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Individual  Y papers include The Social Contract and the Medical School's Responsibilities,  Y Measuring the Burden of Illness in General Populations, and Essential Competencies  Y for Undergraduate and Postgraduate Medical Students. The book concludes with a series of recommendations for implementing populationbased studies in medical schools.(#/ Metzger, Norman, ed. HANDBOOK OF HEALTH CARE HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT. 2nd ed. Rockville (MD): Aspen Publishers; 1990. //This book is a "compilation of articles in the field of human resources management, benefits administration, and labor relations." The first section, on human resources management, includes articles on strategic planning, motivation, productivity, performance appraisal, and compensation. The second section, on employee benefits, covers changes in tax laws, health insurance, retirement plans, and workmen's compensation. The third section, on labor relations, deals with unions in health care settings, contract negotiations, discipline and grievances.(#/ National League for Nursing. Division of Research. NURSING DATASOURCE. New York: National League for Nursing Press; 1990 . //Annual publication of information derived from the National League for Nursing's Annual Survey of Nursing Education Programs. The 1991 edition consists of three  Y volumes: Volume 1, Trends in Contemporary Nursing Education; Volume 2, Focus on  Y Practical/Vocational Nursing, and Volume 3, Leaders in the Making: Graduate  Y Education in Nursing. Each volume contains an executive summary, graphs, and tables.(#/ Ridderikhoff, J. METHODS IN MEDICINE: A DESCRIPTIVE STUDY OF PHYSICIANS' BEHAVIOUR. Dordrecht (Netherlands): Kluwer; 1989. //This book examines the background of clinical decisionmaking and includes material on ways of reasoning, human cognition, and problemsolving. The second part consists of results of a set of experimental observations on such decisionmaking by physicians. (#/ Waltz, Carolyn Feher; Strickland, Ora. MEASUREMENT OF NURSING OUTCOMES. New York: Springer; 1988. //"The major purpose of this publication...is to disseminate information about the measurement of clinical and educational nursing outcomes. More specifically, these volumes include nursing measurement tools, comprehensive measurement protocols for the tools, presentation of results in testing the tools (including reliability and/'>0*(( validity assessment), discussion of results, and conclusions (including the utility of the instruments for measuring outcomes of nursing education and practice.)" The  Y first volume is entitled Measuring Client Outcomes; the second, Measuring Nursing  Y Performance: Practice, Education, and Research.(#/  U  Bibliographies  BIBLIOGRAPHIC LISTING OF RURAL HEALTH PROFESSIONS EDUCATIONAL STRATEGIES. Kansas City (MO): National Rural Health Association; 1990. //Listings of monographs, journal articles, theses, and ongoing research projects on education for rural health practitioners and rural health manpower.(#/ BUREAU OF HEALTH PROFESSIONS AREA RESOURCE FILE (ARF): A LISTING OF HEALTH DATA AVAILABLE ON DISKETTES. Springfield (VA): National Technical Information Service; 1988. //Contains 318 citations concerning the Bureau of Health Professions Area Resource File, a county unit database summarizing health resources information from many sources.(#/ Clare, F. Lawrence, et al, compilers. A BIBLIOGRAPHY ON THE EDUCATION OF PHYSICIANS FOR PRIMARY CARE. Rockville (MD): U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Health Resources and Services Administration, Bureau of Health Professions, Division of Medicine; 1985. //Approximately 1,000 selected references dealing with the related areas of education, physicians, and primary care.(#/ Clare, F. Lawrence, compiler. A BIBLIOGRAPHY ON FINANCING THE EDUCATION OF PHYSICIANS FOR PRIMARY CARE. Rockville (MD): U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Health Resources and Services Administration, Bureau of Health Professions, Division of Medicine; 1985. //A list of articles in five areas: primary care, costs and financing in educational settings, ambulatory care costs and financing, medical practice plans, and third parties and reimbursement.(#/ NURSES. Springfield (VA): National Technical Information Service; 1991. //Contains 187 citations concerning "studies on manpower distribution, human resources, and the projected staffing needs of the nursing profession."(#/ >&?0*((ԌPhysician supply in the United States 19801988. A select bibliography commissioned for the Task Force on Physician Supply of the Association of American Medical Colleges. ACADEMIC MEDICINE 1990 Jun;65(6 Suppl):S162. //Includes sections on foreign medical graduates, biomedical scientists, physician performance and quality assurance, minorities and women in medicine, graduate medical education, and reports by state on physician manpower.