9999.00,clear,,Bate es Mosdos kozott a 61-es uton,,HUN,Hungary 46.360001,17.962400,2/26/2008 19:50,4,-9999.00,clear,,Falu kozepe a 61-es uton,,HUN,Hungary 46.371298,17.938899,2/26/2008 19:45,5,-9999.00,clear,,A faluhoz kozel,,HUN,Hungary 46.977502,17.928601,2/28/2008 19:30,5,-9999.00,clear,eszak fele nemi fust latszik.,"Lakohaz kertje, ahova kozvetlenul bevilagitanak a 25-30 meterre levo utcai lampak.",,HUN,Hungary 46.977502,17.928601,3/1/2008 19:00,6,-9999.00,clear,Hidegfront utani tiszta eg.,"Lakohaz kertje, melybe kozvetlenul bevilagitanak a 25-30 meterre levo utcai lampak.",,HUN,Hungary 46.980701,17.928400,3/1/2008 19:15,6,-9999.00,clear,hidegfront utani tiszta eg,"Csopak es Paloznak kozotti ut mellett eszleltem, korben 1-2 km-es tavolsagban utcai lampak latszanak.",,HUN,Hungary 46.429198,17.915301,3/1/2008 19:10,6,-9999.00,clear,"Eros hidegfront atvonulasa utani, ritkan lathato tiszta egbolt!","Lakott teruleten kivuli, lampaktol nem zavart hely.","Delutan eros vihar, az esti megfigyelesre eselyt sem latok. 18h. korul eNY felol \elesen\"" vege a felhoknek, kezdek remenykedni. 18h.30m.-kor mar biztos vagyok benne, hogy szep egbolt lesz. igy is lett. A 6 magnitudo biztosan megvan,sot meg talan egy kic",HUN,Hungary 46.425301,17.909700,2/26/2008 19:55,5,-9999.00,clear,"Szep tiszta eg, keletre egy-egy kondenz csik.","Ket utcai lampa kb. 30m.-re takarasban, e-NYra kb 200m-re erosen megvilagitott allat tarto telep zavaro fennyel meg hatulrol is !","A megfigyelhetoseg hatara szerintem jobb volt 5 magnitudonal, de a 6-ot nem erte el.",HUN,Hungary 46.425301,17.909700,2/28/2008 21:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,"Ua. mint 26.-an, de a zavaro fenyek egy kis garazsteto bontassal kikuszobolve, megfigyeles a garazsbol!( A szomszed kemenyet be kellene tomni!)","Szandekosan 21h-kor vegeztem a megfigyelest. A kb. 10 km.-re DNy-ra levo Kaposvar hatasat figyeltem. Ez az Orion \labanal\"" mintegy 2 magnitudo, a \""fejenel\"" nem eszleltem kulonbseget. Az Oriontol DNy.-ra egyetlen csillag sem latszik, csak a sargas semm",HUN,Hungary 46.290299,17.815599,3/1/2008 19:45,6,21.10,clear,,,,HUN,Hungary 46.281898,17.797199,3/1/2008 21:00,7,21.30,clear,,,,HUN,Hungary 46.354199,17.795800,2/26/2008 19:30,3,-9999.00,clear,,Belvaros,,HUN,Hungary 46.371701,17.776699,2/26/2008 21:00,4,19.35,clear,,,,HUN,Hungary 46.326400,17.697500,2/25/2008 20:50,5,20.80,clear,,,,HUN,Hungary 46.326902,17.690000,2/25/2008 20:00,5,20.60,clear,,,,HUN,Hungary 47.721900,17.608299,3/1/2008 20:00,5,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,A napkozbeni viharos szel utan szep derult eg lett.eszakrol felhosodni kezdett. Az ori videke teljesen derult.,"A csillagvizsgalom mellett eszleltem, kb 20 m-re bokrok takarasaban utcai lampa.","A homerseklet 8 ?C, eros szel .",HUN,Hungary 46.820598,17.362800,2/25/2008 19:22,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,teljesen borult,Az egbolt kb. negyede takart Ny-felol (hegy),,HUN,Hungary 46.820598,17.362800,3/4/2008 21:53,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,borult,,,HUN,Hungary 46.770301,17.253099,3/1/2008 19:07,5,-9999.00,clear,"enyhe legmozgas, paratartalom: kb. 43% (18:45, METAR)","a kornyezo utcakban kozvilagitas (Na -es Hg-gozos lampak), szomszedos hazakban nehol lampak egnek(kb. 10-30 m-re)",,HUN,Hungary 47.253899,17.140800,3/2/2008 19:50,5,-9999.00,clear,,"Varos szeli benzinkut es utcai lampak a megfigyelesi helytol kb 60 meterre, de a kornyezo hazak takarasaban.",,HUN,Hungary 46.463602,17.001900,2/25/2008 19:00,4,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,"garazssor, utcai lampak kozvetlenul nem latszanak",,HUN,Hungary 47.043300,16.875601,2/26/2008 20:00,6,-9999.00,clear,,,,HUN,Hungary 47.458101,16.781099,3/2/2008 19:55,5,-9999.00,clear,,,viharos szel,HUN,Hungary 47.567200,16.778901,3/5/2008 20:55,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,HUN,Hungary 47.565799,16.768299,3/8/2008 19:05,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,"az Orion videke felhomentesnek tunik, de paras az ido","falusi utca, keves utcalampaval","a jelzett terkepnel kicsit jobb a hmg, kb. 3,5 magnitudo",HUN,Hungary 47.241902,16.637501,3/1/2008 19:30,6,-9999.00,clear,,Van egy utcai lampa a garazs mogott kb. 20 meterre.,,HUN,Hungary 47.229197,16.628900,2/25/2008 20:13,5,-9999.00,clear,,A megf. mogott min. 20 m-re csal.hazak altal arnyekolt utcai lampasor e-D iranyban,,HUN,Hungary 47.229197,16.628900,3/2/2008 19:34,4,-9999.00,clear,,mint 03.01-en,,HUN,Hungary 47.229197,16.628900,3/5/2008 19:09,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,HUN,Hungary 47.224997,16.623900,3/3/2008 20:16,-9999,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,,,HUN,Hungary 47.224700,16.623900,3/2/2008 19:15,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,HUN,Hungary 47.224700,16.623900,3/6/2008 20:45,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,HUN,Hungary 47.220001,16.615000,2/25/2008 20:40,4,-9999.00,clear,,"A varos deli reszen, gyengebb megvilagitasu helyen van. Deli iranyban kivilagitattlan temeto.",,HUN,Hungary 47.220001,16.615000,2/27/2008 20:00,5,-9999.00,clear,"18 orakor teljesen borult, 20 orara kiderult.",,A kornyezo hazak kemenyei meg fustolnek.,HUN,Hungary 47.220001,16.615000,2/28/2008 19:30,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,HUN,Hungary 47.220001,16.615000,3/1/2008 19:20,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,HUN,Hungary 47.220001,16.615000,3/1/2008 20:40,6,-9999.00,clear,,,,HUN,Hungary 47.220001,16.615000,3/2/2008 20:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,HUN,Hungary 47.220001,16.615000,3/5/2008 19:20,5,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,HUN,Hungary 47.219700,16.614700,2/26/2008 20:30,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,HUN,Hungary 47.219700,16.614700,2/26/2008 21:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,HUN,Hungary 47.221401,16.614201,2/25/2008 19:30,4,-9999.00,clear,Hidegfront utani kulonossen tiszta egbolt.,,,HUN,Hungary 47.249200,16.604400,3/5/2008 20:30,5,-9999.00,clear,,Az eszlelohely 30-40m-es kornyezeteben tobb lampaoszlop is talalhato.,"Gyenge, de egyertelmu 5-os kategoria. Ennek tukreben a celldomolki eszlelesemet eros 5-os re ertekelem.",HUN,Hungary 46.959999,16.603300,3/3/2008 21:30,5,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,Lampasor kozelben eros fenyt sugaroz fout mellol,,HUN,Hungary 46.848899,16.593299,3/2/2008 20:45,5,-9999.00,clear,Keletrol 20 fok atmero hosszu felhosav eszak del vonalban.,utcai Lampa 50 m-re kitakarva,,HUN,Hungary 47.668300,16.586100,2/25/2008 0:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,HUN,Hungary 47.683900,16.581100,3/8/2008 21:10,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,HUN,Hungary 46.556799,16.550699,2/25/2008 20:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,"Lakott terulet, 80 m-re kozvilagitas",,HUN,Hungary 46.556700,16.550600,2/26/2008 20:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,"Lakott terulet, 80 m-re kozvilagitas",,HUN,Hungary 46.556700,16.550600,3/2/2008 19:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,HUN,Hungary 46.556700,16.550600,3/5/2008 19:15,6,-9999.00,clear,Nehany helyen fatyolfelhos az eszaki egbolt,,,HUN,Hungary 47.381401,16.547199,3/5/2008 19:30,4,-9999.00,clear,atlagosnal tisztabb,"deli varosszel, a megfigyeles iranya nem a varos fele",,HUN,Hungary 47.390598,16.540599,2/27/2008 21:00,4,-9999.00,clear,atlagosnal tisztabb,"Nyugati varosszel, a megfigyeles iranyaban nem a varos kozepe helyezkedik el.",,HUN,Hungary 9.966890,-84.224115,2/26/2008 19:00,4,-9999.00,clear,A menos de 50 metros un poste de luz,,,CRI,Costa Rica 9.966890,-84.224115,2/27/2008 21:33,5,-9999.00,clear,Depejado al sur. Me encuentro a 10 mts de un farol,,,CRI,Costa Rica 9.966890,-84.224115,2/28/2008 20:19,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,Lugar totalmente oscuro el cielo esta en su mayor?a despejado,,,CRI,Costa Rica 9.966890,-84.224115,2/29/2008 21:26,2,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,No se puede observar muy bien las estrella,,,CRI,Costa Rica 9.966890,-84.224115,3/1/2008 20:30,3,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,Se mantienen magnitudes entre 1 y 3 hasta la 9:55 p.m,,,CRI,Costa Rica 9.966890,-84.224115,3/2/2008 21:46,4,-9999.00,clear,Cerca de un farol no se pueden observar muy bien las estrellas.,,,CRI,Costa Rica 9.966890,-84.224115,3/3/2008 20:15,4,-9999.00,clear,El cielo esta despejado y se llega hasta magnitud 4.,,,CRI,Costa Rica 9.966890,-84.224115,3/4/2008 21:05,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,En una parte oscura se ve muy bien el cielo aunque este cubierto el 1/4 de cielo,,,CRI,Costa Rica 9.966890,-84.224115,3/5/2008 19:45,1,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,No se puede observar muy bien las estrella,,,CRI,Costa Rica 9.966890,-84.224115,3/6/2008 20:33,2,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,La magnitud es muy pequeħa ya que el cielo esta en su mitad cubierto.,,,CRI,Costa Rica 9.966890,-84.224115,3/7/2008 21:33,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,CRI,Costa Rica 9.966890,-84.224115,3/8/2008 21:52,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,CRI,Costa Rica 9.966890,-84.224115,2/27/2008 19:00,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,Se localiza un poste de luz a 50 metros,,,CRI,Costa Rica 9.966890,-84.224115,2/28/2008 21:40,5,-9999.00,clear,Se localiza un poste de luz a 50 metros,,,CRI,Costa Rica 9.966890,-84.224115,2/29/2008 19:30,6,-9999.00,clear,Se localiza un poste de luz a 50 metros,,,CRI,Costa Rica 9.966890,-84.224115,3/1/2008 21:30,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,CRI,Costa Rica 9.966890,-84.224115,3/2/2008 21:30,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,CRI,Costa Rica 9.966890,-84.224115,3/3/2008 19:40,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,CRI,Costa Rica 9.966890,-84.224115,3/4/2008 20:30,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,CRI,Costa Rica 9.966890,-84.224115,3/5/2008 20:30,-9999,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,,,CRI,Costa Rica 9.966890,-84.224115,39514.30903,1,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,,,CRI,Costa Rica 9.966890,-84.224115,3/7/2008 21:40,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,CRI,Costa Rica 9.966890,-84.224115,3/8/2008 20:30,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,CRI,Costa Rica 9.966890,-84.224115,2/26/2008 19:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,CRI,Costa Rica 9.966890,-84.224115,2/27/2008 19:00,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,CRI,Costa Rica 9.966890,-84.224115,2/28/2008 19:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,CRI,Costa Rica 9.966890,-84.224115,2/29/2008 19:40,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,CRI,Costa Rica 9.966890,-84.224115,3/1/2008 21:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,CRI,Costa Rica 9.966890,-84.224115,3/2/2008 19:30,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,CRI,Costa Rica 9.966890,-84.224115,3/3/2008 21:30,6,-9999.00,clear,,,,CRI,Costa Rica 9.966890,-84.224115,3/4/2008 20:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,CRI,Costa Rica 9.966890,-84.224115,3/5/2008 21:00,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,CRI,Costa Rica 9.966890,-84.224115,3/6/2008 19:00,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,CRI,Costa Rica 9.966890,-84.224115,3/7/2008 20:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,CRI,Costa Rica 9.966890,-84.224115,3/8/2008 21:00,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,CRI,Costa Rica 9.966890,-84.224115,2/26/2008 19:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,CRI,Costa Rica 9.966890,-84.224115,2/27/2008 19:00,7,-9999.00,clear,Se lograr observar muy bien las estrellas,,,CRI,Costa Rica 9.966890,-84.224115,2/28/2008 19:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,CRI,Costa Rica 9.966890,-84.224115,2/29/2008 21:00,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,CRI,Costa Rica 9.966890,-84.224115,3/1/2008 20:30,5,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,CRI,Costa Rica 9.966890,-84.224115,3/2/2008 19:30,5,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,CRI,Costa Rica 9.966890,-84.224115,3/3/2008 21:00,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,CRI,Costa Rica 9.966890,-84.224115,3/4/2008 20:00,3,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,Se observan pocas estrellas,,,CRI,Costa Rica 9.966890,-84.224115,3/5/2008 21:40,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,CRI,Costa Rica 9.966890,-84.224115,3/6/2008 20:30,5,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,La luna se le observa un circulo,,,CRI,Costa Rica 9.966890,-84.224115,3/7/2008 21:00,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,CRI,Costa Rica 9.966890,-84.224115,3/8/2008 20:20,5,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,CRI,Costa Rica 9.966890,-84.224115,2/27/2008 19:00,6,-9999.00,clear,,,,CRI,Costa Rica 9.966890,-84.224115,2/28/2008 19:20,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,CRI,Costa Rica 9.966890,-84.224115,2/29/2008 20:01,6,-9999.00,clear,,,,CRI,Costa Rica 9.966890,-84.224115,3/1/2008 21:00,7,-9999.00,clear,,,,CRI,Costa Rica 9.966890,-84.224115,3/2/2008 19:12,5,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,,,CRI,Costa Rica 9.966890,-84.224115,3/3/2008 20:14,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,CRI,Costa Rica 9.966890,-84.224115,3/4/2008 20:07,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,CRI,Costa Rica 9.966890,-84.224115,3/5/2008 21:40,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,CRI,Costa Rica 9.966890,-84.224115,3/6/2008 20:03,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,CRI,Costa Rica 9.966890,-84.224115,3/7/2008 21:36,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,CRI,Costa Rica 9.966890,-84.224115,3/8/2008 19:08,6,-9999.00,clear,,,,CRI,Costa Rica 9.966890,-84.224115,3/9/2008 20:04,3,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,,,CRI,Costa Rica 9.966890,-84.224115,3/10/2008 19:55,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,CRI,Costa Rica 9.966890,-84.224115,3/11/2008 19:30,7,-9999.00,clear,Este d?a no hab?a luz,,,CRI,Costa Rica 9.966890,-84.224115,3/12/2008 20:47,4,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,,,CRI,Costa Rica 55.949300,-3.096180,2/23/2008 23:55,5,-9999.00,clear,"breeze , clear",beach by city of half million,,GBR,United Kingdom 42.179160,-85.750812,2/23/2008 21:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 30.098099,-95.509001,2/23/2008 22:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 42.988299,-89.537114,2/23/2008 20:00,5,-9999.00,clear,The sky was cloudless during my observation time.,"The location had no nearby streetlights. The city lights from Madison, however, did create light pollution along the Eastern horizon. In the southern direction, it was very clear and dark.","After returning to La Crosse from Madison, later that evening, the Moon had come up and drowned out the starlight.",USA,United States 37.660000,-120.989998,2/24/2008 20:45,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,"modesto,ca",,USA,United States 39.083329,-76.650002,2/25/2008 21:02,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,sub-suburban,,USA,United States 45.020000,-74.740001,2/25/2008 22:00,4,-9999.00,clear,Below 60 degreess alt dense light pollution obscures all but the brightest objects,,,USA,United States 47.913152,2.097180,2/24/2008 23:19,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,FRA,France 3.847140,11.521280,2/24/2008 19:20,3,-9999.00,clear,"there were no mist, frog, haze, or smoke, but just the cloud bloquing the view of the stars",the was light at about 5 meters of us oscuring but just a bit our view,"this will be about the Climate here, is like some the climate is changing moving from the North to the South because the Mist that was just the think of the NorthCameroon is occuring in the center, and the weather of the West province is Changing loking",CMR,Cameroon 49.910419,15.390870,2/25/2008 20:00,4,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,,,CZE,Czech Republic -37.886458,145.399004,2/25/2008 21:30,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,AUS,Australia 14.649999,121.050008,2/25/2008 19:30,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,"no stars were visible, it was a bit cloudy especially since it just rained",,,PHL,Philippines 50.700931,15.180609,2/24/2008 20:00,5,-9999.00,clear,"Very clear, limit magnitude 5.5 - 5.6, Milky way from zenit to 10deg above horizon.",,,CZE,Czech Republic 50.016109,14.458051,2/25/2008 18:44,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,CZE,Czech Republic 41.353329,36.202769,2/25/2008 19:25,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,TUR,Turkey 49.773750,17.752420,2/25/2008 19:50,3,-9999.00,clear,,,",",CZE,Czech Republic 42.688559,-84.268046,2/25/2008 19:04,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 47.061789,21.934060,2/25/2008 20:15,4,-9999.00,clear,Transparency isn't too good(6/10),"7th floor balcony, panoramic view on city center of Oradea, many street lamps(56 actually), Town Hall and some churches lit with low light.","More precisely I'd say 3.8 as the current limiting magnitude. But on a really transparent night it reaches 4.2. I've been an amateur astronomer for about 4 years, and I hope that measures will be taken to reduce light pollution in the following years, so",ROM,Romania 49.772241,17.759781,2/25/2008 19:20,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,CZE,Czech Republic 50.358059,18.852620,2/25/2008 19:35,4,-9999.00,clear,,"Our observation is close by Winkler's Palace, city park and Primary School. Street lamp are behind us, about 50m.",,POL,Poland 41.075142,29.154031,2/25/2008 20:40,4,-9999.00,clear,Clear sky without winds.,7-8 kms far from the city center but recieving city ligths directly.,,TUR,Turkey 51.611700,7.738100,2/25/2008 19:43,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,DEU,Germany 52.438702,13.502900,2/25/2008 20:00,3,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,misty on the Sky on this evening,Street lamps in the near,,DEU,Germany 51.433893,6.938760,2/25/2008 12:03,3,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,,,DEU,Germany 39.100159,-9.161230,2/25/2008 19:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,Cloudy,"Alhos vedros, Portugal",,PRT,Portugal 46.203849,21.331181,2/25/2008 21:43,5,-9999.00,clear,"is a extremely clear sky...i haven't seen this since looong time ago....there are no clouds at all,and i observed aprox.18 stars from Orion.","it is a pretty poluated region...we have an power and heat plant near us,which works with coal,wich is released in the is not a pretyy land:))",,ROM,Romania 51.166661,5.000000,2/25/2008 12:55,1,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,very thing hazzy cload layer,,On clear nights is more like Mag2-3,BEL,Belgium 47.184600,18.423081,2/25/2008 20:35,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,HUN,Hungary 60.163400,24.945750,2/25/2008 12:57,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,Good transparency,Street lights near,,FIN,Finland 36.630001,-4.500000,2/25/2008 21:30,3,-9999.00,clear,High relative humidity.,Residental zone.,,ESP,Spain 50.412769,21.752769,2/25/2008 21:00,6,-9999.00,clear,,,,POL,Poland 44.939530,26.018829,2/25/2008 18:11,1,-9999.00,clear,,,,ROM,Romania 40.209310,-77.220432,2/23/2008 19:35,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 40.347673,-77.556702,2/23/2008 21:00,7,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 37.425332,-81.506888,2/25/2008 19:05,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,Its has been very rainy so the moisture is still in the air.,There are many street lights around my house.,,USA,United States 37.425332,-81.506888,2/25/2008 19:05,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,Moisture is still in the air.,MVMS/KT There are many street lights around my house.,,USA,United States 37.370000,-81.550000,2/25/2008 19:27,-9999,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,It is very hard to see anything from were my house is and because of the cloud coverage.,MVMS/KC My visibility was very bad it is to cloudy outside to see any stars.,,USA,United States 39.819999,-74.999999,2/25/2008 19:41,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 27.504441,-82.641662,2/25/2008 19:38,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 44.284290,-68.325606,2/25/2008 19:26,6,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 27.521001,-82.572998,2/25/2008 18:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 37.380000,-81.559999,2/25/2008 19:43,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,To cloudy to see any stars,MVMS/JW,,USA,United States 37.414520,-81.583003,2/25/2008 19:47,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,Very cloudy unable to see any stars.,MVMS/ee,,USA,United States 37.450002,-81.699998,2/25/2008 19:53,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 44.245740,-68.354491,2/25/2008 19:30,7,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 37.471070,-81.663162,2/25/2008 19:40,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,MVMS/ BNA COLUDY CANT SEE NOTHING,,USA,United States 37.434440,-81.535732,2/25/2008 19:48,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,they sky looks very dark and cloudy...,"mvms/th my view is unclear,but it may be from the 2 streetlights in my yard...",,USA,United States 37.330003,-81.480004,2/25/2008 20:08,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,MVMS/JH It was really cloudy.,,USA,United States -12.080830,-76.833331,2/25/2008 19:50,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,It is cliudy and I only can see one star in the middle,"The observation is in he campus of the National University Agraria La Molina from Lima, Per·. We are in summer but the las saturday rained",There are a light shadow in the sky,PER,Peru 42.457060,-83.452242,2/25/2008 20:07,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 37.320830,-77.446381,2/25/2008 20:10,4,-9999.00,clear,Some cloudiness on horizon,In a development about 1-3 miles from bright commercial lights.,I estimate Magnitude 4.2,USA,United States 41.770001,-71.389998,2/25/2008 20:11,3,-9999.00,clear,,suburban Cranston Rhode Island.,three streetlights & several neighbors' porch lights.,USA,United States 37.330003,-81.480004,2/25/2008 20:11,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,MVMS/EC- The sky is too cloudy.,,USA,United States 35.154560,-84.893015,2/25/2008 20:00,4,19.64,clear,,,,USA,United States 38.969719,-77.060271,2/25/2008 20:20,3,-9999.00,clear,,Urban nrothwest Washington DC neighborhood,,USA,United States 35.246539,-84.876220,2/25/2008 20:15,4,19.58,1/4 of sky,"Some light cloud, not real dark at this time. Will take readings a little later.",,,USA,United States 40.729999,-74.280001,2/25/2008 19:30,3,-9999.00,clear,"Probably somewhere between Mag 3 and Mag 4, but closer to Mag 3 as we could only make out 3 of the belt stars clearly.","Near a residential street with dim streetlights, but generally dark in observation area (back yard)",Thanks for doing this!,USA,United States 37.344770,-81.445293,2/25/2008 20:35,3,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,MVMS/T.W,,USA,United States 35.409999,-97.160001,2/25/2008 19:39,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,"Rural, total cloud out",,USA,United States 30.138141,-85.723157,2/25/2008 19:38,2,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,a lots of artifical light,Bay Point Marriot,,USA,United States 33.977240,-98.520882,2/25/2008 19:36,3,-9999.00,clear,Sky was clear and Orion was easy to find., SC124 C001 Fall 07,,USA,United States 37.558688,-97.126636,2/25/2008 19:15,-9999,17.26,over 1/2 of sky,100% cloud cover,My back yard. Neighbors have their house lights on.,,USA,United States 27.479401,-82.640699,2/25/2008 21:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 37.534198,-77.650577,2/25/2008 20:55,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 36.724302,-80.970800,2/25/2008 21:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,Clouds over most of the sky. Can see only about 5 or 6 stars at most.,Roughly 2500 feet above sea level in Blue Ridge Mountains. Closest city about 7 miles.,,USA,United States 40.164490,-105.105014,2/25/2008 19:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,totally cloudy,,,USA,United States 39.029999,-77.039999,2/25/2008 21:00,2,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,"Silver Spring, MD, USA",,USA,United States 27.437490,-82.577568,2/25/2008 20:40,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,Partly coludy with a slight haze.,,,USA,United States 45.538169,-73.512862,2/25/2008 21:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,solid overcast,urban area lots of lights around on the street,,CAN,Canada 35.360340,-97.510246,2/25/2008 18:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,cold front moving in from the north,one street east of the house.,,USA,United States 41.165297,-82.196102,2/25/2008 21:05,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,Suburban residential area,,USA,United States 35.545862,-97.301249,2/25/2008 20:15,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States -29.953050,-71.343327,2/25/2008 21:30,4,-9999.00,clear,"No hay presencia de nubes, el cielo estß completamente despejado.","Me encuentro a 4 metros de una plaza con una cantidad no muy numerosa de alumbrado p·blico, lo cual afecta medianamente la observaci?n.",,CHL,Chile 39.677409,-105.136330,2/25/2008 19:07,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,Clouds did not cover Orion and vicinity,Lakewood Colorado USA,Thanks Dr Tom Baker and Globe at Night Team!,USA,United States 27.542919,-82.506418,2/25/2008 21:25,5,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,"Oakley Subdivision, Ellenton, FL USA",,USA,United States 27.562499,-82.545199,2/25/2008 21:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 41.786401,-88.143011,2/25/2008 20:41,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,"total cover, snowing",,,USA,United States 45.283328,-65.983329,2/25/2008 21:00,3,-9999.00,clear,"Hazy sky, cannot see the little dipper.","Saint John, NB, Canada. In City by an oil refinery.","-5C, slight wind, some added light pollution from nearby oil refinery.",CAN,Canada 32.240607,-111.023065,2/25/2008 19:25,7,-9999.00,clear,Almost no haze over the city.,,,USA,United States -20.533331,-70.183329,2/25/2008 22:10,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,el clima esta en perfectas condiciones solo molesta la contaminacion luminica que no deja ver las estrellas en perfects condiciones.,"estoy en la ciudad de la serena pa?s chile, son las 10 pm la contelacion esta en el cenix se pueden apreciar las estrellas como el cinturon de ori?n mas conocido como las tres marias, rigle, bitellus",,CHL,Chile 33.291148,-86.787280,2/25/2008 20:45,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,Orion's belt could be seen faintly for a few moments.,,,USA,United States 42.259999,-75.760001,2/25/2008 21:46,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 39.083329,-76.650002,2/25/2008 22:00,3,18.13,clear,"hazy, bright sky",semi-rural,,USA,United States 37.389432,-81.409899,2/25/2008 21:58,1,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,"Its kinda clear, but you can only see a few stars..",MVMS/JJStreet light blocking my view.,,USA,United States 41.271001,-72.983003,2/25/2008 19:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,"West haven, Ct. 06516",,USA,United States -33.441108,-70.541654,2/25/2008 22:00,4,-9999.00,clear,The entire sky is hazy.,15 meters in front of me is a room light blocked by a wall.15 meters at left is a room light blocked y a thick curtain.25 meters at right is a light that is partially block by a main door.,,CHL,Chile 31.890549,-110.948889,2/25/2008 20:00,5,-9999.00,clear,Very clear with no clouds. I wear glasses and used averted vision.,Clear skies with landscape lights about 100 yards away.,,USA,United States 52.133331,-106.666654,2/25/2008 21:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,Urban with some old non- full cutoff street lighting,,CAN,Canada 36.031369,-115.133712,2/25/2008 19:00,2,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 26.240000,-80.239997,2/25/2008 21:26,5,-9999.00,clear,,In backyard of single-family home surrounded by other single-family homes.,"The belt and sword are clearly visible with my naked eye. However, only 1 of the smaller additional stars by the belt is clearly visible.",USA,United States 32.316661,-111.066676,2/25/2008 19:55,4,-9999.00,clear,Transperancy-Fair-TwinklingStars,Sportspark lights two miles to the east across river are on.,,USA,United States 38.752000,-121.287002,2/25/2008 19:15,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 37.366049,-81.551844,2/25/2008 22:27,2,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,clouds towards the north.,mvms/kj,,USA,United States 33.755563,-96.574866,2/25/2008 21:34,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,Very cloudy from storm moving over area.,,,USA,United States 37.375099,-122.144410,2/25/2008 19:39,3,-9999.00,clear,,Our backyard.,,USA,United States -36.614479,-72.110071,2/25/2008 23:58,4,-9999.00,clear,moon 3/4,Lights in the street at 50 meters,,CHL,Chile 32.114399,-110.797205,2/25/2008 20:10,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 47.606917,-122.556516,2/25/2008 20:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 47.990791,-122.253720,2/25/2008 20:06,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,We really had to observe closely to decide if it was Magnitude 2 or Magnitude 3!,USA,United States 37.722131,-122.448353,2/25/2008 19:07,3,-9999.00,clear,,"Middle of the city. Mulitple street lights within 100 feet. on a bridge over the freeway. About the darkest spot around, looking up.",Go Connie!,USA,United States 28.337931,-80.737440,2/25/2008 23:22,4,-9999.00,clear,,,Across the street neighbors porch light on,USA,United States 35.364892,-97.527609,2/25/2008 19:00,-9999,16.10,over 1/2 of sky,Altocumulus clouds and lots of sky glow from area shopping center and complex.,Apartment complex with shopping area across street. Very windy (45 mph) and 95% clouds.,"New shopping center going in across from another and they are using ""best"" lighting for dark sky but the damage is already done from the older one. A lot of sky glow especially with clouds.",USA,United States 35.544240,-97.621114,2/25/2008 20:00,4,16.89,1/2 of sky,One hour later and the clouds were blowing away in Northwestern part of city.,Residential neighborhood in driveway. One light pole at end of block and several security lights on houses.,Was able to see more stars from this location since in housing area.,USA,United States 35.548150,-97.587550,2/25/2008 20:30,4,18.00,1/4 of sky,30 minutes later than last reading and sky is getting better. There is the one good thing about 35 mph winds in Oklahoma.,Bike trail and picnic area next to lake. Many surrounding trees on a gravel road.,Best readings of the night from 17.78 to 18.10 for in the city. Had many light blocks with surrounding trees. A natural observatory.,USA,United States 35.386230,-97.527875,2/25/2008 21:00,4,17.10,clear,Clearest point of night so far with clouds moving out and only on horizon...for now.,Soccer fields for the city. Located below street level and but still can see glare of business lighting.,The soccer field is lower that the regular street level and provides another natural observatory but still has much glare of lighting from shopping district.,USA,United States 32.179999,-110.800005,2/25/2008 21:30,4,-9999.00,clear,,"SE Tucson, AZ, USA no street lights but some exterior house lights on, entrance bulbs, usually one bulb for each front door, resdential area, high density( eight houses/acre). Did Globe last year from same location.",,USA,United States -13.192180,-76.199995,2/25/2008 23:51,1,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,Lima-Per·,,PER,Peru 37.440000,-120.779997,2/25/2008 20:23,3,-9999.00,clear,Our night sky was incredibly clear and Orion was easily visible. It ssems as though where we are locacated has little if any light pollution. I was pleasingly surprised.,,,USA,United States 37.439603,-120.776623,2/25/2008 20:25,3,-9999.00,clear,From my observation I would say that we have little if any light pollution. The night was very clear and Orion was quite visible and easy to find. It was great.,,,USA,United States 35.467591,-97.573671,2/25/2008 20:30,3,16.45,1/4 of sky,Clearing of the clouds due to the high winds.,Oklahoma City Fairgrounds.,"Not as good as other ""city"" sites in Oklahoma City due to major highways, College lights, and business lights.",USA,United States 37.643249,-122.469923,2/25/2008 21:00,-9999,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,Dlouds about 30% coverage but light and puffy. Fast movers due to strong SW winds.,Front yard with street light across the street and large tree across the street. Neighbors porch lights often left on all night. 30% cloud cover this night with really good sunsets caused by same.,First submittal.,USA,United States 34.202179,-118.647175,2/25/2008 20:00,4,-9999.00,clear,"A very clear day today, very blue sky during the day.",On a residential street with bright streetlights nearby.,,USA,United States 33.772560,-117.924896,2/25/2008 20:45,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,"partly cloudy, very cold","cold,",view is rather distorted due to street light of the city,USA,United States 37.061020,-120.835281,2/25/2008 21:59,3,-9999.00,clear,"The sky was clear with minimal cloud coverage. However, only Orion's belt and a few other stars are visible. For the most part, most of the dark sky is clear (few bright stars here and there).","I live in Los Banos, CA. USA. Even though I am located in downtown, I live in an open area of about 4 acres that allows for a clear view of the sky without building obstruction.",,USA,United States 35.667770,-105.930094,2/25/2008 23:22,3,-9999.00,clear,"Actually about 2 1/2. Altitude in Santa Fe, New Mexico, at my house is 6508'.",Residential area with streetlights.,Moon low ESE and not bright.,USA,United States 45.879532,-66.758406,2/25/2008 23:00,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,haze in sky and expecting snow for 2-3 days,home sweet home,,CAN,Canada 61.608347,-149.438897,2/25/2008 21:55,6,-9999.00,clear,The sky was very clear and the visual of the stars was very good.,,,USA,United States 40.011798,-0.054880,2/23/2008 21:00,4,-9999.00,clear,humidity,suburban sky,,ESP,Spain 41.819209,0.879470,2/25/2008 18:00,-9999,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,,,ESP,Spain 54.410001,25.170000,2/25/2008 12:00,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,"Vilnius city, Lithuania",,LTU,Lithuania 41.400003,-73.400000,2/25/2008 19:10,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 60.194403,24.001700,2/25/2008 19:45,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,FIN,Finland 45.894718,-66.674155,2/25/2008 21:45,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,CAN,Canada 37.518533,-120.845799,2/25/2008 19:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 39.873080,-74.201577,2/25/2008 20:30,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 37.389432,-81.409899,2/25/2008 21:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,MVMS/mp,,USA,United States 37.431721,-81.572895,2/25/2008 22:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,it was raining,MVMS/dc,,USA,United States 37.366049,-81.551844,2/25/2008 23:15,-9999,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,It was a little cloudy!,MVMS/ sw,It was Rainy.,USA,United States 37.431721,-81.572895,2/25/2008 19:30,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,It was very cloudy in my area .,MVMS/cb,,USA,United States 39.954202,-74.123556,2/25/2008 21:45,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 37.389432,-81.409899,2/25/2008 20:45,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,It was very rainy.,MVMS/jr,,USA,United States 37.431721,-81.572895,2/25/2008 21:30,-9999,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,It was very cloudy.,,,USA,United States 37.344770,-81.445293,2/25/2008 21:30,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,It was cloudy.,MVMS/ak,,USA,United States 32.237000,-111.009999,2/25/2008 19:32,4,-9999.00,clear,No clouds.,There were two light poles in the way.,There was some light by where I was.,USA,United States 32.259998,-110.940003,2/25/2008 20:50,4,-9999.00,clear,Pretty Clear,Close To Street Light and neighbors with bright lights,n/a,USA,United States 37.431721,-81.572895,2/25/2008 19:15,-9999,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,cloudy,mvms/rw to many coulds and trees,,USA,United States 37.389432,-81.409899,2/25/2008 20:30,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,it was to cloudy to see anything,mvms/bt there are a bunch of trees in the way,,USA,United States 37.344770,-81.445293,2/25/2008 22:15,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,Last night is was so cloudy. I didnt even see any stars.,MVMS-NS-There is a street light outsight my house. There are trees in front of my house.,,USA,United States 37.366049,-81.551844,2/25/2008 19:30,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,it was coudy couldnt see any thing,MVMS/bjf,,USA,United States 37.344770,-81.445293,2/25/2008 19:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,It was cloudy last night i really couldnt see anything.,MVMS-CW-There was a street light in front of my house no soon you walk out of my house and trees.,,USA,United States 37.299998,-81.430000,2/25/2008 19:30,3,-9999.00,clear,The sky was very clear and i could see really good,MVMS/LM,,USA,United States 37.425332,-81.506888,2/25/2008 19:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,dark,mvms/mdw,,USA,United States 37.436772,-81.588700,2/25/2008 19:02,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,mostly cloudly,mvms/qp,,USA,United States 37.389432,-81.409899,2/25/2008 22:30,4,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,MVMS/KM Part of the roof was in the way.,,USA,United States 37.431721,-81.572895,2/25/2008 19:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,it was very cloud,MVMS/AM there is a street light in front of myhouse blocking my view,,USA,United States 37.389432,-81.409899,2/25/2008 21:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,mvms/ACE,,USA,United States 37.425332,-81.506888,2/25/2008 19:30,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,it was cloudy to see,mvms/mg,,USA,United States 37.447622,-81.805326,2/25/2008 18:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,"MVHS/JM The sky was very cloudy, and I really couldnt see anything.",,USA,United States 38.182318,-78.385047,2/25/2008 20:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 37.431721,-81.572895,2/25/2008 22:03,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,It was to cloudy to see anything.,,,USA,United States 37.389432,-81.409899,2/25/2008 20:15,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,It was cloudy in the sky i couldnt see anything.,mvms - qw It was a street light in front of my house.,,USA,United States 37.431721,-81.572895,2/25/2008 20:35,3,-9999.00,clear,There were no clouds out.,"mvms/ TR Lastnight there was street light in front of where i was looking in the sky ,but i could see fine.",,USA,United States 36.623450,-82.199476,2/25/2008 23:30,-9999,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,To cloudy,,Speedy loves you!,USA,United States 40.199840,-75.457280,2/25/2008 19:50,3,-9999.00,clear,,trail/ park 5-10 acres in a suburban environment,,USA,United States 37.441369,-81.579110,2/25/2008 20:18,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,It was to cloudy to see.,,Speedy's friend was hear,USA,United States 37.389432,-81.409899,2/25/2008 20:45,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,to dark to see and it was very cloudy.,mvms-wt there was a big tree in front of my house.,,USA,United States 39.956501,-74.110298,2/25/2008 20:00,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 37.389432,-81.409899,2/25/2008 12:30,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,mvhs to clowdy vjh,,Speedy's x wos here,USA,United States 37.410001,-81.349998,2/25/2008 21:30,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,it was to cloudy i could not see,mvms/lmi,,USA,United States 37.431721,-81.572895,2/25/2008 20:30,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,It was to cloudy and i couldnt see.,,,USA,United States 37.389432,-81.409899,2/25/2008 20:07,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,MMS/CB It was to dark and cloudy to see but i saw some stars,,,USA,United States 40.791000,-73.202006,2/25/2008 20:05,3,-9999.00,clear,SKY HAD A SLIGHT HAZE TO IT.,BACKYARD,,USA,United States 18.365989,-66.163831,2/25/2008 22:30,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,relatively Uneven terrain; 2 town centers and approx 6 shopping malls in a 7 mile radius,,PRI,Puerto Rico 37.366049,-81.551844,2/25/2008 19:30,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,I couldn't see anything because there was too many clouds.,MVMS/KW,,USA,United States 40.612370,-74.525758,2/25/2008 21:27,3,-9999.00,clear,One of the better nights for observing the sky.,,"Having seen the sky from Vermont, Virginia and the Southwest I mourn what I don't see here in the Northeast.",USA,United States 37.389432,-81.409899,2/25/2008 19:17,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,I could not see any stars.,MVMS/TH,,USA,United States 37.431721,-81.572895,2/25/2008 20:05,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,MVMS-A.T.,,USA,United States 37.344770,-81.445293,2/25/2008 20:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,Cloudy.... -_-,MVMS/CBH,,USA,United States 37.344770,-81.445293,2/25/2008 19:15,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 37.108069,-122.093962,2/25/2008 19:10,4,-9999.00,clear,very clear,,,USA,United States 39.976899,-74.162112,2/25/2008 19:55,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 37.410001,-81.459998,2/25/2008 18:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,sky was very cloudy,it was cloudy so i really coulden't see any stars.,NONE!,USA,United States 37.299998,-81.430000,2/25/2008 18:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,It was cloudy,Itwas very cloudy and Icouldn't see anything.,NONE!,USA,United States 44.599998,-69.200000,2/25/2008 21:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 37.561877,-121.951525,2/25/2008 19:30,3,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,Thin cloud cover over over all the sky. Air moving fast over head. stars would momentarily appear and disappear.,"There is 1 street light, yellow / amber, that is shieldedwithin 50 meters of my view.",,USA,United States 49.721178,17.820921,2/26/2008 18:22,1,-9999.00,clear,,,,CZE,Czech Republic 40.259522,-74.053061,2/24/2008 21:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 44.378239,-87.782185,2/23/2008 23:00,6,-9999.00,clear,,,cool clear winter night,USA,United States 40.379928,-105.109481,2/25/2008 19:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 41.660790,-71.578757,2/25/2008 20:30,4,-9999.00,clear,,"Coventry, RI",,USA,United States 41.210899,36.122101,2/26/2008 19:57,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,TUR,Turkey 29.151142,-81.036458,2/26/2008 20:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 49.774659,17.749780,2/26/2008 19:00,1,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,Z` V?tkov Komensk?ho 754 74901 V?tkov okres Opava,CZE,Czech Republic 37.434149,-81.582628,2/25/2008 19:13,1,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,MVMS/cd,,USA,United States 37.431721,-81.572895,2/25/2008 20:30,4,-9999.00,clear,it wasnt many stars.,mvms /ch,i loved the sky because there was no clouds in the sky and all i seen was stars.,USA,United States 37.366049,-81.551844,2/25/2008 20:30,3,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,It was to cloudy.,mvms-rw,,USA,United States 51.964568,5.888670,2/26/2008 12:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,,"This is not an actual observation today, but this is what Orion looks like here in Holland at a clear, dark night. I've seen it a zillion times. We have a lot of light polution in the most of the country unfortunately, even in our rural area. When in Fra",NLD,Netherlands 32.259998,-111.009999,2/25/2008 19:07,3,-9999.00,clear,it was a clear sky. you could easily point out orion's belt.,no lights are on dark outside where i am.,,USA,United States 40.587661,-74.454752,2/25/2008 21:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 41.729440,-121.531673,2/25/2008 21:30,7,-9999.00,clear,,Near visitors center at Lava Beds National Monument,,USA,United States 51.448718,6.908520,2/27/2008 19:51,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,DEU,Germany 51.607670,-0.336970,2/26/2008 18:53,2,-9999.00,clear,,Greater London Suburbs,,GBR,United Kingdom 49.774000,17.753441,2/26/2008 20:15,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,CZE,Czech Republic 49.772210,17.759600,2/26/2008 20:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,CZE,Czech Republic 41.082649,29.022799,2/26/2008 21:15,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,TUR,Turkey 37.412891,-81.581398,2/25/2008 19:15,5,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,Cloudy but can still see.,MVMS/MRE,,USA,United States 37.431721,-81.572895,2/25/2008 19:15,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,mvms/md,,USA,United States 37.431721,-81.572895,2/25/2008 19:25,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,mvms/as,,USA,United States 37.425332,-81.506888,2/25/2008 19:15,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,mvms/ad,,USA,United States 37.385560,-81.411108,2/25/2008 20:40,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,mvms/jh,,USA,United States 37.368481,-81.376902,2/25/2008 19:15,-9999,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,There is alot of street lights in front of my house.,,USA,United States 37.344770,-81.445293,2/25/2008 19:15,-9999,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,The sky was very cloudy so I couldn't see anything.,Thereis alot of street lights in front of my house.,,USA,United States 51.419997,5.190000,2/26/2008 20:30,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,"'s-Hertogenbosch, Netherlands (city)",,NLD,Netherlands 50.016331,14.458061,2/26/2008 18:00,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,CZE,Czech Republic 49.786530,17.760669,2/26/2008 18:00,1,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,CZE,Czech Republic 51.905548,-2.050550,2/26/2008 20:07,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,Could not se past cloud cover,"Street lamps and housing lights,",Ill try again tomorrow,GBR,United Kingdom 47.016659,19.033331,2/26/2008 21:10,4,-9999.00,clear,The sky today is perfectly clear.,"Halasztelek is a suburbian village south from Budapest, which is the capital of Hungary. The village located close to the river Danube and is approximately 20 km-s from Budapest downtown. The observation is made approximately 1 km from the Danube.","Extremely warm weather, all time highest temperature for this day (20,4 Celsius).",HUN,Hungary 37.558220,-77.482841,2/25/2008 19:45,3,-9999.00,clear,,"Street corner, some nearby streetlights",,USA,United States 55.017000,-1.433000,2/26/2008 18:00,2,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,GBR,United Kingdom 37.471070,-81.663162,2/25/2008 21:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,MVMS/AR,,USA,United States 53.700201,-1.704800,2/26/2008 20:20,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,Very windy. Some scudding clouds.,,"Out of direct streetlight (sodium) but looking South over nearby buildings, 100 yards from an East West lit road. No streetlights to North for half a mile. 10 mins eye adjustment time.I gave a mag 3 but maybe a touch more, Eta was very clear but no Tau.",GBR,United Kingdom 14.785111,-17.383550,2/26/2008 20:10,3,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,LE CIEL EST SOMBRE,LATITUDE NORDLONGITUDE OUEST,NOUS SOMMES ENVIRON A 500M DE L'OCEAN ATLANTIQUE.,SEN,Senegal 44.998850,26.039840,2/26/2008 19:25,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,ROM,Romania 55.938201,-3.235150,2/26/2008 21:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,,"Building partially obscured the area, but chart area was mostly visible.",GBR,United Kingdom 44.954263,26.054211,2/25/2008 19:00,2,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,ROM,Romania 41.249999,1.933330,2/26/2008 22:20,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,ESP,Spain 32.424568,-110.983846,2/26/2008 20:30,3,-9999.00,clear,,,this was fun puting it in the computer,USA,United States -28.800329,114.625901,2/26/2008 21:40,5,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,Broken cloud over around 1/4 of the sky but not in the vicinity of Orion. Low level light wash from the main city to the north and north-west.,Backyard at home in the suburbs of Geraldton.,,AUS,Australia 41.382999,2.183000,2/26/2008 12:00,1,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,ESP,Spain 41.537000,2.435000,2/26/2008 23:00,1,-9999.00,clear,,Mataro - Spain,,ESP,Spain -37.886441,145.398950,2/26/2008 23:00,6,-9999.00,clear,,,,AUS,Australia 35.477840,-97.407124,2/25/2008 23:00,3,-9999.00,clear,Very clear cool night.,"From my apartment in midwest city, ok",,USA,United States 52.388002,-1.248000,2/26/2008 21:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,This is on the edge of a housing estate with a town about 1 mile to the south.,,GBR,United Kingdom 45.360000,-75.770000,2/23/2008 22:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,Ottawa Ontario Canada,,CAN,Canada 35.477990,-97.407145,2/25/2008 23:00,3,-9999.00,clear,Very clear cool night.,"From my appartment in Midwest City, OK", SC124 C001 Fall 07Aaron Cook,USA,United States 41.557600,2.100640,2/26/2008 23:11,2,-9999.00,clear,,Center city of Sabadell (population 200.000),,ESP,Spain 40.901778,29.309192,2/26/2008 19:45,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,TUR,Turkey 39.040002,-77.069997,2/25/2008 19:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 37.466979,-81.653102,2/25/2008 19:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,To cloudy to see any clouds,MVMS/RE,,USA,United States 44.029998,-97.099998,2/25/2008 20:00,5,-9999.00,clear,Exceptionally clear night,"Madison, SD",,USA,United States 40.996500,-73.814852,2/26/2008 18:35,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,very cloudy (rain),,,USA,United States 40.400002,-3.683000,2/26/2008 23:38,1,-9999.00,clear,,,,ESP,Spain 60.410250,17.875360,2/25/2008 23:00,6,-9999.00,clear,,,,SWE,Sweden 40.470052,-3.850690,2/26/2008 23:29,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,ESP,Spain 50.090002,-5.600000,2/26/2008 23:08,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,GBR,United Kingdom 42.000001,-71.000001,2/26/2008 18:15,5,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,"east bridgewater, ma",,USA,United States 37.344770,-81.445293,2/27/2008 18:35,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,Completely cloudy :/,MVMS/CBH,,USA,United States 32.270001,-110.929997,2/25/2008 21:27,6,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 40.567680,-80.067480,2/26/2008 18:00,-9999,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,Cloudy,,,USA,United States 40.135158,-75.150816,2/25/2008 21:00,3,-9999.00,clear,CLEAR AND TRANSPARENT,"LOCATION APPROXIMATELY 17 MILES NORTH OF CENTER CITY PHILADELPHIA, PA. RESIDENTIAL NEIGHBORHOOD, SURROUNDED BY PORCH LIGHTS, FLOOD LIGHTS AND UNSHIELDED STREET LIGHTS. TYPICAL LIMITING MAGNITUDE 3.5. BACKED UP BY 35 YRS OF EXPERIENCE IN OBSERVING.",,USA,United States 19.732060,-155.041538,2/25/2008 19:30,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,Near the ocean,,USA,United States 47.211231,-121.990061,2/23/2008 22:00,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 37.431721,-81.572895,2/26/2008 19:05,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,it is suppose to snow tonight so the sky is covered in clouds,MVMS/AM there is a street light out in front of my house,,USA,United States 37.430000,-81.569999,2/26/2008 19:30,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,MVMS/CC,,USA,United States 40.782428,-73.965478,2/25/2008 19:21,4,-9999.00,clear,"Clear sky, Light air, temp aorund 44*F. Blantant light intrusions along the southern exposure, partciculary from Times Square and CitiGroup building.","North side of Great Lawn, Central Park, NYC, USA. Orion, on its descent, stands over Times Square.","As an experienced observer with good visual acuity, the naked eye limiting magnitude in Orion was estimated to be 4.7. Beneath Rigel, Lepus was washed out, displaying only the brighter stars, in the Times Square ""gegenschein"".",USA,United States 42.608841,-83.119243,2/26/2008 19:40,2,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,only a few stars visible,Close to trees only 2 lights outside on street.,,USA,United States 41.919999,-87.640001,2/25/2008 21:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,too cloudy to see anything!,"Lincoln School, Chicago Public Schools",,USA,United States 40.765441,-73.981952,2/25/2008 19:45,3,-9999.00,clear,"Clear sky, light air, temps around 45*F. Surprised by limiting magnitude, matched Mag 3 chart to a tee, with the exception of one head star.","SE corner of 56th St. & Broadway, NYC, USA. Most of the sky concealed by buildings to the east and west, looking south into Times Sqaure. A great deal of local, ambient light falling to the ground.",Experienced observer with good visual acuity. Paused at the corner while waiting for light to change and assessed sky brightness.,USA,United States 37.366049,-81.551844,2/26/2008 19:56,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,snowing cant see any stars,MVMS/JW,,USA,United States 37.471070,-81.663162,2/26/2008 20:02,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,I couldn't see any stars.,MVMS/AR,,USA,United States 44.296359,-93.278029,2/25/2008 20:30,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 39.142588,-76.602819,2/26/2008 19:14,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 37.471070,-81.663162,2/26/2008 20:20,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,IT WAS SNOWING OUTSIDE SO I COULDNT SEE ANYTHING FROM THE CLOUDS,MVMS/BNA,,USA,United States 40.202750,-79.930350,2/26/2008 20:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,"Completely overcast, 30 degrees F, light snow.",,"NSN participant., AAAP",USA,United States 38.870180,-77.613250,2/25/2008 19:10,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 45.387010,-93.353072,2/26/2008 19:15,5,-9999.00,clear,Clear.,Within 100 meters from a street light.,Observation was taken place at St.Francis High School.,USA,United States 45.387010,-93.353072,2/26/2008 19:15,5,-9999.00,clear,clear,100ft from street lights,the observation was taken at st francis high school,USA,United States 45.389998,-93.349999,2/26/2008 19:15,5,-9999.00,clear,,There are street lights in the view of about 80 m away from me.,"The observation was taken place at Saint Francis High School in St. Francis, Minnesota.",USA,United States 45.387010,-93.353072,2/26/2008 19:15,5,-9999.00,clear,,street lights 100 ft from location,observation was taken at st. francis high school,USA,United States 45.387010,-93.353072,2/26/2008 19:15,5,-9999.00,clear,,street light within 100 feet of location,,USA,United States 45.387010,-93.353072,2/26/2008 19:15,5,-9999.00,clear,,Lights within 100 feet of location,Observation was taken place at St. Francis High School,USA,United States 37.710677,-122.093948,2/25/2008 19:10,4,-9999.00,clear,Very clear,,,USA,United States 45.387010,-93.353072,2/26/2008 19:15,4,-9999.00,clear,clear,st francis high school lights w/in 100 ft.,,USA,United States 45.387010,-93.353072,2/26/2008 19:15,5,-9999.00,clear,,streetlights within 100 feet of location,Observation taken at St. Francis High School,USA,United States 37.344770,-81.445293,2/26/2008 20:40,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,MVMS/T.W It was cloudy and snowing tonight.,,USA,United States 39.672112,-104.959988,2/26/2008 18:40,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 41.541730,-88.199783,2/26/2008 18:45,3,-9999.00,clear,"The clouds cleared for a very short period of time around when I took this reading. It was clearly dark, but it was not possible to get a reading after 7pm as suggested by Globe at Night because of thick cloud cover after 7pm.",Parking lot of Wal-Mart #2956,"Reading taken by Prof. Noella D'Cruz, Joliet Junior College, IL",USA,United States 20.674940,-103.431966,2/26/2008 19:42,3,-9999.00,clear,,"I live in Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico.",,MEX,Mexico 35.208618,-84.842848,2/26/2008 20:29,-9999,11.92,over 1/2 of sky,Lights and coulds.,"It at North Lee Elementary School, all the lights at the school were on. Plus it was cloudy.",,USA,United States 33.434941,-111.828406,2/25/2008 21:15,2,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 29.563449,-95.357043,2/26/2008 20:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 35.246539,-84.876220,2/26/2008 20:50,-9999,18.05,over 1/2 of sky,,Nice and cloudy,,USA,United States 37.431721,-81.572895,2/26/2008 21:27,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,It was sowing soo i didnt see nothing.,,,USA,United States 41.740003,-88.100001,2/26/2008 19:50,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 32.119999,-110.929997,2/26/2008 19:08,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 35.360340,-97.510246,2/26/2008 20:10,4,-9999.00,clear,clear nite so more the i through i would due to cold front move in last night clear the nite sky,,,USA,United States 43.561198,-116.565197,2/25/2008 22:30,3,-9999.00,clear,,I was in the middle of Northwest Nazarene and the campus has a lot of light pollution,,USA,United States 37.471070,-81.663162,2/25/2008 20:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,mvms/jf,,USA,United States 40.141739,-105.164962,2/26/2008 19:21,3,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,hazy,suburb,,USA,United States 37.344770,-81.445293,2/26/2008 21:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,There is alot of snow falling and I can not see anything.,There is alot of street lights and snow.,,USA,United States 37.469830,-81.661400,2/26/2008 20:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 46.923328,-92.009424,2/26/2008 20:21,5,-9999.00,clear,The sky is crystal clear tonight.,"Heavily forested area about 10 miles NNE of Duluth, MN. Current temperature is 13 degrees.",Thanks for the opportunity to participate! We enjoyed it.,USA,United States 32.170000,-110.880000,2/26/2008 19:19,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,"ther are a few wispy cloulds and i can see surprisingly few stars, i was actually kind of dissapointed!",,,USA,United States 37.471070,-81.663162,2/26/2008 20:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,mvms/jf,,USA,United States 32.202122,-111.021959,2/26/2008 19:35,4,-9999.00,clear,"very clear, no streetlights where I am located",Im on a mountain and have a great view of the stars,Great view of the stars,USA,United States 35.206050,-97.376327,2/26/2008 20:35,4,-9999.00,clear,very clear night,,,USA,United States 35.545267,-97.300956,2/26/2008 20:15,4,-9999.00,clear,"Cold, dry and clear.",Street light across the street from house. Nieghbor in back of house has about 10 bright lights pointed straight up in his trees and 2 garage lights on.,,USA,United States 40.782441,-73.965505,2/25/2008 20:37,3,-9999.00,clear,Clear sky with light air and temperature at 45*F.,"North side of Great Lawn, Central Park, NYC, USA","Submitted on behalf of ""lay person"" supervised by experienced observer. Limiting magnitude was about 3.5.",USA,United States 39.619998,-104.750001,2/26/2008 19:15,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,It was a little cloudy to the west but we had an excellent view,This was off my back porch in centennial Colorado,,USA,United States 32.189999,-110.949996,2/26/2008 19:30,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.316661,-111.066676,2/26/2008 19:30,4,-9999.00,clear,Transperancy fair- Stars twinkling.,Sports Park Lights on two miles East across SantaCruz river.,,USA,United States 40.782441,-73.965505,2/25/2008 21:21,3,-9999.00,clear,Clear sky with light air and temperature at 45*F. Observation agreed very closely with magnitude 3 chart.,"North end of the Great lawn, Central Park, NYC, USA. Southern horizon exposed to light sources like Times Square and CitiGroup Building.","Submitted on behalf of older ""lay person"" supervised by experienced observer. (2nd observer) Limiting magnitude for this observer was closer to magnitude 3.",USA,United States -45.569721,-72.065551,2/26/2008 23:34,-9999,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,"El cielo estß parcial nuclado, con humedad","Ciudad de Coyhaique, Capital XI Regi?n, Patagonia Chilena, Chile",No pude ver Orion,CHL,Chile 32.289999,-110.949996,2/26/2008 19:35,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 33.628607,-91.792224,2/26/2008 20:45,5,-9999.00,clear,,"Private home two miles outside of Monticello, AR.",,USA,United States 40.180002,-75.279995,2/26/2008 21:46,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 29.990001,-91.779998,2/26/2008 20:50,4,-9999.00,clear,,"Residential area, but beside convenience store with parking lot lighting (but shielded from canopy lights over gas pumps). About 500 feet from dollar store with very bright halogen lighting, but observing area blocked from direct light.",No sign of Milky Way on a very clear night.,USA,United States 40.764833,-73.980538,2/26/2008 19:20,-9999,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,Overcast with rain.,Looking out the window on a rainy day.,,USA,United States 19.713381,-155.089322,2/24/2008 20:21,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 40.043548,-75.184591,2/26/2008 22:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,Heavy clouds with frequent with rain.,"Corner of West Johnson Street and Cherokee Street, Philadelphia, PA 19144-1912",,USA,United States -36.614558,-72.110207,2/26/2008 22:30,4,-9999.00,clear,,lights in the street at 50 mt,,CHL,Chile 41.759999,-71.110001,2/25/2008 22:25,3,-9999.00,clear,"Tonight was not the clearest night, there seemed to be a slight haziness, however it wasn't really cloudy.","I live in Fall River, MA, and I happen to be right near a supermarket warehouse- which has a ridiculous amount of spotlights all throughout the huge parking lot.",Magnitude 3 seems to be the closest to what I can see. Other areas close to here could be a Magnitude 4. I don't think I've seen much more stars than that. (unfortunately),USA,United States 32.270001,-110.839996,2/26/2008 19:50,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.225160,-110.947564,2/26/2008 20:03,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States -36.630933,-72.089416,2/26/2008 12:10,4,-9999.00,clear,,lights en the street at 20 mts,,CHL,Chile 47.262218,-122.468884,2/26/2008 19:02,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 40.440000,-105.459999,2/26/2008 18:45,2,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.177329,-110.881236,2/26/2008 19:30,3,-9999.00,clear,To the East side of us their was a lot of light pollution or something really bright.,My location is pretty bright theirs a lot of lights turned on but my back yard is really dark.,"It was a wonderful view of the sky. I had a very clear view of the stars, it was really beautifull, it was incredible.",USA,United States 32.204202,-111.020661,2/26/2008 19:45,5,-9999.00,clear,,Suburban housing density. No commercial developments nearby.,,USA,United States 32.177329,-110.881236,2/26/2008 20:12,5,-9999.00,clear,it was beutiful very clear and i could see orions belt perfectly.,,,USA,United States 30.030279,-95.478060,2/26/2008 21:10,3,-9999.00,clear,Cloudless,Taken from driveway in subdivision,,USA,United States 44.842470,-93.278425,2/26/2008 19:12,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States -36.641363,-72.035710,2/26/2008 23:20,4,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,moon 70% 3 degrees over the horizon. Clouds are very thin.,"I was on a country road when I saw Orion, I was about 100 meters away from three houses.",,CHL,Chile 47.687100,-122.096994,2/26/2008 19:20,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,Complete Cloud Cover,Apartment Complex,,USA,United States 28.228050,-82.428594,2/26/2008 21:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 37.459998,-121.130003,2/26/2008 19:25,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 42.259999,-75.760001,2/26/2008 20:30,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,Reading taken betweeen snow storms,USA,United States 30.379681,-91.208680,2/26/2008 21:30,4,-9999.00,clear,"Clear, relatively low humidity, but high sky brightness to north.","Backyard, no direct streetlights visible.","More stars visible than in Mag 4 chart, but not nearly as many as in Mag 5.",USA,United States 30.379681,-91.208680,2/26/2008 21:25,4,-9999.00,clear,relatively low humidity,"backyard, no direct view to streetlights","Saw a few more stars than in the 4-mag chart, but nowhere near as many as in the 5-mag chart",USA,United States 32.246689,-110.950091,2/26/2008 18:55,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 44.296359,-93.278029,2/26/2008 21:30,5,-9999.00,clear,,There is a street light within 50 m that is shielded from my view behind a house. There is also a street light within 50 m if my background that I can see.,,USA,United States 29.399999,-95.120001,2/26/2008 22:00,5,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,It was very windy and the clouds were moving rather fast.,,"Luckily, I'm located 30 miles from a major city and I have an excellent view of the stars.",USA,United States 32.000000,-109.999999,2/26/2008 20:00,1,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 37.558718,-97.126834,2/26/2008 21:36,5,19.88,clear,High thin clouds to the northwest. Cloud cover much less than 1/4 of the sky.,On the west side of my yard. There were house lights on across the street. I stayed in the shadow of my neighbors house from the street light at the end of the block.,,USA,United States 39.704498,-104.840105,2/26/2008 20:07,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,"There was a very thin haze moving across the sky past Orion. There were thicker clouds, but they were southwest of my location and not in the path of my sight of Orion.","I was at the end of the driveway, in the bed of my pickup, trying to see past the trees. Every house on the block had a porch light on, but I was still able to see quite well.",It was a pretty cool sight for someone who is not a star gazer. I have never seen (or a least known what I was seeing) Orion before. Thanks for the challenge,USA,United States 33.880002,-117.710005,2/26/2008 19:49,4,-9999.00,clear,,,"Get them to dim their lights in Yorba Linda, California at nighttime. It would be nice to actually see the stars the way God intended them to be.",USA,United States 32.222001,-110.926001,2/26/2008 20:50,4,19.67,clear,,back yard,,USA,United States 29.560000,-98.329999,2/26/2008 21:45,3,-9999.00,clear,,Outside front door of apartment complex,Would be nice to advertise this a bit more!,USA,United States 32.164522,-111.111865,2/26/2008 20:58,4,-9999.00,clear,very clear sky. the stars were easy to find.,,,USA,United States 33.637790,-117.840666,2/26/2008 20:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 39.762219,-105.096674,2/26/2008 20:08,4,-9999.00,clear,A couple of thin and widespread clouds present. Observation between passing clouds.,"Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Over looking open space park.","I will never look at Orien the same again, Thank you.",USA,United States 40.830830,-74.469163,2/25/2008 22:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.220000,-110.860001,2/25/2008 20:13,4,-9999.00,clear,Clear sky.,"Live adjacent to a main street, no street lights in neighborhood.","It was a relatively quiet night, with a few noise from passing cars.",USA,United States 32.178749,-111.124200,2/26/2008 22:00,4,-9999.00,clear,it was and i could see the stars really good.,,,USA,United States 33.290001,-86.789998,2/26/2008 21:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 31.890549,-110.948889,2/26/2008 21:10,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 29.822768,-95.449722,2/26/2008 21:15,4,-9999.00,clear,Very dry and clear just after a cold front moved through the city.,,,USA,United States 29.538690,-98.637125,2/26/2008 21:10,4,-9999.00,clear,"Clear, no real haze.","End of my Driveway, city street light three houses down to the east (corner of street).","Took 5 year old daughter out last night to look but had high, thin clouds. Tonight was clear.",USA,United States 33.459888,-82.211572,2/26/2008 22:30,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,nothing visible,ft. gordon base and local neighborhood, SC124 C001 Fall 07,USA,United States 42.566480,-114.468814,2/26/2008 21:00,4,-9999.00,clear,"The dimmest star that I could identify in the night sky was HP22549, a dim star in Orion's bow. It's magnitude is 3.65.",Location is the driveway to my house.,"My location is downtown Twin Falls, ID and I have a very bright street lamp a couple hundred feet to the North of my position (SE Corner of Heyburn and Tyler Streets)",USA,United States 32.224330,-110.908564,2/25/2008 19:00,4,-9999.00,clear,it was a very clear night,"I have a very lighted neighborhood, and the darkest area is still very lighted.","I live next to a hotel, and three street lights are in my view.",USA,United States 32.230382,-110.961614,2/26/2008 21:20,3,-9999.00,clear,"A little hazy, but no actual clouds.",,,USA,United States 34.150270,-118.020833,2/26/2008 20:15,3,-9999.00,clear,City sky after 3 days of rain.,"Near Pasadena, California, at the base of the San Gabriel Mountains.",,USA,United States 35.683862,-105.971881,2/26/2008 21:30,5,19.66,clear,great transparency and average seeing...SQM showed -5C for temperature,neighborhood on the northside of town...about 3miles away from the brightest part of Santa Fe.,,USA,United States 37.280521,-122.119356,2/26/2008 21:00,5,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,"There were high wispy clouds. I could see some stars on the Mag 5 chart that were not on the mag 5 chart, but perhaps not all of them. Mag 4.5?",I'm in a canyon south-west of the silicon valley at 1100' elevation. The sky where Orion is looks considerably better than the sky to the northeast.,,USA,United States 32.242659,-110.950727,2/26/2008 22:07,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 39.530000,-104.789999,2/24/2008 21:15,5,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,It was a fairly clear day for the middle of winter.,,,USA,United States 32.213081,-110.967003,2/26/2008 21:00,3,-9999.00,clear,The amount of stars was sparse but orion was still easily recognizable.,Viewing took place in downtown tucson. The sky was clear.,The brightness of the stars that were visible did not seem very luminous.,USA,United States 25.667001,-100.317003,2/25/2008 22:50,3,-9999.00,clear,"Very good conditions, very clear and windy",,"If it had not so many buildings, I'm sure we would have been able to observe completely Orion.",MEX,Mexico 39.528412,-119.950785,2/26/2008 21:15,5,-9999.00,clear,Cloud cover 1/10. Slightly hazy.,"Backyard. Glare from Reno, to the ESE, mostly obscured by terrain. Some glow from Verdi, SSW.",,USA,United States 32.386138,-99.761197,2/26/2008 23:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 39.512429,-104.739605,2/24/2008 21:15,5,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,The sky was fairly clear for the middle of winter.,,,USA,United States 39.663479,-105.434577,2/26/2008 19:30,3,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,Overcast but Orion is visible.,"Outside Evergreen, Colorado.",,USA,United States 30.540002,-96.260001,2/26/2008 22:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.232052,-110.949518,2/26/2008 19:30,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 33.670449,-117.974279,2/26/2008 21:15,3,-9999.00,clear,"Very clear, better than average ""seeing"" But....lights everywhere!","1.5 miles from beach, but about 30 miles southwest of Los Angeles",,USA,United States 61.539998,-149.519999,2/26/2008 20:00,6,-9999.00,clear,,"streetlight located at end of road, bottom of hill. does not affect star view in any way. partial tree cover on horizons.",Could view star clusters!,USA,United States 61.539998,-149.519999,2/25/2008 19:44,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,Couldn't see a thing.,,,USA,United States 34.119998,-117.480005,2/26/2008 21:25,1,-9999.00,clear,"The sky is clearer than it has been in many days. Looking straight up, I can see many stars; however, when I look in the direction of Orion, I can't seem to really make out what part of the constellation I am viewing. The sky in that area is too lite up",There are several street lights nearby and a park lights with a ballfield in the distance.,This was an interesting observation. To look in the area opposite Orion was even a better view (less man-made light).,USA,United States 37.169627,-76.536429,2/26/2008 22:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,37.17 (37?10') | -76.54 (-76?32'),,USA,United States 34.070001,-117.100001,2/26/2008 21:40,2,-9999.00,clear,The sky is clear,"Orion is straight out in front of me in the Western Sky, slightly up and to the left.",,USA,United States 36.270002,-115.250003,2/26/2008 21:17,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,"Sky was relatively clear, very few clouds were visible.",Magnetude at about 3 or 4,The Big Dipper was also visible during this time at this location.,USA,United States 61.473629,-149.735246,2/26/2008 20:45,6,-9999.00,clear,the sky was very clear.,i live 13 miles away from Wasilla so i dont have much city light,,USA,United States 35.390431,-97.529029,2/26/2008 21:00,2,16.89,clear,Sky was clear,"Office Depot parking lot. Did have better lighting than most and they do go off after 10pm but with all of the other shopping centers, car lots, and major highways only a few stars can be seen.",Took two readings before and after lights went off and got up to 17.49 on meter but bad area from other business locations. Still was impressed with the no glare lighting and that they went off after 10pm.,USA,United States 33.980000,-117.399996,2/26/2008 22:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 35.375831,-97.501920,2/26/2008 22:00,2,16.25,clear,Sky was clear,Brookside Golf course and driving range.,This location was worse than the office supply parking lot down the road. Had even a hard time to see two stars in Orion's belt.,USA,United States 29.481610,-98.351630,2/27/2008 18:00,3,-9999.00,clear,Lots of red glow from several directions - mostly from downtown San Antonio proper.,,,USA,United States 37.061020,-120.835281,2/26/2008 21:50,3,-9999.00,clear,"There are a few clouds tonight. The nighttime sky is in between a Magnitude 2 and Magnitude 3 Chart. Yesterday (2/25/08), it was a clear Magnitude 3. Tonight, I can still see Orion's belt and some of the surrounding stars; however, they are much dimmer i",Today was mostly clear and sunny during the day. Tonight's weather is a little colder than expected.,,USA,United States 35.351922,-97.367782,2/26/2008 22:00,4,18.78,1/4 of sky,Clear sky but could see high cirrus clouds starting to move in.,Stanley Draper Soccer Fields,This location is used by the Oklahoma City Astronomy Club for close novice sessions. Has a pretty bad light dome to the North with Tinker Air Force Base but the Southern sky is good for learning. Can see five stars in Orions belt and make out sword too.,USA,United States 34.137880,-118.129460,2/27/2008 22:40,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 35.305118,-97.352995,2/26/2008 22:30,5,19.39,1/4 of sky,Sky still clear for most part but could see clouds moving in.,Intersection going to Stanley Draper Lake.,Took a couple of readings on the way out to lake and was far enough South of Air Force base that it gave a better meter reading and view of night sky.,USA,United States 35.360801,-97.524808,2/26/2008 23:30,3,17.49,1/4 of sky,Sky was turning a little soupy.,Resthaven Memorial Gardens,With some tree blocks and no lights this location was better than the apartment complex across the street but still not good enough for major observing.,USA,United States -34.331519,138.732958,2/26/2008 21:30,6,-9999.00,clear,Nice clear night which was quite cool so the air had that crisp feel to it. Very little if any moisture but maybe some dust although the wind had dropped off considerably.,Not a bad night time sky considering it's only one hour north of Adelaide. We get pretty good results doing film astrophotography. It's good for telescope use as most things are quite visible.,,AUS,Australia 51.217321,4.428230,2/26/2008 23:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,Just outside the city of Antwerp. Suburb.,,BEL,Belgium -40.855579,175.032572,2/27/2008 21:30,5,-9999.00,clear,A beautiful clear night. Still a little glow from twilight and local town light polution.,Close to beach. Some street light interference.,,NZL,New Zealand 36.716659,-4.416660,2/27/2008 18:00,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,ESP,Spain 41.061871,29.157979,2/26/2008 21:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,TUR,Turkey 51.606710,-4.172220,2/26/2008 19:55,4,-9999.00,clear,Clear with light frost,"Small village in rural area, town 4 miles to the north, city 10 miles to the east",,GBR,United Kingdom 41.370862,2.128440,2/26/2008 22:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,ESP,Spain 31.898711,-110.945966,2/25/2008 19:30,4,-9999.00,clear,,In my backyard,,USA,United States 45.806937,15.952219,2/25/2008 20:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,Square near Dom Sportova,,HRV,Croatia 45.800547,15.930831,2/26/2008 20:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,"Voltino quart, shielded street lamps nearby",,HRV,Croatia 43.681000,-114.363000,2/26/2008 20:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,,"Ketchum/Sun Valley, Idaho, where dark-sky lighting ordinances are in effect.",USA,United States 32.807861,-97.160500,2/26/2008 21:30,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 41.368000,2.058640,2/27/2008 18:00,1,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,ESP,Spain 40.971248,29.059480,2/26/2008 21:00,3,-9999.00,clear,Sky was clear. The temperature was about 10 degrees C,,,TUR,Turkey 43.160228,-7.729740,2/26/2008 23:00,6,-9999.00,clear,,,,ESP,Spain 52.486660,13.365000,2/25/2008 21:30,3,-9999.00,clear,The view to the sky was conditioned because of buildings,It is in a livingarea with buldings more then 10 meters high,,DEU,Germany 32.233329,-110.899999,2/26/2008 20:21,2,-9999.00,clear,Moderate to high light pollution.,The location is in central Tucson. It is also located on one of the busiest streets and highly active business districts.,"Although only 2 miles East of Steward Observatory, light from car dealerships and fast food restaurants a substantial hinderance to un-aided veiwing.",USA,United States 52.167499,13.101110,2/26/2008 20:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,We can normaly see 70 % of the sky,There free fields an any smal houses,,DEU,Germany 52.167499,13.101659,2/26/2008 21:30,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,DEU,Germany 37.518533,-120.845799,2/26/2008 20:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 42.967573,-77.594077,2/25/2008 19:55,4,-9999.00,clear,,Observing site is one mile north of a small village,A more accurate estimate would be Magnitude 4.5,USA,United States 39.028370,-77.035436,2/26/2008 20:30,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 51.283212,0.488350,2/26/2008 19:10,4,-9999.00,clear,Pretty good night for my location,2-3km away from large town.,,GBR,United Kingdom 51.155030,4.433400,2/26/2008 22:00,3,-9999.00,clear,glow from streetlamps in the sky (30?),Just outsite the city of Antwerp; suburb,,BEL,Belgium 47.403432,8.573250,2/25/2008 22:00,2,-9999.00,clear,Sky beautifully clear,CH-8051 Z?rich Schwammendingen,,CHE,Switzerland 34.178010,-79.626701,2/25/2008 21:20,5,-9999.00,clear,,,the stars were very bright,USA,United States 34.119998,-79.779997,2/26/2008 21:21,2,-9999.00,clear,A little hazebto the south,,,USA,United States 35.142317,-106.368981,2/26/2008 21:00,5,-9999.00,clear,"Most of Albuquerque city glow is blocked by the Sandia Mtns, although magnitude visible drops off to West of Orion's present location.",Lat-Long from Garmin GPS.,,USA,United States 34.189997,-79.339996,2/26/2008 22:00,2,-9999.00,clear,A little cloudy to the north.,,,USA,United States 34.159999,-79.800003,2/26/2008 21:27,4,-9999.00,clear,"Very Clear, not many clouds.","Alot of trees, but can see orions belt.",Few street lights but not effecting my vision.,USA,United States 34.189997,-79.800003,2/25/2008 18:00,3,-9999.00,clear,clear,i saw his belt,i have a street light,USA,United States 14.649999,121.050008,2/26/2008 19:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,The sky was cloudy because it just rained,,,PHL,Philippines 14.649999,121.050008,2/27/2008 21:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,It was still cloudy,,,PHL,Philippines 34.209703,-79.818076,2/25/2008 20:30,6,-9999.00,clear,Very clear!,My house is new so its not on any of the maps. So the latitude and longitude is not exactly correct.,There was two street lights around my house when I looked or Orion.,USA,United States 34.190250,-79.872519,2/26/2008 19:15,1,-9999.00,clear,,,there was a light pole and a back porch light,USA,United States 10.380000,-61.150001,2/25/2008 20:15,4,18.06,1/4 of sky,,Developing residential area,"I got the sky meter from the National Science Centre, to assist them with this project.",TTO,Trinidad & Tobago 34.187641,-79.796916,2/25/2008 21:45,5,-9999.00,clear,,There was only the lights of my house and two street lights.,"the only light sorce that was around was the lights in my house, and two lights on the light poles.",USA,United States 34.220829,-79.827187,2/25/2008 21:13,3,-9999.00,clear,clear,a couple of lights,,USA,United States 34.178243,-79.834249,2/26/2008 19:30,4,-9999.00,clear,It was very clear it would be hard not to see it unless you were around a lot of lights.,,four houses with lights on and 4 street lights.,USA,United States 34.208900,-79.827529,2/25/2008 21:30,3,-9999.00,clear,,My house lights were on while I was outside and also street lights on.,,USA,United States 34.115002,-79.529999,2/26/2008 19:25,3,-9999.00,clear,clearr as dayy trust me i mean it was like BAMMM i saw it clear right when I looked out my window,,,USA,United States 34.171751,-79.835937,2/25/2008 20:30,6,-9999.00,clear,The sky was very clear.,There are 8 street lights,,USA,United States 34.176498,-79.789491,2/25/2008 20:00,4,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,not alot of stars,there was alot of cars and 3 street lights.,it was in the city,USA,United States 34.236432,-79.787879,2/25/2008 22:00,1,-9999.00,clear,i saw two stars that were going up down and there were spaces between them and two other stars that were up and down but in different location,,there were only two street lights,USA,United States 37.344770,-81.445293,2/26/2008 19:30,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,Really Cloudy,MVMS/JH There was a street light in my way & it was really cloudy out because it was snowing!,,USA,United States 10.380000,-61.169999,2/25/2008 20:15,4,18.06,1/4 of sky,,Developing residential area in the hills,I resubmitted as I gave the wrong Longitude the last time,TTO,Trinidad & Tobago 37.338329,-81.441721,2/26/2008 19:45,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,MVMS/ec-It was snowing.,,USA,United States 10.380000,-61.169999,2/26/2008 19:48,3,18.56,1/4 of sky,,Trinidad and Tobago National Science Grounds,Resubmitted as longitude was incorrect before.,TTO,Trinidad & Tobago 28.150000,-82.460000,2/27/2008 20:04,5,-9999.00,clear,Nothinng but a clear sky,,,USA,United States 45.000001,-92.999999,2/26/2008 20:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,"Suburb, stood in the middle of the street away from the house lights. No street lights near by where we stood. The closest street light was about 320 feet away.",,USA,United States 41.730000,-88.110000,2/25/2008 19:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 37.425332,-81.506888,2/26/2008 20:07,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,MVMS/KT,,USA,United States 38.962421,-77.072695,2/26/2008 19:06,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,Lots of reflected light in clouds.,"Roof of apartment building, half a block away (100m) from major arterial.",,USA,United States 37.643181,-122.469854,2/26/2008 22:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,Occasional momentary glimpses of Mag 1 but overall overcast throughout.,Same throughout pacifica tonight,This is kindsa fun. I have just rigged a laser pinter for my scopes and hope to get SOME use of it soon just to see if it wil work. It is not one that is made especially for the scopebut has a bright laser that should provide a quick and dirty pointing d,USA,United States 49.327261,16.172390,2/26/2008 21:00,6,-9999.00,clear,"On the southern horizon obstructs the observation light pollution (street illumination), but the rest of the sky is OK. The faintest visible stars on the northern horizon are about 6 mag (milky way, chi and h Persei and M 31 are visible too).","Osovß B?t²aka, Czech Republic",,CZE,Czech Republic 37.561877,-121.951525,2/26/2008 21:10,3,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,Total obscurity of Orion at 7:30 PM by low clouds. Huge spots of clearer sky at 9:00 PM,Shaded street light within 50 meters of viewing area. Neighbors house lights on.,Could make out tip of sword.,USA,United States 34.179841,-79.894307,2/26/2008 19:15,2,-9999.00,clear,,,Street light and other house lights on in the neighborhood.,USA,United States 34.270389,-79.701628,2/25/2008 19:46,4,-9999.00,clear,"Some of the stars were hard to see, but the sky was clear.",There were a couple of houses with lights on.,There were about 3 houses with lights on around my house.,USA,United States 34.223739,-79.867089,2/25/2008 20:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,,1 street light that was dim a slim light from the neighbor,USA,United States 34.163609,-79.806212,2/25/2008 20:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,,"there was 1 street light,1 truck and my neighbors windows lights",USA,United States 34.159829,-79.806123,2/25/2008 20:27,4,-9999.00,clear,,,There was a street light right beside my house. Three houses had their lights on. There was a 2 street lights across the street.,USA,United States 34.181320,-79.824414,2/26/2008 18:14,6,-9999.00,clear,extremely clear,,several street lights,USA,United States 34.150000,-79.839994,2/25/2008 19:15,6,-9999.00,clear,Sky condition is clear.,,"One of the most reconizable constellations in the winter and spring sky is orion, the great hunter. There were about three street lights on and a few houses had there lights on but the lights in my house were off. My neighbor had there lights on. I could",USA,United States 34.197207,-79.764862,2/25/2008 19:30,2,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,very very cloudy,there were at least two street lights with in 50 meters,"could not hardly see there was two big oak trees in the distance and about a 1/4 of a mile there was light from a gas station, CVS,and Walgreens.",USA,United States 32.309558,-110.883333,2/26/2008 21:15,4,18.85,clear,,,,USA,United States 35.051998,-78.888514,2/26/2008 22:30,3,-9999.00,clear,mostly clear but obviously city pollution,6th floor of my buildind with hardly any light in the neighbourhood,,USA,United States 35.051998,-78.888514,2/27/2008 22:10,3,-9999.00,clear,mainly clear with clear skies but with city pollution,viewed from the 6th floor of my building with minimal light in the neighbourhood,,USA,United States 44.968620,26.069321,2/27/2008 19:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,ROM,Romania 34.177560,-79.873120,2/25/2008 20:27,4,-9999.00,clear,,,"Street Light, House Spotlight, Flashlight",USA,United States 34.183799,-79.899519,2/25/2008 20:15,7,-9999.00,clear,,,"the light out of a room, it was between two trees.",USA,United States 34.174141,-79.875716,2/26/2008 20:13,2,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,a little cloudy but I could still see some of orion,lights from other houses are on,4 house lights & a street light is on,USA,United States 34.183761,-79.816047,2/25/2008 21:00,5,-9999.00,clear,clear and bright,,"a street right behind me, my living room light,and the light from my neigbhors car.",USA,United States 41.433539,-72.931776,2/25/2008 19:30,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 51.330828,3.207020,2/27/2008 22:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,Zeebrugge in Belgium; a harbour with lots of lightpolution,,BEL,Belgium 49.725160,17.784240,2/27/2008 18:36,2,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,,,CZE,Czech Republic 37.431721,-81.572895,2/26/2008 19:50,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,MVMS/ca,,USA,United States 50.016331,14.458061,2/27/2008 19:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,CZE,Czech Republic 29.749101,-98.664418,2/26/2008 19:45,5,-9999.00,clear,Very clear night.,"Residential neighborhood about 20 miles NNW of San Antonio, Texas. No streetlights.",,USA,United States 27.411021,-80.348488,2/26/2008 22:25,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,Puffy clouds that are grouped. Moving quickly due to the winds.,"In my yard near the city. Even thopugh we have some light polution, I have a decent view of the east and south.",,USA,United States 29.729290,-95.388947,2/26/2008 19:15,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 34.186838,-79.762389,2/26/2008 22:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,,there were 3 street lights,USA,United States 34.168079,-79.803452,2/25/2008 21:30,3,-9999.00,clear,,,There were two light poles.,USA,United States 34.149231,-79.861461,2/25/2008 20:00,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,It was a little foggie but not that much,,"There were three street lights, two porch lights,and the lights of three houses were on also.",USA,United States 34.202920,-79.775558,2/25/2008 23:44,1,-9999.00,clear,,,The amount of light that was outside was a street light. And no cars pass by.,USA,United States 34.173301,-80.066995,2/25/2008 19:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,"At my house there was 1 light pole light and one porch light shining, so i couldnt see all of Orion ,but i could see his head,neck,sholders,foot and knee.",USA,United States 34.251479,-79.822720,2/25/2008 22:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,"There was only one street light, but it wasn't really bright so it didn't effect my vison of the stars.",USA,United States 34.145301,-79.848518,2/25/2008 19:15,4,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,some clouds were in the sky,,there was three light poles and two house lights,USA,United States 34.220440,-79.756665,2/25/2008 22:00,1,-9999.00,clear,covered by three trees,,there was a light in front of my houes,USA,United States 42.343047,-71.508877,2/25/2008 21:10,4,-9999.00,clear,,In parking lot with some lights,Eyes not dark adapted so actual conditions may have been slightly better,USA,United States 49.774058,17.749380,2/27/2008 19:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,Z` V?tkov Komensk?ho 754 74901 V?tkov okres Opava,CZE,Czech Republic 45.732891,27.853821,2/27/2008 20:34,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,ROM,Romania 40.860002,-81.860002,2/26/2008 20:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,Heavy snow. Zero visibility.,,,USA,United States 40.980001,-81.379996,2/26/2008 20:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 32.230000,-110.919998,2/25/2008 19:45,5,-9999.00,clear,"No clouds tonight, very clear.",There are two lights within 50 m. One was partly shielded and the other was shielded by my hand.,The sky was very spectacular tonight. There was a bright star I could see very clearly. It was amazing.,USA,United States 41.050000,-81.500003,2/26/2008 20:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 41.040001,-81.519995,2/26/2008 20:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 41.040001,-81.510002,2/26/2008 20:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 27.367791,-80.317916,2/26/2008 22:35,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 49.772190,17.759510,2/27/2008 20:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,CZE,Czech Republic 41.050000,-81.489997,2/26/2008 20:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,Heavy snow. Zero visibility.,,,USA,United States 49.774218,17.753031,2/27/2008 20:12,2,-9999.00,clear,,,,CZE,Czech Republic 41.040001,-81.489997,2/26/2008 20:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,Heavy snow. Zero visibility.,,,USA,United States 41.050000,-81.480004,2/26/2008 20:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,Heavy Snow. Zero Visibility.,,,USA,United States 41.430001,-87.681802,2/26/2008 18:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,outside my wokshop in SW Chicago,,USA,United States 41.040001,-81.500003,2/26/2008 20:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,heavy snow. zero vizualazation,,,USA,United States 59.580000,17.819999,2/27/2008 19:00,4,-9999.00,clear,Small patchy clouds,"Knivsta, Sweden",Naked eye observation,SWE,Sweden 41.050000,-81.519995,2/26/2008 18:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,"very cloudy, heavey snowfall",,,USA,United States 40.140141,-74.730555,2/26/2008 20:30,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 41.040001,-81.489997,2/26/2008 20:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,It was snowing.,,,USA,United States 41.040001,-81.489997,2/26/2008 19:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,heavy snow. couldnt see sky,,,USA,United States 51.448847,6.908640,2/27/2008 20:02,3,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,,,DEU,Germany 39.660197,-104.762200,2/26/2008 19:35,2,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,Clouds to the west and north,One path light (aprrox 8 ft high) 10 behind me,,USA,United States 46.209279,21.342239,2/26/2008 20:30,5,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,a litlle bit cloudy...,polluated zone near arad city,,ROM,Romania 27.320000,-97.889998,2/25/2008 20:15,5,-9999.00,clear,,Gass station & wiegh station across the street & highway in front of house.,Observed in the back of the house.,USA,United States 64.666701,-163.416702,2/26/2008 20:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 52.191661,-2.225000,2/26/2008 20:30,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,GBR,United Kingdom 50.087809,14.420461,2/27/2008 20:50,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,CZE,Czech Republic 50.016331,14.458061,2/27/2008 21:00,3,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,,,CZE,Czech Republic 41.783330,1.816660,2/27/2008 21:07,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,ESP,Spain 34.200000,-118.650003,2/26/2008 19:00,4,-9999.00,clear,Very clear.,On a residential street with streetlights.,,USA,United States 37.389432,-81.409899,2/26/2008 21:46,2,-9999.00,clear,MMS/CB It was dark and i saw stars and snow.,,,USA,United States 32.000000,-109.999999,2/26/2008 21:00,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 40.419997,-104.699997,2/26/2008 19:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,"Greeley, Colorado",,USA,United States 53.336029,-6.529850,2/27/2008 12:56,1,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,IRL,Ireland -45.574161,-72.052226,2/26/2008 22:20,4,-9999.00,clear,totalmente despejado humedad de 30%,,patio de mi casa solo con el reflejo de luces de los vecinos,CHL,Chile 41.016191,29.042279,2/27/2008 19:55,3,-9999.00,clear,slight foggy,,,TUR,Turkey 44.571602,26.020900,2/27/2008 18:21,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,ROM,Romania -45.341500,-72.042096,2/26/2008 22:30,1,-9999.00,clear,totalmente despejado,"centro de la ciudad de Coyhaique, centro principal","solo fue posible observar una estrella de orion Betelgeuse, lo que significa que logre ver manitud 0.5",CHL,Chile 44.950001,26.017000,2/27/2008 21:30,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,ROM,Romania 41.700002,-88.100001,2/26/2008 18:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 41.700002,-88.100001,2/26/2008 18:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 41.700002,-88.100001,2/26/2008 18:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 50.358572,18.866779,2/27/2008 22:35,3,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,There was very windy and cloudy. We've seen only three stars of Orion's belt in window between clouds.,"look at:,+Warszawska&Submit=Szukaj&long=18.8667857&lat=50.3585718&type=2&scale=1",,POL,Poland 41.700002,-88.100001,2/26/2008 18:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 41.700002,-88.100001,2/26/2008 18:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 41.700002,-88.100001,2/26/2008 18:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 41.700002,-88.100001,2/26/2008 18:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 41.700002,-88.100001,2/26/2008 19:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 41.761300,-88.119392,2/26/2008 20:40,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 42.700000,-88.100001,2/26/2008 18:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 33.651082,-117.746738,2/25/2008 21:30,3,-9999.00,clear,A fair amount of light polution but no cloud cover.,"Irvine, CA - USA", SC124 C001 Fall 07,USA,United States 41.700002,-88.100001,2/26/2008 18:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 41.700002,-88.100001,2/26/2008 18:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 41.700002,-88.100001,2/26/2008 18:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 41.700002,-88.100001,2/26/2008 18:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 41.700002,-88.100001,2/26/2008 18:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 41.700002,-88.100001,2/26/2008 18:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 41.700002,-88.100001,2/26/2008 18:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 41.700002,-88.100001,2/26/2008 18:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 41.700002,-88.100001,2/26/2008 18:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 41.700002,-88.100001,2/26/2008 18:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,Cold!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,Cold!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,Cold!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,USA,United States 41.700002,-88.100001,2/26/2008 18:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 37.366049,-81.551844,2/26/2008 19:30,-9999,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,it snowing and it hard to see and cloudy,MVHS/BJF,,USA,United States 37.359137,-81.520521,2/27/2008 19:40,-9999,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,MVHS/BJF,,USA,United States 32.139998,-111.009999,2/26/2008 20:04,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 39.142588,-76.602819,2/27/2008 18:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 27.551942,-82.443068,2/27/2008 19:06,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 41.700002,-88.100001,2/27/2008 18:00,-9999,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 39.087089,-77.152936,2/27/2008 19:07,2,-9999.00,clear,Clear and cold after yesterday's rain.,"Sidewalk of a busy arterial. This stretch is not lit by streetlights but it is immediately around the corner from a street lined with very bright cobra-head lights; at the intersection there are stoplights. Orion was directly overhead, slightly to the so","Visibility was slightly better than Magnitude 2: I could see all three stars in Orion's belt, not very brightly, but his lower left foot was just barely visible, and I couldn't see his head at all.",USA,United States 32.110000,-111.000000,2/26/2008 20:20,7,-9999.00,clear,beautiful amazing wonderful,i needed som help,looking into the sky at the stars was so beautiful to see with someone you love !!!!!!!,USA,United States 18.180000,-66.980004,2/27/2008 20:25,6,-9999.00,clear,,,,PRI,Puerto Rico 37.389432,-81.409899,2/26/2008 21:46,-9999,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,MVMS/CB IT WAS TO CLOUDS TO SEE AND I SAW A LITTLE STARS AND SNOW,,,USA,United States 43.155707,-77.812554,2/27/2008 19:30,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,MVMS/CC,,USA,United States 37.389432,-81.409899,2/27/2008 19:18,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,MVMS/CB It was to cloud to and dark to and i saw snow.,,,USA,United States 37.430000,-81.569999,2/27/2008 19:30,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,MVMS/CC,,USA,United States 36.227310,-115.323755,2/26/2008 20:32,4,17.99,clear,"sky was extremely clear, but i could not see the moon.","Because i was at the entrance of my complex, location was fairly decsent despite the continous stream of incoming and ongoing cars.",,USA,United States 37.389432,-81.409899,2/26/2008 19:34,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,too cloudy,,,USA,United States 40.002997,-75.277298,2/27/2008 19:30,3,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,Alot of trees,,USA,United States 37.366049,-81.551844,2/27/2008 19:35,3,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,I was able to see the o rayns belt,,,USA,United States 39.998298,-75.275597,2/27/2008 19:30,3,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,It was grayish,Lots of trees,,USA,United States 37.257531,-81.217663,2/27/2008 19:42,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,Very cludy and its snowing again today...,MVMS/JJ,,USA,United States 34.303768,-79.847746,2/27/2008 19:35,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 39.999999,-75.019997,2/27/2008 19:48,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 39.460831,-82.233613,2/27/2008 19:40,-9999,17.50,over 1/2 of sky,full cloud cover,Nelsonville Public Library,,USA,United States 37.471070,-81.663162,2/27/2008 19:48,1,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,MVMS/AR,,USA,United States 26.522340,-81.893954,2/27/2008 19:21,3,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,Broken clouds we could see the stars between the clouds.,Streetlights nearby and many houses. We were on the sidewalk in front of Grandma and Grandpas's house.,A little chilly outside. We couldn't stay outside too long.,USA,United States 39.083329,-76.650002,2/26/2008 22:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,rained out,sub-suburban/semi rural,,USA,United States 39.999999,-73.999998,2/27/2008 20:00,3,17.99,clear,,,,USA,United States 39.999999,-73.999998,2/27/2008 20:02,3,18.10,clear,,,,USA,United States 35.246539,-84.876220,2/27/2008 19:30,2,18.57,over 1/2 of sky,"cloudy, could only spot a few stars",,,USA,United States 42.611081,-83.186766,2/27/2008 20:20,2,-9999.00,clear,pretty clear,,none,USA,United States 30.138572,-85.723061,2/27/2008 19:14,3,-9999.00,clear,"Globe at night observations from the hotel parking lot, it was very hard to find a spot that is not influenced by artificial light.",,"Feels Like: 47?, Barometer: 30.19 in and rising, Humidity: 34%, Visibility: 10 mi, Dewpoint: 20? Wind: NNW 10 mph",USA,United States 32.656261,-84.966659,2/27/2008 20:20,3,-9999.00,clear,,fortson GA,,USA,United States 41.040001,-81.489997,2/27/2008 20:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,Cloudy.,,,USA,United States 41.700002,-88.100001,2/26/2008 18:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 39.964400,-75.056061,2/27/2008 18:20,3,-9999.00,clear,I didnt see the red star,"575 Loxley DR 08753,Toms River,NJ",,USA,United States 34.344619,-79.789553,2/27/2008 20:30,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States -36.619161,-72.099716,2/27/2008 22:00,5,-9999.00,clear,It's more iluminated in the west.,There is a light in an adjacent house.I'm in downtown.,I can see the Milk Way whitout problems.,CHL,Chile 32.391701,-84.943866,2/27/2008 20:39,3,-9999.00,clear,"The sky is very clear yet I can not see as many stars as I usually can. Later at night, the sky is littered with stars even up to magnitude 4.","Ft Benning, GA is near Columbus, GA in western GA. The sky right over Ft Benning has very few lights but the surrounding area of Columbus is riddled with light pollution thus causing many wonderful stars not to be seen.", SC124 C001 Fall 07,USA,United States 38.818328,-77.418330,2/27/2008 20:30,4,-9999.00,clear,,"Clifton, VA","Limit was between 4 and 5. I could see 31 ori (so five ""belt"" stars)",USA,United States 39.037232,-94.677207,2/27/2008 19:50,4,-9999.00,clear,"~magnitude 3.5 if I have lights shining in my eyes, ~4.5 if I can avoid them. 4-4.5 is highly typical of the KC area.",,,USA,United States 40.007000,-75.234445,2/27/2008 20:45,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,The sky was completely cloudy. I could not see anything but clouds in all directions.,"I went outside tonight into my driveway and tried to find Orion. Unfortunately, I was unable to locate any stars.",,USA,United States 34.296231,-79.881029,2/27/2008 20:58,4,-9999.00,clear,,"Location is my backyard about 7/10ths of a mile from downtown Darlington, S.C. There are a number of yard security lights and lots of utility pole mounted floodlights in the area.",Quite a bit of light pollution visible. This is my third year observing for Globe at NIght and the sky has brightened each year.,USA,United States 38.350290,-81.632843,2/27/2008 21:02,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,MVMS/ee,,USA,United States 34.303768,-79.847746,2/27/2008 19:35,4,-9999.00,clear,,"Observed from a relative's yard east of tdhe city of Darlington, S.C.",,USA,United States 34.344619,-79.789553,2/27/2008 20:35,5,-9999.00,clear,,"Observation made from a farm east of Darlington, S.C.",,USA,United States 37.431721,-81.572895,2/27/2008 21:10,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,MVMS/ca,,USA,United States 42.611129,-83.186540,2/27/2008 20:30,2,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 36.587817,-86.563311,2/27/2008 20:10,3,-9999.00,clear,orange-y due to the street lighting,South looking into a street light,from my front yard (looking south),USA,United States 39.028469,-77.035491,2/27/2008 21:10,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.260349,-110.930072,2/27/2008 19:15,4,-9999.00,clear,The sky is very clear tonight but not that many stars were visible.,,,USA,United States 41.770001,-88.139999,2/27/2008 19:55,1,-9999.00,clear,,,Parking lot lights near,USA,United States 26.739120,-80.083674,2/27/2008 21:12,2,-9999.00,clear,Not Very Stary,,Planes,USA,United States 30.327430,-95.229134,2/27/2008 20:30,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 45.324903,-75.906979,2/27/2008 21:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,CAN,Canada 32.228432,-110.956908,2/27/2008 19:30,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 34.303768,-79.871180,2/27/2008 21:27,3,-9999.00,clear,,"Downtown city square of Darlington, S.C.","With all of the ""Historical"" fixtures around the square, even third magnitude stars can be difficult to see.",USA,United States 42.188839,-83.312148,2/27/2008 21:30,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,We are cloudy and cold,,USA,United States 33.994490,-84.048947,2/25/2008 20:28,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.259219,-111.017628,2/27/2008 19:15,4,-9999.00,clear,"The sky was very clear, no clouds, and the stars were actually pretty bright.","There are a lot of house lights around where I was at, but I could still clearly make out Orion.","Orion was extremely easy to find! Before I even finished saying, ""Where is Orion,"" I found it, and I had no idea which direction to look.",USA,United States 33.755563,-96.574866,2/27/2008 20:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,A lot of street lights block my night vision.,,USA,United States 41.797903,-88.159171,2/27/2008 20:20,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,"There are two street lights within 50 m, one shielded from my view and one not shielded.",,USA,United States 33.994900,-84.048947,2/26/2008 18:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,I could not see even one star in the sky because the clouds were so thick,,,USA,United States 32.229409,-110.951014,2/27/2008 19:31,2,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,scattered clouds somewhat covered orion,,,USA,United States 38.583329,-90.633332,2/27/2008 20:25,4,18.59,clear,,Suburban St. Louis County,,USA,United States -29.931941,-71.228607,2/27/2008 23:00,5,19.26,clear,Milky Way visible from Sirius down to the SE.Light pollution from La Serena and Coquimbo clear affects Orion region.No moon. Sunset ~8.25pm,"On Eastern edge of La Serena Coquimbo conurbation. Considerable light pollution gradient across Orion. In garden, well clear of buildings and other obstructions. All nearby lights off. SQM readings taken towards zenith (SQM at arm's length above head) ab","SQM 1277 (MGS) gave mean of 3 readings of 19.26 at15C (after 1 hour stabilzation, 11pm)SQM 1259 (Gemini 2) gave mean of 3 readings of 19.31 at 16C (~11pm)SQM 1503 (Gemini 5) gave mean of 3 readings of 19.35 at 16C (~11pm)Age 65. With glasses. My wife usu",CHL,Chile 32.229542,-110.951014,2/27/2008 20:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.222240,-110.804970,2/27/2008 19:28,6,-9999.00,clear,clear as crystal,Busy street with bright shopping center,,USA,United States 38.579442,-90.531111,2/27/2008 20:15,4,-9999.00,clear,"high humidty, clear but transparency was slightly below average",Suburban area street lights near by but blocked. High humidty,,USA,United States 33.994490,-84.048947,2/27/2008 21:30,4,-9999.00,clear,Although I reported mag.4 there were some stars I saw in the mag.5 category. But I didn't see all. If there were a 4 1/2 that is what I would have reported.,,,USA,United States 32.240002,-111.029998,2/27/2008 19:30,6,-9999.00,clear,"A very clear sky, only the part closer to the surface was more hazy","Tucson, Az","Orion was very visible, various stars around it, could have been anywhere between a 5 and a 7 on the chart so I chose 6",USA,United States 35.544998,-97.300771,2/27/2008 20:15,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.316661,-111.066676,2/27/2008 19:40,4,-9999.00,clear,Transperancy- Good,Only Half of the sports park lights were on tonight two miles east across the Santa Cruz river.,,USA,United States 31.890549,-110.948889,2/27/2008 19:45,6,-9999.00,clear,"Very clear. Some turbulence. Canopus, on the horizon, twinkling alot.",,,USA,United States 35.380858,-97.405895,2/27/2008 19:15,-9999,17.15,over 1/2 of sky,There were a few holes but only two stars of Orion could be seen from this location.,Dead end road far enough away from I-240 that no car lights can be seen.,Just took a reading to see what I would get wih clouds.,USA,United States 37.651001,-121.036307,2/27/2008 19:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,Latitude:37.651Longlitude:-121.0363,,USA,United States 39.705768,-104.804779,2/27/2008 19:37,4,-9999.00,clear,"The Magnitude is really between 3 and 4. I live in a neighborhood with a lot of houses, so the stars are sometimes difficult to see. When I go just a few miles away from my house, I can always see more stars.",Neighborhood suburban setting.,,USA,United States 44.792241,-106.958570,2/26/2008 19:00,6,-9999.00,clear,"Clear night from near downtown Sheridan, WY",,,USA,United States 39.270261,-84.506946,2/27/2008 21:52,2,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 35.365002,-97.527861,2/27/2008 20:20,3,17.53,clear,One hour later from first reading clouds moved out and Orion's belt could be seen along with the rest of the stars.,Apartment complex with 4 different kinds of lighting...all bad.,Took several readings from different vatange points trying to stay out of light but it was hopeless.,USA,United States 32.202122,-111.021959,2/27/2008 20:01,4,-9999.00,clear,clear,great view of sky,live on mountain with a good view of stars,USA,United States 32.235098,-110.926746,2/27/2008 20:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 38.658280,-121.548339,2/27/2008 19:04,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.229289,-110.950795,2/27/2008 20:06,3,-9999.00,clear,clear skies,Dimly lit bench area,,USA,United States 36.880901,-80.499804,2/27/2008 22:00,7,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 41.794109,-88.194128,2/27/2008 21:02,1,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 32.245962,-110.857932,2/27/2008 20:08,4,-9999.00,clear,The sky was clear and very easy to pick out the constellations.,With apartment complex with surrounding city lights.,"This observation was taken at 8:08pm on Feb 27, 2008 with clear skies and do to surrounding city lights the sky was a little hard to see.",USA,United States 39.659999,-75.739995,2/27/2008 20:45,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.241638,-110.883347,2/26/2008 22:55,3,-9999.00,clear,good visibility.,"Dark, no street lights.",,USA,United States 38.690798,-77.318301,2/27/2008 20:00,3,19.15,clear,,Cotton Mill Drive near Lake Ridge Golf Course. 