time_reported,lat,lon,obs_day,obs_hr,obs_min,timezone,Lmag,pct_cloud,sky_comment,location_comment,other_comment 20060321192800,39.95000,-75.16000,22,21,0,EST,1,75,litly cloudy,yes,thin layer clouds 20060322002100,35.35000,-82.34000,22,19,0,EST,1,25,No Haze,There are few lights,No stars are visible from this location 20060322022900,41.98333,-87.90000,22,19,0,CST,3,0,null,null,null 20060322034100,32.30000,-110.03222,22,20,0,MST,6,25,very windy| clouds around| clear where no clouds,backyard| no street lights,null 20060322034800,38.23600,-122.64500,22,19,0,PST,4,25,Relatively clear,3 lights within 50 m shielded from my view....residential duplex,Thanks for doing this. 20060322060200,60.00000,20.00000,22,20,0,WET,7,0,null,null,null 20060322060700,60.21333,24.82194,22,22,0,EET,5,0,null,suburban area,Observation requires eye acclimatization for 5-10 minutes| if observed without acclimatization magnitude observed would be about 4 20060322071300,21.41829,-157.75255,22,20,0,HST,1,75,There were clouds covering the entire sky| not making any stars visible.,There is a street lamp within 50 meters of the end of my driveway.,null 20060322090600,-34.36200,144.90600,22,20,0,null,6,25,null,2 km out of a small town of 3000 people,null 20060322101800,-37.69694,145.13139,22,20,0,AEST,5,0,Average quality sky| sometimes a lot better and a lot worse.,My back yard| facing north to treed large vacant block of land| faint visible lights in distance.Area fully surrounded by suburbs.,null 20060322124100,18.00000,50.00000,22,20,0,null,5,25,there is a little bit of fog to the ease of my location,there are a few street lights surrounding me one is at about 6m away and another is about 15m away,there are a bunch of clouds blocking some of the stars so there is not as much stars 20060322124600,1.30000,103.83333,22,20,0,null,3,25,null,null,null 20060322125300,40.57257,-73.53743,22,23,0,EST,7,0,extremely clear and cold,open parking lot,clod out here cant stay any longer 20060322130800,10.00000,10.00000,23,19,0,null,2,75,little but of ran,null,null 20060322131100,1.29300,103.85600,22,21,0,null,3,0,Clear.,There are high rise residential flats about 100 m away. It is dark on where I'm standing.,Between Chart 3 and 4 20060322141400,19.04417,-72.81750,22,19,0,IST,4,0,In the sky| we can't see any clouds.,In the 17th floor of my building on the sea side. There isn't any direct light closed to the terrace,null 20060322142300,18.96000,72.82000,22,19,0,null,5,0,I cant see the stars very clearly| ITS NOT DUE TO THE FACT THAT I NEED GLASSES| but there is a little fog.,I can see streetlights with 100m of my view. by the way| i am in bombay.,i can see many stars| though it is unclear. 20060322152800,23.45000,20.03944,22,21,0,NPT,7,0,not clody,null,null 20060322153600,39.18000,-76.67000,22,12,0,EST,5,25,mostly clear| windy night,in a park| largest open area| 2 streetlamps within sight,null 20060322154600,52.11667,20.63333,22,21,0,CET,5,75,null,There is two street ligtht within 20 m thant is shielded from my view.,null 20060322162300,65.04111,25.44889,22,22,0,CET,4,0,null,Oulu City,null 20060322162900,12.96667,77.58333,22,20,0,IST,1,25,very dark but not many stars showing,preety dark place,compare to 2days ago| I saw more stars. I think today's condition was bad. 20060322182700,61.47500,21.73167,22,20,0,BT,4,0,null,null,null 20060322184800,61.14500,21.50722,22,20,0,null,4,0,null,Backyard of a suburban house,null 20060322185500,62.18364,25.71764,22,20,0,EET,3,0,null,null,null 20060322190300,60.22944,25.02861,22,21,0,EET,2,25,null,There are several streetlights within 50 m and a spot lighted sports field about 200 m away.,null 20060322190700,60.15694,24.74250,22,22,0,EET,3,0,null,null,null 20060322191000,60.41889,24.28278,22,21,0,EET,5,0,Clear sky| fair to good seeing,A few lights from nearby houses. Spotty horizon glow from communities below horizon,null 20060322191200,63.95833,23.71389,22,20,0,null,3,0,null,There are two street lights about 50 m behind me.,Seeing has been much better many times this winter. 20060322191300,60.90917,23.26833,22,21,0,EET,5,0,null,null,null 20060322191600,60.00000,30.00000,22,20,0,EET,3,50,Exelent sky,Finland| Helsinki. From street lights on,null 20060322192200,52.48389,13.46861,22,20,0,CET,4,0,null,Archenhold Observatorium Berlin,null 20060322192500,60.36667,24.66667,22,21,0,EET,4,0,null,null,null 20060322192800,39.96800,-74.14000,22,18,0,WET,4,25,null,null,null 20060322193200,60.89889,21.71417,22,20,0,CET,4,0,null,There were several streetlights in 50m radius mut I menaged to shielt them from my view.,null 20060322193500,52.46944,13.48250,22,20,0,CET,4,0,null,null,null 20060322193700,63.67139,22.68639,22,21,0,CST,5,0,null,null,null 20060322193900,61.33333,22.90000,22,20,0,CET,5,0,null,Countryside| no artificial light,null 20060322194400,60.52250,27.33778,22,20,0,EET,5,0,Normal seeing,Observation was made in an area where are some one-family houses| no street lightning.,null 20060322194400,60.48750,25.07194,22,20,0,EET,4,0,null,One lamp shielted from my view,null 20060322194700,53.68361,10.08722,22,20,0,CET,5,0,null,null,null 20060322195000,52.26444,9.63722,22,20,0,CET,5,0,haze to the west,house and trees shield view,null 20060322195300,39.56667,2.38000,22,20,0,CET,3,25,too much luminosity caused by the town fair.,To the north there's a park with 20 streetlights.,null 20060322200800,53.68361,10.13722,22,20,0,CET,5,0,null,The city of Hamburg ist 12 miles in direktion of the orion.,null 20060322202500,61.50312,23.79248,22,20,0,EET,3,0,Sky very clear| no clouds sighted before or during the observation.,Coordinate system EUREF-FIN. Location 1.6 kilometres east from the centre of Tampere| Finland. Site in a park| highest elevation point. Some street lights at 100 m distance| but they were shielded off from my wiew. The ground was covered with clean white,Magnitude actually somewhere between 2 and 3| but clearly closer to 3. 20060322203300,52.36300,4.59600,22,21,0,CET,5,0,nothing,Nothing interesting,null 20060322204600,36.85081,-2.45356,22,21,0,CET,3,0,No signs of any cloud,null,I can appreciate one or two stars mor than in the chart| but defintetly is not magnitude 4 20060322205300,60.23333,24.90889,22,21,0,EET,3,0,Visual limiting magnitude in zenith about six magnitudes.,A lighted highway about 400 meters to west. No unshielded bright lights visible. Snow on ground.,Visibility between magnitude 3 chart and magnitude 4 chart. 20060322205400,41.52472,2.00000,22,20,0,CET,3,0,little haze over all the sky,There's no direct light on my eyes| but there's a lot of street lights behind the building,null 20060322210600,50.76667,6.30000,22,22,0,CET,4,0,temperature under 0 and absolutely clear sky,village in a valley between forrest| jet cities and villages all around| street lamps all ablaze,null 20060322214100,56.15861,15.59222,22,20,0,CET,4,0,Unusually clear night,Made from our observatory on roof top 20 m above the streets of the 20 000 people city of Karlskrona. About 40 lights below us in vicinity.,Windy 20060322221200,35.07870,33.21530,25,19,0,null,2,50,null,null,null 20060322222900,60.86667,21.40000,22,21,0,EET,4,0,null,null,null 20060322224500,47.46667,19.00000,22,19,0,CET,2,75,null,there are many street lights about 20m downer,null 20060322231000,47.66833,16.58611,22,21,0,CET,3,0,null,There is four street lights within 100 m that is shielded from my view,null 20060322234800,19.20500,-96.19200,22,20,0,CST,7,0,null,null,null 20060323002200,53.91200,-8.03200,22,21,0,null,2,75,Hay nubes difusas en el cielo,Estamos mirando a 10 m de un foco de luz,null 20060323002700,28.68333,-80.73333,22,19,0,EST,4,0,null,null,null 20060323003600,40.74500,-74.03700,22,19,0,EST,3,50,null,null,null 20060323003900,34.01667,-79.05000,22,19,0,EST,3,0,Very clear night,There is a street light on each side approx 25 feet from my location.,null 20060323004100,35.85000,-78.78333,22,19,0,null,4,0,null,THERE WAS A STREETLIGHT 75 METERS AWAY SHEILDED FROM VIEW,null 20060323004200,40.00000,30.00000,22,19,0,EST,3,25,null,null,null 20060323004400,39.96700,-74.11200,22,19,0,null,2,75,Mostly Cloudy--stars not visible,Street light about 20 feet away,null 20060323004400,39.96700,-74.11200,22,19,0,null,2,75,Mostly Cloudy--stars not visible,Street light about 20 feet away,null 20060323005000,-29.54000,-71.15000,22,20,0,BZT,4,0,null,Urban neighbourhood| lights of houses.,null 20060323005600,35.46667,-79.03333,22,19,0,EST,4,0,null,there are several security lights in the area| but Orion was high enough in the sky to avoid too much interferance from them,null 20060323010900,35.30194,-86.48833,22,19,0,CST,3,0,null,street light directly across street,null 20060323011700,46.00778,-84.00611,22,20,0,null,1,75,null,null,null 20060323012000,34.00700,-84.26800,22,20,0,EST,3,0,I would estimate seeing and transparency to be excellent. At this spot there is light pollution from metro Atlanta to the SouthWest| Alpharetta to the NorthWest| and Duluth to the South.,Various interior house lights from neighbors| mostly blocked by plants. Dark corner of yard with no lights shining directly on it.,I was actually surprised at how much I could see under the light pollution conditions. 20060323012200,40.59330,-73.96550,22,20,0,null,1,25,null,null,null 20060323012400,38.71667,-77.05000,22,20,0,EST,3,25,Clear except for a couple of clouds to the west.,The middle school behind my house has lights for the football field| but they are mostly shielded from my view by the house.,null 20060323012600,35.20472,-79.12056,22,20,0,EST,4,0,null,There is a yard light 15 meters from my viewpoint that is shielded from view,It is definitely more visible away from the streetlight. 20060323012900,40.90000,-85.66667,22,20,0,EST,4,0,Excellent clear sky,1 mile outside of Anderson| IN. light pollution from a racetrack| shopping area and several well-lit billboards.,null 20060323013700,-30.93278,-61.56694,22,21,0,BZT,3,0,null,null,null 20060323013800,36.52222,-82.35083,22,20,0,EST,5,0,Clear| but slight haze all along the horizon,Four sodium lights about 100 meters away-- mostly shielded by foliage. Porch light around 30 meters away| but shielded by trunk of tree.,null 20060323014600,42.50900,-92.42000,22,19,0,CST,3,0,The sun was setting to the West.,There is a power line to the South|and we were sorounded on the Southwest.There were also tall evergreens to the Southeast.,null 20060323014700,32.72000,-79.77000,22,20,0,EST,5,0,crystal clear,Beach view with shielded house lights 200 yards away.,null 20060323014800,36.07800,-81.91900,22,20,0,EST,4,25,Scattered clouds| stars visible all directions from Orion.,There is a street light approximately 25 yds. behind me as I look at Orion.,One hour prior to visual| clouds partially covered Orion. Orion was fully visible at the time I observed for reporting. 20060323014900,36.68750,-76.94722,22,20,0,EST,5,0,Very clear,One street light aprox 200' away but shielded from view,Not seeing all of mag 5 stars on chart but seeing a lot more than on 4 chart. Orions sword completely visible. Can see m42 naked eye. Stars inside above belt visible. 20060323015600,40.59000,-73.96550,22,20,0,null,1,0,null,i see it,null 20060323020000,32.76700,-79.82500,22,20,0,EST,5,0,null,some street lights and house lights nearby,null 20060323020000,30.13000,30.21800,22,19,0,CST,1,75,the clouds are every where...no satra in sight,no stars tonight...i saw a plane and thats all...,null 20060323020100,40.42778,-74.41639,22,20,0,EST,1,75,Clouds cover most of the sky. All arriving jet traffic into Newark airport can not be seen. No stars are visable. You can hear the airplanes but not see them.,No streetlights in my viewing area. Just the light from my next door neighbor.,null 20060323020200,43.39800,-76.48600,22,19,0,EST,4,25,Western sky faintly light from setting sun.,Two house lights on at neighboring homes.,null 20060323020400,39.96800,-74.14300,22,21,0,EST,4,25,null,perfectly fine no street lights or anything,null 20060323020800,38.92200,-77.29400,22,21,0,EST,3,50,Cloud cover in the southwest and northeast| yet Orion is entirely clear.,Two houses on the street have bright exterior lights.,null 20060323021100,41.01389,-72.15278,22,21,0,EST,6,0,null,I live in a Dark Sky Town| no streetlights here,null 20060323021300,34.17500,-86.84400,22,19,0,CST,3,0,null,null,null 20060323022700,39.97600,-74.17100,22,21,0,EST,1,75,null,null,null 20060323022800,42.43075,-92.32812,22,19,0,CST,3,0,null,null,null 20060323023200,-37.72083,145.12444,22,21,0,null,4,0,Substantail sky glow to the west from city of Melbourne. Orion is NW of this site,Street lighting shielded by house,Time zone is Eastern Australian Daylight Saving Time 20060323023800,10.88333,-74.78333,22,21,0,null,1,75,null,null,null 20060323023900,10.88333,-74.78333,22,21,0,null,1,75,null,null,null 20060323024200,10.88333,-74.78333,22,21,0,null,1,75,cloudy,null,null 20060323024600,35.49900,-81.24000,22,20,0,null,4,25,a few contrails were in the area of Orion but none that I observed went through it.,One street light that is being blocked by my house. The light is naybe 25-30 yards away.,null 20060323025000,42.56500,-90.02800,22,20,0,CST,5,0,null,null,a decade ago I could easly get mag 6 at this location. 20060323025300,41.80800,-88.32200,22,20,0,CST,4,25,small cloud patches,there is one street light about 30 ' away that is hidden by a tree.,null 20060323025300,42.37060,-92.19810,22,20,0,CST,7,0,clear| crisp night,in the country| 6 miles from town.,null 20060323030200,37.53700,-89.31300,22,18,0,CST,5,0,Slight haze to the southwest| but not covering Orion.,null,null 20060323031100,32.22505,-110.81507,22,20,0,MST,4,0,clear,There are lights in the neighbor's backyards.,null 20060323031300,33.06667,-116.76667,22,19,0,PST,4,0,null,Landscape lights near observation area,null 20060323032100,38.77100,-90.70400,22,21,0,CST,3,0,Looking to the west there were no clouds| but there was some haze at the lower levels.,There is one dim street light within 30m to the south.,null 20060323032700,40.01167,-85.84639,22,20,0,EST,4,0,very clear| cloudless sky - about as good as it gets around here.,null,null 20060323032800,38.95000,-77.34000,22,20,0,EST,4,25,Orion was moving into the cloud cover. The cloud cover was to the west.,Backyard,null 20060323033600,40.57850,-73.96200,22,22,0,EST,1,0,null,null,null 20060323033700,42.44300,-92.47000,22,20,0,CST,4,0,Clear sky.,There is one security light on the neighbor's pole building about 250-300 foot away. I stood behind our large evergreen tree to block the light from my eyes.,null 20060323035300,39.91837,-105.08162,22,20,0,MST,1,75,snow and cloudy| no stars visible,city street,null 20060323035600,31.96800,-110.30700,22,20,0,null,6,0,null,null,null 20060323040900,40.73000,-111.50861,22,20,0,MST,3,0,null,null,null 20060323041800,32.30100,-111.07400,22,20,0,MST,5,0,Clear,Annoying neighbor's floodlight shining right at our house. We stood behind the house to get away from the floodlight.,null 20060323043800,40.65361,-74.40972,22,23,0,EST,4,0,null,On hilside. Shielded from local light sources to the north. Full view of city to the south.,Sky is actually between mag 3 and mag 4. 20060323044900,38.68300,-120.06800,22,20,0,PST,3,0,null,null,A huge spotlight was circling the sky. 20060323050800,41.72000,-112.16000,22,20,0,MST,4,0,null,There is a blocked street light 100 feet away and neighboring houses with indoor lights on 100 feet away.,null 20060323053500,36.55028,-121.92806,22,21,0,PST,2,50,null,in Monterey county,null 20060323054800,21.33333,-157.98333,22,19,0,HST,1,75,there are rain clouds and it is raining,there are rain clouds in the sky,the rain has ben falling for a long time 20060323055200,21.42600,-157.80400,22,19,0,HST,1,75,null,null,very cloudy| it just rained 20060323055800,21.42600,-157.80400,22,19,0,HST,1,75,null,null,very cloudy| it just rained 20060323064500,53.55000,10.08000,22,20,0,CET,3,0,Cristal clear skies.,Observation from the street in front of my house with a couple of streetlights in range.,null 20060323064900,49.96000,7.05000,22,21,0,CET,7,25,null,Observation in the backyard of my parents house. Streetlight shielded by the house. Very dark place at the edge of a small village.,null 20060323065200,49.98000,8.23000,22,22,0,CET,5,25,null,Observation from the backyard of my appartement. Streetlights out of sight. Dark place for a city outskirt.,null 20060323071000,21.33333,-157.91667,22,20,0,HST,4,25,It was a little couldy and rained a little were I live.,I looked at the sky at the back of my house were my garadge is. Theere are hardly anylights on.,There wasn't much light near my house. All of the lights outside were off. 20060323071100,21.27700,-157.70700,22,21,0,HST,3,50,Only could see a couple of stars the rest was clouded over,There is Koko Head Shopping Center near by which has some lights and there are a few light posts on my block.,I think it woulld be this magnitude but it was a little too cloudy 20060323072000,-41.25833,173.30556,23,19,0,NZST,1,75,null,null,null 20060323074300,13.00000,77.50000,22,19,0,IST,3,0,null,null,null 20060323090900,-34.36200,144.90600,23,20,0,null,6,0,Not quite dark due to daylight savings,2 km out of a small country town of 3000 people,null 20060323095900,-32.91700,151.75000,23,20,0,null,5,25,null,null,null 20060323101000,-3.00000,-59.00000,23,20,0,null,6,0,all clear,surrounded by street lights which were blocked from direct view,null 20060323101200,-33.87800,151.08200,23,20,0,AEST,3,25,clean air| recent rain,behind garden shed| well shielded from near by street and house lights,null 20060323102700,33.95833,-118.02028,0,0,0,null,2,0,null,One of a few streets in my city with no streetlights.,Observation levels are between two and three 20060323111700,33.35000,-111.50000,22,20,0,MST,4,0,very clear,There are two street lights within 100 feet that are shielded from my view.,null 20060323115500,40.17000,-74.92000,23,23,0,EST,1,50,thin clouds,open parking lot,to cold out here 20060323121400,71.08000,25.34000,23,22,0,EET,6,0,null,null,null 20060323124200,35.50000,-80.76667,22,20,0,EST,4,0,null,there are 3 streetlights very close to my house,null 20060323124800,35.43333,-80.85000,22,20,0,EST,5,0,null,no streetlights,null 20060323131300,39.87300,-74.20200,22,22,0,EST,4,25,null,There is one street light within 50 m that is shielded from my view,null 20060323131500,39.87300,-74.20200,22,22,0,EST,4,25,null,There is one street light within 50 m that is shielded from my view,null 20060323132500,26.80000,-81.00000,22,21,0,EST,7,0,null,open pasture,null 20060323133100,38.02000,-84.43000,22,19,0,EST,5,0,Perfect conditions.,There is one street light within 30m that is shield from my view and 2 more within 60m that were also shielded. Hamburg Pavilion is less than half a mile away and is very light polluted.,null 20060323133500,37.99700,-84.29000,22,20,0,EST,6,0,null,One outdoor house light about 200m away shielded from my view.,null 20060323133600,33.61600,-81.09800,22,20,0,EST,7,0,Clear no clouds at all,street light 50m away,null 20060323134000,33.81500,-81.15100,22,19,0,null,4,0,There are light clouds but they are not in the way of me seeing the stars.,There was one Street light in my yard.,I think it is so cool how i get to look at the stars and know what they are instead of looking at them and not knowing what they are. 20060323135000,33.73200,-80.93800,22,20,0,NST,7,0,the sky was clear,Garden lights 30 feet to my left,null 20060323135100,34.17000,-86.85000,22,20,0,CST,4,0,High clouds at times make Orion hazy at times| but still visible.,null,null 20060323135300,36.21340,-92.32200,22,19,0,CST,3,25,clouds appear to be the thickest in the west but may have contributed to a lower magnitude observation,no street lights within 2 miles,D. Herbert observer 20060323135700,36.23850,-92.31680,22,20,0,CST,4,25,clouds seem to be thickest to the west,two street lights bear north and northeast about 50 meters and 80 meters respectively.,null 20060323135900,38.19000,-85.59800,22,21,0,EST,3,0,Hazy,Large shopping area to SSW.,null 20060323140000,36.19720,-92.26880,22,20,0,CST,4,25,clouds seem to be in the west,several street lights illuminate the school parking lot nearby,meghan 20060323140100,37.48889,-5.85250,23,22,0,WET,4,0,null,this is a small city near a big city,null 20060323140400,32.22420,-92.28760,22,20,0,CST,4,25,clouds to the west,one yard light in the front yard 30 meters away is blocked by the roof of our house,Sue 20060323142700,33.83000,-81.10600,22,20,0,EST,2,0,The sky was clear. There were not any clouds around the stars.,there is a street light in my back yard but where i was the street light did not effect my observation,null 20060323142700,33.66000,-112.18766,22,20,0,MST,3,0,Haze on the horizon caused by light| but otherwise clear.,There is one house in front of me about 50 yards away with a single patio light| the apartment complex directly behind me has the lights turned off.,null 20060323143200,38.99480,-76.74920,22,19,0,EST,4,0,lots of twinkling,suburban backyard - street lights around| but shielded from view,null 20060323143800,19.04417,72.81750,23,20,0,IST,4,0,There is wind.,I am living in the 17th floor of a building| sea side| and there isn' any light on my terrace.,null 20060323143800,33.82500,-81.10600,22,19,0,null,2,0,null,there is about 4 outside lights by my house,null 20060323144600,33.73800,-81.09500,22,19,0,null,6,0,null,Motion detection lights| neon light| 2 street lights,null 20060323145000,55.77000,66.56194,22,22,0,JST,7,0,wwwwssds,28379,null 20060323150900,21.40000,-157.80300,22,20,0,HST,3,25,null,Street light 100m away from my view,null 20060323151100,33.81300,-81.11200,22,21,0,null,6,0,null,null,It was freezin' outside last night. 20060323151600,33.81300,-81.11200,22,19,0,EST,5,0,null,security light about 35 ft. away from my veiwing spot.,null 20060323151600,12.96667,77.58333,23,20,0,IST,1,75,there were many clouds covering sky,preety dark place,In fact| even magnitude 1 chart stars were hard to observe 20060323151800,26.25100,-80.17900,22,19,0,EST,3,0,a little hazy to the South,Street light about 200 feet from viewpoint| blocked by fences.,null 20060323151800,12.96667,77.58333,23,20,0,IST,1,50,many clouds,null,many clouds 20060323151800,33.81300,-81.00000,22,19,0,EST,7,0,null,a street light beside me at 25 yards,null 20060323152200,42.18120,-92.31120,22,20,0,CST,7,0,null,null,null 20060323153500,33.82500,-81.09000,23,20,0,EST,3,0,Vert little cloud cover,Two street lights about 50-100 yards away from my viewing area,null 20060323153900,33.82500,-81.09000,22,20,0,EST,5,0,No clouds in sky,Street light 50 feet away,null 20060323154400,33.81200,-81.10400,22,20,0,EST,3,0,It was very clear and Orion was easy to see,no street light visible,null 20060323155400,33.81300,-81.12200,22,20,0,CET,5,0,null,Yes| there was one light but it didn't shield my view.,The look very bright. 20060323155700,33.18000,-81.11200,22,20,0,EST,4,0,null,light pole behind me about 100 feet away,null 20060323155900,33.18300,-81.11200,22,20,0,EST,4,0,null,light pole in my back yard,null 20060323161600,39.48000,-76.30800,22,21,0,EST,4,25,null,null,null 20060323163200,57.89920,25.33780,22,20,0,EET,4,0,null,null,null 20060323165000,41.08400,-112.02200,22,21,0,MST,4,0,null,From my backyard with just a few house lights around the area.,null 20060323165600,62.34778,22.24111,23,21,0,WET,6,0,seeing about 3,null,null 20060323165800,40.56667,-111.86667,22,22,0,MST,3,0,null,null,null 20060323171900,33.79700,-81.17800,22,19,0,EST,6,0,The sky was completely clear.,There is a light in my yard that sheilded my view just a little. but i could still see the stars.,I could see all the stars because there was no clouds. 20060323171900,62.27278,26.21528,22,20,0,CET,3,0,null,There are two street lights within 30 m that are shielded from my view.,There is one birch tree covering partly - southern part - of Orion 20060323172300,61.04750,21.52583,22,20,0,EET,4,0,null,West coast high way - number 8 - lights are 100 meter far on same direction than Orion.,There is one birch tree covering partly - southern part - of Orion 20060323172600,33.82500,-81.09000,22,19,0,null,6,0,null,null,null 20060323172700,52.44000,13.50472,22,20,0,CET,4,0,null,Many street lights here in Berlin-Treptow Germany.,null 20060323173000,52.20972,14.15333,22,20,0,CET,6,0,null,no direct lights,null 20060323173700,33.81300,-81.11200,22,20,0,EST,1,0,The sky was clear but i did not see orion. ther were a small amount of stars in the sky. observaion was difficult to do,I went to my frieds house and ther were hardly any street lights or moon light but we did have the porch light on.,It was very difficult to complete observaiton. there were not that many stars. 20060323173700,61.34444,24.25000,24,21,0,EET,4,0,null,Orion is located to the direction of the lake| that means no street lights but the far lights of the city Valkeakoski ( 15 km away ) are making some harm.,null 20060323174200,51.96697,-0.77336,22,20,0,null,3,25,wispy cloud to the east total cloud cover one tenth,Local time is GMT,null 20060323174300,42.46667,-92.33333,22,20,0,CST,4,0,haze on the east side,a lightpole 90 ft away on the otherside of the garage,could see all of Orion 20060323174700,47.71140,-104.15620,22,19,0,MST,4,0,Fair,There are two street lights within 50 meters from my observation point and there is a bright house directly below orien's belt.,null 20060323174700,51.56667,0.25000,22,20,0,null,1,50,2octa 2000ft| 4 octa 25000 ft Viz 20 kms .. Pse insert Greenwich Mean Time| GMT or Universal Time on your list. It is the only time recognized by official bodies world wide. Thank you,There is one street light within 10 m that is shielded from my view,will try again 2300 GMT 20060323175000,54.36667,18.63333,22,20,0,CET,4,25,2octa 2000ft| 4 octa 25000 ft Viz 20 kms .. Pse insert Greenwich Mean Time| GMT or Universal Time on your list. It is the only time recognized by official bodies world wide. Thank you,null,null 20060323175400,-29.90778,-71.25417,22,20,0,null,4,0,clear and warm. We could clearly see the Milky Way stretching back W and S of Orion| but it was not visible at or through Orion. Orion is directly over our town of La Serena| Chile.,Nearest lights approx. 100m away. Bright flashing display 500m away and shielded from view.,null 20060323180900,33.81300,-81.11200,22,20,0,EST,5,0,null,There is a street light near my driveway but it is near my house,null 20060323180900,35.86390,-79.08150,22,20,0,EST,5,0,cool temperature and very little wind. overall a good observing night,a gas station has four bright white lights .1 mile away. a house 70 yards away has 4 sidewalk lantern lights. a house directly across the street has 2 bright flood lights. I can see 4 street lights about .1 mile away,a couple of lights that are usually on were not on. I was surprised my site was magnitude 5 and not 6. I would think that if the lights that usually are on were on| I would be closer to a magntude 4 chart 20060323181200,-29.92900,-71.24100,22,22,0,AST,4,0,null,La Serena airglow to West| just below Orion.,Estimated limiting magnitude for my eyes 4.5. My wife sees to magnitude 5 from same spot (as given in a separate report. Probably a strong function of hour angle| will observe earlier tomorrow if clear (Orion higher in the sky)| but well away from sunset 20060323181400,68.30000,34.56667,23,20,0,null,4,0,null,no light,null 20060323181500,35.59420,-77.37080,22,22,0,EST,4,0,Mostly clear with a little haze-dust particles.,There are other apartment complexes around where I live and they have street lights just as the place I live. There is also a hospital and a shopping center within a .5 mi. radius.,null 20060323182100,33.73300,81.09200,22,20,0,EST,6,0,clear no clouds,to many trees live in woods,to many trees 20060323182100,-29.92000,-71.24000,22,22,0,EST,4,0,null,La Serena airglow to West| just below Orion.,Estimated limiting magnitude for my eyes 4.5 20060323182400,42.37000,-92.19700,22,20,0,CST,7,0,null,in the country| away from homes-towns,Beautiful starry night. 20060323182800,60.70000,26.66667,23,20,0,null,4,0,null,null,timezone +2 GMT 20060323183000,41.89400,-88.33400,22,19,0,CST,4,0,Cloud cover to the east of us (in direction of Chicago) but NW sky is clear.,Chicago is about 45 miles of us. There is one street light within 25 m that is shielded from our view.,null 20060323183300,27.90750,-82.79870,22,20,0,EST,3,0,Airplane crossed through Orion| got hung up on the sword. homeland security can't find Orion. What a mess.Better send for the Martians.,street light in front|blocked by large oak tree. Several backyard lights on at neighbors.,my view has the three belt stars quite horizontal. 20060323183600,32.21700,-110.93800,22,20,0,MST,4,0,They were clear.,There is a track field across from my house| and i am surrounded by a Cat Tran parking lot. There are also at least 50 street lights in my immediate view.,null 20060323183800,34.03111,-117.66000,22,21,0,MST,1,25,Very hazy night,Freeway (30yds) and Streetlight(10yds) emit bright lights,null 20060323184100,39.98600,-105.47900,22,20,0,MST,4,25,hazy to 30-40 degrees up. all stars of orion visible| however not as bright as normal (usually magnitude 7).,One neighbor with dim lights 100ft in the direction of Orion. next neighbors with lights are a half mile away.,We'll look tomorrow night. 20060323184300,40.87167,-111.87222,22,21,0,null,3,0,Light polluted Salt Lake is South of me. Otherwise a delighfully clear evening.,null,With determination and averted vision| I can just perceive Meissa (Lambda Orionis) 20060323184300,57.38900,24.64700,22,22,0,null,3,0,null,null,null 20060323184700,32.23600,-111.01400,22,20,0,MST,5,0,There were a few clouds here and there| but less than a quarter of the sky. Breezy and cold.,I was on a hill about 15-20ft. away from the nearest light.,I tired different spots for example right under a light and then on the hill| and I couldn't find the constellation at first but eventually did. 20060323185100,57.38900,24.64700,22,21,0,EET,3,0,null,null,null 20060323185300,36.04250,-78.93250,22,20,0,EST,4,0,Perfectly clear| 38 degrees F.,House lights| two streetlights within 50 m.,null 20060323185500,36.90000,-107.90000,23,21,0,MST,6,0,null,This is a dark sky location. No artificial lights within a quarter mile.,null 20060323185700,34.45500,-118.52200,22,20,0,PST,2,0,Slight haze across sky dome.,Street light within 25 m| shielded by trees.,null 20060323185700,12.83333,100.83333,22,20,0,MMT,4,0,a little haze above horizon. Few scattered clouds,From balcony of 19th floor Street lights greater than 50m away,Often watch satelllites passing over in the evenings. without any equipment 20060323190100,53.36806,7.21000,22,21,0,CET,4,0,null,Near city center (60.000 People)| but fully protected from direct light.,High transparency | poor seeing 20060323190200,37.26300,-121.89700,22,21,0,PST,1,75,Unable to observe Orion due to significant cloud cover.,null,No observation made. Just wanted to document sky conditions from my location. 20060323190400,60.10200,24.56400,23,20,0,null,6,0,null,null,null 20060323190500,53.03000,18.59000,23,19,0,CET,3,0,A little mist| but observation from 2nd floor of a building (so could be above mist).,In the middle of a city. A streen with lights. Observation from a balcony in a building. Balcony has a barrier which prevents street lamps from shining into eyes.,null 20060323191000,50.85000,19.03333,23,20,0,CET,3,0,null,There are street lamps along the street every 100 metres. There is one lamp in front of my house.,null 20060323191100,26.58900,-81.64500,22,20,0,EST,2,50,null,null,null 20060323191200,52.15000,21.01667,23,20,0,EST,4,0,null,there's a big street in front of my block- something near a motorway.There are many cars and street lights on it.,null 20060323191300,52.20972,14.15333,23,20,0,null,6,0,null,no light,null 20060323192000,53.15000,23.16700,23,20,0,CET,5,0,great conditions| no fog| no clouds| clear air,Observations made at 20:05 CET (19:05 UTC) No lights in that direction,I see star to 4.7 mag. In that direction is realy dark| but in SE and S| I see only 4 mag stars. So I select 5 magnitude Chart. Today are realy perfectly conditions. A.Hurcewicz 20060323192800,38.87500,-80.75000,22,22,0,EST,2,50,null,Middle of the woods| yet a prison 10 miles away has polluted my night sky,null 20060323193100,61.13120,8.59400,23,20,0,null,4,0,null,null,null 20060323194000,26.51400,-81.70100,22,21,0,EST,5,50,Partly cloudy| rain moving in with a cold front. Rain likely tonight (3-23-06),There is 2 street lights within 100 m of where I look at the stars,null 20060323194100,33.01167,-96.88139,22,20,0,CST,3,0,clear,Light 10 meters sheilded from my view by house,null 20060323194100,33.80800,-81.12000,22,19,0,null,6,25,There are some clouds| but not were the stars are because i cant still a good bit of the sky.,there are light poles in the yard| and its kind of hard to see.,i think it is so cool how you can see orion. 20060323194600,-25.41111,-70.47500,22,20,0,PST,1,75,null,El secto r escogido fue el patio del centro fortalecimeinto familiar| el cual esta rodeado de luminarias del tipo MC-2,null 20060323194600,42.40000,-92.30000,22,22,0,null,7,0,null,null,null 20060323194700,42.50000,-92.45000,22,20,0,CST,4,0,blackish (not completely dark),Street lamps everywhere.,Great Dipper had 6 stars 20060323194800,53.11694,17.96111,23,20,0,CET,4,0,clean sky,There is street two light within 25 m that is no shielded from my view.,null 20060323195000,50.13333,19.05000,23,22,0,null,4,0,the sky hasn't anyfing black clouds,there isn't street light within 200m.,null 20060323195100,35.71667,-80.33333,22,20,0,EST,4,0,Cold| dry air has settled into the area| dew points in the teens and temps in the 30s.,Approximately (8)Eight Unshielded Street-lights - Security-lights within 300 meters of my observing site| also know as home.,null 20060323195300,52.71200,5.27500,23,20,0,CET,4,0,Background sky more dark grey then black| getting somewhat lighter towards the horizon in all directions.,Field between houses| diameter approx. 50 m. About a dozen street lights at 40 m. shielded by the houses. location is a suburban area.,This is about as good as it get. Only on frosty nights after midnight magnitude 5 stars are visible. 20060323195300,31.89083,-110.94889,22,20,0,MST,6,0,Perfectly clear. no haze,House lights nearby| blocke by some vegetation.,null 20060323195900,54.06667,18.11667,23,20,0,CET,3,0,Very clear (in west),Gdansk| Wrzeszcz - a lot of lights nearbly| and cementary in front. Viewpoint from blacony.,Visible stars of about 2.5m 20060323200100,52.35300,4.83500,22,21,0,CET,3,0,null,brightly lit city. Orion in the direction of Schiphol airport a few km away,need half-mag steps. 20060323200500,51.15000,9.35000,23,20,0,CET,6,0,very little haze,Outside small town| no interfering lights. Humidity 60 percent| Air-pressure 1014 hPa| Temp. -0.5 degrees C. approx. 200mts above sea level,All stars of Mag. 5 visable| nearly all of Mag. 6. 20060323200600,44.51889,-69.79278,22,19,0,null,5,25,null,null,null 20060323200700,50.81778,19.12111,23,20,0,null,3,0,null,null,null 20060323200800,52.10000,17.00444,23,20,0,CET,5,0,a little haze to south,Made measurement was on garden.There is one street light within 15 m that is shielded from my view,null 20060323201300,47.46667,19.00000,23,20,0,CET,2,75,null,there're many street lights but the city is shielded from my view,null 20060323202800,60.40694,22.22667,23,21,0,EET,3,0,null,null,null 20060323203000,60.40694,22.22667,23,21,0,EET,3,0,null,null,null 20060323203400,45.81885,16.00768,23,21,0,CET,1,75,it seems that haze is all around,null,null 20060323203700,40.68800,-112.04400,22,20,0,MST,3,0,null,There are several street lamps in my vicinity.,null 20060323204100,42.50000,-92.45000,22,20,0,CST,4,0,null,UNI,null 20060323204300,54.10000,18.76667,23,20,0,CET,4,0,null,null,null 20060323205200,42.40000,-92.30000,22,21,0,CST,7,0,null,street light 10 yds,null 20060323205700,60.14861,24.65333,23,20,0,EET,4,0,Some haze near the eastern and northern horizon| visible due to denser habitation in those directions.,Some streetlights nearby| but none shining light directly to my field of vision.,null 20060323211200,53.01028,18.60333,23,20,0,null,2,0,null,main square in a city centre with a lot of street lights,null 20060323212900,49.47889,8.28694,23,21,0,CET,5,0,null,I have heavy light pollution up to 45 degrees in the east and a number of street lights around my garden which I can't shield all in order to view Orion which is in the south-west direction.,null 20060323220900,51.20000,18.56667,23,20,0,null,5,0,null,null,null 20060323223300,50.06667,19.90000,23,21,0,CET,2,0,On zenith the sky is clear but near low horizon was little haze.,This is almost center of the Krakow.,null 20060323223900,32.23900,-110.95800,22,20,0,MST,4,0,It was very clear| the stars look beautiful,There was a street light 3m from me| but I can see well.,The constellation Orion was visible| but there were not many stars. 20060323224800,52.21667,8.00000,23,21,0,CET,5,0,null,shielded street lamp| center of village,null 20060323230800,-34.66523,-58.40972,23,20,0,BZT,3,0,null,null,null 20060323231200,-33.78000,151.15600,23,20,0,null,4,25,null,houses 50m away,null 20060323231700,-7.20972,-39.31361,22,19,0,BZT,5,75,null,The observation place bes situated in the center of the city.,null 20060323232500,26.72800,-80.20800,22,20,0,EST,5,0,null,Many street and house lights within 20 Feet,We had fun. 20060323232600,32.22000,-110.90700,22,19,0,MST,5,0,No clouds| absolutley clear,There are 5 lanterns slighty behind me but are covered and out of my peripheral vision.,Perfect night with minimal neighboring lights. 20060323232800,40.50872,-74.50956,22,21,0,EST,1,75,Total Overcast,There is a halogen lamp shining directly into my yard from my neighbor across the srtreet. There is a street lamp directly in front of my house.,null 20060323232900,41.55000,-88.15000,22,19,0,CST,4,0,4 Spotlights were being shown into the sky from the northwest| moving through Orion every 5-10 seconds.,One streetlight shielded by my house| approx. 100 ft away. Several neighbor houses to the south had interior lights on.,null 20060323234300,42.00000,-85.00000,23,18,0,EST,1,75,null,street light (20 m) in front,will try again at 7:30 20060323235100,-7.20972,-39.31361,23,20,0,null,2,75,The region of orion total is covered by fine mist,observation inside of the city,null 20060324000400,41.20300,-73.60800,23,19,0,EST,3,0,it is very clear out and i don't think there is one cloud in the sky.,there are no street lights but there are house lights but they aren't very bright so i can still see the stars.,it was harder for me to see stars at this time around 7 because the sky was still a little light and it wasn't dark enough to see many stars. 20060324001100,-34.62200,-58.62200,23,20,0,BZT,4,0,null,null,null 20060324001100,40.85000,-72.81667,23,19,0,EST,4,0,null,null,null 20060324002500,-29.91639,-71.18333,23,20,0,AST,5,0,hazy on horizon,dark hillside. spotlights visible from below but not close,null 20060324002800,39.95700,-74.14800,23,19,0,EST,4,25,null,null,null 20060324002800,-30.04611,-51.19611,23,19,0,BZT,3,25,Mostly clear| small clouds,Big city (more thna 1.3 million people),null 20060324002900,51.73333,19.43333,23,21,0,CET,4,0,null,Suburb area of 770 000 citizens city. Diffused light from some street lamps and houses.,Number of visible stars higher than Mag 3 Chart| but most of them hardly visible. 20060324003200,47.66857,16.58618,23,21,0,CET,2,25,null,null,null 20060324003300,40.74500,-74.03700,23,19,0,EST,3,25,null,null,null 20060324003700,39.97100,-74.16700,23,19,0,EST,3,0,null,null,null 20060324004100,39.65400,-75.89000,23,19,0,EST,3,0,light post right outside my house.,null,null 20060324004300,39.95400,-74.13900,23,19,0,EST,4,0,null,null,null 20060324005200,39.97400,-74.16000,23,19,0,EST,4,0,null,null,null 20060324010800,42.41901,-71.74756,23,20,0,EST,3,25,Patchy clouds. Orion is not obscured by any clouds.,No street lights or outside lights. Residential| suburban location.,null 20060324011100,40.18950,-74.42536,23,20,0,EST,4,50,Haze to the north east.,Front yard of a house in a rural location with as little light as possible,Usually seems like there are more stars out than tonight. 20060324011400,40.18950,-74.42570,23,20,0,null,4,50,hazy to the south,There is one street light within 100 meters from where iwas looking| not visible from where i was standing.,null 20060324011800,39.63701,-79.94421,23,20,0,EST,3,75,Clear,Downtown residential location with many house and street lights| but none in direct view of the observation location.,It is possible that our eyes were not adjusted enough and that with more time we may have leaned toward magnitude 3.5 or 4. 20060324011900,41.31150,-73.66403,23,20,0,EST,5,0,Glow from NY City metropolitan area on southern horizon,Residential lamp 100m west| sheilded from view.,null 20060324012100,35.46667,-79.03333,23,19,0,EST,4,75,pretty light wispy clouds| but precursers to heavier ones,two security lights nearby,null 20060324012100,41.54800,-93.60300,22,20,0,CST,3,0,null,null,null 20060324012200,39.95000,-74.16667,23,20,0,EST,3,0,null,There are two streetlights within 50 m of my house. one is shielded from my view.,null 20060324013000,-34.62200,-58.62200,23,20,0,BZT,4,0,null,null,null 20060324013100,40.59800,-73.95700,23,20,0,null,3,25,Very light stretched out clouds that cover aprts of the sky.,Street light about 20 m away from my viewing postion.,Polaris is visible. Some stars are fainter than tohers 20060324013100,40.42778,-74.41639,23,20,0,EST,3,25,Just some scattered clouds.,Just the outside lights of my neighbors house.,Jet traffic is visible tonight. 20060324014200,19.43333,-99.21667,22,21,0,EST,2,25,Some smog,Many lights in the city,Mexico City| in the west side 20060324015400,39.97600,-74.17100,23,19,0,null,5,0,very clear.,null,null 20060324015500,28.50890,-81.29110,23,20,0,EST,4,25,null,null,null 20060324015800,30.53111,-86.12000,23,19,0,CST,3,0,Haze along horizon.,There are lights on a water tower about 500 meters away--light around base are not shielded.,null 20060324020200,39.96700,-74.11200,23,21,0,null,3,25,cloudy,street light 20 feet away,null 20060324020300,39.96800,-74.14300,23,21,0,null,4,75,null,null,null 20060324020600,-32.19861,-61.71056,23,20,0,BZT,5,0,null,null,null 20060324020700,40.09770,-74.46630,23,21,0,EST,3,25,The sky was slightly hazy| obscuring the dimmer stars.,No nearby street lights.,null 20060324020800,35.46800,-97.51600,23,20,0,CST,3,0,clear night.had rain and snow first part of the week,2 street light and a store parking lights,null 20060324021000,39.99600,-74.13600,23,21,0,EST,2,0,null,null,Neighbors lights made it hard to see 20060324021100,30.18000,-89.44000,23,20,0,CST,4,0,null,2 streetlights blocked by my house within 125 feet,null 20060324021200,30.33861,-97.76472,23,20,0,CST,4,0,null,In fact| there is one street light within 50 m that is shielded from view| together with distant but unshielded house lights.,Between 4 and 5| but closer to 4 20060324021300,41.20469,-73.72208,23,20,0,EST,3,25,there is a bit of light pollution coming off the city but not as much as when your in the city because then you can barely see anything,My house is higher then most others on my block so the sky is easily seen from my porch.,you can see the entire belt plus part of the arms and legs. also a few random other stars but that is about it 20060324022400,37.69900,-97.37800,23,20,0,CST,3,0,null,There actually is one street light within 30 yards| but it is behind the house and shielded from view,null 20060324022500,40.42778,-74.40667,23,21,0,null,4,75,null,null,Im in forth grade and i thought it would be a cool thing to do to help out. 20060324022800,29.31200,-98.92300,23,19,0,CST,6,0,Haze in the surrounding area,null,null 20060324023000,-31.91111,115.92083,23,20,0,AWST,4,25,null,Industrial area with a number of lights in direct sight,null 20060324023100,39.96600,-74.16000,23,21,0,EST,4,25,There was hazy clouds scattered around the sky,null,null 20060324024600,30.28277,-97.79103,23,20,0,CST,5,0,null,null,null 20060324025100,35.81140,-78.80182,22,19,0,EST,4,0,crystal clear,Clear viewing to the south.,I can see all 3 stars in the dagger easily| but only 1 star in his head| so I picked mag4 20060324025600,38.98133,-95.28930,23,20,0,CST,4,0,null,In the middle of an apartment complex| with every other building having their door light on.,Greetings from Lawrence| KS. 20060324025800,39.05600,-108.58700,23,19,0,MST,5,0,null,rural subdivision - no street lights,null 20060324025800,40.10380,-74.51130,23,22,0,EST,3,0,slight haze| but somewhat clear,There are a few street ligthts and porch lights visibly scattered.,I believe that I have moderate to bad light polution. 20060324025800,32.00000,-89.00000,23,21,0,EST,1,0,null,There is a street next to my house that is lined with street lights| which increases the amount of light pollution.,null 20060324025900,39.96667,-105.26667,23,19,0,MST,4,0,slihtly hazy,South of NCAR building - inside lights,null 20060324030900,30.40250,-91.00600,23,20,0,null,3,25,cold and dry - no haze,2 street lights within 50 m shielded from view. 2 porch lights unshielded from view.,null 20060324031900,32.21900,-110.93300,23,19,0,MST,4,0,clear skies few lights around me,null,null 20060324032700,42.84100,-85.66400,23,21,0,EST,5,0,null,null,null 20060324033000,32.72300,-117.16900,23,19,0,PST,3,0,Perfectly clear.,On the edge of the urban core of downtown San Diego| Calif.| USA. Many orange (sodium?) street lamps--4 to 8 per block.,null 20060324033100,39.97800,-105.27700,23,19,0,MST,3,0,null,There were lights nearby that I couldn't get away from.,null 20060324033700,39.97753,-105.27497,23,19,0,MST,4,0,light haze,ncar mesa lab,null 20060324033700,32.93333,-97.16667,23,21,0,CST,3,0,null,street light 10m,null 20060324034100,40.13333,-105.15000,23,20,0,MST,3,0,mild haze,mild haze,null 20060324034900,33.06667,-116.76667,23,19,0,PST,4,0,null,null,null 20060324035200,33.56700,-112.18800,23,20,0,MST,4,25,Streaks of clouds are towards the lower south portion of my view,The horizon glowed a light blue. several jet liners flew close by. There is also a street lamp in my front yard 60ft away| obscured by a tree.,I could see Orion's sword clearly. Magnitued was between 4 to 5. 20060324035700,33.55800,-112.24600,26,20,0,MST,4,0,Clear but lots of light haze at horizon level.,There were two street lights that were within 50 feet from my observation point. Viewing point was on South of my house for it was the darkest area.,The view that we saw was a combination of the 4 and 5 magnitute charts. 20060324040100,29.40000,-98.50000,23,21,0,CST,7,0,Very clear after rain 2 days ago.,Suburban neighborhood with one bright light| shielded by tree from my view. Extremely clear night for here following rain 48 hours ago.,Trapezium very visible. 20060324040700,33.63333,-116.31667,23,20,0,PST,4,0,Clear skies,The neighbor's house right next door| approx 10 feet away| had some lights on.,We felt that the sky was between Magnitude 4 and 5. 2 of us selected mag 4| 1 select mag 5. Therefore we chose mag 4. 20060324040700,32.22900,-110.84600,23,20,0,MST,5,0,Crystal Clear skys,There is one street light| with in 10 m (not my house).,null 20060324041700,54.00000,-117.90300,23,19,0,null,4,0,null,null,There were some security lights 20060324041800,32.23200,-110.96600,23,20,0,MST,4,0,Clear,A couple of the neighborrs lights were on across the street,null 20060324042800,35.33900,-97.48600,23,22,0,CST,5,0,clear skys,just city light north,we just had rain all week and snow wed night so the skys was clear of dust 20060324043300,32.15100,-111.04100,22,21,0,null,6,0,null,floodlight sheilded from view 350 feet away,null 20060324045100,37.77038,-121.20643,23,20,0,PST,3,25,null,null,null 20060324045800,40.11600,-74.49100,23,20,0,EST,3,0,No haze,Dark backyard with no lights.,null 20060324050500,32.24000,-110.93000,23,20,0,PST,4,0,null,light is located to the west about 50 feet and there were a fehellicopters.,null 20060324050600,41.54195,-88.08537,23,22,0,CST,1,75,Snowing no stars visible,urban setting| city light pollution,No stars visible| cloud cover with snow 20060324050900,32.00000,-110.00000,23,20,0,MST,3,0,clear,null,downtown tucson 20060324051100,23.10000,113.20000,23,21,0,JST,1,50,Haze.,The place is in the city.,null 20060324051700,34.11585,-117.17190,23,21,0,PST,3,0,slight haze to west,There is two street lights 300 feet from my view,no background stars visible 20060324052000,34.01667,-79.16667,24,21,0,EST,2,0,null,2 Street lights within 25 feet each direction,null 20060324052300,36.91900,-121.77300,23,20,0,PST,3,0,null,street light across street (neighborhood) on the west side,null 20060324054100,-36.27572,174.79117,23,20,0,NZST,5,0,No haze,Isolated camp site. Very little lighting.,null 20060324054800,32.20600,-110.93000,23,20,0,PST,4,0,null,there was as house about 50 feet away with bright lights on,Airplanes occasionaly flew by 20060324055400,37.61290,-91.86480,23,23,0,null,7,25,null,null,null 20060324060600,62.39278,26.29528,22,21,0,EET,7,0,null,Small village in the middle forest. No streetlights within 10 km radius.,null 20060324062500,38.53000,-99.18000,23,20,0,CST,3,0,null,null,null 20060324062700,38.89300,-99.31800,23,20,0,CST,3,0,null,null,null 20060324063700,39.40833,-119.82361,23,21,0,PST,4,25,A storm is coming in tonight| and there is much turbulence in the atmosphere. Seeing isn't too good. Usually it's much better.,nearby bedroom light| street lamp across fairway,null 20060324064700,50.13333,19.05000,23,22,0,null,4,0,null,null,null 20060324070000,32.24700,-110.90300,23,20,0,PST,4,0,Air Plane Flight above,null,neighbors lights on 20060324072600,33.58500,-112.14000,23,19,0,null,4,0,It was a clear night. I didn't see any clouds.,No street light shielded my view.,Saw something that loked like a star go north pass foot of orion through the shield and kept going throughanother constellation. 20060324080600,50.75833,12.87222,23,21,0,CET,5,0,null,Citylights of chemnitz about 7km to the north away|to the south really dark sky,observation place in the middle of a forrest 20060324082400,45.08000,14.08000,23,20,0,CET,4,0,null,RASA| urban zone| alighted square,null 20060324082700,45.08000,14.16000,23,21,0,CET,3,0,null,LABIN| town with 10000 people| bus station,null 20060324082800,-33.61639,151.12806,23,20,0,AEST,5,0,clouds on west horizon,null,null 20060324082900,45.08000,14.08000,22,21,0,CET,5,0,null,RASA|urban zone| alighted street,null 20060324083500,45.09130,14.12170,23,21,0,CET,3,0,null,LABIN| urban zone| alighted street in front of Secondary school Mate Blazine,null 20060324083700,-33.61917,151.14750,23,20,0,AEST,5,0,some cloud on horizon.(N|E and W),null,null 20060324090100,50.55000,12.86667,23,19,0,null,7,0,null,no light nearer than 3km,null 20060324091700,15.66194,38.11861,22,23,0,CET,2,50,partially cloudy,There is one street light within 200 m that is shielded from my view.,null 20060324094500,-34.36200,144.90600,24,20,0,null,6,0,null,2 km out of a town of 3000 people,null 20060324100300,-41.34389,173.19278,24,21,0,NZST,3,0,null,There is one street light and several house lights within 50m of my position,null 20060324102200,51.36083,-2.68930,23,21,0,CET,4,0,very slight sea mist at lower levels,20 street lights at regular intervals along residential street 0f length of quarter mile.,windy night turbulent air conditions. 20060324102700,-34.09583,150.99556,24,20,0,null,4,0,Orion lies at top edge of sky glow northward in direction of city Sydney Australia,Semi cutt-off street light 40m in direction of Orion shielded from view by trees.,null 20060324104000,51.43556,-2.76167,23,21,0,WET,4,0,haze at ground level| windy,several street lights in residential road| old style and shielded,windy 20060324104200,51.26250,-3.00861,23,21,0,WET,5,0,some haze strong wind,several street lights at irregular intervals,windy 20060324104200,-37.73306,175.26028,23,22,0,NZST,4,0,null,roundabout 50m with lots of lights,null 20060324104700,-27.55000,151.96667,24,20,0,AEST,6,25,scattered cumulo-stratus drifting through sky about 80 percent clear - observed during clear patches,School Oval - used Cricket Grandstand to shade from three or four strong street lights,6 mag stars just visible with averted vision 20060324112600,60.45885,25.11136,23,21,0,null,3,0,null,Urban area,null 20060324113300,50.14167,22.08333,23,21,0,CET,5,0,null,on the village,null 20060324113900,-39.88333,-71.13333,22,21,0,BZT,4,0,null,fAROL DE ILUMINACION A 20 METROS,null 20060324114300,-39.88333,-71.13333,23,21,0,BZT,4,0,null,FAROL DE ILUMINACION A 20 METROS,null 20060324121100,41.03333,-74.06667,23,19,0,EST,5,25,Clouds on the horizon| but nothing covering Orion,Apartment parking lot with a number dim lights,null 20060324121200,39.87300,-74.20200,23,20,0,EST,4,25,null,There is one street light within 50 m that is shielded from my view,null 20060324121300,42.72194,23.24222,23,20,0,EET,1,75,Sky was completely covered with clouds.,There are a number of lights in a 50 m radius.,null 20060324121600,41.16667,-73.08333,23,21,0,EST,4,50,Partly cloudy| but open to Orion,A street light and a park spotlight within 50 meters| but shielded by my house in between.,null 20060324121800,42.65194,23.37778,23,20,0,EET,1,75,There were nimbostratus clouds all over the sky.,There is a street light within 30 m directly from my side of view.,Actually nothing was seen. :( 20060324121900,42.68833,23.25917,23,20,0,EET,1,75,It was raining,null,null 20060324124700,51.26700,8.18700,23,20,0,null,4,0,null,null,null 20060324125700,26.50000,-82.00000,23,22,0,EST,2,50,Cloudy with a light rain,Clear view of the sky no lights,null 20060324125900,-30.02700,-70.70800,23,20,0,null,4,0,Sky totally clear,Observation made from a street intersection| many lights around| 3 lights less than 50 meters away. Used my hands to make shade around my eyes.,I was able to see a few more stars than showed in chart for magnitude 4 but| less than in chart for magnitude 5 20060324131400,-29.90389,-71.21750,22,20,0,null,4,0,null,no local lights at 50m at least,null 20060324131500,39.96800,-74.14300,23,20,0,EST,4,25,null,null,null 20060324131600,48.97194,14.47833,23,19,0,CET,2,0,null,null,null 20060324131900,8.64003,99.89801,24,20,0,null,4,25,null,Walailak University| Thailand,null 20060324132400,52.02306,23.16083,23,19,0,null,3,0,null,null,null 20060324132600,38.88167,-80.86260,23,21,0,EST,5,50,null,null,null 20060324132800,41.08400,-73.56500,23,19,0,EST,4,0,Very light haze from onshore breeze.,There are 2 street lights within 50m that are shielded from my view.,null 20060324133500,41.14110,-95.98000,23,19,0,CST,3,0,Very little star twinkle,About 50 m from streetlight in southeast,easily saw 3.2 mag. Okean O Rocket pass near Orion 20060324133700,40.93917,-73.12306,22,20,0,EST,2,0,null,We have street lamps,null 20060324134900,33.83000,-81.10600,22,21,0,null,7,0,null,there are a couple of street lights that you can hardly see within 75 m.,null 20060324135300,50.80972,7.87056,23,20,0,null,5,0,null,There are two street lights within 50 m that are hardly shielded from my view.,null 20060324141500,40.03600,-105.06200,23,21,0,MST,3,0,Slight haze but otherwise clear,In front of my house in residential neighboorhood. 2 unshielded streetlights within 25m.,This is my second attempt. The first obs from this location did not show up. Hi Kirsten. Hi Sandra. 20060324141800,33.81300,-81.11200,22,20,0,EST,4,0,I a little hazy,Lot of lighjts on telephone poles surroding area,null 20060324142100,33.81300,-81.11200,23,20,0,EST,1,75,null,Lots of lights on telephone poles surronding area.,null 20060324143200,37.45000,-108.53400,23,21,0,MST,7,0,a few light clouds on the horizona to the southwest,In a dark location.,null 20060324143900,33.74200,-81.11000,24,20,0,EST,1,50,null,no,null 20060324143900,33.74200,-81.11000,24,20,0,EST,1,50,null,no,null 20060324143900,42.35000,-71.08333,23,20,0,EST,1,75,null,Street light 20 m in front of house,null 20060324144200,34.94634,-77.80558,22,20,0,EST,4,0,extremely clear.,There are houselights about 100 meters away behind me.,null 20060324144300,50.66667,19.10000,23,20,0,CET,4,0,null,There is street light 50 m.,null 20060324144300,41.12611,-73.57750,23,19,0,null,5,0,null,null,null 20060324144500,33.73900,-81.09000,22,20,0,EST,3,0,very little clouds,Two street lights about 50-100 yards away from viewing area.,null 20060324144700,29.37200,-98.79300,23,20,0,CST,4,0,Clear all over.,Street light in front of my house.,null 20060324145000,29.53200,-98.90200,23,20,0,CST,5,0,Clear,2 neighbors house lights on.,null 20060324145800,33.82600,-81.09400,23,20,0,EST,5,25,It was raining and there was cloud covering,I have street lights in my area.,null 20060324145900,29.47700,-98.91500,23,19,0,NST,5,25,null,Light in window 50 m away,null 20060324150000,33.81300,-81.11200,23,21,0,EST,1,75,could not see any thing,no lights,null 20060324150200,35.45500,-81.25400,22,23,0,EST,5,0,null,4 street lights around - 3 within 100m and 1 within 200 m,we observed a little late but were able to get satisfactory results 20060324150400,33.81300,-81.12200,23,20,0,CET,1,75,null,null,null 20060324150500,34.56000,65.43000,23,21,0,JST,7,0,null,null,null 20060324150500,19.04417,72.81750,24,20,0,IST,4,0,There is wind.,I am in the 17th floor of a building sea side| there isn't any light on my terrace.,null 20060324150600,29.22000,-98.79300,23,20,0,CST,5,0,It was very clear. I saw orion.,No lights. Very dark.,null 20060324150700,47.60000,17.65000,23,20,0,CET,3,0,little haze,in the country| some lamp,null 20060324150900,33.18300,-81.11200,23,20,0,null,7,75,null,null,null 20060324151200,51.51667,7.51667,22,20,0,WET,4,0,null,center of Ruhr Area| most populated area in Germany,null 20060324151500,42.00000,-92.00000,22,21,0,CST,4,0,null,It was in the country no lights,null 20060324152200,39.48000,-76.30800,23,21,0,null,5,25,null,null,null 20060324153800,33.81200,-81.10400,23,19,0,NST,1,75,It was very cloudy,null,null 20060324154700,33.18300,-81.11200,23,20,0,null,1,75,null,null,null 20060324154700,42.55115,-93.55471,22,19,0,CST,3,0,null,null,null 20060324155100,42.41667,-92.28333,22,20,0,CST,5,0,The lower stars wern't visible.,I live out in the country.,null 20060324161400,39.24778,-94.41306,23,20,0,CST,4,0,null,residential backyard,Kansas City 17 miles SW 20060324162500,41.64900,-91.55700,22,21,0,CST,4,0,null,residential neigborhood with one street light 200 feet to the north of my backyard. House blocks most of its light.,null 20060324164100,36.23850,-92.31680,23,20,0,CST,4,25,null,2 street lights within 80 meters,null 20060324164200,41.20200,-73.60800,23,19,0,EST,4,25,Scattered clouds| not thick. I could see the brighter stars through them.,null,null 20060324164300,27.29890,-97.81510,23,19,0,CST,4,25,It was cloudy.,Porch lights were on from the houses beside me.,null 20060324164300,27.29890,-97.81510,23,20,0,CST,4,25,null,It was very dark.,null 20060324170500,33.81300,-81.11200,23,20,0,null,2,25,null,null,null 20060324171300,40.17000,-74.92000,23,23,0,EST,4,50,figures it has to be cloudy when ever there is something to look for like spoting the international space station,open parking lot,null 20060324171700,36.19720,-92.26880,23,20,0,CST,5,25,null,10 street lights surround school and parking lot,null 20060324171700,40.19700,-74.42770,23,22,0,EST,4,0,slight haze to south,streetlight located 100m away from driveway where view was taken,null 20060324172500,36.22420,-92.28760,23,20,0,CST,5,25,null,one yard light on the opposite side of our house| 30 meters away,null 20060324172700,36.21340,-92.32200,23,19,0,CST,5,25,null,no street lights within 2 miles,null 20060324173500,-34.80000,-56.36700,22,20,0,BZT,3,0,Quite clear night.,There are several street lights arround the block (within 40 - 100 m) that are shielded from my view.,Real magnitude would be 3.5 - 3.7 20060324173700,32.42000,-111.00100,23,19,0,MST,7,0,null,null,It seemed that you could see more than a Magnitude 7 20060324174300,39.97700,-105.27500,23,20,0,MST,4,0,Nice clear skies with just a bit of light haze.,NCAR's Mesa Lab above the city of Boulder| CO,Observation taken as part of the GaN Star Party with approximately 80 people in attendance. 20060324174400,33.79700,-81.17800,23,20,0,EST,1,75,It was too cloudy| i could not see anything. It was also drizzling.,There is a light in my yard but it did not effect what i saw,There was not any stars out last night i could not see any. 20060324175600,28.12000,-80.65000,22,22,0,EST,3,25,null,Residential subdivision within 1 half mile of Wal-Mart shopping center,Actually| visible stars were between 3 and 4. I estimate 3.5 mag. 20060324180300,32.25357,-110.94643,22,20,0,MST,5,0,It was not dark at 7pm at this location - we had to wait until 8,Backyard| city location,This observation was for a 13 year old (good eyes). my 50 year old eyes could only make out a mag 3.5 sky. 20060324181400,38.93472,-80.83361,29,21,0,EST,1,50,Stars are hard to locate due to overcast.,Observations made at the top of the steps leading to Coffee and Friends located in Glenville| WV.,null 20060324181800,-29.92900,-71.24100,23,20,0,AST,4,0,A little haze| low to the West,East of La Serena and Coquimbo. Garden. Repeating last night's observation. Co-ordinates last night were very approximate - tonight are much more accurate (i.e. used map to define location co-ordinates),null 20060324181800,33.81000,-81.11800,23,20,0,null,1,75,It was bery dark could not see the stars,food lion| pet food| roud near,null 20060324184900,29.10115,-97.31121,24,19,0,null,5,25,null,street light,null 20060324185600,-7.11889,-34.86250,23,20,0,BZT,5,50,null,my house is protected from the street lights| the back of my house isn't iluminated,null 20060324185800,54.50000,18.53333,24,19,0,CET,5,0,no clouds,There are six street lights within 50 m from the place I made the observation.,null 20060324190100,40.93917,-73.12306,23,20,0,null,4,0,clear,ward melville high school parking lot. many street lights.,some light pollution from the school 20060324190200,29.28000,-98.78900,23,20,0,CST,5,25,dark and i saw orion,there was a light post close.,null 20060324190300,29.36200,-98.74200,23,20,0,EST,7,25,null,null,null 20060324191100,61.16667,22.71667,24,20,0,EET,4,0,very clear sky,There are a few street lights which are shieded from my view,null 20060324191400,50.14167,22.08333,24,20,0,CST,2,25,null,There is one factory light within 100 m that is shielded from my view.,null 20060324191900,29.24000,-98.67400,23,20,0,CST,5,0,It was dark I saw Orion.,Neighbors had lights on. I was kind of close.,null 20060324191900,61.20694,26.03444,24,20,0,CET,4,0,No haze| temperature -8C.,There is two street lights and one outdoor light within 50 m from my view.,Time Zone in Finland is UTC+2| so the mere CET is invalid| I think. 20060324192600,51.22360,6.25000,22,22,0,CET,5,25,null,null,null 20060324192800,29.22000,-98.79300,23,19,0,CST,5,0,i saw a orion,There were no lights. I saw the sky perfectly,null 20060324193300,50.48000,19.07000,24,20,0,CET,2,25,null,There is two streets light within 20 m.,I saw Orion but I couldnn't see a lot stars because of the lights in the city centre. 20060324194200,51.21500,6.17500,22,21,0,CET,5,25,null,null,null 20060324194600,57.89920,25.33780,24,20,0,EET,3,25,a little fog,null,null 20060324194800,53.11694,17.96111,24,20,0,CET,3,0,null,There is street two light within 25 m that is no shielded from my view.,null 20060324194900,3.24000,11.40000,24,20,0,CET,3,0,a little haze to the west horizon,Many street lights around| with 70-250w Na bulbs at 2.5-10m high. Point of observ. balcony at 7m.,null 20060324195800,29.55400,-98.90500,23,19,0,CST,4,25,null,I have a septic tank light|but it is very dim.,null 20060324200200,47.46775,19.11395,24,20,0,CET,3,0,null,Residential area in the city with lots of streetlights,Could use more darkness... 20060324200400,39.86800,-4.02300,24,20,0,null,3,25,null,null,null 20060324200600,50.80000,19.11667,24,20,0,CET,6,0,sky is all clear,there is street. One light within 30m that is shielded from my view,null 20060324201000,67.12222,25.95167,24,22,0,null,2,25,Fog rising,Street light 100m behind,null 20060324201100,47.77371,18.17413,24,19,0,CET,5,0,totally clear sky,Plain field east of Komarno| Slovakia,null 20060324201200,47.44353,19.14169,24,21,0,CET,3,0,null,null,The observation was in a green quarter 20060324201400,48.48000,12.03000,24,22,0,CET,4,25,null,null,null 20060324201400,50.81667,19.10000,24,20,0,null,3,0,In the sky when I made observe wasnt any clouds,There is a lot of streets where are a lot of lights but in place where i observed was only 7 lamp and it wasnt so brightly.,It was exactly that picture which i chose 20060324201900,47.75929,18.08006,24,20,0,CET,5,0,totally clear sky,plain field west of Komarno| Slovakia,null 20060324202000,51.26100,22.58200,23,19,0,CET,3,0,null,it is a sguare| within a radius of 200 m no lights,null 20060324202400,45.81885,16.00768,24,21,0,CET,1,0,null,null,null 20060324202500,47.46667,19.00000,24,20,0,CET,3,25,null,house-lights and street lamps nearby,null 20060324203600,40.59583,-4.15139,24,21,0,CET,1,25,null,There is one street light nearby my view,null 20060324203700,-29.92900,-71.24100,23,20,0,AST,5,0,Slight haze on horizon.,null,Observed at about 8.45pm tonight| so Orion was higher in the sky than last night (observation last night was at 10pm). My husband (who wears glasses) reached 4.5 mag. These are the sam evalues as we obtained last night - which was crystal-clear to the ho 20060324203800,29.46800,-98.78900,23,21,0,CST,4,0,null,One street light about 38 feet away.,null 20060324203900,47.67114,19.06680,24,20,0,CET,3,25,little haze,Many street lights since 2003.,null 20060324204000,36.52400,-95.02300,23,21,0,CST,5,0,Clouds cleared around 3 pm local. temperture dropped rapidly. No haze. beautiful| clear sky.,Rural area| one HPS light 1 quarter mile away| lighted billboard 1.75 miles away and both are shielded from my view. I can detect the glow if I look carefully.,Seasoned amatuer astronomer-astrophotographer for the past 35 years made this observation. 