Carbon Cycle ESSP Agenda

Agenda for 4 - 7 August 2008
CG-1 Auditorium Room 1212

8:00 am Overview
Introductions: What is the Carbon Cycle Project and who are the team members?
  • Who are you and where do you come from?
  • Outline of activities: Carbon Activity Framework
  • Show plant-a-plant set up in the room (poster, hand-outs, experiment examples) we will be open to answering questions during breaks and lunch throughout the week
8:25 am What do students know about the carbon cycle and its relation to climate change?
  • Intro: (pre-assessment) KWL What do you Know and What to know about carbon, the carbon cycle, and the nature of systems
  • Perform: Carbon Cycle Adventure Game- Record the pools and fluxes from the C cycle diagram, read the story and draw your own version of the carbon cycle (L-what did you learn)
  • Discuss: Why is the carbon cycle important? How does it relate to you?
    • Connections to other resources (DLESE, NSDL)
  • Mini-Lecture: How do scientists measure and understand the carbon cycle through terrestrial ecosystems?
10:15 am Modeling Introduction
  • Perform: Paper Clip Factory Activity
  • Discuss: What is modeling? Why do scientists model? Modeling terms and concepts.
  • Show: Modeling Activity Sequence - Handout
10:45 am Break
11:00 am Field Introduction
  • Discuss: Why do we measure trees? How do we measure trees?
  • Show: Circumference/DBH Activity, Biomass Units Activity, Human Allometry Activity
11:15 am Field Measurement
  • Perform: Brainstorm methods to answer the question: How much Carbon is stored in our schoolyard? (Inquiry)
  • Discuss: Similarity to current Landcover Sample Site Set up
  • Discuss: Tree tagging, tree ID (species groups), tree circumference documents
11:30 am Data Input and Analysis
  • Discuss: Review all concepts that students should know before data entry & analysis
  • Perform: Plot biomass analysis examine sample data and analysis questions
  • Perform: Compare field data to model data
12:00 pm Lunch
1:15 am NPP/Biomass model in STELLA
  • Read teacher guide background
  • Build 1 box biomass model from reading on white paper
  • 3 Essential Questions for this modeling activity
  • Discuss: GLOBE Carbon Cycle model software (STELLA), using the iSee Player
  • Demonstrate: 1 Model run for Boulder, Colorado
    • Lat Long
    • Temp, Precip, Biome Turnover
    • Use graphs and table to fill out row 1 of student worksheet
    • Indicate how to change run simulation time (to 200yrs)
    • Give instructions and remind of 3 essential questions
  • Perform: simple model runs using a given set of parameters
    • Run model under "local" conditions so it can be used later in comparison to field data
3:45 pm Wrap Up
  • What lies ahead for the Carbon Cycle Project?
  • Evaluation
4:15 pm Plenary — End of day check-in (CG-1 Auditorium Room 1212)
4:45 pm Buses depart for Outlook Hotel

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