150 meters from street light,Houses with interior lights about 150 yards away,USA,United States 32.241638,-110.883347,2/27/2008 20:22,3,-9999.00,clear,good visibility.,"Dark, no street lights.",,USA,United States 39.077899,-76.659202,2/27/2008 22:15,4,18.71,clear,transparent; temp -4C,,,USA,United States 32.160000,-111.029998,2/25/2008 20:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.230000,-110.960002,2/27/2008 20:25,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.160000,-111.029998,2/27/2008 20:30,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 38.690102,-77.357698,2/27/2008 20:15,3,19.30,clear,No clouds visible,Asee Lane about 200 meters from Davis Ford Road. No lights or houses nearby.,,USA,United States 32.228470,-110.950993,2/27/2008 20:29,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 38.680399,-77.219202,2/27/2008 20:50,3,18.93,clear,"No clouds visible, some haze to north up to 45 degrees",,,USA,United States 32.160000,-111.029998,2/27/2008 20:34,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 36.265258,-115.233187,2/27/2008 19:22,4,-9999.00,clear,"The light for the Las Vegas Strip makes the stars hard to see, because the sky is so bright.","There are not any street lights by my house or many houses close by, so i can see the stars at a higher magnitude than people that live in a housing development. At this time, I can't find the moon from my location.",,USA,United States 31.857942,-110.951601,2/27/2008 20:33,7,-9999.00,clear,Sky glow to the north from Tucson,,,USA,United States 38.689589,-77.889517,2/27/2008 21:30,3,19.12,clear,No clouds visible. No haze seen.,Deck on back of my house. Street light on other side of house about 100 meters. Some houses about 150 meters behind my deck.,Temperature about 27 degrees,USA,United States 32.256709,-110.922429,2/27/2008 20:25,3,-9999.00,clear,"Very clear, no clouds.","My house, which is far north almost at the base of the mountain.",,USA,United States 32.189999,-110.949996,2/27/2008 20:40,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 30.466660,-87.459445,2/25/2008 21:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 30.781750,-87.361555,2/26/2008 22:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 38.689589,-77.289519,2/27/2008 21:30,3,19.12,clear,No clouds or haze observed,My deck behind house. Street light about 100 meters in front of house blocked.,,USA,United States 32.250159,-110.941069,2/27/2008 20:51,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.262033,-110.932265,2/27/2008 20:22,4,-9999.00,clear,,"I'm in Tucson, Arizona, so the sky is usually perfectly clearLight pollution isn't too bad here, most of the city isn't too densely lit",,USA,United States 30.479999,-87.860002,2/27/2008 21:30,4,-9999.00,clear,magnitude obscured a little by security lights,"front porch, 2 security lights within 200 feet- 2 lights around 600 feet",temp ranged from 40-50 degrees,USA,United States 40.202750,-79.930350,2/27/2008 21:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,"Member of NSN club, Amateur Astronomers of Pittsburgh",,,USA,United States 34.706759,-86.750909,2/27/2008 21:00,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 35.354999,-97.209718,2/27/2008 21:55,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 34.815878,-86.515267,2/27/2008 21:00,4,19.35,1/4 of sky,"clouds not really a factor. mostly near horizon with none at zenith. Estimate 10% coverage.Clear Sky Clock for VBAS observatory was 20% cloud, above average transparency, poor seeing, and dark sky.",rural subdivision with moderate light pollution from porch lights and high pressure soduim streetlights. Most of the direct light blocked by houses. Took readings from multiple locations in yard to verify there were no stray light or shadows.,"air was cold so allowed meter to adjust from 20 C down to 10 C, but it did not change readings.There were snow flurries at lunch, but no snow on the ground.",USA,United States 43.597401,-116.299926,2/27/2008 21:02,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.242451,-110.922122,2/27/2008 20:30,5,-9999.00,clear,its a little hazy all over,my neighbor has a really lighted yard,,USA,United States 37.691958,-96.975456,2/24/2008 19:43,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,Pea soup. No stars for me.,My back yard. A few lights in my eyes but mostly in shade and after letting my eyes adjust.,"Observed with slightly low resolution eyeballs, less rods then I'm supposed to have so even in perfect condition nightvision is slightly below optimal.",USA,United States 37.692057,-96.975702,2/26/2008 20:52,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,"Possibly slightly less then 1/4, but closer to it then clear.",My back yard. A few lights in my eyes but mostly in shade and after letting my eyes adjust.,"Observed with slightly low resolution eyeballs, less rods then I'm supposed to have so even in perfect condition nightvision is slightly below optimal.Some mag 5s visible, but very few",USA,United States 32.249998,-111.040004,2/27/2008 21:00,5,-9999.00,clear,clear sky,in the desert but still a little light pollution.,,USA,United States 38.540138,-121.491416,2/27/2008 20:16,5,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,"Sky was clear at the beginning of observation, but light cloud cover moved in over Orion within a few minutes",On the rooftop of a 4-story building,,USA,United States 38.540138,-121.491416,2/27/2008 20:02,5,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,Good conditions to start then a layer of haze came in at the end of the observation,Roof at Sacramento City College,,USA,United States 37.692057,-96.975702,2/27/2008 21:07,5,-9999.00,clear,Crisp and clear,My back yard. A few lights in my eyes but mostly in shade and after letting my eyes adjust.,"Observed with slightly low resolution eyeballs, less rods then I'm supposed to have so even in perfect condition nightvision is slightly below optimal.A few of the mag5 chart can't be seen, but very few.",USA,United States 37.436902,-120.776623,2/26/2008 21:00,3,-9999.00,clear,"Again very clear, without any light pollution.",,,USA,United States 38.540138,-121.491416,2/27/2008 20:06,5,-9999.00,clear,Rather clear.,On top of a three story building.,,USA,United States 38.540138,-121.491416,2/27/2008 20:00,5,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,"transparency of orion good at beginning of observation. seeing decent, winds not moving quickly. clouds eventually moved over orion, halting observation.",,,USA,United States 37.436902,-120.776623,2/27/2008 20:20,3,-9999.00,clear,Still very clear. I do think that with no moonlight helps to make it that much clearer.,,,USA,United States 32.414879,-110.988320,2/27/2008 21:14,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 36.238050,-115.316392,2/27/2008 19:49,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.213081,-110.967010,2/27/2008 20:00,3,-9999.00,clear,"Clear sky, sparse but highly defined stars.",From my house in central Tucson.,,USA,United States 32.200001,-111.000000,2/27/2008 21:26,4,-9999.00,clear,Strong glow from Tucson to west of my location.,,,USA,United States 37.657230,-121.042085,2/27/2008 20:29,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 34.589690,-84.002127,2/27/2008 22:00,5,-9999.00,clear,Mostly clear with light fluffy clouds afloat. Temp at time of observation -4? C. Winds brisk. Barometric pressure about 30.18in.,Jim@MilkyWay where MilkyWay is the name of my farm. My elevation here is about 1450 ft.,"I estimate my seeing to be just under 5, like maybe magnitude 4.8. As stated above, my observing time placed Orion well to the west.",USA,United States 32.153570,-110.933959,2/27/2008 21:37,4,-9999.00,clear,Sky was very clear,Close to the Airport so there is not a lot of light polution,,USA,United States 53.450001,-2.316660,2/27/2008 23:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,GBR,United Kingdom 38.540138,-121.491416,2/27/2008 20:34,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,Light pollution from surrounding neighbor and school,Three story roof,,USA,United States 38.540002,-121.484996,2/27/2008 20:00,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,Partial clouds in the sky and some slight haze effects from air pollution.,"Not the best place to view stars from, to many building and street lights in the nearby area.",,USA,United States 32.000000,-109.999999,2/27/2008 21:40,4,-9999.00,clear,Sky was very clear,,,USA,United States 27.562499,-82.545199,2/27/2008 21:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 27.562499,-82.545199,2/26/2008 21:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,"front moving through, thunderstorms",,USA,United States 41.576581,-111.797172,2/27/2008 21:45,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 32.408278,-111.010969,2/27/2008 20:39,5,-9999.00,clear,Perfectly clear,I stood in my backyard and the lights were on about 10 feet away.,,USA,United States 32.228432,-110.956908,2/27/2008 21:45,4,-9999.00,clear,,,Live on campus so there is more light then in many other areas surrounding.,USA,United States 32.216998,-110.970999,2/27/2008 21:48,2,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 61.529998,-149.519999,2/26/2008 21:05,5,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 35.360340,-97.510246,2/27/2008 22:15,4,-9999.00,clear,very clear nite.,,,USA,United States 36.233003,-115.246697,2/27/2008 21:22,4,-9999.00,clear,clear skies,Great view of the constellation,really easy to find,USA,United States 39.663479,-105.434577,2/27/2008 20:50,4,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 36.172999,-115.123002,2/27/2008 21:08,4,-9999.00,clear,clear skies,las vegas has a lot of light polution,easy to find,USA,United States 36.130000,-115.270002,2/27/2008 20:30,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.229180,-110.950993,2/26/2008 20:25,2,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,"It was a bit cloudy, it was cloudier earlier.","It was in a parking lot, with minimal lights, but building obstructions.",It is a bit chilly outside.,USA,United States 32.333327,-110.899999,2/27/2008 20:38,3,-9999.00,clear,Sky illuminated more by car dealerships and restaurants than the stars.,Located on one of busiest streets in central Tucson. Too many lights for satifactory veiwing.,Tucson wasn't always like this. It was great for stargazing a few years ago.,USA,United States 32.227828,-110.943944,2/27/2008 21:35,3,-9999.00,clear,Pretty clear night.,"It is in a parking lot with minimal light, but building obstructions",It is nice weather.,USA,United States 34.262298,-118.745175,2/27/2008 21:30,5,-9999.00,clear,,Backtard in a suburb.,"The sky was closer to the 5 chart than the 4. If you allowed intermediate values, I would say 4.7.",USA,United States 33.641547,-117.808783,2/27/2008 21:30,4,-9999.00,clear,very clear night,dark street,"Use averted vision, 15 minutes dark adaption",USA,United States 38.349330,-122.690456,2/27/2008 21:41,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,A light amount of Fog covers the sky. Only the brightest stars are visable. All the stars in Mag 3 are visable. Most of the stars in mag 4 are visable but not all.,,,USA,United States 32.237301,-110.956847,2/27/2008 21:47,2,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.237301,-110.956847,2/27/2008 18:24,2,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 37.280521,-122.119356,2/27/2008 21:47,5,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,"Some high wispy clouds to the north, but the area of Orion looks pretty good. Mag 5 stars were clear, occasionally I could see Mag 6 with peripheral vision but not direct.",In a canyon southwent of the Silicon Valley.,,USA,United States 29.919999,-95.069997,2/27/2008 22:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,"Semi-rural location on the northeast edge of the Houston, Texas, USA metropolitian area.","I could actually see stars a bit dimmer than 4th mag. The dimmest I could definitely see was 32 Ori, which is mag 4.2 according to the Bright Star Catalog. I used the BSC found online here:",USA,United States 39.999999,-105.000000,2/27/2008 22:00,5,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,"P/C, clear around Orion.","Just East of Boulder, Colorado","Seeing quality deteriorates here each night as a nocturnal inversion develops. 25 years ago, the same location regularly presented Magnitude 7+ visibility.",USA,United States 37.471070,-81.663162,2/27/2008 21:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,mvms/jf,,USA,United States 36.150002,-115.230004,2/27/2008 21:58,3,-9999.00,clear,Pretty clear and dark. Very low humidity.,About 5 miles west of Las Vegas Strip.,,USA,United States 37.720000,-122.139997,2/27/2008 22:01,1,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 34.818853,-82.919924,2/27/2008 21:30,5,-9999.00,clear,"very clear, no clouds or haze",no nearby streetlights or strong light sources,,USA,United States 37.875779,-122.279538,2/27/2008 19:45,4,-9999.00,clear,"Some cloud in the sky, but not across Orion.",On hilltop above the city.,,USA,United States 33.990003,-117.879995,2/27/2008 21:45,3,-9999.00,clear,It's clear.,California 91748,Stars are not clear to see.,USA,United States 33.990003,-117.879995,2/27/2008 21:45,3,-9999.00,clear,Sky was clear,California CA 91748,the stars were not clear to see.,USA,United States 38.349282,-122.690306,2/27/2008 22:36,4,-9999.00,clear,Fog now gone. Better than mag 4. The two dimmer stars making up the sword can now be seen.,,,USA,United States 39.630482,-104.985198,2/26/2008 20:15,3,-9999.00,clear,"It was clear by that time of night. Atmosphere was fairly stable, not much twinkling.","Suburban Denver Metro area, directly south of downtown Denver. No street lights on my street, but plenty of glare to the north.","Some nights are better than others, I'd say on the best night in the city you can get to magnitude 4. I've never seen worse than 2 in south Denver.",USA,United States 39.002153,-105.047073,2/27/2008 19:30,4,-9999.00,clear,,,My nephew & niece rated magnitude 5 as a better choice,USA,United States 44.035783,-123.157245,2/27/2008 19:28,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 52.497770,13.395830,2/27/2008 19:00,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,Some clouds on the sky.,,,DEU,Germany 52.497770,13.395830,2/27/2008 21:30,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,Some clouds on the sky,,,DEU,Germany 19.164199,72.844200,2/27/2008 22:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,In suburban mumbai.,,IND,India 33.434941,-111.828406,2/26/2008 20:00,2,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 33.434941,-111.828406,2/27/2008 20:30,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 50.209708,15.804639,2/26/2008 19:00,4,-9999.00,clear,Sky was really clear,,,CZE,Czech Republic 51.307800,4.752500,2/27/2008 22:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,BEL,Belgium 50.645190,15.966891,2/27/2008 19:30,5,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,"Strong wind, the Orion was seen very good, the clouds didn?t cover the Orion.",GPS,,CZE,Czech Republic 14.649999,121.050008,2/28/2008 19:35,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,PHL,Philippines 40.428829,-3.535850,2/26/2008 19:30,3,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,The zone of Orion it's completly clear.In perfect conditions whith my sky I can't see the head of Orion.,,,ESP,Spain 42.608841,-83.119243,2/27/2008 20:59,1,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,looks foogy,very cloudy,,USA,United States 35.239702,139.599463,2/27/2008 20:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,located along a bay....most likely more moisture in the air than farther inland,,JPN,Japan 44.238930,-76.068500,2/27/2008 21:15,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,"Front yard, outside of town but with several near neighbors.",,USA,United States 34.499999,-97.500001,2/27/2008 19:30,2,-9999.00,clear,,Many yellow tinted street lights in area.,,USA,United States 53.371409,-3.153880,2/26/2008 18:00,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,GBR,United Kingdom 40.860002,-81.860002,2/27/2008 20:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,light snow,,,USA,United States 41.358701,21.575649,2/25/2008 20:24,4,-9999.00,clear,Clear sky.But there is some smoke.,House lights are 10m away.There are two street lights.,This is street with many houses.,MKD,Macedonia 38.424100,-78.880174,2/27/2008 20:30,5,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,"In a park, away from many lights",,USA,United States 61.585009,-149.571826,2/27/2008 19:30,6,-9999.00,clear,it was clear,,,USA,United States 38.724997,-91.221001,2/27/2008 21:00,5,20.68,clear,better than average night,,,USA,United States 32.280700,-111.080903,2/25/2008 19:30,6,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 8.639720,99.897186,2/28/2008 21:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,The observation site is near the building.,,THA,Thailand 51.956522,6.500620,2/27/2008 20:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,NLD,Netherlands 41.084838,-81.515603,2/27/2008 20:00,-9999,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,could not see O Ryan,,,USA,United States 41.038331,-81.518226,2/27/2008 20:00,-9999,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,O Ryan was not visible.,,,USA,United States 41.035500,-81.507523,2/27/2008 20:00,-9999,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,O' Ryan was not visible because it snowed once again.,,,USA,United States 32.196590,-110.959182,2/27/2008 22:26,4,-9999.00,clear,"The sky was jet black, there was nothing to block my view.",There is a street light about 60 yards away and people's porch lights are on.,"The only reason, I think, i didn't check box #7 is because of my altitude. It was still beautiful though.",USA,United States 39.240130,-82.119986,2/27/2008 21:00,3,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,"we live 15 minutes outside of Athens, so except for our neighbor's %#! secuity light, we have a pretty dark sky.",,USA,United States 37.057898,-121.991345,2/27/2008 21:15,4,-9999.00,clear,"Good at zenith and down about 20 degrees but light pollution to north, west, and south knocks out lower angle views. No moon.",,,USA,United States 40.700001,-73.699995,2/27/2008 20:40,1,-9999.00,clear,high thin cloud cover,overabundance of backyard lighting,,USA,United States 34.180141,-79.863858,2/27/2008 21:45,4,-9999.00,clear,,one street light couple of trees and 2 house lit,,USA,United States 37.017730,-121.597981,2/27/2008 20:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,From a well lit suburban street.,,USA,United States 39.822841,-105.002458,2/27/2008 19:15,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,"There was a light breeze throughout the observation, which blew clouds over part of the constelation.",The only thing bad was that the street light blocked a lot of my viewing.,This was interesting,USA,United States 40.700001,-73.699995,2/26/2008 18:35,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,rain,,,USA,United States -29.887070,-71.250519,2/24/2008 23:00,5,16.11,clear,,in house,,CHL,Chile -29.984568,-71.004611,2/24/2008 22:00,6,21.07,clear,,in CADIAS,,CHL,Chile 33.478531,-81.975521,2/27/2008 20:30,5,-9999.00,clear,clear night,local neighborhood with a few street lights, SC124 C001 Fall 07,USA,United States 38.962449,-77.072667,2/27/2008 21:39,4,-9999.00,clear,,,"Visibility on the low side of Magnitude 4, but definitely closer to 4 than 3.",USA,United States 18.789231,99.170358,2/28/2008 21:30,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,There are about 25% of cloud in the sky but there are lights turn on all night on the road.,My home is in a countryside and about 30 killometers far from town.,,THA,Thailand -39.957051,-71.073084,2/27/2008 12:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,ARG,Argentina 41.060000,-81.480004,2/25/2008 20:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,cloud cover.Cloudy sky.,,,USA,United States 41.040001,-81.519995,2/25/2008 20:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 41.040001,-81.489997,2/27/2008 20:00,-9999,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,light snow. condensated sky.,,,USA,United States 41.040001,-81.489997,2/27/2008 20:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,light snow. condensated sky,,,USA,United States 37.366049,-81.551844,2/27/2008 19:30,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,It was to snowy for me to see any star.,MVMS/KC I could not see any stars because we had a bad snow storm.,,USA,United States 41.040001,-81.489997,2/27/2008 20:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,"light snow. cloudy, and not clear.",,,USA,United States 41.045540,-81.483706,2/27/2008 20:00,-9999,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,Orion was not visible because it was snowing.,,,USA,United States 40.636880,-74.913016,2/23/2008 23:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 41.050820,-81.516983,2/27/2008 20:00,-9999,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,snowing so we could not see the stars,,,USA,United States 41.039922,-81.523082,2/27/2008 20:00,-9999,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,it was snowing,,,USA,United States 50.799993,-1.200000,2/27/2008 20:00,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,"I'm doing this report from memory. If the sky clears I might submit another one as well, but the sky is normally somewhere between magnitudes 2 and 3. All three belt stars are clearly visible, but some of the feinter stars from the magnitude 3 chart aren",GBR,United Kingdom 43.366090,-1.795600,2/27/2008 21:20,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,ESP,Spain 41.057128,-81.557390,2/27/2008 20:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,it was snowing so we did not see any stars,,,USA,United States 32.607928,-96.933382,2/27/2008 19:40,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,"High, thin clouds to the north",House lights and street light behind me as I look toward Orion,,USA,United States 41.078049,-81.561891,2/27/2008 20:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,snowing,,,USA,United States 41.043351,-81.522973,2/27/2008 20:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,snowing,,,USA,United States 41.043239,-81.506089,2/27/2008 20:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,snowing,,,USA,United States 45.703080,16.113810,2/23/2008 20:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,Suburban,,HRV,Croatia 41.029889,-81.517515,2/27/2008 19:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,it was not snowing,,,USA,United States 41.067441,-81.551229,2/27/2008 20:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,it had stopped snowing,,we have had snow for a couple of days,USA,United States 41.706532,12.562600,2/25/2008 22:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,Industrial and rural area,,ITA,Italy 41.043290,-81.519503,2/27/2008 20:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,blizzard like,,,USA,United States 41.043160,-81.510275,2/27/2008 20:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,light snow,,,USA,United States 41.044202,-81.515890,2/27/2008 20:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,snowing pretty bad; could not see 100 yards out,,,USA,United States 44.500001,11.350000,2/28/2008 20:30,2,-9999.00,clear,,,,ITA,Italy 41.161309,16.743620,2/28/2008 19:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,ITA,Italy 41.727200,12.656000,2/28/2008 19:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,ITA,Italy 52.349999,4.850000,2/28/2008 19:00,2,-9999.00,clear,,From the roof of my house,,NLD,Netherlands 39.940699,9.662810,2/28/2008 18:00,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,ITA,Italy 38.276588,-77.473661,2/27/2008 21:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 49.738868,17.818720,2/28/2008 18:53,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,CZE,Czech Republic 40.923358,14.274810,2/28/2008 19:00,2,-9999.00,clear,,,,ITA,Italy 49.776038,17.749450,2/28/2008 19:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,Z` V?tkov Komensk?ho 754,CZE,Czech Republic 46.172642,8.809140,2/28/2008 19:10,1,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,CHE,Switzerland 35.104211,-80.624093,2/27/2008 23:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 38.123121,15.653880,2/28/2008 19:11,5,-9999.00,clear,,Reggio Calabria,,ITA,Italy 41.055728,-81.489532,2/27/2008 20:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,snowing alot,,,USA,United States 40.830003,14.185000,2/25/2008 18:35,3,-9999.00,clear,"il cielo era chiaro, ma sull'orizzonte si vedevano pochissime stelle a causa dell'inquinamento luminoso","all'universit?: Campus di Monte Santangelo (Federico II, Napoli)",,ITA,Italy 41.055290,-81.541319,2/27/2008 20:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,snowing lightly,,,USA,United States 43.619999,10.620000,2/28/2008 21:30,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,ITA,Italy 33.676671,-117.884653,2/25/2008 20:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 45.144309,7.149980,2/28/2008 19:30,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,ITA,Italy 41.075661,-81.458960,2/27/2008 20:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,snowing medium light,,,USA,United States 41.114928,14.794960,2/28/2008 12:19,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,ITA,Italy 41.390000,-75.640001,2/27/2008 21:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 41.038102,-81.511491,2/27/2008 20:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,light snow,,,USA,United States 44.409999,26.180001,2/28/2008 20:30,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,Bucharest Romania,,ROM,Romania 29.751109,-95.760837,2/26/2008 20:15,4,-9999.00,clear,Sky clear from horizon to horizon.,Observed from my backyard after 10 minutes dark adaptation. All street lights blocked from view.,,USA,United States 38.091661,15.655830,2/28/2008 19:37,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,Reggio Calabria (Italy) center of city.,,ITA,Italy 38.091661,15.655830,2/28/2008 19:37,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,Reggio Calabria (Italy) center of city.,,ITA,Italy 49.778029,17.820691,2/28/2008 19:37,1,-9999.00,clear,,,,CZE,Czech Republic 41.030879,-81.535718,2/27/2008 18:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,very cloudy,,,USA,United States 41.040001,-81.500003,2/27/2008 21:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,"foggy, snowing zero vizability",,,USA,United States 41.050000,-81.489997,2/27/2008 18:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,Zero visability.,,,USA,United States 41.050000,-81.480004,2/27/2008 20:30,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,"Foggy, snowing, zero visibility.",,,USA,United States 49.774280,17.753200,2/28/2008 19:54,1,-9999.00,clear,,,,CZE,Czech Republic 33.053799,-116.602244,2/27/2008 21:00,7,-9999.00,clear,"Excellent night, very steady seeing and very transparent.",,,USA,United States 44.500001,11.316660,2/28/2008 18:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,ITA,Italy 43.607490,10.700320,2/23/2008 20:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,i live in Pisa,,ITA,Italy 41.811877,12.605859,2/28/2008 20:00,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,"Appio Claudio,street-",,ITA,Italy 39.965530,-74.165862,2/25/2008 21:10,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 43.715130,10.398000,2/28/2008 18:00,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,ITA,Italy 44.929999,25.990000,2/28/2008 21:07,3,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,ROM,Romania 39.230001,9.130000,2/28/2008 20:00,3,-9999.00,clear,"no clouds, clear sky","view from my balcony, 2nd floor, city of Cagliari, in the island of Sardinia, Italy (about 160,000 inhabitants)",,ITA,Italy 39.965530,-74.165862,2/25/2008 21:10,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 49.772309,17.759320,2/28/2008 20:00,1,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,CZE,Czech Republic 50.016331,14.458061,2/28/2008 20:00,3,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,,,CZE,Czech Republic 39.009997,-76.885001,2/27/2008 19:30,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 39.965530,-74.165862,2/26/2008 21:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,weather was raining,USA,United States 41.851342,12.560271,2/28/2008 20:16,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,"Qualche nuvola, e umidit? che riflette la luce dal basso della strada.",ROMA - ITALIASe non fosse per la luce stradale la vista sarebbe migliore.,,ITA,Italy 39.965462,-74.165787,2/25/2008 21:10,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 51.448779,6.908880,2/29/2008 20:27,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,a lot of Clouds,,,DEU,Germany 45.460100,9.210400,2/28/2008 20:32,1,-9999.00,clear,,,,ITA,Italy 50.799720,4.406660,2/28/2008 19:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,Completely cloudy :-(,,,BEL,Belgium 39.965681,-74.165179,2/27/2008 20:10,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 35.682769,-105.982686,2/27/2008 20:00,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 51.687699,-1.264250,2/27/2008 18:00,2,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,GBR,United Kingdom 28.043801,-16.535891,2/28/2008 20:33,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,ESP,Spain 41.745122,12.344380,2/28/2008 20:05,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,ITA,Italy 41.078049,-81.561891,2/26/2008 20:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,heavy snow,,,USA,United States 43.763962,-79.716470,2/27/2008 23:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,"Near Chrystler Canada plant, a lot of light pollution and humidity in summer.",,CAN,Canada 40.483330,-3.866660,2/28/2008 19:15,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,there are a few cumulus clouds in the sky,The observation point is in a park without street lights. There are only the lights of the houses nearby.,,ESP,Spain 45.626838,8.835170,2/28/2008 21:00,3,-9999.00,clear,IL CIELO A NORD ? ANCORA MENO VISIBILE,,A NORD DI BUSTO ARSIZIO C'? UNA ZONA MOLTO INQUINANTE: DOVUTA ALL' AREA HUPAC,ITA,Italy 54.520001,-1.560000,2/28/2008 19:55,3,-9999.00,clear,Very clear.,"Central area of Darlington, UK.",,GBR,United Kingdom 41.078049,-81.561891,2/25/2008 20:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,beginning to snow,,,USA,United States 30.412001,-91.179002,2/27/2008 19:15,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 37.471070,-81.663162,2/27/2008 19:40,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,IT IS SNOWING,MVMS/BNA,,USA,United States 52.911382,-6.837610,2/28/2008 21:00,3,-9999.00,clear,"Clear skys, as good as it normally gets here","Castledermot, Co. Kildare, Ireland",,IRL,Ireland 41.916229,12.567730,2/28/2008 21:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,ITA,Italy 35.683862,-105.971881,2/27/2008 20:47,5,19.41,clear,average transparency,north side of town in a neighborhood 3 miles from the brightest part of Santa Fe,,USA,United States 60.200003,25.000000,2/28/2008 18:30,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,FIN,Finland 29.692810,-95.390429,2/27/2008 21:30,2,-9999.00,clear,"Light pollution is very thick in this area. It is difficult to see all but the brightest stars, it makes identifying constellations and finding objects very difficult. There is constant sky glow year-round.","This is the parking lot in my condominium complex, where I do some lunar and planetary observing. The location is in urban Houston, Texas, close to the brightly lit Texas Medical Center and Reliant Stadium. There are street lights all throughout the area",,USA,United States 61.606599,-149.446260,2/27/2008 21:30,7,-9999.00,clear,Clear,Porch Lights Across the street,Tons of stars all over the sky. I also saw both the Big and Little dippers along with many other stars,USA,United States 53.287500,-6.184680,2/28/2008 20:20,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,Air Temp approx 4C,,When you've gathered all your observations why don't you put together a hot-spot map with the locations of respondents,IRL,Ireland 19.418610,-99.118052,2/27/2008 22:00,2,-9999.00,clear,"Incredibly smogy. You almost think there are fog over your head, but it's really smog.",,,MEX,Mexico 40.197139,-3.802530,2/28/2008 21:43,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,ESP,Spain 42.836160,-1.728640,2/28/2008 21:33,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,Cloudy to the East and up to the zenith. A bit hazy in general.,From my back garden blocking all the street lights with houses and trees.,"The main city (Pamplona about 250.000 people), is 8 kms direction south-east.",ESP,Spain 34.114790,-118.147369,2/25/2008 20:00,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 18.110001,-66.589994,2/25/2008 19:40,7,-9999.00,clear,The sky was very clear at observation time.,,,PRI,Puerto Rico 18.100000,-66.570002,2/25/2008 20:20,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,Clouds present to the west covering 1/4 of the sky.,,,PRI,Puerto Rico 38.709141,-90.465330,2/27/2008 21:00,4,-9999.00,clear,It was a beautiful but cold (say 27 Farenheit) evening.,,,USA,United States 55.712221,11.739440,2/28/2008 21:54,-9999,18.68,clear,Light haze.,,,DNK,Denmark 45.766109,1.129440,2/28/2008 21:30,5,-9999.00,clear,,"my eyes limiting magnitude is 5, my daughter more than 6, so I see five but she sees 6 without a problem.",,FRA,France 44.270001,-68.339997,2/25/2008 21:07,5,-9999.00,clear,Little bit hazy in the sky.,,,USA,United States 44.270001,-68.339997,2/26/2008 20:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,Totally overcast. Snow storm.,,,USA,United States 50.347210,18.859351,2/28/2008 18:30,3,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,",+Wroc%B3awska&Submit=Szukaj&long=18.8593496&lat=50.3472136&type=3&scale=3",,POL,Poland 40.849999,14.216660,2/28/2008 22:23,1,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,,,ITA,Italy 18.180000,-66.980004,2/26/2008 18:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,There are no lighposts close to my house.,,PRI,Puerto Rico 18.180000,-66.980004,2/27/2008 20:25,6,-9999.00,clear,,There are no light poles close to my house or nearby.,"These observations are part of a group from the Raul Ybarra Jr. High School in Maricao, PR",PRI,Puerto Rico 41.790000,12.430000,2/28/2008 22:30,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,ITA,Italy 18.020001,-66.570002,2/27/2008 21:10,3,-9999.00,clear,,There are light poles close to my house.,"These observations are part of a group from the Raul Ybarra Jr. High School in Maricao, PR",PRI,Puerto Rico 39.482619,-6.404980,2/28/2008 21:45,5,-9999.00,clear,Good seeing,There is one street lamp near the observation place,,ESP,Spain 34.122119,-118.063986,2/26/2008 22:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 41.921823,12.899021,2/28/2008 21:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,ITA,Italy 41.016222,29.042241,2/28/2008 12:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,TUR,Turkey 32.243622,-110.962318,2/27/2008 22:26,4,-9999.00,clear,,There was a street light about 60 yards away and people's porch lights were on.,,USA,United States 42.683430,-84.285463,2/25/2008 20:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 42.683430,-84.285463,2/26/2008 19:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 42.683430,-84.285463,2/27/2008 20:33,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,It has been snowing the last 3 days. Last weekend would have been awesome for results.,,,USA,United States 32.214167,-110.883791,2/27/2008 20:05,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 39.694273,-104.773039,2/27/2008 21:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.214167,-110.883791,2/25/2008 21:00,6,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 46.881001,18.625999,2/28/2008 20:50,4,-9999.00,clear,,Between two lamp-post on the street.,,HUN,Hungary 45.466660,8.633330,2/28/2008 23:36,1,-9999.00,clear,,in the middle of the city of Novara - Italy102.595 inhabitants,,ITA,Italy -33.966661,137.716653,2/28/2008 22:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,Within the township of Kadina a small country town 100km north of Adelaide,,AUS,Australia 30.413828,-91.179706,2/27/2008 21:30,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 45.469187,9.180620,2/29/2008 12:13,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,ITA,Italy -2.900000,-78.933327,2/29/2008 12:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,ECU,Ecuador 44.950001,26.017000,2/28/2008 20:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,ROM,Romania 32.412000,-110.994201,2/25/2008 20:05,4,-9999.00,clear,Perfectly clear,"There are no street lights, just dim house lights",,USA,United States 32.141152,-111.023400,2/25/2008 20:00,6,-9999.00,clear,it was so clear i got to see most of the stars,,It was so cool becasue ones i stayed out their for about 30 minutes i actual kind of found the shape to it,USA,United States 30.010000,-95.460001,2/27/2008 18:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.141152,-111.023400,2/26/2008 19:00,6,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 42.659391,-71.324285,2/28/2008 18:38,4,-9999.00,clear,fair seeing,,S&,USA,United States 33.095900,-97.082301,2/26/2008 22:30,3,-9999.00,clear,,looked out my backyard,,USA,United States 44.810300,20.514410,2/29/2008 12:30,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,YUG,Yugoslavia 42.249539,-71.009420,2/28/2008 18:42,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,Some wispy clouds to the north; clear to the south,,,USA,United States 40.709307,-73.562374,2/28/2008 19:04,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 30.287050,-97.823691,2/28/2008 20:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,NW Austin - Apartment balcony looking SE (toward Austin light cone),,USA,United States 40.193051,-76.181662,2/28/2008 19:10,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.000000,-109.999999,2/27/2008 19:00,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,"I was at youth group and I saw Orion, so I took notes.",,USA,United States 41.040001,-81.489997,2/28/2008 19:25,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,very cloudy. could only see a couple of clouds.,,,USA,United States 41.701542,-72.177908,2/28/2008 19:00,4,19.50,clear,actual observation is between M4 and M5 charts,"Suburban street surrounded by woods, neighbors have front door lights on.",,USA,United States 34.283540,-79.858872,2/28/2008 19:47,2,-9999.00,clear,Very bright skies because of a shopping center with unshielded lighting.,"Food Lion shopping center south of Darlington, S.C.",The shopping center has many unshielded Metal Halide lighting fixtures. Also there is a gas station/convenience store with unshielded dropped refractor fixtures under the canopy and unshielded floodlights for area lighting.,USA,United States 18.180000,-66.980004,2/28/2008 20:48,6,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,PRI,Puerto Rico 42.240000,-70.830004,2/28/2008 19:44,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,Orion is in a very clear section of the sky. There is a bank of clouds to the NW.,I am located on a major street in my town. There is a small commercial building across the street with a street light above it. The house across the street has an outside light on.,,USA,United States 44.534968,-68.142543,2/28/2008 19:35,6,21.20,1/4 of sky,"Temperature 14 degrees F. Humidity 68%, Transparency poor. Very thin veil of clouds. Milky Way very prominent from zenith through Canis Major. Magnitude limit this evening is 6.0 . Limiting magnitude is typically 6.5, sometimes 7.0 at this location.","Flanders Pond Observatory, Sullivan Maine, USANightfly Astrophotography","Measuring, Promoting, and Protecting Maine's Starlit Communities Island Astronomy Institute",USA,United States 27.437490,-82.577568,2/28/2008 20:00,4,-9999.00,clear,"Clear, good transparency and seeing","Bradenton, Fl. Medium size city",,USA,United States -33.460639,-70.603249,2/28/2008 22:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,"Santiago, Chile, centro comuna de ħuħoa.",,CHL,Chile 45.499998,-73.600001,2/28/2008 19:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,CAN,Canada 41.900270,-70.788490,2/28/2008 19:57,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 37.349998,-81.420001,2/27/2008 21:30,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,MVMS/T.W. It was cloudy and snowing.,,USA,United States 40.164849,-75.074926,2/28/2008 19:50,4,-9999.00,clear,Clear cold night with extremely good transparency. High pressure system just came through today.,Observation made in an area totally sheltered from street or house lights.,,USA,United States 41.040001,-81.489997,2/28/2008 20:00,6,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 40.866040,-74.527268,2/28/2008 20:02,3,-9999.00,clear,,"40.866041, -74.527275",,USA,United States 27.116461,-82.457739,2/28/2008 20:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 39.504038,-78.314758,2/28/2008 20:10,5,-9999.00,clear,The sky is very clear and I can see Orion very clearly. I can also see other celestial objects pretty easily tonight.,,I am from,USA,United States 38.217289,-107.631057,2/27/2008 22:10,7,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 34.293379,-79.885223,2/28/2008 20:14,4,-9999.00,clear,,"Local business about three-fourths of a mile from downtown Darlington, S.C.",Large number of unshielded yard security lights in this neighborhood. Highway 52 By-pass about 1/4 mile away with a number of billboards with bottom mounted fixures clearly visible.,USA,United States 25.131982,-80.406141,2/28/2008 20:10,5,-9999.00,clear,exceptionally clear tonight though it is a little cold. there are allmost no clouds at all.,i live in a resonably rural area. its a small island in the tip of florida. we do get a little light polution from miami even though it is 20 miles away but its not really enough to affect anything. i unfortunetly live right across the street from a gift,,USA,United States 53.456701,-2.340610,2/28/2008 12:00,1,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,lots of very thin clouds about.,,,GBR,United Kingdom 37.344770,-81.445293,2/28/2008 20:20,2,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,MVMS/T.W. It was cloudy tonight.,,USA,United States 37.414420,-81.582682,2/28/2008 19:39,2,-9999.00,clear,"First night I can see stars since the reporting window opened. It's not clear, I have lots of haze and some clouds that break everynow and then.",MVMS/ee I have a street light in front of my house.,,USA,United States 37.366022,-81.551776,2/28/2008 20:30,4,-9999.00,clear,,MVHS/BJF,,USA,United States 27.551942,-82.443068,2/28/2008 20:02,4,-9999.00,clear,The sky is 100% clear. It has not been this clear in atleast a week! So tonight is a good night for stargazing. I saw anywhere between 15 and 18 stars in orion. Location - Driveway.,,"There is a street lamp across the street from the driveway, so I bet I would see more stars in the backyard.",USA,United States 39.819999,-74.999999,2/28/2008 20:25,5,-9999.00,clear,,,Very cold and clear this evening,USA,United States 37.366049,-81.551844,2/28/2008 20:24,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,I could not see stars becuase of the storm we had from the other night.,MVMS/KC I could not see any stars because it was cloudy all day since this morning.,,USA,United States 33.968409,-84.226792,2/28/2008 20:30,3,-9999.00,clear,"Relatively clear, few wispy upper level clouds. Mostly just lots of city light pollution.",,,USA,United States 32.877782,-79.761467,2/28/2008 20:20,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,The sky wasn't very cloudy. i think that it was a very pretty noght compared to what I ussaly see. I can tell a difference of the stars from when I was 5 years old and now when I'm 11 years old. I think that light polution as been getting worse. I haven',"My street isn't very busy. There is a not too much lighting around. There is lots of trees and houses, though. There are a few street lights that aren't very bright but still bright. The light from the houses were not very bright, mainly beacuse most peo",It was clear to see Orion. My dad and I had no problem finding Orion. There was a pretty good amount of stars in my opinion. I think that light polution is happening a lot. I belive that we can find a way to stop this.,USA,United States 35.708171,-84.001512,2/28/2008 20:20,5,-9999.00,clear,,street light within 100 yds shielded by treesstreet light within 100 yds shielded by house,,USA,United States 42.025010,-71.613475,2/28/2008 20:30,5,-9999.00,clear,clear and cold,"About 5 miles from town center, open fields",waited about 15 minutes in darkest spot I could find,USA,United States 40.641801,-74.370481,2/28/2008 20:00,4,-9999.00,clear,Unusually good seeing,,,USA,United States 42.259999,-75.760001,2/27/2008 20:30,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 45.538398,-73.512691,2/28/2008 20:40,3,-9999.00,clear,very cold no clouds,,last two nights totally overcast here,CAN,Canada 41.749999,-74.066660,2/28/2008 20:30,3,-9999.00,clear,"no clouds, distinct humidity-haze though",1/2 mile from town,,USA,United States 42.259999,-75.760001,2/28/2008 20:35,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 34.589721,-84.002113,2/28/2008 20:25,5,-9999.00,clear,"High haze consistant over entire sky, temp= 1? C, winds calm; barometric pressure about 30.366in",MilkyWay Farm,Saw a few mmore stars tonight than last night.,USA,United States 40.347311,-75.916829,2/28/2008 19:45,4,-9999.00,clear,,"Backyard in City of Reading, Pennsylvania",,USA,United States 37.430000,-81.569999,2/28/2008 20:53,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,MVMS/CC,,USA,United States 39.976862,-74.133664,2/28/2008 20:45,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,jen stever. << is that what i put?,,USA,United States 32.189999,-110.949996,2/28/2008 19:00,2,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 39.028469,-77.035491,2/28/2008 20:55,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 42.608841,-83.119243,2/28/2008 21:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,very cloudy,Very Cloudy and dark sky,,USA,United States 37.431721,-81.572895,2/28/2008 21:03,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,MVMS/ca,,USA,United States 37.519250,-120.880592,2/27/2008 21:20,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 44.288880,-93.277995,2/27/2008 21:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 44.282469,-93.280119,2/28/2008 20:05,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,"It's been snowing most of the day today, but it has recently stopped. The skies are very cloudy.",,,USA,United States 38.827880,-97.616367,2/28/2008 20:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,"Salina, KansasPopulation roughly 50,000",,USA,United States 35.246539,-84.876220,2/28/2008 19:23,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 35.246539,-84.876220,2/28/2008 21:07,-9999,18.07,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 30.412001,-91.179002,2/28/2008 19:30,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 39.960998,-75.606000,2/28/2008 20:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.233053,-110.954292,2/28/2008 19:15,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 40.916661,-81.433327,2/28/2008 21:15,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,"There were some clouds in the sky, but none prohibiting my view of the stars. There were not many stars that were easily visible in the sky from where I was standing, yet I was still able to see all of Orion and it was beautiful.","I live in Akron, Ohio; very near to Ellet Senior High School.",,USA,United States 34.370629,-79.969323,2/28/2008 21:10,6,-9999.00,clear,,"A few miles north of Darlington, S.C. Farmland and stands of trees .","While not perfect skies, this is much better than being closer to the city.",USA,United States 52.133331,-106.666654,2/28/2008 20:20,-9999,17.16,clear,,,,CAN,Canada 39.933329,-77.666655,2/28/2008 21:00,5,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,S&,USA,United States 41.129989,-73.796922,2/28/2008 21:04,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.226663,-110.937783,2/25/2008 20:15,4,-9999.00,clear,"Clear, no haze or clouds.",Decently dark.,"In the city of Tucson, AZ",USA,United States 30.221101,-93.350832,2/28/2008 20:30,4,-9999.00,clear,Sky very clear after cold front.,,,USA,United States 30.382461,-91.008637,2/28/2008 19:15,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 40.007519,-75.269190,2/28/2008 21:30,3,-9999.00,clear,Tonight the sky was extremely clear and I was able to see Orion and many other stars without any trouble. This was a great surprise after last night when I could not see anything.,"Again, I went outside into my driveway.",,USA,United States 43.807529,-70.881265,2/28/2008 21:40,5,20.35,clear,,street is a side street with a street light about 200 ft away in one direction and about 100 ft away in another - rural area,Temperature 11 degrees F,USA,United States 32.229409,-110.951014,2/28/2008 19:45,2,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 37.700001,-121.029996,2/28/2008 19:00,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 32.316661,-111.066676,2/28/2008 19:30,4,-9999.00,clear,Transperancy-Good and Steady,Sports Park two miles east across the Santa Cruz river has all its lights on.,,USA,United States 40.603999,-74.608000,2/28/2008 20:45,4,-9999.00,clear,,Mercury vapor streetlight 150' to northeast,While most stars on Mag 4 chart could be seen I think the limit would be more precisely 3.8,USA,United States 41.801560,-71.816625,2/28/2008 21:51,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 33.090320,-96.906690,2/27/2008 19:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 45.356640,-75.705817,2/28/2008 21:15,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,CAN,Canada 35.360248,-97.510226,2/28/2008 20:45,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,clouds more then half the sky.not a good night,,,USA,United States 34.085998,-83.774005,2/28/2008 21:00,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 32.229409,-110.951014,2/28/2008 20:00,2,-9999.00,clear,bright stars,downtown Tucson,,USA,United States 32.382320,-111.021986,2/28/2008 19:42,4,18.39,clear,"They sky was very clear , it was very easy to spot Orion.",We found our location on google earth becasue we couldnt figure out how to use our GPS for lag. and long.,,USA,United States 29.667350,-98.100040,2/28/2008 21:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,Subdivision with considerable light dome to south from San Antonio.,S& and Cloudy nights Forum,USA,United States 20.850001,-156.309999,2/27/2008 21:10,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 40.860002,-81.860002,2/28/2008 22:00,4,-9999.00,clear,Perfectly clear sky tonight.,,,USA,United States 39.962552,-74.162010,2/28/2008 18:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 40.575982,-105.100355,2/28/2008 20:11,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,It's between a 3 and 4 on a clear night. I live in an apartment complex and it depends on how many other lights are on in apartments around me. I look up in the night sky a lot and tonight it is mostly cloudy.,,,USA,United States 32.234852,-110.951690,2/28/2008 20:17,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 39.736920,-84.144434,2/28/2008 20:00,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,Thin cloud layer during observation,,,USA,United States 41.570031,-72.150239,2/28/2008 22:17,4,-9999.00,clear,,Street light located next to observation spot.,,USA,United States 31.992111,-110.971074,2/28/2008 19:55,4,-9999.00,clear,,Several small lights within 25 meters,,USA,United States 32.229180,-110.950993,2/28/2008 18:00,2,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 47.775520,-122.352498,2/28/2008 19:15,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States -36.608390,-72.151496,2/28/2008 22:10,5,-9999.00,clear,,at side of the road,,CHL,Chile 37.659341,-97.479859,2/28/2008 21:20,4,-9999.00,clear,,"Significant light pollution glow (car dealerships etc) coming from north-northwest, shielded from direct view though.",,USA,United States 40.202750,-79.930350,2/28/2008 21:00,3,-9999.00,clear,"Clear and cold, 18 degrees F.",,,USA,United States 32.285358,-111.065467,2/26/2008 21:30,5,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,There is not a lot of light were i live.,,USA,United States -36.591680,-72.203330,2/28/2008 22:30,6,-9999.00,clear,completely clear and dark sky at north and west. City light polution at the east,at 100 mts of a country road. No shop lights at 300 mts,,CHL,Chile 32.196559,-110.790750,2/28/2008 19:55,6,-9999.00,clear,The stars were BEUTIFUL! I had my mom and dad come look at them.,Perfect! Hardley any pourch lights are on!,The sky was perfect! There was no clould cover of haze and you could see each and every star bright and shining! I even used binoculars to get a better view!,USA,United States 32.294572,-110.869939,2/28/2008 20:25,3,-9999.00,clear,"very clear, no haze","Suburb just north and east of Tucson, AZ",,USA,United States 41.200002,-77.350000,2/28/2008 22:10,5,-9999.00,clear,,"Luckily, I have a farm to my south and west, but my neighbors to the north and east have flood lights. I think the sky above my home is more then 4 but not quite a 5.","When I am in the shadow of my home I can see more stars, and I was surprised that when I looked at the glow peeking over the hill from the small town a few miles away how it affected the view of the stars.",USA,United States -36.614479,-72.110193,2/28/2008 22:50,4,-9999.00,clear,,street lights at 60 meters,,CHL,Chile 47.800710,-122.039484,2/28/2008 19:50,3,-9999.00,clear,Some light clouds.,,,USA,United States 43.963482,-77.204592,2/28/2008 22:37,5,-9999.00,clear,Beautiful dark sky.,my farm!,,CAN,Canada 47.687032,-122.096748,2/28/2008 19:10,3,-9999.00,clear,,Apartment Complex,,USA,United States 34.173803,-118.607492,2/28/2008 19:40,4,-9999.00,clear,"Slight haze, visiblity at nearby airport (Van Nuys) reported as 9 miles.",,,USA,United States 45.830621,-120.813493,2/28/2008 20:00,2,-9999.00,clear,"Pretty clear, very faint",,,USA,United States 30.410000,-91.180000,2/28/2008 21:25,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 30.440002,-91.189999,2/28/2008 21:55,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 30.440002,-91.189999,2/28/2008 21:55,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 39.200279,-84.520558,2/28/2008 23:06,2,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.229532,-110.951014,2/28/2008 21:08,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 45.422698,-122.837264,2/28/2008 20:06,2,-9999.00,clear,The stars had a pretty faint glow. I had to look twice before I saw the three stars of Orions Belt.,I live in a small neighborhood that shouldn't (as far as I know) have very much light polution.,There are very few stars in the sky. Luckily there was enough to form Orion. We usually don't have many stars around here.,USA,United States 40.563438,-105.073888,2/28/2008 21:10,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,cloudy sky...bummer,Noah's house,,USA,United States 29.600998,-98.455005,2/26/2008 19:30,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 38.540162,-121.491416,2/28/2008 20:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 38.540162,-121.491416,2/28/2008 20:00,4,-9999.00,clear,Clear enough to see different constellations,On school roof,"Yay Sacramento, CA!",USA,United States 38.740003,-120.849993,2/28/2008 20:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 38.540162,-121.491416,2/28/2008 20:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 30.450001,-91.040001,2/28/2008 20:13,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 38.740003,-120.849993,2/28/2008 20:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 38.540162,-121.491416,2/28/2008 18:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 37.871230,-121.013658,2/28/2008 21:49,5,-9999.00,clear,"Very little cloud cover, most stars dim but a few bright ones stand out. I see a magnitude 5 sky becuase I live in the country away from other ground lights, smog, and cloud coverage.",,,USA,United States 47.764490,-122.383493,2/28/2008 19:58,2,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 39.549001,-76.982003,2/28/2008 23:00,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,"Sky fairly clear overall, but clouds on horizon. Big light dome from Baltimore in East.",,,USA,United States 38.540162,-121.491416,2/28/2008 20:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.250159,-110.941069,2/28/2008 21:27,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 37.916750,-122.373453,2/28/2008 20:02,7,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 37.660000,-120.989998,2/28/2008 20:31,3,-9999.00,clear,clear,very clear,,USA,United States 32.995838,-97.310088,2/28/2008 23:20,3,-9999.00,clear,,At an airport.,S&,USA,United States 35.545281,-97.301085,2/28/2008 20:15,1,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 43.308221,-80.620425,2/28/2008 21:00,6,-9999.00,clear,,In a small village in Ontario canada,Actual limiting visual magnitude on a good night here is about 5.7Magnitude 12.5 objects are not difficult in my 300mm dia telescope.,CAN,Canada 32.202122,-111.021959,2/28/2008 21:48,3,-9999.00,clear,not as clear as the past couple nights,on mountain,on mountain with a good view,USA,United States 34.416661,-119.833333,2/27/2008 20:30,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 38.540162,-121.491416,2/28/2008 20:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,Observatory roof. Clear skies.,,USA,United States 47.624457,-122.094290,2/28/2008 20:35,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.175597,-110.932053,2/28/2008 21:47,1,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.230382,-110.961614,2/28/2008 21:52,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 37.937002,-121.942004,2/28/2008 21:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 38.540162,-121.491416,2/28/2008 20:00,4,-9999.00,clear,Fun Lab,ASTR 400 Lab,"Done, by Bo.D",USA,United States 38.540162,-121.491416,2/28/2008 20:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,This was done on top of the SCC Building Observatory.,,USA,United States 19.310270,-99.076921,2/28/2008 23:00,2,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,Con abundancia de estrellas en dias en los que hay mucho viento.,"Un lugar alejado de las grandes concentraciones de luz, con extensiones de suelo deshabitadas.",,MEX,Mexico 42.380118,-71.139733,2/28/2008 21:30,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 45.349410,-75.739804,2/27/2008 21:05,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,CAN,Canada 37.280521,-122.119356,2/28/2008 21:10,5,-9999.00,clear,,"Southwest of the silicon valley, lots of skyglow to the northeast, but pretty dark to the southwest.",,USA,United States 38.540162,-121.491416,2/28/2008 20:00,4,-9999.00,clear,Clear with some light pollution,,,USA,United States 38.540162,-121.491416,2/28/2008 20:00,4,-9999.00,clear,clear with a bit light pulotion,a city with quite a bit light that could cause light polution,,USA,United States 30.348320,-97.748108,2/28/2008 22:00,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,some high cirrus clouds sky transparency was medium -- not great,school yard soccer field,what is the cost of street lights for the us? how many barrels of oil is used each day just for street lights? can we stop the power company propaganda?,USA,United States 52.131801,-106.666258,2/28/2008 20:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,CAN,Canada 61.666411,-149.254755,2/28/2008 20:20,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 33.744901,-112.104202,2/28/2008 22:00,2,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 37.090659,-121.633006,2/28/2008 21:40,6,-9999.00,clear,,,"2 miles away, in the commercial district of Morgan Hill, the seeing is substantially worse.",USA,United States 41.933311,-87.672349,2/28/2008 23:13,1,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,"somewhat clear, but the stars are hard to see due to the lights of the city",hard to see...not many stars visible- Amanda(mr. Erickson's physics class),,USA,United States 45.354642,-75.729852,2/28/2008 22:10,3,-9999.00,clear,the color of sky seemed to me as a dark navy color yet black with no cloud what so ever. the air might contained heavy water drop since the humidity was about 60%.,Down hill which located back of the apartment building. This location is fairly dark since it is not for people to use at the night time,,CAN,Canada 32.213081,-110.967010,2/28/2008 21:30,4,-9999.00,clear,Clear sky as always. Stars a bit brighter tonight.,On campus. Tucson.,,USA,United States 40.273510,-79.876481,2/29/2008 23:15,2,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,"some clouds , but plenty of clear between.","high on a hill about two miles from the city lights of elizabeth, pa, usa",I wish my municipality would use lighting that does not pollute our night skies.,USA,United States 49.060453,-122.272913,2/28/2008 21:30,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,CAN,Canada 45.049991,7.666660,2/28/2008 20:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,ITA,Italy 44.377491,9.151689,2/28/2008 19:00,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,ITA,Italy 36.018521,-114.945745,2/28/2008 23:40,2,-9999.00,clear,,Approximately 20 miles southeast of the Las Vegas strip in the southeastern section of Henderson,,USA,United States 52.167499,13.101659,2/28/2008 21:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,DEU,Germany 52.465272,13.522770,2/25/2008 20:00,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,DEU,Germany 52.465272,13.522770,2/25/2008 20:00,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,DEU,Germany 52.465272,13.522770,2/26/2008 21:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,DEU,Germany 52.465272,13.522770,2/27/2008 19:30,6,-9999.00,clear,,,,DEU,Germany 61.549997,-149.450003,2/25/2008 20:55,4,-9999.00,clear,,There's a light pole at my neighbor's house down the street,,USA,United States 45.109930,7.695430,2/29/2008 22:15,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,ITA,Italy 61.549997,-149.450003,2/26/2008 21:15,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,Light pole at my neighbor's house and lights on 3 other houses,,USA,United States 49.193550,-122.508650,2/28/2008 19:00,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,CAN,Canada 44.416659,24.350000,2/28/2008 21:45,4,-9999.00,clear,,3rd floor,,ROM,Romania 31.280002,74.219998,2/27/2008 21:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,PAK,Pakistan 45.450999,10.963101,2/28/2008 23:00,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,ITA,Italy 9.941540,-84.168414,2/29/2008 18:33,6,-9999.00,clear,,,,CRI,Costa Rica -36.287511,174.764009,2/27/2008 21:30,7,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,Mostly clear. Light winds.,On top of Pakiri ridge. Approx 50 km north of Auckland. 350m above sea level. Coastal area.,,NZL,New Zealand 39.667512,-104.855329,2/26/2008 21:54,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,There were a few scattered clouds in the sky,"Was done in an open park about 5 miles from house, some lights in the parking lot.",,USA,United States 49.139437,15.552220,2/28/2008 21:00,4,-9999.00,clear,The magnitude was between 4 and 5 - closer to 4,Observation from the hill called U Bozich muk - 567 metres above sea level. Near village Nova Rise. The south view is polluted by light glare from the 15 km faraway town Dacice (just below the Orion). There is a little light pollution in the northeast an,Clear and cold night (-2?C)S&,CZE,Czech Republic 39.808528,18.333430,2/23/2008 21:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,out of city,,ITA,Italy -35.240829,149.138410,2/29/2008 21:45,5,-9999.00,clear,"Moderate light pollution, no Moon",Inner suburb of Canberra,Daylight saving time in force,AUS,Australia 36.084490,-80.061142,2/28/2008 20:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 40.880472,-74.856203,2/28/2008 20:45,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 26.586001,-81.839723,2/28/2008 19:45,5,-9999.00,clear,Extraordinarily transparent for this location.,,,USA,United States 14.250000,121.050008,2/29/2008 20:27,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,PHL,Philippines 43.707501,10.403050,2/28/2008 22:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,ITA,Italy 16.042499,103.652000,2/29/2008 19:30,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,THA,Thailand 13.603970,100.614342,2/29/2008 18:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,"Samutprakarn,Thailand",,THA,Thailand 40.765441,-73.981952,2/28/2008 20:20,3,-9999.00,clear,Experienced observer with good visual acuity. Clear sky; light air gust to gentle breeze; surprising transparency coupled with knowledge.,"SE corner of 56th St. & Broadway, NYC, USA. Most of the sky concealed by buildings to the east and west, looking south into Times Square. A great deal of local, ambient light falling to the ground from street lamps, passing cars, and nearby buildings.",Limiting magnitude estimated around 3.5; some individual stars as depicted in Mag 4 chart observed; the observed field lacked the greater quantity and richness shown in chart 4.,USA,United States 13.603900,100.614301,2/29/2008 19:53,3,-9999.00,clear,,"Samutprakarn,Thailand",,THA,Thailand 40.782441,-73.965505,2/28/2008 21:20,4,-9999.00,clear,"As an indication of sky conditions, pillars of light from CitiGroup (45*) and Rockefeller Ctr (30*) were sharp, rising to greater than 30 degrees, Times Square ""gegenschein"" rose to at least 30*, washing out Lepus to its brighter stars. Transparency was","North end of the Great Lawn, Central Park, NYC, USA. Strong light sources from CitiGroup Building, Rockefeller Center, Times Square, and new illuminated CNN billboard.","Experienced observer with good visual acuity, similar observation as previous report. Some individual faint stars, shown on Mag 5 chart, can be observed but observed field lacks ""stellar density"" with many contributing dimmer stars.",USA,United States 26.632999,-80.103994,2/28/2008 19:45,4,17.70,clear,,,,USA,United States 43.679999,-71.379998,2/25/2008 20:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 40.115439,-75.198607,2/28/2008 20:15,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 40.073768,-75.189072,2/28/2008 21:50,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 40.086811,-75.227061,2/28/2008 19:30,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 41.040001,-81.489997,2/28/2008 20:00,1,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,"There was alot of clouds, but you couldn't see very many stars.",,,USA,United States 41.045977,-81.518608,2/28/2008 20:00,1,-9999.00,clear,there was alot of clouds and there was light surrounding my house so u could barley see any stars,,,USA,United States 18.789231,99.170023,2/29/2008 20:34,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,Tonight has raining and 100% cloud cover on the sky.,,,THA,Thailand 18.789231,99.170023,2/29/2008 20:34,-9999,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,Toniht has raining.,,,THA,Thailand 37.431721,-81.572895,2/26/2008 20:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,Very cloudy and snowing,,,USA,United States 37.431721,-81.572895,2/27/2008 20:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,Very cloudy and snowing.,,,USA,United States 37.431721,-81.572895,2/26/2008 21:30,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,MVMS/JC,,USA,United States 37.431721,-81.572895,2/28/2008 21:20,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,Very cloudy a few flirries could not see anything hardly.,,,USA,United States 40.908551,-75.286614,2/28/2008 21:15,5,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 37.431721,-81.572895,2/27/2008 20:45,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,MVHS/JC,,USA,United States 37.389432,-81.409899,2/26/2008 20:39,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,It was very snowy. I couldn't see anythig.,,,USA,United States 37.389432,-81.409899,2/27/2008 20:24,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,It was snowy and cloudy.,,,USA,United States 37.389432,-81.409899,2/28/2008 20:08,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,It was very cloudy and snowy,,,USA,United States 38.962442,-77.072674,2/28/2008 19:38,3,-9999.00,clear,"Visibility slightly better than Magnitude 3, but closer to 3 than 4.",,,USA,United States 37.431721,-81.572895,2/27/2008 12:50,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,I could not see the sky because it was snowing and was very cloudy.,,It was cold.,USA,United States 37.259997,-81.219999,2/26/2008 20:50,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,iT WAS VERY CLOUDY AND i COULD NOT SEE THE STARS.,,,USA,United States 38.959850,-77.053324,2/28/2008 20:08,3,-9999.00,clear,"The sky to the south of me, just beyond the trees, was very bright. Visibility was slightly better than Magnitude 3, but closer to 3 than 4.","Parking lot in park, nearest lights about 1 km away to the north.",,USA,United States 37.431721,-81.572895,2/27/2008 12:50,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,it was snowing.,MVMS/dc,,USA,United States 37.440368,-81.323757,2/27/2008 19:13,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,Snowing hard,,Snowy,USA,United States 37.389432,-81.409899,2/28/2008 21:23,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,snowing.,MVMS/mp,The sky was full and there was a lot of snow.,USA,United States 37.259997,-81.219999,2/27/2008 21:50,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,It was very cloudy. It had been snowing all day.,,,USA,United States 37.259997,-81.219999,2/28/2008 21:05,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,"It was snowing really bad, there for I could not see.",,,USA,United States 37.389432,-81.409899,2/27/2008 20:30,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,snowing.,MVMS/mp,snow.,USA,United States 37.432701,-81.583331,2/26/2008 21:30,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,It was very cloudy indeed and it was snowing.,MVMS/DG,,USA,United States 37.431721,-81.572895,2/27/2008 22:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,It was snowing and cloudy.,MVMS/DG,,USA,United States 37.431721,-81.572895,2/27/2008 19:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,it was cloudy,mvms/AM- theres a street light in front of my house,,USA,United States 37.425332,-81.506888,2/28/2008 19:00,1,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,it was a little clear,mvhs/mdw,,USA,United States 37.431721,-81.572895,2/28/2008 20:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,it was cloudy and snowing,mvms/AM,,USA,United States 37.471070,-81.663162,2/28/2008 19:40,1,-9999.00,clear,"IT WAS A LITTLE CLEAR, BUT THERE IS A LIGHT IN FRONT OF MY HOUSE AND BESIDE IT SO IT WAS A BIT HARD TO SEE ORION.",MVMS / BNA,FIRST NIGHT THAT IT WAS CLEAR TO SEE ANYTHING AND I DIDNT SEE MUCH BUT I SEEN A LITTLE BIT AND WHAT I DID SEE WAD A BEAUTIFUL SITE TO SEE.,USA,United States 32.231478,-110.986285,2/28/2008 20:47,5,-9999.00,clear,,,Very visible,USA,United States 37.344770,-81.445293,2/26/2008 21:45,-9999,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,I could not see anything because it was snowing.,MVMS-NS I have a street light outside my house. There are lots of trees.,,USA,United States 8.639720,99.897186,2/29/2008 21:30,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,Walailak University,,THA,Thailand 37.436772,-81.588700,2/26/2008 19:00,-9999,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,mosly cloudly and snow,mvms/qp,,USA,United States 37.344770,-81.445293,2/25/2008 20:20,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,it was cloudly,mvhs/KL there is a streetlight in frount of my house,,USA,United States 43.522689,-70.555041,2/28/2008 19:15,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,Few hazy clouds in north. Clear in south.,Lots of parking lot lights nearby.,Very cold.,USA,United States 43.475182,-70.467021,2/28/2008 18:00,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,few hazy clouds in north clear in south,,very cold,USA,United States 43.522689,-70.555041,2/28/2008 19:20,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,few hazy clouds in the north and it was clear in the south!,there was alot of street lights nearby.,,USA,United States 43.498712,-70.598085,2/28/2008 18:00,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,"Few hazy clouds in North, clear in South",Lots of parking lot lights.,Really cold.,USA,United States 43.475343,-70.466911,2/28/2008 19:20,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,few hazy clouds in the north,lots of parking lot lights nearby.,really cold,USA,United States 43.522689,-70.555041,2/28/2008 19:15,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,Few hazy clouds in the north. Clear in South. Very cold.,there were a lot of street lights around,,USA,United States 43.467628,-70.465026,2/28/2008 19:20,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,Few hazy clouds in the north. Clear in the south.,A lot of street lights around.,Very cold.,USA,United States 43.522689,-70.555041,2/28/2008 19:30,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,"Few hazey areas in the north, clear in the south.",There were a lot of parking lot lights nearby.,FREEEEEEZING!!!! Outside,USA,United States 43.522689,-70.555041,2/28/2008 19:15,-9999,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,A few hazy clouds in north clear in south.,There were a lot of parking lot lights nearby.,very cold.,USA,United States 40.700001,-73.699995,2/28/2008 19:45,3,-9999.00,clear,clear,Easterly: lotsof frontyard and street lightingWesterly: lots of backyard lighting,,USA,United States 37.344770,-81.445293,2/26/2008 19:15,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,it was cloudly,MVHS/KLthere is a streetlight in froud of my house,,USA,United States 40.974158,14.205550,2/28/2008 23:00,3,-9999.00,clear,"I have a telescope C8 celestron, but is impossible to watch the sky from here...",aversa 81031 Italy,,ITA,Italy 37.436772,-81.588700,2/28/2008 19:00,-9999,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,snowing,mvms/qp,snowing and cold,USA,United States 40.700001,-73.699995,2/25/2008 20:00,3,-9999.00,clear,clear and calm,Easterly: lots of frontyard and street lightingWessterly: lots of backyard lighting,,USA,United States 37.431721,-81.572895,2/25/2008 19:30,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,I could not see any stars because of the clouds.,Very cloudy,,USA,United States 37.431721,-81.572895,2/25/2008 19:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,MVHS/BSE,,USA,United States 37.431721,-81.572895,2/25/2008 21:37,1,-9999.00,clear,it was to much cloud cover,mvhs/BM there is a street light in frount of my house,,USA,United States 37.431721,-81.572895,2/27/2008 18:00,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,It wasnt as cloudy you could see a little more.,MVHS/BSE,,USA,United States 37.431721,-81.572895,2/28/2008 20:30,1,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,It was very cloudy you could only see a couple stars.,MVHS/BSE,,USA,United States 37.431721,-81.572895,2/27/2008 18:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,it was snowing,mvhs/BM theres a street light in frount of my house,,USA,United States 30.412001,-91.179002,2/28/2008 19:10,4,-9999.00,clear,Very light cloud coverbut the view of constellation Orion was good and unrestricted.,"Located on the Louisiana State University Campus which is located in the city of Baton Rouge, Louisiana.",,USA,United States 37.380000,-81.559999,2/27/2008 19:10,1,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,"Tonight I finally got to see somthing in the sky,but it still is a little cloudly.",MVMS/KBH,,USA,United States 37.344770,-81.445293,2/27/2008 20:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,It was cloudy outside i really could not see in the sky.,MVHS/CW It was cloudy outside i couldnt see nothing.,,USA,United States 37.389432,-81.409899,2/27/2008 20:30,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,it was very cloudy and it was snowing,mvms/bt there was a bunch of trees in the way,,USA,United States 37.344770,-81.445293,2/28/2008 21:00,1,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,It was like stars in the sky.,MVHS/CW I could see this time.,,USA,United States 37.344770,-81.445293,2/28/2008 18:00,-9999,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,it was very cloudy icould see but like 1 or 2 stars so i really couldn't tell,MVMS/LM,,USA,United States 43.522689,-70.555041,2/28/2008 19:16,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,Clouds in north; clear in the south.,A lot of parking lot lights in the area.,,USA,United States 43.475343,-70.466911,2/28/2008 19:20,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,"North clouds, clear in the South",a lot of parking lot light on the area,,USA,United States 43.475343,-70.466911,2/28/2008 19:13,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,clouds in the north clear in the south,"there werealot of lights, closed lights, around. the sky was clearbut a lil clear it was cold.",,USA,United States 43.522689,-70.555041,2/28/2008 19:24,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,Cloudy in north.Clear in south.,A lot of parking lot lights.,,USA,United States 43.522689,-70.555041,2/28/2008 19:15,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,cloudy in the north; clear in the south,a lot of parking lot lights in the area,,USA,United States 43.522689,-70.555041,2/28/2008 19:17,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,Fairly cloudy to the north. Clear in the south.,lolts of parking lot lights in the area.,,USA,United States 45.617409,12.232081,2/28/2008 18:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,ITA,Italy 43.485721,-70.457629,2/28/2008 19:35,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,light clouds in the north. clear in the south.,house lights,,USA,United States 43.477808,-70.420172,2/28/2008 20:30,6,-9999.00,clear,"no clouds, it was really clear",no lights except for the light inside the house other than that it was mostly dark,,USA,United States 37.389432,-81.409899,2/28/2008 21:45,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,it was very cloudy and it was snowing,mvms/bt there are trees in the way,,USA,United States 37.389432,-81.409899,2/27/2008 20:35,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,It was snowing outside and i couldnt see anything in the sky.,There are two street lights in front of my house side by side.,,USA,United States 41.060000,-81.480004,2/26/2008 20:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 41.060000,-81.480004,2/27/2008 20:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 37.389432,-81.409899,2/29/2008 21:45,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,I couldnt see anything at all but dark sky.,mvms-qw thee is two street ligtsin front of my house side by side.,,USA,United States 41.029998,-81.310001,2/28/2008 22:25,3,-9999.00,clear,Very clear sky.,Lights about 10 meters away from observation place.,,USA,United States 37.431721,-81.572895,2/27/2008 18:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,there were no stars in the sky i think cause of the snow,mvms tr i was on welch hill,even though i was not at home i put my number down,USA,United States 40.399732,18.018731,2/28/2008 21:15,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,ITA,Italy 41.040001,-81.519995,2/25/2008 20:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 44.599998,-75.169995,2/28/2008 21:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,Several street lights are on the street.,,USA,United States 39.964598,-75.560402,2/28/2008 21:00,4,-9999.00,clear,"clear, cold and calm","suburban Philadelphia area, 3 miles east of town of West Chester, AP",,USA,United States 41.040001,-81.519995,2/26/2008 20:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 41.040001,-81.519995,2/27/2008 20:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 43.522689,-70.555041,2/28/2008 19:19,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,There was a lot of lights around the parking lot and school and some clouds.,,USA,United States 43.522689,-70.555041,2/28/2008 19:15,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,light clouds to the north everything else was clear,too many lights near the school,none,USA,United States 43.522689,-70.555041,2/28/2008 19:17,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,Light clouds to the north. Rest of sky clear.,"A lot of lights around parking lot, glaring lights on building of Biddeford Intermediate School, exterior lights on the middle school building.",,USA,United States 43.522689,-70.555041,2/28/2008 19:15,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,light clouds to the North the rest of the sky was clear.,Many street lights around around parking lot.,,USA,United States 43.522689,-70.555041,2/28/2008 19:15,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,Light clouds to the North and the rest of the sky clear.,Lot of lights around the paking lot. Glaring lights on the building next door.,,USA,United States 43.522689,-70.555041,2/28/2008 18:00,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,it looked gay,a lot of gay lights,it was gay so i went and fucked a girl,USA,United States 43.459783,-70.542166,2/28/2008 19:20,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,Light clouds to the north. Rest of sky clear.,"A lot of lights around parking lot, glaring lights on building of Biddeford Intermediate School, exterior lights on the middle school building.",,USA,United States 43.522689,-70.555041,2/29/2008 19:20,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,I hate my sky,hola ameigo,woot hola ameigo hola ameig hola ameigo hola ameigo hola ameigo,USA,United States 37.344770,-81.445293,2/26/2008 20:30,6,-9999.00,clear,It wasvery clear i could really see up in the sky it was really pretty even though it didn't have a lot of stars but it was good and clear.,MVMS/LM,,USA,United States 43.488398,-70.466788,2/28/2008 19:40,5,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,alot more stars then at the school,too much snow on the ground but there were very little lights to decrease the amount of stars,none,USA,United States 39.072111,-76.974839,2/28/2008 20:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 43.473389,-70.456946,2/28/2008 19:55,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,"Clouds to the north, but the rest of the sky was clear.",Big glare of a garage light of my neighbor. A street light to my left.,,USA,United States 37.643150,-120.998044,2/28/2008 19:30,4,-9999.00,clear,,I live in the city.,,USA,United States 39.972357,-75.600680,2/28/2008 21:15,3,-9999.00,clear,,"in borough of West Chester, PA",Main constellation pretty obvious,USA,United States 37.745603,-121.000571,2/28/2008 20:30,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States -12.203379,-77.018914,2/28/2008 23:58,4,-9999.00,clear,"The sky was cleared and podia to see clearly Orion's constellation, and also podiamos Mars to observe from far but weakly",latitude: 12.203378423924533 longitude: 77.01891303062439,"The district alive where he is called Chorrillos in Peru, my house near the Beach to approximately 5 streets.",PER,Peru 37.454381,-120.897504,2/25/2008 21:10,6,-9999.00,clear,I live out in the country where the sky is usually fairly dark.,,,USA,United States 41.078049,-81.561891,2/28/2008 22:00,1,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 53.585549,17.871941,2/28/2008 19:08,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,POL,Poland 53.585549,17.871941,2/27/2008 18:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,POL,Poland 37.344770,-81.445293,2/28/2008 22:30,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,Cloudy,MVHS/JH It was cloudy & there was a street lightin my way.,,USA,United States 37.412891,-81.581398,2/26/2008 22:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,Cloudy,MVHS/DH,,USA,United States 37.561877,-121.951525,2/28/2008 18:00,3,-9999.00,clear,thin light haze in the sky; air moving and causing stars to appear and dissapear.,Shaded street light < 50 m from viewing area.,,USA,United States 40.229999,-74.330005,2/27/2008 23:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,This can be observed right outside my house. I always see Orion nearly every night that I'm outside. Its almost always very clear in my area.,,USA,United States 37.418560,-81.430991,2/27/2008 18:30,-9999,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,It was cloudy,MVMS/TH,,USA,United States 34.185531,-79.790072,2/25/2008 12:07,6,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,1 street lightlots of house loghts,,USA,United States 37.391929,-81.439207,2/28/2008 20:14,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,i don't see any thing in the sky I saw most the clouds.,MVMS/TH,,USA,United States 39.726002,-86.283990,2/27/2008 21:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 37.471070,-81.663162,2/26/2008 20:30,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,It was to cloundy to see anything,It was to cloundy to see.,None,USA,United States 35.666111,-78.732226,2/28/2008 21:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 30.443348,-97.674622,2/28/2008 19:50,3,-9999.00,clear,Capable to see 4 stars on Orion if using averted vision,"Backyard, some street lights about 100m behind trees.",S&,USA,United States 35.098672,-106.496528,2/28/2008 21:00,4,-9999.00,clear,100% clear,,r0 of about 6cm,USA,United States -39.000001,-71.000001,2/28/2008 22:00,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,Observamos desde Jun?n de los Andes,Hubo un incendio cerca. Hab?a algo de humo en la atm?sfera.,ARG,Argentina 38.725520,-114.077608,2/28/2008 20:31,6,-9999.00,clear,no noticible visible lights,,,USA,United States 39.081052,-114.046373,2/28/2008 22:05,6,-9999.00,clear,Very clear.,No lights within view.,,USA,United States 38.931511,-114.041298,2/28/2008 20:02,6,-9999.00,clear,it was very clear.,no lights in view,,USA,United States 41.459159,-78.749445,2/28/2008 22:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,Two factories to my direct south with poor outdoor lighting facing towards my house.,S&,USA,United States 28.745920,67.599345,2/29/2008 19:15,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,Scattered few clouds.... less than a quarter of the sky due South. Main constellations like orion and its neighbours clearly visible.... Pleides seven stars easily discernable with the naked eye.,Karachi... district South DHA residential area near the sea.,,PAK,Pakistan 60.194403,24.001700,2/25/2008 19:45,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,FIN,Finland 43.622000,-116.412009,2/28/2008 21:15,5,-9999.00,clear,"Clear sky, with a very light haze. A few thin clouds near western horizon.","A western suburn of Boise, ID. Few street lights; none on our cul-de-sac.",,USA,United States 43.522689,-70.555041,2/28/2008 19:20,7,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,thin clouds to north. Rest of sky was clear.,"lots of parking lot lights, glaring lights on exterior of building a short distance away",,USA,United States 43.522689,-70.555041,2/28/2008 19:19,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,few clouds to the north.,"Many lights, sheilded. Full cut off fixtures. Made glares.",,USA,United States 43.522689,-70.555041,2/28/2008 19:15,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,"lots of parking lot lights, glaring lights on exterior of building a short distant away",,USA,United States 43.522689,-70.555041,2/28/2008 19:24,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,"Clouds to the north, but other than that it was clear.",A lot of lights created a glare and made it had to see.,,USA,United States 43.475343,-70.466911,2/28/2008 19:20,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,not many clouds,lots of parking lot and glaring lightson a near by building,,USA,United States 43.522689,-70.555041,2/28/2008 19:15,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,"Lots of parking lot lights,that made alot of glare. That is unsafe for the environment.",,USA,United States 43.475343,-70.466911,2/28/2008 19:20,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,My friend told me there were clouds to the North which distracted some viewing.,"Sadly, I didn't get to go so I didn't get to see it. I bet there was a glare though due to the lights around the school!",I wish I could have gone........ I love space!,USA,United States 43.522689,-70.555041,2/28/2008 19:20,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,clouds only coverd the north side of sky everything else was clear,lots of lights,,USA,United States 43.522689,-70.555041,2/28/2008 19:15,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,thin clouds to the north the rest was clear,"lots of parking lot lights, glaring lightson the exterior of a nearby building",,USA,United States 43.522689,-70.555041,2/28/2008 19:24,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,meh.,A lot of parking lot lights and some lights from the school. Some full cut offfictured and lights from the walk way.,,USA,United States 43.522689,-70.555041,2/28/2008 19:17,3,-9999.00,clear,The sky was very clear,Lots of parking lot lights.Not a lot of full cut off fictures.,,USA,United States 43.483102,-70.465334,2/28/2008 21:38,1,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,kind of cloudy made a little effect on my vision.,too many lights to see much. many glares from neighbors homes and feild behind my area.,,USA,United States 43.488460,-70.465682,2/28/2008 19:48,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,"Just like at our school, there were clouds to the north",17 lights created a bad glare that you couldn't see the sky unless you blocked it from your eyes.,,USA,United States 44.849990,7.716660,2/29/2008 19:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,ITA,Italy 41.016160,29.042231,2/29/2008 19:10,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,TUR,Turkey 51.099992,17.033331,2/28/2008 23:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,Center of a big city,,POL,Poland 41.048382,-81.481698,2/28/2008 20:30,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,grey sky,,,USA,United States 39.792330,-86.106002,2/28/2008 18:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 34.044948,-116.027401,2/28/2008 19:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 43.650083,-79.361341,2/28/2008 18:30,3,-9999.00,clear,No clouds that I could see. Very cold weather.,Parking lot in the Distillery District in Toronto,,CAN,Canada 34.200280,-79.777047,2/28/2008 19:30,4,-9999.00,clear,,,there was one house light outside of my house and one street light across the street,USA,United States 43.522689,-70.555041,2/28/2008 19:12,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,Few clouds in north; rest of sky clear. No moon.,"lots of parking lot lights, some cars with headlights on, bright lights on inside middle school cafeteria which illuminated the outside playground, walkway lights, glaring lights on outside of Biddeford Intermediate School.",very cold and breezy,USA,United States 43.522689,-70.555041,2/28/2008 19:20,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,no moon,"lots of parking lot lights, some cars with headlights on,bright lights in the middle school cafeteria",very cold/breasy,USA,United States 43.522689,-70.555041,2/28/2008 19:12,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,"few clouds in north,and rest of clouds moon","lots of parking lot lights,with headlights on,lights on inside middle school cafateria wich illuminated the outside playground,walking lights,glaring lights of outside of BIS.",very cold and breezy,USA,United States 43.522689,-70.555041,2/28/2008 19:20,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,Cloud cover away from Orian.,Many parking lights on. School lights on. Car lights on. Walkway way lights. Yellow lights close-by.,It was very cold. Never go out in the middle of Winter with your teacher.,USA,United States 43.522689,-70.555041,2/28/2008 19:20,3,-9999.00,clear,"few clouds at north, rest of sky clear, no moon","lots of parking lot lights, some car lights, brights from cafeteria, walk way lights, blarring lights at BIS",very cold and breezy,USA,United States 43.522689,-70.555041,2/28/2008 19:17,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,"There were a few clouds in the North, the rest of the sky was pretty clear. There was no moon.","Lots of parkinglot lights, some cars with headlights on, bright lights on inside the school cafeteria which illuminated the outside playground, walkway lights, glaring lights on outside Biddeford Intermediate School.","extreamly cold, a little windy",USA,United States 43.522689,-70.555041,2/28/2008 19:12,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,Some clouds in the north but there was pretty much no clouds in the south which was where we were looking. There was no moon.,"Lots of parking lot lights, some cars with head lights on, lights on inside building, there were lots of walkway lights, glaring lights next to Biddeford Intermediate School.",It was windy.,USA,United States 43.522689,-70.555041,2/28/2008 19:13,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,Clouds were in the north and we were taking observations in the south. Luckily there was no moon.,"Lots of parking lot lights, some cars with lights on sitting n the parking lot, Lights on in the Middle school cafe, Bright yellow lights in the parking lot at the school next door.",it was rather windy... and very cold!,USA,United States 43.522689,-70.555041,2/28/2008 19:20,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,"No moon. few clouds in North, rest of sky clear.","lots of parking lot lights, some car lights, some lights from the biddeford middle school caffiteria, walk way lights, blarring lights on outside at the BIS.",very cold and windy out.,USA,United States 43.522689,-70.555041,2/28/2008 19:15,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,Clouds were in the north. No moon.,School lights were on. Some cars in the parkinglot had their lights on. Bright yellow glaring lights.,It was very cold.,USA,United States 43.475343,-70.467629,2/28/2008 19:17,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,Clouds were in the north. NO moon,"lots of parking lot lights.some cars with headlights on, bright lights on inside Middel school cafe which illuminated the outside playground, walkway lights, glaring lights on outside of BIDDEFORD INTERMIDIATE SCHOOL.","it was very cold, and dark",USA,United States 43.475343,-70.466911,2/28/2008 19:15,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,The clouds werent realy over the area we were looking they were more towards the north and werent there throught the entire night they started to go away as th night went on.,"There were many lights in the area because of the parking lot, the school lights were on and some car head lights were also on in the general area.",There also was no moon during the entir exseriment wich seemed helpfull.,USA,United States 43.475343,-70.466911,2/28/2008 19:19,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,"A few clouds to the north but the rest of the sky was clear, and no moon.","Lots of parking lot lights, some cars with head lights, some lights inside cafeteria plus many more.",Cold and breezy.,USA,United States 37.981801,-122.554808,2/28/2008 19:30,5,-9999.00,clear,Particularly clear night (4/5 for astronomical seeing),Fairly dark suburban location north of San Francisco.,,USA,United States 43.522689,-70.555041,2/28/2008 19:12,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,"The clouds didn't really cover much of the observation areas, but more to the north over the school. There was no moon which helped seeing more stars.","Parking lights, School lights were both on, Cars also had headlights on. Walkway lights were on and the cafeteria lights shined on the playground, glaring lights on the edge of Biddeford Intermediate School.",Very Cold and Freezy,USA,United States 43.491759,-70.461413,2/28/2008 20:12,5,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,near lights.,,USA,United States 28.546721,-81.381554,2/28/2008 21:30,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 43.470568,-70.462369,2/28/2008 19:42,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,There were clouds more tords the north away from were we were looking,There were some very dim street light and some montioned sensored lights in the area wich didnt affect much i think.,,USA,United States 49.774170,17.749319,2/29/2008 20:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,Z` Vitkov Komenskeho 754,CZE,Czech Republic 30.411940,-91.179358,2/26/2008 19:30,3,-9999.00,clear,Clear Sky. No Haze,On top of a large building,,USA,United States 34.067262,-79.726476,2/28/2008 19:50,5,-9999.00,clear,,,one street light that was blue and it was bright but that was the only light that was shining. the stars were behind my house.,USA,United States 38.795550,-77.614158,2/28/2008 21:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,Five unshielded street lights within 150 feet.,,USA,United States 44.899819,9.715749,2/29/2008 20:11,2,-9999.00,clear,,,,ITA,Italy 40.467812,22.990820,2/29/2008 21:10,3,-9999.00,clear,The sky was almost clear with a few clouds.,Big city at the North.,Air temperature : 12oC Humidity : 90%Wind : 3b SE,GRC,Greece 38.459999,-121.840002,2/28/2008 21:00,4,-9999.00,clear,Very clear sky.,38.46 (38?27') | -121.84 (-121?50'),"On the north east side of our house, shielded from many nearby apartments, the viewing was almost a magnitude 4.5. That is, I saw more stars than the mag 4 chart above. However, where the adjacent light was not blocked, the viewing was mag 4.0",USA,United States 20.630270,-103.426392,2/28/2008 21:00,4,-9999.00,clear,"Although this days the sky its clear enough to see a magnitude 4, most of the year on this city its a magnitude 3.",,,MEX,Mexico 41.957729,-72.404923,2/28/2008 18:10,2,14.67,1/4 of sky,The night was mostly clear. The later more stars were shown.,,,USA,United States 37.344770,-81.445293,2/28/2008 21:30,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,There is alot of street lights and there was a little bit of snow falling but I still saw the stars.,MVMS!!!/kw There is street lights,,USA,United States 41.944841,-72.372145,2/28/2008 19:25,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,It was a beautiful night so I could see a lot of stars. I could see Orion perfectly. I first looked up and saw the 3 stars next to each other and instantly I knew it was his belt.,,,USA,United States 41.979760,-72.272916,2/28/2008 19:18,5,-9999.00,clear,"A beatiful night, great for looking at the stars. I just look up in the right direction and saw Orion.",,,USA,United States 41.948362,-72.287976,2/28/2008 19:30,5,-9999.00,clear,"Near Orion there were a few very faint stars and something that unlike a star which might have looked like a near galaxy .Also it was a beautiful night for star gazing.Very easy to spot many stars and could easly see the Big Dipper,Orion,and Cassiopeia.",,,USA,United States 41.868510,-72.449592,2/28/2008 20:38,4,-9999.00,clear,It was clear( no clouds) you could see Orion geat.,,,USA,United States 41.980627,-72.285272,2/28/2008 19:20,3,-9999.00,clear,I found orian for the first time.,,,USA,United States 41.951801,-72.309833,2/28/2008 19:00,4,-9999.00,clear,In the beginng I saw no stars the first recording but later during my second recording it was a beautiful night at 7:00 pm.,,,USA,United States 41.957989,-72.314375,2/28/2008 20:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,There is alote of stores nere my house so i couldn't realy see the sky very well.,,,USA,United States 37.431721,-81.572895,2/28/2008 20:30,1,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,It is very cloudy and I could barley see it.,mvms/as,,USA,United States 37.431721,-81.572895,2/28/2008 19:30,-9999,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,mvms/md,,USA,United States 44.948689,9.436070,2/29/2008 20:35,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,ITA,Italy 37.425332,-81.506888,2/27/2008 18:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,mvms/ad,,USA,United States 37.366049,-81.551844,2/28/2008 19:15,-9999,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,mvms/ah,,USA,United States 38.544998,-121.800004,2/28/2008 18:45,3,-9999.00,clear,very clear sky,,"However, I was in a parking lot with many sodium vapor lights. By shielding my eyes, I could discern the mag 3 stars... just barely.",USA,United States 37.425332,-81.506888,2/28/2008 18:00,2,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,mvms/ad,,USA,United States 39.451350,-77.974853,2/28/2008 20:05,4,-9999.00,clear,,"There was one bright light in the the direction I was looking, about 100 meters away.",,USA,United States 44.833000,20.500000,2/29/2008 20:40,1,-9999.00,clear,,Centar Beograda,,YUG,Yugoslavia 45.405960,11.901121,2/29/2008 20:00,1,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,ITA,Italy 38.695252,-9.334180,2/29/2008 20:00,3,-9999.00,clear,"To be more precise I should report a 3,5 magnitude.",,,PRT,Portugal 41.046681,-81.526320,2/28/2008 20:00,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 49.200001,2.533000,2/29/2008 20:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,FRA,France 51.448929,6.908640,2/29/2008 21:30,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,It is raining.,,,DEU,Germany 42.094620,-72.619295,2/28/2008 20:00,4,-9999.00,clear,"There is severe skyglow from N to E, while from S/E to N/W there is minimal skyglow. Under the best conditions at any time of the year I cannot see the Milky Way.","There is a used-car dealership across the street from my house. There are eight sodium lights. They are not in my direct vision if I'm in my backyard. One mile to the N- N/E is Springfield, a city of 100.000, and 'downtown' borders my town. Orion is to m",S&,USA,United States 41.057940,-81.495119,2/28/2008 19:27,3,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,cloudy and dark,,beggging to snow and is cold,USA,United States 41.641560,-0.883290,2/29/2008 21:30,3,-9999.00,clear,,Zaragoza (Spain),,ESP,Spain 45.427701,11.942200,2/28/2008 18:00,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,ITA,Italy 41.040001,-81.480004,2/28/2008 20:30,2,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 40.598050,22.966110,2/29/2008 22:35,3,-9999.00,clear,,Lights from nearby flats,,GRC,Greece 37.476053,-79.841886,2/27/2008 19:15,3,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 60.200003,25.000000,2/29/2008 19:45,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,FIN,Finland 49.779300,17.820841,2/29/2008 21:51,1,-9999.00,clear,,,,CZE,Czech Republic 37.476053,-79.841886,2/28/2008 19:45,6,-9999.00,clear,lovely clear night,,,USA,United States 32.607928,-96.933382,2/28/2008 21:07,3,-9999.00,clear,A few whisps to the extreme north.,House lights and street light behind me as I look toward Orion.,,USA,United States 40.631098,-73.935801,2/28/2008 20:00,4,-9999.00,clear,"Sky clear under temps of -5C and brisk breeze. Transp is more like 4-1/2 magn around Orion, then near meridian. Snowfall from last week is almost totally melted away.","Residence in bedrrom district of Brooklyn. Small houses on 6x20m lots. Height is generally within 3 floors, 10-12m. Trees on curbline. Minor interference rom oldstyle street yard lamps.",Sky conditions here are typical of those in Brooklyn south of glacial moraine. Brooklyn is a boro of new York City of about 3 million inhabitants.,USA,United States 35.981300,-114.068196,2/28/2008 20:00,7,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 28.340000,-82.124999,2/29/2008 20:00,5,-9999.00,clear,"Clear, steady skies with 40 degree temp.","Withlacoochee River County Park, Dade City, FL",,USA,United States 44.267101,9.967420,2/29/2008 23:44,2,-9999.00,clear,,,,ITA,Italy 52.040000,1.180000,2/29/2008 21:42,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,GBR,United Kingdom 35.544400,-97.620759,2/28/2008 21:00,-9999,17.04,over 1/2 of sky,Too cloudy to see Orion.,Residential area with one street light at end of block.,Took meter reading anyway but only could make out 2 stars in entire sky.,USA,United States 39.312049,-76.425261,2/28/2008 23:30,3,-9999.00,clear,"clear, cold, breezy",,,USA,United States 61.582140,-149.574436,2/28/2008 20:35,3,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,"light, fant clouds, almost clear","*main hwy, Parks, 50 ft away, cars and street lights*neighbors and own inside house lights on, 20 ft away","It was really hard to find my latitude and longitude, and i dont know if it's exact. Also the parks hwy is a major hwy and there is always ALOT of traffic.",USA,United States 51.565189,0.073450,2/29/2008 22:49,3,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,GBR,United Kingdom 39.083329,-76.650002,2/28/2008 22:00,4,19.11,clear,transparent,sub-suburban/semi-rural,,USA,United States 52.237389,-0.877400,2/27/2008 21:45,3,-9999.00,clear,Clear sky,Inner town with sodium street lights.,,GBR,United Kingdom 37.431721,-81.572895,2/26/2008 20:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,can hardly see the sky...,mvms/th,,USA,United States 37.431721,-81.572895,2/27/2008 23:37,4,-9999.00,clear,there is many stars out but no all that many..,mvms/th,,USA,United States 37.431721,-81.572895,2/29/2008 20:30,5,-9999.00,clear,its pretty clear and very beautiful..,mvms/th,,USA,United States 44.544909,-69.616061,2/29/2008 18:30,6,-9999.00,clear,I could see all of orion!!!!,There weren't many street lights on at 6:30,The sky was very clear!!!!,USA,United States 42.340001,-71.139999,2/29/2008 19:33,1,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,LOW SNOW CLOUDS MOVING IN,,,USA,United States 41.038317,-81.518130,2/27/2008 20:00,1,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,it was snowing so orian was not fully visible.,,,USA,United States 41.038331,-81.518226,2/28/2008 20:00,2,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,it was cloudy outside so orian could not be seen.,,,USA,United States 41.081187,-81.520910,2/29/2008 18:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,it was too cloudy to see orian.,,,USA,United States 51.590939,-0.333840,2/29/2008 18:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,GBR,United Kingdom 40.629889,-74.419146,2/28/2008 22:20,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 44.536491,-69.630664,2/29/2008 19:20,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,Very Cloudy.,,Suppose to snow tomorrow so I'll check tomorrow night!,USA,United States -36.999999,-57.000002,2/29/2008 21:09,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,ARG,Argentina 45.556542,-73.683828,2/23/2008 21:00,3,-9999.00,clear,The sky was totally clear .,Laval Astronomical Observatory in a suburb area. The site is surrendered by street light posts and houses with external lighting.,,CAN,Canada 18.180000,-66.980004,2/29/2008 20:41,6,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,PRI,Puerto Rico -29.962722,-71.075577,2/29/2008 22:00,6,20.88,clear,,CADIAS,,CHL,Chile 40.202750,-79.930350,2/29/2008 19:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,"Member AAAP, NSN participating club. It has been clouded over 4 of the first 5 nights.",USA,United States 41.944841,-72.372145,2/29/2008 20:50,-9999,18.43,over 1/2 of sky,The sky was an orange gray mix. I could see no stars in the sky. I could also not see the moon.,I was in my frount yard. There was no light in sight that i could see.,,USA,United States 26.522369,-81.894289,2/29/2008 19:50,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,Broken clouds and warm temperatures.,There are street lights nearby and houses. There is a busy intersection and shopping mall about 1/4 mile away.,"Three people were observing, one person was 40 years old, another was 36 and the last was 5 years old.",USA,United States 55.550000,-3.100000,2/29/2008 23:10,1,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,GBR,United Kingdom 42.259999,-75.760001,2/29/2008 20:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,Sky is not visible due to Snow Storm,,,USA,United States 8.340000,-82.249999,2/29/2008 20:05,5,-9999.00,clear,One stree light within 70 m that is shielded from my view by trees and from my rolloff roof of the observatory.,"Dolega, Chiriqui, Panama between Boquete and David. About 30 minutes from the Costa Rica border.",Been here two and a half years and still can't figure out why the sky still isn't darker. Been an amateur astronomer for over 40 years and know what dark skies look like. Just can't figure it out. Most time it looks like a thin layer of something. Thank,PAN,Panama 32.927509,-96.414711,2/29/2008 19:26,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 38.934711,-95.258073,2/29/2008 19:35,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 39.736920,-84.144434,2/29/2008 20:30,4,-9999.00,clear,"Clouds this evening, but fairly clear at the time of observation.",,,USA,United States 39.142588,-76.602819,2/29/2008 20:43,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 42.312117,-83.689454,2/29/2008 19:20,4,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,A break in the clouds afforded a breif look at the area of sky necessary to give a good reading,This is from Northeast Ann Arbor in a city park. (Sugar Bush Park),This observation has been reported by an experienced amateur astronomer.,USA,United States 36.998360,-122.028242,2/28/2008 20:30,5,-9999.00,clear,a few whispy high elevation clouds that evening. less than 1/8th coverage.,"from my sububan driveway, set back off the road and surrounded by tall trees, on a bluff 300' elevation just north of Santa Cruz city limits. the chart was between 4 and 5, i could see most of the stars in 5, using averted vision on the faintest.","as I'm 300' above and a mile north of the small coastal town of Santa Cruz, sky darkness at my home varies with atmosphere... if the air transparency is poor, there is more sky glow.",USA,United States 41.943611,-88.778806,2/29/2008 19:45,6,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,The clouds were low and moving very fast,,This was the first time I was able to idenify a constellations in which I was very excited I was able to do so.,USA,United States 40.141811,-105.164757,2/28/2008 19:30,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 40.141739,-105.164962,2/29/2008 19:10,3,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 37.344770,-81.445293,2/29/2008 21:18,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,MVMS/T.W It was raining and cloudy tonight.,,USA,United States 33.459519,-82.211599,2/29/2008 21:00,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,kind of cloudy,local neighborhood, SC124 C001 Fall 07 Lindsey Green,USA,United States 39.775730,-86.109595,2/29/2008 21:23,2,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 39.539081,-77.923490,2/29/2008 21:21,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,It is rainy here in WV again this evening. A storm developed rather quickly tonight and I can't see anything but rain drops.,"By using the telephone search, I was able to update my location to exactly where I am.",,USA,United States 35.246539,-84.876220,2/29/2008 20:10,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,cloudy- again! )-:,,,USA,United States 36.084490,-80.061142,2/29/2008 21:50,-9999,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,Cloudy Night,,,USA,United States 35.263631,-105.347028,2/29/2008 19:30,4,-9999.00,clear,"Clear sky, 44 degrees F, 39% humidity.",Pecos River valley,"Rural, so there are tall yard lights everywhere.",USA,United States 44.745129,-63.765792,2/29/2008 21:45,5,-9999.00,clear,"Clear skies, calm stable atmosphere... perfect observing conditions.","Generally good visibility in most quadrants, street light directly across from house causes issues with the WNW sky, however is significantly far away that is not a major problem. Significant light pollution to the east from the city of Halifax.","Chose chart # 5 as I could clearly see the sword, and could distiguish the cluster of stars at the head. However, the number of stars visible does not exactly match chart above, in fact it is more representative to say that my sky is between 4 and 5, but",CAN,Canada 37.366049,-81.551844,2/29/2008 21:49,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,mvms/kj,,USA,United States 33.918651,-116.908919,2/29/2008 19:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,Large casino 5mi to east north-east. Street lights blocked.,,USA,United States 30.000001,-92.999999,2/29/2008 20:50,4,-9999.00,clear,sky was clear and could see stars clearly,1 light post but in the distance,,USA,United States 61.539998,-149.600008,2/28/2008 21:10,3,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 32.178742,-110.892452,2/29/2008 19:50,5,-9999.00,clear,It was very clear tonight. I could see Orion very clearly and it was almost directly above my house.,,,USA,United States 32.228801,-110.949948,2/29/2008 19:30,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 44.296359,-93.278029,2/29/2008 21:00,4,-9999.00,clear,There are a few clouds to the north and east.,,,USA,United States 33.755563,-96.574961,2/29/2008 20:30,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 35.473609,-97.276381,2/29/2008 20:30,3,-9999.00,clear,"Very nice night, just lots of light polution","Clear and about 54 degrees, outskirts of oklahoma City.",,USA,United States 39.281658,-76.606568,2/29/2008 18:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 35.605390,-97.590071,2/29/2008 20:31,5,-9999.00,clear,,I live about as far North in Oklahoma City as you can get.,,USA,United States -45.341097,-72.035669,2/29/2008 18:00,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,"Coyhaique, Patagonia Chilena, Chile",,CHL,Chile 32.316661,-111.066676,2/29/2008 20:07,4,-9999.00,clear,"Transperancy-Good, Slight star twinkling.",All the Lights are on at the sports park two miles east of me across the Santa Cruz river.,,USA,United States 33.502498,-111.982905,2/29/2008 19:55,3,-9999.00,clear,,Street light across street from house that is shielded from my view when standing on north side of house.,,USA,United States 32.250159,-110.941970,2/29/2008 20:17,3,-9999.00,clear,"It seemed lighter outside than normal, maybe the 30 minutes earlier did the trick. It brought down the magnitude by one...",,,USA,United States 39.679902,-104.884105,2/29/2008 20:05,2,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,"There were a few areas where sky was partially covered with clouds. However, I could see all the stars through.",The location I chose was by my house in one of the parks. I used location out of all lights. It was in Denver.,"Even though i avoided all direct lights and adapted to darkness, sky seemed a bit bright for the night. I'm pretty sure there was much more to see than what I observed.",USA,United States 32.240631,-110.905600,2/29/2008 20:23,4,-9999.00,clear,"Clear, transparent sky.",,Observed from backyard. The only artificial light source with any impact was a streetlight that was perhaps 400 feet away.,USA,United States 36.554599,-95.047014,2/29/2008 20:45,6,-9999.00,clear,Clear and steady seeing. temp 39* F humidity 47%. no wind barometer rising,Nearest town - 10 miles. Nearest village - 3 miles. no outside lighting for 1 mile radius,,USA,United States -35.233971,149.042760,2/29/2008 21:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,AUS,Australia 37.499999,-77.166658,2/28/2008 21:45,5,-9999.00,clear,"cold night, 34 degrees F, clear with some instability viewing objects by telescope.",,,USA,United States 40.299721,-105.084441,2/29/2008 20:30,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,"Little Thompson ObservatoryBerthoud, CO",,USA,United States 33.916291,-117.382388,2/29/2008 19:55,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.216998,-110.970999,2/29/2008 20:44,2,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 38.540002,-109.510001,2/29/2008 20:30,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 35.545380,-97.301017,2/29/2008 20:15,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 40.220003,-112.700000,2/29/2008 20:00,7,-9999.00,clear,,"On the road through Skull Valley, Utah. No street lights visible.Large sky glow to 45 degrees in the NE from Salt Lake City and Tooele.",,USA,United States 40.425270,-104.749735,2/29/2008 21:10,-9999,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,"Mars can be seen, but Orion cannot.",,,USA,United States 39.028469,-77.035491,2/29/2008 22:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 40.563670,-105.073561,2/29/2008 21:38,3,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,clouds low on the horizon in all directions,Noah's front yard,had to wait for clouds to clear for Orion to become visable,USA,United States 37.455719,-108.603211,2/29/2008 21:45,5,-9999.00,clear,,"Indirect lights in souther sky from town of Cortez, Colorado",,USA,United States 50.946941,-114.086938,2/29/2008 22:00,2,-9999.00,clear,Near southern outskirts of city of 1 million people,,,CAN,Canada 33.577080,-112.140430,2/29/2008 20:27,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 40.340771,-105.520569,2/29/2008 21:40,5,20.40,1/4 of sky,Very Clear with excellent transparency where there were no clouds. Sky glow to the SE (Denver),,,USA,United States 54.753279,25.285009,2/27/2008 22:40,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,LTU,Lithuania 54.718923,25.278030,2/25/2008 21:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,LTU,Lithuania 54.741828,25.278139,2/26/2008 20:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,LTU,Lithuania 32.233329,-110.899999,3/1/2008 19:59,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 35.360248,-97.510226,2/29/2008 22:00,4,-9999.00,clear,very clear night,,,USA,United States 37.643181,-122.469854,2/27/2008 22:00,4,-9999.00,clear,Cloud cover was spotty but less than 25%,See previous comments,First relatively clear night in months,USA,United States 37.643181,-122.469854,2/28/2008 22:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,Actually foggy through the area,,,USA,United States 37.643181,-122.469854,2/29/2008 18:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,Very foggy to 100 ft el. Clear above that level.,,,USA,United States 39.733300,-104.952400,2/29/2008 19:12,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,Cloud front moving in from the north.,Center of dark park. Lamp posts about 75 meters away.,,USA,United States 29.538051,-95.216662,2/29/2008 21:00,5,-9999.00,clear,My viewing is actually in between the Mag 4 chart and Mag 5 chart. It's too bad there's not a Mag 4.5 chart,"Suburb of Houston, Street light 60' away",,USA,United States 35.372187,-97.376996,2/29/2008 23:00,4,18.90,clear,Very clear with no clouds this eve.,Lake Stanley Draper Soccer Fields,Northern sky had major light dome from Oklahoma City. South and East views were good.,USA,United States 35.326141,-97.336855,2/29/2008 23:30,5,19.61,clear,Still clear sky 30 minutes later.,Back side of Lake Stanley Draper.,"This reading was from the back side of the lake with less of a light dome, further away from highway and Tinker Air Force Base. Could see a little more of Orion but the Northern sky light dome was still there.",USA,United States 34.602350,-118.670575,2/27/2008 19:30,5,-9999.00,clear,vastly better than my home base of mag. 3.5 skies!,reasonably good dark sky sight at the end of a road. the spoiler is a power plant approximately 2 km to the south. it is well below line of sight but there is a pronounced dome of light above it.,this is an excellent exercise but i almost missed it due to lack of prominent publicity. the major amateur astronomy magazines send out weekly email letters. maybe try to encourage them to give globe at night top priority coverage early and often.,USA,United States 40.106707,-88.245102,2/29/2008 19:00,3,-9999.00,clear,Seeing basically average. First clear night for a while; constant between 7:00 and 11:00pm.,Well lit. :( The entire area is like that.,S&,USA,United States 50.799720,4.406940,2/29/2008 20:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,Completely cloudy :-(,,,BEL,Belgium 32.230000,-110.960002,2/29/2008 19:45,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.240972,-111.064203,2/28/2008 19:30,5,19.45,clear,Skyglow to about 20 deg. above the horizon.Temp 66 degSeeing 7,"A school camp about 10 mils from city. A rustic area with cabins, pavilion, campfire pit, restrooms. Tucson Mountains was the backdrop on the west and Tucson city lights to the East.",There were 55 children and 20 adults at the event. Children were ages 9 to 11. They were very interested in the glary light demonstration. The children enjoyed participating.,USA,United States 32.237530,-111.025510,3/1/2008 23:59,4,19.31,clear,Mostly clear but seeing was about a 6.Temp 57 deg,Location backs up to ravine with residential developments all around. Tucson skyglo to the East extends about 20 deg above the horizon.,,USA,United States -27.537999,153.262997,3/1/2008 20:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,"Street lights and walkway lights within 100 metres, hidden from view",,AUS,Australia -33.420187,151.270358,3/1/2008 21:45,6,-9999.00,clear,clear dark sky overhead with some clouds in the Eastern horizon,"from my backyard in Croydon, NSW, Australia",,AUS,Australia -37.717770,145.128064,3/1/2008 22:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,"...was almost Magnitude 5 Chart, but not quite!",AUS,Australia 45.538442,-73.512848,2/29/2008 21:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,clouded over,,,CAN,Canada 14.649999,121.050008,3/1/2008 19:46,-9999,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,one extremely faint star and nothing else but clouds,,,PHL,Philippines -34.262872,138.180013,3/1/2008 22:30,6,-9999.00,clear,still with very slight haze but predominantly clear,Situated on a farm approx 3km from small town - minimal lighting,,AUS,Australia 40.564992,-115.395049,3/1/2008 20:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 39.088411,-106.309401,2/29/2008 21:00,7,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 18.789231,99.170023,3/1/2008 20:14,1,-9999.00,clear,Today has about 80% of cloud cover on the sky but no rain.,,,THA,Thailand 32.972031,-97.397582,2/29/2008 20:15,5,-9999.00,clear,"Sky suffering from neighbors light pollution. Most people seem to feel the need to light up their entire house after dark! Could clearly see the sword-stars in Orion but few of the very faint background stars, so my location is somehwere between chart 4",Rural site northwest of Fort Worth. We have a train depot about five miles away and Alliance Airport to our east. Almost always anywhere between 5-10 planes in the sky. Late at night sky is VERY dark.,,USA,United States 37.471070,-81.663162,2/29/2008 19:40,2,-9999.00,clear,,MVMS/BNA,,USA,United States 37.519250,-120.880592,2/29/2008 22:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 38.939998,-3.230000,3/1/2008 22:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,ESP,Spain 8.639720,99.897186,3/1/2008 19:45,4,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,little haze over the sky,"Walailak University, Nakhon Si Thammarat, Thailand",,THA,Thailand 37.431721,-81.572895,2/29/2008 21:10,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,it was raining tonight,MVMS/AM there is a street light in front of my house blocking the view.,,USA,United States 37.720403,26.956320,2/29/2008 12:40,6,-9999.00,clear,,,,GRC,Greece 37.430000,-81.569999,2/29/2008 19:30,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,MVMS/CC,,USA,United States 16.042499,103.652000,3/1/2008 21:09,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,THA,Thailand 41.476938,12.896660,2/23/2008 21:00,2,-9999.00,clear,Y,"Latina (Near Rome) , my home in center town",,ITA,Italy -34.499999,-58.616663,2/29/2008 21:10,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,"Don Torcuato is a big town, it has near 70.000 peoples. There are a lot of bussines, school, industries.",,ARG,Argentina 34.042838,-118.147219,2/29/2008 20:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,Full cloud cover,"My apartment in Monterey Park, CA",,USA,United States 20.425899,-100.451701,2/29/2008 20:00,6,-9999.00,clear,claro con visibilidad del 98% pocas nubes dispersas,despejado con visibilidad al 98% con vientos moderados del noreste de aproximadamente 5 kM/h,,MEX,Mexico 27.917000,-110.932996,2/28/2008 21:30,5,-9999.00,clear,Dark and clear night.,"Bah?a Bacochibampo-Miramar, near to beach.",Street light at 50mts,MEX,Mexico 36.869108,-107.934276,2/29/2008 21:30,6,-9999.00,clear,"Very clear night, no clouds. Milky Way was clearly visable and my estimate is based on identifying several magnitude 6 stars.","Rural homesite with no street lights, unshielded security lights, or exterior lights. Observations are made from the deck of my observatory. Light polution is from the towns of Aztec (5 mi distant) and Farmington (18 mi distant), New Mexico . Neither tow",,USA,United States 35.209997,-97.370002,2/27/2008 21:00,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,High ice had been plaguing us most of the day. Clouds moved in from the North and covered 1/4 of the N sky by 10 p.m.,"Washington Elementary School site east of Norman, OklahomaLooking west we have the light Dome of Norman SW -Baseball field lights were one at the Universioty of OklahomaN-Light Dome of Oklahoma City",,USA,United States 44.330001,-69.359997,2/28/2008 21:00,3,-9999.00,clear,It was very clear out. There were no clouds.,"There are two spotlights ten yards away, on spotlight fifty yards away, a street light sixty yards away, and a street light one hundred yards away. Also, lights on in nearby homes can be seen.",I didn't see the moon.,USA,United States 35.200001,-97.449997,2/29/2008 22:00,4,-9999.00,clear,Clear and calm,"In a residentail neighborhood iN Norman, OK, west of the Universioty of Oklahoma surrounded by many large trees",,USA,United States 44.797828,-68.774739,2/29/2008 18:45,3,-9999.00,clear,High haze,,"location just north westerly of down town bangor, maine",USA,United States 45.103728,-68.941191,2/29/2008 19:05,6,-9999.00,clear,high haze,"my driveway in rural hampden, maine",prior to stormfront from the west,USA,United States 46.194530,9.027290,3/1/2008 18:40,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,CHE,Switzerland 43.927221,8.114440,2/29/2008 20:00,3,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,Near the sea,,ITA,Italy 32.214167,-110.883791,2/28/2008 19:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.248007,-110.947407,2/29/2008 22:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 37.995270,23.799721,2/29/2008 12:51,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,Dustie atmosphere,,,GRC,Greece 41.709998,-71.389998,2/29/2008 21:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,snowing,WARWICK(02889) - USALat-Long:41.71 (41?42') | -71.39 (-71?23'),,USA,United States 40.765441,-73.981952,2/29/2008 21:30,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,Overcast with rain.,"SE corner of W. 56th & B'way, NYC, USA",,USA,United States 42.677030,13.983910,2/29/2008 12:10,5,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,Small town in middle Italy over the Eastern Coast,,ITA,Italy 60.200003,25.000000,3/1/2008 19:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,FIN,Finland 37.366049,-81.551844,2/29/2008 19:30,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,I could not see anything because of the rain storm that we had all day.,MVMS/KC I could not see anything due to the rain.,,USA,United States 49.774491,17.753519,3/1/2008 19:49,-9999,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,CZE,Czech Republic -35.749999,-69.580005,2/27/2008 23:00,5,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,"Not very good observational conditions. The sky was cloudy all the February, mainly in the night","Malargue is a city in the south of the Province of Mendoza, in Argentina. t has 21.750 inhabitants.",The observation was made by a group of 10 members of Pierre Auger Observatory,ARG,Argentina 44.908378,9.820840,3/1/2008 19:44,4,-9999.00,clear,Beautiful and wonderful,Beatiful sky,,ITA,Italy 45.583327,8.850001,3/1/2008 20:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,ITA,Italy 47.295560,-1.515000,3/1/2008 20:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,,"My observation site was in the periphery of the town so less bright than the downtown, bur there were some streetlamps nearby",FRA,France 43.404998,10.408050,3/1/2008 20:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,city location,,ITA,Italy 3.504700,12.154900,3/1/2008 20:00,4,-9999.00,clear,The sky was clear.,Location by a GPS. We were at our ATM site situtated at a 150m from the first building. We switched off all the external lights.,,CMR,Cameroon 49.200001,2.533000,3/1/2008 20:10,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,FRA,France 55.712521,11.733950,3/1/2008 20:11,5,18.92,clear,"Hard vind, fairly clear.",,,DNK,Denmark 45.349997,8.560000,3/1/2008 20:15,3,-9999.00,clear,"At sunset, it seems virtually cloudless. About 50% humidity",Small town in a heavily populated province.About 25 km from big town (to the east-south east),"After 5 minutes of eye dark adaptation, I'd judge magnitude to 3,5",ITA,Italy 41.560181,1.997260,3/1/2008 19:30,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,ESP,Spain 41.040001,-81.489997,2/29/2008 22:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,cloudy.,,,USA,United States 34.815878,-86.515267,2/29/2008 22:00,-9999,17.70,over 1/2 of sky,almost 95% coverage. A few small holes to see stars through. Color sodium biege from horizon to about 40 deg fading to light to medium gray near zenith.,Cloudy skies with rurual subdivision light pollution and sky glow from city off of clouds.,Ground wet from rain. No snow. warmer conditions 26 deg C.,USA,United States 47.330458,19.756491,3/1/2008 20:20,6,-9999.00,clear,,,,HUN,Hungary 38.900000,-94.833331,2/29/2008 22:41,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States -29.938611,-71.225301,3/1/2008 12:35,4,19.68,clear,Very slight haze below. No moon. See slide show set of 2 sky and light-pollution photos (taken during these visual and SQM observations and intended to accompany them) at,"On patio to south of CADIAS building in Andacollo, Valle de Elqui, Chile. See sky and light-pollution photos at","SQM 1277 (MGS) gave mean of 3 readings of 19.68 at 13C (after 30mins stabilization, 12.35am).SQM 1259 (Gemini 2) gave mean of 3 readings of 19.76 at 13C (~12.35am)SQM 1503 (Gemini 5) gave mean of 3 readings of 19.75 at 13C (~12.35am)",CHL,Chile 40.726379,31.475810,3/1/2008 21:00,7,-9999.00,clear,"Windy and clear. The actual number of stars may be a bit less than Mag. 7 chart, but still it represents what I saw the best.","Mountain and forest. 