20060324204100,43.00000,68.00000,22,12,0,null,5,0,null,NO Light,Students Sdding up Data From Al Qadesiah Tabuk| Saudi Arabia 20060324204500,40.03607,-105.06218,23,21,0,MST,3,0,light haze left over from the melting snow,Two street lights within 25m unshielded.,Hi Sandra and Kirsten. 20060324204800,60.55417,26.35667,23,20,0,CET,2,0,Litle haze in the horizon. -10 degrees C.,Street lights both side. In the shadow of house.,In Finland Orion is litle low in this time of year. 20060324205000,42.36667,-88.48333,22,23,0,null,5,0,null,7 miles a from town of Woodstock| IL,null 20060324205100,41.08278,-72.38222,23,21,0,EST,4,0,transparency was average 3 fifths.,null,I've seen better 20060324205400,41.82667,-87.64139,23,22,0,CST,3,0,null,null,null 20060324205400,50.80000,19.11667,24,21,0,CET,3,0,null,null,null 20060324205500,50.80000,19.11667,24,20,0,CET,4,25,Some clouds on the south part of the sky.,There are some houses with small light but it's about 200 m away from my way.,null 20060324210000,13.68333,-88.80000,22,20,0,PST,5,25,null,There is 2 street light within 20 and 50 m that is shielded from my view,Observacion desde el sur de la ciudad de San Salvador| El Salvador 20060324210100,46.71100,25.55200,24,21,0,CET,4,0,null,street light within 100 m,null 20060324210500,-25.41000,-70.47778,23,20,0,null,2,25,La constelacion de orion se pudo ver claramente | sin problemas de que las nubes la cubrieran.,Nos ubicamos en un sector donde se encuentran luminarias y focos del tipo Opalo 1| cada uno entre 50 mts.,La observacion se realizo en el sector senalado como punto 2 de la ciudad de Taltal 20060324210700,31.12500,87.06400,22,19,0,CST,3,25,null,There were lights in the vicinity of view- 50 feet,null 20060324211200,61.98250,26.58583,22,22,0,EET,7,0,null,null,null 20060324211400,50.93333,19.23333,24,21,0,CET,4,25,null,There is one street light within 180 m that is shielded from my view,null 20060324211500,50.48000,19.07000,24,20,0,CET,3,0,null,null,null 20060324211700,50.92056,19.04722,24,20,0,CET,5,0,clear,Suburbs of the city. This is a good place to make sky observations.,The stars were well visible. 20060324211900,50.93333,19.23333,24,21,0,CET,4,25,null,There is one street light within 180 m that is shielded from my view,null 20060324212200,50.96667,18.73333,24,20,0,null,3,0,the sky was very clear when I was canning observation.,there is many of street| but it is small town| with light within 150m that is shielded from my view.,The Orion was very distinct 3 years ago in summer| but now when we have a winter find it is a difficult| but no much. When I looked at sky some years ago (in winter) I can found it more quickly. 20060324212400,48.47170,13.47330,22,21,0,null,6,0,null,at my house| in my garden| outside of a little village| on a little mountain near Scharding Austria,null 20060324212500,50.86667,19.10000,24,21,0,CET,4,0,null,There is near a big city.,null 20060324212600,39.89000,-105.47000,23,22,0,MST,6,0,Clear,Middle of a small mountain valley,null 20060324212900,50.92056,19.04722,24,20,0,CET,5,0,clear,Suburbs of the city.,The stars were well visable. 20060324214800,50.80000,19.11667,24,20,0,CET,4,25,null,null,null 20060324214900,39.68343,-104.80089,23,19,0,MST,6,0,slight haze,clear with slight haze,null 20060324214900,50.92056,19.04722,24,20,0,CET,5,0,clear,Suburbs of the city.,The stars were well visible. 20060324215600,33.67800,-81.17600,23,19,0,EST,1,75,Clouds cover the whole sky| no stars are in the sky,Street light about 120-125 feet away,null 20060324220300,50.63333,19.06667,24,21,0,null,3,0,The sky was clear,There is one street | lights but not so much like in the city becouse it is a village,null 20060324221800,50.92056,19.04722,24,20,0,CET,5,0,clear,Suburbs of the city.,The stars were well visible. 20060324225400,36.10534,-81.39858,23,20,0,EST,3,0,seemed pretty clear. lots of light polution here.,On the 9th floor of a building on a hill,I saw 3 stars in the belt| 2 stars above| 1 star below| not exactly mag. 3 but more that mag. 2 20060324230700,-37.81028,145.20833,22,22,0,AEST,4,0,Beautifully clear. Temp about 22 deg C. No moon.,There are 2 streetlights within 50m that are shielded from my view..neighbour to the N had a backyard light on but I was shielded from it.,Orion was quite low in the sky| only about 30 deg if looking at Mintaka. It can get almost overhead from my location. I estimate the Mv to be between 4-4.5 as I could just see all three stars in the sword but not all the faint ones on the mag 5 chart. 20060324233500,37.67300,-89.26300,22,20,0,CST,4,0,vapor haze 8:30pm cleared by 8:45pm,slight glow of town lights of Anna| Illinois to the south| well below Orion's knees,null 20060324233900,37.67300,-89.26300,23,20,0,CST,4,0,thin vapor haze,slight glow of town lights of Anna| Illinois to the south| below Orion's knees,we could see some stars from Mag. 5 chart| but not all 20060324234600,36.63333,-4.50000,23,21,0,null,4,0,null,null,null 20060324235300,-30.05778,-51.17444,24,20,0,BZT,3,25,The sky is partily cloud.,There some light over the street 50m.,null 20060325000900,-54.00000,-68.00000,23,21,0,BZT,3,25,null,Location is Ushuaia| we observed whilst travelling through here. Location was from just north of the main town with no street lights in direct view.,null 20060325005200,10.96167,-74.78167,24,19,0,null,2,75,cloudy,null,null 20060325010000,45.49485,-75.73197,22,20,0,EST,3,25,null,null,null 20060325010200,-33.79200,150.90700,24,20,0,AEST,4,25,Clear sky to the west| cloudy to the east,null,est mag between 4 and 4.5 20060325011400,50.51500,3.01889,22,21,0,WET,4,0,null,null,null 20060325011400,40.18950,-74.42570,24,20,0,EST,1,75,Clouds cover most of the sky and stars are very hard to see,The woods are dark and there are no lights blocking my view.,null 20060325011700,42.32900,-71.15500,24,20,0,EST,3,25,null,In our backyard - trees blocked our view of lower stars of Orion,null 20060325012500,40.00200,-74.12200,24,20,0,EST,4,25,null,null,null 20060325015500,38.32757,-89.56015,24,19,0,CST,6,0,High pressure front moved in sky clear| humidity low.,In country 7 miles from nearest city. Sodium vapor light 200 meters to east that is shielded from view.,null 20060325022200,35.46800,-97.51600,24,20,0,CST,3,0,some haze from store light,2 street light,null 20060325022600,32.22700,-95.29700,24,20,0,CST,3,0,null,Several street lights near my location,null 20060325023700,40.56400,-105.07300,24,19,0,MST,3,0,Moist air. Barometer steady,my neighbor has a back porch light that is on approx. 25 Meters away to the North.,Noah's back yard. This is 3| boarderline 4. I could MAYBE make out mag 4 stars| but maybe because I know they are there. 20060325024500,40.74900,-73.92000,22,18,0,EST,3,25,small| fast moving low white puffy clouds. Very scattered.,2 street lights shielded from view within 40 m,null 20060325024600,29.72778,-98.63878,24,20,0,CST,6,0,low clouds to the SW,a number of outdoor lights 150feet,null 20060325025000,40.42778,-74.41639,24,21,0,EST,1,75,Could not see any stars tonight. Sky covered with clouds,just the light from my neighbors home.,Clouds covered the sky. No stars are visable. 20060325025200,32.20000,-110.77000,24,20,0,MST,5,0,perhaps slightest haze,Mostly dark area with a few neighbors' lights,null 20060325030200,41.63056,-71.16250,24,21,0,EST,4,25,High humidity with clouds on the horizon E and N.,One street light within 75 meters| two residential lights within 100 meters| all shielded from my view.,null 20060325031400,43.53611,-112.03333,22,22,0,null,4,0,null,This is in the middle of Idaho Falls| a city of around 50|000. There is one street light that was about 20 meters to my back.,null 20060325031700,29.24000,-98.67400,24,20,0,CST,5,0,null,null,null 20060325032300,36.08833,-93.88833,24,20,0,CST,4,0,null,There is a street light behind me.,null 20060325033600,32.20500,-110.86000,24,20,0,MST,4,25,haze to west,car dealership lights,null 20060325035200,40.13333,-105.15000,24,19,0,MST,3,75,High thin cirrus clouds making start fainter,multiple street lights screened from my view,null 20060325036000,27.35000,-82.25000,24,22,0,EST,3,25,Patchy clouds,Area population approx. 100|000,null 20060325040300,35.14700,-97.00900,24,21,0,CST,7,0,no light.out in the country,no lights very dark area,null 20060325041200,41.92900,-88.74900,24,20,0,CST,5,0,null,null,null 20060325041500,33.06667,-116.78333,24,19,0,PST,5,0,null,null,null 20060325041500,40.05056,-105.05194,24,20,0,MST,3,0,null,Back yard in the city,null 20060325042400,37.25236,-113.36866,24,21,0,PST,3,0,slight high thin clouds| with city light reflection in sky directly below Orion,Town of 50K 10 miles south directly below view of Orion,slight high thin clouds| with city light reflection in sky directly below Orion 20060325042500,41.53139,-82.04472,24,21,0,CST,2,25,cloudy to the south,null,null 20060325050100,31.47583,-95.42117,24,22,0,CST,4,0,null,closest mercury vapor light is 1 quarter mile away,Had it not been so cold outside| I would have stayed out longer and my eyes would have adjusted to see more stars. 20060325052100,46.83700,17.09600,24,22,0,CET,7,0,After cold front| clear sky. No fog.,No light source.,A little village near River Zala. 20060325053000,3.24000,11.40000,24,21,0,CET,4,0,null,Approx. 10 street lights around| in a 100m diam. circle. Point of observ. balcony at 7m hight.,null 20060325053100,47.44200,19.02500,24,22,0,CET,3,0,No fog.,Budapest is a capital of Hungary. A lot of lamp in the street. It is a suburban place.,null 20060325054600,49.21000,-123.97000,24,20,0,PST,5,25,Seems a little hazy overall. I believe I can normally see at Magnitude 6. There have been stormy bits all day.,Exactly| a street light within 50m that is shielded from my view.,I routinely oberve the Pleiades. Do you have a magnitude chart that includes them? 20060325071500,50.13333,19.02139,24,21,0,CET,3,0,null,I was observing from my terrace| near by street lights.,null 20060325072400,41.52472,2.00000,24,20,0,CET,3,0,Very clear night,Theres no direct lights| but there's some light street behind the building.,null 20060325081000,21.29300,-157.81000,24,21,0,HST,3,25,null,null,null 20060325085200,-31.61667,151.75000,24,20,0,AEST,6,0,it had been raining. a litle haze east.,one street light 30 metres away,null 20060325085500,-32.16667,151.16667,25,19,0,null,3,25,null,industrial lighting 150 metres away,null 20060325094000,52.35194,18.43528,23,21,0,CET,4,0,Crystal sky because of cold air.,Near here are few soda lamps. Observer is above lamps.,null 20060325095800,51.20000,13.83333,24,22,0,CET,4,0,null,null,null 20060325102900,51.27000,22.55000,24,20,0,CET,4,0,null,This is a city with population over 300000. Many street lights about 100 m from my view.,null 20060325103200,26.30400,50.13600,24,20,0,null,3,0,Desert dusty sky condition reduces clarity tonight by about 25 percent,Within 50m there is a series of wall lights at 2m height| every 4m for two blocks. Within 500m there is very bright soccer field lighting on 50m high poles.,Time zone is +3 from prime meridian (is that UTC +3 ?) Thank you for letting people participate. 20060325112700,50.80028,19.11694,24,20,0,CET,5,0,Clear,Suburbs of the city.,Stars were well visible. 20060325114300,52.01306,23.59917,24,19,0,CET,6,0,null,null,null 20060325115900,28.90000,77.21667,25,23,0,IST,2,0,Half the sky was ok (comparitively)with a Mag limit of 2 (3 with averted vision)but th other half was terrible(no clouds but a lot of light pollution) with allmost 0 stars visible. It's allways like that :(,null,null 20060325120900,35.42472,139.65944,25,19,0,null,3,0,null,There are two streetlights within 50 m that are behind me. There are also city lamps partially shielded by trees that are below me.,null 20060325122000,62.70500,25.23361,24,22,0,CET,5,0,null,50m,null 20060325122700,54.33611,10.11667,23,22,0,WET,3,0,null,null,null 20060325123700,62.70500,25.23361,24,22,0,WET,5,0,null,50m-80m,null 20060325132800,50.11700,10.51700,25,23,0,CET,5,0,null,null,null 20060325133300,-33.85500,151.19300,25,20,0,AEST,3,75,locally clear apart from clouds.Rain visible falling in far.,Overlooking harbour withmoderate number of lights along the opposite foreshore,null 20060325141300,-19.81028,-43.17417,23,20,0,BZT,5,0,No clouds at all,null,null 20060325142000,19.04417,72.81750,25,19,0,IST,3,0,There is wind.,I am in the 17th floor of a building sea side. There isn't any lights on my terrace.,Today| there isn't a lot of stars like every day. 20060325143100,50.88333,19.23333,24,20,0,null,4,0,null,null,null 20060325150200,44.80278,-71.87500,23,22,0,EST,6,0,No haze| very cold and crisp,no lights,null 20060325150700,39.71566,-104.94954,23,20,0,MST,1,25,Haze from recent snow moisture,On the East side of Cherry Creek Mall| taller buildings sheild distant light (Urban Canyon) but there are street lights and car lights within 50 ft.,There are too many tall buildings around to see very much of the sky. 20060325150900,16.88600,-25.32700,23,20,0,EST,4,0,very steady. no wind,the observation was made from the elevated floor of my observatory. it is loacted about 350 feet off the street. street light are 100 ' down the street each way. i can see 1 light from my viewing area. it was changed to a full cut off fixture due to my p,could see 4.5 mag. star in Orion 20060325151400,39.49501,-76.46064,24,19,0,EST,1,50,I think the sky only looked like Chart One because of the cloud coverage. Usually I see much more stars in the sky than last night.,null,null 20060325152900,33.54000,-112.12200,24,19,0,MST,3,25,Clear sky around Orion| but the East side of sky was cloudy.,4 foot lights are in my backyard from my view.,There was a couple of airplanes went trough the Orion area when I was observing the sky. They had pretty bright lights on. 20060325155000,62.39000,-159.31000,22,21,0,YST,4,0,Twilight may affect observation as our skies are not dark between 7-9. Our observation time of Orion is 9:30.,No light interference.,null 20060325155600,62.39000,-159.31000,23,21,0,YST,4,0,null,Please note the same possible Twilight interference as March 22.,null 20060325161000,39.55417,-84.16250,22,19,0,EST,3,0,null,In our backyard there wasn't any lights.,null 20060325161000,62.39000,-159.31000,24,22,0,YST,4,0,null,Same possible Twilight Interference as March 22| 23,null 20060325165100,52.44000,13.50472,23,20,0,CET,4,0,null,many street light... Observatorium Johannisthal |Berlin,null 20060325170400,52.48389,13.46861,23,20,0,CET,4,0,null,Sky Beamer Archenhold Observatorium Berlin-Treptow,null 20060325170800,60.51000,26.86000,23,21,0,EET,4,0,null,null,null 20060325172600,50.80639,19.11833,24,22,0,null,5,0,null,null,null 20060325174400,41.68333,86.25000,24,21,0,EST,4,25,null,null,null 20060325175400,52.50000,12.50000,23,21,0,WET,4,0,null,There are 4 street lamps in front of my house.,null 20060325180700,39.96800,-74.14300,25,22,0,EST,1,75,null,null,null 20060325181400,60.15000,24.95000,25,20,0,EET,4,0,null,There is many street lights there.,null 20060325183000,60.21667,25.05000,25,20,0,EET,3,0,null,There are multiple street lights nearby.,null 20060325183100,46.45300,16.97100,24,19,0,CET,4,0,null,No street light that shielded from my view,Observation of NAE 20060325183200,54.11667,18.76667,25,19,0,CET,4,25,null,null,null 20060325183400,46.46400,17.00400,25,19,0,CET,3,25,null,null,Observation of NAE 20060325184100,52.38333,9.71667,23,21,0,WET,3,0,null,null,null 20060325184200,52.03389,10.03389,25,18,0,CET,7,25,null,null,null 20060325185100,60.46700,22.36700,24,20,0,EET,4,0,Orion was same direction as the town| not the best direction for observing.,The location was my front yard 5km outside nearest town Turku| the neiborghs are nearly 100 m away and nearest road with lights 200m away.,null 20060325192300,6.35700,2.44000,24,21,0,CET,3,25,null,Balcony above garden with lights| and street lights outside.,null 20060325192500,6.35700,2.44000,25,20,0,CET,4,0,lightning flashing off to north,Balcony above garden with garden lights out. Street lamps 50 feet away.,null 20060325194900,42.68806,23.25889,25,21,0,EET,2,25,null,null,null 20060325195800,50.80000,19.11667,25,20,0,CET,1,75,It's hard to see any stars because the sky is cloudy| and because of the street lights it is impossible to see the stars.,I live on the city boarder.On the street there are street lights.,null 20060325200500,34.12000,-117.80700,24,19,0,PST,3,25,Mostly clear with the exception of thin mist or fog in some areas.,A parking lot with 2 dim lights nearby and a street light approx. 100 feet away.,I enjoyed participating in this global activity observing the effects of light pollution. 20060325202000,61.31667,22.91667,24,20,0,null,5,0,null,null,null 20060325202300,60.45000,25.08333,25,22,0,EET,3,0,Some clouds,Street lights behind me,null 20060325202800,46.71100,25.55200,25,21,0,CET,4,0,cover in sky is clear,light is minimal,Kinga and and Family 20060325205400,41.54000,2.12100,25,21,0,CET,5,0,null,null,null 20060325205900,44.36667,2.55000,25,21,0,CET,3,0,null,null,null 20060325211700,21.46667,-77.65000,25,21,0,EST,3,0,any clouds,Light withn 40 m that is shielded from my view,I live near to the see| 150 m 20060325215000,32.24300,-111.22700,22,20,0,MST,6,0,null,null,null 20060325215300,60.15361,24.95667,25,20,0,EET,2,0,null,Ursa tower in Kaivopuisto. Some lights nearby.,null 20060325215600,60.41851,24.73051,25,21,0,null,4,0,null,Coordinate system EUREF-FIN,null 20060325225200,-7.20972,-39.31361,25,19,0,null,5,0,null,observation effected in the center of the city,null 20060325225500,33.67800,-81.17600,24,20,0,EST,1,75,Clouds covering the sky| can't see Orion at all,Street light 120-125 feet away,null 20060325231900,43.45667,-76.54000,23,19,0,EST,6,0,null,null,null 20060325232300,38.40534,-83.39858,24,21,0,EST,3,25,large breaks in clouds,suburb of boston.,null 20060325232600,39.43400,-105.26100,24,20,0,MST,7,0,null,no lights present,null 20060325232700,-34.49100,-58.49900,25,20,0,BZT,3,0,null,null,null 20060326005000,-33.70000,-59.75000,25,21,0,BZT,5,0,good transparency,there are two street lights within 50 m that are shielded from my view.,null 20060326011300,34.29606,-79.88117,25,20,0,EST,4,25,clouds were to the west and west-northwest of Orion and covered not quite 1 quarterth of the sky,Three streetlights within 50 meters that are shielded from my view,I've been an amateur astronomer for almost 40-years| and I can't believe how bright the sky has become over the last fifteen years. 20060326011400,42.61778,-82.59917,25,19,0,EST,4,75,Very cloudy to the north and east. Clouds traveling west| but orion was clear.,Neighbors have lights on 40 yards away. Lights are to the west from my position at 90 degrees from me.,null 20060326011600,-33.46667,-70.75000,25,21,0,null,3,0,null,I was in park near my house.,null 20060326012500,33.99700,-84.65000,25,19,0,EST,4,0,No haze| clear and cold,One street light within 30 meters but is shielded from view,null 20060326013100,33.80800,-81.12000,24,19,0,EST,1,75,clouds cover most of the sky.,Cannot see but just a little bit of orion| i can only see the belt.,once again it is so cool. 20060326013200,30.11667,-95.63333,25,19,0,null,5,0,null,null,null 20060326013200,33.80800,-81.12000,25,20,0,EST,7,25,clouds are mainly to the east side of orion.,only a light pole is in the way| but its all good.,i saw the whole picture of orion| that is until the clouds moved into the way. 20060326013900,41.52472,2.00000,25,21,0,CET,3,0,null,null,null 20060326015300,42.20500,-83.58600,25,20,0,EST,4,0,null,There is a streetlight approximately 40 m WSW of my observation location,null 20060326015500,34.16260,-86.85540,25,19,0,CST,2,0,null,null,null 20060326015600,-29.90778,-71.25417,25,22,0,AST,5,0,Western skies partly illuminated by stadium lights reflecting off of haze,My backyard on the CTIO compound in La Serena| Chile. Stadium lights on the horizon| city lights below| street lights within a few hundred meters,Number of stars in Orion roughly halfway between 4th and 5th magnitude depths 20060326020100,29.57000,-90.09000,24,19,0,CST,4,0,null,null,null 20060326020300,29.55000,-90.12000,25,19,0,CST,4,0,null,null,null 20060326020400,42.50137,-92.41625,25,19,0,CST,3,0,null,null,I am a GLOBE ONE teacher 20060326022000,29.96273,-90.05665,23,21,0,CST,3,25,null,In front of Cafe Du Monde in New Orleans. Street lights were on| but stores were closed.,Greetings from New Orleans Clean-up. 20060326023200,35.85667,-86.88833,25,20,0,CST,3,0,Sky was clear and bright.,Eve light on house 30 m. NW on viewing location.,null 20060326023700,39.91842,-105.07394,25,19,0,MST,4,0,a little haze all around| but no clouds.,There are two streetlights| each about 50m away.,null 20060326023800,34.69080,-86.58310,25,20,0,CST,4,0,null,null,null 20060326025100,43.80683,-91.23386,25,20,0,CST,4,0,null,null,null 20060326025200,30.51167,-86.09417,25,20,0,CST,3,0,null,Street lights surround this area.,null 20060326025800,39.05000,-77.06667,25,21,0,EST,3,25,null,one street light within 10 m| no direct view,null 20060326031500,43.37200,-99.84700,25,20,0,CST,3,50,Hazey in the northern sky.,There is one street light within 40m. that was somewhat shielded from my view.,null 20060326031900,-45.90300,170.53500,25,20,0,null,5,25,Minimal high cloud cover to north and east.,Nieghbouring house (25m) had outdoor light on| shielded from view by fence.,null 20060326032500,39.02600,-77.04200,25,22,0,EST,3,25,scattered clouds to east,there is one street light within 20 meters that is shielded from my view,null 20060326033100,35.44120,-94.36410,25,21,0,CST,4,0,clear| light haze,Outside main city of Van Buren. Up on cliffside.,null 20060326033200,40.00000,-115.00000,24,20,0,MST,6,25,haze to the south,I live 10 miles of eney lights on top of a mountain,null 20060326033200,40.65000,-73.88000,25,22,0,EST,1,25,sky is a bit hazy to the east,there is one street light. it's light is out of my view,stars are hazy as well 20060326034800,43.00000,-74.00000,25,22,0,EST,1,75,null,null,null 20060326040200,41.00000,-74.00000,25,22,0,EST,1,75,There is about 85 percent cloud cover with a few clear patches.,There are street lights around my home| and the backyard lights are shut off at the time.,Orion was barely noticeable| maybe two or three stars were visible out of the entire constellation. 20060326040900,37.96700,-84.29000,25,21,0,EST,5,0,null,null,null 20060326041000,38.02000,-84.43000,25,22,0,NST,3,0,Hazy to the north east toward lexington.,3 street light within 60m| shielded.,null 20060326041500,33.51817,-112.08742,25,20,0,MST,1,75,Very cloudy and still bright out,Two Lamp post near by| and bright,about only two-four stars visable 20060326041700,39.40843,-119.82373,25,20,0,PST,5,25,Clouds mostly on the North Western horizon,Street light about 200 yards to the North West and a home with lights on about 100 yards to the West.,Had a snow storm earlier in the day. Nice and clear out. Transparency very nice. Seeing nice. A few sparse translucent clouds passing through the Orion region| so we waited on and off to scan the area. 20060326042100,31.08333,-97.68333,25,21,0,CST,5,0,some haze to the southwest,There is one streetlight on each end of my street| but they are not visible from my backyard.,null 20060326043200,32.28600,-110.90000,26,21,0,MST,2,0,faint| wispy clouds,no street lights,null 20060326044000,37.17680,-116.86308,25,20,0,CST,6,0,Clear and windy,2 street lights within 100 m| in shade of pine tree,null 20060326044300,40.42778,-74.41639,25,23,0,EST,1,75,very cloudy night and raining. no stars are visable.,no lights from neighbors homes,null 20060326044800,-34.36200,144.90600,25,21,0,null,6,0,null,2 km out of town of 3000 people,null 20060326050300,41.35000,-90.18900,25,20,0,CST,5,25,Clouds to the north and west,Street light 50 yards behind me but blocked| also a factory about 3 blocks away,null 20060326054300,33.93333,-118.40000,23,20,0,PST,3,0,null,supermarket parking lot next to busy business street,null 20060326055300,45.55000,-122.78194,25,21,0,PST,3,25,Been raining off and on. Clouds are reflecting a lot of light.,balcony overlooking city. Lots of street lights visible.,null 20060326061500,34.49800,-85.07600,25,20,0,EST,5,50,skies clearing| but partly cloudy at time of observation. Leo is obscured| as are other constellations to the east. Orion and constellations to the west are visible clearly.,city glow to the east reflected from cloudbank,Some Magnitude 6 stars visible| but not enough to officially claim Mag 6 visibility. 20060326064000,35.93867,-79.19858,22,12,0,EST,5,0,good transparancy,Aprox. 35 miles N of Philadelphia Pa. Some house lights occasional problems. Street light on opposing side of house| not much of an interference,null 20060326083500,47.47194,19.05028,25,21,0,CET,3,0,Wasn't any speciality.,50 m from high buidings (10 storeyed),Thank you. 20060326084500,45.81885,16.00768,25,22,0,CET,1,0,null,null,null 20060326084900,50.85000,18.98333,24,22,0,CST,4,0,null,In my street there aren't any street lamps.,null 20060326092100,64.13000,27.44000,23,21,0,null,3,25,null,There are some street lights on my view.,null 20060326092300,-33.88300,151.21700,26,20,0,EST,3,0,very clear,a street light within 20m that is shielded from my view,null 20060326093200,-34.36200,144.90600,26,20,0,null,6,0,null,2 km outside a town of 3000 people,null 20060326094500,57.89920,25.33780,25,20,0,EET,3,0,null,null,null 20060326094700,57.89920,25.33780,25,20,0,EET,3,0,null,null,null 20060326095400,47.52528,19.14028,24,20,0,CET,3,0,null,There are no streetlights:-(,null 20060326110400,46.91500,18.97200,24,20,0,CST,5,0,null,null,null 20060326110900,62.19889,26.20222,25,20,0,EET,4,25,null,null,null 20060326114300,-33.13000,148.18000,25,19,0,CET,4,25,null,null,null 20060326114400,50.82861,19.12111,24,20,0,null,4,0,null,null,null 20060326114600,38.23778,-81.12750,25,23,0,null,1,50,It was a bit foggy,We have a street light in front of where I live that masked the complete view I had.,null 20060326115400,-31.59278,116.11167,25,21,0,AWST,6,0,null,Dark sky observing site,null 20060326120200,44.43000,-78.36333,22,19,0,EST,5,0,null,Front yard has a partial cutoff streetlight within 25m and within 50m are non cut off wallpack security lights at a bus company garage,null 20060326120500,44.42791,-77.60277,22,20,0,EST,6,0,null,From backyard - Partial cut off streetlight bleeds glare into backyard,Semi urban environment 20060326124700,12.97000,77.58000,23,20,0,IST,1,75,There were many clouds,pretty dark,Even i hardly saw magnitude 1 chart stars 20060326124900,12.97000,77.58000,24,21,0,IST,2,0,null,null,I waited untill clouds dissapeared 20060326125000,12.97000,77.58000,25,21,0,IST,3,0,null,dark place,there was no clouds 20060326125400,-33.68745,-59.67412,25,20,0,BZT,5,0,null,Urban location| small city (San Pedro)Street lights within 50 m shielded from my view,Looking to the zenith| 6th magnitude stars were visible at the Carina-Crux zone 20060326131400,50.80000,19.11667,23,20,0,CET,3,0,null,null,null 20060326133100,50.80639,19.11806,25,22,0,null,4,0,there was a mist above the riverthere was a mist above the river.,null,null 20060326135000,40.71861,-4.24778,25,23,0,CET,3,25,null,null,null 20060326142000,11.18639,22.37278,22,18,0,NT,7,0,null,null,null 20060326142300,50.80611,19.12056,22,22,0,null,4,0,there is a mist above the river,null,null 20060326142900,39.07111,-92.23056,25,20,0,CST,5,0,very clear,Central Missouri Astronomical Association observing field. No artificial lights closer thgan a quarter mile| less than ten lights within half a mile.,Couldn't see the faintest stars on the mag. 5 chart. Estimate NELM at 4.8. 20060326143100,8.46665,99.97383,26,19,0,null,3,50,null,There are street light within 50 m that are shielded from my view.,null 20060326144100,40.05900,-105.16400,25,20,0,MST,4,0,there is light haze along the horizon,there is a street light 20 feet from our house,null 20060326145400,40.59700,-3.98000,24,20,0,WET,4,75,null,There is one street light within 20 m that is shielded from my view,null 20060326145500,40.59700,-3.98000,25,20,0,WET,5,0,null,There is one street light within 20 m that is shielded from my view,null 20060326151700,50.80000,19.11667,23,22,0,EET,3,0,null,There are many blocks of flats| which obstruct the view| but Orion was visible.,null 20060326151900,43.08389,-73.08389,26,19,0,EST,4,25,null,null,null 20060326152200,12.90000,77.58333,26,20,0,IST,4,0,perfectly clear,There were 2 street lights in opposite directions about 70 to 80 meters away.,you'd probably have to say it was between 3 and 4. 20060326152300,19.04417,72.81750,26,20,0,IST,3,0,There is wind.,I am living in the 17th floor of a building sea side| in Bandra. There isn't any lights on my terrace.,null 20060326154000,50.80000,19.11667,24,20,0,EET,3,0,null,null,null 20060326154300,14.00000,77.50000,24,20,0,IST,5,0,Some cloud but quite little covering the area in the south.,There are 5 street lights within 50m that is shielded from my view.,null 20060326155000,14.00000,77.50000,25,20,0,IST,5,25,Slight coverage to the east but very litttle.,null,null 20060326155300,34.31000,-83.86600,26,22,0,EST,5,25,Low pressure system had just moved through and there were still some scattered clouds.,There are a few street lights from our parking lot but from my observation point I was shielded from them,From my vantage point I observed what I would rate as Magnitude 5. 20060326155500,14.00000,77.50000,26,20,0,IST,5,0,For a while clouds where covering the area| but it soon cleared.,null,null 20060326160000,54.33333,18.66667,24,20,0,CET,3,25,null,null,null 20060326163900,5.08472,25.00000,26,21,0,null,5,25,null,5,null 20060326163900,60.19700,24.71800,25,21,0,EET,2,0,null,null,null 20060326165400,50.68333,19.00000,24,21,0,EST,4,0,null,null,null 20060326165500,32.43600,-110.96900,25,20,0,MST,5,0,clear,There is a park NE (behind my observation piont)of the constelation.,The magnitude was between 4and5| but closer to 5. 20060326165500,35.46600,-81.23000,22,21,0,EST,2,50,null,null,null 20060326165700,35.46600,-81.23000,23,21,0,EST,1,75,Dark rainy day| clouds covered the entire sky,null,null 20060326171400,54.38333,18.63333,22,21,0,CET,4,0,null,There is one street light within 30 m,null 20060326173100,40.05026,-105.00022,25,19,0,MST,4,50,null,null,null 20060326183200,32.25700,-110.79500,25,20,0,MST,5,0,Perfectly clear. Earlier in the day there were some clouds on the horizon but they cleared up by sunset.,One neighborhood light about 60m away. Not too bright.,To my naked eye it seemed to be a 3 or 4 but through a pair of glasses it's a definite 5. 20060326183700,50.80000,19.11667,24,19,0,null,4,25,null,null,null 20060326183800,39.55000,21.75000,26,21,0,null,4,25,null,null,null 20060326184900,-20.16806,20.25000,26,20,0,null,4,25,null,null,null 20060326185300,47.53222,9.40611,26,20,0,null,4,25,null,null,null 20060326185300,40.93917,-73.12306,26,20,0,EST,2,75,null,null,null 20060326185400,41.51361,-71.98806,24,23,0,EST,5,0,Transparencey was fair to good with humidity under 50 but seeing was poor.,From my backyard located in 20 acres of forest with no artificial lights within 100 meters.,This observation has Orion in the SW part of my sky and the most affected direction for my location. My North East and East observations are improved by 0.5 20060326185700,57.89920,25.33780,26,21,0,EET,3,0,null,null,null 20060326192400,39.86800,-4.02300,26,21,0,null,3,75,null,null,null 20060326192500,39.86800,-4.02300,25,20,0,null,4,0,null,null,null 20060326192900,60.90800,27.42400,29,21,0,EET,4,0,null,null,null 20060326194100,63.95333,24.86556,26,22,0,null,2,0,null,null,null 20060326194700,61.56667,25.18333,26,21,0,EET,5,0,a bit light pollution few degrees above horizon,The location is in a shore of big lake in countryside,null 20060326201600,29.55000,-90.00000,23,21,0,null,3,25,null,null,null 20060326201700,46.71100,25.55200,26,21,0,CET,4,0,wery little haze,null,null 20060326210400,-33.60472,151.15861,24,20,0,AEST,6,75,clouds moving fast -gap in cloud only for about 10 minutes,null,null 20060326210800,-33.59722,151.16222,26,20,0,AEST,5,0,null,no lights nearby,null 20060326211600,52.15000,18.05000,24,21,0,CET,5,25,null,Small town,null 20060326211600,42.52249,-92.99893,25,20,0,CST,4,0,Clear sky.,In the country| away from city lights| one farm half a mile down the road| but lights are in my view.,null 20060326211900,42.39472,-92.92750,25,21,0,CST,5,0,null,In the country| no farm lights in direct view. Small town glow in lower sky| from about 10 miles away.,null 20060326212100,42.47333,-92.80250,25,21,0,CST,5,0,null,Out in the country| no lights in view| but distant small town light glow is in the lower viewing area.,null 20060326215500,37.11000,-82.59700,25,20,0,EST,5,25,a tad bit cloudy,There is one small light about 100m down a hill near me location. Should not have affected my view.,null 20060326215600,33.61500,-97.17100,25,19,0,CST,4,0,clear| no obstructions,Residential area| street light within 100 yards,Sky was between mag 3 and mag 4 but closer to mag 4| nice view. 20060326220600,-35.10000,149.10000,26,21,0,AEST,5,0,null,null,null 20060326222400,33.15617,-83.56881,26,20,0,EST,5,0,Very clear evening,Residential area but no street lights,null 20060326223000,38.48333,-78.26333,24,19,0,EST,4,50,General haze,Rural location,null 20060326223200,60.89107,26.35458,24,19,0,EET,3,0,null,One street light was in the observational direction about 20 m away. Also| dusk was still interfering with the observation.,null 20060326224600,-39.89694,-71.13389,24,21,0,BZT,5,0,null,null,null 20060326234900,-7.20972,-39.31361,26,19,0,null,4,50,null,null,null 20060326235000,43.81400,-91.23300,25,20,0,CST,3,0,there was a little have coming from the downtown area,We went to a nearby park and there were no street lights around.,null 20060327002100,-33.78000,151.15600,25,20,0,null,4,25,haze,house lights 50m away,null 20060327002300,-33.78000,151.15600,26,20,0,null,5,0,null,house lights 50m away,null 20060327002500,39.03944,-80.45833,25,22,0,EST,1,75,the sky was completely covered by clouds| and the stars were barely| if at all| visible.,there were no lights near my line of view. therefore I had a perfect view of the sky,null 20060327002800,39.95000,-74.16667,26,19,0,EST,1,50,general haze,null,null 20060327002800,39.95000,-74.16667,26,19,0,EST,1,50,general haze,null,null 20060327003500,43.81700,-91.22900,26,22,0,CST,4,0,null,null,null 20060327003700,41.00000,-74.00000,26,19,0,EST,3,25,The sky is mostly clear| dotted with stars in several places.,There are street lights at both sides of my house| and a light in the backyard| that is currently off.,Orion was visible| however only the major stars that make up Orion| smaller stars weren't visible. 20060327003800,35.46667,-79.03333,24,21,0,EST,4,25,null,2 security lights - one in front across the road and the other behind the house,null 20060327004200,32.91667,-79.90000,25,20,0,EST,1,25,null,very heavily hoteled area . right off interstate 26 in SC,null 20060327004300,35.46667,-79.03333,26,19,0,EST,4,25,null,two security lights - one in front of house across street and one behind the house,null 20060327004700,45.60472,-73.66611,26,19,0,EST,4,0,very little haze,Ball Park about 1000 meters,null 20060327005300,42.68333,-85.00000,26,19,0,EST,4,0,very clear,Neighborhood,null 20060327005600,41.21250,-73.71833,24,20,0,EST,3,25,null,null,null 20060327005600,48.37733,-122.44189,25,21,0,PST,6,25,There is dense cloud cover circling the horizon to a level of about 10-15 degrees above the horizon. At the zenith it is very clear. Light pollution from the Greater Victoria area (20 km) to the North and East of where I live affects that area of the sky,Observing from a clearing in a forested area where no direct external light source is affecting my vision.,From this latitude using Orion was not the best Constellation to judge light pollution by| due to it being so close to the horizon at this time of year. The clouds at the horizon rose just to the bottom of the chart. The faintest star visible in the cent 20060327005800,42.26300,-71.33600,26,20,0,EST,2,0,null,null,null 20060327010300,28.32200,-81.34100,26,19,0,EST,4,0,Crystal clear night.,Light pollution from Old Town and Disney pollutes 7 miles to the west.,null 20060327010300,45.46000,-73.59000,26,19,0,EST,3,0,null,null,null 20060327010400,29.24000,-98.67400,25,20,0,null,5,0,null,there was a babyshower at my house.,null 20060327010700,33.87400,-84.22100,26,20,0,EST,4,0,null,street light within 25 m that is shielded from view,null 20060327011200,42.61778,-82.59917,26,20,0,EST,4,0,null,Neighbors to the west have lights on. this is 90 degree from my position.,null 20060327011300,42.73517,-83.95131,29,19,0,EST,7,0,haze on the hoizon to the northwest,null,In the country no obstructions 20060327011300,41.16667,-73.66667,24,20,0,null,6,0,null,null,null 20060327011700,29.64800,-82.35200,26,19,0,EST,4,0,It is clear and record low temperatures (currenly 54 degrees F) for Florida.,There was light from street lights within 50 m behind me| light from stadium lights within 500 m in front of me| and stadium lights and street lights within 1000 m to my left.,null 20060327011900,32.78500,-79.79300,26,19,0,EST,5,0,null,A street light is blocked by a house about a 1 quarter mile away and city lights are five miles away.,There are dim stars. 20060327012000,38.90917,-81.08333,26,20,0,EST,1,75,null,null,null 20060327012000,41.08237,-75.77410,26,19,0,EST,5,50,Clouds moving in from the north and west.,House located off township road. Occasional traffic headlights sweep the general area as road is elevated about 40 feet from the house level,null 20060327012200,33.82934,-84.60576,26,20,0,EST,4,0,Haze and light from Atlanta to the SE.,Closest street light is about 50 yards away. Close to Atlanta. Porch lights on at other nearby houses.,null 20060327012400,42.70300,-81.03300,26,20,0,EST,1,0,null,null,null 20060327012600,42.70300,-82.96700,26,20,0,EST,3,0,null,null,null 20060327012600,42.70300,-82.96700,26,20,0,EST,4,0,null,null,null 20060327012700,42.70300,-82.96700,26,20,0,EST,5,0,null,null,null 20060327012800,42.13750,-94.03278,25,20,0,CST,6,0,null,There is a yard light 1000 feet away.,null 20060327012900,42.45000,-76.50000,26,20,0,EST,5,0,null,on a hilltop overlooking downtown Ithaca| NY,null 20060327013000,40.63333,-74.90000,24,21,0,null,1,0,null,null,null 20060327013200,32.30600,-110.83500,25,20,0,MST,4,25,High haze| but Orion generally clear.,Shopping plaza 1 km to SW (same direction as Orion). some neighbors' lights on indirectly.,Skies probably Mag 5 on a very good night. 20060327013400,43.59700,-84.76800,26,20,0,null,5,0,null,null,null 20060327013700,42.22333,-94.05417,25,19,0,CST,5,0,null,there is one yard light 180feet away| partly covered by the barn.,null 20060327014400,10.96167,-74.78167,25,20,0,null,1,75,cloudy,null,null 20060327014600,-10.96167,-74.78167,26,20,0,null,1,75,null,null,null 20060327014700,44.70000,-93.23333,26,19,0,CST,3,0,null,There are several street lights within 50 m that are shielded from my view. Surrounded by houses.,null 20060327014900,36.87278,-76.04444,26,19,0,EST,3,25,Some Haze SE and North,Several Street lights within 50 m. They were shielded.,null 20060327014900,31.95000,-111.61670,25,21,0,MST,7,0,null,Kitt Peak Picnic Area,null 20060327015100,41.40000,-81.80000,26,20,0,EST,4,0,contrast poor| have seen it darker here but no clouds.,City area| lots of streetlights. Observations in the backyard with house shielding me from lights.,Maybe magnitude 3.5 tonight. Have done this before and magnitude 4 seems to be the best we get here now. Winter best sky| summer poor. 20060327015200,37.13333,37.13800,26,20,0,EST,4,0,null,There is one street light about 50 m away| but had no effect on my view.,null 20060327015600,34.19670,-86.81660,26,19,0,CST,4,0,no comment,A bright street light was MAYBE(?)3+ yards away(??).,I could't decide on whether to chose 4 or 5| but decided on 4. 20060327020100,43.09200,-89.34200,26,19,0,CST,4,0,null,There are four street lights nearby and also numerous exterior house lights.,Almost a Magnitude 5... 20060327020100,41.47800,-81.77800,26,20,0,EST,4,0,Little haze. Several clouds to the North| certainly less than 10 percent covered| based on GLOBE Cloud protocol.,There is two (2) street lights within 50 m that is shielded from my view,Using GLOBE Magnitude chart and another chart to refine. My sky was 4.0 20060327020200,42.57000,-88.55667,26,19,0,CST,5,0,Very Good. No obvious haze| but not the very best we've seen here.,Yerkes Observatory. We hope that developers don't soon take over and destroy our reasonably dark sky.,Approximately magnitude 5.5 conditions. (Viewed by one professional astronomer and two elementary students.) 20060327020300,42.04532,-84.75300,26,20,0,EST,5,0,null,1 streetlight 30 m shielded by tree| second streetlight 60 m shielded with my hand,small town| seeing is usually pretty good 20060327020500,43.81000,-91.24700,26,19,0,CST,4,0,null,null,null 20060327020600,34.19670,-86.81660,26,19,0,CST,4,0,no comment,A bright street light was MAYBE(?)3+ yards away(??).,I could't decide on whether to chose 4 or 5| but decided on 4. 20060327021200,43.73357,-91.28333,26,20,0,CST,4,0,null,null,null 20060327021300,41.77169,-84.27101,26,19,0,EST,4,25,Clear,null,This is so cool.. This is awesome... 20060327021400,40.04100,-83.15200,26,20,0,EST,3,0,null,There are two streetlights nearby. The first is due south about 35 meters from my location and the other is due west about 50 meters away.,null 20060327021500,43.16700,-79.23300,26,21,0,EST,3,0,Unusually clear for this area. good dark background,Two street lights in plain view| closest about 30m away.,null 20060327021600,42.28800,-71.22200,26,20,0,EST,3,50,Half of the sky was mostly cloudy. half was clear.,We were in the middle of the ballfields at the elementary school. Streetlights were about 70 meters behind us.,null 20060327022200,43.43300,-79.66700,26,20,0,EST,3,0,good seeing.,ditto with the street light.,from Oakville| Ontario| Canada. 20060327022200,30.02800,-96.86900,22,20,0,CST,1,75,null,there are street lightss on. neighbors outside light is one.,very cold and windy 20060327022400,39.49222,-105.70972,25,22,0,MST,7,0,null,On a hut trip in the back country of Colorado,null 20060327022500,30.21500,-97.74900,23,19,0,CST,1,0,haze and lots of light pollution,near highway which has restraunts on it and very lit up.,null 20060327022600,35.46800,-97.15600,26,20,0,CST,3,0,store lights,2 street light,null 20060327022700,43.02800,-89.50190,26,20,0,CST,3,0,null,there was a street light...,i would put it between 3 and 4| but closer to 3 20060327022800,30.21500,-97.74900,24,19,0,CST,1,0,null,highway| with restraunts and office buildings. everywhere is lit up.,null 20060327022900,39.28333,-75.25000,26,21,0,EST,3,25,null,null,Usually more visable in winter 20060327023000,43.07380,-89.45890,26,19,0,CST,3,0,null,I blocked out the street light with my hand,null 20060327023000,30.71200,-98.01500,25,20,0,CST,6,0,null,out in the country which has no lights.,kind of windy 20060327023300,40.96667,-80.91667,26,21,0,null,5,0,Some twinkling visible. Not an exceptionally clear night.,To the east| opposite Orion| there are several street lights about 500m away that are shielded from view. Also east is a house 100 m away with 4| 7 watt hospitality lights| also shielded from view.,Got a late start. As Orion sank near the horizon while we were waiting out 10 minutes| the stars seen actually diminished. We will try for another night and EARLIER. The horizon definately affected our viewing. 20060327023600,39.16667,-86.55000,26,21,0,EST,3,0,haze| lights to south,null,null 20060327023600,33.02800,-96.86900,26,20,0,CST,5,0,a little haze to the north,outside lights are one,null 20060327023700,42.55000,-87.51667,24,19,0,null,4,25,Clouds to West,In Wisconsin Countryside,My Wife and I agree on this 20060327023700,40.13333,-105.15000,26,19,0,MST,4,25,no haze. quite clear.,multiple street light shaded from my view,null 20060327024000,29.99200,-91.78200,25,20,0,CST,5,0,Orion at edge of worst light pollution zone| setting into that zone. There is a distinct difference in sky brightness between the top and bottom of Orion. Seeing level 3. Bortle scale about 6 or 7.,There is a bright parking lot light 500' away pointing my direction but blocked by my house. A lighted convenience store sign is 200' away also blocked by the house.,Best estimate is limiting magnitude about 4.5 20060327024200,42.01667,-86.33333,26,20,0,CST,2,0,null,Street lights on southern edge of Park where we were,null 20060327024400,29.99200,-92.78200,26,20,0,CST,5,0,Orion at edge of worst light pollution region| setting into the light pollution. Distinct difference between the top and bottom of Orion. Seeing level 2. Bortle scale 7.,There is a bright parking lot light about 500' away pointing in my direction but blocked by my house. A lighted convenience store sign is about 200' away also blocked by the house.,Best estimate is limiting magnitude about 4.3 20060327025100,40.09053,-79.72172,26,21,0,null,4,0,null,null,null 20060327025500,32.89500,-91.18500,26,20,0,CST,3,0,perfectly clear,null,street lamp down the road 20060327025900,42.16300,-79.12100,26,20,0,EST,6,0,no haze or visible clouds,there is one streetlight approx 1 mile downhill from viewing location which is shielded from view.,near perfect clear sky for viewing 20060327025900,40.13139,-79.87139,26,21,0,EST,4,0,moderate haze near horizon to light haze about 40 degrees temp. 35 degrees 79 percent humidity,shopping complex 1 mile due south shielded street and porch lights,null 20060327030000,38.77100,-90.70400,26,21,0,null,4,0,null,One street light about 30 m to the south. Very dim.,null 20060327030200,40.06617,-105.01553,25,19,0,MST,4,25,There where thin wispy scattered clouds here and there.,We were in a back field in a rural area.,null 20060327030900,40.06400,-105.02781,25,20,0,MST,5,25,Clouds were on the lowere perimeter of the sky.,The closest house was 1 half mile away.,null 20060327031000,24.11667,-110.31667,26,19,0,MST,4,25,Very good visibility,There is only one light within 50 m. But the city has many lights,It is the city of La Paz| in Baja California Sur| MEXICO 20060327031000,34.30400,-79.84800,26,20,0,EST,3,0,Humidity was 46 percent. At best| the sky conditions were only fair.,One full cutoff streetlight 30 meters away from observing site,To the west| the lights from the City of Darlington| SC washed out the dimmer stars of Orion 20060327031500,40.06617,-105.01553,25,19,0,MST,4,25,Some light wispy clouds were blocking the brightness of some stars| but not Orion.,We were in our neighbors back field| Erie's first Star Globe Party. Rural area.,null 20060327032000,40.04764,-105.01772,25,20,0,MST,3,25,It was barely a magnitude 3. We had to block a street light from our view to see the stars.,We are at Erie High School down the road from our first reading. Here are very bright street lights.,null 20060327032600,40.06439,-105.01744,25,21,0,MST,4,25,Slightly cloudy but was mostly clear,rural setting,At our house the magnitude was between a 4 and a 5 20060327033000,40.06400,-105.02781,25,20,0,MST,5,25,null,Very dark so good for viewing stars,null 20060327033100,25.94498,-81.73807,26,22,0,EST,3,0,clear,null,3.5 magnitude 20060327033500,29.60330,-95.67170,26,21,0,CST,3,0,completly clear,suburban area neighbors have a backyard light,didn't wait full 10 minutes for our eyes to adjust 20060327033600,34.16900,-86.83100,26,19,0,CST,4,0,It was mostly all clear.,There was 1 street light|blocked by a huge tree.,null 20060327034800,45.89558,-75.61432,26,20,0,EST,5,0,null,From my site Val-des-Bois| Quebec| Canada,null 20060327034900,29.10000,-110.96667,26,20,0,MST,5,0,null,Estoy ubicado en la ciudad| y tengo varias lamparas de alumbrado publico en un radio de 50 mts.,null 20060327035300,32.43800,-110.99100,26,20,0,MST,2,0,pitch black everywhere,#NAME?,null 20060327035500,39.02856,-86.66150,25,21,0,CST,5,25,Light cirrus passing by.,null,null 20060327035700,42.90440,-85.40360,26,21,0,EST,5,0,Seeing was 3.5-4 on a scale of 1-5 (5 is excellent),On the grounds of the James C. Veen Observatory near Lowell MI.,null 20060327035900,42.99180,-85.63360,26,22,0,EST,4,0,null,null,null 20060327035900,35.36667,-97.41667,26,20,0,CET,4,0,null,null,null 20060327041300,43.00000,-89.72800,26,20,0,CST,5,0,possible slight haze or moisture.,Suburban neighborhood. 2 unshielded street lights within 70 meters.,null 20060327042400,40.92200,-124.09300,26,20,0,null,5,0,null,No street lights| no house lights.,null 20060327042500,40.58200,-122.32300,26,20,0,PST,4,0,null,There is one street light within 50 m that is shielded from my view| we looked in our backyard.,null 20060327042600,43.80600,-91.19200,25,22,0,CST,4,0,Quite clear with some upper turbulance.,There are two street lights and several small ground lights within 50 feet - 150 feet from my observatory. In addition| the western sky is somewhat aglow from the city lights of LaCrosse. My location is two miles East of LaCrosse at an elevation of 600 f,null 20060327042900,38.49940,-90.78420,25,20,0,CST,4,0,null,There really is one street light within 50 m that was shielded from my view.,More between magnitude 3 and 4| definitely more visible than mag. 3 20060327045100,43.80200,-91.24000,26,20,0,CST,3,0,pretty clear| besides all the light.,A security light behind me| neighbor's security light to my right. We also live right next to Franciscan Skemp| so there's a lot of light pollution from the hospital.,null 20060327050500,43.80600,-91.19200,26,20,0,CST,4,0,Clear and steady. Orion in in the western sky achieves a 4 mag. at this time of night at the present time.,There are two street lights and several small ground lights within 50 feet - 150 feet from my observatory. In addition| the western sky is somewhat aglow from the city lights of LaCrosse. My location is two miles East of LaCrosse at an elevation of 600 f,Seldom do I see this any better. 20060327053000,41.63644,-122.30167,26,21,0,PST,1,0,null,one street light within 25 m.,null 20060327053200,47.01500,-114.23100,26,21,0,MST,5,0,Milky Way was just visible enough to notice its pathway. No moonlight when observing.,one security light unshielded approx. 100 m. to west and just within peripheral vision when looking at Orion. Mountain ridges rising up just below the constellation.,null 20060327055400,37.48917,-120.07389,26,22,0,null,4,0,null,null,null 20060327061400,61.99111,26.64472,25,21,0,EET,4,25,Hazy,Small village| some streetlights,null 20060327062000,62.52667,26.05278,26,22,0,EET,6,0,Northwest sky was still pale due to recently setted sun.,Hill on the edge of a village| some streetlights down behind.,null 20060327063600,41.64250,-87.94833,26,19,0,CST,4,0,Chicago glow in the north east. haze approaching from the west,far southwest suburbs of Chicago. almost no street lights in our village. some bright retail lighting within a few kilometers. residential lighting mostly shielded from my view,null 20060327063600,60.27722,24.86222,26,20,0,EET,3,0,clear sky,3rd floor balcony facing south,null 20060327064000,60.45000,22.03333,26,22,0,EET,4,25,Almost clear sky| a little hazy| southern-south westertn sky most clear,null,null 20060327065100,40.16028,20.01306,26,20,0,CET,5,75,null,There is street light within 300 m and there are lights of town within 8 km,null 20060327070300,50.89444,0.04778,23,23,0,WET,4,50,quite good transparency slight breeze and slight dew.,There are no street lights within 500m in any direction. I am classed as semi rural.,I have noticed my sky isnt as dark as when i was a teenager. 20060327071000,60.18694,24.96417,26,20,0,EST,3,0,null,null,null 20060327071500,45.00000,14.16000,25,21,0,CET,1,25,null,Ravni|rural zone|alighted street,null 20060327072600,45.13000,14.10000,23,21,0,CET,6,0,null,Martinski| rural zone,null 20060327072700,45.06000,14.10000,25,21,0,CET,6,0,null,Presika| urban zone| alighted street,null 20060327080000,37.16250,-5.98222,26,20,0,CET,4,25,null,Me encuentro situado en plena ciudad en un avenida con multiples farolas.,null 20060327081500,38.11139,15.66194,26,20,0,CET,1,50,null,null,null 20060327091900,-33.74827,150.98774,27,20,0,ACST,3,25,Clearer than usual,One street light 30m to north - shielded by tree,Great to be involved. 20060327092500,-27.32722,152.84500,27,19,0,null,6,0,quite clear| although reasonable moisture falling to ground as atmosphere cools,One streetlight @ 100m| neighbours house lights (dim) @ 40m,It's a beautiful night. (So clear after days of cloud spinning off cyclones Larry and Wati 20060327092900,40.46778,-3.36917,25,20,0,WET,3,0,null,En el extremo de un parque,null 20060327092900,-32.16667,151.31667,27,20,0,AEST,4,0,null,null,null 20060327095700,52.31667,17.81667,23,20,0,CET,5,0,clear,There is one street light within 50 m that is shielded from my view.,null 20060327095800,63.20600,28.47200,25,21,0,EET,5,50,Seeing was not very good.,null,null 20060327101500,52.31667,17.81667,23,20,0,CET,5,0,clear,null,null 20060327103700,-35.30000,149.40000,27,21,0,AEST,1,50,Diffuse cloud,2 street lights in direct line of sight.,null 20060327105100,-34.36200,144.90600,27,20,0,null,1,75,Total cloud cover| possibly for a few days.,2 km out of a town of 3000 people,No star viewing tonight. 20060327105600,-45.70592,170.59845,27,22,0,NZST,4,0,Light coastal haze present| near dew point,Coastal| scattered country lights,Some nights| with less damp or haze| 5 or higher 20060327113300,54.10000,18.76667,25,12,0,CET,3,50,null,null,www.dominisia661.pl 20060327113300,-31.95000,115.86667,27,19,0,null,1,0,null,null,null 20060327113800,20.16667,20.50000,24,12,0,CET,3,25,null,null,madzionek6.pl 20060327114900,-33.73333,151.06667,27,22,0,AEST,4,0,Clear,One street light 20m away from me that was partially shielded from me by a tree.,null 20060327115100,66.86261,25.58468,26,22,0,CET,3,0,very clear,There is 5 street light within 50 m that is shielded from my view.,null 20060327120700,1.30000,103.83333,22,20,0,ACST,3,25,null,null,null 20060327121000,1.30000,103.83333,22,20,0,ACST,3,25,null,null,null 20060327124700,40.16000,-74.92000,27,23,0,EST,7,0,extremily clear about time,open parking lot,getting warmer 20060327125000,26.60000,-81.90000,24,21,0,null,7,0,null,null,null 20060327125100,26.60000,-81.90000,25,20,0,EST,5,0,null,null,null 20060327125200,26.51400,-81.70100,24,23,0,EST,7,0,null,null,null 20060327125700,30.66972,104.06972,27,21,0,AWST,1,75,null,cannot see a single star.,null 20060327130500,40.19530,-74.70900,26,20,0,EST,3,25,Cloudy to the north but clear overhead and to the south,Street light 200 feet from viewing location shielded by neighbor's house.,null 20060327132100,39.78333,-85.86444,22,21,0,EST,3,0,clear,Indianapolis| In. street light approximately 30 m away| shielded from view,null 20060327132200,38.15000,-84.41667,26,20,0,EST,3,0,null,null,null 20060327133400,27.77167,-82.63833,27,22,0,EST,4,0,Really clear. The only problem is the lights and pollution from the city I live in.,I live in an apartment complex with a well-lit parking lot.,I can see the 3 stars that hang from his belt| but not all the other stars in the Magnitude 5 Chart. 20060327134800,50.92500,19.38056,26,12,0,CET,2,50,null,null,null 20060327135000,38.10000,15.63333,24,20,0,null,2,50,null,THERE ARE TWO STREET LIGHTS WITHIN 50 M THAT ARE SHIELDED FROM MY VIEW.,null 20060327135200,38.10000,15.63333,25,20,0,null,1,75,null,THERE ARE TWO STREET LIGHTS WITHIN 50 M THAT IS SHIELDED FROM MY VIEW.,null 20060327135300,38.10000,15.63333,26,21,0,null,3,25,null,THERE ARE TWO STREET LIGHTS WITHIN 50 M THAT ARE SHIELDED FROM MY VIEW.,null 20060327135500,38.10000,15.63333,22,20,0,null,4,25,null,THERE ARE TWO STREET LIGHTS WITHIN 50 M THAT ARE SHIELDED FROM MY VIEW.,null 20060327135800,39.92333,116.47000,27,20,0,null,3,25,Tonight have wind|when i observed |the sky is clear |but in the evening the sky have clouds cover more than 1 quarter of sky.,I observed the sky in my campus|almost between 10m have a light.,I think the magnitude between 2 and 3|from my view the sky clear than chart 2 and not clear than chart 3|then i choose magnitude 3 chart 20060327140300,41.12611,-73.57750,24,20,0,null,4,0,null,null,null 20060327141100,41.12611,-73.57750,26,20,0,null,4,75,null,null,null 20060327143200,39.46450,-77.95440,25,19,0,EST,3,0,Seemed extremely clear.,Deck out back of aprartment building. Unshielded lights behind me.,null 20060327143400,19.04417,72.81750,27,20,0,IST,1,0,null,I am at a friend house| in the 9th floor sea side. There isn't any lights in the room where I can see the stars by a window.,null 20060327143900,44.05000,-123.10000,26,21,0,PST,3,0,some very light haze,2 Street Lights 20' (ft) away in two directions west and north of opservation,null 20060327144200,22.45000,114.03300,22,20,0,null,1,25,null,null,null 20060327144400,22.45000,114.03300,23,21,0,null,1,50,null,null,null 20060327144400,60.91667,26.58333,26,20,0,EET,5,0,null,null,null 20060327144400,22.45000,114.03300,24,21,0,null,1,75,null,null,null 20060327144500,22.45000,114.03300,25,20,0,null,1,75,null,null,null 20060327144600,22.45000,114.03300,25,21,0,null,1,75,null,null,null 20060327144700,22.45000,114.03300,26,21,0,null,1,75,null,null,null 20060327144800,22.45000,114.03300,27,20,0,null,1,75,null,null,null 20060327144900,-25.40500,-70.47600,24,20,0,null,5,25,La constelacion de Oiron no se ve aafectada por las nubes que estan en el horizonte suroeste,Nos encontramos en un secto donde hay luminarias cada 50 mts. entre ellas| los tipos de las luminarias son Opalo 1.,null 20060327145600,-25.64000,-70.54000,25,20,0,null,6,0,La constelacion de orion se observa sin problemas| observandose un cielo limpio,Estamos ubicados en eu nsecto donde se hallan luminarias MC3| cada una con un adistancia de 60 mts.,null 20060327150000,-25.54500,-70.61000,26,20,0,null,5,0,La observacion de la constelacion se realizao sin problemas| teniendo en cuenta la presencia de dos focos halogenos.,El sector donde nos ubicamos se detectan dos tipos de luminarias de tipo Opalo 1 y dos focos halogenos.,null 20060327150100,27.40005,-97.49611,25,20,0,CST,5,0,null,A street light about 1 quarter mile away,null 20060327150100,27.40005,-97.49611,25,19,0,CST,5,0,null,A security light about 200 feet away.,null 20060327150300,27.40005,-97.49611,23,20,0,CST,5,0,it was a little hazey,There was a lamp post afew yards away from me,null 20060327151700,41.20300,-73.62500,24,22,0,EST,4,0,null,Dark place| with lots of trees around,null 20060327152000,41.19111,-72.27361,24,19,0,null,5,0,null,I live where there are many trees,null 20060327152200,41.19694,-72.34889,24,19,0,EST,5,25,null,Lots of trees in my back yard,null 20060327152400,50.83333,19.16667,23,20,0,null,4,0,null,null,null 20060327160000,37.06400,-82.53700,26,21,0,EST,4,25,A little cloudy to the south.,null,null 20060327160200,37.16200,-82.63700,26,21,0,EST,3,25,small patches of clouds in some areas of the West,Many rather dim street lights| some blocked by trees.,null 20060327160300,40.29167,-86.04167,26,21,0,EST,4,25,null,Street lights,null 20060327161200,49.45783,17.96917,24,20,0,CET,4,25,cirrostratus on the west,In the field| near the block of flats about 300 metrs| the street light cca 300 m,null 20060327161700,37.16200,-82.63700,26,20,0,EST,4,0,null,null,null 20060327163400,39.91799,-105.06552,26,22,0,MST,4,25,null,Unlit Baseball field| no lights within 1 quarter mile,null 20060327164000,27.40005,-97.49611,24,20,0,CST,3,25,null,There was a dim street light 10 feet away.,null 20060327164900,46.90300,19.69700,26,20,0,CST,3,0,null,null,null 20060327165000,40.06617,-104.98447,25,19,0,MST,4,25,high clouds - very wispy,horse pasture - no lights in the immediate vicinity,null 20060327165300,46.91500,18.97200,26,20,0,CST,5,0,null,null,null 20060327165300,-34.61300,-58.47000,27,21,0,BZT,4,25,null,At tallest building in area. Heavy city light pollution from the South.,null 20060327170300,42.81300,-78.59600,26,20,0,EST,5,0,Western horizon still bright,null,null 20060327170600,42.69300,-82.97000,26,20,0,EST,4,25,null,null,null 20060327170800,-34.56200,-58.46100,23,21,0,BZT,3,0,null,The observation was made in the street| with several ligths near.,null 20060327170900,42.51220,-92.43420,24,20,0,CST,2,50,It has been cloudy all day| but the clouds broke up on the south half of the sky at about 7:30 pm.,Back Parking Lot of Cold Stone Creamery at College Square Mall. There are many parking lot lights| however all are at least 30 m away and most are blocked by the building. The Walmart Building to the South of the Cold Stone is abandoned| so the parking l,Observation made by Marcy Seavey| Kelen Panec| Ana Houseal and Tony Arends as a part of our GLOBE Star Party. 20060327170900,50.90000,19.33333,23,21,0,null,6,0,null,null,null 20060327170900,42.66667,-83.01667,26,20,0,null,3,0,null,there are many house lights on outside,null 20060327171100,42.68600,-82.90900,26,20,0,EST,3,50,null,Porch lights on neighbors house| street lights not seen 125m away| parking light lights visible150 m away,null 20060327171500,42.59200,-92.45600,26,19,0,CST,3,0,There might have been some high haze| I think that I can generally see Mag 4. It may not have been late enough or there may have been haze.,Marcy's Back Yard. There are 2 street lights in front of the house| the direct light from each is blocked by buildings. House is located in the country| about 6 miles N of Cedar Falls. At 7:24 at this time of year| the sky isn't completely dark yet.,Observation by Marcy Seavey. 20060327171500,42.69900,-82.96800,26,20,0,EST,3,0,A little hazey all over,All neighbors porch lights are on. Also our whole street has thier garage lights on.,null 20060327174000,42.68806,23.25889,25,20,0,EET,2,0,null,null,null 20060327174000,42.69400,-82.94400,26,19,0,EST,4,0,Perfectly clear sky.,Neighbor's porch light is faintly on. It is about 10 meters away and is located to the right of me.,null 20060327174200,42.63333,23.36667,26,20,0,EET,3,0,null,null,null 20060327174600,38.06500,-97.92200,25,20,0,CST,3,0,null,null,Some stars visible between 3rd and 4th magnitude. 20060327174800,39.08000,-77.10800,26,23,0,EST,2,25,it looked hazy more than cloudy,This is a heavily treed neighborhood| with street lights every 100meters that are not visible from the viewing area,null 20060327175000,20.16806,20.25000,27,20,0,CET,4,25,null,null,null 20060327180400,33.88000,84.30000,26,22,0,EST,4,0,null,null,null 20060327182400,24.40750,-104.32190,22,20,0,null,5,0,null,null,null 20060327184200,37.16250,-5.92306,26,21,0,null,4,25,null,null,null 20060327184200,42.43780,-92.27850,22,21,0,CST,6,0,null,Backyard deck. Streetlight in front about 60 meters from site that observation was taken.,null 20060327184300,38.88167,-80.86250,26,22,0,EST,5,25,null,null,null 20060327184300,42.41400,-92.29330,22,20,0,CST,4,0,null,My backyard is shielded from a streetlight in the front yard.,null 20060327184500,29.53200,-98.80200,24,20,0,CST,5,0,Clear,null,null 20060327184500,42.45000,-92.35000,22,21,0,CST,3,0,null,Clear view from backyard.,null 20060327184500,-33.01910,-61.04330,23,20,0,BZT,3,0,null,null,Escuela EGB 1345 - Pujato (Argentina) 20060327184600,29.47700,-98.91500,24,20,0,CST,5,0,null,Light within 50 m.,null 20060327184700,-33.01910,-61.04330,25,20,0,BZT,3,0,null,null,Escuela EGB 1345 - Pujato (Argentina) 20060327184700,29.53200,-98.80200,25,20,0,CST,6,0,Clear,Two of my neighbors back portch,null 20060327184800,32.33500,-111.20200,25,20,0,MST,6,25,null,Neighbor's porch light was on,null 20060327184800,42.56280,-92.33750,22,20,0,CST,4,0,null,We are just within the city limits. very rural. There is a bright light along the horizon since one must face toward the city lights to view Orion. Revolving lights from the airport to the west| airplane lights on planes approaching the airport and light,null 20060327184900,-33.01910,-61.04330,23,20,0,BZT,4,0,null,null,Escuela EGB 1345 - Pujato (Argentina) 20060327184900,29.47700,-98.91500,25,20,0,CST,5,0,Haze behind,Light within 50 m.,null 20060327184900,32.85700,-80.58700,26,19,0,null,6,0,no cloud cover--clear.,Rural countryside| very dark,null 20060327184900,-33.01910,-61.04330,25,20,0,BZT,3,0,null,null,Escuela EGB 1345 - Pujato (Argentina) 20060327185000,46.06972,-91.88056,25,21,0,CST,6,0,null,null,null 20060327185100,-33.01910,-61.04330,22,20,0,BZT,3,0,null,null,Escuela EGB 1345 - Pujato (Argentina) 20060327185200,-33.01910,-61.04330,22,20,0,BZT,3,0,null,null,Escuela EGB 1345 - Pujato (Argentina) 20060327185400,29.22000,-98.79300,27,20,0,CST,5,0,I saw orion|big dipper|and scorpio,There Were no lights. Dark location.,null 20060327185400,-33.01910,-61.04330,22,20,0,BZT,3,0,null,null,Escuela EGB 1345 - Pujato (Argentina) 20060327186000,29.22000,-98.79300,25,20,0,CST,5,0,I saw Orion|and Scorpio.,There were no lights. Location was very dark.,null 20060327190400,29.57200,-98.98800,24,20,0,null,6,25,null,null,null 20060327190500,47.51667,21.63333,27,20,0,CET,3,0,It is a little bit hazy| but clearer than usual.,I can see the Orion on the western sky. I live in the western edge of my city (Debrecen| Hungary). There are streetlamps about 100 m ahead| but the city's main light pollution is behind me.,null 20060327190600,29.57200,-98.98800,25,19,0,null,5,25,null,null,null 20060327190700,29.57200,-98.98800,25,19,0,CST,5,25,null,null,null 20060327190700,29.57200,-98.98800,24,20,0,CST,6,25,null,null,null 20060327191200,29.28000,-98.78900,25,21,0,CET,6,0,null,street lights,null 20060327191600,29.28000,-98.78900,24,20,0,CET,5,0,null,street lights,null 20060327191800,46.71100,25.55200,27,21,0,CET,1,75,Clouds cover of sky Magnitude 0 Chart,null,sorry. 20060327192100,50.78333,18.96667,27,20,0,WET,3,0,null,null,null 20060327192500,29.46800,-98.78900,24,20,0,CST,6,0,null,One light across the street.,null 20060327192800,20.57833,-100.41167,26,20,0,MST,4,50,Windy| some dust prsent in air.,Small city| two sodium lamps at 25 m.,null 20060327192900,29.46800,-98.78900,25,21,0,CST,5,0,null,One light across the street.,null 20060327193500,51.55000,5.08333,27,21,0,CET,4,25,General haze on the horizon.,There is outside lighting (shielded from my view) and (uncurtained) upstairs lighting (not shielded from my view) within 20 m.,Very windy. 