Junior Botanist
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Hey Kids!  The USBG is looking for ... Junior Botanists!


Who are these strange green life forms among us? Since they make our lives possible its a good idea to get to know them!

You can become an Apprentice Junior Botanist by asking for an Adventure Folder for exploring our Conservatory. Bring along an adult adviser with an official ID (e.g., a drivers license) so you can check out a backpack filled with cool tools to use during your explorations. Follow up your visit to the USBG with an at-home activity and then apply to become not just an apprentice, but an official USBG Junior Botanist. The program is free.

Junior Botanist Certificate  

Junior Botanists receive:

  • A Certificate signed by our Botanist
  • An explorers lens and official field journal
  • A secret password available ONLY to Jr. Botanists to gain access to a hidden webpage.
  • Future assignments from the US Botanic Garden. You can help us by observing plants where you live and reporting back to our botanist. You can be part of current and future projects to keep watch on our plant world.