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2007 News Archive

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December, 2007
 -   HUD�s Homeless Program Awards Announced!
 -   2007 Homeless Assistance Program Awards page
 -   Deputy Secretary Bernardi's Announcement
November, 2007
 -   Secretary Alponson Jackson giving a speech HUD Reports Drop in Chronic Homelessness Decrease largely attributed to increase in supportive housing.
October, 2007
 -   ANNOUNCING: The Homelessness Resource Exchange at HUDHRE.info
The Homelessness Resource Exchange is your one-stop shop for information and resources for providers who are assisting persons who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless.
Click here to visit!
September, 2007
 -   Preserve America Presidential Award Nominations Sought
more... | Historic Preservation
August, 2007
 -   Green Beans to Green Living
What's a sure-fire recipe for saving a crime-ridden, physically-deteriorated and very, very troubled apartment complex?
Learn more...
July, 2007

 -   Untitled Document CPD Notice 2007-05,
Issued July 11,2007

HOME Program - Match Reductions for Fiscal and Severe Fiscal Distress and for Major Presidentially-Declared Disasters under the Stafford Act
(This Notice supersedes CPD Notice 04-06)
All HOME Notices
 -   Request to CDBG Grantees
This request is in addition to our major effort to enter data for the new Performance Measurement system for Federal Fiscal year 2007 but will be important for that effort on a complementary basis. At the end of each Federal fiscal year, HUD reports information on the accomplishments achieved using CDBG funds in its Annual Performance Report. This report uses the accomplishments reported by grantees in IDIS to measure the success of the CDBG program in achieving its goals...
June, 2007

 -   CPD Notice 07-06 - Commitment, CHDO Reservation, and Expenditure Deadline Requirements for the HOME Program
This Notice describes the HOME Program�s commitment, CHDO reservation and expenditure requirements and the processes involved for deobligating funds that do not meet these requirements.
June 1, 2007
PDF | WORD | HOME Notices | 2007 CPD Notices
 -   Homeownership for All Americans
June is homeownership month at HUD. The CDBG program funds homeownership activities that make owning a home more affordable. Read more about it in 'Homeownership for All Americans" available at homeownership fairs around the country.
PDF | CDBG Program
May, 2007
 -   HUD Memorial Day Commemoration Ceremony.  Keynote speaker – Dr. Betty Moseley-Brown and  Pamela H. Patenaude, Assistant Secretary for Community Development and PlanningMemorial Day Observance
HUD honors employees and associates with loved ones in military service and those who have lost family members in past or present military actions at a Memorial Day Commoration Ceremony.
more... | HUDVet Website
April, 2007

 -   HOPWA Federal Register Notice of Public Comment
HOPWA Announces Proposed Revisions to Application Budget Summary and Performance Reports
more... | HOPWA Program
 -   FY2007 HOPWA Formula Grant Operating Instructions Issued
| HOPWA Program
 -   2007 HOME Rent and Income Limits Published
Effective: April 28, 2007
Rent Limits | Income Limits | Affordable Housing | HOME Program
March, 2007

 -   2007 Uniform Act (URA) Low Income Limits � Effective 03/20/07
The 2007 URA low income limits, used in connection with rental assistance payment calculations under 49 CFR 24.402(b), have been issued with an effective date of March 20, 2007.
 -   CPD Notice 07-01 and 07-02 - Issued March 21, 2007
Transition Policy for Low/Mod Income Summary Data Updates for Fiscal Year (FY) 2007
more... | All CPD Notices | CDBG Program
 -   Handbook 1378 - Tenant Assistance, Relocation and Real Property Acquisition, Change 8 issued 03/16/07.
For additional details refer to the Handbook transmittal memo dated March 16, 2007.
February, 2007

 -   HUD�s first Annual Homeless Assessment Report (AHAR) to Congress is now available.
more ...

 -   FY2006 Continuum of Care (CoC) and FY2007 Emergency Shelter Grants (ESG) Awards
HUD awards approximately $1.205 billion for competitive programs and approximately $160 million for ESG.
more... | Press Release | CoC Program | ESG Program
January, 2007

 -   Tenant Assistance, Relocation and Real Property Acquisition Handbook, Chg-7 (Change 7) issued 1/16/07.
Change 7 is the third in a series of Handbook changes to address statutory and regulatory changes, and is a complete rewrite of Chapter 6. For additional details, refer to the transmittal memo dated January 16, 2007.
 -   IDIS Proof of Concept Review
The IDIS Re-engineering project team is accepting comments on major functional elements for the re-engineered system. HUD will be accepting comment on this product until January 26, 2007. This test cycle is called a Proof of Concept. It includes the functions to create Plan Years, Projects and Activities. It includes the ability to add set-up detail and accomplishment detail for each of the four formula programs. It includes functionality to create and edit subgrants. It includes data converted from the legacy system. Please note that it does NOT include any funding, drawdown or voucher functionality. There is no connection to LOCCS, no reports, and no receipts. Please visit the Proof of Concept homepage for links to the system and more details about this review.
more... | IDIS Website
Content current as of 21 March 2008   Follow this link to go  Back to top   
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