U.S. Bankruptcy Court, District of Arizona

Welcome to the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of Arizona

District of Arizona - Document Filing System (Live)

District of Arizona - Document Filing System (Test)

Court News:
ECF 3.3.1 INSTALLED IN TRAIN SYSTEM: On January 07, 2009, the ECF Train system was upgraded to version 3.3.1. This version will be installed in the Test system, later in January, and is scheduled for Live implementation on March 01, 2009. Please check with your software provider as to their products compatibility with ECF 3.3.1. Release notes..

ECF 3.2 ESR2 PERFORMANCE PATCH INSTALLED: On November 12, 2008 an emergency service release was applied to ECF. This update included changes to improve ECF performance. The court is interested in feedback related to this update. Please email your comments to ECF Support.

SUGGESTED IE SETTINGS TO IMPROVE ECF PERFORMANCE If you are experiencing performance problems in ECF, please review these suggestions from the court's internet web site, IE Settings.

DISCONTINUED SUPPORT FOR NETSCAPE NAVIGATOR BROWSER. As of February 1, 2008, Time Warner's AOL ended development and technical support of their Netscape Navigator browser. To avoid potential security risks, we highly recommend that all CM/ECF and PACER users of Netscape Navigator switch to a current version of Microsoft Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox, both of which are available for free download from the respective vendor's Web site.

DUPLICATE PAPER NOTICES ELIMINATED. As of February 8, 2008, paper notices will no longer be mailed to parties in a case that have been setup for e-mail notification.

CREDIT CARD AUTHORIZATIONS RESTRICTED ON SUNDAYS. Credit card payment authorization are not available each Sunday from 2:00am till 6:00am ET. The company that handles the Internet Payment Process, (Pay.gov), has set aside this recurring weekly block of time to perform system maintenance and enhancements.

System Outages

January 07, 2009
ECF upgrade to v3.3.1 on Train.
November 28, 2008
ECF upgrade to v3.3 on Train.
November 12, 2008
ECF 3.2 ESR2 performance patch installed in Live and Train databases.
November 6, 2008
ECF 3.2 ESR2 performance patch installed in Test database.
November 4, 2008
Unscheduled systems maintenance.
October 10-13, 2008
Informix 10 upgrade.
August 28, 2008
ECF upgrade to v3.2 ESR1 on Train and Live.
August 26, 2008
ECF upgrade to v3.2 ESR1 on Test.
August 1-3, 2008
PacerNet circuit outage.
July 29, 2008
PacerNet circuit outage.
July 13, 2008
ECF upgrade to v3.2 and eOrders upgrade to v3.1.1 on Live.
July 9, 2008
Date Change
ECF upgrade to v3.2 and eOrders upgrade to v3.1.1 on Live.
June 4, 2008
ECF upgrade to v3.2 and eOrders upgrade to v3.1.1 on Train.
May 28, 2008
eOrders upgrade to v3.1.1 on Test
April 29, 2008
ECF upgrade to v3.2 on Test
April 9, 2008
ECF upgrade to v3.2 RC3 on Test
April 9, 2008
ECF upgrade to v3.2 on Train
April 1, 2008
eOrders module upgrade to v3.1 on Live
March 13, 2008
eOrders module upgrade to v3.1 on Test
February 21, 2008
Emergency Maintenance
February 6, 2008
eOrders module upgrade to v3.1 on Train
January 9, 2008
CM/ECF Failback to Primary Server. All systems available.
January 8, 2008
CM/ECF Failover Test to Replication Server.

If you have CM/ECF procedural questions please call (602) 682-4900.

Please contact the MIS Department at (602) 682-4100 if you experience any technical /computer problems with this website.

Last updated - 01/07/2009

Court Information