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National Ophthalmic Disease Genotyping Network (eyeGENETM)

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Genes and Diseases:

The genes and diseases currently being tested by the eyeGENE network are given in the table below.

S. No



1 Aniridia PAX6
2 Axenfeld - Rieger Syndrome PITX2, FOXC1
3 Best Disease VMD2*
4 Congenital Cranial Dysinnervation Diseases (CCDD) KIF21A, PHOX2A, SALL4, ROBO3, HOXA1
5 Choroideremia CHM*
6 Cone Rod Dystrophy ABCA4*, RPGR
7 Congenital Stationary Night Blindness NYX*, RHO, PDE6B*
8 Corneal Anterior Stromal Dystrophies BIGH3*
9 Meesman's Epithelial Dystrophy KRT3,KRT12
10 Bietti's Crystalline Corneal-Retinal Dystrophy CYP4V2*
11 Doyne Honeycomb Dystrophy EFEMP1*
12 Familial Exudative Vitreal Retinopathy FZD4, LRP5, NDP
13 Glaucoma CYP1B1, OPTN, MYOC
14 Infantile Neuroaxonal Dystrophy (INAD) PLA2G6
15 Optic Atrophy OPA1
16 Pattern Dystrophy RDS
17 Pantothenate Kinase-associated Neuropathy (PKAN) PANK2
18 Juvenile X-linked Retinoschisis XLRS1*
19 Retinitis Pigmentosa (RP) and Retinal Degenerations ABCA4*, RHO, IMPDH1, RP1, PRPF31, RPGR, CNGA1*, CRB1*, C1QTNF5/ CTRP5*, MERTK*, PDE6A*, PDE6B*, RGR*, RLBP1*, RPE65*, TULP1*, CA4, RP2
20 Retinoblastoma RB1
21 Sorsby Fundus Dystrophy TIMP3*
22 Stargardt Disease ELOVL4, ABCA4*

Special Cases:

X-linked conditions
Symptomatic carrier females will be enrolled in the eyeGENETM study once a mutation has been identified in an affected male relative.

X-linked retinitis pigmentosa (XLRP)
The first tier of molecular diagnosis for XLRP consists in sequencing the ORF15 of the RPGR-ORF15 gene. The second tier consists in sequencing exons 1 through 14 of the RPGR gene. The third tier consists in sequencing the RP2 gene. It has been estimated that RPGR ORF15 exon mutations account for 30 to 60% of XLRP cases and mutations in other RPGR exons account for 11 to 26% of XLRP cases. Mutations in the RP2 gene are observed in 7 to 20% of XLRP cases.

Sporadic isolated retinitis pigmentosa
At the present time, patient samples will be collected and stored in the eyeGENETM repository and NOT CLIA-tested. Although some tests are available, careful systematic diagnostic assays are cost prohibitive to the eyeGENETM Network at this time. These stored samples will be CLIA-tested once new CLIA-approved diagnostic technology (such as diagnostic CHIP technology) is available through the eyeGENETM Network. We anticipate the development and validation of this technology may take one year or longer.

Autosomal dominant Cone-Rod Dystrophy
Patient samples will first be stored then processed once the CRX gene is available for testing.

Isolated Cone-Rod Dystrophy
Patient samples will be collected, DNA isolated, stored then CLIA-testing once causative gene assays are available for testing through the eyeGENETM Network.

* Due to the relocation of several Network laboratories, there will be a delay in the turnaround of molecular diagnostic results for the labeled genes. The delay may be as long as 6 months.


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This page was last modified in November 2008

U. S. Department of Health and Human Services

National Institutes of Health