20060327194900,50.80000,19.11667,27,21,0,CET,4,0,null,null,null 20060327195400,46.37200,17.77800,27,20,0,CET,4,0,null,null,null 20060327195900,-33.91700,18.38300,27,20,0,CET,3,0,null,Orion is above the Atlantic ocean towards WNW and I'm observing it from the center of a very dense residential area on the slope of the hill| maybe 250 m from the shore.,null 20060327201000,50.66667,19.10000,23,20,0,null,4,0,null,null,null 20060327201000,40.67500,-111.97700,22,21,0,MST,4,0,null,surrouding by houses and street light about 50m from south|east| and west around where I stood.,null 20060327201000,50.80000,19.11667,22,21,0,CET,4,0,null,null,null 20060327202900,51.44927,-0.93987,27,21,0,WET,3,50,Partial low cloudy cover. Windy.,Urban area with Sodium discharge lamps.,Magnitude 3.5 20060327203000,32.41600,-111.00200,25,19,0,MST,4,25,iIn the southwest| there are a group of clouds nar the horizon,There are several lights in and out of my view| and also several trees| that may block or alter my view of Orion,the sky was pretty bright still| but that may have been due to all of the street lights. 20060327203000,40.60300,-112.05000,22,22,0,MST,5,0,null,3 front yard light south in front to view about 50m away.,null 20060327203500,42.68200,-82.96800,26,19,0,EST,5,0,It was very clear.,There are many lights around me and scattered thoughout the nieghborhood.,null 20060327203600,50.93333,6.36667,27,22,0,CET,3,25,null,centre of the small city with quite few street lamps,null 20060327203700,50.86667,19.11667,27,22,0,CET,3,25,null,null,null 20060327203900,32.18000,-110.80600,22,19,0,MST,5,25,partly cloudy| but not enough to cover the stars.,null,Lots of Stars 20060327203900,50.86667,19.10000,27,22,0,CET,3,25,null,null,null 20060327204000,50.73333,19.11667,27,21,0,null,4,25,null,null,null 20060327204600,44.57944,-89.66333,26,21,0,CST,5,0,null,null,There were actually more stars visible than the 5th magnitude chart but not as many as on the 6th magnitude chart. 20060327205000,38.85167,-80.93667,26,20,0,EST,4,0,null,null,null 20060327210700,34.17760,-86.83080,26,19,0,CET,3,0,completely clear,Street lamp within 100 ft. but it is shielded by my garage.,It is cooler outside so I can see more clearly. 20060327211300,41.62084,-91.55319,25,20,0,CST,3,50,Cloudy to the east. Clear to the west and north.,This is a dead end road| that was cut off by the interstate years ago (20 or so)| there is one dim street light near the top. headlights were below the viewing area.,I am a GLOBE ONE teacher. 20060327211400,42.68500,-82.96300,26,20,0,EST,4,25,null,The neighbors lights are on.,null 20060327212300,29.96885,-93.55907,24,20,0,CST,5,0,null,null,null 20060327213200,33.62400,-112.02000,22,20,0,MST,4,0,clear,Two street lights one 60 ft N and the other 125 ft S.,null 20060327213400,50.09806,19.32194,23,20,0,null,4,0,null,null,null 20060327213400,33.62400,-112.02000,23,20,0,MST,3,25,hazy all around.,One Street light 60 Ft N| and one Street light 125 ft S.,null 20060327213600,33.62400,-112.02000,24,19,0,MST,4,0,a little hazy to the north,One Street light 60 ft N| and one Steeet Light 125 feet south| no shields.,null 20060327214400,36.43330,-97.63687,26,21,0,CST,7,0,clear| little clouds| but not covering Orion,null,null 20060327214600,-33.01925,-61.04297,22,21,0,BZT,4,0,null,null,Zona rural de Pujato - Argentina 20060327215100,33.78200,-80.49400,23,20,0,EST,1,75,To many clouds| couldn't see any stars,Street light about 20 yards away from viewing area,null 20060327215500,41.71089,-86.04453,26,20,0,EST,4,0,The sky was quite light| about 1 mag. lighter than normal from this location (my front yard.),In a small subdivision. 3 house lights in line with Orion| partially screened by a leafless bush.,Thanks for the opportunity to participate. 20060327216000,33.78200,-80.94900,25,19,0,null,1,75,To much clouds| couldn't see stars,Street light about 20 yards away from viewing area,null 20060327220200,33.78200,-80.94900,26,20,0,EST,3,0,null,Street light about 20 yards away from viewing area,null 20060327220300,46.53306,-81.00000,25,22,0,EST,4,0,null,2 street lights| about 200 ft. away| shielded by trees around a curve in the road,null 20060327223400,36.21340,-92.32200,24,20,0,CST,6,0,null,null,null 20060327223600,36.21340,-92.23300,25,20,0,CST,6,0,null,null,null 20060327223700,36.21340,-92.32200,26,20,0,CST,1,75,null,null,null 20060327223900,36.23850,-92.31680,24,20,0,CST,6,25,null,null,null 20060327224000,36.23850,-92.31680,25,20,0,CST,6,0,null,null,null 20060327224100,39.96800,-74.14200,26,20,0,EST,4,25,slightly clouded,null,null 20060327224100,36.23850,-92.31680,26,20,0,CST,1,75,null,null,null 20060327224200,36.22420,-92.28760,24,20,0,CST,6,0,null,null,null 20060327224300,36.22420,-92.28760,25,20,0,CST,7,0,null,null,null 20060327224400,36.22420,-92.28760,26,20,0,CST,1,75,null,null,null 20060327224500,36.19720,-92.26880,24,20,0,null,6,0,null,null,null 20060327224600,36.19720,-92.26880,25,20,0,CST,6,25,null,null,null 20060327224700,36.19720,-92.26880,26,20,0,CST,1,75,null,null,null 20060327224700,-32.55736,-69.32634,26,19,0,AST,4,0,null,There are around 9 street lights within 50m2 that are shielded from view.,We're in the center of the city| and our street is one of the most brightly-lit in the neighbourhood. 20060327225100,40.06617,-105.01553,25,19,0,MST,4,25,circle of hazy clouds around orion mostly clear,cold not many surrounding lights,very neat experience 20060327225300,38.95028,-89.65056,22,21,0,CST,5,25,Low haze toward the South. Orion was clear.,Open athletic field. No lights nearby.,null 20060327225400,40.06617,-105.01553,25,19,0,MST,4,25,circle of clouds around orion,few lights around,null 20060327225500,40.06617,-105.01553,25,19,0,MST,4,25,null,null,null 20060327225800,-7.20972,-39.31361,27,19,0,null,5,0,null,the observation was effected in the center of the city,null 20060327230400,39.62800,-106.04300,25,20,0,MST,6,0,A little haze to the east| which is the direction of the town's businesses and main street,There is one street light on the other side of the building nearby| the light is fairly dim,It was a beautiful mountain evening. 20060327230600,-33.78000,151.15600,27,20,0,null,4,0,null,house lights 30m away,null 20060327231800,40.06617,-105.01553,24,19,0,MST,4,25,null,null,null 20060327232600,45.62000,-73.85000,26,23,0,EST,3,0,clear all over,Urban site with house light,null 20060327233000,40.93917,-73.12306,23,21,0,EST,2,25,a little bit of clouds passing over the stars,House Light that may affect the sky,null 20060327233300,30.06600,-95.38800,23,20,0,null,1,75,null,null,null 20060327233300,44.44000,-72.43000,26,20,0,EST,6,0,A very light haze covering the whole sky.,null,null 20060327235400,34.13000,-117.37000,26,23,0,PST,5,0,null,null,null 20060328001300,62.39000,-159.31000,25,22,0,YST,4,0,null,null,null 20060328001700,62.39000,-159.31000,26,22,0,YST,4,0,null,null,null 20060328001900,62.39000,-159.31000,26,22,0,YST,4,0,null,null,null 20060328003800,39.53800,-74.65000,27,19,0,EST,4,0,null,null,null 20060328003900,32.15000,-111.00400,27,20,0,MST,5,0,null,Neighbors had their back porch light on.,A plane flew over head as i was getting ready to find Orion. 20060328004200,44.56028,-69.73028,27,19,0,EST,5,0,Clear as a bell. :),I was on a small hill behind my house and there are street lights below. It's a small town. Some houses below also had lights on them,The western sky where Orion is looked darker than the eastern sky and I don't know why. 20060328004200,10.96444,-74.78167,27,19,0,null,2,50,null,null,null 20060328004200,32.15000,-111.00400,23,20,0,MST,5,0,null,Neighbors had their back porch light on.,A plane flew over head as i was getting ready to find Orion. 20060328004200,42.65500,-73.55000,27,19,0,null,3,0,null,No lights were on while I was observing.,null 20060328004300,46.83900,-71.22200,27,19,0,EST,3,0,Clear in all visible portions,Urban location| on a parking lot in front of an illuminated building,null 20060328004400,39.97400,-74.14000,27,19,0,EST,3,0,The sky is 100 percent clear.,My roof is partially blocking my view. I have to walk in the street or in my backyard to see most of the stars in the sky.,Most stars seem to have a white-yellow color to them. 20060328004600,40.83889,-73.11694,27,19,0,EST,3,0,nice,There is one street light 50 feet from me that in my field of view.,null 20060328004700,41.83333,-70.60000,27,19,0,EST,4,0,null,One outside light 10m to the east out of main view.,null 20060328004900,40.94000,-73.10278,27,19,0,EST,3,0,A very small amount of haze over the western sky.,There is a street lamp that is not very bright and is barely visable,null 20060328005000,-42.63400,-73.55300,27,19,0,null,6,0,null,null,null 20060328005100,42.10400,-72.45100,27,19,0,EST,4,0,There was a little bit of haze to the west| and there were some clouds.,There are street and house lights nearby.,we were between a 3 and 4 but closer to a four. 20060328005300,39.97400,-74.14000,27,19,0,EST,3,0,The sky is 100 percent clear.,My roof is partially blocking my view. I have to walk in the street or in my backyard to see most of the stars in the sky.,Most stars seem to have a white-yellow color to them. 20060328005300,38.83000,-77.30000,27,19,0,EST,5,0,null,There is nothing really blocking my view,null 20060328005600,35.85100,-78.67000,27,19,0,EST,3,0,Clouds just beginning to move in from the north.,House is bracketed by two street lights| each about 40 m from viewing point. Lights are shielded by trees and house.,null 20060328005700,39.96800,-74.14300,27,19,0,null,4,25,Mostly clear clouds in the Northern part of the sky,null,I even saw the Big Dipper 20060328005800,42.26300,-71.33600,27,19,0,EST,1,0,null,null,null 20060328005800,33.19639,-79.75116,27,19,0,EST,5,0,A litle haze to the east,Observation from rear deck of house away from the street. No streetlights within 500 yards,null 20060328005900,32.28400,-110.88800,22,20,0,null,5,0,null,Neighbors had porch light on (about 40m away),null 20060328010100,38.59634,-82.58058,27,19,0,EST,4,0,null,THERE IS A BRIGHT SPOT LIGHT OO YARDS BEHIND ME ON NEIGHBOR'S PROPERTY|SHIELDED BY TREE,null 20060328010500,41.12540,-73.24863,27,19,0,EST,2,25,haze to the east (away from orion),Bright spotlight 300 yds. away shielded from view.,Bright near orion but dark everywhere else. How ironic.. 20060328010500,39.95000,-74.16667,27,20,0,EST,3,50,Cloudy above me but not to the east.,There are 2 street lights one each along my property line.,null 20060328010500,39.95000,-74.16667,27,20,0,EST,3,50,Cloudy above me but not to the east.,There are 2 street lights one each along my property line.,null 20060328010600,39.95000,-74.16667,27,20,0,EST,3,50,Cloudy above me but not to the east.,There are 2 street lights one each along my property line.,null 20060328010600,39.95000,-74.16667,27,20,0,EST,3,50,Cloudy above me but not to the east.,There are 2 street lights one each along my property line.,null 20060328010600,39.95000,-74.16667,27,20,0,EST,3,50,Cloudy above me but not to the east.,There are 2 street lights one each along my property line.,null 20060328010600,39.95000,-74.16667,27,20,0,EST,3,50,Cloudy above me but not to the east.,There are 2 street lights one each along my property line.,null 20060328010600,39.95000,-74.16667,27,20,0,EST,3,50,Cloudy above me but not to the east.,There are 2 street lights one each along my property line.,null 20060328010700,39.95000,-74.16667,27,20,0,EST,3,50,Cloudy above me but not to the east.,There are 2 street lights one each along my property line.,null 20060328010900,-42.63400,-73.55300,27,20,0,EST,5,0,null,null,null 20060328010900,40.82806,-75.48861,27,19,0,null,3,0,Sky is clear| the ski area next door just closed for the season.,There are lights in front of all the trailers in the park. Hope it is ok for an individual to report.,Observed from 7:15 to 7:40 P.M. local time| Eastern Standard Time 20060328011000,40.42778,-74.41639,27,21,0,EST,6,0,null,null,null 20060328011600,33.84825,-84.56801,27,20,0,EST,3,0,little haze,There are two street lights in front of the house. One is located 30 feet to the left and the other is located 30 feet to the right. Orion is in the middle.,null 20060328012100,34.01400,-80.92000,27,20,0,EST,4,25,The sky has a few passing clouds.,There are three street lights around my area. It is not possible to shield my view from them.,Orion was easy to find in the sky on this night. 20060328012100,41.00000,-73.00000,27,20,0,EST,5,0,clear,null,null 20060328012500,38.93900,-80.83000,27,20,0,EST,1,25,dark but could not see anything,There are several street lights,null 20060328012500,40.93917,-73.12306,27,20,0,EST,2,50,a little hazy| less clear than normal,some house lights within 500 feet,null 20060328012700,36.00556,-79.01611,27,20,0,null,2,0,Some very light haze,Backyard shielded from next door day care lights with cutoff fixtures.10 street lights on te street but we are shielded by the building and folage,null 20060328012900,45.51778,-75.77361,27,20,0,EST,4,0,lite northern light,null,4 to low 4.5 20060328012900,40.23360,-74.44010,27,20,0,EST,5,0,Very clear sky.,In driveway| very dark. No street lights near driveway.,Can see all of Orion. 20060328013000,42.57400,-73.49300,26,20,0,EST,5,0,null,null,null 20060328013000,39.95000,-74.16667,27,20,0,AST,5,0,null,null,null 20060328013200,38.93900,-76.45300,27,20,0,EST,4,0,very clear,No street lights| a few passing cars| unobstructed sky from North| East| South| over Chesapeake Bay,null 20060328013500,40.23360,-74.44010,27,20,0,EST,5,0,Very clear sky.,In driveway| very dark. No street lights near driveway.,Can see all of Orion. 20060328013500,40.24040,-74.42800,27,20,0,EST,3,25,little clouds but not a lot,It is my backyard. Has one light but not something big. It is dark but not totally. rural area,null 20060328013800,41.16667,-73.08333,27,20,0,EST,2,0,seems to be a slight haze| but otherwise| sky is clear,Street light and park light within 50 meters| but mostly blocked by my house.,null 20060328014100,34.29400,-79.88400,27,20,0,EST,3,0,null,many 175-watt home security lights in the neighborhood| five 1000-watt floodlights at the SCDOT highway dept| and a number of billboards with bottom-mounted fixtures about a quarter of a mile away on the by-pass.,The visibility of the stars in Orion fell between the mag. 2 and the mag. 3 charts. 20060328014200,39.49500,-76.64000,24,20,0,EST,3,0,hazy|to the north|northeast,house and street light within 25m shielded from view,null 20060328014400,27.58333,-82.41667,27,20,0,EST,4,0,crystal clear,lights in front of house facing away,Orion towards the west where the beach is| less lights in that direction 20060328014500,36.07800,-81.91900,27,20,0,EST,4,25,Sky seems to have a haze to it| almost like I could see faint stars at times| all around.,Street light approximately 50 yds. from view. Light was behind me.,I could see as Magnitude 4| and when the faint stars were present it was more like a Magnitude 5. 20060328014500,44.54969,-68.28289,27,20,0,EST,3,0,null,There are about 6 street lights within 300 feet of me but all were sheilded from view. I am right in town.,null 20060328014700,38.75500,-77.06300,27,20,0,EST,3,25,Clouds in the north.,There are a couple lights from the church parking lot and nearby houses| but they are mostly shielded from my view.,I selected magnitude 3 because it was the closest option| but the actual magnitude is probably about 3.5. 20060328014700,42.40000,-70.83333,27,20,0,EST,3,0,null,On a 50 ft hill. Street lights on horizon that I blocked from my view,null 20060328014800,40.42778,-74.41639,27,19,0,EST,4,0,first time in a few days that the sky is clear of clouds.,Just my neighbors outside lights are on.,null 20060328014900,40.42778,-74.41639,27,20,0,EST,1,25,haze covering orion,one street light,null 20060328015100,37.06100,-76.44500,27,20,0,EST,4,0,null,Backyard. no direct lighting.,null 20060328015200,39.65000,-78.92000,27,20,0,EST,4,0,Bright stars had very faint halos around them.,One streetlight within 50 m. I shielded my eyes from it.,null 20060328015200,44.22250,-77.75750,27,20,0,EST,6,25,A light veil of cloud coming in from the north west,null,null 20060328015400,33.67800,-81.17600,25,19,0,EST,6,25,Clouds are clear of Orion,Street light 120-125 feet away,null 20060328015400,45.74400,-108.58800,23,20,0,MST,3,25,Very slight haze,Street lights within 50| not shielded from view,Orion constellation was easily identifiable in the night sky during the time of observation. 20060328015500,33.67800,-81.17600,26,19,0,EST,6,0,No clouds covering orion or in the sky,There is one street light 120-125 feet away,null 20060328015700,40.00000,40.00000,27,21,0,EST,3,0,clear perfect,Pittsburgh PA,null 20060328015800,33.67800,-81.17600,27,20,0,EST,6,0,No clouds covering Orion or in the sky,One street light 120-125 feet away from the steps| it shines around where Orion is located in the sky,The clouds have been clear for a couple nights now 20060328015900,45.75800,-108.61500,24,20,0,MST,4,0,Sky was very clear during time of observation.,Street lights within 50 meters| shielded from view.,Orion constellation was easily identifiable during the time of the observation. 20060328016000,40.92200,-73.75300,27,20,0,EST,3,25,hazy near orion,Lots of street lights and house lights within 50 m -- not shielded,null 20060328020300,40.17400,-74.58720,27,20,0,EST,3,25,Some haze,house light (60 m away) that is shielded from my view,was more in between a magnitude 3 and magnitude 4 20060328020500,45.48361,-75.72306,27,20,0,EST,5,25,patches of sirius. could be much better,null,magnitude 4.4 (Phi1 Orionis) - not magnitude 5. 20060328020600,38.73867,-80.81525,27,20,0,EST,6,0,It is very clear.,null,null 20060328021000,32.39600,-91.18500,27,19,0,CST,1,75,The clouds filled the sky with very little stars showing.,There was a streetlight about 30 yrds. behind me. There were some trees disrupting my view.,There was only 4 stars in the sky from what I could observe. 20060328021200,41.18800,-73.61800,27,21,0,EST,3,25,partly cloudy| a little more cloudy toward the west,there is no lights or houses within .25 miles. no town within 5 miles.,null 20060328021300,39.00000,-77.27100,27,19,0,EST,5,0,null,There is one street light within 50m.,null 20060328021500,33.85583,-84.56556,27,20,0,EST,3,25,null,major road 133 and 3 quarter feet away| sheilded from veiw by small hill.,null 20060328021900,39.96800,-74.14300,27,21,0,EST,4,0,null,null,null 20060328021900,41.77500,-72.84700,27,20,0,EST,4,0,null,null,null 20060328022000,39.96800,-74.14300,27,21,0,EST,4,0,null,null,null 20060328022100,39.95000,-74.16667,27,19,0,EST,3,25,a little haze towards the north,There are 2 very dim street lights that are shielded from my view,null 20060328022200,33.62400,-112.02000,27,19,0,MST,3,75,Lots of clouds|but orion barely visible thru broken clouds,One Street light 60 feet N| and one street light 160 s.,null 20060328022200,42.93000,78.73000,27,21,0,AST,3,0,null,we live near a shopping plaza that is well illuminated,null 20060328022700,43.81600,-91.31000,26,20,0,CST,4,0,Beautiful clear evening.,Steet light on telephone pole about 200 feet away.,null 20060328022700,42.47107,-83.52000,29,20,0,null,1,75,The sky is pretty foggie.,there are a few lights on my block. Its just a little hard to see the sky.,It dose not look like any of these charts. 20060328022700,38.85396,-77.28419,27,21,0,EST,3,0,A little haze to the northeast.,There were two street lights within 40 meters and another three stret lights and other lights from buildings and homes within 80 meters. I covered the two major street lights for a better view.,It is a magnitude of 3.5| not as bad as 3 because I can see Lambda Ori| but not as clear as 4. 20060328023100,41.08400,-73.56500,27,19,0,EST,3,0,Some haze from onshore breeze to the ssw.,There are 2 street lights within 50m that are shielded from my view.,null 20060328023600,45.53139,-75.48639,27,21,0,EST,4,0,null,Orion close to the luminous dome of Ottawa,Faintest star with adverted vision is 47-Omega-Ori at 4.5 Mv 20060328024100,33.42040,-111.90514,27,19,0,null,4,50,pretty cloudy| a little brown in tint,null,null 20060328024100,30.07000,-95.38000,27,20,0,CST,2,50,null,null,null 20060328024200,14.00000,23.00000,24,22,0,EST,4,0,null,null,null 20060328024200,39.75000,-105.00000,27,19,0,MST,3,25,null,null,null 20060328024400,28.36698,-81.17415,24,20,0,EST,4,0,Airport and City lights cause wash in the north to northwest sky| but Orion is southward of that condition and this sky is much clearer,There are two street lights that are 300 feet away from observation point and sheilded from my view. No other street lights in area| but house lights are lit on houses that are 100-300 feet apart. House lights are obscured by trees surrounding the houses,Some additional stars were barely visible| but not as many as Chart 5 20060328024500,40.13700,-74.26900,27,19,0,null,3,50,little haze,street light within 50m that is partially shielded from my view,null 20060328024700,42.65700,-73.55200,27,21,0,EST,3,0,null,No street lights.,null 20060328024800,45.20583,20.56528,27,22,0,CET,3,50,clear,Near a wood| in the fields,There was no lights. 20060328024900,35.63333,-97.41700,27,20,0,CST,3,0,null,null,null 20060328025000,35.38000,-97.41700,27,20,0,CST,3,0,null,null,null 20060328025300,32.86250,-97.37806,27,20,0,CST,3,0,I could see a little puff of a cloud near Saiph.,Several porchlights in adjacent yards. Was able to shield them from view.,null 20060328025500,39.60000,-105.12800,25,19,0,MST,3,0,null,null,null 20060328030300,-27.10301,152.96894,27,18,0,null,4,0,not many lights. clear view,null,null 20060328030300,-27.19996,152.96657,26,20,0,AEST,4,0,null,null,null 20060328030300,-27.46667,153.03333,26,19,0,AEST,4,25,null,null,null 20060328030300,-27.46667,135.03333,27,19,0,AEST,4,0,null,null,null 20060328030300,-27.17639,152.97083,27,21,0,AEST,4,25,null,street light within 50 meters,null 20060328030300,-27.17646,152.97092,27,19,0,null,5,0,null,There ws no other lights as it was during a blackout in the area,There were a few less stars then in 5 but alot more then in 4 20060328030300,-27.46667,153.03333,28,19,0,EST,4,0,null,One street light| 20 metres away,null 20060328030300,-27.46667,153.03333,28,21,0,EST,3,0,null,One street light withing 200 metres,null 20060328030400,-27.46667,153.03333,27,19,0,AEST,3,25,null,null,null 20060328030400,-27.34456,153.00306,23,18,0,EST,6,50,clouds were moving fast so did find it easy to find it.,null,null 20060328030400,37.70153,-122.07818,26,20,0,PST,4,0,Clouds on western horizon from approaching front,Open pasture at end of housing tract,null 20060328030500,-27.46667,153.03333,27,20,0,AEST,4,0,clear,street light about 50m away.,null 20060328030500,-27.50000,153.00000,29,19,0,EST,3,0,no cloud cover in site| only disterbance form nearby steet lamp towards east,about 20 to 30 degrees up from west horizon,null 20060328031300,43.86500,-91.20300,26,20,0,CST,3,0,null,On highway| only a few streetlights in the nearby vicinity,Not quite full Mag 4 visibility| but the top star to complete the triangle in Orion was visible. 20060328031300,-27.50000,153.00000,27,19,0,AEST,5,0,Haze to the east. No moon.,Light about 20m away that is easily visible. Street lights on suburbian road.,null 20060328031500,-36.82400,-73.03400,27,20,0,null,4,0,null,At 80 meter approx. there are a web of lights separated around 20 meters each one another.,null 20060328031600,-27.27167,153.01056,26,19,0,AEST,5,25,brisbane lights too the south (behind me),street light arownd 10 metres away behind me (in the south),null 20060328031600,30.07000,-95.38000,27,21,0,CST,2,50,null,null,null 20060328031800,35.46600,-81.23000,27,22,0,EST,3,0,null,Lots of trees in my backyard. Neighbors had porch lights on. i live within town limits,null 20060328032000,32.25700,-110.88800,27,20,0,MST,3,50,clouds in the north west,there are about five street lights on my street| and a hospital about a block a way.,null 20060328032000,35.46600,-81.23000,24,21,0,EST,1,75,to dark and cloudy to see anything. slight rainfall.,Many trees in my backyard. Bad weather all week| rained earlier in the day.,null 20060328032100,32.23000,-110.96000,24,22,0,null,3,0,Some haze,some lights out,null 20060328032100,39.95722,-74.15139,27,20,0,EST,4,25,null,null,null 20060328032200,35.46600,-81.23000,25,22,0,null,2,25,null,Trees surround my house making it difficult to see. I live in town limits so there is always a slight glow. Neighbors leave porch light on.,null 20060328032500,32.80300,-79.75800,27,19,0,EST,4,0,null,null,null 20060328032600,-36.82400,-73.03400,27,21,0,null,4,0,null,At 80 meter there is a web of lights that is shielded.,Despite the fact that the light were shielded| we didn't see more star because the lights of the city don't allow it. 20060328032600,30.00600,-91.81800,27,20,0,CST,3,0,null,Lighted parking lot in downtown New Iberia| LA. Streetlights below Orion were blocked with my arm.,Seeing level about 3. Bright enough to check star maps without a flashlight. 20060328033100,29.92400,-91.79000,27,20,0,CST,5,0,Seeing level about 3. Bortle scale about 5.,Rural park about 5 miles from New Iberia| LA. Small library parking lot about 500 feet away lighted by full cut-off fixtures. NEMA head security light about 200 feet away blocked by a house.,Estimated actual limiting magnitude about 4.8. 20060328033500,31.45000,-97.20000,24,20,0,CST,3,0,cool| clear and spectacular,on a school soccer field with a track meet going on not 200 yards away,null 20060328033500,45.56500,-73.58200,27,22,0,EST,1,0,The sky was perfectly clear.,There is an orange street light about 50 feet from where I was observing just off to the right. I have noticed| though| that even observing Orion at other times when it is not in the direction of the street light that it is just as dim in magnitude as it,Depressing to see something as beautiful as Orion virtually unobservable from the city. And they put even brighter lights outside our front balcony last year (I was observing from the backyard and not the front| though). We can only make out the very bri 20060328033800,35.46800,-97.51600,27,20,0,CST,2,25,some high clouds,one street light,null 20060328033900,35.46667,-79.03333,27,20,0,EST,4,25,null,two security lights nearby,null 20060328034000,35.33900,-97.48600,27,21,0,CST,2,25,high clouds,city light from the north,null 20060328034200,35.46800,-97.51600,27,21,0,null,2,25,some high clouds,parking lot light about 500 feet south of me,null 20060328034800,39.98020,-105.33239,27,19,0,MST,5,50,Clear near Orion| but clouds rolling in from the East.,Kossler Lake above Boulder Mountain Park,Sandra and Dennis GaN Transect 20060328034900,39.98327,-105.32345,27,19,0,MST,5,50,Clear near Orion| but clouds rolling in from the East.,Boulder Mountain Park,Sandra and Dennis GaN Transect 20060328035000,39.99058,-105.31582,27,19,0,MST,5,50,Clear near Orion| but clouds rolling in from the East.,Boulder Mountain Park,Sandra and Dennis GaN Transect 20060328035100,39.99042,-105.31986,27,19,0,MST,5,50,Clear near Orion| but clouds rolling in from the East.,Boulder Mountain Park,Sandra and Dennis GaN Transect 20060328035200,39.99224,-105.31368,27,19,0,MST,4,50,Clear near Orion| but clouds rolling in from the East.,Boulder Mountain Park,Sandra and Dennis GaN Transect 20060328035300,39.99376,-105.31001,27,19,0,MST,4,75,Clear near Orion| but clouds rolling in from the East.,Boulder Mountain Park,Sandra and Dennis GaN Transect 20060328035300,45.57139,-75.74750,27,21,0,EST,5,25,null,null,null 20060328035400,39.99699,-105.30889,27,19,0,MST,4,75,Clear near Orion| but clouds rolling in from the East.,Boulder Mountain Park,Sandra and Dennis GaN Transect 20060328035400,40.00026,-105.30232,27,19,0,MST,4,75,Clear near Orion| but clouds rolling in from the East.,Boulder Mountain Park,Sandra and Dennis GaN Transect 20060328035500,40.00174,-105.29904,27,19,0,MST,4,75,Clear near Orion| but clouds rolling in from the East.,Boulder Mountain Park,Sandra and Dennis GaN Transect 20060328035600,40.00178,-105.29627,27,19,0,MST,4,75,Clear near Orion| but clouds rolling in from the East.,Boulder Mountain Park,Sandra and Dennis GaN Transect 20060328035600,40.00213,-105.29595,27,19,0,MST,5,75,Clear near Orion| but clouds rolling in from the East.,Boulder Mountain Park,Sandra and Dennis GaN Transect 20060328035800,39.99954,-105.29071,27,19,0,MST,4,75,Clouds begenning to interfere with Orion.,Boulder Mountain Park,Sandra and Dennis GaN Transect 20060328035800,14.05889,-87.24917,27,19,0,null,6,0,null,null,null 20060328035900,39.99963,-105.28306,27,19,0,MST,3,75,Clouds begenning to interfere with Orion.,Baseline Road in Boulder on the 40th parallel,Sandra and Dennis GaN Transect 20060328040000,39.99966,-105.28307,27,19,0,MST,4,75,Clouds begenning to interfere with Orion.,Baseline Road in Boulder on the 40th parallel,Sandra and Dennis GaN Transect 20060328040100,39.99869,-105.28047,27,19,0,MST,3,75,Clouds begenning to interfere with Orion.,Baseline Road in Boulder on the 40th parallel,Sandra and Dennis GaN Transect 20060328040200,39.99870,-105.28000,27,19,0,MST,4,75,Clouds begenning to interfere with Orion.,Baseline Road in Boulder on the 40th parallel,Sandra and Dennis GaN Transect 20060328040300,40.00001,-105.27356,27,20,0,MST,3,75,Clouds in Orion.,Baseline Road in Boulder on the 40th parallel,Sandra and Dennis GaN Transect 20060328040400,40.00001,-105.26391,27,20,0,MST,2,75,Clouds in Orion.,Baseline Road and Broadway in Boulder on the 40th parallel,Sandra and Dennis GaN Transect 20060328040500,40.00027,-105.26045,27,20,0,MST,2,75,Clouds in Orion.,Baseline Road and Broadway in Boulder on the 40th parallel,Sandra and Dennis GaN Transect 20060328040500,40.00001,-105.24635,27,20,0,MST,1,75,Clouds in Orion.,Baseline Road n Boulder on the 40th parallel,Sandra and Dennis GaN Transect 20060328040600,40.00001,-105.22438,27,20,0,MST,2,75,Clouds in Orion.,Baseline Road n Boulder on the 40th parallel,Sandra and Dennis GaN Transect 20060328040600,32.21600,-110.87400,27,20,0,MST,3,50,clear except for clouds.,100m from Craycroft Rd.| which has multiple street lights.,null 20060328041100,11.57707,-83.64204,27,20,0,BZT,5,25,Orion at 45 degrees above horizon and city lights,middle town,null 20060328041200,32.22000,-110.93000,27,20,0,MST,4,25,null,null,null 20060328041900,41.00000,-74.00000,27,23,0,EST,4,0,null,null,null 20060328044700,40.08278,-105.21056,26,21,0,MST,4,25,null,The neighbor's porch light is about 30m away,null 20060328045500,39.97225,-105.02989,27,21,0,MST,3,50,scattered| light clouds,null,Denver glow to the south 20060328051600,40.68900,-111.54100,26,20,0,MST,5,0,Clear,Relatively dark neighborhood - few outdoor lights.,null 20060328052400,32.20500,-110.93500,29,21,0,null,4,50,there are some clouds covering some stars,there are porch lights from neighbors and street lights around my back yard,null 20060328053200,48.27500,-117.71800,27,20,0,PST,3,0,The sky was surprisingly clear and I was able to see Orion without any problems.,The house across the street has a floodlight on the garage. There is a street light across the street and a couple of houses down.,For a small town| we have a lot more light pollution than I would like. 20060328053800,60.15583,24.78722,26,21,0,EET,4,0,Clear sky| no turbulence.,Street lights within about 50 m from observation point.,null 20060328055100,34.10800,-117.84000,26,21,0,null,2,50,A lot of scattered clouds| yet orion is still visible.,There is a street light about 75m-100m away.,null 20060328060000,35.78667,-79.01222,27,21,0,EST,4,0,Orion above dimmest horizon glow (west-sourthwest).,On spit of land projecting into Lake Jordan. No lights within field of view. No obstructions within field of view. 34 km west of Raleigh| North Carolina.,Temperature 45F| Relative Humidity 55 percent| Barometric Pressure 30.27 inches of mercury at RDU airport 24 km northeast. 20060328060100,-33.85700,151.16900,27,21,0,AEST,5,0,slightly hazy,Some glare experienced off the water from buildings on the opposite shore,null 20060328061000,39.09100,-104.71800,27,19,0,MST,6,0,Clear,There are no street lights within 5 miles that would shield my view.,null 20060328061400,39.09100,-104.71800,28,20,0,MST,5,0,Clear,There are no street lights within 5 miles that would shield my view.,null 20060328064800,54.33333,18.66667,25,20,0,CET,6,25,null,null,null 20060328065700,52.17100,13.57700,27,21,0,CET,5,25,haze present| clouds coming in from the SW,two or three street lights within 50 m| all shielded from my view by houses or trees,null 20060328070700,45.52000,-122.64000,27,23,0,PST,2,25,null,I am on a well-lit college campus.,I think I can see a few more stars than are shown in the magnitude 2 chart| but I am not certain. 20060328071400,39.11500,-76.90400,28,22,0,EST,3,0,Very clear. Many stars visible,There are multiple street lamps which come on at random. Otherwise| highly visible for observation,Warm outside temperature. Daytime high of 58. When observing| the night temperature was reading 43 degrees. 20060328071600,62.46700,25.95000,27,21,0,null,6,25,null,null,null 20060328071700,62.46700,25.81700,23,20,0,EST,5,0,null,null,null 20060328071800,62.50000,25.97600,25,19,0,null,6,0,null,null,null 20060328072000,62.46700,25.81700,23,20,0,null,6,0,null,null,null 20060328072000,62.46700,25.81700,23,21,0,EST,6,0,null,null,null 20060328072100,62.50000,25.97500,22,21,0,EST,6,0,null,null,null 20060328072500,62.42800,26.19000,26,21,0,EST,6,0,null,null,null 20060328074800,40.46778,-3.36917,27,20,0,WET,3,0,alguna nube,Al extremo de un parque,null 20060328075500,39.82900,-3.95800,24,21,0,null,5,0,null,null,null 20060328075600,39.82900,-3.95800,25,21,0,null,5,0,null,null,null 20060328075800,39.82900,-3.95800,26,22,0,null,4,25,null,null,null 20060328075900,39.82900,-3.95800,27,22,0,null,5,0,null,null,null 20060328093000,-32.00722,115.89167,27,20,0,AWST,4,0,null,Middle of a well lit car park,null 20060328093200,-34.36200,144.90600,27,19,0,null,3,50,hazey finger-like clouds over some of the sky,2 km outside a town of 3000 people,null 20060328093300,61.33197,26.22250,26,21,0,EET,7,0,Very clear,Coordinate system: EUREF-FIN. Location at our summer cottage| in the vicinity of Heinola| Finland. About 18 kilometres from the centre of Heinola to North-North-East. Absolutely no man-made light sources anywhere in sight.,null 20060328094400,62.41700,25.95000,22,21,0,null,3,0,null,null,null 20060328094400,62.23638,25.76276,22,21,0,null,4,0,null,null,null 20060328094400,62.41700,25.95000,22,21,0,PST,3,0,null,null,null 20060328094400,62.41700,25.95000,26,22,0,null,6,0,null,null,null 20060328094600,62.41700,25.95000,22,21,0,null,5,0,null,null,null 20060328100200,-33.67900,151.12300,27,21,0,AEST,5,0,Looking at the sky| we could see parts of the Milky Way| but it all seemed a bit hazy. It was rather humid and the temperature was dropping. We had considerable fog the next morning in the same area.,It seemed a bit hazy. We were just inside Ku-Ring-Gai Chase National Park| which is in Metropolitan Sydney. We had no artificial light except occasional headlights going by.,This was a great idea and I think we will be going starwatching as a family more often. 20060328111000,37.16250,-5.92306,27,21,0,CET,4,25,null,Luz de farola lejana,null 20060328111300,37.10861,-5.94944,27,21,0,CET,4,25,null,Desde una azotea con luz debajo,null 20060328111500,-32.00000,115.83333,28,19,0,ACST,3,0,null,null,null 20060328111500,37.16250,-5.92306,27,22,0,CET,4,25,null,null,null 20060328112500,25.03800,121.56400,28,19,0,JST,3,0,Quite hazy after days of rain. The haze is spreading the street light,In a garden surrounded by trees the nearest street light is 30m away shielded by the trees,We llok at the stars quite often| its often much better than this 20060328112700,25.03800,121.56400,28,21,0,null,3,0,quite hazy around me,In a garden surrounded by trees. nearest streetlight is approx. 30 m away.,null 20060328113600,-33.78700,150.98600,28,21,0,ACST,2,25,Heavy cloud cleared for 30 minutes giving clear view - some cloud well to north,Elevated patio site| streetlights hidden behind trees| cear view of viewing area,Made 6 estimates| all but 1 were Mag 2| the other I tried to kid myself was Mag3 - but really mag 2 20060328113600,-33.78700,150.98600,28,21,0,ACST,2,25,Heavy cloud cleared for 30 minutes giving clear view - some cloud well to north,Elevated patio site| streetlights hidden behind trees| cear view of viewing area,Made 6 estimates| all but 1 were Mag 2| the other I tried to kid myself was Mag3 - but really mag 2 20060328115600,36.56390,-82.20680,28,21,0,EST,2,0,a little haze all around,I live in a appartement complex and there are street and garden lights| a couple of yards away.,null 20060328120500,22.37972,114.20000,27,19,0,null,4,0,moderate haze at North| citylight from south,Rooftop of an apartment| about 120m from sea level. It was misty in the few past days in Hong Kong| but clearer and dryer tonight. Hopefully the same tomorrow.,null 20060328120600,22.37972,114.25000,27,19,0,null,4,0,moderate haze at North| citylight from south,Rooftop of an apartment| about 120m from sea level. It was misty in the few past days in Hong Kong| but clearer and dryer tonight. Hopefully the same tomorrow.,Good night in the misty Spring. No Sunlight for already a month or so. 20060328121300,-33.59722,151.16222,27,20,0,AEST,6,0,null,null,null 20060328121500,-33.62417,151.15472,27,20,0,AEST,5,0,null,null,null 20060328121600,-33.60833,151.09250,28,20,0,AEST,5,25,null,street light 50m to south,null 20060328121800,36.05534,-76.44858,26,21,0,EST,4,0,null,null,null 20060328121800,-33.61361,151.13833,28,20,0,AEST,5,25,null,fairly close to shopping centre,null 20060328124600,39.90000,116.41300,28,19,0,null,2,0,A little hazy| but quite clear for Beijing,null,null 20060328130000,39.58520,-77.88350,25,22,0,EST,4,0,null,There is one pole light within 25 feet which effected my vision of the sky.,null 20060328130100,39.58520,-77.88350,22,21,0,EST,3,50,null,no street lights except for the house light,null 20060328130700,12.07000,-1.01694,28,12,0,ZP7,2,25,null,null,null 20060328130700,39.58520,-77.88350,29,21,0,EST,4,25,the clouds covered some of orion from where i observed,null,null 20060328130800,12.07000,-1.01694,28,12,0,ZP7,2,25,null,null,null 20060328131000,39.58520,-77.88350,27,19,0,EST,3,25,Fairly clear with some haze in the East.,There is a large rock quarry with flood lights about 5 miles away that it somewhat covered by foliage.,null 20060328131400,16.10000,13.80000,27,20,0,EET,7,0,Clear,1 km near Kirovskiy (Astrakhan area),null 20060328132400,44.59000,-73.53000,27,21,0,EST,6,0,High thin band of cirrus but only in 1 quarter of sky,About 1km north of our other location| in a farmer's field| over 500M to the nearest lights,Glow from Montreal| City of Plattsburgh| Dannemora and Peru visible in local horizons| dry atmosphere (High pressure) gave fine overhead visibility 20060328132700,38.90010,-77.03605,27,20,0,EST,3,0,Somewhat hazy.,Surrounded by street lights.,null 20060328132800,40.06617,-105.01553,25,19,0,MST,4,50,Cloud cover to the south and west.,In a semi-rural area.,Crazy Neighbor Lady's horse pasture. Had a great time. Cookies were delicious. 20060328133200,22.19639,113.53694,28,21,0,null,3,0,the sky was not so clear| there were some hazes in the sky,null,The magnitude is between 2 and 3| the M42 was not easy to see. 20060328133200,48.21800,18.60600,23,20,0,CET,3,0,null,There is one street light within 30 m,null 20060328133800,34.69400,-82.79600,27,21,0,EST,2,25,null,street light about 15 m from house,null 20060328134000,38.99100,-77.02600,27,20,0,EST,4,0,Some thin| high cloud| possibly contrails. Big light dome to south equals Washington| D.C.,Two streetlights| unshielded| at 15m and 30m,Probably just shy of mag 4 because of the thin cloud. 20060328134300,51.00000,20.00000,28,21,0,CET,4,0,null,null,null 20060328135000,46.14589,-62.92849,27,20,0,EST,7,0,very light moving haze,In the countryside 25 km from nearest city.,null 20060328135000,41.21000,-73.72000,28,19,0,EST,4,0,null,null,null 20060328135100,42.46052,-72.30948,27,19,0,EST,4,0,null,no comment,null 20060328135100,41.21000,-73.57000,27,20,0,EST,5,25,null,one garage light on,null 20060328135100,41.23000,-73.70000,27,20,0,EST,1,25,null,null,null 20060328135100,41.22000,-73.64000,26,19,0,EST,6,25,Hazy to the south.,There was no lights on in the area.,null 20060328135300,41.24000,-73.74000,27,19,0,EST,2,25,null,null,null 20060328135300,41.18000,-73.73000,27,19,0,EST,4,25,null,null,null 20060328135300,41.20000,-73.45000,27,21,0,EST,4,0,null,null,null 20060328135400,41.21000,-73.60000,23,20,0,EST,5,25,null,null,It was fun. 20060328135500,41.20300,-73.59000,27,20,0,EST,5,0,very| very clear,null,it was sort of hard to see Orion because of the trees in myneighbors yard 20060328135500,41.23000,-73.68000,27,20,0,null,3,0,null,There is a street light.,null 20060328135500,41.23000,-73.70000,27,20,0,EST,1,25,null,null,null 20060328135600,42.21000,-73.68000,23,20,0,EST,3,25,null,null,null 20060328135600,39.96800,-74.14300,27,21,0,EST,5,0,null,null,null 20060328135800,41.20000,-73.62000,27,21,0,EST,5,0,null,null,null 20060328140500,42.42061,-71.08734,27,20,0,EST,3,0,Crisp clear| can't get better. After dark adapted| was surprise how light it was| I was expecting it to be darker outside.,observe in front of house| street lights at 2 + 5 m| not shielded from view| although hid myself from street lights behind balcony post (for the 5 m) and held up a clip board to hide the 2 m one. Neighbor's houses had windows lit.,really was in between chart 3 and 4. I could see a bit more than in chart 3 but not as much as chart 4. 20060328140700,39.87300,-74.20200,27,21,0,EST,4,0,null,There is one street light within 50 m that is shielded from my view,null 20060328141800,33.01667,-98.03333,24,21,0,CST,6,0,null,null,Very Clear skys 20060328142400,34.17330,-86.83640,28,21,0,CST,3,0,null,null,it was very pretty and neat to be able to see Orion 20060328142600,41.19000,-73.71000,27,20,0,EST,5,0,null,street light is on,null 20060328142600,39.33333,-76.63333,27,19,0,EST,2,25,somewhat hazy but not cloudy,Multiple streetlights within 50 m,null 20060328142800,39.42600,-76.56100,23,21,0,EST,3,50,null,null,null 20060328142900,41.22000,-73.61000,27,19,0,EST,5,0,null,house lights are on,null 20060328143000,39.36667,-76.95000,27,21,0,EST,6,0,null,very remote| there are lights from a ballpark| but they are far enough away,null 20060328143100,37.20534,-80.81858,27,19,0,EST,4,25,null,null,null 20060328143100,42.89518,-73.12880,27,19,0,null,5,0,null,null,null 20060328143200,39.34558,-76.63277,26,20,0,EST,3,0,null,street ligtht 50 m east,null 20060328143200,51.18611,18.41667,27,20,0,CET,7,25,null,null,null 20060328143200,41.19000,-73.72000,23,19,0,EST,4,25,kind of dark,lots of street lights,temperature was 30-40 degrees F 20060328143300,37.20534,-80.81858,27,19,0,EST,4,25,null,null,null 20060328143300,41.18000,-73.65000,27,19,0,EST,4,0,It is clear.,There is no light.,null 20060328143300,39.58333,-76.70000,26,23,0,EST,6,0,few wispy clouds north,In the middle of a large field| no lights within 100 m,null 20060328143400,41.20000,-73.72000,26,20,0,null,6,0,null,null,null 20060328143400,41.22000,-73.60000,27,20,0,EST,5,50,There were more stars on one half of the sky.,There is a street light within 50 m.,Have fun with your experiment 20060328143500,41.30000,-73.67000,27,19,0,EST,3,0,null,null,null 20060328143600,39.35800,-76.54700,27,20,0,EST,3,25,null,well lighted northern parkway about 500 m,though cloudy in areas| the constellation was clearly visible 20060328143600,41.19000,-73.56000,27,20,0,EST,6,50,very dark but the half of the sky that had no clouds was full of stars.,no street lights,null 20060328143600,41.19000,-73.72000,27,20,0,EST,4,25,null,null,null 20060328143700,41.18000,-73.59000,27,20,0,EST,3,25,a little haze to the north.,null,null 20060328143700,39.46600,-76.53300,27,19,0,EST,6,0,null,not many lights,null 20060328144000,41.21000,-73.72000,23,19,0,EST,3,0,null,null,null 20060328144000,39.40500,-76.65500,27,19,0,EST,2,0,som haze,no street lights. only houses are lit up,null 20060328144000,41.21000,-73.72000,23,19,0,EST,3,0,null,null,null 20060328144000,41.23085,-73.69824,23,19,0,EST,6,0,null,null,null 20060328144100,39.38333,-76.63333,27,20,0,EST,7,0,null,null,null 20060328144800,26.60000,-81.90000,27,22,0,null,6,0,null,null,null 20060328145100,27.29890,-97.81510,23,20,0,CST,5,0,null,null,null 20060328145100,54.10000,18.76667,26,19,0,CET,7,0,null,null,null 20060328145700,-25.56700,-70.51000,27,20,0,null,6,0,El cielo estuvo despejado orion se observo sin problemas| las nubes estan muy al suroeste.,Nos ubicamos en un sector practicamente libre de luminarias| ya qu ecada una se encuentran entre 150 mts. de tipo Onyx 3 de sodio alta presion.,null 20060328150100,19.04417,72.81750,28,20,0,IST,3,0,There is wind,I am living in the 17th floor of a building sea side. There isn't any lights on my terrace.,null 20060328150200,22.45000,114.03300,28,21,0,null,2,0,null,null,null 20060328150300,33.59300,-112.22800,27,20,0,MST,4,25,A little haze to the south but Orion was visible.,Street light 6 houses down but did not bother view.,At 8:35pm Orion was in clear view| at 8:45 light clouds covered the lower stars. 20060328151300,41.19583,-73.62977,28,20,0,EST,3,75,null,null,null 20060328151300,41.19000,-73.65000,27,19,0,AST,2,0,A thin wisp of cloud to the east.,A tree branch was blocking one of the stars.,null 20060328151400,41.24521,-73.69318,27,20,0,EST,4,0,null,null,null 20060328151400,41.22916,-73.70782,27,19,0,EST,3,0,There was a streak of light down the middle of the sky.,I live in town. There are a lot of lights,null 20060328151500,41.20426,-73.73693,27,20,0,EST,5,25,null,street light pretty close,null 20060328151500,41.12467,-73.70749,28,20,0,EST,4,25,null,null,null 20060328151500,41.23975,-73.68851,23,20,0,EST,4,25,Pretty clear outside.,Two street lights less than 60m away.,Weather Temperature is about 30-40 degrees outside. 20060328151600,41.22000,-73.74000,27,20,0,EST,7,0,clear,one street lamp within 100 meters,null 20060328151600,41.09000,-73.78000,27,19,0,EST,4,25,null,dark side street,null 20060328151700,40.23534,-79.31858,27,20,0,EST,6,25,null,null,null 20060328151800,41.31136,-73.72725,23,20,0,EST,4,0,null,null,null 20060328151800,41.20083,-73.59627,23,20,0,EST,4,0,null,dark street,null 20060328151800,41.16972,-73.71114,27,19,0,EST,2,0,clear with a couple of planes around. b,neighbors flood lights were on.,null 20060328151800,41.18805,-73.73724,27,19,0,EST,4,0,null,I don't live by a lot of lights,null 20060328151900,41.23000,-73.69000,23,19,0,EST,4,25,it was not very cloudy| and a decent amount of stars were in the sky,there was a lamp post a cuple of yards away from me,i also saw an airplane in the air| it was a tad windy | but i could still see Orion's belt and some of his soldier. 20060328152000,41.19163,-73.73479,27,19,0,EST,2,0,a lot of stars,on my deck,null 20060328152400,42.99800,-78.70000,27,20,0,EST,4,0,Totally clear and a bright evening,Street lights within 50 meters. not shielded from view.,It was cold. 20060328152900,23.26667,113.38333,28,20,0,JST,3,0,Clear,There is one building with lights on within 20m that is shielded from my view.,null 20060328153500,26.44200,-82.03600,27,20,0,EST,5,0,Very clear over Gulf of Mexico,On beach|no streetlights| Sanibel|Florida,null 20060328153600,45.21722,-75.69778,27,21,0,null,5,0,100 percent clear W - S - E. high cirrus NW - N - NE. Glare of Ottawa to NW - N - NE. Light dome from car dealership 1 km NW Light dome from car dealership 6 km S,Backyard at my home. Street light 50m away on other side of house.,Magnitude 5 only because I live south of Ottawa. 20060328154100,32.25000,-110.88333,27,20,0,null,1,75,null,null,null 20060328154400,-33.01667,-60.88333,22,21,0,BZT,4,0,null,null,null 20060328154400,54.25000,20.80000,25,20,0,WET,5,0,The sky was clear. There weren't clouds. It wasn't raining,There are two street lights near the place where the observation were done.,null 20060328154400,-33.01667,-60.88333,22,20,0,BZT,3,0,null,null,null 20060328154500,50.80000,19.11000,24,22,0,CET,1,75,sky was very clouds and location stars was very difficulty,My location is dark place but sometimes sky was lighting,ewekp 20060328154900,32.25000,-110.88333,27,20,0,null,1,75,null,null,null 20060328156000,50.80000,19.11667,24,20,0,CET,3,0,null,null,null 20060328160200,33.81300,-81.11200,24,21,0,EST,1,75,could not see anything,no street lights,bad night 20060328160400,33.81300,-81.11200,25,21,0,EST,7,0,sku was clear,no lights,very cold 20060328160500,33.81300,-81.11200,26,21,0,EST,7,0,good night to see orion,no lights,it was cold 20060328160700,33.81300,-81.11200,27,21,0,EST,7,0,clear night,no lights,very| very cold 20060328161300,44.50000,-69.00000,22,19,0,EST,5,0,null,Standing in the center of a lake 2 miles from a town of 6000,I was standing in the middle of a frozen lake about 2 miles away from a city of 6000 . 20060328161400,33.81300,-81.12200,24,19,0,CET,1,75,null,null,null 20060328161500,33.81300,-81.11200,25,20,0,CET,1,75,null,null,null 20060328161600,-30.03667,116.05111,28,23,0,AWST,4,0,Sky haze from Perth to West.,Multiple Street lights within 50M| some partly shielded by trees,null 20060328161700,33.81300,-81.11200,27,20,0,CET,6,0,null,null,null 20060328162100,62.39000,-159.31000,27,22,0,YST,5,0,Twilight is REALLY creaping towards 10:00 p.m. now.,null,null 20060328162400,35.91111,-79.05000,27,20,0,EST,4,0,Cloudy and hazy earlier| cleared up but there are a few lingering wisps towards the east.,North observing deck on the 4th floor of Morehead Observatory at UNC Chapel Hill. There is a 4 1 half ft. wall that eliminated some of the street glare.,null 20060328164400,41.22000,-73.72000,27,20,0,EST,1,50,null,null,null 20060328164600,41.18403,-73.54893,27,20,0,EST,4,0,null,null,null 20060328164600,41.22916,-73.70782,24,21,0,EST,4,25,null,null,null 20060328164700,41.73000,-73.37000,27,19,0,EST,4,25,clear,There is one street light within 50 m that is shielded from my view.,null 20060328164700,41.17000,-73.59000,27,20,0,EST,5,0,null,null,null 20060328164700,41.22000,-73.61000,27,19,0,EST,7,0,null,A couple house lights.,null 20060328164800,41.20000,-73.72000,24,20,0,EST,5,0,clear |no clouds,no lights on,null 20060328164800,43.03518,-73.12880,27,20,0,EST,3,25,it was a little couldy,street lights and traffic and the light from outside,null 20060328164900,40.95486,-73.81572,27,20,0,EST,4,0,null,null,null 20060328164900,41.23972,-73.68613,27,19,0,EST,5,75,null,null,null 20060328165000,20.00000,30.00000,27,21,0,PST,4,0,null,null,null 20060328165000,41.24206,-73.73360,27,20,0,EST,2,0,no clouds,null,null 20060328165000,41.99222,-72.59583,27,21,0,EST,4,0,null,no lights,null 20060328165000,41.21000,-73.60000,27,20,0,EST,4,0,clear,i was near 4 spot lights,null 20060328165100,41.20000,-73.63000,27,20,0,EST,3,0,null,no light,null 20060328165100,43.03518,-73.11880,23,20,0,EST,4,25,had a good amount of stars in the sky,wasnt that cloudy,null 20060328165400,43.04260,-73.13115,23,19,0,EST,3,25,It was cluody but you could still see the Orion's belt.,null,there was'nt alot of stars there was only the Orion's belt. 20060328165600,41.15735,-73.73068,27,20,0,EST,2,0,no clouds,no clouds,null 20060328165600,41.18803,-73.73486,23,20,0,EST,2,0,null,null,null 20060328165900,-34.61300,-58.47000,28,21,0,BZT,5,0,great seeing.,at the top of tallest building in neighborhood.,null 20060328170200,32.40181,-110.97950,26,21,0,PST,3,25,null,There is one lampost within 25m. that is partially visible. Itdoesn't affect my view of the sky.,Part of the sky was somewhat cloudy(not over Orion)| and some of the cities lights made it difficult for my eyes to adjust to the darkness. 20060328170400,44.54028,-69.72250,27,20,0,EST,6,0,The sky was completley clear.,I looked at the sky on my front porch and there were no street lights from my view.,It was very easy to find Orion's Belt in the night sky. 20060328170400,32.41700,-110.98800,23,21,0,PST,5,0,null,porch light is on.,I found the belt immediately 20060328170700,33.37500,-117.64722,25,19,0,MST,5,0,null,null,Magnitude is between 4 and 5. 20060328170900,24.43333,39.70000,22,20,0,null,7,0,null,null,null 20060328170900,45.55833,-73.71667,27,23,0,EST,2,0,no clouds,Public place close to shoping center,null 20060328171200,24.41667,39.70000,23,20,0,null,7,0,null,null,null 20060328171300,40.18500,-105.07000,25,19,0,MST,4,0,null,In the backyard| street lights blocked by house. lights on in neghboring houses but we used our hands to (like horse blinders) to block out periferal light.,Kids were not all in agreement whether it was magnitude 4 or 5. We finally agreed on 4 but 4.5 would be our average (and probably more accurate). 20060328171300,24.51667,39.51667,24,20,0,null,7,0,null,null,null 20060328171300,33.37500,-117.64722,23,22,0,MST,4,0,clear,nothing did,none other than it was very visisble 20060328171400,24.30000,39.53333,25,19,0,null,7,0,null,null,null 20060328171500,24.35000,39.53333,26,20,0,null,6,0,null,null,null 20060328171600,22.28379,114.13109,28,20,0,null,4,0,null,Amateur's Observatory at roof of a 32-floor building,null 20060328171700,33.81000,-81.11800,27,20,0,null,2,50,it was claudy|but you coud see some stars not that much,food lion pet food near,it was cloudy 20060328171700,40.18500,-105.07000,25,21,0,MST,2,25,Clouds to the West.,Front yard| street lights within 20 meters. Even with using our hands as blinders street lights limited our view of Orion.,Street lights obscured our vision significantly 20060328171900,33.82400,-1.11792,25,19,0,PST,1,75,null,In disneyland there are alot of lights so I am trying for darker spots.,there are alot of lights on and there is bad weather. 20060328172000,33.81000,-81.11800,24,19,0,null,1,75,it was bery cloudy,there is a food lion and a pet food it a company name dimond,very cloudy 20060328172200,33.82400,-117.92400,25,19,0,PST,1,75,null,I'm in California Adventure park and there are alot of lights on.,I can't even see the black of the night this is very dissapointing. 20060328172200,33.82400,-117.92400,25,19,0,PST,1,75,null,I'm in California Adventure park and there are alot of lights on.,I can't even see the black of the night this is very dissapointing. 20060328172300,33.81000,-81.11800,25,20,0,null,1,75,it was bery cloudy,there is a food lion and a pet food near my house a street light,null 20060328172500,32.34500,-111.02100,23,20,0,MST,4,0,null,null,There is three lights on my porch. 20060328172600,33.81000,-81.11800,26,21,0,null,6,0,the sky condition was bery clear on the night,there is a food lion and a pet food and name the dimon and there is a street light near my house,null 20060328172700,41.05111,-110.86611,22,19,0,null,2,0,I could see it very clearly.,null,null 20060328173200,41.20601,-73.73212,26,20,0,EST,3,0,null,Quite dark| clear sky.,null 20060328173200,41.19189,-73.60123,24,19,0,EST,6,25,A couple of clouds,there are no street lights,null 20060328173200,41.19515,-73.72757,23,20,0,EST,3,25,slightly cloudy| windy,null,null 20060328173300,41.19769,-73.63450,27,19,0,null,6,25,Some small puffy clouds covering occaisonal stars,There are several houses on my street but I am on a mostly isolated hill,null 20060328173300,41.18000,-73.62000,23,20,0,EST,5,0,There ar absolutly no clouds.,There are no lights and the stars are very bright.,The stars are so bright and the sky is unbelivably clear of clouds............ 20060328173300,41.21083,-73.62306,27,20,0,EST,4,0,null,Brightly lit house across the street lamp posts along my driveway.,null 20060328173300,40.71563,-74.84847,27,20,0,EST,3,50,It's a little overcast,school nextdoor to our house,We have tees surrounding us in our backyard| so we really have a strip view 20060328173500,42.98445,-73.11973,23,20,0,EST,6,0,Maybe a cloud,a street light about a mile away but shielded from my view,null 20060328173600,41.20593,-73.72498,27,19,0,EST,3,0,null,There is a street light outside my house but it's dimed.,null 20060328173700,37.27753,-80.71915,23,19,0,EST,1,0,null,there was alot of lights,null 20060328173700,41.20806,-73.72222,27,19,0,null,4,25,Clear with a few streaky clouds.,2 street lights about30-60 meters away.,null 20060328173700,41.19522,-73.57970,27,20,0,EST,6,0,pretty cleat,36 Horshoe Hill Rd. West| around the forest| no street lights,I like eggs. 20060328173700,41.20612,-73.74167,27,20,0,EST,7,0,null,null,null 20060328173700,41.20000,-73.62000,26,20,0,EST,2,0,Was completly clear.,neihbers lights were on,i am bored.................................................................11 20060328173700,41.19377,-73.63211,27,19,0,EST,6,0,Pretty much a clear sky. only one spot has a tiny cloud (less than 1 quarter of sky),I am in my driveway and there are no lights. The only light is shielded by a tree.,Over-all I can see the stars very well| in the sky. They are very bright and i can see alot of the constilations. 20060328174100,40.24000,-75.24000,28,20,0,null,4,0,Very light Cirrus clouds North and West| Orion clear.,Suburban location| streetlight meters| shielded.Very light cirrus clouds North and West| Orion clear.,Experienced observer| member of local astronomy society. Based on your charts| I would report Mag4.5 Thanks for the opportunity| anxious for global result. Hopefuly this will seriously raise awareness of light pollution issues. J.A. Zelinski 20060328174200,45.46417,-74.15139,27,20,0,EST,4,0,Somewhat humid outdoors affecting Transparency of sky,No street lights on street and no outside lights on house,Although I could see a bit more stars than shown on chart 4| it was not as good as chart 5. So I must be closer to Mag 4 than Mag 5 20060328174700,33.81000,-81.09100,27,21,0,null,2,25,the sky was haze because of the rain.,I have alot of trees around my house and it is hard for me to see the sky clear.,null 20060328175400,-23.71528,-46.41944,27,22,0,BZT,3,25,Some clouds| but nothing that could interfere in my observations,There is a street light right in front of my window,null 20060328175500,54.10000,18.76667,24,20,0,CET,1,25,null,null,null 20060328180200,50.83333,19.16667,23,21,0,CET,3,0,null,null,null 20060328180300,39.87300,-74.20200,26,21,0,EST,4,25,null,There is one street light within 50 m that is shielded from my view,null 20060328180600,50.30361,18.94333,24,22,0,CET,4,25,null,Chorzow,null 20060328180800,43.67200,-73.99300,26,21,0,EST,6,0,While clouds covered the sky earlier in the day| it cleared out by evening.,This is a dark location in the Adirondack Mtns.,This was an excellent project. Thank-you for all your hard work. 20060328181100,53.33875,8.47639,22,22,0,CET,5,0,Hygrometer: 39 percent| Temperature Day 10?C| Night 3?C| no fog| clear Sky,Terrasse of my home| next street lamp nearly 30 m| shinig directly down to street.,M35 with 70/700 and 15 mm Plossl nice view| no Struggling or atmospharic Errors 20060328181100,30.53333,-86.08556,26,19,0,CST,4,0,Light bands of clouds near horizon.,Observation taken on the shore of Mobile Bay at Fairhope Beach| facing city of Mobile. Street lights behind me.,null 20060328181300,41.29278,-73.56667,22,20,0,EST,3,0,Clear,Neighbors had lights on inside their houses.,I saw a few more stars than in #3| but not as many as in #4. 20060328181500,30.50000,-90.09000,25,20,0,CST,4,0,null,Observation from field near well-lit church parking lot. Several houses along field's fence line had backyard lights on. To see Orion| I had to look generally above these houses. I shielded my eyes from these lights the best I could. [Magnitude Charts wo,Between 4 and 3| but definitely much closer to 4. 20060328182300,-30.06667,-70.48333,25,21,0,null,4,0,null,in the re?aca beach,null 20060328182500,43.00400,-96.06500,25,21,0,CST,5,0,Clear,One street light above and approximately 5m behind my left shoulder. I moved around a bit to try to get the best angle w/o its light affecting my eyes.,null 20060328182500,54.10000,18.76667,24,20,0,CET,2,0,null,null,null 20060328182500,46.71100,25.55200,28,21,0,CET,1,75,Clouds cover all of sky,null,Prefered Magnitude 0 Chart . Sory 20060328182900,-26.15028,28.29189,26,20,0,null,5,25,Cloud in SW,Back garden - observatory - lights less than 30 m - shielded from view,Visibility was between 4 and 5 mag 20060328183000,54.10000,15.76667,24,20,0,null,1,25,null,null,null 20060328183000,54.10000,18.76667,22,20,0,CET,1,0,null,null,null 20060328183500,-30.03000,-51.19500,26,21,0,BZT,3,0,It was a little cloudy before sunset| but aparently was clear at the time of my observation| around 9 pm,observation from the balcony with view to the west. the visible portion of the sky is about 30? x 90?.,null 20060328183700,-23.53111,-46.77500,26,20,0,BZT,3,25,Clear sky| some cirrus.,Very near (15km) one of the most polluted city in the world| S?o Paulo ( approximately 20 million people live here).,Great innovation. Fantastic way to research light pollution in the world. Please| give us more days to still contributing. Tks| Cassiano from Osasco| SP/Brazil. 20060328184000,47.60056,19.35194,27,20,0,CET,3,0,null,approx 5 street lights closer than 60m in the W direction. Point of obs. balcony at 7m.,null 20060328184100,32.24700,-111.22600,27,19,0,MST,6,25,Clouds in sky but Orion was clear,Porch light on at neighbor's house,null 20060328184300,47.60056,19.35194,28,20,0,CET,3,25,null,approx 5 street lights closer than 60m in the W direction. Point of obs. balcony at 7m.,null 20060328184500,32.30600,-111.23100,27,20,0,MST,6,25,null,Porch light on in front of my house.,null 20060328184600,44.44139,-69.75556,26,20,0,EST,4,25,Mostly clear| little clouds to south,Neighbors house lights,null 20060328184600,47.51135,19.08534,28,20,0,CET,3,0,null,Public park in Budapest| Hungary,null 20060328184800,43.90600,-91.17200,26,20,0,CST,4,0,a little haze to S and SW,house/yard lights: approximately 350 feet ahead (partly shielded)| approximately 150 feet behind (slightly shielded)| approximately 50 feet to left (completely shielded),null 20060328184900,54.00000,54.00000,27,20,0,CET,3,0,null,null,null 20060328184900,32.31200,-111.25000,22,19,0,MST,6,0,null,Porch light on at neighbor's house,null 20060328185100,48.20570,-114.33350,26,20,0,MST,5,0,Some of the best conditions I have seen in this area this winter.,Many sodium street and parking lot lights in the area| but not in line of sight. NW Kalispell near Fairgrounds| looking southwest with 90 percent of city behind me.,I have 20/18 vision. 20060328185300,41.91200,-84.35400,26,20,0,EST,5,0,would rate sky transparency 7-8/10. Clear but moisture in the air effected transparency. Zodiacl light barely visible.,I live out in the country. Nearest lights (Mercury lamps) appx. 500 meters away,Found out about the survey through the Detroit Science Museum. Hope this becomes a annual event like a Messier Hunt. 20060328185300,32.19778,-110.90361,26,20,0,MST,6,0,null,null,null 20060328185400,50.68333,19.21667,23,20,0,CET,5,0,whole sky was clear,there are street only one light 20m that is. This stret is between forest and hauses,null 20060328185500,44.00000,23.00000,27,20,0,CET,4,0,null,null,null 20060328185500,45.66944,-75.71944,26,22,0,EST,3,0,null,There were 3 street lights (cobra fixture) within 200 meters that were shielded from my view.,null 20060328186000,45.00000,17.00000,27,20,0,CET,5,0,null,null,null 20060328190000,36.50000,-79.75000,27,20,0,EST,3,0,null,There was a dim street light slightly to the right of my positiion| but it was not close to my view of Orion.,null 20060328190400,43.68660,-79.47000,26,21,0,EST,3,0,clear,on top of a hill behind a school| playground is about one city block square| street lights surrounding the park on three sides (in the viewing direction) but below the crest of the hill,null 20060328190500,8.00000,33.00000,27,21,0,CET,4,0,null,a little haze to west,null 20060328190700,38.11139,15.66194,28,20,0,null,7,0,null,null,null 20060328191200,44.31880,-69.79278,27,21,0,EST,6,0,Clear out| hard to see moon,No street lights. People have not completely destroyed out here yet.,Nice out here. I'd like to see it from Alaska. 20060328191500,39.69534,-82.22458,25,19,0,null,1,75,null,null,I couldn't see Orion on Saturday night nor any other night. 20060328191700,43.64600,-72.23600,23,19,0,EST,4,25,null,null,null 20060328191700,-43.65000,-72.18300,23,20,0,EST,1,50,null,null,null 20060328191800,43.64444,-72.25000,22,19,0,EST,1,75,null,null,null 20060328191900,44.56028,-69.73028,26,19,0,null,5,25,null,null,null 20060328191900,43.64600,-72.24400,23,20,0,EST,3,0,null,null,null 20060328191900,43.65000,-72.24000,22,22,0,EST,4,50,null,i only have one street light across the street,it was blury but it was still butiful 20060328191900,39.66434,-82.22858,22,20,0,EST,3,0,null,null,null 20060328191900,52.44000,13.50472,28,20,0,CET,4,0,Time in MESZ .,street light Observatorium Johannisthal Berlin,null 20060328192000,43.64000,-72.00000,28,19,0,null,2,25,null,null,null 20060328192100,43.24300,-72.24300,22,19,0,EST,3,25,null,null,null 20060328192100,43.64000,-72.00000,28,19,0,EST,2,25,null,null,null 20060328192100,43.64200,-72.24900,31,19,0,EST,2,25,null,null,null 20060328192100,43.24300,-72.24300,22,19,0,EST,3,25,null,null,null 20060328192100,44.51889,-69.79278,27,20,0,EST,6,0,null,null,null 20060328192200,43.60200,-72.22000,24,20,0,EST,4,50,City lights reflected off the clouds on the horizon| brightening the sky,null,null 20060328192300,43.61200,-72.21400,22,20,0,EST,1,50,null,null,null 20060328193300,43.64600,-72.25800,31,19,0,EST,5,25,null,null,null 20060328193400,50.93333,19.20000,26,22,0,CET,4,25,null,There is one street light within 80 m that is shielded from my view.,null 20060328193500,23.53333,23.38333,26,18,0,MST,4,25,null,null,null 20060328193900,50.95000,19.43333,27,23,0,CET,3,50,null,null,null 20060328194200,50.75000,18.98333,27,22,0,CET,3,50,null,null,null 20060328194200,39.05444,-80.56667,27,21,0,EST,1,75,Very few stars were visable because of the cloud coverage,null,null 20060328194500,60.47667,24.59611,25,21,0,EET,4,0,null,null,null 20060328195100,34.62800,-79.06000,27,19,0,EST,3,25,clouds to the northwest,null,security lights shielded by observer's hands. 