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Evaluation of the Office on National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP)
National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign - Reports and Public Use Data Files

In September 1998, NIDA awarded a competitive contract to Westat, Inc., a health survey research company, and subcontracts to The Annenberg School for Communication, University of Pennsylvania, and the National Development Research Institute (NDRI), to undertake a science-based evaluation of the National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign sponsored by the ONDCP. During the development year (1999), Westat and colleagues designed and implemented a nationally-representative household survey of youth and parents living in the same household, entitled National Survey of Parents and Youth. After Round 1 of interviews, which occurred in Waves 1, 2, or 3, youth and parents were re-interviewed three additional times, approximately once a year, in regard to exposure to the Campaign through June 2004. Westat has produced produce semiannual, annual and special reports that provide data on the impact of the Campaign on attitudes, beliefs, intentions and behaviors on these youth and parents over time. The Public Use Files (PUF) containing data for the first three rounds of the survey are now available for download from this site. Each of the three files includes a representative but reduced sample of youth responses for that round. Identifying information and links both to the respondent's data for other rounds of the survey and his/her parent's surveys have been eliminated to protect respondent confidentiality. Selected parent variables have been appended to the records in the file.

For more information on the Media Campaign, visit http://www.mediacampaign.org/publications/index.html - (Office of National Drug Control Policy)

In 2005, NIDA awarded a contract to the NSPY Center - a joint venture between AMSAQ, Inc. and Westat. The NSPY Center is charged with housing, managing, and analyzing restricted use data collected via the National Survey of Parents and Youth (NSPY) during Phase III of the Evaluation of the National Youth Anti-drug Media Campaign. For more information, please go to https://www.nspycenter.com/default.asp

The following Reports are currently available on-line:

2004 Report of Findings: Evaluation of the National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign - (Released August, 2006)

2003 Report of Findings: Evaluation of the National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign - (Released December, 2003)

Fifth Semi-Annual Report: Evaluation of the National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign - (Released January, 2003)

Fourth Semi-Annual Report: Evaluation of the National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign - (Released May, 2002)

Third Semi-Annual Report: Evaluation of the National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign - (Released October, 2001)

Second Semi-Annual Report: Evaluation of the National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign - (Released July, 2000)

Special Report: Evaluation of the National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign: Historical Trends in Drug Use and Design of the Phase III Evaluation - (Released July, 2000)

Semi-Annual Report: Evaluation of the National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign: Campaign Exposure and Baseline Measurement of Correlates of Illicit Drug Use from November 1999 through May 2000 -(Released November, 2000)

Questionnaires: National Survey of Parents and Youth Questionnaires for Wave 1 (11/99-5/00) and Wave 2 (7/00-12/00) -(Released November, 2000)

The following Public Use Files and Documentation are currently available on-line:

Round 1-3 Public Use Files and Documentation for the Evaluation of the National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign - National Survey of Parents and Youth

  • Data Files and Computer Programs* Zipped, in ASCII (text) format with SAS program to read them into SAS and sample programs for SAS and SUDAAN analyses (7,103 K)
  • Documentation* Zipped, in PDF format (1,973 K), consisting of:
    • Users' Guide* (PDF Format, 469 K)
    • Appendix A* Codebook (PDF Format, 263 K)
    • Appendix B* Data Collection Instruments (PDF Format, 1,089 K)
    • Appendix C* Using Common Statistical Software Applications with NSPY Public Use Files (PDF Format, 669 K)
* Windows users: Right-click link, select "save target as...", and designate a location on your computer.
Macintoch users: Control-click link, select "download" and designate a location on your computer.

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