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Cherry Blossom History
(courtesy Washingtoniana Division D.C.Public Library)
Ms. Eliza Ruhamah Scidmore,

The plantings of cherry trees originated in 1912 as gift of friendship to the United States from the people of Japan. In Japan the flowering cherry tree or "Sakura", as it is called by the Japanese people, is one of the most exalted flowering plants. The beauty of the cherry blossom is a potent symbol equated with evanescence of human life and epitomizes the transformations Japanese Culture has undergone through the ages.

1885: Ms. Eliza Ruhamah Scidmore, upon returning to Washington from her first visit to Japan, approached the Superintendent of Public Building and Grounds, with the proposal that cherry trees be planted along the soon to reclaimed Potomac waterfront. Her request fell on deaf ears. Over the next 24 years Mrs. Scidmore approached every new Superintendent with her proposal with no success.

Dr. Fairchild
(courtesy U.S National Arboretum)
Dr. David Fairchild

1906: Dr. David Fairchild, plant explorer and U.S. Department of Agriculture, official,imported 75 flowering cherry trees and 25 single-flowered weeping types from the Yokohama Nursery Company in Japan. He planted these on a hillside on his own land in Chevy Chase, Maryland, where he was testing their hardiness.

Fairchild's estate
(courtesy of the Fairchild Tropical Gardens)
Fairchild Estate

1907: The Fairchilds, pleased with the success of the trees, began to promote Japanese flowering cherry trees as the ideal type of tree to plant along avenues in the Washington area. Friends of the Fairchilds also became interested and on September 26, arrangements were completed with the Chevy Chase Land Company to order 300 Oriental cherry trees for the Chevy Chase area.

1908: Dr. David Fairchild gave cherry saplings to boys from each District of Columbia school to plant in their schoolyard for the observance of Arbor Day. In closing his Arbor Day lecture, Dr. Fairchild for the first time expressed an appeal that the "Speedway" (the present day corridor of Independence Avenue, SW, in West Potomac Park) be transformed into a "Field of Cherries". In attendance was Eliza Scidmore, whom afterwards he referred to as a great authority on Japan.

1st Lady Taft
(courtesy U.S National Arboretum)
1st Lady Taft

1909: Mrs. Scidmore decided to try to raise the money required to purchase the cherry trees and then donate the trees to the city. As a matter of course Mrs. Scidmore sent a note to the new First Lady Helen Herron Taft outlining her new plan. First Lady Taft had once lived in Japan and was familiar with the beauty of the flowering cherry trees. Two days later the First Lady responded:

The White House, Washington.

April 7, 1909
Thank you very much for your suggestion about the cherry trees. I have taken the matter up and am promised the trees, but I thought perhaps it would be best to make an avenue of them, extending down to the turn in the road, as the other part (beyond the railroad bridge ­­Ed.) is still too rough to do any planting. Of course, they could not reflect in the water, but the effect would be very lovely of the long avenue. Let me know what you think about this.

Sincerely yours,

Helen H. Taft

April 8: The day after Mrs. Taft's letter of April 7, Dr. Jokichi Takamine, the Japanese chemist famous as the discoverer of adrenaline and takadiastase, was in Washington with Mr. Midzuno, Japanese consul in New York and when told that Washington was to have Japanese cherry trees planted along the Speedway, asked whether First Lady Taft would accept a donation of an additional 2,000 trees to fill out the area. Mr. Midzuno thought it was a fine idea and suggested that the trees be given in the name of the city of Tokyo. Dr. Takamine and Mr. Midzuno met with First Lady Taft, who accepted the offer of the 2,000 trees.

Colonel Spencer Cosby
(courtesy U.S National Arboretum)
Superintendent Colonel Spencer Cosby

April 13: Five days after First Lady Taft's request, the Superintendent of Public Building and Grounds Colonel Spencer Cosby, initiated the purchase of 90 Fugenzo Cherry Trees (Prunus serrulata "Fugenzo") from Hoopes Brothers and Thomas Co., West Chester, Pa.