20060328195200,40.77194,-73.75167,27,19,0,EST,3,0,null,null,null 20060328195400,36.49400,-79.75900,27,20,0,EST,4,25,null,null,null 20060328195500,40.73600,-73.70200,27,20,0,EST,3,25,There were some clouds in the sky which may have affected my results,There are street lights by my house but they were not visible,null 20060328195600,41.48333,-2.13333,28,21,0,WET,4,0,null,we were on a roof,At 7:00P.M. the Sun is still visible. In Barcelona| we are now in summer daylight saving time. 20060328195800,40.70300,-73.73700,27,20,0,EST,2,25,There was very little haze but some in the north,There are around six streetlights within approximatley 130 feet from my house,The sky was pretty clear. What suprises me was how little stars are visible from my home. I think the light polution should really be controlled so that the beauty os stars can be more visible 20060328195900,40.73333,-73.93333,22,22,0,EST,4,0,A clear night with one or two clouds Southeast,null,null 20060328200100,40.75500,-73.72083,27,20,0,EST,2,0,null,Some streetlight on view,null 20060328200200,40.67600,-73.74500,27,19,0,EST,1,0,null,There is a street light within 50m that is sheilded from my view,null 20060328200300,42.10115,-92.90471,27,21,0,EST,1,0,It is a clear hight with little fog,There are a lot of slopingts from my view,null 20060328200300,46.32700,17.69300,28,20,0,CET,5,0,null,null,null 20060328200500,40.77300,-73.74700,25,20,0,EST,2,25,It was a little cloudy near the horizon but other than that preety clear,here is a streetlight in front of my house,I couldnt see many stars. Maybe about 5 or 6 at the most. And no way was there a 7 magnitude. 20060328201400,45.81885,16.00768,28,22,0,null,3,50,null,null,MUCH CLEAR SKY THAN LAST DAYS 20060328201800,40.23333,-74.16667,27,19,0,EST,3,0,beautiful| clear | mild night| Orion readily visible,Howell High School- grounds are lit with lights| street lights 100 yds from viewing point,null 20060328203300,40.07667,-104.95167,23,20,0,MST,3,0,It may have been hazy to the south since the illumination from the Denver city lights was fairly bright| but I couldn't see any haze.,null,null 20060328203400,44.36667,2.55000,28,21,0,BT,3,25,null,null,null 20060328203700,32.39600,-91.18500,27,20,0,CST,1,75,clouds covered the whole sky,streetlight about 30 yards from where I stood. trees disrupted my view slightly,there was extreme cloud cover and i think that is what hindered my observation 20060328203800,50.45000,19.10000,27,22,0,null,1,75,null,There is couple buildings shielded the view,The sky was too dark to saw much stars... 20060328204400,48.99090,8.45190,27,21,0,CET,4,25,null,Karlsruhe| Germany,null 20060328205200,40.71500,-73.77600,27,20,0,EST,1,0,Clear| no clouds,street behind fence but considerably dark and quiet,null 20060328205400,-6.80889,-47.79278,22,19,0,null,4,25,Clear sky around Orion,Near downtown. Many street light around.,Could be viewed higher magnitude in another place of the city. 20060328205900,1.31806,103.90833,25,21,0,JST,4,25,null,null,null 20060328210400,37.76667,-3.78333,28,20,0,CET,4,0,null,null,null 20060328210900,44.54000,-69.72000,28,20,0,AST,4,0,It was mostly clear maybe there was like one small cloud but it wasnt near Orion,There is one street light and a few small house lights| but it is clear,null 20060328213700,-33.66444,150.64111,27,22,0,null,5,0,clear in all directions,there is a street light 40m to my east but nothing but Australian bush for 80kms to my west,if you had a mag. 5.5 chart I would have chosen it. 20060328213900,54.44111,18.56500,28,23,0,CET,2,50,null,null,null 20060328214000,35.91300,-79.05600,27,20,0,EST,2,25,null,It is on a college campus... there are lights everywhere.,null 20060328215700,55.15000,-3.85000,28,22,0,WET,4,0,no haze,Street lights visible 1 kilometre to south,visibility slightly better than 4| but closer to 4 than to 5 20060328220200,-33.52000,151.12000,28,20,0,null,4,25,null,Small urban shopping centre with street lights in Sydney Australia,null 20060328220300,-23.62333,-46.75778,28,19,0,BZT,4,0,null,S?o Paulo City - Brazil| is it the fourth bigger city of the world,null 20060328220600,50.89528,19.35306,27,21,0,CET,4,50,null,null,null 20060328220700,50.87861,19.35472,27,21,0,CET,5,0,null,null,null 20060328220800,40.60368,-73.99375,27,22,0,EST,2,0,null,There is one street light immediately in front of my house.,null 20060328220800,47.44167,19.00611,28,22,0,CET,5,0,null,form Budapest| the capital city of Hungary with about 2 million citizens (1|7 km south from city center),LM equals 4|7 mag. 20060328222200,14.05903,-87.24922,27,19,0,null,2,50,null,null,null 20060328222600,14.05908,-87.24975,27,20,0,null,4,0,null,null,null 20060328222800,39.96800,-74.14300,28,21,0,AST,4,25,null,null,null 20060328222800,14.05878,-87.24914,27,19,0,null,6,50,null,null,null 20060328223200,39.87139,-74.98333,27,19,0,EST,4,25,high thin clouds moving in from the south. sky is a little hazy all over.,Site is surrounded by unshielded house and street lights within 100 m in all directions.,null 20060328223600,-7.20972,-39.31361,28,19,0,null,5,25,null,null,null 20060328225000,53.60278,-113.51861,26,20,0,null,2,0,null,This observation within city of Edmonton. Four street lights witin 30/50m. Light pollution greatly reduces viewing quality.,null 20060328225400,44.89885,-92.90471,27,21,0,EST,1,0,It is a clear night with little fog,There are a lot of slopingnts from my view,null 20060328225600,42.20486,-105.08680,28,20,0,EST,1,0,It was a little foggy but mostly clear,There are a lot of slopingnts from my view,null 20060328230000,14.05866,-87.24926,27,19,0,CST,4,50,null,null,null 20060328230300,14.05866,-87.24926,27,20,0,CST,5,0,There were no cluds in the sky,null,You could see more stars over the east 20060328230500,14.05911,-87.24931,27,19,0,CST,2,75,null,null,null 20060328230800,14.05866,-87.24925,27,19,0,CST,6,50,null,null,null 20060328230900,39.27900,-79.60900,27,20,0,EST,3,0,null,I live downtown| so there are quite a few streetlights| but I went on my roof.,null 20060328231000,14.05889,-87.24925,27,20,0,CST,4,25,null,null,null 20060328231200,14.05912,-87.24931,27,19,0,CST,4,25,null,null,null 20060328231500,14.05891,-87.24950,27,19,0,CST,4,25,null,null,null 20060328232300,44.45333,-69.83333,26,20,0,EST,6,25,null,one street light about 200 ft away one light on in my house behind me,null 20060328232600,34.13500,132.23722,28,21,0,AEST,6,0,clear skies observed wile airborne in an EA-6B Prowler,null,null 20060328232700,-26.25000,-48.91667,28,20,0,BZT,1,75,it's rainning a lot,there is a street near 20 meters with light. I leave in an apartment on 6? floor.,null 20060328232800,-36.88200,-73.03600,27,21,0,null,4,0,null,null,null 20060328234300,9.00000,44.00000,27,19,0,CST,2,75,null,null,null 20060328235000,38.39590,-81.88250,28,20,0,EST,1,75,There is going to be rain tonight.,null,Rain 20060328235100,32.21400,-110.86800,26,19,0,MST,4,75,null,null,null 20060328235300,39.95000,-74.00000,28,20,0,EST,5,0,a little clouds,The street lights are very close to together and close to me.,null 20060328235600,13.71700,100.53300,28,21,0,null,1,75,null,null,null 20060328235700,13.73300,100.55000,27,20,0,null,1,75,null,null,null 20060328235800,13.75000,100.51700,23,20,0,null,3,0,null,null,null 20060328235800,32.85024,79.80022,26,19,0,EST,1,0,null,null,null 20060328235900,13.75000,100.51700,23,20,0,null,2,0,null,null,null 20060329000000,13.75000,100.51700,25,19,0,null,3,25,null,null,null 20060329000100,40.71167,-73.31000,27,20,0,EST,3,0,null,3 street lights in view- 2 at 30 meters| 1 at 50 meters,null 20060329000100,13.75000,100.51700,26,21,0,null,1,50,null,null,null 20060329000600,-34.66500,-58.40970,28,20,0,BZT,4,0,null,null,null 20060329000800,-36.81400,-73.04500,28,20,0,PST,3,0,(spanish) hay una neblina mas o menos densa pero casi a ras de suelo,(spanish) Se encuentran cerca del lugar donde me encuentro 7 faros que alumbran el jardin del edificio donde vivo| conjuntamente con las luces fluorescentes que alumbran los pasillos del mismo y las luces de los departamentos respectivamente.,(spanish) habia demasiada luminocidad en la parte en que me encontraba por lo que no admiraba la genialidad de nuestro cielo chileno 20060329001400,32.14440,-111.00090,25,21,0,MST,4,0,Very clear sky| the constellation was completely visible.,There was light source from the houses surrounding the area.,Many other constellations were also visible. 20060329001800,41.31518,-71.92880,28,19,0,EST,1,0,null,school within 200 yards and street light on curb of my yard,null 20060329002000,34.17000,-77.87800,27,19,0,EST,5,25,null,null,null 20060329002300,34.06100,-86.76800,25,20,0,CST,4,0,null,1 street light NE within 200 ft. Neighbors to the south| outside lights on| about 200ft. away,null 20060329002500,10.96167,-74.78167,28,20,25,null,2,50,null,null,null 20060329002600,43.46667,-70.40000,28,19,30,null,3,0,null,No street lights - country setting,null 20060329002700,41.98300,-72.69100,28,19,25,EST,3,0,a little haze to the south,null,null 20060329002700,31.86000,-86.01000,28,19,25,EST,1,75,There is a lot of clouds and I can barely see anything,There are little street lamps at every house but no other lights,I could barely see anything. 20060329003000,21.00000,0.00000,27,19,15,CST,3,25,null,null,null 20060329003100,41.96667,-72.68333,28,19,25,EST,5,0,Mostly Clear,Many lights from the airport.,null 20060329003200,0.00000,38.00000,27,19,35,CST,2,75,null,null,null 20060329003200,44.54028,-69.72250,28,19,35,EST,4,0,Beautiful,street light 30 meters,null 20060329003400,27.00000,90.00000,27,20,40,CST,2,0,null,null,null 20060329003500,42.03300,-71.73100,28,19,20,EST,4,0,null,tall trees are shielding our view a bit,null 20060329003800,22.50000,114.00000,28,20,30,null,1,75,Cloudy and no sky...,Rain and cloudy days| I can't see the clear sky at night.....,The time for HK in March is not suitable for sky observation. There are the raining and foggy days. 20060329003800,-21.77500,-43.40400,28,20,30,BZT,5,0,Perfect weather,There is street lights (yellow) about 100 m shielded from my view. There are some house lights (white) near here| also shielded.,Observation made by 1 41 years old men and 1 10 years old child. Seeams to me magnitude 5 ou may be 6| but I chose 5 becouse I believe a little more. 20060329004100,31.86000,-86.01000,28,19,25,EST,1,75,There is a lot of clouds| and it is hard to see any stars.,There is a small street lamp in front of each house. But there are no major lights near here.,It is hard to see the stars because of the clouds. 20060329004300,41.98150,-72.64277,28,19,40,EST,3,0,maybe a little hazy,The houses shielded the bottom of orion.,null 20060329004300,41.16667,-73.08333,28,19,40,EST,3,0,null,Street light and park light within 50 meters| but mostly blocked by house and trees.,null 20060329004900,41.98781,-72.67922,28,19,45,EST,1,25,null,null,null 20060329005800,42.47107,-83.52000,28,19,50,null,1,75,There are so many clouds I can barley see the stars.,Our backyard nabors have thier house lights on.,I'm going to go with chart #1 Because theres just to many clouds to see the stars. Its been like rhat for 2 days already. 20060329005900,39.95000,-74.16667,27,19,35,EST,3,25,null,null,null 20060329005900,66.00000,-50.00000,31,19,35,null,4,0,null,null,null 20060329010100,40.58320,-73.95445,28,19,40,null,1,75,There was a lot haze to the south,I was on the beach| near the shore| about 150 meters from a street lamp.,null 20060329010400,42.14400,-71.94300,28,19,55,EST,5,0,null,null,null 20060329010400,41.63100,-70.93800,27,20,5,EST,4,0,null,There are 2 street lights within 20 meters that are in my view.,null 20060329010600,44.74200,-63.77500,28,20,45,AST,5,0,beautiful - clear as a bell,one street light 50 m away| two other street lights approx. 100-150 m away| interior lights from 3 houses across street| outdoor lighting on these properties,null 20060329010800,14.00000,-87.00000,27,19,15,null,4,25,null,null,null 20060329010900,44.56028,-69.73028,28,20,5,EST,4,0,null,There is a street light about 100 feet from my viewing area,null 20060329011200,40.75000,-74.41667,28,20,10,EST,3,25,null,null,null 20060329011300,28.36300,-81.44600,28,20,0,EST,2,0,The sky was perfectly clear.,null,null 20060329011600,40.93917,-73.12306,28,20,15,EST,3,50,observed when clouds were away from constallation,some outside light from nwighboring houses,null 20060329011600,32.80000,-79.76667,27,20,40,EST,4,0,null,Shopping area one mile south west. A street light within 50 m.,null 20060329012100,41.58000,-72.85000,28,20,15,EST,3,0,Clear night,There is a street light below it on the horizon about 200 feet away from our location,null 20060329012100,38.96667,-76.70000,26,19,50,EST,5,0,null,Route 7(highway) very near| some lights from neighbor's house,The sky was somewhere inbetween magnitude 4 and 5| but closer to 5. 20060329012100,44.06417,-91.64167,28,19,5,CST,2,0,Perfectly clear sky.,There is a church next to the parking lot I was in and I was standing across the street from a dormatory. There were 3 streetlights across the street all within 50 yards of where I was standing.,The magnitude was between 1 and 2. I couldn't identify enough of the stars in the orion constellation. however| there were more stars out than shown in the magnitude 1 chart. 20060329012100,26.59800,-81.64500,26,19,45,EST,4,0,null,null,null 20060329012100,39.96800,-74.14300,28,20,15,AST,1,75,null,null,null 20060329012400,26.58900,-81.64500,28,19,50,EST,4,0,null,null,null 20060329012700,44.09800,-70.64600,28,19,50,EST,6,0,null,no street lights on a camp road,null 20060329012700,34.17000,-86.84000,24,20,40,CST,5,0,null,null,null 20060329012700,44.24886,-88.36930,28,19,20,CST,3,0,null,null,null 20060329012800,-34.05373,150.81295,28,22,0,AEST,4,0,null,null,null 20060329013000,44.05500,-70.70400,28,19,20,CST,4,0,null,at school| mercury lights on building| street lights behind us.,null 20060329013000,42.22722,-71.58250,28,20,30,EST,5,0,null,some trees partially obstructed view,null 20060329013100,35.46800,-97.51600,28,19,30,CST,3,0,jet steam very clear night,1 street light about 500 feet north,null 20060329013200,41.06405,-73.76580,23,21,0,EST,4,0,null,street light below constellation,null 20060329013700,43.18500,-91.23600,28,19,25,CST,4,0,null,Near a parking lot| also near a few Residence Halls which have lights on the outside and other lights that line the campus sidewalks.,null 20060329014200,41.98300,-72.69100,28,20,30,null,4,0,null,null,null 20060329014300,44.56028,-69.73028,28,20,35,EST,3,0,null,null,null 20060329014500,41.98000,-72.69000,28,20,45,EST,4,0,null,null,null 20060329014500,35.05534,-80.44858,28,20,40,EST,2,75,overcast,overcast,null 20060329014900,42.01660,-72.61430,28,20,50,EST,3,0,null,null,null 20060329015200,42.01610,-72.61130,28,20,40,EST,3,0,null,null,null 20060329015300,42.96667,-85.91667,28,20,35,EST,3,0,There is no cloud cover per se| but haze around the horizon to the southwest,null,null 20060329015400,41.08400,-73.56500,28,20,45,EST,2,25,Haze and low clouds to the ssw. city and highway in that direction are refelected in lower clouds and haze.,There are 2 street lights within 50m that are shielded from my view.,Excepting total cloud cover| worse viewing night thus far. 20060329015800,39.53700,-77.98200,26,21,40,EST,4,0,null,i live pretty high on a mountian and there isnt any light near where i live.,null 20060329020100,42.25000,-71.35000,28,19,20,null,4,0,able to see the stars well,very open sky,To recieve observations that are dramatically different than those of the suburbs| request data from Moose Head Lake| Maine 20060329020500,42.68333,-82.96667,25,20,35,EST,3,50,some clouds,No steet lights or anything on.,null 20060329020500,42.00000,42.66800,28,20,50,EST,1,75,null,street lights all around|gas station lights| the Visteon Plant lights,null 20060329020600,39.38000,-76.64833,26,20,25,EST,5,0,null,null,null 20060329020700,40.00000,-74.00000,28,20,45,EST,3,0,Clear| Except Haze from Bradly Intl. Airport to the South,I'm not aware of the exact coordinates| but the town is . West Suffield| Connecticut| Zip Code #06093. I observed constellation from the intersection of Mountain Road and South Stone St. There actually is one street light within 50 meters that is shielde,Judging by the charts| it seems like it's between a magnitude of 3 to what would be a 3.5 20060329021000,45.77306,-0.36900,28,19,45,null,2,50,null,there was one street light on about 200m away and there was nabors lights on so that shielded my view alittle bit.,null 20060329021000,42.00407,-72.65421,28,21,0,EST,4,0,slight haze on the horizon| but clear overhead,there are no street lights,null 20060329021200,44.04600,-91.64600,28,19,55,null,3,0,The sky is clear.,There are street lights within 150 yards.,As my eyes adjusted to the darkness| more stars were visible. 20060329021200,44.54028,-69.72250,28,21,0,EST,5,0,null,null,null 20060329021300,-34.04400,150.82500,24,19,30,AEST,4,25,null,street light within 50m,null 20060329021300,43.80900,-91.22600,28,20,10,CST,4,0,null,one street light 50m away. one ste of neighbors indoor lights on,null 20060329021600,44.56028,-69.73028,28,20,50,EST,5,0,null,I can see some very strong light comming from some house.,This was fun to do. 20060329021800,34.88200,-87.63700,28,20,5,CST,4,0,null,null,null 20060329021800,34.17300,-86.83600,28,20,5,CST,2,25,null,null,null 20060329022000,43.00000,-75.00000,28,20,40,EST,4,0,clear and beautiful,2 houses across the lake with lights on,null 20060329022000,42.86700,-73.77200,28,20,55,EST,5,0,null,There were yard lights 50 m or more to my back. There are no street lights along the road.,What I saw was a little less than Magnitude 5 but much more than 4. 20060329022000,42.98900,-78.68300,28,21,0,EST,3,0,Clouds on the horizon. A few cirus clouds across the sky.,City lights unseen. 1mi. away. occasional car lights.,A third of the sky is lighter because of the city lights. The Orion is in the third. 20060329022200,42.00000,-71.40000,28,21,0,EST,5,0,null,null,null 20060329022400,38.93500,-80.84400,23,20,45,EST,4,50,null,There are 2 street lights equidistant (about 75' to the E and to the W) from my site but shielded from my view.,null 20060329022400,41.26600,-74.00000,28,21,20,EST,5,0,null,There are no street lights on my section of road| but I live in a valley| so the trees on the mountain and in my general vicinity obscure my view a bit.,I'm really glad people are concerned about light pollution and I hope you make your 5|000 people. 20060329022600,43.65000,-85.25000,28,21,0,EST,5,0,Good clear night.,backyard - no street and/or yard lights.,null 20060329023300,40.03528,-105.10083,28,19,20,MST,3,0,null,null,null 20060329023300,32.24400,-110.91900,28,19,20,MST,4,0,very clear with less than 1 quarter cloud coverage,Stadium 80 ft away with bright lights,null 20060329023300,35.46667,-79.03333,28,21,30,EST,4,0,null,two security lights nearby,null 20060329023600,41.99222,-72.59583,28,21,25,EST,6,0,null,null,null 20060329023600,28.86820,-81.98561,28,21,30,EST,1,0,null,null,null 20060329023700,35.71713,-79.18224,29,20,25,EST,4,25,some clouds to the north| really only covering a portion of the sky below the ursa minor| no haze,Pittsboro Elementary School - 4 street lamp lights light the school itself| a baseball field on the other side of the road from the school had 4 sets of baseball field illuminating floodlights. 2 parking lot lights (just like street lights). 3 neighborin,null 20060329023700,29.25312,-82.72758,28,20,0,EST,3,0,skyglow heavey to the south,1flood light behind tree| 20 ft,null 20060329023900,34.17330,-86.83640,28,20,20,CST,4,25,It was sort of cloudy| but I could still see orian.,I could see orian perfecyly.,There were not a lot of stars when I went outside to look for orian. 20060329023900,43.06000,-89.39000,28,20,15,CST,1,25,null,We were between two street lights| in an otherwise dark urban street,null 20060329024300,-19.00000,31.00000,27,19,5,null,5,50,it was half clear,the sky was very clear,null 20060329024500,39.37500,-76.72400,28,21,45,null,1,50,null,null,null 20060329024600,35.80184,-79.14987,28,20,40,EST,5,0,no clouds seen,one light from a house 150 yards to the northeast. one floodlight from a house directly toward orion. neither light was in my field of view from my position. glow of Pittsboro could be seen just left (south) of orion,I was surprised that I could not see better than magnitude 6 from this position| it was a higher vantage point so light from Pittsboro was more noticable than I would have thought. 20060329024800,37.98867,-81.76525,28,21,45,EST,2,0,null,null,null 20060329024900,40.03400,-105.06300,28,19,45,MST,3,25,Mostly clear with a few clouds passing over. No wind. About 60 degrees. Perfect night to be outside.,In a suburb near Erie| CO. Street light (no shade) 25 m away to the NW and porch lights on nearby houses were on.,I was assisted by Sydney and Alice who insisted on rolling in the grass and playing with their dog toys rather than paying attention. Thanks to everyone who is submitting their observations for us all to share. 20060329024900,35.33900,-97.48600,28,20,0,CST,3,25,some high cloud,city lights north,null 20060329025000,13.68318,-89.29154,28,20,45,CST,3,25,a little hazy in the Orion's area.,There's a light street unprotected in front of our house.,null 20060329025100,-34.17800,140.78900,26,20,50,null,5,0,null,Several bright street lights nearby.,null 20060329025100,35.46800,-97.48600,28,20,30,CST,3,25,some high clouds,1 street light about 500 feet north,null 20060329025200,40.13333,-105.15000,28,19,50,MST,3,50,null,null,null 20060329025300,40.20000,-105.25000,28,19,35,MST,4,25,null,null,null 20060329025400,-33.01925,-61.04297,27,20,45,BZT,3,0,null,null,null 20060329025400,40.51400,-105.00700,28,19,45,MST,5,0,null,Observatory Village-----Inside the dome,Noah's 2nd observation. 20060329025400,40.50000,-74.43333,27,19,50,EST,3,75,Light haze over most of the sky but Orion itself clear (the only night all week this was true). The other direction| opposite Orion| had heavier cloud cover| but this had no effect on Orion.,Several visible street lights in distance| one a block away and toward Orion| also next-door neighbor's porch light toward Orion. No shielding on any (steet lights are the old cobra-head that glares| not newer type tucked up into the case).,Our night sky is never black| even in the wee hours| even out in the woods. Highland Park is in the metropolitan belt from New York City to Philadelphia| and New Brunswick is adjacent to Highland Park (in the direction of Orion from my house)| with much 20060329025400,-33.01925,-61.04297,27,20,45,BZT,3,0,null,null,null 20060329025500,32.22100,-110.84900,24,20,15,MST,5,0,nearing perfect. I could see the constellation easily,2 street lights that can be seen but did not affect my viewing of the constellation.,null 20060329025500,-33.01925,-61.04297,24,20,40,BZT,3,0,null,null,null 20060329025600,-33.01925,-61.04297,28,20,20,BZT,4,0,null,null,null 20060329025600,33.78900,-81.94900,27,20,50,EST,3,0,null,Street light about 20 yards away from viewing area.,null 20060329025700,33.01900,-96.80900,22,19,45,CST,1,75,It was cloudy| and muggy| which made it harder to see the stars.,There are too many street lights on| and porch lights.,The street and porch lights made star-gazing more difficult 20060329025700,29.59900,-95.66200,31,19,45,null,4,0,Never many clouds in my neighborhood.,null,null 20060329025900,33.87139,-84.60417,28,21,40,EST,4,25,There were some clouds.,Street light 85m from my view.,null 20060329025900,33.72900,-81.94900,28,21,50,EST,3,0,null,Street light about 20 yards away from viewing area,null 20060329030000,33.87139,-84.60417,28,21,40,EST,4,25,There were some clouds.,Street light 85m from my view.,null 20060329030100,25.86700,-80.32300,28,21,0,EST,2,0,We can't detect any clouds by visual inspection however| during the day there was about a 1 quarter cloud cover.,Miami. We are standing on the third floor of a parking ramp surrounded by street and parking ramp lights which we shielded with our hands.,We are marking the Magnitude 2 Chart| however we could see the third star in Orion's belt but not the additional stars in the Magnitude 3 Chart. 20060329030200,34.17000,-86.85000,24,19,35,CST,1,75,null,null,null 20060329030300,32.23000,-110.93100,28,19,55,null,4,50,null,There is one street light within 50 m that is shielded from my view.,null 20060329030400,33.01900,-96.86900,23,19,55,CST,3,0,only a few clouds to my right. Other than that| the sky was pretty clear.,Street lights were bright| causing me to not beable to see the stars as well.,One of my neighbors was having a birthday party for their child. They had a lot of lights on| which was a distraction. 20060329030400,-42.68700,-73.57300,28,22,10,EST,4,25,null,null,null 20060329030600,33.01900,-96.86900,24,20,20,CST,4,0,The sky was clear,streetlamps caused a distraction,street lamps caused a distraction. 20060329030700,40.55000,-105.03333,28,20,0,MST,4,25,slight clouding in western sky,neighborhood back yard lights are on in 2 of the surrounding yards,I might give the magnitude a 4.5 if given the choice but not quite a 5. 20060329030700,30.11667,-95.63333,28,20,25,null,2,25,null,null,null 20060329030900,33.01900,-96.86900,26,20,15,CST,4,25,there were scattered clouds. Mostly clouds on my left.,streetlights were bright.,Streetlights were bright. 20060329031100,32.20000,-110.92500,28,19,45,PST,5,25,null,null,null 20060329031100,32.23900,-111.01800,27,20,5,MST,4,0,Not exactly clear| but almost.,The 2 story house behind our house had all the lights on. You can see the city lights| because of the house's location. Almost all neighbors have their porch light on.,null 20060329031200,32.21400,-110.86800,28,20,5,MST,4,0,null,lights on in the house| and a tiny bit of clouds out,null 20060329031300,29.33115,-96.98121,28,20,10,CST,1,75,mostly cloudy,One street light 25 feet from my viewing point,null 20060329031400,33.01900,-96.86900,27,19,45,CST,2,50,a lot of clouds in front of me| causing me to not beable to see as many stars. I stayed out an extra 30min. But still no change.,null,There were too many lights everywhere. On-coming cars| and streetlights. 20060329031500,32.12000,-110.96800,28,20,0,MST,5,25,Most cloud cover was to the northeast,there is an alley lampost about 45 meters that is shielded from my view,null 20060329031700,33.01900,-96.86900,28,20,45,CST,4,0,clear sky,null,streetlights were in the way| as well as neighbors porchlights. 20060329031700,32.29200,-111.06900,28,20,10,MST,5,0,Pretty clear only a little clouds but not near orion.,There is only one light on a niehgbors house| but it is a football field away and hidden from my view.,null 20060329031800,34.13283,-85.65992,28,20,50,CST,5,0,null,No outside lights on,null 20060329031900,32.11900,-111.07200,28,19,35,null,6,25,very little amount of clouds,it is pitch black and no lights,null 20060329032000,43.36700,-99.86500,28,20,45,CST,4,0,null,null,null 20060329032300,32.22200,-100.98600,28,20,0,MST,4,0,a litttle cloud cover to the south,null,null 20060329032300,40.73583,-111.58472,28,20,0,MST,5,25,There were intermittent high clouds outside the observing zone.,Neighbors on either side had their exterior lights off. I was only out for about 5 minutes and therefore| not fully dark adapted.,There was a bit of moisture in the air... skies were not as transparent as they could be. Additionally| as it wasn't really dark till almost 8pm| Orion was well into the western sky. I've seen it on previous occassions where it would likely have scored a 20060329032600,32.23500,-111.03100,28,20,0,MST,5,25,A big 'marshmellow' cloud (looks like a marshmellow) far to the left of Orion| and a lot of haze coming from the city (to the east).,There are 2 streelights at different locations around 150 yds away from me but shielded from my view by a big cactus.,There was a shooting star that lasted around 1 and a half seconds at 8:03 PM on March 28th that started at the right-most of the three stars in the middle of Orion and ended almost at the bottom right-most star of Orion. (IT WAS AWESOME...............) A 20060329032800,43.81500,-91.23500,28,21,0,CST,3,25,null,street lights all over,null 20060329032800,32.15300,-110.94000,28,19,55,MST,5,25,a little haze sprinkled over the sky,porch lights and a helicopter,null 20060329032900,44.68333,-68.93333,28,20,5,EST,5,0,very high| very light haze,3 unshielded yardlights within 100meters nw'ly| n'ly| and ne'ly.,could clearly see stars on chart 5 with almost no averted vision 20060329033100,32.00000,-110.00000,28,20,10,MST,3,25,Only one big cloud in the west. rest of the sky is clear.,null,null 20060329033100,32.33000,-87.61000,27,19,0,null,6,50,At first there were a lot of clouds in the east and west.,It was where the cars park and there were lights in like every corner.,null 20060329033300,32.23230,-110.96730,28,20,10,MST,4,25,Scatterd clouds throughout the sky| one large cloud directly west of Orion.,A street light in the alley to the west| partially blocked by a palm tree. Neighboring lights from the north and south of my house and homes adjacent are lit up.,I was surprised at the amount of visibility from my location 20060329033600,32.16700,-110.79000,28,19,45,MST,5,25,clouds don't come close to obstructing vision at all,there are multiple streetlights lining my street| but i blocked them from my sight.,null 20060329033600,40.35000,-76.41667,23,21,0,EST,3,75,null,multiple yard/ security lights within 30meters of site,null 20060329033600,34.18000,-86.84000,28,20,30,CST,2,25,null,null,null 20060329033800,34.17100,-118.83700,26,20,50,PST,3,0,A little haze to the right of Orion.,Viewed Orion on a hill where there was no street lights or polution from the residents.,null 20060329033800,40.59010,-80.08882,27,20,30,EST,2,0,Some cloud splotches,houses nearby,null 20060329033900,30.11400,-95.39300,28,20,30,CST,3,0,slightly hazy.,one street light located northeast of orion. but not obstructing my view.,All points of orion are visible| but no stars are visible in orion's constellation. 20060329034100,33.35892,-111.43998,28,20,30,MST,4,25,null,Skyglow from Phoenix 40 miles away lighting up the horizon,null 20060329034200,30.11400,-95.39300,28,20,30,CST,3,0,slightly hazy.,one street light located northeast of orion. but not obstructing my view.,All points of orion are visible| but no stars are visible in Orion's constellation. 20060329034200,30.11400,-95.39300,28,20,30,CST,3,0,slightly hazy.,one street light located northeast of orion. but not obstructing my view.,All points of orion are visible| but no stars are visible in Orion's constellation. 20060329034300,37.63300,-122.44200,28,19,15,PST,3,50,Clouds moving over the sky| however not blocking view.,school yard,null 20060329034700,33.53800,-112.18500,28,20,40,null,1,25,scattered clouds,There are miscellaneous residentail ligts around.,null 20060329034800,32.27700,-110.73800,28,20,25,MST,5,25,One long cloud that spreads across the sky and one or two scattered small clouds.,A little light inside house| bright lights from neighbors.,null 20060329035100,43.02800,-89.50190,28,20,20,CST,3,0,Clear Sky,There is an apartment complex with 3 garage lights and one entryway light within 100 feet that was not shielded from our view. There is also one street light approximately 100 feet that was shielded from our view.,null 20060329035500,40.42778,-74.41639,28,21,45,EST,1,50,Low stratus clouds cover the sky. All jet traffic is above clouds. Few stars are visible,just my neighbors outside lights are on.,null 20060329035900,21.34500,-157.90900,28,20,0,HST,1,75,null,null,null 20060329036000,32.80000,-111.20000,28,20,30,MST,5,0,very clear around Orion.,nieghbors have some of there porch lights on.,null 20060329040000,43.81500,-91.23600,28,20,20,CST,3,0,null,null,null 20060329041000,40.14740,-105.11688,28,20,50,MST,3,0,very clear. some light pollution/general haze from the south (toward denver),Near center of Longmont| away from nearby lights,null 20060329041300,40.19994,-105.13115,28,20,30,MST,4,0,Clear,N. Hover St. in Longmont just south of Rt. 66. Taken from the street.,null 20060329041300,38.88100,-77.15700,27,20,0,EST,4,25,null,null,Had to squint a little to see some of the stars in Mag 4| but they were there. 20060329041300,41.98333,-87.30000,28,21,55,CST,3,50,There is haze and clouds on the horizon.,There is one street light about 300 feet from my view.,null 20060329041400,-27.25639,152.97139,27,19,20,null,4,0,Very clear,One street light within 50 m and several others further away but all shielded from direct view,null 20060329041400,8.46665,99.97383,28,19,15,null,4,25,After light raining,null,null 20060329041400,36.69829,-101.50620,26,20,50,CST,4,0,null,null,null 20060329041500,40.22307,-105.22149,28,20,25,MST,5,0,Totally clear,N. 55th St| near Lyons| CO| near Rabbit Mtn. open space. No lights around at all.,null 20060329041700,40.16687,-105.15894,28,20,45,MST,4,0,null,Parking lot of Longmont dog park at St. Vrain and Airport Rd| a few lights in the distance.,null 20060329041900,40.17551,-105.09803,28,20,10,MST,4,0,null,Backyard of my house - residential neighborhood in Longmont| CO. Street lights in the vicinity| but not in my direct view.,null 20060329042000,41.98600,-88.70000,28,21,55,CST,3,50,Haze and clouds on the horizon.,I have a bright street lamp outside my home| with many homes covering the neighborhood with flood lights.,null 20060329042400,32.25800,-111.02500,26,19,45,MST,6,0,null,null,null 20060329042400,37.38250,-79.20806,28,23,10,null,2,25,Considerable ground fog. Sky haze greater then normal.,There is a street within 25 meters that is shielded from my view.,null 20060329042500,32.25000,-110.95000,28,20,55,MST,5,0,slight haze to SE,1 street light at 30 m shielded from view,null 20060329042900,35.51861,-97.63194,28,20,45,CST,3,50,Clouds to north| but Orion fairly clear. Some haze....not the best night for observing,Back yard in residential neighborhood. No street light within one block. Security light approx 150 feet away.,Reasonably typical for this location 20060329043000,32.21100,-110.97200,28,20,35,MST,4,0,there is some cloud cover to the east,There are street light all the way down my street,The fact that my street is covered by street light probably effected my sight 20060329044500,35.66667,-97.32639,25,21,15,CST,5,25,Some cluds to the west and some atmospheric haze| but pretty good for central Oklahoma.,Backyard in country approx 10 miles outside citylimits of Oklahoma City. No visible street lights or security lights within half mile.,null 20060329045000,44.67190,-73.10170,28,20,30,EST,5,0,Not a cloud in the sky. Beautiful..,Almost total darkness| with city/town lights in the distance. Probably why we couldn't see beyond a 5 on the chart.,null 20060329045000,32.23000,-111.06000,28,20,20,MST,5,50,rained today. still somewhat cloudy.,No visible light in view,I was able to see many stars| but I think I see more in this location on clearer nights. 20060329045700,37.72100,-122.48300,28,20,45,PST,5,0,A few clouds were scattered the the left and right.,There was some light revlecting off the lake and the city lights were somewhat bright.,The top| side| and bottom stars were the brightest| and I didn't even really need to use my flashlight. Orion was clearly visible. 20060329050200,32.24000,-110.94200,28,21,0,MST,3,0,null,there is porch light next door on,null 20060329050500,44.05000,-91.66667,28,20,35,CST,3,0,null,null,null 20060329050500,41.52472,2.00000,28,21,10,CET,3,0,null,Very clear night,null 20060329050700,37.36300,-122.03800,28,20,0,PST,4,25,Orion was very clear| some clouds in other parts of the sky.,Middle of a park with no nearby streetlights.,null 20060329051000,32.26500,-110.88000,28,20,50,MST,4,25,null,My neighbors porch lights are on all night.,My neighbors porch lights are on all night but I don't have a clear veiw of the stars from my backyard due to the top of my neibors house. 20060329051900,43.86900,-90.17700,28,19,40,CST,5,0,null,security light visible out of corner oof my left eve. 2 street lamps obstructed by houses,null 20060329052400,32.23333,-110.80000,28,20,30,MST,5,25,Some haze on western horizon| and a few clouds directly overhead,null,null 20060329052400,33.63042,-112.13679,28,21,0,MST,4,75,Clouds were prevalent but wind caused break making Orion clearly visible,null,null 20060329053300,32.22700,-111.01000,22,20,5,MST,4,0,null,null,null 20060329053400,43.81900,-91.22900,28,21,30,CST,2,0,there is a bit of haze toward the east (possibly due to the parking lot lights),street light on corner| trees| lamp by bench| parking lot lights,null 20060329053400,32.22700,-111.01000,22,20,5,MST,4,0,null,null,null 20060329053500,37.60400,-122.06900,28,21,30,PST,2,0,There was a little haze to the NW.,null,There is a plaza across the street from my house which contributed to the light pollution and low visibility. 20060329053800,29.91783,-95.43973,28,20,30,CST,3,0,The sky is surprisingly clear.,Two street lights within 50m that illuminate the vicinity making observing difficult.,The two street lights may have made it harder to see other stars| but I was able to find Orion just fine. 20060329053900,10.90000,-74.80000,28,21,0,EST,3,0,null,realice la observacion dentro de la ciudad de barranquilla| con lamparas a 50 mts de distancia donde me encotraba,null 20060329054500,32.20778,-110.91389,28,22,20,MST,3,0,Hazy toward the city but it was clear where Orion was.,There are no street lights and I am away from the city.,I got really lucky turning this in because it was supposed to be cloudy all week but fortunatley it cleared up. 20060329054500,48.34934,-122.43452,28,20,30,PST,6,0,Moisture over the Pacific Ocean to the south and west affect the trasparency to a level of approximately 10 to 15 degrees above the horizon,No lighting is directly visible. The light dome of Port Angeles Washington State is visible 25 miles to the south to a height of about 10 degress above the horizon. Victoria BC (30 miles to the east)has a light dome that affects that area of the sky.,I did this observation with my 11 yr old son and he was able to spot the star SAO 112752 at 6.1 magnitude. 20060329054600,48.00000,-81.00000,27,20,20,CST,6,25,null,null,null 20060329055600,40.76473,-73.03037,28,20,0,EST,4,0,Elevated humidity with slight haze.,Residential area.,The quality of the sky at the date and time of this observation is typical for this location. Exceptionaly clear conditions existed yesterday| March 27| with a gain of approximately .5 magnitude as compared to tonight's observation. 20060329055800,38.44278,-122.76611,28,21,0,PST,2,50,High feathery clouds covering the south east part of the sky.,There are 2 street lights within 30 feet.,null 20060329061500,32.23400,-110.92100,28,20,20,MST,4,0,1 quarter of the sky were covered with clouds at the start of the observation.. but they cleared away later after like 4 min and it was all clear.,Little street lights in like 80 feet. There's a house light not too bright in just a little to the right of where I'm watching (on a car's roof)in about 40 feet away.,Maybe about 4 or 5 cars pass infront of of me on the road to and fro. 20060329063500,68.62528,27.55111,27,21,55,null,3,0,null,null,The Sun is so high at the time of the year at this latitude| that below Mars no stars can be seen. 20060329070000,32.25600,-111.01300,26,19,55,MST,5,25,One Big cloud located in the South. Another large cloud located on the Northwest side,A light north of veiw. Automatic Outside light on roof of building.,No stars located on Horizon| Only stars seen by naked eye were directly above. 20060329070100,48.50914,-123.49435,28,20,30,PST,5,0,cool and clear| seeing 5/10 as some twinkling of the stars.,No light nearby. site elevation 260m,null 20060329070700,56.94300,24.10500,25,20,50,null,4,0,Absolutly clear| but in our latitude at this time the darkness is not complete - the skies are not black| but still dark blue.,Observation is made in the park without lights| but in the center of the city| so there are many houses and street lights around the park. It makes difficulties to observe faint stars.,Orion is near the horizon| so city lights disturbe observations. I'm sorry for my english .) 20060329071400,46.79700,7.60500,26,22,20,CET,5,25,null,null,null 20060329071500,46.73000,7.51000,25,21,45,null,2,25,null,null,null 20060329071500,46.78300,7.60400,26,22,0,null,4,50,null,null,null 20060329071600,46.76400,7.58800,26,22,30,CET,6,25,null,null,null 20060329072300,45.07000,14.16000,24,21,30,CET,4,0,null,RABAC|urban zone| alighted street,null 20060329072400,45.07000,14.17000,23,21,15,CET,5,0,null,RABAC| sea beach,null 20060329072600,45.25000,14.16000,24,22,0,CET,5,0,null,SUSNJEVICA| rural zone,null 20060329072700,45.09000,14.11000,26,21,20,CET,3,25,null,STARCI| urban zone| alighted street,null 20060329072800,53.01025,6.29900,28,22,10,CET,5,0,Not quit clear. I have frequently darker sky here Then I can see the Milky Way near Cassiopeia,some trafficlights (once a minut) at 90 degr of vieuw direction,Sunset: 10:07 PM Mid European Summer Time (MEZT). end of Astronomical twilight: 10:07 MEZT . 20060329072900,45.08000,14.11000,23,21,0,CET,4,25,null,Labin| urban zone| alighted street,null 20060329073000,45.08000,14.12000,23,21,0,CET,3,0,null,OLD TOWN LABIN| alighted squer,null 20060329073200,45.05000,14.03000,23,21,0,CET,5,0,null,MOST RASA| rural zone| river coast,null 20060329073400,45.06000,14.12000,23,21,15,CET,4,0,null,KRANJCI| rural zone| alighted street,null 20060329073900,39.86800,-4.02300,28,21,25,null,4,25,null,null,null 20060329074200,40.47000,-3.38227,25,21,5,WET,4,0,null,null,null 20060329074700,40.47000,-3.38222,26,21,10,null,4,0,null,extremo de un parque,null 20060329074800,47.46700,18.81700,28,21,25,CET,4,0,A small veil cloud in the south sky.,I made the observation in a very dark garden area but inside of the village| and everywhere small street lights| door lights etc. were around (in the distance). I tried to cover their light while observing the Orion but I think it was not enough to prote,null 20060329074900,40.46800,-3.36917,28,20,5,WET,3,0,null,extremo de un parque,null 20060329075100,37.72300,-122.48400,28,20,40,PST,3,25,some scattered clouds| overall pretty clear.,just off campus at SFSU| some street lights and traffic nearby.,null 20060329075300,40.43694,-3.70972,25,19,50,WET,3,0,null,null,null 20060329075700,-37.74069,176.13183,29,19,55,NZST,5,0,No haze. Very clear night.,Nearby sodium vapour streetlights that were shielded by a fence for the observation.,null 20060329083200,46.76400,7.58800,26,20,50,null,1,75,null,null,null 20060329083300,38.88158,-3.71461,28,22,0,WET,5,0,very well sky conditions,The observation was out of de town about 100m from the last buldings,Actually Local time are U.T. + 2 hour 20060329084000,13.00000,77.50000,22,20,45,IST,3,0,null,Some street lights about 40 m away but they are shielded from view. A building with lights on inside about 10m away.,The stars were a bit faint and there was a lot of twinkling. 20060329084700,22.44000,114.09300,31,20,20,null,1,50,null,null,null 20060329084800,13.00000,77.50000,23,20,50,IST,3,50,There were too much cloud cover and no observations could be made as the constellation of Orion was completely covered.,Street lights about 40m away but they were shielded from view. A building with lights on about 10m away.,No observations made due to too much cloud cover. I have selected chart 3 as the observation would not be submitted without selecting a chart. However this is a prediction as the constellation could not be actually seen due to the clouds. 20060329085000,42.63333,23.36667,28,20,25,EET,3,0,null,null,null 20060329085100,13.00000,77.50000,24,20,45,IST,3,0,null,A white light about 5m away but it was blocked from view.,null 20060329085200,42.68806,23.25917,28,21,5,EET,3,0,null,null,null 20060329085300,34.15000,132.23333,28,22,20,AEST,3,25,scattered cloud layer in area,Marine Corps Air Station Iwakuni| Japan,null 20060329085300,13.00000,77.50000,25,20,10,IST,3,0,A few clouds to the north side.,Street lights about 40m away but shielded from view. A building with lights on inside about 10 m away.,null 20060329085500,20.25000,20.25000,26,20,15,null,2,50,null,null,null 20060329090200,37.72300,-122.48400,28,19,15,PST,4,25,a few clouds in the sky,null,null 20060329090300,46.78300,7.64300,25,22,15,null,3,0,null,null,null 20060329090400,32.21000,-110.97100,28,19,45,MST,4,25,there are some clouds to the east of the constellation.,There were street lamps on all down my street.,null 20060329090700,46.78600,7.53600,23,21,0,null,5,0,null,null,null 20060329090800,46.79500,7.71500,23,20,0,null,7,0,null,null,null 20060329091300,-27.55000,151.95000,29,19,0,AEST,5,0,This oberservation of approximately 5 - 5.5 mags is probably more typical for Toowoomba inside city limits,No Moon| bright street light 50m to East of observer directly behind the persons back - location: back yard behind house - greater than 1 Km south of previous observation.,On good nights the magnituide limit is approximately 5.8 while on brighter nights it is probably approximately 5.3 20060329091400,37.33806,-122.07139,28,21,30,PST,4,25,null,San Francisco Bay Area light dome is horrible. 40 years ago could see the Milky Way here at night,null 20060329093800,-34.36200,144.90600,29,20,35,null,3,50,thin| spread out cloud masses,2 km outside a town of 3000 people,null 20060329095100,37.72600,-122.48300,28,20,5,PST,3,25,a little cloudy but orion was not covered by any clouds,i was in a parking lot with a street light about 25 feet away from me but i could see orion with the red and blue star. It was pretty clear and beautiful.,null 20060329095700,38.11139,15.66194,28,20,15,CET,7,0,null,null,null 20060329100200,40.51611,-3.90861,28,20,30,WET,3,0,null,null,null 20060329100500,50.53333,18.08333,25,21,40,CET,4,0,null,There are few street lights in 100 m from my observation post.,null 20060329102300,50.94000,59.53000,28,20,40,AWST,1,50,null,There are some lights and it is a housing estate. There are also some cars.,I can also see a man-made satellite. 20060329103100,-33.76000,150.90900,29,20,0,null,3,25,Some cloud well west -about15 percent sky cover,Observation in reasonable condition| some neighbourhod light| but we were shielded,We made five separate observations over 45 minutes| and in each case we agreed that it just made Mag 3 20060329104700,13.00000,77.50000,26,20,40,IST,3,0,null,There was very little light around.,The stars were very bright and more stars could be seen. However they matched chart 3 more than chart 4| so chart 3 was recorded. 20060329105300,13.00000,77.50000,27,20,45,IST,3,0,null,There was a white light about 10 m to my right but it was blocked from view.,The stars were quite faint and were flickering more than usual. 20060329105600,13.00000,77.50000,28,20,45,IST,3,0,null,There was a white light about 10m away but was shielded from view by a wall.,The stars were extremely faint and some of the fainter ones almost couldn't be seen. 20060329110900,25.10600,121.52600,29,19,10,JST,4,0,A little haze after long periods of rain.,There is one street light 30m away sheilded by trees.,null 20060329111400,40.17000,-74.92000,28,23,0,EST,7,0,VERRY clear and cold out here,open parking lot,beautiful about time a realy clear sky 20060329112400,51.10139,17.00000,27,21,25,CET,3,0,null,In the middle of the town| street light just behind me.,null 20060329114000,-22.81700,-47.10000,28,20,10,BZT,5,25,haze to the west| visibility was very clear however for the the rest of the sky,There were two street lights (Na vapour) located 50 m from me| they were shielded from my view.,null 20060329115000,42.01900,-72.72700,28,21,0,EST,3,25,null,Forested area,null 20060329120400,46.78333,7.68333,23,20,0,null,6,0,null,null,null 20060329121500,22.45000,114.03300,29,20,15,null,1,0,null,null,null 20060329122300,43.32645,-73.63327,26,20,10,EST,3,0,thin clouds to the east,Street light 70 feet away shielded. neighbor's lamp post makes viewing difficult. Lights of Glens Falls are to the southwest also.,Light pollution at this location much worse than I expected. Not so bad looking to the southeast. 20060329122400,43.12900,-73.87800,28,21,0,EST,5,25,null,null,null 20060329122600,26.51400,-81.70100,27,21,10,null,6,0,null,null,null 20060329122700,26.60000,-81.90000,28,22,25,null,6,0,null,null,null 20060329122800,41.98300,-72.69100,29,20,30,EST,3,0,null,null,null 20060329123800,39.99200,-74.78800,27,20,30,EST,3,0,null,There are many street lamps| with no way to shield from them.,I could see all three stars in Orions sword| but only 1 is visible in your Magnitude 3 chart. 20060329123900,46.77100,7.50400,25,20,30,null,5,0,null,null,null 20060329124000,46.77200,7.63500,26,21,30,null,5,0,null,null,null 20060329124000,45.40000,-73.41667,28,23,30,EST,3,0,Clear sky clock: transparency 3/5 seeing 4/5. forecasts looks like it matched conditions,null,null 20060329124200,-45.48333,-73.55000,28,20,0,EST,3,0,excellent conditons,There are streets lights and city lights all around.,null 20060329124800,1.29000,103.86000,23,20,25,AWST,3,25,no haze,There are flats around my viewing place| 100m away. I'm in a park.,null 20060329124900,1.29000,103.86000,24,20,50,AWST,3,0,null,There is a road beside me 20 m away. not many cars but there are street lamps. Im facing away from them.,null 20060329125100,1.29000,103.85000,25,21,5,AWST,3,25,null,There are flats around me. 100m away. I'm in a park,null 20060329125600,41.52800,-70.65600,27,20,15,EST,6,0,Clear amd crisp,There is a house on a hill just below Orion but I could block it out from view.,A beautiful night followed by another with conditions just as good on March 28 20060329125600,1.29300,103.85600,27,20,30,AWST,4,0,null,There are flats around me. 100m away. I'm in a park,null 20060329125800,1.00000,103.00000,27,20,25,null,4,0,null,null,null 20060329125900,45.83056,-73.49944,28,20,25,EST,4,0,Very clear and no moon.,There is major highway (Trans-Canada)within 900 m| which lights. There is a street light within 30 m that is shielded from my view and a house 50 m away with a front porch light.,null 20060329130500,-30.03306,-71.39333,27,20,0,EST,6,0,seen better observing nights here,we live rurally 15 kilometers from nearest town| one well lit up gas station 2 kilometers away,null 20060329131500,41.98300,-72.69100,28,21,30,null,3,0,null,null,null 20060329134800,37.74400,-87.64900,28,19,35,CST,3,0,The sky had just cleared so there could have been some haze| but I could not detect it.,The observatory is next to a football stadium with some lights on. It is also next to a lighted parking lot.,null 20060329134900,33.33507,-112.05048,29,19,30,null,4,0,null,null,null 20060329135000,-39.89694,-71.13389,26,21,10,BZT,4,0,null,null,null 20060329135200,-39.89694,-71.13389,27,21,30,BZT,4,0,null,null,null 20060329135400,48.25943,-109.73593,28,22,0,MST,4,0,null,1 yard light about 50 m away,null 20060329140100,-20.53417,-47.40528,28,20,0,BZT,3,0,o ceu estava muito limpo| e deu para ver orion muito bem,ha muitas luzes proximas,null 20060329140100,50.96972,16.95250,23,23,10,EET,4,0,null,There are two street lights within 40 metres which are shielded from my view. a village 2 km away and a city 20 km away (of 650 000 inhabitants).,null 20060329140200,14.05889,-87.24917,27,19,35,CST,2,75,null,null,null 20060329140300,14.05889,-87.24917,27,19,35,CST,3,75,null,null,null 20060329140900,40.53500,-74.36200,27,20,0,EST,4,75,Orion was clearly visible between two sets of high hazy clouds,We were in a field shielding our eyes from 4 homes lit 100 meters away.,Thank you from the Bolton family. This was fun. 20060329141000,17.00000,98.00000,27,19,10,CST,4,50,sky was partially covered by clouds,no lights,null 20060329141100,17.00000,98.00000,27,19,5,CST,6,50,null,null,null 20060329141100,31.10115,-97.31121,27,18,55,CST,6,25,null,null,null 20060329141400,17.00000,44.00000,27,20,25,CST,4,75,null,null,null 20060329141400,17.00000,-93.00000,27,19,30,CST,3,75,sky was mostly covered by clouds,nolights,null 20060329141500,17.00000,44.00000,27,19,35,CST,2,75,null,no lights,null 20060329141600,28.00000,93.00000,27,20,35,CST,5,0,null,null,null 20060329141600,45.53139,-75.48639,28,20,25,EST,5,0,A little bit of humudity but better sky than my yesterday report| Orion is higher in the sky too..,Orion was close to the luminous light dome of Ottawa,no trouble for 51 ORI (4.9Mv)and 38 ORI (5.3Mv)is possible to see with adverted vision 20060329141700,28.10115,-97.31121,27,20,25,CST,4,25,null,null,null 20060329141800,28.00000,-98.00000,27,20,25,CST,5,25,clouds merely covered the sky,no lights,null 20060329142100,39.92131,-105.22353,28,20,45,MST,5,25,null,Boulder County Open Space| 1 half mile to nearest light source,Boulder light pollution visible to the North| Denver to the SE. Looking west the sky is filled with stars. Beautiful. 20060329142800,43.71000,-84.98444,25,21,0,EST,6,0,null,null,null 20060329142800,28.40100,-16.32400,24,21,0,AT,4,0,null,URBAN AREA AND SMALL SPORT HARBOUR WITH LIGHT GLOVES UP-WARD. SITE IN THE TOP OF A BUILDING.,null 20060329142900,43.45222,-85.26667,25,20,20,EST,3,25,Smoke from the wood stove was also lingering in the air.,There is one street light 25ft away behind my house.,null 20060329143300,50.90000,19.33333,27,22,15,null,4,25,null,null,null 20060329143400,63.39000,-159.31000,28,22,30,YST,4,0,null,null,null 20060329143400,43.63500,-85.01100,25,22,45,null,6,0,null,null,null 20060329144000,43.60000,-85.10000,28,21,20,EST,4,0,Sky was clear,There is a motion detector light on our front pourch that would not turn off.,null 20060329144200,43.03890,-75.91790,27,20,0,EST,4,0,Pink glow to the west from City of Syracuse lights. beautiful clear sky.,Some house and porch lights at about 100' shielded from my view by my house.,Cold outside and beautiful...can see faint Milky Way. 20060329144400,43.56690,-85.05600,28,21,0,EST,5,0,null,Neighber house light is was on,null 20060329144500,32.48083,-109.13583,28,20,25,null,4,25,Very good conditions| breezy but light,Few Lights| just my inside house lights,Good sky clear view of Orion and other important stars. Not much light pollution 20060329145000,40.50000,-80.21667,25,20,0,EST,2,75,It was cloudy in the west.,There were lights on inside my house within view.,On previous viewings| it was much easier to spot Orion in the sky because there was less light nearby. 20060329145100,50.80000,19.36667,23,21,10,EET,6,25,null,null,null 20060329145200,32.13800,-111.00600,28,20,30,null,5,0,Some light cloud cover but not too bad,There is lights from nextdoor homes that are somewhat affecting my view of the stars,null 20060329145500,35.53500,-80.40600,27,21,55,EST,2,25,null,null,null 20060329145700,50.90000,19.33333,28,22,0,null,3,50,null,null,null 20060329145800,63.58333,22.90000,24,23,5,EET,3,0,null,There are two street lights within 10 m.,null 20060329150000,32.08333,-111.10000,28,20,15,MST,5,0,null,null,null 20060329151000,-29.98333,-69.40000,28,20,45,null,5,0,Sky totally clear| no doubt.,Observation done about 3 km to the west of the given coords.( had no way to get precise ones),Observed with city (Vicuna) at our back. No lights in a kilometer around.50 meters north of Elqui river's rim. 20060329151100,33.18300,-81.11200,27,20,30,EST,5,0,null,light behind me 100ft away,null 20060329151200,33.18300,-81.11200,28,20,30,EST,1,50,null,light behind me 100ft away,null 20060329151300,33.18300,-81.11200,28,20,30,EST,1,50,null,null,null 20060329151600,-29.98333,-69.40000,28,20,30,null,4,0,Very clear skies| as usual around here,From home| in the middle of city (Vicuna)many lights all around.Two lights less than 50 m.away,null 20060329152000,61.49944,23.70611,22,20,50,EET,4,0,Conditions couldn't have been better on the outskirts of a town (Tampere) of 200000 inhabitants.,Nearest park lights 150 - 200 m behind my back and shielded. Observation place on the ice of a lake.,Observation time about 2 hours after sunset. Still the sky already seemed fully dark. 20060329153600,19.31000,-81.29000,22,20,10,EST,6,50,Scattered large clouds.,In middle of mangrove wetland area. No extraneous light.,null 20060329154200,39.95000,-74.16667,26,19,30,EST,1,75,a bit hazy,null,null 20060329154400,50.81778,19.12111,27,21,5,null,3,0,null,null,null 20060329155300,41.62139,-72.75306,27,19,25,EST,4,25,null,High school football field with no lights.,null 20060329155500,41.61889,-72.76667,27,19,50,null,5,50,null,At the middle school with lights from the building in sight.,null 20060329160900,50.82861,19.12111,24,20,0,null,3,0,null,null,null 20060329161200,39.87800,-4.03700,24,20,30,null,4,25,null,null,null 20060329161200,39.04694,-92.23083,25,20,45,CST,5,0,Some sky brightening to SSW and SW due to slight high-altitude haze combining with light dome from Columbia| Missouri| six miles to SW.,Location is rural| astro club observing site| no nearby pole lights. Main stars in Little Dipper visible with direct vision.,Averted vision| shielded eyes| showed Chart 5 stars after the ten minute wait. It never really got any better| in spite of longer dark-adapting. 20060329161400,39.87800,-4.03700,25,20,30,null,5,0,null,null,null 20060329161400,36.40353,-97.15428,26,21,0,CST,6,0,null,there was a security light within 30 feet that is shielded from my view,null 20060329161400,36.43938,-97.58696,26,20,15,CST,4,0,It was perfect,It was a perfect night.,null 20060329161400,37.16250,-5.92306,28,22,25,CET,4,0,null,null,null 20060329161400,36.42653,-97.60632,29,19,45,CST,3,0,null,1.5 MILES WEST OF GARBER NO LIGHT NEAR,CITY LIGHTS SEEMED TO SHIMER IN THE DISTANCE 20060329161500,39.87800,-4.03700,26,21,45,null,5,0,null,null,null 20060329161600,39.87800,-4.03700,28,21,30,null,5,0,null,null,null 20060329161600,18.00000,-67.00000,24,20,10,CST,4,0,completley clear.,there's one street light within 15m,null 20060329161700,37.16250,-5.92306,28,23,30,CET,5,0,null,en la azotea de mi casa,null 20060329161900,54.10000,18.76667,27,22,20,CET,4,25,null,null,null 20060329162900,54.10000,18.76667,24,20,15,CET,3,25,null,null,null 20060329162900,32.08333,-111.10000,28,20,15,MST,5,0,null,null,null 20060329163200,32.25600,-111.01300,26,19,55,MST,5,25,1 big cloud to northwest and 1 big cloud to the south,Street light north of veiw| automatic outside light on roof,No stars on Horizon| only found directly ubove 20060329163300,39.73574,-104.94698,28,20,25,MST,5,0,Clear skies.,Urban neighborhood with porch lights on 50 percent of surrounding houses. No street lights.,We can see some but not all of the mag 5 stars. 20060329163400,54.36667,18.63333,25,22,30,CET,4,25,null,null,null 20060329163600,39.73093,-104.96555,28,20,40,MST,4,0,Clear sky,Hopping urban park - car headlights| and streetlights nearby.,null 20060329163900,39.73936,-104.98538,28,21,0,MST,3,0,No clouds visible,Colorado State House - from the step that is 5280 feet above sea level. Lights are everywhere. There are lamp posts every 30 feet or so and lights are on in skyscrapers nearby.,null 20060329163900,43.64000,-72.26300,28,20,25,EST,4,0,null,There is a laundary near my house that is open 24 hours.,null 20060329164100,-22.89806,-47.20250,28,19,30,BZT,3,25,Clouds were gathering around the horizon. Orion was almost at the top of the sky.,Distant about 1Km from near city| a couple of lamp poles near with dim yellow light.,The stars from Orion was most like the Mag4 chart. But it was not possible to see all the other stars shown on the Mag4 chart. It was about a mid-term between Mag3 and Mag4 charts. 20060329164700,44.58825,-69.08308,28,19,55,EST,4,0,very clear| no clouds,null,null 20060329164900,44.56158,-69.09117,27,19,20,EST,5,0,null,little hazy,null 20060329165100,44.51889,-69.79278,27,19,45,null,7,0,very clear tonight,i don't think we have streetlights.,null 20060329165600,44.63333,-69.30000,22,19,10,EST,7,0,null,surrounded by trees,null 20060329165800,36.22420,-92.28760,28,20,40,CST,5,25,null,null,null 20060329170000,36.22420,-92.28760,27,20,10,CST,1,75,null,null,null 20060329170200,51.00000,19.00000,29,20,0,WET,3,0,null,null,null 20060329170200,44.50000,-69.33333,27,19,40,EST,7,0,null,null,null 20060329170500,43.85000,-90.40000,25,20,0,CST,5,0,null,There are approximately 4 streetlights 1 mile to the northwest that are partially blocked by trees. It is otherwise a rural location,null 20060329172600,22.35458,114.25164,28,20,55,null,2,0,Very hazy overall. Transparency was low.,Shade from neighborhood lights. But light pollution from city affect observation.,null 20060329172700,54.10000,18.76667,29,20,10,CET,2,50,null,null,null 20060329173100,32.39250,-110.97250,27,20,30,MST,6,25,Faint lights from the South.,null,I could see lots of stars. 20060329173300,-29.91900,-71.23400,26,20,40,AST,4,0,From mountaintop - Coquimbo cross was clearly visible 20 km away on the coast below us.,Mountain above our home (observations reported last Wednesday and Thursday) about 1km high. View to the West over La Serena and Coquimbo - and their significant light pollution and view towards the East up the Elqui valley towards the Andes where light p,My 2 (younger) colleagues could both see to 5th magnitude. I wear glasses - could see to 4.5 magnitude (i.e. some but not all of the stars on mag 5 chart| all of stars on mag 4 chart. This was a similar result to that obtained and reported from my garden 20060329173300,32.40000,-110.96667,28,21,5,null,7,0,City lights to southeast,null,null 20060329173700,43.80000,-91.21667,26,20,40,CST,4,0,null,null,null 20060329173700,32.42200,-110.98900,27,19,40,MST,5,0,little hazy to the southeast| but were orion was it was clear.,My house lights were on and so were my neigbours.,Not all of the stars were out yet| and some were behind my house| Orion was clear enough to tell which star was betleguese and which one was rigel. 20060329173800,33.95026,-118.14583,23,20,15,PST,3,25,haze from horizon to 35deg alt all around,no street lights in my neighborhood,some of the Mag 4 Chart stars were visible| but not all 20060329174000,32.31000,-110.19000,28,21,0,MST,4,25,mostly clear,I am in my backyard with my neighbours lights on.,null 20060329174300,39.41200,-76.29100,26,20,30,EST,4,50,Hazy and cloudy near the horizon in all directions. Clouds below the lower two stars of Orion.,Several street lights in an arc to the south about 1 half mi radius. Most are shielded.,My son said magnitude 4| I said magnitude 3. He probably had better eye-accomodation as I looked at my watch a couple of times. 20060329174300,32.42600,-111.01600,28,21,10,MST,5,0,it was completely clear,null,null 20060329174500,32.38900,-110.99500,28,21,0,MST,4,0,null,my neighbours porch light was on.,null 20060329174500,44.51889,-69.79278,27,21,10,EST,6,0,null,neighbors light was on| but not too bad,null 20060329174600,32.38900,-110.99500,28,20,0,null,4,0,null,my neighbours had their lights on.,null 20060329174700,44.45333,-69.83333,28,20,25,EST,6,0,Very clear night,All trees around my house,null 20060329174900,33.36944,-117.64722,23,20,30,null,5,0,null,on ocean beach,a few clouds but covered less than 1 quarter of the sky 20060329175100,36.43847,-96.41925,26,20,5,CST,4,0,Nice in clear out,I had a clear view of the consulation.,Thank you for leting us do this project at Garber. 20060329175300,44.05100,-91.66900,27,19,50,CST,1,50,Still mostly cloudy| still raining light. Could see a few stars| not many.,Several lights were blocked| but could see most of the street lights. Some lights on back of houses|running cars with lights on|etc.,Very bright light coming from mall area and from downtown. Made things a little easier to see on the horizon's| although you couldn't see that far anyways. 20060329175300,34.14032,-118.22993,26,21,30,PST,1,25,Pollution was high today. Hazy at the horizon in all directions,Very close to Downtown Los Angeles. Street lights occur every 15m,null 20060329175400,36.43389,-97.56296,26,20,55,CST,7,0,The sky is clear. There were a few clouds in the sky earlier today but it cleared out.,The only light on is from inside of my house.,There are no lights on outside 20060329175500,44.56028,-69.73028,29,20,20,EST,5,0,null,null,null 20060329175500,39.36444,21.92917,28,20,45,null,1,0,Generally hazed a little,Plenty of city lights| shielded from my view,Expecting next observation on March 30| from a darker place out of city 20060329175500,32.25000,-110.88333,28,20,15,MST,4,25,There were some clouds to the east.,I went where it was dark enough but there was a light from far away.,I thought it was going to be very cloudy at night today too because yesterday it was very cloudy| there were some clouds but it wasn't like yesterday's sky. I actually did get to see the Orion. 