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Today's Nuclear Equation

March 2005

March 2005

While that Cold War threat of nuclear annihilation has receded, this edition of Foreign Policy Agenda examines the elements in today's nuclear equation. Instead of superpowers facing off, we encounter rogue states, stateless terrorist organizations bent on acquiring the means of mass murder, and black-market networks of renegade suppliers (like Pakistani nuclear scientist A.Q. Khan pictured on the cover) willing to deal in the materials and technical expertise that lead to nuclear weapons. The ensuing nightmare could materialize quite unexpectedly in any large city.

This electronic journal, "Today's Nuclear Equation," offers the U.S. position on critical treaty-related issues as well as a range of expert opinion on the thorniest current issues in nuclear nonproliferation.

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Dans ce numéro

Volume 10, Number 1

From the Editors

U.S. Nuclear Nonproliferation Policy


Case Studies: Successes and Challenges