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U.S. Food and Drug Administration European Commission European Medicines Agency

London, 14 March 2006

Press Release

Cooperation on Medicines Regulation Intensified

The EU-FDA confidentiality arrangement was reviewed at a meeting in Brussels on 13 March 2006 of the European Commission, the European Medicines Agency (EMEA) and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The implementation plan for the arrangement was judged by all parties to have been a success.

Following positive feedback from both regulators and industry that parallel scientific advice can facilitate the development of safe and effective medicines, it was agreed to extend the pilot phase for this process. Another area of particular benefit is pharmacovigilance, where close collaboration on a number of important issues has enhanced patient safety.

This review resulted in an agreement to intensify transatlantic cooperation in the area of medicinal products, with particular focus on vaccines (including preparedness for influenza pandemic), medicines for children, medicines for rare diseases (‘orphans’), oncology and pharmacogenomics. Other public health priority areas will be explored in the coming months, such as counterfeit medicines.

The arrangement has strengthened interactions between the regulatory authorities and contributed to improving the promotion and protection of public health.


Media Inquiries only to:

European Commission
Peter Arlett
Tel. (32-2) 296 1268
E-mail: peter.arlett@cec.eu.int

Martin Harvey Allchurch
Tel. (44-20) 74 18 84 27
E-mail: press@emea.eu.int

Susan Bro
Tel. (1-301) 827 3259
Email: Susan.Bro@fda.hhs.gov

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