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Portrait instantané des USA

Juin 2006

Juin 2006

Le présent numéro d'eJournal USA se veut être une source générale d'information sur les États-Unis, une introduction succincte destinée à la jeunesse du monde. Il contient néanmoins un assez grand nombre de faits et de statistiques, ainsi que quelques essais qui, espérons-nous, éclaireront le lecteur sur la conception que se font les Américains de leur pays et du monde.

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Dans ce numéro

Volume 11, numéro 2 | Juin 2006

From The Editors

My America

  • Introduction

    Five young Americans write about what they want international readers to know about the United States.

  • Coloring Outside the Lines

    Jacqueline Morais Easley describes the diversity of American families.

  • An Airman's Story

    Korey London, an ex-serviceman, talks about being a black American and defending his country.

  • The City and the Dream

    Ashley Moore, a recent college graduate, describes her perception of the American dream.

  • The New World

    Eboo Patel, executive director of the Interfaith Youth Core in Chicago, provides insight into life as an American Muslim.

  • The Meaning of America

    Kelly McWilliams, a rising college freshman and published novelist, explains her vision of the United States.

What Makes Us American

  • Pluralism and Democracy

    A leading scholar explains how pluralism is one key to American democracy.

  • The Amercian Cultural Tapestry

    A well-known expert describes some aspects of American culture and how various ethnic groups work together in U.S. society.

  • Five With Drive

    Profiles of five contemporary Americans who embody classic American values.

A Brief Tour of the United States

  • A map of the U.S.

    A look at regional differences sheds light on some of the complexities of America.

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