The trees were planted along the Potomac River from the present site of the Lincoln Memorial south toward East Potomac Park. After planting it was discovered that the trees were not correctly named. The trees were determined to be the cultivar Shirofugen (Prunus serrulata "Shirofugen") and have since disappeared.

August 30: The Japanese Embassy informed the Department of State that the City of Tokyo intended to donate 2,000 cherry trees to the United States to be planted along the Potomac River.

December 10: 2,000 cherry trees arrive in Seattle from Japan.

Arrival of Cherry Treees
(courtesy U.S National Arboretum)
Arrival of Cherry Trees
1910: January 6, trees arrive in Washington, DC.
(courtesy U.S National Arboretum)
Inspection of Cherry Trees
January 19: To everyone's dismay, an inspection team for the Department of Agriculture found the trees were infested with insects and nematodes and other diseases. To protect American growers, the department concluded that the trees must be destroyed.
burning of trees
(courtesy U.S National Arboretum)
Burning of Trees
January 28: Consent was given by President Taft to burn trees.
Mr and Mrs. Yukio Ozaki
(courtesy U.S National Arboretum)
Mr and Mrs. Yukio Ozaki

This diplomatic setback resulted in letters from the Secretary of State and representations to the Japanese Ambassador expressing deep regret of all concerned. Dr. Takamine and the Mayor of Tokyo, Yukio Ozaki met the distressing news with determination and good will.

Dr. Takamine again donated the costs for the trees, whose number had now increased to 3,020. The scions for these trees were taken in December 1910 from the famous collection on the bank of the Arakawa River in Adachi Ward, a suburb of Tokyo, and grafted on specially selected understock produced in Itami City, Hyogo Prefecture.


1912: February 14, 3,020 cherry trees of 12 varieties were shipped from Yokohama on board the S.S. Awa Maru, bound for Seattle. Upon arrival, they were transferred to insulated freight cars for the shipment to Washington.

March 26: 3,020 cherry trees arrive in Washington, DC. The trees were comprised of the following varieties:

"Somei-Yoshino" ......................................1,800
"Ari ake"....................................................100

(The Gyoiko were all planted on the White House Grounds)



Viscountess Chinda
(courtesy U.S National Arboretum)
Viscountess Chinda

March 27: First Lady Taft and the Viscountess Chinda, wife of the Japanese Ambassador, planted the first two cherry trees on the northern bank of the Tidal Basin, about 125 feet south of what is now Independence Avenue, SW. The first two trees planted were Yoshino cherry trees. At the conclusion of the ceremony, First Lady Taft presented a bouquet of "American Beauty" roses to Viscountess Chinda. Washington's renowned Cherry Blossom Festival had its inception in this simple ceremony, witnessed by only a few persons. These two original trees are still standing today several hundred yards west of the John Paul Jones statue at the south end of 17th Street. Located at the bases of the trees are large bronze plaques which commemorate the occasion.


1913 -­ 1920: Workmen continued the planting of Yoshino trees around the Tidal Basin. The cherry trees of the other 11 varieties and the remaining Yoshino trees were planted in East Potomac Park.

1927: April 16, the original planting of Japanese cherry trees was commemorated by a re-enactment of the event by Washington school children.

1934: The District of Columbia Commissioners sponsored a three-day celebration.

1935: The first "Cherry Blossom Festival" was jointly sponsored by many civic groups and became an annual event in subsequent years.

1938: So beloved were the trees that a group of indignant women vowed to chain themselves to the cherries to defy workmen clearing ground for the Jefferson Memorial. A compromise was reached: More trees would be planted along the water to frame the memorial on the south side of the Tidal Basin.

1940: Cherry Blossom Pageant was introduced

1941: December 11, four Cherry trees were cut down in what was speculated as retaliation for the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor, although the exact reason for the vandalism was never substantiated. In hopes of preventing future vandalism, for the duration of the war, the trees were referred to as the "Oriental" flowering cherries.

1948: Cherry Blossom Princesses were selected from every State of the Union and the Territories. From these princesses, a queen was chosen to reign during the festival.