20060329175600,44.44722,-69.83306,29,19,15,EST,5,25,a little clouds,there is no lights around my house,null 20060329175600,54.20000,-105.45000,27,21,0,EST,2,0,as far as I can see ( arc from S - W - N very approximate) the sky is relatively clear,a. on street at right extending to SW up to 20- 24 bright white street lamps b- to left - major autoroute and urban area with predominately orangy-pink lights| and a few structures eg billboards|etc with intense white lights. c: along horizon| especially,a: in the summer there are recreational facilities eg. tennis courts| baseball fields etc with intense white glaring light fixtures b: I wish we could reduce the amount of light pollution by using down-focussed lights| and reduce the amount of light wast 20060329175900,34.17000,-86.85000,24,19,45,CST,1,50,The constellation Orion was almost directly up in the sky| it was quite hazy(cloudy) outside. This was one of the few days that was not cloudy out| most of the other days the clouds covered the whole entire sky. Allthough it has not been that hazy this p,Their are many trees around my house| due to this problem it made it more difficult to see the constellation Orion outside. Their are also many houses that are around were I live| that also aided in making it more difficult to see Orion.Their is also a s,Their were not many stars out that night| only the few stars of Orion were visiable outside. One of my friends said they could see Orion when they wnet to Birmingham| she also said that she was on the outskirts of the city where there was not as much pol 20060329175900,40.33687,-75.98775,27,21,0,EST,4,0,null,Neighboring House Lights and two street lights within 100 yards,null 20060329180100,36.43840,-97.63798,28,20,5,CST,4,25,null,null,null 20060329180200,22.28483,114.17276,28,20,35,null,2,0,null,Bright city lights nearby - just by the side of Victoria Harbour of Hong Kong,null 20060329180400,40.70000,-74.90000,27,19,55,EST,4,0,null,Our neighbors have a huge light on at ight. It is very bright. We have a sensor lighting on the garage|and the constellation was right above the garage.,null 20060329180700,45.40600,-73.93800,27,19,30,EST,3,50,null,street lamps 200 ft away,null 20060329180800,36.43632,-97.58719,27,20,45,null,4,0,null,null,null 20060329180800,36.43612,-97.58685,29,20,35,CST,3,25,A little cloudy to the south.,Out on porch. North og my and there is one street light in the alley Njorth of the house and some wires and poles in the way,The project was fun but the street light effected the view of the stars. 20060329180800,36.42216,-97.63911,27,20,5,CST,4,25,whispy clouds to the east,no light around,null 20060329180900,36.43780,-97.73119,25,20,20,CST,3,0,Pretty clear| but a little cloudy to the north.,There are 2 street lights within 100 yards from where I was standing.,null 20060329181000,-31.82778,115.76694,26,19,40,AWST,5,0,null,Suburban back garden| a few neighbours lights obscured by trees/bushes,null 20060329181100,43.60510,-85.27990,28,21,25,EST,5,0,Completely clear,Near woods| dead end road,Flood lights wouldn't go off. 20060329181200,29.73768,-95.49304,26,20,25,CST,3,0,Eastern sky glows strongly with light polution,Inside Houston City Limits: 2/3 of a mile from the Galleria (a Very large Mall and shopping area) Late night lights abound,Friday night and Saturday night are the worst nights. all the late night bars have their lights on till 2am. 20060329181200,43.60000,-85.15000,28,20,0,EST,4,0,null,There is a street light in front of my house.,null 20060329181200,36.43612,-97.57654,28,20,0,CST,2,0,null,I live in town and our street light was out,null 20060329181400,43.64100,-85.41400,28,22,30,EST,6,75,All clear,Store lights 1 quarter mile down road,BEAUTIFUL 20060329181500,43.66880,-85.26140,28,21,30,EST,5,0,null,null,It was pretty dark so it was easy to see. 20060329182000,50.81778,19.12111,27,21,5,null,3,0,null,null,null 20060329182100,45.11000,14.08000,26,21,30,CET,6,0,null,Beciand#263.i| rural zone,null 20060329182200,32.12000,-110.50000,28,19,45,MST,4,25,null,null,null 20060329182200,45.21000,14.15000,26,21,0,CET,3,0,null,and#268.epiand#263.| rural zone| alighted street,null 20060329182400,50.71667,19.01667,29,20,5,CET,4,25,null,null,null 20060329182400,23.53333,33.55000,23,19,35,null,4,25,null,null,null 20060329182400,45.18000,14.16000,26,20,15,CET,3,0,null,KrZan| rural zone| alighted street,null 20060329182500,45.21000,14.15000,25,20,0,CET,3,25,null,and#268.epiand#263.| rural zone,null 20060329183200,37.21028,-80.41000,27,20,45,EST,4,25,First clear night during observation week,Urban Setting| however no lights within 50 m,Probably on the high end of Magnitude 3 20060329183400,54.33333,18.66667,28,20,50,null,6,25,null,null,null 20060329183900,39.16778,-106.75472,27,20,15,MST,6,0,null,null,null 20060329184300,42.66139,23.27306,28,20,30,null,1,25,null,street lights close to the observation site,null 20060329184400,42.65944,23.27278,29,20,45,null,2,0,null,null,null 20060329185100,44.40000,-75.58333,26,21,30,EST,6,0,null,There is a strong porch light on the neighbors house about 350 meters| but blocked from my view.,null 20060329185600,44.45333,-69.83333,27,20,30,EST,6,0,really clear,no outside lights,this is fun 20060329185700,54.10000,18.76667,29,21,0,CET,3,50,null,null,null 20060329190100,38.89300,-99.32100,27,20,15,CST,4,0,null,200m away is a main street with a great deal of lights,null 20060329190600,44.56028,-69.73028,26,20,0,EST,5,0,null,I live sort of in town with a street light down the street,null 20060329190700,44.41306,-69.72944,28,22,35,EST,3,0,null,neighbor's lights,this is fun to do for extra credit. 20060329190700,44.41306,-69.72944,28,22,35,EST,3,0,null,neighbor's lights,this is fun to do for extra credit. 20060329190700,44.41306,-69.72944,28,22,35,EST,3,0,null,neighbor's lights,this is fun to do for extra credit. 20060329190700,44.56028,-69.73028,28,20,5,EST,5,0,It was Very Very Clear,There are no street lights and I looked from a deck attached to my house with no lights on around me.,There were alot of clear nights to look at 20060329191100,54.53333,18.53333,29,20,40,CET,5,25,null,null,null 20060329191200,44.03528,-90.52944,26,20,25,CST,6,0,no haze| no smoke,plume of light from the city of la crosse to the south| and a plume of light from the city of winona to the north,null 20060329191400,36.46133,-97.66966,27,20,0,CST,6,0,null,Yardlight in the south east about 40 feet,null 20060329191400,35.29634,-94.01741,28,22,0,CST,5,0,light haze over all| local football field lights on for some reason,I have 1 street light within 150 ft| 2 within 250 ft| all have a small flat plate light shield between observatory and light bulb.,I have had nights approaching mag 6 before. 20060329191500,36.46492,-97.46950,24,20,30,CST,7,0,null,null,null 20060329191500,36.43791,-97.57985,27,19,30,CST,3,75,Clouds to the north.,Street light northeast from where I looked.,null 20060329191700,44.56028,-69.73028,27,19,50,EST,5,0,There wasn't even really any clouds in the sky that night,I live in the woods near a street where there isn' t that many street lights,The magnitude was somewhere in between 4 and 5 but mostly like 5. 20060329191700,54.10000,18.76667,29,20,0,CET,4,25,null,null,null 20060329192100,32.19400,-110.82100,24,20,30,MST,4,25,null,null,null 20060329192500,42.63333,23.35000,29,20,50,EET,3,0,null,null,null 20060329192800,28.46167,-16.28444,28,22,30,null,4,0,null,null,null 20060329192800,45.03472,7.79222,29,20,45,CET,3,0,null,There are three street lights within 40 m from my point of view,null 20060329192900,44.56028,-69.73028,29,20,10,EST,5,0,it wes very clear no clounds,I live in the country and i haver no lights around my house,it was between 4-5 in was a very nice night out 20060329192900,54.10000,18.76667,25,20,0,CET,4,50,null,null,null 20060329193200,44.85000,-91.45000,28,20,30,CST,3,0,null,null,null 20060329193400,39.46078,-75.15385,22,19,45,EST,1,75,null,outside light 150ft west of observstion point,null 20060329194400,32.25000,-110.88333,28,19,35,null,3,25,clear to partly cloudy and almost one fourth of the sky was covered by clouds but not completely inb the direction that i was looking,a tree and a street light were both positioned behind me,the magnitude was between 3 and 4 but closer to 3 so i recorded it as 3 20060329194500,32.25000,-110.88333,28,19,35,null,3,25,clear to partly cloudy and almost one fourth of the sky was covered by clouds but not completely inb the direction that i was looking,a tree and a street light were both positioned behind me,the magnitude was between 3 and 4 but closer to 3 so i recorded it as 3 20060329195400,40.76800,-73.74400,27,20,40,EST,3,0,null,light across the street,null 20060329195400,42.46667,-92.31667,22,19,45,CST,4,0,null,null,null 20060329195500,37.41805,-76.52961,23,19,30,EST,4,0,null,null,null 20060329195600,40.71500,-73.77600,27,20,55,EST,1,0,Clear| nice weather,Backyard-Busy street behind fence| but still dark enough,Clear| bright star even near 9:00 PM| however very few. Chart very accurate 20060329195700,14.95083,-87.23472,27,20,0,CST,4,25,null,null,null 20060329195700,14.95083,-87.23472,27,19,10,CST,4,25,null,null,null 20060329195800,32.25000,-110.88333,28,20,30,MST,5,0,null,null,null 20060329195800,40.76100,-73.72100,27,19,30,EST,2,25,The sky was partially hazy| but the sky was still visible.,There is a streetlight about 2 blocks away.,Although there weren't that many clouds in the sky| I didn't see a lot of stars. I was surprised to see how much light pollution there was in the air. 20060329195800,36.42819,-97.58692,26,20,0,CST,7,0,null,null,null 20060329200000,36.43426,-97.58030,28,20,45,CST,4,0,null,null,null 20060329200100,32.25000,-110.88333,28,20,30,MST,4,0,null,null,null 20060329200100,39.66000,-105.11000,23,20,35,MST,2,0,null,suburban street| streetlights approx every 100 feet. standing at midpoint| streetlight in foreground is about 30 degrees CCW from direction of Orion,null 20060329200100,36.30060,-97.67601,26,20,0,CST,7,0,null,null,null 20060329200200,10.00000,44.00000,27,19,15,CST,3,25,IT WAS VERY CLUDY AND DARK,null,null 20060329200200,24.00000,2.41000,27,19,30,CST,5,25,null,null,null 20060329200200,40.76100,-73.72900,27,19,0,EST,3,0,No sight of clouds.,Some street lights.,The stars make 4 points and a couple of stars are in the box. 20060329200200,19.00000,95.00000,27,19,15,CST,3,0,null,null,null 20060329200200,32.25000,-110.88333,27,20,5,MST,2,25,coulds covered part of it,null,null 20060329200300,30.37700,-99.75000,23,21,0,null,3,25,null,There is one street light and the majority of the area is covered by trees,I could only mainly see Orions belt and head 20060329200300,14.95083,-87.24583,27,20,15,CST,6,50,null,null,null 20060329200300,14.95083,-87.24583,27,19,10,CST,2,50,null,null,null 20060329200500,47.00000,41.00000,27,19,30,CST,2,50,IT WAS CLOUDY,null,null 20060329200500,14.95111,-87.24639,27,20,20,CST,3,50,null,null,null 20060329200500,4.00000,97.00000,27,19,45,CST,4,25,null,null,null 20060329200500,14.95111,-87.24583,27,19,45,CST,7,50,null,null,null 20060329200600,40.71667,-73.76667,27,19,35,EST,4,25,The sky was fairly nice clean. it was dark enough to see many stars clearly. It was very dark blue with no other sky conditions.,There is one street light on across the street. ALso| a car with its lights turned turned on is facing my driveway| which can cause some disturbances. The sensor went on and off because the wind picked up. It was very dark| however.,Orion was very hard spot. Most of the stars that I saw were scattered in many places| so I had to change positions just to find it. I was very surprised that the sky had a magnitude 4. I didn't know that so much pollution was taking 20060329200600,14.95222,-87.24250,27,19,45,CST,2,75,null,null,null 20060329200700,39.31667,-97.77800,25,20,30,null,4,0,no clouds,On lake Austin| near downtown| Dell's lights on| lamp post (street lights on),Lots of lights from downtown| the radio towers across the lake| and th whole Dell hill was illuminated. I think this is why not more of the stars were visible. 20060329200700,14.95333,-87.24917,27,20,35,CST,4,50,null,null,null 20060329200700,26.60000,-81.87000,25,20,0,EST,3,0,no visible haze,Street lights nearby in all directions but none in direct view,null 20060329200800,10.00000,44.00000,27,19,45,CST,4,25,null,null,null 20060329200800,40.75900,-73.73400,27,19,40,EST,6,0,It is completely clear outside.,I would say about 45 m. so it is shielded away from my view.,This was a fun project and I hope to do it again in the future. 20060329200900,40.76000,-73.82100,27,20,45,EST,1,0,some haze that is scattered,There are a total of three street lamps within 20 m. There are also traffic lights| and headlights| and headlights from about 5 cars.,null 20060329201000,54.99721,-86.91929,27,20,15,CST,6,25,null,null,null 20060329201100,47.00000,41.00000,27,20,5,null,6,75,null,null,null 20060329201300,47.68330,17.65000,29,21,0,CET,2,25,null,There is one street light within 50 m that is shielded from my view. more and more light,null 20060329201500,40.00000,-7.00000,29,20,15,CST,6,25,it was good,there is one street light within 50m,null 20060329201700,38.47944,-106.12528,28,23,0,MST,2,25,null,Streetlight on cul-de-sac 30m away which is very bright| another on corner 50m away. Hate 'em.,null 20060329201900,45.00000,3.00000,29,19,15,CST,2,25,clouds cover 1 quarter of sky,at area five,null 20060329202000,47.60000,17.85000,29,20,45,CET,5,0,null,dark-national road,null 20060329202200,38.88333,-77.10000,27,19,40,EST,3,25,slight clouds to the west.,null,null 20060329202800,-32.13306,18.48278,29,21,0,null,5,0,a few clouds very low on the horizon towards the west (over the ocean).,There are lots of lights around my little garden since I live in a housing complex with many close neighbours who have outside and inside lights on as well as distant city light glow of Cape Town,viewing actually between mag 4 and mag 5 charts - can see sword of Orion clearly and also epsilon with most of the bright stars of Lepus visible 20060329203000,40.44222,-3.69083,28,22,0,WET,3,0,Luminic contamination from the biuldings,Approximate altitude: 1160 metres. Summer time| one hour more and i do the observation one hour before. There are streetlights very nearly| at 5 metres.,null 20060329203200,17.00000,-1.00000,27,19,15,CST,4,50,null,Too many people have flashlights turned on,null 20060329203500,14.05889,-87.24917,27,19,20,null,4,25,null,null,null 20060329203500,-29.86700,-71.26700,24,20,15,AST,5,0,null,null,Pasaje 21 de Mayo esquina Lautaro| Compa?ia Alta 20060329203700,-29.86700,-71.26700,24,20,45,AST,6,0,cielo despejado,sin luz,vi?a del mar con alemania compa?ia alta 20060329203800,14.00000,-87.00000,27,18,45,CST,6,25,null,null,null 20060329203800,-29.86700,-71.26700,24,20,45,AST,6,0,null,muy poca luz| despejado,Valparaiso con Ecuador| Compa?ia Alta 20060329203800,38.00000,-7.00000,27,20,0,CST,4,0,null,null,null 20060329204000,32.95000,104.45000,28,21,0,MST,6,25,had been raining earlier in the evening,out in the country - no light pollution visible,I was amazed by the difference having no street or house light on made in viewing the night sky. 20060329204100,-29.86700,-71.26700,24,20,45,AST,5,0,null,Sin luz artificial en el lugar de observacion,null 20060329204100,-29.86700,-71.26700,24,20,45,AST,5,0,despejado,dos luminarias serca dela casa,bolivia con los aromos compa?ia alta 20060329204100,-29.86900,-71.26700,24,20,45,AST,5,0,null,null,Raul Castellon con aurora compa?ia alta 20060329204200,-29.86200,-71.26700,24,20,45,AST,6,0,null,null,Aconcagua con chanal 20060329204400,-29.86700,-71.26700,24,20,45,AST,5,0,despejado,null,millaray con kurrun 20060329204500,-29.86700,-71.26700,24,20,45,AST,5,0,null,null,Bolivia esqina Vi?a del Mar| Compa?ia Alta| La Serena 20060329204700,-29.86700,-71.26700,24,20,40,AST,6,0,null,null,Pasaje Joaquin Amenabas esquina Nicolas Munizaga| Compa?ia Alta| La Serena 20060329204700,-29.86700,-71.26700,24,20,45,AST,5,25,null,null,Re?acas con lautaro cia alta 20060329204900,-29.86700,-71.26700,24,20,45,AST,4,0,con mucho frio,algunas luces cerca de mi casa,Nicolas Munizaga con Baquedano cia alta 20060329204900,-29.86200,-71.26700,24,20,45,AST,1,0,null,null,Alemania con Isidoro 20060329205000,-29.86700,-71.26700,24,20,45,AST,5,0,null,Foco alogeno lado izquierdo de la casa con luminisidad baja.,Mexico esquina Valparaiso| Compa?ia Alta| La Serena 20060329205100,-29.86700,-71.26700,24,20,45,AST,4,0,null,algunas luces cerca de mi casa,Trutuca con AconcaguA Compa?ia alta 20060329205100,-29.86700,-71.26700,24,20,45,AST,6,0,despejado,todas las luminarias estaban apagadas,capellan con pablo baller 20060329205200,-29.86200,-71.26700,24,20,45,null,3,0,null,null,Aconcagua con Alvares Zorrilla 20060329205200,-29.86700,-71.26700,24,20,45,AST,6,0,despejado,null,bolivia con miramar 20060329205300,-29.86700,-71.26700,26,20,45,AST,1,0,null,Foco alogeno en el lugar de observacion con luminisidad alta. cartel centro comercial,Balmaceda esquina Huanhuali| sector La Pampa| La Serena 20060329205300,-29.86700,-71.26700,24,20,45,AST,5,0,despejado,null,aurora con irma caro 20060329205300,32.25000,-110.88333,29,21,15,MST,4,0,where i was no clouds were visible at all,trees and houses surround me|plus down the street there is a casino.,Besides trees nothing really blocked the sky but many stars still weren't visible. 20060329205500,46.02806,13.21639,29,21,0,CET,5,0,clear,City autskirts street light about 100 meters far,null 20060329205500,-29.86700,-71.26700,24,20,45,AST,6,0,null,null,Nicolas Godoy con Francisco Encina 20060329205500,32.25000,-110.88333,28,22,10,null,5,0,The sky was clear you could see the stars really good.,null,Thre was a lot of stars and really brigth ones. 20060329205500,-29.86200,-71.26700,24,20,45,AST,5,0,null,null,Maria Cristina Menares con Aconcagua 20060329205600,-29.86700,-71.26700,24,20,45,AST,3,0,null,null,Vi?a del Mar esquina Bolivia| Compa?ia Alta| La Serena| Chile 20060329205700,39.46077,-75.15939,23,20,15,EST,2,50,null,outside light 150ft from observation point,Data taken at CCTEC`s Open House 20060329205700,-29.86700,-71.26700,24,20,45,AST,1,0,despejado,mucha luz,ayacucho con ecuador 20060329205700,-29.86700,-71.26700,25,20,45,AST,2,25,nublado,mucha luz,jose ernesto agirre 20060329205700,-29.86700,-71.26700,24,20,45,AST,4,0,DESPEJADO.,null,San Antonio con pasaje Salvador BRISE?O 20060329205800,-29.86700,-71.26700,24,20,45,AST,2,0,null,null,Isidoro Campa?a esquina pasaje Jorge Rojas Miranda| Compa?ia Alta| La Serena| Chile 20060329205800,-29.86200,-71.26700,24,20,45,AST,6,0,null,null,Juan Alvares Lillo con Aurora 20060329205800,-29.86700,-71.26700,24,20,45,AST,5,0,cielo despejado,null,kewan con aconcagua 20060329210000,-29.86700,-71.26700,24,20,45,AST,6,0,dspejado,estaba oscuro,aconca 20060329210000,-29.86700,-71.26700,24,20,45,AST,4,0,null,null,Alemania esquina Aconcagua| Compaia Alta 20060329210100,-29.86700,-71.26700,24,20,45,AST,6,0,dspejado,estaba oscuro,aconcagua con munizaga 20060329210100,-29.86700,-71.26700,24,20,45,AST,4,0,despejado,null,mariano pe?afiel con aconcagua 20060329210100,38.35620,-81.83840,22,20,0,null,3,25,Partly cloudy with no moon visible.,null,null 20060329210100,-29.86200,-71.26700,24,19,45,AST,2,0,null,null,a lmendros Esquinas Alemania 20060329210200,-29.86700,-71.26700,24,20,45,AST,6,0,null,null,Pasaje Juan Alvarez esquina Aurora Compa?ia Alta| La Serena| Chile 20060329210300,50.75500,6.89500,29,21,25,CET,4,0,There was coming a stratus layer coming from northwest.,No lights nearby. The next Village is 400 m away,null 20060329210300,50.80611,19.11944,27,20,35,CET,4,0,null,null,null 20060329210400,-29.86700,-71.26700,24,20,45,AST,2,0,null,null,Pasaje Ricardo Peralta esquina Isidoro Campa?a| Compa?ia Alta 20060329210400,-29.86700,-71.26700,24,20,55,AST,5,0,null,lUCES LEJOS DE MI CASA,Aconcagua con milllary 20060329210400,-29.86700,-71.23900,24,20,45,AST,2,0,cielo despejado,muchas luces,caldera con megillones 20060329210400,-29.86700,-71.26700,24,20,45,AST,3,0,despejado,luces cercanas,alvaro rivera matte con isidoro campa?a 20060329210500,-29.86200,-71.26700,24,20,45,AST,4,0,null,null,Monjitas Orientes con Ruben Dario/Ruben Sotela 20060329210500,-29.86700,-71.26700,24,20,45,AST,3,0,despejado,muchas luces frente a mi casa,La Cruz con El Mesias cia alta 20060329210700,-29.86700,-71.26700,24,20,45,AST,1,0,despejado,un poste esta iluminando fuertemente fuera de mi casa,jorge rojas con nicolas munizaga 20060329210700,-29.86200,-71.26700,24,20,45,AST,5,0,null,null,Vi?a Del mar con ECUADOR 20060329212700,49.85600,9.95800,29,22,20,CET,6,0,clear skies,streetlights below balcony. large citiy of 150k population at horizon below Orion,null 20060329212900,30.22500,-95.13900,23,20,45,CST,5,0,the sky looks great.,3 street lights by my house,there are alot of stars around aound my house. 20060329214800,55.58083,-1.65139,25,21,0,CET,4,25,No haze in sky,3 street lights within 100m of my observitory,null 20060329215100,30.07000,-95.38000,29,21,25,CST,3,25,null,null,null 20060329215300,30.89885,-93.93907,27,19,50,CST,1,50,null,null,null 20060329215500,31.00000,9.00000,27,20,15,CST,5,0,null,null,null 20060329220500,39.98600,-105.47900,28,19,45,MST,6,0,Beautiful clear night. About 38 degrees F.,Convinced our neighbor to the SW in the dir of Orion to turn off their outdoor and indoor lights.,Great educational tool. Springtime with the snow melting means the humidity is higher than normal (53 percent versus 30 percent) It really makes the lights from Boulder (approx 15 miles East) haze the sky. 20060329220800,34.13333,-116.15000,24,20,50,PST,1,0,Some overall haziness| foggy conditions predicted during the night,My location is in the town of Glendora with various degrees of light pollution.,null 20060329221200,32.33300,-111.21200,22,20,20,MST,6,0,null,null,null 20060329222600,16.00000,52.00000,27,19,25,CST,3,75,null,null,null 20060329223000,41.93333,-72.68333,29,20,45,EST,5,0,mostly clear,52 Quail Run Road,null 20060329223800,52.00000,-4.00000,27,19,15,AST,5,25,null,there where a lot of flashlights on,null 20060329224500,41.98300,-72.69100,29,20,15,EST,3,25,null,There ares no street lights.,null 20060329230800,42.39500,-76.34600,28,19,30,EST,4,0,A little hazy in general| but no clouds.,There is a brightly lit gas station on the corner of Fuller Lane and Slaterville Rd and some streetlights that cast their light on our back yard.,null 20060329230900,32.18200,-110.97200,28,20,40,null,4,0,null,There is a street light right in front of my house and the light might have affected my observations.,There was a bright light form both the street lamp and next door 20060329231000,18.00000,19.00000,27,19,0,CST,6,0,null,null,null 20060329231700,-12.37000,130.86600,29,21,0,ACST,4,25,null,observation taken at University campus with bright security lights nearby,null 20060329232700,54.00000,19.00000,27,19,0,CST,6,0,null,null,null 20060329232800,16.00000,52.00000,27,19,15,CST,3,25,null,null,null 20060329233400,41.93333,-72.68333,29,19,30,EST,5,0,mostly clear,52 Quail Run Road,null 20060329233500,54.00000,19.00000,27,19,0,CST,6,0,null,null,null 20060329233800,56.00000,57.00000,27,20,25,CST,2,25,null,null,null 20060329233800,42.68200,-83.05800,29,20,50,null,4,50,null,one of my next door naibors hade their porch lights on at the time of my observation,null 20060329233900,41.93333,-72.68333,29,19,30,EST,5,0,mostly clear,52 Quail Run Road,null 20060329234100,72.00000,91.00000,27,19,25,CST,2,75,null,null,null 20060329234200,16.00000,20.00000,27,19,45,CST,1,50,null,null,null 20060329234200,72.00000,91.00000,27,19,25,CET,2,75,null,null,null 20060329234400,39.99760,-75.27420,27,20,15,EST,4,0,Superbly clear,Large| treeless field. No streetlights.,null 20060329234500,72.00000,91.00000,27,19,25,CST,6,75,null,null,null 20060329234700,72.00000,91.00000,27,19,25,CST,2,75,null,null,null 20060329235000,43.08100,-89.47800,28,20,0,CST,4,0,null,We live on a dead end.,null 20060329235800,29.92600,-90.10200,26,19,30,CST,4,0,null,In backyard| street lights are only out front.,null 20060329235900,22.35000,114.23300,29,20,15,null,1,0,It's clear| but a little bit bright.,light pollution,null 20060330000200,41.98556,-72.98389,29,19,0,EST,4,25,Moon shine isn't that bright,No street lights,null 20060330001200,38.90300,-77.28900,29,19,10,EST,1,0,Clear Sky,a few street lights on my street,null 20060330001300,-25.39870,-49.28680,29,19,35,BZT,5,50,Low clouds had coverd all sky some minuts after my observation. This clouds are very comon in Curitiba| almost every night| hey cover it all.,It's located on the northen zone of Curitiba. The downtown is on south and the magnitude vanish to 3. But the most part of my sky is preaty dark.,Some realy good nights| the magnitude can reach 6. 20060330001500,32.17500,-110.97400,28,20,20,MST,4,25,null,there are street lights,null 20060330002000,-41.93861,-72.68306,29,19,15,EST,1,75,There are no stars out. It is very cloudy.,There is no light in the way,There are no stars that I can see because it is very cloudy out. 20060330002100,14.95139,14.96667,29,19,10,CST,6,25,cloud cover aproximately 1 quarter of the stars,null,null 20060330002200,42.01224,-73.71084,29,19,20,EST,2,0,null,null,null 20060330002300,14.91833,14.97278,29,20,45,CST,3,50,null,null,null 20060330002800,36.49490,77.64120,26,12,55,EST,5,0,perfectly clear,We live out in the country about 10 miles from the small town of Gaston. There is only one security light in our next door neigbor's yard about an acre away from our house. Otherwise it is completely dark.,null 20060330002900,39.97917,-74.16667,29,19,25,EST,3,0,null,null,null 20060330002900,42.01600,-72.61200,29,19,30,EST,5,0,null,null,null 20060330002900,40.00900,-105.09200,28,21,15,MST,3,0,null,there actually IS a streetlight w/in 50 m and is shielded from my view,null 20060330003000,31.00000,-85.00000,27,19,35,CST,5,75,null,null,null 20060330003000,39.38800,-76.67800,29,19,15,EST,3,0,null,null,null 20060330003100,44.54028,-69.72250,29,19,45,EST,1,0,null,house light 20m away,null 20060330003400,38.83333,-77.06667,29,19,15,EST,3,25,some clouds,null,null 20060330003400,39.00000,-76.00000,29,19,30,null,2,0,a little hazy all around| but the haze doesn't cover any stars,no lights any where,We went out a little early so there would be loads more stars later at night-we live in the country where there is hardly any light. 20060330003500,39.95000,-74.15000,29,19,35,null,4,0,null,null,null 20060330003700,41.40400,-75.39900,29,19,20,EST,3,0,null,There is one street light east shielded from view| and one street light west shielded from view. There are several home lights shielded from my view both SE and SW approximately I had to use my body to block the brightest in Orion's direction. Occasional,I am in the mid-Hudson Valley of NYS| USA...about 80 miles north of NYC. There has recently been alot of new construction in my area| a negative effect on my night sky. It will get worse - a Lowe's home improvement center store is slated to be built way 20060330003800,38.73900,-77.38800,29,19,35,EST,3,0,hazy to the southeast,There are several streetlights less than 200 m away that are shielded from my view.,null 20060330003800,10.88333,-74.78333,29,19,40,null,3,0,null,null,null 20060330003900,40.93917,-73.12306,29,19,40,EST,2,0,clear sky,There is about four street lights within one mile and many houses with indoor lights surrounded my view,null 20060330004100,39.46900,-76.86400,29,19,30,EST,3,0,null,null,null 20060330004300,39.46900,-76.86400,29,19,30,EST,3,0,null,null,null 20060330004400,3.00000,-67.00000,27,19,0,CST,6,50,null,null,null 20060330004400,40.11889,-74.29694,29,19,35,EST,4,0,null,null,null 20060330004700,14.00000,-87.00000,27,19,15,null,3,25,null,No,null 20060330004800,35.81783,-84.80892,28,19,40,null,3,25,null,three street lights,null 20060330004800,39.04583,-80.98722,29,19,35,EST,4,0,null,I live in the country so there aren't many streetlights.,null 20060330005100,44.56028,-69.73028,29,19,40,EST,4,0,a little haze to the west not to bad.,neighbors lights that made it a little hard to see.,null 20060330005300,42.01146,-72.73623,29,19,0,EST,2,75,null,null,null 20060330005500,14.00000,-87.00000,30,19,35,null,1,75,ddelcidoseguera.com,No,La Estancia School| 5th C 20060330005500,43.92600,-73.10000,29,20,30,EST,5,0,null,null,null 20060330005600,41.98000,-72.65000,29,20,0,EST,4,0,Pretty clear| but you can't really see that many stars.,There are street lights lining the street| but are blocked from the view that I took the observation from| by the house. I am about 4 miles from the Bradley International Airport.,null 20060330005700,14.00000,-87.00000,27,20,55,null,4,0,ddelcidoseguera.com,No,La Estancia School| Comayaguela| Honduras| C.A. 20060330010100,39.48583,-76.60000,29,20,0,EST,4,0,Clear saw less stars than usual.,There are two street lights and everyones porchlights on but the veiw was still clear.,This was fun.. 20060330010100,44.94876,-93.62371,29,21,15,CST,3,0,null,null,null 20060330010100,40.10300,-83.05900,29,19,50,EST,3,0,null,suburban area - lots of house lights around - found best shielded location,was not quite magnitude 4 but getting close. 20060330010400,31.87885,-93.93907,27,20,40,CST,1,0,null,null,null 20060330010500,40.88200,-73.91400,29,19,55,EST,3,0,null,null,null 20060330010700,31.48000,7.00000,27,19,35,CST,4,75,null,null,null 20060330010800,41.98000,-72.65000,29,20,0,EST,4,0,null,null,null 20060330010900,38.85000,-77.30000,29,20,0,EST,3,0,N-O_N_E,My backyard light was on .It was dim.,Naked eye observation. 20060330011000,35.23534,-77.77858,29,20,10,EST,2,50,null,null,null 20060330011100,40.56640,-75.43500,29,20,10,EST,3,0,very little to no cloud cover.,there is a busy (i.e. always brightly lit) street to the west about 200 m away. There is a street light 25 m away in the direction of Orion.,The sky to the east is much darker than the sky to the west (by comparison). During the winter| when Orion is in the east at this time of day| I can probably make out magnitude 4.5 to 5. 20060330011300,40.13700,-74.26900,29,20,15,EST,3,0,null,null,null 20060330011300,43.66417,-72.10389,29,19,30,EST,4,0,hazy,Next to a school with some lit windows. 100 yards from road with street lights and cars,We really liked it. We also looked at Orion and Saturn through a telescope. Pascal and Papa 20060330011300,28.25300,-81.42800,29,20,5,EST,4,0,mostly clear,null,null 20060330011600,40.93000,-73.13639,29,20,0,EST,3,0,null,House lights nearby and two to three street lights of street approx. 25 meters away,null 20060330011600,40.95542,-80.52306,29,20,15,EST,3,0,null,Suburban Neighborhood| Sporadic streetlamps and house lights,null 20060330011700,42.68300,-82.96400,29,20,10,EST,4,0,null,There are many street lights and landscaping lights on in my neighborhood.,null 20060330011700,41.26667,-75.53333,29,20,10,EST,5,0,a little bit of haze covering the whole sky,1 street light behind my house . high school 300 m from where I live,null 20060330011800,42.68400,-82.96800,29,20,5,EST,3,25,Stars are faint then become clearer.,Neighbor's back porch light was on.,null 20060330011900,41.78969,-84.32734,29,20,5,EST,6,0,null,about 50 to 70 meters away from 25 mile road My backyrad opens up to 25 Mile road and that is where I observed everything,null 20060330011900,45.45500,-75.52694,28,21,40,EST,4,0,null,null,null 20060330012200,44.09200,-91.72000,28,20,50,CST,5,0,There are no clounds in the sky,There is no street light in sight. The mississippi river is behind me and there is woods in front of me.,null 20060330012300,31.00000,57.00000,27,19,15,CST,7,50,null,null,null 20060330012500,14.05901,-86.75081,31,19,0,null,3,0,null,null,null 20060330012500,40.71000,-73.87300,29,20,0,EST,4,25,A few clouds to the east.,Street light shielded view as well as a huge tree. Had to cross the street to get a clearer view.,null 20060330012600,32.50100,-84.94000,29,20,15,EST,4,0,null,several street lights in close proximity of my view,null 20060330012700,42.28333,-71.36667,29,20,20,EST,3,0,null,street light next to us but little other lights,null 20060330012800,40.86667,-74.15000,29,20,0,EST,2,0,null,null,null 20060330012900,43.00000,-83.00000,29,20,10,EST,2,25,a little bit cloudy farther south,light on across the street,It was really easy to find the star 20060330013100,35.93417,-79.00111,27,20,30,EST,3,0,no visible clouds| no haze,One street light (sodium) and several house porch lights were on,It was magnitude 3 + 20060330013100,40.40000,140.60000,29,20,0,EST,4,25,It is a little hazy in the north.,nope.,The constelation Orian is very visible. The big dipper is north est and standing on its handle 20060330013200,44.56028,-69.73028,29,20,5,EST,6,0,null,there are no street lights one light on from neighbors but there pretty far away.,the sky is as clear as a butter cup :-) 20060330013300,35.46600,-81.23000,29,20,30,EST,5,0,null,Trees surround my house| making it difficult to see the stars. Also| the neighbors always have their porch lights on.,null 20060330013400,36.99000,-76.60000,29,20,20,EST,4,0,Good clear night.,Yard light 60 m south. Street light 30 m north| shielded by house. Main area of (amall) town 1.5 km soutwest. I am in a subdivision.,Sky seems slightly brighter S of Orion| toward town 20060330013400,32.20000,57.50000,27,19,10,EST,5,25,null,null,null 20060330013500,39.50000,-80.13500,29,20,35,null,3,0,null,There's one streetlight within 30 meters that is behind me.,null 20060330013500,40.00000,-80.00000,29,20,15,EST,6,0,Clear| but with a little smoke from a wood burning stove 100 meters to the west.,null,I listed a 6| but feel it was really a 5.5 mag. 20060330013500,38.51667,-76.76667,29,20,10,EST,4,0,clear| no haze,Street light nearby| not directly visible,Seemed like there was still a little twilight. 20060330013500,14.05912,-86.75061,27,19,25,null,4,25,null,null,null 20060330013500,38.69250,-81.08667,29,20,20,EST,5,0,clear,There are no street lights within miles that is shielded from my view.,I feel visibility would have been better if I would have observed at an earlier time. 20060330013500,26.58900,-81.64500,29,19,25,EST,1,75,The sky has fast moving clouds that are moving near the Orion but not over it,null,null 20060330013500,40.83100,-73.03000,29,19,50,EST,4,0,There is a haze in the air| especially along the horizon| and a lot of orange street light glow in that lower haze.,Neighbor's backyard flood light 70 feet to my east| shielded from my view. Street light| which has an orange glow| is 120 feet south west of me| shielded from my view.,In the higher| upper part of Orion I could see more stars than in chart 4| but in the lower part past the Orion Nebula there were fewer stars visible. 20060330013700,18.50841,-67.11272,29,20,5,AST,3,25,Haze from high surf and on shore breeze| plus Sahara dust in our region.,One street light to the south about 250 m that is shielded frommy view,null 20060330013700,44.56028,-69.73028,28,20,0,EST,4,0,null,There is a street light about fifty feet from my house,null 20060330013800,32.80000,59.96000,27,19,35,CST,3,50,null,null,null 20060330013800,35.46600,-81.23000,28,21,45,EST,5,0,null,Trees surround my house| making it difficult to see the stars. My neighbors always have their portch lights on and I live within city limits so there is always a faint glow.,null 20060330014000,42.69100,-82.96400,29,20,5,EST,4,0,null,There were a few house lights and porch lights on around me.,null 20060330014000,31.40000,57.30000,27,20,35,CST,6,0,null,null,null 20060330014000,47.46300,-123.11400,25,19,15,PST,5,25,whispy clouds low on the horizon to the east and north| lots of twinkling,No streetlights| on the water| slight sky glow to the east,null 20060330014100,14.05884,-86.75049,27,19,45,null,4,25,null,null,null 20060330014400,35.46600,-81.23000,27,20,10,EST,2,50,Cold dreary weather since Sunday night.,I live within city limits which creates a faint glow. Trees surround my house and the neighbors always have their lights on.,null 20060330014400,39.65900,-82.59300,29,20,5,EST,4,0,The whole sky appears to be a little hazy. Can not see as many stars as on a clear night.,I am viewing from rural SE Fairfield County| OH. My view of Orion is flanked by woods surrounding the north and west edges of my location. The haze is trapping some orangish light from a large facility causing horizon glow to the west.,null 20060330014500,40.93917,-73.12306,29,20,30,EST,3,0,null,lights from surrounding houses,null 20060330014600,42.64750,-83.00639,29,20,25,EST,3,0,Sky Lighter Color along the horizon to the south and west. (Hypothisize these are parking lot lights in shoping areas),Several Porch Lights in the area. No shielding of my eyes required.,null 20060330014700,38.05534,-81.44858,29,20,45,EST,5,0,null,null,null 20060330014900,41.22100,-74.77900,29,20,30,EST,5,0,null,null,null 20060330015000,39.14310,-90.77604,29,19,30,CST,5,0,null,null,null 20060330015100,41.66667,-73.90000,29,20,45,EST,4,0,null,many house lights nearby,null 20060330015400,42.69200,-82.95400,29,20,40,EST,3,0,null,nearby school w/ lights on,hi 20060330015400,39.01300,-77.10600,29,19,55,EST,3,0,Light pollution above tree line to the east. We are very near the Washington| DC Beltway and other major roads.,Bright lights from a park about 50 yds away are partially obscured,null 20060330015600,34.31400,-79.88500,29,20,0,EST,3,0,null,Many unshielded home security lights in this neighborhood,null 20060330015700,44.57167,-69.88472,29,20,30,EST,4,0,null,yes it is,null 20060330015900,39.02400,-80.41600,29,20,50,EST,3,0,null,One security light hidden from view approx 30m| shopping center about 150m in view,null 20060330020100,40.42600,-79.89700,29,20,20,EST,4,25,all cloude to the left of Orion,street light 60 ft behind me,null 20060330020200,42.69600,-82.92200,29,20,55,EST,2,0,null,null,null 20060330020200,37.97201,-81.83191,29,20,45,EST,5,0,null,null,null 20060330020400,39.83000,-75.01000,29,20,30,EST,3,0,null,Resudential area| street lights,null 20060330020500,33.65000,-84.42000,29,20,30,EST,3,0,temp 70 F| humidity 70 percent,About 8 miles north of center of city of Atlanta| GA. Zip code 30319,great idea for astronomy outreach. 20060330020500,22.35000,114.23000,29,20,15,null,1,25,light pollution,light pollution,null 20060330020600,38.76900,-90.56900,29,19,50,CST,4,0,null,There are lights from houses and cars nearby. There are also streetlamps a little down the street.,null 20060330020600,41.98086,-72.68942,31,21,10,EST,4,0,null,null,null 20060330020700,40.72500,-73.72100,29,20,40,EST,3,0,Two backyard lights are about 50 feet north and south of my position,null,null 20060330020800,41.11497,-73.41738,29,21,0,EST,3,25,null,null,null 20060330020900,40.05610,-83.02560,29,21,5,EST,3,0,null,There are houselights around me.,null 20060330021000,39.65000,-78.92000,29,20,25,EST,4,25,clouds covered sky to the south,One street light and one bright yard light within 50 m. I shielded my eyes from those lights.,null 20060330021300,40.18540,-74.45740,29,21,5,EST,4,0,null,One street light 100ft away that is shielded from my view.,null 20060330021400,40.56500,-75.43000,29,21,0,EST,4,0,No moon| very clear.,Rural location.,null 20060330021400,38.90333,-77.39056,28,20,15,EST,3,0,null,null,null 20060330021400,20.00000,50.00000,27,19,15,null,5,25,Despite on how clear the sky was the amount of stars varied when time passed.,There where no light on at the time at my observation in the school's parking lot.,null 20060330021400,40.76200,-74.42100,29,20,45,EST,3,0,null,There are numerous lights on pathways around me. Most are far| but there is one around 30 m from me.,null 20060330021500,44.56028,-69.73028,29,20,30,null,7,0,Very clear.,No street lights around me.,null 20060330021500,44.56028,-69.73028,29,20,30,null,7,0,Very clear.,No street lights around me.,null 20060330021500,34.17500,-86.84400,29,19,0,CST,4,0,null,Three outside flood lights approx. 100 yards SW of our location,null 20060330021500,40.61800,-74.02200,29,19,35,EST,4,0,No moon. Very slight haze all around.,There were dim street lights within 20 meters of my view.,Orion was visible towards the west. The magnitude was between 3.5 and 3.7 based upon the charts. 20060330021600,48.45500,71.05917,28,23,15,EST,4,0,Just a little bit fuzzy. A good conditions overall,Directly into my backyard. Looking the sky over de Saguenay's fjord. Sadly| i have to deal with the Chicoutimi's downtown lights :(,null 20060330021800,32.19900,110.95800,26,19,55,MST,4,50,Haze all around Orion.,There is a halogen light 25 yards from my position shielded from my view.,null 20060330022100,35.86800,-89.22200,29,19,40,CST,3,0,The stars were very clear tonight.,There is one street light within 30m that could affect the view. While driving home on Hwy 54 near Alamo| in the country where no light were the Orion popped out very visiable in contrast to the Orion I viewed at home.,The contrast from the road with no outside lighting was more visiable. 20060330022200,41.11333,-74.24194,29,20,35,EST,4,0,very slight haze. Temp 42 degrees F| 40 percent rel humidity.,Fairly dark location in park. There was one bright street light within 400 ft that was shielded from my view.,Report from one of two observers at same location. 20060330022200,39.93333,-105.01667,29,19,5,MST,3,0,very few clouds,One street light 30 m shielded from my view. There are 8 neighboring houses-all of which have all their interior lights turned on. One neighbor has a back porch light on and it is approximately 10 m away.,null 20060330022200,38.70000,-75.10000,29,19,40,EST,4,0,null,View to southwest is away from town lights. View to north is very obscure.,null 20060330022300,40.15290,-74.55070,29,21,20,EST,5,0,Can see a lot of stars,No street lights around| very far away from road| many trees around,null 20060330022500,41.11333,-74.24194,29,20,30,EST,5,0,Very slight haze. Temp 42 degrees F| 40 percent relative humidity.,Fairly dark location in park. There was one street light within 400 ft that was shielded from my direct view.,Report from second of two observers at same location. 20060330022800,30.07000,-95.38000,29,19,40,CST,1,75,cloudy,null,Cody Bradley March 29| 2006 Science Mrs. Alford 20060330023200,42.21000,-79.42000,29,20,45,EST,3,0,no visible clouds observed,there is 1 street light approx 1 quarter mile north of viewing location. Viewing location overlooks Chautauqua Lake to the south| opposite (western)shore heavily populated business district| with lots of lighting visible.,null 20060330023800,38.75100,-77.07700,29,21,0,EST,3,0,null,There are two street lights on my street| one 50 m away and another 100 m away.,null 20060330024200,38.89917,-77.26056,29,20,5,EST,3,25,Very few clouds. none cover Orion,There is a large shopping center less than 5 mi from observation location,If I could use decimals| I would call my observation a Magnitude 2.5 chart 20060330024200,42.68300,-83.03400,29,21,0,EST,1,25,Surrounding area relatively bright hard to see,Tall trees and neighbor lights,null 20060330024300,35.55275,-97.63571,28,22,5,CST,3,25,null,Their are several street lights with no shields,This was from a residential neighborhood with a few street lights around but in Oklahoma City 20060330024600,45.67469,-75.91035,28,21,45,EST,4,0,null,Altitude of 1200 meters,null 20060330024700,42.10000,-71.55000,29,21,45,EST,3,0,null,There is a street light about 25 yds away. City lights about 3 miles as the crow flies,null 20060330025400,40.06300,-105.06100,29,19,45,MST,3,25,null,Mike's place - residential development with high concentration of city street lights,winds out of the west at 15 to 20 mph. Humidity approx 40 percent 20060330025500,39.98694,-76.40083,29,19,50,EST,5,0,Some haze to north where I could see only four stars of Little Dipper. In winter| I usually see all the major ones.,null,A beautiful night for star-gazing. We were probably about 5.5. 20060330030200,44.56028,-69.73028,29,21,40,EST,2,25,it was not that bad,i live in a quiet neighborhood and there is a car componey that has there lights on so bright every night. and thath is a lot o f lite that comes frome that place i think if we did not have that place there we would be able to see the stars way better th,there needs to be something done with this light polution issue. 20060330030300,35.09120,-106.16720,29,19,30,MST,5,25,Clear above and to the w and sw. Cloud cover to the e and n,Slight city/factory glow to west behind hills. One lamp post to west hidden by trees.,null 20060330030300,15.00000,46.00000,29,20,30,null,3,75,null,null,null 20060330030600,37.77700,-122.43300,23,20,10,PST,3,0,There is some fog to the north west of my position.,There is on streetlight within 100ft and is behind a tree . I am standing in a very dark part of the street.,null 20060330030800,38.35620,81.83840,29,21,5,EST,1,50,null,null,null 20060330030900,40.15090,-74.46970,29,22,0,EST,3,0,clear sky,lights from great adventure theme park in backround (1 mile),null 20060330031000,40.75306,-74.44417,29,21,0,EST,3,0,reddish-purple glare along the entire Eastern horizon. bright| pink glare to the North,I am at the back of a row of pine trees that follows the road. The pines block a street light at the curve of the road ahead.,null 20060330031100,38.90800,-77.29500,29,20,30,EST,3,25,null,null,null 20060330031100,39.35800,-76.67200,29,19,30,EST,3,0,null,Street lights within 30m,null 20060330031500,37.77200,-122.46700,23,20,20,PST,4,0,The sky is clear.,I am in a park with no streetlights within 100ft of my position it is dark but there are some trees limiting my view to the S and NE.,null 20060330031500,34.77400,-86.64200,29,21,0,CST,3,0,null,null,null 20060330031700,42.00000,-72.00000,29,20,30,EST,6,0,null,Street light-filled parking lot about 25 yards from my view.,null 20060330031700,38.25120,-85.74420,29,20,10,null,3,0,null,There are several street lights and security lights on our school building. We are located just east of downtown Louisville.,null 20060330031700,32.29400,-111.05900,25,21,45,null,5,0,a plane here or there,security light is on| facing away from me,null 20060330031800,29.24000,-98.67400,29,20,40,CST,4,50,haze around orion,neighbor's light n,null 20060330032000,38.24720,-85.66650,29,21,30,EST,4,0,null,There are several street lights on our block.,null 20060330032100,35.07262,-78.89280,29,21,0,EST,4,0,null,Small urban region - no direct glare.,null 20060330032200,41.98000,-72.65000,29,22,20,EST,2,75,its quite hazy out,null,there are a lot of clouds| and although i can pretty much see orion| that is one of the only patches of sky without clouds. normally it is more of a magnatude of 5-7 20060330032500,38.92833,-77.17528,27,20,15,EST,4,0,null,Neighborhood house lights. streetlamp 50 feet behind me.,In between 3 and 4 but closer to 4 20060330032700,42.71300,-82.95800,29,22,30,EST,3,0,null,null,null 20060330032800,37.77000,-122.50500,23,20,45,PST,4,25,There are clouds and for to the North of my position.,I am at the beach and it is fairly dark except for one bonfire approx. 150 yards away from me. There are also a few streetlight behind me about 50 yards away.,null 20060330033200,30.51667,-111.75000,29,20,20,MST,4,25,shear clouds to the west,n/a,n/a 20060330033300,42.50300,-92.42800,29,19,35,CST,1,75,unable to view Orion,3 large church lights 200 yards away,null 20060330033700,43.07300,-89.40100,28,19,30,CST,3,0,null,street lamp nearby,null 20060330033700,14.05892,-87.24891,27,19,15,CST,5,25,None,None,None 20060330034000,38.73000,-77.20600,27,20,15,EST,3,0,null,Several street and a few house lights in the general area,Due to large amounts of tree coverage and houses| it was difficult to find an place that you could see Orion without being close to too many lights. All of the major stars could be seen in Orion| and it was easy to find as there were not many other stars 20060330034100,32.20000,-111.00800,29,20,35,MST,4,0,Very clear with a slight haze in the upper atmosphers.,Street lights fairly distant. Not to close or bright,Submitted by Isaiah Lock. Tucson High Magnet School. Teacher Dr. Furnier 20060330034500,32.20200,-110.86200,29,20,30,MST,3,0,null,underneath shadow of street light,null 20060330035000,46.98000,71.37000,29,19,45,EST,6,0,a diffuse jet contrail south-south west of Orion,null,null 20060330035100,38.98700,-77.32200,29,20,35,EST,3,0,null,There is a major road which spans my whole view towards the South.,null 20060330035100,32.15200,-111.02000,29,20,45,null,5,0,null,null,null 20060330035300,32.28700,-111.03900,29,20,35,MST,6,0,null,House light 100 feet away,null 20060330035300,37.71300,-122.40600,25,20,15,PST,3,25,patch of clouds but clear sky,null,null 20060330035600,33.01800,-96.91700,22,20,10,null,1,75,really cloudy| couldn't see stars,null,Albertson's lights were kind of in the way. 20060330035700,38.71667,-77.05000,27,20,35,null,3,0,null,All the street lights in my neighborhood are on and someone just installed more...,null 20060330035800,37.75400,-122.25000,29,19,50,PST,5,25,most of the sky is clear| very few clouds,open beach area street light 30 feet away,i saw the three main stars| it was great. this is an open area near a beach| residential units along shoreline 20060330035900,47.76667,-122.36667,27,20,0,PST,1,75,Clouds heavier in the south west - No stars were visible.,A parking lot w/ several street lights. Also the glow of city lights,null 20060330040000,33.01800,-96.91700,23,20,15,null,5,0,some clouds| not many,null,null 20060330040200,33.01900,-96.86900,29,20,20,CST,1,75,There were a lot of clouds covering the sky| causing me to not see any stars.,null,The streetlights were on| as well as neighbors porchlights. 20060330040200,33.01800,-96.91700,24,20,10,null,6,0,no clears,null,null 20060330040300,35.00000,-6.00000,27,20,35,CST,5,0,null,null,null 20060330040400,33.01900,-96.86900,25,19,10,CST,1,25,a few clouds across the sky,null,The streelights were bright. 20060330040400,33.01800,-96.91700,25,19,10,null,4,25,scattered clouds,null,null 20060330040600,37.69200,-122.19000,28,19,30,PST,4,25,mostly clear,no street lights big open space,open area| close to Pacific Ocean 20060330040600,33.01800,-96.91700,26,19,0,null,4,25,null,null,null 20060330040700,42.96667,-83.05000,29,23,0,EST,5,0,null,null,null 20060330040800,37.77600,-122.21800,28,20,35,PST,2,25,clear,urban| residential city flatlands,this is a residential area with a lot of traffic that might affect the outcome 20060330040900,33.01800,-96.91700,27,19,10,null,5,0,null,null,Albertson's lights kind of in the way. 20060330041000,33.65400,-112.15100,29,20,30,null,3,50,It's been a bit rainy lately.,I live in an apartment complex and can't see much.,null 20060330041100,-30.93389,-61.56556,25,20,40,BZT,4,25,el cielo en estos dias| esta cambiante| hace unos dias donde aprox. en termino de 12 horas se nubla llovizna y vuelve a limpiarse.-,hay una luminaria a unos 30 mts| pero queda detras del edificio| el cual me protege de las luces,solo habian algunas nubes| pero en el sector sur-oeste.-orion estaba bien visible 20060330041200,33.01800,-96.91700,28,20,0,null,6,0,null,null,Albertson's lights were kind of in the way. 20060330041400,33.01800,-96.91700,29,20,5,null,3,75,null,null,Albertson's lights were kind of in the way. 20060330041400,48.40000,-122.65000,29,21,15,null,4,25,Not good seeing conditions tonight. marine haze. But other nights have been cloudy.,top of Beacon Hill| in an unlit park| near shore| with Strait of Juan de Fuc to the South,I know that on nights of good seeing conditions from this location (with same light pollution) the view to the South can be mag. 6-7. City of Victoria downtown is about one mile North. View to the north is never better than about mag. 3 due to the light 20060330041500,32.28100,-111.07500,29,20,25,MST,4,0,mostly clear| small cloud in south.,in dark area| with dim light at my feet.,null 20060330041500,38.88100,-77.12600,27,19,30,EST,3,25,Clouds not by Orion.,By a parking lot| but not many cars leaving at the time. Also| about 6 miles from Washington| D.C.,null 20060330041900,-30.93389,-61.56556,29,20,15,BZT,4,0,el cielo estaba limpio libre de nubes.- normal,una luminaria aprox. 30 mts| pero el edificio me protegia .-,normal.- 20060330042000,32.13017,-111.08817,24,20,0,MST,5,0,null,There were lights on bright restrooms over 50 meters away shielded from view. There also were lights at a campsite 30 feet away shielded from view.,Location was at a campground in a area with few houses nearby and mountains on all sides. There was considerable light from Phoenix (90 miles to the north) and Tucson (10 miles to east) 20060330042400,-30.93389,-61.56556,29,20,15,BZT,4,0,cielo totalmente despejado,luminaria a 30 mts aprox.| pero el edificio nos protegia.-,normal 20060330042500,36.20000,-119.18000,29,20,0,PST,4,0,Very clear after days of rain.,There are three street lights within 50-60 meters of my location that are shielded from my view. This is a fully developed residential area.,null 20060330042700,33.63400,-112.42100,29,20,30,PST,3,25,The constellation Orion is clearly visible although| there is cloud cover to the east.,null,null 20060330043200,13.00000,77.50000,25,19,30,IST,3,0,null,null,null 20060330043400,13.00000,77.50000,26,19,30,IST,3,0,null,null,null 20060330043500,13.00000,77.50000,27,19,30,IST,3,0,null,null,null 20060330043600,-30.94528,-61.55611,29,20,40,BZT,7,0,el cielo totalmente despejado,esta observacion| en contra partida con la otras se ha tomada| fuera de la ciudad| aprox. a 400 mts de toda iluminacion.-,se podia observar muy bien la constelacion del orion| la via lactea| un hermoso espectaculo.- 20060330043600,34.16182,-118.47656,31,20,35,PST,2,50,null,null,Stars are twinkling but most are very faint. There is a lot of light pollution 20060330043700,13.00000,77.50000,28,19,25,IST,4,0,null,Street lights outside my house were not working. My rooftop location was darker than usual.,null 20060330043800,45.81885,16.00768,29,22,25,CET,1,50,null,null,null 20060330043800,13.00000,77.50000,29,19,30,IST,4,25,Some overcast in the direction of city centre. Hence| better observing conditions than usual.,null,null 20060330044700,37.64000,-120.93000,29,20,40,PST,3,0,There may be some haze over much of the sky| but it was hard to tell. This is by my house and the visibility looked like usual on clear nights.,Neighborhood street with several street lights within 30 yards.,null 20060330044900,40.11297,-87.73869,29,22,15,CST,2,50,Light haze north and east| reflecting street lights.,In suburbs| several street lights per block.,null 20060330045700,41.52472,2.00000,29,21,0,CET,3,25,null,There's some street lights behind the building| but I can't see any of them directly.,null 20060330050800,32.25400,-110.86600,28,20,35,MST,5,0,Haze to north| light cloud cover to east,Pilot/security lights shielded from view (15 m away),null 20060330051000,32.07400,-111.07800,23,20,10,MST,6,0,null,null,null 20060330051700,32.30000,-110.86667,29,21,0,MST,5,0,Very slight haze of the city on the SW horizon. But city lights are 8 miles away.,The lights from the city can be seen in the distance| but they are about 8 miles away.,null 20060330052400,32.25000,-110.95000,25,19,30,MST,3,0,The observation was made in the middle of medium-sized city| from a church parking lot. Nearest street light is 30 yards away.,The observation was made in the middle of medium-sized city| from a church parking lot. Nearest street light is 30 yards away.,null 20060330053400,32.12000,-111.11000,28,20,35,MST,6,0,Clear sky| no clouds,There are no lights or distractions around me.,null 20060330054300,33.62300,-112.10800,29,20,35,MST,3,50,Cloud coverage is scattered throughout sky.,There is a large golf course with parking lot lights| but it is not directly in my view.,Game and Fish department is located nearby| and shopping centers within 1 half mile. 20060330054600,24.86667,67.05000,28,21,0,ZP5,3,0,clear,null,null 20060330055600,44.94000,-88.77100,29,23,55,CST,4,25,There was a small cloud coverage to the south but Orion was visible.,There is aperments across the streets and buildings around the location. There is a football stadium with lights on around half mile away.,null 20060330061600,37.72000,-122.48300,27,21,0,null,1,75,foggy all over,One street light 30 m away,Today was foggy and probably not best for observing. There were also clouds. The few stars that were not covered were farely bright. 20060330062200,37.43000,-122.48300,28,21,15,null,6,25,fog but observing above it| a slight amount of clouds in North West,No lights. On a high roof top that is lite soley by black lights.,The location was very clear for spotting Orion. The stars were all very visible as well as there apparent brightness. 20060330062300,33.60935,-111.76354,29,21,5,MST,5,25,null,someone back yard porch was on about 4 houses down,null 20060330062500,37.72000,-122.47700,29,21,15,null,3,25,There is some overall haze| especially to the west,There are a few street lights about 13 stories down.,I was up high on a roof top so the stars were clearer. It was difficult for me to locate Orion at first but slowly more of the stars became visible. 20060330064100,47.71700,17.66700,29,20,40,CET,4,25,clear air| after rain,null,null 20060330064900,50.83333,19.01667,24,22,0,null,4,0,null,null,null 20060330071000,48.20333,18.61278,27,20,20,CET,5,0,null,null,null 20060330072600,32.24600,-111.03000,24,19,30,MST,6,0,null,null,null 20060330072900,36.06000,-115.03000,29,19,0,PST,2,0,About a 15 mile per hour wind. Clear.,An urban location.,null 20060330085200,38.95000,-77.34000,27,19,45,EST,5,0,Pretty clear| possibly 5 percent cloud cover.,Backyard,null 20060330092000,41.93000,-88.72000,30,12,30,CST,1,75,It was pretty cloudy| and| with the city lights| hard to see very many stars.,This was in a lighted parking lot,null 20060330101800,-34.36200,144.90600,30,21,15,null,2,75,very cloudy| storms with showers have dominated the afternoon,2 km out of a town of 3000 people,null 20060330104400,42.37306,-83.47278,26,21,30,EST,4,0,null,null,null 20060330105800,35.63200,-78.85600,29,21,0,EST,4,0,null,A neighborhood with some outdoor lights on| although| not in my line of site. One street lamp visible| to the left of Orion| at an approximate distance of 200 feet.,null 20060330110100,37.72100,-122.47700,28,20,0,null,3,25,null,null,null 20060330110600,40.66772,-3.97222,25,20,15,WET,4,0,null,null,null 20060330111000,38.20000,-0.55000,25,21,0,null,4,0,null,There is one street light within 30 m that is behind my view,null 20060330111300,37.72300,-122.48400,28,20,30,null,4,25,null,null,null 20060330112400,-39.89694,-71.13389,29,21,10,BZT,5,0,null,null,null 20060330112700,42.59917,-72.63417,29,21,0,EST,3,0,null,null,null 20060330113300,47.50500,16.77722,29,20,45,CET,5,0,some clouds in the north and the south horisont.,There is one light in the street within 20 m that is shielded by my house.,null 20060330113600,42.59917,-72.63417,29,21,0,EST,3,0,null,null,null 20060330115800,38.95000,-77.34000,29,20,15,EST,4,25,It was slightly hazy.,Backyard,null 20060330115800,37.12350,-76.48026,29,20,30,EST,2,0,null,null,null 20060330120600,42.64861,23.38083,29,21,50,EET,3,0,null,null,null 20060330124800,39.41667,-80.16667,29,20,45,EST,3,0,It was very clear.,There was a huge streetlight across the street and four little lights around my driveway that may have hampered my view of the stars. There was also a huge tree that blocked my view of part of the lower half of the constellation.,null 20060330125500,39.48100,-80.18800,29,21,20,EST,6,0,very clear and very cold,small light 100 m away covered by my house,null 20060330130500,40.55000,-80.04700,29,19,55,EST,4,25,Partly cloudy| mostly clear| clouds mostly to the west.,In my view| there are only lights coming from houses.,null 20060330132100,41.17300,-96.03200,29,19,45,CST,3,0,null,There is one street light within 50 m that is shielded from my view,plhs 20060330132400,50.94000,59.53000,30,21,10,AWST,1,75,So many thick clouds.,There are some lights.,null 20060330133100,44.60000,-69.33333,27,19,0,EST,4,0,null,There are street light to the front and side of my view that show in my face when looking up,null 20060330133400,44.60000,-69.31667,28,19,20,EST,4,0,Mostly clear sky.,null,null 20060330133600,44.51667,-69.28333,29,19,10,EST,7,0,A very clear light,street light 35 feet in front of me in plain sight.,null 20060330134300,44.37409,-69.33058,29,19,30,EST,5,0,clear,There are no street lights or anything.,null 20060330134500,44.55000,-69.36667,27,20,0,EST,2,0,better than it has been the last couple of days,location is good,null 20060330134600,47.49333,9.71750,27,23,0,CET,3,25,always a little hazy because of lake,street lights approximately 100m,null 20060330135300,-31.36528,-58.00556,26,20,0,null,5,0,No comment.,Lugar observacion Grupo Urania,null 20060330135400,43.16667,-88.71944,30,21,10,AST,6,25,partly cloudy the the northwest to north.,This is in the country 6 miles from closest town.,null 20060330140800,39.35900,-76.62000,29,20,45,EST,4,25,null,null,null 20060330141000,39.30000,-76.63333,29,19,30,EST,2,25,clouds did not cover orion,there are many lights and the light pollution from the city is very apparent,null 20060330141200,39.46800,-76.68300,28,20,30,EST,3,50,null,null,null 20060330141800,26.60000,-81.90000,29,23,15,null,7,0,null,null,null 20060330141800,36.43610,-97.73422,29,21,0,CST,4,75,null,null,null 20060330141900,38.44000,-90.32000,29,20,15,CST,4,0,Very little clouds| less than 1 quarter but not perfectly clear,One street light far away| about 40 yards but couldn't see it. There was a house light 3 houses down| but it didn't effect me.,null 20060330141900,26.51400,-81.70100,29,20,25,null,5,0,null,one street light within 60 meters of site. Not shielding mu view,null 20060330142000,39.18333,-80.00000,29,21,0,EST,6,0,null,null,null 20060330142100,38.73381,-90.56284,22,19,40,CST,4,25,Stratus clouds to the south,In a subdivision,null 20060330142300,38.73600,-90.54400,29,20,5,null,4,0,null,null,null 20060330142300,39.18333,-80.00000,29,20,15,EST,6,25,It was a little hazy when I looked at it from my house.,null,null 20060330142500,38.76867,-90.53616,29,21,0,CST,4,25,A little haze to the east,null,null 20060330142600,49.30972,19.52778,23,20,30,CET,4,0,null,null,null 20060330142600,39.18333,-80.00000,29,20,5,EST,6,0,Little haze to the west.,null,one of the clearest nights of the year 20060330142800,-32.90000,-68.80000,22,23,0,BZT,5,0,excelent,There is 4 street light within 60 m of me,null 20060330142900,36.43421,-97.73571,26,20,55,null,4,0,null,There was a street light about 15 yds away from me.,null 20060330142900,-30.00000,-71.00000,27,21,10,PST,4,50,casi nublado,sector centro,null 20060330142900,39.18333,-80.00000,29,19,50,EST,4,25,a little haze,1 street light,null 20060330142900,36.52247,-97.58074,28,20,25,CST,3,25,small clouds in the north and east,completely dark,null 20060330143000,36.35641,-97.70946,31,20,45,CST,5,0,null,null,null 20060330143200,29.02400,-95.39800,24,20,0,CST,4,0,7-9pm great.,2 parking lot lights 200m to the south| but shielded down lights,This was a Brazosport Astronomy Club monthly viewing nite 3-24-06 MW 20060330143300,36.43424,-97.57314,29,21,30,null,1,75,very cloudy to the north,there was stret lights and the nieghbors back porch light,null 20060330143300,41.14110,-95.98000,29,20,15,CST,2,0,Very hazy,null,PLHS 20060330143400,36.48212,-97.60520,24,22,0,CST,4,0,The sky was clear.,I was at my school| so there was alot of light.,null 20060330143400,36.43995,-97.57906,28,20,30,CST,4,25,null,null,null 20060330143900,-25.71000,-70.41000,29,20,10,null,5,0,La scondiciones de observacion fue con el cielo despejado en un 100 percent| lo cual hizo observar a orion sin problemas,Nos ubicamos en un sector dominados por luminarias Onyx 3| ubicadas cada una de ellas entre 5 mts. aproximados,null 20060330144100,-30.00000,-71.00000,26,21,10,AST,3,0,totalmante despejado,Alemania| aurora,null 20060330144600,41.95670,-72.64340,30,21,45,EST,5,0,null,their is a railroad track within 50 meters of my view.,null 20060330144700,-30.00000,-71.00000,27,19,25,AST,4,0,cielo despegado con estrellas al oeste,las luces que estan cerca de mi casa estan dentro de 5 metros| para mi iluminan demaciado,null 20060330144700,43.05500,-78.82900,29,20,45,EST,4,0,There are city lights on the horizon.,There is a flood light 100yds. away behind us that we can see.,It is cold and the city lights make it harder to see than the other constellations. 20060330144700,-30.00000,-71.00000,25,21,0,AST,4,0,Estaba parcialmente nublado.,Frente al lugar hay iluminacion publica mas las luces de las casas que rodean el lugar de observacion.(hay 4 casas con sus ventanas iluminadas).,Hay transito de vehiculos lo cual por momentos afecta la vision del cielo. 20060330144800,41.95670,-72.64340,30,21,45,EST,5,0,null,their is a railroad track within 50 meters of my view.,null 20060330144900,-30.00000,-71.00000,27,21,0,AST,3,25,el cielo estaba parcial,pasaje los capullos,null 20060330145300,-30.00000,-70.00000,26,19,55,PST,5,0,no hay nubes sercanas,las luces de la calle iluminaban mucho en mi opinion,null 20060330145300,-30.00000,-71.00000,26,21,30,PST,7,25,esteba despejado con pocas estrellas pero se veia bien,Grabriel silva,null 20060330145400,35.46800,-97.51600,29,19,30,CST,2,25,null,store lights 1 street light,null 20060330145600,-30.00000,-70.00000,25,20,10,PST,3,25,el cielo estaba despejado,la luz del poste me molesto mucho al observar,null 20060330145700,43.31199,-72.53036,29,20,30,EST,3,0,null,There is a street light right outside my house| which is my viewing area.,null 20060330145700,-30.00000,-71.00000,27,21,5,AST,4,25,luces de casas y faroles|no implico malestias a la observacion,av.Panoramica,null 20060330145900,-30.00000,-70.00000,25,21,45,PST,6,0,el cielo estaba despejado,las luces de la calle no me dejaban observar el cielo,null 20060330145900,-30.00000,-71.00000,26,20,45,PST,3,0,estaba despejado| sin nubes,calle vi?a del mar,null 20060330145900,-30.00000,-70.00000,24,21,30,PST,3,25,Estaba parcial nublado cuando observe.,Estaban todas las luces de la calle prendida,Es muy dificultoso y una persona se confunde porque hay muchas estrellas 20060330150100,44.50720,-69.25080,28,18,50,EST,3,0,null,Trees in the back yeard blocked some of orion but I still saw enough to make an observation.,null 20060330150200,-30.00000,-70.00000,28,19,15,PST,3,25,el cielo estaba parcial nublado,hay poca iluminacion cerca de mi casa,null 20060330150500,-30.00000,-71.00000,25,21,10,PST,3,0,esta despejado y sin nubes,la luz molesta porqueno deja ver el cielo,null 20060330150600,28.50000,81.33333,27,19,20,EST,4,0,null,null,very clear conditions 20060330150600,-30.00000,-70.00000,27,20,30,PST,5,0,estaba despejado,las luces son suaves a si que no me molestaron en la observacion,null 20060330150700,-30.00000,-70.00000,27,21,0,PST,5,0,El cielo despejado|dentro de lo normal.,Solamente una luz de calle dentro de 50 metros y que ilumina bien.,Escogi un lugar oscuro y observe mucho mejor el cielo. 20060330150700,-30.00000,-71.00000,26,21,0,PST,5,0,estaba despejado el cielo cuando observe,una luz de la puerta del patio,El cielo se veia nitido porque el lugar de observacion estaba todo oscuro 20060330151100,-30.00000,-71.00000,27,20,55,PST,5,0,estaba despejado,havia poca luz en las cercanias,null 20060330151300,-30.00000,-70.00000,26,21,0,PST,4,50,Se ve orion desde el oeste que es mi punto de vista con pocas estrellas alrededor.,Al frente donde mi vecina se ve mas bien Orion que en mi punto de vista.,A las 9:15 horas orion desaparece totalmente de su punto de vista (Oeste).Luego a las 9:30 Orion desaparece totalmente sin verse nunca mas y despues aparece. 