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Commission Correspondence

Commission Correspondence - 2008

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Date Subject
12/17/2008 Letter from Chairman Dale E. Klein to Congress, provides Report to Congress on the Health, Safety, and Environmental Conditions at the Gaseous Diffusion Plans located near Paducah, Kentucky, and Portsmouth, Ohio.
12/14/2008 Letter from Chairman Dale E. Klein to Margaret Spellings, Secretary of Education, submitting the NRC's Fiscal Year 2009 Annual Federal Plan on Executive Agency Actions to Assist Historically Black Colleges and Universities.

Letter from Chairman Dale E. Klein to Congressman Edward J. Markey regarding the NRC's policies related to sharing documents with stakeholders


Letter from Chairman Dale E. Klein to Congressman Edward J. Markey regarding NRC's fire protection regulations and responses to specific questions regarding a fire that occurred at the Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station on October 29, 2008


Letter from Acting Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to The President enclosing NRC's Fiscal Year Performance and Accountability Report.


Letter from Chairman Dale E. Klein to Congress transmitting the NRC's report on the status of its licensing and other regulatory activities.


Letter from Chairman Dale E. Klein to Congressman Bart Gordon regarding the license application from EnergySolutions, Inc. to import approximately 20,000 tons of radioactive waste from Italy.


Letter from Chairman Dale E. Klein to Kenneth L. Wainstein, Assistant to the President for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism, regarding the NRC's Pandemic Plan.


Letter from Chairman Dale E. Klein to Senator Larry E. Craig responding to a request that the NRC conduct a prompt and expeditious review of the license application that AREVA NC, Inc. plans to submit seeking authorization to construct and operate a uranium enrichment facility in Bonneville County, Idaho.


Letter from Acting Chairman Peter B. Lyons to Senator John Barrasso concerning the Generic Environmental Impact Statement (GEIS) for In-Situ-Leach (ISL) Uranium Milling Facilities.


Letter from Acting Chairman Peter B. Lyons to Senator Joseph I. Lieberman providing a written statement of actions taken on the Government Accountability Office (GAO) Report, "Information Technology:  Agencies Need to Establish Comprehensive Policies to Address Changes to Projects' Costs, Schedule, and Performance Goals" (GAO-08-925).


Letter from Acting Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Senator Joseph I. Lieberman reponding to recommendations made in Government Accountability (GAO) Report entitled "Telecommunications:  Agencies Are Generally Following Sound Transition Planning Practices, and GSA Is Taking Action to Resolve Challenges." 


Letter to Congress and GAO re: GAO Report, "Nuclear Security: NRC and DHS Need to Take Additional Steps to Better Track and Detect Radioactive Materials."


Letter from Chairman Dale E. Klein to Senator Jeff Bingaman, regarding the license amendment for the Homestake Mining Company (HMC), which would authorize the construction of a new evaporation pond at its Grants Reclamation Project.


Letter to Congress & GAO, responds to recommendations made in GAO report "Nuclear Safety: NRC's Oversight of Fire Protection at U.S. Commercial Nuclear Reactor Units Could Be Strengthened" (GAO-08-747), signed by Chairman Klein, dated September 11, 2008


Letter from Chairman Dale E. Klein to Senator Russell D. Feingold concerning NRC's acquisitions related to the "Buy American Act."


Letter from Chairman Dale E. Klein to Congresswoman Jane Harman regarding the use and licensing of devices containing cesium chloride (CsCI).


Letter from Chairman Dale E. Klein to Congress providing supplemental NRC information to the joint NRC/DOE report on a licensing strategy for the Next Generation Nuclear Plant.


Letter from Chairman Dale E. Klein and Letter from Samuel W. Bodman, Secretary of Energy, to Congress submitting a joint report on a licensing strategy for the Next Generation Nuclear Plant.


Letter from Acting Chairman Kristine L. Svinicki to Samuel W. Bodman, Secretary of Energy, providing the report entitled, "Review of the U.S. Department of Energy's Regulatory Processes for the Hanford Waste Treatment Plant."


Letter from Acting Chairman Kristine L. Svinicki to Congress providing the report entitled, "Review of the U.S. Department of Energy's Regulatory Processes for the Handford Waste Treatment Plant."


Letter from Chairman Dale E. Klein to Congresswoman Darlene Hooley responding to a letter which urged the NRC to give all new reactor design certification applicants equal access to timely review of their applications.


Letter from Chairman Dale E. Klein to Congressman David E. Price providing the response to the NRC Inspector General's special inquiry memorandum of January 28, 2008, on "NRC's Oversight of Hemyc Fire Barriers."