1 km south and 100 meters lower than the spot is a freeway junction with bright streetlights, but does not affect the sky much.",,TUR,Turkey 49.729999,17.827760,2/29/2008 21:19,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,CZE,Czech Republic 56.158051,15.591380,2/28/2008 21:30,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,"Not the best seeing conditions. earlier that night a lot of moist clouds. By the time of observation the windy conditions had cleared the sky. However, the yellow light pollution reduced the visibility.","Down town area. No shops, just houses, roads and parking. 400 meters from stronger lights.",,SWE,Sweden -39.000001,-71.000001,3/1/2008 22:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,Estaba nublado y con humo de incendios del d?a anterior.,,,ARG,Argentina -39.900001,-71.066657,2/29/2008 21:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,Estaba cubierta de nubes y con humo de un incendio del d?a anterior,Reportamos desde Jun?n de los Andes - Patagonia Norte- Argentina,,ARG,Argentina 45.793321,16.005790,3/1/2008 21:00,1,-9999.00,clear,,,,HRV,Croatia -39.900001,-71.066657,2/28/2008 18:00,4,-9999.00,clear,Hay humo en la atm?sfera debido a incendios cercanos.,Reportamos desde Jun?n de los Andes - Patagonia Norte - Argentina,Reportamos Marianela (6 aħos) y Ana (su Mamß).,ARG,Argentina -29.938611,-71.225301,3/1/2008 12:35,4,19.68,clear,"Very slight haze below. No moon over Andes (even at 12.30am, Chile summer time, 4 hours after sunset). Orion farover into the polluted part of the sky. See slide show of 2 sky and light-pollution photos (taken during these visual and SQM observations and","Summit of Cerro Grande, to East of and overlooking the La Serena/Coquimbo conurbation.RESUBMISSION of earlier report in which these comments referred to an earlier location. That report was otherwise correct, including giving the correct co-ordinates. Ti","SQM 1277 (MGS) gave mean of 3 readings of 19.68 at 13C (after 30 mins stabilization, 12.35am).SQM 1259 (Gemini 2) gave mean of 3 readings of 19.76 at 13C (~12.35 am)SQM 1503 (Gemini 5) gave mean of 3 readings of 19.75 at 13C (~12.35am) All readings at ze",CHL,Chile -39.950002,-71.066657,2/27/2008 18:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,Reportamos desde Jun?n de los Andes - Patagonia Norte - Argentina,,ARG,Argentina 43.650059,-1.432700,3/1/2008 21:00,3,-9999.00,clear,El resultado estar?a entre los cuadros 3 y 4. Se observan 4 estrellas mßs que en el cuadro 3 y bastantes menos que en el 4.,"C/ Aneto n. 24 08630-ABRERA (Barcelona) I'm sorry, I'm not write english.",La observaci?n se ha hecho en urbanizaci?n aislada con zona boscosa delante y luces de bombillas t?nues a la izquierda y derecha.,FRA,France 49.294158,8.563880,3/1/2008 12:00,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,DEU,Germany 45.516749,8.852040,3/1/2008 21:16,5,-9999.00,clear,"This night the sky is very dark because there are not cloud, there is the wind and there isn't the moon. Orion is highi in the sky.",,I'm looking the sky from a small town near the big city of Milan ( around 30 km).,ITA,Italy 45.502290,9.203110,3/1/2008 20:45,4,-9999.00,clear,this night is windy and therefore I can see one of the best sky from my house in the center of Milan,there are 3 street lights within 100 m that are partially shielded from my view,,ITA,Italy 45.080263,7.523710,3/1/2008 21:10,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,ITA,Italy -29.938249,-71.223546,3/1/2008 12:59,4,19.89,clear,"Very slight haze below. Just before appearance of moonlight over the Andes. Milky Way clearly visible overhead and towards the Andes (East) , even this close to the city. Orion far over to the West in the polluted part of the sky. See 2 photos showing ef","Darker (East) side of Cerro Grande, a 500-meter high summit just to the East of the La Serena, Coquimbo conurbation. Local (summer) time was just before any sign of moonlight over the Andes, 4.5 hours after sunset. Cannot enter AM times on the form on th","SQM 1277 (MGS) gave mean of 3 readings of 19.89 at 13C (after 15 mins stabilization, 1.00am).SQM 1259 (Gemini 2) gave mean of 2 readings of 19.99 at 13C (~1am)SQM 1503 (Gemini 5) gave mean of 3 readings of 19.93 at 14C (~1am)",CHL,Chile -29.944628,-71.123252,2/29/2008 22:30,6,20.78,clear,Very slight haze. No moon. See slide show on web of 4 sky and light-pollution photos (taken during these visual and SQM observations and intended to accompany them) at,"On patio to south of CADIAS building in Andacollo, Valle de Elqui, Chile.See sky and light pollution photos at","SQM 1277 (MGS) gave mean of 3 readings of 20.78 at 12C (after 30 mins stabilization, 10.30pm).SQM 1259 (Gemini 2) gave mean of 3 readings of 20.82 at 13C (~10.30pm).SQM 1503 (Gemini 5) gave mean of 3 readings of 20.84 at 12C (~10.30pm).SQM (CADIAS) gave",CHL,Chile 37.414420,-81.582682,2/29/2008 21:35,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,MVMS/ee,,USA,United States 44.409999,26.180001,3/1/2008 20:30,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,The sky is covered by clouds,Bucharest Romania,,ROM,Romania 40.185001,-74.175001,2/28/2008 20:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,"Farmingdale, N.J. outside school",,USA,United States 42.836160,-1.728640,3/1/2008 21:40,4,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,Clear sky in the Orion area and cloudy in the rest.,"My house is located 8 kms to the WestNordWest of Pamplona, the main city of the area.This is in Iza, Navarra, Spain.",,ESP,Spain 45.505111,9.128640,3/1/2008 21:00,2,-9999.00,clear,windy,,,ITA,Italy 39.728328,-8.793330,3/1/2008 21:02,5,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,my street as no light because i didn't allow it.,,PRT,Portugal -29.918151,-71.240581,3/1/2008 12:00,3,18.97,clear,"Significantly light polluted in all directions, but worst in direction of Orion.","AURA Recinto, dark spot near student housing. Mountains to East block any discernable effect of the rising moon even at 1.30am, the time of observation, 6 hours after sunset . 93m above sea level. In a dark oasis surrounded (at a distance) by La Serena l","SQM 1277 (MGS) gave mean of 3 readings of 18.97 at 15C (after 5 minutes stabilization, 1.30am).SQM 1259 (Gemini 2) gave mean of 3 readings of 18.99 at 16C (~1.30am).SQM 1503 (Gemini 5) gave mean of 3 readings of 19.06 at 15C (~1.30am).",CHL,Chile 36.630001,-4.500000,3/1/2008 22:00,4,-9999.00,clear,Humidity 78%,urbanization residencial zone,,ESP,Spain 41.029889,-81.517515,2/29/2008 19:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,"very bright and not dark no snow, rain, or anything",,,USA,United States -26.700000,27.093330,3/1/2008 22:00,4,-9999.00,clear,"Humidity has been above average for the past week (Not measured, only observed.",Our yard has a high amount of trees sheilding us from light. Orion also lies such that it was observed away from the center of town.,,ZAF,South Africa 37.817583,33.420187,3/2/2008 19:02,7,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,,,TUR,Turkey 41.040001,-81.489997,2/29/2008 20:00,1,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,cloudy sky. could only see a few of orions stars.,,,USA,United States 39.661201,-104.799636,2/29/2008 21:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,Back yard,,USA,United States 45.665982,8.979499,3/1/2008 21:24,4,17.97,clear,Wind from the North about 12 km/h. Very clear sky but under strong light pollution from municipality lamps in a public garden.,"Not too bad place, but with local light pollution",I couldn't find serial no. of my Sky Quality Meter. Where is it? In future give a help to find.I'm regularly registered under the SQM site.,ITA,Italy 41.349999,2.027770,3/1/2008 23:00,2,-9999.00,clear,HUMIDITY 78%TEMP: 11.9?c,,,ESP,Spain 32.229409,-110.951014,2/29/2008 20:00,1,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 47.695269,17.636880,2/27/2008 19:55,5,-9999.00,clear,,"Saint Ladislaus Catholic Student Hostel (Szt. Lßszl? Katolikus Koll?gium) for university students . The garden of the hostel is surrounded by the hostel, a line of trees, an a kindregarden. All windows of the hostel were darkened. At the observation the","I made the observations when I show M42, M44, Mars, Saturn and its moons for other students.",HUN,Hungary 28.058281,-15.550690,3/1/2008 23:15,4,-9999.00,clear,Some dust in atmosfere,"Teror, Gran Canaria",,ESP,Spain 47.695211,17.636850,2/28/2008 20:25,5,-9999.00,clear,,"Szt. Lßszl? Katolikus Koll?gium (Saint Ladislaus Catholic Student Hostel) for university students. The garden of the hostel is surrounded by the hostel, a line of trees, an a kindregarden. All windows of the hostel were darkened. At the observation the h",Observation made by Norbert Hegyi,HUN,Hungary 47.023332,16.604719,3/1/2008 19:15,6,-9999.00,clear,,I made the observation in our garden behind our house.,Observation by Norbert Hegyi,HUN,Hungary 46.955003,16.643880,3/1/2008 19:40,7,-9999.00,clear,,"Hegyhßt Observatory, Hegyhßtsßl",Observation by Norbert Hegyi,HUN,Hungary 40.725362,-73.675584,3/1/2008 19:05,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,Fast moving clouds. Good look at Orion.,"Typical Suburban Street, Street Lights. House Lights",,USA,United States 37.471070,-81.663162,3/1/2008 19:14,3,-9999.00,clear,,MVMS/AR,,USA,United States 37.366049,-81.551844,2/29/2008 18:00,-9999,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,MVHS/BJF,,USA,United States 39.099998,-77.000001,3/1/2008 19:00,3,-9999.00,clear,wispy moving clouds did not obstruct view,Surprisingly good for 78YO naked eyes. Low light at large flat entrance to apartment complex.,Orion is a good friend. Nice to be able to communicate with a project.,USA,United States 42.608841,-83.119243,3/1/2008 19:32,2,-9999.00,clear,"Very clear, stars greatly visible",Located near big trees,,USA,United States 28.140711,-81.922074,3/1/2008 19:37,5,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,"My back yard!! Excelent seeing, but some high,whispy clouds passed through.",Watched the stars appear as the blue/orange of the sunset dissapeared. Interesting phenomenon.,USA,United States 36.305198,-82.352178,3/1/2008 19:45,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 38.473001,-77.997004,3/1/2008 20:00,5,-9999.00,clear,"Barely any clouds , some street lights 100 meters away.",,,USA,United States 41.040001,-81.489997,3/1/2008 19:54,3,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,saw about 5-7 of orions stars due to cloudy sky.,,,USA,United States 41.944841,-72.372145,3/1/2008 19:40,1,18.18,1/4 of sky,It was kind of hard to find Orion. I could not find his belt. After i looked awhile i foung the two brightest stars and thought about it and then realized it was Orion.,I am in my frount yard no lights showing.,,USA,United States -33.619100,151.147797,3/1/2008 20:25,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,AUS,Australia 42.267970,-71.087721,3/1/2008 20:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,Approx 7 miles south of downtown Boston,"S&T.com9 year old twin daughters selected chart 4, 46 yo father was between chart 3 and 4",USA,United States 32.229180,-110.950993,2/28/2008 20:35,2,-9999.00,clear,It was a clear night without many clouds.,It was in a parking lot that had more lights than usual with building obstructions.,,USA,United States 42.768770,-73.690822,3/1/2008 18:00,4,-9999.00,clear,Clouds rapidly moving across sky,Cohoes,,USA,United States 42.768770,-73.690822,3/1/2008 20:00,4,-9999.00,clear,Clouds rapidly crossing sky,,,USA,United States 40.049999,-74.116664,3/1/2008 19:30,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.229180,-110.950993,3/1/2008 20:50,2,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,It is a bit cloudy tonight.,In a parking lot with lights.,Couldn't see as many stars as usual.,USA,United States 40.612370,-74.525758,3/1/2008 20:15,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,"Cold, crisp air. Stars are twinking nicely.",Although we are (and our neighbors) are located on an acre and a half of property. The neighbors all have lights down their driveways or shining on the front yard.,,USA,United States -33.870000,151.210006,3/1/2008 22:00,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,AUS,Australia -33.597598,151.160009,3/1/2008 20:45,6,-9999.00,clear,,,,AUS,Australia 39.199999,-94.910007,3/1/2008 19:26,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 34.116662,-117.633329,2/28/2008 18:55,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 36.058652,-82.231120,3/1/2008 20:25,5,-9999.00,clear,"observed from 8 miles NW of Bakersville, NC",,,USA,United States 32.486699,-80.979460,3/1/2008 20:00,6,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 40.002768,-75.660007,3/2/2008 20:30,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 42.346070,-71.122801,3/1/2008 20:35,3,17.23,clear,"My sky was better than 3, but not good enough to qualify as 4. Also, I have a newer SQM-L, which gave a reading of 17.53.","Brookline, Massachusetts",S&,USA,United States 44.970611,-93.261329,3/1/2008 19:55,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 39.775730,-86.109595,3/1/2008 18:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 33.459659,-82.211661,3/1/2008 20:45,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,portion of the sky is cloudy,local neighborhood with a few street lights, SC124 C001 Fall 07,USA,United States -33.624198,151.155392,3/1/2008 21:05,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,AUS,Australia 37.476053,-79.841886,3/1/2008 21:00,5,-9999.00,clear,Somewhere between a Mag 5 and Mag 6 actually,,,USA,United States 29.977632,-95.644389,3/1/2008 20:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.200432,-111.026644,3/1/2008 19:23,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 40.007382,-85.945165,3/1/2008 21:20,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 38.230000,-78.360001,3/1/2008 20:42,5,-9999.00,clear,,Ruckersville VA (Greene County) USA,,USA,United States 42.279250,-71.749689,3/1/2008 21:26,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 39.142588,-76.602819,3/1/2008 21:29,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 35.545312,-97.300956,3/1/2008 20:15,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 35.566100,-97.307390,3/1/2008 19:30,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.208420,-110.917969,2/28/2008 22:00,3,-9999.00,clear,clear,"dog park, two large street lights, still able to see sky though",,USA,United States 32.241638,-110.883347,2/29/2008 23:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,"Dark, no street lights",,USA,United States 35.922000,-81.177003,3/1/2008 21:39,5,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,Thick clouds in east and south.,Temp 40' One securtiy light about 100 yards away and some light on houses nearby,,USA,United States 32.240682,-110.917969,3/1/2008 19:46,2,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.241638,-110.883347,3/1/2008 19:42,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.316661,-111.066676,3/1/2008 19:40,4,-9999.00,clear,"Transperancy- Good, Slight twinkling of stars.",All the sports park lights are on two miles east across the Santa Cruz river.,,USA,United States 32.240682,-110.917969,3/1/2008 19:57,1,-9999.00,clear,,In tucson az,,USA,United States 32.229409,-110.951014,2/29/2008 20:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 47.537700,-111.329727,3/1/2008 19:46,2,-9999.00,clear,Clear sky yet stars are very faint.,"Temp 36 degress F, winds north at 14 MPH. Quite a bit of city light visible.", SC124 C001 Fall 07 M. Schmidt,USA,United States 34.192402,-83.813074,3/1/2008 21:53,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,light high clouds covering sky at bottom edge of Orion,"Subdivision, southern edge of city",,USA,United States 39.083329,-76.650002,3/1/2008 22:00,4,17.75,clear,"clear, turbulent (pronounced star scintillation)",sub-suburban,,USA,United States 34.282669,-79.902633,3/1/2008 20:30,4,-9999.00,clear,,"Relative's yard west of Darlington, S.C.",A number of unshielded pole mounted security lights are visible in the area.,USA,United States 37.341628,-122.022955,3/1/2008 19:08,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 36.729131,-80.975499,3/1/2008 22:00,4,-9999.00,clear,"Clear, No moon. Can pick up sky glow from city 7 miles away and from one 15 miles away.","Roughly 2500 feet above sea level. One city 7 miles away, next closest 15 miles.",Have one street light across from me and one beside me. Both interfere with amount I can see.,USA,United States 32.839519,-95.986240,3/1/2008 19:50,6,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 39.761400,-104.965931,3/1/2008 19:15,7,-9999.00,clear,I matched chart 7 with my night time sky. I enjoyed this activity!,Deketris Holt 3/1/08 Observation=7:15pmAST. 1404001 zip-80205,,USA,United States 52.133331,-106.666654,3/1/2008 21:20,-9999,18.07,clear,,,,CAN,Canada 41.040001,-81.489997,3/1/2008 22:32,7,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 38.787350,-120.962486,3/1/2008 19:20,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 35.263631,-105.347028,3/1/2008 18:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,Rural location; everyone has tall yard lights.,"Temperature 51F, Humidity 32%",USA,United States 30.440002,-91.170000,3/1/2008 21:34,2,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.153570,-110.933959,2/27/2008 21:47,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 41.891948,-71.278645,3/1/2008 21:00,5,-9999.00,clear,prob could have been a 6 or 7 without the ambient light reflecting off the new snow,,,USA,United States 37.366049,-81.551844,3/1/2008 22:33,1,-9999.00,clear,I could see very well the storm that blew through the other night left so I could see.,MVMS/KC I could see most of the stars on Orion.,,USA,United States 32.116659,-110.933323,3/1/2008 20:30,3,-9999.00,clear,clear but constellations are not as illuminated,"balcony, on second floor",,USA,United States 37.414420,-81.582682,3/1/2008 21:35,4,-9999.00,clear,Oh the skys are sp clear. It's about time.,MVMS/ee,,USA,United States 41.442869,-82.226960,3/1/2008 22:30,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.000000,-109.999999,2/28/2008 21:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.000000,-109.999999,2/29/2008 22:05,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 37.431721,-81.572895,2/29/2008 22:38,2,-9999.00,clear,,MVMS/ca,,USA,United States 44.035783,-123.157245,3/1/2008 19:46,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 45.499998,-122.750001,3/1/2008 18:57,3,-9999.00,clear,The yellow star (Betelgeuse) was flashing and its yellow color was apparent. Only the main points of Orion could be seen.,15 minutes away from the nearest city. There are street lights around where the observation was taken.,,USA,United States 39.662000,-104.789302,3/1/2008 19:15,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 37.301941,-122.049169,3/1/2008 19:49,4,-9999.00,clear,Completely clear.,"Cupertino, California 95014",Street light out in our neighborhood.,USA,United States 39.721450,-104.989187,3/1/2008 19:10,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 37.185841,-120.552593,3/1/2008 19:45,4,-9999.00,clear,Not many stars were visible.,,,USA,United States 40.202750,-79.930350,3/1/2008 21:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.188851,-110.838705,3/1/2008 20:55,4,-9999.00,clear,The sky was completely clear tonight.,,"Not many stars were visible, although Orion was still able to be seen.",USA,United States 34.167857,-111.927970,3/1/2008 21:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 34.734719,-112.559175,3/1/2008 21:00,7,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 39.028469,-77.035491,3/1/2008 20:30,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 42.524850,-114.480008,3/1/2008 20:51,5,-9999.00,clear,,Residential subdivision south of nearest city.,Lat/long. determined by GPS (WGS84). Elevation 3868'. Observer dark adapted in a dark room for 20 minutes prior to observation. Faintest stars detected by averted vision.,USA,United States 37.647559,-120.925139,3/1/2008 20:05,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 38.737630,-120.819407,3/1/2008 20:10,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 37.647641,-120.925371,3/1/2008 20:05,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.213081,-110.967010,3/1/2008 21:00,3,-9999.00,clear,"clear sky .Hard to se stars wih street lights so close, and so many",on stone with alot of street lights.,,USA,United States 32.230382,-110.961614,3/1/2008 21:12,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 40.860002,-81.860002,2/29/2008 20:20,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 40.860002,-81.860002,3/1/2008 21:45,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 37.430000,-87.569999,3/1/2008 19:30,3,-9999.00,clear,,MVMS/CC,,USA,United States 35.246539,-84.876220,3/1/2008 23:09,5,20.17,clear,,,,USA,United States 37.430000,-81.569999,3/1/2008 19:30,3,-9999.00,clear,,MVMS/CC,,USA,United States 39.695898,-104.786201,3/1/2008 19:05,4,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,"I thought it was amazing that there were a lot of clouds in the west, but where the Orion was it was so clear and beautiful.",,Melissa Franklin80017,USA,United States 30.648568,-90.197354,2/29/2008 21:30,5,-9999.00,clear,"The sky was cloudy during the day, but at night it was very clear.","This location is very rural, there are mostly cow pastures and pine forests around here.",,USA,United States 33.988391,-118.394048,3/1/2008 20:24,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States -12.203379,-77.018914,2/29/2008 23:10,1,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,latitude: 12.203378423924533 longitude: 77.01891303062439,,PER,Peru 36.863330,-107.934174,3/1/2008 21:30,5,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,High sirrus clouds. Primarily along NW-N-NE horizon; S-SE mostly clear. Zenith mostly clear.,,,USA,United States 37.903882,-121.044995,3/1/2008 20:40,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 32.228432,-110.956908,3/1/2008 21:30,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States -12.203379,-77.018914,3/1/2008 23:30,3,-9999.00,clear,Clear sky,latitude: 12.203378423924533 longitude: 77.01891303062439,"When I observe from the second floor of house, just the post of artificial Luz it obstructs the vision, but if I rise up to the third floor of house it could see mas clearly Orion's constellation",PER,Peru 39.735100,-104.781399,3/1/2008 20:30,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,Sky all around Orion was totally clear,"One street light on in the distance, which was very dim to my observation.",,USA,United States 39.619998,-104.960002,3/1/2008 19:36,5,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,A cloud was kind of covering the sword of Orion. If it were not there I probably would have been able to see it and choose option 6.,,,USA,United States 32.339487,-111.020477,3/1/2008 20:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 33.047710,-96.889799,3/1/2008 23:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 37.650001,-120.999998,3/1/2008 21:06,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 45.855530,-122.842851,3/1/2008 20:30,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,"Some passing high clouds, with haze to the south of orion","One street light, about40m away. Two porchlights about 15m away. All shaded from view",S&,USA,United States 41.259998,-72.940000,3/2/2008 20:15,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.229228,-110.960904,3/1/2008 20:30,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States -41.248612,174.765280,2/25/2008 21:50,5,-9999.00,clear,slightly reduced transparencey due to dry summer conditions,"semi-rural, elevated, ~6 km (<4 mi) from city center",,NZL,New Zealand 45.165889,-93.120566,3/1/2008 21:50,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,There were some high wispy clouds at the time of the reading. The Orion/Gemini area was relatively clear of clouds at the time of the reading.,This is in a townhome development. The neighbor across the substreet had their two garage lights on and front porch light on.,My skies are typically between fourth and fifth magnitude. Nu Gem at ~4.1 is usually a relatively easy naked eye object. Tonight it was on the edge of direct vision with the poor transparency and neighborhood lights on.,USA,United States 45.673581,-118.810471,3/1/2008 21:30,5,-9999.00,clear,,From my back yard in a residential area,,USA,United States 49.243622,-122.785054,3/8/2008 22:00,3,-9999.00,clear,"Clear, but transperency is poor.","Orion is in the SW, in the skyglow of lights from the Port Mann Bridge and Cape Horn Interchange",,CAN,Canada 49.243581,-122.785109,3/1/2008 22:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,CAN,Canada 37.280521,-122.119356,3/1/2008 22:30,4,-9999.00,clear,"Clear sky, but not as dark as a few nights ago.",,,USA,United States 37.643181,-122.469854,3/1/2008 22:00,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,Clear where clouds cover breaks. Cloouds are puffy and dispersed.,,,USA,United States 32.216998,-110.970999,3/1/2008 22:00,3,-9999.00,clear,Sky seemed a little darker than previous nights but stars we still visible,Near the McKale Center at The University of Arizona,,USA,United States 20.707219,-156.257216,3/1/2008 21:08,6,-9999.00,clear,There was some occasional haze.,"Observation made by Kamehameha School's Maui Astronomy Club (Na Kilo Lani) on Haleakala summit at 9,995 ft, Maui, Hawai'i.","We would like to share the Hawaiian name for Orion. The name is ""Ka Hei-hei o na Keiki.""",USA,United States 51.030000,-114.017502,2/28/2008 21:20,5,-9999.00,clear,,Dark except for a few distant lights on horizon,S&,CAN,Canada 32.283828,-106.761102,3/1/2008 19:30,5,-9999.00,clear,,"An apartment parking lot. To the south is a large, poorly lit building followed by a large field. There are a handful of bright lights around the lot, but they can be easily blocked out by hand.",,USA,United States 37.072040,-122.128482,3/1/2008 21:30,6,-9999.00,clear,"seeing tonight was only mediochre. earlier in the evening, the skies were murky but by 9pm they had cleared considerably","this dark site is a private airstrip used by the Santa Cruz Astronomy Club for star parties. there are light domes to the south, east and north, but the western half of the sky is very dark",,USA,United States 45.370392,-70.146336,3/1/2008 18:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,"Total overcast, Heavy Snow",,,USA,United States 28.949999,-13.650000,3/1/2008 22:00,4,15.80,clear,,Some pollution from street and house lighting,,ESP,Spain -27.537999,153.262997,3/2/2008 20:00,5,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,Full cloud cover 30 mins later,,S&,AUS,Australia -37.839999,145.149989,3/2/2008 21:30,4,-9999.00,clear,Thin streaks of cirrus were visible earlier in the twilight towards the west but none near Orion.,Eastern suburbs of Melbourne approx. 20km from the city centre. No haze - the lights of the city buildings were clearly visible from the back porch,,AUS,Australia 37.869998,-4.792500,3/1/2008 20:30,3,-9999.00,clear,,"Urban location in Cordoba (Spain), a city with a population of 330.000. My city has a local regulations against light pollution (in fact they were the first regulations applied on a Spanish city), but the fact is that local authorities don't apply the re","There is a Stadium 100 m from my home, when they have the lights on (usually daily up to 23 h) it's impossible to see any star on the west horizon. At the time of my report Orion was due South approx.",ESP,Spain -34.509999,-58.550000,3/1/2008 22:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,Rainy night.,"It's at tha backyard of the house, a small place and there's a neighbour garden light on at night. We can observe a small area of the sky.",,ARG,Argentina 25.165149,51.335231,3/1/2008 20:30,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,QAT,Qatar 18.789231,99.170023,3/2/2008 19:38,3,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,THA,Thailand 37.344770,-81.445293,2/29/2008 19:30,1,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,It was a little clear there was a couple clouds.,MVMS(KW) There was alot of street lights.,,USA,United States 37.344770,-81.445293,3/1/2008 20:15,3,-9999.00,clear,The sky was very clear I saw all kinds of stars.,MVMS(KW) There is street lights but I saw the sky good and clear.,,USA,United States 35.360340,-97.510246,3/1/2008 22:00,4,-9999.00,clear,very clear sky,,,USA,United States 51.448892,6.908660,3/1/2008 19:23,-9999,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,,,DEU,Germany 34.534167,-86.604169,3/1/2008 21:12,5,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,"It was cloudy from 6 pm until 8 pm, then the sky cleared. It was humid and hazy. Usually our skies are the magnitude of 7. One can see thousands of stars around Orion. When it became clear, I can always see Perseus, Taurus, Auriga, Orion, Leo, Cassiopeia",I am surrounded by mountains. Therefore I can only see the light pollution from the city of Huntsville in the north.,"We are in a cove, so a lot of Huntsville city lights are blocked out.",USA,United States 30.006701,-95.184061,3/1/2008 20:13,4,18.13,clear,Nice and clear,"Oaks ElementaryHumble ISDHumble, TX",22 deg CThere is no serial number on the meter.,USA,United States 37.344770,-81.445293,3/1/2008 21:40,6,-9999.00,clear,,MVMS/T.W. It was clear tonight.,,USA,United States 30.021359,-95.167505,3/1/2008 21:07,4,18.45,clear,Nice and Clear,"Community Park in King's RiverHumble, TX",23 deg C,USA,United States 30.035480,-95.171699,3/1/2008 21:13,4,18.14,clear,Nice and Clear,"ISC BuildingHumble ISDKingwood, TX","The fact that I have to enter each one of these without using the previous one as a template is a pain, and making me prone to errors. I think I forgot to click on a magnitude chart on the last one.",USA,United States 30.052979,-95.152431,3/1/2008 21:21,4,18.35,clear,Nice and clear,"Willow Creek ElementaryHumble ISDKingwood, TX",,USA,United States 30.065711,-95.152909,3/1/2008 21:27,4,18.81,clear,Nice and Clear,East End ParkKingwood TX,,USA,United States 30.055172,-95.240417,2/29/2008 21:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,parking lot lights behind the back fence to the south,,USA,United States 30.068900,-95.163209,3/1/2008 21:35,4,18.46,clear,Nice and Clear,"Shadow Forest ElementaryHumble USDKingwood, TX",,USA,United States 30.055172,-95.240417,2/27/2008 21:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 30.092799,-95.195099,3/1/2008 21:44,4,18.72,clear,Nive anc clear,"Porter, TXDark spot along Mills Branch RoadNorth of Kingwood, TX",,USA,United States 30.152461,-95.321710,3/1/2008 22:02,4,19.07,clear,Nice and clear,"Porter, TXAirport",,USA,United States 28.638321,77.127411,3/2/2008 20:38,3,-9999.00,clear,,High lights around which has reduced magnitude of brightness of stars,,IND,India 30.073760,-95.215398,3/1/2008 22:49,4,18.17,clear,Nice and clear,"Kigwood Park High SchoolKingwood, TX",,USA,United States 29.967052,-95.262035,3/1/2008 23:10,4,17.85,clear,Nice and clear,"Jack Fields ElementaryHumble ISDHumble, TX",,USA,United States 29.939810,-95.267096,3/1/2008 23:25,4,17.48,clear,Nice and Clear,"Northbelt ElementaryHumble ISDHumble, TX",,USA,United States 29.927201,-95.177197,3/1/2008 23:37,4,18.45,clear,Nice and Clear,"Summerwood ElementaryHumble ISDHumble, TX",,USA,United States 30.004499,-95.163912,3/1/2008 23:49,4,18.19,clear,Nice and Clear,,"It would also be nice if I could optionally provide info such as my name and club, and also have the system email me a copy of my entry data... All optional, to not increase the burden...",USA,United States 42.650362,-82.844259,3/1/2008 21:00,2,-9999.00,clear,The sky was picture perfrect clear and yet very few stars could be spotted,In the middle of a large and growing city. Right by Lake St. Clair. Very close to many automobile dealerships.,,USA,United States 44.270001,-68.339997,3/1/2008 20:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,Snowstorm ending this evening.,,,USA,United States 39.661239,-104.799554,3/1/2008 20:30,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 21.162831,72.879157,3/2/2008 21:21,3,-9999.00,clear,there is lot of lights around my house. I can not see any star up to40 degre from horizone.even pleides are barly visible. i can guess the polar star from the URSA MAJORE but i am not sure of that. I cannot see any star below polarish.,surat has population of 4 million its indutrial city wiyh power lomm textile na d diamond polishing uniys also relince petrochemical plany,I am noy getting proper guidance for star observation and also the sky and telescpoe gives ibformayion for US and EUROPE. I even once send an email to nehru planaterium Bombay India but bthry havr not responded. I once personally visited the nehru planet,IND,India 43.535062,-79.604598,2/28/2008 22:10,4,-9999.00,clear,Cold and very clear.,"We observe in a parking lot that is right on the North Shore of Lake Ontario in Mississauga, Ontario, Canada - West of Toronto. The sky is about 1 degree magnitude darker south of us than north, east or west of us where we are looking directly into the l",,CAN,Canada 49.125739,16.616440,3/1/2008 21:30,1,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,"bylo velmi zata~eno, nic nealo vidt",misto nebilo osvtleny a presto jsem nic nevidel :-(,pozorovßn? m nebavilo!,CZE,Czech Republic 35.175300,24.570000,3/1/2008 23:00,6,-9999.00,clear,,,,GRC,Greece 35.194302,25.093400,2/28/2008 22:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,GRC,Greece 60.200003,25.000000,3/2/2008 18:55,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,FIN,Finland 18.180000,-66.980004,3/1/2008 21:50,5,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,PRI,Puerto Rico 29.599291,-97.333358,3/2/2008 19:15,3,-9999.00,clear,"clear, good",,,USA,United States 49.775150,17.749121,3/2/2008 19:00,1,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,Z` V?tkov Komensk?ho 754,CZE,Czech Republic 49.775260,17.816601,3/2/2008 19:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,CZE,Czech Republic 43.927221,8.115270,3/1/2008 20:00,6,-9999.00,clear,,"Gulf with a population of 5,000",,ITA,Italy 46.100591,13.222200,3/2/2008 18:50,-9999,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,Clouds coming in from the SW after a day with clear skiesStars visible in other directions,"within the suburb of Feletto Umberto, near Udine",,ITA,Italy 45.144402,7.149830,3/1/2008 20:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,ITA,Italy 45.144272,7.149880,3/2/2008 19:10,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,ITA,Italy 29.895000,-95.665002,3/1/2008 22:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 31.537002,-96.113999,3/1/2008 22:00,6,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 29.722999,-95.345001,3/1/2008 22:00,2,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 42.336979,-83.507238,3/1/2008 21:32,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,sky has gray look even if it is clear. Because of sky glow and industrial pollution. Usually by two (2) am in the morning the sky is darker. Clouds are on the horizon in east but west sky is clear of clouds. The seeing is not good.,"Canton michigan location(48187) 30 miles (west) from downtown Detroit, Mi. Commercial and residential lighting in area. Surrounding subdivisions have overhead lighting. Sky conditions have gotten worse over the years. Ann Arbor is 17 miles away west of l",,USA,United States 55.200001,12.083330,3/2/2008 19:20,4,-9999.00,clear,good seeing,Home,,DNK,Denmark 61.544581,24.084070,3/2/2008 22:25,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,FIN,Finland 33.440268,-84.587221,3/1/2008 21:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 38.529999,-79.809995,3/1/2008 19:34,6,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 42.394588,-83.955804,3/1/2008 20:28,5,-9999.00,clear,This was the best night for a while,,Peach Mt. Observatory - Home of the University Lowbrow Astronomers,USA,United States 49.738991,17.801881,3/2/2008 19:52,6,-9999.00,clear,Stars are very good visible.,,,CZE,Czech Republic 49.732632,17.793010,3/1/2008 19:15,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,CZE,Czech Republic 49.774440,17.753050,3/2/2008 20:00,1,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,CZE,Czech Republic 51.448960,6.908730,3/2/2008 20:20,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,DEU,Germany 49.774310,17.753589,2/29/2008 21:05,1,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,CZE,Czech Republic 33.577080,-112.140430,3/1/2008 21:00,2,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 40.676522,22.849850,3/2/2008 21:15,5,-9999.00,clear,Very clear and transparent sky. Much clearer than avarege,,,GRC,Greece 46.173110,8.786939,3/2/2008 19:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,CHE,Switzerland 40.462502,-3.456940,3/2/2008 20:22,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,ESP,Spain 49.297502,7.877500,3/2/2008 20:05,5,-9999.00,clear,,"Visp, Switzerland - Garden at the outskirt of a 7000 people town, next streetlight approx 30 m (100 ft). Alpine Valley. elev. 640 m (2100 ft)",not completely dark adapted (approx 7-8 min),DEU,Germany 56.158051,15.591380,3/2/2008 20:05,5,-9999.00,clear,"Calm weather, dry dark sky,",Downtown area of Karlskrona. 500 meters to nearest cluster of indirect light beyong a small hill.,,SWE,Sweden 46.691689,7.127150,3/2/2008 20:00,6,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,CHE,Switzerland 46.311661,8.986940,3/2/2008 20:20,5,-9999.00,clear,conditions: CAVOK,,,CHE,Switzerland 55.744999,11.695550,3/2/2008 20:40,5,10.10,clear,"very clear, bad seeing, strong vinds",Holbaek denmark,,DNK,Denmark 41.679809,2.060490,3/2/2008 20:08,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,ESP,Spain -39.950002,-71.066657,3/1/2008 23:00,3,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,"Hay humo en la atm?sfera de incendios ocurridos d?as anteriores, en el basurero de Jun?n de los Andes y en el Lago Lolog, en el Parque Nacional Lan?nEstaba nublado.",Observamos desde Jun?n de los Andes - Patagonia - Argentina,Reportamos Marianela (6 aħos) y su Mamß Ana,ARG,Argentina 49.200001,2.533000,3/2/2008 20:15,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,FRA,France 42.933992,-85.694477,2/26/2008 21:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 39.979580,-74.148841,3/1/2008 18:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 35.744999,-87.200998,3/1/2008 23:11,5,-9999.00,clear,"No visible sky glow in the West where Orion was, but visible glow in the East and Northeast",Natchez Trace Parkway exit 412 parking area,,USA,United States 40.298902,-105.084571,2/26/2008 20:00,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,"Few clouds, not in area of Orion.","Viewed outside Little Thompson Observatory, Berthoud, CO. (","Through efforts of our members, town board will be passing dark sky initiative shortly to affect new exterior lighting. As viewed by LTO BOD group (old people's eyes ;-) -G Hetchler",USA,United States 39.966661,-75.466658,3/1/2008 20:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,"Fringe suburban. Coordinates are approximate, converted from 39 deg. 58, min. north and 75 deg. 28 min west.","Magnitude is between 4 and 5, closer to 5. Say 4.8.",USA,United States 41.472120,2.082400,3/2/2008 21:15,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,ESP,Spain 45.481659,15.551379,3/2/2008 21:30,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,HRV,Croatia -32.923339,-68.848471,2/27/2008 23:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,ARG,Argentina 29.825660,-95.510804,3/1/2008 21:00,2,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,cloudy - very.,,,USA,United States 39.978002,-75.474997,3/1/2008 20:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,Fringe suburban.,"Magnitude is between 4 and 5, closer to 5. Say 4.8.This report amends one sent earlier today. I refined the coordinates.",USA,United States 41.849450,-71.641711,3/1/2008 19:30,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 40.997900,24.684601,3/2/2008 19:34,4,-9999.00,clear,dampness 50%,a lot of light,,GRC,Greece 36.522500,-82.350833,3/1/2008 21:30,5,-9999.00,clear,Very Clear,Some street lights a few hundred feet away.,,USA,United States 47.064709,21.937149,3/2/2008 22:00,5,-9999.00,clear,"Breathtaking! One of the most transparent skies I have seen from the city. After storm, strong wind. Transparency is 9/10, seeing is 4/10. The limiting magnitude would be around 4.8, which is very rare around here.","7th floor balcony, panoramic view on city center.",,ROM,Romania 45.839001,-120.813998,3/1/2008 20:45,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 33.035228,-80.383697,3/1/2008 21:00,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,"By a river so the sky changed because of an inversion, clouds went away quickly and then came back and left again.",,S & T newsletter,USA,United States 39.869703,-99.146582,3/2/2008 18:35,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 44.333327,2.566660,3/2/2008 22:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,FRA,France 32.000000,-109.999999,3/1/2008 20:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 29.957220,-95.280955,3/1/2008 22:30,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 51.216658,-0.333330,3/2/2008 19:40,2,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,Slight haze over Orion. Thicker and patches of cloud in otherregions of the sky.,View from home,,GBR,United Kingdom 39.695898,-104.786201,3/1/2008 19:05,4,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,I thought that it was interesting that there were a lot of clouds in the western skies but where the Orion wasit was clear and beautiful.,,Melissa Franklin80017,USA,United States 37.366049,-81.551844,2/25/2008 21:25,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,MVMS/NH,,USA,United States 37.366049,-81.551844,2/26/2008 18:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,MVMS/NH,,USA,United States 37.366049,-81.551844,2/27/2008 22:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,MVMS/NH,,USA,United States 37.366049,-81.551844,3/1/2008 22:45,1,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 39.311830,-76.425425,3/1/2008 22:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 51.861350,0.155660,2/26/2008 22:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,GBR,United Kingdom 28.369819,-81.546913,3/1/2008 20:30,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 41.721951,-87.633916,3/1/2008 21:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 29.528738,-95.529129,3/1/2008 22:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,"In Sienna Plantation, lots of tal tree on the edge of Houston",The actual reading was between 3 and 4 being a lttle closer to 4 .,USA,United States 45.582681,9.291750,3/2/2008 19:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,"Monza, Italy",,ITA,Italy 44.950001,26.017000,3/2/2008 22:20,-9999,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,There are many block of flats and many bulbs.,,ROM,Romania 32.240002,-110.929997,2/26/2008 21:15,5,-9999.00,clear,,"in neighborhood with few streetlights, none near location",,USA,United States 44.749999,-68.850001,3/2/2008 18:36,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,"You can normally see up to magnitude 7, but we just had snow storm yesterday so the sky is cloudy.",,,USA,United States 41.057978,-81.494730,3/1/2008 19:25,3,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,hailing and sort raining,,"very, very cold and is not as warm as they said it would be.",USA,United States 37.366049,-81.551844,2/27/2008 19:35,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,It was very cloudy.,MVMS/KW,,USA,United States 37.366049,-81.551844,2/28/2008 19:30,1,-9999.00,clear,,MVMS/KW,I have a street light beside my house.,USA,United States 37.366049,-81.551844,2/29/2008 20:00,1,-9999.00,clear,,MVMS/KW,,USA,United States 37.366049,-81.551844,3/1/2008 20:45,2,-9999.00,clear,It was pretty out tonight.,MVMS/KW,,USA,United States 37.366049,-81.551844,3/2/2008 18:50,1,-9999.00,clear,It was mainly clear out tonight.,MVMS/KW,,USA,United States 41.081279,-81.521272,3/2/2008 19:20,3,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,Rapildy moving gray/white clouds in long but narrow rows.,"7:20pm. Backyard with two trees. About 40 feet away from street light, which inhibits view of stars.",,USA,United States 44.528950,-69.584827,3/2/2008 19:10,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 40.926009,-75.094781,3/2/2008 19:15,3,-9999.00,clear,,"backyard, low elevation","early in eve, snow cover on ground, orion low to horizon",USA,United States 36.786900,-76.136802,3/2/2008 19:10,4,-9999.00,clear,Would have been a mag 5 sky if not for the jet contrails,,,USA,United States 42.933251,-74.623430,3/2/2008 19:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,There are three street lights all within 50 meters of the location.,,USA,United States 37.471070,-81.663162,3/2/2008 19:12,2,-9999.00,clear,,MVMS/AR,,USA,United States 36.786900,-76.136802,3/2/2008 19:15,4,18.76,clear,,,,USA,United States 37.431721,-81.572895,3/2/2008 19:27,3,-9999.00,clear,,MVMS/ca,,USA,United States 42.932049,-74.634003,3/2/2008 19:00,5,-9999.00,clear,Sky was completely clear with easily visible stars overhead.,The location is a completely open field and about a half of a mile away is a car dealership with intensely bright lights. However these bright lights did not interfere with finding Orion's belt.,,USA,United States 42.933251,-74.623430,3/2/2008 19:00,3,-9999.00,clear,Sky is clear but only some stars of Orion's belt can be seen due to the street lights and two large trees.,"The location is contained inside of a village and there are three street lights all within ,approximately, 50 meters of the location.",,USA,United States 43.183331,-79.516659,3/2/2008 19:36,-9999,17.02,over 1/2 of sky,,close to other buildings with lights,,CAN,Canada 37.366049,-81.551844,3/2/2008 19:38,4,-9999.00,clear,I could see Orion better than I could yesterday.,MVMS/KC I could see Orion perfectly.,,USA,United States 39.967081,-74.127210,3/2/2008 19:25,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 27.000001,-82.000000,3/2/2008 19:35,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,dispearsed clouds. moving away to reveal Orion.,orion was sw of our location. it was partly cloudly the sky appeard most like Magnitude 3 chart.,this was fun!,USA,United States 30.060001,-95.930000,3/2/2008 20:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 53.450001,-2.316660,3/2/2008 23:59,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,GBR,United Kingdom 42.608841,-83.119243,3/2/2008 19:30,1,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,Very few stars visible.,,,USA,United States 41.153642,-73.936900,3/2/2008 19:30,4,-9999.00,clear,"mostly clear, no moon",,,USA,United States 44.720001,-68.850001,3/2/2008 19:49,6,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 34.723548,-85.459600,3/2/2008 19:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 42.274220,-83.738502,2/29/2008 19:20,4,-9999.00,clear,Sky was the clearest it has been in two months I could see numerious stars except to the North,My Backyard with 1 flickering flourescent streetlight,,USA,United States 43.913342,-72.601994,3/2/2008 18:00,6,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 41.040001,-81.489997,3/2/2008 19:55,1,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,cloudy sky. could only see about 4-5 stars. (probaly only one of them are orions.,,,USA,United States 40.891601,-74.008699,3/2/2008 19:30,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 37.509999,-77.550002,3/2/2008 19:55,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 37.509999,-77.550002,3/2/2008 19:55,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 44.749999,-68.910004,3/2/2008 20:17,5,-9999.00,clear,i love your survey hope you get what you wanted out of it : ],,,USA,United States 37.366049,-81.551844,3/2/2008 18:00,7,-9999.00,clear,,MVHS/BJF,,USA,United States 39.662492,-78.931647,3/2/2008 20:15,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 35.543451,-85.060751,3/2/2008 20:15,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 37.344770,-81.445293,3/2/2008 20:22,6,-9999.00,clear,,MVMS/T.W.,,USA,United States 45.190000,-75.400002,3/2/2008 20:15,3,-9999.00,clear,hazy,my backyard,,CAN,Canada 37.850269,-77.520830,3/2/2008 20:00,5,-9999.00,clear,Some haze around horizon visible up to about 45 degrees elevation.,No artificial lights directly visible,I have a few floaters in both eyes.,USA,United States 39.986000,-76.401000,3/2/2008 20:15,5,-9999.00,clear,"Splendidly clear sky. We could also pick out all the dipper and handle stars in the Little Dipper. We're usually closer to magnitude 4, but tonight we were definitely magnitude 5. The dewpoint is 21F","just west of Millersville, Pennsylvania","Three observers ages 48, 14, and 12.",USA,United States 42.259999,-75.760001,3/1/2008 20:30,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,ANother cloudy night in Greene N.Y.,,,USA,United States 42.259999,-75.760001,3/2/2008 20:30,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 45.190000,-75.400002,3/2/2008 20:15,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,somewhat hazy.,In my backyard.,,CAN,Canada 26.685780,-80.049831,3/2/2008 19:58,2,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,parly coudy,street lights are shielded from view,,USA,United States 40.123799,-74.177999,3/2/2008 18:50,3,-9999.00,clear,"Beautiful, clear night",Rural backyard. Some light from neigboring house.,,USA,United States 33.459919,-82.211572,3/2/2008 20:30,4,-9999.00,clear,clear sky,local neighborhood with a few street lights, SC124 C001 Fall 07,USA,United States 39.962552,-74.162010,3/2/2008 20:35,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 43.183331,-79.516659,3/2/2008 20:36,1,18.33,over 1/2 of sky,very overcast,lighted buildings close by,,CAN,Canada -39.950002,-71.066657,3/2/2008 23:30,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,observamos desde junin de los andes,,ARG,Argentina 32.399979,-111.011973,2/28/2008 20:20,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 41.209998,-85.290000,3/2/2008 20:38,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 34.740002,-82.309995,3/2/2008 20:50,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 39.142588,-76.602819,3/2/2008 19:25,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 30.221101,-90.939331,3/2/2008 19:54,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States -33.578559,-70.633821,3/2/2008 21:30,4,-9999.00,clear,,This is a place far from the downtown.,only the street light (probably mercury lights),CHL,Chile 40.592733,-80.105005,3/2/2008 20:53,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,Cloudy and pink.,"Sewickley, Pennsylvania, USA, 15143 (Franklin Park area)",,USA,United States -33.519280,-70.562541,3/2/2008 22:50,4,-9999.00,clear,Light pollution (Santiago) to W. Orion is 35? to NW. Clear Sky,"La Florida, Santiago, Chile, near mountains (Los Andes).",I can see between mag 4 an 5.,CHL,Chile 34.854370,-86.577750,3/2/2008 19:50,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 37.480171,-79.967425,3/2/2008 20:30,5,-9999.00,clear,very slight haze.,,,USA,United States 37.471070,-81.663162,3/1/2008 19:40,3,-9999.00,clear,,MVMS/ BNA,,USA,United States 37.471070,-81.663162,3/2/2008 19:59,3,-9999.00,clear,,MVMS/BNA,,USA,United States 30.271429,-81.764611,3/2/2008 21:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 38.607497,-90.533577,3/2/2008 19:24,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,It was semi turbulent/windy outside,,,USA,United States 32.234323,-110.949914,3/2/2008 19:05,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 41.701542,-72.177908,3/2/2008 20:50,3,19.56,1/4 of sky,,snow cover reflecting neighbors' front lights,,USA,United States 32.229542,-110.951014,3/1/2008 20:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.229542,-110.951014,3/2/2008 19:00,3,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 27.551942,-82.443068,3/2/2008 20:02,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 35.549031,-80.793611,3/2/2008 20:53,6,-9999.00,clear,CAVU Several aircraft transitioned S-N at high altitudes,Observed from deck at house rear in quiet residential sub div of mooresville NC 2 street lights approx 300ft easily obscurred by trees so light minimal. Lot is wooded with tall trees .House at rear had low level lamp on . no other obvious sources of ligh,Sky &,USA,United States 33.769080,-84.336403,3/2/2008 21:15,5,-9999.00,clear,Clear with some overall haze,,The sky appeared more in between 4 and 5 but closer to 5.,USA,United States 39.125270,-77.770556,3/2/2008 20:10,5,-9999.00,clear,Good transparency (8/10),Scattered house lights diminishing total dark adaptation,,USA,United States 41.040001,-81.489997,3/2/2008 21:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 32.229409,-110.951014,3/2/2008 19:22,2,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 39.024101,-77.128839,3/2/2008 20:12,-9999,18.12,clear,Clear 40 degrees F,39.02410 degrees North77.12884 degrees West,"I could not locate a serial number on NOVAC's SQM.David Adams, Betheda,",USA,United States 33.623587,-112.020041,3/2/2008 19:26,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 35.987673,-83.432892,3/2/2008 20:22,4,-9999.00,clear,It was between Magnitude 4 and 5.,,,USA,United States 41.749999,-86.180001,3/2/2008 21:20,5,18.60,1/4 of sky,could see stars through haze,indiana,none,USA,United States 32.915040,-80.013911,3/2/2008 21:30,3,-9999.00,clear,,,S & T Newsletter,USA,United States 30.400001,-91.030002,3/1/2008 20:36,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,There were a few clouds in the sky but none obstructing my view of Orion.,,,USA,United States 42.103629,-75.921255,3/2/2008 20:31,2,-9999.00,clear,clear and cold,Binghamton ny Street lights near by (4),,USA,United States 52.133331,-106.666654,3/2/2008 20:45,-9999,18.18,clear,No aurora,urban,,CAN,Canada 35.179999,-89.749997,3/3/2008 20:46,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 10.576970,-85.586027,3/1/2008 20:00,6,-9999.00,clear,,,Light from an airport close,CRI,Costa Rica 41.928831,-87.695428,3/2/2008 20:49,1,-9999.00,clear,"Not all of the sky was completely visible, but it is easy to see 3-4 stars.",,,USA,United States 41.894191,-87.668060,3/2/2008 20:35,1,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,It was partly cloudy and I could only see a few stars.,,,USA,United States 40.563629,-105.073561,3/2/2008 19:50,-9999,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,clouds covering Orion. Will try later.,Noah's house,,USA,United States 32.412721,-110.992821,3/2/2008 19:45,4,-9999.00,clear,,Residential neighborhood,,USA,United States 41.946999,-88.766286,3/2/2008 20:40,3,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,Stars are faint because of haze.,Lights in parking lot are only lights near.,I can see the entire belt and the lower right star.,USA,United States 35.957210,-78.440747,3/2/2008 20:30,5,-9999.00,clear,Relative humidity of around 40-50%.,"North and slightly east of Rolesville, NC.",,USA,United States 33.577080,-112.140430,3/2/2008 19:50,2,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.316661,-111.066676,3/2/2008 19:45,4,-9999.00,clear,"Transperancy- Fair, Stars twinkling.",Sports park lights on two miles east across Santa Cruz river. It is also very windy and dusty out tonight.,,USA,United States 45.400001,-75.699997,2/28/2008 20:45,3,-9999.00,clear,Sky was very clear. No clouds were present.,Ottawa.,The overall visibility was between a Magnitude 3 and a Magnitude 4.,CAN,Canada 37.030000,-76.346004,3/2/2008 21:30,4,-9999.00,clear,good seeing for this location,,Saw about 17 stars in Orion,USA,United States 32.360002,-111.059996,3/2/2008 20:05,3,18.96,1/4 of sky,,my backyard,,USA,United States 33.990003,-118.410004,3/2/2008 19:00,3,-9999.00,clear,clear,"There was one street light, but it did not block my view.",,USA,United States 41.709998,-72.769997,3/2/2008 20:00,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 41.869999,-72.260000,3/2/2008 19:30,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States -36.614558,-72.110207,3/2/2008 23:03,4,-9999.00,clear,completely clear,street lights at 50 mts,I think I can see stars between magnitude 4 and 5,CHL,Chile 35.246539,-84.876220,3/2/2008 22:00,4,20.03,clear,,,,USA,United States 40.047858,-80.658544,3/2/2008 22:15,5,19.00,clear,"first clear night since the start of this project. sky clear, temperature 2 degrees C.","Area located in the country, few houses in vicinity, no street lights, no accent or decorative lighting",,USA,United States 47.627739,-117.405160,3/2/2008 19:00,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 42.209999,-121.730008,3/2/2008 19:24,5,-9999.00,clear,,42.21 latitude-121.73 longitude,,USA,United States 36.035832,-86.975649,3/2/2008 19:52,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,Glow from Bellevue to the east. Clouds are more dense in the far west and scattered elsewhere.,Natchez Trace Parkway terminus/Highway 100Headlights from cars traveling on Highway 100 occasionally shine in this direction,,USA,United States 40.860002,-81.860002,3/2/2008 21:35,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 46.178229,-119.156653,3/2/2008 19:28,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States -27.465420,153.011155,3/2/2008 21:00,5,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,AUS,Australia 32.160000,-111.029998,3/1/2008 19:15,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 40.128120,-80.660914,3/2/2008 22:30,5,17.93,clear,"nice, clear sky. first clear night since start of project on 2/25/08.",,few nearby homes. No streetlights or specialty lighting nearby.,USA,United States 32.160000,-111.029998,3/2/2008 20:22,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 40.869998,-81.870001,3/2/2008 21:55,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,Clouds began coming in during 5 minutes observation. Orion's 3 belt stars remained visible.,Small airport approx. 1/2 mile away with runway and strobe lights.,,USA,United States 48.012719,-117.031180,3/2/2008 19:34,4,-9999.00,clear,,I live about 40 miles north of spokane.,,USA,United States 37.611328,-122.019731,3/2/2008 19:20,4,-9999.00,clear,,,"Lots of light pollution, but waited for eyes to adjust and",USA,United States 32.251381,-110.945870,3/2/2008 18:08,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 34.314252,-79.885612,3/2/2008 20:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,"Relative's house north of Darlington, S.C. A number of unshielded yard security lights in the neighborhood.",The limiting magnitude is actually closer to magnitude 3.5 than 4.0.,USA,United States 34.569998,-87.029997,3/1/2008 21:50,4,-9999.00,clear,I wish there was a 3.5 option. I had a hard time deciding between three and four. I could see more stars than were in the magnitude 3 picture but not every star from the magnitude 4 picture.,,,USA,United States 32.233329,-110.899999,3/3/2008 20:34,4,-9999.00,clear,Very windy. Sky diffuse. Light pollution from city lights.,,,USA,United States 32.230399,-110.950399,3/2/2008 20:45,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 34.300479,-79.881432,3/2/2008 20:30,3,-9999.00,clear,,"A friend's home about 6/10 mile from downtown Darlington, S.C. Almost every house in the neighborhood has an unshielded backyard security light.",,USA,United States 34.314252,-79.885612,3/2/2008 20:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,"Relative's home north of the city of Darlington , S.C. Number of unshielded yard lights in neighborhood.",,USA,United States 41.563470,-71.576899,2/28/2008 20:30,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 27.209998,-82.359999,3/2/2008 21:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 39.664298,-104.984816,3/2/2008 20:55,4,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,Very cloudy earlier,"Middle of the city, lots of light pollution",,USA,United States 32.229409,-110.951014,3/2/2008 21:02,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 37.701722,-121.091112,3/2/2008 20:03,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 34.320710,-79.889280,3/2/2008 20:50,3,-9999.00,clear,,"Friend's house north of Darlington, S.C. The area has some storage buildings that use unshielded security fixtures. Some houses have unshielded yard lights and also the skyglow from Darlington is visible.",,USA,United States 40.404227,-104.701814,3/2/2008 20:00,4,-9999.00,clear,Clouds cleared really quickly.,There are lights all over the university campus.,,USA,United States -30.166661,134.866675,3/2/2008 20:13,7,-9999.00,clear,"Sky was clear and full of stars and we could see Orion as clear as the day, we found all of Orion .",On a remote sheep station on a hill looking a t the stars.,"I live on a sheep station and I had help from my sister, dad and a friend of ours.",AUS,Australia 42.711079,-70.883696,3/2/2008 21:45,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 37.762033,-121.442867,3/2/2008 20:10,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.268409,-110.966716,3/2/2008 21:00,-9999,18.45,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.000000,-109.999999,3/2/2008 21:21,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 32.222469,-110.949217,3/1/2008 20:00,2,-9999.00,clear,,32.222421 -110.949317,,USA,United States 32.265141,-110.904418,3/2/2008 21:15,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 32.222469,-110.949217,3/2/2008 21:18,2,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 32.229180,-110.950993,3/2/2008 21:30,2,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.229180,-110.950993,2/29/2008 20:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 38.720001,-120.920002,3/2/2008 20:35,4,-9999.00,clear,really clear,clear sky,,USA,United States 38.828440,-77.174041,3/2/2008 23:00,3,18.23,clear,,"In open dog park, near to my (townhouse) neighborhood, and an elementary school, but with no direct lighting closer than 100m.",,USA,United States 32.229180,-110.950993,3/1/2008 19:50,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.213081,-110.967010,3/2/2008 21:30,2,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,a bit cloudy. stars a bit more dim than the other four nights of observation.,at my house. central tucson,,USA,United States 37.739459,-121.008303,2/29/2008 19:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 36.312421,-115.247298,3/2/2008 18:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,I could also see the 3 main stars of Orion's Belt,USA,United States 36.312421,-115.247298,3/2/2008 20:30,4,-9999.00,clear,,,I also saw the 3 main stars of Orion's Sword,USA,United States 32.250159,-110.941069,3/2/2008 21:54,3,-9999.00,clear,"The sky looked a little hazier than normal, but I wouldn't say that it was a quarter covered by clouds...",,,USA,United States 32.353612,-110.976224,3/2/2008 21:50,2,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 30.558799,-91.036634,3/2/2008 22:45,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 38.457271,-122.753826,3/2/2008 20:06,5,-9999.00,clear,Clear,"On path following Paulin Creek, no street light and few house light visible from this location. The night sky was cloud free.","Park like setting in the middle of the city. No street lights to limit our vision, but of course there are street light completely surrounding the area.",USA,United States 37.432387,-122.123728,3/1/2008 21:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 39.923999,-105.067898,3/1/2008 19:30,4,-9999.00,clear,Couple of very small cloud cluster's in the sky,"I am sitting on my back porch, nearest light is over 50m away, repeated observation 3 times from backyard.",I definately thought that I would be able to see more stars but i guess not...,USA,United States 37.432387,-122.123728,3/1/2008 20:30,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.224829,-110.956908,3/2/2008 22:06,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 61.539998,-149.450003,2/29/2008 23:11,5,-9999.00,clear,only clouds are over mountains a long ways away. very clear sky.,There are a lot of houses near by. Highway lights across the palmer hay flats.,windy and clear out.,USA,United States 37.432387,-122.123728,3/2/2008 21:40,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 44.782600,-117.833303,3/2/2008 20:50,3,-9999.00,clear,Overall light haze.,"2 street lights, one at each corner E & W, blocked by tree (E) and Building (W). Interior house lights across street (S).",Temperature 27? F.,USA,United States 32.217780,-110.933433,3/2/2008 20:30,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.230000,-110.960002,3/1/2008 20:45,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.231820,-111.944922,2/29/2008 20:30,4,-9999.00,clear,"I could clearly see the main stars from Orion, and make out some others. Nothing near what was is shown in the Magnitude 5-7 charts.",,,USA,United States 37.682997,-121.003413,3/2/2008 19:23,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 37.430000,-81.569999,3/2/2008 19:30,1,-9999.00,clear,,MVMS/CC,,USA,United States 40.379928,-105.109481,2/26/2008 22:00,1,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,M's Backyard,,USA,United States 38.847859,-121.980745,3/2/2008 21:20,4,-9999.00,clear,,,S&,USA,United States 40.379928,-105.109481,2/27/2008 21:30,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,M's Backyard,,USA,United States 32.153191,-111.006331,3/2/2008 21:30,3,-9999.00,clear,"On this day, at a location about 9 miles away and 3 days later from my previous viewing, the main stars of Orion are still clearly visible but the visibility of surrounding stars has almost completely gone away.",,,USA,United States 16.042499,103.652000,3/2/2008 22:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,THA,Thailand 40.202750,-79.930350,3/2/2008 21:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 40.379928,-105.109481,2/28/2008 21:45,2,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,M's Backyard,,USA,United States 40.379928,-105.109481,2/29/2008 22:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,M's Backyard,,USA,United States 32.248007,-110.947407,3/2/2008 21:15,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 40.379928,-105.109481,3/1/2008 22:00,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 40.379928,-105.109481,3/2/2008 21:30,4,-9999.00,clear,"Cloudy earlier (Clouds over 1/2 of sky), but cleared nicely for the best seeing so far this past week!",M's Backyard,,USA,United States 39.083329,-76.650002,3/2/2008 22:30,4,18.75,clear,calm; relatively little star scintillation0? C,sub-suburban,,USA,United States 36.201512,-115.197957,3/2/2008 20:00,2,-9999.00,clear,,street lights,,USA,United States 32.231799,-110.884727,2/26/2008 21:35,4,-9999.00,clear,Sky was clear for the most part.,Automobiles are constantly driving by my household.,"I am located rather close to a street intersection where cars pass by often, the light they create slighlty inhibits my visibility of the night sky.",USA,United States 32.231109,-110.951942,3/2/2008 19:50,3,-9999.00,clear,the constellation orion seemed a little more illuminated,grass area around dorms,,USA,United States 45.499551,-122.721492,3/2/2008 18:34,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,There are a few low clouds that reflect the light from the city/buildings. Other than the the sky is relatively clear with visible stars,"Observing from a hill, looking SW",,USA,United States 37.791990,-122.228694,3/2/2008 21:55,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.230611,-110.954046,3/6/2008 21:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.230703,-110.954108,2/28/2008 21:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.230703,-110.954108,2/29/2008 21:30,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.230703,-110.954108,3/1/2008 21:30,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.799999,-116.949996,3/2/2008 22:15,2,-9999.00,clear,,,"I live in El Cajon its a suburb of San Diego about 90,000 people in the immediate surroundings",USA,United States 37.878559,-122.281628,3/2/2008 21:57,4,-9999.00,clear,estimate magnitude 4.5 -,,,USA,United States 45.444431,-122.790846,3/2/2008 22:00,3,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,#NAME?,In front of my house ( plain and inside my village ),-Stars almost 40. -Some stars stay near each other and some stars scatter.,USA,United States 45.508782,-122.695087,3/2/2008 19:15,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 40.162861,-119.609125,3/2/2008 18:00,1,10.00,1/2 of sky,khkho,ghythy,mjkhkhk,USA,United States 37.231269,-118.495108,3/2/2008 21:00,2,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,Fast moving clouds above.,APSC Dorm.,,USA,United States 36.644952,-118.436477,3/3/2008 22:00,7,-9999.00,clear,Lots of stars fill the sky.,APSC Dorm.,,USA,United States 36.058631,-118.436477,3/4/2008 20:00,2,-9999.00,clear,For the most part the sky is clear.,APSC Dorm.,,USA,United States 36.644952,-118.436477,3/5/2008 20:45,4,-9999.00,clear,,APSC Dorm.,,USA,United States 32.234852,-110.951697,3/2/2008 19:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 34.749421,-86.540846,3/1/2008 20:37,5,19.36,clear,Clouds near horizon less than 10% of sky. Transparency not too good. Sky was gray all the way to the zenith.,Von Braun Astronomical Society Observing field south of Swanson Observatory in Monte Sano State Park after public show at planetarium.,had five folks participate in evaluating the magnitude chart. Had three 5 and two 4.SQM reading is an average of 17 readings over 20 minutes ending at 8:57 CST.,USA,United States 36.938110,-118.436477,3/2/2008 20:00,2,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,Fast moving clouds overhead.,APSC Dorm,,USA,United States 34.793417,-86.438475,3/1/2008 22:00,5,20.03,clear,Clouds gone. Sky noticeablly darker at zenith (almost black). South Horizon was bright with sky glow.,Rural area with no street lights for about 1/4 mile.,Single observer. Multiple SQM readings averaged.,USA,United States 40.749178,-96.156353,3/2/2008 23:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 36.351790,-118.436477,3/3/2008 20:00,7,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 34.815042,-86.515267,3/1/2008 23:59,5,19.50,clear,transparency not good. sky only fades to medium gray at zenith.,Rural subdivision. Street lights and house lights. Used back yard to sheild against street lights.,LM might be more like 4.7 or 4.8. It was a strain to see some of the LM 5 stars.SQM reading was an average of multiple readings.,USA,United States 45.534938,-122.783893,3/1/2008 22:00,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 46.297587,7.877440,3/2/2008 20:05,5,-9999.00,clear,Clear after a day with veil clouds (Sundogs observed at sunset),"Suburban, streetlights within 100 ft Town less than 1/2 mile. Alpine valley, elev approx 2100 ft (640m)",,CHE,Switzerland 45.444489,-122.790901,3/2/2008 22:00,3,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,#NAME?,In front of my house. (plain and inside my village),-Stars have almost 40.-Some stars stay near each other and some stars scatter.,USA,United States 30.249999,-91.900004,3/2/2008 22:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 37.134980,-121.628034,3/2/2008 20:50,3,18.76,clear,Clear with good seeing and transparency after windy day,Millennium Park with perimeter lighting and nearby school and commercial lighting,,USA,United States 44.430001,24.360001,2/29/2008 21:45,3,18.12,clear,,,,ROM,Romania 52.167499,13.101659,2/29/2008 19:30,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,There was many clouds and stormy wind.,,,DEU,Germany 44.430001,24.360001,3/1/2008 21:30,1,18.17,1/2 of sky,,,,ROM,Romania 52.167499,13.101659,3/1/2008 21:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,DEU,Germany 44.430001,24.360001,3/2/2008 19:45,3,18.03,clear,,,,ROM,Romania 44.430001,24.360001,3/2/2008 20:30,4,18.59,clear,,,,ROM,Romania 8.639720,99.897186,3/2/2008 22:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,"Walailak Universiry, Nakhon Si Thammarat",,THA,Thailand 44.430001,24.360001,3/2/2008 21:30,4,18.37,clear,,,,ROM,Romania 41.522260,-88.196518,3/1/2008 21:00,3,-9999.00,clear,had about 3 hours of perfectly clear sky,40 miles southwest of Chicago,,USA,United States 40.859759,14.335181,3/2/2008 19:40,2,-9999.00,clear,,,I live near a train station and it has 4 powerful lamps always on.,ITA,Italy 9.953379,98.636777,2/23/2008 19:40,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,I couldn't saw the Moon.,Light from the lamps at 11 meters and 21 meters North.,,THA,Thailand 45.640000,13.770000,3/2/2008 21:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,ITA,Italy 9.953379,98.636777,2/24/2008 19:47,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,I couldn't saw the Moon.,Light from a lamp at 11 meters and 21 meters North.,,THA,Thailand 9.953379,98.636777,2/25/2008 19:50,3,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,I couldn't saw the Moon.,Light from a lamp at 11 meters and 21 meters North.,,THA,Thailand 9.953379,98.636777,2/26/2008 19:36,3,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,Light from a lamp at 11 meters and 21 meters North.,I couldn't saw the Moon.,THA,Thailand 9.953379,98.636777,2/27/2008 19:27,3,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,I couldn't saw the Moon.,Light from a lamp at 11 meters and 21 meters North.,,THA,Thailand 9.953379,98.636777,2/28/2008 20:01,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,I couldn't saw the Moon.,Light from a lamp at 11 meters and 21 meters North.,,THA,Thailand 9.953379,98.636777,2/29/2008 20:07,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,I couldn't saw the Moon.,Light from a lamp at 11 meters and 21 meters North.,,THA,Thailand 45.370392,-70.146336,3/2/2008 23:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 39.406800,-0.401180,3/2/2008 23:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,ESP,Spain 41.709998,-71.389998,3/2/2008 18:00,1,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,some clouds,41.71 (41?42') | -71.39 (-71?23'),,USA,United States 41.709998,-71.389998,3/1/2008 23:00,2,-9999.00,clear,clear,41.71 (41?42') | -71.39 (-71?23'),,USA,United States 37.431721,-81.572895,3/1/2008 20:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,MVMS/AM- there were street lights in front of the house i went up on a mountain and saw a better view,,USA,United States 37.431721,-81.572895,3/2/2008 20:30,2,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,MVMS/AM- there is a street light in front of my house.,,USA,United States -32.093341,115.794915,3/3/2008 20:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,AUS,Australia 41.358052,2.158610,3/2/2008 21:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,Ciudad de Barcelona (Espaħa),Ori?n sobre edificio de en frente con fluorescente encendido 3m mßs alto que el punto de observaci?n (a unos 25 m del nivel del suelo),ESP,Spain 45.379138,11.896770,3/2/2008 21:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,Street in town,,ITA,Italy 34.800282,-86.879439,3/2/2008 21:50,5,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,"Rural residential area, few street lights.",Athens Alabama to the west of site and Madison Albama on the east.,USA,United States 45.897270,11.392451,3/1/2008 21:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,"Mountain, 1550 m altitude, isolated",,ITA,Italy 27.337521,-82.548847,3/1/2008 21:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,"Ritz Carlton Sarasota, 9th floor balcony",,USA,United States 38.990220,-8.208460,3/1/2008 22:11,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,PRT,Portugal 18.789231,99.170023,3/3/2008 19:55,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,THA,Thailand 40.765441,-73.981952,3/2/2008 21:40,3,-9999.00,clear,"There was some very, thin, filamentary clouds across the sky, but much less than 1/4 coverage.","Observation made through an open window of building near W56th and B'way, NYC. Direction of view overlooks Times Square.","Bright light sources came from hotel & office buildings located south immediately south. Limiting magnitude slightly less than previous reports from on the street with clear skies. Single star (*) of head , * of arms not seen.",USA,United States 16.042499,103.652000,3/3/2008 20:19,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,THA,Thailand 42.389018,-71.102112,3/2/2008 20:00,2,-9999.00,clear,,Residential street with few lights. Very similar to the rest of the city.,,USA,United States 33.847460,-84.098282,3/2/2008 19:30,2,-9999.00,clear,"I could make out all three stars in the ""belt"", but the lower left-hand star in the main quadrilateral was hard to see. I'd actually quantify this as Magnitude 2.5",,,USA,United States 32.374810,-111.020272,3/8/2008 21:35,2,-9999.00,clear,,It's entirely dark outside so I can see all the skies without difficulty.,,USA,United States 35.311969,-101.919420,2/29/2008 20:30,6,-9999.00,clear,,,S&T.COM,USA,United States 35.311969,-101.919420,3/1/2008 21:14,6,-9999.00,clear,,,S&,USA,United States 41.078049,-81.561891,3/2/2008 22:00,1,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 41.078049,-81.561891,3/2/2008 21:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 41.078049,-81.561891,2/29/2008 22:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 38.103030,-84.886930,3/1/2008 20:00,5,-9999.00,clear,light haze drifting in and out,,,USA,United States 39.873080,-74.201577,2/26/2008 20:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 39.873080,-74.201577,2/27/2008 19:00,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 39.873080,-74.201577,2/27/2008 22:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 39.873080,-74.201577,2/28/2008 20:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 39.873080,-74.201577,2/29/2008 21:00,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 39.873080,-74.201577,3/1/2008 19:28,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 39.873080,-74.201577,3/2/2008 20:45,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 42.574861,-114.770100,3/2/2008 12:00,7,-9999.00,clear,Sky clear with many star and constellaions visible.,"Our Farm outside of Buhl, Idaho. The city is 1.3 miles north and the city of Twin Falls is 21 Miles to the east.",Night lights from Buhl and Twin Falls are visible as are many night lights from adjoining farms and dairies.,USA,United States 37.720000,-122.139997,3/2/2008 20:35,4,-9999.00,clear,FAr more very faint stars visible than usual,,,USA,United States 43.650001,-70.269997,3/2/2008 21:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 37.344770,-81.445293,3/1/2008 19:30,4,-9999.00,clear,not that many stars,MVMS/LM,,USA,United States 37.344770,-81.445293,3/5/2008 20:15,5,-9999.00,clear,It was clear,MVMS/LM,,USA,United States 18.762501,98.999603,3/3/2008 22:36,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,THA,Thailand 37.344770,-81.445293,3/1/2008 19:15,2,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,it ws a little bit of stars out there not much.,MVMS/CW,,USA,United States 37.205710,-81.600441,2/27/2008 22:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,MVMS It was to cloudy to see anything,,Speedy loves you,USA,United States 37.344770,-81.445293,3/2/2008 21:30,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,i saw like 2 or 3 stars in the sky.,MVMS/CW,,USA,United States 32.340239,-110.940072,3/2/2008 21:00,3,-9999.00,clear,Orion's belt was not as bright as it has been compared to the past few nights of observation.,,,USA,United States 37.441369,-81.579110,2/27/2008 19:15,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,MVMS to cloudy,I have a street light in front of my house.,,USA,United States 37.344770,-81.445293,2/28/2008 23:30,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,MVMS To cloudy to see anything.,,Speedy loves you,USA,United States 37.441369,-81.579110,2/28/2008 20:12,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,MVMS to cloudy,,,USA,United States 37.334760,-81.432063,2/29/2008 23:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,MVMS It was raining,,Speedy is 4 ever and 4 ever as speedy,USA,United States 37.441369,-81.579110,2/29/2008 20:30,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,mvms to cloudy,street light,,USA,United States 32.607928,-96.933382,2/29/2008 20:30,3,-9999.00,clear,"High, thin cloud group passed in front of Orion continuing on North. No other clouds. Observation taken after they were clear of the target view.",House lights and street light behind me as I look toward Orion.,,USA,United States 37.344770,-81.445293,3/1/2008 18:00,7,-9999.00,clear,I could see all and then some,,Speedy loves Ryan,USA,United States 37.441369,-81.579110,3/1/2008 20:15,4,-9999.00,clear,it was nicemvms,,,USA,United States 32.607928,-96.933382,3/2/2008 19:45,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,No stars visible due to cloud cover. On and off light rain.,House lights and street light behind me as I look toward Orion.,,USA,United States 24.616659,80.383328,3/2/2008 19:30,4,-9999.00,clear,"Clear Skies, no clouds whatsoever.","Small town called Devendra Nagar in Panna district in the state of Mahya Pradesh in India. You could call this the centre of the Indian subcontinent, both North-South and East-West wise.","Probably mag 5.0 from a little bit out of this town in the country area, away from the glare of town lights. About me- am an amateur astronomer.",IND,India 25.165149,51.335231,3/3/2008 19:15,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,QAT,Qatar 32.237769,-110.931199,3/3/2008 19:30,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.222988,-110.936055,3/3/2008 19:30,4,6.42,clear,,,,USA,United States 33.436662,-95.922501,2/29/2008 21:02,6,-9999.00,clear,,"Sky somewhat brighter in Northwest due to light polution from Dallas, 75 miles away.",,USA,United States 37.625258,-77.330268,3/2/2008 19:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 37.415339,-81.427063,2/29/2008 18:38,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,Could not see any stars.,MVMS/TH,,USA,United States 37.414420,-81.582682,3/3/2008 20:12,4,-9999.00,clear,Second clear night in a row. Just beautiful...,MVMS/ee,,USA,United States 32.306067,-111.009391,3/3/2008 19:30,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.288282,-110.995089,3/3/2008 19:30,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.270482,-110.994426,3/3/2008 19:30,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 41.043290,-81.519503,3/1/2008 20:30,1,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 35.544188,-85.304650,3/1/2008 21:30,6,-9999.00,clear,"clear, cool, light breeze, a few small scattered clouds","Rural wooded, some lights on house about 100 meters away, filtered through woods",,USA,United States 41.043351,-81.522973,3/1/2008 20:30,1,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 41.044202,-81.515890,3/1/2008 20:30,1,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 45.515950,-73.588151,3/2/2008 20:00,3,-9999.00,clear,"Very clear, no clouds visible at all and not a hint of fog or smog.","Near Mount Royal, which is somewhat darker than average.",,CAN,Canada 41.057940,-81.495119,3/2/2008 19:35,7,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,raining,,still chiliy,USA,United States -32.962503,27.956109,3/3/2008 19:34,5,-9999.00,clear,"Beutiful evening, clear sky",,,ZAF,South Africa 44.929999,25.990000,3/3/2008 19:36,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,ROM,Romania 29.528100,-98.424699,3/1/2008 21:47,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 48.311618,-106.565493,3/2/2008 21:00,7,-9999.00,clear,It is absollutely pitch black and pollution free here; I shoot astro photos regularly and the results are outstanding. I can see both the nebula in Orion and Andromeda with the naked eye.,,,USA,United States 39.595300,-105.087802,2/29/2008 19:35,3,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,"Thick clouds to the North, as you look across sky in the southward direction the clouds break up and the sky is clear in the South.",Apartment with few street lights nearby.,,USA,United States 30.211600,-93.361808,2/29/2008 20:50,4,-9999.00,clear,Clear and could see the stars clearly.,There was a street light in the distance.,,USA,United States 61.629999,-149.450003,2/28/2008 21:00,5,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,Slight haze on the bottom of Orion. Some cloud on opposite side of the sky.,Lot's of other houses have their outside lights on. So consider minimal light polution.,,USA,United States 43.490939,-70.460744,3/2/2008 19:39,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,The sky was clear eccept for thin clouds.,"I was on the third floor and there were about three lights creating a glare, but all-in-all it was a good area.","The air was a bit nippy, but still visible.",USA,United States 26.707220,-80.038049,3/2/2008 20:00,4,18.20,1/4 of sky,,,73 degrees F,USA,United States 44.490001,24.030001,3/1/2008 20:00,4,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,Some clouds was in the sky.,"It was done in Iancu Jianu,Olt in Romania.",,ROM,Romania 46.180002,8.910000,3/2/2008 19:15,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,CHE,Switzerland 35.330000,25.129999,3/3/2008 20:15,3,-9999.00,clear,,CLOSE TO DOWNTOWN,,GRC,Greece 44.490001,24.030001,3/1/2008 21:00,5,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,,,ROM,Romania 33.744901,-112.104202,2/29/2008 20:30,2,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 44.490001,24.030001,3/2/2008 21:00,6,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,Iancu Jianu-Romania,,ROM,Romania 44.430001,24.360001,3/3/2008 20:20,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,Slatina-Romania,,ROM,Romania 33.596410,-111.779488,3/1/2008 21:10,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 41.045749,-81.518608,2/29/2008 19:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,very cloudy,,,USA,United States 41.045749,-81.518608,3/1/2008 19:00,1,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,was a beautiful day to look out side,,,USA,United States 41.045749,-81.518608,3/2/2008 18:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,very cloudy,,,USA,United States 41.050000,-81.489997,2/29/2008 19:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,No sky visibility.,,,USA,United States 41.050000,-81.480004,2/29/2008 20:00,2,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,Nice weather.,,,USA,United States 32.231820,-111.944922,2/29/2008 20:30,4,-9999.00,clear,"The main stars from Orion were all clearly visible, surrounding stars were present but weren't prominent.",,,USA,United States 41.050000,-81.489997,3/1/2008 18:00,1,-9999.00,clear,Seen one star on his belt.,,,USA,United States 40.900003,-81.500003,3/2/2008 20:24,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,Zero Visibility.,,,USA,United States 41.050000,-81.489997,3/2/2008 18:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,Zero visabilty.,,,USA,United States 32.153191,-111.006331,3/2/2008 21:30,3,-9999.00,clear,"A few days after my first first viewing, and a few miles away, the stars of Orion where still clearly visible. However, the other stars weren't visible like they were the previous time.",,,USA,United States 49.775089,17.752760,3/3/2008 20:00,-9999,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,,,CZE,Czech Republic 26.010001,-80.230004,3/1/2008 23:15,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,"My backyard off a major local road, close to a highway.",,USA,United States 41.040001,-81.489997,3/1/2008 18:00,1,-9999.00,clear,Couldn't see very many stars at my house.,,,USA,United States 43.493579,-70.457916,3/2/2008 20:00,3,-9999.00,clear,The cloud was very clear,"The air was very chilly, in my backyard.",,USA,United States 40.978143,-81.377859,3/2/2008 20:00,1,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 40.978143,-81.377859,3/1/2008 20:00,1,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 40.978143,-81.377859,2/29/2008 20:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 41.040001,-81.489997,2/29/2008 20:00,1,-9999.00,clear,"It was a little bit cloudy, but i could see some clouds.",,,USA,United States 44.995879,26.026610,3/3/2008 21:01,1,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,..,..,..,ROM,Romania 51.448571,6.908660,3/3/2008 20:00,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,DEU,Germany 49.772251,17.759880,3/3/2008 20:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,CZE,Czech Republic 49.772241,17.759750,2/29/2008 20:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,CZE,Czech Republic 32.216998,-110.970999,3/2/2008 20:15,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 41.040001,-81.489997,3/2/2008 20:00,1,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,the cluods wereugly and sammie say wuz up,,,USA,United States 32.216998,-110.970999,3/2/2008 20:15,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 41.040001,-81.489997,3/2/2008 20:55,1,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,sky was cloudy and i could only see about 5-7 stars but only about 3-4 of them were orions.,,,USA,United States 9.584690,-83.501187,3/1/2008 20:30,7,-9999.00,clear,Muy claro.,Estabamos aproximadamente a 3108 metros de altura.,,CRI,Costa Rica 27.470000,-97.710002,2/27/2008 21:30,1,-9999.00,clear,Outside it was pretty clear but Orion was still pretty difficult to see.,"There are street lights, but none that really block my view.",no comment!,USA,United States 39.965681,-74.165179,2/28/2008 22:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 39.965681,-74.165179,2/29/2008 22:06,-9999,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 52.298612,5.219440,3/3/2008 20:10,4,19.30,1/2 of sky,incoming white clouds,"medium large village, near woods",,NLD,Netherlands 39.539900,-74.609121,3/1/2008 21:17,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 39.965681,-74.165179,3/2/2008 20:11,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States -28.436480,-69.185664,3/2/2008 23:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,ARG,Argentina 41.948362,-72.287976,2/29/2008 19:30,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,The night was very cloudly and no stars were visisble.,Deck 1 foot off ground.Trees around but none hang over the deck.,,USA,United States 32.240002,-110.960002,2/26/2008 21:00,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 37.431721,-81.572895,3/1/2008 20:20,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 32.240002,-110.960002,2/27/2008 20:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 37.431721,-81.572895,3/2/2008 20:40,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 41.979760,-72.272916,2/29/2008 18:19,1,-9999.00,clear,For some reason I could only see about 4 stars in the sky.,,,USA,United States 37.366049,-81.551844,3/1/2008 19:54,3,-9999.00,clear,,mvms/ah,,USA,United States 41.981860,-72.239509,2/29/2008 19:14,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,It was very cloudy. I could not see any stars.,,,USA,United States 32.240002,-110.960002,2/29/2008 19:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 41.948362,-72.287976,3/1/2008 20:30,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,Some stars were visible but not alot.There were some clouds but not alot.,Deck 2 feet off ground.Many stars usally visible and trees are around but there are none overhanging.No street lights around.,,USA,United States 32.240002,-110.960002,3/2/2008 20:00,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 40.635801,-74.078599,3/1/2008 21:00,6,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,"Sky mostly clear, scattered cumulus, thin high haze. Orion partly in tree branxhes. Minor interference from nearby yard lamps.","Residential street about 1Km south of Staten Island ferry depot. multi-family houses, trees, light traffic. View was from backyard of three-story residence.","Location is in northern Staten Island, a boro of New York City, about 500,000 population",USA,United States 41.960000,-72.319996,2/29/2008 20:15,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,very cloudy no staes,,,USA,United States 41.948362,-72.287976,3/2/2008 20:00,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,There were many stars visible that night.,Deck about 1 foot above deck.Trees are around but none hang over.,,USA,United States 41.981860,-72.239509,3/1/2008 20:35,5,-9999.00,clear,I could see Orion clearly.,,,USA,United States 40.631098,-73.935801,3/2/2008 19:00,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,"A few clouds well away from Orion. Winter Hexagon in clear sky. Temp ~-1C, slight breeze.",Same as for feb 28,Same as for Feb 28,USA,United States 41.979760,-72.272916,3/2/2008 20:31,6,18.89,clear,So good of a night I took out the bonokulars.,,,USA,United States 41.981860,-72.239509,3/2/2008 18:00,3,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,Part of sky was cloudy and the other part clear.,,,USA,United States 33.518539,-84.258853,3/2/2008 21:15,4,-9999.00,clear,,Three street lights within 1/2 block.,Atlanta metro sky-glow is overpowering!,USA,United States 42.312889,-71.259036,3/1/2008 22:00,3,-9999.00,clear,"A few wisps started entering sky when I took observation, but it hadn't yet covered a quarter of the sky at that time.","Suburban area. Neighbors front lights were on, even though I was in the dark.",S&,USA,United States 35.830899,-78.660365,2/29/2008 18:28,-9999,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,"it looked okay when i looked, the sky, when i looked, was partly clear, and the clouds looked purple and close to dark blue",i think i should try to turn off the lights when i look at the night sky!,,USA,United States 51.216658,-0.333330,3/3/2008 19:00,3,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,Patchy cloud and slight haze in unclouded regions of the sky,"From home, some residential street lighting.",,GBR,United Kingdom 34.960603,-106.264834,2/26/2008 21:10,6,-9999.00,clear,"windy,","my address is 26 miles southeast of Albuquerque, New Mexico.The Sandia Mountain Range is between my observing location and Albuquerque.",,USA,United States 38.958999,-94.619000,3/8/2008 18:00,-9999,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,test data baker,,USA,United States 34.960603,-106.264834,2/29/2008 21:15,6,-9999.00,clear,"very clear, no twinkling",I am located 26 miles southeast of Albuquerque.The Sandia Mountain Range is between my observing location and Albuquerque.,,USA,United States 46.023331,8.949721,3/2/2008 20:30,3,-9999.00,clear,,from Savosa - Switzerland,,CHE,Switzerland 41.382999,2.183000,3/3/2008 18:09,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,We have a cloudy week.,Latitude = 41.383Longitude = 2.183,Without any more coment,ESP,Spain 51.145409,-0.437230,3/3/2008 19:28,3,-9999.00,clear,Slight clouds to North West,,,GBR,United Kingdom 27.459529,-82.586966,3/2/2008 21:15,4,17.73,clear,,Shopping center parking lot with street lights.,,USA,United States 27.477180,-82.637960,3/2/2008 21:30,5,18.53,clear,,"Dark, residential, edge of town",,USA,United States 37.681542,-119.620450,3/1/2008 19:30,5,-9999.00,clear,,"Yosemite National Park, from rim near Bridalveil Creek",,USA,United States 35.496578,-82.977858,3/3/2008 20:12,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 30.343430,-91.137168,3/2/2008 21:30,4,-9999.00,clear,The sky was pretty clear. You could visibly see more and more stars the longer you stood out there and stared. My nightime sky reading was a magnitude 4.,I live where the light pollution is not as bad as it is around campus.,,USA,United States 37.622960,-77.574270,3/2/2008 20:00,3,-9999.00,clear,"Clear Sky, about 8-9 PM ET",Residential location about 10 miles outside of center of the city of Richmond.,Magnitude may be counted perhaps as a 3.5 as it was a little better than 3 but not nearly a 4.,USA,United States -37.861381,145.083887,3/3/2008 22:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,,Can faintly see the milky way across the sky.,AUS,Australia 48.943001,8.276800,3/3/2008 22:30,5,-9999.00,clear,very clear after rain,At Home from Roof away window above the street,Zenit magnitude 6.0,DEU,Germany 36.393768,-105.265871,3/1/2008 20:00,6,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 44.953331,26.030831,3/3/2008 22:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,ROM,Romania 27.000001,-82.106005,2/28/2008 20:00,4,-9999.00,clear,Right after a cold front moved through.,,,USA,United States 32.234111,-110.937797,3/1/2008 21:13,3,17.24,clear,,"Surrounded by tall buildings, baseball game being played one block away (full stadium lights!)",,USA,United States 40.089618,-2.151940,3/3/2008 22:30,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,ESP,Spain 30.412001,-91.179002,2/27/2008 19:30,4,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 49.200001,2.533000,3/3/2008 20:15,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,FRA,France 41.686373,-71.521342,3/2/2008 20:00,5,-9999.00,clear,nice and clear,,,USA,United States 51.823739,6.738630,3/3/2008 20:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,dark location outside of my hometown (population: 20.000),limiting magnitude was definitely better than mag 5 but didn't reach mag 6 fully: I would consider limiting magnitude was mag 5.5,DEU,Germany 42.135830,-87.942224,3/3/2008 20:46,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,"Small clouds traveling quickly to the East, otherwise clear","Small lights on building about 150 yards - 200 yards away blinking on and off, otherwise dark","Very little cloud cover, observation taken in large field 30 minutes North of downtown Chicago",USA,United States 43.984909,-69.211120,3/3/2008 18:45,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 39.717400,-104.832038,2/29/2008 20:35,4,-9999.00,clear,The sky was very clear which means the cloud. Since I had an image of Orion it was not too complicated for me to identify.,"My location was Denver, Colorado. I am living in the city, so we expect light pollution but it was not that much bad for me to observe.",It was fun activity I liked it!,USA,United States 39.897191,-104.639666,2/29/2008 21:30,4,-9999.00,clear,My sky was very clear and I could see all those stars without any problem. I choose a dark location to see all those stars.,My location was Denver Colorado. I match my charts with number 4.,,USA,United States 41.009460,-111.904610,2/29/2008 19:30,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 28.124960,-80.581233,3/2/2008 20:30,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 40.899811,-111.884407,2/28/2008 19:30,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 41.010020,-111.905601,2/28/2008 20:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 38.828208,-121.917033,2/29/2008 21:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 41.011550,-111.902295,2/29/2008 21:00,1,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 28.596100,-81.346330,3/2/2008 19:30,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 40.911652,-111.864831,2/29/2008 20:30,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 45.593231,-95.916428,2/29/2008 19:29,2,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,MVMS/KT,,USA,United States 37.471070,-81.663162,3/3/2008 19:26,3,-9999.00,clear,,MVMS/AR,,USA,United States 18.180000,-66.980004,3/3/2008 20:29,6,-9999.00,clear,,,,PRI,Puerto Rico 40.538160,-75.511716,3/3/2008 19:00,5,-9999.00,clear,"slight overall haze, but no visible cloud cover",2 street lights,"could see the bottom half of the sword clearly, but only saw three bright stars in the belt",USA,United States 43.200001,-79.590822,3/3/2008 19:32,-9999,17.09,clear,raining,,,CAN,Canada 17.948880,-66.875687,2/29/2008 23:15,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,PRI,Puerto Rico 42.194440,-76.744989,3/3/2008 19:21,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,"At the time of this observation, Orion was clearly visible but clouds were rapidly moving in from the west.",This is a rural location with light pollution from a nearby small town on the north and west horizons.,,USA,United States 53.453603,-2.344360,3/3/2008 12:59,2,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,GBR,United Kingdom 37.030000,-76.309995,3/3/2008 19:31,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 39.028469,-77.035491,3/3/2008 19:30,2,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 37.366049,-81.551844,3/3/2008 19:36,4,-9999.00,clear,I am able to see the stars really good,MVMS/JW,,USA,United States 35.321610,-80.331385,3/3/2008 19:30,4,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 37.430000,-81.569999,3/3/2008 19:30,6,-9999.00,clear,,MVMS/CC,,USA,United States 41.683330,-70.433327,3/3/2008 19:45,4,-9999.00,clear,No clouds. You could see Betelgeuse's reddish color very clearly,"7 Rolling Ridge Lane, Sandwich, MA, USA",Some of the less bright stars could not be seen because I did not have perfect dark at our house.,USA,United States 31.848441,-111.032388,3/2/2008 21:00,7,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 39.275620,-76.855461,3/3/2008 19:35,5,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,"Overhead was pretty clear, but clouds obscured the sky near the horizon. Bright pink glow from the East and South, in the direction of Baltimore and Columbia, MD.","In a backyard, away from streets and most lights, sheltered by buildings and trees.","We originally selected the Mag 4 chart, but revised it to Mag 5 as our eyes adapted and clouds moved away from that part of the sky. This is pretty typical seeing for our area.",USA,United States 33.459580,-82.211517,3/3/2008 19:45,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,neighborhood with street lights, SC124 C001 Fall 07,USA,United States 37.366049,-81.551844,3/3/2008 19:30,3,-9999.00,clear,The sky was really beautiful tonight.,MVMS/KW,I have a street light beside my house.,USA,United States 28.140711,-81.922074,3/3/2008 20:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,My Back Yard,Beautiful evening!!,USA,United States 35.948689,-78.676710,3/3/2008 20:00,5,-9999.00,clear,there were no clouds and there was also no planets in view of the human eye(not using a telescope),there's no clouds and thats all,NONE,USA,United States 26.896380,-82.289436,3/3/2008 20:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 36.786900,-76.136802,3/3/2008 19:15,3,18.36,clear,,,,USA,United States 26.972130,-82.132560,3/2/2008 19:24,3,-9999.00,clear,,street light across the street,,USA,United States 35.750808,-78.649225,3/4/2008 20:00,5,-9999.00,clear,The sky was considerable light up wet the moon was only in the waxing cresent stage(i think that's right).,There is a street light in my backyard making it HARD to see the stars clearly.,i would like to thank the makers of this website for giving me the change to do this activity! i really much like it and am looking forward to doing it next year if it is still there!! please emial all your reports on this progect to,USA,United States 44.940049,-93.163391,3/3/2008 19:16,2,-9999.00,clear,bright and hard to see stars in the city.,I am living in the city; there is alot of light pollution.,,USA,United States 26.639999,-82.029998,3/3/2008 20:00,4,-9999.00,clear,I live really close to a soccer field and really bright lights around me.,,,USA,United States 30.781750,-84.429963,3/3/2008 20:14,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,"Clouds were passing through quickly and very thin. We had intermittent periods of clear and open sky, with periods of fast moving clouds passing through.","Tallahassee, Florida",,USA,United States 39.260149,-76.744408,3/3/2008 20:15,4,-9999.00,clear,hazy at sunset but then clearing,from back yard shielded from neighboring lights,,USA,United States 19.176301,-99.586310,3/4/2008 21:25,7,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,Le ciel est vraiment brillant dehors je vois toutes les etoiles!!,Mexico,Je suis frances!!