20060330151400,-30.00000,-71.00000,26,21,10,PST,5,25,las nubes ligeras al sur no dejaban ver bien y el cielo esteba parcial,los postes son muy luminosos que no dejan ver bien las estrellas,generalmente el cielo esta sin esytrellas y solo esta nublado 20060330151500,-30.00000,-71.00000,24,19,45,PST,4,0,cielo despejado| estrellas claras |solo nuves al norte,el poste de luz que estaba a mas o menos 50 metros no me molesto para nada,null 20060330151700,37.72300,-82.78200,26,21,0,EST,3,0,null,null,null 20060330151700,-30.00000,-71.00000,26,21,0,PST,5,0,estaba despejado|sin niebla|sin nubes solamente se veian las estrellas,solamente una luz de la casa,null 20060330151900,-30.00000,-71.00000,25,20,30,PST,5,0,si todo ni luminosidad y despejado,solo ubo luz een la otra esquina de mi casa,todo correcto sin problemas 20060330152100,-30.00000,-70.00000,26,20,45,PST,5,0,NO hay nubes.,Hay 4 luces de calle prendidas en el pasaje y en cada pasaje cercano hay 4 mas|pero ilumina un poco.,No hay ninguna luz mas y en lo regular no se ilumina mucho en este sector. 20060330152100,-30.00000,-71.00000,25,22,0,PST,7,0,estaba totalmente despejado,hay poca luz |pues el poste esta muy lejos,null 20060330152400,-30.00000,-71.00000,26,20,30,PST,2,0,no hay nubes y esta bien las estrellas,solamente una luz dentro de 50 metros,que se ve bien en todo momento 20060330152500,28.31667,-80.66667,26,20,25,PST,1,0,It's pretty clear.,There are still many lights.,Not alot of stars out. 20060330152500,-30.00000,-70.00000,26,21,20,PST,4,0,no hay nubes porque esta despejado.,Una ventana|una luz|un poste mas o menos 10 metros.,el cielo esta muy bonito|pero con las luces del poste no se puede observar muy bien el cielo. 20060330152600,27.29890,-97.81510,29,20,30,CST,3,0,null,null,null 20060330152800,-30.00000,-71.00000,26,21,40,PST,4,0,no hay ninguna nube porque esta despejado,una luz en un poste a mas o menos 2 metros,el cielo esta super bonito 20060330152800,-30.00000,-70.00000,26,21,30,PST,4,0,despejado al norte y sur y al centro.,el palo poste de la casa alumbra 10 metros y otros nada.,las 3 estrellas alumbran al norte al sur y al centro. 20060330152900,-30.00000,-71.00000,27,21,5,PST,4,25,nubes ligeras hacia el norte | sur y oeste despejado,solo hay un palo poste cada 50 matros,estubo la noche un poco nublada pero logre divisar la constelacion con exito 20060330152900,27.29890,-97.81510,23,20,0,CST,5,0,little haze,lamp post about 10 yards away,null 20060330153000,-30.00000,-71.00000,27,21,15,PST,3,0,el cielo estaba con varias estrellas,las luces estan mas o menos,null 20060330153000,-30.00000,-71.00000,26,20,5,PST,2,0,esta normal casi ninguna nube,solo la luz de la calle del palo poste,habian muy pocas estrellas 20060330153200,-30.00000,-71.00000,27,21,10,PST,4,50,estaba muy nublado,solo hay una luminaria cada 50 metros,null 20060330153200,-30.00000,-70.00000,26,21,30,PST,4,0,estaba despejado al norte |sur y al centro.,al palo poste de mi casa alumbra a 10 metros y el otro nada.,null 20060330153200,-30.00000,-71.00000,25,19,5,PST,3,25,cuando observe la constelacion estaba el cielo parcial,hay una luz en frente de mi casa,fue una muy buena observacion 20060330153300,40.06361,-83.02472,29,20,30,EST,1,0,Light haze.,One porch light 25 feet away and one 50 feet away both partially shielded. One large shopping center 300 feet away. Surrounded by city,null 20060330153400,-30.00000,-71.00000,27,21,30,PST,5,0,el cielo estaba despejado y se veian muchas estrellas,al frente de mi casa estaban todas las luces del sector,null 20060330153500,-30.00000,-71.00000,23,21,10,PST,3,0,el cielo estaba despejado| ninguna nube alrededor,habia un poste muy cerca de mi casa y eso no me dejaba ver bien las estrellas,null 20060330153600,-30.00000,-71.00000,27,19,25,PST,4,25,cielo despejado estrellas hacia el norte. estrellas normal para el lugar,las luces de la calle del lugar de la observacion estan a casi 45 metros y no me permite ver el cielo despejado,la constelacion de orion se vio muy linda esta noche 20060330153600,-30.00000,-70.00000,24,21,30,PST,6,0,el cielo estaba despajado con temperatura normal.,hay una luz en mi ante jardin.,null 20060330153700,-30.00000,-71.00000,26,21,20,PST,3,0,despejado solamente se vei orion al oeste,hay un poste que da mucha luz| dejaba ver| estaba a un metro,me gusto este trabajo porque es bonito y me gusta ubicar las estrellas 20060330153800,-30.00000,-71.00000,27,21,20,PST,4,50,no se veian mucho las estrellas,las luces no me molestaban mucho,null 20060330153900,-30.00000,-71.00000,26,19,5,PST,4,25,normal|despejado,una luminaria fuera de mi casa,buen clima|en mi opinion ya que me permitio observar las estrellas 20060330154100,-30.00000,-71.00000,22,20,30,PST,3,25,luces en las calles pero pocas,nubes normal al sur pero esta normal alrededor de la observacion,buena vista y hermosa la observacion 20060330154400,-30.00000,-71.00000,23,20,0,PST,5,25,despejado hacia el mar con peque?as nubes hacia la cordillera,una luz de la calle|desde el punto de observacoin,null 20060330154500,-30.00000,-71.00000,26,20,40,AST,3,0,despejado con pocas estrellas,una luminaria en la puerta del vecino siguiente a mi casa,la constelacion es muy hermosa no se ejerce ningun esfuerzo para verla 20060330154700,-30.00000,-71.00000,26,21,5,PST,4,0,comrletamente dsepejado,luz en la puerta del edificio,null 20060330154800,40.03900,-86.89800,25,20,0,EST,3,50,quite cloudy but Orion was clear,neighbor has a very bright spotlight about 50 feet away.,null 20060330155200,-30.00000,-71.00000,26,20,15,PST,4,0,el cielo se ve totalmente despejado y las estrellas con mayor intensidad luminica se ven,hay iluminacion publica cada 15mts,null 20060330155600,36.90000,-104.44000,22,20,0,MST,3,25,Snow flurries earlier in day broke in later afternoon/evening to mostly clear skies. Could clearly see all of Orion.,Taken in field south of Holiday Inn Express on south end of Raton. Some light pollution from hotel and city street lights to the west and north.,Actually could see more visible stars than in Chart of Magnitude 3| but less than Magnitude 4 Chart. 20060330155700,-30.00000,-71.00000,26,21,5,PST,4,0,el cielo esta despejado casi variado de estrellas,no habia ninguna luz y el cielo se notaba mas claro que con la luz,el ciela se notaba bin| sin luz y era mas facil destinguir las estrellas 20060330155900,33.10890,-98.86000,22,20,30,CST,1,75,null,null,null 20060330156000,33.02800,-96.86900,27,20,40,CST,2,50,null,street lamps are on and neighbors outside lights are on,null 20060330160000,43.31470,-73.61240,28,19,15,EST,2,0,null,somewhat surrounded by parking lot lights,null 20060330160000,43.34556,-73.68667,27,20,30,EST,3,0,null,Outside Lights of stores are on-2light posts 50 ft. away,null 20060330160100,33.03100,-96.86900,22,20,30,CST,1,75,clouds everywhere| no stars seen,Their were street lights on| house lights| and cars with lights on.,null 20060330160100,33.01800,-96.87000,22,21,15,CST,2,75,Can barely see any stars,a house about 30 feet on front of me in my view,null 20060330160100,33.02800,-96.86900,28,20,30,CST,7,0,null,neighbors outside lights are onand street lamps are on,null 20060330160100,43.18000,-73.74417,29,21,20,EST,1,0,It was clear but with a minimal haze covering the sky.,3 Parking lot lamps at 100ft away but no closer than 75ft,null 20060330160100,33.10890,-96.86000,23,20,25,null,1,25,null,null,null 20060330160200,40.69000,-74.42000,29,20,15,EST,4,0,No clouds or haze apparent,2 Street Lights (N and NE)| shielded from view 1 yard light (NE)| shielded from view,null 20060330160200,33.02800,-96.86900,29,20,40,CST,1,75,null,neighbors outside lights are on and street lamps are on,null 20060330160200,43.26139,-73.67667,29,20,50,EST,2,0,clear-minimal haze,2 houses woth porch lights on-within 100ft.,null 20060330160300,43.32222,-73.64528,29,21,5,null,4,0,clear not a cloud in the sky,Street Light 100ft in front of me road 50 ft behind me,null 20060330160300,-30.00000,-71.00000,26,20,5,PST,4,0,sin nubes y mucha visivilidad,una luminaria a mas omenos 30 metros del lugar de observacion,null 20060330160300,42.40910,-92.26900,26,19,20,CST,7,0,null,null,null 20060330160300,33.03100,-96.86900,23,20,30,CST,1,25,null,House lights on| and street lamps on,null 20060330160300,33.10000,-96.52000,22,20,15,CST,1,75,null,null,null 20060330160300,33.01800,-96.87000,23,21,20,CST,4,25,a house about 30 feet on front of me in my view,a house about 30 feet on front of me in my view,null 20060330160300,33.10890,-96.89000,25,20,30,null,1,0,null,null,null 20060330160400,36.43710,-97.73227,28,19,50,CST,3,0,null,null,null 20060330160400,43.51861,-73.62861,27,20,20,EST,6,0,a few clouds to the east| some light to the south,point overlooking Lake George| some lights reflecting across the Lake| shielded house lights 200 ft to rear,null 20060330160400,43.24833,-73.52222,29,19,25,EST,6,0,null,null,null 20060330160400,36.46019,-97.78381,27,19,30,CST,3,75,Very hard to see the stars.,Very dark| there was no lights around me|and there was to many clouds.,Very educational| and very fun 20060330160400,33.00900,-96.92000,22,19,0,CST,3,25,little bit haze,There are trees on the side of my location.It's mostly dark,most of the stars were blocked by clouds. 20060330160400,33.03100,-96.86900,24,20,30,CST,1,0,null,trees that blocked view| street lights on,null 20060330160400,33.10890,-96.89600,27,20,30,null,1,0,null,null,null 20060330160500,43.31700,-73.62790,28,19,40,EST,4,0,null,few street lights| but will not effect viewing,null 20060330160500,33.10000,-96.52000,23,20,15,CST,3,0,null,null,null 20060330160500,39.34340,-80.86969,30,23,15,EST,4,0,very clear| stars very visible.,street night about 25m from beginning of cemetery,null 20060330160500,36.53592,-97.51465,26,20,5,CST,6,25,clouds in northwest,yard ligt 55 m. away,null 20060330160500,36.53592,-97.51465,26,20,5,CST,6,25,clouds in northwest,yard ligt 55 m. away,null 20060330160500,33.03100,-96.89600,26,20,0,null,2,25,null,null,null 20060330160500,43.35917,-73.69917,27,20,15,null,4,0,perfectly clear,Street Light 100 ft away from me on every side road with moving cars 300ft away,null 20060330160500,43.36750,-73.69917,27,19,35,EST,2,0,null,3 street lamps 100ft away but no farther then 75ft.,Street lamps and building lights blocked some view. 20060330160500,43.36472,-73.67333,27,19,25,EST,4,0,null,2 streetlamps (#1 is 50ft away and #2 is 25ft. away) outside lights of a restaurant 50ft. away,null 20060330160500,33.01100,-96.93800,22,19,10,null,1,75,Clouds cover the whole sky.,Live in apartments| so vision is obscured by street lights and other buildings.,Clouds were covering Orion 20060330160600,43.38861,-73.62389,27,19,50,EST,4,0,clear,Field about 200 ft off of a small road. no lights except light pollution to the south| occasional car,null 20060330160600,33.02200,-96.91300,22,19,35,null,1,75,there was lots of cloud cover and coundlt see any stars,apartment lights,i didnt see any stars 20060330160600,33.10000,-96.52000,24,20,45,CST,2,0,null,null,null 20060330160600,33.02200,-96.91300,22,19,40,null,1,75,The clouds covered the entire sky.,Apartment Lights,I wasn't able to see any stars. 20060330160600,33.01800,-96.87000,25,21,15,CST,5,25,nice and clear,a house about 30 feet on front of me in my view,null 20060330160600,33.03100,-96.86900,27,19,35,null,4,25,null,null,null 20060330160600,33.02200,-96.91300,22,19,30,CST,1,75,there are to many clouds in the sky i really cant see anything.,this location is kind of diffcult,there were to many clouds in the sky so i really couldnt see any thing 20060330160700,43.32760,-73.66730,28,20,10,EST,2,0,null,surrounded by many parking lot lights,null 20060330160700,33.10000,-96.52000,25,20,30,CST,2,25,null,null,null 20060330160700,43.42056,-73.71083,27,20,15,EST,1,0,null,lamppost 12ft. apart-surrounds entire pier,null 20060330160700,43.32694,-73.66750,27,20,40,null,4,0,null,null,null 20060330160700,33.03100,-96.86900,26,20,15,CST,1,25,null,blocking trees| and street lights on,null 20060330160700,33.01800,-96.87000,26,21,15,CST,2,50,null,a house about 30 feet on front of me in my view,null 20060330160700,43.35278,-73.50917,28,20,5,null,4,0,Clear sky and no cloud cover,In an airport parking lot| parking lot lights all around 4 of them anywhere from 50 to 100 yeards away,null 20060330160800,43.39528,-73.70361,27,19,55,EST,4,0,null,1 street lamp 150ft away.,There where trees across the street but did not affect my view. 20060330160800,33.10000,-95.15000,26,20,15,CST,2,0,null,null,null 20060330160800,51.00000,-96.85900,22,19,0,CST,2,75,There are to many clouds| it might begin to rain and it is cold.,there are light poles by my house and a few trees.,It was cold and there were to many clouds in the sky and there were a few contrails. 20060330160800,33.02200,-96.91300,23,19,55,null,5,0,there was no cloud cover,null,there was alot of stars out 20060330160800,33.02200,-96.91300,23,20,40,null,5,0,There was no cloud cover.,Apartment Lights,I was able to see the stars. 20060330160800,33.01100,-96.93800,23,20,30,null,3,0,null,live in apartments| so vision is obscured.,It was too cold to stay out for more than 10 min. 20060330160800,43.30050,-73.66840,28,20,20,EST,3,0,null,street lights around corner,null 20060330160900,33.00900,-96.92000,24,20,0,CST,4,0,clear sky,My neighbors lights are on.,null 20060330160900,33.01800,-96.87000,27,21,10,CST,3,50,a little hazy,a house about 30 feet on front of me in my view,null 20060330160900,33.03100,-96.86900,27,20,0,CST,2,25,null,houses blocking sky and trees,null 20060330160900,33.10000,-96.52000,27,20,15,CST,2,0,null,null,null 20060330160900,33.00500,-96.92300,22,19,0,CST,2,50,clouds are covering most of the sky,There are a few trees.,Most stars are covered by clouds 20060330160900,35.00900,-96.92000,22,19,5,CST,3,25,clouds coverd most of the sky,no the street lights are not that bright in my vision,null 20060330160900,43.32694,-73.66750,27,20,40,null,4,0,null,price chopper next to me 600ft away road with moving cars 150ft away huge spot light behind me 50 ft away,null 20060330161000,43.48000,-73.68417,27,21,25,EST,5,0,one cloud on the southern horizon| some light to the south,Dock by a lake| a few trees slightly blocking view| one dim light in same direction as orion,looking in the same direction as some city lights and trees| not completely confident with the data 20060330161000,43.35250,-73.65333,28,20,15,null,4,0,clear no clouds,a bunch of lights all around the parking lot about 20 of them spread out throught the entire parking lot,null 20060330161000,36.43263,-97.57956,24,19,50,CST,2,75,one of the orion was to the north west,null,it was cool 20060330161000,33.02200,-96.91300,24,20,35,null,1,0,There was no cloud cover.,Apartment Lights,I was able to see the stars. 20060330161000,33.00500,-96.92300,22,19,0,CST,2,50,clouds are covering most of the sky,There are a few trees.,Most stars are covered by clouds 20060330161000,33.01100,-96.93600,24,20,45,null,3,0,null,Live in apartments.,null 20060330161000,33.02200,-96.91300,24,19,45,null,1,0,there wasn't any cloud cover,null,i was able to see alot of stars 20060330161000,33.10000,-96.52000,28,20,15,CST,1,0,hazey,null,null 20060330161000,33.01800,-96.87000,28,21,30,CST,3,50,null,a house about 30 feet on front of me in my view,null 20060330161000,43.30960,-73.67320,28,20,35,EST,4,0,null,no street lights,null 20060330161000,33.00900,-96.92000,25,19,30,CST,4,25,Half of it was clear,mostly trees 100 meters away,Its too windy. 20060330161100,33.03333,-96.87600,22,20,30,CST,1,75,it was too cloudly,Street lights were on and a car drove by,null 20060330161100,35.00900,-96.91944,23,20,25,null,6,0,no clouds saw most stars,null,null 20060330161100,33.10000,-96.52000,29,20,30,CST,1,75,null,null,null 20060330161100,43.35750,-73.63556,31,21,50,null,4,0,null,spot light 75 feet behind me road with occasional car 100 feet behind me,null 20060330161100,33.02200,-96.91300,25,19,40,null,1,0,the sky was clear,null,null 20060330161100,33.02200,-96.91300,25,19,40,null,1,0,The sky was clear.,Apartment Lights,I could see the stars. 20060330161100,33.01100,-96.93600,25,20,45,null,3,0,null,Live in apartments.,null 20060330161100,33.03100,-96.86900,28,19,35,CST,4,25,lots of contrails| the sky was covered in certain spots of the sky and some had no clouds around at all,tall trees blocking view,null 20060330161200,36.43382,-97.57311,27,20,45,CST,2,0,a haze to the north east,one street lite to the south but the barn covered it,the sky was so clear| in the viewing that it was hard to choose. We Decided that the two magnitude 2 and magnitude 3 were hard to pick between them but we chose magnitude 2 20060330161200,33.00900,-96.92000,26,20,40,CST,4,50,little bit haze,Its kind a dark.,cold air 20060330161200,43.31417,-73.65083,28,20,25,null,3,0,clear and no cloud cover,there is one spot night around me and it is about 40 yeards atay and smaller apartment lights about 200 yeards away,null 20060330161200,43.49389,-73.67667,27,21,5,EST,4,0,very clear| a little haze up north,on a dock on west side of lake george| 3 bright dock lights 100 feet away in same direction as orion,orion was starting to dip a little behind a building in view and the horizon 20060330161200,43.31500,-73.65400,28,23,55,EST,5,0,null,1 street light about 50 feet away,null 20060330161200,33.00500,-96.92300,23,20,15,CST,6,0,Stars are visible,null,Stars can be seen clearly. It is also cold outside. 20060330161200,33.00900,-96.32000,24,20,15,CST,5,0,null,null,null 20060330161300,33.03100,-96.86900,29,20,0,CST,2,0,null,Street lights on| and house lights on,null 20060330161300,33.02200,-96.91300,26,20,50,null,1,0,The sky was clear.,Apartment Lights,The sky clear enough for me to see the stars. 20060330161300,52.51083,13.40306,29,20,30,null,1,75,null,3-street light within 50m,null 20060330161300,33.02200,-96.91300,26,20,10,null,1,0,i saw alot of stars,null,i saw alot of stars 20060330161300,33.03700,-96.85900,22,19,0,CST,2,75,There are to many clouds and some contrails.,there are some light poles by my house that gives of alot of light.,There were to many clouds and it was cloud. It also looked as if it was going to rain. 20060330161300,33.00000,-96.87600,24,20,15,null,3,0,null,null,street lights 20060330161300,33.00000,-96.92083,25,19,25,CST,4,25,null,null,null 20060330161300,33.00900,-96.92000,27,19,30,CST,3,50,kind a cloudy,Moon is on top of my location,warm temperature 20060330161400,33.01100,-96.93600,26,21,0,null,3,0,null,Live in apartments.,I randomly went out between 9-7 o'clock to see if I could see anything different. 20060330161400,33.00500,-96.92300,24,20,0,CST,5,0,Clear Sky.,Street Light,My vision is kind of distracted by our street light. 20060330161400,33.02200,-96.91300,27,20,30,null,2,25,A cloud cover.,Apartment Lights,I saw some stars. 20060330161400,33.00000,-96.87600,25,20,35,null,2,0,null,null,street lights 20060330161500,33.00000,-96.22000,26,19,20,CST,4,25,null,null,null 20060330161500,33.02200,-96.91300,27,20,25,null,2,25,some cloud cover,null,i saw a little bit of stars 20060330161500,33.00900,-96.92000,28,20,45,CST,6,0,looks clear,mostly dark,stars look shiny 20060330161600,33.00900,-96.92000,29,20,40,CST,1,75,cloudy,Nieghbors lights,I cant see stars 20060330161600,33.00500,-96.92300,25,19,30,CST,4,25,Partly of the sky was only clear.,Street Light is a little distracting.,Its a little chilly. 20060330161600,33.02200,-96.91300,28,20,40,null,4,25,Lots of contrails.,Apartment Lights,I saw some stars. 20060330161700,33.02200,-96.91300,28,20,35,null,2,25,a little bit of coulds,apartment lights,i saw some stars 20060330161700,33.00500,-96.92300,26,20,40,CST,4,0,The sky was a little bit hazy,null,There was alot of wind. 20060330161800,33.02200,-96.91300,29,20,0,null,2,0,Thye sky was clear.,Apartment Lights,I saw some stars. 20060330161800,33.02200,-96.91300,29,20,20,null,1,0,no clouds,null,saw lots of clouds 20060330162600,12.97000,77.58000,28,20,30,IST,2,0,null,null,null 20060330162800,12.97000,77.58000,29,21,0,IST,2,0,null,null,null 20060330162900,12.97000,77.58000,30,21,0,IST,3,0,null,null,null 20060330163900,39.87300,-74.20200,29,19,5,EST,4,0,null,There is one street light within 50 m that is shielded from my view,null 20060330164100,52.51083,13.40306,24,20,30,null,1,50,null,4 street lights within 50m there were shielded from my view and 2 high rise building within 100m,null 20060330165300,42.33600,-83.27300,29,20,10,EST,3,50,hazy high clouds spotting the whole sky,We were at a high school and there was a night game going on with very bright lights behind the school.,null 20060330165400,36.89500,-104.44200,30,19,30,MST,4,0,Cloudy eariler but cleared up by 7:30. We had to try three nights until we had a clear night.,Small town with several house lights on around us.,null 20060330165500,42.69800,-82.96800,29,19,45,EST,2,0,null,neighbor house lights (no street lights),null 20060330170300,39.59000,-105.13000,29,19,30,MST,3,0,null,One bright street light,null 20060330170600,50.85000,19.11667,30,23,20,CST,1,25,null,Centrum of Cz and #281.stochowa. Full light.,null 20060330171600,40.01700,-105.27500,28,21,0,MST,3,0,null,Street lamps around| but not too bright,null 20060330171700,36.20000,-86.61667,29,20,45,CST,3,0,few streaky clouds but not interfering with viewing,There is a house light about 75 yards away,null 20060330172200,32.40800,-110.00700,29,20,45,MST,5,0,null,Neighbours porck light on| doesn't affect my view,null 20060330172500,32.39139,-110.97056,27,20,20,null,6,0,null,street lights blocked from view,null 20060330172600,32.43000,-91.18500,29,21,30,CST,4,25,null,a street light was affecting some of my view,null 20060330172600,32.50790,-110.59362,27,21,35,null,5,0,null,no street lamps,null 20060330172800,32.12000,-110.92400,26,21,0,null,5,0,null,null,It was dark outside and no lights were on. 20060330172800,65.25333,52.23667,29,22,35,WET,4,50,null,null,null 20060330173200,32.43400,-111.01200,27,20,45,MST,7,0,null,the city lights to the south interfere with the left side of the constellation,The stars didn't stand out that great because of the city lights to the left. We went out 15 minutes later and there were clouds by orion. when we went out there the first time there were no clouds. 20060330173500,32.23000,-110.99500,29,20,40,null,5,25,a little cloud cover| but nowhere near orion.,null,null 20060330173600,33.03700,-96.85900,22,20,30,CST,1,75,cloudy,there were street lights by me,orion was covered by clouds 20060330173600,33.02200,-96.91300,22,19,15,CST,1,75,too much clouds in the sky,i did it across the street @ my job,too many lights around my surroundings 20060330173700,33.04100,-96.88100,22,20,0,CST,1,50,null,their are trees blocking my view,null 20060330173800,33.04100,-96.88100,22,20,0,CST,1,50,null,their are trees blocking my view,partial lights were over my eyes 20060330173900,33.01667,-0.90300,22,20,20,CST,1,75,couldnt see stars because clouds was covering half the sky,no lights but the roofs of neighbors homes are blocking my view,null 20060330173900,33.03700,-96.85900,23,20,15,CST,3,0,good sky clear,street lights out side my house,awesome 20060330173900,33.01300,-96.92100,24,20,15,CST,4,0,Medium haze all around the area,Car headlights|Street Lights Near by,null 20060330174000,33.02600,-96.84200,22,20,50,CST,1,75,i couldnt see any stars. there were clouds covering everywhere.,i was standing right next to a soccer field with stadium lights.,null 20060330174100,39.46077,-75.15939,22,20,15,EST,1,75,null,outside light 150ft from observation point,null 20060330174100,33.02200,-96.91300,23,20,30,null,3,0,null,did it at my job,lot of lights around me 20060330174100,33.01800,-96.90400,22,19,15,CST,1,75,clouds covered the sky,There is one street light within 50 m that is shielded from my view,null 20060330174100,33.02900,-96.86500,22,20,10,CST,2,25,null,null,null 20060330174200,33.37000,-96.85900,24,20,0,CST,4,0,beautiful,lights and cars,nice stars 20060330174200,33.01300,-96.92100,25,20,45,CST,5,0,A little haze to the Northeast,Light outside my house and cars passing by with headlights on,null 20060330174200,33.02200,-96.91300,23,20,30,CST,3,0,null,did it at my job,lot of lights around me 20060330174200,33.02900,-96.86500,22,20,10,CST,2,25,null,null,null 20060330174300,33.01300,-96.92100,26,19,30,CST,3,0,Clear sky,Street light on near by my house,null 20060330174400,33.04100,-96.81000,23,20,30,CST,6,0,little with haze,in between lights and apartments,trees in the between my view 20060330174400,33.03400,-96.87300,22,20,20,CST,1,75,i can't see anything it is really full of clouds,null,barely view of anything 20060330174400,33.37000,-96.85900,25,21,0,CST,5,0,clear,lights and a party next door,orion looks beautiful 20060330174500,33.02200,-96.91300,23,20,30,CST,3,0,null,i did it across the street @ my job,too many lights around my surroundings 20060330174500,33.01400,-96.94800,22,20,15,CST,1,25,95 percent was haze,There are 2 street lights around my view less than 25 m away,You coudnt see any stars at all. 20060330174500,33.02300,-0.90300,23,20,45,CST,3,0,clear skys,one street light but its while away and clear skys,null 20060330174500,33.01800,-96.90400,23,20,30,CST,3,0,null,null,null 20060330174600,33.02900,-96.86500,23,20,5,null,7,50,null,null,null 20060330174600,33.02200,-96.91300,24,19,50,CST,4,0,null,i did it across the street @ my job,too many lights around my surroundings 20060330174600,33.02600,-96.79500,23,20,30,CST,3,25,null,lots of buildings| and parking lot light poles in the way.,null 20060330174600,33.01400,-96.94800,23,20,15,CST,3,0,sky was perfect to see.,There are 2 street lights around my view less than 25 m away,easy to see beacuse clouds were clear. 20060330174700,33.02200,-96.91300,25,19,5,CST,5,0,null,i did it across the street @ my job,too many lights around my surroundings 20060330174700,33.01800,-96.90400,24,19,50,CST,4,0,null,null,null 20060330174700,33.03400,-96.87300,23,20,0,CST,3,0,null,null,i can see that it is 3 20060330174700,33.01300,-96.92100,27,20,0,CST,1,75,Clouds Covering whole sky,Street Lights |Clouds covering whole sky,null 20060330174700,33.37000,-96.85900,26,19,35,CST,3,0,nice,lights i figured that if you put your hand to block the light it helps you see better,i love the view of orion in the clear sky at night 20060330174700,33.02200,-96.91300,26,20,25,CST,3,0,null,null,null 20060330174800,33.02600,-96.79500,28,19,45,CST,3,25,null,parking lot lights and big buildings blocking the sky.,null 20060330174800,33.02200,-96.91300,26,19,15,CST,3,25,a little bit of clouds,null,null 20060330174800,33.01800,-96.90400,25,19,30,CST,5,0,null,null,null 20060330174900,33.01400,-96.94800,24,20,15,CST,3,50,clouds were 50/50 today...half cloudy half clear/,There are 2 street lights around my view less than 25 m away,you can see some stars but the other half were covered. 20060330174900,33.02300,-0.90300,24,20,45,CST,7,0,clear skys,no street lights nothing blocking the stars beautiful clear skys,null 20060330174900,33.02200,-96.91300,27,19,15,CST,3,25,a little bit of clouds,null,null 20060330174900,33.04100,-96.88100,24,20,0,null,5,25,partly cloudy,null,dimlights| cars passing. 20060330174900,33.01300,-96.92100,28,20,30,CST,3,0,just a little haze,Street Lights Cars passing by,null 20060330175000,33.37000,-96.85900,27,20,5,CST,3,25,a little bit of clouds,lights,plane flu by 20060330175000,33.01800,-96.90400,26,19,45,CST,3,0,null,null,null 20060330175000,33.01400,-96.94800,25,19,45,CST,2,50,little cloudy,There are 2 street lights around my view less than 25 m away,not many stars today 20060330175000,32.99700,-96.83000,24,20,0,CST,7,0,null,null,The stars are around the orion belt and very easy to see 20060330175000,33.02900,-96.86500,24,19,35,null,3,50,null,null,null 20060330175000,33.02200,-96.91300,28,20,15,CST,3,0,null,Did it at work,Alot of lights 20060330175100,-20.53417,-47.40528,29,20,0,BZT,1,75,null,ha muitas luzes na rua,null 20060330175100,33.02600,-96.84700,24,20,30,CST,4,0,null,soccer field stadium lights in the way| as well as trees and airplanes taking off. mcalisters is right next to a landing strip| so airplanes were landing and flying out during my observation.,null 20060330175100,33.01800,-96.90400,27,18,55,CST,3,25,null,null,null 20060330175200,33.01400,-96.94800,26,19,30,CST,3,50,half of sky was cloudy.. but not extremly cloudy..just about half way.,There are 2 street lights around my view less than 25 m away,reasonable 20060330175200,33.37000,-96.85900,28,20,15,CST,3,0,clear as day,lights,hey miss G i love this car came by 20060330175200,33.04100,-96.88100,25,20,35,null,6,25,buildings covering partly,their are post lamps that bright my view it was pretty cold,null 20060330175200,33.02200,-96.91300,29,20,15,CST,1,75,To much clouds,null,You couldnt hardly see any stars in the sky 20060330175200,33.02300,-0.90300,25,20,25,CST,1,0,null,back patio light of neighbors homes and roofs of their homes are blockin my view,stars were insanley hard to point out 20060330175200,50.75000,19.15000,29,21,25,null,2,50,null,null,null 20060330175200,36.59000,-97.60000,28,20,5,null,3,0,it was clear were i was foun the Orion.,itwas dark i was in a foot ball field that had no light on.,null 20060330175300,33.01800,-96.93600,23,20,50,CST,6,0,no haze at all,very easy to see nothing blocking view,stars very visable no cloud cover 20060330175300,33.01800,-96.90400,28,20,0,null,3,0,null,null,null 20060330175300,33.01400,-96.94800,26,20,15,CST,2,25,more cloudy than the 26th..a little more than half.,There are 2 street lights around my view less than 25 m away,hard to see the stars..but you can still see some. 20060330175300,33.03000,-96.88000,25,19,45,CST,5,0,null,the sky was blocked by a lot of trees in my coldesac. and it was really cold that night so i wasnt able to stay out very long.,null 20060330175300,33.02900,-96.86500,25,19,55,null,5,25,null,null,null 20060330175400,33.03000,-96.88000,25,19,45,CST,3,0,null,trees again. the street light in front of my neighbors house went on and off every few minutes so my eyes were unable to adapt to the dark.,null 20060330175400,33.37000,-96.85900,29,20,0,CST,1,75,alot of clouds,lights,that was very very very very very very very very very very fun peace 20060330175400,32.99700,-96.83000,25,20,0,null,1,25,i can see a little bit of clouds,4 or 5 street lights that is blocking my view and also the big sign,i was at work and the whole parking lot was packed with cars and other pollution lights 20060330175500,42.48400,-83.51200,29,19,45,AST,1,75,I could not observe anything becouse it was cloudy all week.,My location is a good place to observe.,null 20060330175500,33.02300,-0.90300,26,20,55,CST,1,0,null,nothing blocking my view but patio light is on,stars were insanley hard to point out 20060330175500,33.01400,-96.94800,26,20,0,CST,2,25,80 percent of sky was cloudy.,1 street light less than 25 m away.,hard to see the stars..but you can still see some. 20060330175500,33.03000,-96.88000,25,19,45,CST,5,0,null,trees again.,it was really clear this night. i was able to see many stars and i could see orian very well. 20060330175500,33.04100,-96.88100,26,20,30,null,6,25,clear skys,warm average,next to parked cars on low surface 20060330175500,33.02900,-96.86500,26,20,30,null,7,25,null,null,null 20060330175600,33.02300,-0.90300,26,20,55,CST,6,0,null,nothing blocking my view but patio light is on,couldnt tell excact magnitude 20060330175600,33.03400,-96.87300,26,20,0,CST,6,0,null,null,i was sort of debating over a seven or six but i chose six 20060330175800,44.54028,-69.72250,29,20,30,EST,5,25,a little bit cloudy but nothing severe,Trees cover most of the area,null 20060330175800,33.02900,-96.86500,27,20,30,null,7,25,null,null,null 20060330175900,33.02300,-0.90300,27,20,55,CST,2,0,alot of light are on and have a not so good view of the entire sky,patio light is on and roofs of others homes are blocking my view,couldnt tell excact magnitude 20060330175900,33.06667,-116.76667,29,19,15,PST,4,25,null,null,null 20060330175900,32.99700,-96.83000,27,19,25,null,1,25,null,there are lots and lots of lights about 6 that i can see,the overpower of the city lights made it not possible to see 20060330180100,54.10000,18.76667,30,20,5,CET,3,50,OK,Armii Krajowej,Wind 20060330180400,42.68806,23.25889,30,20,50,EET,3,0,null,null,null 20060330180700,42.63333,23.36667,30,20,45,EET,3,0,null,null,null 20060330181100,50.73333,19.01667,23,21,0,CET,5,0,the sky was clear,null,null 20060330181400,44.04600,-91.64000,29,21,5,CST,3,25,Hazy to the east,street light within 75 meters,belt was more visible than the rest 20060330181800,44.52639,-69.88750,27,19,20,null,6,0,null,null,My science teacher made all 85 of us students do this. We're all from Belgrade| Sydney| Rome| Oakaland area. 20060330182600,37.90200,-122.31000,26,21,0,PST,4,0,a few high clouds| but mostly clear.,Both highways I-80 and I-580 lie between my point of view and Orion's position in the night sky - certainly a factor,null 20060330183200,27.29890,-97.81510,29,20,25,CST,4,25,null,Several street lights about 15 yards away.,null 20060330183700,37.87900,-122.30100,25,19,15,PST,3,25,some scattered storm clouds to the east| but the western sky is fairly clear.,Fairly congested and urban neighborhood. Difficult to avoid street lights.,I could see a few more stars the magnitude 3 chart| but not as many as magnitude 4. borderline. 20060330183800,44.79800,-74.98300,28,20,45,EST,5,0,cold and clear,few lights,null 20060330184800,41.18200,-96.04900,29,20,20,null,3,0,little haze,i live near a walmart and a target and a bakers so there is lots of light around where i live,null 20060330184900,41.18200,-96.04900,29,20,20,null,3,0,little haze,i live near a walmart and a target and a bakers so there is lots of light around where i live,PLHS 20060330185100,39.36444,21.92917,30,21,25,null,5,0,null,There are plenty city lights shielded from our view,null 20060330190300,36.43882,-97.57911,29,20,0,CST,6,0,null,null,null 20060330190300,36.43549,-97.73605,29,20,40,CST,3,25,null,There was a light behind us.,null 20060330190700,36.43231,-97.57973,29,20,0,CST,2,0,null,Light in the west that was about 22 meters away,null 20060330190800,45.00000,-96.00000,29,20,30,CST,4,25,little haze,50 miles directly south of Fargo| ND,null 20060330191000,33.17400,-96.83800,23,20,0,null,5,50,The clouds cover part of the sky but i can still see some stars,There is a highway in my view with cars passing by with their headlights in my view also.,There were also street lights and building lights that i could see the glare from. 20060330191200,51.37600,-1.06490,22,22,0,WET,3,25,null,null,null 20060330191400,36.43913,-97.58888,28,19,50,CST,3,0,null,null,null 20060330191500,49.87500,19.00000,26,22,30,CET,3,25,null,null,null 20060330191600,33.01400,-96.85000,24,20,30,null,6,75,There were many clouds out in the sky but they were very somewhat transparent.,There is a highway with car lights and street lights that are in my view.,There were a few street lights and car lights in my view. 20060330191600,44.45333,-69.83333,29,20,35,null,5,0,cler,2 stret lites 1 naber litss,this wos fun and esy 20060330192000,33.01400,-96.85000,25,20,0,null,5,50,There a clouds out that cover half of the sky.,There is a highway and car lights that are in my view.,There were also street lights that were in my view. 20060330192100,51.29250,-0.77889,27,21,0,WET,3,50,Fortuitous gap in the clouds,null,null 20060330192600,44.44722,-69.83306,27,20,30,null,5,0,no lights were on,it was dark,null 20060330192800,35.00000,-96.87200,22,19,0,null,1,75,too cloudy,there is a garage light 20 feet from where i'm standing,Overcast Too cloudy 20060330192800,33.01900,-96.86800,22,19,30,CST,1,75,very cloudy,tennis court lights are on| street lights are on.,cold front moved in bringing heavy clouds. 20060330192900,35.00000,-96.87200,23,19,55,null,5,0,perfectly clear,null,null 20060330192900,46.07833,0.34611,26,23,0,CET,5,25,null,null,null 20060330193000,35.00000,-96.87200,24,20,30,null,4,0,perfectly clear,null,null 20060330193000,33.01800,-96.91700,29,20,5,null,1,75,to many clouds| and couldn't see the stars,null,null 20060330193000,33.02200,-96.87400,22,19,45,CST,1,50,over cast,one sreet light over on stasias corner,overcast 20060330193100,33.01400,-96.91400,22,20,0,CST,1,0,null,neighbors left patio light on along with gas station construction lights,null 20060330193100,35.00000,-96.87200,25,20,5,null,5,25,null,null,null 20060330193100,33.01900,-96.86800,23,19,40,CST,3,0,LITTLE HAZZE,tennis court lights on| street lights on across the street,LIGHTS FROM TENNIS COURT 20060330193100,33.01900,-96.86800,22,19,30,CST,1,75,very cloudy and i couldnt see any stars at all,tennis court lights on| several stret lights on my street,very very cloudy 20060330193100,35.00000,-96.87200,25,19,45,null,4,25,null,null,null 20060330193200,33.01400,-96.91400,23,20,30,CST,3,0,null,null,null 20060330193200,35.00000,-96.87200,26,19,45,null,4,25,null,null,null 20060330193200,33.01900,-96.86800,24,19,0,CST,3,0,LITTLE HAZZE,tennis court lights on,null 20060330193200,35.00000,-96.87200,25,20,5,CST,5,25,null,null,null 20060330193200,33.01400,-96.91400,24,20,30,CST,1,50,very cloudy hard to see all of sky,cloudy,null 20060330193300,33.01900,-96.86800,23,19,40,CST,3,75,little haze,tennis court lights and also strret lights,tennis court lights 20060330193300,33.02200,-96.87400,22,19,45,CST,1,50,Overcast,null,Overcast and Hazy. Street lights on the corners of the streets 20060330193400,33.01900,-96.86800,24,19,0,CST,3,75,little haze,tennis court lights,little haze 20060330193400,35.00000,-96.87200,28,20,15,CST,5,0,null,null,null 20060330193400,33.01900,-96.86800,26,20,30,CST,3,0,CLEAR,STREET LIGHTS FROM ACROSS THE CREEK|TENNIS COURT LIGHTS,null 20060330193400,33.12400,-96.83800,23,20,0,CST,5,50,cloudy outside,three street lights. buildings security lights carlights on road.,street lights and security lights. car lights on road. 20060330193400,33.01900,-96.86800,27,20,0,CST,2,0,HAZZY,STREET LIGHTS FROM ACROSS THE CREEK|TENNIS COURT LIGHTS,null 20060330193500,35.00000,-96.87200,29,19,45,CST,1,75,null,null,Too freakin cloudy 20060330193500,33.01900,-96.86800,25,20,10,CST,4,0,real high clouds,no tennis court lights| street lights,null 20060330193500,33.01900,-96.86800,28,19,0,CST,3,0,CLEAR,STREET LIGHTS FROM ACROSS THE CREEK|TENNIS COURT LIGHTS,null 20060330193500,33.12400,-96.83800,23,20,0,CST,5,50,Cloudy outside,3 street lights and car lights. Building overhead lights,Street lights and car lights outside 20060330193600,33.01900,-96.86800,26,20,30,CST,3,0,very clear,no tennis court lights| street lights,null 20060330193600,33.02200,-96.84000,23,21,0,CST,6,75,a little haze was in the sky,one street light and light @ neighbors house.,a street and neighbors lights. 20060330193600,35.00000,-96.87200,29,19,45,CST,1,75,Super Cloudy,null,Too cloudy 20060330193600,33.01900,-96.86800,27,20,0,CST,2,0,very clear,tennis court lights| street lights,null 20060330193700,45.81885,16.00768,30,21,30,CET,1,75,it looks like a hazze on sky| but stratus are more posible,null,null 20060330193700,33.03000,-96.87700,24,20,25,CST,6,50,null,Neighbors have a huge tree on the left side that creates darker shadows.,porch light and street light on 20060330193700,33.01400,-96.91400,26,20,0,CST,5,0,null,null,null 20060330193700,33.02200,-96.87400,24,21,0,CST,6,75,null,One street light right next to the corner,Street lights and house lights on the streets. 20060330193700,33.01900,-96.86800,28,20,30,CST,3,0,clear,tennis court lights| street lights,null 20060330193800,33.01900,-96.86800,29,19,40,CST,1,75,CLOUDY,STREET LIGHTS FROM ACROSS THE CREEK|TENNIS COURT LIGHTS,TO CLOUDY TO OBSERVE ALL OF ORION 20060330193800,33.01400,-96.91400,27,20,35,CST,1,25,null,too cloudy to see all of orion,null 20060330193800,33.01900,-96.86800,29,20,30,CST,1,75,very cloudy couldnt observe orion,tennis court lights| street lights,couldnt observe orion 20060330193900,33.01400,-96.91400,28,19,35,CST,1,75,null,very| very cloudy,null 20060330193900,36.45173,-97.58503,28,20,45,CST,6,25,It was a little foggy to the South of Orion,null,It was a little more difficult to see the shoulders rather than the feet 20060330193900,33.02200,-96.88500,22,20,30,CST,1,0,overcast,parking lot lights are everywhere,at a grocery store parking lot 20060330193900,33.12400,-96.83800,25,20,30,CST,5,50,null,Street lights and building security lights,Street lights and building security lights around me and next to me. Highway 121 in front so busy car lights and traffic. 20060330193900,33.02200,-96.08500,22,20,30,CST,1,0,overcast haze,parking lot lights are everywhere,tom thumb parking lot.lights were everywhere couldnt see anything 20060330193900,33.01400,-96.85000,22,20,0,null,1,75,Overcast and it is very hazy.,There is a highway in my view with cars passing by with their lights on.,There are also street lights in my view. 20060330194000,33.12400,-96.83800,25,20,30,null,5,50,null,street lights and building lights.,street lights| building security lights. highway 121 is right next to stasias work so theres busy car lights 20060330194000,33.01400,-96.91400,29,19,20,CST,4,0,kind of hazy/humid looking to the north,null,null 20060330194000,33.03000,-96.87700,25,20,30,CST,4,50,null,all street lights on and park's lights next to my house are still on,multiple sheet lights on and park lights still on 20060330194000,33.12400,-96.87400,26,21,0,CST,5,50,Clouds covering most of the sky.,Street lights on the corner,Street lights on tghe corner of the street. 20060330194100,33.03000,-96.87700,26,20,45,CST,6,25,null,just one street light on in corner,appearing to be more stars since its a little darker 20060330194100,33.02800,-96.89600,23,20,5,CST,3,0,clear,front yard lights,null 20060330194100,33.12400,-96.87400,27,21,0,CST,4,50,Clouds covering most of the sky.,Street lights on the corner,clouds were partly overcast. Hazy outside so hard to observe orion. 20060330194200,33.02800,-96.89600,23,20,0,CST,3,0,clear,front yard lights and cars,null 20060330194200,33.02200,-96.87400,28,20,30,CST,5,25,null,Street lights on the corner,street lights on the corner and house lights. 20060330194200,33.03000,-96.87700,27,20,25,CST,3,50,many clouds in sky,normal street lights on,a little difficult to observe today. possibly due to haze? 20060330194300,36.36055,-97.67438,29,20,0,CST,6,50,null,null,null 20060330194300,36.44253,-97.57812,28,20,55,CST,4,25,null,null,null 20060330194400,33.03000,-96.87700,28,21,0,CST,5,25,null,corner street light on tonight,not many lights on street 20060330194500,50.13611,22.03194,30,20,40,CST,2,25,null,There is one street light within 50 m that is shielded from my view,null 20060330194500,36.40505,-97.45701,26,20,20,CST,3,0,Clear,null,null 20060330194900,36.43673,-97.73105,27,20,35,CST,5,0,Haze and stars are dim.,Their was a light right by my house and I think the haze and stars are dim.,We could see the big Dipper it was north and orions belt was to the west and a little bit south. 20060330195300,35.13417,-106.51944,22,20,30,MST,3,0,It cleared up after a snowy day,Albuquerque NM USA northeast heights - retirement community - within 1/8 km of playing fields equals bright lights to SE while Orion is to SW. We tried several nearby locations on adjacent nights and got the same result.,null 20060330200700,36.43263,-97.57956,24,19,50,CST,2,75,one of the orion was to the northwest,null,it was cool 20060330200900,35.58333,-76.60000,26,20,20,null,3,0,null,one street light about 100m away,null 20060330201100,35.58333,-76.58333,28,19,15,EST,1,0,null,many street lights,null 20060330201300,35.55000,-76.65000,28,21,0,EST,1,0,null,lots of street lights,null 20060330201400,35.58333,-76.65000,26,20,20,EST,5,0,null,null,null 20060330201400,21.41000,-157.82100,27,19,45,HST,5,25,A little hazzy in the north,null,null 20060330201500,35.56667,-76.63333,26,20,45,EST,4,0,null,null,null 20060330201600,35.53333,-76.60000,26,19,30,EST,3,0,null,null,null 20060330201700,35.53333,-76.63333,26,20,30,EST,4,0,null,null,null 20060330201800,35.63333,-76.66667,26,21,15,EST,5,0,null,null,null 20060330201900,35.55000,-76.61667,26,20,10,EST,1,0,null,fully surrounded by street lights,null 20060330202300,44.03333,-91.63333,26,20,5,CST,3,25,failry clear besides for some scattered clouds (its one of those crystally clearish nights),no street lights really close by| but three houses down has a fairly bright porch light,null 20060330202700,-29.95944,-50.82222,26,20,0,BZT,3,0,null,7th floor in an urban building,mag 3.5 20060330202700,-29.95944,-50.82222,26,20,0,BZT,3,0,null,7th floor in an urban building,mag 3.5 20060330203700,21.41000,-157.82100,27,19,45,HST,5,25,A little hazzy in the north,null,null 20060330205000,36.16222,-96.91083,28,19,35,CST,4,0,few clouds on the northwestern horizon,Observations taken at a Regional Airport with rotating Beacon 50 yards away| and municipal-type lighting.,null 20060330205000,35.91111,-79.05000,29,20,20,EST,2,0,null,Lighted Parking Lot,null 20060330205200,35.91111,-79.05000,29,20,20,EST,3,0,null,4th-floor balcony shielded from well-lit parking lot,null 20060330205200,30.07000,-95.38000,28,20,5,CST,3,50,null,null,null 20060330205500,-54.81944,-68.31472,29,21,25,BZT,4,0,null,Magnitud aparente aproximadamente 4.3 Barrio La Mision| en una zona alta| la ciudad la tenia abajo| tuve que bloquear la luz con una hoja bajo mi nariz.,null 20060330205700,-54.80250,-68.31611,29,21,50,BZT,4,0,null,Cerca de mi departamento| en la zona mas oscura. La magnitud aparente fue de aproximadamente 4.3,null 20060330210100,36.34448,-97.71112,26,19,40,CST,4,0,null,null,null 20060330210200,36.43359,-97.56795,26,19,30,CST,7,0,null,null,null 20060330210200,36.44068,-97.63936,28,20,5,CST,6,0,null,null,null 20060330210300,36.43637,-97.58696,27,21,15,CST,3,0,null,null,null 20060330210400,36.43614,-97.58134,28,21,15,CST,4,25,a little haze to the northeast,one tree within 10m that is shielded from my view,null 20060330210400,36.46134,-97.58574,29,21,0,CST,2,25,a little cloud cover in the southeast,There was a light pole about 20 meters from the north of my house but i went to the south side of my house so the light was about 80 meters away from my view.,null 20060330210500,36.43782,-97.73073,30,21,5,CST,6,0,null,There is a porch light approximatly 50+ yards away,null 20060330210800,36.43782,-97.73073,26,20,5,CST,6,75,null,There is a porch light about 50 yards away,null 20060330211000,28.39417,-81.37861,26,19,40,null,4,0,null,null,null 20060330211400,45.48333,-75.71667,30,22,40,EST,4,0,null,null,null 20060330211500,54.10000,18.76667,30,21,0,CET,2,25,null,null,null 20060330211600,54.10000,18.76667,30,21,0,CET,2,25,null,null,null 20060330212100,45.47800,-75.85500,30,22,0,EST,6,0,Altitude 1000 feet,Parc,null 20060330212400,45.47100,-75.72200,22,22,0,EST,3,0,null,null,null 20060330213300,45.02972,-77.26278,26,21,0,EST,7,0,Absolutely clear. Seeing > average. Transparency < average.,null,Probably the darkest skies in southern Ontario| CANADA 20060330213400,52.44000,13.50472,27,20,0,CET,4,75,cloudy / Time now in MESZ .,street light Observatorium Johannisthal Berlin,null 20060330213700,42.49923,-92.65546,25,20,0,CST,5,0,Horizon to SW and SE lighter from cities of Dike and Grundy Center - sky horizon to east very light from CF/Wloo,Farm - only 1 yard light in back of house - south side nearly pitch black.,was surprized that more stars were not visible out here in the coutnry. Perfectly clear night and not as many as I can recall from years ago. IAS/G1 Staff Observation. 20060330213800,-38.10000,-57.55000,26,20,55,BZT,5,25,Nubes muy finas de movimiento lento se desplazaban por algunas partes del cielo pero no sobre Orion al momento de la observacion,null,Las coordenadas son las del Faro de Punta Mogotes| que se encuentra a 7 calles al E del punto de observacion 20060330214000,48.99100,8.45190,27,21,40,CET,4,25,Cloud break in the cloud cover before the cold front rolls in. Windy (~ 8 m/s from SW) with high scintillation. 14?C. 990 HPa. 6.2 g/kg spec. humidity. 50 percent rel. 40 ppb Ozon. 3 ppb NO. 3 ppb NOx.,Suburb of Karlsruhe (1 quarter million inhabitants). About 5 km ESE of the center. 12 'white' street light in the 30-100 m range,Limiting magnitude was pretty exactly 4.0 mag. Orion was already in the SW closer to the horizon. 20060330214000,40.77056,-73.59139,29,20,10,EST,3,0,Very clear| although light pollution was visible in the far East,Some trees were in the way. a few street lights were nearby.,null 20060330214300,38.77600,-90.55500,29,20,50,CST,2,0,Very clear| but stars not very bright,Many other houses with porch lights| flood lights| etc. in a subdivision.,Very hard to see any stars at my location due to a lot of light that I could not change 20060330215900,32.21600,-110.85200,25,20,45,MST,4,0,null,null,null 20060330216000,12.15139,-86.26667,30,19,30,CST,4,0,Good Conditions,Managua| Nicaragua,null 20060330220000,37.10534,-81.39858,27,20,0,EST,1,0,seemed clear,null,null 20060330220400,37.10534,-81.39858,29,21,0,EST,2,0,I saw a total of 6 stars - between mag 2 and 3 - 3 stars in belt| 2 on top| 1 on bottom.,seemed quite clear,Almost Mag. 3 for belt but not adjacent stars. 20060330221000,33.85353,-84.58017,28,21,45,EST,3,0,null,There is a street light within 20 ft of the observation point.,null 20060330221300,47.47778,19.25167,28,20,35,CET,4,0,Little haze on the horizont.,There is a suburb of Budapest named Rakoskeresztur| east end of the city. My view is S/SW with many of street lights and and the neighbour houses lights.,null 20060330221600,14.05890,-87.24930,27,19,35,CST,3,75,null,There were some white light comming from the basketball courtyard|but didn't bother at all.,null 20060330221700,42.00000,-83.00000,25,18,40,EST,6,0,null,No street lights at all. Some lights on in the house.,null 20060330222200,29.23000,-98.33000,22,21,15,CST,1,75,null,One street light 25 feet from my viewing location,null 20060330222400,-39.89694,-71.13389,28,21,35,BZT,4,0,null,null,null 20060330222500,43.30400,-100.59600,28,20,0,CST,7,0,null,null,null 20060330223000,32.25000,-110.88333,28,20,35,MST,5,0,null,null,null 20060330223100,47.51670,17.91670,29,20,30,CET,4,0,null,There is one street light within 50 m that is shielded from my view.),null 20060330223200,45.67180,-91.54912,25,20,45,CST,6,0,Clear| no haze,north side of Birch Lake near Birchwood| away from lights,35 degrees 20060330223700,41.11667,-72.38333,29,20,0,null,5,0,null,null,null 20060330225100,42.44083,-82.90694,26,21,15,EST,4,0,null,null,null 20060330225400,62.39000,-159.31000,29,22,30,YST,4,50,null,null,null 20060330225500,42.43524,-82.89000,26,21,5,EST,4,0,Only a few clouds| not over Orion,null,One street light. 20060330225600,42.42939,-82.89915,26,21,0,EST,4,0,null,null,null 20060330225800,42.43528,-82.88861,29,21,25,EST,4,25,Very few clouds| none over Orion.,Very dimly lit from distant sources.,null 20060330225900,41.94340,-88.77340,28,20,40,CET,3,0,al little haze,There were street lights approx. 100ft. from where i was standing. They were dim orange lights.,null 20060330226000,42.42850,-82.89852,29,21,15,EST,4,25,null,Street light visible at corner of backyard.,null 20060330230200,42.43056,-82.90278,26,20,20,EST,3,0,null,Lights from neighbors houses.,3.0-3.5 magnitude. 20060330230300,42.42111,-82.93889,29,20,15,EST,3,0,null,Non-shielded street light is near.,About a magnitude 2.7. 20060330230500,13.68528,-88.79417,25,20,15,PST,4,0,null,Hay luz en los alrededores pero una pared la bloquea,Creo que la Magnitud es de 4.5 ya que se ven mas estrellas que la chart Mag 4| pero menos que la chart Mag 5 20060330230500,42.42139,-82.94500,29,21,30,EST,3,0,null,Street light shielded by house.,About a magnitude 3.4 20060330230700,42.44361,-82.90667,26,21,20,EST,4,0,null,null,Closer to magnitude 3.5 20060330231000,38.58100,-90.06400,30,20,15,CST,3,25,one can see light glow on thin clouds from St Louis| Mo.,street light approximately 50 yds away visible,It has been very cloudy for many months. Maybe 2-3 good nights a month. Very depressing. 20060330231000,48.99090,8.45190,27,21,40,CET,4,25,Break in the cloud cover before the cold front rolls in. Windy (~ 8 m/s from SW) with high scintillation. 14?C. 990 HPa. 6.2 g/kg spec. humidity. 50 percent rel. 40 ppb Ozon. 3 ppb NO. 3 ppb NOx.,Suburb of Karlsruhe (1 quarter million inhabitants). About 5 km ESE of the center. 12 'white' street light in the 30-100 m range,Limiting magnitude was pretty exactly 4.0 mag. Orion was already in the SW close to the horizon. 20060330231200,-33.01917,-61.04278,25,21,0,BZT,4,0,null,null,null 20060330231200,57.78830,-152.40300,27,20,45,YST,4,25,MOst cloud cover was to the north and there was a clear view of Orion. At our latitude| we had not reached total nightfall before 9:00 p.m.,AT the Kodiak High School atmosphere station.,null 20060330231300,-33.01917,-61.04278,22,21,0,BZT,3,0,null,null,null 20060330231400,42.00000,-82.00000,29,20,45,EST,4,0,a little brighter to the north,null,null 20060330231400,28.25600,81.45900,29,20,30,EST,6,0,null,YES THERE IS A STREET LIGHT DURING THE NIGHT.,null 20060330231400,-33.01917,-61.04278,22,21,0,BZT,3,0,null,null,null 20060330231500,-33.01917,-61.04278,23,20,55,BZT,3,0,null,null,null 20060330231500,52.00000,68.00000,30,20,50,AWST,4,25,null,null,null 20060330231600,42.00000,-82.00000,29,20,30,null,4,0,clear,there is 2 street lights about 50m away and some lights from windows,null 20060330231600,-33.01917,-61.04278,25,20,30,BZT,4,0,null,null,null 20060330231700,-33.01917,-61.04278,24,21,0,BZT,3,0,null,null,null 20060330231800,14.05889,-87.24917,27,18,55,CST,5,25,null,null,null 20060330231800,-33.01925,-61.04297,22,20,0,BZT,3,0,null,null,null 20060330231900,-33.01925,-61.04297,22,21,0,BZT,3,0,null,null,null 20060330232000,46.40467,-84.39700,28,20,55,EST,6,0,null,One outside light on from business across the street and 0.2 mile away - shielded by tall trees and house,null 20060330232000,-33.01925,-61.04297,22,21,0,BZT,3,0,null,null,null 20060330232100,-33.01925,-61.04297,22,21,0,BZT,3,0,null,null,null 20060330232100,42.68557,-82.96937,29,20,5,PST,4,0,null,null,null 20060330232200,-33.01925,-61.04297,22,21,0,BZT,3,0,null,null,null 20060330232200,-33.01925,-61.04297,22,20,25,BZT,3,0,null,null,null 20060330232500,38.73900,-90.57500,29,20,45,CST,3,0,A few light clouds in random places| Orion not covered.,In backyard| trees block most of light.,null 20060330232500,-33.01925,-61.04297,22,20,25,BZT,3,0,null,null,null 20060330232600,-33.01925,-61.04297,22,21,0,null,4,0,null,null,null 20060330232700,-30.94111,-61.56167,29,20,30,BZT,3,0,el cielo estaba despejado.-,aprox. a 50 mts de una avenida| donde la iluminacion es a traves de columnas con doble pescante y 2 luminaria de 400 watts a alta presion de sodio cada 30 mts aprox.,null 20060330232700,-33.01925,-61.04297,22,20,30,BZT,3,0,null,null,null 20060330233000,48.99090,8.45190,27,21,40,null,4,25,Break in the cloud cover before the cold front rolls in. Windy (~ 8 m/s from SW) with high scintillation. 14?C. 990 HPa. 6.2 g/kg spec. humidity. 50 percent rel. 40 ppb Ozon. 3 ppb NO. 3 ppb NOx.,Suburb of Karlsruhe (1 quarter million inhabitants). About 5 km ESE of the city center. Open air balcony at the third floor. 12 'white' street lights in the 30-100 m range and about twice as much of the 'orange' ones at the opposite side of the house tha,Limiting magnitude was pretty exactly 4.0 mag. Orion was already in the SW close to the horizon. Choosing 0.5 mag steps for the charts would have been much better ... 20060330233300,33.46578,-112.29712,27,20,20,CET,3,75,There were many clouds because it had drizzled earlier today.,There is a strip center only two streets away that had blaring lights: a Harkins theatre|a strip mall and lots of resturants.,i coulb barely see any even with my glasses. ~ Klarque 20060330233300,43.86940,-78.92060,29,22,30,EST,4,0,null,Suburban skies| many streetlights nearby,null 20060330233400,-30.00000,-71.00000,25,20,20,PST,4,50,estaba rarcil a nublado cuando observe,habia una lua de calle dentro 20mts que iluminaba,null 20060330233600,33.10890,-96.86000,24,20,30,null,1,0,null,null,null 20060330233600,-17.41000,-66.10000,27,19,35,BZT,4,25,The rain has finally stopped|it was cloud and cold until this morning.Temperature is low (12-15?C) but stars can be easily seen. not a lot of clouds.,There are street lights| but they're not working tonight and the rainy storm from Saturday has finally stopped (leaving flooded places within this city.).Clear sky tonight| some street lights do make it difficult but this garden is secluded'.,Wish I've had more clear days to participate.Love the idea| hope I get a feedback soon. Pollution within my city is serious downtown (valley configuration of the city)| our levels of NO2 were especially high last year.Gases tend to accumulate (as well as 20060330233700,38.92100,-77.16100,27,20,5,EST,3,0,null,there are 5 street lights/bright security lights within 50 meters,null 20060330233700,33.03100,-96.86900,25,20,30,CST,1,0,null,large blocking trees| street lights on,null 20060330233800,39.72400,-105.05500,28,19,50,MST,3,25,null,null,Jerlyne is in Mrs. Spencer's 3rd grade class at Rose Stein Elementary School in Lakewood| Co 20060330233900,40.78600,-73.36500,27,20,5,EST,4,0,A little hazy / wispy clouds (but not covering Orion),Several surrounding houses with lights visible.,null 20060330233900,33.00900,-96.92000,23,20,15,CST,6,0,All the stars could be seen clearly.,It's mostly dark,All the stars are clearly seen and its kind a cold outside 20060330234000,42.28333,-70.76667,27,20,20,EST,4,0,null,there is a street light off to the left and out of the field of view.,we were able to see all of the sword stars/nebula but the other stars most matched the mag 4 chart 20060330234000,33.03333,-96.87600,23,20,20,null,2,0,it was hard to see b/c of the lights on my street,null,null 20060330234100,42.60900,-71.35600,27,19,35,EST,4,0,Clear sky but a little unsteady,Shielded street light < 30m away. Orion partially obscured by trees,null 20060330234100,39.72200,-105.05600,28,20,35,MST,4,0,null,null,Kevin is in Mrs. Spencer's 3rd grade class at Rose Stein Elementary School in Lakewood| Co. We used a telescope to see more stars up to magnitude 6. 20060330234200,33.02200,-96.91300,25,20,30,CST,1,0,there was too much light the tennis court lights was really bright,i seen the stars but i didnt stay long out side it was to windy,null 20060330234200,64.75400,-147.28100,29,21,0,YST,2,25,null,We've had several days of cloudy night which obscured stars. On those few nights withing observation period the sky at 9 pm was sparsely covered with stars but at 10 pm it was teaming with bright stars. I got to see a satillite and a shooting star which,null 20060330234300,33.01800,-96.93600,22,20,50,CST,1,75,alot of haze,overcast clouds covering cannot see,null 20060330234400,33.97241,-83.27856,22,19,40,EST,4,0,Glow in western sky,one street light 100m away shielded from view. Athens regional airport ~ 2mi west.,null 20060330234500,31.42000,-97.51000,22,20,30,CST,4,0,clear and cool,country on a hill--no lights within 1/8 of a mile,actually between 4 and 5. 20060330234600,33.61667,-112.36667,27,20,30,null,4,25,Clouds/haze to the east.,One street light within 40-50 feet| blocked from view. Porch light within 100 feet| blocked from view.,null 20060330234700,35.25534,-78.43191,27,19,55,EST,5,0,null,Residential area with outdoor yard lights: 60 feet south| obstructed by trees 100 feet east| behind us 50 feet southwest| obstructed by house,null 20060330234700,33.03700,-96.84400,22,20,45,BT,1,75,it's really cloudy,There were many trees,i can't see anything 20060330234700,44.58000,-73.53000,27,20,5,EST,3,25,High cirrus| some alto stratus < 10 percent,Numerous security lamps on School building,See also second submission from area away from town. 20060330234900,33.01900,-96.86800,25,20,10,CST,4,0,REAL HIGH CLOUDS| HARDLY ANYTHING,STREET LIGHTS FROM ACROSS THE CREEK| NO TENNIS COURT LIGHTS,null 20060330235000,39.20000,-75.98333,27,19,55,EST,5,0,null,null,null 20060330235000,33.01667,-96.86667,27,19,55,CST,3,25,null,null,null 20060330235100,44.41306,-69.72944,30,19,20,EST,3,25,null,no street lights but the neighbors have their house lights on.,null 20060330235200,33.01400,-96.91400,25,20,25,CST,2,0,very cloudy hard to see all of sky,street lights very bright,null 20060330235400,35.13417,-106.51944,23,21,10,MST,3,25,cirrus clouds (mostly on low horizon after sunset) and hazy at 7 pm. At 9:10 pm layer of thin cirrus covered Sirius but Orion was just above the cirrus.,null,Marginal - because of the cirrus so close but back at the retirement community| the cirrus was not as obvious because of the bright background lights but it was still magnitude 3 like the night before. 20060330235800,39.95000,-74.15000,30,19,0,EST,4,0,null,null,null 20060330235900,46.20000,20.01667,30,22,0,CET,5,0,Very fine,50 m from the highway,No comments 20060331000300,44.62600,-123.24900,29,21,0,PST,5,0,null,I live on the west side of a hill. There are no streetlights but there are houses with porchlights downhill| about 75 yards away and 30 feet lower. Orion was getting low in the sky by the time the clouds cleared| with his belt maybe 15 to 20 degrees abov,I couldn't see all the stars in the magnitude 5 chart| but I could see most. So really| probably a 4.7 or 4.8 20060331000900,35.46667,-79.03333,30,19,0,EST,4,25,null,two security lights nearby,null 20060331001200,35.98333,-77.10000,29,21,10,EST,1,0,null,major hotel parking lot near interstate 85 - Duke University area,null 20060331001800,33.45603,-111.67627,29,20,0,MST,4,25,very nice and crisp,null,null 20060331001900,-29.68043,-51.13655,30,21,5,BZT,4,0,Dry and clear. it rained in the previous week| sky is clean.,Just about 1km north of downtown. Some light pollution. immediate lights are blocked by tall walls. No direct light over observing site.,null 20060331003000,40.65000,-74.40000,30,19,25,EST,3,0,A little haze to the east,null,null 20060331003000,40.76700,-73.73900,29,19,30,EST,1,0,Not very dark,Steet lights are within 50 m of my view,Parking lot nearby 20060331003300,-29.71112,-51.25045,26,21,0,BZT,5,25,It alternated periods of moderate cloud cover with periods of clear sky.,Dark suburb in very small town. some street lamps casting a bit of light over the observation site.,null 20060331004300,42.65800,-70.61000,30,19,40,EST,3,0,no clouds at all but there seems to be a high thin haze. It's not as clear as in the winter.,There are two street lights about 75' away shielded from my view,null 20060331004400,40.44056,-79.99611,29,19,15,null,4,25,cloudy to the west,Lights throught the neighborhood,This was very intersting 20060331004400,29.40600,-98.69300,24,19,50,null,4,0,null,null,null 20060331004700,40.00900,-105.08600,29,20,15,MST,4,25,hazy clouds to south and east,house lights w/in 50 meters,null 20060331004900,40.42778,-75.41639,30,19,25,null,3,50,null,null,null 20060331004900,39.38500,-76.59600,30,19,40,EST,3,0,some overall haze,4 houses within 100 feet with outside house lights on. House directly under Orion had lights on.,This observation was interesting. 20060331005300,39.09287,-80.03404,29,20,15,EST,3,0,null,There is a housing development on the other side of the field where I did my oberservation and the lights shone into the bottom part of the western sky.,null 20060331005700,34.35000,-92.05000,28,20,35,CST,5,0,null,One steet light but didn't interfer with observation,null 20060331005800,42.00000,-82.00000,30,19,35,EST,1,25,null,null,null 20060331005900,34.35000,-92.05000,28,20,40,CST,3,0,null,60 yards from a major freeway,null 20060331005900,33.67800,-81.17600,28,20,0,EST,4,50,Clouds covering a little bit of Orion,Street light 120-125 feet away,null 20060331010000,33.67800,-81.17600,29,19,45,EST,5,0,Can see Orion clear tonight,Street light 120-125 feet away,null 20060331010100,34.35000,-92.05000,28,20,40,CST,6,0,null,null,null 20060331010200,34.35000,-92.05000,28,20,40,CST,3,0,null,steet light about 20 meters away,null 20060331010300,34.35000,92.05000,29,20,45,CST,5,25,null,few thin clouds in the southwest,null 20060331010500,34.35000,-92.05000,28,20,55,CST,3,0,null,null,null 20060331010500,44.44139,-69.75556,29,20,15,EST,3,25,null,Some house had lights on. Few Trees no steet lights,null 20060331010600,34.35000,-92.05000,28,20,25,CST,5,0,null,null,Pretty clear and easy to locate 20060331010800,34.35000,-92.05000,28,20,0,CST,4,25,null,front corner of house by steet corner,street lights are root of all evil. 20060331010900,34.35000,-92.05000,28,20,0,CST,4,25,null,steet corner under streetlight,null 20060331011100,34.35000,-92.05000,29,20,0,CST,6,0,null,Had to look through several trees,null 20060331011200,34.35000,-92.05000,29,19,25,CST,3,0,null,Steet light less than 10 feet away,null 20060331011300,39.42100,-76.69000,30,20,0,EST,5,0,null,null,it was very clear tonight 20060331011300,34.35000,-92.05000,28,21,0,CST,4,0,null,Steet light 50 feet away,null 20060331011800,40.09053,-79.72172,30,20,15,null,5,0,null,null,null 20060331012200,-33.86300,151.10300,28,19,45,AEST,4,0,null,null,null 20060331012200,28.17200,-81.60000,30,20,0,EST,2,75,null,null,null 20060331012900,38.94100,-80.82900,29,20,50,EST,5,25,null,There was a 'string' of 4 street lights going down the street but it was to my left and I tried to block their light from my view.,null 20060331012900,39.96800,-74.14300,30,20,30,EST,4,25,null,null,null 20060331013100,37.25100,-76.49800,30,20,25,EST,3,0,null,neighbor's porch light 20 yards away| street light 200 yards away,null 20060331013800,42.68800,-82.96000,30,20,30,EST,1,25,null,null,could sort of see next door neighbors lights. 