NCBI logo NCBI Announce Mail List
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NCBI has created a mailing list for announcing NCBI developments and updates. This list is intended for distribution of messages announcing updates, new tools and features, and to give advanced notice about upcoming changes in NCBI resources.

If you would like to subscribe to this list please go to

Under the heading "Subscribing to 'ncbi-announce'" fill in your e-mail address and choose a password for your account. The password will be used for accessing the ncbi-announce archives when they become available. You will need to verify this password and then click the "Subscribe" button.

Once you subscribe to the mailing list you will be able to receive NCBI announcement news via e-mail. If you have any questions please write to If you would like updates on BLAST, please see the BLAST-Announce page at

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Revised September 4, 2003