(french),MEX,Mexico 37.431721,-81.572895,2/23/2008 20:00,2,-9999.00,clear,I could see they ery clear.,,,USA,United States -34.499999,-58.616663,3/3/2008 23:15,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,ARG,Argentina 37.389432,-81.409899,3/3/2008 20:20,2,-9999.00,clear,,MVMS/JJ,,USA,United States 39.328991,-81.542131,3/3/2008 20:26,4,-9999.00,clear,"I chose the Mag 4 chart because I could not see more than 4 stars in the belt. However, I was able to observe a portion of the sword. Rigel, Betelgeuse, Saiph and Belletrix are bright a clear, as well as a smattering of background stars that I can't iden",,,USA,United States 18.466660,-69.899999,3/3/2008 21:30,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,DOM,Dominican Republic -32.169559,-64.117800,3/3/2008 23:13,4,-9999.00,clear,,Dos luces en la calle a menos de 50 metros de distancia.,,ARG,Argentina 35.777709,-81.383009,3/3/2008 20:18,-9999,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,About 1/2 a liitle over,,,USA,United States 43.716769,-70.287756,3/3/2008 20:20,4,-9999.00,clear,Moderate skyglow in the southern sky. Actual limiting magnitude in region of Orion was about 4.3. At zenith limiting magnitude was closer to 5.,Suburban neigborhood with standard street lamps.,S&T!,USA,United States 42.599999,-77.000001,3/3/2008 20:00,4,-9999.00,clear,Clear sky temperature 41 F,Mansfield PA population 4000,,USA,United States 36.009560,-78.684128,3/3/2008 20:33,1,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,Cloudy,,,USA,United States 38.827160,-77.052307,3/3/2008 20:28,3,-9999.00,clear,"Sky was pretty clear, no clouds or obvious haze, but could tell there was some moiture in the air.","Del Ray, Alexandria, VA just outside Washington, Dc","Based on your charts, on a good night here, I can just see magnitude 4 but Isince as long as I've lived here, (since 1992) I've never seen magnitude 5.",USA,United States 44.543912,-69.627065,3/3/2008 19:59,3,-9999.00,clear,Clear. Lights all around.,"I live in town, where the glow of the city next to us is in my backyard. Lots of street lights- sensor lights turned on- house lights on.",,USA,United States 39.377431,-76.640617,3/3/2008 20:37,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 64.666701,-163.416702,2/29/2008 18:00,6,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 64.666701,-163.416702,3/1/2008 22:00,7,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 42.420000,-75.760001,3/3/2008 20:30,2,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,Southern half of Sky is broken clouds. Northern half is clear,,,USA,United States 37.344770,-81.445293,3/3/2008 20:53,5,-9999.00,clear,,MVMS/T.W.,,USA,United States 39.962552,-74.162010,3/3/2008 20:52,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 35.360248,-97.510226,3/3/2008 19:45,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,rain and snow all day,,,USA,United States 38.900550,-77.423220,3/3/2008 20:53,4,-9999.00,clear,,"Pretty clear sky, orion is visible, sirius, the 7 sisters, and gemini twins",,USA,United States 37.444999,-79.945267,3/2/2008 22:40,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 30.024159,-95.749164,3/1/2008 22:30,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 64.666701,-163.416702,3/2/2008 22:00,1,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.189999,-110.949996,3/3/2008 19:00,-9999,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 33.497502,-84.698881,3/2/2008 20:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 41.040001,-81.489997,3/3/2008 20:53,-9999,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,sky was very condensated. the sky was also hazey with about 5-15 clouds.,,,USA,United States 32.247550,-111.400652,3/3/2008 19:02,3,-9999.00,clear,"Clear sky, no clouds blocking vision.",,,USA,United States 32.189999,-110.949996,3/2/2008 19:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.540712,-110.814328,3/3/2008 19:03,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 28.484800,-82.506561,3/3/2008 21:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 35.246539,-84.876220,3/3/2008 21:00,-9999,18.50,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 39.729998,-104.800005,3/3/2008 19:03,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 38.790280,-77.331252,3/3/2008 20:50,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 37.389432,-81.409899,2/26/2008 20:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 33.959998,-78.399999,3/3/2008 21:00,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,"thin, sporatic cloud cover - slight haze from humidity","Rural, about one mile from a small town, and about five miles from ocean - some light pollution apparent from nearby carlot",Magnitude 6 is not uncommon on better nights,USA,United States 32.231601,-110.949531,3/3/2008 19:08,1,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 37.389432,-81.409899,2/27/2008 20:30,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 39.619998,-104.720003,3/3/2008 19:30,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 37.389432,-81.409899,2/28/2008 20:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States -1.192770,-90.837500,2/25/2008 21:30,7,-9999.00,clear,few clouds near horizon but less than 1/8 coverage,on board ship - mast light visible above,,, 37.389432,-81.409899,2/29/2008 20:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 32.440602,-110.986797,3/3/2008 19:05,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 37.344770,-81.445293,3/1/2008 18:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 40.143839,-79.852507,3/3/2008 20:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 37.344770,-81.445293,3/2/2008 20:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 39.772581,-75.735999,3/3/2008 21:10,3,-9999.00,clear,"Background light is a little brighter than usual, the sky is usually a little bit darker (maybe Magnitude 4. I often see the nebulositity near Orion's belt.). Glow from Newark city lights is to the south, somewhat obscuring Orion.",As reported by Garmin GPS,,USA,United States 39.696998,-105.662398,3/3/2008 19:10,5,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,"My view of Orion was clear, but there were clouds present in the sky.",Observation was made from my home which is outside of city limits offering.,,USA,United States 39.662492,-78.931647,3/3/2008 21:12,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 37.389432,-81.409899,3/3/2008 20:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States -0.030550,-91.073606,2/26/2008 22:00,7,-9999.00,clear,,on board ship - mast light visible,,, 32.231601,-110.949531,3/3/2008 19:08,1,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.426559,-110.987412,3/3/2008 19:13,2,-9999.00,clear,,In my front yard.,,USA,United States -0.476950,-90.321780,2/27/2008 21:00,7,-9999.00,clear,,on board ship - mast light visible,,ECU,Ecuador 41.730000,-77.639997,3/3/2008 20:45,3,-9999.00,clear,It was a very clear and beautiful sky tonight.,"Although this is a rural area, I live in town. If I were to be just outside of town I would have seen many more stars than I did. This area is known for its darkness and how well you can see the stars at night.",,USA,United States 32.231601,-110.949531,3/3/2008 19:09,1,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 37.982580,-101.768644,3/3/2008 21:30,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.269908,-110.841860,3/3/2008 19:17,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 39.426990,-77.395360,3/2/2008 20:30,3,-9999.00,clear,,,Magnitude is probably closer to 2.5 to 2.75 .,USA,United States 40.566293,-80.076134,3/3/2008 21:18,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,The sky is mostly cloudy and no stars are visible.,"My location is near Clover Hill Golf Course, where the sky can be seen clearly.",,USA,United States 42.095200,-76.813769,3/3/2008 18:09,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 42.646701,-71.130410,3/3/2008 20:20,4,18.00,clear,I also used an SQM-L (SN 2503) to measure 18.45 mag per sq arcsec,"Andover, MA",S&,USA,United States 39.588149,-76.701501,3/3/2008 21:15,6,-9999.00,clear,,A little light visible from Baltimore city on the southern horizon.,,USA,United States 32.426869,-110.992801,3/3/2008 19:21,2,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.229542,-100.951009,3/3/2008 19:00,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 40.270273,-76.291656,3/3/2008 20:15,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,Rural/Suburban development with street lights,,USA,United States 40.294431,-76.828133,3/3/2008 18:00,6,-9999.00,clear,"The sky was very clear tonight, the stars were easy to spot, a good observation",,,USA,United States 42.095880,-76.819261,3/3/2008 21:20,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 44.247489,-73.493587,3/3/2008 20:55,4,-9999.00,clear,Haze up from horizon to about 45 degrees.,,S &,USA,United States 37.529998,-77.510004,3/3/2008 21:31,4,-9999.00,clear,"Warm, windy, beautiful night","City of Richmond, Virginia",,USA,United States 37.280521,-122.119356,3/2/2008 21:30,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 37.344770,-81.445293,3/4/2008 21:34,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.422290,-110.974571,3/3/2008 19:14,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 35.171349,-106.496050,3/3/2008 19:30,5,-9999.00,clear,Not a cloud in the sky!,My backyard in Albuquerque at foot of Sandia Mountains.,Magnitude was probably closer between 4 and 5.,USA,United States 32.231601,-110.949531,3/3/2008 19:09,1,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 40.141739,-105.164962,3/3/2008 19:40,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.316661,-111.066676,3/3/2008 19:30,4,-9999.00,clear,Transperancy fair- Stars heavely twinkling.,Sports park lights are on two miles East across the Santa Cruz River.,,USA,United States 32.441978,-110.977528,3/3/2008 19:32,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 39.142588,-76.602819,3/3/2008 21:42,2,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 45.109680,-93.457676,3/3/2008 20:15,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 39.714490,-104.783961,3/1/2008 21:00,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 32.367631,-110.969141,3/3/2008 19:35,4,19.55,clear,,,,USA,United States 41.698909,-71.436668,3/3/2008 21:49,2,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 42.585222,-76.363421,3/3/2008 21:15,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,"Observation is within the village limits of Groton, NY.",,USA,United States 32.229180,-110.950993,3/3/2008 19:51,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.229180,-110.950993,3/3/2008 19:30,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.230382,-110.961614,3/3/2008 19:53,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 45.111350,-93.215136,3/3/2008 20:45,3,-9999.00,clear,The sky was clear tonight which made it easier to find what magnitude it was in.,"This location is nice, because it is in the suburbs so it is not lit as well as the city. I can see the constellations in the sky from around this area very well.",,USA,United States 32.368857,-111.123059,3/3/2008 19:37,5,-9999.00,clear,it was very clear,"My back yard in Tucson, AZ.",you can see every star,USA,United States 41.040001,-81.489997,3/3/2008 22:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 28.634979,77.063331,3/2/2008 19:35,4,-9999.00,clear,"AT7:35 IT WAS CLEAR AND ORION COULD BE OBSERVED .ASTIME PASSED,THE SKY BECAME LESS CLEAR MAYBE DUE TO VEHICULAR SMOKE.","VIKASPURIURBAN AREA,MULTISTOREYED BUILDINGS",OBSERVATION GIVEN BY GLOBE SCHOOL V V D A V,IND,India 32.231799,-110.951751,3/3/2008 19:47,5,-9999.00,clear,there were a good amount of stars in the sky but not the vast amount as on other nights,"University of Arizona, 1420 E 5th Street Tucson, AZ to be exact",,USA,United States 40.031701,-75.545997,3/3/2008 19:38,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,"The West Chester Clear sky cock indicated medium transparency. There were high level clouds around the perimeter of the sky. The area around Orion was clear. The dimmest star in Orion that I could see was 4.71. I know it's funny, but I'd have registered","Malvern, PA is approximately 22 miles northwest of Philadelphia PA. King of Prussia PA is about 9 miles east of this location and is a very large shopping mall complex. Exton PA is approximate 5 miles west of here and is another large shopping area. My s",Please consider factoring transparency into your approach.,USA,United States 32.242659,-110.950727,3/3/2008 20:01,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 34.960603,-106.264834,3/3/2008 20:00,7,-9999.00,clear,no moon,My observing loaction is 26 miles southeast of Albuquerque,,USA,United States 39.375409,-76.638841,3/3/2008 20:37,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 38.580003,-109.559998,3/3/2008 20:00,3,-9999.00,clear,"Very clear, I could see everything.",Very easy to see the sky here.,Not many stars here in Moab,USA,United States 32.229760,-110.921896,3/3/2008 20:06,3,18.27,clear,,,,USA,United States 40.860002,-81.860002,3/3/2008 21:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,Rain tonight.,,,USA,United States 40.869998,-81.870001,3/3/2008 21:15,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,Rain,,,USA,United States 39.455848,-77.987967,3/3/2008 21:58,2,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.252150,-110.964619,3/4/2008 20:10,4,-9999.00,clear,"Cloudless night, yet all all I can seem to make out are major stars",Right in he Center f Tucson,,USA,United States 40.379928,-105.109481,3/3/2008 20:10,4,-9999.00,clear,,M's Backyard,,USA,United States 39.630001,-105.029998,3/3/2008 19:30,6,-9999.00,clear,,Extreme SW part of Englewood CO 80110. Much light pollution.,Observation augmented with the use of cheap 7x35 binoculars.,USA,United States 32.202122,-111.021959,3/3/2008 20:20,4,-9999.00,clear,Sky is clear!,on mountain,There are no streetlights where I live and I am on a mountain so I have a good view of the sky!,USA,United States 33.750000,-118.109994,3/3/2008 19:15,3,-9999.00,clear,very clear - breezes blowing,,,USA,United States 44.948891,-93.154279,3/3/2008 21:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.210001,-111.009999,3/3/2008 20:12,6,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 45.538521,-73.512875,3/3/2008 21:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,clouded over completely,,,CAN,Canada 30.315982,-97.888181,3/1/2008 23:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.233879,-110.956758,3/3/2008 20:20,2,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 44.948891,-93.154279,3/3/2008 21:00,4,-9999.00,clear,The sky was very clear. I believe that if I was in an area with no city lights and less polution I would have been able to see more.,"It was a very clear night to view stars. However, it was difficult at the same time due to city lights. I was viewing from the knoll at CSP.",I was very excited to see that the sky was clear. I only wish that I had time to get away from the city.,USA,United States 37.748471,-121.126302,3/3/2008 19:24,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 31.983218,-111.305002,3/3/2008 19:50,6,-9999.00,clear,Very clear with light breeze. Winter Milky Way is easily visible. Bright zodiacal light in the west,"Rural area about 35 miles southwest of Tucson, AZ.",,USA,United States 43.240719,-87.979598,3/3/2008 21:20,4,-9999.00,clear,Tonight was a clear night. But the light polution is the lower 1/4 of the sky was noticeable.,,,USA,United States 43.691860,-116.490352,3/3/2008 20:30,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,It was very cloudy.,,,USA,United States 32.423458,-110.930605,3/3/2008 19:53,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.222520,-110.957092,3/3/2008 20:30,5,-9999.00,clear,Sky was pretty much all clear,"Visible sky and could see most of Orion, but not too many stars were visible around it",,USA,United States 32.229180,-110.950993,3/3/2008 20:30,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 32.249998,-111.019998,3/3/2008 20:15,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.417092,-110.949572,3/3/2008 19:47,5,-9999.00,clear,,Backyard,,USA,United States 37.344770,-81.445293,2/27/2008 21:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,Cloudy,,,USA,United States 37.295053,-80.136110,3/3/2008 20:00,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,"I live on a hill overlooking the city of Salem which lies to the north. The light pollution in that direction is severe. To the south, where Orion resides, is my clearest sky.",,USA,United States 37.344770,-81.445293,2/27/2008 18:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,MVMS/ak,,USA,United States 40.368880,-105.504539,3/3/2008 20:27,4,-9999.00,clear,It is very easy to see the stars.,The new bowling ally lights make it hard for us to see the stars.,,USA,United States 39.999999,-105.000000,3/3/2008 20:37,5,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,it was kind of cloudy,,,USA,United States 32.065798,-110.562601,2/25/2008 20:27,6,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 37.344770,-81.445293,2/28/2008 21:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,MVMS/ak,,USA,United States 37.344770,-81.445293,2/29/2008 22:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,MVMS/ak,,USA,United States 37.414520,-81.583003,3/3/2008 20:17,4,-9999.00,clear,Clear tonight but we are expecting lots of rain for tomorrow/,MVMS/ee,,USA,United States 18.419760,-66.749267,3/3/2008 22:20,4,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,,,PRI,Puerto Rico 37.344770,-81.445293,3/1/2008 21:30,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,MVMS/ak,,USA,United States 36.168560,-115.065151,3/3/2008 19:30,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 37.344770,-81.445293,3/2/2008 18:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,MVMS/ak,,USA,United States 37.344770,-81.445293,3/2/2008 21:45,3,-9999.00,clear,,MVMS/ak,,USA,United States 32.265141,-110.904418,3/3/2008 20:45,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 40.007519,-75.269190,3/3/2008 18:00,2,-9999.00,clear,"The sky was clear, but it was very dark except for a few stars. I was unable to see Orion. The sky was incredibly clear, but it impossible to see any patterns of stars perhaps because of the light pollution.",I observed the sky from my driveway.,,USA,United States 31.399998,-110.370004,3/3/2008 20:45,7,-9999.00,clear,milkyway streches across the sky,"5,000' elevation grasslands, 45 miles from city of 1,000,000 plus population, and 32 miles from a city of 45,000",,USA,United States 32.160000,-111.029998,3/3/2008 20:35,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.879861,-111.688469,3/3/2008 19:33,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 37.712220,-121.399933,3/3/2008 20:00,1,-9999.00,clear,,"Street lighting obscures all but highest, brighest stars",,USA,United States 39.996000,-76.362000,3/3/2008 21:10,4,-9999.00,clear,,,Also saw a meteor streak from Orion south.,USA,United States 37.740002,-121.429999,3/3/2008 20:00,1,-9999.00,clear,"Other stars could clearly be seen, but the constellation Orion could not be seen at all.",,,USA,United States 39.083329,-76.650002,3/3/2008 22:00,4,18.66,clear,Very still; almost no star scintillation above 50 deg from horizon.,semi-rural 11? C,,USA,United States 32.408022,-111.006796,3/3/2008 20:50,3,-9999.00,clear,It was really dark and the sky was black except for a few stars out. There wasn't a lot of stars to count i mean i could easily have counted the number of Orion's stars without any interfearing backround stars.,There was one inside light within 50m that interfeared with my view of Orion.,,USA,United States 32.938000,-117.160202,3/3/2008 19:45,4,-9999.00,clear,"possible haze, but no clouds","Backyard overlooking dark parkland, but looking over San Diego a few miles away.",Averted vision to see the dimmest stars.,USA,United States 43.799998,-91.233330,3/3/2008 21:11,3,-9999.00,clear,,Taken at Coate Field at UW-La Crosse,,USA,United States 32.413848,-110.965289,3/3/2008 21:10,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 35.334140,-97.491593,3/1/2008 23:00,2,16.30,clear,Sky was clear,Moore Lanes bowling alley. Next to Hwy 35 and 4th street.,Poor lighting and could hardly make out any stars.,USA,United States 40.425270,-104.749735,3/3/2008 19:48,4,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,The sky is not too clear out. The transparancy is not too good.,There is a streetlight within 20 yards.,,USA,United States 32.233811,-110.928850,3/3/2008 19:30,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 35.355709,-97.516318,3/1/2008 23:59,4,17.50,clear,Sky was clear.,Residential area with very few lights around...even within the city limits.,Had better reading as night got later.,USA,United States 32.374298,-111.132218,3/3/2008 21:15,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.251870,-111.033700,2/28/2008 21:24,5,-9999.00,clear,"It was very clear, not a cloud in sight also it was very beautiful",,,USA,United States 35.364841,-97.528100,3/2/2008 22:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,Rain and snow mix,,Turning colder,USA,United States 34.182911,-118.570896,3/3/2008 20:15,3,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,"Only the brightest stars were visable and at times, depending on the movement of the clouds, the fainter ones could be seen slightly.",Many lights were on creating much light polution due to my observation point being in a suburban area.,,USA,United States 30.046788,-95.821455,3/3/2008 22:27,-9999,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 38.892771,-121.086673,2/26/2008 18:55,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,Thin broken clouds,Dark backyard. No nearby light trespass.,Sacramento sky glow to the west,USA,United States 35.364930,-97.527417,3/3/2008 22:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,Still cloudy but rain and snow mix stopped.,,Next night looks better...welcome to Oklahoma.,USA,United States 32.233329,-110.899999,3/4/2008 20:28,3,-9999.00,clear,Too many commercial lights for satifactory stargazing.,,,USA,United States 32.286140,-110.826800,3/3/2008 19:13,2,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 39.993449,-104.638225,3/3/2008 21:17,3,-9999.00,clear,,,Orion is in the direction of Denver International Airport so the sky is quite bright in that direction. Seeing is much better to the East and North.,USA,United States 32.230399,-110.950399,3/1/2008 20:15,3,-9999.00,clear,clear and lots of stars are visible,,,USA,United States 39.594200,-105.008599,3/3/2008 20:05,5,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,mostly clear with clouds in the North West. I imagine conditions would be even better if there wasn't ligths about 200 meters away.,Graveyard with lights about 200 meters away,,USA,United States 33.745591,-118.108096,3/3/2008 20:20,5,-9999.00,clear,"Dry, clear air. About as transparent as Seal Beach ever gets.",Residential yard in relative darkness but high-pressure sodium streetlights all around.,This is a great project. Thank you!,USA,United States 34.047219,-117.212467,3/3/2008 18:30,5,-9999.00,clear,,,Ambient light in parking lot but dark sky,USA,United States 32.240002,-110.940003,3/3/2008 21:30,1,-9999.00,clear,"from where I was outside of my apartment the stars we hard to see on this night, not because it was cloudy though.",,,USA,United States 35.545312,-97.300956,3/2/2008 20:15,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 35.545199,-97.300921,3/3/2008 20:15,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 44.948891,-93.153999,3/3/2008 21:00,2,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 32.240002,-110.960002,3/3/2008 21:50,3,-9999.00,clear,There are no signs of clouds.,,,USA,United States 39.369999,-76.620003,3/3/2008 20:30,4,-9999.00,clear,,outside my house about 15 minutes from balitmore city.,,USA,United States 32.222671,-110.942134,3/3/2008 21:51,4,-9999.00,clear,,,Orion looks beautiful! Very clear!,USA,United States 32.229409,-110.951014,3/3/2008 21:50,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 38.749999,-121.330005,3/3/2008 20:58,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 32.250159,-110.941069,3/3/2008 21:17,4,-9999.00,clear,Really clear skies tonight,,,USA,United States 40.166659,-105.050003,3/3/2008 22:00,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,There were a few clouds out there this evening. Otherwise not a bad evening to view the sky,"Location was in Longmont, Colorado, in Astronomy 101 class with Mike Zawaski, Observed on March 3, 2008 at about 10pm.",,USA,United States 37.637389,-120.970286,3/3/2008 21:03,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,it was pretty sunny today about a 1/4 if that,,,USA,United States 38.938301,-107.903294,3/3/2008 21:15,6,-9999.00,clear,waited until after bright zodical light set to make magnitude estimate from charts,"northeast of Cedaredge, Colorado, USA",,USA,United States 32.435742,-110.985363,3/3/2008 22:04,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 40.202750,-79.930350,3/3/2008 21:00,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 41.917171,-87.644851,3/1/2008 20:00,2,-9999.00,clear,"Completely clear. Didn't look like a ton of light polution (no orange), but it was noticable that there was when compared to these charts. Mag 2",,1427 - Chris King - Physics class Block A,USA,United States 40.180002,-105.139998,3/3/2008 21:08,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,It was very clear near orion with only a few scattered clouds here and there.,I looked from my house and i have a very good visible amount of sky there.,,USA,United States 32.244172,-110.958028,3/3/2008 22:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.228432,-110.956908,3/3/2008 22:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 37.720000,-122.139997,3/3/2008 21:29,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 45.520001,-122.710004,2/28/2008 20:30,3,-9999.00,clear,Little haze to the north,"Portland OR, USA",Orion clear but streetlights on within 100 meters,USA,United States 45.520001,-122.710004,3/1/2008 20:31,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,Clear under Orion but streetlights within 100 m.,"Portland, OR",,USA,United States 45.520001,-122.710004,3/2/2008 20:33,3,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,Portland OR,,USA,United States 45.520001,-122.710004,3/3/2008 20:36,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 32.228968,-110.958001,3/3/2008 19:03,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.268409,-110.966716,3/3/2008 22:45,-9999,18.52,clear,,,,USA,United States 37.643181,-122.469854,3/3/2008 21:30,4,-9999.00,clear,Best sky in two weeks,,,USA,United States 39.097888,-108.677640,3/3/2008 20:10,6,-9999.00,clear,clear and bright,from our house,,USA,United States 32.229409,-110.951014,3/3/2008 21:45,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 39.076970,-108.617015,3/3/2008 19:45,5,-9999.00,clear,beautiful,"from the house, highway nearby and trees",,USA,United States 34.656557,-86.723199,3/2/2008 23:00,1,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,Somewhat cloudy.,Very bright street lights that are always on and radiate almost straight up.,This place is really bad for stargazing. I mean really bad.,USA,United States 39.133702,-108.738060,3/3/2008 20:30,7,-9999.00,clear,,surprising what we could see with city lights behind us (north),,USA,United States 39.077462,-108.516372,2/27/2008 19:50,2,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,between buildings.,,USA,United States 39.122261,-108.529459,3/3/2008 21:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,major city lights were to south between us and orion,,USA,United States 39.077240,-108.560796,3/3/2008 21:30,2,-9999.00,clear,,would suck to live in town!,,USA,United States 37.524930,-121.678386,3/3/2008 20:15,3,-9999.00,clear,,Light pollutino,,USA,United States 34.035830,-113.159610,3/3/2008 23:00,4,-9999.00,clear,No clouds!,"My house, far north almost at the base of the mountain",,USA,United States 33.016919,-116.846041,3/3/2008 22:10,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.248007,-110.947407,3/3/2008 20:45,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.228432,-110.956908,3/1/2008 21:15,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 37.432380,-122.123741,3/3/2008 20:40,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.247420,-110.949142,3/3/2008 20:20,3,-9999.00,clear,the constellations are fairly illuminated..,grass area on the UA Mall,,USA,United States 43.933880,11.464720,3/3/2008 19:41,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,"The garden of my house in the center of Vicchio a small town in Mugello, a valley 30 km NE of Florence, altitude about 200 meter.",,ITA,Italy 34.182911,-118.570896,2/26/2008 19:30,2,-9999.00,clear,Very clear skies.,"Calabasas, California",,USA,United States 39.668079,-0.291130,3/3/2008 12:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,ESP,Spain 44.367918,11.699380,3/2/2008 22:15,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,ITA,Italy -33.893557,151.079700,3/4/2008 20:35,1,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,The sky is 1/4 covered by clouds. you can only a limited amount of stars,My location is very crowded by trees and lights,,AUS,Australia -27.537999,153.262997,3/4/2008 20:15,5,-9999.00,clear,,,S&,AUS,Australia -33.900001,151.133331,3/4/2008 21:25,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,"Light cloud near Orion, but not obscuring it.","Suburb close to Sydney, Australia. Street lights.",,AUS,Australia -33.701598,150.975430,2/29/2008 20:20,5,-9999.00,clear,,"Kellyville, NSW",,AUS,Australia 33.657799,-81.035304,3/3/2008 20:30,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 13.801890,100.513528,3/3/2008 21:30,7,-9999.00,clear,Sky clear,watchatkewjong konee School bangplat Bangkok Thailan,,THA,Thailand 37.431721,-81.572895,3/3/2008 20:00,5,-9999.00,clear,the sky was so clear tonight.,MVMS/AM- there is a sreet light in front of my house.,,USA,United States 44.270001,-68.339997,3/3/2008 20:15,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 44.270001,-68.339997,3/4/2008 18:00,6,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 40.070060,-76.272716,3/3/2008 20:45,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,"Partly cloudy night, but many stars still visible. City lights about 2 miles away.","lancaster, pa",Color of stars was clearly distinguishable.,USA,United States 26.941601,-82.284402,3/3/2008 22:00,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,few clouds in the sky,not much light from town blocks the sky,,USA,United States 44.298360,-70.826330,2/29/2008 19:27,5,-9999.00,clear,Perfect to search fro stars,,,USA,United States 18.789231,99.170023,3/4/2008 19:35,1,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,,,THA,Thailand 2.920000,11.150000,2/27/2008 19:25,4,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,the sky is dark in all points there is just an empty place where the constalation is,there are housee all around me but i'm leaving on a small mountain,the oscuaration of the sky here is maby result from the rainny season that is begining in our locality,CMR,Cameroon 42.413190,-90.431472,3/3/2008 21:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,"In town of Galena, Illinois",,USA,United States 9.039700,13.788430,3/3/2008 19:05,3,-9999.00,clear,there were no cloud in the sky,there where light all around me,no mist as the last week that were mist as we were not able to see in more that 4 Kilometers,CMR,Cameroon 33.919997,-78.129994,3/3/2008 20:30,6,-9999.00,clear,,"Edge of salt marsh, 1/2 mile from sea strand",,USA,United States 43.432999,-79.666999,3/2/2008 21:00,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,suburban near even larger city,,CAN,Canada 39.659999,-77.169998,3/3/2008 22:57,2,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 39.595119,-77.932028,3/3/2008 20:30,4,-9999.00,clear,It was perfectly clear!,There was a tree and a house blocking some of the sky.,Can't wait to see the results,USA,United States 39.542940,-77.987223,3/3/2008 19:35,7,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 39.618260,-78.064240,3/3/2008 21:00,4,-9999.00,clear,The sky was very clear and you could see orion perfectly.,,I thought that Orion was shinny. It stuck out in the clear sky.,USA,United States 39.531731,-77.981486,3/3/2008 20:07,4,-9999.00,clear,,"In driveway during observation, street light within 20 feet of observation spot.",,USA,United States -18.490000,-70.300002,3/3/2008 21:48,6,-9999.00,clear,,,,CHL,Chile 42.146160,-84.045751,2/28/2008 21:30,3,-9999.00,clear,"A little haze to the south, but no interference.",There was a street light to the East about 5o ft. and also a street light to the north about 75 ft.,,USA,United States 37.415459,-81.578973,3/3/2008 20:25,2,-9999.00,clear,,MVMS/jc,,USA,United States 37.389432,-81.409899,3/3/2008 20:48,2,-9999.00,clear,"It was clear, but it only showed magnitude 2.",MVMS/jr,,USA,United States 37.431721,-81.572895,2/26/2008 18:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,very cloudy and snowing,,,USA,United States 37.431721,-81.572895,2/27/2008 18:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,very coudy and snow flurries,,,USA,United States 45.360000,11.870000,3/3/2008 19:44,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,ITA,Italy 37.431721,-81.572895,3/3/2008 20:00,4,-9999.00,clear,very clear I could see everyhing,mvms/cb,,USA,United States 37.431721,-81.572895,3/2/2008 20:00,5,-9999.00,clear,very clear could see eveything,mvms/cb,,USA,United States 37.431721,-81.572895,3/1/2008 21:15,4,-9999.00,clear,very clear,mvms/cb,,USA,United States 37.376591,-81.334828,3/3/2008 21:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,MVMS/ec,,USA,United States 39.821492,-75.004834,3/4/2008 21:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 37.431721,-81.572895,2/29/2008 20:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,cloudy couldnt see anything,mvms/cb,,USA,United States 37.431721,-81.572895,2/28/2008 19:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,cloudy and snowing couldnt see anything,mvms/cb,,USA,United States 37.431721,-81.572895,2/27/2008 21:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,cloudy and snowing coldnt see anything,mvms/cb,,USA,United States 37.431721,-81.572895,2/26/2008 21:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,cloudy and snowing couldnt see anything,mvms/cb,,USA,United States 37.344770,-81.445293,3/3/2008 22:45,3,-9999.00,clear,,MVMS/ak,,USA,United States 37.389432,-81.409899,3/3/2008 21:15,2,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,kind of clear,MVMS/mp,sunny,USA,United States 37.389432,-81.409899,3/2/2008 19:05,1,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,Sunny.,MVMS/mp,kind of clear.,USA,United States 37.389432,-81.409899,3/1/2008 20:15,1,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,kind of rainy,MVMS/mp,not all that clear.,USA,United States 37.366049,-81.551844,3/3/2008 22:15,-9999,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,It was cloudy but i could see a little bit.,MVMS/SW,,USA,United States 37.366049,-81.551844,2/28/2008 21:00,-9999,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,It was clear but rainy.,MVMS/SW,,USA,United States 37.366049,-81.551844,2/29/2008 12:52,3,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,it was so cloudy i realy couldn't see the moon!!!!!,MVMS/SW,,USA,United States 37.366049,-81.551844,3/2/2008 18:00,5,-9999.00,clear,it was so clear i saw Magnitude 5 Chart!!!!!!!!!!!,MVMS/SW,,USA,United States 43.652381,-116.178622,3/4/2008 19:00,2,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 39.351380,22.963610,2/27/2008 22:00,2,-9999.00,clear,,,combination of strong light pollution with particulates from the cement factory nearby that doesn't utilizes it's filters.,GRC,Greece 37.425332,-81.506888,3/3/2008 18:00,1,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,stupid,mvms/MDW,,USA,United States 37.380000,-81.559999,2/29/2008 20:09,2,-9999.00,clear,The Cloud was clear tonight to see the stars.,MVMS/KBH,,USA,United States 37.344770,-81.445293,3/3/2008 20:25,4,-9999.00,clear,It was nice i could see but not that mant stars.,MVMS/LM,,USA,United States 37.380000,-81.559999,3/1/2008 19:55,3,-9999.00,clear,,MVMS/KBH,,USA,United States 37.389432,-81.409899,2/26/2008 22:30,5,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,MVMS/KM It was to cloudy to see.,,USA,United States 37.380000,-81.559999,3/2/2008 20:18,4,-9999.00,clear,Tonight was the clearest night I have seen throw the whole time I have reported.,MVMS/KBH,,USA,United States 37.431721,-81.572895,3/3/2008 18:00,1,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,cloudy,mvms/raw/ there is to many trees and clouds around my house to see along with the bright street light,,USA,United States 37.380000,-81.559999,3/3/2008 22:07,4,-9999.00,clear,Tonight was also clear for me to see the stars.,MVMS/KBH,,USA,United States 37.447622,-81.805326,2/26/2008 18:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,MVHS/JM,,,USA,United States 37.389432,-81.409899,2/27/2008 22:20,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,MVMS/KM It was to cloudy to see.,,USA,United States 37.447622,-81.805326,2/27/2008 18:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,MVHS/JM,,,USA,United States 37.447622,-81.805326,2/28/2008 18:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,MVHS/JM,,,USA,United States 37.471070,-81.663162,3/3/2008 19:40,3,-9999.00,clear,,MVMS/ BNA,"This was a very warm day no rain to make it cloudy at all i can only see a little bit of the stars. There is 2 sreet lights in front of my house and one right beside my house, so it is kind of hard to see all the beautiful stars that are out every night",USA,United States 32.419271,-110.974325,3/4/2008 20:15,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 37.447622,-81.805326,2/29/2008 18:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,MVHS/JM,,,USA,United States 37.447622,-81.805326,3/1/2008 18:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,MVHS/JM,,,USA,United States 37.447622,-81.805326,3/2/2008 18:00,2,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,MVHS/JM it was very difficult to see because of the cloud cover.,,,USA,United States 28.149679,-82.422789,2/29/2008 19:20,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 37.344770,-81.445293,3/1/2008 21:00,6,-9999.00,clear,I could almost see them all. It was so pretty.,MVHS/NS/ There is a streetlight outside my house. There are lots of trees outside.,,USA,United States 37.447622,-81.805326,3/3/2008 18:00,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,"MVHS/JM I was able to see it a little better, but still the clouds were in the way of my vision.",,,USA,United States 37.389432,-81.409899,2/29/2008 22:40,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,MVMS/KM It was to cloudy to see.,,USA,United States 37.344770,-81.445293,2/29/2008 18:00,4,-9999.00,clear,I could pretty much see the wle thing.It was pretty.,MVHS/NS/ My house has a street light outside. It also has trees.,,USA,United States 39.099500,-108.671001,3/3/2008 23:20,-9999,20.53,clear,Some light ground fog/haze,"West of Grand Junction, CO",,USA,United States 37.344770,-81.445293,3/2/2008 22:00,4,-9999.00,clear,I could see most of everything.,MVHS/NS/ There are many trees outside my house.,,USA,United States 37.389432,-81.409899,3/1/2008 22:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,MVMS/KM it was just perfect.,,USA,United States 37.344770,-81.445293,3/3/2008 18:00,4,-9999.00,clear,I could see most of the stars.,MVHS/NS/ There are streetlights nd trees outside my house.,,USA,United States 37.344770,-81.445293,2/29/2008 20:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,It was cloudy.,MVHS/CW There is a streetlight in front of my house.,,USA,United States 37.389432,-81.409899,3/2/2008 22:28,2,-9999.00,clear,,MVMS/KM It was fair.,,USA,United States 37.436772,-81.588700,3/1/2008 19:45,1,-9999.00,clear,I saw a lot of starts,mvms/qp,sky was very clear,USA,United States 37.344770,-81.445293,3/3/2008 21:00,6,-9999.00,clear,Lsat night whenever i went outside i could like 3 or 4 stars it was really beautifull from where it was dark it was really pretty i could see perfect but if i wouldeff went outside whenever it was light i wouldneff beenever to see nothing.Usually wheneve,MVMS/CW I could see this time,,USA,United States 37.436772,-81.588700,3/2/2008 20:30,2,-9999.00,clear,lots of strats,mvms/qp,,USA,United States 39.099500,-108.671001,3/3/2008 23:30,5,20.55,clear,slight ground fog/haze,"West of Grand Junction, CO",,USA,United States 37.389432,-81.409899,3/3/2008 22:30,2,-9999.00,clear,It is getting better.,MVMS/KM It was clear.,,USA,United States 37.389432,-81.409899,3/1/2008 19:51,6,-9999.00,clear,it was very clear,mvms/bt there are some trees where i live,,USA,United States 37.436772,-81.588700,3/3/2008 20:00,2,-9999.00,clear,alot of stars very clear,mvms/qp,,USA,United States 37.389432,-81.409899,3/2/2008 20:15,6,-9999.00,clear,it was very clear,,,USA,United States 37.389432,-81.409899,3/2/2008 20:15,6,-9999.00,clear,it was very clear,mvms/bt there are trees where i live,,USA,United States 49.782090,17.756211,3/3/2008 21:23,-9999,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,,,CZE,Czech Republic 37.389432,-81.409899,3/3/2008 21:30,6,-9999.00,clear,it was very clear,mvms/bt there are trees where i live,,USA,United States 37.425332,-81.506888,3/2/2008 18:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,cloudy,mvms/MDW,,USA,United States 40.355500,22.573000,3/3/2008 20:59,3,-9999.00,clear,very clear,thereis a lamr 10 m away,,GRC,Greece 37.389432,-81.409899,3/1/2008 20:40,5,-9999.00,clear,I seen plentof stars.,mvms/qw There are two street lights in front of my house and there is a glare,,USA,United States 37.389432,-81.409899,3/2/2008 21:34,5,-9999.00,clear,it was very clear,mvms/qw there are two street lights in front of the house,,USA,United States 37.389432,-81.409899,3/3/2008 22:30,6,-9999.00,clear,it was very clear,mvms/qw there are two street lights in front of the house,,USA,United States 37.389432,-81.409899,3/4/2008 22:15,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,it was very cloudy in the sky,mvms/bt there are trees in front of my house,,USA,United States 37.389432,-81.409899,3/4/2008 20:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,cloudy,mvms/qw there are two street lights in front of my house,,USA,United States 18.933001,72.849999,3/4/2008 21:16,3,-9999.00,clear,clear skies viewed from 6th floor hence not affected much by city light disturbances,clear skies viewed from 6th floor hence not affected much by city light disturbances,,IND,India 32.268163,-110.844968,3/3/2008 20:08,4,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 32.277579,-110.812074,3/3/2008 21:02,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 24.914590,67.101670,2/28/2008 20:30,4,-9999.00,clear,Good seeing & transparency. One of the nights with more than average good conditions.,"Intense street lights all around the observing site, with heavy traffic on the road. Observations from a 7 story building in the midcity.",,PAK,Pakistan 37.387137,-81.424003,3/3/2008 21:30,4,-9999.00,clear,The sky was clear.,mvms-wt there was som trees in front of me.,,USA,United States 32.263327,-110.862105,3/3/2008 21:09,1,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.294528,-110.905572,3/3/2008 21:05,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 41.220000,1.720000,3/3/2008 12:00,4,-9999.00,clear,at midnight after 15min off lights with clean sky.,Vilanova i la geltru / barcelona / spain.,,ESP,Spain 32.260421,-110.829539,3/3/2008 21:01,7,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.284822,-110.861388,3/3/2008 19:43,6,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 37.418382,-81.432869,3/1/2008 12:36,4,-9999.00,clear,I saw lots of stars.,MVMS/TH,,USA,United States 28.129999,-82.469999,2/25/2008 21:17,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 37.389432,-81.409899,3/2/2008 23:30,4,-9999.00,clear,I saw so many stars.,MVMS/TH,,USA,United States 37.330003,-81.445293,2/29/2008 22:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,MVHS/JH I was really cloudly,,USA,United States 37.344770,-81.445293,3/1/2008 22:30,1,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,MVHS/JH It was kinda cloudy but not much cause it rain.,,USA,United States 37.344770,-81.445293,3/2/2008 23:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,"MVHS/JH It was really pretty out, you could see the starts really good.",,USA,United States 37.344770,-81.445293,3/3/2008 20:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,MVHS/JH I was really clear. I had a lot of room to see the starts & its was really pretty.,,USA,United States 28.139999,-82.440001,3/2/2008 19:08,7,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,"Deep, clear, blue sky near Orion.",We are sitting around a fire.,,USA,United States 37.389432,-81.409899,3/3/2008 23:24,3,-9999.00,clear,I like that I saw the stars in the sky and it was every clear.,MVMS/TH,,USA,United States 28.150000,-82.480005,2/29/2008 21:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,,small drive way lights may have made this incorrect,USA,United States 43.443650,-70.414961,3/3/2008 19:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,clear skies,,USA,United States 37.471070,-81.663162,2/29/2008 20:30,1,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,I SEEN A COUPLE OF STARS.,mvms cK i COULD SEE A FEW STARS.,NONE,USA,United States 37.471070,-81.663162,3/1/2008 20:30,1,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,IT WAS A FOURTH OF THE SKY COVERED,MVMS CK I COULD SEE A FEW STARS.,NONE,USA,United States 37.471070,-81.663162,3/2/2008 20:20,2,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,I COULD SEE SOME STARS,MVMS CK,NONE,USA,United States 13.542320,2.142430,3/3/2008 23:00,3,-9999.00,clear,Hazy and dusty,,,NER,Niger 37.471070,-81.663162,3/3/2008 19:45,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,WAS A LITTLE CLOUDY,MVMS CK,NONE,USA,United States 37.471070,-81.663162,3/4/2008 21:30,5,-9999.00,clear,SKY WAS CLEAR.,MVMS CK IT WAS CLEAR,NONE,USA,United States 37.431721,-81.572895,2/28/2008 21:05,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,MVMS-AT,,USA,United States 37.431721,-81.572895,2/29/2008 20:15,1,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,MVMS-AT,,USA,United States 35.233319,-81.160249,3/3/2008 20:30,2,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,high humidity w/clouds,within city limits of Gastonia,,USA,United States 37.431721,-81.572895,3/1/2008 20:25,3,-9999.00,clear,,MVMS-AT,,USA,United States 37.419997,-81.640001,3/2/2008 18:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,MVMS-AT,,USA,United States 40.026691,-75.658429,3/2/2008 22:35,5,-9999.00,clear,,town houses,large pertected fild,USA,United States 41.043860,-81.522959,3/3/2008 21:37,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,raining,,,USA,United States 41.043290,-81.519503,3/3/2008 22:10,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,Raining,,,USA,United States 44.929999,25.990000,3/4/2008 19:22,2,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,ROM,Romania 20.425899,-100.451701,3/1/2008 20:00,6,-9999.00,clear,95 % de visibilidad con vientos moderados del noreste de 3 km/hr,,,MEX,Mexico 20.425899,-100.451701,3/2/2008 21:00,6,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,vientos de fuertes a moderados del noroeste con velocidades promedio de 4 a 5 km/hr,,,MEX,Mexico 41.078049,-81.561891,3/3/2008 21:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 41.068951,-81.553039,3/3/2008 20:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,cold,USA,United States 39.344601,-76.742735,3/5/2008 20:17,5,-9999.00,clear,The sky is pretty clear and everything is almost completely visible.,Location is in my front yard where there is a clear view of the sky.,,USA,United States 41.044202,-81.515890,3/3/2008 19:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,rain,USA,United States 45.183559,-95.344919,3/3/2008 21:40,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 45.182190,-95.360280,3/3/2008 19:10,4,-9999.00,clear,Mag 4,,Light 50 meters away,USA,United States 43.925548,8.114440,3/2/2008 20:00,6,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,ITA,Italy 32.229901,-110.996072,2/25/2008 20:26,4,-9999.00,clear,,There werre some street lights and lights from the hospital.,The weather was good.,USA,United States 41.048382,-81.481698,3/3/2008 21:30,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,dark clouds,,,USA,United States 40.465999,-76.959997,3/3/2008 18:40,5,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,"A storm was just starting to move in, but it wasn't completely cloudy yet",,,USA,United States 41.549998,-71.920000,2/28/2008 19:30,5,20.57,1/4 of sky,,Rural- no street lights,,USA,United States 41.049130,-81.494409,3/3/2008 21:09,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,Zero visability.,,,USA,United States 32.231820,-111.944922,3/3/2008 20:00,3,-9999.00,clear,Very similar to the previous night's viewing. The stars of Orin are visible with surrounding stars difficult to see.,,,USA,United States 41.549998,-71.920000,2/29/2008 19:25,5,21.53,1/4 of sky,,Rural- no street lights,,USA,United States 41.045749,-81.518608,3/3/2008 18:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,it was very cloudy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,,,USA,United States 41.549998,-71.920000,3/1/2008 21:15,5,20.53,1/2 of sky,,Rural- no street lights,,USA,United States 41.549998,-71.920000,3/2/2008 19:40,5,20.48,1/4 of sky,,Rural- no street lights,,USA,United States 41.549998,-71.920000,3/3/2008 20:00,5,21.63,clear,,Rural- no street lights,,USA,United States 44.031159,-123.112001,3/3/2008 20:12,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,Orion observed in clear sky but some clouds rolling in.,"Done in backyard w/ litghts from neighboring houses, but from as dark a spot as possible.",,USA,United States 49.774737,17.752451,3/4/2008 19:52,-9999,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,CZE,Czech Republic 41.040001,-81.489997,3/3/2008 20:00,-9999,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,"Although the sky was very hazey, there were only a few clouds.",,,USA,United States 37.366049,-81.551844,3/4/2008 19:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,MVHS/BJF,,USA,United States 37.431721,-81.572895,3/3/2008 20:20,3,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 37.471070,-81.663162,3/3/2008 20:30,5,-9999.00,clear,,MVMS/JF,,USA,United States 37.471070,-81.663162,3/2/2008 19:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,MVMS/JF,,USA,United States 37.344770,-81.445293,3/3/2008 22:15,3,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,The sky was clear and beautiful I saw the constillation clear.,MVMS(KW) There was street lights but I still saw the stars good.,,USA,United States 37.471070,-81.663162,3/1/2008 19:00,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,MVMS/JF,,USA,United States 37.471070,-81.663162,2/29/2008 19:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,MVMS/JF,,USA,United States 37.366049,-81.551844,3/3/2008 19:18,4,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 37.368481,-81.376902,3/4/2008 18:00,3,-9999.00,clear,IT WAS NOT A LOT OF THINGS IN THE SHY BUT IT WAS A LITTLE IN THE SKY,I HAVE LIGHT BY MY HOUS AND I DIDN'T GET TO SEE THAT MUCH BUT MY BROTHER AND I LOOKED OUT SIDE AND SAW A LITTLE BUT NOT A LOT OF THING WAS OUT LAST NIGHT,,USA,United States 37.431721,-81.572895,3/3/2008 21:40,3,-9999.00,clear,,MVMS/ca,,USA,United States 32.274522,-110.951983,3/3/2008 20:00,2,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 51.448738,6.908480,3/4/2008 20:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,DEU,Germany 33.255289,-80.435661,2/27/2008 20:08,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,the sky was completely cloudy,there were lots of street lights and houses with there lights on.,,USA,United States -43.219719,172.484174,3/4/2008 21:45,6,-9999.00,clear,"Terrific at first, we get a high cloud come in each night around 10pm for an hour or so, but this night it stayed clear.","From our farm about 35km north of Christchrch, some light pollution from the south but a great night.",,NZL,New Zealand 41.043351,-81.522973,3/3/2008 21:37,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,raining.,,,USA,United States 43.604197,-116.323203,3/2/2008 21:25,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.000000,-109.999999,3/1/2008 20:00,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 32.000000,-109.999999,3/2/2008 18:00,-9999,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 32.000000,-109.999999,3/3/2008 18:30,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 42.378199,-87.837312,3/3/2008 21:15,3,-9999.00,clear,,"Observed on a suburban street, near a corner with a street light.",,USA,United States 59.491808,17.721889,3/4/2008 20:15,4,-9999.00,clear,Bright clouds in SE (over Stockholm) lit up the sky.,,A more accurate estimate would be 4.5.At my latitude Orion is fairly low - athmospheric extinction matters.,SWE,Sweden 44.384997,-87.872002,3/1/2008 19:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 49.782039,17.756299,3/4/2008 21:24,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,CZE,Czech Republic 40.631098,-73.935801,3/3/2008 19:00,2,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,Sky was filled with broken cloud with thinner cloud/haze in the gaps. Orion was seen between clouds as they moved around.,same as for Feb 28,same as for Feb 28,USA,United States 44.550510,-69.606813,3/3/2008 20:33,5,-9999.00,clear,,"There are three driveway lights by my driveway on, and five nearby street lights, within about 20-200 feet away-dim and old.",,USA,United States 54.250704,-1.056600,3/4/2008 20:30,5,-9999.00,clear,,Garden of house on northern fringe of small town in rural area,"Orion fairly low at my latitude and affected by street and houselighting in town to the south. Sky is somewhat darker to the north, west and east.",GBR,United Kingdom 37.425332,-81.506888,2/27/2008 19:22,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,IT was cloudy to see,MVMS/MG,,USA,United States 35.942002,-96.213385,2/29/2008 19:30,4,-9999.00,clear,,some security lights on at this time.,,USA,United States 37.425332,-81.506888,2/28/2008 20:45,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,it was cloudy,MVMS/MG,,USA,United States 37.425332,-81.506888,2/29/2008 19:15,2,-9999.00,clear,it was half of a ryan,,,USA,United States 46.212712,6.167800,3/4/2008 22:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,FRA,France 48.999999,-123.000000,3/1/2008 21:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 37.425332,-81.506888,3/1/2008 18:00,3,-9999.00,clear,it was cool,MVHS/MG,,USA,United States 37.425332,-81.506888,3/2/2008 19:52,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,it was cloudy,MVHS/MG,,USA,United States 37.425332,-81.506888,3/3/2008 20:43,5,-9999.00,clear,I like it i had to stand in front of my house to see the ryan,MVHS/MG,,USA,United States 53.500001,-2.217000,3/4/2008 20:30,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,GBR,United Kingdom 46.180002,8.910000,3/3/2008 19:15,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,CHE,Switzerland 40.282110,-76.880343,3/3/2008 21:26,4,-9999.00,clear,sTARS WERE VERY DIM AND HARD TO SEE!,,,USA,United States 49.200001,2.533000,3/4/2008 20:10,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,FRA,France 42.974338,-74.731429,3/4/2008 20:00,6,-9999.00,clear,"It was a very clear night, so i got a very good look at Orion from my house.","I live out in the country, so there is very little light to get in the way of looking at the stars.","Again, there is almost no light around my house. It was good to get outside and look at the stars. They really are out of this world :-).",USA,United States 37.397570,-5.995180,3/4/2008 22:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,Observation done from the city centre.,Some of the stars in magnitude 4 chart couldn't be observed. I would classify the sky as 3.5 if possible.,ESP,Spain 26.242620,-80.272891,3/3/2008 19:28,5,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,Clouds to the southeast.,,,USA,United States 34.095000,-117.661005,3/3/2008 19:30,4,-9999.00,clear,Normal sky for no moon night in Upland.,"Within the City of Upland CA Pop. 78,000. Inside observatory dome.",,USA,United States 39.707773,-104.511942,3/3/2008 21:00,6,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 41.908999,-87.632720,3/1/2008 20:50,2,15.13,clear,,1460 N. ClarkChicago,Had to use my hand to shield my eyes from the glare of street lights,USA,United States 32.353612,-110.976285,3/1/2008 20:10,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.353612,-110.976285,3/3/2008 21:30,2,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 41.481942,-81.807450,3/2/2008 20:05,3,-9999.00,clear,"the night when i saw it was so beautiful.Every night now I've been looking up at the stars.I've never noticed how besutiful.You can't even tell how besutiful it is.i tryed to count, and i couned 127 stars and then i lost my place.The secetion i was count",,,USA,United States 32.228432,-110.956908,3/5/2008 21:10,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 51.216658,-0.333330,3/4/2008 19:20,3,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,,,GBR,United Kingdom 35.907100,-78.644109,3/2/2008 20:22,5,-9999.00,clear,"The clouds were covering part of the sky, and there were a lot of street lights and house lights so it was hard to see the stars that night.",,,USA,United States 44.966701,-75.677526,3/2/2008 19:45,5,-9999.00,clear,Seeing and transparency were about average. There was a visible light dome extending ~20 degrees above the horizon to the North.,Observation from my backyard. 3 street lights itn 75 m were all blocked from view.,S&,CAN,Canada 44.528950,-69.584827,3/2/2008 19:10,5,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,"Not particulary a lot of stars out, no haze.","Outdoor light on, street light on down the road (one house over)",,USA,United States 39.714698,-104.979796,3/3/2008 20:30,5,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,"I try to stay away from bright lights, but they were hard to get away from and could have skewed my observations. There were not that many stars around the constellation that I could actually see that night, but magnitude chart 5 still seemed to be a mor",USA,United States 42.001640,2.284010,3/5/2008 18:00,4,-9999.00,clear,"Cold & clear night, i live in a 3th floor, and the lightstreets are below me. Manlleu is a small citie (20.000 population more or less) it's between mountains, and normally there's fox all year, but this night is clear. Excuse me my english, i speak a li",Manlleu (City) 80 Km near to Barcelona,,ESP,Spain 40.224999,-76.077782,3/3/2008 22:30,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 32.230000,-110.770000,3/3/2008 20:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,,"Can see 4 stars in Orion's belt and 3 in the sword, so I gave it a 5 on the read-out.",USA,United States -34.766998,-58.400003,3/4/2008 21:40,4,-9999.00,clear,,"Lomas de Zamora, Buenos Aires, Argentina",,ARG,Argentina 39.714698,-104.979796,3/3/2008 20:30,5,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,"I tried to stay away from bright lights, but they were hard to get away from and could have skewed my observation. I really could not see that many stars around the constellation, but magnitude chart 5 still seems to show the most accurate representation",USA,United States 36.786900,-76.136802,3/4/2008 19:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 29.028270,-81.522570,3/4/2008 19:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 41.885572,12.496960,3/3/2008 22:00,3,-9999.00,clear,deep blue,"close to the center of rome, yellow lights in the street.",orion's magic,VTC,Vatican City 37.431721,-81.572895,3/1/2008 12:00,4,-9999.00,clear,clear.....,mvms/th,,USA,United States 37.431721,-81.572895,3/2/2008 21:20,3,-9999.00,clear,its clear,mvms/th,,USA,United States 37.471070,-81.663162,3/4/2008 19:10,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,it was raining so i really couldn't tell how many stars were out.,MVMS/AR,,USA,United States 28.143320,-82.671011,3/4/2008 19:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 37.431721,-81.572895,3/3/2008 23:00,5,-9999.00,clear,its clear,mvms/th,,USA,United States 37.431721,-81.572895,3/4/2008 19:15,1,-9999.00,clear,its raining so it hard to see stars..,mvms/th,,USA,United States 34.542790,-119.814591,3/3/2008 20:00,6,-9999.00,clear,,"please note, although I am within Santa Barbara city limits, I am physically located in the mountains on the side facing away from the city and the ocean. As such, my view of the sky is very clear.",,USA,United States 40.459899,-74.476895,3/4/2008 19:34,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,From the parking lot of my condo complex,,USA,United States -29.918872,-71.248599,3/4/2008 21:30,5,-9999.00,clear,AMBIENTE HUMEDO POR LA CERCANA PRESENCIA DEL MAR,"EL SECTOR PRESENTA ILUMINACION PUBLICA. LA OBSERVACION SE HACE EN EL PATIO INTERIOR DE LA CASA, EVITANDO LA ILUMINACION DEL ALUMBRADO PUBLICO",SIMPLE E INTERESANTE ACTIVIDAD DE INVESTIGACION,CHL,Chile 37.430000,-81.569999,3/4/2008 19:30,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,It was raining so thats why it was cloudy,MVMS/CC,,USA,United States 41.700002,-70.430001,3/4/2008 19:45,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,Cloudy and raining. No visibility.,"Sandwich, MA",,USA,United States 50.266398,-5.067360,3/4/2008 19:50,5,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,"Few small clouds, but might be some thin high cloud - difficult to tell.","Dificult, trees mean the only clear line to the south is from near the house - thick curtains were drawn, but the light was still on. Despite this, could see Orion's sword!",Only 12 minutes of observing time before meal ready! One meteorite seen also.,GBR,United Kingdom -33.509997,-70.553327,3/4/2008 21:48,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,CHL,Chile 41.944841,-72.372145,3/4/2008 19:54,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,It is raining so there are no stars to look at.,In my frount yard.,I am just looking with my eyes.,USA,United States 35.246539,-84.876220,3/4/2008 20:11,-9999,18.27,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 37.366049,-81.551844,3/4/2008 20:10,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,There were too many clouds in the sky for me to see.,MVMS/KC I could not see any stars due to the rainy weather.,,USA,United States 39.662492,-78.931647,3/4/2008 20:14,-9999,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,Heavy rain,,,USA,United States 37.366049,-81.551844,3/3/2008 19:30,1,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,I could not see anything because there was to much smoke in the sky.,MVMS/KC I could not see most of orion due to something being on fire.,,USA,United States 37.471070,-81.663162,3/4/2008 19:40,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,IT IS RAINING OUTSIDE,MVMS/BNA,,USA,United States 18.180000,-66.980004,3/4/2008 21:20,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,PRI,Puerto Rico 37.344770,-81.445293,3/3/2008 18:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 37.471070,-81.663162,3/3/2008 19:40,3,-9999.00,clear,,MVMS/BNA,,USA,United States 41.040001,-81.489997,3/4/2008 20:22,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,cloudy sky and it was raining on and off so the sky was hazey.,,,USA,United States 35.360340,-97.510246,3/4/2008 19:20,4,-9999.00,clear,very clear sky,,,USA,United States 35.830001,-83.609999,3/2/2008 19:50,5,-9999.00,clear,very clear sky,several street lights in the neigborhood,,USA,United States -33.578559,-70.633821,3/4/2008 22:10,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,CHL,Chile 40.007519,-75.269190,3/4/2008 20:20,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,It was extremely cloudy and I was not able to see even one star.,I observed the sky from my driveway.,,USA,United States 37.344770,-81.445293,3/4/2008 20:46,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,MVMS/T.W.,,USA,United States 30.088629,-95.803266,3/4/2008 19:24,6,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.228838,-110.950843,3/2/2008 21:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.401550,-110.952940,3/3/2008 20:15,4,-9999.00,clear,"The sky was very clear when i wet out, there where no clouds out and i could see every star.",i went to the end of the nearest coldisack and go out of my carand used a meter and wrote down the readings that it showed. i then look up and it was very easy to find Orion because of its belt.,this activity was very fun and exitin because i couldn't wait to see what i could see.,USA,United States 41.760941,-88.123975,3/4/2008 19:45,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 41.970000,-87.679999,3/4/2008 19:58,4,-9999.00,clear,,,Maddy B. from Mr. Erickson's class,USA,United States 41.040001,-81.489997,3/4/2008 21:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 41.939998,-88.780001,3/4/2008 20:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 44.953498,-93.067208,3/4/2008 20:00,-9999,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,I couldnt see any stars at all around 8 pm . The only time i say i actully seen stars was early in the morning .,,,USA,United States 44.400000,-73.816655,3/4/2008 21:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,S&,USA,United States -41.146661,-71.413876,3/5/2008 12:02,5,-9999.00,clear,,"14 Km west, Bariloche City",,ARG,Argentina 39.539081,-77.923490,3/4/2008 21:09,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,"Another rainy night in WV. It hasn't rained this much in forever, which is fitting since I am trying to watch the sky!",,I am from,USA,United States 32.426869,-110.992801,3/4/2008 19:16,3,-9999.00,clear,,At home in back yard,,USA,United States 43.803000,-70.207002,3/2/2008 20:00,4,19.56,clear,Sky glow from Portland,"Clear, cold, nearby street and house lights.",,USA,United States 33.133548,-112.091204,3/4/2008 19:00,2,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,Central Arizona,,USA,United States 32.216998,-110.970999,3/4/2008 19:21,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.000000,-109.999999,3/4/2008 19:30,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.350897,-110.990922,3/4/2008 19:25,3,-9999.00,clear,,,hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi,USA,United States 45.111350,-93.215136,3/4/2008 20:21,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,"The sky looked very hazy tonight, therefore I was not able to see any stars at all. I tried to walk down the street to see if I could see Orion or any stars and I was not able to locate any constellations for tonight.",,I think that the lit up streets made it even harder to locate any constellations that could have been spotted through the hazy clouds.,USA,United States 21.883330,-102.266667,3/4/2008 20:32,2,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,MEX,Mexico 32.210738,-110.810250,3/4/2008 19:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 35.193803,-101.724220,3/4/2008 20:32,5,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,High cirrus clouds and low relative humidity.,,,USA,United States 40.289070,-76.815900,3/3/2008 22:00,3,-9999.00,clear,"Some light pollution from local malls and shopping centers. Using naked eye only, no binoculars or telescope.",,,USA,United States 39.610900,-104.687696,3/4/2008 19:17,3,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 35.354999,-97.209718,3/4/2008 19:40,5,19.66,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.463920,-93.909719,3/4/2008 20:30,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 39.500002,-105.249998,3/4/2008 19:41,2,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,Cold with some clouds,,USA,United States 32.441790,-110.977651,3/4/2008 19:26,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.367631,-110.969141,3/4/2008 19:43,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 38.666408,-89.999818,3/4/2008 20:14,4,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,a perfect break in the clouds. Just after the snow storm in the St. Louis Metro area clouds parted for me to see Orion. (due east there were clouds and a bank of clouds moving in from the west) With the light radiance and the street light around All of a,,,USA,United States 40.765441,-73.981952,3/4/2008 21:30,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,Overcast,"SE corner of W. 56th & B'way, NYC, USA",,USA,United States 39.882970,-104.399360,3/4/2008 19:17,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,"maybe a little more than 1/4 cloud cover, but observation area of the sky was clear",,,USA,United States 39.500002,-105.249998,3/4/2008 18:12,1,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,Cold with some clouds,,USA,United States 32.223060,-110.849899,3/4/2008 19:47,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,I saw orion but the clouds are far away from me. So I saw the orion perfectly!!,,,USA,United States 33.623331,-112.019720,3/4/2008 20:05,2,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,"The clouds are high and thin, but some stars are still visible through them.",,,USA,United States 41.000000,-86.999999,3/4/2008 19:20,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.131778,-111.023823,3/4/2008 20:00,6,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 35.360340,-97.510246,3/4/2008 21:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.249998,-110.960002,3/4/2008 19:58,2,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 30.441989,-84.233909,3/4/2008 20:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 37.425332,-81.506888,3/4/2008 22:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,MVMS/KT,,USA,United States -36.614558,-72.110207,3/4/2008 21:47,5,-9999.00,clear,"cielo completamente despejado, puedo ver sin problemas la Nube Mayor de Magallanes hacia el Sur. Hacia el norte estß el centro de la cuidad (CHillan) y no hay tan buena visibilidad",luces en la calle a unos 90 metros,,CHL,Chile 32.229760,-110.921896,3/4/2008 20:14,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 41.939998,-88.769995,3/3/2008 21:10,1,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,"Clouds are moving in, but I can still see the sky.",There is a streetlight nearby,,USA,United States 32.349999,-111.040004,3/4/2008 20:11,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States -36.606549,-72.103363,3/4/2008 22:20,4,-9999.00,clear,completamente despejado,"luces por todos lados, estoy en la plaza de la cuidad",,CHL,Chile 40.379928,-105.109481,3/4/2008 20:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,M's Backyard,,USA,United States 32.231799,-110.951751,3/4/2008 20:15,4,-9999.00,clear,same as yestorday but maybe less stars,"University of Arizona, 1420 E 5th Street Tucson, AZ to be exact",,USA,United States 32.310398,-110.848820,3/4/2008 20:22,6,20.02,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.293350,-111.068220,3/4/2008 18:00,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,little fog but stars still visible,"some lights on in neighborhood, not too much.",saw most light pollution downtown and further east,USA,United States 32.380001,-111.129999,3/4/2008 20:19,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,High clouds to east and south of Orion.,,"Relatively dark neighborhood. Great nebula in Orion usually visible to naked eye, but not tonight.",USA,United States 41.151999,-96.052438,3/4/2008 21:07,4,-9999.00,clear,"Sky condition in the direction of Orion was completely clear. Some clouds in the sky to the north, but patchy.","Multiple street lights within 50 meters that were all shielded by either the house or fence. Numerous other small lights, such as porch lights; all shielded from view.",Atmospheric pressure dropping; precipitation is expected after midnight local.,USA,United States 44.970160,-93.127293,3/4/2008 20:21,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,The sky was cloudy and hazy so I was not able to see any stars or orien.,"I was surrounded by light in a suburban area, so it was not the best view.",Hopefully there will be a better view tomorrow night.,USA,United States 32.289559,-110.833876,3/4/2008 20:03,2,-9999.00,clear,,,I could not see many stars but the ones I saw were very bright,USA,United States 41.770001,-88.160004,3/4/2008 19:15,3,-9999.00,clear,,A few street lights within a few meters.,,USA,United States 32.233609,-110.967584,3/4/2008 20:20,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,The north sky is cloudy but the south sky is clear.,Dark all around.,,USA,United States 32.316661,-111.066676,3/4/2008 20:00,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,Transperancy- Fair- Stars twinkling.,Sports Park lights are on two miles east across the Santa Cruz River.,,USA,United States 39.410270,-106.143059,3/1/2008 23:59,7,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,Extremely clear for only an hour or so before midnight.,Had a nice view of the stars right before a front moved in and the temperatures dropped.,,USA,United States 47.770002,-122.290002,3/4/2008 19:29,3,-9999.00,clear,The sky is clear tonight.,,,USA,United States -36.591680,-72.203330,3/4/2008 22:45,6,-9999.00,clear,cielo completamente despejado,"A unos 8 Km de la ciudad (Chillan), hacia el Noroeste. En un camino poco transitado. No hay luces cerca.",,CHL,Chile 37.560003,-121.120004,3/4/2008 19:34,5,-9999.00,clear,preatty,,hopes this helps,USA,United States 32.227780,-110.948725,3/1/2008 23:00,6,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 37.431721,-81.572895,3/4/2008 22:30,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,it poured the rain tonight we had flash flood warnings.,MVMS/AM- there is a street light in front of my house.,,USA,United States 37.794602,-121.919000,3/4/2008 19:35,5,-9999.00,clear,,"Danville, Ca on the eastern edge of the San Francisco urban area",,USA,United States 34.155911,-118.015410,3/4/2008 19:30,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,Hazy to WNW; bright lights toward southern horizon,"Located in the foothills; heavily treed area, but city lights are still visible.",,USA,United States 33.459659,-82.211565,3/4/2008 22:32,1,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,very cloudy,local neighborhood, SC124 C001 Fall 07,USA,United States 32.228432,-110.956888,3/4/2008 20:47,1,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.224382,-110.969277,3/3/2008 21:19,6,-9999.00,clear,,porch light on that can't be turned off,,USA,United States -32.178698,-64.092002,3/4/2008 22:30,4,-9999.00,clear,,Varios Faroles en la calle,,ARG,Argentina 32.340239,-110.940072,3/3/2008 21:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 39.700000,-105.339999,3/4/2008 20:28,5,-9999.00,clear,It was a really clear night.,,I could see orion's sword. There were a few more stars out than chart 5 but not as many as in chart 6.,USA,United States 32.224351,-110.969305,3/4/2008 20:39,4,-9999.00,clear,,view from inside with lights off,,USA,United States 32.228432,-110.956888,3/4/2008 20:51,1,-9999.00,clear,"very clear, no clouds.","A lot of artifical light outside, hardly any stars were visible.",,USA,United States 24.866659,67.050000,3/4/2008 20:00,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,"There were clouds, but they were really fast and light clouds.",,,PAK,Pakistan 39.146970,-104.322991,3/4/2008 19:44,6,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,"There were some clouds to the right of Orion which enabled other stars to not be seen as well, but Orion remaind uncovered and was seen very clearly.",I was on the side of my house and no other light was seen or in the way.,,USA,United States 39.669998,-104.899999,3/4/2008 20:44,5,-9999.00,clear,a little haze in the southern sky left over from what was a very cloudy sky at about 1900,Done in apt. complex-some light pollution,,USA,United States 32.929100,-96.416057,3/4/2008 21:50,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.417092,-110.949572,3/4/2008 19:39,5,-9999.00,clear,,backyard,,USA,United States 38.560000,-109.530000,3/4/2008 20:47,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,cloudy,one street light 100 yards away behind the house,,USA,United States 32.421050,-110.951888,3/4/2008 21:07,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.240002,-110.960002,3/4/2008 19:55,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,"The sky was mostly clear, but there were a few clouds that weren't convering Orion.",There were a few lights about 25 meters away.,I could see all of Orion (belt included) but I couldn't see many stars around it.,USA,United States 49.228858,-122.692341,3/4/2008 20:10,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,CAN,Canada 40.166659,-105.050003,3/4/2008 21:17,4,-9999.00,clear,Better viewing this evening than the nite before,Astronomy 101 Class being taught by Mike Zawaski. Better conditions tonite for viewing the sky than the night before,,USA,United States 37.720000,-122.139997,3/4/2008 19:45,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.582482,-94.280789,3/4/2008 20:40,3,-9999.00,clear,,,This was an interesting project that I also used for my college science project!,USA,United States 32.229149,-110.958807,3/4/2008 21:20,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,"cannot see any stars, I think it is because of clouds/pollution-i can usually see stars here",in tucson,,USA,United States 35.012120,-106.349092,3/3/2008 20:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 39.927558,-105.057189,3/4/2008 21:20,4,-9999.00,clear,the sky was pretty clear.,,,USA,United States 33.009720,-93.400549,3/4/2008 20:47,3,-9999.00,clear,,Kingwood Texas,,USA,United States 40.202750,-79.930350,3/4/2008 22:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 29.970580,-95.462767,3/4/2008 22:20,4,-9999.00,clear,It was a really pretty night. No clouds.,"Neighborhood, street lights are all over the place.",,USA,United States 32.221001,-110.925004,3/4/2008 21:10,1,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,orion was clearly not visible at this time at night,...outside the UA library; minimal lighting,,USA,United States 39.553800,-104.899500,3/4/2008 20:32,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,"Clouds were a bit hazy throughout the sky. During my observation, Orion was a clear view until about 10 minutes later when the clouds moved over it.",I went out on my patio to look at Orion. Could see a perfect view of Orion from where I was.,"There were a couple of light poles nearby that probably affected some of the viewing. However, I let my eyes adjust for a bit and more stars became noticeable. After a few minutes, some of the hazy clouds began to move slowly over the constellation. At t",USA,United States 35.077000,-106.291998,3/4/2008 21:35,4,-9999.00,clear,Hazy sky tonight. Normally better than this!,,,USA,United States 32.413848,-110.965289,3/4/2008 21:35,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,Streaky wispy cloud cover.,,,USA,United States 37.758331,-113.046666,3/4/2008 21:18,5,-9999.00,clear,No clouds in the sky.,Our house is in a rural town.,I could not see any stars when looking over toward the city.,USA,United States 47.774100,-122.269525,3/4/2008 20:33,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 42.066169,-88.415412,3/4/2008 22:26,3,-9999.00,clear,There is nothing in the way of seeing Orion's Belt. The sky is perfectly clear.,,,USA,United States 9.932350,-84.078228,3/4/2008 22:27,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,"las nubes mßs oscuras se encuentran hacia el sur, sin embargo todo el cielo se ve gris con parchones negros.","La ubicaci?n exacta es en jardines de Tibas, hay una plaza sin postes de luz, donde se pueden ver bien las estrellas mßs grandes a pesar de las luces de alrededor,sin embargo al estar nublado se cuentan muy pocas.",,CRI,Costa Rica 32.435742,-110.985363,3/4/2008 21:40,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 35.545131,-97.300860,3/4/2008 21:05,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 45.520001,-122.710004,3/4/2008 20:00,-9999,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,"Portland, OR, USA",,USA,United States 32.230382,-110.961614,3/4/2008 21:47,1,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 39.083329,-76.650002,3/4/2008 22:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,Rain.,semi-rural,,USA,United States 32.228432,-110.956908,3/4/2008 21:47,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.229409,-110.951014,3/4/2008 21:52,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 9.797750,-83.727696,3/1/2008 20:00,7,-9999.00,clear,Cielo despejado completamente por los fuertes vientos de ese d?a.,"La ubicaci?n exacta es en el Volcßn Iraz· en Costa Rica, A unos 3000 m snm. En este lugar la vegetaci?n es pequeħa por las bajas temperaturas y la tierra ßrida, por lo que se logra observar el cielo nocturno de manera completa .","La latitud y la longitud exacta del Volcßn se nos sumistr? en la Gira, pero el espacio de esta pßgina para escribir estos datos no leen la informaci?n que le indico por eso es muy general la ubicaci?n.",CRI,Costa Rica 33.000001,-109.999999,3/4/2008 19:20,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 39.800001,-76.980002,3/3/2008 20:53,5,-9999.00,clear,On Monday night the sky was very clear. The temperature was warm and there was a slight breeze. It was perfect weather for observing the sky (clearness wise). Orion was very distinct in the sky as well as some of the other stars surrounding it. I did not,"I live in a small neighborhood in Hanover, PA. The lighting where I live is mostly from peoples street lamps in front of their homes. There is a grocery store with significant lighting just a 1/2 mile down from my house so that contributed a little to th",,USA,United States 45.380002,-75.699997,3/1/2008 22:45,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,CAN,Canada 33.970660,-118.380825,3/4/2008 20:48,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,haze to N and E,many residential lights - all shielded from direct view,near LAX,USA,United States 32.265141,-110.904418,3/4/2008 22:00,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,Clouds were not in the portion of the sky that Orion was in.,,,USA,United States 36.259999,-115.260002,3/4/2008 21:00,3,-9999.00,clear,clear,,,USA,United States 41.173408,-96.032808,3/1/2008 23:07,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,"Not very cloudy out, hardly any clouds in the sky.","Outside of my house, right by a street. Suburb. The light pole is broken outside of my house so I can see the sky better than usual.","The light pole is broken outside of my house, where I made my observation, and so I can see Orion better.",USA,United States 32.222671,-110.942134,3/4/2008 21:37,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 36.353678,-94.290065,3/4/2008 23:20,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.216998,-110.970999,3/4/2008 22:25,2,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.230399,-110.950399,3/4/2008 21:15,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,sparse clouds in the sky tonight,,,USA,United States 44.963999,-93.054333,3/4/2008 22:00,1,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,Very dark. Partial cloud cover. Not a very good viewing night. Light pollution high.,Location partly blocked by tree cover but it is obvious that Magnitude 1 is closest.,,USA,United States 38.513999,-121.758053,3/4/2008 20:30,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.259462,-110.877295,3/4/2008 22:35,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,There were some clouds but not that many,There was a lot of light were we are located in the city.,,USA,United States 32.214167,-110.883791,3/4/2008 21:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 37.817583,-97.915297,3/4/2008 22:41,2,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.214167,-110.883791,3/3/2008 20:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.248007,-110.947407,3/2/2008 19:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.229409,-110.951014,3/4/2008 21:35,2,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 34.182911,-118.570896,3/4/2008 21:35,3,-9999.00,clear,"Very clear night, some light pollution made the stars difficult to see.",,,USA,United States 32.218880,-111.028768,3/4/2008 21:00,4,-9999.00,clear,"I can see many stars, very beautiful night sky",My appartment is very dark and I can always see the stars.,,USA,United States 32.218880,-111.028768,3/3/2008 21:00,4,-9999.00,clear,Very pretty night sky,I can see the stars from where i live every night,,USA,United States 34.182911,-118.570896,3/4/2008 21:35,3,-9999.00,clear,"no clouds, but street lights blocked the stars",Suburb with street lights and lit up houses.,,USA,United States 45.430228,28.041760,3/3/2008 20:00,3,-9999.00,clear,It was the only night with a clear sky since Feb 26.,"Downtown of Galati, Romania. The observation location was a street lit by streetlights.","I saw a couple more stars than shown in the Magnitude 3 chart, but not nearly as many as shown in the Magnitude 4 chart.",ROM,Romania 32.230782,-110.957072,3/4/2008 21:40,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.228470,-110.958902,3/3/2008 20:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.268409,-110.966716,3/4/2008 23:10,-9999,17.93,clear,,,,USA,United States 39.103198,-108.730000,3/4/2008 22:25,6,21.11,clear,,,,USA,United States 39.099500,-108.671001,3/4/2008 22:50,5,20.44,clear,,,,USA,United States 39.106398,-108.697604,3/4/2008 23:00,6,20.83,clear,,,,USA,United States 39.089999,-108.649902,3/4/2008 23:08,5,19.99,clear,,,,USA,United States 16.042499,103.652000,3/4/2008 21:10,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,THA,Thailand 46.984099,-123.771019,3/4/2008 21:30,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 37.415438,-122.137716,3/4/2008 19:40,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 46.984099,-123.771019,3/1/2008 22:00,1,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,Location is on the coast of the Pacific Ocean; sky covered by a light marine layer of moisture that obscures fainter stars. Usually can see more of Orion from this location.,,,USA,United States 47.760439,-122.086175,3/4/2008 22:40,4,-9999.00,clear,,,"Between 3 and 4, closer to 4.",USA,United States 32.229679,-110.950658,3/4/2008 22:00,3,-9999.00,clear,Clear,"Tucson, AZ. College campus; medium sized city",,USA,United States 40.162861,-100.260593,3/4/2008 23:04,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 39.819569,-121.595590,3/4/2008 21:45,5,-9999.00,clear,Moderately bright.,No street lights. Dim yard lights in my own yard. Some light from inside house. Neighbor across street and two doors down had a bright yard light which was blocked to my view.,I was outdoors for 35 minutes total. I triggered my own motion sensor floods but waited for some time after they went off before observing. A digital camera (Canon A630) exposed for 15 seconds at ISO 800 and zoomed in reached about magnitude 6.,USA,United States 32.000000,-109.999999,3/4/2008 21:50,4,-9999.00,clear,There were no clouds as far as I could see,I live in an apartment complex near the Tucson Mall where there is too much light and activity from the residents to really get a good view,,USA,United States 37.977771,23.783332,3/3/2008 18:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,GRC,Greece 32.327750,-110.974004,3/4/2008 23:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 45.551129,-122.777814,3/4/2008 23:43,2,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States -34.679999,-58.339999,3/4/2008 21:24,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,Sky with something of fog,,ARG,Argentina 39.709999,-105.040004,3/3/2008 22:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,"Clear sky but Im not that far from downtown maybe 8 miles, and there are some residential lights around here, but not too bad. Overall pretty good observing here.",USA,United States -27.537999,153.262997,3/5/2008 20:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,Total cloud and pouring rain,,S&,AUS,Australia 52.167499,13.101659,3/4/2008 22:00,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,DEU,Germany 48.775610,2.056390,3/1/2008 19:50,4,-9999.00,clear,"magnitude limit for naked eye is 4.5, considered good for that night.",30 km West from Paris,,FRA,France -34.509999,-58.550000,3/2/2008 22:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,Still cloudy and rainy.,,,ARG,Argentina -34.509999,-58.550000,3/3/2008 22:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,Cloudy and rainy.,,,ARG,Argentina -34.509999,-58.550000,3/4/2008 22:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,Rainy and cloudy.,,,ARG,Argentina -35.235720,149.050478,3/4/2008 21:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,AUS,Australia -36.853297,174.719804,3/5/2008 23:00,4,-9999.00,clear,A few wispy high clouds,Auckland City,3 hours after sunset,NZL,New Zealand -39.950002,-71.133333,3/4/2008 21:20,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,ARG,Argentina 42.258469,-85.761556,3/4/2008 23:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,Winter storm watch in effect; thick cloud cover.,,,USA,United States 45.109889,7.544990,3/4/2008 20:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,ITA,Italy 38.961110,-0.583330,3/2/2008 21:05,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,ESP,Spain 31.179011,-83.871130,3/4/2008 19:45,6,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 46.210348,21.277639,2/25/2008 21:55,6,-9999.00,clear,PERFECTLY CLEAR,,STUDENTS FROM FINE ARTS HIGHSCOOL 'SABIN DRAGOI' ARAD ROMANIA,ROM,Romania 41.348333,21.548091,3/3/2008 22:00,7,-9999.00,clear,Perfectly clear.The orion was very clear.The sky is full with stars.,No artificial lightsn in my back garden.It is very dark.,,MKD,Macedonia 41.333327,21.550000,2/26/2008 19:40,5,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,A little clouds to the west.,"In my street,light within 40 m that is shielded from my view.I am located in Prilep.This is town in Repablic of Macedonia.",,MKD,Macedonia 40.400002,-3.683330,3/4/2008 20:50,3,-9999.00,clear,,Park in center of the towm,,ESP,Spain 52.089471,-106.600279,3/2/2008 21:00,3,-9999.00,clear,High thin haze.,"South side of city of 200,000. Urban residential. Saskatchewan, Canada.",Orange glow of city to north.,CAN,Canada 52.089420,-106.600279,3/3/2008 21:00,3,-9999.00,clear,High thin haze. Orange glow of city to north,"South side of city. Urban residential. Saskatchewan, Canada.",,CAN,Canada 52.089471,-106.600279,3/4/2008 23:00,4,-9999.00,clear,Clear.Orange glow of city to north.,"South side of city. Urban residential. Saskatchewan, Canada.",,CAN,Canada 40.978051,-81.377865,3/4/2008 20:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,There were clouds covering the entire sky.,,,USA,United States -33.733331,-70.533335,3/4/2008 21:30,3,-9999.00,clear,,at south East of lights of Santiago city and a sodium public ilumination to the North East,,CHL,Chile -25.648330,28.226110,3/2/2008 21:00,3,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,cloud = 66%,ZAF,South Africa 32.419319,-110.974352,3/3/2008 20:15,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.419319,-110.974352,3/4/2008 21:05,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 37.431721,-81.572895,3/4/2008 18:00,1,-9999.00,clear,none,mvms/RAW to many street lights and trees,,USA,United States 37.425332,-81.506888,3/4/2008 18:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,cloudy,mvms/MDW,,USA,United States 37.447622,-81.805326,3/4/2008 18:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,MVHS/JM theres was very heavy rain.,,,USA,United States 32.200001,-110.809997,3/3/2008 20:12,5,-9999.00,clear,"Because of light pollution, near the horizon the sky stops looking dark blue and starts looking grey.",There's a small 60 watt lamp for the footpath about 35 ft. away; it's somewhat blocked by a wall.,,USA,United States 37.344770,-81.445293,3/4/2008 20:30,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,Last night whenever i got home from bible study i looked outside of my house and all i could see was clouds it was really cloudy.,MVMS/CW Last night i was at my grandmas house and in front of her house is trees.',,USA,United States 37.471070,-81.663162,3/4/2008 19:40,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,IT WAS RAINING OUTSIDE SO IT WAS CLOUDLY OUTSIDE,MVMS/BNA,,USA,United States 37.344770,-81.445293,3/4/2008 19:30,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,It was raining and cloudy so i couldn't see.,MVMS/LM,,USA,United States 37.380000,-81.559999,3/4/2008 19:12,1,-9999.00,clear,Was a little cloudly.,MVMS/KBH,,USA,United States 37.436772,-81.588700,3/4/2008 20:30,-9999,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,sky was very cloudly and it was very wet,mvms/qp,I couldn't see any starts,USA,United States 47.620000,-122.329999,3/4/2008 21:00,4,-9999.00,clear,"This was a fairly typical for a clear, no moon March night in Seattle",,,USA,United States 37.431721,-81.572895,3/4/2008 21:00,1,-9999.00,clear,,mvhs,,USA,United States 39.927558,-105.057189,3/4/2008 21:15,4,-9999.00,clear,sky was clear,i had a good view,,USA,United States 37.370000,-6.054800,3/4/2008 18:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,ESP,Spain 37.561877,-121.951525,3/3/2008 22:00,3,-9999.00,clear,best night for absence of low clouds since start of program; very high thin layer causing mag 3 stars to wink in and out.,Shaded street Light within 50 m of house; lights from neighbors windows behind fence.,,USA,United States 37.561877,-121.951525,3/4/2008 22:00,2,-9999.00,clear,high thin layer causeing mag 3 starts to wink in and out. Cleared directly over head as oopsed to southerly view.,Shaded street light witin 50 m.,,USA,United States 35.339488,-105.438880,3/4/2008 19:28,6,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 35.582987,-105.766968,3/4/2008 19:50,6,-9999.00,clear,,7500' elevation,,USA,United States 38.985852,-77.077428,3/4/2008 19:04,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 32.043932,-111.224515,2/27/2008 20:30,7,-9999.00,clear,"clear lots of stars, beautiful.","Trees, desert, no light, country side,",,USA,United States 43.031151,-89.349256,3/3/2008 19:20,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,Thin clouds visible north over city but apparently clear to the south.,"Small dark area in South Madison in a county park with low hills south, east and west I waited 15 minutes int he dark.",Sky was at best Mag 4.,USA,United States 32.270339,-110.903489,3/4/2008 21:45,5,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 32.230461,-110.942367,3/4/2008 21:06,2,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 37.971938,-78.395272,3/1/2008 20:20,5,-9999.00,clear,fair to poor seeing conditions,"residence, mostly wooded lot, east of lights of Charlottesville, Virginia",,USA,United States 32.197368,-110.893722,3/4/2008 21:03,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.284822,-110.861388,3/4/2008 19:37,5,-9999.00,clear,Sword of Orion's belt a little hazy,,Data was taken in complete darkness,USA,United States 25.868331,-81.154156,3/1/2008 23:30,7,-9999.00,clear,,Kirby Storter Roadside Park,,USA,United States 36.961610,-112.463839,3/4/2008 21:30,6,-9999.00,clear,Small amount of dust in air from wind earlier in day.,"Backyard, middle of small town, streetlights shielded by house and trees.",,USA,United States 36.981622,-112.376317,3/3/2008 21:00,7,-9999.00,clear,Beautiful night. M79 easily visible thru 10 X 60 Binoculars.,"3-4 miles outside of town, no lights visible.",,USA,United States 37.366049,-81.551844,3/4/2008 19:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,It was very cloudy out.,MVMS/KW,,USA,United States 46.009780,-88.017069,3/4/2008 21:00,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,"I could see the constellation, but there were some clouds.",,,USA,United States 35.518490,24.020080,2/25/2008 23:30,4,-9999.00,clear,,"Port of Chania, night clubs and cafes in the area",,GRC,Greece 37.366049,-81.551844,3/2/2008 22:00,1,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,MVMS/NH,,USA,United States 37.366049,-81.551844,3/3/2008 22:15,2,-9999.00,clear,,MVMS/NH,,USA,United States 37.366049,-81.551844,3/4/2008 22:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,MVMS/NH,,USA,United States 25.165149,51.325231,3/5/2008 19:45,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,QAT,Qatar 41.680000,-71.970004,2/27/2008 21:20,5,19.42,1/4 of sky,,"Open field, no lights",,USA,United States 41.650002,-71.890002,3/4/2008 20:00,1,19.79,over 1/2 of sky,,rural no lights,,USA,United States 41.680000,-71.970004,2/27/2008 22:20,5,19.55,1/4 of sky,,"Open field, no lights",,USA,United States 41.680000,-71.970004,2/27/2008 23:20,3,19.44,over 1/2 of sky,,"Open field, no lights",,USA,United States 41.779997,-71.989996,2/27/2008 18:30,-9999,18.61,over 1/2 of sky,very cloudy,not many houses around but some cars drive by often with their head lights on to reflect off the clouds,,USA,United States 41.380001,-71.589999,3/4/2008 12:20,1,16.59,over 1/2 of sky,,country no streat lights,,USA,United States 41.650002,-71.890002,3/4/2008 20:00,1,19.79,over 1/2 of sky,,rural,,USA,United States 41.779997,-71.989996,2/27/2008 19:45,1,19.83,over 1/2 of sky,very cloudy,not many houses around but some cars drive by often with their head lights on to reflect off the clouds,,USA,United States 41.919999,-71.940006,2/27/2008 19:09,-9999,13.98,over 1/2 of sky,too cloudy,the location is in puttnum CT 16 mill st.,,USA,United States 41.650002,-71.890002,3/4/2008 21:00,1,20.15,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 41.779997,-71.989996,2/27/2008 21:00,2,19.95,1/2 of sky,not as cloudy,not many houses around but some cars drive by often with their head lights on to reflect off the clouds,,USA,United States 41.784819,-71.854765,3/4/2008 19:40,-9999,18.40,over 1/2 of sky,very cloudy,"in the woods, no lights",,USA,United States 41.650002,-71.890002,3/4/2008 22:00,1,20.09,over 1/2 of sky,,rural,,USA,United States 47.755938,-122.264102,3/4/2008 20:35,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,"Pretty clear, but still not perfectly clear.",Surprisingly we found a magnatude 4 star concentration in a very bright area.,,USA,United States 41.919999,-71.940006,2/27/2008 19:09,-9999,14.71,clear,,a few stree lights vary clody cant see the moon,,USA,United States 41.779997,-71.879996,3/4/2008 20:49,-9999,17.96,over 1/2 of sky,,"woodsy, no lights",,USA,United States 41.919999,-71.940006,2/27/2008 19:09,-9999,14.71,clear,,,,USA,United States 41.779997,-71.879996,3/4/2008 21:49,-9999,17.98,over 1/2 of sky,,"woods, no light",,USA,United States 32.329170,-106.746984,3/4/2008 20:00,6,-9999.00,clear,,"One FCO, 150 watt HPS street light within 40 feet, but parially sheilded by a large pine tree. Orion too high up to be in the sky glow of Las Cruces---also much of the sky glow is blocked by a flood control dam just 3 blocks to the west of my house.",,USA,United States 41.549998,-88.450000,3/4/2008 19:32,2,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,It was kind of cloudy,There is some lighting located around the apartment complex,,USA,United States 60.200003,25.000000,3/5/2008 19:00,2,-9999.00,clear,"Yesterday and the day before cloudy, I didn't bother to report.",,,FIN,Finland 43.925548,8.114440,3/4/2008 18:00,6,-9999.00,clear,,,,ITA,Italy 35.506551,24.020040,2/25/2008 23:45,5,-9999.00,clear,,"South part of the city of Chania, street lamp 50 metres away",,GRC,Greece 35.372372,24.206640,2/26/2008 21:35,5,-9999.00,clear,,"center of the village of Vryses, lots of street lamps and lights from shops",,GRC,Greece 35.498003,23.994231,2/25/2008 18:00,7,-9999.00,clear,,3km from the city of chania,,GRC,Greece 35.464162,24.151110,2/26/2008 21:40,6,-9999.00,clear,,National highway under the village of Megala Chorafia,no lights,GRC,Greece 45.184109,-95.355390,2/29/2008 19:30,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 45.184109,-95.355390,3/3/2008 19:30,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 47.748220,-122.340108,3/4/2008 20:20,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 48.273281,-122.719225,3/4/2008 19:49,6,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 49.259997,-123.099994,3/4/2008 22:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,vancouver,,CAN,Canada 45.192350,-95.364290,2/28/2008 20:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 33.964618,-118.402040,3/3/2008 22:10,4,-9999.00,clear,"A fairly good night for being less than 1 mile North of the Los Angeles Int'l Airport and having a street lamp in front of the house next door. Often, any low cloud cover or humidity will reflect quite a bit of light, but never below Magnitude 3 if there",,,USA,United States 45.311659,-95.652770,2/29/2008 20:00,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 49.775280,17.815450,3/5/2008 19:03,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,CZE,Czech Republic 45.311659,-95.652770,3/2/2008 20:30,4,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 45.311659,-95.652770,3/3/2008 22:30,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 54.980707,24.139861,3/3/2008 22:15,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,LTU,Lithuania 32.234852,-110.951697,3/3/2008 20:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 61.544581,24.084070,3/5/2008 20:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,FIN,Finland 46.163732,21.403281,2/25/2008 21:30,5,-9999.00,clear,,There is one street light within 100 m that is shielded from my view.,Student from highschool Sabin Dragoi ARAD ROMANIA,ROM,Romania 46.163732,21.403281,2/26/2008 20:50,5,-9999.00,clear,,There is two street light within 100 m that is shielded from my view,Student from highschool Sabin Dragoi ARAD ROMANIA,ROM,Romania -33.500002,-70.589998,3/4/2008 22:00,3,-9999.00,clear,"Clear, but a lot of light pollution. Autumn and winter bring more smog and make it worse, reducing the chart to magnitude 1","From Macul, Santiago, Chile",,CHL,Chile 46.163732,21.403281,2/27/2008 21:30,2,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,There is two street light within 100 m that is shielded from my view,Student from highschool Sabin Dragoi ARAD ROMANIA,ROM,Romania 46.163732,21.403281,3/1/2008 21:20,1,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,It was a little cloudy to the north and west.,There are 2 street light within 100 m that are shielded from my view.,I don't have a very amazing view but it was interesting.,ROM,Romania 46.163732,21.403281,2/28/2008 21:30,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,There is two street light within 100 m that is shielded from my view,Student from highschool Sabin Dragoi ARAD ROMANIA,ROM,Romania 50.355990,18.862961,3/5/2008 19:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,,"There was very windy and cloudy for the last three days. But today the sky was clear. So, we have 5!That's amazing in polluted area where we live.",POL,Poland 46.163732,21.403281,3/2/2008 21:43,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,The all sky was cloudy. I can't see nothing.,There are 2 street light within 100 m that are shielded from my view.,,ROM,Romania 46.163732,21.403281,2/29/2008 21:30,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,There is two street light within 100 m that is shielded from my view,Student from highschool Sabin Dragoi ARAD ROMANIA,ROM,Romania 46.163732,21.403281,3/3/2008 21:10,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,It was very cloudy.,There are 2 street light within 100 m that are shielded from my view.,,ROM,Romania 46.163732,21.403281,3/4/2008 20:57,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,It was very cloudy.,There are 2 street light within 100 m that are shielded from my view.,,ROM,Romania 46.163732,21.403281,3/5/2008 20:20,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,Very cloudy.,There are 2 street light within 100 m that are shielded from my view.,,ROM,Romania 60.159937,24.942039,3/5/2008 20:20,3,-9999.00,clear,,,Snow cover on the ground,FIN,Finland 29.752290,-95.403024,3/4/2008 21:15,3,-9999.00,clear,"Cold front passed the day before, a starry night for us.","Houston, Texas",,USA,United States 60.158824,24.943019,3/5/2008 20:22,4,-9999.00,clear,,,Snow cover on the ground,FIN,Finland 39.729998,-104.800005,3/3/2008 19:04,4,-9999.00,clear,"Clear night, dark sky.","Aurora, CO 80011",,USA,United States 41.049130,-81.494409,3/4/2008 18:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,It was raining. Zero visibility.,,,USA,United States 32.607928,-96.933382,3/4/2008 21:30,3,-9999.00,clear,,House lights and street light behind me as I look toward Orion.,,USA,United States 41.043351,-81.522973,3/4/2008 18:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,Raining.,,,USA,United States 41.031398,-81.517529,3/4/2008 18:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,Freezing rain.,,,USA,United States 60.194403,24.001700,3/5/2008 20:30,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,FIN,Finland 50.889998,4.450000,3/5/2008 12:51,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,BEL,Belgium 49.774737,17.752319,3/5/2008 19:50,2,-9999.00,clear,,,,CZE,Czech Republic 41.037860,-81.510398,3/4/2008 18:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,Raining!!,,,USA,United States 32.000000,-109.999999,3/4/2008 21:04,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 51.419751,7.099410,3/5/2008 19:45,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,Clouds in the northern part of the sky,"Sch÷ne Aussicht 10, Essen, Germany",,DEU,Germany 37.471070,-81.663162,3/4/2008 19:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,mvms/jf,,USA,United States 41.078049,-81.561891,3/4/2008 18:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,It was raing,,,USA,United States 32.000000,-109.999999,3/2/2008 21:04,6,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 41.046742,-81.507605,3/4/2008 18:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,it was rainy,,,USA,United States 37.476053,-79.841886,3/4/2008 21:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 51.448748,6.908640,3/5/2008 20:00,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,DEU,Germany 25.165149,51.335231,3/5/2008 22:15,2,-9999.00,clear,,,,QAT,Qatar 29.760002,-95.389998,2/28/2008 21:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,Next to a very busy street,,USA,United States 9.979689,-83.836631,3/1/2008 20:00,6,-9999.00,clear,,,,CRI,Costa Rica 58.265298,26.463551,3/5/2008 21:05,5,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,"Very small, very rapidly moving clouds sometimes towards the Orion. It doesn't affect limiting magnitude estimation.",Next to photometry telescope of Tartu Observatory,Just below Orion near horizon is light pollution from town Elva. Doorlight at Toravere weather station is visible through trees.,EST,Estonia 39.962088,-75.615098,3/1/2008 23:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 9.979999,-84.289999,3/2/2008 19:30,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,CRI,Costa Rica 26.858100,80.999999,3/5/2008 23:30,4,-9999.00,clear,"Sky is pretty clear, although near the horizon ou can not see anyhing because of the orangish hue of the street lights.",I am in the main residential colony of Lucknow city.,,IND,India 47.840001,-122.320000,3/4/2008 19:47,3,-9999.00,clear,,I went to a big open area that had all of the tall trees cut down. i was able to see a lot of stars.,i love astronomy and looking at the stars.,USA,United States 49.745231,17.816890,3/5/2008 20:37,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,CZE,Czech Republic 41.566663,1.633330,3/5/2008 20:38,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,ESP,Spain 51.216658,-0.333330,3/5/2008 19:39,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,100% cloud,,,GBR,United Kingdom 37.431721,-81.572895,3/4/2008 22:05,-9999,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,MVMS/ca,,USA,United States 41.720759,1.845690,3/5/2008 20:30,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,ESP,Spain 59.466161,24.836110,3/5/2008 21:40,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,EST,Estonia 46.171638,21.354370,2/25/2008 21:40,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,"clouds covert the sky, but Orion was OK",,"student from ""SABIN DRAGOI"" ART HIGHSCOOL ARAD ROMANIA",ROM,Romania 46.183622,21.323960,2/25/2008 21:15,4,-9999.00,clear,,NEAR OUR SCHOOL,"STUDENT FROM ""SABIN DRAGOI"" ART HIGH SCHOOL ARAD ROMANIA",ROM,Romania 46.210348,21.277639,2/26/2008 19:55,6,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,WONDERFULL,,"STUDENT FROM ""SABIN DRAGOI"" ART HIGHSCHOOL ARAD ROMANIA",ROM,Romania 46.171638,21.354370,2/26/2008 20:24,5,-9999.00,clear,VERY NICE,,"STUDENT FROM ""SABIN DRAGOI"" ART HIGHSCOOL ARAD ROMANIA",ROM,Romania 46.183622,21.323960,2/26/2008 21:20,6,-9999.00,clear,WONDERFULL SKY,,"STUDENT FROM ""SABIN DRAGOI"" ART HIGHSCHOOL ARAD ROMANIA",ROM,Romania -26.200001,28.083001,3/5/2008 22:01,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,North Centre of Johannesburg,,ZAF,South Africa 46.192279,21.331060,2/26/2008 20:25,6,-9999.00,clear,MAGNIFIC !!!!!!!!!,,"STUDENT FROM ""SABIN DRAGOI"" ART HIGHSCHOOL ARAD ROMANIA",ROM,Romania 46.210348,21.277639,2/27/2008 21:45,3,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,UNFOURTUNATELY WAS COVER 1/2,,STUDENT FROM 'SABIN DRAGOI' ART HIGHSCHOOL ARAD ROMANIA,ROM,Romania 56.465642,9.403791,3/3/2008 19:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,DNK,Denmark 46.171638,21.354370,2/27/2008 20:05,-9999,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,"SORRY, BUT ORION WASN'T CLEAR",,STUDENTS FROM 'SABIN DRAGOI' ART HIGHSCHOOL ARAD ROMANIA,ROM,Romania 42.002078,-76.033331,2/26/2008 22:30,6,-9999.00,clear,,Kopernik Observatory; heavy snow cover.,,USA,United States 61.465460,23.784860,3/5/2008 20:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,FIN,Finland 32.411597,-111.009801,3/1/2008 21:53,5,-9999.00,clear,A little bit of haze to the south from Tucson light pollution.,,,USA,United States 46.183622,21.323960,2/27/2008 21:25,4,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,WE HAVE LUCK,,STUDENTS FROM 'SABIN DRAGOI' ART HIGHSCHOOL ARAD ROMANIA,ROM,Romania 32.433819,-110.973444,3/5/2008 19:30,5,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 46.192279,21.331060,2/27/2008 20:00,3,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,WE HAVE 15 MIN SEE ORION,,STUDENTS FROM 'SABIN DRAGOI' ART HIGHSCHOOL ARAD ROMANIA,ROM,Romania 42.883332,-8.550000,3/3/2008 21:00,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,ESP,Spain 38.972001,-95.235001,3/4/2008 21:25,5,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,"few clouds to east, none overhead, none in direction of Orion.","Inside city limits, porchlights and streetlights in direct view.",S&,USA,United States 40.494689,-75.527481,3/3/2008 20:25,4,-9999.00,clear,No moon.,Several street lights approximately 300 feet away sheiled from my view.,,USA,United States 34.007703,-118.469426,3/4/2008 21:30,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 49.251309,11.089460,3/5/2008 21:24,4,-9999.00,clear,"First clear sky in Bavaria since weeks. Not quite Mag 5, so I chose 4.",,GLOBE At Night is a great idea. It helps in raising consciousness about light pollution.,DEU,Germany 46.210348,21.277639,2/28/2008 19:40,5,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,WE HAVE FUN,,STUDENTS FROM 'SABIN DRAGOI' ART HIGHSCHOOL ARAD ROMANIA,ROM,Romania 46.171638,21.354370,2/28/2008 21:20,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,STUDENTS FROM 'SABIN DRAGOI' ART HIGHSCHOOL ARAD ROMANIA,ROM,Romania 46.183622,21.323960,2/28/2008 21:40,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,THE SKY WAS VERY VERY NICE,,STUDENTS FROM 'SABIN DRAGOI' ART HIGHSCHOOL ARAD ROMANIA,ROM,Romania 50.979999,4.040000,3/5/2008 21:25,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,orion was clear but in the west theire were some clouds,theire is light pollution of a city (6 kilometer further) where I see Orion but orion is situated just above the strongest pollution but not in a dark area as for example Auriga,I've chosen chart 4 but in the sword I could see 3 stars more like in chart 5 I also could see the shield more like in chart 5 but for the rest it's the same as chart 4,BEL,Belgium 32.235009,-110.956758,3/3/2008 20:43,3,-9999.00,clear,Sky appeared a little hazy,Outside of ILC on University of Arizona Campus,,USA,United States 46.192279,21.331060,2/28/2008 19:07,5,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,"WE HAVE LUCK, ORION WAS CLEAR",,STUDENTS FROM 'SABIN DRAGOI' ART HIGHSCHOOL ARAD ROMANIA,ROM,Romania 46.210348,21.277639,2/29/2008 21:35,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,"SORYY, BUT WE HAVE NO LUCK TODAY",,STUDENTS FROM 'SABIN DRAGOI' ART HIGHSCHOOL ARAD ROMANIA,ROM,Romania 59.290004,24.490000,3/5/2008 21:32,3,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,"It was quite cloudy, but the wind was strong so they moved quite quickly and I saw the sky nicely.","The location was a little bit bad, because it was basically at the road and the streetlights were disturbing. Especially when I tried to look to west or south. But it was also next to the sea - most of the stars were at the sea.","I didn't see 'Rigel' and the other star, because it (Orion) was too low and the lights from the other side of the bay were disturbing, also the clouds.",EST,Estonia 32.235009,-110.956758,3/4/2008 20:53,4,-9999.00,clear,Sky continued to seem a little hazy possibly from light pollution,At Steward Observatory located on the University of Arizona Campus,,USA,United States 46.171638,21.354370,2/29/2008 20:40,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,BAD LUCK,,STUDENTS FROM 'SABIN DRAGOI' ART HIGHSCHOOL ARAD ROMANIA,ROM,Romania 40.235261,-0.008340,3/4/2008 22:00,5,-9999.00,clear,dry and windy,country,,ESP,Spain 46.183622,21.323960,2/29/2008 21:55,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,WE HAVE NO LUCK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!,,STUDENTS FROM 'SABIN DRAGOI' ART HIGHSCHOOL ARAD ROMANIA,ROM,Romania 60.233362,24.905861,3/5/2008 22:35,4,-9999.00,clear,Some glow of city of Helsinki reflected from ice crystals. Transparency is quite good above Rigel.,A small (60 m x 30 m) clearing in a forest covered by 15 cm of snow. Location measured with a car navigator. A highway with shealded lights is about 300 meters to west. No harmful lights visible.,Weather forecasts say that there will be snowfalls on thursday 6 March 2008. Temperature was about -5 deg C.,FIN,Finland 58.397912,26.728239,3/5/2008 22:30,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,Few clouds which do not disturb observations. Definitely less than 1/4 of the sky is covered.,On the balcony (2nd floor) of my house at the edge of town. There are no streetlights more than 100 meters far away. In southern direction is centrum of the town Tartu.,Orion is now very low over the high trees of cemetary in SW direction. Light pollution is less severe than in S direction.,EST,Estonia 46.192279,21.331060,2/29/2008 22:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,NO COMMENT,,STUDENTS FROM 'SABIN DRAGOI' ART HIGHSCHOOL ARAD ROMANIA,ROM,Romania 46.210348,21.277639,3/1/2008 20:55,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,STUDENTS FROM 'SABIN DRAGOI'ART HIGHSCHOOL ARAD ROMANIA,ROM,Romania 46.171638,21.354370,3/1/2008 20:30,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,BAD DAY,,STUDENTS FROM 'SABIN DRAGOI' ART HIGHSCHOOL ARAD ROMANIA,ROM,Romania 49.007000,7.330000,3/5/2008 21:52,4,-9999.00,clear,,,Cold night around -03 Celsius,FRA,France 28.040001,-15.570000,3/5/2008 20:50,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,ESP,Spain 46.183622,21.323960,3/1/2008 21:15,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,STUDENTS FROM 'SABIN DRAGOI' ART HIGHSCHOOL ARAD ROMANIA,ROM,Romania 42.644102,-87.863799,3/4/2008 19:15,4,-9999.00,clear,A couple small clouds at the southeast but dod not obstruct view.,east of location were street lights behind trees. Southern horizon was dimly lit by city behind trees.,,USA,United States 46.192279,21.331060,3/1/2008 21:50,2,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,LUCKY ORION,,STUDENTS FROM 'SABIN DRAGOI' ART HIGHSCHOOL ARAD ROMANIA,ROM,Romania 51.011749,4.003550,3/5/2008 20:20,4,-9999.00,clear,,,Street light is the only disturbing light,BEL,Belgium 46.210348,21.277639,3/2/2008 22:00,2,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,"CLOUDS COVER THE SKY, BUT WE HAVE LUCK IN LAST 10 MIN",,STUDENTS FROM 'SABIN DRAGOI' ART HIGHSCHOOL ARA ROMANIA,ROM,Romania 41.848531,2.110740,3/5/2008 20:30,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,ESP,Spain 46.171638,21.354370,3/2/2008 21:20,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,STUDENTS FROM 'SABIN DRAGOI' ART HIGHSCHOOL ARAD ROMANIA,ROM,Romania 40.500221,-0.200000,3/5/2008 22:00,6,-9999.00,clear,dry and windy,country,,ESP,Spain 46.183622,21.323960,3/2/2008 18:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,STUDENTS FROM 'SABIN DRAGOI' ART HIGHSCHOOL ARAD ROMANIA,ROM,Romania 49.200001,2.533000,3/5/2008 20:30,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,FRA,France 46.192279,21.331060,3/2/2008 21:45,2,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,STUDENTS FROM 'SABIN DRAGOI' ART HIGHSCHOOL ARAD ROMANIA,ROM,Romania 46.210348,21.277639,3/3/2008 19:15,5,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,"FINALY, BETTER SKY",,STUDENTS FROM ' SABIN DRAGOI' ART HIGHSCHOOL ARAD ROMANIA,ROM,Romania 44.953331,26.030831,3/5/2008 21:45,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,to drizzle,,,ROM,Romania 42.141731,-70.772071,3/2/2008 19:15,4,-9999.00,clear,"There were a few clouds, but mostly clear.","I was at a farm in North Marshfield, Ma.",,USA,United States 46.171638,21.354370,3/3/2008 21:50,5,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,"WE HAVE LUCK, ORION IS WONDERFULL",,STUDENTS FROM 'SABIN DRAGOI' ART HIGHSCHOOL ARAD ROMANIA,ROM,Romania 46.183622,21.323960,3/3/2008 21:45,4,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,WE HAVE LUCK,,STUDENTS FROM 'SABIN DRAGOI' ART HIGHSCHOOL ARAD ROMANIA,ROM,Romania 46.192279,21.331060,3/3/2008 20:15,5,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,WE HAVE THE CLEAR 1/2 FROM THE SKY,,STUDENTS FROM ' SABIN DRAGOI' ART HIGHSCHOOL ARAD ROMANIA,ROM,Romania 46.171638,21.354370,3/4/2008 20:45,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,NO OBSERVATION,,STUDENTS FROM ' SABIN DRAGOI' ART HIGHSCHOOL ARAD ROMANIA,ROM,Romania 46.210348,21.277639,3/4/2008 20:40,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,RAINING,,STUDENTS FROM ' SABIN DRAGOI' ART HIGHSCHOOL ARAD ROMANIA,ROM,Romania -37.537999,145.654085,3/5/2008 23:15,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,AUS,Australia 46.183622,21.323960,3/4/2008 22:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,RAINING,,STUDENTS FROM ' SABIN DRAGOI' ART HIGHSCHOOL ARAD ROMANIA,ROM,Romania 41.042532,-81.494245,3/5/2008 18:00,2,-9999.00,clear,kane,i luv amber,kaqn,USA,United States 46.192279,21.331060,3/4/2008 22:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,RAIN,,STUDENTS FROM ' SABIN DRAGOI' ART HIGHSCHOOL ARAD ROMANIA,ROM,Romania -34.436250,138.309814,3/5/2008 22:15,7,-9999.00,clear,Perfect and still,,Totally dark apart from a few isolated lights along distant highway,AUS,Australia 48.095101,11.631300,3/5/2008 12:50,5,-9999.00,clear,,,Residential area 13Km away from Munich center. Some street lamps around.,DEU,Germany 46.775830,7.137500,3/5/2008 21:30,5,-9999.00,clear,,Light at neighbours house,,CHE,Switzerland 32.134998,-84.804845,3/4/2008 20:10,5,-9999.00,clear,It was just a very beautiful night time sky.,,,USA,United States 32.339218,-110.975739,3/4/2008 21:45,4,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,Quite cloudy so it was a little difficult to see but it seemed most likely to be this.,"My house, far north almost at the base of the mountain",,USA,United States 32.420449,-110.998094,3/3/2008 21:20,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 9.936800,-84.045286,3/4/2008 18:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,CRI,Costa Rica 32.132010,-111.128079,3/4/2008 23:55,4,-9999.00,clear,"Star of Orion was on the southwestern sky, there were a few clowds , not many but overall pretty clear.",,,USA,United States 39.382499,22.253000,3/2/2008 21:30,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,GRC,Greece 39.871400,-105.072604,2/29/2008 19:30,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,There was some cloud cover that night but for the most part it was clear.,"I used an area that was in the middle of a housing development, but I went into a field close by that had no street lights around it. This was as far from city lights I could get.",,USA,United States 38.484619,-77.182374,3/2/2008 21:00,5,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,S&,USA,United States 32.231601,-110.949531,3/4/2008 20:05,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.197368,-110.893722,3/3/2008 22:00,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 32.231601,-110.949531,3/2/2008 19:30,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.231601,-110.949531,3/1/2008 20:10,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.231601,-110.949531,2/29/2008 19:40,2,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 49.203788,-122.943514,3/4/2008 20:00,3,-9999.00,clear,Light pollution from industrial site across river and greenhouses to southwest,Quite clear with very light broken haze to east,,CAN,Canada 51.823739,6.738630,3/5/2008 20:15,5,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,thin bands of clouds across the sky,just (approx. 