California Department of Mental Health

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Below are listed DMH’s most commonly used forms. Simply download whatever forms you need. Each form is available in Acrobat Format as well as in Microsoft Word.

If the form you seek is not listed, email us with your request to Forms-Rcds-Manager, DMH or call us at (916) 654-2372. Please make sure to include your contact information and the number of the form you need.

Most Commonly Used Forms
Form Number Title Download
MH12 Mental Health Professional Licensing Waiver Request PDF pdficon
Word wordicon
MH300 Electroconvulsive (ECT), Informed Consent Form English -PDF pdficon, Word wordicon
Spanish - PDF pdficon, Word wordicon
MH302 Application for 72 Hour Detention for Evaluation and Treatment PDF pdficon
Word wordicon
MH303 E/S Involuntary Patient Advisement English - PDF pdficon, Word wordicon
Spanish - PDF pdficon, Word wordicon
MH 306(rev 01-08) Patient Rights Denial-Monthly Talley PDF pdficon
Word wordicon
MH 307 Denial of Rights/Seclusion & Restraint Monthly PDF pdficon
Word wordicon
MH 308 (formerly MH1072) Denial of Rights/Seclusion and Restraint Quarterly Email request to:
MH 309 Convulsive Treatments Administered-Quarterly Report PDF pdficon
Excel excelicon
MH 1760 Notice of Certification PDF pdficon
Word wordicon
MH1761 Notice of Certification for Additional 14 Days Intensive Treatment PDF pdficon
Word wordicon
MH 5388 Vocational Services Discharge Summary PDF pdficon
Word wordicon
MH 5671 Authorization for Release of Patient Information PDF pdficon
MH 5756 Voluntary Admission Application for Mentally Disabled Person PDF pdficon
Word wordicon