Ridgecrest Field Office

Ridgecrest Field Office

Trona Pinnacles
Trona Pinnacles

COSO-Hay Ranch Revised Environmental Assessment (EA) and an unsigned copy of the Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) (PDF file, 18 megabytes)

Rand Mountains Management Area Education and Permit Program

Rand Historic Mining Complex Arsenic Investigation and Remediation

Ruth Historic Mining Complex Arsenic Investigation and Remediation

Grazing Permit Renewals For:

Walker Pass Common

The BLM is currently accepting protests to the proposed decisions for the Walker Pass Common grazing allotment. Please read the proposed decisions for guidance in registering a protest or appeal. Protests will be accepted in writing (BLM, Ridgecrest Field Office, 300 South Richmond Road, Ridgecrest, CA 93555, Attn: Sam Fitton) or by e-mail (sam_t_fitton@blm. gov). The projected end date for protests is January 6, 2009. A 30 appeal period will follow the protest period.

Mineral Exploration Drilling by Timberline Resources Corporation

Timberline Resources Corp. has submitted a proposal to drill seven drillholes on a set of unpatented lode mining claims on public lands managed by the Ridgecrest Field Office. The present Environmental Assessment is intended to analyze the potential impacts of that operation. These identical lands were previously drilled by another operator in 1997, after analysis and approval associated with environmental assessment CA065-NEPA97-25. The access route proposed by Timberline Resources is identical to the route formerly used & reclaimed by the former operator.  Please submit comments to Randy Porter of the Ridgecrest Field Office by or soon after August 29, 2008. Comments may be by mail, e-mail, fax or letter.

 CONTACT:  Randy Porter, Geologist
                        (760) 384-5452
            Fax      (760) 384-5499          
                        Ridgecrest Field Office
                        300 South Richmond Road

                        Ridgecrest, CA 93555

Comment period for Timberline Drilling EA extended to October 1, 2008

Deep Rose Geothermal Exploration Well Project
Environmental Assessment
Right-of-Way Offer (pdf, 290 kb)

Furnace Creek
Furnace Creek Closure

Furnace Creek Road Environmental Assessment, November 2006

Furnace Creek Road EA Appendix D and E

News Release, May 10, 2007

Furnace Creek Road "Finding of No Significant Impact and Proposed Plan Amenment, May 2007 

NEMO Proposed Route Designation

Arsenic Remediation Project Progresses at Red Mountain

Ridgecrest Environmental Documents

Surprise Canyon
Intent to prepare an amendment to the California Desert Conservation Area (CDCA) Plan and Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for Surprise Canyon in Panamint Mountains, Inyo County

Bureau of Land Management
Ridgecrest Field Office
300 S. Richmond Rd.
Ridgecrest, CA 93555
Phone: (760) 384-5400
Fax: (760) 384-5499
Contact us by Email