1 km) outside the city of Rhede,"the limiting magnitude was 5.5, actually!",DEU,Germany 32.230000,-110.960002,3/1/2008 20:40,2,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 37.425332,-81.506888,3/4/2008 19:46,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,it was cloudy and windy to see,MVHS/MG,,USA,United States 32.255562,-110.930496,3/4/2008 21:30,5,-9999.00,clear,,There was some light just outside of my location that may have harmed my view but it was a fairly dark and clear night.,,USA,United States 38.543201,-90.466798,2/29/2008 18:15,3,-9999.00,clear,,Near a major highway and a major car factory,,USA,United States 51.836061,6.683280,3/5/2008 21:00,5,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,thin bands of clouds across the sky,"observing from my backyard in a residential area on the outskirts of the city of Rhede, Germany (20,000 residents)","the limiting magnitude was 5.5, actually!",DEU,Germany 38.488099,-90.454203,3/2/2008 20:22,2,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,Very cloudy with only a few visible patches of sky,Streetlight 100 yards away in plain sight,,USA,United States 38.487440,-90.455911,2/29/2008 19:09,4,-9999.00,clear,,"Single street light 30 feet away in plain sight, also very close to a major shopping plaza",,USA,United States 39.453160,-80.134272,3/5/2008 19:00,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,"The sky was failry hazy yet fairly visible. It was a brilliant light blue at first and then slowly turned darker where Orion was just barely visible, yet distinguished.",I live in a very rural area. We are only closely surrounded by one house not in use. Forests lie on both sides of our house.,,USA,United States 35.910000,-78.650004,3/3/2008 19:22,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,Patches of clouds.,In a cul-de-sac with two street lights.,none.,USA,United States 36.786900,-76.136802,3/5/2008 19:10,4,18.84,clear,,,,USA,United States 35.787459,-78.642190,3/5/2008 20:22,5,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States -12.110000,-77.010000,3/5/2008 19:20,1,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,Dispersed clouds,Observation made from my garden,Glad to help,PER,Peru 37.471070,-81.663162,3/5/2008 19:25,-9999,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,MVMS/AR,,USA,United States 35.868271,-78.663999,3/5/2008 19:30,4,-9999.00,clear,"A tiny cloud cover, but not enough to say 1/4.",,"IO could see Orion easily, but the other stars were not as easy to spot.",USA,United States 42.322499,-85.267057,3/5/2008 19:30,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,Completely covered. May clear up later tonight.,On duty at the office., SC124 C001 Fall 07 Juan Gonzales,USA,United States 39.662492,-78.931647,3/5/2008 19:43,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,cloudy,,,USA,United States 39.790001,-78.650004,3/5/2008 19:18,4,-9999.00,clear,Clear sky. Hardly any clouds,southwest part of the sky,,USA,United States 35.904481,-78.648535,3/5/2008 19:29,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 30.412001,-91.179002,2/27/2008 19:30,4,-9999.00,clear,,LSU Campus,,USA,United States 30.412001,-91.179002,2/27/2008 20:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 37.418201,-81.429918,3/5/2008 20:51,1,-9999.00,clear,i coud not see no stars and it was black,,,USA,United States 33.459720,-82.211709,3/5/2008 18:00,5,-9999.00,clear,clear sky,local neighborhood, SC124 C001 Fall 07Lindsey Green,USA,United States 33.459782,-82.211408,3/5/2008 19:50,5,-9999.00,clear,clear sky,local neighborhood, SC124 C001 Fall 07Lindsey Green,USA,United States 41.429957,-70.578742,3/5/2008 19:47,4,-9999.00,clear,perfectly clear,,,USA,United States 33.439998,-84.460002,3/5/2008 19:52,4,-9999.00,clear,Unusually clear - low humidity/temperature for this locality,Small street light 20 m away from house. we stood behind a truck to shelter from its light,My eight-yr-old grandson and I made this observation. I promised to take him to the desert some day so he can see lots of stars at once.,USA,United States 39.369999,-76.620003,3/3/2008 20:30,4,-9999.00,clear,,15 minutes outside of Baltimore.,,USA,United States 32.417123,-111.008032,3/4/2008 20:45,3,-9999.00,clear,It is very clear,Lots of lights,I liked this project,USA,United States 32.438331,-111.000409,2/25/2008 20:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.268638,-110.893968,3/4/2008 20:25,3,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 39.792709,-77.047867,3/3/2008 21:10,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 35.899683,-78.684380,3/5/2008 19:24,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 30.412001,-90.179001,2/27/2008 19:30,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 37.344770,-81.445293,3/5/2008 20:21,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States -34.496311,-58.518493,2/28/2008 20:52,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,El cielo se encuentra totalmente cubierto y lloviendo intensamente.,"A 40 m aproximadamente, hay dos faroles de iluminaci?n de la calle que se encuentra bloqueado de mi vista.",,ARG,Argentina 40.250001,-74.789998,3/5/2008 20:15,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 35.952500,-78.699058,3/5/2008 20:15,4,-9999.00,clear,Totally clear sky,"North Raleigh, NC USA",,USA,United States 41.698028,-77.376700,3/5/2008 20:00,4,-9999.00,clear,Blue-black. Not as black as I have seen it other times.,,,USA,United States 32.229149,-110.958807,2/29/2008 20:00,5,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,Sky is somewhat cloudy.,Outside of my dorm,,USA,United States 35.847001,-78.639998,3/5/2008 20:20,3,-9999.00,clear,,Street 25 feet away.,,USA,United States 34.184830,-79.870859,3/5/2008 20:18,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 39.407360,-76.650111,3/5/2008 23:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 41.930002,-89.082476,3/5/2008 19:15,1,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,"Due to not being able to get away from the campus Lights here at Northern Illinois University, I was not able to see many stars due to light pollution. I also was not able to see many stars due to the cloudy atmosphere itself.","DeKalb, Illinois. Northern Illinois University",,USA,United States 34.201510,-79.778344,3/5/2008 20:18,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 41.809009,-76.839997,3/5/2008 20:28,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 38.546712,-76.820251,3/5/2008 18:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,,S&,USA,United States 32.229149,-110.958807,2/29/2008 20:00,5,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,Partially cloudy,Outside my dorm,,USA,United States 40.090000,-77.330002,3/5/2008 20:33,2,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.229149,-110.958807,3/1/2008 19:00,4,-9999.00,clear,Mostly clear outside,outside my dorm,,USA,United States 37.366049,-81.551844,3/5/2008 20:36,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,I could not see orion because it threatend to rain since this evening.,MVMS/KC I could not see any stars because it is cloudy.,,USA,United States 32.229149,-110.958807,3/2/2008 20:00,5,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,somewhat cloudy,outside my dorm,,USA,United States -38.310002,143.949993,3/4/2008 20:56,7,-9999.00,clear,,I observed on a farm,,AUS,Australia 32.229149,-110.958807,3/3/2008 20:00,6,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,Not very cloudy outside,outside my dorm,,USA,United States 37.223708,-76.531245,3/5/2008 19:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,,S & T newsletter,USA,United States -38.160001,144.339997,3/3/2008 21:30,4,-9999.00,clear,,20m from a street lamp,,AUS,Australia 32.229149,-110.958807,3/4/2008 19:30,5,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,somewhat cloudy,outside my dorm,,USA,United States -37.817583,144.820842,3/3/2008 21:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,cloudy,it was cloudy,cloudy,AUS,Australia 35.246539,-84.876220,3/5/2008 20:45,4,19.91,clear,,,,USA,United States -38.110000,144.300000,3/5/2008 22:00,4,-9999.00,clear,Really clear.,There is one streetlight in front of our house.,,AUS,Australia 37.421729,-81.442861,3/5/2008 20:50,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,"can't see any stars, cloudy",Keystone W.Va.,,USA,United States 42.544999,-87.835700,3/3/2008 22:00,2,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,gas station with lights 30 m away but shielded from view,,USA,United States -36.644952,144.820842,3/5/2008 21:03,4,-9999.00,clear,Cold and clear,Lots of trees,,AUS,Australia -37.231269,145.407160,3/5/2008 21:30,6,-9999.00,clear,clear,house,,AUS,Australia -38.150001,144.339997,3/4/2008 21:38,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,AUS,Australia 45.377233,-75.721779,3/5/2008 20:28,4,-9999.00,clear,"Very clear, no clouds. Moon wasn't visible which made the sky much darker.","Standing in a farm field, not a lot of city light except for street lamps roughly 400m away.",,CAN,Canada 41.661941,-73.917127,3/5/2008 20:30,4,-9999.00,clear,This is about as good as the sky gets from here,,I am trying to get my students to contribute. We'll see.,USA,United States 38.804999,-77.247001,3/5/2008 20:35,5,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,"The sky was a dark gray with a few long, thin clouds.",,"Some of the dim stars on the magnitude 5 chart were strongly visible, some faintly visible, and some not really visible, but this is the chart that corresponded most accurately to the sky.",USA,United States 39.369999,-76.680000,3/5/2008 20:55,6,-9999.00,clear,sky was cloudy but not high in the sky,,,USA,United States 30.345769,-91.072110,3/5/2008 20:03,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.274522,-110.951983,3/4/2008 18:00,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 36.034381,-83.967873,3/5/2008 21:00,4,-9999.00,clear,Beautiful clear night tonight. Better than average transparency and seeing,,Think I'll get my telescope out,USA,United States 37.471070,-81.663162,3/5/2008 19:40,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,IT HAS BEEN RAINING,MVMS/BNA,,USA,United States 42.212219,-76.826378,3/5/2008 20:40,5,-9999.00,clear,"Unusually clear, absent a very high level, thin haze that has been very persistently since approx 1999.","Rural. City of 30,000 approximately 10 miles due south. Large centralized commercial (""consumer"") devlopment w/most extensive lighting in 50 mile radius approximately 5 miles south-south west. At time of observation Orion approx 40 degrees directly above","I was a commercial pilot in a past life, i.e. my eyes have been subject of much scrutiny. I have unusually good night and distant vision. I've been an amateur/naked eye astronomer since childhood. I can see to 8th magnitude under ideal circumstances.I wa",USA,United States 37.423242,-81.010422,3/2/2008 20:30,4,-9999.00,clear,"It is an extremely clear night with numerous stars visible. They actually seem to be brighter than usual, because of how clear it is.","I am in a fairly rural town, with a population with only about 1,200 so there isn't too much light pollution, but still some. I am also on a college campus, so there is a bit of light pollution from the lights there.",,USA,United States 35.875210,-81.064565,3/5/2008 21:10,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 42.583631,-114.470323,3/4/2008 20:22,4,-9999.00,clear,Very good seeing.,"Centennial (public) Observatory on campus of College of S. Idaho, east of a parking lot with unshielded lights.","Estimated magnitude actually between 4 and 5: In Orion's belt region I could see Alnitak, Alnilam, Mintaka, 48 Sigma, and 31 (mag. 4.71) but not HD 37756 (mag. 4.95), even with averted vision.",USA,United States 38.976741,-76.950175,3/5/2008 21:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,Our observation was 3+ or 4- Closer to 4 so we picked 4.,USA,United States 40.580001,-74.319999,3/5/2008 21:10,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States -38.150001,144.339997,3/3/2008 18:00,4,-9999.00,clear,skys hot,,,AUS,Australia 39.003000,-76.959689,3/5/2008 20:40,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 39.083080,-78.210440,3/5/2008 19:47,-9999,18.63,clear,Sky crystal clear,,,USA,United States 32.119999,-110.929997,2/25/2008 20:00,2,-9999.00,clear,,On top of a parking structure,,USA,United States 38.169996,-77.190003,3/5/2008 21:20,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States -12.080000,-76.970003,3/1/2008 22:30,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,"The clouds covered all the horizon. Fairly high sky and zenith was clear. Normally, the sky in Lima is cloudy. It was possible to be seen the air traffic.",,,PER,Peru 30.352739,-91.092280,3/5/2008 20:20,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 39.539682,-77.923156,3/5/2008 21:24,5,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,"There are some clouds that cover Orion and other stars, but the stars I can see are crystal clear. Very hit and miss tonight in WV.",,I am from,USA,United States 32.426869,-110.992801,3/5/2008 19:23,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,I could tell more stars were there but you couldn't see them,at home in back yard,,USA,United States 39.260149,-76.744408,3/5/2008 20:30,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 44.909908,-93.195390,3/5/2008 19:30,3,-9999.00,clear,"clear, no clouds","various street lamps, few building lights in background, away from city lights, next to Mississippi River","I could see Orion clearly, but not as good as I imagined from that location for it being a clear night sky.",USA,United States 44.946511,-93.110061,3/5/2008 19:30,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 37.299001,-81.225996,3/5/2008 21:45,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,very cloudy.,my house.,,USA,United States 40.459899,-74.476895,3/5/2008 21:30,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 33.394000,-112.172996,3/5/2008 19:30,2,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.229409,-110.951014,3/5/2008 19:10,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 38.807882,-77.249078,3/5/2008 21:30,4,-9999.00,clear,,I looked from my driveway so there was a certain amount of light pollution from the neighborhood and nearby roads.,"I was surprised at the number of stars I could view from my house. Since I live in a fairly well-populated suburb, I expected my observations to yield about a magnitude 2 sky.",USA,United States 41.601630,-74.163546,3/5/2008 21:22,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,Clouds were observed towards the end of my fifteen minute observation.,"This is a dark, minimally lighted location on a field in the outskirts of Wallkill.",This was very cool. I was able to get a great view of Betelgeuse!,USA,United States 45.089999,-93.129998,3/5/2008 20:37,5,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 43.001150,-76.198533,3/5/2008 21:30,4,-9999.00,clear,during the time viewing no cloud covered observation region,"mostly clear skies, wind W at 10-15, humidity 74%, temperature 26Fsheltered from street lights and property lighting",not quite a full 4.0 but closer to 3.8 I would guess,USA,United States 32.231799,-110.951751,3/5/2008 19:10,4,-9999.00,clear,it was cloudy during the day but did not seem very cloudy at night.,"University of Arizona officially the address 1420 E 5th Street Tucson, AZ at the dorms",,USA,United States 33.050548,-97.751666,3/5/2008 20:22,6,-9999.00,clear,,farm in the country,,USA,United States 32.438802,-110.968936,3/3/2008 19:30,4,-9999.00,clear,,On my porch,,USA,United States 42.279998,-77.250000,3/5/2008 21:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 42.259999,-75.760001,3/4/2008 20:45,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 32.438802,-110.968936,3/4/2008 19:40,3,-9999.00,clear,,my porch,,USA,United States 32.197368,-110.893722,3/5/2008 18:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 42.259999,-75.760001,3/5/2008 21:40,6,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 33.623331,-112.019720,3/5/2008 19:45,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.229180,-110.950993,3/4/2008 20:30,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,There were few hazy clouds dimming the sky,,,USA,United States 32.316661,-111.066676,3/5/2008 19:35,4,-9999.00,clear,Transperancy- Good - very slight twinkling.,Sports park lights are all off tonight across the Santa Cruz river two miles east.,,USA,United States 32.230000,-110.929997,3/5/2008 19:50,4,-9999.00,clear,,In Tucson located at condo 9 blocks East of University of Arizona.,,USA,United States 46.225091,-119.187921,3/5/2008 18:45,5,-9999.00,clear,,It has been an exceptionally clear and sunny day. The atmosphere was still and no dirt could been seen or felt in the air. Yesterday any viewing was through a dust cloud.,,USA,United States 32.280000,-110.940003,2/27/2008 20:51,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.229180,-110.950993,3/5/2008 19:30,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 32.286308,-110.826636,3/5/2008 19:51,4,18.64,clear,,,,USA,United States 38.746939,-104.725829,3/5/2008 19:51,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,Very Cloudy with snow possible,,,USA,United States 32.229067,-110.961648,3/5/2008 19:50,3,-9999.00,clear,,"Backyard at 612 E. 5th Street, Tucson, AZ 85705",,USA,United States 41.188018,-96.026101,3/5/2008 20:50,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,"I stood in my backyard and saw Orion instantly. Though there were lights around me, Orion was easily spotted.",In my backyard with at least 30% of lights.,,USA,United States 32.000000,-109.999999,3/5/2008 19:30,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 61.519999,-149.640005,3/5/2008 22:30,7,-9999.00,clear,Sky has purple-ish haze towards anchorage.,No street lights within 2 miles of my house. Only some light from indoor windows.,"Really cold, crisp, and clear. Windy",USA,United States 32.229180,-110.950993,3/4/2008 19:30,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.405710,-111.008524,3/5/2008 19:22,3,-9999.00,clear,"It was very clear out tonight, and I had no trouble viewing Orion. The sky was very pretty, and I don't really know why the sky wasn't a magnitude 4 or so because there are not many lights in our neighborhood that would ruin our night vision or view of t","My location is in a very nice neighborhood. We don't have many very bright lights to mess up the night sky and ruin our night view. This makes our view of the night sky more enjoyable than if we had a lot of bright lights. This way, we can see the stars",The typing thing on this is very messed up because it doesnt always make all the letters and i have to keep reapeting them and goig back so coul you please fix itit is very annoying and by he way exuse themistake please i amtypin this without making any,USA,United States 30.079839,-95.427790,3/5/2008 19:26,3,-9999.00,clear,very clear,Carl Wunsche Sr. High School,,USA,United States 37.344770,-81.445293,3/5/2008 22:06,1,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,MVMS/T.W.,,USA,United States 30.053550,-95.431130,3/5/2008 19:40,2,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 35.916359,-81.199720,3/5/2008 21:58,5,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,Cold 36.5' no windThin clouds but not obscuring stars,Security light in trees across street some 50 yardsOrion was directly over the tree,,USA,United States 41.187980,-96.026121,3/5/2008 20:50,3,-9999.00,clear,"Saw some clouds, but mostly clear. Orion was easily spotted within seconds.",In my backyard with at least 30% lighting.,,USA,United States 30.067671,-95.365055,3/5/2008 20:12,5,-9999.00,clear,clearest we recorded out of 4 locations,,,USA,United States 30.045531,-95.353020,3/5/2008 20:38,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 30.412220,-86.819163,2/26/2008 18:47,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 30.079839,-95.427790,3/5/2008 19:27,3,-9999.00,clear,,Carl Wunsche High School,,USA,United States 32.231570,-110.757248,3/5/2008 19:21,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 30.083551,-95.431130,3/5/2008 19:40,2,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 37.065029,-120.837316,3/5/2008 19:08,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 30.045531,-95.305024,3/5/2008 20:38,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 44.948911,-93.154279,3/5/2008 21:10,3,-9999.00,clear,Very clear night,"It was located South/Southwest in the sky, about half way up from the horizon.",,USA,United States 33.973573,-118.370020,3/5/2008 19:20,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.460611,-110.959449,3/5/2008 20:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 35.431740,-106.210869,3/5/2008 20:10,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,very cloudy,Security light to the Norht of my view,,USA,United States 37.431721,-81.572895,2/29/2008 18:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,mvhs,,USA,United States 40.002178,-76.596555,3/5/2008 20:00,6,-9999.00,clear,over head more stars than closer to horizon,Went to Barshinger Soccer Fields there is only on spot light there.,I thank my teacher Gregory Dolise for this assignment,USA,United States 52.133331,-106.666654,3/5/2008 21:10,-9999,18.01,clear,faint aurora,,,CAN,Canada 37.431721,-81.572895,3/1/2008 21:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,mvhs,,USA,United States 36.250000,-115.139996,3/5/2008 19:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 44.948911,-93.154279,3/5/2008 21:10,3,-9999.00,clear,"The sky was perfect for an observation, no clouds in sight.","Orion was located about 45 degrees above the horizon, in a South-Southwesterly direction.",,USA,United States 38.960000,-94.690000,3/5/2008 21:19,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,cloudy,,,USA,United States 37.431721,-81.572895,3/3/2008 12:00,7,-9999.00,clear,,mvhs,,USA,United States 38.495349,-92.026451,3/5/2008 19:40,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 37.431721,-81.572895,3/4/2008 12:00,6,-9999.00,clear,,mvhs,,USA,United States 47.759299,-117.420418,3/5/2008 19:15,4,-9999.00,clear,"Beautiful clear, cold night",Several neighbors had porch lights on that we attempted to block out by putting a bush in the line of sight.,,USA,United States 39.076871,-78.194253,3/5/2008 22:01,-9999,19.42,clear,,"Just North West of Sherando High School parking lot, Stephens City, Va. 22655",,USA,United States 38.960000,-94.690000,3/5/2008 21:19,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 32.380001,-111.129999,3/5/2008 20:15,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 39.077141,-78.183372,3/5/2008 21:45,-9999,19.62,clear,,"Sherando Park, Stephens City, Va., 22655",,USA,United States 32.160000,-111.029998,3/4/2008 20:34,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 29.564061,-95.357241,3/5/2008 20:46,2,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,There is a whole bunch of scattered clouds everywhere so you cannot get a very clear look of the stars.,,,USA,United States 37.986999,-122.084003,3/5/2008 19:30,4,-9999.00,clear,,Backyard at home,,USA,United States 34.150000,-118.150006,3/5/2008 19:12,3,-9999.00,clear,When I went outside it took me less than a minute to find Orions Belt. When I did I was able to find the Betelgeuse and the Rigel too. It was a perfect night becsause the sky was so clear and dark.,"This is in Glendora, CA. I was looking right outside my home.",,USA,United States 48.497690,-122.687273,3/5/2008 19:30,6,-9999.00,clear,Perfect night for seeing the stars. No clouds and no fog.,,I was able to see a satelite and planes.,USA,United States 32.160000,-111.029998,3/5/2008 20:10,3,-9999.00,clear,hazy,,,USA,United States 32.222490,-110.947537,3/5/2008 20:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 40.158370,-79.934052,3/5/2008 20:30,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 41.909481,-87.678804,3/1/2008 21:15,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,It was cloudy that day/too much light pollution!,,Cole Goldenberg-Latin School of Chicago. Go physics! Mr. Erickson's A block class!,USA,United States 40.202750,-79.930350,3/5/2008 22:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 47.180549,-122.438599,3/5/2008 19:45,5,-9999.00,clear,slight haze,street light and neighbors porch lights,,USA,United States 30.077940,-95.427428,3/5/2008 19:26,3,-9999.00,clear,slightly smoogy haze,,Cold and Windy!,USA,United States 40.113920,-88.275769,3/2/2008 20:00,1,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,"It was a bit cloudy, but I got some friends to help me look and I think we saw the belt.",,Cole Goldenberg. Mr. Erickson's Physics Class from The Latin School of Chicago,USA,United States 32.606941,-84.937220,3/5/2008 21:45,2,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 30.053550,-95.365854,3/5/2008 19:46,2,-9999.00,clear,Slight smoogy haze,,,USA,United States 35.698329,-78.963605,3/5/2008 22:00,5,-9999.00,clear,"Clear, Seeing average (5 -6).","Farm land, mostly wooded with scattered clearings. Rather bright light pollution From NE to SE of location, up to 25 degrees above horizon. 4 pole mounted yard lights within 200 yards, lightly shielded through trees.",,USA,United States 30.067671,-95.365854,3/5/2008 20:12,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 30.045531,-95.353020,3/5/2008 20:39,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.229149,-110.958807,3/5/2008 20:40,1,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 32.216998,-110.970999,3/5/2008 20:53,4,-9999.00,clear,"There was a very dimly lit star next to Orion, not sure if I saw it or not though.",,,USA,United States 32.430001,-110.980001,3/5/2008 20:49,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.606941,-84.937220,3/5/2008 18:00,2,-9999.00,clear,,,Sara Mayes,USA,United States 40.635138,-73.970061,3/5/2008 22:00,3,-9999.00,clear,Beautifully clear and crisp.,40.64 (40 degrees and 38 minutes) | -73.97 (-73degrees 58 minutes),"I could see all three stars in the belt, although that's about it.",USA,United States 32.351768,-110.990110,3/5/2008 20:04,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 30.000619,-95.691428,3/5/2008 21:43,4,-9999.00,clear,neighbors had on their lights and their were also street lights on,,,USA,United States 40.384361,-105.525466,3/5/2008 20:42,5,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,"On the eye touch map, in Estes Park, near chapin ln there is a road named ""Chaplin"" which does not actually exsist.",USA,United States 34.837349,-86.474532,3/5/2008 21:52,5,-9999.00,clear,"high wispy clouds earlier, so might have been some","Orion was in the Southwestern sky at this time, which is the same direction as downtown Huntsville. It is darker in all other directions.","you should mention to folks to wait at least a few minutes (30 minutes is better) after they get outside before viewing, so their eyes can adjust.",USA,United States 32.249998,-110.960002,3/5/2008 20:53,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 39.471001,-76.803005,3/5/2008 21:50,5,-9999.00,clear,Light haze overhead.,"School athletic field. No direct light interference, but lights in parking lot and streetlights on nearby streets. Suburban Baltimore location.",,USA,United States 32.228958,-110.950829,3/2/2008 20:47,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 47.582940,-122.169435,3/5/2008 19:30,3,-9999.00,clear,,Urban area-- very hard to get away from lights. It was bright enough to view the magnitude charts where I was.,,USA,United States 40.608941,-73.930459,3/5/2008 20:30,3,-9999.00,clear,"Clear Sky. I saw the belt of orion, sirious and rigel.",,,USA,United States 32.413899,-111.002889,3/5/2008 21:00,2,-9999.00,clear,,Street lights were on.,,USA,United States 49.203788,-122.943514,3/5/2008 20:00,3,-9999.00,clear,"clear and steady very light high haze, slight twinkling of stars",urban location with light pollution to south and west,,CAN,Canada 32.367631,-110.969141,3/5/2008 21:04,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 37.431721,-81.572895,3/5/2008 22:35,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,it had been raining today and so it was very cloudy tonight,MVMS/AM- there is a street light infront of my house,,USA,United States 32.000000,-109.999999,2/26/2008 20:22,3,-9999.00,clear,The stars of orion were quite bright. There were not a lot of other stars around it.,,,USA,United States 40.609009,-73.930398,3/4/2008 20:30,-9999,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,I could not see Orion today. The sky was cloudy.,,,USA,United States 31.243621,-97.471232,3/5/2008 19:27,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.228958,-110.950829,3/5/2008 21:15,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.000000,-109.999999,3/2/2008 20:02,5,-9999.00,clear,There was a good amount of stars in the sky on this night.,,,USA,United States 38.682520,-121.075622,3/5/2008 20:13,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.000000,-109.999999,3/3/2008 20:10,4,-9999.00,clear,There didn't seem to be as many stars in the sky as the previous night.,,,USA,United States 32.285590,-110.958643,3/5/2008 21:11,2,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,it looks really clear out but i can only see the prominant stars on orion.,"Tucson, Arizona",,USA,United States 33.398409,-84.548719,3/5/2008 23:00,5,-9999.00,clear,very clear,,"sky viewed from by back yard, a wooded area. my home blocked the street lights from immediate view, though some house lights were on",USA,United States 41.801560,-71.816625,3/5/2008 23:12,7,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States -34.985619,-71.246939,3/5/2008 21:24,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,CHL,Chile 32.270001,-110.970001,3/5/2008 20:45,4,-9999.00,clear,"The sky was really clear, I couldn't see any clouds",I went relatively out of the city and although I could see many stars the night sky was still effected by the lights.,"beautiful, if it hadn't been so windy I would've observed for a longer time.",USA,United States 32.220038,-111.028318,3/5/2008 21:24,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 42.578658,-114.770100,3/5/2008 21:00,7,-9999.00,clear,All stars visible - lights from Buhl and Twin Falls also visible.,"1.3 miles south of Buhl, Idaho -21 miles west of Twin Falls, Idaho",,USA,United States 41.903501,-88.973937,3/6/2008 20:45,4,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,It was partly cloudy,Where i was standing was in the back of my apartment. the closest street light was about a block away from where i was standing.,"at first it was not that cloudy the eralier i went out, but the later i went out around 845 ish and adjusted my eyes to the night sky i was able to find Orion.",USA,United States 32.295160,-111.070036,3/5/2008 21:00,5,-9999.00,clear,"No clouds, but relatively moderate light pollution",Out of city near the city limits,,USA,United States 39.083329,-76.650002,3/5/2008 22:00,4,18.79,clear,"still air, good transparency 5 deg. Celsius",semi-rural,,USA,United States -25.750829,28.293610,3/3/2008 20:30,3,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,Clouds reflect a lot of light between them,ZAF,South Africa 30.010000,-91.820002,3/5/2008 21:20,3,-9999.00,clear,,"Main Street, New Iberia, LA, several cobra head high pressure sodium streetlights in sight. Closest light about 50 feet away. Site used for telescope viewings during local art walks.",,USA,United States 39.386569,-76.736656,3/5/2008 22:15,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.413848,-110.965289,3/5/2008 21:39,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.170000,-110.899999,3/5/2008 21:43,2,-9999.00,clear,Sky was clear and visible for the most part,Very well lit area,,USA,United States 34.366698,-119.065456,3/4/2008 20:25,5,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,Light hazy clouds to the east and visible contrails.,Parking lot on a hill overlooking a well-lit valley.,,USA,United States 30.010000,-91.749999,3/5/2008 21:35,5,-9999.00,clear,,"Rural park. A few lights a few hundred feet away, but little glare.",,USA,United States -25.718879,28.390550,3/5/2008 21:45,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,ZAF,South Africa 34.121959,-117.546244,3/5/2008 20:15,3,-9999.00,clear,Some haze,,,USA,United States 30.060001,-91.740000,3/5/2008 21:48,5,-9999.00,clear,,"Parking lot of a small library branch in the small town of Loreauville, LA. House lights nearby, some interior lighting visible from inside the library. Mercury vapor streetlights blocked from direct view.",,USA,United States 29.960000,-91.820002,3/5/2008 22:05,6,-9999.00,clear,,"Rural LSU Agricultural Reearch Station between New Iberia and Jeanerette, LA. Few direct lights of any sort.",,USA,United States 40.655000,-73.938498,3/5/2008 18:30,1,-9999.00,clear,,"BayRidge Brooklyn, New York",,USA,United States 45.499998,-122.460005,3/5/2008 21:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.229409,-110.951014,3/5/2008 21:50,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.233879,-110.956758,3/5/2008 21:45,3,-9999.00,clear,"Can see a pretty good amount of starts, but not as many as some of the charts above.","Observed from outside, in the front of my dorm building.",,USA,United States 25.975380,-97.521632,3/3/2008 19:30,3,-9999.00,clear,,neighborhood with many streetlights...mercury,,MEX,Mexico 32.233879,-110.956758,3/5/2008 21:45,3,-9999.00,clear,"Can see a pretty good amount of stars, but not as many as some of the charts above.","Observed from outside, in the front of my dorm building.",,USA,United States 32.234852,-110.951697,3/5/2008 20:00,2,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.229327,-110.951014,3/5/2008 21:30,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 32.229320,-110.951014,3/5/2008 21:23,3,-9999.00,clear,the constellation orion seems to have remained the same throughout my six night observations,outside on the second floor balcony,,USA,United States 32.230399,-110.950399,3/5/2008 21:45,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 48.511859,-122.631525,3/5/2008 20:52,7,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 37.280047,-122.119356,3/5/2008 21:00,5,-9999.00,clear,"Nice clear night, could see most of the mag 5 stars.",,,USA,United States 32.000000,-109.999999,3/5/2008 22:05,3,-9999.00,clear,"Little hazy, there were a lot of clouds out today",,,USA,United States 39.171251,-108.605691,3/5/2008 20:46,5,20.54,clear,,,,USA,United States 45.584420,-122.838316,3/5/2008 19:05,3,-9999.00,clear,Orion was south of my location. Couldn't see many small stars and colors seemed too similar to distinguish differeces.,,,USA,United States 39.159162,-108.626775,3/5/2008 20:52,5,20.63,clear,,,,USA,United States 39.136581,-108.652751,3/5/2008 20:58,5,20.45,clear,,,,USA,United States 39.151908,-108.734644,3/5/2008 21:19,5,19.74,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.248007,-110.947407,3/5/2008 20:15,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 39.121251,-108.732110,3/5/2008 21:24,6,20.92,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.409999,-110.990000,3/5/2008 22:20,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 35.683862,-105.971881,3/4/2008 21:12,5,19.61,clear,,good transparency and still winds,,USA,United States 39.109851,-108.607016,3/5/2008 21:15,5,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,"Partly cloudy, but area near Orion was cloud free ...","NW side of Grand Junction, CO Canyon View Park",Parking lot was lit with Na-vapor lights,USA,United States 35.683862,-105.971881,3/5/2008 20:15,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,heavy snow,,USA,United States 32.230000,-110.960002,3/5/2008 22:15,2,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.230000,-110.960002,3/4/2008 21:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 36.099121,-115.126704,3/5/2008 21:00,4,-9999.00,clear,Cloudless; 5 mph breeze from the northwest; 55 deg. F,"Las Vegas, Nevada; about three miles east of the ""Strip""",A few more stars were seen than shown magnitude 4 chart; estimated limiting magnitude was 4.2 or 4.3,USA,United States 45.420270,-123.012226,3/5/2008 21:17,5,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,"Although there was cloudiness in eastern 1/2 of sky, Orion was in the clear portion of the sky.",,,USA,United States 39.568440,-105.306641,3/1/2008 21:00,4,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,"Clouds to east were reflecting city lights from Denver metro area; probable high cirus clouds, cloud front approaching from NW; not perfect conditions","Front deck of my house, no outside lights",Elevation approximately 7960' MSL,USA,United States 32.230000,-110.960002,3/5/2008 20:30,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 41.016912,-87.642611,3/5/2008 22:45,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,LSC Alex,USA,United States 45.600552,-122.919172,3/5/2008 20:07,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 44.908859,-117.940783,2/25/2008 20:20,4,-9999.00,clear,,,There are quite a few street lights in our little town.,USA,United States 35.128448,-80.806793,3/6/2008 20:20,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 33.690000,-117.980002,3/5/2008 21:00,3,-9999.00,clear,Light haze.,Several pedestrian walkway lamposts within 30 meter radius.,Observed more stars as eyes adjusted to the night sky.,USA,United States -26.080360,28.212370,3/5/2008 19:35,5,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,Clouds were out of the way of Orion. Just above the western horizon,Normal street lights and some security lights at neighbours,,ZAF,South Africa 44.908770,-117.940742,2/26/2008 21:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 35.830001,-84.370001,3/5/2008 12:00,-9999,19.30,clear,wisps of clouds,,,USA,United States 44.908770,-117.940742,2/27/2008 22:00,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 32.218880,-111.028768,3/5/2008 21:00,4,-9999.00,clear,"Very perfect sky, clear and dark.",I can see the stars extremely well.,,USA,United States 35.830001,-84.370001,3/1/2008 22:00,-9999,20.03,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 44.908770,-117.940742,2/29/2008 19:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 37.546602,-97.267617,3/5/2008 20:30,2,-9999.00,clear,A lot of pinkish light from manufacturing nearby manufacturing plants.,,,USA,United States 44.908770,-117.940742,3/1/2008 19:30,3,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 35.830001,-84.370001,3/5/2008 22:16,-9999,19.35,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 44.908770,-117.940742,3/2/2008 20:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 44.908770,-117.940742,3/5/2008 21:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.276240,-110.952147,3/5/2008 23:48,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 47.481839,-122.143344,3/5/2008 21:00,4,-9999.00,clear,"Sky has glow from city lights to the west, but somewhat darker skies to the east. At the time of observation, Orion was 1 hour west of meridian. Somewhat better results could have been obtained in Jan. or Feb. when Orion was still east of meridian before",Location 4 miles east of Downtown Renton; 15 miles SE of Downtown Seattle.,"Dimmest Orion Star visible was Rho (Mag. 4.46). Thus, actual visibility was between Mag. 4 and 5 charts, but closest to 4.",USA,United States 32.228432,-110.956908,3/5/2008 23:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 42.865270,-8.555340,3/5/2008 20:53,4,-9999.00,clear,,25 meters from roundabout very iluminated,,ESP,Spain 45.536591,-122.810476,3/5/2008 21:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 37.720000,-122.139997,3/5/2008 21:48,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 45.498001,-122.693994,3/5/2008 21:00,2,-9999.00,clear,No clouds to be seen,Trees surround about 240 degrees of property; this could have affected visibility.,,USA,United States 45.430689,-122.813946,3/5/2008 22:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.228900,-110.950993,3/5/2008 22:30,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 33.713349,-93.224747,3/5/2008 21:43,2,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.340160,-111.002875,3/5/2008 20:40,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,Cloudy but not around Orion.,,,USA,United States 34.006511,-114.918575,3/5/2008 22:27,2,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 33.127029,-116.091195,3/5/2008 23:21,2,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 45.509998,-122.710004,3/5/2008 22:45,3,-9999.00,clear,,On the top of a hill on a neighborhood street without street lights,,USA,United States 46.164439,9.003330,3/5/2008 21:30,4,-9999.00,clear,Nord wind,,,CHE,Switzerland 54.741828,25.271271,3/5/2008 22:00,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,clouds cover part of the Orion,,,LTU,Lithuania 62.260029,26.593091,3/5/2008 20:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,Hankasalmi observatory,late twilight,FIN,Finland 40.140820,-105.098102,3/4/2008 21:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,Mr. Zawaski's class,,USA,United States 45.054810,25.802901,3/6/2008 18:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,ROM,Romania 40.140820,-105.098102,3/5/2008 19:00,2,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,There were clouds partially obscuring Orion although the visible stars were quite bright.,Mr. Zawaski's class,,USA,United States 52.497770,13.395830,3/5/2008 19:38,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,DEU,Germany 52.497770,13.395830,3/5/2008 21:30,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,DEU,Germany 50.107238,14.491609,3/5/2008 21:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,CZE,Czech Republic 32.228432,-110.956888,3/5/2008 21:12,3,-9999.00,clear,"Very clear, almost no clouds.","Clear skys, a lot of bright light though which made stars harder to see.",,USA,United States 32.248007,-110.947407,3/4/2008 23:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.224652,-110.953561,3/5/2008 18:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.232991,-110.959469,3/4/2008 22:10,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.244172,-110.958028,3/4/2008 22:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.244172,-110.958028,3/5/2008 21:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.231523,-110.931138,3/6/2008 21:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 44.954188,-93.279716,3/6/2008 23:59,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,very cloudy,,USA,United States 45.516657,-122.683325,3/5/2008 21:35,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States -33.999999,151.000005,3/4/2008 20:30,3,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,there were quite a few clouds here and there and it was hard to see the stars,,,AUS,Australia -33.999999,151.000005,3/5/2008 21:15,2,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,AUS,Australia -33.999999,151.000005,3/6/2008 20:30,1,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,there were a few clouds but i couldn't find many stars,,,AUS,Australia -33.893687,151.079686,3/6/2008 21:31,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,it's a bit cloudy but okay good enough to work with,very good location to see the orion belt just covered a bit with light pollution and trees very hard to see but you can see it clearly,HOW COOL I CAN SEE THE ORIONS BELT,AUS,Australia 49.696258,17.778970,3/6/2008 18:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,CZE,Czech Republic 43.900003,-69.949996,3/5/2008 20:00,4,17.25,clear,,,,USA,United States 43.900003,-69.993333,3/5/2008 20:10,5,19.21,clear,,,"behind Jr HS, Brunswick, MERob Burgess",USA,United States 42.346770,-76.817949,3/5/2008 21:00,5,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,"Clouds were covering a portion of the sky, but not near Orion.",,,USA,United States 43.883330,-69.983327,3/5/2008 20:25,3,16.39,1/4 of sky,,"In front of Brunswick, ME High School - lots of decorative lighting",Rob Burgess,USA,United States 43.866661,-69.983327,3/5/2008 20:40,6,20.50,1/4 of sky,"Cloud bank extending from West, Orion clear to south","Edge of Maquoit Bay, Brunswick, ME",Rob Burgess,USA,United States 43.883330,-69.983327,3/5/2008 20:50,5,19.96,1/2 of sky,"Advancing cloud bank from west, picking up sky glow from Brunswick","Crystal Spring Farm, Brunswick, ME (open space owned by local land trust)",Rob Burgess,USA,United States 43.900003,-70.000000,3/5/2008 21:00,5,19.87,1/2 of sky,"Clouds from west picking up glow of Brunswick. A few wispy filaments extending toward Orion, causing some obscuring of stars in nearby constellations","My backyard, Brunswick, MESky Clock location for home observatory",Rob Burgess,USA,United States 37.430000,-81.569999,3/5/2008 19:30,2,-9999.00,clear,,MVMS/CC,,USA,United States 38.200002,23.500000,3/6/2008 18:00,2,-9999.00,clear,,,,GRC,Greece 38.200002,23.500000,3/6/2008 18:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,GRC,Greece 35.695709,139.611034,3/6/2008 20:48,3,-9999.00,clear,Transparency quite poor: 4 based on scale on this site: moisture content.,"Tokyo, Suginami Ku west of ring road 8, south of JR Chuo line. Suburb with steetlights although no streetlights in line of sight during observation. One streetlight at back.",Eyes dark adjusted for 8 minutes. Location temperature approx. 5C.On clear night chart 5 or 6 possible.,JPN,Japan 44.235549,-68.350830,2/27/2008 21:00,6,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 44.235549,-68.350830,2/28/2008 21:00,6,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 44.235549,-68.350830,3/2/2008 18:00,7,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 44.235549,-68.350830,3/3/2008 18:00,6,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 39.467220,-0.385550,3/5/2008 21:00,4,-9999.00,clear,Totalmente despejado y 8? C de temperatura,En la terraza de un edificio de 7 alturas en zona centro ciudad y calles iluminadas.,,ESP,Spain 47.716303,9.162640,3/5/2008 20:15,5,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,CHE,Switzerland 39.950002,-75.310000,3/5/2008 18:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 35.695709,139.611034,3/5/2008 20:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,JPN,Japan 49.185002,-122.837496,3/5/2008 20:30,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,CAN,Canada 35.545100,-97.300799,3/6/2008 20:45,3,-9999.00,clear,Had a slight haze which was causing some sky glow.,,,USA,United States 18.789231,99.170023,3/5/2008 19:35,1,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,THA,Thailand 18.789231,99.170023,3/6/2008 19:40,1,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,THA,Thailand 35.849699,-78.685699,3/5/2008 21:16,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States -35.254373,149.072635,3/6/2008 23:30,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,AUS,Australia 14.649999,121.050008,3/6/2008 19:40,4,-9999.00,clear,"clear, with more stars seen than previous days",,,PHL,Philippines 42.349997,-76.100001,3/5/2008 22:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 42.606641,-76.177913,3/5/2008 18:00,5,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 32.929110,-96.415866,3/5/2008 20:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 42.586660,-76.175003,3/2/2008 22:00,5,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 42.583880,-76.168050,3/4/2008 21:00,6,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 42.557369,-76.124412,3/5/2008 21:30,6,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 41.120522,-73.957650,3/5/2008 22:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 42.586311,-75.882725,3/4/2008 22:00,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 42.594890,-76.177728,3/5/2008 21:11,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,"Sort of cloudy, and very bright where I live.","It's very bright where I live, but I think the magnitude I saw Orion was about or around 4.",,USA,United States -36.614558,-72.110207,3/5/2008 22:35,4,-9999.00,clear,cielo despejado,luces de la calle a unos 70 metros,,CHL,Chile 40.749178,-76.807806,3/5/2008 22:00,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 42.999999,-76.000000,3/3/2008 18:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 42.000001,-76.000000,3/5/2008 21:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,Cortland NY,,USA,United States 42.859929,-76.837128,3/5/2008 21:00,6,-9999.00,clear,lots of stars orion easily visible,in virgil country,,USA,United States 42.000001,-76.000000,3/5/2008 23:00,5,-9999.00,clear,very pretty,outer parts of virgil.,very pretty and clear.,USA,United States 40.204700,-78.275197,3/5/2008 21:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 42.508140,-72.703580,2/26/2008 18:00,5,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,it looked average outside.,"cortland, ny, 13045",i just love looking at the sky and the stars because they are beautiful!!,USA,United States 42.599999,-76.177790,3/6/2008 21:00,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 42.166661,-76.583325,3/2/2008 21:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 48.999999,16.999999,3/2/2008 20:10,6,-9999.00,clear,,,,CZE,Czech Republic 49.186200,16.632810,3/6/2008 12:03,5,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,good,,CZE,Czech Republic 42.000001,-76.000000,3/6/2008 20:45,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 49.333220,-122.641634,3/5/2008 20:20,5,-9999.00,clear,,In a pullout at side of road. Lights from nearby greenhouses brightened the southern sky.,,CAN,Canada 32.419319,-110.974352,3/5/2008 20:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 37.389432,-81.409899,3/5/2008 23:28,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,It cloudy and windie last night in Keystone Hill.,MVMS/SW,,USA,United States 37.344770,-81.445293,3/4/2008 19:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,MVMS/ak,It was raining.,USA,United States 37.389432,-81.409899,3/4/2008 18:10,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,kind of sunny,,,USA,United States 37.389432,-81.409899,3/5/2008 21:30,2,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,it wasn't sunny but it wasn't snowing either.,MVMS/mp,,USA,United States 37.344770,-81.445293,3/5/2008 20:15,2,-9999.00,clear,,MVMS/ak,,USA,United States 37.389432,-81.409899,3/5/2008 20:53,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,It was very cloudy last night.,MVMS/jr,,USA,United States 37.431721,-81.572895,3/4/2008 20:25,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,MVMS/jc,,USA,United States 39.952369,-75.628567,3/4/2008 18:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 30.079839,-95.427790,3/5/2008 19:27,3,-9999.00,clear,,dark,,USA,United States 30.079839,-95.427790,3/5/2008 19:27,3,-9999.00,clear,Clouds were rare.,"One street light 25 feet away, but shielded from view.",,USA,United States 32.441841,-110.977761,3/6/2008 19:37,4,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 37.431721,-81.572895,3/5/2008 18:00,1,-9999.00,clear,,mvms/RAW there is street light out side my window,,USA,United States 28.130149,-82.474507,3/3/2008 20:48,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 39.165828,-104.090000,3/5/2008 20:01,4,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,Cloudy to the West but clear above,"Near Simla, CO",,USA,United States 37.471070,-81.663162,3/5/2008 19:40,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,IT HAS BEEN RAINING OUTSIDE SO THERE ID NO STARS OUT TONIGHT IT QUIT RAINING OUT SIDE BUT THERE WAS STILL NO STARS OUT SIDE,MVMS/BNA,,USA,United States 42.002078,-76.033331,3/5/2008 21:30,-9999,20.66,clear,Just cleared and a little hazy.,"Kopernik Observatory, south of Vestal, NY, (Binghamton, NY area).",Extensive snow cover.,USA,United States 27.489041,-82.573319,3/5/2008 21:12,-9999,16.37,over 1/2 of sky,"Thick white clouds, only an occassional star peeking through.",neighborhood with small streetlights,,USA,United States 37.447622,-81.805326,3/5/2008 18:00,1,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,MVHS/JM once again the clouds blocked my vision.,,,USA,United States 28.150000,-82.480005,2/27/2008 21:00,7,-9999.00,clear,,,saw small dipper,USA,United States 39.717031,-82.589691,3/5/2008 20:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 37.366049,-81.551844,3/5/2008 19:59,-9999,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,MVHS/BJF,,USA,United States 35.864579,-79.082007,3/5/2008 21:00,5,-9999.00,clear,Some clouds to the west. Temperature around 50. Not a lot of shimmer in the air.,Observed from street across from 101 lexington road. Gas station at 15/501 and Smith Level Road partially blocked by trees and houses. Glow from Chapel Hill behind me.,S&,USA,United States 37.643181,-122.469854,3/5/2008 21:00,4,-9999.00,clear,Anothere good one!,,,USA,United States 32.009999,-111.009999,2/26/2008 20:40,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 36.880720,-76.267156,3/5/2008 19:15,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 35.360340,-97.510246,3/5/2008 20:30,4,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,clouds started to move in from the north south was clear west was clear clouds in the low east,,,USA,United States 37.344770,-81.445293,3/5/2008 21:30,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,It was cloudy last night although it didnt rain it still was cloudy outside last night where i live at.,MVMS/CW,,USA,United States 37.484809,-81.581835,3/4/2008 21:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,it was very cloudy,mvmstr i was on welch hill,,USA,United States 49.782039,17.756322,3/5/2008 21:08,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,CZE,Czech Republic 37.431721,-81.572895,3/5/2008 21:15,5,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,there were no stars,mvmstr i was on welch hill,it looked like fog was covering the clouds,USA,United States 41.932539,-87.659187,3/5/2008 20:00,1,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,Really cloudy!,It was cloudy so there weren't many stars visible. I could see one or two of the stars in orion's belt. But not many others,,USA,United States 39.141997,-104.079003,3/5/2008 21:30,5,-9999.00,clear,The sky seems pretty clear from here.,When cars drive by you can see their lights from the highway. There are no street lamps nearby.,"I love looking at the stars, you can learn so much about astrology this way.",USA,United States 28.139999,-82.480005,3/5/2008 20:35,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 43.490478,-70.455676,3/6/2008 18:30,7,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 28.161539,-82.517161,3/3/2008 20:46,7,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 40.642767,-3.580550,3/5/2008 20:25,6,-9999.00,clear,"To the south-west of my observatory, mushroom light of Madrid dowtown","Street lights near, although no direct light in observation","I am amateur astronomer, specilized in variale star observing, from my home near of Madrid, Spain",ESP,Spain 35.538202,-86.761304,3/5/2008 21:45,5,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 32.000000,-109.999999,3/5/2008 19:00,7,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 25.165149,51.335231,3/6/2008 20:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,QAT,Qatar 25.141510,51.330022,3/6/2008 19:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,QAT,Qatar 43.925548,8.114440,3/5/2008 18:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,ITA,Italy -18.490000,-70.300002,3/4/2008 21:00,6,-9999.00,clear,,,,CHL,Chile -18.490000,-70.300002,3/5/2008 21:10,6,-9999.00,clear,,,,CHL,Chile 40.759997,-96.680003,3/5/2008 20:30,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 30.585252,-88.075071,3/5/2008 21:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 41.043290,-81.519503,3/6/2008 18:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,Almost completly covered by clouds.,,,USA,United States 32.153191,-111.006331,3/4/2008 20:15,3,-9999.00,clear,"For the third day in a row, Orion is visible, but surrounding stars are difficult to see.",,,USA,United States 44.950001,26.017000,3/6/2008 19:27,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,The sky is cloudy and there's no sight of stars,,,ROM,Romania 32.231820,-111.944922,3/5/2008 20:30,4,-9999.00,clear,"For the first time in a week, stars surrounding Orion were visible.",,,USA,United States 32.231820,-111.944922,3/3/2008 20:00,3,-9999.00,clear,"Like night before, stars of Orion are visible with very little else to see.",,,USA,United States 32.153191,-111.006331,3/4/2008 20:15,3,-9999.00,clear,"Once again, Orion is easy to see with anything else hard to see",,,USA,United States 32.231820,-111.944922,3/5/2008 20:30,4,-9999.00,clear,For the first time in a week I was able to see some of the stars surrounding Orion.,,,USA,United States 48.490699,-122.673681,3/5/2008 19:00,6,-9999.00,clear,,,Wow,USA,United States 39.892362,-0.088070,3/5/2008 21:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,Burriana (Castell?n) Spain,,ESP,Spain 45.192182,-95.354973,3/5/2008 20:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 48.493981,-122.606649,3/5/2008 20:05,6,-9999.00,clear,very clear,From our deck with the lights off,,USA,United States 48.501300,-122.617537,3/5/2008 19:05,7,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 29.754199,-95.570602,3/5/2008 20:35,3,-9999.00,clear,Clear and dry. Front blew through 2 days before. Actual sky reading 3.5,,,USA,United States 32.230000,-110.960002,3/1/2008 20:20,2,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 48.498219,-122.654133,3/5/2008 20:45,7,-9999.00,clear,,,I saw another galaxy,USA,United States 48.496119,-122.627686,3/5/2008 20:00,6,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.230000,-110.960002,3/3/2008 19:15,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 42.682901,-71.115889,3/2/2008 22:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,"suburb north of boston, dead-end street surrounded by field with no lights",,USA,United States 32.230000,-110.960002,3/5/2008 20:40,4,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 32.230000,-110.960002,2/29/2008 19:20,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 48.499070,-122.687259,3/5/2008 19:30,6,-9999.00,clear,Perfect night to see. No clouds and no fog,One street light down the block on the corner,"I could see satelites, planes, and stars perfect",USA,United States 32.230000,-110.960002,3/2/2008 19:56,5,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 30.079839,-95.427790,3/5/2008 19:26,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 30.053550,-95.431130,3/5/2008 19:40,2,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 30.067671,-95.365854,3/5/2008 20:12,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 30.045531,-95.353020,3/5/2008 20:38,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 49.776021,17.816280,3/6/2008 19:02,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,CZE,Czech Republic -26.180549,28.044161,3/6/2008 19:45,5,-9999.00,clear,Orion's belt was overhead,we were at the centre of Johannesburg at the University of Wits at the education campus,"Bernice, Promise, Tshego and Dr Lelliot from Wits school of Education conducted this observation.",ZAF,South Africa 46.164719,12.829720,3/5/2008 23:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,ITA,Italy 46.229999,21.170001,2/25/2008 21:15,5,-9999.00,clear,,,"highschool ""Sabin dragoi"", Arad, Romania",ROM,Romania 41.416659,-75.666659,3/4/2008 19:56,1,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 46.229999,21.170001,2/26/2008 21:40,5,-9999.00,clear,,,"highschool""Sabin Dragoi"", Arad, Romania",ROM,Romania -28.222500,25.686940,3/6/2008 20:00,4,-9999.00,clear,No wind,Street lamp 30 metres away.,,ZAF,South Africa 53.400000,-2.150000,3/2/2008 22:40,3,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,Fairly light polluted. Suburb of Manchester,,GBR,United Kingdom 53.233330,-2.333330,3/4/2008 19:30,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,semi rural location,,GBR,United Kingdom 46.229999,21.170001,2/27/2008 21:00,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,"highschool ""Sabin Dragoi"", Arad, Romania",ROM,Romania 46.229999,21.170001,2/28/2008 21:50,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,"highschool ""Sabin Dragoi"", Arad, Romania",ROM,Romania 41.049130,-81.494409,3/5/2008 18:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,Very cloudy.,,,USA,United States 46.229999,21.170001,2/29/2008 20:40,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,"highschool ""Sabin Dragoi"", Arad, Romania",ROM,Romania 49.188260,16.637029,3/6/2008 19:40,2,-9999.00,clear,,It was cold and shiny.,,CZE,Czech Republic 41.078049,-81.561891,3/5/2008 18:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,very cloudy,,,USA,United States 41.045749,-81.518608,3/5/2008 18:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,very cloudy,,,USA,United States 20.563280,-100.387382,3/5/2008 19:27,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,there was a little cloudy,,MEX,Mexico 35.488071,-97.339997,3/5/2008 21:33,4,-9999.00,clear,beautiful clear night!,"backyard in subdivision in town - street light 2 houses away, but could block from vision.",,USA,United States 39.002911,-76.874196,3/5/2008 18:09,5,-9999.00,clear,,Greenbelt. Maryland,,USA,United States 39.989579,-75.660478,3/4/2008 21:30,6,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 42.000001,-73.999998,3/5/2008 19:30,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,"many clouds, couldnt see","backyard, porch lights on",,USA,United States 27.320000,-97.889998,3/5/2008 20:45,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 27.320000,-97.889998,3/5/2008 21:33,5,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,It was a little cloudy by Orion.,,,USA,United States 49.736642,17.803720,3/6/2008 20:08,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,CZE,Czech Republic 42.116661,-89.233327,3/5/2008 21:30,6,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States -34.496232,-58.518493,3/1/2008 21:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,Cielo completamente cubierto con algunos chaparrones.,"A 40 m aproximadamente, hay dos faroles de iluminaci?n callejera bloqueado de mi vista.",,ARG,Argentina 40.355500,22.573000,3/5/2008 20:01,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,GRC,Greece 27.320000,-97.529999,3/5/2008 20:35,5,-9999.00,clear,Clear night following a cold front.,"Rural area, few houses and lights",,USA,United States 32.216100,-110.907068,2/26/2008 19:39,5,-9999.00,clear,Clear as can be.,I was completely in the dark. No lights and I was in my backyard with an occassional airplanne here and there and far city lights. I had a good view of the stars.,I had to squint to see some of the stars in the chart 5 but I did see them all.,USA,United States 40.355500,22.573000,3/6/2008 21:10,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,GRC,Greece 45.352323,-75.720618,2/27/2008 21:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,CAN,Canada 48.893028,-122.786625,3/4/2008 20:00,5,20.04,clear,Dark to the south near Orion,"No streetlights, but many lights on neighbors garages. Oil refinery 2 miles east, metro Vancouver to the north","To my 70 y/o eyes, the hints for number of stars and Sword brightness don't match. To me the Pleiades are just a blur. I see only 4 stars in the Belt, and that's with averted vision. Meanwhile the Sword is bright and obvious.",USA,United States 27.320000,-97.889998,2/28/2008 20:00,3,-9999.00,clear,There where not any clouds out on that night.,,I could see Orion perfectly.,USA,United States 50.351748,18.881870,3/6/2008 19:20,4,-9999.00,clear,,",+Wroc%B3awska&Submit=Szukaj&long=18.8818751&lat=50.3517516&type=2&scale=1",,POL,Poland 44.771388,-72.055286,3/3/2008 19:30,5,-9999.00,clear,The sky was clear - I expected to check Magnitude 6 or 7!,This is a rural dirt road without streetlights. We are at the base of a mountain on a dead end road.,,USA,United States 44.809237,-72.207940,2/27/2008 21:43,6,-9999.00,clear,"The sky was perfectly clear so that I could see all the stars very brightly in the whole sky, but I could still see Orion's Belt.",The location was south but somewhat east at the same time. From my house I had to look downhill at the stars.,Because there's so many stars in the sky only if you knew about Orion's Belt you could see it. If you didn't then it would just look like a bunch of stars all crunched together.,USA,United States -34.496311,-58.518493,3/2/2008 20:57,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,Cielo completamente cubierto con lluvia.,A 40m hay dos faroles de iluminaci?n callajera que se encuentran bloqueados de mi vista.,"Alrededor de las 4 PM hora local, con veinto del este hubo mejoras temporarias. A las 6 PM se produjo sobre el estuario Rio de la PLata y a unos 300m de la costa una tromba marina que pude observar.",ARG,Argentina -34.496311,-58.518493,3/3/2008 20:53,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,Cielo totalmente cubierto.,A 40m hay dos faroles de iluminaci?n callejera bloqueados de mi vista.,Viento leve a moderado del oeste. Sin lluvia.,ARG,Argentina 44.914163,8.612501,3/6/2008 20:09,4,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,"Mist is common bot less disturbing than years ago. Dry and cold winter nights are better than summer nights. During spring some windy days occurr, granting crisp skyes.","On the southern edge of Alessandria, Italy - home. The northern side facing city lights is more polluted than the southern side open to the countryside.","North side facing the city light averages between mag 3.0 and 3.5 - Delta Cep is often estimable by naked eye at maximum. South side averages between mag 3.4 and 4.2, peaking at 4.5 during crisp nights. Downtown you cannot see 1.5 mag stars due to direct",ITA,Italy 61.529998,-149.519999,3/5/2008 21:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,lights lit up the clouds hard to see anything,,,USA,United States -34.496311,-58.518493,3/4/2008 20:56,3,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,Cielo parcialmente nublado.,A 40m hay dos faroles bloqueados de mi vista.,"Viento moderado del sudoeste ""Pampero"", con fuertes rßfagas. Nuboso.",ARG,Argentina 60.228191,25.027399,3/6/2008 20:40,3,-9999.00,clear,,,snow cover on the ground,FIN,Finland -34.496311,-58.518493,3/5/2008 20:56,4,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,Cielo parcialmente cubierto.,,Persiste el viento sudoeste moderado. Algunas lloviznas aisladas.,ARG,Argentina 60.159008,24.946860,3/6/2008 21:24,3,-9999.00,clear,,,snow cover on the ground,FIN,Finland 36.236660,-115.277774,3/2/2008 19:00,3,17.89,clear,,"Side street near my house, away from street lights",,USA,United States 41.537813,-73.895277,3/3/2008 21:15,5,-9999.00,clear,"It was a crisp night, and the sky was very clear.","There are street lamps around, however, I was viewing from an area with no immediate light in my view.",,USA,United States 36.280271,-115.323605,3/2/2008 18:55,3,18.33,clear,,Friend's house,,USA,United States 37.519161,-112.671668,2/29/2008 21:22,7,21.56,clear,"cold, clear night","Duck Creek, Utah - high in the mountains, away from any city lights",snow all over the ground,USA,United States 36.246281,-115.298948,2/29/2008 20:00,3,18.14,clear,,,,USA,United States 36.264541,-115.275097,2/27/2008 20:28,3,14.57,clear,,,,USA,United States 36.221111,-115.328618,2/26/2008 20:32,4,17.99,clear,,,,USA,United States 34.681611,-118.179553,3/5/2008 20:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 49.775588,17.753690,3/6/2008 20:50,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,CZE,Czech Republic 36.242391,-115.256519,3/4/2008 19:30,3,17.61,clear,,,,USA,United States 36.315269,-115.312499,3/2/2008 21:27,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 36.220001,-115.319999,2/27/2008 20:04,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 44.409999,26.180001,3/6/2008 18:00,1,-9999.00,clear,,,,ROM,Romania -27.537999,153.262997,3/6/2008 21:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,,S&,AUS,Australia 40.649929,-75.462471,3/3/2008 19:45,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 40.684220,-75.784576,3/3/2008 20:10,7,20.16,1/4 of sky,clear directly overhead,Light coming from 2 house windows approximately 50 feet away,I counted 6-7 stars in Orion's sword,USA,United States 32.233380,-110.959469,3/5/2008 20:15,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 50.289109,19.123912,3/6/2008 20:52,2,-9999.00,clear,,," - Dark Sky in Poland, opened !",POL,Poland 42.374050,-71.202318,3/5/2008 21:10,4,-9999.00,clear,very clear more than normal,,,USA,United States 41.113330,1.264160,3/5/2008 18:20,2,-9999.00,clear,I very clear day,"I live in Tarragona city in Spain, very near the sea and close to a big chemical and petrochemical industry site","I could see the 3 main stars of orion, the 2 starts on top and only 1 star at the bottom right. The start below and at the left I could not see it.",ESP,Spain 40.559422,-75.556345,3/5/2008 19:30,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,"The sky was clear directly overhead, but the sky was lined with clouds around the perimeter of the sky.","There was one street light directly across the street. Each house surrounding mine had a front porch light on and many, including mine, had small decorative lights highlighting the front walkway.",,USA,United States -34.065268,18.839999,3/6/2008 21:30,5,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,Low clouds at horizon.,,15 minutes after our observation the sky was coverd in mist like clouds; no stars were visible.,ZAF,South Africa 43.674388,-79.550715,3/5/2008 19:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,"Residential neighbourhood, with street lights, eyes not adapted",Could see ORI 39 at 3.39 but not ORI 48 at 3.77 (didn't check to see in ORI 20 3.59 was visible),CAN,Canada 39.230520,-104.118632,3/5/2008 18:37,5,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,"clouds on horizon, upper sky clear",,,USA,United States 45.580000,-81.515002,3/1/2008 19:25,4,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,"I live on Manitoulin Island. The population here is 1,500, so there aren't any big city lights. We had all the lights at our house turned off. Half of the sky was cloudy.",,CAN,Canada 41.639999,-0.930000,3/6/2008 21:15,4,-9999.00,clear,,Zaragoza (Spain); 250m above sea level,wind 80km/h,ESP,Spain 40.363232,-76.495510,3/5/2008 21:40,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 44.950001,26.000000,3/6/2008 22:30,3,-9999.00,clear,It is very clear and the Orion is easy to observe if you search well the three stars that compose the belt in the northern hemisphere.,,,ROM,Romania 42.223519,-83.729069,3/3/2008 18:47,-9999,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,Could no see many stars N & W but S & E were quite good,,these observationf were completed by 8 neighborhood members of our local club of 5-9 graders with 4 adults,USA,United States -39.000001,-71.000001,3/4/2008 23:00,4,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,"Reportamos desde Jun?n de los Andes, Patagonia, Argentina.",,ARG,Argentina 61.583062,-149.436712,2/28/2008 23:00,7,-9999.00,clear,There were northern lights to the north and spead east.,"Backyard next to lake, no lights within sight.",,USA,United States -39.000001,-71.000001,3/5/2008 23:00,3,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,reportamos desde junin de los andes .patagonia argentina,,ARG,Argentina 49.772227,17.759650,3/6/2008 20:20,3,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,,,CZE,Czech Republic 43.674388,-79.550715,3/4/2008 22:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,"100% cloud afternoon and evening, major snowstorm started at 9pm",Residential neighbourhood,,CAN,Canada 39.470830,-0.367500,3/6/2008 12:15,3,-9999.00,clear,,Observation made from 6th story - some 20m high.,,ESP,Spain 37.448688,-79.145500,2/27/2008 20:30,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 40.631098,-73.935801,3/5/2008 20:00,2,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,Sky was mostly cloudy with Orion seen in gaps between clouds thru thin higher layer of haze,same as for Feb 28,same as for Feb 28,USA,United States 40.631098,-73.935801,2/29/2008 22:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,"Sky covered by cloud, Orion not visible, it snowed during the evenig",same as for Feb 28,same as for Feb 28,USA,United States 40.631098,-73.935801,3/4/2008 20:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,"Sky covered by clouds, Orion not visible, it rained during the day and evening",same as for Feb 28,same as for Feb 28,USA,United States 40.583888,-111.890834,2/28/2008 21:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 40.449162,-3.366380,3/6/2008 22:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,Backyard of family house at suburban area 30km East of Madrid.,I used averted vision and I let my eyes adapt for 10 minutes. Observation was made 3 hrs after sunset (but I hope it's still useful).,ESP,Spain 32.237629,-110.962577,3/5/2008 18:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 42.858652,-8.644789,3/6/2008 21:30,4,-9999.00,clear,Excellent night for observing. No clouds. Good seeing.,"Measurement in the ""Paseo fluvial de Bertamirßns"". Lights 20 m to the S and W.",,ESP,Spain 31.814120,-111.827006,3/5/2008 20:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,Light post 25ft from the side of my house,,USA,United States 32.409808,-111.025640,2/26/2008 21:45,5,-9999.00,clear,It was very clear and I could see a lot.,,It was really fun and I could see a lot because I was driving home from baseball.,USA,United States 49.200001,2.533000,3/6/2008 20:30,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,FRA,France 40.631098,-73.935801,3/3/2008 19:00,2,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,Sky mostly cloudy with thin cloud/haze in the gaps. Orion seen in gaps between clouds.,same as for Feb 28,same as for Feb 28,USA,United States 37.431721,-81.572895,3/5/2008 22:05,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,cloudy,mvms/th,,USA,United States -34.496311,-58.518493,3/6/2008 21:03,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,Cielo parcialmente nublado.,,,ARG,Argentina 39.470000,-76.829000,3/5/2008 21:00,4,-9999.00,clear,Clearest it gets.,Backyard 2 blocks from Maryland 140.,,USA,United States 41.394792,-73.472133,3/2/2008 21:30,3,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,The sky was somewhat cloudy.,danbury conecticut,It was difficult to find Orion.,USA,United States 30.412001,-91.179002,2/28/2008 19:15,3,-9999.00,clear,,Observer: James McCrary,,USA,United States 29.948610,-95.458328,3/4/2008 20:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,JUST OUTSIDE CITY LIMITS,,USA,United States 35.165632,129.025060,3/6/2008 20:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,Korea Science Academy (KSA)Space Earth and Man Observatory (SEMO),,KOR,South Korea 29.948610,-95.458328,3/4/2008 20:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,"JUST INSIDE CITY LIMITS, ELEVATION OF 103 FT",I WISH I LIVED ON THE MOON.,USA,United States 42.203811,-70.751341,3/6/2008 18:33,1,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,The sky was almost completly filled by clouds yet just a few stars from orion stuck out and where able to be seen.,This location is not the best because the sky was not clear at all but i was able to point out a few of the stars from orion.,,USA,United States 43.059630,-74.196188,3/6/2008 18:50,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 30.330001,-97.870006,2/29/2008 21:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,On my back deck with a clear sky this night.,I showed my husband how to judge the magnitude by looking at Orion. We had fun with this observation.,USA,United States 44.549199,-69.624770,3/6/2008 19:00,5,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,Clear outside. But some light pollution because I live in town.,,,USA,United States 41.606671,-75.004882,3/6/2008 19:00,3,-9999.00,clear,part of sky had no stars and other part had quite a bit,,,USA,United States 44.200002,-69.099999,3/6/2008 19:16,4,-9999.00,clear,,"Small coastal town of Camden Maine, pop 5000",,USA,United States 39.970001,-74.140003,3/6/2008 18:00,4,-9999.00,clear,clear no clouds can see everything,39.97,,USA,United States 53.455239,-2.342310,3/6/2008 12:59,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,GBR,United Kingdom 43.651599,-72.098698,3/6/2008 19:05,4,-9999.00,clear,possible haze or high clouds,,we stood outside our school with parking lot and building lights.a satelite moving by seemed to dim as it passed to the south of orion,USA,United States 37.471070,-81.663162,3/6/2008 19:26,4,-9999.00,clear,There were plenty of stars out tonight.,MVMS/AR,,USA,United States 39.995289,-75.248201,3/6/2008 19:20,4,-9999.00,clear,,Near a large city.,,USA,United States 42.000001,-70.000000,3/6/2008 19:40,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,"There is a good amount of cloud coverage, but some stars are shing through. It is not the perfect nigh to go star gazing, but it is still a nice, peaceful night with some sky space still visible through the clouds.","We are right next to the ocean. It is a small, quaint town. Fishing is very popular here and the environment is quite safe.",I LOVE ASTRONOMY!,USA,United States 42.000001,-70.000000,3/6/2008 19:45,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,Pretty cloudy night. There is still some sky space visible through the clouds however and it is peaceful and exciting when out in the brisk air gazing at stars.,"Marblehead, MA is a quaint little town. Fishing is popular here and the environment is very safe.",I LOVE ASTRONOMY!,USA,United States 35.783791,-78.640059,3/6/2008 19:35,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,Cloudy towards the south.,There is one street light 50 yards from my recording distance.,,USA,United States 32.228002,-110.927880,2/26/2008 19:47,5,-9999.00,clear,"the stars were bright, it was beautiful!",,,USA,United States 37.431721,-81.572895,3/5/2008 19:44,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,MVMS/ca,,USA,United States 47.381900,-122.146855,3/5/2008 20:25,4,-9999.00,clear,For this area it was pretty good viewing. The seeing was OK but not spectacular. There were a lot of lights from the local neiborhood that may have affected what could be seen at that time of night - better after midnight.,A fair number of lights - hard to get away from them in the suburban area where we live. It was better than on some nights when the ball park (local city field) lights up the sky.,With 15x70 binoculars the sky was a treat. Lots of good viewing in Orion and the nebulae stood out very well. I guess that is outside of this study but it still provides a treat even with Magnitude 4 skies.,USA,United States 37.431721,-81.572895,3/6/2008 19:45,1,-9999.00,clear,,MVMS/ca,,USA,United States 44.749999,-68.850001,3/6/2008 19:48,5,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 35.000000,-78.000002,3/6/2008 20:45,6,-9999.00,clear,There are no clouds in the sky what so ever. The sky is also pitch black.,There are many trees around me right now. There is also hardly any light around me!,,USA,United States 32.119149,-111.127868,3/6/2008 20:21,5,-9999.00,clear,There are no clouds in the sky. The visibility of the night sky is about at 100%.,Where I live its not very congested with people its in the outs curs or town.,,USA,United States 41.858558,-76.964709,3/6/2008 19:34,4,-9999.00,clear,,"We are 18 miles SW of Elmira, New York (which is where we get our light polution from).",,USA,United States 41.630000,-78.089997,3/6/2008 19:55,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 41.743049,-73.908548,3/6/2008 19:38,3,-9999.00,clear,The belt of Orion is very dim,,,USA,United States 35.000000,-78.000002,3/6/2008 19:30,3,-9999.00,clear,"not cloudy, looked clear","outside city limits, front yard",,USA,United States 28.093389,-82.413117,3/5/2008 22:00,2,-9999.00,clear,Very very little clouds.,,No moon.,USA,United States 43.650551,-72.138047,3/6/2008 20:00,5,-9999.00,clear,possible haze or clouds,,,USA,United States 35.766658,-78.650004,3/6/2008 20:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 37.430000,-81.569999,3/6/2008 19:30,1,-9999.00,clear,,MVMS/CC,,USA,United States 42.770822,-73.853490,3/6/2008 19:45,4,-9999.00,clear,Some haze in low northern sky,,,USA,United States 39.576541,-88.534203,3/6/2008 20:14,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 44.915198,-68.814661,3/6/2008 20:05,5,20.39,clear,high haze,Rural residential with,SKy lit from below by nearby city Bangor Maine,USA,United States 42.990003,-87.880001,3/6/2008 19:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 35.946992,-78.653098,3/6/2008 19:45,4,-9999.00,clear,"The sky was clear, with no clouds. You could see everything perfectly.",I was in my backyard and most of the lights were off around me.,I love looking at the constellations! It is fun!,USA,United States -34.570272,-58.547220,3/6/2008 23:15,5,-9999.00,clear,,"San Andr?s, Pdo. de San Mart?n, Buenos Aires Province, Argentina",,ARG,Argentina 41.040001,-81.489997,3/6/2008 20:09,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,"could only see 3 stars due to the clouds, but none of them were orions.",,,USA,United States 39.539081,-77.923490,3/6/2008 20:30,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,Very nice night tonight. I can see Orion clearly for the first time in the past few nights.,,I am from,USA,United States 33.999999,-84.000002,3/6/2008 20:30,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 36.644952,-80.325729,3/6/2008 20:27,2,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 21.315999,-158.007001,3/2/2008 22:00,3,-9999.00,clear,"Although clear at the time, there has been a high hazy VOG over the islands that appears invisible but you know it is there.",Located in housing area with street lights highly visible. Had to use arm to shield light to observe Orion.,My eye sight is not the best even using glasses. Even in very dark skies I have trouble seeing Mag 5/6 stars.,USA,United States 18.180000,-66.980004,3/6/2008 21:35,4,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,,,PRI,Puerto Rico 41.548628,-73.781807,3/6/2008 20:31,4,-9999.00,clear,The sky is clear. There is a slight dicoloration of the sky (orange/redish) due to the IBM factory being so near. The near by neighbors have their porch lights on.,"Hopewell Junction, NYOberservation done in a neighborhood loactated 2-3 miles away from an IBM factory.",,USA,United States 42.527001,-92.375003,3/6/2008 19:35,5,-9999.00,clear,a little hazy.,"Observation from the north side of my house. Laster year I observed from the back yard, but the snow is so drifted I can't get out back door this year. I had a very clear view of Orion and no visible man-made lights in front of me. Behind me there is 1 s",thanks! Next year please pick dates sooner!,USA,United States 30.079839,-95.427790,3/5/2008 19:26,3,-9999.00,clear,,Carl Wunsche High School parking lot,,USA,United States 35.083308,-78.767934,3/6/2008 19:29,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 30.053550,-95.431130,3/6/2008 19:40,2,-9999.00,clear,,Spring High School parking lot,,USA,United States 30.053550,-95.431130,3/5/2008 19:40,2,-9999.00,clear,,Spring High School parking lot,,USA,United States 30.067671,-95.365854,3/5/2008 20:06,6,-9999.00,clear,,Baily Middle School,,USA,United States 37.344770,-81.445293,3/6/2008 20:42,5,-9999.00,clear,,MVMS/T.W.,,USA,United States 37.299001,-81.225996,3/6/2008 21:54,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 30.045531,-95.302005,3/5/2008 20:37,3,-9999.00,clear,,Dueitt Millde School,,USA,United States 42.679359,-72.043483,3/6/2008 20:05,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 40.638249,-73.949147,3/6/2008 20:52,1,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 43.860002,-70.100000,3/6/2008 20:50,4,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,Warm conditions today led to a lot of snow melt. Subsequent moisture in the air making it hazy.,"Small town setting about 20 miles from medium-size city (Portland, ME).",Usual magnitide chart would be closer to a 5 or 6.,USA,United States 41.713669,-86.044230,3/1/2008 21:00,3,-9999.00,clear,Thin high haze made the sky brighter than usual.,,,USA,United States 42.935679,-74.614810,3/6/2008 20:10,1,-9999.00,clear,"I thought it was clear for the most part. I really have never seen a magnitude 7 before so it is hard for me to compare. In my opinion, the stars I could see were very bright.",I am surrounded by street lights on two sides within 50 meters. Car dealships are about a quarter mile away from my house.,I think it would be awesome if everyone around the world could see a magnitude 7 all the time.,USA,United States 41.713669,-86.044230,3/6/2008 20:50,3,-9999.00,clear,Sky is brighter than usual tonight. Clear sky was not forecast.,,,USA,United States 40.989287,-74.113379,3/6/2008 20:42,4,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,Some starts are hard to see because of clouds,"There are dim houselights 10m away that are visible. Few trees are 7 m away, but do not block the view of the stars.","Some stars are hazy, while others are bery bright",USA,United States 36.509998,-81.109999,3/6/2008 21:10,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.197368,-110.893722,3/6/2008 19:09,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 35.945838,-78.846392,3/6/2008 20:57,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 41.090001,-81.489997,3/6/2008 21:00,-9999,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 37.140001,-104.620002,3/6/2008 19:07,4,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,"Storm clearing out, moisture in air.","Small town, population 100.",,USA,United States 30.070980,-95.427790,3/5/2008 19:27,3,-9999.00,clear,,This location is at a school. There where many bright parking lots and a school completly lit up.,,USA,United States 35.165632,129.025060,3/6/2008 21:00,3,-9999.00,clear,There were relatively small number of stars in the direction of Sumiun (City downtown area).,Korea Science AcademySpace Earth and Man Observatory (SEMO),,KOR,South Korea 30.053550,-95.431130,3/5/2008 19:48,2,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 42.930830,-74.622877,3/6/2008 21:00,2,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,"It's somewhat cloady which makes it hard to see Orion and also living in town, i have a disadvange of seeing all of the stars.",The reason I didn't see the full picture of Orian is because theirs to many lights around me that it's hard for me to locate. I live around a gas station and all of these business buildings and street lights. If only I lived in an open space where I coul,I loved doing this observation and helping out to determine the light pollution in Fort Plain. Maybe from doing this experiance it will help to create a clearer and clean atmosphere.,USA,United States -45.341289,-72.041024,3/6/2008 21:30,2,-9999.00,clear,completamente despejado,,"centro de Coyhaique,Chile , plaza de armas",CHL,Chile 30.067671,-95.365854,3/5/2008 20:12,6,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 30.045531,-95.353020,3/5/2008 20:38,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 34.080732,-81.184031,3/6/2008 21:15,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.426869,-110.992801,3/6/2008 19:18,2,-9999.00,clear,,at Home in back yard,,USA,United States 47.619437,-94.953877,3/6/2008 20:00,6,-9999.00,clear,"clear and dark, very good seeing.",back yard,cold -10 fahrenheit,USA,United States 32.216998,-110.970999,3/6/2008 19:18,4,-9999.00,clear,I couldn't see any stars in the east or west.,There is a street light about a half a block away. The lights inside my house were on so that made it lighter outside.,,USA,United States 32.000000,-111.000000,3/5/2008 21:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 40.360773,-105.502940,3/6/2008 18:55,2,-9999.00,clear,,street lights all over,,USA,United States 43.674388,-79.550715,3/6/2008 21:30,3,-9999.00,clear,"clouds approaching from the west, less than 10% skybarely magnitude 3 after 10 minutes outside","Residential neighbourhood, front lawn, near street light (sodium vapor)",,CAN,Canada 32.775213,-117.142594,3/6/2008 18:30,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 39.700000,-104.809997,3/6/2008 19:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,"Aurora, Colorado USA 80013",,USA,United States 44.000000,8.000000,3/6/2008 23:30,3,-9999.00,clear,"good transparency, there was strong winds.",44,,ITA,Italy 38.884998,-77.096655,3/6/2008 21:15,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 33.395681,-112.127602,3/6/2008 19:30,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.229149,-110.958807,3/6/2008 19:30,2,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,clearer sky than previous days,,,USA,United States 44.948891,-93.154279,3/5/2008 21:30,3,-9999.00,clear,it was a mostly clear night,,,USA,United States -35.423198,-71.660104,3/6/2008 23:10,4,-9999.00,clear,clear,talca,=),CHL,Chile 26.879999,-82.260005,3/6/2008 21:25,3,-9999.00,clear,Pretty clear sky.,In front of my house.,,USA,United States 32.441800,-110.977679,3/6/2008 19:30,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 39.000001,-105.000000,3/6/2008 19:30,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,I believe we are going to get some snow tonight.,,,USA,United States 32.416290,-110.994454,3/6/2008 18:56,4,-9999.00,clear,The sky was so clear I could see every star in the sky!!:):),,,USA,United States 40.320000,-105.499997,3/6/2008 19:39,7,-9999.00,clear,No clouds whatsoever!,,,USA,United States 42.590000,-87.860002,3/6/2008 19:20,3,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,"some clouds, mostly clear",City of Kenosha,"Betelgeuse, Bellatrix, Alnitak, Alnilam, Mintaka, & Rigel were all visible.",USA,United States 37.299998,-81.199994,2/29/2008 21:30,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 41.729642,-93.585100,3/6/2008 20:42,3,-9999.00,clear,completely clear,Clear skies In a suburb. Porch lights and street lights plus shopping center 10 blocks away.,,USA,United States 33.458901,-82.211866,3/6/2008 21:30,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,stars look alot dimmer,local neighborhood, SC124 C001 Fall 07 Lindsey Green,USA,United States 41.939998,-88.780001,3/6/2008 20:45,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 37.299998,-81.199994,3/1/2008 21:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 38.869999,-77.080003,3/6/2008 20:30,2,-9999.00,clear,Some haziness from thin high=altitude clouds,"Arlington, VA backyard",Way too much urban light pollution for decent star viewing. Mag 2 under optimum conditions--tonight was probably itermediate between Mag 1 and Mag2 charts.,USA,United States 32.231130,-110.757296,3/6/2008 19:42,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 37.299998,-81.199994,3/2/2008 22:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.220000,-110.929997,3/6/2008 19:55,4,-9999.00,clear,,neighborhood in Tucson AZ,,USA,United States 44.759999,-68.820003,3/6/2008 21:44,3,-9999.00,clear,Lights from nearby houses effected my view of the sky.,Outside of house in driveway. House and trees block most of the sky.,Very cold.,USA,United States 37.299998,-81.199994,3/3/2008 21:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 37.299998,-81.199994,3/4/2008 20:45,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 37.344770,-81.445293,3/6/2008 18:00,4,-9999.00,clear,b-e-a-utiul,MVMS/CBH,,USA,United States 37.299998,-81.199994,3/5/2008 22:10,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 37.299998,-81.199994,3/6/2008 22:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 40.354998,-105.518001,3/6/2008 19:30,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,"very cloudy, no veiw of stars",,,USA,United States 32.775267,-117.142512,3/6/2008 19:00,1,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,a little bit brightDusty,Lots of street lights and Apartments' lights,,USA,United States 35.606230,-78.661267,3/6/2008 19:45,3,-9999.00,clear,,"A few miles south of Raleigh, NC",,USA,United States 32.393081,-111.019111,3/6/2008 20:00,5,-9999.00,clear,It was dark out but all the stars made it a bit difficult to see the constellation.,,,USA,United States 44.948891,-93.154279,3/5/2008 21:30,3,-9999.00,clear,,Concordia University St. Paul,,USA,United States 32.460641,-110.959483,3/6/2008 20:03,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 41.745621,-77.288392,3/6/2008 22:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,in town,,USA,United States 39.150002,-104.090000,3/6/2008 19:58,2,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,It was kind of Cloudy and was kind of hard to see. But I got the best I could.,No websites had my pin- point address so i got as close as I could.,,USA,United States 32.387032,-110.987309,3/6/2008 20:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 41.720001,-72.769997,3/6/2008 21:50,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,"Farmington, CT, USA",,USA,United States 44.210011,-69.091844,3/6/2008 19:38,6,20.81,clear,Possible thin haze,Backyard of my house,,USA,United States 40.280470,-105.349869,3/6/2008 18:56,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 39.910001,-76.589998,3/6/2008 22:00,4,-9999.00,clear,Pretty clear night,Residential area on rooftop with one street lamp 20 feet away.,Temperature 3 C,USA,United States 32.216998,-110.970999,3/6/2008 20:10,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.240002,-110.960002,3/6/2008 20:15,3,-9999.00,clear,"The sky is clear, but there are many lights, so it is very bright.",,,USA,United States 32.337479,-110.999446,3/6/2008 19:55,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.231150,-110.930946,3/6/2008 20:03,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 39.260149,-76.744408,3/6/2008 22:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 42.739270,-83.946406,3/7/2008 22:00,4,-9999.00,clear,clear,Trees did obsure some of the sky.Location is inthe country so very little artifical lights. Just a yard light.,,USA,United States 32.240002,-110.960002,3/5/2008 18:00,3,-9999.00,clear,Very clear and bright,Tucson,,USA,United States 39.660197,-104.762200,3/1/2008 21:15,4,-9999.00,clear,"I tried completing this activity a few times and was unsuccessful due to cloud coverage. Saturday March 1st was a very nice day though, so I was able to locate Orion when I went outside at about 9:15 PM.","Aurora, CO 80013",This assignment was fun.,USA,United States 43.795292,-91.223023,3/6/2008 21:10,4,-9999.00,clear,The sky was very clear. (No visible clouds),There were lights from a nearby building providing some light pollution about 40m away.,I was really shocked on how much light pollution there was even though we are not near a very large city.,USA,United States 41.720001,-72.769997,3/6/2008 21:50,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 32.240002,-110.960002,3/4/2008 21:30,3,-9999.00,clear,Reletively clear,Tucson,,USA,United States 32.206330,-110.942592,3/6/2008 20:05,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 35.246539,-84.876220,3/6/2008 22:30,4,19.55,clear,thin layer of high clouds,,,USA,United States 40.158490,-76.786366,3/6/2008 22:30,3,-9999.00,clear,"The sky was crisp and relatively clear, less than a 1/4 was covered in clouds.",,,USA,United States 32.285870,-110.861360,3/6/2008 20:27,7,-9999.00,clear,"Sky extremely clear, could see all of Orion",,Data taken in complete darkness,USA,United States 37.063629,-107.523140,3/6/2008 20:24,5,-9999.00,clear,"Cold, clear night","In the country, with few houses around.",,USA,United States 40.370998,-105.495004,3/1/2008 20:00,4,19.10,clear,Clear but turbulent. Common for our location at 7500 ft above sea level in the Rocky Mountains.,there were 2 unshielded street lights within my view,"We were in a Bond park in center of downtown Estes Park, CO. There was a lot of lighting from nearby businesses and local car trafic. Not a very good spot for star gazing.",USA,United States 46.536510,-114.282377,3/6/2008 20:00,-9999,6.50,clear,"2000 MST still had vague skyglow from the sunset. 1 hour before is specified but at that time i evening light in the Seven Sisters. The extra half hour got the sky dark, but it has been better.",,,USA,United States 32.229180,-110.950993,3/6/2008 19:30,2,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 43.799998,-70.089994,3/6/2008 21:00,2,14.87,clear,,Casco Bay Ford dealership -,Rob Burgess,USA,United States 36.223451,-115.300259,3/6/2008 19:25,2,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 44.948911,-93.154279,3/6/2008 21:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 43.900003,-70.050003,3/6/2008 21:15,4,19.87,clear,,,Rob Burgess,USA,United States 32.231799,-110.951751,3/6/2008 20:35,4,-9999.00,clear,it was somewhat dark because it is a new moon,"University of Arizona, 1420 E 5th Street Tucson, AZ, the dorm address to be exact",,USA,United States 32.435742,-110.985363,3/6/2008 20:39,-9999,19.63,clear,,,,USA,United States 40.472020,-77.058099,3/6/2008 21:01,6,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.269908,-110.841860,3/6/2008 20:43,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 42.635120,-71.339605,3/6/2008 21:45,2,-9999.00,clear,"Pretty clear at 9:30 but fast becoming hazy; no discrete clouds, though. It seems like a lot of moisture but not really clouds by 9:45.","Small urban yard, dark but with three cobra streetlights within sight. (You have to dodge them by blocking with trees and houses to see much of anything.)",The best we ever do at this location is probably magnitude 3.,USA,United States 45.360000,-122.359998,3/4/2008 19:30,2,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,"Scattered clouds, but unobstructive to Orion.",,The last of the sun light just fading away.,USA,United States 32.228432,-110.956908,3/6/2008 20:50,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.233879,-110.956758,3/7/2008 20:40,3,-9999.00,clear,Clear sky again.,"Observed from outside, in the front of my dorm building.",,USA,United States 39.972487,-74.138234,3/6/2008 23:00,5,-9999.00,clear,Clear,,,USA,United States 41.700002,-73.910003,3/6/2008 21:05,4,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,There was a little haze to the west with some clouds.,There are a few street lights within 1/4 mile from my observation point.,I was able to see Orion's belt and his sword. There were a few other smaller stars present.,USA,United States 40.369099,-105.496001,2/25/2008 20:00,5,19.51,1/2 of sky,Most of the night the sky cloudiness was intermitant. When the reading was taken there was a very clear view of Orion.,We were on a football field located next to a high school. Ther were two shielded and one unshielded street lights within 50 m.,The moon was 4 days past full and up 30 ? above herizon,USA,United States 39.580000,-104.760000,3/6/2008 20:55,4,-9999.00,clear,Sky was very clear.,,,USA,United States 32.229067,-110.961648,3/6/2008 20:20,4,-9999.00,clear,,"From street in front of 612 E. 5th St, Tucson, AZ 85705",,USA,United States 33.689980,-117.799002,3/6/2008 20:02,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 30.000001,-90.054999,3/5/2008 21:00,2,-9999.00,clear,,"Near 500 Bourbon St., New Orleans. Many city and bar lights on this famous party street",,USA,United States 33.687999,-117.799002,3/5/2008 20:00,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 8.208460,99.087938,3/4/2008 20:45,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,THA,Thailand 39.140519,-104.082978,3/6/2008 19:30,6,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 40.202750,-79.930350,3/6/2008 22:00,3,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 39.899441,-104.990956,3/6/2008 21:06,3,-9999.00,clear,,"My address is 11625 Community Center DR. Northglenn, CO 80233",,USA,United States 42.245997,-84.401003,3/6/2008 22:30,4,-9999.00,clear,,"city development is coming my direction, sky brightness is increasing. new mall expansion this year :(","mag 4.5+ lasy two years of reporting, it was a easy mag 5",USA,United States 32.266381,-111.034724,3/6/2008 19:25,4,-9999.00,clear,very clear,to my right were all of Tucson's lights from all of the city traffic,it was a little breezy outside,USA,United States 39.502700,-104.708699,3/6/2008 21:00,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,One large cloud directly below Orion.,,,USA,United States 33.877861,-84.334750,3/6/2008 23:00,1,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 38.519999,-109.419999,3/5/2008 21:00,2,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 38.519999,-109.419999,3/6/2008 21:15,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 9.282560,99.819205,3/6/2008 21:05,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,THA,Thailand 37.470001,-121.130003,3/6/2008 20:10,3,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 26.887099,-82.313799,3/5/2008 20:30,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,dark blue sky with a few stray clouds,front porch of house,oroin found instantly,USA,United States 32.218771,-111.028768,3/6/2008 21:23,4,-9999.00,clear,very pretty and clear,Dark perfect to see all the stars,,USA,United States 39.907132,-104.987384,3/6/2008 21:06,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 35.360340,-97.510246,3/6/2008 21:30,4,-9999.00,clear,nice clear nite,,,USA,United States 37.295831,-120.520409,3/6/2008 20:23,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 40.202750,-79.930350,3/6/2008 23:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 32.413848,-110.965289,3/6/2008 21:26,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 42.355461,-89.170578,3/4/2008 20:47,5,-9999.00,clear,There was a contrail below Orion.,"In the country approximately 5 miles outside of a metropolitan area of approximately 250,000 people.",The ground was snow covered.,USA,United States 32.243339,-110.919902,3/6/2008 21:27,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 35.545319,-97.300956,3/6/2008 22:00,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 48.279998,-117.720004,3/6/2008 20:25,3,-9999.00,clear,A few wisps of transparent clouds were visible. Light pollution from neighboring businesses interfered with the visible magnitude.,,,USA,United States 40.127129,-105.114514,3/6/2008 19:40,5,-9999.00,clear,Little Haze in the South,,,USA,United States 38.867840,-106.182988,3/5/2008 19:45,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,"Snow flurries, mostly cloudy.",,,USA,United States 40.563561,-105.073561,3/6/2008 21:30,4,-9999.00,clear,finally a clear night!,Noah's back yard,Good transparancy. Nice viewing tonight.,USA,United States 32.316661,-111.066676,3/6/2008 21:30,3,-9999.00,clear,Transperancy-good -Light twinkling of stars.,All the sports park lights are on east two miles across the Santa Cruz river.,,USA,United States 39.570660,-104.950979,3/6/2008 21:40,5,-9999.00,clear,No clouds at all.,,,USA,United States 40.497800,-80.067193,3/6/2008 19:20,4,-9999.00,clear,"I could see all the mag 4 stars, but not all mag 5 stars. Best guess is about mag 4.5. I could see all the sword stars plus many in other parts of Orion, at least 20 in all. Western sky not yet dark.",,,USA,United States 41.932177,-88.767188,3/6/2008 21:58,3,-9999.00,clear,,I was standing about 15 feet away from a street light,,USA,United States 42.258469,-85.761556,3/6/2008 23:35,2,-9999.00,clear,,,orion very low on horizon...better visibility overhead,USA,United States 39.669701,-104.785238,3/6/2008 20:55,5,-9999.00,clear,clear night no clouds,,observation made in my back yard,USA,United States 33.797231,-117.931576,3/6/2008 20:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 45.429999,-122.839996,3/6/2008 20:40,5,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 40.655000,-73.938498,3/6/2008 18:30,-9999,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,Partly cloudyOvernight Low35?FPrecip20% Wind: ENE 5 mph Max. Humidity: 75%,,,USA,United States 40.416739,-111.800628,2/29/2008 20:13,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 39.669701,-104.785238,3/6/2008 20:55,5,-9999.00,clear,It was a clear night there were no clouds.,,I made the observation in the backyard.,USA,United States 33.835128,-117.903764,3/6/2008 20:35,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 37.817583,-103.192178,3/6/2008 20:00,3,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 33.840001,-117.900007,3/3/2008 18:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 38.834140,-106.139091,3/4/2008 20:30,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,Slightly cloudy,Too many lights; I was at a school.,,USA,United States 32.268638,-110.893968,3/6/2008 21:49,3,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 33.840001,-117.900007,3/5/2008 18:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 42.257680,-85.760340,3/5/2008 23:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 40.609009,-73.930398,3/6/2008 20:30,4,-9999.00,clear,I saw the orion in a different location than yesterday. Today it moved toward east around 120 degrees. Yesterday it was anout 45 degrees.,,,USA,United States 33.899240,-84.219415,3/6/2008 21:15,4,-9999.00,clear,Very Clear cool night,"Busy Traffic street, Hard to keep Night vision in front yard and can't see Orion from back Yard, 4 house lights nearby",,USA,United States 39.083329,-76.650002,3/6/2008 22:00,4,18.77,clear,Fair astronomical seeing. 4? Celsius,semi-rural,,USA,United States 40.166659,-105.050003,3/6/2008 22:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,"No cloud cover at all tonite. Magnitude 4, almost 5. Sky is very clear out tonite. This is an obervation in Longmont, Colorado for Mike Zawaski Astronomy 101 class.",,USA,United States 32.344668,-111.000621,3/6/2008 21:34,4,-9999.00,clear,"Slight haze reflecting city lights, making it harder to see the stars.","From the backyard of my house, elevation 2,453 ft.",,USA,United States 37.280521,-122.119356,3/6/2008 21:05,4,-9999.00,clear,"No clouds, but stars very twinkly this evening and definitely not as sharp.",,,USA,United States 32.228432,-110.956908,3/6/2008 18:00,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,on University of Arizona campus,,USA,United States 39.647001,-104.826895,3/6/2008 22:00,3,-9999.00,clear,The sky was quite clear.,I live in Aurora Colorado.,Really great observation conditions. I was able to clearly see the stars tonight.,USA,United States 32.230000,-110.960002,3/6/2008 22:11,2,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 32.240002,-110.990000,3/4/2008 20:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,The mall at the University of Arizona. Street lights guide this path.,,USA,United States 39.414928,-76.796229,3/6/2008 23:58,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.240002,-110.990000,3/5/2008 21:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,It is an apartment complex parking lot.,,USA,United States 38.149089,-79.079179,3/6/2008 22:45,4,-9999.00,clear,fog developing,,Security light in yard behind ours about 50 yards away.,USA,United States 32.200001,-110.929997,3/6/2008 21:45,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.240002,-110.990000,3/6/2008 19:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,This was at the University of Arizona behind a building.,,USA,United States 39.899199,-104.952099,3/6/2008 21:45,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 32.000000,-109.999999,3/6/2008 19:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,This was at the University of Arizona behind the Harvill building.,,USA,United States 32.228432,-110.956888,3/6/2008 21:08,3,-9999.00,clear,Hard to see stars becuase of how much bright light there is outside.,no cloud coverage.,,USA,United States 39.899199,-104.952099,3/6/2008 21:45,5,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 32.200001,-110.929997,3/6/2008 21:45,3,-9999.00,clear,BEAUTIFUL NIGHT!! : D,,,USA,United States 39.899199,-104.952099,3/6/2008 21:45,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 32.268409,-110.966716,3/6/2008 22:00,-9999,18.22,clear,,,,USA,United States 39.349997,-104.559999,3/6/2008 21:05,3,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,When I began my observation the sky was mostly cloudy to the North but pretty clear to the Southwest where Orion was. There was a slight haze just below Orion. By the time I completed my oberservation around 9:20pm clouds were moving in to the South West,I observed from my backyard. There were a few interior and exterior house lights visible.,"The shoulders of Orion, especially the left (as I looked at it) were particularly bright. I also noticed a reddish star almost directly above me.",USA,United States 32.177329,-110.881236,3/2/2008 20:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.177329,-110.881236,3/2/2008 20:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.177329,-110.881236,3/3/2008 20:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.177329,-110.881236,3/4/2008 21:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.177329,-110.881236,3/3/2008 20:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.177329,-110.881236,3/5/2008 20:30,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.177329,-110.881236,3/4/2008 21:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.177329,-110.881236,3/6/2008 21:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.177329,-110.881236,3/6/2008 20:30,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 45.448260,-122.794302,3/6/2008 21:35,3,-9999.00,clear,"I found Orion really fast. It was right there when I stepped out of my house. I couldn't see the little tiny stars around Orion, but I can see orangish starand some of bright stars. I glad today was clear sky.",The place was front of my apartment.,I never looked up the sky at nght to find stars. It was great exprience that I learned something about Orion.,USA,United States 16.042499,103.652000,3/5/2008 21:09,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,THA,Thailand 28.560779,77.262383,3/6/2008 21:10,5,-9999.00,clear,These comments have been recommended by other users :if you want to use this new feature to recommend comments logged into spies html-122k.,"Comments on helloworld ! by mr. WORD PRESS hi ,this is a comment.","An additional comment about ADHD ,its really real posted by ALLAN N SCHWARTZ,LCSW .",IND,India 39.700000,-104.809997,3/6/2008 20:30,4,-9999.00,clear,"clear, about 1/10 cloud cover",Aurora Colorado USA 80013,,USA,United States 41.915563,-87.642419,3/7/2008 12:00,4,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,,LSC Alex,USA,United States 45.521100,-122.890416,3/6/2008 22:00,4,18.20,clear,,"Beaverton, OR 97006",Many neighborhood lights.,USA,United States 37.720000,-122.139997,3/6/2008 21:46,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.339487,-111.020477,3/5/2008 20:47,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,"Clouds in some areas, but the stars are definitely still visible.",,,USA,United States 30.079351,-95.427790,3/5/2008 19:27,3,-9999.00,clear,,Carl Wunsche Sr. High School - 900 Wunsche Loop,,USA,United States 30.053550,-95.431130,3/5/2008 19:38,2,-9999.00,clear,,"Spring High School - 19428 I-45 North, Spring, TX 77373",,USA,United States 30.067671,-95.365854,3/5/2008 20:12,5,-9999.00,clear,,"Rickey C. Bailey Middle School - 3377 James C. Leo Drive, Spring, TX 77373",,USA,United States 30.045531,-95.353020,3/5/2008 20:38,3,-9999.00,clear,,"Dueitt Middle School - 1 Eagle Crossing, Spring, Texas 77373",,USA,United States 32.229180,-110.950993,3/6/2008 21:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.229180,-110.950993,3/6/2008 23:33,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 39.598998,-105.228101,3/6/2008 20:45,5,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,"Sky was Clear to the West and South West, but mostly cloudy to the North and East.",,,USA,United States 45.505613,-122.725672,3/6/2008 22:44,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 37.834600,-122.196292,3/6/2008 20:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 34.009998,-118.390005,3/4/2008 20:28,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 45.543210,-122.654324,3/6/2008 18:00,3,-9999.00,clear,there were some trees obscuring the constelation under the belt. there were perhaps a few clouds but not even 1/4 of the sky was covered.,Portland Oregon Rose Test Garden,totally bodacious man.,USA,United States 32.299999,-106.449994,3/6/2008 20:15,3,-9999.00,clear,Sky was fine tonight,In front of my house in outer subdivision,Keep up the Good work!,USA,United States 65.374589,-151.856675,2/29/2008 22:00,5,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,Nice and clear,My neighbors porch lights were on about 40 meters away.,"It was a very pretty, stary night",USA,United States 65.370006,-151.859994,3/5/2008 21:00,-9999,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,I could barely see any stars at all.,My neighbors porch lights were on about 40 meters away.,,USA,United States 32.229409,-110.951014,3/7/2008 22:00,1,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 44.950001,26.017000,3/6/2008 23:00,-9999,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,ROM,Romania 44.430001,24.360001,3/3/2008 19:45,3,18.30,clear,,,,ROM,Romania 44.430001,24.360001,3/3/2008 20:45,3,18.34,clear,,,,ROM,Romania 44.430001,24.360001,3/3/2008 21:45,3,18.08,clear,,,,ROM,Romania 44.430001,24.360001,3/4/2008 19:30,3,18.14,clear,,,,ROM,Romania 44.430001,24.360001,3/5/2008 20:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,Rain,"Slatina, Romania",,ROM,Romania -25.715589,28.216609,2/28/2008 20:20,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,ZAF,South Africa 45.549999,-122.750001,3/6/2008 20:15,4,-9999.00,clear,Humidity was at 76%,,,USA,United States 33.834630,-118.196027,3/6/2008 21:47,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,To cloudy to see anything,"Long Beach, CA",,USA,United States 41.705849,-4.848400,3/6/2008 21:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,ESP,Spain 41.672999,2.259060,3/6/2008 12:30,4,-9999.00,clear,,Loclidad d2 15.000 habitantes con una zona industrial y cerca de un Parque Natural.,,ESP,Spain 41.611999,2.288000,3/6/2008 21:00,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,A little bit cloudy.,,ESP,Spain 41.542238,2.259060,3/6/2008 21:30,2,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,"Es una ciudad industrial, estaba un poco nublado",,ESP,Spain 39.825160,-0.233660,3/6/2008 12:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,Mi Home.,,ESP,Spain 36.550931,127.541488,3/3/2008 21:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,KOR,South Korea 36.550931,127.541488,3/4/2008 21:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,KOR,South Korea 36.550931,127.541488,3/5/2008 21:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,KOR,South Korea 36.550931,127.541488,3/6/2008 21:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,KOR,South Korea 37.471070,-81.663162,3/6/2008 19:40,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,MVMS/BNA,,USA,United States 14.781310,17.393749,3/3/2008 20:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,TCD,Chad 14.775550,17.390570,3/3/2008 20:10,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,TCD,Chad 39.475553,-0.371110,3/6/2008 22:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,ESP,Spain 14.775550,17.485001,3/5/2008 20:50,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,TCD,Chad 14.766539,17.391480,3/4/2008 19:18,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,TCD,Chad 14.770299,17.353960,3/6/2008 20:25,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,TCD,Chad 51.080003,1.100000,3/5/2008 18:55,3,-9999.00,clear,Some haze was visible at the time of making the observation.,Semi-rural with open countryside within 300 m of location,,GBR,United Kingdom -27.537999,153.262997,3/7/2008 21:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,,S&,AUS,Australia 26.909999,-82.230007,3/6/2008 20:30,1,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,The sky was pretty cloudy and it started to drizzle slightly.,"My location is pretty desolate, I don't have street lamps or any other sort of lighting. There weren't any trees obscuring my view of the sky.","It was pretty difficult to see anything really, it was dark enough but the clouds were very thick.",USA,United States 14.577230,17.485750,3/5/2008 20:50,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,TCD,Chad 14.791960,17.337920,3/3/2008 18:22,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,TCD,Chad 40.361002,-105.448996,3/5/2008 21:30,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,"very,very cloudy. Clouds cover 100% of sky",,,USA,United States 56.171370,12.836910,3/6/2008 12:30,4,-9999.00,clear,"Very clear, some street light pollution.","Small village, regular street lights, residential area, coast abou 6 miles away.",,SWE,Sweden 35.311969,-101.919420,3/6/2008 20:45,5,-9999.00,clear,,,S&,USA,United States 40.560003,-80.050001,3/6/2008 20:54,3,-9999.00,clear,no interference,2 houses with porch lights on bur the did not interfere with the observation,better to have seen a Magnitude 7 Chart sky,USA,United States 46.169497,21.308051,2/25/2008 21:45,4,-9999.00,clear,,,Sabin Dragoi High School - Arad ROMANIA,ROM,Romania 46.169497,21.308051,2/26/2008 21:45,4,-9999.00,clear,,,Sabin Dragoi High School - Arad ROMANIA,ROM,Romania 41.537782,-73.895332,3/5/2008 21:20,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 46.169497,21.308051,2/27/2008 21:40,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,Sabin Dragoi High School - Arad ROMANIA,ROM,Romania 46.169497,21.308051,2/28/2008 21:48,5,-9999.00,clear,,,Sabin Dragoi High School - Arad ROMANIA,ROM,Romania -34.902052,138.640915,3/7/2008 23:00,4,-9999.00,clear,Streetlights right near my house!,"Just out of adelaide, in the suburb of payneham, south australia",The time I submitted was in local adelaide time.,AUS,Australia 19.707109,99.718289,3/7/2008 19:30,4,-9999.00,clear,There were a little dim weather .,At The yard Tanthong Wittaya school and far form street light 100 m,,THA,Thailand 43.877528,-72.126921,3/7/2008 19:30,6,-9999.00,clear,It was dark out.,,,USA,United States 43.858571,-72.155273,3/6/2008 20:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,it was not very cloudy,,USA,United States 43.810729,-72.168120,3/6/2008 19:05,5,-9999.00,clear,,Pretty clear sky. Only lights were the lights from my house.,,USA,United States 43.810729,-72.158941,3/6/2008 19:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,lots of street lights and other ardificial lights.,,USA,United States -36.614558,-72.110207,3/6/2008 22:32,4,-9999.00,clear,cielo despejado,luces de la calle a unos 70 metros,"veo mßs estrellas que las magnitud 4 pero menos que la carta de magnitud 5. Estimo que mi l?mite es aprox 4,5",CHL,Chile 43.847301,-72.145943,3/6/2008 19:24,4,-9999.00,clear,Clear,Easy to stop,,USA,United States 42.490002,-70.860002,3/6/2008 19:15,2,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,The seeing conditions were 5-6 and transparency was 3.,"My observation was made from the porch at Lyme Rickies in Marblehead. There was a strong sodium light in the parking lot,about 100 meters away, which inhibited viewing.",,USA,United States 43.793930,-72.063769,3/6/2008 19:00,7,-9999.00,clear,clear,no houses withing 300 yards,,USA,United States 43.794551,-72.108062,3/6/2008 19:31,6,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,great,,,USA,United States 43.777780,-72.199942,3/6/2008 20:30,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 43.761210,-72.159787,3/6/2008 19:54,4,-9999.00,clear,not many stars,,very dark,USA,United States 43.779337,-72.197169,3/6/2008 19:35,5,-9999.00,clear,,very very dark!!!,,USA,United States 43.809428,-72.152875,3/8/2008 20:20,5,-9999.00,clear,Clear With no clouds,It was very dark because I turned off ll the lights.,Fun,USA,United States 43.845279,-72.145239,3/6/2008 19:05,6,-9999.00,clear,"very clear sky, very dark with a blue tint to it",there are no street lights other that ours (which are turned off) within 150 yards at least,,USA,United States 43.784709,-72.194799,3/7/2008 21:00,6,-9999.00,clear,the sky was clear,their was no lights were i was,fine,USA,United States 43.815687,-72.152909,3/6/2008 20:41,6,-9999.00,clear,,,we did it late at night,USA,United States 43.806122,-72.148497,3/7/2008 19:33,4,-9999.00,clear,very clear,i had a great view of seeing the stars.,,USA,United States 43.838797,-72.160293,3/6/2008 19:34,6,-9999.00,clear,The sky was very clear. It was easy to see the stars.,There was a minimal amount of light.,It was cold outside.,USA,United States 43.820820,-72.177758,3/6/2008 18:30,4,-9999.00,clear,,had to go out early,,USA,United States 44.543652,-69.612537,3/7/2008 20:48,2,-9999.00,clear,"Nice and clear, but kind of hard to see with all of the lights!",BORING!!,It was PERRTY!!,USA,United States 43.809428,-72.152875,3/6/2008 19:30,5,-9999.00,clear,it was dark and the stars were being boring,in my back yard,i like ponies!!!!!!,USA,United States 43.815687,-72.152909,3/6/2008 20:44,6,-9999.00,clear,,it was dark and starry but I could still see the stars.,,USA,United States 43.788951,-72.173940,3/6/2008 18:58,5,-9999.00,clear,It was very dark and many stars were easy to see,Near a highway and a clinic,,USA,United States 43.808280,-72.150416,3/7/2008 19:01,4,-9999.00,clear,The sky was so clear!,I was very dark and I could see every star in the sky clearly.,This was fun and somewhat confusing.,USA,United States 39.542468,-77.985351,3/6/2008 20:00,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,The sky overall was pretty clear but you would get a cloud here and there.,There was no loghts were i was observing at.,,USA,United States 28.051059,-82.527093,3/7/2008 18:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,very cloudy.,,,USA,United States 28.170000,-82.450000,3/6/2008 19:38,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 41.568180,-73.993017,3/6/2008 21:00,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,The sky ws fairly clear.,Outside my house.,,USA,United States 28.109422,-82.456639,3/4/2008 18:30,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 40.363840,-105.509149,3/6/2008 19:42,6,-9999.00,clear,Several passing airplanes,Street light about 20m away,,USA,United States 30.070980,-95.427790,3/5/2008 19:27,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 30.053351,-95.431130,3/5/2008 19:38,2,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 30.067671,-95.365854,3/5/2008 20:12,6,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 30.045531,-95.353020,3/5/2008 20:38,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 39.172002,-103.976113,3/6/2008 20:30,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 52.089471,-106.600279,3/5/2008 21:00,4,-9999.00,clear,Clear. Orange glow of city to north,Urban residential on south side of city.,,CAN,Canada 52.089471,-106.600279,3/6/2008 21:00,4,-9999.00,clear,Clear. Orange glow of city to north.,Urban residential on south side of city.,,CAN,Canada 44.031299,-69.133344,3/3/2008 21:45,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 44.067639,-69.127580,3/3/2008 19:00,2,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 43.678390,-72.051263,3/6/2008 19:24,5,-9999.00,clear,"Beautiful starry, starry night.",There were several street lights near my location.,,USA,United States 43.926080,-69.841116,3/6/2008 19:50,2,-9999.00,clear,It was a very clear night.,"There is quite a bit of light on my street, and I live close to town & a shipbuilders co. with loads of high beamed light.",,USA,United States 43.809428,-72.152875,3/6/2008 19:34,4,-9999.00,clear,lot of stars,no lights,,USA,United States 43.806142,-72.152261,3/6/2008 21:30,6,-9999.00,clear,very bright and lots of stars filled the sky,It was very dark outside because there was no lights on,,USA,United States 44.099997,-69.400002,3/3/2008 20:30,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 43.805869,-72.148162,3/6/2008 19:20,6,-9999.00,clear,Clear and beutiful.,Only a few house lights on.,,USA,United States 43.784859,-72.169992,3/6/2008 20:15,4,-9999.00,clear,clear,the lights are on in the house,,USA,United States 43.810729,-72.168120,3/6/2008 19:04,4,-9999.00,clear,Very clear night. No clouds.,Some of the lights were still on inside the house.,,USA,United States 43.814830,-72.151489,3/6/2008 19:00,3,-9999.00,clear,black and shiney.,Lots of lights around my house.,,USA,United States 44.425869,-69.007969,3/3/2008 20:15,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 44.015300,-70.062667,3/5/2008 20:00,4,19.83,clear,sky cleared after a stormy day.,Residential neighborhood with some street lights,,USA,United States 44.425869,-69.007969,3/7/2008 20:15,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 43.809428,-72.152875,3/6/2008 19:08,4,-9999.00,clear,"Very, very clear",There were a couple of bright lights round,,USA,United States 43.837373,-72.152315,3/6/2008 19:15,3,-9999.00,clear,,"It was dark, and when i stepped outside i saw the belt.",,USA,United States 44.210011,-69.091844,3/3/2008 20:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 43.809428,-72.152875,3/6/2008 19:59,4,-9999.00,clear,The stars were bright but you could not see as many as you can on some summers.,There was one outside light on. The house covered a clump of stars.,,USA,United States 43.810729,-72.168120,3/7/2008 21:20,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,"Beautiful, light haze in South West","Surrounded by trees, and a light on 5 meters away",,USA,United States 32.419288,-110.974325,3/6/2008 20:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,Back Yard,,USA,United States 32.244432,-111.002650,3/5/2008 21:24,3,-9999.00,clear,,I live close to a park.,,USA,United States 32.245832,-110.836389,3/6/2008 20:10,5,-9999.00,clear,,no streetlights in neighborhood,,USA,United States 30.079839,-95.427790,3/5/2008 19:26,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 30.053550,-95.431130,3/5/2008 19:40,2,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 43.733189,-70.237376,3/6/2008 19:00,3,18.36,clear,Sky Glow from Portland under Orion.,Rear of Church Parking lot with some street lights.,Church has new lighting to help eliminate light pollution.,USA,United States 30.067671,-95.365854,3/5/2008 20:12,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 30.045531,-95.353020,3/5/2008 20:35,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.177329,-110.881236,3/6/2008 20:15,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 43.842629,-70.231687,3/6/2008 20:00,5,20.58,clear,Some sky glow but Orion was clear and the stars bright. Some sky glow from Yarmouth.,Snow covered Golf Course parking lot.,No golfers.,USA,United States 35.699439,-83.516391,3/6/2008 19:30,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 14.741000,20.624999,3/4/2008 20:30,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,TCD,Chad 46.169497,21.308051,3/1/2008 21:42,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,Sabin Dragoi High School - Arad ROMANIA,ROM,Romania 46.169497,21.308051,3/2/2008 21:51,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,Sabin Dragoi High School - Arad ROMANIA,ROM,Romania 46.177219,21.315550,3/3/2008 21:38,6,-9999.00,clear,,,,ROM,Romania 39.930000,-104.919998,2/28/2008 21:10,4,-9999.00,clear,The appearence of orions belt is very clear. There is quite a bit of light coming from the city of Denver to the south west of where I'm located. I can't quite see the entire sword. the moon hasen't risen yet so I'm not getting any interference from it.,,,USA,United States 46.177219,21.315550,3/4/2008 21:35,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,Sabin Dragoi High School - Arad ROMANIA,ROM,Romania 46.177219,21.315550,3/5/2008 21:48,3,-9999.00,clear,,,Sabin Dragoi High School - Arad ROMANIA,ROM,Romania 46.177219,21.315550,3/6/2008 21:52,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,Sabin Dragoi High School - Arad ROMANIA,ROM,Romania 45.943588,24.966619,3/1/2008 19:05,1,-9999.00,clear,,,,ROM,Romania 44.950001,26.017000,3/3/2008 19:48,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,ROM,Romania 35.853039,-83.252609,3/5/2008 22:36,7,-9999.00,clear,I didn't see any haze or clouds any where around.,No street lights within 1.5 miles.,"I could see the belt, shoulders, and knees.",USA,United States 44.950001,26.017000,3/5/2008 20:00,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,ROM,Romania 43.804568,-72.115118,3/6/2008 19:45,6,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 43.806142,-72.152261,3/7/2008 19:37,6,-9999.00,clear,the sky was very clear so I could see well.,there was no light so I could see very clearly.,,USA,United States 44.950001,26.017000,3/6/2008 20:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,ROM,Romania 43.841492,-72.147507,3/6/2008 21:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,"My lights were on, but it was pretty dark.",,USA,United States 43.642528,-72.148231,3/6/2008 20:21,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 43.809428,-72.152875,3/7/2008 20:15,2,-9999.00,clear,The sky was clear.,There were a lot of lights from the houses.,,USA,United States 43.812098,-72.160764,3/6/2008 20:00,5,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,about half the sky was cloudy,there were not any lights in our back yard,i saw some stars and all of orion,USA,United States 43.783428,-72.140021,3/6/2008 21:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,The only light I had was the stars.,,USA,United States 43.778722,-72.098924,3/6/2008 19:30,2,-9999.00,clear,,on a ski mountain,,USA,United States 43.767412,-72.165750,3/6/2008 19:53,6,-9999.00,clear,,853 ft above sea level,,USA,United States 43.777230,-72.181548,3/6/2008 20:15,2,-9999.00,clear,it wasn't very clear out because of the lights were on in my community,there were alot of lights so i couldn't see well,,USA,United States 43.767412,-72.165750,3/6/2008 19:38,4,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,the sky was very pretty,there were no cars that were active,I saw a shooting star,USA,United States 43.806142,-72.152261,3/6/2008 19:37,6,-9999.00,clear,It was really clear.,It was dark,,USA,United States 38.439997,-82.210001,3/6/2008 20:20,4,-9999.00,clear,,,I was observing due south. There is a street light almost due east from the direction I was looking. I shielded it the best I could. It is about 100-150 feet away.,USA,United States 43.777230,-72.181548,3/6/2008 20:15,2,-9999.00,clear,It was clear.,It was bright outside because of the houses.,,USA,United States 32.216998,-110.970999,3/6/2008 21:45,4,-9999.00,clear,"Very clear sky, easy to see.",Very few street lights in my neighborhood.,,USA,United States 39.172402,-104.087951,3/5/2008 20:00,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,"thin cloud coverage with few stars, but you could still see the knife in Orion's belt",,"At first it was hard to find because of the small cover of clouds, but you could still see Orion through it because of how bright the stars on his belt were",USA,United States 39.140338,-104.084556,3/5/2008 18:00,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,"I could see the belt and what I thought was his head, but other than that it was a little hard to see and there were other stars that made it even harder.",,,USA,United States 32.267668,-111.049594,3/6/2008 20:45,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 39.136181,-104.080786,3/6/2008 19:00,6,-9999.00,clear,"It was very clear(But, it has some cloud in south)",I found the Orion at south,,USA,United States 39.999999,-76.000000,3/6/2008 19:30,3,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,Several days of cloudy/rainy weather; viewing not as good as usual,,USA,United States 41.154349,-96.048231,3/6/2008 20:02,1,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,It was very cloudy with onl y a few stars visible,,,USA,United States 40.584820,-75.518738,3/6/2008 20:40,3,17.49,clear,Hazy at the horizon.,"A lot of lights, next to a shopping center.",,USA,United States 39.192951,-104.212608,3/5/2008 18:00,7,-9999.00,clear,Very clear.,,Very cold.,USA,United States 40.563110,-75.589396,3/6/2008 20:30,1,6.80,clear,Hazy at the horizon.,"Large parking lot, lots of lights.",,USA,United States 14.616999,-90.482999,3/6/2008 20:15,-9999,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,"The location is at east of the city light, the magnitud increase to 5 when the constellation is appearing.",,GTM,Guatemala 25.165149,51.335231,3/7/2008 19:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,QAT,Qatar 43.387250,-70.543792,3/6/2008 21:15,3,-9999.00,clear,Very clear night. No cloud cover.,"Downtown Kennebunk, Maine. There were a couple of lights from neighbor's garages. We walked to a shady spot, but we could still see the glare from some lights.","It was a bit cold outside, good night for watching the stars. I was surprised how little I could see and I wanted to ask my neighbor to turn off their outside light, but it was a bit too late in the evening.",USA,United States 43.387619,-76.221489,3/6/2008 19:24,5,-9999.00,clear,"Starry, starry night!",There were many street lights.,,USA,United States 44.948891,-93.154279,3/5/2008 21:40,2,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 43.809428,-72.152875,3/6/2008 20:16,6,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 43.767381,-72.165757,3/6/2008 18:30,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 39.731999,-104.924007,3/6/2008 21:07,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,The sky was cloudy in the southwest.,I was in a darkened park without any bright streetlights around me.,,USA,United States 43.812631,-72.149904,3/6/2008 19:58,6,-9999.00,clear,very clear,No lights,,USA,United States 43.811050,-72.162369,3/6/2008 20:40,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 43.601199,-70.883410,3/6/2008 20:45,4,-9999.00,clear,there where not any clouds out but it was very cold out and you could see lights from the road acrost the street,i was sitting on a snow bank out in my back yeard,,USA,United States 39.935119,-79.289132,3/1/2008 19:30,5,-9999.00,clear,,rural farming location,,USA,United States 43.808280,-72.150416,3/6/2008 18:55,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 43.491612,-70.848910,3/6/2008 19:58,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,It was sort of clear but not really .,Their was one garge light on that was it.,I coldn't find Orian but there was alot of stars .,USA,United States 43.528420,-70.843569,3/6/2008 20:20,6,-9999.00,clear,good,I was on my deck. There was a moson senser in my front yard.,,USA,United States 43.778722,-72.098924,3/6/2008 19:15,5,-9999.00,clear,so pretty!,NO street lights or house lights.,,USA,United States 43.810698,-72.158920,3/6/2008 20:45,5,-9999.00,clear,not to clear,bright lights around,,USA,United States 43.905023,-72.153394,3/6/2008 19:10,6,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 43.811050,-72.162369,3/6/2008 20:35,4,-9999.00,clear,,,right under street light,USA,United States 43.809428,-72.152875,3/7/2008 20:33,6,-9999.00,clear,"Very Very clear, i found everything very easy. I found irion in about 2 seconds.",There was one street light.,one street light probly about 50 yards away.,USA,United States 43.526248,-70.845625,3/6/2008 19:10,5,-9999.00,clear,It was pretty clear outside and it was easy to find him.,The only light that was on was our security light on the side of our house.,It was only a little cold but trying to find Orion was fun.,USA,United States 43.854432,-72.178420,3/6/2008 21:00,6,-9999.00,clear,,No lights,,USA,United States 43.834091,-72.116785,3/6/2008 20:39,5,-9999.00,clear,,no lights,,USA,United States 43.811050,-72.162369,3/6/2008 20:35,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 43.609839,-70.818919,3/6/2008 21:45,5,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,There was a lot of stars I had one neighbor with their lights on about 100 yards away,,"I think the stars are easier to see at my grammies house which is right down the street, they have 6th magnitude",USA,United States 43.810729,-72.158941,3/6/2008 20:35,6,-9999.00,clear,black with stars,i was in the school parking lot so there were lights,,USA,United States 43.560170,-70.829137,3/6/2008 19:50,6,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,clouds in southern part of sky.,No lighting anywhere in line of sight.In front of my house no lights near me and my father,Wind Conditions:None=0 MPHTemp. Outside: 30.6 degrees FWe turned off all our lights and sat outside for 25 mins. and saw a couple the first time at 6:01p.m.But found a lot at 7:50p.m.,USA,United States 43.514729,-70.840393,3/6/2008 22:10,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,It was nothing in the SKY,My friend had his light on it glars every wheres.,,USA,United States 33.793030,-84.303973,3/6/2008 20:00,3,-9999.00,clear,There was no clouds. But a plane was just flying during that peirod. Several stars could be seen clearly.,"Road beside the houses, with lanterns.",,USA,United States 39.094101,-104.014704,3/6/2008 20:00,4,-9999.00,clear,"It was clear so I could see the stars easy. It looked butful, and cool.",It was a little hared to find but I got it.,"I could see it clearly, and I have had a hared time finding stares that are shapes.",USA,United States 43.537610,-70.841957,3/6/2008 20:20,6,-9999.00,clear,good for viewing,I was on my deck. This is one of five i did from different parts on our property.,This is one of five i did from different parts on our property.,USA,United States 43.540561,-70.848610,3/6/2008 20:44,-9999,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,It could cover 1/4 of sky.,We had the inside light on.,We couldn't locate Orion. The trees were in the way.,USA,United States 42.159998,-79.120003,3/5/2008 20:05,5,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,light clouds,,,USA,United States 43.537610,-70.841957,3/6/2008 20:20,7,-9999.00,clear,good for viewing,I was in my front yard. This is one of five i did from different parts on our property.,This is one of five i did from different parts on our property.,USA,United States 43.537610,-70.841957,3/6/2008 20:25,6,-9999.00,clear,good for viewing.,I was in my side yard. This is one of five i did from different parts on our property.,This is one of five i did from different parts on our property.,USA,United States 43.537610,-70.841957,3/6/2008 20:30,7,-9999.00,clear,good for viewing,i was in my back yard with my dad. This is one of five i did from different parts on our property.,This is one of five i did from different parts on our property.,USA,United States 39.814129,-75.467266,3/6/2008 22:00,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,"Thin clouds to the ENE, a bit hazy, but as this winter has been a washout for observing anyway I can't complain too much. I had a better night to observe Wednesday, but my neighbors had other plans...","Observed from my back deck - variable light pollution from neighbors (though minimal this time) and an orange haze in the northeast from the nearby refineries in Marcus Hook, PA which varies according to transparency (moisture). This time it wasn't too b",I am in the process of constructing a lightweight black gatorfoam-board blind for observing as the neighborhood LP is making it impossible to observe some nights...and if the seeing is good I can't pass up the opportunity.,USA,United States 43.537610,-70.841957,3/6/2008 20:35,5,-9999.00,clear,trees in the way.,In the woods.This is one of five i did from different parts on our property.,This is one of five i did from different parts on our property.,USA,United States 31.870001,-111.000000,3/6/2008 19:25,5,-9999.00,clear,,"Green Valley, AZ Suburban residential",,USA,United States 45.643979,-122.624845,3/6/2008 20:45,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,clouds moving in and getting thicker and thicker as I stood observing (clear pockets of sky disappeared,standing in neighborhood park - 1 street light within 50 m (my back to it) trees in park shielding all other lights,faintly saw a light pass over,USA,United States 35.959962,-78.706080,2/23/2008 21:45,5,-9999.00,clear,It was B-E-A-utiful,,,USA,United States -18.490000,-70.300002,3/6/2008 21:15,6,-9999.00,clear,,,,CHL,Chile 37.474851,-120.860607,3/6/2008 21:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,no stars were visible,,,USA,United States 41.639999,-72.399998,3/6/2008 21:20,4,-9999.00,clear,"A couple of streaky clouds, but mainly clear.",There was one light approx. 