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AFS Non-filers Frequently Asked Questions

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Q: I received an email letter from REAC indicating that REAC/FASS has not received the annual financial statement (AFS). Can I get an extension of time to file the AFS?

A: Requests for extensions must be filed electronically through the REAC website at http://www.hud.gov/reac through the "online systems" selection. Please refer to Chapter 2 of the online REAC User Guide for Financial Assessment Subsystems - Multifamily Housing (FASS). The DEC is not authorized to grant extensions for filing.

Q: I need to talk to someone for technical assistance in understanding the electronic filing requirements. Is there a telephone number I can call to speak to someone?

A: Yes. To discuss a FASS technical problem or get assistance, contact the REAC Technical Assistance Center at 1-888-245-4860.

Q: If a property changed owners, what are the obligations of the seller and purchaser for filing an AFS?

A: The seller must file an AFS covering the period from the beginning of the seller's fiscal year through the day before the deed was signed. The date the deed was signed marked the beginning of the purchaser's (new owner's) financial reporting responsibilities. The purchaser must file an AFS from the date the deed was signed until the end of the purchaser's selected fiscal year.

Q: If my mortgage is paid off, does HUD require an AFS for the property?

A: Owners are required to submit an AFS for the full fiscal year ending before the year the owner paid off the mortgage. Owners must continue to file the AFS after prepayment if any other contract and/or agreement with HUD requires an AFS (i.e., a Section 8 Housing Assistance Payments Contract or Use Agreement). Please contact the local HUD multifamily program center if there is any question concerning the AFS filing requirements.

Q: If HUD sold my mortgage in a Multifamily Note Sale, why am I being contacted to file an AFS?

A: Owners of mortgages sold under the Multifamily Notes Sale Program are required to submit the annual financial statements covering the fiscal year ending before the year in which the note sale closing occurs.

Q: If my property is in foreclosure what AFS filing rules apply to me?

A: Owners of HUD-held properties included in a foreclosure sale, that have a business requirement to submit an AFS, are required to submit financial statements covering the full fiscal year before the year in which the foreclosure sale occurs.

Q: I received a Prepenalty Notice; can I pay a civil money penalty and not be required to file the AFS?

A: No. All owners who have a regulatory or contractual agreement to file AFS must do so.

Q: Who is subject to the civil money penalties?

A: Recent rules have expanded the parties against whom HUD may seek a civil money penalty. In most cases, for AFS due after January 7, 2002, HUD may seek a civil money penalty against mortgagors, general partners of mortgagors, officers or directors of corporate mortgagors, identity of interest agents, and members of limited liability companies that are mortgagors or partners of partnership mortgagors. The rules also expanded liability for penalties against Section 8 owners, their general partners, and identity of interest agents.

Q: How much are the Civil Money Penalties?

A: Under 24 CFR 30.45 (g) the maximum penalty that may be imposed upon an FHA mortgagor of a multifamily property (or on any person in a relationship with the mortgagor as described in the regulations at paragraph (c) of Section 30.45) is $37,500 per violation. Please note that there is a different maximum penalty against owners of non-insured, assisted properties, where the requirement to file financial statements is part of the HAP contract. In cases where there is only a HAP contract, the maximum penalty amount is $25,000 for each violation. Project funds cannot be used for payment of the penalty.

Content current as of 1 January 2009   Follow this link to go  Back to top   
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