07/01/2008 Letter from Chairman Dale E. Klein to Senator Barbara Boxer transmitting the calendar year 2007 unclassified annual report to Congress that describes the results of each security response evaluation (e.g., force-on-force inspections) conducted and any relevant corrective action taken by a licensee during the previous year.
06/18/2008 Letter from Chairman Dale E. Klein to Congress submitting proposed legislation which authorizes appropriations for fiscal year 2009
06/09/2008 Letter from Chairman Dale E. Klein to Congress submitting the NRC's report on orders that designate new types of information to be protected as "Safeguards Information."
06/09/2008 Letter from Chairman Dale E. Klein to Congress providing NRC draft bill that would amend the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 and the Energy Reorganization Act of 1974 to enhance the efficiency of NRC operations, the security of NRC-regulated facilities, and compliance with NRC regulatory requirements
06/06/2008 Letter from Chairman Dale E. Klein to Senator David Vitter responding to concerns associated with the September 14, 2007 application from EnergySolutions, Inc. to import approximately 20,000 tons of radioactive waste from Italy
06/06/2008 Letter from Chairman Dale E. Klein to Senator Carl Levin providing a written, detailed description of what the NRC has done to address the recommendations of the U.S. Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, which were published in the July 12, 2007 report, Dirty Bomb Vulnerabilities
05/28/2008 Letter from Chairman Dale E. Klein to Congressman Edward J. Markey providing responses to questions related to the impact of climate change on the continued safe operation of U.S. nuclear power plants and spent fuel storage installations
05/27/2008 Letter from Chairman Dale E. Klein to Jeffrey F. Kupfer, Acting Deputy Secretary of Energy, regarding DOE's evaluation of various policy, security, legal and environmental issues associated with the possible release of a small, limited quantity of Americium-241 for use by the industry in licensed applications
05/16/2008 Letter from Chairman Dale E. Klein to Senator Thomas R. Carper regarding the Commission's position on the issue of waste confidence in preparation for the planned NRC oversight hearing
05/15/2008 Letter from Chairman Dale E. Klein to Congress forwarding the NRC's "Report to Congress on Abnormal Occurrences:  Fiscal Year [FY] 2007" (NUREG-0090, Vol. 30)
05/15/2008 Letter from Chairman Dale E. Klein to Senator Patrick J. Leahy responding to a request that the NRC develop an Independent Safety Assessment (ISA) of the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station
04/30/2008 Letter from Chairman Klein to Congress providing a semiannual report on the status of NRC's licensing and other regulatory activities
04/30/2008 Letter from Chairman Dale E. Klein to Senator Jack Reed responding to the Senator's letter supporting the University of Rhode Island's proposal for the NRC's Education Grant Program entitled, Nuclear Engineering Education Program for Rhode Island (NEEPRI)
04/28/2008 Letter from Chairman Dale E. Klein to Susan Dudley, OMB, providing NRC's FY-2008 Regulatory Plan
04/25/2008 Letter to Margaret Spellings (CORR-08-0041), Secretary of Education, provides NRC's FY 2007 Annual Federal Performance Report on Executive Agency Actions to Assist Tribal Colleges and Universities, signed by Chairman Klein, dated April 25, 2008
04/21/2008 Letter to Congressman Jim Matheson, responds to concerns regarding application from EnergySolutions, Inc., to import radioactive waste from Italy, signed by Chairman Klein
04/09/2008 Letter from Chairman Dale E. Klein to Representative Bart Gordon responding to his request that the NRC study the broader policy implications associated with the September 14, 2007 application from EnergySolutions to import radioactive waste from Italy
04/07/2008 Letter from Chairman Dale E. Klein to Congressman David E. Price regarding the NRC Inspector General (IG) report on "NRC's Oversight of Hemyc Fire Barriers"
03/31/2008 Letter to Senator Tom Coburn providing information regarding all NRC continuing earmarks funded in at least three of the last five fiscal years, including Fiscal Year 2008.
03/28/2008 Letter from Chairman Dale E. Klein to Congressman John F. Tierney, providing NRC's written statement, which was prepared pursuant to 31 U.S.C. 720(b), on the actions taken regarding the Government Accountability Office's (GAO) unclassified report on "Nuclear Security: Research Reactor Security" (GAO-08-403 exit icon).
03/28/2008 Letter from Chairman Dale E. Klein to Congress providing a summary of actions taken by the NRC in response to recommendations contained in various U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) reports that address NRC activities.
03/28/2008 Letter from Chairman Dale E. Klein to Senator Norm Coleman, providing a status of the NRC's compliance with government-wide initiatives to protect Personally Identifiable Information (PII).
03/21/2008 Letter from Chairman Dale E. Klein to Senator Barbara Boxer providing information on NRC's review of the DOE's regulatory processes for the Hanford Waste Treatment Plant.
03/21/2008 Letter from Chairman Dale E. Klein to Congress enclosing NRC's Fiscal Year 2007 Annual Report on the Notification and Federal Employee Antidiscrimination and Retaliation (NO FEAR) Act of 2002.
03/11/2008 Letter from Chairman Dale E. Klein to Senator Barbara Boxer regarding the NRC licensing process for the proposed Yucca Mountain repository.
02/21/2008 Letter from Chairman Dale E. Klein to Congressman Ed Whitfield regarding security measures at the Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant (PGDP).
02/21/2008 Letter from Chairman Dale E. Klein to Senators Thomas R. Carper and George V. Voinovich regarding the matter of inattentive security officers at Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station.
02/19/2008 Letter from Chairman Dale E. Klein to Congress providing a public version of the National Academies (NA) report entitled, "Radiation Source Use and Replacement".
02/15/2008 Letter from Chairman Dale E. Klein to Congress transmitting the NRC's Strategic Plan for Fiscal Years 2008-2013.
02/15/2008 Letter from Chairman Dale E. Klein to Jim Nussle, Director, Office of Management and Budget, transmitting the NRC's Strategic Plan for Fiscal Years 2008-2013.
02/06/2008 Letter from Chairman Dale E. Klein to Congress enclosing the NRC's Annual Report of the Administration of the Government in the Sunshine Act for Calendar Year 2007.
02/04/2008 Letter from Chairman Dale E. Klein to Congress enclosing the NRC's Fiscal Year 2009 Performance Budget.
01/25/2008 Letter from Chairman Dale E. Klein to Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton concerning the installation of a new siren system at the Indian Point Energy Center and Entergy's movement of spent fuel rods to dry cask storage.
01/17/2008 Letter from Chairman Dale E. Klein to Congressman Bart Gordon regarding a September 14, 2007 application from EnergySolutions, Inc., to import approximately 20,000 tons of radioactive waste from Italy.

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Wednesday, December 24, 2008