100 feet away from my viewing area.,The three stars that make up Orion's belt were further apart than shown on the magnitude charts.,USA,United States 34.885990,-113.159610,3/5/2008 20:50,2,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 39.492342,2.882060,2/29/2008 20:30,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,ESP,Spain 42.875963,-100.579829,3/6/2008 23:00,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 34.308990,-83.894749,3/1/2008 20:15,4,19.03,1/4 of sky,Reading made from clear area,,,USA,United States 45.040002,-93.080001,3/4/2008 19:30,3,-9999.00,clear,,45.04 | -93.08,,USA,United States 38.964378,-0.178300,3/6/2008 21:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,ESP,Spain 34.308990,-83.894749,3/5/2008 23:00,4,19.23,clear,,,,USA,United States 39.064123,-0.236470,3/6/2008 21:25,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,ESP,Spain 34.227270,-83.825081,3/5/2008 20:10,4,19.08,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 43.678390,-72.051263,3/6/2008 19:24,5,-9999.00,clear,"Starry, starry night!",There were many street lights near my observation location.,,USA,United States 43.794551,-72.108062,3/6/2008 19:15,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 43.843350,-72.162847,3/6/2008 19:15,6,-9999.00,clear,"There was no clouds, the sky is clear, and there ar so many stars!",,,USA,United States 34.246053,-83.832328,3/4/2008 21:40,4,19.11,clear,Windy,,,USA,United States 39.414279,-76.636464,3/6/2008 20:00,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,"Partial Cloud coverage, but for the most part, the sky was very clear.",,,USA,United States 43.700681,-72.289438,3/6/2008 21:12,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 43.815687,-72.152909,3/6/2008 20:44,6,-9999.00,clear,it was a very stary night,it was very dark,its the perfect night to look at the sars,USA,United States 43.837373,-72.152315,3/6/2008 19:15,4,-9999.00,clear,,The neighbors outdoor lights were. They were pretty bright.,,USA,United States 39.739028,-104.990260,3/4/2008 19:32,2,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,At a few points I thought saw stars and a portio of Orion so that is why I chose Magitude 2 on the Chart.,I was outside of the courthouse down town. surrounded by alot of taller buildings,"I wish I could have done this in the painds on a clear night so Could have gotten a magnitue 5,6 or 7",USA,United States 43.847301,-72.145943,3/6/2008 19:40,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 43.809428,-72.152875,3/6/2008 19:13,5,-9999.00,clear,A lot of the stars were bright and my mom saw a shooting star.,Orion was situated above my house roof.,,USA,United States 43.837373,-72.152315,3/6/2008 19:10,4,-9999.00,clear,,,i like pie!,USA,United States 43.841820,-72.152445,3/6/2008 20:23,6,-9999.00,clear,"It was very clear outside, and felt like it was in the mid 20's.",My loction allowed me to hae a crystal clear view.,I had hot cocco. It was very yummy. My dog was also with me. He kep nawing on my leg. But then I threw a snow ball and he ran away giving me time to observe in peace.,USA,United States 43.811200,-72.159241,3/7/2008 19:14,4,-9999.00,clear,Stars lit up the night.,There were houses around with their lights on.,Trees and blocked partial view of the sky.,USA,United States 43.761381,-72.160279,3/6/2008 20:00,4,-9999.00,clear,weeeeeeeeeeeeeee,,,USA,United States 39.752589,-104.998108,2/29/2008 19:20,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,There were a few clouds but with aide of friends and family I found orion. was pretty close to magnitude 2 .,I was near the court house down town denver walking to my parking lot near the new post office. I was surrouning by many buildings,"I wish could have seen a 5, 6 or 7",USA,United States 46.175289,21.307841,2/26/2008 20:00,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,at 100 m from a light source,,ROM,Romania 32.333931,-111.207514,3/5/2008 19:27,7,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 46.175289,21.307841,2/27/2008 20:10,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,at 1 m from a light source,,ROM,Romania 32.343620,-111.186580,3/3/2008 20:23,7,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 26.916611,-82.330779,3/6/2008 21:00,4,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,Just rained but the clouds are moving out. Lots of light that are obstructing my view.,1966 Arkansas Ave. Grove city,,USA,United States 32.331510,-111.183862,3/3/2008 21:00,6,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 26.892700,-82.272456,3/6/2008 21:20,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,Rained about a half hour ago clouds moving away.,,,USA,United States 26.927879,-82.357519,3/5/2008 21:00,4,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,Getting ready to rain,Beach,,USA,United States 3.861790,11.521680,3/6/2008 19:45,3,-9999.00,clear,There were no cloud around,There are light all around me because it in the central of the town,Please next time explain us what is Unihedron Sky Quality so that we can take it alsoThank every body!!!,CMR,Cameroon 18.506331,-67.097770,3/5/2008 19:25,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,PRI,Puerto Rico 32.212791,-111.001407,3/6/2008 20:15,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 50.571441,21.669581,3/5/2008 20:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,"Tarnobrzeg, Poland",,POL,Poland 43.918608,-69.801665,3/6/2008 19:25,7,-9999.00,clear,hazy towars the north-east,1 house light and some low-power solar lights.,Very crisp and clear and I can easily point out the dippers.,USA,United States -25.719999,28.139999,3/6/2008 20:33,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,Small amount of cloud cover,,,ZAF,South Africa 43.918608,-69.801665,3/6/2008 19:30,7,-9999.00,clear,a little haze to the north,very clear of lights.,,USA,United States 60.454940,22.152800,3/7/2008 19:10,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,FIN,Finland 39.815522,-105.013318,2/29/2008 21:00,4,-9999.00,clear,There were a few clouds in the sky but not enough to check 1/4 of sky,"I was in my back yard, in a residential neighborhood on the outskirts of denver. All thehomes around me are ranch style.",,USA,United States 38.001967,-91.650777,3/4/2008 20:00,6,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 43.918608,-69.801665,3/6/2008 19:10,6,-9999.00,clear,"The only distraction was the street light. But other than that, it was good.","I I was in Bath when I did the star gazing, but I had no troble finding orion and the other stars. It was neat.","The sky was clear, very little light, it was good for gazing.df kok]we0 rtf]",USA,United States 43.918608,-69.801665,3/6/2008 19:50,6,-9999.00,clear,stars were very close together,VERY CLEAR,went out from 7:50 to 8:10,USA,United States 43.918608,-69.801665,3/6/2008 19:04,6,-9999.00,clear,very clear night,computer screen was on but didn't make an efect,orions belt at first and later bow and almost everything else,USA,United States 43.918608,-69.801665,3/6/2008 18:50,3,-9999.00,clear,Clear Night,Blocked a little by the trees near my house,I've never actually seen it before from a deck,USA,United States 34.299670,-108.469059,3/6/2008 20:30,7,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 43.918608,-69.801665,3/6/2008 18:00,6,-9999.00,clear,clear SKIES,CLEAR skies,it was cool to see,USA,United States 41.049130,-81.494409,3/6/2008 22:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 35.255889,-120.625280,3/4/2008 21:10,4,-9999.00,clear,Slight haze to the south and west.,"Two porch lights about 30 m east, one street lamp about 200 m south-east; all are shielded from my view.",I am 54 years old and I have early stage cataracts. I have lost about one magnitude of star gazing visual acuity as compared to 20 years ago.,USA,United States 41.045749,-81.518608,3/6/2008 19:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,very clouy,,,USA,United States 43.918608,-69.801665,3/6/2008 20:15,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,couldn't seeas many stars as I normally can,it was hard not because of lights but the time,,USA,United States 41.078049,-81.561891,3/6/2008 20:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,very cloudy,,,USA,United States 43.918608,-69.801665,3/6/2008 19:00,7,-9999.00,clear,LIGHT POLUTION WAS RING AROUND SKY.,NIEGHBORS YARD LIGHT.,NO MOON/ NEW MOON.FOUND URSA MAJER BUT NOT URSA MINER.,USA,United States 42.746329,-123.042347,3/4/2008 20:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 39.186499,-104.229281,3/5/2008 21:34,7,-9999.00,clear,Very Clear,,,USA,United States 43.918608,-69.801665,3/6/2008 19:00,3,-9999.00,clear,Foggy but clear.,Completely black all around.,Lots of trees but I can still see many constalations.,USA,United States 41.035640,-81.669111,3/7/2008 21:22,1,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,clear,,,USA,United States 45.643979,-122.624845,3/6/2008 20:30,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,could not see stars to cloudy,the closest light was ten feet away,,USA,United States 28.407160,-97.680776,3/6/2008 12:00,-9999,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,Cloudy sky Storm coming in,security light in my yard,,USA,United States 27.320000,-97.889998,3/5/2008 21:50,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 27.320000,-97.889998,3/6/2008 20:30,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 45.643979,-122.624845,3/6/2008 19:10,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,"The sky was cloudy, you could only see a few stars between the sky. You could not see the Orion.",I had a light about 10 m away from me.,,USA,United States 45.643979,-122.624845,3/6/2008 20:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,there were lots of clouds in the sky.,there were lots of house lights on around my house so that made it so i couldn't see any stars.,why do you have to do this observation?,USA,United States 45.643979,-122.624845,3/6/2008 22:23,4,-9999.00,clear,the SE side had some clouds.,Jacobs backyard which has a fence behind us blocking most of the lights from the street.,surprised that i found as much of orion as i did because of all the lights in the city.,USA,United States 41.722699,-77.776682,2/26/2008 21:00,7,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 30.781750,-96.742670,3/6/2008 21:12,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,Very cloudy,,,USA,United States 27.320000,-97.889998,3/6/2008 20:20,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 45.743198,-122.719689,3/5/2008 19:30,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,Very cloudy. Bad time of year to be sky watching.,"Very country, no light polution to worry about.",,USA,United States 45.643979,-122.624845,3/6/2008 22:23,4,-9999.00,clear,the sky is mostly clear. I saw a few random clouds in the sky. buthad very nice veiw of orion.,I had fence to block out the light next door.,,USA,United States 41.722699,-77.776682,2/28/2008 21:00,7,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 41.722699,-77.776682,2/29/2008 21:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 41.722699,-77.776682,3/1/2008 21:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 45.643979,-122.624845,3/6/2008 22:23,4,-9999.00,clear,The sky was mostly clear. There were a few random clouds in the sky. I had a perfect veiw of the Orion.,I had a fence blocking out the lights that were around my house.,,USA,United States 41.722699,-77.776682,3/2/2008 21:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 50.691379,15.493610,3/5/2008 21:05,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,CZE,Czech Republic 41.722699,-77.776682,3/6/2008 21:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 42.645451,-87.854572,3/4/2008 19:45,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 10.233330,-84.983331,3/4/2008 18:08,5,-9999.00,clear,"No hab?a neblina, estaba totalmente limpio de nubes, por lo que las observaciones fueron claras.","La observaci?n se hizo en un lugar rural, lejos de cualquier alumbrado p·blico, en el solar de mi casa de habitaci?n, en completa oscuridad.","La electricidad en mi comunidad la pusieron hace apenas nueve aħos, no hay contaminaci?n lum?nica ya que hay poco alumbrado p·blico, y el poco existente estß en mal estado, no existen r?tulos ni alumbrado comercial, es un lugar montaħoso e inalterado, po",CRI,Costa Rica 50.556111,15.419719,3/6/2008 19:20,4,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,,,CZE,Czech Republic 42.983050,-88.235491,3/6/2008 19:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 50.667221,15.555271,3/6/2008 19:55,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,CZE,Czech Republic 46.103002,-122.950003,3/6/2008 21:04,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,its pretty clear and it was really pretty,the street light is about 100 m from me,it looks really cool and i really like star gazing.,USA,United States 43.497380,-112.011359,3/6/2008 21:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 50.648878,15.551379,3/4/2008 19:45,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,CZE,Czech Republic 34.182413,-100.055366,3/6/2008 21:08,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,cloudy,very cloudy that night,very weird in this time of year,USA,United States 50.586379,15.531379,3/5/2008 20:15,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,CZE,Czech Republic 45.643979,-122.624845,3/6/2008 19:30,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,"The sky was almost completly covered with clouds. There are small breaks in the clouds, here and there.","There are two street lights, 100 feet from me, on each side. All other lights are either lower than the hedge, or sheilded from my view.","There was one break in the clouds, just wide enough for me to see an airplanes lights flashing.",USA,United States 50.616380,15.500829,3/6/2008 19:55,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,CZE,Czech Republic 46.151291,-122.969770,3/5/2008 18:00,6,-9999.00,clear,"There were no clouds or fog, it was a clear sky.",There were no lights around were I was standing in my backround.,,USA,United States 41.979760,-72.272916,3/3/2008 18:05,4,-9999.00,clear,Pretty good night for looking at the stars.,,,USA,United States 41.981860,-72.239509,3/6/2008 21:12,2,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,The stars were dull last night,,,USA,United States 41.957729,-72.404923,3/6/2008 18:29,-9999,16.28,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 50.697499,15.527219,3/6/2008 20:25,5,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,,,CZE,Czech Republic 40.010801,-75.624940,3/4/2008 21:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 41.956442,-72.313187,3/6/2008 18:55,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 40.034228,-75.639974,3/3/2008 18:00,2,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 41.868510,-72.449592,3/4/2008 18:24,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,It was complety cloudy. I could not get a reading.,,,USA,United States 41.981860,-72.239509,3/3/2008 20:49,3,-9999.00,clear,It was a clear night.,,,USA,United States 10.233330,-84.983331,3/5/2008 18:08,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,"Hab?a bastante neblina y nubes, las observaciones fueron poco claras.","La observaci?n se hizo en un lugar rural, lejos de cualquier alumbrado p·blico, en el patio de mi casa de habitaci?n, en completa oscuridad.","La noche en que se hizo la observaci?n las condiciones climßticas eran caracter?sticas de la ?poca lluviosa a pesar de estar en verano, en los ·ltimos aħos el cambio en las condiciones climßticas se debe al calentamiento global, otro caso de contaminaci?",CRI,Costa Rica 41.951801,-72.309833,3/3/2008 19:00,6,-9999.00,clear,The stars were so beauitful it was a good night to lay under the stars.,For my location I was on my porch with no lights but the flashlight.,,USA,United States 41.979760,-72.272916,3/6/2008 18:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 29.180829,-110.789138,3/6/2008 21:00,6,-9999.00,clear,"Clear Sky, No clouds.seeing average.","Rural Area, 16 Kms near Big City: Hermosillo, Sonora.",,MEX,Mexico 45.000001,-74.999999,3/2/2008 18:00,1,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 29.680000,-95.460001,3/1/2008 20:30,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 27.320000,-97.889998,3/6/2008 21:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,very cloudy that night,,chances of storms,USA,United States 29.315961,-98.501614,3/4/2008 19:30,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,there were a little bit of clouds but i saw the belt,north 40,,USA,United States 27.190001,-97.449997,3/6/2008 19:30,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,To much cloud cover; no stars visible,"Street light in driveway & backyard, 4 over-all porch lights",No nieghbors; house between two pastures,USA,United States 27.320000,-97.889998,2/28/2008 21:30,4,-9999.00,clear,It was clear out side.,,I could see Orion perfectly.,USA,United States 29.689999,-95.240001,2/29/2008 20:31,4,-9999.00,clear,,,a lot of airplanes,USA,United States 37.998361,-91.617726,3/6/2008 20:30,1,-9999.00,clear,,small rural town,,USA,United States 29.680000,-95.259999,2/27/2008 19:00,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 38.742298,-109.348002,3/6/2008 19:30,7,-9999.00,clear,It was awsome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,,,USA,United States 27.320000,-97.889998,3/3/2008 21:00,6,-9999.00,clear,little wind,2 porch lights,,USA,United States 38.002380,-91.687770,3/6/2008 21:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 29.689999,-95.240001,3/4/2008 19:30,1,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 29.689999,-95.279998,2/27/2008 21:30,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 27.320000,-97.529999,3/6/2008 20:00,6,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 27.389999,-97.889998,3/6/2008 20:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 27.190001,-97.529999,3/6/2008 20:30,5,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 52.663897,-1.107550,3/7/2008 19:45,4,-9999.00,clear,Clear,City location with some sodium lamp glare,,GBR,United Kingdom 27.470000,-97.710002,3/6/2008 21:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 50.350860,18.914069,3/7/2008 19:30,3,-9999.00,clear,,",+Strzelc%F3w+Bytomskich&Submit=Szukaj&long=18.9140702&lat=50.35086&type=3&scale=2",,POL,Poland 29.680000,-95.259999,3/1/2008 22:34,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 39.979143,0.022720,3/7/2008 20:20,4,-9999.00,clear,Mostly clear after 3 windy days. Clouds near the horizon (< 20-30degrees),Castellon Planetarium. At the see shore. Between the port and the football pitch (light pollution),,ESP,Spain 29.680000,-95.259999,3/2/2008 20:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 10.233330,-84.983331,3/4/2008 20:00,5,-9999.00,clear,"No hay neblina, estaba totalmente limpio de nubes, por lo que las observaciones fueron claras.","lugar rural, lejos de cualquier alumbrado p·blico, domiciliario y comercial, en el solar de mi casa de habitaci?n, en completa oscuridad.","Puden verse seis estrellas en el cintur?n de Ori?n, y es posible tambi?n ver la espada de Ori?n, aunque no muy claramente. el ambiente nocturno no esta alterado.",CRI,Costa Rica 33.099998,-116.519995,3/6/2008 20:30,5,-9999.00,clear,"The sky was pretty clear. I live on top of a mountain that overlooks a rual, agricultural valley, so there wasn't much light pollution.",,,USA,United States 49.782008,17.756359,3/6/2008 20:55,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,CZE,Czech Republic 10.233330,-84.983331,3/5/2008 20:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,CRI,Costa Rica 28.131710,-82.448593,3/7/2008 22:25,2,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 39.595300,-105.087802,3/4/2008 20:29,5,-9999.00,clear,"there was a lot of cloud cover earlier in the night, but by the time I made my observation there weren't any in sight. The night was clear, the sky was dark, it was a great night for observing.",my location is nie because we don't have too many street lights in our neighborhood,,USA,United States 32.770001,-117.139998,3/6/2008 22:00,2,-9999.00,clear,,Next to lit up Qualcomm Stadium,,USA,United States 49.662039,18.687871,3/7/2008 20:05,4,-9999.00,clear,The observation was done the first clear day after a cloudy week.,The location lies on the outskirts of an industrious town with the population of cca 40 000 inhabitants. The light pollution is not as heavy as in big cities. The town is surrounded by mountains - it lies in a valley (320 m above the sea-level).,"Zakladni skola, Slezska 773, 739 61 Trinec, Czech RepublicRostislav Petrcontact email:",CZE,Czech Republic 40.470452,22.968290,3/2/2008 20:00,6,-9999.00,clear,a little moisture,"a house outside a village in a pretty dark place with no bright lights close. South of Thessaloniki a miilion people city, a major contributor to light pollution in the area",,GRC,Greece 37.421780,-81.429556,3/4/2008 22:30,-9999,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,It was rain.,MVMS/TH,,USA,United States 51.216658,-0.333330,3/7/2008 20:15,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,Patchy cloud away from Orion. Very slight haziness partially in Orion.,,Heavy rain earlier in the day. Unclouded parts of sky have good clarity by our normal standards and stars twinkling.,GBR,United Kingdom 40.400002,-76.320001,3/6/2008 20:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,"Lancaster city, observed from our backyard (street lights shaded by houses)",,USA,United States 29.824038,-95.462344,2/27/2008 21:30,4,-9999.00,clear,Very clear sky after cold front.,,,USA,United States 39.414279,-76.636464,3/6/2008 20:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 43.669999,-110.919998,3/4/2008 20:00,7,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 43.669999,-111.919999,3/4/2008 20:30,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 29.680000,-95.240001,2/27/2008 19:35,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 49.680112,18.682910,3/7/2008 21:00,3,-9999.00,clear,The first clear day after a week.,This location lies on the outskirts of an industrious town. The light pollution is not as heavy as in big cities.,"Zakladni skola, Slezska 773, 739 61 Trinec, Czech RepublicKMDcontact email:",CZE,Czech Republic 42.669998,-111.919999,3/4/2008 20:00,-9999,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 39.595300,-105.087802,3/4/2008 20:29,5,-9999.00,clear,"It was cloudy earlier, but it cleared up by the time I made my observation. The sky was clear and dark.","My location was nice because it is in a suburb, but there are a medium amount of street lights, so we are able to see the sky better. My house backs to a greenbelt, so I have less intrusive light than others.",,USA,United States 43.669999,-111.919999,3/4/2008 20:55,2,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 43.669999,-111.419995,3/4/2008 19:45,5,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 39.612099,-104.767698,3/4/2008 21:58,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,Moderately cloudy to the east. Clear to the west/northwest,,,USA,United States 43.669999,-111.919999,3/4/2008 21:36,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 29.649998,-95.309996,3/6/2008 20:30,4,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 43.669999,-111.919999,3/4/2008 20:30,6,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 43.669999,-111.919999,3/5/2008 20:37,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 43.669999,-111.919999,3/5/2008 20:30,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 29.660001,-95.169998,3/1/2008 21:40,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 43.669999,-111.919999,3/5/2008 20:30,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 43.669999,-111.919999,3/5/2008 21:15,-9999,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 43.669999,-111.919999,3/5/2008 19:30,-9999,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 45.180919,-89.690691,3/6/2008 18:45,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 29.824038,-95.462344,3/2/2008 18:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 45.180919,-89.690691,3/6/2008 20:15,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States -34.842011,-56.096088,3/6/2008 23:28,2,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,,,URY,Uruguay 44.954160,26.022500,3/7/2008 22:00,1,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,ROM,Romania 52.063609,1.138330,3/7/2008 20:30,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,Good bright night mist and light polution quite low down.,Large town. in the center.,Time 20.30 Temp 5.2c aprox 5m above sea level.,GBR,United Kingdom 45.180919,-89.690691,3/6/2008 20:15,2,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,"To the west, there were clouds",In my front yard approximately 35 feet away from my house,,USA,United States 45.180919,-89.690691,3/6/2008 20:00,-9999,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,Cold and windy,"Live in town, many streetlights on my street",,USA,United States 45.180919,-89.690691,3/6/2008 20:13,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 45.180919,-89.690691,3/6/2008 19:45,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 49.600041,19.299900,3/7/2008 21:30,6,-9999.00,clear,,,,POL,Poland 45.697070,-122.773893,3/6/2008 19:29,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,Solid cloud cover no visable stars,Streetlight within thirty meters. Lights from neighboring houses on,,USA,United States 45.669998,-122.609996,3/6/2008 21:11,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,It was kind of hard to spot the main figure of Orion because of clouds.,,,USA,United States 35.846230,-78.657305,3/5/2008 20:07,4,-9999.00,clear,"very, very, clear",one streetlight about 50 yards away,I found Orion,USA,United States 45.659999,-122.680006,3/6/2008 21:21,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,"Almost the whole sky is covered in clouds, only a few stars are visible, around magnitude 1 visibility maybe.","There are 4 visible streetlights, 3 are within 100 feet of me.",,USA,United States 45.633809,-122.538580,3/6/2008 23:00,3,-9999.00,clear,"The sky is verry clear, all clouds that were in the sky have cleared away.","There are no streetlights visible, but lights from inside surrounding houses are turned on and visible through windows.",The only visible stars are obviously the stars that shine considerably brighter than most.,USA,United States 45.638142,-122.538593,3/5/2008 19:43,4,-9999.00,clear,"I saw a few whispy clouds in the northwest, but it was less than one eight of the sky","There was a street light about 20 m away from my position, my nieghbors porch light(about 10m away) turned on breifly",I could see all of Orions belt imeadatly i went outside. Also my whole street was lit with street lights. the nearest one was about 20m away.,USA,United States 45.690311,-122.565327,3/6/2008 20:16,4,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,"Becuase there was a large quantity of clouds in the sky at the time I was observing, it was hard to for me to see the exact magnitude. The stars were really bright.",There was light from a post about 25 yards from my observation location.,I knew the magnitude wasn't a 2 becuase I could clearly see the three stars of Orion's belt. The magnitude was closest to Magnitude 4.,USA,United States 32.422420,-110.998292,3/3/2008 21:20,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 49.200001,2.533000,3/7/2008 20:40,3,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,,,FRA,France 50.407261,-4.104440,3/7/2008 20:00,3,-9999.00,clear,Magnitude 3 chart is nearest to what I saw,,Sorry for the previous omission,GBR,United Kingdom 49.200001,2.533000,3/6/2008 18:20,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,FRA,France 41.599998,-93.670000,3/6/2008 19:59,6,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,Clouds were scattered over sky,2 Street lights close by not shielded,Observed in middle of Des Moines,USA,United States 32.200469,-110.929253,3/6/2008 21:45,3,-9999.00,clear,VERY BEAUTIFUL SKY!!!! : D,,,USA,United States 14.785090,17.381559,3/7/2008 20:16,3,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,,,TCD,Chad 45.180919,-89.690691,3/5/2008 19:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,"cloudy, windy, and a few flurries",lights from 2 blocks away were on at a restaurant,,USA,United States 45.180919,-89.690691,3/6/2008 20:15,6,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 14.785090,17.381559,3/7/2008 20:16,3,-9999.00,clear,,dakar guediawaye,,TCD,Chad -34.138433,-55.341201,3/6/2008 23:47,5,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,,,URY,Uruguay 32.224351,-110.969305,3/3/2008 20:30,6,-9999.00,clear,the sky was clear as a glass of water,,it was kool it was my first ytime looking at it,USA,United States 9.900000,-83.683327,3/8/2008 20:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,En el cielo se presentaba mucha neblina que iba hacia el norte esto talves porque anteriormente habia garubeado.,El lugar donde lleve a cabo la observacion presentaba solamenta dos faros pero estos no interferian con al vista al cielo.,El cielo se encontraba muy nublado esto ya que minutos antes habia garubeado y esto no dejo ver correctamente las estrellas deOrion.,CRI,Costa Rica 41.069729,-74.438086,3/6/2008 20:00,5,-9999.00,clear,The sky tonight (3-06-2008) was very clear and beautiful.,Quiet neighborhood with no street lights.,"I live in the suburbs in a nice quiet neighboorhood, with no street lights and not that many houses. I could see many stars in the constellation of Orion. I matched as best as I could on the magnitudue chart as a 4 or 5 even. I defently saw a clear view",USA,United States 41.040001,-81.480004,3/6/2008 18:00,1,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 38.926829,-84.552524,3/5/2008 20:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 39.598998,-105.228101,3/6/2008 20:45,4,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,"Sky Was very clear to the West and South West, Mostly Cloaudy due North and East",,,USA,United States 32.137539,-111.134104,3/4/2008 21:30,6,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,Cloudy on the east side of town.,Not many lights at all because it out of city limits.,It seemed like every 20 seconds i would see a new star.,USA,United States 30.079839,-95.427790,3/5/2008 19:27,3,-9999.00,clear,Very clear and still. Particulate matter very low due to rain earilier in day,Location 1 - Carl Wunsche High School - about 1 mile East of I-45 in Old Town Spring,,USA,United States 32.228900,-110.950993,3/6/2008 18:00,5,-9999.00,clear,Pretty clear sky for tonight.,Outside of my dorm on Highland and 6th Ave.,,USA,United States 32.230000,-110.949996,3/6/2008 19:56,2,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 41.291881,-96.040868,3/6/2008 21:00,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,I saw orion.,,USA,United States 30.079839,-95.431130,3/5/2008 19:40,2,-9999.00,clear,Very Clear; rain earlier clear dust from sky,Spring High School on feeder road for I-45; many auto dealerships in the immediate area.,,USA,United States 40.430000,-79.879998,2/28/2008 21:30,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,"Back yard, slightly lit by neighors' lights.",,USA,United States 30.067671,-95.365854,3/5/2008 20:12,5,-9999.00,clear,Very clear; rain earlier in day cleared out the dust,"Baily Middle school football field the nearest house is a half mile away and the nearest commercial building about 3 miles away. Very dark, relative speaking for this location","I and 25 students set up a tripod with astronomy binoculars. Mars was very clear and orange, Saturn was visible but too low in the sky to see the rings, too much atmospheric distortion. The orion nebula was also visible in the binoculars.",USA,United States 40.430000,-79.879998,3/6/2008 21:30,4,-9999.00,clear,,"Back yard, some light from neighbors' houses.",,USA,United States 32.418622,-110.990096,3/7/2008 20:32,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,it was a little cloudy but i could still see a lot of the stars outside.,there were no street lights on. it was a little chilly but it was lots of fun,,USA,United States 30.045531,-95.353061,3/5/2008 20:38,3,-9999.00,clear,"Very clear, rain earlier in day cleared out the dust",Dueitt Middle school in Spring TX. about 1/2 mile from a shopping center,This was that last stop for me and 25 of my physics students. We all had fun.,USA,United States 32.224351,-110.969305,3/3/2008 20:30,6,-9999.00,clear,It was clear as glass.,,It was cool. It was my first time looking at Orion before.,USA,United States 32.224351,-110.969305,3/4/2008 20:12,3,-9999.00,clear,none.,,It was surprisingly easy to spot.,USA,United States 32.224351,-110.969305,3/5/2008 21:03,4,-9999.00,clear,Some clouds but not 1/4 of the sky was full.,,The Orion is almost in teh same place everynight,USA,United States 14.775540,17.387059,3/7/2008 22:05,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,guediawaye,,TCD,Chad 32.224351,-110.969305,3/6/2008 19:53,5,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,Wasn't very cloudy around Orion but pther places it was.,,none.,USA,United States 32.224351,-110.969305,3/7/2008 22:21,2,-9999.00,clear,none,,It was hard to see. I think it gets harder to see after ten.,USA,United States 42.270002,-104.739995,3/5/2008 19:30,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,"As we were observing, a thin veil of a cloud covered Orion, then passed. It actually seemed to help my students ""see"" it better. Because we we on base there was a lot of local light.","Wyoming Youth Challenge Program in Guernsey, Wyoming.",We had a lot of fun with the project. My students know want to do more star gazing.,USA,United States 32.242741,-110.903837,2/26/2008 20:40,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.232202,-110.845064,2/27/2008 20:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,Near a school with orange lights.,,USA,United States 39.622399,-104.789302,3/1/2008 21:15,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,"on arrival at the park we could see the Big Dipper, aflter our eyes adjusted to the darnkess the clouds had rolled in and we couldn't find any constellations. We could only see 4 - 5 stars in the whole sky.",open park with a couple of parking lot lights about 100 feet away from observation point 39.6224 North latitude and -104.7893 West longitude (from,,USA,United States 14.770001,17.339999,3/5/2008 19:55,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,TCD,Chad 39.622003,-104.789001,3/4/2008 19:00,5,-9999.00,clear,A few patchy clouds could be seen,back yard (we had a total loss of power to our neighborhood an area of more than a mile in every direction from our ouse),,USA,United States 32.274959,-110.890771,3/6/2008 20:00,5,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,A little haze.,No street lights. You can lay on the roof and see the stars.,,USA,United States 32.226557,-110.877760,3/5/2008 19:28,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,"Mostly clear sky. A little haziness, but minimal.","The roof of my house slightly obscured my view, but not by much.",,USA,United States 32.196521,-110.921377,3/6/2008 20:00,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 39.138610,-104.049169,3/5/2008 19:21,7,-9999.00,clear,There were a few clouds in the sky but other than that it was clear,,"You could see all of Orion, and it was the easiest thing ever to find.",USA,United States 35.803240,-78.546417,3/6/2008 21:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 39.033957,-104.046696,3/5/2008 18:00,7,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,it was clear were i was,"it is really clear and i could see Colorado Springs , Colorado",,USA,United States 32.974961,-97.405212,3/5/2008 22:15,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,cold front coming in so skies unstable,"we have an airport and train depot within 5-10 miles to east,",S&,USA,United States 47.955001,16.643880,3/1/2008 21:10,7,-9999.00,clear,,"Hegyhßt Observatory, Hegyhßtsßl, Hungary","Norbert Hegyi, Tibor Horvßth, Vince Tuboly made the observation together.",AUT,Austria 40.631098,-73.935801,3/6/2008 23:30,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,"Sky partly cloudy, Orion was low partly behind local skyline.",same as for Feb 28,same as for Feb 28,USA,United States -34.581108,-56.319722,3/6/2008 23:00,5,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,URY,Uruguay 39.619431,-104.741545,3/4/2008 20:00,2,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,Very windy sky was clear to the South,,Very lightly visible.,USA,United States -36.805000,-73.089998,3/6/2008 21:21,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,CHL,Chile -34.581108,-56.319722,3/6/2008 23:10,1,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,"Noche muy nublada, c·mulos nimbus",URY,Uruguay 35.759998,-76.640002,3/6/2008 20:45,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States -34.581108,-56.319722,3/6/2008 23:50,1,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,C·mulos nimbus,URY,Uruguay 32.253608,-110.916938,2/26/2008 19:18,5,-9999.00,clear,"the sky conditions were perfect, there were no clouds","there were no street lights visible, a lot planes flew over head.","the sword, those it was magnitude 5, was clearly visible but not the stars around orions belt",USA,United States 47.511861,8.546460,3/6/2008 22:30,5,-9999.00,clear,,"GLOBE School Mettmenriet Buelach, Switzerland",,CHE,Switzerland -34.581108,-56.319722,3/6/2008 23:30,7,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,URY,Uruguay -34.581108,-56.186379,3/6/2008 23:10,3,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,C·mulosnimbus,URY,Uruguay 47.511861,8.546460,3/7/2008 23:30,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,"GLOBE school Mettmenriet Buelach, Switzerland",,CHE,Switzerland -34.581108,-56.186379,3/6/2008 23:10,1,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,C·mulus nimbus y estratos,URY,Uruguay -34.581108,-56.186379,3/6/2008 22:30,3,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,C·mulosnimbus y estratos,,,URY,Uruguay -34.581108,-56.186379,3/6/2008 22:30,3,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,C·mulosnimbus,,,URY,Uruguay -34.581108,-56.186379,3/6/2008 22:20,4,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,C·mulos nimbus,,,URY,Uruguay -34.581108,-56.186379,3/6/2008 22:20,3,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,C·mulosnimbus,,,URY,Uruguay -34.581108,-56.186379,3/6/2008 23:05,1,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,Estratos y c·mulosnimbus,,,URY,Uruguay -34.581108,-56.186379,3/6/2008 22:30,1,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,Estratos y nimbusc·mulos,,,URY,Uruguay 36.786900,-76.136802,3/7/2008 18:30,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States -34.581108,-56.186379,3/6/2008 22:30,1,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,C·mulosnimbus,,,URY,Uruguay -34.581108,-56.186379,3/6/2008 22:50,1,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,Estratos y c·mulosnimbus,,,URY,Uruguay -34.581108,-56.186379,3/6/2008 22:00,3,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,C·mulosnimbus,,,URY,Uruguay -34.581108,-56.186379,3/6/2008 22:00,1,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,C·mulosnimbus y estratosc·mulos,,,URY,Uruguay -34.581108,-56.186379,3/6/2008 22:10,3,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,C?MULOSNIMBUS,,,URY,Uruguay -34.581108,-56.186379,3/6/2008 22:15,1,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,C·mulosnimbus,,,URY,Uruguay -34.581108,-56.186379,3/6/2008 23:00,4,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,Estratos,,,URY,Uruguay 39.360000,-76.640002,3/6/2008 21:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 18.180000,-66.980004,3/7/2008 19:45,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,rain,,,PRI,Puerto Rico 39.930000,-104.940003,3/6/2008 19:45,3,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,"It seemed like there were clouds all around Orion, but there was a clearing just enough for me to see Orion",,,USA,United States 42.593712,-83.093356,3/7/2008 19:00,3,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 46.500000,-87.249998,3/1/2008 18:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,"Marquette,MI",,USA,United States 60.200003,25.000000,3/7/2008 19:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,FIN,Finland 60.200003,25.000000,3/6/2008 19:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,FIN,Finland 41.037330,-76.569296,2/28/2008 20:33,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 26.456021,-80.091830,3/7/2008 19:10,7,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States -29.915440,-71.243381,2/23/2008 22:10,4,-9999.00,clear,The entire sky was clear.,About 3 km away is a football stadium with lights on which are pretty bright and contaminate the sky.,We could see a couple stars in diagram 5 but not the faintest stars.,CHL,Chile 14.785181,17.383530,3/8/2008 22:10,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,TCD,Chad 37.964001,23.745001,3/6/2008 20:30,4,-9999.00,clear,"I would say 3.5 if possible. Again, sky is much worse than that towards the N - NE.","Athens, but Orion is not towards the city core. Much direct light pollution though.",,GRC,Greece -30.240331,-70.736636,2/25/2008 22:00,5,-9999.00,clear,Entire sky clear.,"Cerro Pachon, Chile Elev. 2717 m",Some stars from diagram 6 visible but not all.,CHL,Chile 41.749999,-77.300003,3/7/2008 18:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States -32.301368,-58.077659,3/7/2008 22:00,5,-9999.00,clear,"very clear night, low humidity",downtown paysand·,,URY,Uruguay 42.570001,-87.849996,3/7/2008 19:30,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,some clouds but not so bad i could still make out the stars,,,USA,United States -34.496311,-58.518493,3/7/2008 21:06,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,Cielo algo nublado. Con viento del sector oeste que dificulta la observaci?n.,"A 40m aprox. hay dos faroles de iluminaci?n callejera, blqueados de mivista.",La hora de observaci?n es a la puesta del sol. Todav?a con el cielo claro. Tener en cuenta que se adelant? la hora local a partir de enero.,ARG,Argentina 39.772041,-105.117315,3/3/2008 20:15,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,The sky had scattered clouds but from where I was standing it was completely clear. The sky was between a Magnitude 3 and 4 but it was closer to a 3.,,,USA,United States 45.385412,-75.699349,3/2/2008 21:30,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,CAN,Canada 44.948911,-93.154279,3/7/2008 19:30,2,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 39.610002,-104.870001,3/6/2008 21:48,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 44.948911,-93.154279,3/7/2008 19:30,2,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 39.880003,-105.019998,3/6/2008 21:20,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,The sky was a little cloudy but other then that it was a clear night,,,USA,United States 45.504182,-73.783631,3/5/2008 18:00,1,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,"There seemed to be a haze in the sky, almost like a smog. Most nights I can get magnitude 3 visibility in this location.","On a suburban street with at least three street lights visible and several houses illuminating themselves with ""decorative"" lighting to show how wonderful their bricks look at night.",,CAN,Canada 40.023399,-75.928351,2/28/2008 19:15,4,-9999.00,clear,,"my backyard in West Caln Twp., Chester County PA.",,USA,United States 29.572130,-95.316116,3/7/2008 18:09,3,-9999.00,clear,it look nice,there are not very many stars in the sky tonight,,USA,United States 39.610210,-104.855712,3/6/2008 21:20,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 44.984927,-93.272797,3/7/2008 19:45,3,-9999.00,clear,,,"I'd actually put the Magnitute more between 2 and 3 (2.5), but I'm putting it at 3 mainly because I can see all 3 stars in Orion's belt, though I really have to look hard to see just a very faint bit of M43.",USA,United States 32.418830,-110.989119,3/4/2008 20:45,3,-9999.00,clear,The sky was is as clear as can be.,NA,"A lot of stars are visable, but I think my neighbors' lights are affecting my veiw of seeing all the stars out there. I can see Orion belt and body form very well though.",USA,United States 18.440001,-66.749998,3/7/2008 22:10,5,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,PRI,Puerto Rico 35.360340,-97.510246,3/7/2008 20:00,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,very clear nite some clouds north,,,USA,United States 32.183418,-110.942592,3/7/2008 19:11,5,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 39.772041,-105.117315,3/3/2008 20:15,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,There were scattered clouds in the sky but I don't think it was 1/4 cloudy but it was not clear. From where I was standing the magnitude was between 3 and 4 but it was closer to a 3,,,USA,United States 39.700000,-104.899999,3/7/2008 19:15,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 35.962582,-78.655291,3/7/2008 18:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,it is a sky with no stars for it is overcast,,this sky would usally be a 4 or 5 but i waited to the last chance and it was overcast,USA,United States 39.700000,-104.899999,3/7/2008 19:20,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 37.275430,-80.110845,3/6/2008 20:00,4,-9999.00,clear,This is just about as good as it gets. Orion was subject to the least amount of light pollution and the skies were very clear.,,,USA,United States 22.158730,-101.029153,3/7/2008 20:10,5,-9999.00,clear,the sky is steady and clouds in the sky and in the surroundings,"the sky is clear, we have some air vents on the past days but in this moment the sky is steady and calm. I have many light in the surroundings, I ?m located in the limits of the city of san luis potosi, near to the IMMSA Copper Smelting of Grupo Mexico i",,MEX,Mexico 35.246539,-84.876220,3/7/2008 21:24,-9999,18.85,over 1/2 of sky,light rain,,,USA,United States 38.916031,-90.040683,3/7/2008 20:24,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 39.665429,-104.859769,3/7/2008 19:20,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 41.040001,-81.489997,3/7/2008 21:30,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,sky is very clody and there is light snow.,,,USA,United States 32.970003,-96.739999,3/7/2008 20:39,2,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,"Mostly clear, very faint clouds",A great deal of light pollution; suburban Dallas backyard,,USA,United States 10.330000,-84.429997,3/6/2008 20:30,2,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,Neblina al sureste y parte del este,A 100 metros hay un farol en la calle.,,CRI,Costa Rica 32.562691,-111.252853,3/7/2008 19:41,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 32.879001,-116.834894,3/6/2008 19:30,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,"one-two street lights on street, looms over very bright valley",,USA,United States 32.269908,-110.841860,3/7/2008 19:45,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 10.330000,-84.429997,3/6/2008 20:30,2,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,Por las condiciones climatologicas se encontraba nublado la parte este y sureste del cielo,A 100 metros del lugar de la observaci?n hay un faro en la calle.,Por la poca visibilidad fue poco lo observado en comparaci?n al punto de observaci?n que se hizo el dia 1/03/08 en el volcan Iraz·.,CRI,Costa Rica 44.948522,-93.156171,3/7/2008 20:45,2,-9999.00,clear,"clear, no clouds","various street lights and building lights around me, right next to busy street","I could see only Orion clearly from where I was at, I was still near city lights somewhat",USA,United States 39.654999,-105.059852,3/7/2008 18:53,2,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 39.878189,-104.784896,3/7/2008 20:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,Very cloudy. I can see only a couple stars south and east in the cloud break,I am in a new development that is dimley lit at best. But I have a higher elevation than Denver so i have all the lights of the city to not give me optimal viewing,,USA,United States 32.408452,-111.011297,3/7/2008 20:01,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 10.320000,-85.330004,3/6/2008 20:24,1,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,"si hay neblina pero desconozco la orientacion de la misma, con gans de llover","mucho alumbrado publico alrededor, automoviles y casa con las luces prendidas de todas las habitaciones",,CRI,Costa Rica 9.912771,-84.100830,3/7/2008 20:20,2,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,"la presencia de nubes dificulta la observacion, tambien hay mucha contaminacion luminica de las casas cercanas y de un centro comercial cercano a 100m",Esta interfiriendo luz de casas vecinas y a 4m esta el farol en la calle,,CRI,Costa Rica 37.344770,-81.445293,3/7/2008 22:10,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,MVMS/T.W,,USA,United States 9.979440,-83.836378,3/1/2008 20:00,6,-9999.00,clear,"el cielo despejado, se observan muchas estrellas no hay luces cercanas",,,CRI,Costa Rica 43.331502,-89.460295,3/7/2008 19:20,4,-9999.00,clear,Very Bright Clear Night. Stars were beautiful.,There is a truck stop with bright lights NW of the location. Viewed the sky with the house blocking that light. Major city is 20 miles SW of viewing location.,,USA,United States 32.414490,-110.948227,3/7/2008 20:18,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 39.757677,-105.005095,3/7/2008 18:41,4,-9999.00,clear,There were no clouds. It was beautiful.,,I am excited to find this years results.,USA,United States 33.769999,-117.889994,3/7/2008 19:10,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 38.999711,-105.529981,3/7/2008 20:15,1,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,"The stars are usually extremely visible with the lack of city lights, Orion being one of the easiest to pick out. However on a cloudy night, it is difficult to see much of anything in the sky.",Very open with few houses or bright lights in the area. Roughly 25 miles east of Aurora/Denver area.,"I was disappointed that I have not been able to see any stars for the past few nights with the excessive cloud cover, especially since it is an amazing sight that (living away from the city) I often take for granted. Once the clouds move out and the Moon",USA,United States 43.320202,-89.486605,3/7/2008 20:10,4,-9999.00,clear,Very clear Night. Stars were very bright and clear,Major City 20 miles SW of viewing location. No other major lights around.,"God alone stretches out the heavens and treads on the waves of the sea. He is the Maker of the Bear and Orion, the Pleiades and the constellations of the south. (Job 9:8-9)",USA,United States 30.092359,-95.610771,3/7/2008 21:35,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 33.459352,-82.211347,3/7/2008 20:30,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,cloudy,local neighborhood with a few street lights, SC124 C001 Fall 07Lindsey Green,USA,United States 34.092339,-118.599186,3/7/2008 19:35,2,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,What a wonderful global exercise!,USA,United States 32.413793,-110.992705,3/7/2008 20:24,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,"it was slightly cloudy, since it had been raining the past week.",,"it was very windy tonight, so i could not stay outside long to observe. but i believe my observation is pretty accurate.",USA,United States 44.461659,-93.151937,3/7/2008 21:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,"Goodsell Observatory, Carleton College",,USA,United States 32.177329,-110.881236,3/7/2008 20:51,4,-9999.00,clear,"Tucson is always clear, you can see stars for miles","32.12 110.93 Tucson, AZ","Overall, good experiance",USA,United States 32.240002,-111.029998,3/7/2008 20:30,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.243339,-110.919902,3/7/2008 20:15,4,-9999.00,clear,It seems there are more stars than Magnitude 3 but possibly less than Magnitude 4. But it is a clear night...,,,USA,United States 32.160000,-111.029998,3/7/2008 21:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.785270,-116.927047,3/7/2008 19:46,3,-9999.00,clear,Sky is Clear but it gives that ugly brown color sometimes,,,USA,United States 37.430000,-81.569999,3/7/2008 19:30,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,I couldn't see any stars,MVMS/CC,,USA,United States 32.430001,-110.980001,3/7/2008 21:03,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 39.878189,-104.784896,3/7/2008 20:30,2,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,clouds broke made out a couple stars,Supberb of Dever,,USA,United States 45.013170,-93.243536,3/6/2008 22:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,"NE Minneapolis, MN, USA",,USA,United States 34.009998,-118.390005,3/7/2008 20:10,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 45.013170,-93.243536,3/7/2008 22:14,1,-9999.00,clear,A bit of light pollution. Clear sky but hard to see many stars.,,,USA,United States 39.650003,-104.899999,3/7/2008 21:23,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,Very very cloudy,,,USA,United States 32.257590,-106.834602,3/7/2008 21:00,5,-9999.00,clear,Actual magnitude is closer to 5.5,"My house in a rural area SW of Las Cruces, Nm. No local lights. Sky glow from the city in the NE. Orion was in my darkest part of the sky looking towards Mexico.",,USA,United States 39.516671,-104.935830,3/7/2008 21:15,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,It is very cloudy. There is an orange haze on the horison. The sky does not look like it is going to rain though. There has been no thunder or ligtning.,We are in a suberben community. There is a small valley below us. Their is also a river. Their are only a few street lights that do not cause any obstruction of view,None.,USA,United States 32.441817,-110.977726,3/7/2008 21:23,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 39.816099,-104.828302,3/7/2008 20:26,2,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,It was partly cloudly to the South.,There were street lights at each end of the block.,Clouds moved quickly over the stars we did see.,USA,United States 32.229180,-110.950993,3/7/2008 21:27,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 37.646691,-120.934018,3/7/2008 20:29,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,Overcast,,USA,United States 44.945937,-93.107493,3/7/2008 22:00,1,-9999.00,clear,,The light pollution is horrible where I am,,USA,United States 45.156508,-93.658491,3/7/2008 21:30,5,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,there were some clouds in the sky but Orion was still very visible from our location. It looked as if there were clouds coming in towards Orion but at the time I observed it the clouds were not directly overhead.,For this observation I left the city and went into the country where it would be better to observe the evening sky.,,USA,United States 39.650003,-104.899999,3/7/2008 21:29,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 39.590000,-105.019998,3/7/2008 21:16,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 32.723009,-116.983491,3/7/2008 19:50,3,-9999.00,clear,The sky was actually really clear where I was located therefore is was very easy for me to locate Orion.,"I live on the top of a hill, where I can get a clear view of the sky, without any street lights completely in the way. I was actually in my backyard, and the only street light in sight was the one in front of my house. The stree light was not blockin my",,USA,United States 13.029569,77.581940,3/7/2008 20:10,4,-9999.00,clear,,One street light 30 meters from viewing site that is shielded from view,,IND,India 45.156508,-93.658491,3/7/2008 21:20,5,-9999.00,clear,The sky was very clear and was easy to spot orion. I found it very interesting to see this on such a clear night!,,,USA,United States 32.723009,-116.983491,3/7/2008 19:50,3,-9999.00,clear,"The night sky was actually very clear. Especially the location of where my house is, so it was really easy for me to locate Orion.","I believe that my location was very simple for me to find Orion. My house is on top of a hill, where there are not many street lights that would get in my way from viewing the night sky. The only street light that was visible was the one right in front o",,USA,United States 39.774760,-105.018311,3/7/2008 19:30,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,Partly cloudy with a slight haze due to an oncomming weather front approacing from the west. This allowed for minimal viewing towards end of the observation. The primary perdominant freatures which allowed me to find Orion in such viewing conditions was,At time of observation reflection of city lights was what minimal due to location being in a park inside of a development primarily of residential establishments.,I recalled a discussion in regards to the correlation between the alignment of Orion's belt and that of the Pyramids of Giza. After further investigation I discovered that the stars in Orion's belt matched the agular arrangement and dimminishing size amo,USA,United States 35.034803,-106.202304,3/7/2008 19:45,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.405788,-103.383669,3/7/2008 20:38,4,18.35,clear,"The sky was very easy to see especialy because not that many lights were on, and the ones that were on, were not very bright. So this was a cool thing to do.",,,USA,United States 32.770001,-117.010006,3/7/2008 20:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.396970,-110.977364,3/7/2008 20:50,4,13.80,clear,"It wasn't as easy to see the sky because there were bright lights at the park, but I could still see it.",I went to the park.,,USA,United States 32.438512,-110.978218,3/7/2008 21:05,5,19.50,clear,I could see really well and it was beautiful.,I went to the top of a hill in a dark neighborhood.,,USA,United States 39.740001,-105.009999,3/7/2008 18:58,3,-9999.00,clear,Fully cloudy one hour later when I tried a second attempt at viewing.,Observation affected by numerous streetlights and neighboring porchlights.,"Because of my location, I was not able to find a location out of the direct lights. Additionally I did not wait for my eyes to become adapted to the darkness but was able to spot Orion immediately. The constellation appeared to be in an upright position",USA,United States 32.215567,-110.903086,3/7/2008 21:53,4,-9999.00,clear,have seen darker nights than this,"in midtown, city of about a million, in my suburban backyard",,USA,United States 35.097098,-106.662727,3/7/2008 21:10,4,-9999.00,clear,"a little better than 4... all of orion's sword visible, and one next to Bellatrix",,,USA,United States 32.268409,-110.966716,3/7/2008 22:30,-9999,18.40,clear,,,,USA,United States 39.816099,-104.828302,3/7/2008 20:25,2,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,The south was partly cloudy.,,Over the stars we saw the clouds moved quickly.,USA,United States 45.000001,-74.999999,3/6/2008 20:00,6,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,"The, clouds kept on cumulating near Orion in the course of every 20 minutes.","Urban area; composes of park, school, Apt. Buildings. A bit of Light Pollution.",,USA,United States 40.855272,25.864441,3/4/2008 12:15,3,-9999.00,clear,clear sky,Alexandroupolis - Evros - Greece,In the town - lamp 40 meters away,GRC,Greece 40.850829,25.832501,3/5/2008 12:50,4,-9999.00,clear,Clear sky,Nea Chili - Evros - Greece,In electricity available in the region - closest light about 500 meters,GRC,Greece 32.233879,-110.956758,3/6/2008 21:40,3,-9999.00,clear,Clear skies once again.,"Oberserved from outisde, in the front of my dorm building.",,USA,United States 32.830001,-116.989994,3/7/2008 21:51,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.233879,-110.956758,3/7/2008 21:00,2,-9999.00,clear,"Clear sky, can see quite a bit of stars.",Observed from out front of my dorm building.,,USA,United States 33.830002,-118.200003,3/7/2008 21:56,1,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,very cloudy. could barely see any stars. might be due to cloud coverage and the bright lights in long beach.,"Long Beach, CA",,USA,United States 32.827658,-116.994734,3/7/2008 21:51,4,-9999.00,clear,,I am standing on a long dark drive way. The closes light source is at least 200 feet away.,,USA,United States 23.033001,72.616993,3/7/2008 20:15,3,-9999.00,clear,The Sky was exceptionally clear compared to the rest of the week. So one of the best days to see more stars clearly in the Night sky.,"Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India. Ahmedabad is a very Crowded city like a Metro City, but some suburbs are very far away from the main city which provide dark skies for Astronomers.","I Am an Astronomer running IAC Astronomy Club, and have found that 2 am is the best time for Star-Gazing when the air pollution is settled down or almos nil. Also the light pollution is minimum at this time. Regards. Alay Pankaj Jhaveri, Astronomer & IAC",IND,India 33.945832,-118.086389,3/7/2008 19:45,3,-9999.00,clear,,"My back yard, unobstructed view",,USA,United States 32.229409,-110.951014,3/8/2008 23:20,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.301160,-110.893606,3/7/2008 20:44,5,-9999.00,clear,clear and more stars visible than the past five nights,"Catalina Foothills, Tucson, AZ around the housing developments",,USA,United States 40.355500,22.573000,3/7/2008 21:10,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,GRC,Greece -34.509999,-58.550000,3/6/2008 22:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,Rainy.,,,ARG,Argentina -34.509999,-58.550000,3/7/2008 22:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,Rainy.,,,ARG,Argentina 40.560003,-105.050003,3/6/2008 18:00,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 32.248007,-110.947407,3/7/2008 21:30,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 51.448817,6.908310,3/7/2008 20:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,DEU,Germany 51.448700,6.908340,3/6/2008 19:17,-9999,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,,,DEU,Germany 32.810002,-117.010006,3/7/2008 22:00,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,There were some clouds on this time.,"It wasn't really great for the observation becouse, there are so many houses and night rights around the location. However I could have an optunity to observe the Orion this time,",Actually today was not really great condition to obserbe the stars. However I could have an opotunity to obserbe the orion tonight.,USA,United States -33.900001,151.132989,3/6/2008 21:15,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,AUS,Australia 25.336889,67.435537,3/6/2008 20:45,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,PAK,Pakistan 41.549998,2.000000,3/6/2008 19:15,2,-9999.00,clear,,,,ESP,Spain 49.182222,16.584440,3/7/2008 12:15,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,CZE,Czech Republic 49.182222,16.584440,3/7/2008 19:15,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,CZE,Czech Republic 49.223333,16.509440,2/25/2008 21:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,CZE,Czech Republic -35.794399,144.075505,3/8/2008 21:15,5,-9999.00,clear,,Remote Rural. No light pollution.,,AUS,Australia 52.210000,4.550000,3/7/2008 21:50,3,-9999.00,clear,,Amsterdam,,NLD,Netherlands -37.933330,145.016664,3/5/2008 22:30,4,-9999.00,clear,Generally clear. A little haze at times.,Some light disturbance from house llights,,AUS,Australia 41.330001,0.410000,3/8/2008 22:00,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,"Cel bastant clar, deixava veure b? Orion.","El poble on s'ha realitzat l'exploraci? ?s Artesa de Lleida, de 1.400 habitants.",,ESP,Spain 49.774399,17.753361,3/7/2008 22:16,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,CZE,Czech Republic -27.537999,153.262997,3/8/2008 21:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,,S&,AUS,Australia 42.858607,-8.644720,3/6/2008 21:30,4,-9999.00,clear,,Lights 20 m to the S and W. Paseo fluvial de Bertamirßns.,,ESP,Spain 39.872028,-3.936260,3/5/2008 20:25,5,-9999.00,clear,,"TOLEDO, SPAIN",,ESP,Spain 35.580002,-79.300006,3/5/2008 22:00,5,-9999.00,clear,"Actual reading would be halfway between 4.0 and 5.0 magnitude, (4.5) Viewed on an excellent night for stargazing.",Located between Pittsboro (north) and Sanford (south),I thought we were seeing most of the stars. We have more light polution than I realized.,USA,United States 35.566158,-97.312471,3/7/2008 19:30,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States -12.110000,-77.050005,3/7/2008 20:15,2,-9999.00,clear,,,,PER,Peru 32.479998,-93.440000,2/28/2008 19:10,3,-9999.00,clear,IT WAS A VERY CLEAR NIGHT.,,,USA,United States 36.460260,-84.546861,3/2/2008 21:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,"If I went into a field behind my house, shedding some of the local might be nearer to a '6' mag",,USA,United States 32.510000,-93.440000,3/4/2008 19:30,3,-9999.00,clear,,"This observation was made at Sci-Port Discovery Center, a hands-on science museum in Shreveport, LA.","This observation was made in the middle of downtown Shreveport, LA. It is surrounded by casinos and downtown lighting.",USA,United States 35.166919,129.056137,3/8/2008 23:00,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,Clouds cover about 1/6,Busan Gwangyeoksi Busanjingu Dangam3dong korea science academy.,,KOR,South Korea 33.540020,-112.427530,3/7/2008 21:30,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.285672,-110.801200,3/7/2008 19:00,4,-9999.00,clear,"Better than Magnitude 4, but worse than 5",,,USA,United States 35.163108,129.034336,3/8/2008 23:10,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,Sky was covered about 1/6 by clouds.,I observed it in Korea Science Academy which is specialized science high school for gifted students.,,KOR,South Korea 32.284822,-110.861388,3/7/2008 20:13,5,20.29,clear,"Very clear, used sky meter",,Data taken in complete darkness,USA,United States 45.122501,-76.055802,3/4/2008 19:30,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,We have been in a snow storm since Monday March 3.,,"We have been out every night between March 4 and March 7 at 7:30 and it has been complete cloud cover every night. Dad, Mom, Skylar age 8, Cassie age 6, Jacob age 1",CAN,Canada 43.326359,-73.633264,3/6/2008 19:15,3,-9999.00,clear,,"Suburban - neighbors always have lights on outside, plus a large street light nearby",,USA,United States 39.636121,-105.329194,3/1/2008 20:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 25.165149,51.335231,3/8/2008 18:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,QAT,Qatar 37.720000,-122.139997,3/7/2008 20:33,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 32.099997,-110.770000,3/7/2008 19:10,4,-9999.00,clear,,"Rita Ranch Neighborhood, SE Tucson. There are some restrictions on street lights in this area, however, commercialization is making an impact. 4 years ago, Mag 5 skies were common.",,USA,United States 46.345268,-71.785008,2/29/2008 19:15,3,-9999.00,clear,Clear dark sky,Totally dark except for a street light about 250 ft. that didn't block my view.,,CAN,Canada 52.842011,5.863190,3/7/2008 20:00,2,-9999.00,clear,a bit hazy,,,NLD,Netherlands 35.549031,-80.793611,3/6/2008 22:15,5,-9999.00,clear,CAVU .A thin layer ground haze. I was above it. Sky appereared to have more high light in it than the 2nd March. 2008 Orion's belt was seen but only saw 5 stars but his sword was clear . in that short sky distance there was a visible difference in light,,"2 street lights witin 300ft. , one not lit and one lit but easily obcured by trees.",USA,United States 29.202300,-110.777110,3/6/2008 21:17,6,-9999.00,clear,sky clear. seeing. average.,"Rural area, 16 kms from Big City.",,MEX,Mexico 35.981382,-78.677222,3/6/2008 19:02,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 49.861501,18.550200,2/25/2008 19:10,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,CZE,Czech Republic 49.890830,18.450270,3/5/2008 19:10,6,-9999.00,clear,,,,CZE,Czech Republic 60.200003,25.000000,3/8/2008 19:05,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,FIN,Finland 43.925548,8.114440,3/7/2008 18:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,ITA,Italy 32.407670,-111.008169,3/7/2008 19:35,4,-9999.00,clear,It was perfect to go outside and observe the stars.,,,USA,United States 45.326740,8.766310,3/8/2008 19:30,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,ITA,Italy 36.305198,-82.352178,3/1/2008 19:30,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 45.326440,8.771240,3/8/2008 19:31,6,-9999.00,clear,,,,ITA,Italy 31.858891,-110.972897,3/7/2008 20:12,6,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 46.177219,21.315550,3/7/2008 21:39,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,Sabin Dragoi High School - Arad ROMANIA,ROM,Romania 46.177219,21.315550,3/8/2008 20:05,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,Sabin Dragoi High School - Arad ROMANIA,ROM,Romania 49.782121,17.756322,3/7/2008 21:10,3,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,,,CZE,Czech Republic 32.351778,-110.990151,3/3/2008 20:30,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 32.229180,-110.950993,3/7/2008 21:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 48.064799,-122.166034,3/7/2008 20:30,3,-9999.00,clear,I couldn't help but observe Orion over the past several weeks walking home from the bus as it is one of the few cluster of visable stars where I live. The three stars making the belt can be clearly seen as well as a few points above and below to make the,Near the main street of the town.,,USA,United States 3.858910,11.503630,3/8/2008 19:00,1,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,There no to much cloud but i can not see not to much stars i don't realy no why!!!,"Some point lightning but not to much, theree are houses everywhere around",!!!,CMR,Cameroon 39.900510,-76.604909,3/6/2008 23:57,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 10.330000,-84.250001,3/6/2008 21:15,2,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,"el cielo se encontraba parcialmente nublado, por lo tanto era un poco dificil ver las estrellas a simple vista.","no existe luz artificial a 100 metros de mi, todo tipo de luz se encuentra bloqueada de mi vista.",en comparacion a la observacion realizada en el Volcßn Iraz· se puede concluir que en San carlos existe mucha contaminacion luminica.,CRI,Costa Rica 49.774607,17.753501,3/8/2008 20:25,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,CZE,Czech Republic 9.584690,-83.501187,3/1/2008 20:30,6,-9999.00,clear,"las estrellas se apreciban a simple vista, no existia contaminacion luminica, ni nubes al rededor",El lugar es muy retirado por lo tanto no costo observar las estrellas a simple vista.,,CRI,Costa Rica 46.276741,21.313940,2/25/2008 20:20,6,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,,students from 'sabin dragoi' art highschool Arad Romania,ROM,Romania 35.863179,-78.679189,3/6/2008 19:30,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,The constellation was easy to see.,In my driveway.,It was fun!,USA,United States 46.276741,21.313940,2/26/2008 20:30,6,-9999.00,clear,,,students from 'sabin dragoi'art highschool Arad Romania,ROM,Romania 46.276741,21.313940,2/27/2008 20:30,6,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,,students from 'sabin dragoi' art highschool Arad Romania,ROM,Romania 46.276741,21.313940,2/28/2008 20:35,6,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,,students from 'sabin dragoi' art highschool arad Romania,ROM,Romania 46.276741,21.313940,2/29/2008 20:30,6,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,students from 'sabin dragoi' art highschool Arad Romania,ROM,Romania 45.349997,-75.699997,3/6/2008 21:10,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,CAN,Canada 46.276741,21.313940,3/1/2008 20:40,5,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,students from 'sabin dragoi' art highschool Arad Romania,ROM,Romania 32.228470,-110.950993,3/7/2008 21:28,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 46.276741,21.313940,3/2/2008 20:30,4,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,students from 'sabin dragoi' art highschool Arad Romania,ROM,Romania 46.276741,21.313940,3/3/2008 20:35,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,students from ' sabin dragoi'art highschool Arad Romania,ROM,Romania 46.276741,21.313940,3/4/2008 20:35,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,raining,,students from 'sabin dragoi' art highschool Arad Romania,ROM,Romania 46.276741,21.313940,3/5/2008 20:30,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,raining,,students from ' sabin dragoi' art highschool Arad Romania,ROM,Romania 46.276741,21.313940,3/6/2008 20:40,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,students from 'sabin dragoi' art highschool Arad Romania,ROM,Romania 46.276741,21.313940,3/7/2008 20:30,-9999,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,,students from 'sabin dragoi' art highschool Arad Romania,ROM,Romania 40.259997,-76.870002,3/6/2008 22:35,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,My street may street lights on each side of the street and the give off a glare after looking up to the sky. There are several houses and tall buildings that obscure the full view of the sky. Orion was pretty easy to find and was positioned directly over,,USA,United States 46.276741,21.313940,3/8/2008 20:35,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,sorry,on the field outside city,students from 'sabin dragoi' art highschool Arad Romania,ROM,Romania 51.419781,7.099730,3/8/2008 20:30,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,DEU,Germany 46.164460,21.292129,2/25/2008 20:30,3,-9999.00,clear,,in the town,students from 'sabin dragoi' art highscool ARAD ROMANIA,ROM,Romania 46.164460,21.292129,2/26/2008 20:35,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,STUDENTS FROM 'SABIN DRAGOI' ART HIGHSCHOOL ARAD ROMANIA,ROM,Romania 40.355500,22.573000,3/8/2008 18:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,public electrisity company on strike,,GRC,Greece 46.164460,21.292129,2/27/2008 20:20,4,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,,students from 'sabin dragoi' art highschool ARAD ROMANIA,ROM,Romania 51.216658,-0.333330,3/8/2008 19:58,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,100% cloud cover.,,,GBR,United Kingdom 46.164460,21.292129,2/28/2008 20:45,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,STUDENTS FROM 'SABIN DRAGOI' art highschool ARAD ROMANIA,ROM,Romania 41.880002,12.490000,3/5/2008 20:30,4,-9999.00,clear,deep blue,,,VTC,Vatican City 46.164460,21.292129,2/29/2008 20:30,4,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,,STUDENTS FROM ' SABIN DRAGOI' ART HIGHSCHOOL ARAD ROMANIA,ROM,Romania 37.762641,-77.475676,3/2/2008 19:02,6,18.03,clear,,,,USA,United States 46.164460,21.292129,3/1/2008 20:40,1,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,STUDENTS FROM 'SABIN DRAGOI' ART HIGHSCHOOL ARAD ROMANIA,ROM,Romania 37.745360,-77.471605,3/2/2008 19:12,4,17.46,clear,,,,USA,United States -34.880000,-60.000002,3/7/2008 22:38,4,-9999.00,clear,Despejado,"Chivilcoy, Bs As, As, Argentina",Observaci?n realizada desde zona urbana,ARG,Argentina 32.130002,-110.559999,3/7/2008 20:16,3,-9999.00,clear,Sky was completely clear,some street lights and other lights making it brighter,,USA,United States 37.724497,-77.468006,3/2/2008 19:19,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 42.666662,23.333330,3/8/2008 22:00,4,-9999.00,clear,24 hours after a medium rain. Slight wind during the daylight.,"Boyana, suburb of Sofia",,BGR,Bulgaria 37.722691,-77.463402,3/2/2008 19:28,5,18.85,clear,,,,USA,United States 37.717800,-77.451360,3/2/2008 19:34,5,18.87,clear,,,,USA,United States 37.613240,-77.458109,3/2/2008 20:01,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.230703,-110.954108,3/6/2008 21:00,2,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 46.164460,21.292129,3/2/2008 20:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,students from ' sabin dragoi' art highschool ARAD ROMANIA,ROM,Romania 37.598419,-77.455329,3/2/2008 20:07,4,17.83,clear,,,,USA,United States -6.800000,39.283000,3/8/2008 21:30,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,Within the city centre few lights; shaded by hand.,,TZA,Tanzania 46.164460,21.292129,3/3/2008 20:45,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,STUDENTS FROM 'SABIN DRAGOI' ART HIGHSCHOOL ARAD ROMANIA,ROM,Romania 37.562390,-77.463996,3/2/2008 20:20,4,15.17,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.230703,-110.954108,3/7/2008 22:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 37.541551,-77.484514,3/2/2008 20:34,4,18.03,clear,,,,USA,United States 46.164460,21.292129,3/4/2008 20:50,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,RAINING,,students from ' sabin dragoi' art highschool ARAD ROMANIA,ROM,Romania 37.524042,-77.474057,3/2/2008 20:44,4,16.18,clear,,,,USA,United States 46.164460,21.292129,3/5/2008 21:15,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,RAINING AGAIN,,STUDENTS FROM ' SABIN DRAGOI' ART HIGHSCHOOL ARAD ROMANIA,ROM,Romania 37.496362,-77.553738,3/2/2008 21:00,4,17.84,clear,,,,USA,United States 37.508288,-77.579939,3/2/2008 21:07,4,16.44,clear,,,,USA,United States 46.164460,21.292129,3/6/2008 21:30,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,RAIN RAIN RAIN,,STUDENTS FROM 'SABIN DRAGOI' ART HIGHSCOOL ARAD ROMANIA,ROM,Romania 37.513858,-77.601433,3/2/2008 21:14,4,18.08,clear,,,,USA,United States 46.164460,21.292129,3/7/2008 21:45,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,RAIN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,,students from ' sabin dragoi' art highschool ARAD ROMANIA,ROM,Romania 37.486301,-77.600641,3/2/2008 21:38,4,18.47,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.419319,-110.974352,3/7/2008 20:54,3,-9999.00,clear,,back yard,,USA,United States 37.399288,-77.514055,3/2/2008 21:59,5,17.88,clear,,,,USA,United States 46.164460,21.292129,3/8/2008 20:30,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,it's still R A I N I N G !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SORRYYYYYYYY,,students from 'sabin dragoi' art highschool ARAD ROMANIA,ROM,Romania 45.220002,-75.420001,3/8/2008 21:00,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,Some cloud cover due to previous snowfall earlier during the day.,"The exact location of my observing site is Carleton University, Ottawa, ON, Canada.",,CAN,Canada 42.956668,-74.535669,3/6/2008 20:30,5,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,their was some clouds but you could still see the sky clearly,No street lights,,USA,United States 49.200001,2.533000,3/8/2008 20:30,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,FRA,France 49.227772,16.530000,2/27/2008 21:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,CZE,Czech Republic 49.200001,2.533000,3/6/2008 20:30,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,FRA,France 49.219719,16.495001,3/2/2008 22:45,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,CZE,Czech Republic 46.195359,21.300659,2/25/2008 20:30,3,-9999.00,clear,,"IN THE CITY, INDUSTRIAL ZONE",students from 'sabin dragoi' art highschool arad romania,ROM,Romania 46.195359,21.300659,2/26/2008 19:45,4,-9999.00,clear,,,students from 'sabin dragoi' art highschool arad romania,ROM,Romania 46.105358,21.300659,2/27/2008 20:30,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,students from ' sabin dragoi' art highscool arad romania,ROM,Romania 46.195359,21.300659,2/28/2008 19:50,3,-9999.00,clear,,,students from ' sabin dragoi' art highschool arad romania,ROM,Romania 42.439999,25.620000,3/8/2008 23:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,BGR,Bulgaria 46.195359,21.300659,2/29/2008 21:55,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,students from 'sabin dragoi' art highschool arad romania,ROM,Romania 46.195359,21.300659,3/1/2008 19:30,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,raining,,students from 'sabin dragoi' art highschool arad romania,ROM,Romania 46.195359,21.300659,3/2/2008 20:15,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,raining,,students from 'sabin dragoi' art highschool arad romania,ROM,Romania 46.195359,21.300659,3/3/2008 21:55,3,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,we have luck,,students from 'sabin dragoi' art highschool arad romania,ROM,Romania 38.981498,-77.097440,2/25/2008 19:06,-9999,16.88,1/4 of sky,,"top of parking garage, lights too close",,USA,United States 46.195359,21.300659,3/4/2008 21:30,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,students from 'sabin dragoi' art highschool arad romania,ROM,Romania 39.549999,-104.980001,3/7/2008 19:32,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,back yard,,USA,United States 46.195359,21.300659,3/5/2008 20:40,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,raining,,students from ' sabin dragoi' art highschool arad romania,ROM,Romania 46.195359,21.300659,3/6/2008 19:55,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,students from ' sabin dragoi' art highschool arad romania,ROM,Romania 46.195359,21.300659,3/7/2008 21:50,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,still raining,,students from ' sabin dragoi' art highschool arad romania,ROM,Romania 38.982301,-77.099319,2/25/2008 19:16,3,17.47,1/4 of sky,,"NW corner, Caroline Freeland Park",,USA,United States 46.195359,21.300659,3/8/2008 19:10,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,"sorry, it's still raining bye bye",,students from ' sabin dragoi' art highschool arad romania,ROM,Romania 32.000000,-111.000000,3/8/2008 22:40,5,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,Very pretty. Except for the clouds.,The location was very nice I had a fun time looking up at the night sky!,This was a nice and relaxing project.,USA,United States 42.956692,-74.535409,3/6/2008 20:30,5,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,It was a little cloudy outside but that did not block the view of the sky,No street lights,,USA,United States 38.979381,-77.102987,2/25/2008 19:31,3,17.77,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 38.978667,-77.109981,2/25/2008 19:42,4,18.47,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 38.977373,-77.108048,2/25/2008 19:49,4,18.12,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 40.332667,-76.574364,3/6/2008 20:11,4,-9999.00,clear,,"near Palmyra, PA",,USA,United States 38.976379,-77.104599,2/25/2008 20:04,3,17.52,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 44.954440,26.022500,3/8/2008 23:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,ROM,Romania 38.973640,-77.101088,2/25/2008 20:18,3,17.50,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 44.549998,-69.620002,3/6/2008 20:30,3,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,The sky was really coudy either that or it was full of light polution.,There was a street light 50 feet away. My house lights were on about 30 feet away.,,USA,United States 38.964402,-77.100200,2/25/2008 20:28,3,17.72,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 38.958600,-77.094497,2/25/2008 20:42,3,17.61,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 47.511861,8.564629,3/8/2008 21:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,CHE,Switzerland 38.933448,-77.053331,2/25/2008 22:07,3,17.63,1/4 of sky,,Off into Rock Creek Park,,USA,United States 47.511861,8.546460,3/6/2008 21:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,CHE,Switzerland 38.979330,-77.086997,2/27/2008 18:57,3,17.71,clear,,,,USA,United States 38.977031,-77.083644,2/27/2008 19:09,3,17.74,clear,,"by country club, during street light failure",,USA,United States 38.973753,-77.077271,2/27/2008 19:19,3,-9999.00,clear,,"by country club, on Conn. Ave., too much street lighting to use SQM",,USA,United States 50.364930,18.854030,3/8/2008 22:35,1,-9999.00,clear,Clear but foggy.,,During the program we have made seven observations. We had a good time and quite a lot of fun. We've also made some photos of Miechowice by night. You can see them in our Till next year!,POL,Poland 43.228469,12.094140,3/8/2008 23:09,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,ITA,Italy 38.964170,-77.070325,2/27/2008 19:40,3,-9999.00,clear,,"coordinates are from GPS, off by about 30 meters on map, too many street lights to use SQM",,USA,United States 38.958791,-77.064280,2/27/2008 19:54,3,17.73,clear,,on grounds of Carnegie Inst.,,USA,United States 38.955280,-77.056009,2/27/2008 20:11,3,18.04,clear,,"In park, bare trees overhead",,USA,United States 38.944359,-77.049711,2/27/2008 20:37,3,17.58,clear,,,,USA,United States 38.943457,-77.050551,2/27/2008 20:42,3,17.80,clear,,,darker than expected,USA,United States 40.159999,-74.230004,3/8/2008 18:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,very cloudy,Back Yard/ Open Field,,USA,United States 38.938277,-77.050346,2/27/2008 20:54,3,17.48,clear,brighter than expected,tennis court in Rock Creek Park,,USA,United States 41.944359,-88.765808,3/7/2008 19:30,2,-9999.00,clear,The night sky was pretty clear,My location is on the corner of Normal Rd. and Hillcrest Rd.,,USA,United States 35.898542,-78.668159,3/7/2008 18:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,Stormy,,,USA,United States 41.599998,-93.670000,3/7/2008 19:30,6,-9999.00,clear,Sky was clear and Orion was very crisp as there was no atmosphere at all....lovely sight I could see Sirius and Proceyon,Two street lights not shielded. On a busy city street at the front of my house,,USA,United States 35.179149,-78.566771,3/8/2008 20:34,7,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 45.383499,-75.701118,3/6/2008 21:12,3,-9999.00,clear,,"Carleton University, Ottawa Ontario Canada",Light Pollution is prevelent in this area. If I had to be more accurate I'd say the sky is roughly 3.2-3.3 magnitude.,CAN,Canada -35.427310,-71.666518,3/8/2008 22:05,5,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,CHL,Chile 45.383499,-75.701118,3/6/2008 21:12,3,-9999.00,clear,Fairly clear night.,"Observation near Carleton university campus, there was some light pollution.",,CAN,Canada 42.922049,-74.678167,3/6/2008 20:55,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 44.528950,-69.584827,3/3/2008 20:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,Right above my house,,USA,United States 44.736612,-69.258043,3/5/2008 21:15,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 35.847920,-78.456839,3/8/2008 19:10,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,"The sky is a little cloudy, and there are very few stars.","There are a couple of street lights, and one plane.",,USA,United States -34.496311,-58.518493,3/8/2008 22:05,-9999,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,Cielo algo nublado.,A 40 m hay dos faros de iluminaci?n callejera bloqueados de mi vista.,"Hoy, por la tarde estuvo lloviendo. Sopla viento NO, leve.",ARG,Argentina 35.792951,-78.658378,3/8/2008 19:00,3,-9999.00,clear,There are not as many stars in the sky as there usually are.,,,USA,United States 40.400002,-111.666674,3/4/2008 22:30,5,-9999.00,clear,There are a few wispy clouds to the north that do not affect my observation of Orion.,There is one street light about 100 meters away that is blocked by a house,,USA,United States 37.471070,-81.663162,3/8/2008 19:28,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,It was snowing.,MVMS/AR,,USA,United States 18.499999,-67.199998,3/8/2008 20:00,4,-9999.00,clear,The sky has an orange glow on the lower sides from my observation point.,There is a light pole at about 50 to 65 feet to the south of the site from which I observe Orion.,"This observation is part of a group from the Raul Ybarra Jr. High School in Maricao, PR",PRI,Puerto Rico 45.415198,-75.671980,3/6/2008 20:15,6,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,There was considerable amount of clouds in the sky and they kept moving towards Orion about a course of 15 minutes or so.,The place I live around is close to apartment buildings and schools.There is light pollution around these areas.,,CAN,Canada 35.799999,-78.699994,3/8/2008 19:15,4,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,It was windy and cloudy but as as much as where i was standing. I could see Orion clearly with a naked eye.,"There is a street light to the west of where i am standing. The surrounding area is lighted homes. I am standing and looking towards the south, on the drive way. In Raleigh N.C.",,USA,United States 38.220000,-81.359998,3/8/2008 19:39,4,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,"Today we are experienceing snow, and lots of it! Previously we have ssen Orion on a multitude of nights!",,pLEASE INCLUDE NEXT TIME!,USA,United States 37.344770,-81.445293,3/8/2008 19:36,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,MVMS/T.W.,,USA,United States -35.422730,-71.669482,3/8/2008 21:38,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,CHL,Chile 18.180000,-66.980004,3/8/2008 19:50,6,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,PRI,Puerto Rico 35.846230,-78.657305,3/8/2008 19:30,3,-9999.00,clear,"Almost completly clear, one small cloud in the sky.","12432 Whartons Way, Raleigh, NC, 27613",,USA,United States 35.840612,-78.866897,3/8/2008 19:42,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 41.040001,-81.489997,3/8/2008 19:40,1,-9999.00,clear,clouds were moving very fast over the few stars i could see. there was also medium snow.,,,USA,United States 35.656559,-78.509405,3/8/2008 19:48,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 37.430000,-81.569999,3/8/2008 19:30,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,It is snowing outside so that's why its cloudy,MVMS/CC,,USA,United States 41.560000,-90.610000,3/8/2008 18:50,1,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States -30.016110,-70.613877,3/3/2008 23:00,6,21.56,clear,RUTA 51,,,CHL,Chile 40.683301,-104.396894,2/29/2008 23:59,-9999,21.33,clear,Star count was not attempted. Orion is toward light domes. Sky was clearing from over 50% cloudy earlier in the evening.,Pawnee National Grassland site used by amateur astronomers. Known as Roland's Astro Corral. Light domes are visible from Greeley and Ft Collins CO and Cheyenne WY.,"Site is adequate for decent views of M33 unaided eye in the East. M44 is obvious in East and overhead. Cheers, Dan Laszlo, NCAS, Fort Collins CO USA.",USA,United States 19.700000,-101.199996,3/7/2008 21:10,4,18.00,clear,,Outside the Morelia Planetarium,,MEX,Mexico -29.987771,-70.542501,3/3/2008 23:15,6,21.56,clear,RUTA 51,,,CHL,Chile 35.929298,-79.084650,3/8/2008 20:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 42.334820,-85.267692,3/8/2008 20:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,Home., SC124 C001 Fall 07 Juan Gonzales,USA,United States -29.989161,-70.684159,3/3/2008 23:20,6,21.56,clear,MAMALLUCA,,21.41 SQM1316,CHL,Chile -29.989718,-70.684159,3/3/2008 23:35,6,21.54,clear,,,21.52SQM1316,CHL,Chile -30.232220,-71.084716,3/4/2008 21:55,3,15.35,clear,,PLAZA ANDACOLLO,16.46SQM1316,CHL,Chile -30.249999,-71.063330,3/4/2008 22:30,7,21.36,clear,,,21.25SQM1316,CHL,Chile 40.140820,-105.098102,3/6/2008 21:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,Mr. Zawaski's class- Joy Kemna 3rd observation,USA,United States -30.220831,-71.088049,3/4/2008 23:05,6,21.00,clear,,,20.83SQM1316,CHL,Chile 45.410000,-75.660007,3/7/2008 20:00,6,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,,,CAN,Canada -30.206658,-71.089155,3/4/2008 23:10,7,21.44,clear,,,21.24SQM1316,CHL,Chile -30.166941,-71.113054,3/4/2008 23:40,7,21.51,clear,,,21.42SQM1316,CHL,Chile -30.149999,-71.205002,3/4/2008 23:50,6,21.39,clear,,,21.32SQM1316,CHL,Chile 41.775107,-88.110526,3/5/2008 21:10,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 28.579429,-80.821615,3/8/2008 20:05,5,-9999.00,clear,,"Dark backyard. Houselights off. One streetlight on within 50 m of house, but on the other side of house.",,USA,United States -30.080549,-71.241380,3/4/2008 23:59,6,20.78,clear,,,21.09SQM1316,CHL,Chile 28.140711,-81.922074,3/8/2008 20:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,,Saw two satellites one behind the other as they spun into an iridium flare that lasted about :30 seconds or so. Interesting to see one satellite following another so close on the same exact track from north to south.,USA,United States 41.775107,-88.110526,3/6/2008 21:10,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 32.216998,-110.970999,3/2/2008 20:00,7,-9999.00,clear,The sky was really clear. I could see every star.,There were no close lights near my house. The closest one was 2 miles away.,I saw Orion and Canis Major.,USA,United States -30.363879,-70.786107,3/5/2008 22:30,7,21.81,clear,,,21.61SQM1316,CHL,Chile 41.775107,-88.110526,3/7/2008 21:10,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States -30.392221,-70.865275,3/5/2008 23:00,6,20.17,clear,,,20.19SQM1316,CHL,Chile -30.448881,-71.004160,3/5/2008 23:50,6,21.69,clear,,,21.64SQM1316,CHL,Chile -30.488332,-71.081656,3/5/2008 12:00,7,21.60,clear,,TRANQUE COGOTI,21.56SQM1316,CHL,Chile 42.604381,-87.996278,3/8/2008 19:15,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 39.937721,-105.146521,3/7/2008 19:45,1,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,"The clouds covered about a quarter of the sky. Part of the cloud over was direcly over location however, Orion was still visible to observe. If the clouds weren't there Orion would have been easier to see.",Some street lights about 200 ft away made it a little difficult to see Orion. I also have a few aspen trees planted that affected the viewing.,,USA,United States 35.488997,-82.572500,3/8/2008 20:35,4,19.14,clear,,"three street lights inthe area, but are blocked by trees.",,USA,United States 35.921389,-78.573759,3/8/2008 20:31,1,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,It look more grey.,I have a street sign next to my house. I am also sitting on the roof.,very windy and cold. My butt is like glued to the roof.,USA,United States 35.199298,-82.871730,2/25/2008 20:31,6,21.13,clear,,No outside lighting,,USA,United States 36.024330,-78.895925,3/8/2008 20:05,3,-9999.00,clear,As clear as it gets.,,,USA,United States 18.507449,-67.120481,3/8/2008 21:30,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,Few fast moving cumulus clouds.,Urban background lights to the Southwest and Southeast. Ocean to the the North. A few street lights 100 meters to the South.,,PRI,Puerto Rico 35.810477,-85.484646,3/1/2008 20:15,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 35.759998,-78.639998,3/8/2008 18:53,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,cloudy,,,USA,United States 30.044728,-95.567256,3/8/2008 20:00,3,-9999.00,clear,cold front moved through sky clear and cool,Tomball Tx,,USA,United States 26.056999,-80.272003,3/2/2008 20:30,3,-9999.00,clear,,,S&,USA,United States 35.540001,-78.309997,3/8/2008 21:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.460641,-110.959483,3/8/2008 19:11,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 39.514779,-87.264218,3/8/2008 20:25,5,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,"a few clouds, haze on the horizon",a few porch lights on far down the street,Sky and Telescope,USA,United States 35.786418,-78.611181,3/8/2008 20:11,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 35.786418,-78.611181,3/8/2008 21:11,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 35.246539,-84.876220,3/8/2008 21:00,4,19.95,clear,"It is very cold tonight, but clear.",,,USA,United States 36.001128,-78.901157,3/8/2008 20:00,5,-9999.00,clear,It was pretty,,it was fun,USA,United States 32.183042,-111.083089,3/8/2008 20:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 39.258660,-76.703441,3/8/2008 21:22,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 35.917400,-78.583430,3/8/2008 21:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 45.400001,-75.849988,3/8/2008 21:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,"There's a storm here tonight, but if the sky was clear it would be magnitude 3, I think.","Aylmer, Quebec. There isn't TOO much light pollution.",,CAN,Canada 39.905520,-104.987411,3/8/2008 19:30,3,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,brake in clouds allowed brief viewing.,urban,,USA,United States 42.931840,-74.626920,3/8/2008 21:35,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,Saturday night was a horrible night. The clouds covered all the sky and I couldn't even find 1 star!,I did this at my house by the school.,Sorry for the limited data.,USA,United States 35.783791,-78.676710,3/8/2008 21:20,4,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 32.197368,-110.893722,3/8/2008 19:35,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 32.289999,-110.860001,3/8/2008 19:39,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 35.956479,-78.694899,3/8/2008 21:43,5,-9999.00,clear,A little haze to the south,There were some trees in the way of my eye sight so it was kind of hard to see everything perfectly.,IT WAS COLD!!! BRRR!!!,USA,United States 32.316661,-111.066676,3/8/2008 19:45,4,-9999.00,clear,"Transperancy- Fair, Lots of twinkling stars.",Only half of the sports park lights are on two miles east across the Santa Cruz river.,,USA,United States 32.229149,-110.958807,3/8/2008 19:53,2,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 45.475000,-75.505829,3/5/2008 21:15,4,-9999.00,clear,,"Ottawa suburbs, in a park. Downtown Ottawa provided alot of light pollution from the west.",,CAN,Canada 33.459290,-82.211271,3/8/2008 22:00,4,-9999.00,clear,clear sky,local neighborhood with street lights, SC124 C001 Fall 07Lindsey Green,USA,United States 32.201753,-110.924273,3/8/2008 20:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 41.138960,-95.978850,3/8/2008 19:50,4,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,Spotty clouds moving in from the west.,"I live in Sarpy county, near highway 370 and 42nd street, but am fortunate enough to be adjacent to a corn field (it is directly south of our house.) So I have Omaha light pollution to the north but pretty decent Southern skies.","4.5 would be more accurate, based on these charts. It would be good to have 1/2 magnitudes available to choose from.",USA,United States 35.622022,-79.188052,3/8/2008 21:50,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.258611,-111.013428,3/8/2008 19:50,4,-9999.00,clear,,"We observed from a residential area on the West Side of Tucson, Ariz. The neighborhood has no streetlights, but most of the houses on our street have dusk-to-dawn lights by the driveway.","Though we could see quite a few stars around Orion, we could see few within the fram of the constellation itself.",USA,United States 38.356601,-91.407281,2/24/2008 22:00,6,-9999.00,clear,,pretty rural,Very clear,USA,United States 41.940479,-88.777747,3/6/2008 20:30,2,-9999.00,clear,"mostly clear, but not completely.","It was the darkest area that I could find without walking too far, but streetlights from the parking lot and lights from the dorms were still clearly visible.",,USA,United States 44.528950,-69.584827,3/6/2008 19:36,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,"1 outside light was on close by, but other than that nothing.",,USA,United States 32.419319,-110.974352,3/8/2008 19:45,3,-9999.00,clear,,back yard,,USA,United States 35.808879,-78.662216,3/8/2008 21:55,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,Saw from front of house. Street light 40 yards away. No lights on close by.,,USA,United States 38.697058,-116.677526,3/5/2008 21:30,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,"It was semi-cloudy towards the Southern part of the sky. The sun was completely down, since it wasn't visible at all at the time.","Location is in Tucson, Az.",,USA,United States 37.065070,-76.314393,3/8/2008 22:00,4,-9999.00,clear,"Orion low in light dome of Hampton, VA and Langley AFB at the time of observation. Sky was clear, 40 mph winds, 40F.","Backyard in Hampton, VA on edge of marsh.",,USA,United States 32.416662,-110.983327,3/8/2008 19:55,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.341093,-110.995389,3/8/2008 20:23,4,-9999.00,clear,Completely clear,High Elevation near mountain base,,USA,United States 33.769999,-117.889994,3/8/2008 19:25,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 40.060910,-105.225648,3/5/2008 22:00,3,-9999.00,clear,Mr Zawaski's astronomy class,,,USA,United States 39.688559,-104.812183,3/8/2008 20:30,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,I could not see a single star!,,,USA,United States 32.150001,-111.040004,3/8/2008 20:33,4,-9999.00,clear,,"Southwestern Tucson - 3000 feet - fairly unpopulated area. Great view of city lights, but equally great view of skies on other side of house away from all city lights.",,USA,United States 32.229180,-110.950993,3/8/2008 20:00,2,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 45.380002,-75.699997,3/1/2008 21:20,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,CAN,Canada 40.018533,-105.259376,3/6/2008 20:00,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,Mr Zawaski's astronomy class,,,USA,United States 45.156508,-93.658491,3/8/2008 21:30,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,It was lightly snowing. Clouds covering the whole sky couldn't see any stars,Outside of the city.,,USA,United States 45.156501,-93.658757,3/8/2008 18:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,Couldnt see anything because it was cloudy and snowing,,,USA,United States 32.229180,-110.950993,3/7/2008 20:00,2,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 40.059801,-105.274935,3/7/2008 18:00,3,-9999.00,clear,Mr Zawaski's astronomy class,,,USA,United States 32.830001,-117.000007,3/8/2008 19:03,5,-9999.00,clear,clear nice sky,,,USA,United States 35.846230,-78.657305,3/6/2008 19:45,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 27.271999,-81.402003,3/8/2008 20:00,4,-9999.00,clear,Totally clear and haze free - after a cold front passage.,Would be dark residential area with too many backyard unshielded security lights.,,USA,United States 39.594002,-105.009002,3/8/2008 19:45,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,100% cloud coverage as far as seen.,There were a few street lights and other lights near by.,,USA,United States 37.113609,-76.420828,3/8/2008 21:18,5,18.75,clear,Very windy all day long. Clear night following rainy daytime.,,Where is the SQM's serial number?,USA,United States 27.341119,-82.533076,3/8/2008 22:30,4,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,Cloud cover blocking Orion gone by 10:30 pm. Other parts of sky were cloudy.,Near Interstate 75 and Bee Ridge Road.,,USA,United States 32.441811,-110.977726,3/8/2008 20:16,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 35.545199,-97.300887,3/8/2008 20:20,3,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 52.059849,-106.624970,3/8/2008 21:30,-9999,18.62,clear,,,,CAN,Canada 32.119999,-110.929997,3/8/2008 20:48,5,-9999.00,clear,"Nice clear night. Very good viewing conditions, alot can be seen.",Central Tucson.,,USA,United States 42.590000,-87.819997,3/8/2008 20:12,1,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,The light polution in my area is so horrible it took a while for my eyes to adjust.,USA,United States 34.087261,-84.188290,3/8/2008 22:51,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.271961,-110.859783,3/8/2008 20:50,3,-9999.00,clear,,"Suburban area, few neighboring lights, no city lights.",,USA,United States 38.634029,-91.955561,3/8/2008 21:45,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 42.590000,-87.819997,3/8/2008 19:12,1,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,"The light polution is so terrible in my area that it took a while for my eyes to even see one star, and few to see.",,,USA,United States 32.200001,-110.940003,3/4/2008 21:00,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,it was clear enough to see the Orion but not able to see the whole constellation in the sky.,South on Tucson Blvd,,USA,United States 32.270001,-110.839996,3/8/2008 20:58,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 27.006001,-82.396001,3/8/2008 22:27,4,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,couldy but where there were gaps stars could be seen easly,,,USA,United States 41.711190,-86.044326,3/8/2008 21:45,-9999,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,"Cold front came through and sky is clearing. Clouds to the east; Orion is low in the west, where it is clear.",,,USA,United States 32.269908,-110.841860,3/8/2008 21:07,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 33.046999,-84.155997,3/8/2008 23:00,4,-9999.00,clear,Sky was clear. Temperature is near freezing (0 degrees C or 32 degrees F),,,USA,United States 42.483391,-70.873649,3/8/2008 21:30,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.216998,-110.970999,3/8/2008 20:50,3,-9999.00,clear,None.,"My neighbor, about 30 m. away, had their 2 front porch lights on. This could have minorly shielded my view.",None.,USA,United States 47.818458,-122.231781,3/8/2008 20:00,4,-9999.00,clear,slight haze,suburbs - Marysville Wa.,,USA,United States 32.922451,-96.461703,3/8/2008 22:11,1,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,Sky was fairly cloudy to the west and a neighbor had a bright light on.,,,USA,United States 38.549721,-121.736675,3/8/2008 19:50,4,-9999.00,clear,,,48% humidity.,USA,United States 41.713939,-88.153358,3/8/2008 21:58,-9999,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,"I've been been observing the sky at my location for the past few nights, hopeing to see a pleasnt night sky, but it was somewhat cloudy again tonight. But even when looking up to the sky there is the faint blur in the sky from light pollution. Even on a",I live in a fairly populated Suburban area. There isn't much open area and if there is open area it is near a mini-mall or something similar that produces light,,USA,United States 38.927608,-77.043940,3/8/2008 20:40,3,17.39,clear,,"differs from loc rep by GPS, used map to get lat & lon",,USA,United States 38.925678,-77.069963,3/8/2008 20:56,3,17.59,clear,,"NW Washington, DC. Transformer damaged by storm, so all lights on street were out. Good opportunity.",,USA,United States 38.972110,-77.160661,3/8/2008 21:16,4,18.50,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.160000,-111.029998,3/8/2008 21:35,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 39.920270,-105.082699,3/8/2008 21:31,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,Heavy clouds cover whole sky.,Standard suburban setting.,,USA,United States 38.973479,-77.197400,3/8/2008 21:23,4,18.44,clear,,,,USA,United States 38.976082,-77.182572,3/8/2008 21:30,4,18.64,clear,,,,USA,United States 38.998509,-77.191772,3/8/2008 21:44,4,18.80,clear,,,,USA,United States 38.988400,-77.178392,3/8/2008 21:52,4,18.83,clear,,,,USA,United States 38.947812,-77.123716,3/8/2008 22:04,4,18.54,clear,,,,USA,United States 38.945670,-77.050531,3/8/2008 22:39,3,17.86,clear,,,,USA,United States 34.278332,-119.292218,3/8/2008 20:40,5,-9999.00,clear,,,S&,USA,United States 38.950161,-77.050217,3/8/2008 22:44,3,17.98,clear,,,,USA,United States 38.959160,-77.053741,3/8/2008 22:50,3,17.81,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.734249,-117.036330,3/8/2008 20:40,4,-9999.00,clear,The sky was very clear.,,,USA,United States 28.100001,-82.100001,3/8/2008 21:30,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.412219,-110.993142,3/8/2008 21:35,5,-9999.00,clear,,There are lights on in my neighbors houses that don't interupt the sky very much.,,USA,United States 39.975571,-105.253837,3/8/2008 21:53,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,"Total cloud cover, no stars.",Regular suburban setting.,,USA,United States 38.876658,-77.209941,3/5/2008 22:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.353612,-110.976285,3/5/2008 20:07,2,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.353612,-110.976285,3/4/2008 21:21,2,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 35.365299,-97.527745,3/7/2008 22:00,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,"Clear for the most part, a little cool, but nice.",Apartment complex,Tried different areas of the complex but bad lighting surrounded the place.,USA,United States 32.000000,-109.999999,3/8/2008 21:30,-9999,18.25,clear,,,"Once again the address conversion applet is nonfunctional, even though it held two previous conversions of my home address. There should be a way of saving the same address for repeat observations. 