1952: The famed cherry grove along the Arakawa River near Tokyo that was the parent stock for Washington's first trees fell into decline during World War II. Japan requested help in restoring the grove in the Adachi Ward, and the National Park Service shipped budwood from descendants of those same trees back to Tokyo in an effort to restore the original site.

NPS Photo- Brian Hall
Japanese Lantern
1954: March 30, Sadao Iguchi, the Japanese Ambassador to the United States presented a 300-year-old Japanese Stone Lantern to the city of Washington to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the first Treaty of Peace, Amity and Commerce between the United States and Japan signed by Commodore Mathew Perry at Yokohama on March 31, 1854. The lantern, made of granite, is 8 feet high and weighs 20 tons. The National Cherry Blossom Festival is officially opened by the lighting of the Lantern.
1957: Mr. Yositaka Mikimoto, President of Mikimoto Pearls, Inc., donated the Mikimoto Pearl Crown that is used at the coronation of the National Cherry Blossom Festival Queen on the night of the Grand Ball. The crown was constructed with over two pounds of gold and has 1,585 pearls. This magnificent crown is ceremonial, and because of its weight, the young lady who is crowned Queen, will wear the famous piece for a few brief moments. She is given a miniature crown of gold, with a pearl topping each point, to wear for the remainder of the evening and to keep as hers, forever after.
Japanese Pagoda
NPS Photo- Brian Hall
Japanese Pagoda
1958: April 18, the Japanese Pagoda, hewn out of rough stone, was placed on the west bank of the Tidal Basin near the Jefferson Memorial and dedicated. It was presented as a gift to the City of Washington, D.C., by the Mayor of Yokohama to "symbolize the spirit of friendship between the United States of America manifested in the Treaty of Peace, Amity and Commerce signed at Yokohama on March 31, 1854...."
Washington Monument
NPS Photo
Washington Monument Cherry Trees
1965: The Japanese Government made another generous gift of 3,800 Yoshino trees to another First Lady devoted to the beautification of Washington, Lady Bird Johnson, wife of President Lyndon Johnson. American-grown this time, many of these are planted on the grounds of the Washington Monument. Lady Bird Johnson and Mrs. Ryuji Takeuchi, wife of Japan's Ambassador, reenacted the planting ceremony of 1912.

1982: Approximately 800 cuttings from the Yoshino trees at the Tidal Basin were collected by Japanese horticulturists to retain the genetic characteristics of their trees and replace trees destroyed in Japan when the course of a river was changed. Other exchanges and gifts have benefited both cities. Through this cycle of giving, the cherry trees have fulfilled their role as a symbot and an agent of friendship.

1986 to 1988: A total of 676 new cherry trees were planted at a cost of over $101,000 in private funds donated to the National Park Service to restore the number of trees to what they were at the time of the original gift.

1994: The Cherry Blossom Festival was expanded from one week to two weeks.

1996: March 27, signing of the Sister River Agreement between the Potomac, which flows through Washington, D.C., and the Arakawa, which originates on scenic Mt. Kobushi in Saitama Prefecture.

1997: June 17, In cooperation with the United States National Arboretum, cuttings were taken from the documented surviving Yoshino cherry trees from the 1912 shipment to ensure preservation of the Trees' Genetic Lineage. The trees will be grown on and used in replacement plantings to preserve the genetic heritage of the grove.

1999: November 15, Fifty trees propagated from the 1400+ year old "Usuzumi" Cherry growing in the village of Itasho Neo, in Gifu Prefecture of Japan, were planted in West Potomac Park. It is said that the 26th Emporer Keitai of Japan planted the tree 1500 years ago to celebrate his ascension to the throne. The "Usuzumi" tree was declared a National Treasure of Japan in 1922.

2002 - 2006: Four hundred trees propagated from the surviving trees from the 1912 donation from Japan were planted to ensure that the genetic lineage of the original trees is preserved.

Kwanzan Cherry Blossom  

Did You Know?
Although Yoshino Cherry Trees are the predominant variety in downtown, there are other beautiful varieties? The one in the photo is a Kwanzan... Find out more....

Last Updated: January 25, 2007 at 13:16 EST