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Family and Youth Services Bureau skip to primary page contentAssociate Commissioner Karen Morison

Community-Based Abstinence Education Network of Support

The Family and Youth Services Bureau supports Community-Based Abstinence Education grantees through training and technical assistance contracts. The contracts serve grantees in different ways, together providing a comprehensive network of support.

  • Community-Based Abstinence Education Training, Technical Assistance, and Capacity Building. This contract is operated by Pal-Tech, Inc., which provides a variety of training and technical assistance services for grantees. Specifically, the contractor plans and coordinates the national conference and regional trainings; works with expert consultants to develop technical assistance modules; organizes and conducts technical assistance conference calls and Web casts; and conducts onsite media trainings through its subcontractor, Rosenberg Communications. Individualized technical assistance is also provided upon request.
  • National Clearinghouse on Families & Youth (NCFY). This central information resource for grantees is operated by JBS International, Inc. NCFY builds the abstinence education knowledge base by identifying potential funding sources, developing fact sheets and other resources, and maintaining a searchable online literature database. NCFY also develops and disseminates the biweekly Abstinence Education E-Update, which contains links to pertinent media stories, research findings, funding opportunities, and training and technical assistance events.
  • Program Monitoring and Logistical Support. This contract is operated by Calvin Edwards & Company. The contractor coordinates site visits to 24 grantees and advises Federal staff on grantee organizational development, activities, and management practices. Each site visit results in a written report, which includes site visit details, observations, and analysis. The contractor works with new grant recipients to develop measurable program goals, including approved activities, outputs, outcomes, and reporting requirements, and to write semiannual reports. Additional support is available upon grantee request.
  • National Abstinence Media Campaign. This campaign, facilitated by Rosenberg Communications, develops television and radio programming, print products, outdoor advertising, and online media encouraging abstinence until marriage. Three outreach centers promote the campaign among selected racial and ethnic groups.
  • Center for Research and Evaluation on Abstinence Education. This resource is facilitated by the Lewin Group. The center works with abstinence education evaluators to conduct scientifically sound evaluations using widely accepted practices for sampling, measurement, design, analysis, and interpretation of findings. The center also develops materials designed to improve abstinence education research and evaluation and delivers training and technical assistance on program evaluation to new providers.
  • Abstinence Education Review of Reaching High-Risk Populations. This contract is facilitated by ORC Macro. The contractor works to identify best practices for communicating the abstinence-until-marriage message to high-risk adolescents. Using its findings, the contractor gives grantees guidance on how to better reach specific high-risk populations. This work is done in collaboration with the National Abstinence Clearinghouse.