349 E. Mohave Rd. Tucson, AZ 85705",USA,United States 35.574890,-97.580064,3/7/2008 23:00,3,-9999.00,clear,Clear and cool,Lake Hefner,"This location is also used by the Oklahoma City Astronomy Club for novice sessions and does provide a good place for many to see lunar eclipses, ISS passes, comets, and such, but not good for deep sky objects.",USA,United States 35.544287,-97.620827,3/8/2008 21:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,Very cloudy with only Sirius cutting through the clouds and getting worse during the eve.,Residential area.,,USA,United States 33.876229,-84.336348,3/8/2008 23:50,1,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States -30.240000,-70.736656,3/8/2008 23:59,6,-9999.00,clear,,"Altitude 8900 ft, at Gemini South Observatory.",,CHL,Chile 10.440000,-61.360002,3/8/2008 19:59,6,20.21,1/2 of sky,"Very clear at first, then very cloudy, then clear again, when I left the site the clouds were rolling in again, however, during the clear patches telescopes were trained on Saturn, and what a lovely sight.","High in the northern range, with just a glow of the city lights.","This night was chosen for the annual star party of the Caribbean Institute of Astronomy (CARINA).Due to a few scattered showers during the day, the atmosphere during the patches of clear sky was so clean that it was a joy to view the nebulae in Orion and",TTO,Trinidad & Tobago 32.265141,-110.904418,3/8/2008 22:30,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 34.749598,-86.512392,3/8/2008 20:30,5,19.25,clear,"No clouds. Transparency average. We normally get better transparency than this during the winter. Seeing was also only average, which is odd for a cold night, 29 deg F.","Von Braun Astronomical Society observing field south of the Planetarium, and the Swanson and Angele Observatory in Monte Sano State Park. Elevation is 1638 ft ab MSL. No snow on the ground, although we did get a skip of snow Friday night, it was gone by","This measurement was taken with participation from the crowd after our public planetarium show. We also had a troop of 90 scouts from GA staying in the park that also came by. The kids could all see more stars than the adults, but the adults did good too",USA,United States 10.460000,-61.230003,2/28/2008 20:30,6,20.11,clear,clear with half moon,coastal area,,TTO,Trinidad & Tobago 37.720000,-122.139997,3/8/2008 21:35,1,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 32.770001,-116.989994,3/8/2008 20:48,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,Slightly hazey to the west but it is not obscuring Orion to any noticeable extent.,There was a house with a light on about 15 meters south east,,USA,United States 34.772561,-86.540846,3/8/2008 21:00,4,18.60,clear,"transparency average. cold, but seeing is only average.",Site of future commercial shopping center called Harris Hills. Currently there is already some fast food and convenience store gas stations which light up the area.,,USA,United States 34.110002,-117.389997,3/8/2008 21:42,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States -12.014260,-77.054820,3/1/2008 21:00,4,-9999.00,clear,Such a clean sky is someting weird in my city.,Los Algarrobos 449. URb. Los Jardines. S.M.P.,,PER,Peru -12.014260,-77.054820,3/6/2008 21:00,2,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,Los Algarrobo 449. Urb. Los Jardines S.M.P. Lima Per·,,PER,Peru -12.014260,-77.054820,3/6/2008 12:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,PER,Peru 34.815878,-86.515267,3/8/2008 22:00,4,19.41,clear,transparency average to poor. Orion in sky glow of Huntsville. Would have been better earlier.,rural subdivision with streetlights and porchlights. backyard is fairly well shielded by house.,This year's results are not the best conditions. This whole winter season has been less than average observing.,USA,United States 8.061880,1.685660,2/26/2008 21:45,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,BEN,Benin 39.729998,-104.860001,3/8/2008 21:45,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 40.153600,-105.100697,3/3/2008 21:15,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,Mike Zawaski Astronomy class,,USA,United States 40.153600,-105.100697,3/6/2008 20:15,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 40.153600,-105.100697,3/6/2008 20:15,4,-9999.00,clear,,Mike Zawaski Astronomy class,,USA,United States 40.153600,-105.100697,3/7/2008 22:10,2,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,Mike Zawaski Astronomy class,,USA,United States 31.903151,-110.980855,3/8/2008 22:47,5,-9999.00,clear,It was beautiful!,"318 e calle aspa, green valley, az, 85614, front driveway, neighbor's porchlight is 30-40 feet from viewing site, slightly interfered with view due to glare.",,USA,United States 45.551491,-122.777814,3/8/2008 19:20,3,-9999.00,clear,Three stars of the belt of Orion could be clearly seen with few other stars but not many stars in the sky.,,,USA,United States 41.009999,-111.929998,3/6/2008 19:42,5,-9999.00,clear,"clear sky,",,,USA,United States 30.055640,-95.150771,3/8/2008 22:25,4,-9999.00,clear,This is about as good as it gets in Kingwood,Inside community of Kingwood - hard to get far away from street lights,,USA,United States 37.353512,-122.030455,3/8/2008 22:30,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 40.404578,-111.769817,3/8/2008 22:14,4,-9999.00,clear,It's a little bit hazy.,About 400m away there is a house with lights on,It's always hazy in Utah.,USA,United States 32.000000,-109.999999,3/7/2008 20:10,4,-9999.00,clear,,James E. Rogers Way at the University of Arizona,,USA,United States 32.000000,-109.999999,3/8/2008 19:15,4,-9999.00,clear,,"It was a street near the intersection of Grant and Silverbell, with some street lights",,USA,United States 45.367438,-122.765356,3/8/2008 19:30,4,-9999.00,clear,,Tualatin Oregon clear night,,USA,United States 37.422760,-81.015770,3/6/2008 21:00,4,-9999.00,clear,"Clear night, good viewing","On Concord University campus. Moderate light pollution from poorly designed safety lighting. Otherwise, small ,rural, 1 stop light, town with only one store (CVS) providing light pollution.",There were wispy cloulds in the sky earlier today but they appear to be gone now.,USA,United States 39.083329,-76.650002,3/8/2008 18:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,completely overcast 5? Celsius,semi-rural,,USA,United States 37.369652,-81.097391,3/6/2008 23:00,5,-9999.00,clear,Sky appears to be clear.,There is moderate light pollution in town (and getting worse). I live in a subdivision on the edge of town. There is a hill blocking some of the light from town so I have a little better viewing than in town.,There were wispy clouds during the day but all clear now.,USA,United States 26.922591,-82.266084,3/8/2008 23:59,3,-9999.00,clear,No clounds! Few fast moving objects in the sky.,Perfect location! no lights around/ very dark place,"I want to sleep, but i have to go outside in boxers when its 10*C (50F) and freeze my self to death untill i find stars that make up rumbus!!!!",USA,United States 32.415600,-111.007349,3/8/2008 21:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 45.378571,-75.764345,3/5/2008 21:30,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,CAN,Canada 44.079282,-123.099161,3/8/2008 19:30,2,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,"We have an incoming storm. Sky had fairly thick layer of high clouds, appeared to be fairly uniform over entire sky, dimming stars quite a bit and providing major skyglow reflecting the city lights. Best nights at this location would give around mag 4.5",Urban single dwelling houses medium density neighborhood with major shopping mall and auto dealers half mile to southwest and the downtown area due south about 1.5 miles. Several high street lights every several hundred feet and most neighbors have porch,"I'm curious how you're going to standardize the data, given the wide variety of weather and local lighting conditions. I should have gone out many times earlier. Perhaps the project should consider the best sky conditions of a sample of at least five dif",USA,United States 37.061020,-120.835281,3/8/2008 21:45,4,-9999.00,clear,the sky is clear of clouds and there are dozens of stars in the sky,It is a bit breezy.,,USA,United States 18.789231,99.170023,3/7/2008 19:35,1,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,THA,Thailand 18.789231,99.170023,3/8/2008 19:50,3,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,,,THA,Thailand 32.243339,-110.919902,3/8/2008 19:06,3,-9999.00,clear,The sky was breath taking,,I love Astronomy,USA,United States 29.870371,-95.659449,3/8/2008 21:00,4,-9999.00,clear,Transparancy 4/7 Seeing 6/10,,Temp 40deg F,USA,United States 33.834838,-118.196328,3/8/2008 23:07,1,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,Very cloudy. barely any stars visible.,"Long Beach, CA",,USA,United States 38.371183,26.132570,3/8/2008 22:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,"In the city of Chios, East Greece",,GRC,Greece 37.424338,-6.165510,3/8/2008 12:00,4,-9999.00,clear,About 6 at Pickering scale of seeing,,,ESP,Spain 49.782100,17.756211,3/8/2008 21:56,4,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,,,CZE,Czech Republic -36.802091,175.700483,3/7/2008 12:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,no streetlights visible from sheltered site,,NZL,New Zealand -36.739492,175.724949,3/5/2008 20:40,5,-9999.00,clear,,no streetlights within 2km; altitude 10m,,NZL,New Zealand -36.731022,175.644994,3/5/2008 21:15,5,-9999.00,clear,,multiple HPS streetlights within 50m; altitude 5m,,NZL,New Zealand -36.834592,175.703311,3/5/2008 21:40,5,-9999.00,clear,,partially shielded HPS streetlights 50m away in small town centre; altitude 5m,,NZL,New Zealand -36.805919,175.703748,3/5/2008 21:50,5,-9999.00,clear,,streetlights 50m away; altitude 3m,,NZL,New Zealand 48.074181,-122.165378,3/8/2008 21:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,"Residential, quite a bit of light pollution.",,USA,United States 37.170139,-3.592260,3/8/2008 12:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,"From Granada, Espaħa In the outsides of the city.",,ESP,Spain 41.672999,2.286000,3/7/2008 20:30,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,ESP,Spain 41.672999,2.286000,3/8/2008 20:30,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,ESP,Spain 37.431721,-81.572895,3/6/2008 21:00,1,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,it was covered in clouds butyou could only see a few stars,MVMS/AM- there is astreet light in front of my house,,USA,United States -34.509999,-58.550000,3/8/2008 18:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,ARG,Argentina 21.354370,46.171638,3/4/2008 12:15,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,"Student at Fine Art High School ARAD, ROMANIA",SAU,Saudi Arabia 27.331420,-80.392064,3/8/2008 20:31,4,-9999.00,clear,,Backyard of residence. Fairly dark.,"Submitted by Al Caron, Robert Haskins and Bruce Bardsley, members of TCAS.",USA,United States 21.354370,46.171638,3/5/2008 12:07,-9999,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,"Student at Fine Art High School ARAD, ROMANIA",SAU,Saudi Arabia 21.354370,46.171638,3/6/2008 12:40,-9999,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,,"Student at Fine Art High School ARAD, ROMANIA",SAU,Saudi Arabia 21.354370,46.171638,3/7/2008 12:10,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,"Student at Fine Art High School ARAD, ROMANIA",SAU,Saudi Arabia 21.354370,46.171638,3/8/2008 12:20,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,"Student at Fine Art High School ARAD, ROMANIA",SAU,Saudi Arabia 50.233330,21.766660,3/7/2008 18:40,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,POL,Poland 39.366082,-76.726862,3/6/2008 19:50,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 36.183450,-95.340411,3/8/2008 21:30,3,-9999.00,clear,,"In town, across from school with lots of street lights",,USA,United States 36.537400,-95.077592,3/8/2008 21:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 36.105251,-115.101501,2/25/2008 20:15,3,17.25,clear,,"Townhouses close to Las Vegas, NV strip.",,USA,United States 36.105302,-115.101501,2/26/2008 20:05,3,17.25,clear,,,,USA,United States 36.105302,-115.101501,2/27/2008 20:30,3,-9999.00,clear,,Townhouses near Las Vegas strip.,,USA,United States 36.105302,-115.101501,2/27/2008 20:30,3,17.20,clear,,Townhouse with lights prevalent in development.,,USA,United States 36.105302,-115.101501,2/28/2008 20:45,3,17.13,clear,,,,USA,United States 36.105302,-115.101501,2/29/2008 20:25,2,17.20,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 36.105302,-115.101501,3/1/2008 20:35,3,16.53,clear,,,,USA,United States 36.105302,-115.101501,3/2/2008 21:07,2,16.88,1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 36.105302,-115.101501,3/3/2008 20:45,3,17.05,clear,,,,USA,United States 36.105302,-115.101501,3/4/2008 21:00,3,16.99,clear,,,,USA,United States 36.105302,-115.101501,3/5/2008 21:15,3,16.99,clear,,,,USA,United States 36.105302,-115.101501,3/7/2008 20:30,2,17.03,1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 37.947769,-6.089160,3/6/2008 23:30,6,-9999.00,clear,,"Real de la Jara, Sevilla, Spain (at 70 km from Sevilla)",,ESP,Spain 37.471070,-81.663162,3/7/2008 19:40,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,MVMS/BNA,,USA,United States 37.471070,-81.663162,3/8/2008 19:40,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,MVMS/BNA,,USA,United States 42.790001,-87.789999,3/8/2008 20:18,3,-9999.00,clear,clouds covered less than a 1/4 of the sky,"Street lamp about 50 feet from my viewalso several house lamps across the street aprx. 200 yards, they were extremly dim lights",,USA,United States 27.105000,-81.415602,3/8/2008 23:00,6,-9999.00,clear,Cold front went through during the day. Sky was completely clear of clouds; seeing good (8 of 10); sky clarity fair (7 of 10).,"nearest town - Lake Placid, FL - 25 miles to the north",,USA,United States 46.449999,7.080000,3/6/2008 22:00,4,-9999.00,clear,Clear,Ependes observatory near Fribourg,The sky was really orange due to fresh snow.,CHE,Switzerland 35.846230,-78.657305,3/8/2008 21:36,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,"a little bit cloudy, but can see lots of stars.",There was some light from the kitchen.,,USA,United States 32.240002,-111.000000,3/8/2008 21:13,2,-9999.00,clear,very beutiful but i couldnt see orion. im sad,,,USA,United States 39.504800,-104.738198,3/8/2008 19:00,2,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,"Clouds, visibility low.",I live in parker colorado.,,USA,United States 42.499961,-70.864087,3/6/2008 19:00,2,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,The sky was a bit hazy bu there were still many visible stars.,"At Deveruex Beach, on the porch",There was a street light about 100 ft away that effected vision.,USA,United States 32.407291,-111.008189,3/8/2008 21:10,4,-9999.00,clear,,,It was between a 4 and 5.,USA,United States 46.178789,21.333389,2/27/2008 21:30,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,on the Mures River side,students from 'sabin dragoi' art highschool arad Romania,ROM,Romania 46.178789,21.333389,2/28/2008 19:45,2,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,students from 'sabin dragoi' art highschool arad Romania,ROM,Romania 46.178789,21.333389,2/29/2008 21:45,3,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,,students from 'sabin dragoi' art highschool arad Romania,ROM,Romania 36.313309,-77.971288,3/7/2008 19:50,3,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,very cloudy,street lights are on,the sky was very dark but it was easier to see with street lights on,USA,United States 46.178789,21.333389,3/1/2008 20:00,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,students from 'sabin dragoi' art highschool arad Romania,ROM,Romania 30.079999,-95.700000,3/8/2008 21:20,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 49.193611,16.597771,3/8/2008 22:30,1,-9999.00,clear,,,,CZE,Czech Republic 46.178789,21.333389,3/2/2008 21:45,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,students from 'sabin dragoi' art highschool arad Romania,ROM,Romania 46.178789,21.333389,3/3/2008 20:15,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,students from ' sabin dragoi' art highschool arad Romania,ROM,Romania 46.178789,21.333389,3/4/2008 21:25,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,students from 'sabin dragoi' art highschool arad Romania,ROM,Romania 46.178789,21.333389,3/5/2008 22:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,students from 'sabin dragoi' art highschool arad Romania,ROM,Romania 46.178789,21.333389,3/6/2008 21:10,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,raining,,students from ' sabin dragoi' art highschool arad Romania,ROM,Romania 46.178789,21.333389,3/7/2008 21:45,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,still raining,,students from ' sabin dragoi' art highschool arad Romania,ROM,Romania 46.178789,21.333389,3/8/2008 21:30,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,raining again bye bye in 2009 too,,students from ' sabin dragoi' art highschool arad Romania,ROM,Romania 46.210348,21.277639,3/5/2008 21:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,raining,,students from ' sabin dragoi' art highschool arad ROMANIA,ROM,Romania 46.210348,21.277639,3/6/2008 19:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,"sorry, it's raining",,students from 'sabin dragoi' art highschool arad ROMANIA,ROM,Romania 38.477772,-122.384723,3/8/2008 21:30,4,-9999.00,clear,Clear but a bit hazy. Seeing was quite soft.,"Three streetlights (two mercury vapor, one high pressure sodium) within 50 m of my location but shielded for the most part. Two exterior lights in backyard behind me.",,USA,United States 46.210348,21.277639,3/7/2008 21:35,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,r a i n i n g,,students from ' sabin dragoi' art highschool arad romania,ROM,Romania 32.237339,-110.956758,3/8/2008 21:06,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 46.210348,21.277639,3/8/2008 22:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,"sorry, but it's still raining BYE BYE IN 2009",,students from ' sabin dragoi' art highschool arad ROMANIA,ROM,Romania 32.439731,-110.110750,3/8/2008 21:00,6,-9999.00,clear,Totally clear great for star gazing,,Orion was very visible and you could see every star,USA,United States 49.737560,17.804520,3/7/2008 20:27,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,CZE,Czech Republic 49.750439,17.827989,3/8/2008 20:11,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,CZE,Czech Republic 44.950001,26.016660,3/8/2008 18:00,6,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,ROM,Romania 46.171638,21.354370,3/5/2008 20:50,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,RAINING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!,,STUDENTS FROM ' SABIN DRAGOI' ART HIGHSCHOOL ARAD ROMANIA,ROM,Romania 41.717498,1.424440,3/8/2008 22:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,Rural zone. No big town (>= 10.000 inhabitants) 20 - 25 Km around,ESP,Spain 46.171638,21.354370,3/6/2008 20:42,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,SORRY,,STUDENTS FROM 'SABIN DRAGOI' ART HIGHSCHOOL ARAD ROMANIA,ROM,Romania 46.171638,21.354370,3/7/2008 20:55,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,STUDENTS FROM 'SABIN DRAGOI' ART HIGHSCHOOL ARAD ROMANIA,ROM,Romania 46.171638,21.354370,3/8/2008 21:40,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,"NOTHIHG, SORRY BYE IN 2009",,STUDENTS FROM 'SABIN DRAGOI' ART HIGHSCHOOL ARAD ROMANIA,ROM,Romania 46.183622,21.323960,3/5/2008 20:40,1,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,WE HAVE LUCK,,students from 'sabin dragoi' art highschool ARAD ROMANIA,ROM,Romania 46.183622,21.323960,3/6/2008 19:05,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,BAD LUCK,,students from 'sabin dragoi' art highschool ARAD ROMANIA,ROM,Romania 39.176770,-77.188787,3/5/2008 19:30,4,-9999.00,clear,Clear sky no clouds. Could see 5 stars in Orions belt and the sword.,,,USA,United States 46.183622,21.323960,3/7/2008 20:55,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,RAININGSEE YOU IN 2009,,students from 'sabin dragoi' art highschool ARAD ROMANIA,ROM,Romania 46.163732,21.403281,3/6/2008 21:30,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,There is two street within 100 m that is shielded from my view,Student from highschool Sabin Dragoi ARAD ROMANIA,ROM,Romania 46.163732,21.403281,3/7/2008 21:30,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,There is two street within 100 m that is shielded from my view,Student from highschool Sabin Dragoi ARAD ROMANIA,ROM,Romania 39.117221,-77.161392,3/6/2008 20:00,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,Could see 5 stars on orions belt and the sword. Location was on a dark farm.,,,USA,United States 46.163732,21.403281,3/8/2008 21:30,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,There is two street within 100 m that is shielded from my view,Student from highschool Sabin Dragoi ARAD ROMANIA,ROM,Romania 39.274360,-77.198514,3/7/2008 18:15,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,It was raining.,Horse farm. No lights,,USA,United States 32.397049,-110.977201,2/26/2008 20:48,4,14.28,clear,,Parking Lot,,USA,United States 39.641800,-104.899596,3/8/2008 19:00,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,"It had some clouds, but overall it was a good view upthere.","It was a little bit cloudly, but I was still able to see the sky. . I was standing on the trail that runs behind my house.",,USA,United States 45.700000,18.100000,2/25/2008 22:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,"O` Dubovac,Karlovac, CroatiaPrimorska 9 -road near the city of Karlovac",,HRV,Croatia 45.700000,18.100000,2/26/2008 22:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,"O` Dubovac,karlovac,CroatiaPrimorska 9- road near the city of Karlovac",,HRV,Croatia 45.700000,18.100000,2/26/2008 22:00,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,HRV,Croatia 45.700000,18.100000,2/27/2008 22:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,HRV,Croatia 45.700000,18.100000,2/28/2008 22:00,4,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,HRV,Croatia 45.700000,18.100000,2/29/2008 22:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,HRV,Croatia 45.700000,18.100000,3/1/2008 22:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,HRV,Croatia 45.700000,18.100000,3/2/2008 22:00,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,HRV,Croatia 45.700000,18.100000,3/3/2008 22:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,HRV,Croatia 45.700000,18.100000,3/4/2008 22:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,HRV,Croatia 45.700000,18.100000,3/5/2008 22:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,HRV,Croatia 45.700000,18.100000,3/6/2008 22:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,HRV,Croatia 45.700000,18.100000,3/7/2008 22:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,HRV,Croatia 45.700000,18.100000,3/8/2008 22:00,4,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,,,HRV,Croatia 27.100000,-81.329999,3/8/2008 21:00,5,21.20,clear,,,41 degrees F,USA,United States 42.575229,-71.137069,3/3/2008 21:15,3,-9999.00,clear,"There are more stars than I though there would be, considering that there are streetlights all throughout my neighborhood, but there really were not tons of stars.",There are a lot of streetlights in my neighborhood.,,USA,United States 38.740003,-121.248002,3/8/2008 20:00,7,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 52.766657,-1.200000,3/3/2008 19:10,6,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,"bedroom lights to the south,street lights to the north,street lights over roof from the east",,GBR,United Kingdom 32.168330,-111.061758,3/8/2008 21:40,4,-9999.00,clear,,32.17 (32?10') | -111.06 (-111?3'),,USA,United States 32.413892,-110.993265,3/6/2008 20:45,5,-9999.00,clear,The sky was actually very clear. I could see Orion perfectly.,My neighbor's back lights were on so it was reflecting against the sky. It was getting rally annoying and it was very distracting.,The sky was very clear. Orion was very easy to find and popped out in the sky.,USA,United States 37.987501,-1.120600,3/7/2008 22:30,4,-9999.00,clear,,HACIA FRIO,HEMOS VISTO MARTE Y SATURNO,ESP,Spain 39.804372,-105.072154,3/6/2008 21:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 37.979899,-1.147000,3/3/2008 21:45,3,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,NUBES. MEDIO NUBLADO EN TODO EL HORIZONTE,HEMOS OBSERVADO DESDE LA CIUDAD DE MURCIA. HACIA FRIO,CONTAMINACION LUMINICA HAY MUCHA ALREDEDOR. HEMOS VISTO MARTE Y SATURNO. TAMBIEN ALDEBARAN OJO DE TAURO,ESP,Spain 37.292198,-4.879260,3/8/2008 20:50,3,-9999.00,clear,"Algunas nubes, pero la zona de Ori?n limpia, la luna empezando a crecer poniendose","Azotea en el interior del municipio de Estepa, Sevilla",,ESP,Spain 37.425332,-81.506888,3/6/2008 18:19,3,-9999.00,clear,it was fantastic to see it,MVMS/MG,,USA,United States 37.425332,-81.506888,3/7/2008 20:00,1,-9999.00,clear,it was only two parts of the ryan,MVMS/MG,,USA,United States 32.228900,-110.950993,3/7/2008 21:00,4,-9999.00,clear,Completely clear sky.,,,USA,United States 37.425332,-81.506888,3/8/2008 21:31,6,-9999.00,clear,i have never seen all of a ryan before,MVMS/MG,,USA,United States 32.228900,-110.950993,3/8/2008 20:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 53.456660,-2.340800,3/8/2008 20:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,GBR,United Kingdom 39.733300,-104.952400,3/6/2008 21:00,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,"The clouds weren't to bad, but visibility of the stars was only moderate.","I was at my friend's house who lives in downtown Denver, Colorado.",,USA,United States 37.411658,-5.985000,3/8/2008 21:25,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,ESP,Spain 32.234009,-111.006509,3/8/2008 20:55,6,-9999.00,clear,CRISP CLEAR NIGHT,NO CITY LIGHTS FACING WEST,,USA,United States 33.344212,-112.077667,3/7/2008 21:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 37.349722,-6.032220,3/7/2008 18:11,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,ESP,Spain 44.948891,-93.154279,3/3/2008 19:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 39.322601,-77.202680,3/6/2008 19:45,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 44.980160,-93.041861,3/3/2008 21:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 44.980160,-93.041861,3/5/2008 21:35,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 46.339999,-65.320002,3/2/2008 20:15,4,-9999.00,clear,Sky is very clear and can see a large amount of stars.,,,CAN,Canada 32.177329,-110.881236,3/8/2008 20:22,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 45.995891,-82.301423,3/7/2008 22:30,7,-9999.00,clear,,"The end of Maple Point Road, overlooking the North Channel.",,CAN,Canada 32.230000,-110.929997,3/8/2008 20:23,3,-9999.00,clear,Nice!,Great!,Cool activity!,USA,United States 34.009971,-118.398775,3/8/2008 19:00,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,Little cloudy in the west.,Two street lights within 50M.,"Even though the sky was cloudy, I could see Orion good,",USA,United States 45.170619,-93.236201,3/7/2008 19:47,2,-9999.00,clear,"It was a very clear night sky, and I was able to see the constallation clearly.",I was near a highway which was close to an empty field.,,USA,United States 32.399610,-110.981688,3/8/2008 21:47,5,-9999.00,clear,A little bit hazy over sky towards the southern sky due to the city lights.,,,USA,United States 22.090821,-101.099197,3/8/2008 21:26,7,-9999.00,clear,the weather are steady and calm...some sporadic wind but a very low velocity,"the location is located at 21 km at west of the city of San Luis Potos?, surrounding for mountains on the top of the ""peaje?s dam.",,MEX,Mexico 39.590000,-105.349999,3/2/2008 20:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 32.234852,-110.951697,3/8/2008 21:00,2,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 39.663971,-105.311279,3/3/2008 19:28,6,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 39.368698,-76.812710,3/8/2008 22:32,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 51.653333,-94.580553,3/5/2008 20:43,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,CAN,Canada 39.804372,-105.072154,3/4/2008 21:00,4,-9999.00,clear,"some clouds to the east, but did not inerfer with my observation",area was surrounded by street lights.,,USA,United States 32.170000,-110.899999,3/6/2008 20:55,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,Looked like a few cloud whisps in the sky,Not to much light pollution,,USA,United States 32.170000,-110.929997,3/8/2008 21:17,4,-9999.00,clear,Very rual area and easy to see the sky,Just to the north of tucson,,USA,United States 32.559928,-110.741463,3/8/2008 21:20,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 44.076382,-70.091661,3/4/2008 18:45,5,-9999.00,clear,Sky hazy near northern and western horizons but fairly clear overhead and to south.,"Rural Maine housesite in old corn field, nearest large town Lewiston, 5 miles northwest.",,USA,United States 41.657983,-75.224746,3/8/2008 20:33,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 42.941010,-74.295342,3/8/2008 20:32,1,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,It is very cloudy and very few stars are able to be seen.,,,USA,United States 33.393601,-116.661106,3/8/2008 20:30,6,-9999.00,clear,Clouds covering less than 10% of southwestern sky; extreme light pollution to west from Temecula (30 miles away); moderate light pollution south from Ramona (30 miles away). Sky otherwise clear; seeing moderately stable (3/5).,Relatively isolated valley 12 miles east of Palomar Observatory; elevation 1350 meters (approximately 4500 feet).,"Conditions easily better than the mag 5 comparison chart: Orion's sword easily visible, as were six stars in the vicinity of the belt. Conditions probably do not warrant a full mag 6 rating - the mag 5 stars in Ursa Minor are easily visible, but actual r",USA,United States 44.092020,-76.148201,3/6/2008 18:50,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,"Sackets Harbor is a small village, but outside the school there are lights illuminating the parking lot and yard.",,USA,United States 45.769538,-69.552110,3/6/2008 21:30,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,I could see the sky very well. There were some clouds around.,"There was one street light down the street, there was no real light polution.",I waited 10 minutes so my eyes could get used to the night sky.,USA,United States 32.438098,-110.994829,3/3/2008 21:00,7,-9999.00,clear,There are no clouds. The magnitude is really high.,A couple of yard lichts (dim) were on and a stop light about a mile away and some city lights are on.,The stars are very easy to see and they are very bright. It is also kind of cold outside.,USA,United States 42.546341,-71.192038,3/8/2008 20:20,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 41.056629,-81.439788,3/6/2008 20:05,2,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,"Being in the city, it is often hard to see many stars.",,USA,United States 41.772498,-88.108429,2/29/2008 19:11,2,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 43.943668,-76.126707,3/6/2008 18:50,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,"I entered this observation a few minutes ago, but now I think this is the correct longitude and latitude.",,USA,United States 35.846230,-78.657305,3/8/2008 20:15,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,i can see his belt and his body shape.,i live in raleigh north carolina,this was pretty interesting!:),USA,United States 26.940001,-82.260005,3/8/2008 23:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,There was a street light right in front of my driveway.,,USA,United States 37.299001,-81.225996,3/8/2008 20:41,1,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 35.077000,-106.291998,3/8/2008 22:00,5,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,Orion was cloud covered. Gaged manitude on Canus Major region. This was a overcast week with snow on some days. Typically our skys at this location are mag 6 (maybe better).,Elevation 7233 ft,Hopefully this survey will be done again for another assessment.,USA,United States 39.662410,-78.931572,3/8/2008 20:25,4,-9999.00,clear,,time is daylight savings time,,USA,United States -26.091200,-65.081430,3/6/2008 22:52,4,-9999.00,clear,se ve,,se ve,ARG,Argentina 39.496009,-77.862483,3/7/2008 23:15,5,-9999.00,clear,"Beautiful Night out, Wonderfuly for seeing the stars.",,,USA,United States 35.788368,-78.649225,3/8/2008 20:42,1,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 35.830001,-78.589994,3/8/2008 20:40,4,-9999.00,clear,There is nothing in the sky but stars.,There is a very big tree besides orion.,,USA,United States 26.945439,-82.341400,3/8/2008 20:00,3,-9999.00,clear,60 % cloudy,lots of city lights.,We need Dark Sky legislation.,USA,United States 27.018499,-82.412298,3/8/2008 20:54,2,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,it was pretty cloudy and hard to get a good view. the stars were not extremely bright. from what i saw the sky was similar to the magnitude 2 chart with maybe a view visible stars from the magnitude 3 chart.,,,USA,United States 26.880700,-82.298288,3/8/2008 19:55,2,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,some cloud patches,low light pollution,,USA,United States 37.431721,-81.572895,3/7/2008 20:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,it was very cloudy,MVMS/AM there is a street light in front of my house,,USA,United States 26.909999,-82.290003,3/8/2008 21:30,4,-9999.00,clear,The sky was very pretty with all of the bright stars.,I looked at the sky from my front yard and my street is really dark so there wasn't any light obstructing my view of the sky.,Orion was really cool to see!!!,USA,United States 37.431721,-81.572895,3/8/2008 22:00,1,-9999.00,clear,it was cloudy but you could see some of the stars,MVMS/AM there was a street ligh tin front of my house,,USA,United States 26.909999,-82.290003,3/8/2008 21:30,4,-9999.00,clear,The sky was clear making it a great night to observe the stars and constellations.,"I observed Orion from the front of my house on my driveway and in the cul-de-sac. There are no street lights of any kind blocking my view, making it a great night to observe.",This was a rather neat activity!,USA,United States 26.920480,-82.263140,3/8/2008 21:15,4,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,The sky was really cloudy. It took a while to see all of Orion.,"My house is in a very rural area with no street lights whatsoever, except for the occasional porch light.",,USA,United States 32.222999,-110.760000,2/25/2008 19:30,3,-9999.00,clear,"Clear, no clouds or weather",N/A,,USA,United States 32.230000,-110.760000,2/26/2008 19:43,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,"Some clouds, but sky mostly can be seen",N/A,,USA,United States 32.230000,-110.760000,2/27/2008 19:30,3,-9999.00,clear,clear night,My parents balcony,,USA,United States 32.230000,-110.760000,2/28/2008 19:38,3,-9999.00,clear,"no weather, no clouds",in front of my house,windy,USA,United States 32.230860,-110.757555,2/29/2008 19:32,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.230860,-110.757555,3/1/2008 19:30,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 41.375199,-72.128273,3/8/2008 21:30,3,19.67,clear,,,,USA,United States 39.188849,-94.685970,2/29/2008 20:15,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.230860,-110.757555,3/2/2008 19:30,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.230860,-110.757555,3/3/2008 19:30,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 39.203479,-94.689050,2/29/2008 20:30,5,-9999.00,clear,,,Sky nearer to Magnitude 4.7,USA,United States 32.230860,-110.757555,3/4/2008 19:30,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.230860,-110.757555,3/5/2008 19:30,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.230860,-110.757555,3/6/2008 19:30,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.230860,-110.757555,3/7/2008 19:30,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 39.038739,-94.347964,2/29/2008 21:40,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.230860,-110.757555,3/8/2008 19:30,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 26.923019,-82.327296,3/8/2008 21:40,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,partly cloudy but otherwise clear,There is one street light near but it is blocked from view by a nearby tree.,,USA,United States 39.751202,-104.997500,3/8/2008 20:06,3,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,March 8th was a fairly cloudy night in Denver. Many stars were not visible. I was able to see Orion with the help of my star chart.,"I was at the Denver Performing Arts Complex, on the lawn my the tall dancing statues. It was a cloudy night, however Orion was visible.",,USA,United States 39.862900,-104.671201,2/29/2008 19:35,3,-9999.00,clear,I didn't see any visible moisture in the sky.,The observations were made from the aircraft ramp area at Denver International Airport. I didn't see light from any other objects in the sky as the time elapsed. The area was heavily lit.,Orion was very easy to identify in the southern part of the sky in my observation.,USA,United States 32.216998,-110.970999,3/8/2008 20:30,3,-9999.00,clear,The sky was nice last tonight and i am glad i got to do this project!,,,USA,United States 45.067470,-93.018126,3/7/2008 21:00,3,-9999.00,clear,Clear,We live North of the Downtown area - walked out on the lake to avoid house lights. Stars were very bright and visible.,"It was easy to find due to the lack of stars, very obvious figure in the sky due to it's size and shape.",USA,United States 21.575000,-158.201005,3/8/2008 20:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 52.977000,-122.497995,3/8/2008 19:00,6,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,"Quesnel, which is north of where I live in the country is a serious light pollution, reducing observation in a large half circle for about a sixth of the northern sky.",,,CAN,Canada 39.527801,-105.150598,2/26/2008 20:17,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,"Clouds were to the north, east so did not affect my judgement.",Couple of street lights near plus the house lights of the neighbors.,,USA,United States 37.431721,-81.572895,3/7/2008 20:28,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,MVMS/ca,,USA,United States 37.431721,-81.572895,3/8/2008 21:10,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,MVMS/ca,,USA,United States 32.233879,-110.956758,3/8/2008 21:00,2,-9999.00,clear,Clear skies.,"Observed from outside, infront of my dorm building.","Skies were clear, some stars were visible.",USA,United States 32.229409,-110.951014,3/7/2008 21:12,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.216998,-110.970999,3/7/2008 19:00,4,-9999.00,clear,"From my point of view, I can't see any clouds.",There are street lights about 20 feet away.,Orion is very clear tonight but the belt is the broghtest.,USA,United States 32.285870,-110.861360,3/8/2008 20:03,5,19.22,clear,,,,USA,United States 38.828440,-77.174041,3/6/2008 22:30,4,-9999.00,clear,,At park outside townhouse community.,"I'd entered a naked-eye obversation earlier, but this day's observation was after a big rainstorm cleared the sky very nicely, bumping it from Mag3 to Mag4.",USA,United States 42.135430,-76.896715,3/6/2008 20:03,3,-9999.00,clear,"Clear no visible clouse within my sight. Still air, and cold.","I live at the edge of a small town, and a small city part way up a hill in the woods. The town has a small air port to my north about a mile away.","I didn't allow much time for dark adaption only about a minute or so. I had to use adverted vison to make out some of the stars, and the area of the orion nebula was just a little patch of fuzz.",USA,United States 32.440602,-110.986797,3/4/2008 19:33,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.440602,-110.986797,3/5/2008 20:02,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.440602,-110.986797,3/6/2008 20:11,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 44.820350,-93.592211,3/8/2008 21:02,3,-9999.00,clear,"It was fairly clear tonight, unlike other nights the stars were pretty bright.","I was at my home in chaska, and there was very little light pollution. It was nice to finally see orion!","It was exciting to finally see orion, and see it clearly.",USA,United States 32.440602,-110.986797,3/7/2008 20:30,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.440602,-110.986797,3/8/2008 19:11,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 33.768670,-117.911892,3/3/2008 20:00,2,-9999.00,clear,the sky was mostly cloudy and it was hard to see the stars,no comments,no comments,USA,United States 39.909752,-105.070002,3/6/2008 21:32,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,"It is a little cloudy, but a good enough view of the sky to see everything around orion",It is in the subburbs so you don't get that great of a view because of all the lights,,USA,United States 32.242659,-110.951184,3/8/2008 20:05,4,-9999.00,clear,"very clear out, stars are extremely bright veyr early in the night","Tucson, AZ",,USA,United States 33.825081,-117.954225,2/29/2008 19:30,2,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,pretty,33.825082 -117.95422,,USA,United States 39.601891,-105.235286,3/1/2008 19:10,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 39.625271,-105.364165,3/1/2008 19:30,5,-9999.00,clear,,,several cars passed by during the observation,USA,United States 33.825081,-117.954225,3/3/2008 19:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,33.825082-117.95422,,USA,United States 39.595518,-105.283828,3/1/2008 19:05,6,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,clouds to east,some lights from surrounding homes,,USA,United States 39.601891,-105.235286,2/29/2008 19:20,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 39.583327,-105.283329,3/3/2008 20:00,6,-9999.00,clear,lots of stars,mountains,,USA,United States 32.411700,-109.999999,3/7/2008 20:00,7,-9999.00,clear,Clear night.,No Visible Street light from my viewing location.,,USA,United States 39.659999,-105.349999,3/5/2008 19:10,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,grocery store lights about 1/2 mile away; street light about 1/4 mile away,windy,USA,United States 40.299721,-105.084714,3/4/2008 19:30,5,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,"A beautiful night! Skies looking south from the Little Thompson Observatory were not clouded, so little Denver light pollution to reflect off southern clouds.",USA,United States 39.570001,-105.300002,2/26/2008 19:45,3,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,clouds moving from west,"in the mountains, clear view to south and west",,USA,United States 43.810001,-91.239996,3/6/2008 20:25,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 36.099998,-115.129996,2/25/2008 20:45,3,17.06,clear,bright night. I am close to the Las Vegas Strip and can see the Luxor Light shining into the sky.,,"a few very high clouds, but mostly clear.",USA,United States 39.583327,-105.283329,3/3/2008 20:04,6,-9999.00,clear,lots of stars! clear,"mountains, no city lights",,USA,United States 33.773380,-117.898218,3/6/2008 20:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 36.099998,-115.129996,3/3/2008 21:00,3,17.03,clear,very very clear. I can see the lights from the Las Vegas strip lighting up the sky!,,,USA,United States 39.687999,-104.335962,3/8/2008 21:22,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,Thick clouds cover all possible view of the stars.,There are no street lights or other additional lights,NONE,USA,United States 39.566661,-105.266671,3/4/2008 19:45,7,-9999.00,clear,,"no street lights, I live in the mountains",,USA,United States 36.099998,-115.129996,3/5/2008 20:30,2,16.90,clear,clear sky...lit up by Las Vegas lights!,,,USA,United States 39.450001,-105.269997,3/3/2008 19:12,7,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 33.760669,-117.911892,3/4/2008 19:00,2,-9999.00,clear,no comments,no comments,no comments,USA,United States 33.773380,-117.898218,3/7/2008 20:15,-9999,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 32.408162,-110.999849,3/4/2008 20:00,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 33.981188,-118.071295,3/8/2008 20:00,1,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 38.717511,-105.000300,3/5/2008 20:31,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 40.259392,-76.748028,3/8/2008 22:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 36.351790,-107.296418,3/6/2008 18:30,5,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,it was very cloudy and foggy,,i couldnt really see,USA,United States 39.664958,-104.873286,3/8/2008 21:15,2,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,"The sky was 1/4 covered with clouds, it took me 15 minutes to adjust my eyes so i could see stars.",,,USA,United States 45.070000,-93.010005,3/8/2008 22:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.268409,-110.966716,3/2/2008 20:55,-9999,18.35,clear,,"It's really March 9, but your calendar works like the Lat/Long converter and only accepts dates through last week.",,USA,United States 47.183609,-120.761105,3/8/2008 20:50,7,-9999.00,clear,,"Lookout Mtn, Kittitas County, Washington",I rated the 'seeing' for my observations last night as 7 out of 10-D Scott,USA,United States 35.913312,-79.120228,3/8/2008 20:30,5,-9999.00,clear,"Very clear , cloudless night",We live and observed from just about 5 miles N west of Chapel Hill NC. We dont have any street lights.,,USA,United States 38.730000,-120.860006,3/8/2008 20:50,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.000000,-109.999999,3/6/2008 23:28,4,-9999.00,clear,Fairly clear,I live in a bright apartment complex,,USA,United States 38.715739,-120.876726,3/8/2008 21:00,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,Obsevations made by students of Gold Trail School as part of a Science project.,USA,United States 32.228968,-110.958609,3/7/2008 19:00,2,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 34.619999,-120.089998,2/26/2008 20:06,5,20.44,clear,,My house outside light was on.,,USA,United States 32.240002,-110.940003,3/8/2008 19:45,4,-9999.00,clear,,"Urban Tucson, AZ, near brightly lit hospital",Thin crescent new moon seen after sunset,USA,United States 38.749999,-120.940001,2/28/2008 20:10,7,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 34.615822,-120.088277,2/27/2008 19:09,6,21.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 34.615897,-120.088277,2/28/2008 21:30,6,21.20,clear,,,,USA,United States 37.687642,-120.979931,3/8/2008 21:35,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.000000,-109.999999,3/8/2008 21:30,3,-9999.00,clear,,apartment complex- dimmly lit,,USA,United States 32.243339,-110.919902,3/1/2008 20:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.427952,-110.971361,3/8/2008 21:15,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 33.769999,-117.919992,3/8/2008 21:00,3,-9999.00,clear,Mostly clear.,Light from neighbors,,USA,United States 32.409678,-110.987972,2/26/2008 22:34,5,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 33.769999,-117.919992,3/4/2008 21:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,Bright light from neighbors house.,,USA,United States 33.769999,-117.919992,3/5/2008 21:00,2,-9999.00,clear,,Bright light from neighbor's house.,,USA,United States 33.769999,-117.919992,3/6/2008 21:00,1,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,Mostly cloudy.,Bright light from neighbor's house.,,USA,United States 33.769999,-117.919992,3/7/2008 21:00,1,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,Bright light from neighbor's house.,,USA,United States 39.580581,-104.955760,3/7/2008 20:00,4,-9999.00,clear,"With naked eye, sky looked like the magnitude 4. However with binoculars it was between a 5 and 6.Since I was a kid I've always looked for orion and at my cabin in Telluride its absolutly spectacular.","I went to the park by house to get the observation. Not exactly clearer, but I could see much more of the sky. I also brought binoculars to get a better view.",,USA,United States 44.954840,-93.166963,3/6/2008 21:00,1,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.130002,-110.580005,3/8/2008 19:30,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 40.210000,-75.269996,3/8/2008 21:30,5,-9999.00,clear,"Poor seeing, but good transparency, the sky was as clear as I've ever seen it here.",,,USA,United States 28.648890,-81.351112,3/7/2008 19:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,"Unfortunately, all we could see were clouds.","English Estates Elementary SchoolFern Park, Florida 3273028? 38' 56"" Latitude -81? 21' 4"" Longitude",,USA,United States 40.229999,-75.160003,3/6/2008 20:30,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 38.702789,-90.172663,3/8/2008 12:02,2,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,"Back yard of my house, the light is bright around the area in St Louis, so the observation point isnt to great.",,USA,United States 39.999999,-105.000000,3/8/2008 22:00,5,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,cloudy but i live in a dimmed area and was out on a dark path,,,USA,United States 38.702789,-90.172663,3/8/2008 12:02,2,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,"This was taken in my Backyard, so the observation isnt that great.",,USA,United States 32.248007,-110.947407,3/8/2008 20:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.248007,-110.947407,3/7/2008 21:15,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 32.248007,-110.947407,3/6/2008 20:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 40.096298,-80.661303,3/3/2008 20:51,5,19.02,clear,Some high cirrus in northern sky; southern sky clear,"Speidel Observatory, Schrader Environmental Education Center, Oglebay Park, Wheeling WV","Average of three SQM readings. Observer: Russ Sellers, Oglebay Astronomy Club.",USA,United States 32.248007,-110.947407,3/4/2008 21:30,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 40.059100,-80.674103,3/3/2008 21:41,4,18.62,clear,,Residential area of Wheeling WV.,"Average of three SQM readings. Observer: Russ Sellers, Oglebay Astronomy Club.",USA,United States 33.494011,-111.921413,3/8/2008 22:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 39.918901,-80.739700,3/6/2008 20:35,4,18.52,clear,,"Residential area of Moundsville, WV","Average of three SQM readings. Observer: Russ Sellers, Oglebay Astronomy Club",USA,United States 33.494011,-111.921413,3/7/2008 23:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 39.742692,-104.929799,3/1/2008 18:51,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 40.059100,-80.674103,3/6/2008 21:05,4,18.69,clear,,"Residential area of Wheeling, WV","Average of three SQM readings. Observer: Russ Sellers, Oglebay Astronomy Club.",USA,United States 9.344390,98.419126,3/8/2008 20:30,6,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,THA,Thailand 52.465272,13.522770,2/25/2008 20:00,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,DEU,Germany 52.465272,13.522770,2/26/2008 21:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,DEU,Germany 52.465272,13.522770,2/27/2008 19:30,6,-9999.00,clear,,,,DEU,Germany -41.478298,173.971243,3/8/2008 23:06,5,-9999.00,clear,No Moon-sky clarity VG ie. no pollen or haze obivious. No light or sky glow in Northly direction and stars visible down to low hills 3/4deg.,Approx 2 km from small town pop 25000 .No street lighiting in street of semi-rural area,Mngnitude limit is possibly higher and falls between 5 & 6 but there is doubt so I have erred on the lower limit of 5.,NZL,New Zealand 52.465272,13.522770,2/28/2008 22:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,DEU,Germany 52.465272,13.522770,2/29/2008 21:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,DEU,Germany 52.465272,13.522770,3/1/2008 21:30,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,DEU,Germany 52.465272,13.522770,3/2/2008 22:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,DEU,Germany 52.465272,13.522770,3/3/2008 22:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,DEU,Germany 52.465272,13.522770,3/4/2008 22:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,DEU,Germany 52.465272,13.522770,3/5/2008 22:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,DEU,Germany 52.465272,13.522770,3/6/2008 21:30,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,DEU,Germany 52.465272,13.522770,3/7/2008 21:30,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,DEU,Germany 52.465272,13.522770,3/8/2008 21:30,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,DEU,Germany 39.756950,-104.976770,2/27/2008 21:00,2,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 35.165632,129.025060,3/8/2008 21:00,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,"today was not the best day, but i think it was quite cool.","Korea Science Academy's Space,Earth and Man obserbatory in Busan, Korea",,KOR,South Korea 35.163108,129.034336,3/8/2008 23:00,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,The sky was covered about 1/6,I observed it in Korea Science Academy(KSA) in Busan city,,KOR,South Korea 43.377999,-8.407240,3/5/2008 12:00,2,-9999.00,clear,,,,ESP,Spain 39.962552,-74.162010,3/4/2008 20:35,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 42.715487,-87.988273,3/8/2008 19:40,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,"mostly clear, few clouds",Town Of Yorkville-Racine County-WInear corn field no street lights,"Meissa, Betelgeuse, Bellatrix, Alnitak, Alnilam, Mintaka, Eta Orionis, Saiph, & Rigel, as well as stars in Monoceros were visible.",USA,United States 41.333327,21.550000,3/2/2008 19:55,3,-9999.00,clear,There is no moon.,There are street lights within 30 m that is shielded from my view.,,MKD,Macedonia 41.333327,21.533331,3/3/2008 19:10,5,-9999.00,clear,No clouds.The sky was very clear.,There only home lights.,,MKD,Macedonia 39.662410,-78.931572,3/8/2008 20:25,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,"The previous observation for this time and date from 301-689-1976 location was incorrect. The observation of magnitude 4 in a clear sky was actually for March 9, not March 8. This observation is correct for March 8. Please ignore the earlier one.",USA,United States 28.169549,-82.438628,3/7/2008 18:30,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 51.585997,0.389470,3/8/2008 21:00,3,-9999.00,clear,slight haze over the sky,,,GBR,United Kingdom 51.585997,-0.389470,3/6/2008 19:30,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,complete cloud cover,,,GBR,United Kingdom 41.078049,-81.561891,3/7/2008 19:01,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,snowing,,,USA,United States 41.078049,-81.561891,3/8/2008 19:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,snowing,,,USA,United States 43.614641,-71.159534,3/3/2008 20:45,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 39.638730,-104.677758,3/7/2008 21:45,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,Unfortunately the sky was overcast and I was unable to distingush any stars..=(,I chose to drive away from city lights to a local rural area park.,I was unable to see sky due to cloud cover 7 and 8 march,USA,United States 37.471070,-81.663162,3/8/2008 19:40,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,IT HAS SNOWED ALL WEEKEND SO IT HAS BEEN CLOUDY ALL WEEKEND,MVMS/BNA,,USA,United States 37.380000,-81.559999,3/5/2008 20:00,2,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,MVMS/KBH,,USA,United States 37.380000,-81.559999,3/6/2008 19:25,2,-9999.00,clear,,MVMS/KBH,,USA,United States 37.380000,-81.559999,3/7/2008 22:13,1,-9999.00,clear,,MVMS/KBH.,,USA,United States 37.380000,-81.559999,3/8/2008 20:24,-9999,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,Tonight was my last night to report and I really didn't see anything other than a cloudy sky.,MVMS/KBH.,,USA,United States -34.496311,-58.518493,3/8/2008 20:58,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,"Cielo algo nublado, con cierta nubosidad.",La observaci?n corresponde al dia 09/03/08. A 40 m hay dos faros de iluminaci?n callejera bloqueados de mi vista. Mßs atrßs a 1000 m aprox. la iluminaci?n del hip?dromo de San Isidro se refleja sobre la nubosidad existente.,,ARG,Argentina 37.436772,-81.588700,3/6/2008 19:30,2,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,the sky was a lot clear last night,mvms/qp,,USA,United States 37.436772,-81.588700,3/7/2008 21:29,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,very very cloudly,mvms/qp,,USA,United States 37.419997,-81.500003,3/8/2008 19:38,-9999,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,snowwing and very clouldy,mvms/qp,,USA,United States 41.308748,-79.481238,3/6/2008 20:30,6,-9999.00,clear,,"Rural area outside Clarion, PA. Some sky glow to the southeast from Clarion, but otherwise beautiful night sky.",,USA,United States 41.470822,-79.783918,3/6/2008 19:00,6,-9999.00,clear,,Site of the Oil Region Astronomical Observatory in Two Mile Run County Park.,,USA,United States 41.421809,-79.705739,3/1/2008 21:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,"In town, at my house.",,USA,United States 41.424018,-79.715309,3/1/2008 20:30,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 37.389432,-81.409899,3/4/2008 22:24,1,-9999.00,clear,,MVMS/KM,,USA,United States 41.444679,-79.666097,3/1/2008 21:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,"In town, at my house.",,USA,United States 41.452148,-79.674464,3/1/2008 20:30,5,-9999.00,clear,,location just outside of oil city,,USA,United States 41.406342,-79.744070,3/6/2008 20:00,5,-9999.00,clear,It twas a clear night,"Next to a highway which has street lights up, and cars which have lights. They were bright oh so bright.",,USA,United States 37.389432,-81.409899,3/5/2008 22:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,MVMS/KM,,USA,United States 41.474702,-79.751898,3/2/2008 20:11,5,-9999.00,clear,,"Near the Observatory, by the lake. Two Mile Run Park. Very little light pollution.",,USA,United States 41.438310,-79.702563,3/6/2008 20:50,3,-9999.00,clear,,"In town, front yard, Minimal light polution.",,USA,United States 37.389432,-81.409899,3/6/2008 22:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,MVMS/KM,,USA,United States 41.431210,-79.699367,2/29/2008 20:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,It was at the top of a Hill in Oil City. Near the Hasson Park. Little Light Pollution.,,USA,United States 43.397670,-71.140231,3/7/2008 20:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 41.438590,-79.700781,3/8/2008 21:00,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,"Partly cloudy, but still enough to see well.","In a field in Oil City, Pa.",,USA,United States 37.389432,-81.409899,3/7/2008 22:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,MVMS/KM,,USA,United States 43.572000,-71.189279,3/3/2008 20:15,5,-9999.00,clear,,One light about 50 yards away in the same direction as Orion. Not affecting the view of the stars.,,USA,United States 43.449538,-71.129064,3/6/2008 20:35,1,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 43.754731,-71.000991,3/6/2008 20:15,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,Very cloudy and foggy.,"No street lights, completely dark",,USA,United States 41.421378,-79.688780,2/28/2008 19:10,4,-9999.00,clear,,"In town,back yard,minimal light polution.",,USA,United States 43.590551,-71.202215,3/3/2008 20:20,4,-9999.00,clear,,There are lots of street lights but they are somewhat blocked by trees.,,USA,United States 43.585312,-71.214571,3/3/2008 19:43,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 41.432730,-79.704565,2/23/2008 22:00,4,-9999.00,clear,it was not cloudy,in a city with lights and near a church with big spot lights.,,USA,United States 43.678903,-71.166125,3/3/2008 21:30,6,-9999.00,clear,The sky was clear as clear can be.,I have no street lights on my road.,,USA,United States 43.672619,-71.279745,3/5/2008 20:39,2,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,it is a little cloudy and is just clear enough to see the constilation,none,i live in a field where it is very clear when looking at the sky,USA,United States 43.437981,-71.172449,3/8/2008 20:30,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,i could not see it,at home,,USA,United States 37.389432,-81.409899,3/8/2008 23:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,MVMS/KM,,USA,United States 43.755039,-71.152881,3/6/2008 20:30,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.406089,-111.005771,3/5/2008 20:50,7,18.91,clear,,,,USA,United States 39.597882,-105.014678,3/3/2008 20:05,5,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,"mostly clear with clouds in the NW. It would be even clearer if there weren't lights in the distance, some 200 m away.","Graveyard, some lights in the distance (200 m away)",excellent night for star gazing and seeking out orion.,USA,United States 43.460330,-71.122172,3/4/2008 18:13,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 41.421959,-79.725513,3/1/2008 21:30,3,-9999.00,clear,,Along a street with street lights.,,USA,United States 41.504922,-79.701669,3/6/2008 20:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,"Standing on a bridge, little to no light pollution.",,USA,United States 32.417000,-110.949607,3/5/2008 19:47,5,-9999.00,clear,,backyard,,USA,United States 32.417000,-110.949607,3/6/2008 19:56,5,-9999.00,clear,,backyard,,USA,United States 43.755192,-71.153482,3/5/2008 21:30,1,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,,not much in the sky,USA,United States 37.389432,-81.409899,3/7/2008 18:00,7,-9999.00,clear,,,mvms/vjh,USA,United States 43.719553,-71.244563,3/3/2008 20:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,there was a light on outside 6 feet away.,,USA,United States 43.753020,-71.150067,3/6/2008 18:45,5,-9999.00,clear,it was clear no clouds,there was a clear sky it was nice out and there were a whole bunch of stars,,USA,United States 32.417092,-110.949572,3/7/2008 19:48,5,-9999.00,clear,,frontyard,,USA,United States 37.389432,-81.409899,3/8/2008 18:00,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,mvms?vjhwot up bitch,USA,United States 44.003989,-71.630407,3/3/2008 18:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.417092,-110.949572,3/8/2008 21:19,5,-9999.00,clear,,frontyard,,USA,United States 37.344770,-81.445293,3/8/2008 23:00,-9999,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,snowy,MVHS/HTolnay and SShadowens,Sarah and Ryan,USA,United States 39.729998,-104.860001,3/8/2008 21:20,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 39.830002,-105.080002,3/7/2008 19:30,5,-9999.00,clear,,39.83 (39?49')North | -105.08 (-105?4')West,,USA,United States 37.441369,-81.579110,3/6/2008 21:00,2,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,Some what clear,,Speedy loves Pangen,USA,United States 43.753020,-71.150067,3/8/2008 18:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,I barly could see the stars with the clouds,The clouds block my view.,I wish it was sunny so I could see better.,USA,United States 37.389432,-81.409899,3/5/2008 21:30,5,-9999.00,clear,it was very clear and i could see,mvms/qw there are two street lihghts in front of my house,,USA,United States 37.389432,-81.409899,3/6/2008 21:45,3,-9999.00,clear,it was clear and i could see pretty good,mvms/qw there are two street lights in front of my house,,USA,United States 32.256729,-110.888101,2/27/2008 22:26,1,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,There where a few wispy cirrus clouds,,There where big street lights on my street,USA,United States 37.389432,-81.409899,3/7/2008 20:30,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,i could not see because it was cloudy,mvms/qw there are two street lights in front of the house,,USA,United States 37.431721,-81.572895,3/8/2008 20:30,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,looked unnatural,mvms tr i was on welch hill,,USA,United States 37.389432,-81.409899,3/8/2008 21:32,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,i couldnt see because it was cloudy,mvms/qw there are two street lights in front of the house,,USA,United States 37.344770,-81.445293,3/5/2008 18:00,2,-9999.00,clear,It was clear because it was sunny out that evening.,MVMS/CW,,USA,United States 37.389432,-81.409899,3/5/2008 21:10,5,-9999.00,clear,it was clear,mvms/bt there is trees in the way,,USA,United States 37.389432,-81.409899,3/6/2008 22:45,4,-9999.00,clear,i could see perfect,mvms/bt there are to many trees,,USA,United States 37.389432,-81.409899,3/7/2008 20:30,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,there were two many clouds,mvms/bt there are two many trees,,USA,United States 37.389432,-81.409899,3/8/2008 21:30,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,it was cloudy,mvms/bt there are two trees,,USA,United States 37.344770,-81.445293,3/8/2008 18:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,Snowed,MVMS/CBH,,USA,United States 37.389432,-81.409899,3/8/2008 20:30,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,it was too cloudy,mvms/qw there are two street lights in front of my house,,USA,United States 26.879999,-82.260005,3/8/2008 21:30,4,-9999.00,clear,The sky seemed to be pretty clear.,In front of my house.,,USA,United States 37.389432,-81.409899,3/7/2008 19:19,2,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,Snowed.,MVMS/TH,,USA,United States 37.389432,-81.409899,3/8/2008 23:25,3,-9999.00,clear,I saw some stars.,MVMS/TH,,USA,United States 26.450319,-81.934444,3/8/2008 22:00,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,BEAUTIFUL,The Night before was really clouded even sunday so saturday was the one night to make observations,COOL SKY,USA,United States 26.920000,-82.260005,3/8/2008 21:00,3,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,"There were clouds, but stars were still visible.","I was in the road in front of my house. No trees covered the sky. It was a beautiful, clear view.",,USA,United States 35.501640,-82.965133,3/5/2008 19:45,4,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 35.481040,-82.991784,3/5/2008 20:45,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 35.448251,-83.003614,3/4/2008 20:00,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,"cloudy and windy, clouds covered the orion for a while and then moved making orion visible",,,USA,United States 35.572571,-83.017951,3/6/2008 20:00,4,-9999.00,clear,very clear,,only saw belt,USA,United States 37.366049,-81.551844,3/5/2008 22:00,2,-9999.00,clear,,MVMS/NH,,USA,United States 37.366049,-81.551844,3/6/2008 22:00,1,-9999.00,clear,,MVMS/NH,,USA,United States 35.481682,-83.005950,3/5/2008 18:00,3,-9999.00,clear,cloudy sky with wind,,,USA,United States 35.498279,-82.994476,2/26/2008 21:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,it was very cloudy,there are lots of trees around my house,,USA,United States 37.366049,-81.551844,3/7/2008 22:20,1,-9999.00,clear,,MVMS/NH,,USA,United States 37.366049,-81.551844,3/5/2008 19:30,1,-9999.00,clear,,MVMS/KW,,USA,United States 35.508968,-83.099421,3/8/2008 22:30,-9999,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,The few stars I could see were vey beautiful,It started snowing while outside.,,USA,United States 35.447971,-82.978213,3/8/2008 20:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,44 Pennant Dr,,USA,United States 35.498969,-82.972230,3/5/2008 20:45,3,-9999.00,clear,,137 woodland dr,,USA,United States 37.366049,-81.551844,3/8/2008 22:18,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,MVMS/NH,,USA,United States 37.366049,-81.551844,3/6/2008 19:00,1,-9999.00,clear,,MVMS/KW,,USA,United States 35.798859,-83.581120,3/7/2008 21:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,MVMS/KW,,USA,United States 35.556380,-83.021960,3/6/2008 22:00,2,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 37.471070,-81.663162,3/5/2008 20:30,-9999,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,half covered,mvms ck half covered,none,USA,United States 37.471070,-81.663162,3/6/2008 21:30,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,to cloundy,mvms ck to cloundy,none,USA,United States 37.471070,-81.663162,3/7/2008 20:30,-9999,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,to cloundy,mvms ck was cloundy,none,USA,United States 37.471070,-81.663162,3/8/2008 20:15,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,to cloundy,mvms ck wasto cloundy,none,USA,United States 52.497770,13.395830,3/6/2008 20:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,DEU,Germany 52.173612,11.489720,3/7/2008 19:30,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,DEU,Germany 52.497770,13.395830,3/7/2008 22:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,DEU,Germany 52.490270,13.395830,3/8/2008 20:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,DEU,Germany 37.431721,-81.572895,3/4/2008 21:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,mvms-AT,,USA,United States 37.431721,-81.572895,3/5/2008 20:55,1,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,Mvms-AT,,USA,United States 37.431721,-81.572895,3/6/2008 18:00,1,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,mvms-AT,,USA,United States 37.431721,-81.572895,3/7/2008 21:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,mvms-AT,,USA,United States 37.431721,-81.572895,3/8/2008 21:20,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,mvms-AT,,USA,United States 37.943852,-91.743893,3/8/2008 22:15,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 43.355029,-71.133019,3/5/2008 19:45,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,"There is a lot of cloud cover in the south, but is not obstructing the view of Orion.",Neighbors on both sides have multiple lights on,,USA,United States 43.509391,-71.115827,3/6/2008 20:35,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 43.586138,-71.220384,3/4/2008 21:30,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 43.666673,-71.239481,3/3/2008 20:30,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 43.670239,-71.257711,3/4/2008 22:47,4,-9999.00,clear,clear with very little clouds and the wind was blowing what there was of clouds.,A house light a little ways off in the distance on the hill.,,USA,United States 43.578980,-71.199203,3/6/2008 20:15,3,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,Cloudy but not cloudy enough to make Orian non-visible,,,USA,United States -18.490000,-70.300002,3/7/2008 21:30,6,-9999.00,clear,,,,CHL,Chile 43.741361,-71.088759,3/5/2008 22:13,5,-9999.00,clear,Clear,There is a house with it's lights on 100 yrds away. It is partly shaded by trees.,Saw the great dog,USA,United States 43.398233,-71.145190,3/8/2008 19:48,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,"Sadly, very cloudy.",Comepletely Dark.,"Unfortunately with New Hampshire's bad winter weather, I couldn't get a good, clear view of he sky.",USA,United States 43.599440,-71.113505,3/3/2008 19:10,6,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,clouds to the southeast,,,USA,United States 43.426312,-71.137253,3/8/2008 21:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,It is Raining heavy to the point that it is downpouring.,There are no lights on around me.,,USA,United States 43.741822,-71.068125,3/6/2008 21:24,4,-9999.00,clear,A little hazy to the south.,,,USA,United States 26.937361,-82.266350,3/8/2008 21:00,4,-9999.00,clear,Very clear could see Orion for the most part very well.,No tree coverage to block out sky.,N/A,USA,United States 38.902650,-77.091375,3/6/2008 20:00,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,"clear at beginning of observing time, later a few clouds in the west",bright lights from city (DC) across the river to the north east,seeing a little better than 4..,USA,United States 41.067530,-81.550942,3/7/2008 19:30,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,cloudy and misty,,,USA,United States 41.044338,-81.515193,3/6/2008 20:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 41.044338,-81.515193,3/5/2008 20:00,2,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 33.999999,-118.230001,2/28/2008 20:10,3,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,No major objects blocking the view. There is also one street light within 60 meter that is shielded from my view.,I only saw part of Orion's arm and his belt.,USA,United States 42.999999,70.000000,3/6/2008 19:00,4,-9999.00,clear,clear of clouds,school yard ...big spotlights,,KAZ,Kazakhstan 34.001611,-118.397709,2/28/2008 20:10,3,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,No major objects blocking my view. There is also one street light within 60 meters that is shielded from my view.,I only saw part of Orion's arm and his belt.,USA,United States 40.741371,-4.055070,3/8/2008 21:30,3,-9999.00,clear,"Very good (for this conditions) night, not much seeing.",,Orion is over the horizon part more luminic polluted (direction Madrid),ESP,Spain 49.597402,14.379599,3/5/2008 19:25,5,-9999.00,clear,,,Pozorovßn? astronomick?ho krou~ku.,CZE,Czech Republic 44.950001,26.017000,3/8/2008 20:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,ROM,Romania 43.770000,-71.690000,3/2/2008 20:10,1,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,3 street lights,PRHS (JL),USA,United States 43.770000,-71.690000,3/2/2008 20:10,1,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,3 street lights,PRHS (LL),USA,United States 41.727951,-71.612218,3/3/2008 19:12,1,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,Rainy,Porch Light 5 feet from house,,USA,United States 43.696620,-71.632490,3/7/2008 19:16,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,It is raining.,There are multiple street lights and house lights.,PRHSjt,USA,United States 43.772671,-71.701898,3/4/2008 21:24,5,-9999.00,clear,The sky was wide open and there were no clouds in sight. Iy was a beautiful night not only for snowmobiling but for sitting on the back of the sled and gazing at the sky.,I dide my observation on my snowmobile a little ways from my house. It was probably about 2.7 miles away so it was pretty close.,PRHS JSM,USA,United States 43.878221,-71.912521,3/4/2008 19:13,1,-9999.00,clear,it was pretty cloudy but i was able to make out some stars,there was an automatic light on,PRHS ARB,USA,United States 43.727950,-71.612218,3/3/2008 19:12,1,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,Rainy,Porch light 5 feet from house,prhs/Ald,USA,United States 43.866760,-71.644081,3/7/2008 22:18,2,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,kind of cloudy,Lights from Resturant across the street,prhs az,USA,United States 43.869998,-71.639996,3/7/2008 22:13,2,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,It was a little rainy.,,PRHScb,USA,United States 38.770001,-120.890004,3/8/2008 20:24,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 43.758000,-71.697097,3/8/2008 20:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,it was raining that night so you couldn't really see any stars that night,there was a light near by and it was raining that night,PRHS-ARVR,USA,United States 43.742082,-71.691858,3/6/2008 18:00,4,-9999.00,clear,the sky was clear,several houses with lights and road with a couple streetlights,the lights from the other houses could have had some effect on my observation but it would be limitedPRHSJB,USA,United States 38.770001,-120.890004,3/1/2008 18:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 43.805790,-71.753432,3/6/2008 19:35,6,-9999.00,clear,,One lamp post about 10 feet away,PRHS-AF,USA,United States 38.770001,-120.890004,3/8/2008 19:45,5,-9999.00,clear,,,it was really cool to see it i could totally see it,USA,United States 38.770001,-120.890004,2/28/2008 21:00,6,-9999.00,clear,perfectly dark no light,nothing really clear no lights,,USA,United States 38.770001,-120.890004,3/2/2008 20:30,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,the sky was clear but it was patchy in other places,,the light across the street was on,USA,United States 38.770001,-120.950001,2/28/2008 19:30,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 38.770001,-120.890004,3/7/2008 18:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 38.770001,-120.890004,2/28/2008 21:30,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 26.879999,-82.260005,3/8/2008 21:45,4,-9999.00,clear,Stars were pretty visible. No cloud coverage over Orion's belt.,Front of my house,,USA,United States 38.770001,-120.890004,3/1/2008 18:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,street light in the distance.,,USA,United States 26.560000,-82.000000,3/8/2008 21:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,There was are street lights around my house and one in my backyard.,,USA,United States 26.950000,-82.239999,3/8/2008 19:30,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 26.993570,-82.387251,3/8/2008 19:20,5,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 26.896440,-82.289327,3/4/2008 20:00,4,-9999.00,clear,It was clear,,,USA,United States 26.922591,-82.266084,3/8/2008 23:59,3,-9999.00,clear,"Clear sky, not asingle cloud,","Great Location, no lights around, very dark!",The real date is 4:15 am 3-09-08,USA,United States 27.003400,-82.379998,3/8/2008 20:00,4,-9999.00,clear,It was clear.,,,USA,United States 38.869999,-120.890004,3/4/2008 19:23,6,-9999.00,clear,very clear,,,USA,United States 38.770001,-120.890004,3/6/2008 19:00,6,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 38.770001,-120.890004,2/28/2008 22:30,6,-9999.00,clear,,,the sky was so clear,USA,United States 26.861879,-82.308499,3/8/2008 20:00,4,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,Cloudy,Outside of house,^_^,USA,United States 38.770001,-120.890004,2/29/2008 21:02,4,-9999.00,clear,clear and beautiful,,,USA,United States 35.243192,-97.490118,3/6/2008 20:05,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 40.631098,-73.935801,3/7/2008 20:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,"Sky coveredby clouds, Orion not visible. Heavy rain all evening thru night.",same as for Feb 28,same as for Feb 28,USA,United States 41.430001,-85.330004,3/6/2008 19:55,7,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 40.631098,-73.935801,3/8/2008 20:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,"Sky covered by clouds, Orion not visible. Light to heavy rain all day thru night.",same as for Feb 28,same as for Feb 28,USA,United States 32.229808,-110.970302,3/4/2008 19:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 38.809159,-77.303330,3/3/2008 21:45,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,Some clouds and haze in the North-Northeast,Continuous car headlights on street below viewing location.,,USA,United States 37.299001,-81.225996,3/5/2008 19:01,3,-9999.00,clear,,mvhs/bjf,,USA,United States 37.366049,-81.551844,3/7/2008 18:00,-9999,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,MVHS/BJF,,USA,United States 37.323890,-81.476384,3/4/2008 18:00,1,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,MVMS/ec,,USA,United States 37.323890,-81.476384,3/5/2008 21:11,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,MVMS/ec,,USA,United States 40.191200,-75.037401,3/8/2008 21:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,CLOUDY AND RAINING HEAVILY.,,,USA,United States 32.235990,-110.960521,3/6/2008 22:00,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,It was partially cloudy but not much,There was some light coming out of light poles and street lights,,USA,United States 44.551770,-69.609654,2/28/2008 19:25,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,Chilly evening!,USA,United States -34.847499,-58.081661,3/8/2008 22:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,ARG,Argentina -34.847772,-58.081108,3/8/2008 22:15,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,ARG,Argentina 32.232660,-110.782472,3/5/2008 20:00,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 32.224351,-110.969305,3/4/2008 21:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,,IT LOOKS WEIRD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,USA,United States 32.234798,-110.866046,3/7/2008 22:00,4,-9999.00,clear,Very dark due to no street lights,Behind Park mall,,USA,United States 32.224351,-110.969305,3/5/2008 21:00,7,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 31.941892,-110.916480,3/3/2008 19:03,7,-9999.00,clear,clear and crisp,,,USA,United States 31.941892,-110.916480,3/4/2008 19:03,7,-9999.00,clear,clear,,,USA,United States 32.224351,-110.969305,3/6/2008 20:00,6,-9999.00,clear,,,IT IS AWSOME!!!!!!!!!!1,USA,United States 31.941892,-110.916480,3/5/2008 19:03,7,-9999.00,clear,clear,,,USA,United States 32.224351,-110.969305,3/7/2008 19:03,7,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 32.224351,-110.969305,3/2/2008 22:00,6,-9999.00,clear,several planes,,,USA,United States 32.224351,-110.969305,3/4/2008 22:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States -35.469719,-69.586377,3/4/2008 23:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,ARG,Argentina -35.473609,-69.583877,3/5/2008 12:15,-9999,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,Nubes tapan a Orion,,,ARG,Argentina -35.469719,-69.574438,3/4/2008 23:30,5,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,ARG,Argentina -35.513883,-69.591110,3/5/2008 12:59,7,-9999.00,clear,Totalmente limpio. Hora 1.15 AM,Ruta 40 Sur en planta transformadora,,ARG,Argentina -35.513883,-69.591110,3/6/2008 12:59,7,-9999.00,clear,Pequeħa nubosidad al norte,Ruta 40 norte en la planta transformadora,,ARG,Argentina 39.615251,-104.735350,2/29/2008 21:20,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States -35.481381,-69.597223,3/7/2008 22:00,4,-9999.00,clear,"Viendo el cielo al oeste, cielo despejado, con poca nubosidad desde donde vimos el cinturon de Orion",,,ARG,Argentina 32.420237,-111.006120,2/26/2008 21:45,6,-9999.00,clear,It was very bright and clear when I was driving home from baseball. I could see a lot.,I was driving home from baseball and there were no lights on so I was very bright in the sky.,,USA,United States -35.481381,-69.597223,3/7/2008 22:00,4,-9999.00,clear,"Viendo el cielo al oeste, cielo despejado, poca nubosidad desde donde vimos el cinturon de Orion.",,,ARG,Argentina -35.025268,-68.676657,3/8/2008 12:59,7,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,Visto desde la Republica de El Nihuil.,,,ARG,Argentina -35.469719,-69.586377,2/25/2008 23:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,Todo nublado. No se ve nada.,,,ARG,Argentina 32.326100,-111.202597,3/8/2008 19:54,6,-9999.00,clear,,There is one house light within 25 feet that is shielded from my view.,,USA,United States 32.419121,-110.966422,3/4/2008 20:30,-9999,19.65,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.436247,-111.233852,3/6/2008 19:55,7,24.23,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.264209,-111.275400,3/8/2008 20:35,-9999,20.85,1/4 of sky,Clouds to the south but not overhead.,,,USA,United States -35.235532,149.050068,3/8/2008 18:00,2,-9999.00,clear,,,,AUS,Australia 32.379027,-111.073411,3/6/2008 21:00,3,-9999.00,clear,It seemed pretty dark but I could only see Orion himslef. I couldn't really see the stars around it.,,This is a really good idea because it will show how light polution affects us.,USA,United States 37.431721,-81.572895,3/1/2008 18:00,1,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,MVHS/BSE,,USA,United States 37.431721,-81.572895,3/2/2008 18:00,2,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,MVHS/BSE,,USA,United States 37.431721,-81.572895,3/3/2008 18:30,1,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,MVHS/BSE,,USA,United States 37.431721,-81.572895,3/4/2008 19:00,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,MVHS/BSE,,USA,United States 37.431721,-81.572895,3/5/2008 20:00,1,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,MVHS/BSE,,USA,United States 37.431721,-81.572895,3/6/2008 19:30,3,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,MVHS/BSE,,USA,United States 37.431721,-81.572895,3/7/2008 18:00,3,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,MVHS/BSE,,USA,United States 37.431721,-81.572895,3/8/2008 21:00,2,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,MVHS/BSE,,USA,United States 39.398590,-76.629415,3/7/2008 20:45,2,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,random showers throughout the night,"lots of trees in the backyard, small front yard, can see the city lights.",,USA,United States 41.749999,-86.180001,3/8/2008 18:00,3,-9999.00,clear,it was fine,,brr,USA,United States 8.639720,99.897186,3/3/2008 21:40,3,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,Broken clouds,,,THA,Thailand 8.639720,99.897186,3/4/2008 21:22,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,THA,Thailand 8.639720,99.897186,3/5/2008 21:15,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,Red tone clouds,,,THA,Thailand 8.639720,99.897186,3/6/2008 20:47,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,Red tone clouds,,,THA,Thailand 8.639720,99.897186,3/7/2008 21:36,3,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,,,THA,Thailand 8.639720,99.897186,3/8/2008 21:00,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,Big clouds near the horizon,,,THA,Thailand 39.323609,-76.761873,3/6/2008 23:00,2,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,I don't think I'm far enough away from artificial ambient lighting to view the stars clearly. There was some overcast conditions and magnitude is actually somewhere between a 1 and 2 at this location.,,USA,United States 34.143631,-118.201901,3/8/2008 19:30,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 41.152279,-123.273617,3/8/2008 18:30,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,the sky was all grey like if it was a big cloud so i couldnt see anything.,it was at my house.,,USA,United States 38.824400,-77.264500,3/8/2008 22:10,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 40.314000,-111.709998,3/8/2008 18:00,5,-9999.00,clear,very clear. a little dark. hard to see the stars. my eyes probably arent adjusted. a little bit hazy to the south.,"backyard, on porch. streetlamp about 100 m. away, not sheilded at all. neighbors lights on.",none,USA,United States 37.389432,-81.409899,3/3/2008 18:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 37.389432,-81.409899,3/4/2008 20:00,2,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 37.389432,-81.409899,3/5/2008 21:00,2,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 37.389432,-81.409899,3/6/2008 19:00,2,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 37.389432,-81.409899,3/7/2008 20:00,2,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 32.228900,-110.950993,3/4/2008 20:00,2,-9999.00,clear,,Outside of my dorm on Highland and 6th Street,,USA,United States 37.344770,-81.445293,3/8/2008 18:00,-9999,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,There was snow falling,,,USA,United States 32.228900,-110.950993,3/3/2008 21:30,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.410450,-110.988969,3/3/2008 20:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.406731,-110.987255,3/3/2008 20:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 31.867357,-92.968239,3/4/2008 18:00,7,-9999.00,clear,Observations during Kisatchie Star Party,Rmote site in Kisatchie National Forest,,USA,United States 33.834609,-117.842620,3/4/2008 21:00,6,-9999.00,clear,"It was clear, only little cloud.",Back yard,I could see Orion Constellation clearly.,USA,United States 39.993599,-104.638949,3/8/2008 21:18,4,-9999.00,clear,,,This observation was really made on 10 Mar 2008 but your software would not accept that date,USA,United States 31.932640,-111.002534,3/5/2008 19:35,5,-9999.00,clear,perfect,,,USA,United States 32.244172,-110.958028,3/6/2008 22:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.229228,-110.960904,3/4/2008 21:29,3,-9999.00,clear,"Sky is clear, but not many stars are visible.",,,USA,United States 32.244172,-110.958028,3/7/2008 22:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.000000,-109.999999,3/7/2008 21:00,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,"there were a few clouds but none were covering the constellation. , 0/ /7, .'( '^ / > / < `",There was some light pollution.,,USA,United States 32.228432,-110.956908,3/7/2008 20:50,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 39.292849,-76.736998,3/5/2008 21:35,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.201753,-110.924273,3/8/2008 20:53,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.265141,-110.904418,3/7/2008 20:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 38.908620,-104.870294,3/6/2008 20:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,"On back deck, with house blocking most of city lights to the south/southeast.",,USA,United States 32.224498,-110.977269,3/4/2008 18:00,3,-9999.00,clear,"the sky is clear without cloud. So, it is easy to do the observation",not much light from the location that I did an observation,,USA,United States 32.268409,-110.966716,3/3/2008 21:00,-9999,18.15,clear,,"Date is actually 3/10/08, but your calendar applet doesn't work past last week.",,USA,United States 32.224498,-110.977269,3/5/2008 18:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 36.000001,-111.000000,3/8/2008 18:00,4,-9999.00,clear,Clear,,None,USA,United States 32.218880,-111.028768,3/6/2008 19:15,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.218880,-111.028768,3/3/2008 19:40,3,-9999.00,clear,,Viewed from the West side,,USA,United States 32.240002,-110.960002,3/8/2008 22:00,3,-9999.00,clear,"The sky is clear, and bright due to city lights. There is a cresent moon.",,,USA,United States 32.304500,-110.891707,3/2/2008 18:00,-9999,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,The Sky was very beautiful. Stars were pretty covered by clouds.,Location was nice. Not many buildings.,,USA,United States 33.588248,-111.799316,3/6/2008 21:05,4,-9999.00,clear,very clear and very few destracting lights.,"Clear sky, no cloud coverage.",,USA,United States 32.238770,-111.055297,3/3/2008 18:00,2,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,Sky was cool tonight,A boring place.,,USA,United States 32.229409,-110.951014,3/4/2008 22:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.229409,-110.951014,3/5/2008 21:15,2,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 32.229409,-110.951014,3/6/2008 21:15,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.229409,-110.951014,3/7/2008 19:45,2,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 32.229409,-110.951014,3/8/2008 23:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.000000,-109.999999,3/7/2008 20:17,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.338347,-111.024882,3/7/2008 19:24,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.220000,-110.949996,3/7/2008 20:15,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 33.610241,-117.632714,3/8/2008 20:30,4,-9999.00,clear,,"in Mission Viejo, Ca",S&,USA,United States 37.817583,127.231275,2/23/2008 21:00,2,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,Clear sky,"Daejeon science High School, South KOREA",,KOR,South Korea 33.454738,-111.933359,3/3/2008 21:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 33.454738,-111.933359,3/4/2008 20:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.325841,-111.026624,3/4/2008 18:00,1,-9999.00,clear,Nice pictures of the sky,Same as others,,USA,United States 32.177329,-110.881236,3/5/2008 18:00,2,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,Kind of cloudy.,Same as others.,,USA,United States 32.157350,-110.980452,3/6/2008 18:00,5,-9999.00,clear,Best Sky yet.,Nicer than the others. Not as many distractions.,,USA,United States 32.230000,-110.949996,3/1/2008 20:00,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 32.000000,-109.999999,3/6/2008 20:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.000000,-109.999999,3/8/2008 19:00,4,-9999.00,clear,tonight seemed more clear than the other nights,,,USA,United States 32.850000,-116.919998,3/6/2008 23:30,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,Almost no stars in sight,There is one streelight approximately 50 feet away that is blocked by a house.,,USA,United States 32.850000,-116.919998,3/6/2008 23:30,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,"Almost no stars in sight, very overcast",There is one streetlight approximately 50 feet away that is blocked by a house.,,USA,United States 32.000000,-109.999999,3/4/2008 20:00,2,-9999.00,clear,Not a cloud in the sky,,,USA,United States 32.172001,-110.929997,3/7/2008 21:19,3,-9999.00,clear,Did not look like alot of stars were visable.,Near the University and had alot of lights nearby,,USA,United States 35.299999,24.010000,2/25/2008 22:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,35.295424.0008,View from inside of Chania city at Crete Greece in a populus area with many lights.,GRC,Greece 32.233100,-110.956655,3/3/2008 19:00,2,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,It is a little bit cloudy so not as many stars can be seen at this time.,"Tucson, AZ. On th edge of campus. Outside with several buildings around.",Great night. perfect temperature. Not many stars can be seen.,USA,United States 35.303397,24.002799,2/27/2008 21:30,5,-9999.00,clear,,View from an backcountry area outside of Chania city Crete Greece with few lights,,GRC,Greece 35.290700,24.014400,3/1/2008 21:00,6,-9999.00,clear,,View from an unpeopled area outside from Chania Crete Greece with no lights,The comparison matches better to the chart of magnitude between 6 & 7.,GRC,Greece 35.295399,24.000800,3/7/2008 21:00,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,"View from inside of Chania city Crete Greece, in an populous area with many lights.",,GRC,Greece 32.000000,-109.999999,3/1/2008 19:15,1,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.000000,-109.999999,3/1/2008 19:45,2,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 46.820001,7.760000,3/1/2008 12:00,7,-9999.00,clear,,,,CHE,Switzerland 46.770000,7.630000,3/1/2008 18:30,7,-9999.00,clear,,,,CHE,Switzerland 9.222240,99.846390,3/1/2008 21:10,4,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,,,THA,Thailand 9.222240,99.846390,3/3/2008 20:46,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,THA,Thailand 9.222240,99.846390,3/4/2008 22:40,4,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,,,THA,Thailand 9.222240,99.846390,3/5/2008 21:58,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,THA,Thailand 9.222240,99.846390,3/6/2008 22:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,THA,Thailand 9.222240,99.846390,3/7/2008 22:00,4,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,,,THA,Thailand 9.222240,99.846390,3/8/2008 22:00,3,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,,,THA,Thailand 9.220030,99.846779,3/1/2008 19:46,6,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,,,THA,Thailand 9.220030,99.846779,3/2/2008 19:26,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,THA,Thailand 40.560003,-3.900000,2/25/2008 20:30,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,ESP,Spain 9.220030,99.846779,3/3/2008 19:46,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,THA,Thailand 40.560003,-3.900000,2/26/2008 20:30,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,ESP,Spain 9.220030,99.846779,3/4/2008 19:46,2,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,THA,Thailand 40.560003,-3.900000,2/27/2008 20:30,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,ESP,Spain 40.560003,-3.900000,2/28/2008 20:30,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,ESP,Spain 9.220030,99.846779,3/5/2008 19:46,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,THA,Thailand 40.560003,-3.900000,2/26/2008 21:17,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,ESP,Spain 40.560003,-3.900000,2/28/2008 20:15,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,ESP,Spain 9.220030,99.846779,3/6/2008 19:46,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,THA,Thailand 40.560003,-3.900000,2/29/2008 21:09,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,ESP,Spain 40.560003,-3.900000,3/2/2008 20:17,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,ESP,Spain 9.220030,99.846779,3/7/2008 19:46,1,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,THA,Thailand 40.550000,-3.890000,2/26/2008 21:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,ESP,Spain 40.550000,-3.890000,3/2/2008 21:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,ESP,Spain 40.550000,-3.890000,3/3/2008 21:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,ESP,Spain 9.220030,99.846779,3/8/2008 19:46,1,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,THA,Thailand 40.560003,-3.900000,2/27/2008 21:05,1,-9999.00,clear,,,,ESP,Spain 40.560003,-3.900000,2/28/2008 21:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,ESP,Spain 40.560003,-3.900000,2/29/2008 21:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,ESP,Spain 9.226829,99.838016,3/1/2008 21:30,3,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,,,THA,Thailand 41.990002,-4.520000,2/25/2008 21:15,1,-9999.00,clear,,,,ESP,Spain 41.990002,-4.520000,2/26/2008 22:00,6,-9999.00,clear,,,,ESP,Spain -33.029999,-71.400004,3/8/2008 22:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,CHL,Chile 9.226829,99.838016,3/3/2008 21:30,3,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,,,THA,Thailand 9.226829,99.838016,3/4/2008 22:15,4,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,THA,Thailand 9.226829,99.838016,3/5/2008 21:45,5,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,,,THA,Thailand 9.226829,99.838016,3/6/2008 21:30,3,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,,,THA,Thailand 9.226829,99.838016,3/7/2008 21:30,1,-9999.00,clear,,,,THA,Thailand 9.226829,99.838016,3/8/2008 22:30,7,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,THA,Thailand 8.639720,99.897186,2/28/2008 21:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,THA,Thailand 8.639720,99.897186,2/29/2008 21:30,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,THA,Thailand 8.639720,99.897186,3/1/2008 19:45,4,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,THA,Thailand 8.639720,99.897186,3/2/2008 22:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,THA,Thailand 8.639720,99.897186,3/3/2008 21:40,3,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,,,THA,Thailand 8.639720,99.897186,3/4/2008 21:22,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,THA,Thailand 8.639720,99.897186,3/6/2008 20:47,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,THA,Thailand 8.639720,99.897186,3/7/2008 21:36,3,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,,,THA,Thailand 8.639720,99.897186,3/8/2008 21:00,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,Big clouds near the horizon,,,THA,Thailand 39.869703,-92.052106,3/1/2008 18:00,2,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 49.193611,16.773331,3/3/2008 21:47,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,I observe it near villiage Tvaro~nß (about 14 km near Brno).,,CZE,Czech Republic 45.085071,-93.004855,3/7/2008 20:00,3,-9999.00,clear,Beautiful Night--Could see the belt perfectly.,I was standing in my front yard.,,USA,United States 45.000001,-92.999999,3/7/2008 19:05,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,Pretty clear,Looking over White Bear Lake,,USA,United States 45.400001,-92.999999,3/6/2008 19:20,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,I thought I would be able to see more stars.,I was at work so there were lots of lights.,,USA,United States 45.000001,-92.999999,3/7/2008 19:06,4,-9999.00,clear,"stars were bright and visible, clear","live in north of the downtown area, walked out on the lake to avoid the house lights.","it was really easy to find since there was not that ,many stars",USA,United States 45.084631,-93.004855,3/6/2008 19:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 45.072200,-93.069688,3/8/2008 21:30,6,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 45.087021,-93.025817,3/7/2008 19:05,3,-9999.00,clear,,Lots of Light Pollution from the city can be seen along the horizon.,,USA,United States 45.080003,-92.999999,3/6/2008 20:00,4,-9999.00,clear,Very clear outside. No cloud coverage at all.,,,USA,United States 40.389197,-2.752030,3/8/2008 22:00,6,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,Rural area,Used averted vision and let eyes adapt to darkness.,ESP,Spain 45.060001,-92.999999,3/7/2008 19:25,3,-9999.00,clear,,I looked at it in my backyard.,,USA,United States 44.929999,-93.129998,3/7/2008 20:10,4,-9999.00,clear,I thought that it was in a it was pretty clear but i live next to a mall and dowtown so there were alot of lights polluting the sky so it was as clear as it would have been if i were some where else.,Pretty good location good view of the sky.,N/A,USA,United States 40.251999,-111.661988,2/23/2008 19:45,4,15.55,1/4 of sky,,building light nearby,,USA,United States 40.251999,-111.661988,2/24/2008 19:45,4,15.55,1/4 of sky,,building light nearby,,USA,United States 40.251999,-111.661988,2/25/2008 19:45,4,15.55,1/4 of sky,,building light nearby,,USA,United States 40.251999,-111.661988,2/26/2008 19:45,4,15.55,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 40.251999,-111.661988,2/27/2008 19:44,4,15.55,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 40.251999,-111.661988,2/29/2008 19:45,4,15.55,1/4 of sky,,building light nearby,,USA,United States 40.251999,-111.661988,3/1/2008 19:45,4,14.81,1/4 of sky,,building light nearby,,USA,United States 32.218740,-110.976217,3/4/2008 20:46,2,-9999.00,clear,"It was really neat to watch, the sky was perfect.",,,USA,United States 40.251999,-111.661988,3/2/2008 19:45,4,15.27,1/4 of sky,,building light nearby,,USA,United States 43.842079,-70.151876,3/3/2008 19:47,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 40.251999,-111.661988,3/3/2008 19:35,4,15.64,1/4 of sky,,building light nearby,,USA,United States 40.251999,-111.661988,3/4/2008 19:40,4,16.08,1/4 of sky,,building light nearby,,USA,United States 40.251999,-111.661988,3/5/2008 19:44,4,16.39,1/4 of sky,,building light nearby,,USA,United States 40.251999,-111.661988,3/6/2008 19:45,4,16.39,1/4 of sky,,building light nearby,,USA,United States 40.251999,-111.661988,3/7/2008 19:45,4,16.39,1/4 of sky,,building light nearby,,USA,United States 40.251999,-111.661988,3/8/2008 19:45,4,16.39,1/4 of sky,,building light nearby,,USA,United States 43.420120,-71.121271,3/5/2008 20:51,5,-9999.00,clear,clear sky and very pretty,There was a light out side that could have messed up my view a little,,USA,United States 43.616540,-71.209831,3/7/2008 20:45,7,-9999.00,clear,The sky is perfectly clear and no light pollution glow is in atmosphere,There are no lights on on my road,,USA,United States 43.651500,-71.089114,3/8/2008 21:04,6,-9999.00,clear,It was clear out with no clouds.,It is a small neighborhood with not many lights. I went near the woods so there wouldnt be to much light. I could se it from my house also but it was a little harder.,Orion was fairly easy to find.,USA,United States 43.580220,-71.160756,3/5/2008 19:39,1,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,1/2 of the clouds covered the sky at least,"I could only see like 3 stars, it was so cloudy",,USA,United States 43.548982,-71.157662,3/6/2008 19:14,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 43.754731,-71.000991,3/8/2008 21:45,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,No lights blocking view.,,,USA,United States 43.628209,-71.205569,3/5/2008 20:30,3,10.00,clear,The sky was really clear and you could see orion really clearly.,I saw orion last night and the sky was like magnitude 3 chart,The star gazing for orion was great.,USA,United States 43.697310,-71.197707,3/5/2008 19:22,5,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,It was a little cloudy to the east but other than that it was a nice night.,i had a good view because i dont really live next to many people or town.,it was my first time seeing the view.,USA,United States 43.682410,-71.259036,3/6/2008 21:25,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 43.609778,-71.212625,3/6/2008 18:00,6,-9999.00,clear,IT was little cloudy tothe east,It was a little cloudy to the east,,USA,United States 42.565319,-71.174649,3/6/2008 21:30,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 42.563871,-71.194552,3/7/2008 20:00,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,There were a few clouds but not many.,,,USA,United States 43.894890,-71.205269,3/8/2008 23:30,6,-9999.00,clear,Clear Sky,"White Mtns. New Hampshire. Low light pollution, very easy to see",,USA,United States 42.523843,-71.084231,3/6/2008 22:17,2,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 42.575229,-71.137069,3/3/2008 21:15,4,-9999.00,clear,"The sky was very clear when I went out to look. Although there were not a ton of stars that I could see, there were more stars than I expected considering that there are so many streetlights in my neighborhood. I could see Orion's Belt very clearly.","There are a lot of streetlights in my neighborhood, as well as in the neighborhood next to me, so there is a lot of light.",,USA,United States 42.557871,-71.164178,3/1/2008 21:48,2,-9999.00,clear,,"180 Middlesex Avenue, Wilmington, MA 01887",,USA,United States 42.557570,-71.150880,3/7/2008 23:00,2,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,slight cloud cover,my naghbor couldnt shut off there light,what wolf,USA,United States 41.981860,-72.239509,3/5/2008 20:35,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 41.957729,-72.404923,3/2/2008 19:59,-9999,16.56,clear,,My front deck dark cold.,,USA,United States 40.529308,-89.560254,3/4/2008 20:30,1,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,lots of dark clouds,had a clear veiw of the sky,,USA,United States 41.981860,-72.239509,3/4/2008 20:16,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 41.942983,-72.367029,3/5/2008 18:25,-9999,19.16,1/2 of sky,Really cloudy but not all cloudy,Back Porch of 21 Minor RD facing Crystal lake.,No lights were on at the time.,USA,United States 41.981860,-72.239509,3/7/2008 19:30,1,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 41.979760,-72.272916,3/5/2008 20:17,5,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 41.948362,-72.287976,3/3/2008 19:30,3,-9999.00,clear,Stars were hard to see but no clouds,"On deck 1 foot off ground,treess round but no hang over stars easibly visible.",,USA,United States 41.948362,-72.287976,3/4/2008 20:35,1,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,This night was very cloudy and rainy.,"Deck 3 feet off ground,surronded by trees but none hang over.",,USA,United States 41.948362,-72.287976,3/5/2008 21:00,4,-9999.00,clear,Very good night for star gazing.,On a deck 1 foot off ground,,USA,United States 32.155171,-111.080739,3/6/2008 20:17,5,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,"5415 W. Nebraska St., Tucson, Arizona 85757",,USA,United States 41.948362,-72.287976,3/6/2008 21:30,4,18.00,clear,Another very good night for star gazing.,On a Deck 4 foot off ground.,,USA,United States 41.948362,-72.287976,3/7/2008 20:00,1,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,"A very cloudy night,not good for star-gazing.","On deck 1 ft. off ground,trees around no light around though.",,USA,United States 41.948362,-72.287976,3/8/2008 21:15,1,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,"Another very cloudy night,not good for star-gazing.","Deck 4ft off ground,trees around but no hang over.",,USA,United States 44.297588,-85.034434,2/26/2008 20:10,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 42.949152,-71.456872,3/8/2008 20:30,1,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,The lights of the neighboring inner-city made it hard to see.,,,USA,United States 43.586251,-71.204456,3/8/2008 21:24,-9999,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 43.395060,-71.134248,3/7/2008 20:30,6,-9999.00,clear,Clear sky an no light pollution glow,There are not any lights on my street.,,USA,United States 42.464720,-83.463361,2/26/2008 18:00,-9999,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 43.680778,-85.016280,2/25/2008 20:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 43.577911,-71.196027,3/6/2008 19:30,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,There were just some clouds in the sky,In my house there were a lot of lights on.,,USA,United States 42.550180,-70.979524,3/8/2008 21:30,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 41.628657,-73.289904,3/8/2008 20:30,4,-9999.00,clear,I couldn't really tell if I could see Orian.,,,USA,United States 43.747898,-71.129884,3/5/2008 20:14,4,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 43.621218,-71.209182,3/6/2008 21:35,4,-9999.00,clear,ALL CLEAR SKY NO CLOUDS AND NO LIGHTS,NONE,NONE,USA,United States 42.468392,-83.503612,2/25/2008 20:30,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 43.094460,-84.429963,2/27/2008 21:30,1,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 42.469601,-83.509410,2/25/2008 18:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 42.468419,-83.482779,2/28/2008 20:00,2,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 43.585350,-71.212242,3/8/2008 20:10,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,It was raining and was also very foggy so I really could not see the sky,I did this from my house and there are no street lights so you could see the sky really well beside it was raininig really hard.,It was raini g so i couldn't see very well but other than that It was really good,USA,United States 42.470000,-83.460001,2/25/2008 20:30,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 42.469850,-83.509499,2/26/2008 18:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 42.469700,-83.546205,2/25/2008 18:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 44.853419,-84.429963,2/28/2008 19:10,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 42.470000,-83.460001,2/26/2008 20:30,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 44.267101,-85.016280,2/29/2008 19:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 42.469850,-83.509499,2/27/2008 18:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 42.472370,-83.448253,2/25/2008 18:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 44.267101,-85.016280,3/1/2008 19:20,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 42.470000,-83.279998,2/27/2008 20:30,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 43.833740,-83.036147,2/25/2008 21:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 44.267101,-85.016280,3/2/2008 18:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 42.469700,-83.546205,2/27/2008 18:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 42.469850,-83.509499,2/28/2008 18:00,2,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 42.470000,-83.460001,2/28/2008 20:30,-9999,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 42.482571,-83.539169,2/26/2008 20:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 42.469700,-83.546205,2/28/2008 18:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 40.661229,-88.809029,3/4/2008 20:21,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,very dark clouds dull sky,,,USA,United States 33.468251,-112.073794,3/6/2008 20:00,1,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,"Downtown Phoenix, Arizona.",,USA,United States 35.639999,-83.690001,3/8/2008 20:15,5,20.32,clear,There was some mist in the sky but no real clouds.,"In Great Smoky Mountains National Park, in a clearing in the woods near some buildings at a residential environmental education center. There were indoor lights on but none outdoors",,USA,United States 39.279998,-79.730000,3/8/2008 19:45,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 32.243339,-110.919902,3/2/2008 19:40,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 49.199980,16.569950,3/4/2008 20:00,6,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,,,CZE,Czech Republic 33.877998,-84.336901,3/8/2008 12:30,2,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 33.877981,-84.336922,3/8/2008 12:30,2,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 49.200779,16.569919,3/6/2008 20:00,6,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,CZE,Czech Republic 49.200469,16.569530,3/8/2008 20:00,4,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,CZE,Czech Republic 32.228968,-110.958609,3/8/2008 20:19,2,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 32.228968,-110.958609,3/7/2008 19:22,1,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 32.228968,-110.958609,3/3/2008 21:39,2,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 32.229839,-110.958636,3/4/2008 20:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.000000,-109.999999,3/6/2008 20:20,2,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,Scattered clouds,,,USA,United States 41.869999,-72.490000,2/27/2008 20:00,1,16.10,1/2 of sky,,At the end of my driveway.,,USA,United States 41.921823,-84.429963,3/6/2008 21:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,clouds over half the sky,,USA,United States 32.000000,-109.999999,3/8/2008 19:00,4,-9999.00,clear,Some clouds but mostly clear,,Best day,USA,United States 32.232991,-110.959469,3/5/2008 21:30,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.232991,-110.959469,3/6/2008 22:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.242659,-110.951184,3/3/2008 19:00,4,-9999.00,clear,very clear,"Tucson, AZ",,USA,United States 43.437011,-71.167607,3/7/2008 22:20,6,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 46.440000,-87.589998,3/7/2008 20:20,5,-9999.00,clear,very clear and cold temp +1 F.,"Local time is EST, however am so far west in eastern time zone it could be considered 7:20 CST","very solid 4th mag stars. 