Skip Navigation,” which sets goals for improving the understanding of how the environment influences development and progression of disease, as well as using this understanding to prevent illness, reduce disease and promote health.

I thank you for the opportunity to testify, and I welcome your questions.




NAME David A. Schwartz, M.D., M.P.H.
POSITIONDirector, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) and
Director, National Toxicology Program (NTP)
BIRTHPLACEFlushing, New York
DATE OF BIRTH March 3, 1953

B.A., University of Rochester, 1975; M.D., University of CA,
San Diego, 1979; M.P.H., Harvard School of Public Health, 1985



Director, NIEHS and NTP, 2005-present; Vice Chair for Research, Department of Medicine, Duke University Medical Center, 2003-2005; Walter Kempner Professor of Medicine, Duke University Medical Center, 2001-2005; Professor of Environmental Sciences and Policy, Nicholas School of the Environment and Earth Sciences, Duke University, 2001-2005; Professor of Medicine and Genetics, Chief, Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Duke University Medical Center, 2000-2005; Director, Center for Environmental Genomics, Institute for Genome Science and Policy, Duke University Medical Center, 2000-2005; Staff Physician,Veterans Administration Medical Center (5/8 full time), 2000-2004; Director, Occupational Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine, University of Iowa, 1988-2000; Sabbatical in Laboratory of Dr. Jeffrey Murray, Department of Pediatrics, University of Iowa, 1994-1996; Assistant, Associate, and Full Professor, Pulmonary Division, University of Iowa, 1988-2000; Pulmonary Fellow, University of Washington, 1985-1988; Clinical Scholar, Robert Wood Johnson Clinical Scholars Program, 1985-1987; Occupational Medicine Residency and MPH, Harvard School of Public Health, 1984-1985; Intern, Resident and Chief Resident, Medicine, Boston City Hospital, 1980-1984.


American College of Chest Physicians, American College of Physicians, American Federation for Clinical Research, American Public Health Association, American Society for Clinical Investigation, American Society of Human Genetics, American Thoracic Society, Association of American Physicians, Society of General Internal Medicine.

HONORS AND AWARDS              

Member, NIH/NHLBI Innovative Grant Program Review Committee, 2001-2004; American Thoracic Society Scientific Accomplishment Award, 2003; Member, NIH/NIEHS Study Section, 1999-2003; Member, American Association of Physicians, 1998; Member and Chair, VA Pulmonary Study Section, 1997-2000.; Member, NIH GCRC Study Section, 1995-1999; American Thoracic Society Grant Review Committee, 1993-1997;  Editorial Board, American Review of Respiratory Disease, 1993-1996; Member, American Society for Clinical Investigation, 1995;  Member, Central Society for Clinical Research, 1991; Public Service Science Resident, National Science Foundation, 1979; Phi Beta Kappa, 1974.

Department of Health and Human Services
Office of Budget
Richard J. Turman

Mr. Turman is the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Budget, HHS. He joined federal service as a Presidential Management Intern in 1987 at the Office of Management and Budget, where he worked as a Budget Examiner and later as a Branch Chief.  He has worked as a Legislative Assistant in the Senate, as the Director of Federal Relations for an association of research universities, and as the Associate Director for Budget of the National Institutes of Health.  He received a Bachelor’s Degree from the University of California, Santa Cruz, and a Masters in Public Policy from the University of California, Berkeley.

Last revised: January 12,2009