20060331014300,44.39556,-69.80278,30,20,10,EST,6,0,sky is clear as day.,almost no lights. maybe some apartment lights getting in the way| though.,null 20060331014300,38.38333,-77.25000,29,20,15,EST,3,0,null,within 10 meters of a shielded street light,null 20060331014400,40.81200,-74.22300,30,20,20,EST,3,25,null,one light 20 feet away,null 20060331014400,39.08600,-78.18800,31,20,35,null,4,0,City lights to the North| making a haze toward the horizon/tree line.,null,null 20060331014500,10.88333,-74.78333,30,20,45,null,2,0,null,null,null 20060331014600,44.39556,-69.80278,30,20,10,EST,6,0,sky is clear as day.,almost no lights. maybe some apartment lights getting in the way| though.,null 20060331014800,34.78806,-80.84983,30,20,45,EST,4,25,cloudy,a tree about 200 yards away,null 20060331015300,41.78969,-84.32601,29,20,10,EST,6,0,null,yes,null 20060331015500,40.02600,-76.25500,30,20,45,EST,3,0,Clear,Residential neighborhood with lots of lampposts lit nearby.,null 20060331015600,42.54700,-83.05700,29,21,0,EST,2,25,Hazy near horizons.,null,Delta Orion and Kappa Orion are visible. Iota Orion is not visible. 20060331015600,42.67500,-83.05200,31,20,35,EST,3,50,Clouds to the south and the west,Many of my neighbors have their lights on.,null 20060331020400,39.65000,-78.91000,30,20,40,null,4,0,null,There is a streetlight within 50 m. I shielded my eyes from the light.,null 20060331020400,43.20000,-71.54600,30,19,20,EST,3,0,null,There are two street lights within 20 meters that are shielded from view.,null 20060331021100,30.06600,-95.38800,30,20,5,CST,2,75,null,null,null 20060331021300,39.54830,-76.72590,31,20,0,EST,7,25,null,null,null 20060331021900,38.69861,-77.25583,22,20,5,EST,4,25,just a few clouds,A few street lights about 200 yds. away - low and partially blocked from view.,null 20060331022200,44.44139,-69.75556,30,19,10,EST,6,0,Clear with no clouds or haze at all. I could see every star there was to see.,There were some houses that belonged to our neighbors who had some lights on in their house but not many.,null 20060331022200,27.29890,-97.81510,31,19,45,null,2,50,null,null,null 20060331022500,30.07000,-95.38000,30,20,45,CST,2,50,cloud coverage to north and south. Wind is blowing at medium speed.,Neighborhood with street lights near.,Surveyed at 8:03 p.m. 20060331022600,40.93917,-73.12306,30,21,25,AST,5,0,A mostly claer night| with a suprisingly high amount of stars.,There are kitchen lights next to the door| and outside lights in the yard.,I was able to spot the Big Dipper| but not Orion very well. 20060331022700,40.93917,-73.12306,30,21,25,AST,5,0,A mostly claer night| with a suprisingly high amount of stars.,There are kitchen lights next to the door| and outside lights in the yard.,I was able to spot the Big Dipper| but not Orion very well. 20060331022800,40.93917,-73.12306,30,21,25,AST,5,0,A mostly claer night| with a suprisingly high amount of stars.,There are kitchen lights next to the door| and outside lights in the yard.,I was able to spot the Big Dipper| but not Orion very well. 20060331022800,38.71833,-77.27861,27,20,20,EST,3,25,some clouds on horizon,null,null 20060331023100,38.75861,-77.34000,30,20,55,EST,3,25,clouds to the north,street lights 20 yds. away shielded by a building,null 20060331023200,40.57100,-74.61000,30,20,15,EST,2,50,null,null,null 20060331023200,42.66900,-83.02300,30,20,30,EST,3,0,null,null,null 20060331023600,34.70000,-86.58333,30,20,35,CST,3,25,a little haze throughout the area,While is was not cloudy tonight| there did seem to be a haziness in the sky. Also there are house lights nearby.,null 20060331023800,43.77381,-87.70817,30,20,30,CST,1,0,There were light clouds and heavy haze to the south.,there was a bright streetlight right where orion should have been.,null 20060331024100,42.49083,-75.30528,30,21,10,EST,4,0,null,rural hamlet| nearby houses street light c 100 m away,Seems slightly better than Mag 4| but not as good as 5. 20060331024300,28.32200,-81.33600,28,21,30,EST,4,0,All clear and looking bright.,Perfect view from backyard| no light in way| just the sky.,null 20060331024600,52.14000,-106.72000,30,20,30,CST,3,0,Haze to south is reducing magnitude of bottom starts to near 0. Bottom 1 quarter is reading at about a 2| but all three belt stars are visible.,Near edge of Medium urban area| with a shielded back yard| Two street lights visible within 50 metres| blocked by hand to make viewing,null 20060331025100,38.71500,-77.13000,30,19,25,EST,3,0,null,The location is secluded| but there is a major road about 1 quarter of a mile away that is an obvious source of light pollution in the northwest sky.,null 20060331025200,29.80000,-95.40000,30,20,15,CST,4,25,partly cloudy,no lights| only in the distance of the stadium,null 20060331025400,41.78000,-87.75000,23,21,20,CST,3,0,light clouds to the south but Orion was clear,This observation was taken on a suburban street (suburb of Chicago),Great project... I'm a teacher and many of my students really enjoy this kind of real-life astronomy. Thank you for including us... Mrs. Law| gifted resource teacher| Hille Middle School| Oak Forest| IL 60452 (slaw.org) 20060331025600,33.65200,-117.90100,23,19,20,null,3,0,null,There is an intersection in front of the house| but it's very dark in the back.,null 20060331025800,41.93000,-88.72000,25,20,0,CST,4,0,pretty clear night,there are lights-college campus,null 20060331025900,37.76100,-100.02800,30,20,50,CST,4,0,Clear Sky.,There is one street light shining on me about 50 yards away.,null 20060331030000,29.96885,-93.55907,30,20,35,CST,1,75,Clouds and light cover most of the sky so it's not easy to see Orion.,null,For the past 3 days and nights clouds have covered most af the sky. 20060331030100,37.05500,-76.49000,30,20,20,EST,3,0,null,null,null 20060331030700,40.00000,-88.00000,23,20,0,CST,3,0,pretty clear out,it is somehwhat lit-college campus,null 20060331031100,44.46694,-69.69194,30,22,0,EST,4,25,not cloudy much| but in some areas around where i was observing,There are no lights around| but a lot of trees surrounding my house,null 20060331032700,-34.00000,151.00000,29,22,15,AEST,4,25,Not much,Five Street Lights near my grden where I observed the stars,It really was between magnitude 4 and 5 20060331033300,38.90000,-103.13333,30,20,30,MST,5,0,null,Streetlight on opposite side of house| is blocked by house. Am on NW edge of city| with Orion out over the (dark) mountains to the WSW. Some light is shining and reflecting from houses NE and N and NW of me.,On this form I see little difference between a magnitude 5-6-7| but huge difference between 4 and 5. Judging by the demo on your home page| mine is a definite 5| though. 20060331033300,40.93917,-73.12306,30,22,35,CST,3,25,null,there are some streetlights acrose the street from me,null 20060331033500,38.93333,-77.15000,30,21,30,EST,1,0,Very hazy and bright in the South.,There is one streetlight partially shielded about 100 ft away. There are many trees nearby.,Very few stars visible in sky. Constellations other than Orion are also impossible to see entirely. 20060331033600,40.93917,-73.12306,30,22,35,null,3,25,null,streetlights acrose the street,null 20060331034400,32.24800,-110.89600,30,20,45,MST,3,0,null,null,null 20060331034500,33.01900,-96.86800,30,20,0,CST,3,0,null,TENNIS COURT LIGHTS ARE ON| STREET LIGHTS ARE ON,TENNIS COURT LIGHTS ARE ON 20060331034500,46.13333,-64.90000,30,21,0,AST,4,0,null,Edge of city limits. No street lights.,null 20060331034500,30.07000,-95.38000,30,20,40,CST,1,75,null,Lots of light pollution.,null 20060331034700,36.59000,-76.25000,30,20,20,EST,4,0,fairly clear,Looking over the water with no street lights in view.,null 20060331034800,32.84111,-117.18639,30,19,45,PST,4,25,scattered clouds.,one street light within 20 yards| shielded from view. scattered clouds reflecting light from city.,could see some magnitude 5 stars but not all -- perhaps 1/3 of them?? 20060331034900,33.00500,-96.92300,27,19,30,CST,1,25,There are a few cirrus clouds around.,null,null 20060331035000,38.29300,-104.59500,30,20,0,MST,3,0,wonderfully clear,null,null 20060331035100,33.00500,-96.92300,28,19,30,CST,1,0,There are a few clouds in the sky. Mostly Cloudy,null,There is a lamp post by my house about 10 feet away. 20060331035100,39.61000,-105.06400,27,20,40,MST,4,25,null,There are lights from homes about 100 and 200 feet away,null 20060331035200,39.53000,-77.19333,31,21,0,EST,4,0,Light haze,House lights below Orion,null 20060331040100,40.57500,-105.08700,30,20,55,MST,5,0,null,CSU Solar House III reporting for duty...flood lights all around. I tried to get in the darkest area at our site.,Noah's 3rd observation... 20060331040100,40.93917,-73.12306,30,21,25,EST,5,0,It was a pretty clear night.,There are lights in the backyard facing out.,I could not see Orion| but I viewed the Big Dipper. 20060331041300,39.94692,-105.10906,30,20,45,MST,4,0,hazy in all directions.,Boulder County Open Space Sterns Lake| nearest farm light is 1/3 mile away.,46 degrees warm| nice night for a night time walk around the lake. 20060331042300,33.50281,-112.80210,30,21,25,MST,4,0,it completely clear of any clouds| but not of pollution,i moved to a space near my house that is pretty clear of streelights or other types of light pollution.,null 20060331042900,33.73139,-111.98056,30,21,20,MST,3,0,very light high Cirrus clouds in area,null,null 20060331043400,-33.78000,151.15600,29,20,30,null,3,0,hazy,house lights 50m away,null 20060331043400,32.16100,-111.03700,31,21,20,MST,4,25,Some clouds above orion,There is a house light on about 50 m that is shielded from my view,null 20060331044100,33.57200,-112.14000,30,20,15,MST,4,0,null,There is a school within 1 quarter mi. from my house with field lights. There is also a street light within 500ft. from my house,null 20060331044600,11.57707,-83.89427,30,20,50,BZT,5,0,null,null,magnitude between 4 and 5 20060331044800,48.73140,-123.64851,28,19,45,PST,3,0,null,2 houses with house lights on 200m away (across an open field),null 20060331045000,33.03200,-96.84100,23,20,30,CST,2,25,i can't see it clearly but it looks like it has a little clouds,in a parking lot there are many lights,it had other stars but but they were really far from orion 20060331045500,33.03100,-96.84400,24,19,35,CST,7,0,the sky was clear,null,null 20060331045500,32.22000,-110.97000,30,20,30,EST,4,50,Not very thick clouds.,i live in an apartment complex away from the city. So the only light their was| was the entrance lights,It took a while to actually see distant stars. i might have seen more if other neighbors lights have been turned off because the glare from the lights kinda of destracted my vision. 20060331045900,50.92208,-114.08066,30,21,15,MST,2,0,null,There was one bright streetlight nearly directly in my view| and other streetlights around.,I could just barely see his back knee| and his belt was very faint. Couldn't see the front foot at all. 20060331050300,64.73556,-147.33750,28,20,50,YST,2,25,little haze to the south,2 street lights within 25 meters,null 20060331050600,42.11200,-90.33400,30,23,5,null,3,75,null,PLHS,plhs 20060331050700,39.96673,-105.25023,30,20,20,MST,3,0,Moderate air pollution haze,There are no street lights visible,null 20060331050700,64.73556,-147.33750,29,21,0,YST,3,0,little to no haze. very clear night,2 street lights within 25 meters,null 20060331050900,33.02900,-96.90100,24,20,30,CST,4,0,clear,street lights across the street| porch lights on,null 20060331051300,33.00600,-96.97200,25,20,45,CST,1,0,no stars visible. sky looked clear,mall lights,the sky was clear but there were no visible stars in the sky till after 9 20060331051600,33.02900,-96.90100,26,20,40,CST,2,25,a lil cloudy but a few stars visible. no orion seen.,porch light across the street,saw the big dipper. 20060331051800,33.02900,-96.90100,27,20,35,EST,3,0,clear,porch light across the street,null 20060331052000,33.02900,-96.90100,28,20,35,CST,1,75,overcast,a few porch lights on across the street.,null 20060331052100,-36.79500,174.59500,29,21,0,NZST,5,0,null,We live near the highway where there are usually a few streetlights| but road works were going on and there were no street lights around our area.,null 20060331052300,42.24100,-83.61300,31,21,30,EST,3,25,Thick haze all around the horizon.,This is on the Eastern Michigan University Cmapus. Sherzer Observatory roofdeck,Down with light pollution. 20060331052400,33.03700,-96.85900,30,20,25,CST,1,50,a few stars but no orion,at school,null 20060331052700,33.02500,-96.90500,29,20,40,null,1,50,cloudy but a few stars visible. no orion,porch lights across the street,null 20060331054200,39.25000,-106.29100,30,21,30,MST,6,0,null,null,null 20060331060900,39.98800,-105.25600,29,19,50,MST,3,0,Windy with clouds| but Orion was clear during observation,null,null 20060331064000,-34.36200,144.90600,31,21,5,null,1,75,thin fizzy cloud cover over the majority of the sky,2 km out of a town of 3000 people,null 20060331064800,38.90400,-77.42200,28,19,30,null,4,0,null,There are a few street lamps| but most of the light is blocked by trees. Houses block a lot of the horizon.,null 20060331070200,40.57850,-73.96200,22,22,35,EST,1,0,Stars were very hard to see.,There is a street light about 15 yards from me.,I only saw two stars. 20060331083600,41.93600,-88.76600,31,21,30,CST,1,50,a little Haze,College Campus..,Like i said a college campus it's sooo lit up| witch is good but not for star gazing 20060331091500,40.22383,-4.39350,28,22,25,CST,7,25,null,null,null 20060331092900,28.46900,-16.25700,29,22,30,AT,3,0,Some dust,in the middle of the city| top of a building,null 20060331100200,40.47417,-3.37194,23,20,30,WET,2,25,null,Cerca IES Albeniz,null 20060331100400,40.47417,-3.37194,27,21,30,WET,2,25,null,Cerca IES Albeniz,null 20060331100500,40.47417,-3.37194,28,21,45,WET,3,0,null,cerca IES Albeniz,null 20060331101100,38.25600,21.74100,30,23,0,null,4,0,null,There is one street light within 30 m that is shielded from my view.),null 20060331101200,-33.88800,151.19400,31,21,0,AEST,4,50,very cloudy on the northern sjy,There is 2 street light within 20 m that is shielded from my view,star beside orion is not very clear whereas the star beside southern cross is very obvious. 20060331104200,41.98444,21.47528,27,20,45,null,4,0,Average condition| with no humidity,I am in the neighborhood park| its 250m x 800m| so buidings and street lights are almost hiden by trees| but still this is a big city,As amater astronomer| every day I look the sky| on this location the sky varies in magnitude from 3 - 4 | depends on humidity 20060331105400,41.88861,21.24778,27,20,40,null,5,0,Average condition| low humidity,this is remote area| there are no lights| and altitude its around 1000m,This is our local astronomical observation site| the sky varies in magnitudes from 5-6| it is 25km from the city| and on the way are just few villages 20060331112900,37.88806,-4.77194,25,20,0,CET,3,0,normal| without clouds,a light 10 meter from me| my hand between my eyes and the light,null 20060331120800,-32.90000,151.70000,31,21,45,null,4,0,null,null,null 20060331121400,44.56028,-69.73028,30,20,35,EST,2,25,there was some clouds,outside light was on,null 20060331122900,18.08333,-66.01667,30,20,30,EST,2,75,The observation was affected with lots of clouds. therefore| it wasn't such a great observation.,I made my observations from the top of a Mountain which makes it easier to observe the stars.,Although it was cloudy| I could have some view of the Orion constellation. 20060331124300,39.48000,-80.14000,31,20,30,EST,3,25,null,I have a large college near me which produces a lot of light and makes star visibility somewhat low.,null 20060331124300,18.20000,-67.15000,29,20,30,null,4,0,null,I have seen orion very well. There's was no problem. Uh I was at CROEM Mayaguez.,null 20060331124800,42.60600,-82.98700,28,20,0,EST,5,0,null,null,null 20060331125000,42.61000,-82.97700,29,20,20,EST,3,50,null,null,null 20060331125300,42.61600,-82.99600,29,19,40,null,2,0,a few clouds,null,Hard to see.. 20060331125400,42.58215,-82.98188,28,20,20,EST,3,25,null,null,null 20060331130700,-20.53417,-47.40528,30,20,0,BZT,2,50,null,Ha muitas luzes na rua,null 20060331132000,39.96800,-74.14300,28,19,30,EST,4,25,null,null,null 20060331132100,39.96800,-74.14300,29,19,30,EST,4,25,null,null,null 20060331132300,39.96800,-74.14300,30,19,30,EST,4,25,null,null,null 20060331132400,44.45500,-68.91167,27,21,0,EST,5,0,null,null,null 20060331132400,50.41000,19.05000,28,21,25,CET,5,50,little haze to the south,There is one street light within 60 m that is shielded from my view.,no comments 20060331132500,39.87300,-74.20200,30,20,10,EST,4,25,null,There is one street light within 50 m that is shielded from my view,null 20060331133200,39.96800,-74.14300,28,19,35,EST,3,50,null,null,null 20060331133300,39.96800,-74.14300,29,19,30,EST,4,0,null,null,null 20060331133300,50.41000,19.05000,29,21,40,CST,4,50,haze to the north,There is one street light within 60 m that is shielded from my view.,mic555.pl 20060331133400,39.96800,-74.14300,30,19,30,EST,4,25,null,null,null 20060331133500,22.45000,114.03300,29,22,0,null,1,25,null,null,null 20060331133800,39.18333,-80.00000,30,20,5,EST,3,0,very clear,null,null 20060331134200,33.03700,-96.85900,23,19,10,CST,2,75,once again there are to many clouds,there are light poles by my house,there were to many clouds and it was cold so i was ready to go inside. 20060331134400,39.18333,-80.00000,30,20,0,EST,2,0,null,null,null 20060331134500,33.03700,-96.85900,24,20,0,CST,5,0,clear sky. only one or two contrails,there are light poles by my house,the sky was clear but yet i couldn't see all the stars. 20060331134700,39.01667,-80.00000,30,20,5,EST,2,0,null,null,All I saw was the three star constellations. 20060331134900,33.03700,-96.85900,25,19,30,CST,5,0,it is a clear sky but very cold out side,there is a light pole by my house,there were no clouds but i had trouble finding orion and it was cold 20060331134900,35.05000,-90.00000,30,22,0,CST,3,0,null,null,null 20060331135100,33.03700,-96.85900,26,20,30,CST,4,25,there are some clouds out side,threr are light poles by my house,i still could see orion but yet there were clouds outside. 20060331135200,40.59302,-80.10583,29,20,45,EST,3,25,null,I live in a community with a lot of lamp lights around the house.,null 20060331135300,39.18333,-80.00000,30,19,55,EST,6,50,A little hazy but you can see most of the stars,There is 2 street lights and a porch light.,It was half cloudy and you could see the orion perfectly it fit right in my view. 20060331135400,33.03700,-96.85900,27,20,0,CST,6,0,there is a clear sky out with a few contrails,there is a light pole by my house,clear skys and a few contrails 20060331135600,33.03700,-96.85900,27,19,0,CST,5,25,there is one cloud in the sky by orion,there is a light pole by my house,i could see orion but there was one cloud in the sky 20060331135900,33.03700,-96.85900,28,20,0,CST,6,0,the sky is very clear,there is a light pole by my house,i could see orion very well but the light pole blurs my vision 20060331140500,44.00000,-74.00000,27,20,35,null,6,25,null,null,null 20060331140800,28.00000,-98.00000,27,20,35,CST,5,0,null,null,null 20060331140900,56.00000,61.00000,31,19,40,CST,5,0,The sky was clear and almost all the stars could be seen.,Because of the location the sky could not be seen very well because of some trees.,null 20060331140900,17.00000,-1.00000,27,20,40,null,7,0,null,null,null 20060331141000,31.00000,-98.00000,27,19,0,CST,3,25,null,null,null 20060331141100,28.00000,-98.00000,27,19,35,CST,4,75,null,vi a mr. melgar topando con miss. karim,null 20060331141200,10.00000,-14.00000,27,20,30,CST,4,50,null,null,null 20060331141300,56.00000,61.00000,31,19,20,CST,2,50,cover the stars partially,nothing obstruct my view,null 20060331141300,40.05534,-80.44858,31,20,30,CST,4,25,Because of the sky| not all the stars were seen clearly.,There was a light post from about a mile of the location.,null 20060331141300,53.00000,-87.00000,27,19,35,CST,3,50,null,null,null 20060331141500,54.10000,18.76667,31,20,0,CET,4,0,null,null,null 20060331141600,39.47300,-80.15900,29,21,5,EST,4,25,null,null,null 20060331141700,-44.00000,-74.00000,31,20,20,CST,4,25,a little haze in the middle of the sky,its was very dark and no light at all from within a miole,null 20060331141700,45.00000,-76.00000,27,20,5,CST,7,50,null,null,null 20060331141800,54.10000,18.76667,31,20,0,CET,5,50,null,null,null 20060331141800,33.04100,-96.88100,28,20,0,null,4,0,everything was normal,null,null 20060331141800,39.47600,80.18400,27,19,45,EST,7,0,null,null,null 20060331142000,33.04100,-96.88100,28,20,0,null,1,0,cloudy| not very visible,null,dark sky 20060331142000,14.00000,-10.00000,27,19,20,CST,6,25,THere were not many clouds covering the sky,No light was when the observation was made,The stars were seen really tiny 20060331142100,36.43496,-97.57271,30,21,0,CST,3,50,null,null,null 20060331142100,39.47600,89.18400,28,19,25,EST,2,75,cloudy,On a balcony at my house.,null 20060331142200,36.43803,-97.58321,30,19,30,CST,3,0,null,null,null 20060331142200,39.42000,80.17200,29,20,50,EST,2,75,Cloudy,This was 10 miles from my house.,null 20060331142300,39.48700,-80.17400,28,20,35,EST,2,75,Lights two miles Northwest,My porch at my house.,null 20060331142400,39.47600,-80.18400,28,19,30,EST,4,75,hazy,balcony,null 20060331142400,69.00000,-68.00000,27,19,20,CST,1,25,there was many clouds covering the stars,it was dark with no light,we barely saw some stars 20060331142500,40.82700,-74.28300,29,20,50,EST,4,0,there was a lot of light in the sky near where Orion was from a neighboring city.,there are two lights with in 50 yards,In the middle of the winter where orion was high in the sky I could see more like Mag. 5 20060331142700,33.04100,-96.88100,29,20,0,CST,1,75,ver cloudy,lights surrounding,null 20060331142700,36.43803,-97.58321,30,19,30,CST,2,25,null,null,null 20060331143000,36.38971,-97.52684,30,20,30,CST,4,25,Fairly clear with very little cloudes.,There was no light in the area at the time.,I think Orion is really easy to find. 20060331143100,-23.67986,-70.40925,26,21,0,null,5,0,We are a coastal city| so there is always some haze towards the West.,University campus close to an important road| with all the street lights that this implies.,Why didn't you stick to a more conventional list of timezones in this form? I know my time zone is UT-4| but I have not the faintest idea of what the codes of your timezones mean. Possibly mainly used in USA? 20060331143200,39.47400,-80.16600,28,21,30,EST,1,75,The sky was already cloudy/hazy and I could not see with the streetlight either.,I have a streetlight right beside my house and therefore had difficulty trying to see it.,I did not get to see it. It was completely covered. 20060331143600,39.50167,-79.49833,30,19,15,EST,5,25,little cloudy,few street lights around,null 20060331143700,39.48000,-80.15600,29,20,25,EST,3,25,null,null,null 20060331143900,39.45800,-80.17800,29,19,45,EST,3,0,The sky was prefectly clear.,There were many streetlights that were in range of my view.,null 20060331144000,27.29890,-97.81510,30,20,40,CST,1,0,null,null,null 20060331144200,27.29890,-97.81510,30,20,30,null,4,25,pretty cloudy,next door house light,null 20060331144200,27.29890,-97.81510,30,19,30,null,5,0,null,null,null 20060331144200,27.29890,-97.81510,30,19,30,CST,5,0,null,Security light about 125 feet away.,null 20060331144900,39.49412,-80.22128,30,22,30,EST,6,0,black and starry,There is a light behind me 20m away,There isn't much light pollution. 20060331144900,39.53028,80.11944,30,20,30,EST,4,25,A few clouds in the sky,Street light 10M from point,Tough to recognize 20060331145100,32.23000,-110.97500,30,19,50,MST,4,0,a little haze to the north,null,null 20060331145400,39.53028,-80.11917,30,21,0,EST,6,25,A little cloud cover to the south-east| but fairly clear.,There is one street light approximately 20m from my observation point.,A wonderful night for stargazing. Very minute light pollution and very little overcast. I was able to find several constellations. 20060331145700,44.56028,-69.73028,28,19,30,EST,3,0,A little cloudy to the North.,A lot of trees.,null 20060331145800,39.46500,-80.16000,31,23,45,EST,4,25,small clouds widely spread out over the entire sky.,In an opening in the middle of the woods.,orions belt seemed to be extremely clear 20060331145900,38.77300,-90.55900,29,20,0,CST,2,0,A little haze from St. Charles and the highway,One street light| but back house covered it,Saw the Big Dipper and Little Dipper. stars were much clearer away from the haze 20060331150100,38.76900,-90.56900,29,19,50,CST,4,0,null,There are lights from carse and houses nearby. There are also street lamps a ways down the street.,null 20060331150400,35.97500,-114.84600,30,19,0,PST,2,0,Some thin high altitude clouds to the northwest.,Small town location| observation from a shopping center parking lot with several lights closeby.,null 20060331150600,39.46667,-79.81667,29,21,0,EST,1,0,The sky was clear| but there were only few stars.,there were yard lights which was kind of disturbing.,It was a nice observation. 20060331153900,1.29300,103.85600,25,23,55,null,3,0,the sky was clear.,there is a sports hall with lights on within 100m from my view.,null 20060331154300,1.29300,103.85600,31,21,20,null,1,75,basically| the whole sky is covered by clouds.,there is one street light within 100m that is shielded from my view.,actually no stars can be seen. 20060331161000,38.16667,-80.35000,28,20,15,EST,2,75,very hazy,there is one street light about 25 m from my house,null 20060331161000,38.41800,-81.82500,29,20,15,null,4,25,null,null,null 20060331161100,38.43333,-80.23333,30,20,30,EST,5,0,null,null,null 20060331161200,38.35000,-80.36667,29,20,35,null,5,25,null,null,null 20060331161500,38.34400,-81.74400,30,19,45,EST,3,0,null,two large floodlights 50ft. to left/one large floodlight 50yds. behind/ city to the north,null 20060331161800,38.29900,-81.60100,25,21,20,EST,4,25,the clouds were light and not blocking my view of orion.,there were no street lights in the back of my house. there were garage lights but they were not very influencial.,this was sweet... 20060331162000,-29.98333,-69.40000,30,20,30,null,4,0,looked clear but early I saw some haze.,Observed from street| with two lights some 30 to 40 meters away.,Marked chart for magnitud 4 but| I was able to see better than that.Maybe 4.5 mag stars 20060331164200,41.08400,-73.56500,29,19,40,null,4,0,Very clear. No haze.,There are 2 streetlights within 50m that are shielded from my view.,null 20060331164600,33.56667,-112.22300,30,21,15,MST,2,0,abot a 3.5 or 4 on the visiblity scale,There is one street about 100m away,null 20060331165100,19.29139,-81.37333,29,20,30,EST,6,25,Some cloud,Some security lighting spilling into observation area.,null 20060331165400,54.10000,18.76667,30,20,0,CET,4,25,null,null,null 20060331165600,39.25300,-119.98500,30,21,10,PST,5,25,Few clouds in the eastern sky| Orion and Southwest sky clear.,One pouch light approximately 100 m away from viewing point,Slightly turbulant atmospheric condition reduced seeing. Elevation of 6500'| North Lake Tahoe location 20060331165700,47.17000,-96.05000,31,22,0,CST,3,0,Air was crisp,10 meters away from a street light,Papillion La Vista Highschool 20060331165800,41.10000,-96.02700,27,22,15,CST,3,0,null,null,null 20060331165800,32.23600,-110.89700,28,20,30,MST,5,50,null,lights on,null 20060331170000,32.43600,-110.96900,28,19,40,MST,5,0,null,null,null 20060331170200,32.14700,-110.15000,26,20,40,null,2,75,it was cloudy all around,null,null 20060331170200,54.10000,18.76667,30,20,5,CET,3,50,null,null,null 20060331171000,54.10000,18.76667,29,20,30,CET,6,25,null,null,null 20060331171500,54.10000,18.76667,30,20,50,CET,3,25,null,null,null 20060331171600,36.43293,-97.58345,30,20,30,CST,5,0,null,null,null 20060331173800,54.58889,25.20056,31,22,35,CET,3,25,null,null,null 20060331174100,37.92700,-103.62400,30,20,30,MST,5,0,a little haze| but it was a really clear night,null,null 20060331175200,10.90000,-74.80000,29,19,10,EST,3,0,null,null,null 20060331175400,10.90000,-74.80000,30,21,20,EST,3,0,null,null,null 20060331175400,38.14934,-83.41458,29,20,10,EST,4,0,sky was unusually clear,There is a an apartment complex nearby but it was mostly blocked by trees and a fence,null 20060331180700,47.63000,17.65000,29,22,55,CET,4,0,null,null,null 20060331181900,42.45000,-83.45000,30,20,30,null,1,75,It was very hard to see stars but there were a few.,There were many lights and it made it harder to see.,null 20060331182000,37.06600,-76.49400,30,20,0,EST,3,0,null,There were a few light poles shielding my view.,null 20060331182200,42.45000,-83.45000,27,20,45,EST,1,75,You could see nothing. If you saw somthing it would be a blur.,There were many street lights around me so I had a hard time.,null 20060331184300,29.30700,-98.53800,25,20,30,CST,3,0,null,null,null 20060331184500,29.28100,-98.66500,27,22,35,CST,7,50,slight rain,Street light 20 ft from house and then every 40 ft from there,null 20060331190200,54.00000,19.00000,31,21,45,CET,3,25,null,null,null 20060331190200,42.72194,23.24222,25,21,0,EET,3,0,Completely clear sky.,There were multiple streetlights that were within a fairly close range but were shielded from my view.,null 20060331190300,42.72194,23.24222,26,20,40,EET,3,25,No clouds were in front of the sky.,There were multiple streetlights that were within a fairly close range but were shielded from my view.,I like pizza. 20060331190900,28.32000,81.34000,29,21,0,EST,2,0,null,null,null 20060331191100,54.00000,19.00000,31,22,0,null,3,25,null,null,null 20060331191700,28.51500,-81.34900,29,19,55,EST,4,25,There was at least 12 stars outside and there were barely any clouds.,There are many lights on my street| but it is very dark out.,null 20060331192700,27.29890,-97.81510,30,20,0,null,4,25,null,null,null 20060331192900,27.29890,-97.81510,30,19,0,CST,4,25,null,null,null 20060331193000,32.28400,-110.89800,28,20,35,MST,4,25,null,null,null 20060331193300,27.29890,-97.81510,31,20,30,null,2,50,null,null,null 20060331193500,27.29890,-97.81510,31,19,40,null,1,50,null,null,null 20060331193700,27.29890,-97.81510,29,21,10,CST,3,50,clouds covered sky to the east| a little foggy,a street lamp a 1/8 of a mile away and city lights a half a mile was blocking my view,null 20060331193700,51.33333,18.38333,22,20,20,EST,5,25,null,There is one street light within 20 m that is shielded from my view,null 20060331193700,33.02000,-96.87400,28,20,30,CST,5,25,null,Street lights on the corner,Street lights on the corners and house lights on 20060331193900,33.02000,-96.87400,29,20,0,CST,1,50,Hazy and a little overcast to the north,Street lights on the corner,Street lights on the corner of streets and car lights. Hazy and overcast outside to hard to observe orion 20060331194000,50.53333,18.08333,25,22,50,CET,4,0,null,null,null 20060331194000,33.02200,-96.87400,28,20,30,null,5,25,There are only a few clouds in the sky,Highway| street| and car lights are in my view.,There are highway| car| and street lights in my view 20060331194100,33.12400,-96.83800,30,20,30,CST,2,50,Hazy and a little overcast to the north,Street lights on the corner,Street lights amd building lights on. Traffic lights and car lights on the street. Overcasting| so a little hard to observe orion 20060331194200,33.01400,-96.85000,29,20,0,null,1,75,It is very hazy and there is an overcast,Highway| street| and car lights are in my view.,There are highway| car| and street lights in my view 20060331194500,32.21900,-110.90800,28,19,20,MST,3,50,Clouds surround most of the sky. When I checked the sky 5 minutes later Orion was almost completely covered.,null,When I checked the sky 5 minutes later Orion was almost completely covered. 20060331194900,54.33333,18.66667,31,19,50,WET,2,50,null,null,null 20060331195300,54.00000,18.00000,31,21,50,CET,1,75,null,null,null 20060331195500,54.33333,18.66667,31,19,45,null,5,25,null,null,null 20060331195700,54.33333,18.66667,31,19,45,null,5,25,null,null,null 20060331195800,52.44000,13.50472,31,21,0,CET,4,50,Time MESZ .,steet light Observatorium Johannisthal Berlin-Germany,null 20060331200200,54.33333,18.66667,31,20,0,null,4,50,null,null,null 20060331201300,36.43378,-97.58086,29,20,45,CST,4,25,Cloudy fo the northwest.,Nothing blocked my view of Orien,null 20060331201900,54.33333,18.66667,31,20,0,null,4,50,null,null,null 20060331202200,47.51670,17.91670,31,21,0,CET,3,50,null,humidity on sky,null 20060331203100,33.46667,-96.71667,23,20,0,CST,5,0,Some haze to the south,Street light down the street,null 20060331203500,42.16972,-83.71787,30,20,0,EST,4,25,some haze| but stars shown brightly,There were som house lights approximately 150 meters from the viewiing sight| but it did not affected my viewing.,null 20060331204500,34.43400,-117.83500,29,19,30,PST,5,25,no clouds around orion| but some cloud cover,one flood light| but otherwise very dark,null 20060331204600,13.50000,-89.08333,25,20,20,CST,5,0,it's some mist in the South.,The observation was from a astronomy observatory| located in San Juan Talpa town. Around it| there are some facturies| airport and others towns. They emit some light that damage the observation.,null 20060331205100,33.45000,-96.73333,29,19,30,null,3,25,Cloud covering to the north and to the southwest.,null,null 20060331210700,54.10000,17.40000,31,21,10,CET,3,50,Sky a bit cloudy,there are are one street light within 15 m,null 20060331211600,39.47600,80.16700,29,21,5,EST,4,25,null,No lights,null 20060331212500,38.73950,-77.28200,30,21,0,EST,3,0,High Pressure haze to the west and north.,Street light shielded by house is 150' away.,Magnitude is actually between 3 and 4| closer to 3. 20060331213600,47.47361,8.40278,31,23,35,CET,4,0,null,there is one little street within 30 m,null 20060331214600,42.70100,-83.06300,31,20,30,null,5,25,null,street lights,null 20060331215600,39.16000,-76.61000,30,21,0,EST,4,0,null,null,null 20060331215900,50.80000,19.11667,31,23,30,null,3,50,null,null,null 20060331223600,54.23000,18.38000,31,20,25,CST,2,50,null,null,null 20060331223900,32.20400,-111.02000,28,20,0,MST,4,25,null,null,null 20060331224300,-29.91744,-71.24167,25,20,10,AST,4,0,null,null,null 20060331224800,-29.94617,-71.12700,25,20,45,AST,6,0,null,null,null 20060331225300,-29.93814,-71.14664,25,21,10,AST,5,0,null,observacion en la| los autos permitian observar en forma intermitente,null 20060331225600,49.00960,8.40410,31,21,0,CET,1,25,null,Center of the 1 quarter millinion inhabitant city Karlsruhe. Severe local light pollution due to street lamps. No dark adaption possible.,null 20060331225800,-29.91792,-71.20281,25,21,30,AST,4,0,null,una luminaria a 20 metros impedia una mejor observacionobservacion,null 20060331230100,-29.91300,-71.21694,25,21,50,AST,3,0,null,observacion entre dos luminarias que se prendian y en forma intermitente,null 20060331230300,49.00050,8.46300,31,21,20,null,2,25,null,Center of Durlach. Suburb of the 1 quarter million inhabitant town Karlsruhe.,Limiting magnitude is a bit better than 2.0 around 2.2 mag. 20060331230700,-29.92881,-71.27214,26,20,45,AST,4,0,null,luminaria a 10 metros que impide una buena observacion,null 20060331231100,-29.94914,-71.28858,26,21,5,AST,4,0,null,luminarias a 20 metros,podria ser magnitud 4.5 20060331231400,-29.95614,-71.29936,26,21,10,AST,4,0,null,null,podria ser magnitud 4.5 20060331231600,-29.96372,-71.31733,26,21,20,AST,3,0,null,luminarias alrrededor,podria ser magnitud 3.5 20060331231900,-29.96883,-71.33806,26,21,40,AST,3,0,null,luminarias alrrededor a 20 metros,podria ser magnitud 3.5 20060331232200,-29.91394,-71.26022,26,21,55,AST,3,0,null,luminarias alrrededor a 20 metros mas o menos,null 20060331233500,32.76900,-108.27900,28,20,45,MST,5,50,Orion clear| but clouds covered it shortly after observation.,edge of Silver City| no street lights,null 20060401000800,40.17000,-75.16000,31,18,30,EST,7,0,beautiful view of the moon a nice cresent,open parking lot,just a littel over cast and a beatuiful view of the moon too great obesrivation althogher 20060401001900,-7.09944,-39.29167,29,20,55,null,5,25,null,null,null 20060401002300,-7.17583,-39.30056,30,20,5,null,5,50,null,null,null 20060401003100,-33.78333,-61.36667,31,21,0,BZT,5,0,null,null,null 20060401003600,-22.89713,-47.08487,30,20,30,null,5,0,null,null,null 20060401004100,42.68800,-82.97000,29,20,35,null,3,25,null,there is a little bit of light coming from my house,null 20060401005600,-34.67861,-58.63306,31,21,50,BZT,4,50,null,null,null 20060401010000,29.24000,-98.67400,29,20,40,CST,4,75,haze around orion,nieihbers houselight on,null 20060401010500,29.24000,-98.67400,30,20,10,CST,1,25,clouds covering the sky,null,null 20060401011000,39.95000,-74.15000,31,20,5,null,4,0,null,null,null 20060401012100,37.84851,-76.32880,30,20,10,EST,7,0,Very clear| so many stars visible,no street lights,Totally awesome. 20060401012100,18.01667,-66.56667,31,20,40,AST,1,75,Very cloudy| can't see anything else but clouds.,null,null 20060401012500,32.23333,-110.95000,25,19,55,MST,4,0,null,There is one street light within 50 m that is shielded from my view,null 20060401012700,32.24000,-111.02100,29,19,50,null,4,0,null,null,null 20060401013000,44.41667,-68.45000,30,20,50,EST,7,0,null,No large lights nearby.,null 20060401013400,44.61667,-68.63333,29,20,0,EST,4,0,null,No street lights but glow from the city of Ellsworth about 15 miles away.,null 20060401013700,44.41750,-68.52306,30,19,10,EST,3,0,null,There are 2 streetlights about 100 m away shielded from my view.,null 20060401014000,35.46800,-97.54600,31,19,30,CST,3,25,cloud far west,1 street light,null 20060401014100,30.07000,-95.38000,31,19,35,CST,2,25,null,null,null 20060401014200,44.50100,-68.64100,30,19,50,EST,5,0,null,A couple of lights are on in the house| about 50 yards away,I thought that in this area it would have been a magnitude 6 or 7| not magnitude 5. 20060401014700,44.36667,-68.55000,30,19,40,EST,5,0,null,null,null 20060401015200,44.38333,-68.61667,30,19,40,EST,7,0,null,A few cars passed the house.,null 20060401015400,44.55000,-68.41667,30,19,15,null,5,0,null,There are two houses with lights on inside and a couople of street lights. You can sort of see the glow of the lights of the city of Ellsworth.,null 20060401015600,44.53333,-68.41667,30,20,10,null,1,25,null,This area has heavy light pollution because it is in the center of Ellsworth on a busy street corner.,null 20060401015700,37.54009,-122.24350,29,23,30,PST,4,0,clear,I was on the bike path by the bay at midnight. It was pretty dark.,Maybe a little less| but not as less than 3. I could definitely see more stars of his sword. 20060401015700,44.53333,-68.41667,30,20,10,null,1,25,null,This area has heavy light pollution because it is in the center of Ellsworth on a busy street corner.,The sky has a pink cast to it due to light pollution. 20060401020000,44.41400,-68.55600,30,19,25,EST,7,0,Many stars are visible.,This site is some distance from town and there are no lights visible.,null 20060401021200,40.13700,-74.26900,31,19,35,EST,1,50,null,null,null 20060401024000,32.20000,-109.90900,25,20,35,MST,3,25,null,Very low lights,null 20060401024600,41.78035,-86.24785,28,20,15,EST,1,0,null,street light,null 20060401025100,41.48500,-81.93500,31,20,25,EST,4,0,clear skies,null,null 20060401030300,18.48333,-66.11667,31,21,30,AST,3,75,Quite hazy,It is a street at Cerra de las Mesas| a residencial building on each side.,Too hazy to make out details. 20060401031500,40.13333,-105.15000,31,20,15,MST,4,0,null,sky clear. A few street lights shielded from my view.,null 20060401032000,48.10589,-96.10589,31,21,25,CST,5,0,null,null,null 20060401032800,35.46800,-97.51600,31,20,30,CST,2,25,some high clouds,one street light,null 20060401033000,35.33900,-97.48600,31,21,30,CST,2,25,high clouds,city light from the north,i hope this help your guys out 20060401033700,32.95972,-97.34000,24,21,45,CST,3,25,null,null,null 20060401034400,35.51250,-97.68556,31,20,55,CST,3,0,null,neighborhood school parking lot. One security light approx 500 feet away| one security light approx 100 feet away.,null 20060401035700,-18.00000,-66.01667,31,21,45,null,2,75,null,null,null 20060401040100,18.12000,-66.30000,30,23,50,null,2,25,null,null,null 20060401041000,38.77100,-90.70400,29,19,30,CST,5,0,Cresent moon setting in the NW.,One street light that is very dim within 30m.,Best night of the week. 20060401042700,40.57850,-73.96200,31,23,25,EST,1,50,I can barely see stars with all the clouds coving half of the sky.,There is a street light about 20 yards from me.,With the clouds in my way I couldn't see stars at all unless I had a telescope. 20060401043800,39.90173,-104.96895,31,21,35,MST,1,50,cloudy to the south,null,null 20060401044100,30.07000,-95.38000,31,22,0,CST,1,25,clouds cover sky but orion is visable,null,null 20060401044700,-30.21528,153.16472,29,20,15,EST,4,75,null,There are no street lights or near neighbours to obstruct the view,null 20060401045200,-30.21528,153.16472,30,20,30,null,3,25,Drifts of haze in some areas towards the north,We have no street lights| and no close neighbours,null 20060401045600,-30.21528,153.16472,31,20,20,EST,1,50,scattered cloud overhead but heavy cloud cover advancing from the south,No street lights or near neighbours to obstruct the view,null 20060401050100,41.17940,-96.01750,28,20,30,CST,3,25,its is a little cloudy but other than that it is ok.,there are a few street lights by my house and far off in the distance maybe 8-10 miles there is a city with many lights.,what i see is more like between magnitude chart 3 and 4 but more closer to 3. 20060401050700,46.30000,-116.90000,31,20,0,PST,6,0,null,null,null 20060401050900,40.50000,-74.43333,29,20,25,EST,3,0,null,Wooded area on edge of town| with trees blocking any glare from street lights. This wooded site is just a few blocks from my other report (from my house on a street with lights). The rating turned out the same| showing that direct glare at the other site,null 20060401051200,32.28100,-111.03500,24,20,0,MST,5,25,null,null,null 20060401051300,38.00000,-122.50000,31,21,0,PST,3,25,cloudy,null,null 20060401051900,13.00000,77.50000,30,19,30,IST,3,0,null,null,null 20060401051900,13.00000,77.50000,31,18,30,IST,3,50,null,null,null 20060401052000,49.26800,-122.86600,31,20,30,PST,3,25,Light cloud in NW. Crescent moon visible.,null,null 20060401054200,46.73200,-116.99900,31,21,40,PST,4,0,Tis a very dark and splendid night. I was on my evening stroll when my eyes were lifted to the sky. From there| I saw great burning-balls of fire A.K.A. stars.,The condition were glorious. minus those damn barking dogs and the trailer park lights.,null 20060401055400,39.03800,-100.11600,31,20,10,CST,5,0,sky is very clear,There is a street light approx. 50 yards behind us that is shielded from view by the house.,null 20060401064300,38.99100,-77.02600,29,23,35,EST,3,0,No haze| actually very clear and crisp.,There's those sodium type orange lights everywhere + every home has white lights on since people hear are so AFRAID OF THE DARK. It's been so light polluted here at times I've only been able to see about 10 stars in the night sky| and that's on a CLEAR N,Actually my location is between 2 and 3| because I can never see anypart of the sword| only the body and only the very brightest stars by my naked eye. Can see more fainter w/binoculars or telescope. though| not a dark sky view. 20060401072400,42.68806,23.25889,31,21,5,EET,3,25,null,null,null 20060401072500,42.63333,23.36667,31,20,55,EET,2,50,null,null,null 20060401075400,18.78700,98.84300,28,20,35,MMT,3,25,Haze resulting from burning off in local forest area,Rural area| limited lighting: none within 100yards of the position we took,null 20060401081100,21.29540,-157.69700,31,22,10,HST,1,75,rainy in the morning| currently nothing can be seen,null,null 20060401081800,21.40000,-157.90000,31,22,20,HST,1,75,null,null,null 20060401084600,10.88333,-74.78333,31,19,30,null,1,75,null,null,null 20060401093100,45.99417,26.13083,22,19,15,EET,2,50,There are clouds only in north-western part of sky| I can see the Orion. It is not enough dark to see better.,there is a street lamp at 15 m near me,null 20060401102300,52.15000,21.01667,31,20,40,EST,4,50,a little haze on the west,There's a huge street next to my house and there are many street lights,null 20060401121400,43.79300,-91.22800,28,20,35,CST,4,0,Some hazy conditions to the South| near my horizon| caused by lighting from school and factory. observation from there would've been tricky.,Two street lights within 40 m| but they were at my back and shielded from view.,The street lights in my area appear to use a filter| as the light seems orange-ish in color. My neighbor uses a bright patio light| but only in front. 20060401133800,18.66667,18.66667,25,23,35,CET,7,25,null,null,null 20060401141800,41.68333,-86.25000,31,21,10,null,1,75,overcast/rain,null,null 20060401150400,32.81330,-96.79571,31,20,0,CST,2,0,null,General glow all around from street and building lights.,null 20060401151400,47.40000,19.51667,28,20,30,null,5,0,null,null,null 20060401153400,40.42600,-86.90800,31,22,30,EST,3,0,Storm clouds low on the horizon in the SE.,Purdue Univerisity| Earhart Hall Parking Lot| Indina -- Lots of lights in a parking lot obscuring my view.,null 20060401155500,41.42722,-80.61778,26,20,45,null,5,0,null,null,null 20060401155600,41.42722,-80.61778,29,20,45,null,5,0,null,null,null 20060401162700,33.35886,-111.43994,27,21,30,MST,4,25,null,null,null 20060401164000,9.00000,-3.00000,22,20,0,CST,4,25,a little haze to the east,I'm between two street light 30 m to the west and to the east| both shielded from my view.,null 20060401164400,9.00000,-3.00000,22,20,0,CST,4,50,a little haze to the east,I'm between two street light 30 m to the west and to the east| both shielded from my view.,null 20060401164900,9.00000,-3.00000,23,20,0,CST,3,50,there are many small clouds from the east,I'm between two street light 30 m to the west and to the east| both shielded from my view.,null 20060401165200,62.39000,-159.31000,31,22,30,YST,3,50,null,It was cloudy March 30 but partly clear last night--clear enough to see Orion's belt as it was halfway over the horizon of our hill.,null 20060401165200,9.00000,-3.00000,24,20,0,CST,3,50,all the sky is cloudy,I'm between two street light 30 m to the west and to the east| both shielded from my view.,null 20060401165700,9.00000,-3.00000,25,20,0,CST,1,75,the sky is getting close with clouds,I'm between two street light 30 m to the west and to the east| both shielded from my view.,we have little rain at afternoon 20060401174600,40.10568,-88.20893,31,20,10,CST,2,0,First clear night in 5.,This was the parkinglot of an apartment house at the corner of two intersecting streets in town. There are lights in the lot and on both street corners as it is a slightly complex 4 way intersection.,I could see all three stars in the belt| but none of the other stars shown in the Mag. 3 chart. I am a GLOBE One Teacher (Please give IAS credit for this observation| thanks). 20060401174900,45.95833,12.65139,29,21,0,WET,3,25,null,null,null 20060401175000,40.08321,-88.20196,31,20,20,CST,3,0,Clearer out in this part of town| but still there was more light polution than I thought there would be. The sliver of the moon was visible| though it was less than 30* above the horizon (from what I could tell).,This is a park (Prairie restoration in progress) in a not-so-heavily lit area of town. There were a few street lights greater than 50 meters from my observation spot.,I am a GLOBE One Teacher (Please give IAS credit for this observation| thanks). 20060401175400,40.08387,-88.14801,31,20,30,CST,3,0,There was a fascinaing lightning show off to the SE of this site. the lightning was striking at the rate of 5-10/second. It could be seen through the veil of clouds| so it did not add light to the sky| or at least not in the direction of Orion. There was,This was a farm field southeast of town. There were no streetlights and no car lights when I made m observation.,I am a GLOBE One Teacher (Please give IAS credit for this observation| thanks). 20060401181700,50.75556,18.85556,24,21,20,CET,3,0,null,There are a lot of street lights.,null 20060401182200,9.00000,-3.00000,27,20,0,CST,4,50,haze from the east,I'm between two street light 30 m to the west and to the east| both shielded from my view.,null 20060401182500,9.00000,-3.00000,28,20,0,CST,4,50,I'm between two street light 30 m to the west and to the east| both shielded from my view.,I'm between two street light 30 m to the west and to the east| both shielded from my view.,observations from: Planetarium of Morelia staf 20060401182700,9.00000,-3.00000,29,20,0,CST,3,50,little haze all over the sky,I'm between two street light 30 m to the west and to the east| both shielded from my view.,repor from Planetarium of Morelia staf 20060401182900,9.00000,-3.00000,30,20,0,CST,4,25,a little haze from the east,I'm between two street light 30 m to the west and to the east| both shielded from my view.,null 20060401183100,9.00000,-3.00000,31,20,0,CST,4,0,a little haze from the east,I'm between two street light 30 m to the west and to the east| both shielded from my view.,null 20060401183800,36.24220,-92.28760,31,20,30,CST,4,25,null,null,null 20060401183900,36.21340,-92.32280,31,20,15,CST,4,25,null,null,null 20060401220100,32.27400,-111.05500,27,22,35,null,5,25,null,null,null 20060401220900,-26.85000,152.96700,31,20,25,ACST,5,0,null,Sky glow from Brisbane is clearly visible toward the south,null 20060401220900,32.22900,-110.94200,31,20,35,MST,4,25,major crossing streets veyr near by| right by the university fields.,null,null 20060401222500,-36.76900,174.52100,29,20,55,null,6,0,Can see orange glow in the east from Auckland city,null,Between 5 and 6 but closer to 6 most definitely 20060401223100,-36.84900,174.77000,29,19,30,null,3,0,null,On a city street but not too much traffic| but there was a street light close by. Shielded my eyes from it.,null 20060401225900,21.42500,-157.73900,26,20,0,HST,1,75,Too many clouds and too much rain.,We have one street light.,I've selected chart 1| but we really can't see much at all. 20060401232200,45.44900,-75.84500,23,20,10,EST,3,0,null,null,null 20060401232400,41.40400,-75.39900,31,21,15,EST,1,50,There was a definite haze generally all over. I last reported a 3 and now I am a 1. The further south I looked| the more haze was present. Sirius was not the brightest in the sky.,There are streetlights east and west of me not very far off| though the only lights directly in front (or south) of me are lower home lights. After many days of dry weather| the clouds came in. It was very hazy| with wisps of thicker clouds forming. A de,null 20060402010100,-27.66000,-48.55000,22,20,30,BZT,5,0,null,null,null 20060402014700,28.97600,-81.78400,31,22,15,EST,3,0,null,slight haze,null 20060402031300,39.95794,-105.14242,31,21,5,MST,3,25,null,Dillon Road looking west| car lights,null 20060402031600,39.97794,-105.16664,31,21,5,MST,3,50,a little haze to the west| clouds covering Orion but moving east,McCaslin Trailhead| Louisville Open Space,null 20060402031900,49.00003,-105.19075,31,21,15,MST,4,50,Orion still behind clouds but big dipper is visible overhead,Dry Creek Trailhead| nearest house light is more than 1/3 mile away.,null 20060402032300,39.99814,-105.07467,31,21,35,MST,5,50,light glow from Denver is visible to the south. clear overhead.,1 half mile east of Lafayette in farm field. haze visible from Denver. Clear overhead| Orion is visible again as clouds have moved.,null 20060402032600,40.00364,-105.05303,31,21,45,MST,4,25,clouds have moved to the horizon| clear overhead,On Prarie dog hill at entrance to Erie Airport (north side of hill). Light haze from Denver very visible to the south. Longmont to the north and Boulder to the west.,null 20060402032900,39.98792,-104.92200,31,21,50,MST,5,25,null,Undeveloped Thorton| there will be development happening here next year. Light haze to the west| clear dark and bright stars looking NE.,null 20060402042700,41.93800,-88.77600,30,21,25,CST,1,50,null,on a College Campus,hard to see with all the lights 20060402045900,21.47200,-158.00000,31,21,15,HST,5,0,null,my neighbors have their lights on in their houses.,null 20060402064600,40.29889,-111.69639,30,20,0,MST,4,25,null,Three bright streetlights within 50 m| all shielded from my view,null 20060402073100,47.59361,19.34389,31,19,50,CET,4,0,null,null,null 20060402073500,47.59639,19.35389,31,20,10,CET,4,0,null,null,null 20060402073800,47.59583,19.39778,31,20,30,CET,4,0,null,null,null 20060402075500,3.10000,10.30000,31,21,0,CET,4,0,null,null,null 20060402082700,45.11583,10.61778,30,22,30,CET,5,0,contestual sky extinction measure indicate a 0.36 mag/atm extinction.,No direct lights within 1 km,Between mag 5 and 6 charts 20060402103000,47.76402,18.13860,27,20,25,CET,3,0,null,Residential area in Komarno| Slovakia. One street light behind me (approx. 30 m),null 20060402105300,-36.00750,145.07500,30,21,0,AEST,5,25,null,There are 4 street lights within 50 m but all are shielded from my view,null 20060402105600,66.41889,25.86111,27,22,40,EET,5,25,null,This plcae is about 15 km away from the nearest town. Nearest street light in 10 km away,null 20060402110300,-37.29500,143.78500,31,21,0,AEST,6,0,some scattered clould well less then 1 quarter sky,one street light 100 meters away| shielded from view. Semi rural,null 20060402111700,29.96472,-98.19361,29,20,15,CST,4,75,partly cloudy cumulus cleared southern sky approximatly 15 minutes then constellation became obscure,location was in a remote from large cities,null 20060402120200,36.79300,31.36500,27,20,25,EET,3,0,null,nearby light from hotels,null 20060402120400,36.79300,31.36500,28,20,35,null,3,0,null,lights from nearby hotels,null 20060402133100,40.42778,-74.41639,31,22,55,null,4,25,Just globs of clouds across the sky.,Yes there is.,Sorry i could not have done it last night i was really tired i hope you could understand. 20060402141200,18.96000,72.82000,31,20,15,IST,4,25,Very clear| only a couple of clouds around the horizion.,Bandra (W)| Turner Rd.,null 20060402141800,30.28680,-97.75052,23,20,50,CST,3,0,the sky looked perfect,There are street lights in my neightborhood| and a few of them are around my house that could interfere with viewing.,the security lights won't turn off 20060402142000,30.28680,-97.75052,24,20,50,CST,3,0,looks good to me,There are several street lights,security lights don't turn off 20060402142200,30.28680,-97.75052,25,21,0,CST,3,0,sky looks clear,Street lights on,security lights don't turn off 20060402142400,30.28680,-97.75052,26,20,35,CST,2,25,null,Street lights,security lights 20060402145600,18.00000,-67.00000,22,19,15,null,4,0,completly clear.,null,null 20060402145700,18.00000,-67.00000,23,20,5,null,4,25,null,null,null 20060402145900,18.00000,-67.00000,26,19,25,null,4,25,null,null,null 20060402145900,35.20000,-90.50000,28,20,15,CST,3,25,haze and very minor cloud cover from the west,School Parking Lot. Several new lights have been added hampering telescopic observations. Light polution is a problem.,null 20060402146000,18.00000,-67.00000,27,20,15,null,2,50,null,null,null 20060402183200,51.75000,19.42500,23,21,30,CET,1,75,a little haze,null,null 20060402190100,40.50306,-104.94250,27,19,35,MST,4,25,null,There is one street light in the cul-de-sac. It is approx. 5 meters high.,it was very hard to decide if it should be a magnitude of 4 or 5 - but we decided on the lower number. 20060402191000,37.06400,-76.49300,30,20,5,EST,3,0,clear sky| no clouds,There is a street light 100yds away,null 20060402193200,30.30000,-95.20000,31,21,0,CST,3,50,cloudy and overcast,there is a street light right in front of my house,null 20060402194300,22.22917,22.41667,31,22,15,null,3,0,null,null,null 20060402203700,50.78333,18.96667,31,22,35,CET,4,25,null,There is a few streets with medium ' of density'street lamps.,null 20060402205800,50.71667,19.15000,31,23,0,CET,2,0,null,null,null 20060402214600,38.95044,-80.83136,29,20,0,EST,6,0,null,several lights,null 20060402214800,41.77969,-84.34401,30,20,45,null,3,0,null,You would have a little trouble having agood view of the stars,null 20060402214800,38.93603,-80.83353,29,20,15,null,3,0,null,several lights,null 20060402215000,33.51667,-96.48333,24,21,10,CST,4,25,Slightly hazy,Street light 50 meters north,null 20060402220200,29.54000,52.59000,31,12,55,IT,4,0,all around the sky was orange but the west and the zenit.,there is a big street longer than 100m wich affect my sky,something between number 4 and 5. i can see the orion nebula or m42 as a spot. 20060402221900,-14.14250,-48.00000,31,19,0,BZT,5,0,clear,Street with many lights| My view was on shadow of my house (blocked all lights).,null 20060402232700,32.37500,-111.02100,29,20,30,MST,5,25,null,null,null 20060403003000,39.98500,-74.16900,31,21,45,EST,3,25,null,null,null 20060403003600,42.31800,-71.20600,31,19,15,EST,3,0,null,one street light within 50 meters not shielded from view,the three sword stars were also visible when not looked at directly 20060403004100,37.04600,-76.47800,30,20,20,EST,3,0,lights to the east,no street lights close by,Orion's belt clearly visible 20060403005200,35.20534,-77.31858,29,20,30,EST,4,0,clear night| just a little haze,No street lights| but light pollution still comes from nearby Germantown shopping centers 7 miles away,I did this observation and can not believe how much light pollution is now in my area. I did give information to my students| but they live closer to the shopping malls and see very little. We stood outside my school at night and could not believe we cou 20060403005800,34.01667,-79.16667,22,20,0,EST,2,0,null,Two street lights withing 25 feet| did not affect view,null 20060403010000,34.01667,-79.16667,23,20,35,EST,3,0,null,Two street lights withing 25 feet| did not affect view,null 20060403010100,34.01667,-79.16667,26,21,0,EST,1,25,null,Two street lights withing 25 feet| did not affect view,null 20060403010100,39.18000,-77.28500,29,20,50,EST,1,0,slight haze above,Many street lights| in front of school,null 20060403010200,34.01667,-79.16667,27,19,20,EST,3,0,null,Two street lights withing 25 feet| did not affect view,null 20060403010200,34.01667,-79.16667,28,20,20,EST,2,0,null,Two street lights withing 25 feet| did not affect view,null 20060403010300,34.01667,-79.16667,29,20,20,EST,3,0,null,Two street lights withing 25 feet| did not affect view,null 20060403010400,34.01667,-79.16667,30,20,40,EST,2,0,null,Two street lights withing 25 feet| did not affect view,null 20060403010400,39.25500,-77.22400,29,20,30,null,4,0,clear,no street light| light comes from shopping malls 6 miles away,sent in observation a few minutes ago and made a mistake on the Longitude coordinate 20060403010400,34.01667,-79.16667,31,20,40,EST,3,0,null,Two street lights withing 25 feet| did not affect view,null 20060403011700,42.98556,-71.64861,27,21,15,EST,5,0,null,null,null 20060403015000,-34.06000,137.56600,26,20,35,null,5,0,null,there are street lights| but they aren't visible from observation area,null 20060403015400,22.50000,114.33000,30,19,30,null,2,25,null,There is two street lights nearby that is shielded from my view. There is some clouds beside the stars.,null 20060403015800,-34.71667,-58.40000,23,21,0,BZT,4,0,null,null,null 20060403020000,30.40000,-95.38000,31,22,15,CST,2,25,it was a little hard to see the stars but I moved about half way down the street and i saw stars.,null,null 20060403021500,-34.71667,-58.40000,23,21,0,BZT,4,0,null,null,null 20060403021800,43.05667,-88.48167,26,19,50,CST,3,0,clear,there's a small street light about 15 yards away and house lights nearby,it's really a magnitude 3.5 20060403022100,30.06611,-95.46722,30,21,20,CST,2,0,null,null,null 20060403022500,30.06611,-95.46722,30,21,20,CST,2,0,null,null,null 20060403024000,42.69600,-82.96400,30,20,20,EST,4,0,null,There is a school parking lot full of lights within 1 mile of my house,null 20060403030600,10.75900,106.66200,31,20,30,null,2,25,a bit windy,I was standing on my terrace and there were plenty of street lights around,null 20060403031100,10.75900,106.66200,31,21,30,null,5,25,null,null,null 20060403031100,10.75900,106.66200,28,20,30,null,3,25,null,null,null 20060403031100,10.75900,106.66200,25,20,45,null,4,0,null,null,null 20060403031200,10.75900,106.66200,24,20,35,null,4,0,null,null,null 20060403031700,30.45194,78.10861,30,20,15,IST,5,0,very clear sky,no street lights close by| some light from floodlit buildings about 4 miles down the hill and Dehradun town lights about 20 miles down the hill,null 20060403031700,20.00000,30.00000,31,20,40,PST,1,0,It's clear| no cloud at all.,It's a small park where I saw the stars.,I saw these stars in the city. But it's not highland city| so there's not much stars in the sky. 20060403031900,10.75900,106.66200,22,22,25,null,3,25,It was covered by the clouds| it was at night| so i could see the stars a bit clearly from what i can see at dawn.,i was in my room| looking through the window,it was a bit hard for me to undestand. because of the lontitude stuff| but other than the sky is pretty starry sometimes approximately because when i went to Dalat last holiday not the recent one| yea i saw the sky was really starry 20060403045200,38.80000,-77.30000,27,20,35,EST,3,0,null,trees were obscuring my view of the sky a bit,null 20060403054000,10.75900,106.66200,29,20,5,null,3,0,null,Ho Chi Minh City,null 20060403054000,10.75900,106.66200,29,20,5,null,3,0,null,Ho Chi Minh City,null 20060403054700,10.75900,106.66200,23,20,15,null,3,50,haze to the west,There were street lights and some cars around.,null 20060403054800,10.75900,106.66200,23,20,15,null,3,50,Haze to West,There were a lot of lights and consructions sites.,null 20060403055000,34.83300,137.38330,30,20,35,null,4,25,null,null,null 20060403055400,11.33000,104.55000,22,19,15,null,4,0,null,There was a palm tree within 30m tall blocking my view. And thre was a street light 20m aside and a resturant with lights| 50m away.,null 20060403055500,10.75900,106.66200,26,19,5,null,4,0,null,There is 1 lamp on a tree within 2m aside and there were ligths fromthe house 10-15 m aside| in riverside.,null 20060403055800,21.33333,-157.91667,31,19,55,HST,5,25,null,there is a street light every 100 feet or so.,null 20060403055900,10.75900,106.66000,27,19,30,PST,4,25,It was relitivly clear| but a few clouds spotted here and there.,On the beach| no traffic| or street lights.,null 20060403060400,10.75900,106.66200,24,19,30,null,1,25,most of the part was clear. There wern't many stars that night. The sky was mostely empty. (Just black),I took these obsercations the place where i live (near the city) There wernt a lot of lights that time around me. Only few.,null 20060403062800,21.28900,-157.71800,29,20,20,null,4,25,null,null,null 20060403063800,40.16000,-74.92000,31,12,0,EST,7,0,extreamly clear,extremly clear,nice 20060403064700,21.27800,-157.80600,31,20,50,HST,1,75,there is a lot of rain clouds,it is very cloudy...raining alot.,it was raining at this time. 20060403065600,45.00000,0.75100,24,23,25,EST,7,0,null,street light 10ft away,null 20060403075600,40.41700,-79.71800,31,21,30,EST,3,25,null,null,null 20060403084800,38.24600,21.73100,27,22,20,null,3,0,null,location:6th floor balcony No strong lights in a range of 50m,null 20060403100400,53.31278,18.12361,26,12,0,CET,4,0,null,100m,null 20060403103900,21.31400,-158.00900,23,22,10,null,1,75,null,null,null 20060403134700,39.39400,-80.17000,25,21,30,EST,6,0,null,Minimal streetlighting,null 20060403134700,-20.53417,-47.40528,31,20,0,BZT,3,0,o ceu estava muito limpo e orion estava super visivel,ha muita luzes na cidade,null 20060403135900,28.33783,-81.44011,28,19,30,null,5,0,All clear.,null,null 20060403140100,28.32600,81.36600,29,21,35,EST,1,0,ClEaR,FOOT BALL FIELD AND LIGHTS 3 BLOCKS AWAY| BUT IS SOMEWHAT SHEILDED.... and #9786. and #9787.,MAGNITUDE 1 HAS MORE STARS ON IT THAN I COULD ACTUALLY SEE| SO MAGNITUDE WOULD PROBALY BE LESS THAN 1................................................. 20060403140100,28.00000,-81.00000,29,20,0,null,4,0,null,null,null 20060403141400,28.00000,-81.00000,27,19,45,EST,1,25,Light pollution is coming from many neighborhood streetlights.,Lights are everywhere around the neighborhood. It is extremely hard to see the stars| it is only about magnitude two.,Very hard to see anything at all| the night sky was very faint| and so were the stars. Once we had a blackout and everything was very very clear to see. We have street lights everywhere| so it was very different seeing everything come out. 20060403142500,28.08333,-81.43333,28,21,0,EST,6,0,null,null,null 20060403143700,28.00000,-81.00000,29,20,30,EST,1,25,clear,There were 3-4 street lights and garage door lights.,there is not that many visable stars because i my house is next to disney 20060403145300,8.64003,99.89801,30,19,35,null,5,25,fast cloud moving,walailak 2nd observation,null 20060403145800,-30.14200,-51.12600,29,20,30,BZT,4,25,a few clouds to the East| clear towards Orion,fairly dark place| no street lights nearby. Location is in the outskirts of city| which contributes with significant scattered lights towards NW.,More precise magnitude chart would be between 4 and 5 (stars in 5 faint and fuzzy). Two observations made from the same place. The first one on March 27| sky was about 1 half covered with clouds (still clear towards Orion). Same result. 20060403150800,-30.22833,-70.72333,25,21,30,null,7,0,Clear| photometric night| good seeing,Gemini South Observatory| 2700m above sea-level. street lights from closest cities were covered by the clouds below the inversion layer.,A beautiful night. Wish all the world could see the sky as we do. 20060403150900,34.66300,-82.82900,27,20,45,EST,4,25,null,null,null 20060403150900,37.27934,-79.80458,28,19,30,EST,3,0,clear,no lights,null 20060403151300,34.68900,-82.80600,29,20,40,EST,5,25,null,null,null 20060403151500,33.70000,-81.60000,25,20,15,EST,4,25,Mostly cloudy at 7pm--clouds moved out by 8:15.,The moon was behind a building| and it was hard to see the Orion at first.,null 20060403151700,54.41667,18.66667,31,22,40,CET,2,75,null,null,null 20060403151800,19.53200,47.41100,28,20,15,null,4,0,There are clouds near to horizon.,null,null 20060403152800,47.36667,19.68333,24,19,5,null,3,25,Cloud up from west| high humidity| maybe light clouds cover the Orion.,I am between two street lighs but these are covered.,The sky is bad enough. In my experience the Orion is visible to 4.5-5 magnitudes when the sky is clear and dark on 3 or 4 nights in a month. 