5th mag were very difficult, right at the edge of visiblity.",USA,United States 36.025003,-114.947781,2/27/2008 20:03,4,17.94,clear,,,,USA,United States 36.006940,-114.977779,2/27/2008 20:48,4,17.48,clear,,,,USA,United States 45.290001,-93.190001,3/8/2008 21:30,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 42.480000,-83.480006,2/26/2008 20:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 42.490002,-83.480006,2/26/2008 21:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 42.490002,-83.480006,2/27/2008 21:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 42.000001,-84.000002,2/26/2008 20:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 42.481150,-83.494090,2/23/2008 21:30,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 42.000001,-84.000002,2/27/2008 20:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 42.470000,-83.529997,2/26/2008 21:35,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 42.480000,-83.480006,2/27/2008 20:00,1,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 42.000001,-84.000002,2/28/2008 20:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 42.000001,-84.000002,2/29/2008 21:30,2,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 42.470000,-87.530001,2/27/2008 21:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 42.467418,-83.465076,2/25/2008 19:30,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,it was very cloudy,,,USA,United States 42.000001,-83.000001,2/26/2008 20:10,-9999,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,,,CAN,Canada 42.480000,-83.480006,2/28/2008 20:00,1,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 43.701272,-88.408111,2/28/2008 21:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 42.000001,-84.999997,2/27/2008 20:20,-9999,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 36.025003,-114.947781,2/28/2008 22:33,3,17.05,clear,,,,USA,United States 42.471530,-83.452529,2/28/2008 21:00,1,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 42.480000,-83.480006,2/29/2008 20:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 42.461510,-83.477028,3/8/2008 19:30,1,-9999.00,clear,,,hi,USA,United States 42.471530,-83.452529,2/29/2008 22:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 36.025003,-114.947781,2/29/2008 22:13,3,17.48,clear,,,,USA,United States 42.465728,-83.525721,2/24/2008 21:31,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 36.025003,-114.947781,3/1/2008 23:31,1,16.92,1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 41.611999,2.288000,3/6/2008 21:00,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,ESP,Spain 35.093782,-116.832216,3/8/2008 22:30,7,-9999.00,clear,It was a really clear sky that evening. There were so many stars that for a while we struggled to locate Orion.,It is really in the middle of no where.,,USA,United States 41.611999,2.288000,3/7/2008 21:00,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,ESP,Spain 41.611999,2.288000,3/8/2008 21:00,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,ESP,Spain 36.025003,-114.947781,3/2/2008 21:55,3,18.27,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.224498,-110.977269,3/2/2008 22:00,3,-9999.00,clear,clear sky,"not much light on the location. So, it is easy to have good observation.",,USA,United States 36.025003,-114.947781,3/3/2008 20:35,3,17.48,clear,,,,USA,United States 36.025003,-114.947781,3/4/2008 21:09,3,17.72,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.230000,-110.940003,2/28/2008 19:00,5,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 36.025003,-114.947781,3/5/2008 21:28,3,18.33,clear,,,,USA,United States 36.025003,-114.947781,3/6/2008 22:13,2,17.39,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 36.025003,-114.947781,3/7/2008 23:03,2,16.87,1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 36.025003,-114.947781,3/8/2008 23:55,3,16.66,clear,,,,USA,United States 36.006940,-114.977779,2/27/2008 22:48,4,17.48,clear,,,,USA,United States 36.006940,-114.977779,2/28/2008 19:19,4,17.70,clear,,,,USA,United States 42.230001,-76.330000,2/25/2008 20:30,5,-9999.00,clear,,,Two outside incandescent lights on nearby (~110' and 70'),USA,United States 36.006940,-114.977779,2/29/2008 20:04,4,17.74,clear,,,,USA,United States 44.869401,-92.808406,3/3/2008 20:30,5,-9999.00,clear,,"Eastern suburb of St. Paul, MN, but city lights of metropolitan area are blocked by trees",,USA,United States 36.006940,-114.977779,3/1/2008 22:34,4,18.01,1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 9.835500,-84.136804,3/6/2008 21:21,1,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,estuvo un poco con nobes y neblina.,,me encanto la gira que se realizo con losprofesores de UNED y me dejo sorprendida el ver el planeta saturno... y conocer mas de las estrellas y constelaciones..,CRI,Costa Rica 39.964342,-74.153957,3/1/2008 21:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 44.816669,-72.233328,3/1/2008 19:43,6,-9999.00,clear,The sky was pretty clear on the night I observed the sky.,,I could see the consilation very clear when I looked at the sky.,USA,United States 36.006940,-114.977779,3/2/2008 21:15,4,16.21,clear,,,,USA,United States 36.006940,-114.977779,3/3/2008 21:27,3,15.85,clear,,,,USA,United States 40.959890,-88.198895,3/4/2008 20:10,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,"it was really dark, cloudy and gray",lots of trees and light in the way,,USA,United States 36.006940,-114.977779,3/4/2008 21:51,4,16.17,clear,,,,USA,United States 9.836640,-83.874942,2/26/2008 19:32,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,El cielo estß completamente nublado,,CRI,Costa Rica 9.836640,-83.874942,2/29/2008 20:40,4,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,,,CRI,Costa Rica 36.006940,-114.977779,3/5/2008 19:44,4,16.85,clear,,,,USA,United States 9.836640,-83.874942,3/2/2008 20:30,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,CRI,Costa Rica 9.836640,-83.874942,2/27/2008 20:00,-9999,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,El cielo estß completamente nublado,,CRI,Costa Rica 9.836640,-83.874942,3/3/2008 20:45,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,CRI,Costa Rica 36.006940,-114.977779,3/6/2008 20:24,4,16.44,1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 9.836640,-83.874942,2/29/2008 20:30,6,-9999.00,clear,,"El cielo se encuentra completamente estrellado, y con facilidad se encuentra la espada de orion",,CRI,Costa Rica 9.836640,-83.874942,3/4/2008 20:00,2,-9999.00,clear,,,,CRI,Costa Rica 9.836640,-83.874942,3/1/2008 20:20,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,CRI,Costa Rica 36.006940,-114.977779,3/7/2008 21:56,4,16.26,1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 9.836640,-83.874942,3/5/2008 20:30,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,CRI,Costa Rica 9.836640,-83.874942,3/1/2008 21:30,4,-9999.00,clear,,Cielo estrellado,,CRI,Costa Rica 9.836640,-83.874942,2/25/2008 20:45,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,No se pudo observar nada porque estaba nublado,Las observaciones se hicieron desde el patio de la casa que es grande y oscuro.,,CRI,Costa Rica 9.836640,-83.874942,3/6/2008 21:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,CRI,Costa Rica 9.836640,-83.874942,3/2/2008 19:17,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,"Cielo estrellado, con algunas nubes",,CRI,Costa Rica 36.006940,-114.977779,3/8/2008 21:21,3,15.74,clear,,,,USA,United States 9.836640,-83.874942,3/7/2008 21:30,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,CRI,Costa Rica 35.963552,-114.833279,2/25/2008 21:05,5,18.66,clear,,,,USA,United States 9.836640,-83.874942,3/8/2008 20:15,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,CRI,Costa Rica 9.836640,-83.874942,3/3/2008 20:30,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,CRI,Costa Rica 35.963552,-114.833279,2/26/2008 21:42,4,19.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 9.836640,-83.874942,3/4/2008 19:30,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,CRI,Costa Rica 9.836640,-83.874942,3/4/2008 20:20,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,CRI,Costa Rica 35.963552,-114.833279,2/27/2008 22:22,4,18.17,clear,,,,USA,United States 9.836640,-83.874942,3/5/2008 19:00,6,-9999.00,clear,,,,CRI,Costa Rica 9.836640,-83.874942,3/6/2008 18:45,3,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,,,CRI,Costa Rica 35.963552,-114.833279,2/28/2008 21:15,5,19.02,clear,,,,USA,United States 9.836640,-83.874942,3/7/2008 19:45,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,CRI,Costa Rica 35.963552,-114.833279,2/29/2008 21:40,5,18.84,clear,,,,USA,United States 9.836640,-83.874942,3/8/2008 20:45,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,CRI,Costa Rica 35.963552,-114.833279,3/1/2008 21:03,4,18.80,clear,,,,USA,United States 35.963552,-114.833279,3/2/2008 21:44,4,18.06,clear,,,,USA,United States 35.963552,-114.833279,3/3/2008 21:06,4,18.25,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.397049,-110.977201,2/26/2008 20:48,5,19.46,clear,,Street,,USA,United States 35.963552,-114.833279,3/4/2008 21:26,5,18.02,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.769933,-117.252806,3/7/2008 22:20,4,-9999.00,clear,A little foggy.,At the beach!,There was a bonfire not too far away which was also a slight obstruction.,USA,United States 35.963552,-114.833279,3/5/2008 21:35,5,18.29,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.770001,-117.250005,3/7/2008 22:20,4,-9999.00,clear,A little hazey.,I was at the beach!,,USA,United States 35.963552,-114.833279,3/6/2008 20:57,3,18.20,1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 35.963552,-114.833279,3/7/2008 21:02,4,18.16,clear,,,,USA,United States 39.779998,-104.819997,3/6/2008 21:00,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,Some clouds present but the 3 stars of Orion's Belt was not hard to find.,Observation was taken from my home in Northeast Denver,I enjoyed locating Orion and I look forward to locating other constellations in the future.,USA,United States 35.963552,-114.833279,3/8/2008 20:58,3,18.41,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 30.412001,-91.179002,3/3/2008 19:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 46.379331,7.503050,3/8/2008 20:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,Plaine Morte Glacier alt. 3000m above sea level,,CHE,Switzerland 29.605100,-82.426907,3/8/2008 22:30,4,-9999.00,clear,Clear cool weather - seeing was very good on Sunday evening,From the back yard,S&,USA,United States 39.738997,-104.984003,3/3/2008 21:45,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,"Clouds did not cover Orion, and were only located in the eastern sky.",,,USA,United States 39.310003,-76.650002,3/8/2008 22:55,2,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States -34.919998,138.580003,3/8/2008 21:00,5,-9999.00,clear,A fair bit of dust due to hot dry conditions around 27eg celcius at 9 pm,"Suburban largs lorth, city to south-east. sea to north-west",,AUS,Australia -33.000001,-68.999999,3/5/2008 23:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,,"Observacion de Nabila Gomez, Escuela del Magisterio-UNCuyo: No se apagaron las luces de la casa. A pocos metros, hay un supermercado",ARG,Argentina 42.999999,-3.000000,3/8/2008 18:00,1,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,IES MIGUEL DE UNAMUNO BHI of Bilbao (Basque country)DBHko 3.mailako ikasleok / Students of Secundary School,,ESP,Spain 19.335830,-99.142504,3/8/2008 21:10,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,It was very dark,It is a particular home in a Mega city (Mexico City),We can feel the wind,MEX,Mexico 32.434420,-111.011720,3/8/2008 19:30,6,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,It was a little cloudy to the south of me.,There is a house about 200 yds. from me and there are cars going dawn the road.,,USA,United States 32.399200,-110.979536,2/26/2008 19:55,4,-9999.00,clear,There were practically no clouds!,"There are no street lights, so it is completely dark and easy to locate Orion's constellation.","It was completely clear and dark outside, and as soon as I stepped out of my house, i could see orion overhead!",USA,United States 33.750000,-118.420003,3/1/2008 19:30,1,15.75,1/2 of sky,Hazy with moisture,Home,,USA,United States -38.616660,145.749994,2/27/2008 23:00,7,-9999.00,clear,Very good viewing,Clear night,,AUS,Australia 33.750000,-118.420003,3/8/2008 21:00,4,18.37,clear,Seeing good,Ridgecrest School,,USA,United States 42.500702,-70.891490,3/8/2008 21:00,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,Few clouds but mostly clear,Neighbor had driveway lights on,,USA,United States 39.745783,-104.996625,3/8/2008 20:53,1,-9999.00,clear,It was cloudy at the beginning of the night but cleared up as the night went on.,The location was in the city which is what made it very difficult to see the stars because of all of the lights. It was also very difficult to identify Orion because of the lack of stars.,,USA,United States 42.494821,-70.876955,3/8/2008 21:30,3,-9999.00,clear,clear cold night,roof top,,USA,United States 28.496661,-81.478051,2/29/2008 19:32,4,-9999.00,clear,,,"visibiliity was better than magnitude 4, but not as good as 5. estimate 4.4",USA,United States 40.430383,-111.769974,3/8/2008 21:43,-9999,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 32.000000,-109.999999,3/8/2008 21:00,-9999,18.22,clear,,"Calendar applet still thinks world ended last Saturday. Lat/Long applet still unable to convert 349 E. Mohave Rd., Tucson, AZ, 85705",,USA,United States 32.198618,-110.956703,3/2/2008 20:06,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,"many house lights were on, street lights.",,USA,United States 39.643002,-104.779999,3/8/2008 20:00,3,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,Somewhat difficult to locate orions orientation,,,USA,United States 32.232073,-110.947776,3/7/2008 20:50,2,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 43.059859,-76.100212,3/3/2008 19:20,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,lat long from NASA worldwind 1.3,USA,United States 43.045447,-76.070132,3/3/2008 20:03,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,lat long from Nasa worldwind 1.3,,USA,United States 49.195578,16.598499,2/25/2008 21:00,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,CZE,Czech Republic 49.206950,16.604991,2/25/2008 21:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,CZE,Czech Republic 49.199219,16.609550,2/26/2008 20:30,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,CZE,Czech Republic 46.729999,7.620000,3/1/2008 12:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,CHE,Switzerland 46.750002,7.580000,3/5/2008 20:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,CHE,Switzerland 43.436742,-71.172279,3/6/2008 21:00,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,Haze to the southeast,,,USA,United States 46.790003,7.739999,3/1/2008 23:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,CHE,Switzerland 45.156658,14.165829,3/8/2008 21:15,1,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,street with light 20m,,HRV,Croatia 45.200273,14.147220,3/8/2008 21:30,6,-9999.00,clear,,"rural zone, street without light",,HRV,Croatia 45.079440,14.157500,3/8/2008 20:18,6,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,"urban zone, streetlights 30m",,HRV,Croatia 45.098049,14.106940,3/8/2008 20:30,6,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,"urban zone, streetlights 30m",,HRV,Croatia 45.095002,14.119721,3/7/2008 21:30,5,-9999.00,clear,,"urban zone, streetslights 15m",,HRV,Croatia 45.095002,14.119721,3/8/2008 20:39,7,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,"rural zone, no streetlights",,HRV,Croatia 45.188880,14.098050,2/26/2008 21:17,3,-9999.00,clear,,"urban zone, streetlights 20m",,HRV,Croatia 49.200001,16.633329,3/8/2008 18:25,1,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,CZE,Czech Republic 46.934850,22.397391,3/4/2008 22:00,7,-9999.00,clear,ejhrgohnklk n lkrgnr hjsdthk jbef hjnj dnj djkn j tdkh j t rljhj hglg lh dlkh grkjlb rljghjg jlkrglkg,usehjerhgj z mo ekg irgn gfjlgn lkjarn girktw nhj jkldr jkse jh rjksf ern,h dntgdf jgsrj ngl hlk jk hkghkm,ROM,Romania 49.137600,16.764071,3/6/2008 12:17,2,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,Nic.,Spatna viditelnost moc aut. Hold Brno je Brno.,nic.,CZE,Czech Republic 49.200697,16.536880,2/23/2008 22:27,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,cumulonimbus,,,CZE,Czech Republic 42.471438,-71.374227,3/7/2008 19:49,5,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,"Not a whole lot of clouds, but a little bit is covering orion.",There are no lights near me.,,USA,United States 49.212220,16.588328,2/26/2008 21:50,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,CZE,Czech Republic 49.230549,16.572500,2/25/2008 22:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,CZE,Czech Republic 49.212500,16.588050,2/27/2008 21:15,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,CZE,Czech Republic 49.710547,16.275270,2/28/2008 22:05,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,CZE,Czech Republic 49.716110,16.285830,2/29/2008 23:00,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,CZE,Czech Republic 42.480000,-83.480006,2/29/2008 20:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 49.224443,16.581941,3/1/2008 22:30,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,CZE,Czech Republic 42.480000,-83.480006,3/1/2008 20:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 49.262770,16.577221,3/2/2008 20:05,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,CZE,Czech Republic 42.449001,-83.451012,3/8/2008 20:20,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,very cloudy some days,,,USA,United States 42.480000,-83.480006,3/2/2008 20:00,-9999,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 42.443431,-83.496324,2/25/2008 21:41,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,There are not much lights around.,,USA,United States 42.480000,-83.480006,3/3/2008 20:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 49.232769,16.572769,3/3/2008 22:03,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,CZE,Czech Republic 42.467251,-83.465697,2/27/2008 19:30,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 42.480000,-83.480006,3/4/2008 20:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 49.212220,16.588328,3/4/2008 21:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,CZE,Czech Republic 42.480000,-83.480006,3/5/2008 20:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 49.210550,16.587219,3/5/2008 20:40,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,CZE,Czech Republic 42.466592,-83.521814,2/28/2008 21:00,1,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 42.480000,-83.480006,3/6/2008 20:00,2,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 42.000001,-83.000001,2/28/2008 19:30,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,CAN,Canada 42.480000,-83.480006,3/7/2008 20:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 42.455168,-83.461312,3/2/2008 20:00,1,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 42.000001,-83.000001,2/29/2008 19:30,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,CAN,Canada 42.480000,-83.480006,3/8/2008 20:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 42.123371,-83.403898,3/3/2008 20:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 42.466158,-83.522272,2/29/2008 21:20,2,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,Today you could see the stars,,,USA,United States 42.269951,-83.440548,3/4/2008 20:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 42.470021,-83.460151,2/25/2008 18:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 42.306591,-83.293966,3/5/2008 20:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 42.498820,-83.494370,2/26/2008 20:45,-9999,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 49.750548,16.078880,3/6/2008 22:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,CZE,Czech Republic 42.470000,-83.460001,2/26/2008 18:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 42.466158,-83.522272,3/1/2008 21:00,-9999,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,,To much lights,USA,United States 49.752498,16.080830,3/7/2008 23:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,CZE,Czech Republic 42.470000,-83.269999,2/27/2008 18:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 42.466158,-83.522272,3/2/2008 21:30,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 42.471530,-83.452529,3/1/2008 22:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 42.471530,-83.452529,3/2/2008 21:00,2,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 42.450001,-83.449995,2/28/2008 20:25,-9999,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 42.466493,-83.511562,3/8/2008 20:30,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 42.470000,-83.460001,2/28/2008 18:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 42.471530,-83.452529,3/3/2008 21:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 42.471530,-83.452529,3/4/2008 21:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 42.466158,-83.522272,3/4/2008 21:43,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 42.450001,-83.449995,2/29/2008 20:30,-9999,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 42.471530,-83.452529,3/6/2008 21:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 42.485481,-83.427885,2/25/2008 18:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 42.498820,-83.494370,2/27/2008 20:11,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 42.470000,-83.519997,2/25/2008 19:30,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 42.471530,-83.452529,3/8/2008 22:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 42.470000,-83.460001,3/1/2008 18:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 42.450001,-83.449995,3/2/2008 18:00,-9999,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 42.466158,-83.522272,3/4/2008 21:38,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 42.470000,-83.519997,2/26/2008 18:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 42.470000,-83.460001,3/2/2008 18:00,1,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 42.466158,-83.522272,3/5/2008 21:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 45.080003,-92.999999,3/7/2008 20:00,2,-9999.00,clear,I couldn't see very many stars.,,"It was a clear, beautiful night.",USA,United States 43.859582,-70.075787,3/6/2008 19:53,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 45.070000,-93.080001,3/6/2008 21:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 43.893890,-70.111359,3/5/2008 19:50,4,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 43.892052,-70.095499,3/5/2008 19:57,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.249469,-111.012929,3/4/2008 21:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 52.534161,13.611660,2/25/2008 21:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,DEU,Germany 52.534161,13.611660,2/26/2008 21:00,1,-9999.00,clear,,,,DEU,Germany 52.534161,13.611660,2/27/2008 20:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,DEU,Germany 52.534161,13.611660,2/28/2008 19:00,2,-9999.00,clear,,,,DEU,Germany 52.534161,13.611660,2/29/2008 20:00,1,-9999.00,clear,,,,DEU,Germany 52.534161,13.611660,3/2/2008 19:00,1,-9999.00,clear,,,,DEU,Germany 52.534161,13.611660,3/3/2008 20:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,DEU,Germany 52.534161,13.611660,3/4/2008 21:00,2,-9999.00,clear,,,,DEU,Germany 52.534161,13.611660,3/5/2008 22:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,DEU,Germany 52.534161,13.611660,3/6/2008 22:00,1,-9999.00,clear,,,,DEU,Germany 52.534161,13.611660,3/7/2008 23:00,1,-9999.00,clear,,,,DEU,Germany 52.600830,13.611660,3/8/2008 21:00,1,-9999.00,clear,,,,DEU,Germany 46.750002,7.650000,3/6/2008 19:30,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,CHE,Switzerland 32.299241,-111.072120,3/7/2008 20:30,4,-9999.00,clear,,Light from nearby house partly hidden from view. The light was about 40 m away.,,USA,United States 46.679999,7.700000,2/29/2008 23:30,7,-9999.00,clear,,,,CHE,Switzerland 42.469850,-83.509499,2/29/2008 18:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 42.470000,-82.499997,2/25/2008 18:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,CAN,Canada 42.470000,-83.460001,2/29/2008 20:30,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 42.468392,-83.503612,2/25/2008 20:31,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 42.469850,-83.509499,3/1/2008 18:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 42.801298,-83.286637,2/26/2008 21:00,-9999,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 41.355993,-83.843646,2/26/2008 18:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 44.267101,-85.016280,3/2/2008 18:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 42.482571,-83.539169,2/27/2008 20:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 42.470000,-82.499997,2/26/2008 18:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,CAN,Canada 42.469850,-83.509499,3/2/2008 18:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 44.853419,-85.016280,3/3/2008 18:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 42.468392,-83.503612,2/26/2008 18:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 42.470000,-82.499997,2/27/2008 18:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,CAN,Canada 43.680778,-85.016280,2/27/2008 18:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 42.469850,-83.509499,3/3/2008 18:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 44.853419,-85.602597,3/4/2008 18:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 42.469850,-83.509499,3/4/2008 18:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 42.508140,-84.429963,2/27/2008 18:00,-9999,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 42.468392,-83.503612,2/27/2008 18:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 43.680778,-85.016280,3/5/2008 18:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 42.470000,-82.499997,2/28/2008 18:00,2,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,CAN,Canada 42.470000,-83.460001,3/2/2008 20:30,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 42.464720,-83.463361,3/3/2008 18:00,-9999,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 42.469850,-83.509499,3/5/2008 18:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 43.833740,-83.036147,2/27/2008 21:00,-9999,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 44.267101,-85.602597,2/25/2008 19:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 42.470000,-82.499997,2/29/2008 18:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,CAN,Canada 42.669380,-83.872961,2/28/2008 18:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 42.469850,-83.509499,3/6/2008 18:00,1,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 42.482571,-83.539169,2/27/2008 20:00,7,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 42.470000,-82.499997,3/1/2008 18:00,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,CAN,Canada 42.470000,-83.460001,3/3/2008 20:30,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 42.469850,-83.509499,3/7/2008 18:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 43.680778,-85.016280,3/6/2008 18:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 42.468392,-83.503612,2/28/2008 18:00,-9999,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 42.472548,-83.448253,2/29/2008 18:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 42.508140,-84.429963,2/26/2008 19:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 43.833740,-83.036147,2/28/2008 21:00,-9999,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 44.853419,-85.016280,3/7/2008 18:00,2,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 42.470000,-82.499997,3/2/2008 18:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,CAN,Canada 44.853419,-84.429963,3/8/2008 18:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 42.482571,-83.539169,2/28/2008 20:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 42.468392,-83.503612,2/29/2008 18:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 42.470000,-82.499997,3/3/2008 18:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,CAN,Canada 43.833740,-83.036147,2/29/2008 21:00,-9999,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 42.469850,-83.509499,3/8/2008 18:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 42.429118,-83.184027,3/1/2008 18:00,-9999,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 42.470000,-82.499997,3/4/2008 18:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,CAN,Canada 42.468392,-83.503612,3/2/2008 18:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 42.470000,-82.499997,3/5/2008 18:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,CAN,Canada 43.833740,-83.036147,3/1/2008 21:00,1,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 36.938110,-93.811070,3/5/2008 21:00,5,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,clear view of the stars.,very clear view of sky.,,USA,United States 42.470000,-82.499997,3/6/2008 18:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,CAN,Canada 42.481150,-83.494090,3/2/2008 18:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 42.468392,-83.503612,3/3/2008 18:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 42.482571,-83.539169,2/29/2008 20:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 43.833740,-83.031645,3/2/2008 21:00,1,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 42.470000,-82.499997,3/7/2008 18:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,CAN,Canada 42.481150,-83.494090,3/3/2008 18:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 43.094460,-85.602597,2/28/2008 20:30,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 42.470000,-82.499997,3/8/2008 18:00,-9999,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,,,CAN,Canada 42.468392,-83.503612,3/4/2008 18:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 42.470000,-83.460001,3/7/2008 20:30,2,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 42.481150,-83.494090,3/4/2008 18:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 43.833740,-83.061562,3/4/2008 21:00,-9999,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 42.482571,-83.539169,3/2/2008 20:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 42.481150,-83.494090,3/5/2008 18:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 42.470000,-83.460001,3/8/2008 20:30,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 43.680778,-85.016280,2/29/2008 19:10,2,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 42.455711,-83.651068,3/6/2008 18:00,-9999,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 42.464720,-83.463361,3/7/2008 18:00,2,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 42.470249,-83.483859,2/29/2008 18:00,1,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 42.482571,-83.539169,3/3/2008 20:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 42.481150,-83.494090,3/6/2008 18:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 43.973943,-84.429963,2/25/2008 21:00,-9999,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,"43.973941, -84.429967",,USA,United States 43.680778,-85.016280,3/1/2008 19:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 42.481150,-83.494090,3/7/2008 18:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 42.482571,-83.539169,3/4/2008 20:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 41.749999,-85.600001,3/6/2008 20:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 43.833740,-83.036147,3/6/2008 21:00,1,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 42.481150,-83.494090,3/8/2008 18:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 39.576541,-87.361555,3/2/2008 20:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 42.230001,-76.330000,3/6/2008 22:30,5,-9999.00,clear,,,"All of the outside lights were off. Temp -3 degrees C. Other readings taken were 2109, 2107, and 2109, in various locations in the area. Other temperatures were between -1 and -3 degrees C.",USA,United States 43.833740,-83.036147,3/7/2008 21:00,-9999,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 42.482571,-83.539169,3/5/2008 20:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 43.833740,-83.036147,3/8/2008 21:00,2,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 47.785011,-85.661234,2/26/2008 21:00,-9999,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,,,CAN,Canada 42.508140,-85.016280,3/4/2008 20:10,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 42.482571,-83.539169,3/6/2008 20:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 43.973943,-84.429963,2/27/2008 21:00,-9999,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,"43.973941, -84.429967",,USA,United States 42.508140,-85.016280,3/5/2008 19:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 42.482571,-83.539169,3/7/2008 20:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 44.267101,-85.016280,3/6/2008 20:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 43.973943,-84.429963,2/28/2008 18:00,2,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 42.482571,-83.539169,3/8/2008 20:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 43.973943,-84.429963,3/6/2008 21:00,2,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 43.094460,-84.429963,3/7/2008 20:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 43.680778,-85.602597,3/8/2008 20:00,1,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 40.162861,-89.120520,3/5/2008 19:30,2,-9999.00,clear,constelations were easily seen. Very clearly seen.,buildings obstructed view,,USA,United States 39.610900,-104.687696,3/8/2008 20:25,1,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,The night that I was able to do my observation was probably not the best night to receive the most accurate observation. There was a lot of moisture in the air and the sky was spitting a couple of snowflakes here and there. The sky was mostly cloud cover,I am located in the South East suburbs of Denver. My observation was made in my neighborhood which did somewhat affect my viewing capabilities as there are a few street lights that distorted the darkness of the natural night sky.,"As I was unable to see all of the stars in the belt of Orion, it was a little hard to decipher which stars I could actually see. However, due to the great magnitude of the three stars I was able to see, I would have to say that two of the three stars tha",USA,United States 32.419998,-111.040004,3/5/2008 20:05,5,-9999.00,clear,,lights on upstairs inside.,,USA,United States 32.310002,-109.999999,3/4/2008 22:30,5,-9999.00,clear,relitavely clear,no lights whatsoever for at least 100 yards,,USA,United States 32.000000,-109.999999,3/4/2008 19:00,4,-9999.00,clear,clear,none,none,USA,United States 32.500000,-110.940003,3/7/2008 19:42,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.000000,-109.999999,3/8/2008 22:15,4,-9999.00,clear,Clear,,none,USA,United States 32.369998,-110.980001,2/27/2008 19:10,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.000000,-109.999999,3/8/2008 21:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.439997,-110.970001,3/4/2008 20:00,5,-9999.00,clear,no clouds in sight,backyard lights all of them turned off,I could only make out Orions belt,USA,United States 32.437641,-110.986257,3/8/2008 20:31,6,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 32.261661,-111.041193,3/7/2008 19:27,6,-9999.00,clear,,There was a little bit of a light coming from the north east of my observing area.,,USA,United States 32.515010,-110.924909,3/4/2008 19:54,3,-9999.00,clear,,There is a light five feet away.,,USA,United States 32.000000,-109.999999,3/4/2008 20:32,4,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,Cloudy on the upper part of Orin,light in house next to me.,moon light is the only real light I can personaly see/ neighbors light,USA,United States 32.310002,-111.019998,3/5/2008 20:15,3,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,Little cloudy an lightsshinning down.,Light.,,USA,United States 32.400003,-110.983327,3/7/2008 22:30,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 38.770001,-120.890004,3/2/2008 19:00,4,-9999.00,clear,kinda cloudy,,,USA,United States 38.770001,-120.890004,3/8/2008 19:00,4,-9999.00,clear,verry clear,,Beautiful,USA,United States 38.770001,-120.890004,3/8/2008 20:46,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 38.770001,-120.890004,3/4/2008 21:30,6,-9999.00,clear,clear,,,USA,United States 38.770001,-120.890004,3/8/2008 20:46,6,-9999.00,clear,clear,,,USA,United States 38.770001,-120.890004,3/1/2008 19:08,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 38.770001,-120.890004,3/1/2008 19:20,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 38.770001,-120.890004,3/2/2008 20:15,3,-9999.00,clear,clear,,,USA,United States 38.770001,-120.890004,2/28/2008 19:55,7,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 38.770001,-120.890004,2/28/2008 20:00,7,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 38.770001,-120.890004,3/5/2008 22:25,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 38.770001,-120.890004,3/8/2008 20:07,2,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 38.770001,-120.890004,2/29/2008 19:30,6,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 38.770001,-120.890004,3/5/2008 21:00,6,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 40.743680,-87.815961,3/5/2008 19:30,2,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,Tree and building blocked veiw.,,USA,United States 32.000000,-109.999999,3/6/2008 20:30,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.352533,-111.043139,3/5/2008 19:17,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.352052,-111.009623,3/5/2008 21:35,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.363260,-111.051984,3/6/2008 20:45,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.231782,-110.967829,3/6/2008 20:00,7,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,It was very fun !!!!!!!!,,USA,United States 32.363332,-111.067496,3/5/2008 20:50,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 32.320001,-111.000000,3/6/2008 20:42,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.220212,-110.927647,3/8/2008 20:30,4,-9999.00,clear,No clouds except to the the North.,,Stars were bright and clear. Neighboor's lights were off along with ours. It was a perfect star night!,USA,United States 32.390000,-110.940003,3/6/2008 20:00,6,-9999.00,clear,Really clear and beautiful!,,,USA,United States 35.280000,-93.040004,3/2/2008 21:50,6,-9999.00,clear,was very clear,Far away from lights.,,USA,United States 35.249998,-93.050003,2/23/2008 20:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 35.310002,-93.129998,3/4/2008 23:00,2,-9999.00,clear,Just a pretty cold night with clear skies.,Neighbors had their night lights on and there is are a few street lights on the street,,USA,United States 35.249998,-93.040004,3/7/2008 22:30,3,-9999.00,clear,Very clear but hard to see the stars.,Not many houses near my location but there is a truck stop down the road.,Due to the truck stop there is alot of light pollution.,USA,United States 35.340000,-93.010005,2/27/2008 21:15,6,-9999.00,clear,It was a beautiful clear night with no clouds,,,USA,United States 35.289999,-93.040004,3/8/2008 23:00,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,Slight haze,driveway lights,,USA,United States 35.240002,-92.999999,2/28/2008 21:30,5,-9999.00,clear,"The sky was crystal clear, and it looked beautiful.",A street light was illuminated on the other side of the street.,There were many trees at my location.,USA,United States 35.280000,-93.040004,3/5/2008 20:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,There was a street light on as well as an outdoor garge light.,,USA,United States 35.289999,-93.040004,3/4/2008 18:00,6,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 35.220000,-93.080001,3/1/2008 22:27,5,-9999.00,clear,Sky was very clear no clouds to be seen.,,,USA,United States 40.428539,-88.222719,3/5/2008 21:00,4,-9999.00,clear,stars were semi visible!!!,viewed from an open area!!,,USA,United States 41.599998,0.633330,3/8/2008 20:05,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,"La Bordeta a Lleida's neighbourhood. In a secondary school observatory, in the city.",My e-mail adress is,ESP,Spain 40.854722,25.864441,3/8/2008 22:10,5,-9999.00,clear,very clear sky,Alexandroupolis - Greece - about 1.5 km away from the center of the town,Lamps 20 m away,GRC,Greece 32.000000,-111.000000,3/4/2008 18:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.439997,-110.970001,3/7/2008 19:30,6,-9999.00,clear,My neighbors were having a party with lots of lights.,,,USA,United States 32.409999,-110.949996,3/7/2008 20:30,2,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 32.369998,-110.970001,3/8/2008 19:15,6,-9999.00,clear,the sky was very clear,in my backyard it wasn't as clear as when I went into the desert,,USA,United States 32.409999,-110.940003,3/8/2008 19:18,6,-9999.00,clear,The sky was very clear,I was playing out side and just looked up to the sky.,,USA,United States 32.409999,-110.980001,3/8/2008 19:15,6,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.366163,-111.216612,3/6/2008 19:42,7,-9999.00,clear,,"Emigh and Sandario area, completly dark",,USA,United States 32.280000,-110.880000,3/8/2008 18:00,6,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.240002,-111.000000,3/8/2008 19:41,6,-9999.00,clear,,It was amazing. It was really clear out on the 8th.,,USA,United States 32.349999,-110.990000,3/8/2008 21:30,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 37.359198,-121.903823,3/8/2008 19:40,4,-9999.00,clear,,Approximately 65 feet from street light.,,USA,United States 32.409999,-111.009999,3/4/2008 20:00,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,The sky was basically clear with the exeption of some clouds:)There were no clouds near Orion,,none:),USA,United States 38.347868,-90.169009,2/27/2008 20:45,3,-9999.00,clear,,Inner city (St. Louis MO); street lights and park lights everywhere.,cold; 28deg F.,USA,United States 38.579781,-90.281680,2/28/2008 20:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 32.268409,-110.966716,3/8/2008 21:00,-9999,18.14,clear,,Calendar still thinks the world ended last week.,,USA,United States 40.325119,-75.958978,2/28/2008 19:00,4,18.10,clear,,"A friend's house; closer to the city of Reading, PA",,USA,United States 40.296149,-76.014541,2/27/2008 20:00,4,18.80,clear,"Magnitude about 4.5, could see the sword and Orion Nebula, but not quite as many of the fainter stars","My home, back yard",,USA,United States 32.235160,-110.952318,2/25/2008 21:00,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,some clouds but mostly clear skies,on the roof of the kappa alpha theta sorority house,,USA,United States 32.235160,-110.952318,2/26/2008 19:00,4,-9999.00,clear,stars all visible,on the roof of the kappa alpha theta sorority house,,USA,United States 32.235160,-110.952318,2/27/2008 21:15,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,on the roof of the kappa alpha theta sorority house,,USA,United States 32.235160,-110.952318,2/28/2008 18:00,2,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,on the roof of the kappa alpha theta sorority house,,USA,United States 32.235160,-110.952318,2/29/2008 21:08,4,-9999.00,clear,,on the roof of the kappa alpha theta sorority house,,USA,United States 38.205329,-1.398460,3/7/2008 20:30,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,ESP,Spain 38.211080,-1.394050,3/7/2008 20:30,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,ESP,Spain 38.208659,-1.401440,3/7/2008 20:30,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,ESP,Spain 38.202259,-1.401020,3/7/2008 20:30,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,ESP,Spain 38.201750,-1.400980,3/7/2008 20:30,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,ESP,Spain 38.202819,-1.401420,3/7/2008 20:30,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,ESP,Spain 40.888419,-83.884374,2/29/2008 22:15,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 40.868778,-83.936365,3/3/2008 18:00,6,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 40.902079,-83.899202,3/7/2008 18:00,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 40.872941,-83.880624,3/1/2008 22:15,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 40.872941,-83.880624,3/1/2008 22:24,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 40.229999,-4.390000,3/5/2008 21:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,ESP,Spain 40.905443,-83.968133,2/28/2008 20:46,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 40.909722,-83.904933,3/8/2008 21:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 40.731362,-84.093986,3/8/2008 21:01,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 40.905470,-83.965633,2/28/2008 20:15,6,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 38.202068,-1.397330,3/7/2008 21:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,ESP,Spain 38.202341,-1.397250,3/7/2008 21:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,ESP,Spain 38.200469,-1.416960,3/7/2008 22:00,7,-9999.00,clear,,,,ESP,Spain 46.750002,7.630000,3/6/2008 20:00,2,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,Nur einmal sah ich viele Sterne,,,CHE,Switzerland 46.729999,7.620000,3/4/2008 21:15,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,CHE,Switzerland 35.472307,128.990240,3/7/2008 23:00,2,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,fairly clear,"Korea Science Academy, Busan, South Korea",there was a bright street light near me...,KOR,South Korea 40.901878,-83.900063,3/8/2008 18:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 40.890000,-83.890002,3/2/2008 23:30,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 40.891998,-83.893608,3/2/2008 23:35,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 40.877863,-83.851931,3/5/2008 21:15,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 40.874871,-83.976315,2/26/2008 18:00,5,-9999.00,clear,beautiful,ha hahaha hahahaha,hi,USA,United States 40.900983,-83.896566,2/29/2008 21:59,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 49.166659,16.566660,2/28/2008 20:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,CZE,Czech Republic 40.892158,-83.907720,3/5/2008 23:15,2,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 40.896758,-83.887618,3/5/2008 20:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 40.890539,-83.885112,3/7/2008 21:30,6,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 40.892158,-83.907720,3/5/2008 23:15,2,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,Small village that is 10 miles away from city lights that leaves nothing but a clear view almost all the time,,USA,United States 44.810002,-73.110003,3/7/2008 22:59,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 41.508129,-71.987168,3/5/2008 21:22,4,20.52,clear,"No visible Cloud Cover, No Moon visible","Corn Field, Flat",12 degrees C,USA,United States 40.892551,-83.896928,3/1/2008 21:48,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 40.920329,-83.904325,3/5/2008 20:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 40.891800,-83.893916,3/8/2008 21:30,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 40.891561,-83.884716,2/28/2008 19:30,3,-9999.00,clear,,,I live next to a grocery store. But even with the lights i was clearly able to see three stars in Orions belt.,USA,United States 40.905590,-83.957751,3/7/2008 21:19,5,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 40.887531,-83.882694,3/8/2008 20:30,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 40.886458,-83.900903,3/8/2008 20:25,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 40.892199,-83.895289,3/8/2008 21:30,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 40.905491,-83.964342,3/7/2008 18:00,6,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 40.901191,-83.893274,3/6/2008 20:30,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 40.876821,-83.953216,3/8/2008 22:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 40.920428,-83.886362,3/8/2008 22:30,5,-9999.00,clear,,l,thank you fordoing this for us....we would lost if you did not help us. YOU ARE THE BEST!!!!!!,USA,United States 40.892168,-83.907030,3/8/2008 22:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,,thank you,USA,United States 40.887650,-83.881505,3/7/2008 20:43,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 40.899521,-83.904120,3/8/2008 21:00,4,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 40.857608,-83.852539,3/8/2008 20:30,4,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,Sweeeeeet,,USA,United States 40.833149,-83.985222,3/8/2008 19:31,4,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,mhm.....=],,USA,United States 40.887650,-83.881683,3/8/2008 20:30,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 40.887773,-84.004333,2/28/2008 19:20,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 40.859069,-83.956672,2/27/2008 19:35,3,-9999.00,clear,Hardly anything in the sky,,,USA,United States 40.905129,-83.897058,3/8/2008 19:00,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 40.874529,-83.916831,3/7/2008 21:15,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 40.891523,-83.889346,3/8/2008 21:10,4,-9999.00,clear,she was a beaut:),taylor's house was spectacular. the stars look soo awesome out in the country and taylor lives in the country so we figured it would be the best place to watch the beautiful skyyy:) i wish i could've stayed there and looked at the starts FOREVERRRRRR:):),i love starssssss:) ORION is my favorite thing!,USA,United States 40.877770,-83.871649,3/6/2008 21:00,5,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 40.912290,-84.041291,2/28/2008 23:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 40.842448,-83.994559,3/8/2008 21:40,5,-9999.00,clear,,out in the country.. clear view of sky,,USA,United States 40.891639,-83.884818,2/27/2008 20:30,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 40.855419,-84.013526,2/27/2008 18:30,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 40.903930,-83.899366,2/29/2008 20:30,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 40.890539,-83.885112,3/8/2008 21:10,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 40.832780,-83.976390,2/26/2008 21:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,"It is kinda hard to actualy see a lot of stars, because there are three truck stops and a truck wash which causes a lot of light polution but on some nights you can see a bunch.",,USA,United States 9.836640,-83.874942,2/26/2008 19:04,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,La neblina cubre todo el cielo,A 10 metros de mi ubicacion hay varios faros,No se pudo ver Orion,CRI,Costa Rica 9.836640,-83.874942,2/28/2008 19:40,6,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,Hay mas neblina del lado este del volcan Irazu,Casi no hay contaminacion luminica,"Por segundos se ve Orion, pero si se ve completo",CRI,Costa Rica 9.836640,-83.874942,2/29/2008 21:38,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,Mas neblina del lado este del volcan Irazu,Hay poca contaminacion luminica,Se pudo ver mas o menos a Orion,CRI,Costa Rica 9.836640,-83.874942,3/1/2008 20:43,1,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,"Como tiraron juegos artificiales, eso ayudo a la cantidad de nubes",Tiraron juegos artificiales,No se ve Orion completamente,CRI,Costa Rica 9.836640,-83.874942,3/2/2008 20:23,7,-9999.00,clear,El cielo se ve despejado totalmente,Esta regular la contaminacion luminica,Se ve completamente Orion,CRI,Costa Rica 9.836640,-83.874942,3/3/2008 19:15,1,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,"Todo el cielo esta nublado, pero a veces se dispersa un poco la neblina",Hay un faro a 50 metros de mi ubicacion,Solo se ven las 2 estrellas mas brillantes de Orion,CRI,Costa Rica 9.836640,-83.874942,3/4/2008 19:36,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,Todo el cielo esta nublado,Donde estoy hay muchos faros,No se ve Orion,CRI,Costa Rica 9.836640,-83.874942,3/6/2008 19:56,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,La mayoria del cielo esta nublado,Hay contaminacion luminica,No se ve Orion,CRI,Costa Rica 9.836640,-83.874942,3/7/2008 21:04,2,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,Se ven pocas estrellas,Hay poca contaminacion luminica,Se ve poco a Orion,CRI,Costa Rica 9.836640,-83.874942,3/8/2008 19:40,7,-9999.00,clear,Se ve todo despejado,Hay muchos faros,Se ve completamente Orion,CRI,Costa Rica 41.628657,-85.016280,2/28/2008 21:06,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 40.855781,-83.956842,3/8/2008 20:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 40.892609,-83.884306,3/7/2008 19:20,2,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 40.840290,-83.937540,3/8/2008 18:08,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 40.902909,-83.938312,3/5/2008 18:00,5,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,it was a beautiful pitch black!,,i loved this progect!!!!!,USA,United States 40.832971,-83.971527,3/8/2008 20:27,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 40.888159,-83.898649,3/6/2008 19:45,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 40.837459,-83.937492,2/24/2008 20:30,5,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 40.895700,-83.919003,2/23/2008 21:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 40.851928,-83.899366,3/3/2008 22:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 40.889860,-83.887133,3/8/2008 21:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 40.854858,-83.782611,3/7/2008 18:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 40.871189,-84.000931,3/4/2008 20:30,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 40.939129,-83.961808,2/28/2008 22:30,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 37.806251,-98.137483,3/5/2008 19:30,5,-9999.00,clear,The moon was very bright but the stars were still very visible. There were not any clouds nearby.,I am at my church and there are flood lights that is about one parking lot away. The lights don't make any distractions to me but they don't make the stars as bright for me to see easier.,,USA,United States 32.405382,-111.011836,2/29/2008 19:59,4,-9999.00,clear,It was a very clear night and it was very,I was able to se a lot of things in the sky besides Orion. I was almost able to make out all of Orion. I just couldn't make out his sword or his shield-thing.,,USA,United States 39.001401,-77.069587,2/28/2008 19:30,4,-9999.00,clear,"Clear and cold, low humidity, some wind. Transparency seldom better at this site. Magnitude 3 chart is more typical.","Site surrounded by Silver Spring (E), Bethesda (W), and Wheaton (N), MD and Washington DC. Ground light in immediate area low to moderate.",Trained observer. Averted vision used to spot fainter stars.,USA,United States 39.280411,-77.296377,2/28/2008 20:30,5,-9999.00,clear,"Clear and cool-to-cold. Little wind, humidity fairly low. Transparency fairly good, but not the best, for the site.","Little Bennett Regional Park. Southern 1/3 of sky light-polluted by Clarksburg. Lesser amounts from Damascus (E) and Frederick (N), MD. Western sky fairly dark for the region. Little to no ground light.",Trained observer. Averted vision used to spot fainter stars.,USA,United States -35.471939,-69.573611,2/23/2008 23:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,Nublado,,,ARG,Argentina -35.471939,-69.573611,2/24/2008 23:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,Todo nublado,,,ARG,Argentina -35.471939,-69.573611,2/25/2008 23:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,Nublado,,,ARG,Argentina -35.471939,-69.573611,2/26/2008 23:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,Todo nublado,,,ARG,Argentina -35.471939,-69.573611,2/26/2008 23:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,Nublado,,,ARG,Argentina -35.471939,-69.573611,2/27/2008 23:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,Todo nublado,,,ARG,Argentina -35.471939,-69.573611,2/27/2008 23:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,Nublado,,,ARG,Argentina 32.417031,-111.003087,3/5/2008 19:30,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,I could see only 6 of the stars in Orion.,My Street lights were on and that affected my viewing,A slight haze in the southern skys,USA,United States -33.890589,151.165624,3/8/2008 20:15,3,17.36,clear,,suburban street in stanmore,,AUS,Australia -33.876700,151.220866,3/8/2008 23:20,2,16.80,clear,,"top of block of units in Darlinghurst, central Sydney",,AUS,Australia 32.409330,-111.011802,3/2/2008 21:30,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,There were some clouds but none were near Orion.,There are no lights anywhere accept for some street lights about 100 yards away.,Orion was clearly visible and the stars I could see were very bright.,USA,United States 32.241041,-110.943555,3/7/2008 19:00,5,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,"Little bits of clouds, but I could still see Orion.","There were no lights, until you get 100 yards away.",,USA,United States 32.408438,-110.999187,3/8/2008 18:00,4,-9999.00,clear,No clouds clear,Perfect sky no cluds iun the way at all,Really fun expiermiuent,USA,United States 39.280411,-77.296377,3/2/2008 20:30,5,-9999.00,clear,"Clear and cool-to-cold. Little wind, humidity fairly low. Transparency fairly good, but not the best, for the site.","Little Bennett Regional Park. Southern 1/3 of sky light-polluted by Clarksburg. Lesser amounts from Damascus (E) and Frederick (N), MD. Western sky fairly dark for the region. Little to no ground light.",** Correction to earlier report on this site - the date was wrong.Trained observer - averted vision used for fainter stars.,USA,United States 36.399041,-117.280372,2/29/2008 21:10,6,-9999.00,clear,"Dusty at lower elevations due to winds, but clear and cold at higher elevations","This is an isolated road into Death Valley California with no lights within 25 or more miles at high elevation - near 5,000 feet on a very clear night. Lower elevations were very windy and dusty.",Nearest large city is Las Vegas and there is a slight glow from that direction (southeast).,USA,United States 36.910452,-116.765772,3/1/2008 22:00,5,-9999.00,clear,Clear sky with no clouds and light winds,"backyard location in a small town of Beatty, Nevada. Street light about 100 yards away, but partially blocked out.",,USA,United States 40.456020,-109.641694,3/7/2008 21:23,1,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,Street lights nearby,,USA,United States 32.436661,-111.083328,3/8/2008 20:15,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,I think that their might have been one or two light clouds but nothing that could affect my view.,Around my house there were some lights on from other houses.,,USA,United States 42.607622,-72.079191,3/8/2008 20:33,4,-9999.00,clear,It was pretty clear. I didnt see any clouds at all.,My location is near a lot of woods and by a few houses.,,USA,United States 32.406700,-111.005860,3/7/2008 21:00,6,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.401919,-111.009821,3/8/2008 20:30,4,-9999.00,clear,there was not any clouds at all. it was almost totally black.,"It was in a SW direction in the sky. It was fairly dark and there was a good amount of visible stars. Although the lights on all of my neighbors houses were on, I could still see alot of stars.",,USA,United States 38.396998,-94.350997,2/26/2008 22:30,6,-9999.00,clear,Seeing deminished slightly by humidity.,"The observation point is a treeless hilltop and is surrounded and by three high-pressure sodium and one mercury vapor light, ranging 300 ft to 1000 ft from the observation point. Sky glow from Kansas City, MO, and the Overland Park, KS area is plainly vi",,USA,United States 38.396998,-94.350997,2/27/2008 19:30,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,"The observation point is a treeless hilltop and is surrounded and by three high-pressure sodium and one mercury vapor light, ranging 300 ft to 1000 ft from the observation point. Sky glow from Kansas City, MO, and the Overland Park, KS area is plainly vi",,USA,United States 38.396998,-94.350997,2/28/2008 19:30,5,-9999.00,clear,Transparency reduced by humidity.,"The observation point is a treeless hilltop and is surrounded and by three high-pressure sodium and one mercury vapor light, ranging 300 ft to 1000 ft from the observation point. Sky glow from Kansas City, MO, and the Overland Park, KS area is plainly vi",,USA,United States 38.396998,-94.350997,2/29/2008 19:30,6,-9999.00,clear,,"The observation point is a treeless hilltop and is surrounded and by three high-pressure sodium and one mercury vapor light, ranging 300 ft to 1000 ft from the observation point. Sky glow from Kansas City, MO, and the Overland Park, KS area is plainly vi",,USA,United States 38.396998,-94.350997,3/1/2008 19:30,6,-9999.00,clear,,"The observation point is a treeless hilltop and is surrounded and by three high-pressure sodium and one mercury vapor light, ranging 300 ft to 1000 ft from the observation point. Sky glow from Kansas City, MO, and the Overland Park, KS area is plainly vi",,USA,United States 38.396998,-94.350997,3/4/2008 21:15,6,20.63,clear,,"The observation point is a treeless hilltop and is surrounded and by three high-pressure sodium and one mercury vapor light, ranging 300 ft to 1000 ft from the observation point. Sky glow from Kansas City, MO, and the Overland Park, KS area is plainly vi",We have seen SQM readings above 21 at this location on more than one occation.,USA,United States 32.233053,-110.953793,3/8/2008 19:37,2,-9999.00,clear,the sky was really clear so i could see all the stars that were out even though there wasnt a lot becasue i went out ckind of early.,i stood right outside my front porch so i had a good view of the sky from there.,,USA,United States 38.396998,-94.350997,3/2/2008 21:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,"The observation point is a treeless hilltop and is surrounded and by three high-pressure sodium and one mercury vapor light, ranging 300 ft to 1000 ft from the observation point. Sky glow from Kansas City, MO, and the Overland Park, KS area is plainly vi",,USA,United States 39.759330,-104.843390,3/6/2008 12:10,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,cloudy by orion stuck out,,,USA,United States 40.379928,-105.109481,3/5/2008 20:30,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,M's Backyard,,USA,United States 40.379928,-105.109481,3/6/2008 22:00,5,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,M's Backyard,,USA,United States 40.379928,-105.109481,3/7/2008 21:30,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,M's Backyard,,USA,United States 40.379928,-105.109481,3/8/2008 22:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,M's Backyard,,USA,United States 42.508140,-82.671011,2/28/2008 20:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,"41,-85",,USA,United States 32.412997,-111.017328,2/26/2008 18:00,5,-9999.00,clear,The sky was fine.,There were some lights on at my neighbor's houses which may have interrfered.,"This was really fun, and I saw Beetlejuice which is the brightest star in Orion.",USA,United States 43.680778,-86.188921,3/1/2008 20:00,2,-9999.00,clear,,"41,-85",,USA,United States 32.403500,-111.012499,3/7/2008 20:35,6,-9999.00,clear,"It was really clear, perfect time to observe.","There weren't too many lights. Most houselights were off, but there's a big church nearby with a lot of streetlights. Didn't affect observation though.","This was pretty fun, and I chose a great time to observe I found Orion right away.",USA,United States 42.508140,-82.671011,3/2/2008 20:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,"41,-85",,USA,United States 41.335499,-85.016280,3/5/2008 20:00,1,-9999.00,clear,,"41,-85",,USA,United States 37.673001,-121.011008,3/6/2008 20:28,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 37.673001,-121.011008,3/6/2008 20:32,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.268409,-110.966716,3/6/2008 21:30,-9999,18.10,clear,,Calendar still thinks the world ended last week.,,USA,United States 32.401950,-111.007212,3/6/2008 20:25,3,-9999.00,clear,,There was a light coming from down the street. But very little light.,It was a pretty clear night.,USA,United States 51.524700,7.692500,2/27/2008 21:30,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,DEU,Germany -35.471939,-69.573611,3/7/2008 23:00,6,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,Por fin despejado!!!,,,ARG,Argentina -35.471939,-69.573611,3/7/2008 23:00,6,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,ARG,Argentina -35.471939,-69.573611,3/8/2008 23:00,6,-9999.00,clear,,,,ARG,Argentina -35.471939,-69.573611,3/8/2008 22:30,6,-9999.00,clear,,,,ARG,Argentina -35.478881,-69.571112,3/5/2008 12:30,5,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,ARG,Argentina -35.469442,-69.574998,3/5/2008 12:19,6,-9999.00,clear,,A 60 mts hay un poste de luz que no me deja tener una oscuridad total.,Las nubes se iban desplazando y bloquean mi vista de las estrellas.,ARG,Argentina -35.477502,-69.565825,3/4/2008 22:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,ARG,Argentina -35.470269,-69.581111,3/6/2008 12:30,7,-9999.00,clear,,,,ARG,Argentina -35.476108,-69.583611,3/6/2008 18:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,Lluvias,Atras de la casa,El cielo no se pudo observar por encontrarse lloviendo,ARG,Argentina -35.479722,-69.589437,3/6/2008 22:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,se encontraba nublado cubriendo todo el cielo,,afuera de mi casa,ARG,Argentina -35.488331,-69.592217,3/5/2008 18:00,7,-9999.00,clear,,,,ARG,Argentina -35.481108,-69.599716,3/6/2008 22:00,6,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,Hab?a un far?n que bloqueaba mi vista. Las nubes cubr?an y descubr?an estrellas por lo tanto no podia ver bien. En el suroeste.,,ARG,Argentina -35.487221,-69.590270,3/4/2008 12:14,4,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,Un poco de nubosidad,"Estoy en la esquina de mi casa, donde no hay luz",,ARG,Argentina -35.467219,-69.581384,3/5/2008 12:15,3,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,Nublado oeste,,,ARG,Argentina -35.474999,-69.573051,3/6/2008 12:05,-9999,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,,,ARG,Argentina -35.474158,-69.570552,3/4/2008 12:59,3,-9999.00,clear,esta todo el cielo despejado.,A unos tres metros de altura se encuentran unos cables obstruyendome la vista.,,ARG,Argentina -35.468879,-69.578331,3/5/2008 23:41,2,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,Hab?ia un poco de neblina al sur.,A menos de 3 metros hay un arbol que cubre mi vista,No se ve?ia muy claro desde el sitio que me encontraba,ARG,Argentina -35.477772,-69.593877,3/4/2008 23:35,7,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,Habia un poco de neblina hacia el Norte.,,,ARG,Argentina -35.477772,-69.578051,3/4/2008 23:30,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,ARG,Argentina -35.473048,-69.572218,3/3/2008 22:41,3,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,A menos de 20 metros hay un farol de alumbrado publico que bloquea mi vista.,,ARG,Argentina 41.348049,21.537221,3/2/2008 22:00,6,-9999.00,clear,The sky was clear.,In my garden.There was the street lights withih 30m.,,MKD,Macedonia 41.359162,21.564159,3/5/2008 21:10,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,Sky is full with clouds.,The street is far from light and the nearest street lights is on 60m.,,MKD,Macedonia 45.079440,14.157500,3/2/2008 21:15,3,-9999.00,clear,,"RABAC LUKA, urban zone, streetlights 10 m",,HRV,Croatia 41.359162,21.564159,2/28/2008 22:00,3,-9999.00,clear,Sky is clear without clouds.,The street is far from light and it`s dark.The nearest street light within 60m.,,MKD,Macedonia 45.094439,14.119440,3/2/2008 21:11,3,-9999.00,clear,,"LABIN, STARI GRAD, urban zone, place, lights 10m",,HRV,Croatia 45.095002,14.119721,3/8/2008 23:18,4,-9999.00,clear,,"LABIN,PRESIKA, residence zone, streetlights 30m",,HRV,Croatia 10.633300,-85.433297,3/8/2008 18:47,6,-9999.00,clear,Ese d?a el cielo estaba despejado.,Desde la posici?n en que estabamos ten?amos una excelente visibilidad,,CRI,Costa Rica 45.095002,14.119721,3/1/2008 22:05,4,-9999.00,clear,,"LBIN,PRESIKA, residence zone, streetlights 10 m",,HRV,Croatia 45.095829,14.120830,3/7/2008 20:50,3,-9999.00,clear,,"LABIN,KATURE, residence zone, streetlights 30m",,HRV,Croatia 45.095552,14.120000,3/5/2008 21:11,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,"LABIN,KATURE, urban zone, streetlights 30m",,HRV,Croatia 45.095002,14.119721,3/7/2008 20:10,3,-9999.00,clear,,"LABIN, urban zone, streetlights 20 m",,HRV,Croatia 45.095269,14.120269,3/2/2008 21:26,3,-9999.00,clear,,"PODLABIN, urban zone, streetlights 30 m",,HRV,Croatia 41.796950,-72.428644,3/4/2008 19:44,4,19.40,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 45.094719,14.119721,3/2/2008 22:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,"KRANJCI, rural zone, streetlights 30 m",,HRV,Croatia 32.416112,-111.000061,3/8/2008 21:00,3,-9999.00,clear,No clouds at all,11534 North Mountain Breeze Drive,,USA,United States 45.088329,14.096380,3/2/2008 21:06,2,-9999.00,clear,,"RA`A,KRAPAN, alight street",,HRV,Croatia 45.080003,14.078610,3/2/2008 21:10,3,-9999.00,clear,,"RA`A, urban zone, streetlights 20 m",,HRV,Croatia 45.080270,14.078880,3/2/2008 21:15,3,-9999.00,clear,,"RA`A, urban zone, streetlights 30 m",,HRV,Croatia 41.333327,21.550000,2/25/2008 22:00,5,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,clouds on horizon.,A few street lights about 100m away from my location.,,MKD,Macedonia 41.740003,-72.360001,3/6/2008 20:34,5,18.46,clear,,The back of the house and about 60 ft from the woods,,USA,United States 45.086939,14.053050,3/2/2008 21:06,2,-9999.00,clear,,"RA`A,KOKOTI, rural zone, alight street",,HRV,Croatia 45.051381,14.051940,3/2/2008 22:00,2,-9999.00,clear,,"RA`A,STALIJE, rural zone, seacoast, alight",,HRV,Croatia 41.801089,-72.317189,3/8/2008 20:32,4,16.14,1/4 of sky,scattered clouds,In a neighborhood near UCONN. There isn't a basketball game tonight so the amount of light is not as much as it would be. There are 3 street lights on near by.,,USA,United States 45.173328,14.138610,3/8/2008 21:35,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,"KR`AN, rural zone, alight garden",,HRV,Croatia 41.773498,-72.370629,3/8/2008 20:17,5,16.92,clear,,Its pretty dark but theres a street light kinda near us.,,USA,United States 45.173611,14.138880,3/8/2008 21:00,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,"KR`AN, football camp, lights 50 m",,HRV,Croatia 41.349999,21.550000,2/29/2008 20:30,3,-9999.00,clear,The sky was clear.,Many street lights within 50m.,,MKD,Macedonia 41.762290,-72.281706,3/1/2008 21:30,4,19.25,clear,,,,USA,United States 45.205552,14.042220,3/8/2008 21:00,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,"PIAN, ZAJCI, rural zone, gardenlights 10 m",,HRV,Croatia 41.333327,21.550000,3/4/2008 19:30,3,-9999.00,clear,Perfectly clear.,Some houses lights on 50m.,,MKD,Macedonia 45.188880,14.097220,3/8/2008 21:12,2,-9999.00,clear,,"LAZARII, rural zone, garden without light",,HRV,Croatia 45.167221,14.077501,2/28/2008 21:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,"`UMBER, parking with lights",,HRV,Croatia 45.167498,14.077220,3/1/2008 21:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,"`UMBER, rural zone without light",,HRV,Croatia 45.140000,14.111940,3/2/2008 21:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,"NEDE`INA, urban zone, streetlights 20 m",,HRV,Croatia 45.145549,14.062770,3/8/2008 22:00,2,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,"`UMBER, rural zone, garden without light",,HRV,Croatia 45.156658,14.157500,3/8/2008 22:00,1,-9999.00,clear,,"VOZILII, rural zone, garden without light",,HRV,Croatia 45.190553,14.130830,3/2/2008 22:00,6,-9999.00,clear,," EPI, farma with many light",,HRV,Croatia 45.098049,14.106940,3/8/2008 22:00,6,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,"VINE}, urban zone, garden with light",,HRV,Croatia 45.022500,14.056110,3/2/2008 21:00,2,-9999.00,clear,,"TRGET, seacost without lights, rural zone,",,HRV,Croatia 38.990220,-122.540724,3/8/2008 21:13,5,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 37.710000,-121.080007,3/8/2008 20:00,5,-9999.00,clear,clear night,,,USA,United States 35.472307,-110.814328,3/8/2008 20:59,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 45.136110,14.180549,3/8/2008 22:00,6,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,"PLOMIN LUKA, industrial zone, TE Plomin, many lights",,HRV,Croatia 45.117771,14.130000,3/2/2008 21:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,"STRMAC, DUBROVA, park without many lights",,HRV,Croatia 32.216998,-110.970999,3/3/2008 20:15,6,19.50,clear,i was happy that it was clear,it was ok because there were no trees in the way,,USA,United States 32.374151,-111.020716,3/4/2008 20:39,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,It was a little cloudy over head.,,I have no ferther comments.,USA,United States 32.399600,-110.980950,2/29/2008 21:27,5,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 28.329999,-81.230005,3/8/2008 21:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,There was some light that probably made it so I couldn't see all the stars shining.,,USA,United States 43.595909,-70.231010,3/5/2008 20:45,4,17.76,1/4 of sky,"Orion was clearly visable, but other sectors of the sky were obscured.",,,USA,United States 43.564787,-70.219290,3/5/2008 21:00,5,20.16,1/4 of sky,"Orion was clearly visable, but 1/4 of the sky was beginning to cloud over.",,,USA,United States 32.398169,-110.997015,3/8/2008 21:10,5,-9999.00,clear,,"The lights in my house were on. Also, the streetlights were on.",,USA,United States 32.410549,-110.989720,3/5/2008 19:48,5,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,There was a little bit of small clouds on the left. But not a big deal overall.,,The two corner stars were really bright,USA,United States 41.859999,-72.490000,2/27/2008 19:00,1,17.80,clear,,This location is on my porch which is about 3 feet above the ground and three is a tree.,,USA,United States 32.000000,-111.000000,2/29/2008 20:30,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 36.895101,-104.442704,3/4/2008 19:30,4,-9999.00,clear,,"South side of Kearney Elementary School in Raton, N.M.",Observations done by 5th graders and their teachers.,USA,United States 41.869999,-72.440003,3/5/2008 20:07,5,19.88,1/4 of sky,,On my front porch.,,USA,United States 36.894909,-104.442629,3/4/2008 19:30,4,-9999.00,clear,,"East side (front) of Kearney Elementary School in Raton, N.M. (near the Colorado border.)",Observation by 5th graders and their teachers.,USA,United States 36.895610,-104.442574,3/4/2008 19:30,6,-9999.00,clear,,"North playground of Kearney Elementary School in Raton, N.M. (near the Colorado border.)",Observation by 5th graders and their teachers. One teacher felt the reading was closer to magnitude 5.,USA,United States 36.895890,-104.443380,3/4/2008 19:30,6,-9999.00,clear,,"Amphitheater area (northwest corner) of Kearney Elementary School, Raton, NM (near the Colorado border.)",Observation by 5th graders and teachers. One teacher thought the magnitude should be magnitude 5. (The students may have better vision!),USA,United States 36.902030,-104.446406,3/4/2008 20:30,5,-9999.00,clear,,"front of house, street light a half block away","Actually it seemed like more than a 4, less than a 5. I could see the sword, but only four stars in the belt.",USA,United States 32.417901,-111.017383,3/4/2008 20:53,2,18.06,1/2 of sky,,parking lot,,USA,United States 32.427471,-111.009302,3/4/2008 21:00,4,19.20,1/2 of sky,,dirt road,,USA,United States 32.407328,-111.004316,3/4/2008 21:13,5,19.54,clear,,backyard,,USA,United States 32.375882,-111.020490,3/3/2008 20:15,4,18.34,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.401348,-110.979345,3/3/2008 20:50,4,19.17,clear,,,,USA,United States 9.836340,-83.874942,2/25/2008 19:10,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,CRI,Costa Rica 32.407188,-110.979243,3/3/2008 20:58,5,19.37,clear,,,,USA,United States 9.836640,-83.874942,2/26/2008 20:02,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,CRI,Costa Rica 32.407847,-110.994399,3/6/2008 20:43,4,18.14,clear,,near library,,USA,United States 32.398497,-110.978300,3/6/2008 20:50,5,19.37,clear,,across street from park,,USA,United States 9.836640,-83.874942,2/27/2008 19:10,1,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,CRI,Costa Rica 32.395932,-110.999071,3/6/2008 20:55,6,19.57,clear,,really dark,,USA,United States 32.398340,-110.997145,3/6/2008 19:35,5,20.29,clear,,,,USA,United States 9.836640,-83.874942,2/28/2008 19:50,7,-9999.00,clear,,,,CRI,Costa Rica 32.452940,-111.016904,3/6/2008 19:43,6,20.81,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.439072,-111.016747,3/1/2008 19:46,5,20.02,clear,,,,USA,United States 9.836640,-83.874942,2/29/2008 19:04,6,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,CRI,Costa Rica 32.234111,-110.937845,3/1/2008 21:20,-9999,17.91,clear,,NOAO parking lot,,USA,United States 9.836640,-83.874942,3/1/2008 18:30,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,CRI,Costa Rica 32.280420,-110.960719,3/1/2008 21:40,-9999,17.91,clear,,,,USA,United States 9.836640,-83.874942,3/2/2008 18:58,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,CRI,Costa Rica 32.280420,-110.960719,3/1/2008 21:40,-9999,18.39,clear,,,,USA,United States 9.836640,-83.874942,3/3/2008 19:05,7,-9999.00,clear,,,,CRI,Costa Rica 32.292301,-110.960166,3/1/2008 21:45,-9999,18.72,clear,,,,USA,United States 9.836640,-83.874942,3/4/2008 20:15,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,CRI,Costa Rica 32.292301,-110.960166,3/1/2008 21:45,-9999,18.71,clear,,,,USA,United States 9.836640,-83.974936,3/5/2008 22:15,-9999,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,CRI,Costa Rica 32.294979,-110.960999,3/1/2008 21:47,-9999,9.19,clear,,intersection,,USA,United States 9.836640,-83.874942,3/6/2008 21:56,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,CRI,Costa Rica 9.836640,-83.874942,3/7/2008 19:13,7,-9999.00,clear,,,,CRI,Costa Rica 32.294979,-110.960999,3/1/2008 21:47,-9999,6.57,clear,,intersection,,USA,United States 9.836640,-83.874942,3/8/2008 22:03,7,-9999.00,clear,,,,CRI,Costa Rica 32.305869,-110.460053,3/1/2008 21:48,4,19.04,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.305869,-110.460053,3/1/2008 21:48,4,19.22,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.327678,-110.959647,3/1/2008 21:55,4,19.45,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.327678,-110.959647,3/1/2008 21:55,4,19.52,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.339880,-110.960576,3/1/2008 21:58,5,19.58,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.339880,-110.960576,3/1/2008 21:58,5,19.71,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.337268,-110.976094,3/1/2008 22:02,4,17.30,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.337268,-110.976094,3/1/2008 22:02,4,18.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.368383,-110.999747,3/1/2008 22:10,5,19.70,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.368383,-110.999747,3/1/2008 22:10,5,19.85,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.423881,-111.006113,2/27/2008 21:13,5,18.18,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.404999,-111.006946,2/27/2008 21:30,6,19.92,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.405771,-111.008326,3/5/2008 20:00,3,14.29,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.401700,-111.018824,3/5/2008 20:19,3,18.27,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.398268,-110.997172,3/5/2008 20:23,3,17.68,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.419141,-111.001905,3/8/2008 19:00,6,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 32.421860,-111.001215,3/5/2008 21:30,5,-9999.00,clear,The sky is completley clear.,,,USA,United States 32.421392,-110.984557,2/29/2008 21:29,5,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,Kind of Cloudy- not really,In a Neighborhood,HIHI!,USA,United States 32.395901,-110.991223,3/7/2008 20:17,1,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.383518,-111.025961,3/8/2008 21:50,6,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 38.033000,23.733000,3/7/2008 20:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,GRC,Greece 38.324772,-122.314222,3/7/2008 21:00,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 58.388330,26.633051,2/24/2008 20:45,5,-9999.00,clear,,"In between forest, nearby were no lights, far away lights from town Tartu","Very cold weather, no Moon.",EST,Estonia 58.365551,26.730270,2/24/2008 21:20,4,-9999.00,clear,,"In town Tartu, streetlights everywhere.",,EST,Estonia 32.216998,-110.970999,3/7/2008 20:14,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,I could see one or two clouds and some lights but it did not evvect my view of the sky.,Around me there was only one street light but it didn;t effect my view of the stars.,,USA,United States 58.362498,25.580549,2/23/2008 20:00,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,slightly cloudy,"In town Viljandi, streetlights about 40 meters away","Real estimate was in between charts 3 and 4, more towards 4.",EST,Estonia 32.216998,-110.970999,3/4/2008 21:20,5,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,It was very cloudy outside but i still could really see all most of the constellations.,My location was right outside of my house but there was not any lights on that were around me.,,USA,United States 39.650003,-104.899999,3/8/2008 21:15,5,-9999.00,clear,"The sky was clear, but I didn't see a lot of stars, because there were a lot of lights from the buildings.",,,USA,United States 32.393798,-111.019172,3/8/2008 21:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.216998,-110.970999,3/6/2008 20:14,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,There were only some clouds but this did not effect my view of the sky.,My location was right outside of my house. There was no lights around us but it was kind of cloudy.,,USA,United States 58.363878,26.666109,2/23/2008 21:28,4,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,About 30-40% cloudy,At the edge of the town Tartu. Lights from big supermarket about 1 km away.,Moon is rising,EST,Estonia 32.405788,-111.005819,3/7/2008 20:38,4,18.35,clear,,,,USA,United States 32.413718,-110.992104,3/8/2008 19:45,5,-9999.00,clear,,Little bright because of neighbors lights,,USA,United States 58.344439,26.716659,3/5/2008 20:40,3,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,In town Tartu but near the edge of town,,EST,Estonia 58.346194,26.692000,2/24/2008 20:00,4,-9999.00,clear,Clear sky and no moon.,"Observation made near large road outside of town Tartu, streetlights from town are seen in the distance, sometimes cars passed.",Observation made 4. February 2008,EST,Estonia 32.414439,-111.011939,3/8/2008 18:00,5,18.28,clear,,neighbors lights were on.,,USA,United States 32.423051,-111.017779,3/8/2008 19:30,6,19.75,clear,,Wilson tennis courts. Wilson lights were bright.,,USA,United States 32.366661,-111.166670,3/3/2008 19:15,4,19.50,clear,,It was just after dark.,,USA,United States 58.236884,26.723431,2/24/2008 22:00,5,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,"Observation is made at countryside. Town lights (glow) are seen from very large distance, also light from window of a nearby house.",Observation is made 02. january 2008. Moon is below horizon.,EST,Estonia 36.051658,-112.130990,3/6/2008 21:10,6,-9999.00,clear,,"Observation location was in Grand Canyon Village. There were several streetlights and exterior house lights nearby, but not shining directly on me.",,USA,United States 58.265270,26.466110,2/24/2008 22:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,Light from main building of Tartu Observatory just behind.,Observation was made 14. december 2008. Moon was below horizon.,EST,Estonia 9.836640,0.000000,3/1/2008 21:03,7,-9999.00,clear,,,,GHA,Ghana 58.248891,26.477421,2/24/2008 21:15,3,-9999.00,clear,,"No nearby lights, except one from window of nearby house. Moon (less than halfmoon) is low at western part of sky.",Observation was made 14. january 2008.,EST,Estonia 58.248891,26.477421,2/24/2008 19:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,Only lights were nearby christmas decorations.,Observation is made 5. january 2008. Moon was below horizon.,EST,Estonia 9.836640,0.000000,2/27/2008 21:28,7,-9999.00,clear,,,,GHA,Ghana 9.836640,0.000000,3/2/2008 21:45,2,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,,,GHA,Ghana 58.248891,26.477421,2/24/2008 19:15,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,Quite rapidly moving clouds covered sometimes Orion.,Lights from windows were visible. Small village is around.,Observation was made 13. january 2008. Less than 30% Moon was low at western horizon.,EST,Estonia 58.367224,26.713329,2/24/2008 23:55,4,-9999.00,clear,,"No lights around 100 m, but about 200m away is football stadion and one of lights is towards observation place.",Geminid meteor shower! 12 meteors during 5 minutes.,EST,Estonia 58.346659,26.781380,2/24/2008 21:15,5,-9999.00,clear,,No lights around. Observation place is just outside of suburb region.,Observation was made 14. january 2008. ~40% Moon was low at western horizon.,EST,Estonia 32.465880,-111.019998,3/5/2008 19:35,6,-9999.00,clear,completely clear,i was pretty close to my house,,USA,United States 32.418960,-110.997111,3/1/2008 21:25,6,-9999.00,clear,It was very clear,There wasn't any lights on and it was directly overhead,,USA,United States 32.419022,-110.999419,2/29/2008 19:39,2,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,Porch lights on,,USA,United States 32.382019,-111.023564,3/3/2008 21:37,5,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,2621 W. Camino Del Medrano Tucson AZ.,I think this was a very good sheet to observe.,USA,United States 41.599820,-93.591903,3/7/2008 23:00,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,Not too much light pollution as I am normally accustomed to,,USA,United States 32.482051,-93.851020,2/29/2008 22:40,4,-9999.00,clear,,"I think I would have been able to see 5th magnitude stars, but there was a street light in the vicinity of the sky where Orion was located",,USA,United States 39.660801,-104.835406,3/6/2008 21:15,4,-9999.00,clear,"The sky is reasonably clear. The location of the observation is in clear view. The sky is dark and there are extremely visible Orion's Belt (3 stars diagnally), 2 bright stars [one I will call ""~1"", it is north, to my left diagnal from the other star, I",Location is in Aurora CO 80014. Right above Iliff Square Parking Lot. I am located in southeastern aurora and facing south above my,"Although, I observed Orion and his belt prior to this assignment, I think I picked a EXCELLENT night to do my observation. The sky was very clear and the stars were very noticable.",USA,United States -36.768250,144.284563,3/7/2008 21:15,5,-9999.00,clear,,two street lights behind in the south,,AUS,Australia 50.799228,7.307430,3/8/2008 12:20,-9999,22.20,clear,,,,DEU,Germany 32.233312,-110.948111,3/1/2008 21:30,3,17.81,clear,,midtown,,USA,United States 31.937490,-111.562500,3/3/2008 21:45,6,21.28,clear,,Kitt Peak National Observatory,,USA,United States 31.937490,-111.562500,3/5/2008 21:30,6,20.11,clear,,Kitt Peak National Observatory,,USA,United States 32.316630,-110.880376,3/8/2008 21:00,5,19.59,clear,,Edge of town,,USA,United States 32.268409,-110.966716,3/7/2008 21:00,-9999,17.20,clear,,Calendar applet still thinks the world ended last week.,,USA,United States 45.858880,-123.191942,3/8/2008 19:55,6,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,Location is Vernonia OR,,USA,United States -32.866662,-60.700000,3/6/2008 20:05,1,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,sE OBSERVA UN POCO DE NEBLINA HACIA EL OESTE,,,ARG,Argentina -32.866662,-60.700000,3/6/2008 21:45,7,-9999.00,clear,sE OBSERVA NEBLINA HACIA EL OESTE,,,ARG,Argentina -32.866662,-60.700000,3/7/2008 20:15,5,-9999.00,clear,NUBOSIDAD HACIA EL OESTE,,,ARG,Argentina -32.866662,-60.700000,3/8/2008 21:30,1,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,ARG,Argentina 39.527510,-104.872657,3/8/2008 20:46,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,There were several parking lot lights in area of observation.,,USA,United States -33.019102,-61.043299,3/7/2008 21:30,3,-9999.00,clear,,,Taller de Ciencia Escuela 1345 - Club Aficionados a la Astronom?a- PUJATO (Santa Fe) -Argentina,ARG,Argentina -33.019102,-61.043299,3/7/2008 21:30,3,-9999.00,clear,,,"Taller de Ciencia de la Escuela1345 - Club de aficionados ""Astronom?a para todos"" - PUJATO (SANTA FE) Argentina",ARG,Argentina -33.019102,-61.043299,3/7/2008 21:30,3,-9999.00,clear,,,"Taller de Ciencia de la Escuela 1345 - Club de aficionados ""Astronom?a para todos"" - PUJATO (SANTA FE) Argentina",ARG,Argentina -33.019102,-61.043299,3/7/2008 21:30,3,-9999.00,clear,"Taller de Ciencia de la Escuela1345 - Club de aficionados ""Astronom?a para todos"" - PUJATO (SANTA FE) Argentina",,,ARG,Argentina -33.019102,-61.043299,3/7/2008 21:45,3,-9999.00,clear,,,"Club de aficionados ""Astronom?a para todos"" - PUJATO (SANTA FE) Argentina",ARG,Argentina -33.019102,-61.043299,3/8/2008 23:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,"Taller de Ciencia de la Escuela1345 - Club de aficionados ""Astronom?a para todos"" - PUJATO (SANTA FE) Argentina",ARG,Argentina -33.019003,-61.043299,3/7/2008 21:30,4,-9999.00,clear,,,"Taller de Ciencia de la Escuela1345 - Club de aficionados ""Astronom?a para todos"" - PUJATO (SANTA FE) Argentina",ARG,Argentina -33.019102,-61.043299,3/7/2008 21:45,6,-9999.00,clear,,,"Taller de Ciencia de la Escuela1345 - Club de aficionados ""Astronom?a para todos"" - PUJATO (SANTA FE) Argentina",ARG,Argentina 29.935681,-95.491953,3/5/2008 21:00,3,-9999.00,clear,"Bright, clear sky.",,,USA,United States 38.990220,-76.221489,3/8/2008 18:00,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 33.847081,-117.349234,3/6/2008 20:00,6,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 41.935630,-88.775452,3/7/2008 19:10,4,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,"I live in the middle of campus, there were many lights.",,USA,United States 39.640000,-105.320001,3/3/2008 20:00,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 39.049998,-105.879994,2/25/2008 19:30,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 39.049998,-105.879994,2/25/2008 19:30,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 40.303348,-74.032810,3/8/2008 20:00,1,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,lots of clouds and i could not see hardly any stars because the sky was so light,lots of street lights and porch lights in our neighborhood,,USA,United States 47.472222,-94.883328,3/6/2008 21:24,3,17.67,clear,very clear,"Downtown Bemidji, MN; 2 sets of double streetlights on each side of street per block (lights are about 12 feet high, about 30 meters apart",very clear air; high barometric pressure; estimated temperature -10 to -15 degrees Farenheit. I was surprised that I could see so much of Orion in those light conditions,USA,United States 47.469439,-94.980556,3/6/2008 21:51,7,20.46,clear,very clear,"4.65 miles from downtown streetlighted area; 3 miles from streetlighted 4-lane divided highway; nearest yard light about 200 meters, screened by evergreens",very clear air; high barometric pressure; estimated temperature -10 to -15 degrees Farenheit,USA,United States 49.187751,16.594450,3/6/2008 21:45,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,CZE,Czech Republic 49.187751,16.594450,3/7/2008 21:30,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,CZE,Czech Republic 49.187751,16.594450,3/8/2008 21:40,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,CZE,Czech Republic 41.419999,-75.679999,2/28/2008 19:45,6,-9999.00,clear,A beautiful night to star gaze.,,,USA,United States 35.425251,-80.976674,3/1/2008 22:00,6,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 41.249999,-75.410001,3/5/2008 19:50,6,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,USA,United States 41.419999,-75.679999,3/5/2008 20:26,3,-9999.00,clear,It was a clear night.,,,USA,United States 41.419999,-75.679999,3/5/2008 20:00,1,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,,,USA,United States 41.419999,-75.690005,3/6/2008 19:00,3,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,Could only see half of the sky.,,USA,United States 41.419999,-75.679999,3/8/2008 20:00,2,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 41.249999,-75.679999,3/8/2008 20:00,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 41.419999,-75.679999,3/8/2008 20:40,5,-9999.00,clear,Clear,,clear night. nice night to go star gazing,USA,United States 41.419999,-75.679999,3/3/2008 19:00,3,-9999.00,clear,Can see other stars as well,,Fun family activity,USA,United States 41.419999,-75.679999,3/3/2008 19:00,6,-9999.00,clear,wow!,,,USA,United States 41.389082,-75.642146,3/5/2008 20:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,USA,United States 41.380001,-75.640001,3/4/2008 20:00,2,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,Very cloudy night,,,USA,United States 41.380001,-75.640001,3/3/2008 20:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,Too cloudy for any star gazing,,,USA,United States 41.380001,-75.640001,3/6/2008 20:00,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,Just a few years ago we would have been recording magnitude 7 charts. The lights from the ski area at Sno Mountain are obliterating our view of the constellations.,,Please publish these results so people get more interested in the night sky....and so cities/businesses begin turning off many of the unnecessary lights!,USA,United States 49.194301,16.596091,3/6/2008 23:30,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,"49?11'18.174""N, 16?36'22.642""E",,CZE,Czech Republic 49.109999,16.350001,2/26/2008 23:29,1,-9999.00,clear,,,,CZE,Czech Republic 49.109999,16.350001,2/27/2008 18:55,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,CZE,Czech Republic 49.109999,16.350001,3/1/2008 18:18,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,CZE,Czech Republic 49.109999,16.350001,3/1/2008 22:17,1,-9999.00,clear,,,,CZE,Czech Republic 49.109999,16.350001,3/2/2008 22:34,1,-9999.00,clear,,,,CZE,Czech Republic 49.109999,16.350001,3/3/2008 20:55,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,CZE,Czech Republic 49.109999,16.350001,3/4/2008 23:06,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,CZE,Czech Republic 49.109999,16.350001,3/5/2008 23:17,1,-9999.00,clear,,,,CZE,Czech Republic 49.109999,16.350001,3/6/2008 23:29,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,CZE,Czech Republic 49.109999,16.350001,3/7/2008 21:22,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,CZE,Czech Republic 49.109999,16.350001,3/8/2008 12:19,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,CZE,Czech Republic 47.129238,-88.594951,3/6/2008 22:00,5,-9999.00,clear,Crisp with a slight breeze.,Two streets lights at the back.,"Cold. No, really, cold.",USA,United States 16.042499,103.652000,3/6/2008 19:20,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,THA,Thailand 16.042499,103.652000,3/7/2008 19:25,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,THA,Thailand 16.042499,103.652000,3/8/2008 19:20,3,-9999.00,clear,,,,THA,Thailand 49.559159,15.936110,2/25/2008 20:30,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,CZE,Czech Republic 49.554723,15.964160,2/26/2008 20:00,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,CZE,Czech Republic 49.556383,15.961110,2/27/2008 21:00,3,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,CZE,Czech Republic 49.558329,15.985551,2/28/2008 21:30,2,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,,,CZE,Czech Republic 49.557220,15.937770,2/29/2008 20:30,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,CZE,Czech Republic 49.557500,15.940270,3/1/2008 21:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,CZE,Czech Republic 49.557220,15.937770,3/2/2008 21:00,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,CZE,Czech Republic 49.557220,15.941380,3/3/2008 21:30,-9999,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,CZE,Czech Republic 49.557769,15.929439,3/4/2008 20:00,1,-9999.00,over 1/2 of sky,,,,CZE,Czech Republic 49.560003,15.958609,3/5/2008 20:30,2,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,,,,CZE,Czech Republic 49.556383,15.941380,3/6/2008 21:30,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,,,CZE,Czech Republic 49.568879,15.934440,3/7/2008 22:00,4,-9999.00,clear,,,,CZE,Czech Republic 49.566109,15.936380,3/8/2008 22:30,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,CZE,Czech Republic 32.320001,-110.880000,2/25/2008 20:15,4,18.81,clear,perfectly clear; no moon,an empty lot about 300 feet from any lights,SQM data is average of three measurements.,USA,United States 39.400038,-76.933297,2/25/2008 23:59,1,17.45,1/4 of sky,in shadow of building from direct lights,parking lot Pap paps restaurant,,USA,United States 39.394851,-76.997774,2/25/2008 23:59,-9999,19.18,clear,3/4 moon,Front Yard,,USA,United States 39.395209,-76.998498,2/25/2008 23:59,-9999,19.36,clear,3/4 moon,Back Yard,in shadow from neighbors dusk to dawn light,USA,United States 39.394851,-76.997774,2/27/2008 20:26,4,19.50,clear,,Front Yard,neighbors front porch light on 75 ft,USA,United States 39.394851,-76.997774,2/27/2008 20:30,-9999,19.63,clear,,Front Yard,neighbors front porch light off,USA,United States 39.395209,-76.998498,2/27/2008 20:33,-9999,19.87,clear,,Back Yard,in shadow from neighbors dusk to dawn light,USA,United States 39.394298,-77.000062,2/27/2008 20:38,-9999,20.04,clear,,corner martz rd & white rock,no lights directly visible,USA,United States 39.402740,-77.010813,2/27/2008 20:40,-9999,19.51,clear,,Streaker & Patrick,Yard light unshielded light 100 ft,USA,United States 39.399608,-76.933516,2/27/2008 21:33,-9999,16.56,clear,,parking lot Pap paps restaurant,3 dusk to dawn lights within 75 ft,USA,United States 39.406069,-76.943488,2/27/2008 21:42,-9999,18.42,clear,,Georgetown at London fog,undeveloped field near business park,USA,United States 39.414549,-76.954874,2/27/2008 21:48,-9999,18.68,clear,,liberty HS,full cut off parking lot lights,USA,United States 39.427608,-76.960488,2/27/2008 21:59,-9999,19.14,clear,,& barthelow,no lights directly visible,USA,United States 39.432991,-76.969661,2/27/2008 22:02,-9999,18.93,clear,,Linton & barthelow,2 Yard light unshielded lights within 100 ft,USA,United States 39.440251,-76.977509,2/27/2008 22:07,-9999,19.74,clear,,farm on barthelow,no lights directly visible,USA,United States 39.448140,-76.990357,2/27/2008 22:12,-9999,19.67,clear,,corner klees mill & barthelow,no lights directly visible,USA,United States 39.427639,-76.993710,2/27/2008 22:17,-9999,19.21,clear,,corner rons dale & klees mill,bus park within 100Yard light unshieldeds,USA,United States 39.424091,-76.990302,2/27/2008 22:20,-9999,15.09,clear,,century high school,front entrance 45 lights on this side of school,USA,United States 39.424357,-76.990213,2/27/2008 22:25,-9999,17.62,clear,,century high school,other side of school parking lot 37 lights,USA,United States 39.423118,-76.984292,2/27/2008 22:31,-9999,19.24,clear,,corner Linton & rons dale,no Yard light unshielded lights with in 100 ft,USA,United States 39.410229,-76.838679,2/28/2008 22:14,-9999,19.18,1/4 of sky,slight haze-no cloudspatchy haze maybe high clouds,soldiers delight nature center,wall pack 75 ft,USA,United States 39.414361,-76.835728,2/28/2008 22:21,-9999,18.96,clear,no visible haze at this time,soldiers delight overlook,no lights directly visible,USA,United States 39.414361,-76.835728,2/28/2008 22:22,-9999,18.09,clear,no visible haze at this time,soldiers delight overlook,pointed light meter towards Eldersburg 5 miles away,USA,United States 39.414293,-76.841302,2/28/2008 22:24,-9999,19.10,clear,no visible haze at this time,wards chapel power line,no lights directly visible,USA,United States 39.413750,-76.852927,2/28/2008 22:30,-9999,18.16,clear,no visible haze at this time,5016 wards chapel road,street lights approx every 100 Yard light unshieldeds,USA,United States 39.395712,-76.863418,2/28/2008 22:33,-9999,16.43,clear,no visible haze at this time,corner wards chapel & rte 26,3 dusk to dawn lights within 75 ft,USA,United States 39.397460,-76.895369,2/28/2008 22:39,-9999,18.74,clear,no visible haze at this time,Rte 26 & Oakland mills rd,red led sign within 75 ft,USA,United States 39.414611,-76.894174,2/28/2008 22:44,-9999,19.52,clear,patchy haze maybe high clouds,5858 Oakland rd,Yard light unshielded light 100 ft,USA,United States 39.415970,-76.912841,2/28/2008 22:51,-9999,19.34,clear,no visible haze at this time,corner mineral hill & Oklahoma road,no lights within 100 ft,USA,United States 39.413368,-76.939567,2/28/2008 22:56,-9999,19.03,clear,no visible haze at this time,corner Benfield & spring mountain,3 dusk to dawn lights within 150 ft,USA,United States 39.412862,-76.949061,2/28/2008 22:59,-9999,18.63,clear,no visible haze at this time,Sykesville post office,street in front of post office,USA,United States 39.404369,-76.950953,2/28/2008 23:01,-9999,18.12,clear,no visible haze at this time,corner rte 32 & rte 26,in shadow of building parkinging lights off,USA,United States 39.398621,-76.936159,3/2/2008 21:36,-9999,18.39,clear,no visible haze at this time,Eldersburg library,Denny's & strip mall 100 Yard light unshieldeds in shadow of tree,USA,United States 39.408549,-76.950694,3/2/2008 21:41,-9999,18.47,clear,no visible haze at this time,corner barthelow & rte 32,2 dusk to dawn lights within 75 ft,USA,United States 39.414501,-76.955072,3/2/2008 21:45,-9999,18.85,clear,no visible haze at this time,corner barthelow & johnsville rd,3 Yard light unshielded lights within 75 ft,USA,United States 39.432041,-76.963016,3/2/2008 22:00,-9999,19.06,clear,no visible haze at this time,corner cherry tree & barthelow,no lights directly visible,USA,United States 39.433681,-76.992139,3/2/2008 22:11,-9999,19.56,clear,no visible haze at this time,corner Richards & klees mill,1 Yard light unshielded light within 75 ft,USA,United States 39.424542,-76.992051,3/2/2008 22:21,-9999,18.21,clear,no visible haze at this time,century high school back parking lot,shadow of building,USA,United States 39.422629,-76.986382,3/2/2008 22:28,-9999,19.16,clear,no visible haze at this time,Linton elementary school,full cut off parking lot lights,USA,United States 39.394851,-76.997774,3/2/2008 22:40,-9999,19.53,clear,no visible haze at this time,Front Yard,neighbors front porch light on 75 ft,USA,United States 39.395209,-76.998498,3/2/2008 22:42,-9999,19.64,clear,no visible haze at this time,Back Yard,neighbors dusk to dawn light in view,USA,United States 39.394298,-77.000062,3/3/2008 21:31,-9999,20.04,clear,very clear,corner white rock & martz rd,"trees on 3 sides, no visible lights",USA,United States 39.424241,-76.987556,3/3/2008 21:35,-9999,19.08,clear,very clear,1/2 way between Cent HS & Linton ES,parkinging lot lights off ES,USA,United States 39.434910,-76.972188,3/3/2008 21:39,-9999,19.54,clear,very clear,4788 barthelow rd,1 Yard light unshielded light within 75 ft,USA,United States 39.444110,-76.982516,3/3/2008 21:44,-9999,18.78,clear,very clear,5603 barthelow rd,no lights directly visible,USA,United States 39.398628,-76.930155,3/3/2008 21:52,-9999,17.13,clear,very clear,corner rte 26 & liberty station,used car lot within 100 ft,USA,United States 39.414880,-76.944171,3/3/2008 21:58,-9999,18.86,clear,very clear,corner kings ct & Benfield,3 dusk to dawn lights within 150 ft,USA,United States 39.413590,-76.922991,3/3/2008 22:03,-9999,19.34,clear,very clear,corner Benfield & Oklahoma rd,1 Yard light unshielded light full cut off within 75 ft,USA,United States 39.412230,-76.910532,3/3/2008 22:07,-9999,19.58,clear,very clear,corner mineral hill & snow run,no lights directly visible,USA,United States 39.409590,-76.901742,3/3/2008 22:09,-9999,19.51,clear,very clear,corner Oakland mills & Oakland,2 Yard light unshielded lights within 100 ft,USA,United States 39.397542,-76.895335,3/3/2008 22:14,-9999,19.26,clear,very clear,Oakland mills boat dock,near water 3 dusk to dawn lights visible,USA,United States 39.396541,-76.882727,3/3/2008 22:16,-9999,19.17,clear,very clear,1-st bridge liberty reservoir rte 26,3 dusk to dawn lights within 150 ft,USA,United States 39.405861,-76.858261,3/3/2008 22:21,-9999,19.25,clear,very clear,4611 wards chapel rd,1 Yard light unshielded light full cut off within 75 ft,USA,United States 39.416482,-76.847968,3/3/2008 22:24,-9999,19.06,clear,very clear,wards chapel pull off,no lights directly visible,USA,United States 39.410048,-76.835776,3/3/2008 22:29,-9999,18.93,clear,very clear,soldiers delight nature center front gate,1 dusk to dawn light within 50 ft,USA,United States 39.409990,-76.838706,3/3/2008 22:31,-9999,19.73,clear,very clear,soldiers delight nature center front door,wall pack off no visible lights,USA,United States 39.394851,-76.997774,3/5/2008 20:21,-9999,19.56,clear,very clear,Front Yard,neighbors front porch light on 75 ft,USA,United States 39.399680,-76.999994,3/5/2008 20:25,-9999,19.43,clear,very clear,corner streaker & whiterock,1 Yard light unshielded light within 100 ft,USA,United States 39.402610,-77.010834,3/5/2008 20:27,-9999,19.73,clear,very clear,corner streaker & Patrick,no lights directly visible,USA,United States 39.410772,-77.024617,3/5/2008 20:29,-9999,19.62,clear,very clear,corner streaker & hidden hollow,no lights directly visible,USA,United States 39.413361,-77.031434,3/5/2008 20:33,-9999,19.65,clear,very clear,corner streaker & lee ave,no lights directly visible,USA,United States 39.415000,-77.041180,3/5/2008 20:37,-9999,19.51,clear,very clear,corner streaker & clay summit,3 Yard light unshielded lights within 75 ft,USA,United States 39.425829,-77.051084,3/5/2008 20:45,-9999,19.42,clear,very clear,Winfield church,3 dusk to dawn full cutoff lights within 100 ft,USA,United States 39.408952,-77.053331,3/5/2008 20:58,-9999,19.79,clear,very clear,corner woodbine rd & fanny Dorsey,1 dusk to dawn light within 75 ft,USA,United States 39.387191,-77.055394,3/5/2008 21:02,-9999,19.30,clear,very clear,corner woodbine rd & hoods mill,1 dusk to dawn light & 1 Yard light unshielded light within 75 ft,USA,United States 39.384479,-77.046433,3/5/2008 21:04,-9999,19.51,clear,very clear,corner hoods mill & Dorsey rd,no lights directly visible,USA,United States 39.373551,-77.030614,3/5/2008 21:06,-9999,19.69,clear,very clear,corner hoods mill & Vicky rd,no lights directly visible,USA,United States 39.363869,-77.020949,3/5/2008 21:08,-9999,19.67,clear,very clear,hoods mill cell tower road,no lights directly visible,USA,United States 39.361438,-77.017541,3/5/2008 21:10,-9999,19.60,clear,very clear,corner hoods mill & rte 97,no lights directly visible,USA,United States 39.381068,-77.018668,3/5/2008 21:13,-9999,19.62,clear,very clear,Rte 97 creek bridge,no lights directly visible1 side trees,USA,United States 27.507561,-109.942741,3/5/2008 21:07,-9999,17.52,clear,perfectly clear; no moon,,SQM data is average of three measurements.,MEX,Mexico 39.388410,-77.015376,3/5/2008 21:15,-9999,19.67,clear,very clear,corner obrecht & kitty hawk,2 Yard light unshielded lights within 100 ft,USA,United States 39.384708,-77.005370,3/5/2008 21:17,-9999,19.00,clear,very clear,corner obrecht & white rock,1 dusk to dawn light & 1 Yard light unshielded light within 75 ft,USA,United States 39.408822,-76.994332,3/5/2008 22:10,-9999,19.58,clear,very clear,whiterock power sub station,no lights directly visible,USA,United States 39.416882,-76.986327,3/5/2008 22:12,-9999,18.99,clear,very clear,Corner Whiterock & rte 26,2 dusk to dawn lights within 75 ft,USA,United States 39.407371,-76.965392,3/5/2008 22:15,-9999,18.92,clear,very clear,corner rte 26 & martz rd,3 dusk to dawn full cutoff lights within 100 ft,USA,United States 39.402128,-76.944588,3/5/2008 22:19,-9999,17.66,clear,very clear,corner rte 26 & Georgetown blvd,bus park within 100 ft,USA,United States 41.747800,-86.176804,3/2/2008 23:59,-9999,17.24,over 1/2 of sky,80% clouds,Home,Actual observation took place at 1:20am EST,USA,United States 41.747800,-86.176804,3/2/2008 23:59,-9999,17.57,over 1/2 of sky,80% clouds,Home,Actual observation too place at 1:20am,USA,United States 41.747800,-86.176804,3/2/2008 23:59,-9999,17.34,over 1/2 of sky,80% clouds,Home,Actual observation took place at 1:20am,USA,United States 41.747800,-86.176804,3/2/2008 23:59,5,19.01,clear,light haze,Home,Actual observation took place at 2:30am EST,USA,United States 41.747800,-86.176804,3/2/2008 23:59,5,18.92,clear,light haze,Home,,USA,United States 41.747800,-86.176804,3/2/2008 23:59,5,18.72,clear,light haze,Home,Actual observation took place at 2:30am EST,USA,United States 41.717802,-86.188497,3/8/2008 22:10,3,15.75,clear,clear,U.P.-East,Actual observation date was 09MAR08,USA,United States 41.717802,-86.188497,3/8/2008 22:10,3,14.47,clear,clear,U.P.-East,Actual observation date was 09MAR08,USA,United States 41.717802,-86.188497,3/8/2008 22:10,3,14.32,clear,clear,U.P.-East,Actual date of observation was 09MAR08,USA,United States 41.729099,-86.177398,3/8/2008 21:50,4,18.24,clear,clear,Toscana,Actual date of observation was 09MAR08,USA,United States 41.729099,-86.177398,3/8/2008 21:50,4,18.32,clear,clear,Toscana,Actual date of observation was 09MAR08,USA,United States 41.729099,-86.177398,3/8/2008 21:50,4,18.11,clear,clear,Toscana,Actual date of observation was 09MAR08,USA,United States 41.732398,-86.170001,3/8/2008 21:39,4,18.58,clear,clear,BH-F,Actual date of observation was 09MAR08,USA,United States 41.732398,-86.170001,3/8/2008 21:39,4,18.48,clear,clear,BH-F,Actual date of observation was 09MAR08,USA,United States 41.733299,-86.176804,3/8/2008 21:36,4,18.53,clear,clear,BH-C,Actual date of observation was 09MAR08,USA,United States 41.733299,-86.176804,3/8/2008 21:36,4,18.56,clear,clear,BH-C,Actual date of observation was 09MAR08,USA,United States 41.733299,-86.176804,3/8/2008 21:36,4,18.41,clear,clear,BH-C,Actual date of observation was 09MAR08,USA,United States 41.731401,-86.175793,3/8/2008 21:34,4,18.56,clear,clear,BH-B,Actual observation was on 09MAR08,USA,United States 41.731401,-86.175793,3/8/2008 21:34,4,18.49,clear,clear,BH-B,Actual observation was made on 09MAR08,USA,United States 41.731401,-86.175793,3/8/2008 21:34,4,18.43,clear,clear,clear,Actual date of observation was 09MAR08,USA,United States 41.732101,-86.177303,3/8/2008 21:32,4,18.45,clear,clear,BH-A,Date of actual observation was 09MAR08,USA,United States 41.732101,-86.177303,3/8/2008 21:32,4,18.51,clear,clear,BH-A,Date of actual observation was 09MAR08,USA,United States 27.503309,-109.842788,3/5/2008 21:07,-9999,18.00,clear,perfectly clear; no moon,,SQM data is average of three measurements.,MEX,Mexico 27.502359,-109.942789,3/5/2008 21:18,-9999,16.01,clear,perfectly clear; no moon,,SQM data is average of three measurements.,MEX,Mexico 41.732101,-86.177303,3/8/2008 21:32,4,18.34,clear,clear,BH-A,Actual date of observation was 09MAR08,USA,United States 27.497940,-109.942700,3/5/2008 21:26,-9999,16.02,clear,perfectly clear; no moon,,SQM data is average of three measurements.,MEX,Mexico 27.495931,-109.942700,3/5/2008 21:35,-9999,17.12,clear,perfectly clear; no moon,,SQM data is average of three measurements.,MEX,Mexico 41.747800,-86.176804,3/8/2008 20:50,5,18.72,clear,clear,Home,Actual date of observation was 10MAR08,USA,United States 27.490480,-109.942755,3/5/2008 21:58,-9999,17.31,clear,perfectly clear; no moon,,SQM data is average of three measurements.,MEX,Mexico 41.747800,-86.176804,3/8/2008 20:50,5,18.98,clear,clear,Home,Actual date of observation was 10MAR08,USA,United States 27.487721,-109.942755,3/5/2008 22:14,-9999,16.28,clear,perfectly clear; no moon,,SQM data is average of three measurements.,MEX,Mexico 27.484970,-109.942734,3/5/2008 22:25,-9999,17.89,clear,perfectly clear; no moon,,SQM data is average of three measurements.,MEX,Mexico 27.482800,-109.942748,3/5/2008 22:33,-9999,16.76,clear,perfectly clear; no moon,,SQM data is average of three measurements.,MEX,Mexico 41.747800,-86.176804,3/8/2008 20:50,5,18.58,clear,clear,Home,Actual date of observation was 10MAR08,USA,United States 27.480440,-109.942721,3/5/2008 22:48,-9999,16.59,clear,perfectly clear; no moon,,SQM data is average of three measurements.,MEX,Mexico 27.478109,-109.942748,3/6/2008 23:06,-9999,15.84,clear,perfectly clear; no moon,,SQM data is average of three measurements.,MEX,Mexico 27.490511,-109.927940,3/6/2008 20:06,-9999,16.92,clear,perfectly clear; no moon,,SQM data is average of three measurements.,MEX,Mexico 27.490571,-109.932134,3/6/2008 20:15,-9999,15.59,clear,perfectly clear; no moon,,SQM data is average of three measurements.,MEX,Mexico 27.490548,-109.934866,3/6/2008 20:26,-9999,15.14,clear,perfectly clear; no moon,,SQM data is average of three measurements.,MEX,Mexico 27.490511,-109.937345,3/6/2008 20:41,-9999,16.43,clear,perfectly clear; no moon,,SQM data is average of three measurements.,MEX,Mexico 27.490499,-109.940289,3/6/2008 20:53,-9999,17.36,clear,perfectly clear; no moon,,SQM data is average of three measurements.,MEX,Mexico 27.490490,-109.945330,3/6/2008 21:01,-9999,16.88,clear,perfectly clear; no moon,,SQM data is average of three measurements.,MEX,Mexico 27.490511,-109.948738,3/6/2008 21:14,-9999,17.98,clear,perfectly clear; no moon,,SQM data is average of three measurements.,MEX,Mexico 27.490540,-109.952078,3/6/2008 21:20,-9999,17.52,clear,perfectly clear; no moon,,SQM data is average of three measurements.,MEX,Mexico 27.503519,-109.931662,3/6/2008 21:27,-9999,17.61,clear,perfectly clear; no moon,,SQM data is average of three measurements.,MEX,Mexico 27.501330,-109.932776,3/6/2008 21:53,-9999,17.42,clear,perfectly clear; no moon,,SQM data is average of three measurements.,MEX,Mexico 27.499689,-109.933937,3/6/2008 22:04,-9999,15.92,clear,perfectly clear; no moon,,SQM data is average of three measurements.,MEX,Mexico 27.496960,-109.935385,3/6/2008 22:11,-9999,17.61,clear,perfectly clear; no moon,,SQM data is average of three measurements.,MEX,Mexico 27.494580,-109.937373,3/6/2008 22:30,-9999,17.90,clear,perfectly clear; no moon,,SQM data is average of three measurements.,MEX,Mexico 27.492492,-109.945890,3/6/2008 22:39,-9999,17.77,clear,perfectly clear; no moon,,SQM data is average of three measurements.,MEX,Mexico 27.487739,-109.939797,3/6/2008 22:48,-9999,17.83,clear,perfectly clear; no moon,,SQM data is average of three measurements.,MEX,Mexico 27.485689,-109.948198,3/6/2008 22:59,-9999,17.07,clear,perfectly clear; no moon,,SQM data is average of three measurements.,MEX,Mexico 27.484329,-109.951531,3/6/2008 23:09,-9999,17.12,clear,perfectly clear; no moon,,SQM data is average of three measurements.,MEX,Mexico 33.015202,-117.258598,2/23/2008 21:30,-9999,17.20,clear,clear,,Actual observation date was 12FEB08,USA,United States 27.480539,-109.950609,3/6/2008 23:20,-9999,17.18,clear,perfectly clear; no moon,,SQM data is average of three measurements.,MEX,Mexico 27.502460,-109.954434,3/6/2008 23:33,-9999,18.71,clear,perfectly clear; no moon,,SQM data is average of three measurements.,MEX,Mexico 27.499631,-109.956490,3/6/2008 23:52,-9999,19.26,clear,perfectly clear; no moon,,SQM data is average of three measurements.,MEX,Mexico 33.015202,-117.258598,2/23/2008 21:30,-9999,17.59,clear,clear,,Actual date of observation was 12FEB08,USA,United States 27.496410,-109.951231,3/6/2008 23:59,-9999,17.88,clear,perfectly clear; no moon,,SQM data is average of three measurements.,MEX,Mexico 27.496690,-109.949537,3/6/2008 23:59,-9999,17.77,clear,perfectly clear; no moon,,SQM data is average of three measurements.,MEX,Mexico 33.015202,-117.258598,2/23/2008 21:30,-9999,17.30,clear,clear,,Actual date of observation was 12FEB08,USA,United States 27.497249,-109.946006,3/6/2008 23:59,-9999,16.65,clear,perfectly clear; no moon,,SQM data is average of three measurements.,MEX,Mexico 27.487760,-109.939825,3/6/2008 23:59,-9999,17.42,clear,perfectly clear; no moon,,SQM data is average of three measurements.,MEX,Mexico 27.486460,-109.935870,3/6/2008 23:59,-9999,17.39,clear,perfectly clear; no moon,,SQM data is average of three measurements.,MEX,Mexico 33.015202,-117.258598,2/23/2008 21:30,-9999,17.66,clear,clear,,Actual date of observation was 12FEB08,USA,United States 27.484070,-109.935870,3/6/2008 23:59,-9999,15.74,clear,perfectly clear; no moon,,SQM data is average of three measurements.,MEX,Mexico 27.474818,-109.929231,3/6/2008 23:59,-9999,17.68,clear,perfectly clear; no moon,,SQM data is average of three measurements.,MEX,Mexico 27.525990,-109.935890,3/6/2008 23:59,-9999,19.01,clear,perfectly clear; no moon,,SQM data is average of three measurements.,MEX,Mexico 33.015202,-117.258598,2/23/2008 21:00,-9999,15.63,1/2 of sky,>1/2,,Actual date of observation was 19FEB08,USA,United States 27.532170,-109.936000,3/6/2008 23:59,-9999,19.32,clear,perfectly clear; no moon,,SQM data is average of three measurements.,MEX,Mexico 27.523849,-109.935979,3/6/2008 23:59,-9999,19.05,clear,perfectly clear; no moon,,SQM data is average of three measurements.,MEX,Mexico 27.522970,-109.929709,3/6/2008 23:59,-9999,17.00,clear,perfectly clear; no moon,,SQM data is average of three measurements.,MEX,Mexico 33.015202,-117.258598,2/23/2008 21:00,-9999,15.66,clear,>1/2,,Actual date of observation was 19FEB08,USA,United States 51.281170,7.304320,2/24/2008 22:30,5,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,"no moon, thin high clouds in the west","in the midst of a residential area, 280m above sea level","no moon, thin high clouds in the west",DEU,Germany 51.281170,7.304320,2/24/2008 23:09,4,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,,"in the midst of a residential area, 280m above sea level",,DEU,Germany 51.281170,7.304320,2/25/2008 19:54,5,-9999.00,1/2 of sky,"no moon, thick clouds coming from west",,,DEU,Germany 51.281170,7.304320,2/27/2008 21:54,5,-9999.00,clear,,,,DEU,Germany 51.281170,7.304320,3/5/2008 22:00,5,-9999.00,1/4 of sky,"no moon, thick clouds coming from west",,,DEU,Germany 33.015202,-117.258598,2/23/2008 21:00,-9999,15.62,1/2 of sky,,,Actual Date of observation 19FEB08,USA,United States 33.015202,-117.258598,2/23/2008 21:00,-9999,15.62,1/2 of sky,,,Actual Date of observation 19FEB08,USA,United States 33.015202,-117.258598,2/26/2008 21:30,-9999,18.22,clear,,,,USA,United States 33.015202,-117.258598,2/26/2008 21:30,-9999,18.09,clear,,,,USA,United States 33.015202,-117.258598,2/26/2008 21:30,-9999,17.96,clear,,,,USA,United States 33.015202,-117.258598,2/26/2008 21:30,-9999,17.94,clear,,,,USA,United States 33.015202,-117.258598,3/4/2008 21:30,-9999,18.27,clear,,,,USA,United States 33.015202,-117.258598,3/4/2008 21:30,-9999,17.51,clear,,,,USA,United States 33.015202,-117.258598,3/4/2008 21:30,-9999,18.17,clear,,,,USA,United States 33.015202,-117.258598,3/4/2008 21:30,-9999,18.37,clear,,,,USA,United States 33.015202,-117.258598,3/8/2008 18:00,-9999,17.83,clear,,,,USA,United States 33.015202,-117.258598,3/8/2008 21:30,-9999,17.83,clear,,,Actual Date of observation 11MAR08,USA,United States 33.015202,-117.258598,3/8/2008 21:30,-9999,17.85,clear,,,Actual Date of observation 11MAR08,USA,United States 33.015202,-117.258598,3/8/2008 21:30,-9999,17.89,clear,,,Actual Date of observation 11MAR08,USA,United States 46.498999,-87.611000,2/27/2008 20:25,-9999,19.92,clear,,,,USA,United States 36.099998,-115.129996,2/26/2008 20:10,4,17.17,clear,"can see the Luxor light., streetlights in neighborhood",,,USA,United States 36.099998,-115.129996,2/27/2008 20:35,3,17.15,clear,"can see the Luxor light., streetlights in neighborhood",,,USA,United States 36.099998,-115.129996,2/28/2008 20:55,3,17.05,1/4 of sky,"can see the Luxor light., streetlights in neighborhood",,,USA,United States 36.099998,-115.129996,2/29/2008 20:45,2,17.00,1/4 of sky,"can see the Luxor light., streetlights in neighborhood",,,USA,United States 36.099998,-115.129996,3/2/2008 20:45,2,16.85,clear,"can see the Luxor light., streetlights in neighborhood",,,USA,United States 36.099998,-115.129996,3/3/2008 21:00,3,17.03,clear,"can see the Luxor light., streetlights in neighborhood",,,USA,United States 36.099998,-115.129996,3/5/2008 20:30,2,16.90,clear,"can see the Luxor light., streetlights in neighborhood",,,USA,United States 36.099998,-115.129996,3/7/2008 21:00,3,16.95,clear,"can see the Luxor light., streetlights in neighborhood",,,USA,United States 36.049998,-115.080000,2/25/2008 21:21,3,17.97,clear,backyard - no lights,small streaks of clouds,,USA,United States 36.049998,-115.080000,2/26/2008 19:00,3,17.81,clear,backyard - no lights,,,USA,United States 36.049998,-115.080000,2/27/2008 20:32,3,17.50,clear,backyard - no lights,,,USA,United States 36.049998,-115.080000,2/28/2008 20:19,3,17.90,clear,backyard - no lights,,wind,USA,United States 36.049998,-115.080000,2/29/2008 20:00,3,17.84,clear,backyard - no lights,light from luxor visible,,USA,United States 36.049998,-115.080000,3/1/2008 20:15,3,17.63,clear,backyard - no lights,,,USA,United States 36.049998,-115.080000,3/2/2008 20:30,3,17.90,clear,backyard - no lights,,,USA,United States 36.049998,-115.080000,3/3/2008 20:15,3,17.91,clear,backyard - no lights,small streaks of clouds,,USA,United States 36.049998,-115.080000,3/4/2008 20:00,3,17.86,clear,backyard - no lights,,,USA,United States 36.049998,-115.080000,3/5/2008 20:21,3,17.78,clear,backyard - no lights,,,USA,United States 36.049998,-115.080000,3/6/2008 20:15,3,17.91,clear,backyard - no lights,,,USA,United States 36.049998,-115.080000,3/7/2008 19:25,2,16.97,clear,backyard - no lights,reflection in sky,wind,USA,United States 36.049998,-115.080000,3/8/2008 20:00,3,17.87,clear,backyard - no lights,clear,,USA,United States 46.498999,-87.611000,3/1/2008 22:45,-9999,20.22,clear,,,,USA,United States 46.498999,-87.611000,3/3/2008 22:50,-9999,20.06,clear,,,,USA,United States 46.498999,-87.611000,3/5/2008 22:10,-9999,20.05,clear,,,,USA,United States