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Cartoon scientist recording animal activitiesAs part of its semiannual program review and facility inspection, your IACUC will conduct routine assessments of institutional animal activities.

This review covers institutional policies and responsibilities, IACUC membership and functions, and IACUC record keeping and reporting procedures. It also looks at the adequacy and appropriateness of animal environment, housing, and management; veterinary care; staff training; emergency preparedness; and occupational health and safety programs.

A facility review is a physical inspection of buildings, areas, and vehicles (including satellite facilities housing animals for more than 24 hours) used for confinement, transport, maintenance, breeding, or experiments, including surgery.

Your lab may be inspected as part of a facility review, or your IACUC may randomly visit to verify that you are following your protocol.

IACUCs report the results of their program evaluation and facility inspection to the institutional official for animal welfare. These reports describe any deficiencies found and include plans and schedules for correcting each one.

Institutional officials submit semiannual IACUC reports to OLAW only if requested or if the institution is submitting a new or renewal animal welfare assurance and is not accredited by the Association for Assessment and Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care.


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