20060403152900,34.81400,-82.80800,29,19,45,EST,3,0,very few clouds...juat a little hazy,null,null 20060403153300,47.41100,19.53200,28,20,0,null,3,25,There are clouds near to horizon.,Here are no street lights in 50 meters distance.,null 20060403153400,34.29306,-79.61083,28,21,10,EST,4,0,null,null,null 20060403154800,30.26200,-95.16600,25,19,30,CST,4,0,Sky was completely clear.,Location surrounded by tall trees on all sides. No visible lights on the street.,At our house we saw Orions belt and they were the brightest stars| which made them really visible and easy to spot. 20060403155700,38.79000,-77.21000,22,21,15,EST,3,25,null,null,null 20060403160100,39.47000,-80.17200,29,20,30,EST,2,25,null,null,null 20060403160300,30.22500,-95.13900,22,20,45,CST,5,0,The sky looks great.,It looks really pretty outside tonight. I have 3 lights that are on outside.,There are alot of stars out atound my house and I can see Orions belt. 20060403160900,39.49500,-80.15400,30,21,30,EST,6,0,null,null,null 20060403161000,35.22273,-106.18853,31,19,30,null,6,0,null,No street lights| well shielded from nearby towns/city by surrounding mountains and placement on the mountain we live on.,null 20060403161000,44.71667,-63.66667,24,20,20,AST,3,25,null,null,null 20060403161300,30.24700,-95.19900,22,19,10,CST,4,25,null,This is our school we looked fom the football field with the lgihts off. ther were howeer very near parking lot lights.,null 20060403161500,44.73100,-63.67800,27,19,50,AST,3,25,Clouds near Orion but not covering,two street lights and two outside lights from houses within fifty meters fo my viewpoint some cars drove by with headlights on,null 20060403161600,44.71667,-63.66667,24,20,55,AST,6,0,null,One street light across the street,null 20060403161800,44.71667,-63.66667,24,21,0,AST,5,0,null,One street light and one house light in the corner of my eye,null 20060403162100,44.71667,-63.66667,24,21,0,null,5,0,None.,There is one street light within 35 m that is sheilded from my view. Also neighboors house lights is in the corner of my eye.,None. 20060403163400,44.72100,-63.68500,27,19,30,AST,1,25,some haze generally over head,there were two oputside house lights 75 feet away yet partly shaded by trees,null 20060403163600,44.72600,-63.68100,28,20,25,AST,5,0,None,There are a few street lights near me.,null 20060403163800,44.72200,-63.68100,23,20,0,AST,5,25,There's barly any clouds covering the sky.,null,null 20060403164000,44.72000,-63.68000,23,20,10,AST,5,25,null,Went in back yard.,null 20060403164100,44.71667,-63.66667,28,20,50,AST,4,25,null,Mine and my next door neighbors lights were on.,null 20060403164300,42.51930,-92.33410,22,19,30,CST,7,0,null,Had a perfectly clear view.,I was surprised and happy to see Orion. 20060403164400,42.42970,-92.29380,22,20,45,CST,2,0,null,In car| by house,null 20060403164500,42.45250,-92.39280,22,20,5,CST,4,0,null,null,null 20060403165700,34.81900,-82.71000,29,20,45,EST,7,0,null,there are no lights anywhere..,I live in the middle of nowhere. 20060403170500,36.53333,32.03333,28,22,20,EET,4,0,null,5th floor balcony| abbove street lights,null 20060403171800,44.48333,-69.16667,31,19,20,EST,5,0,VERY CLEAR,I LIVE IN THE MIDDLE OF THE WOODS,null 20060403171900,28.00000,-81.00000,27,19,20,EST,4,0,Very clear.,There are alot of street lights covering the stars,The night i did my obsevation the sky was very clear 20060403172200,44.60000,-69.03333,31,19,0,null,6,25,null,HAZY TOWARDS THE NORTH,IT'S NOT VERY DOMINENT| BUT YOU CAN STILL SEE ORION'S BELT 20060403172600,28.50000,-81.33333,27,20,0,EST,4,25,null,null,null 20060403172600,28.09056,-81.93000,29,20,15,null,1,75,null,null,null 20060403173600,47.43333,19.53333,27,20,25,null,4,0,null,null,null 20060403173800,47.43333,19.53333,28,19,45,null,4,0,null,null,null 20060403174000,47.43333,19.53333,27,20,35,null,4,0,null,null,null 20060403174100,40.42900,-122.42300,26,21,0,PST,5,0,null,No visible outside light| however light disturbance caused by the City of Redding 8 miles away,This was the only clear night from March 22-29 20060403174300,47.41700,19.51900,23,19,45,null,4,0,null,null,null 20060403174700,47.44700,19.54000,28,20,45,null,4,50,null,null,null 20060403180700,34.18333,-97.13333,24,20,30,CST,4,25,null,null,null 20060403180700,33.95000,-96.30000,24,20,30,CST,4,25,null,null,null 20060403180700,33.75000,-96.65000,24,20,50,CST,4,25,null,null,null 20060403180800,33.78800,-96.72700,28,20,35,CST,4,25,null,null,null 20060403180800,34.00200,-96.39600,28,20,50,CST,4,0,null,There is 1 street light about 50 feet away| but located behind where I was viewing.,null 20060403180800,34.03000,-95.86600,28,20,30,CST,4,0,null,null,null 20060403180800,34.15434,-96.47891,22,19,45,CST,6,0,null,null,null 20060403180900,33.08700,-97.28600,24,19,45,CST,4,25,null,I live very close to Texas Motor Speedway| the Denton| Ft. Worth area and I believe that the lights from that were blocking my visibility of the stars.,null 20060403180900,34.83333,-95.55000,24,19,45,CST,5,0,The sky was a clear as I could see.,I live in the semi-city. there is one street light but it was no visible because of my house,The sky was very clear and I could see a lot. 20060403180900,33.71667,-95.36667,25,20,30,CST,5,25,null,null,null 20060403180900,33.78333,-96.72700,29,20,45,CST,1,0,null,The is one street light that is close by. It makes it more difficult to see the stars.,I could see the bright stars very well| due to the street light it made it more complicated to see the lighter stars. 20060403180900,33.63800,-96.61600,28,20,20,CST,3,25,There is a slight haze to the east| but most of the sky is very bright. The stars are very bright tonight.,There are apartments directly across the street that blocks my optimum view. There are also lights that cause a glare on the night sky.,It took me a while to find Orion| but after I did| it became very clear to me. 20060403181200,33.78800,-96.72700,26,20,0,null,4,0,null,null,somewhat windy 20060403181200,33.97900,-96.61200,27,19,30,CST,5,25,null,Night light in the back ground,null 20060403181300,34.00000,-94.91667,25,20,45,null,5,0,It was a good cool clear night.,There is three street lights. Two behind me and one located to the left of me,null 20060403183100,27.29890,-97.81510,31,19,0,CST,4,50,null,null,null 20060403183200,33.58333,-95.48333,25,20,0,CST,5,0,null,Lights on the western horizon.,null 20060403183200,27.29890,-97.81510,29,20,55,CST,2,50,fog and clouds,oil rig| and a yard light,null 20060403183800,12.40500,-12.00300,31,20,40,CST,3,50,quit of bit of clouds,there was a little light across the street,null 20060403184000,-33.01910,-61.04330,24,20,40,BZT,3,0,null,null,null 20060403184200,-33.01910,-61.04330,24,21,0,BZT,4,0,null,null,null 20060403184700,32.25000,-110.91667,28,20,30,MST,5,25,Clouds to the west| clear otherwise,Street light 10 metres down the street,null 20060403185200,28.00000,-81.00000,30,20,10,EST,4,25,a little cloud cover to the right,There are two street lights 30 and 50 feet away from my observation point.,null 20060403192400,54.33333,18.66667,31,20,20,null,5,50,null,null,null 20060403193900,54.33333,18.66667,31,20,45,null,3,75,null,null,null 20060403204200,32.38100,-111.02700,30,20,0,MST,1,25,null,null,null 20060403223700,28.00000,-81.00000,29,21,0,null,3,25,There was a little bit of cloud cover| but not enough to be counted as 1 quarter of cloud cover.,There are many street lights where I live so maybe it might not be accurate.,null 20060403235800,28.00000,-81.00000,30,20,0,EST,2,0,city lights from malls and subdivisions,city street lights,Great project. Thanks. 20060404010900,33.81084,-79.09589,31,20,10,EST,3,25,Hazy clouds on eastern horizon| some passing clouds,Street light at bottom of driveway (40 yards). Plus outside lighting on nearby houses.,null 20060404011600,33.18616,-79.72513,31,20,10,EST,4,25,Haze on western horizon from housing development. Rising clouds on east that covered sky within 20 minutes,By side of road near quarry| passing traffic lights on occasion.,null 20060404013500,44.05056,-91.63417,29,20,25,null,3,0,null,null,null 20060404013900,41.89400,-88.33400,25,20,50,CST,3,25,null,There is a street light within 25 m that is shielded from our view.,null 20060404014200,41.96400,-88.41500,26,19,35,CST,4,0,null,Semi-rural location. Houses are on minimum 2.5 acre lots. No street lights. Most houses have powerful yard lights.,null 20060404015700,44.05000,-91.65000,31,20,40,CST,3,0,extremely clear condidtions,3 street lights within 50m of my location. North side if well lit Science Laboratory Center.,null 20060404021800,-23.81306,-47.71639,31,20,0,BZT,7,25,Clear sky.,Rural area,null 20060404022600,-34.71667,-58.40000,25,21,0,BZT,4,0,null,null,null 20060404023100,32.22500,-110.92800,28,20,10,MST,7,25,Less than 1 quarter of sky,null,null 20060404025800,32.42300,-110.99800,28,19,30,MST,6,0,It was fairly clear| barely any clouds,null,I saw Orion very clearly| I saw his belt and even his head. 20060404025900,32.41600,-110.99300,31,20,35,MST,3,0,null,null,null 20060404030100,32.44100,-111.01700,30,20,50,MST,4,75,It's mostly cloudy. 3 quarter| but other than that its pretty clear.,null,All the stars I can see are barely visible. 20060404030200,32.41600,-111.01200,31,20,5,MST,4,0,It was pretty clear tonight.,null,It was kinda hard for me to find Orion. 20060404030400,32.40200,-111.00200,31,19,35,MST,4,0,Clear sky,null,null 20060404030500,32.41400,-111.01100,28,20,55,MST,2,50,There was a bunch of clouds blocking my view.,null,null 20060404030700,32.42000,-111.06000,31,20,45,MST,3,50,null,null,null 20060404030800,32.39500,-111.02100,28,20,30,MST,3,25,null,null,null 20060404031000,30.23806,-95.54806,31,22,10,CST,2,0,It was clear.,There is one street light is 25ft.,null 20060404031100,32.42000,-110.96000,28,20,30,MST,4,0,The moon was bright.,the house lights were on next door.,null 20060404031100,30.23806,-95.54806,31,22,10,CST,2,0,It was clear.,There is one street light is 25ft.,null 20060404033600,44.03333,-90.36667,31,21,0,CST,3,0,Clear,One street light about 100 feet away,null 20060404035500,38.90089,-106.96801,30,19,35,MST,5,25,null,Mt. Crested Butte| ski area| street lights and buildings nearby,null 20060404036000,38.91908,-106.96019,29,19,50,MST,6,50,null,Road to Gothic| Colorado. no street lights| house lights visible in the valley.,null 20060404040200,38.52677,-106.11258,29,19,30,MST,6,25,clouds to the east| clear to the west,Farm road off rt 50| East of Monarch Pass,null 20060404050400,21.27400,-157.78700,31,19,5,HST,2,75,null,null,null 20060404091300,50.93300,8.01600,29,21,30,null,4,25,Perhaps a little haze?,null,null 20060404091800,50.93200,8.01500,29,22,5,null,4,25,Perhaps a little haze? Middle European Summer-Time...,null,null 20060404095200,40.33333,-3.86667,30,23,0,WET,3,0,clear sky conditions,Mostoles is a city close to Madrid,null 20060404115300,47.79861,18.73639,23,19,45,CET,3,0,null,null,null 20060404120100,39.50000,-78.00000,26,20,30,EST,4,25,A little hazey over some parts of the sky.,I was up in the mountains away from most light.,null 20060404120800,45.48840,15.25300,23,19,30,null,3,25,null,There is one street light.,null 20060404120800,39.59000,-77.88000,31,21,10,EST,6,25,a little haze around the moon.,street light within 100 m that is sheilded from me view.,this was fun. 20060404121900,52.35194,18.43528,24,23,0,CET,4,25,Crystal sky because of cold air.,There is few soda laps near heare but observer is on high roof| so it isn't big problem in seeing.,null 20060404122800,39.96800,-74.14300,31,19,30,EST,3,25,null,null,null 20060404123300,47.31000,20.92000,27,21,0,CET,4,0,null,null,null 20060404130200,47.31000,20.92000,28,21,0,CET,5,0,null,null,null 20060404134300,44.31000,-80.20000,29,20,10,CST,4,0,null,null,null 20060404134800,44.50400,-80.28700,29,20,25,CST,4,25,a little haze to north-east but clear on other directions,no houses or street lights around our property,null 20060404135600,44.50300,-80.21300,28,20,30,null,3,0,null,in my backyard with just a couple of side yard lights| nothing big,It was easy to see #3 20060404140000,28.00000,-81.00000,22,21,30,EST,1,0,null,null,null 20060404142300,40.70000,-74.90000,29,21,35,EST,4,0,null,null,There was an eclipse today. I don't know if that affected anything. 20060404143300,21.31400,-158.00900,31,22,30,null,1,50,null,null,null 20060404143600,21.31400,-158.00900,31,22,30,null,1,50,null,null,null 20060404144000,42.46300,-83.50800,31,20,5,EST,1,75,very cloudy,the sky was very polluted,globe at night was a very fun/cool project. 20060404151000,34.67400,-82.79800,28,19,45,null,4,75,null,street light about 75 m behind me.,null 20060404151700,34.81300,-82.81300,27,20,15,EST,3,25,Partly Cloudy,Near a street light,null 20060404154700,32.42000,-110.99300,30,21,40,MST,2,75,The sky was kind of hazy and covered with thin clouds,From where I was standing in my driveway I could see the best. the most stars.,It was hard to find because of all the clouds in the sky. I could see some stars. 20060404154800,32.41100,-111.01000,27,19,50,MST,6,25,null,null,null 20060404155000,32.41700,-110.99500,29,20,35,MST,6,0,null,null,null 20060404155300,32.39500,-111.02100,24,18,55,MST,4,0,null,null,null 20060404155400,32.37000,-110.97100,28,21,5,MST,3,0,null,null,null 20060404155700,33.36944,-117.64722,24,20,45,MST,5,0,null,null,I could see Taurus also 20060404155800,32.43600,-110.96900,30,19,40,MST,5,0,Good| really clear.,null,null 20060404155900,32.41600,-111.00000,30,20,25,MST,4,50,null,My view was clear and nothing distracted it.,null 20060404160200,32.32900,-111.06100,31,20,10,MST,4,25,A pretty clear sky| but nothing that stood in my view.,In my front yard it is viewable| especially the belt.,I thought it was a mix between a 4 and a 5. 20060404160600,32.40083,-110.99278,31,20,0,MST,5,25,Even though there were some clouds in the sky| all of Orion was visible| and most of the stars around him.,There are small lamposts at the end of every driveway. One in my driveway that is blocked from my view by a car.,Most of the stars were visible| but I could tell it was no more than a magnitude 5. Some clouds blocked out some of the stars| but Orion was still clear. 20060404161700,32.39900,-110.98600,26,20,0,MST,5,0,Totally clear sky.,Just some house lights that's all| nothing shielding my view.,null 20060404163500,44.49600,-80.20800,28,20,0,CST,4,0,null,There were no lights. We were on the Collingwood trails in the woods.,null 20060404163700,44.49400,-80.21900,29,19,40,CST,4,0,null,null,null 20060404163800,44.48600,-80.20600,30,20,45,CST,4,50,null,null,null 20060404163900,32.42300,-111.98800,29,19,50,MST,1,25,null,There was a light on in my neighbor's backyard.,null 20060404164000,32.42300,-110.99800,29,20,20,MST,1,75,null,null,null 20060404164000,44.48800,-80.20600,28,20,45,CST,4,0,Perfect.,Great in my backyard,I saw Porlaises belt 20060404164200,32.17600,-110.80600,28,20,15,MST,7,75,There were like a kind of medium amount of clouds like half the sky was full of them.,Nothing really.,null 20060404164200,44.49100,-80.20600,28,20,20,CST,4,0,null,There were no lights. We were on the Collingwood trails,null 20060404164400,44.48600,-80.21500,29,20,30,null,5,0,null,null,not very much light 20060404164400,32.41200,-111.00000,30,20,15,MST,3,75,null,null,I saw less visible stars because it was so cloudy. 20060404164500,44.49200,-80.21200,29,20,15,null,4,0,null,There was a street light about 30 m away,null 20060404164600,32.41200,-111.00000,31,20,15,MST,3,75,There was a haze in parts of the sky.,There was ibe neighbor's house front porch light on.,I saw less visible stars because it was so cloudy. 20060404164700,44.49100,-80.20800,28,20,50,null,2,0,null,house lights 10m away,null 20060404164800,32.42800,-111.01000,30,20,0,MST,3,50,null,null,I could see Orion's belt really well| but couldn't see any others because of the clouds. 20060404164800,44.49700,-80.21900,28,21,0,null,4,0,null,1 street light shielded by trees,null 20060404164900,32.09400,-110.99000,29,21,0,MST,4,25,null,null,null 20060404165100,32.41300,-110.99200,28,19,55,MST,5,25,null,street lights/city lights are scattered. It is a little hard to see.,null 20060404165200,44.45500,-80.20600,28,19,30,null,3,0,clear as a whistle| easy to spot certain stars,null,towards the Barrie area| the lights start to almost form a dome over the city. 20060404165200,32.14700,-111.01500,23,20,15,MST,5,0,null,I don't know how far away| but outside lights are on.,The stars were visible. 20060404165400,32.14700,-111.01500,28,19,30,MST,5,0,Not all stars were clear other than Orion because of lights.,Backyard porch lights (2),The stars visible were very clear. I could see Orion right away. 20060404165600,44.00000,-80.00000,28,20,55,null,4,0,completely clear sky,one streetlight within 200 feet,null 20060404165800,44.48700,-80.20600,28,20,50,null,3,0,stars seemed dull,houselights,star gazing no the best. maybe i could have waited a bit longer to get a better view. 20060404165900,44.53300,-80.35700,28,19,35,null,6,0,null,no clouds to be seen,null 20060404170100,44.49500,-80.21800,28,20,30,null,4,0,null,null,null 20060404170200,44.46400,-80.07500,28,20,20,null,4,0,There was a haze to the west,There are 3 street lights within 50m| i shielded from view| 2 partly shielded by trees.,null 20060404170500,46.91444,-101.09169,28,20,30,CST,3,0,the sky is perfectly clear,There are a few street lights and outside lights to the left and right of me.,a streetlight was directly below Orion and it may have blocked out a few of Orion's stars. 20060404170700,44.91000,-80.20600,28,20,20,null,5,25,baseball diamond| two blocks down.,null,Lots of stars. 20060404170800,54.33333,18.66667,30,20,40,null,3,75,null,null,null 20060404171200,45.86900,19.47200,28,21,0,CET,5,0,new moon 24 percent,null,Observation is made on the 2-nd April (There is no April on the form ...) 20060404182900,40.00000,-75.00000,29,20,15,EST,5,25,The stars were barely visible on the West.,null,null 20060404183000,40.77700,-72.78200,29,19,50,EST,4,50,Very hazy on horizon.,null,We had to wait until the clouds cleared before we saw Orion and we only saw his belt. 20060404183100,40.75700,-73.73600,27,22,40,null,4,0,There are no clouds at all.,There's a street light that doesn't affect my view.,null 20060404183200,40.75900,-73.76200,28,20,50,EST,3,75,Wasn't clear enough.,A lot of trees| telephone poles| and street lights that blocked my view.,Even though it wasn't clear| I had fun. 20060404183200,40.75700,-73.78500,27,19,5,null,3,0,null,null,null 20060404183400,40.75000,-73.71667,28,19,30,null,2,25,null,I live in a place where there are many coops with porch lights. There are 10 in my view - not bright but still light.,null 20060404183400,40.00000,-75.00000,27,19,20,EST,4,0,Clear- Perfect.,Streetlight 25-30 feet away that is sheilded from my view.,Southwest star| very bright and noticable in sky. No Northern stars. Most stars in South and Southwest sky. 20060404183700,45.00000,-75.20000,27,20,10,EST,4,0,It was very clear tonight. Many stars started appearing.,There are two street lights that make the view harder.,null 20060404183700,40.77470,-73.74640,29,20,45,EST,5,0,null,On corner- no nearby affecting streetlights.,null 20060404183900,40.77200,-73.74600,27,20,55,EST,2,0,null,There is one dull street light not very close to me (sorry| I am really bad at estimating distances). I tried to find an area near my house without street lights and such| but I couldn't find any.,null 20060404184000,40.71800,-73.77200,27,19,30,EST,4,0,Very clear. All stars visible.,null,Sky clear. Many stars. 20060404184000,40.75300,-73.75200,29,19,35,EST,2,0,There are no clouds in the sky. The sky is very clear.,There are 3 streetlights around (surrounding) me| that create a scalene triangle. One street is across the street| and the other two are on my side of the block| each approzimately 1/3 of a block within me. There are quite a few lighted houses| and I see,There aren't many stars in the sky. There are a couple more stars than the magnitude 1 chart shows| and there are a couple less stars than the magnitude 3 chart showws. Therefore| i have determined that there is a magnitude of 2| strs in the sky. 20060404184000,40.77639,-73.75111,27,20,40,EST,2,25,null,null,It was a little difficult to find. 20060404184200,40.76700,-73.73900,28,19,30,EST,1,0,very clear,trees,Parking lot nearby 20060404184200,40.71600,-73.88800,29,21,45,EST,1,0,null,There are two streetlights on either side of me within 50 m.,null 20060404184300,40.75900,-73.73400,27,19,30,EST,4,0,One very small cloud far north.,There is one orange light 3m away| sheilded from my view.,null 20060404184400,40.75000,-73.71667,29,20,30,null,2,0,No haze| very clear.,null,I can see a couple of other stars that are not part of Orion that are farther away from my location. 20060404184400,40.75700,-73.73000,29,19,20,null,2,25,It was pretty hard to see the stars in the sky.,null,null 20060404184700,40.76000,-73.73800,27,19,25,EST,2,25,there is haze in the east and northwest.,There are two streetlights avout 50 ft. from my house.,Orion's belt was lighter than 1 thought they'd be 1 could hardly see all three stars| and it was difficlut to see the rest of it. 20060404184700,40.71600,-73.78500,27,19,45,EST,3,0,very clear,There is a street light 10 meters away from me.,Was able to recognize3 Orion well| but some stars were not shown due to streetlights. After 15 minutes more stars showed up though. 20060404185000,40.76900,-73.73900,29,19,0,EST,3,0,null,null,null 20060404185200,40.77278,-73.74334,27,21,25,EST,2,0,The sky was clear and very blue| so I was able to see the stars clearly.,It is dark.,null 20060404185200,40.75900,-73.73400,27,19,30,EST,4,0,null,there is one orange light 3 m. shielded from my view.,null 20060404185300,40.75500,-73.72800,29,19,15,null,3,0,null,null,null 20060404185300,40.77000,-73.74100,29,19,5,EST,3,25,null,null,null 20060404185400,40.77200,-73.74600,31,20,50,EST,2,50,null,There is a stret lamp within 50m.,null 20060404185500,40.75000,-73.73900,28,19,35,null,3,0,Very little bit of cloud to the North,There is one street light within seven meters.,Two big and bright stars on the east side of the sky 20060404185600,40.73333,-73.73333,29,19,40,null,3,0,null,null,null 20060404185700,40.71667,-73.76667,28,19,30,EST,2,50,null,there are several streetlights surrounding the area| and a couple of house lights are on. However| they are shielded from my view.,null 20060404185700,40.78333,-73.96667,28,19,40,EST,5,0,Clear sky,Streetlights about 100 feet away| shielded from view,Light pollution from opposite direction made it slightly hard to see some areas of the sky. 20060404185800,40.75000,-73.71667,29,20,30,EST,4,0,null,There are 5 doorlights within 30 meters and a few more streetlights within 50 meters. there are more houselights across the street.,I thought that Orion was between magnitude 4 + 5. My father and i saw a bit more of the tiny stars than magnitude 4 but fewer tiny stars than magnitude 5. 20060404185900,40.75400,-73.75300,28,19,20,EST,4,25,The sky is basically clear| so I can see some stars.,We could still see stars| yet there were lamposts and house lights all around us.,null 20060404185900,40.75100,-73.73900,27,20,40,EST,4,0,A bit hazy in the horizon,There are a few doorlights and some light shining from a window across the alley from my patio.,It is a bit less than magnitude 4| but it is very close to it. 20060404190100,40.74800,-73.73700,27,19,30,EST,2,0,Stars' shine seems a little dull.,Street light approximately 44 feet away.,null 20060404190200,40.76800,-73.72800,29,19,0,EST,7,0,Very clear brisk night.,There is one streetlight that is 40ft. behind me.,The sky was full of stars. 20060404190200,33.98333,-96.36667,28,23,20,CST,5,25,null,null,null 20060404190200,33.90800,-94.84400,25,20,5,CST,5,0,null,null,null 20060404190300,33.90800,-94.84400,25,20,0,CST,5,0,null,null,null 20060404190300,33.94000,-96.46700,25,20,20,CST,6,0,null,null,null 20060404190300,34.21667,-95.33333,26,21,0,CST,6,25,null,null,null 20060404190400,33.94300,-97.12200,24,20,45,CST,5,0,null,null,null 20060404190400,34.00500,-96.41000,26,20,50,CST,6,0,null,null,null 20060404190400,34.00300,-96.41600,25,20,35,CST,4,25,null,null,null 20060404190400,33.99200,-96.39300,28,21,0,CST,3,25,null,there was a street light blocking some of my view,null 20060404190400,34.08000,-96.33800,28,21,55,CST,5,0,null,I was in the county. There was a security light about 200 ft. away.,null 20060404190400,40.75600,-73.39000,28,19,10,EST,2,0,null,There are lights from windows all around us| but they are faint.,null 20060404190500,33.96667,-96.36000,26,23,15,CST,6,0,null,house in country| no lights effected my view.,null 20060404190500,33.80900,-96.77100,23,20,35,CST,7,0,null,Camp setting| on lake,very clear 20060404190500,34.41000,-96.34000,26,23,30,CST,7,0,No clouds,Out in the country so there are not any lights,null 20060404190700,34.22400,-97.47500,23,20,10,CST,7,0,sky is clear of clouds and stars are bright.,I live on the outskirts of a small town| so my view was not affected by any street lamps or other lights.,null 20060404190700,34.00194,-96.38139,28,22,30,CST,4,25,null,One streetlight behind me (shielded from my view).,null 20060404192800,36.90000,-76.20000,30,20,25,EST,4,0,null,There is a lighted bridge across the water.,null 20060404193300,29.92600,-90.13400,26,20,15,CST,2,0,null,null,null 20060404193500,29.94700,-90.12400,25,23,0,CST,1,0,null,null,null 20060404193600,29.97600,-90.08700,26,20,0,CST,3,0,null,null,null 20060404193600,21.33800,-157.86500,31,20,30,HST,3,0,The sky was pretty clear. The night was dark because there arent many lights around the area where I live.,My location is pretty dark. I live in a loop and not a main street so its not very bright.,null 20060404193700,29.94700,-90.12400,27,20,0,CST,3,0,null,null,null 20060404193800,29.90700,-89.92600,26,19,30,CST,4,0,null,null,null 20060404193900,29.90700,-89.92600,26,19,30,CST,4,0,null,null,null 20060404194900,32.42300,-110.99800,28,20,55,MST,3,25,Small clouds in the East.,null,null 20060404200500,41.92700,-88.74700,31,23,0,CST,4,0,the sky was almost totally clear,its a neighborhood on a partially busy daytime street... lights are present,null 20060404205400,50.78333,18.96667,31,22,35,CET,4,25,null,many streets with big density of street lamps,null 20060404211300,32.42300,-110.99200,30,19,30,MST,5,50,null,lights on,Bright| but couldn't see the whole thing. 20060404211800,32.41200,-110.98900,31,20,0,MST,4,25,There were only a few clouds out.,THere were no street lights but I had a house light on inside.,I could see Orion's belt good but the rest was hard to find. 20060404212200,32.41800,-111.00300,31,20,0,null,4,50,null,There was no street light but I had a flashlight.,I could see Orion's belt really well| but I couldn't see all the others very well because of the clouds. 20060404212400,32.41300,-111.01100,31,19,0,MST,1,75,Almost entirely covered by clouds.,null,null 20060404212700,32.41400,-111.00300,31,20,35,MST,1,50,I had to find a break in the clouds.,null,null 20060404215100,-36.83300,-73.05000,27,21,0,null,5,0,From my observing location Orion is embeded in the city light's halo. Clear sky.,It's a terrace in the faculty building (6th floor). Campus lights are off especially for the ocassion. Orion is located in the way of the middle to upper part of the city halo. The opposite side is dark because we have a forest over there.,Congratulations. DO IT AGAIN. 20060404215800,22.25000,114.00000,27,20,30,null,1,50,null,null,null 20060404235300,43.00000,-73.00000,29,21,10,EST,1,25,null,null,there is a lot of ligt pollution in this part of NY| where there is a lot of light 20060405035900,31.66999,-110.57551,29,20,25,MST,5,0,null,our front gate. rural setting with some homes (on about 20 acres each) with some external lights,Observations made 2 times: All external lights off and all external lights on equals no difference 20060405040200,-29.67222,151.69500,31,19,0,AEST,5,0,Sky was completely clear,Just off the main street in an enclosed yard that is cut off from most street lights - the only light was store front for a pizza shop across the road.,The magnitude limit was about 5.0 20060405042300,32.23179,-110.95275,30,20,10,MST,3,50,a little light cloud cover in patches,Univeristy of Arizona campus near Old Main. yellow outdoor lights,null 20060405042400,33.89300,-118.14700,29,20,30,PST,3,25,null,Dim lights every 100 feet,null 20060405043000,33.89300,-118.14700,29,20,30,PST,3,25,clear although a bit cloudy,stars were a bit more visible due to the distance between each street light.,null 20060405074400,61.00000,24.46667,24,22,25,EET,4,0,null,Local amateur astronomers observatory above the city lights.,Real magnitude limit was between 4 and 5 20060405081500,54.36667,18.63333,30,22,30,CET,4,25,null,null,null 20060405084100,54.36667,18.63333,30,12,35,CET,4,25,null,Gdansk- Oliwa| there is a hill from where I observated.,null 20060405090400,54.36667,18.63333,30,23,40,CET,3,25,null,null,null 20060405091100,54.36667,18.63333,30,22,30,CET,3,25,null,null,null 20060405100100,39.98333,-4.00000,24,21,0,null,3,0,null,null,null 20060405100200,39.90000,-4.00000,25,21,0,null,4,50,null,null,null 20060405100300,39.90000,-4.00000,28,21,0,null,4,25,null,null,null 20060405100300,39.90000,-4.00000,26,21,0,null,3,50,null,null,null 20060405100400,39.90000,-4.00000,28,21,0,null,3,75,null,null,null 20060405100600,39.96000,-3.93300,24,21,45,null,4,25,null,null,null 20060405100600,39.96000,-3.93300,25,22,30,null,6,0,null,null,null 20060405100700,39.96000,-3.93300,28,22,30,null,4,50,null,null,null 20060405100800,39.94400,-4.01200,24,20,35,null,3,0,null,null,null 20060405100800,39.94400,-4.01200,25,22,20,null,4,0,null,null,null 20060405100900,39.94400,-4.01200,26,22,20,null,4,0,null,null,null 20060405101000,39.94400,-4.01200,28,21,45,null,3,0,null,null,null 20060405101100,39.91667,-4.05000,28,22,20,null,5,0,null,null,null 20060405101200,39.93333,-3.98333,25,20,30,null,6,0,null,null,null 20060405101300,39.93333,-3.98333,28,21,10,null,6,0,null,null,null 20060405101600,51.98333,21.03333,31,20,40,EST,7,0,null,a small village,null 20060405101700,39.89400,-4.05500,25,20,50,null,4,0,Farola a 3 metros,null,null 20060405112400,47.68280,16.58934,27,21,5,CET,2,25,A bit foggy in the North.,Observations was disturbed 50 Metres away street lights.,null 20060405112600,47.68140,16.59784,27,19,5,CET,2,25,A bit foggy in the North.,Observation was disturbed 50 Metres away street lights.,null 20060405113100,47.65737,16.59770,27,20,15,CET,2,25,A bit foggy in the North.,Observation was disturbed 100 Metres away street lights.,null 20060405113300,47.68065,16.59685,27,20,50,CET,2,25,null,Observation was disturbed 50 Metres away street lights.,null 20060405113400,47.68332,16.59074,27,18,50,CET,2,25,null,Observation was disturbed 50 Metres away street lights.,null 20060405113500,47.68332,16.59074,29,18,0,CET,6,0,null,Observation was disturbed 50 Metres away street lights.,null 20060405113700,47.68140,16.59784,29,18,0,CET,6,0,null,Observation was disturbed 50 Metres away street lights.,null 20060405113800,47.68065,16.59685,29,18,5,CET,6,0,null,Observation was disturbed 50 Metres away street lights.,null 20060405113900,47.65737,16.59770,29,18,0,CET,6,0,null,Observation was disturbed 100 Metres away street lights.,null 20060405114200,47.68332,16.59074,27,19,5,CET,2,25,1 quarter oft the sky is covered loy clonds. A bit foggy in the North.,Observation was disturbed 50 Metres away street lights.,null 20060405124000,62.41700,25.95000,24,21,0,EET,3,0,null,null,null 20060405124200,62.41700,25.95000,24,21,35,EET,3,0,null,null,null 20060405124300,62.41700,25.95000,22,21,0,EET,5,0,null,null,null 20060405125400,62.41700,25.96500,22,21,0,EET,5,0,null,null,null 20060405134100,29.41000,-98.67100,22,19,35,CST,1,75,Too cloudy,Strretlight about 4 houses down,null 20060405134300,29.41000,-98.67100,23,20,0,null,4,0,No haze,null,null 20060405134500,29.41000,-98.67100,24,19,40,CST,4,0,Clear,null,null 20060405134600,29.41000,-98.67100,25,19,55,CST,3,25,null,null,null 20060405134800,29.41000,-98.67100,26,19,35,null,1,75,Too cloudy,null,null 20060405134900,29.41000,-98.67100,27,19,30,CST,3,25,null,null,null 20060405135000,29.41000,-98.67100,28,19,35,CST,3,0,null,null,null 20060405135100,29.41000,-98.67100,29,20,40,CST,2,50,Moisture in the air cloudy,null,null 20060405140100,28.00000,-99.00000,29,20,0,EST,4,25,Some clouds but| Orion is clear.,There is on Mercury light 100ft. that is sheilded from my view.,null 20060405142400,42.50400,-91.14800,26,20,0,CST,6,0,I could see lots of stars.,There is one light within 20m that is shielded from my view.,null 20060405142400,42.54000,-91.22000,27,19,30,CST,1,75,really cloudy,light post in 100 ft,null 20060405142500,42.53600,-91.06500,31,23,25,CST,7,0,very clear- see lots of stars,I live on a farm so i went to the field an no lights blocked my view,null 20060405142500,42.31000,-91.60000,26,20,25,CST,5,0,null,null,null 20060405142800,42.48333,-90.88333,26,20,10,CST,3,25,light haze over all the sky| but could still see most of the stars.,The house in front of us had it's light outside on.,Didn't have a GPS unit |so you shoukd have one to use on your site. 20060405143400,39.93020,-75.21600,31,21,5,EST,7,0,verry clear and cold out here,just a open parking lot,niceto cold to stay out here for a telecope 20060405151000,42.46667,-90.88333,26,21,35,null,5,0,null,null,null 20060405151100,42.56200,-91.03500,27,20,35,CST,4,25,clouds cover the horizon,There is a yard light shielded from my view 150 feet away.,null 20060405151100,42.47150,-91.13130,30,20,30,CST,2,25,null,null,we have 4 street lights 20060405151300,42.47250,-91.10200,30,19,30,CST,2,75,null,null,null 20060405151700,42.55000,-90.95000,29,21,10,null,4,25,a few clouds,There were a few lights,null 20060405151800,42.47500,-91.07700,29,21,45,CST,1,75,Very Cloudy and Foggy,No lights are near,Hard to see well with all the clouds but I still could see a bit of the sky 20060405151900,42.53333,-90.90000,27,19,20,CST,4,50,There was clouds to the south of where i did it.,There were a few street lights in my view.,null 20060405152500,42.47100,-91.08800,25,20,5,CST,1,50,null,null,null 20060405152800,42.47100,-91.08800,25,20,5,CST,1,50,null,null,null 20060405155000,32.41900,-110.99500,31,20,50,MST,2,0,null,A tree is blocking a little of my view.,null 20060405155100,32.41800,-110.99500,30,21,15,MST,2,0,null,Tree barely out of view.,Orion is cool.. 20060405155300,32.41000,-111.02100,27,19,45,MST,4,25,Lights on next door.,null,There were many other stars surrounding Orion. 20060405163800,45.09722,-123.40944,29,19,15,PST,1,75,covered in clouds,large field,stars not visible due to clouds 20060405163800,44.24000,-69.43000,30,20,10,EST,7,0,clear with stars,null,null 20060405164800,44.72400,-63.68600,23,21,30,AST,4,25,Some thin clouds to the north,6 house lights within 100m,null 20060405165000,44.72400,-63.68600,23,21,30,AST,4,25,Some thin clouds to the north,6 house lights within 100m,null 20060405165300,46.63056,-67.89917,27,20,0,EST,7,0,null,null,null 20060405170300,42.45000,-83.51667,31,20,30,EST,6,0,we had fun waatching the stars and pointing out the funny shapes,there was no light at all,null 20060405171700,-41.97000,-71.50000,31,22,0,BZT,4,25,null,There is one street light within 20 m that is shielded from my view,null 20060405173800,54.10000,18.76667,29,20,20,null,3,0,null,null,it was great experience 20060405183100,40.75000,-73.73333,28,19,30,EST,3,0,clear| not a cloud in the sky.,Street light| sheilded from view. neighbor's light on.,Could easily see Orion's belt| shoulder| and leg stars. also saw many other stars. 20060405183100,40.76000,-73.73500,27,20,20,EST,3,50,A little windy and tiny bit cloudy.,There was lights from Louis Pasteur Middle School and there was 4 lights around me.,There was EXACTLY 6 bright starts when I looked outside. 20060405183600,40.75200,-73.73000,29,20,20,EST,3,25,null,null,null 20060405183600,40.76600,-73.73800,28,20,15,EST,4,0,null,Lights from nearby supermarket Street Lights.,null 20060405183800,40.76300,-73.73400,29,20,15,EST,1,25,Couldn't see many stars| it was a little cloudy.,street lights.,Had trouble finding stars| chilly outside. 20060405183900,39.46077,-75.15939,24,20,15,EST,1,50,null,outside light 150ft from observation point,null 20060405183900,40.76500,-73.78600,29,20,30,EST,4,0,Very clear nights| no clouds.,There is one streetlight within 15 m.,Close up big stars then many clouds far away. 20060405184000,40.74700,-73.73500,29,19,35,EST,3,0,the sky is clear.,There is one streetlight near my house.,null 20060405184000,40.76600,-73.73600,29,19,30,EST,4,25,Haze to the west.,null,The belt of Ovion was very clear to see. 20060405184100,40.74200,-73.71200,29,19,50,EST,4,0,null,null,Many moving stars| I think they are airplanes/helicopters. 20060405184300,40.75700,-73.76200,27,19,20,EST,2,0,It was visible because of light pollution and cloudless.,There were some blinking lights from planes (I think) in the sky in my location and a lot of streetlights on.,null 20060405184300,40.76722,-73.73667,27,19,10,EST,1,25,null,My house is very close to streetlights and lights from a parking lot. The closest streetlights are probaly 30-40 meters away.,null 20060405184400,39.46077,-75.15939,25,20,15,EST,1,75,null,outside light 150ft from observation point,null 20060405185500,39.46077,-75.15939,27,20,15,EST,4,0,null,outside light 150ft from observation point,null 20060405193900,30.68333,-95.36667,25,20,0,CST,6,0,Clear| Light dome on western horizon extending 15 degrees up. Light dome on northern horizon extending 5 degrees up. Light dome on southern horizon extending 5 degrees up. Little or no wind| unusually cold.,null,This was an exceptional night for our dark sky site. 20060405194000,42.40000,-90.70000,26,19,20,CST,7,0,null,No lights around my house,null 20060405194200,42.47200,-91.12700,22,19,15,CST,3,0,null,null,next to highway 20060405194300,42.40000,-90.70000,25,20,45,CST,2,50,There are some clouds but some stars were visible.,no street lights by my house,It was hard to tell the diffrence between the Magnitudes. 20060405194300,42.55400,-91.10300,26,18,40,CST,4,25,nice out,No lights,null 20060405194400,42.28000,-91.11700,27,21,25,CST,3,25,dark and cloudy,1 steet light on,null 20060405202300,45.79990,15.95940,22,22,10,null,1,75,LOOKS LIKE HAZE,null,null 20060405202400,45.79990,15.95940,23,21,50,null,1,75,null,null,null 20060405202500,45.79990,15.95940,24,22,45,null,1,0,null,null,null 20060405202500,45.79990,15.95940,24,22,45,null,2,0,null,null,null 20060405202500,32.12700,-110.99800,23,21,25,MST,4,0,THe night was really clear.,The farthest house from me is a 1/8 of a mile athough we have sensor lights that turn on at any movenment so it's hard to see orion.,null 20060405202600,45.79990,15.95940,27,22,30,null,1,25,null,null,null 20060405202700,45.79990,15.95940,29,22,5,null,1,75,null,null,null 20060405202800,45.79990,15.95940,30,21,40,null,1,25,null,null,null 20060405202900,48.52167,2.26556,27,22,30,WET,5,0,Hazy,Two street lights within 50 m| one shielded| the other not.,There is two much difference between Mv 4 and Mv 5 charts 20060405203000,48.52167,2.26556,27,22,30,WET,5,0,Hazy,Two street lights within 50 m| one shielded| the other not.,There is two much difference between Mv 4 and Mv 5 charts 20060405213400,34.58401,-82.81235,27,21,5,EST,6,0,null,street light 70 meters away,normally more stars 20060405214800,34.69000,-82.79200,31,22,0,EST,3,0,A few wispy clouds.,null,Orion was low in the sky. 20060405215900,36.82056,31.29111,28,20,45,EET,5,0,null,floodlight illumination of beach,on solar eclipse expedition 20060405221600,34.80400,-82.80500,28,19,50,null,3,0,null,null,null 20060405230700,38.38000,-77.18000,28,20,30,EST,4,25,clouds to the east/south-east,All houses in the neighborhood have lamps outside that illuminates their front walk.,null 20060405233100,-33.13000,148.18000,24,19,10,CST,4,0,null,null,null 20060405233300,-33.13000,148.18000,24,19,25,CST,5,25,null,null,null 20060405233400,-33.13000,148.18000,24,20,30,CST,6,50,null,null,null 20060405234500,34.72600,-82.78900,31,20,55,EST,2,0,null,null,null 20060406003600,37.59361,22.04417,24,23,0,EET,5,0,Covered by clouds after 1 hour but completely clear at the time of observation...,null,null 20060406012000,42.35800,-71.06000,31,19,45,EST,3,0,clear,A lot of lights and a lot of tall buildings,Light pollution. 20060406014000,1.00000,-75.00000,27,19,10,CST,7,0,null,null,null 20060406021400,-33.01250,149.77917,31,21,10,null,6,25,Although there were a few clouds about I managed to get a good look at Orion.,'Wiruna' Astronomical Society of New South Wales (AUSTRALIA) dark sky site,null 20060406024300,10.00000,44.00000,27,19,25,null,4,25,null,null,null 20060406045400,-16.63600,178.75200,30,23,55,null,7,0,Absolute Clear sky,No Street lights or house lights for at least 45 km. Rural house on Vanua Levu| Fiji.,null 20060406050400,32.29800,-111.09600,28,20,5,MST,6,25,null,A few house lights about a mile away. Not a big distraction.,null 20060406074500,-22.34389,-69.60528,25,20,45,null,4,0,Sky totally clear,My observation area in general was dark and clear.,null 20060406074700,-22.34389,-69.60528,26,20,50,null,4,0,Sky totally clear,My observation area in general was dark and clear.,null 20060406074900,-22.34389,-69.60528,27,20,45,null,4,0,Sky totally clear,My observation area in general was dark and clear.,null 20060406075000,-22.34389,-69.60528,28,20,45,null,4,25,Sky with a little haze to the southwest,My observation area in general was dark and clear.,null 20060406075100,-22.34389,-69.60528,29,20,45,null,4,0,Sky is totally clear,My observation area in general was dark and clear.,null 20060406075300,-22.34389,-69.60528,30,20,55,null,3,25,Sky turns some cloudy,My observation area in general was dark and clear.,null 20060406075500,-22.34389,-69.60528,31,20,45,null,4,25,Sky is clear but some clouds appear,My observation area in general was dark and clear.,null 20060406075700,-22.36722,-69.61417,25,20,45,null,4,0,Sky is totally clear,In my roof is free of light pollution| I have nice vision to zenith and west. vision hacia zenit y W.,Previous preparation for this observation was since 20:25 hr 20060406081600,39.87300,-4.02600,24,21,30,null,4,0,null,null,null 20060406081600,39.87300,-4.02600,25,21,30,null,4,0,null,null,null 20060406081700,39.87300,-4.02600,26,22,30,null,3,0,null,null,null 20060406081800,39.87300,-4.02600,29,22,30,null,4,0,null,null,null 20060406113600,45.76361,16.18806,22,20,30,null,1,75,it was raining,null,null 20060406113900,45.76361,16.18806,23,20,30,null,1,75,null,null,null 20060406114200,45.76361,16.18806,25,20,30,null,3,25,null,null,null 20060406114400,45.76361,16.18806,26,20,30,null,2,25,null,null,null 20060406114500,45.76361,16.28639,27,20,30,null,2,50,null,null,null 20060406114700,45.76361,16.18806,28,20,30,null,1,50,null,null,null 20060406114800,45.76361,16.18806,29,20,30,null,5,0,null,null,null 20060406130700,38.77500,-89.43500,25,20,15,CST,4,25,null,One street light about 200 feet on either side,null 20060406130900,38.75083,-89.48083,28,21,20,CST,4,0,null,null,null 20060406131100,38.72000,-89.42250,30,21,15,CST,3,25,null,null,null 20060406131300,38.72000,-89.42250,30,21,15,CST,3,25,null,null,null 20060406131500,38.76722,-89.49528,31,19,30,CST,4,25,null,null,null 20060406131600,38.72861,-89.45000,29,19,0,CST,2,0,null,null,null 20060406131900,38.72806,-89.45111,31,22,0,CST,3,0,null,null,null 20060406132100,33.01100,-96.69300,27,21,0,null,3,0,null,Live in appartments.,null 20060406132200,38.76000,-89.35361,30,20,35,CST,1,50,lower sky cloudy,null,null 20060406132200,33.01100,-96.93600,28,19,50,null,3,25,null,Live in appartments.,null 20060406132300,33.01100,-96.93600,29,20,30,null,3,0,null,Live in appartments,null 20060406140500,29.44600,-98.68700,23,20,45,null,4,0,null,null,null 20060406140600,29.44600,-98.68700,23,20,45,null,4,0,null,null,null 20060406140700,29.44600,-98.68700,31,20,30,null,3,0,null,null,null 20060406154700,29.90700,-89.96200,26,19,30,CST,4,0,very clear a lot of stars,null,null 20060406154900,29.90700,-89.96200,26,19,25,CST,3,0,null,lamp 10ft. away house with lights 30ft. away,null 20060406155000,29.94700,-90.12400,25,22,30,CST,3,25,null,stores nearby with bright signs and windows and street lights,null 20060406160000,41.46800,-86.12200,25,22,30,EST,5,25,null,null,null 20060406160200,41.85000,-87.81667,29,19,35,CST,2,75,Clouds were really covered,Street lights and tall buildings all over,null 20060406160200,41.69620,-87.67150,26,19,30,CST,4,25,Serious light pollution to the North.,Houses near by with lights on| street appromently 50 yrds from observing point| but sheilded by a hill.,null 20060406160300,41.00000,-87.00000,26,19,50,CST,2,25,A few packs of clouds toward the northeast.,I live in a well-lit neighborhood so there was a lot of light pollution.,null 20060406160300,41.00000,-87.00000,26,20,20,CST,3,0,clear| easy to see the sky,null,At first it was difficult to see many stars 20060406160400,41.93300,-87.69300,26,23,0,CST,3,0,null,null,null 20060406160400,41.85100,-87.67000,26,18,50,CST,1,25,A little cloudy,I was in my backyard,null 20060406160600,41.00000,-87.00000,26,20,15,CST,3,0,null,A very bright area| but Orion still very visible,null 20060406160900,41.90600,-87.72000,26,20,10,null,3,25,A little haze to the east. There are clouds on the North side.,There are street lights about 100 ft. from my location.,null 20060406161200,41.96667,-86.33333,26,20,45,CST,2,25,null,street lights about 20ft. away,null 20060406161200,41.54000,-87.38000,26,22,15,CST,4,25,There were a few scattered clouds.,I was standing in my front yard. There were some lights on in my neighbors yard and street lights on the street behind trees.,null 20060406161200,41.91800,-87.65600,26,20,30,CST,3,25,null,I stood on my deck| so there wasnt really anything obstructing my view.,null 20060406161200,41.89600,-87.22000,31,19,30,CST,2,50,The sky was basically clear| with clouds.,There were street lights at the location.,Where I live there were a lot of lights| so I could not see that much. If it was a more rural area it would be better. 20060406163300,32.60150,-80.09675,27,20,45,EST,5,0,null,null,null 20060406165100,41.78333,-86.23333,25,20,0,CST,3,25,majorit of clouds are to the south.,there is a street lamp around 20 ft behind anf 60 ft in front of me,null 20060406165600,41.97000,-87.65200,28,20,10,CST,1,50,partially cloud| dark,my street is well lit with lighting in m courtard| but I am above it all.,its possible that some thin clouds are distorting my view. 20060406165800,41.92500,-87.70300,26,19,35,CST,4,0,null,there were a lot of street lights,null 20060406170000,41.85300,-87.68100,26,19,55,CST,3,0,few clouds in the east,lots of street light,null 20060406170400,41.96100,-87.68300,29,21,0,CST,2,0,null,many street lights| making it hard to view,null 20060406170700,41.95100,-87.67000,29,21,0,CST,1,0,null,near my house is a ver bright street light covering up most of Orion's stars,null 20060406170900,32.31300,-111.24800,28,19,40,MST,7,0,null,null,null 20060406171300,41.90000,-86.35000,29,19,50,CST,1,75,a thick haze in the west,null,it was hard to see Orion. 20060406171600,18.49101,-67.11850,22,20,40,AST,5,50,After the clouds moved away from Orion| it was clear.,Some street lights within 50 meters.,null 20060406171700,41.91300,-87.78700,29,20,35,CST,4,0,there seems to be clouds coming from the west,there is a light pole in the alley about 100 ft away.,Orion is always visible from my location and can be seen anytime its dark out and sky conditions are clear. 20060406172000,41.94800,-87.71900,30,21,45,CST,1,0,null,there is a highway across the way| which causes an orange glow to the sky. This makes stars very hard| if not impossible to see.,null 20060406174500,34.00000,-82.00000,28,21,40,null,2,50,cloudy,3 street lights 50m away each,null 20060406174800,33.02400,-96.87500,22,19,30,CST,3,25,It is kinda overcast,some house lights are one and flood lights,It was kinda overcast ansd hard to see 20060406175100,33.02400,-96.85800,23,19,45,CST,5,50,cloudy and cant hardly see,couple of house lights kinda hard to see stars,it was hard to see b/c of house lights and it was kinda cloudy 20060406175500,34.69200,-82.79300,26,19,45,EST,5,0,null,one street light within 50m.that is blocked by trees,billions of stars out tonight 20060406175500,33.02470,-96.85800,24,21,0,CST,6,75,hasrd to see b/c of clouds,couple of house lights are on,house lights on clouds in way 20060406175700,33.02400,-96.85800,25,20,25,CST,5,50,Alittle hard to see the clouds,house lights are on,cant see real good b/c of the clouds 20060406175900,33.02200,-96.85800,26,21,0,CST,5,50,clouds cover most of sky,house lights,house lights were on 20060406180100,33.02200,-96.85800,27,20,35,CST,4,50,clouds covered most of the sky,house lights around me,clouds are overcast 20060406180300,33.02200,-96.85800,28,20,15,CST,5,25,null,house lights are on,only house lights on next door 20060406180400,34.71800,-82.77900,30,23,0,EST,4,25,Lots of clouds far to the west.,Threr's a streetlight 75 meters away| slightly visible.,null 20060406191600,41.99200,-87.78600,26,20,55,CST,4,0,null,There was a streetlight within 50m,null 20060406191800,41.88333,-86.36667,26,20,55,CST,1,0,null,All the area is quite illuminated because it is close to the downtown,null 20060406191800,41.97400,-87.73600,26,20,30,CST,3,0,null,null,null 20060406191800,42.49100,-92.34200,29,20,15,CST,3,25,null,null,GLOBE1- Black Hawk County|IA 20060406191900,41.98000,-87.70000,28,19,35,CST,4,50,null,null,null 20060406192000,41.92200,-87.64000,26,20,15,CST,3,0,null,null,null 20060406192000,42.47300,-92.36300,26,20,45,CST,2,25,null,Across from parking lot with lights,GLOBE1 Black Hawk Co| IA 20060406192200,42.42800,-92.25400,28,20,25,CST,4,50,null,null,GLOBE1 Black Hawk Co| IA 20060406192300,41.98000,-87.70000,26,19,15,CST,4,0,null,Very Clear|I could see few if no clouds,I am able to see Orion's Belt along ith the other main stars forming his body very clearly. The smaller stars are difficult to see. 20060406192300,41.66100,-87.55300,22,19,15,CST,4,0,null,null,null 20060406192400,41.79700,-87.59800,25,20,0,CST,1,50,CLOUDS AND FOG COVER MOST OF TEH SKY.,THERE ARE SEVERAL STREETLIGHTS THAT MAKES IT DIFFICULT TOGET ACOMPLETELY ARK VIEW OF TEH SKY.,null 20060406193400,42.43300,-92.37100,25,19,25,CST,4,0,null,null,GLOBE1 Black Hawk Co| IA 20060406193800,42.47900,-92.34000,25,19,50,CST,4,0,null,null,GLOBE1 Black Hawk Co| IA 20060406194000,42.46800,-92.34100,25,19,50,CST,4,0,null,null,GLOBE1 Black Hawk Co| IA 20060406194100,42.48500,-92.35100,24,19,50,CST,3,0,null,null,GLOBE1 Black Hawk Co| IA 20060406194200,42.48700,-92.34900,25,19,35,CST,4,0,null,null,GLOBE1 Black Hawk Co| IA 20060406194400,42.49800,-92.39600,26,20,30,CST,5,0,null,null,GLOBE1 Black Hawk Co| IA 20060406194500,42.49700,-92.33000,26,19,30,CST,4,0,null,null,GLOBE1 Black Hawk Co| IA 20060406194600,42.44800,-92.29200,26,20,40,CST,3,0,null,null,GLOBE1 Black Hawk Co| IA 20060406194700,42.48800,-92.38700,22,19,45,CST,4,0,null,null,GLOBE1 Black Hawk Co| IA 20060406200600,39.46077,-75.15939,28,20,0,EST,1,50,null,outside light 150ft from observation point,null 20060406201000,18.79028,50.01333,31,21,0,CET,4,50,null,This is village.,null 20060406201600,39.46077,-75.15939,30,20,0,EST,5,25,null,outside light 150ft from observation point,null 20060406201700,42.68000,-91.90900,26,21,0,CST,3,25,null,null,GLOBE1 Black Hawk Co| IA 20060406201900,32.41100,-111.01100,22,20,30,MST,4,0,null,null,null 20060406202000,42.51900,-92.45600,22,21,0,CST,3,0,null,parking lot lights guarded by a deck awning,GLOBE1 Black Hawk Co| IA 20060406202000,33.37500,-117.64722,23,21,0,null,4,25,null,no lights on,null 20060406202200,42.51300,-92.44000,26,21,0,CST,3,25,null,few lights near the parking lot,GLOBE1 Black Hawk Co| IA 20060406202300,42.53800,-92.46400,26,20,50,CST,2,25,null,well lit parking lot,GLOBE1 Black Hawk Co| IA 20060406202400,42.48500,-92.44100,22,21,0,CST,3,0,null,null,GLOBE1 Black Hawk Co| IA 20060406202600,41.51800,-90.72600,25,20,35,CST,5,25,null,Trees all around-- no street lights,GLOBE1 Black Hawk Co| IA 20060406202600,39.46077,-75.15939,31,20,0,EST,6,0,null,outside light 150ft from observation point,null 20060406203000,42.51800,-92.45600,22,20,55,CST,3,0,street light shielded by tree,null,GLOBE1 Black Hawk Co| IA 20060406203200,42.96500,-91.80400,26,19,0,CST,5,0,null,null,GLOBE1 Black Hawk Co| IA 20060406203400,39.87300,-74.20200,31,21,15,EST,4,25,null,There is one street light within 50 m that is shielded from my view,null 20060406203400,42.85600,-91.40200,24,20,5,CST,6,50,null,null,GLOBE1 Black Hawk Co| IA 20060406203500,42.80500,-91.54100,24,21,0,CST,6,50,null,null,GLOBE1 Black Hawk Co| IA 20060406203600,42.41100,-91.38900,25,20,30,CST,6,0,null,null,GLOBE1 Black Hawk Co| IA 20060406203800,42.42800,-92.33100,27,20,45,CST,3,0,null,null,GLOBE1 Black Hawk Co| IA 20060406204000,42.83100,-92.08200,28,20,0,CST,1,25,null,null,GLOBE1 Black Hawk Co| IA 20060406204100,42.83100,-92.08200,24,19,50,CST,4,0,null,null,GLOBE1 Black Hawk Co| IA 20060406204400,42.46000,-92.34900,22,20,45,CST,3,0,null,null,GLOBE1 Black Hawk Co| IA 20060406204600,42.52000,-92.39300,28,21,0,CST,2,50,little hazy,null,GLOBE1 Black Hawk Co| IA 20060406204700,30.21800,-95.11900,28,19,0,CST,1,75,null,null,null 20060406205000,42.52000,-92.64100,28,21,0,CST,5,50,null,null,GLOBE1 Black Hawk Co| IA 20060406205100,42.96400,-91.81200,26,19,30,CST,4,0,null,null,GLOBE1 Black Hawk Co| IA 20060406205200,42.71100,-91.91300,26,20,0,CST,7,0,null,null,GLOBE1 Black Hawk Co| IA 20060406210900,42.50300,-92.47400,31,21,0,CST,4,25,null,null,GLOBE1 Black Hawk Co| IA 20060406211100,42.50300,-92.47400,31,21,0,CST,4,25,null,null,GLOBE1 Black Hawk Co| IA 20060406211200,39.61889,-79.18333,30,20,30,EST,5,0,slight haze at horizon all around blocking out low altitude stars| though lower parts of CMa and upper part of Puppis were visible,small light dome from industrial stockpile yard to SW at a distance of approximalely 3 quarter to 1 air mile| due south undeveloped state forest land for many miles,could occasionally see some of the 6th mag. stars in Orion| and other 6th mag. stars more directly overhead| but consistently could only see 5th mag. 20060406213300,41.81600,-90.54300,25,20,5,CST,4,0,null,null,GLOBE1 Black Hawk Co| IA 20060406214000,44.07000,-93.20400,26,19,0,CST,4,25,null,null,GLOBE1 Black Hawk Co| IA 20060406214100,44.09800,-93.22700,26,19,25,CST,3,25,null,large grocery stoer and car dealership at bottom of hill from observation point,GLOBE1 Black Hawk Co| IA 20060406214300,45.28000,-122.69600,26,20,30,PST,6,0,null,null,GLOBE1 Black Hawk Co| IA 20060406214400,45.02800,-93.03500,25,19,40,CST,2,0,null,null,GLOBE1 Black Hawk Co| IA 20060406214500,45.05600,-93.14700,25,19,55,CST,2,25,null,null,null 20060406214700,42.78800,-92.16400,28,21,0,CST,1,75,null,null,GLOBE1 Black Hawk Co| IA 20060406215000,42.45900,-92.34900,22,20,0,CST,3,25,null,null,GLOBE1 Black Hawk Co| IA 20060406215100,41.35000,-93.59300,28,20,30,CST,6,25,null,null,GLOBE1 Black Hawk Co| IA 20060407001000,37.10400,-76.44600,26,20,30,EST,4,0,null,null,GLOBE1 Black Hawk Co| IA 20060407001100,42.52300,-92.36700,22,20,30,CST,2,0,null,null,null 20060407001200,42.39900,-92.29800,22,20,45,CST,4,0,null,null,GLOBE1 Black Hawk Co| IA 20060407002000,42.72800,-92.47600,25,19,50,CST,2,25,null,null,GLOBE1 Black Hawk Co| IA 20060407002100,42.45600,-92.35900,25,19,55,CST,2,0,null,parking lot surrounded by lights,GLOBE1 Black Hawk Co| IA 20060407002200,42.50600,-92.40700,25,20,20,CST,5,0,null,null,GLOBE1 Black Hawk Co| IA 20060407002400,37.11800,-76.58600,26,21,0,EST,4,0,null,null,GLOBE1 Black Hawk Co| IA 20060407003500,37.20000,-76.57500,26,20,25,EST,3,0,null,null,GLOBE1 Black Hawk Co| IA 20060407003700,42.49600,-92.16000,28,20,50,CST,2,25,null,null,GLOBE1 Black Hawk Co| IA 20060407004200,42.68100,-91.91300,28,20,0,CST,5,25,null,null,GLOBE1 Black Hawk Co| IA 20060407004300,42.41300,-92.14200,28,20,15,CST,2,50,null,null,GLOBE1 Black Hawk Co| IA 20060407004500,42.32600,-92.33800,22,20,40,CST,6,0,null,null,GLOBE1 Black Hawk Co| IA 20060407004600,42.46500,-92.34100,22,20,55,CST,4,0,null,null,GLOBE1 Black Hawk Co| IA 20060407004700,42.45500,-92.92000,25,19,30,CST,6,0,null,null,GLOBE1 Black Hawk Co| IA 20060407004800,42.44900,-91.89500,25,20,10,CST,6,0,null,null,GLOBE1 Black Hawk Co| IA 20060407004900,42.46900,-91.84900,26,20,35,CST,5,25,null,null,GLOBE1 Black Hawk Co| IA 20060407005000,42.46200,-91.96900,25,20,55,CST,6,0,null,null,GLOBE1 Black Hawk Co| IA 20060407005200,42.46200,-91.96900,25,20,55,CST,6,0,null,null,GLOBE1 Black Hawk Co| IA 20060407005400,43.32000,-92.29900,25,20,20,CST,6,0,null,null,GLOBE1 Black Hawk Co| IA 20060407005800,43.48000,-92.36600,25,20,30,CST,5,50,null,null,GLOBE1 Black Hawk Co| IA 20060407005900,43.48000,-92.27800,25,20,55,CST,5,50,null,null,GLOBE1 Black Hawk Co| IA 20060407010100,43.37400,-92.11900,25,20,55,CST,4,25,2 lights within 50 yeards,null,null 20060407010600,42.61700,-92.45600,26,20,55,CST,3,25,null,null,GLOBE1 Black Hawk Co| IA 20060407010700,42.67000,-92.33000,26,21,0,CST,4,25,null,null,GLOBE1 Black Hawk Co| IA 20060407011100,42.52300,-92.45000,25,21,0,CST,3,0,null,null,GLOBE1 Black Hawk Co| IA 20060407011300,42.51900,-92.43400,24,20,0,CST,4,0,null,null,GLOBE1 Black Hawk Co| IA 20060407011400,37.20000,-76.57500,26,20,25,EST,3,0,null,null,GLOBE1 Black Hawk Co| IA 20060407011500,42.40900,-92.26600,22,20,55,CST,5,0,null,null,GLOBE1 Black Hawk Co| IA 20060407012400,42.50800,-92.41100,23,20,15,CST,3,25,null,null,GLOBE1 Black Hawk Co| IA 20060407012500,42.73700,-92.45000,23,20,50,CST,7,25,null,null,GLOBE1 Black Hawk Co| IA 20060407012700,42.50900,-92.34400,25,19,45,CST,2,50,null,null,GLOBE1 Black Hawk Co| IA 20060407012800,42.51700,-92.35600,27,20,5,CST,2,75,null,null,GLOBE1 Black Hawk Co| IA 20060407022700,36.30000,-82.36000,22,20,15,EST,3,0,null,Parking Lot with lights.,null 20060407022900,48.70000,-117.91667,25,20,35,EST,3,0,null,Disney World.,null 20060407032300,14.00000,15.00000,27,19,0,null,3,25,its a bit cloudy,there is a light post about 5 meters from here,the clouds are moving away 20060407044900,32.25600,-110.83100,28,21,30,MST,1,0,a little haze. hard to see the stars.,there is a park with bright soccor lights about 60 meters away.,I couldnt even see orions belt becuase of the light pollution everywhere. it wasnt very visible at all. 20060407054400,13.00000,77.50000,31,20,40,IST,3,0,null,null,null 20060407075400,45.48840,15.25300,23,21,0,null,3,25,null,null,null 20060407075700,45.48840,15.25300,24,21,0,null,3,25,null,null,null 20060407080100,45.48840,15.25300,25,19,25,null,4,25,null,There is one street light with 50 m.,null 20060407080500,45.48840,15.25300,26,20,5,null,5,0,null,There is one street light within 50 m.,null 20060407080800,45.48840,15.25300,27,20,15,null,6,0,null,There is one street light within 50 m.,null 20060407081200,45.48840,15.25300,28,20,15,null,6,0,null,There is one street light within 50 m.,It is very pail. 20060407081500,45.48840,15.25300,29,19,50,null,6,0,null,There is one street light within 50 m.,It is very pail. 20060407081700,8.64500,99.87533,30,19,50,null,6,0,null,Walailak University. There is no light.,null 20060407081700,45.48840,15.25300,30,20,15,null,5,25,null,There is one street light within 50 m.,null 20060407081900,45.48840,15.25300,31,19,10,null,6,25,null,There is one street light within 50 m.,null 20060407113400,55.20833,-1.56667,29,23,30,WET,5,0,Small amount of haze| crescent moon had set,I live on the NE coast of England| there are several stret lights withi 100yards of my home| but my fence shields me from most of the street lighting,Faintest stars visible were the stars in Coma Berenices| at 5.3 mag. 20060407134300,51.53333,7.23333,31,12,0,CET,3,0,normal sky above ruhrarea,null,null 20060407134700,42.42900,-92.30100,22,20,55,CST,3,0,null,null,GLOBE1 Black Hawk Co| IA 20060407134900,42.51600,-92.45100,22,21,0,CST,2,0,null,null,GLOBE1 Black Hawk Co| IA 20060407134900,42.48400,-92.47300,22,20,55,CST,3,0,null,null,GLOBE1 Black Hawk Co| IA 20060407135200,42.50800,-90.70600,25,20,50,CST,3,25,null,null,GLOBE1 Black Hawk Co| IA 20060407141000,34.68500,-82.79600,27,21,40,EST,3,0,A small amount of clouds but pretty much all clear.,Neighborhood with street lights.,null 20060407141700,34.71667,-81.23333,29,20,0,EST,3,25,sparse and random cloud coverage,no streetlights at all or any buildings,null 20060407143000,34.71500,-82.78200,27,23,0,EST,2,25,null,null,null 20060407143700,34.72300,-82.79000,28,21,0,EST,2,25,null,null,null 20060407143800,29.90700,-89.96200,23,21,20,CST,3,25,a few clouds in the north,street lights in plain view,null 20060407144000,30.00900,-90.10400,27,20,0,CST,4,25,null,sheilded street light 20 ft. away,null 20060407145700,30.00500,-90.10400,27,20,0,CST,4,25,null,null,null 20060407145800,29.90700,-89.96200,26,19,25,CST,3,0,null,null,null 20060407150000,29.92600,-90.12400,25,20,0,CST,3,0,null,null,null 20060407150100,29.90700,-89.96200,25,19,40,CST,5,0,null,null,null 20060407152000,10.49000,-61.43000,24,22,45,null,7,0,null,null,null 20060407170500,51.07220,17.03480,22,21,10,null,3,0,null,null,null 20060407170900,51.07220,17.03480,23,21,40,null,3,0,null,null,null 20060407171200,51.07220,17.03480,24,21,55,null,2,25,null,null,null 20060407171500,37.25506,-77.05283,27,19,30,EST,5,0,null,Street lamp 10 yards away,null 20060407171500,51.07220,17.03480,25,20,20,null,2,25,null,null,null 20060407171600,37.30306,-76.93683,26,20,15,EST,5,0,null,null,null 20060407171700,37.35906,-76.92983,26,20,30,EST,5,0,null,null,null 20060407171800,51.07220,17.03480,26,21,30,null,1,75,null,null,null 20060407172100,51.07220,17.03480,27,22,15,null,3,25,null,null,null 20060407172200,44.83200,-71.71900,27,20,0,EST,5,25,Slight haze to the north-north east.,There is a minute amount of light polution coming from nearby town of Plymouth. The nearest exterior light is at a neighbor's house about one-quarter of a mile down the road.,This was not the clearest night I've seen at this adress| but the moon was bright enough to distract my eyes a little bit. 20060407172400,51.07220,17.03480,28,21,30,null,2,0,null,null,null 20060407172600,51.07220,17.02053,29,22,0,null,3,0,null,null,null 20060407172900,51.14220,17.08480,22,21,0,null,3,0,null,null,null 20060407173200,43.86700,-71.90500,26,19,55,EST,5,0,null,Theres a street light about 150 feet from me,null 20060407173200,51.14220,17.08480,23,20,30,null,3,25,null,null,null 20060407173500,51.14220,17.08480,25,21,10,null,2,50,null,null,null 20060407173600,51.14220,17.08480,26,21,15,null,1,75,null,null,null 20060407173800,51.14220,17.08480,27,21,20,null,3,0,null,null,null 20060407173900,43.75500,-71.69300,29,19,25,EST,6,0,null,There is one street light on within 70 meters that is shielded my view.,It was at the Fox Park| so there were a lot of trees around| but I still could see the Orion's stars and the sky was was pretty dark. 20060407174000,51.14220,17.08480,28,20,50,null,3,25,null,null,null 20060407174100,51.14220,17.08480,29,21,0,null,3,25,null,null,null 20060407174200,43.75500,-71.69300,27,20,50,EST,5,0,null,There is one street light within 20 meters in front of my house that is shielded from my view.,Behinf mt house| there are tall trees that cover 1 quarter of ethe sky| but I still can see somo stars among the branches and I was able to see the all of the Orion's stars). 20060407174400,51.14220,17.05480,22,22,0,null,3,25,null,null,null 20060407174600,51.14220,17.05480,23,21,40,null,2,25,null,null,null 20060407174700,51.14220,17.05480,24,21,45,null,3,25,null,null,null 20060407175000,51.14220,17.05480,25,21,50,null,1,75,null,null,null 20060407175100,-43.80100,-71.68000,27,19,30,EST,6,0,Clear,There is one garage light within fifty yards that is shielded.,null 20060407175300,51.14220,17.05480,27,21,50,null,3,0,null,null,null 20060407175400,51.14220,17.05480,28,22,0,null,3,25,null,null,null 20060407175600,51.14220,17.05480,29,22,0,null,3,25,null,null,null 20060407175800,51.14220,17.05480,30,21,50,null,3,25,null,null,null 20060407180500,51.10620,17.10580,22,20,20,null,3,0,null,null,null 20060407180700,51.10620,17.10580,23,21,0,null,3,0,null,null,null 20060407180900,51.10620,17.10580,24,20,5,null,2,25,null,null,null 20060407181000,51.10620,17.10580,25,21,20,null,2,50,null,null,null 20060407181200,51.10620,17.10580,26,21,30,null,1,75,null,null,null 20060407181300,51.10620,17.10580,27,22,25,null,3,0,null,null,null 20060407181400,51.10620,17.10580,28,21,30,null,2,25,null,null,null 20060407181600,51.10620,17.10580,29,22,0,null,3,0,null,null,null 20060407193300,30.22500,-95.14300,23,21,40,CST,4,0,null,null,null 20060407201800,42.49000,-92.38700,25,19,30,CST,4,25,null,null,GLOBE1 Black Hawk Co| Iowa 20060408015800,36.67333,-120.34500,28,21,0,PST,4,25,null,Backyard. Turned out all the lights.,My son did an entire science project in January observing sky brightness and relating that with elevation and distance from the city of Salinas near us. The magnitude in our back yard was consistently 4.3 to 5 (differences being mostly between myself and 20060408123000,22.25333,15.43611,22,20,25,EST,7,0,null,null,null 20060410160400,37.09100,-76.28600,31,23,0,EST,6,0,We typically have Sky Quality Meter readings of 19.68 at our urban Grundland Astronomy Park in Hampton. Last Saturday night| we had our highest reading of 19.85 after the Moon set.,Here is the Clear Sky Clock page for our site| Grundland Astronomy Park: http://www.cleardarksky.com/c/GndlndAPGAkey.html,Here is the Sky Quality Meter site: http://unihedron.com/projects/darksky/ 19.85 mag/arcsec-squared = 1.24 x 10-3 cd/meters-squared best 19.68 mag/arcsec-squared 1.45 x 10-3 cd/meters-squared typical.