(#/ PHYSICIANS: GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION. Springfield (VA): National Technical Information Service; 1987. //Contains 189 citations on geographical distribution of physicians in the United States, including citations on distribution by specialty and practice settings.(#/ PHYSICIANS: MANPOWER SUPPLY, NEEDS, AND DEMAND. Springfield (VA): National Technical Information Service; 1987. //Contains 257 citations on physician shortages, measures for determining current and future need for physician services, and physician productivity.(#/ //(#/ Weston, J.L., compiler. ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY OF AHCPR RESEARCH ON NONPHYSICIAN PRIMARY CARE PROVIDERS 19691989. Rockville (MD): U.S. Department of Health And Human Services, Public Health Service, Agency for Health Care Policy and Research; 1990. //"This bibliography provides reference citations and brief descriptions of publications resulting from research on various aspects of programs designed to provide primary care to individuals in rural areas using either physician assistants or nurse practitioners. Approximately 20 years of research funded by NCHSR [the National Center for Health Services Research and Development] is covered."(#/e@0*((  c    Health Facilities and Services: Organization and Administration  W //Monographs and bibliographies related to health facilities and services include administration and management of facilities and services, quality  W assurance, and alternative care delivery systems.Ʃ / Altman, Stuart H., et al., eds. COMPETITION AND COMPASSION: CONFLICTING ROLES FOR PUBLIC HOSPITALS. Ann Arbor (MI): Health Administration Press; 1989. //This book presents the results of a study of urban public hospitals. The methodology consisted of case studies of systems in four major cities and an analysis of hospital systems in the nation's largest 100 cities. Criteria for assessing the performance of public hospitals are identified, as well as policy options relating to governance, finances, teaching role, and market position. The final chapter presents conclusions and recommendations. (#/ Couch, James B., ed. HEALTH CARE QUALITY MANAGEMENT FOR THE 21ST CENTURY. Tampa (FL): American College of Physician Executives; Venice (FL): American College of Medical Quality; 1991. //Quality management, "the managerial systems and processes through which health care is supplied," is the emphasis of this collection of essays. The first part of the volume presents background essays on the importance of quality in the debate on national health policy and places medical quality management systems in perspective. Part two, on environmental forces affecting medical quality management, features chapters on ambulatory care, the impact of liability litigation, and the era of medical  Y care value purchasing and the role of physician executives. Part three, Standards in  Y Medical Care, discusses clinical practice policies, appropriateness of acute medical care for the elderly, and hospital quality assessment. Sections on medical decisionmaking support systems, specific projects, and projections for the future are also included.(#/ Flood, Ann Barry; Scott, W. Richard, et al. HOSPITAL STRUCTURE AND PERFORMANCE. Baltimore (MD): Johns Hopkins University Press; 1987.  Y //This title, one in the Johns Hopkins Series in Contemporary Medicine and  Y Public Health, brings together the results of a research program which examined the relationship between hospital structure and performance. The study lasted more than 10 years and was based on three interrelated databases. An overview of the research program is given in the introduction.  Y$ The book is divided into four sections: Hospital Structure; Defining and  Y% Measuring Hospital Performance; Effects of Surgeons and Surgical Staff  Yn& Organization on Hospital Performance; and Effects of Hospital Structures and  YY' Processes on Hospital Performance. The authors make liberal use of tablesY'A0*(( and figures, and a 20page bibliography following the appendixes provides additional references on the topic. The intended audience includes health services researchers (including social scientists), health policy makers, health administrators, other health professionals, and students.Ʃ / Institute of Medicine. Committee on Nursing Home Regulation. IMPROVING THE QUALITY OF CARE IN NURSING HOMES. Washington: National Academy Press; 1986. //A report, with recommendations, on ways to regulate nursing homes. The Committee examines quality assurance, regulatory criteria, monitoring of nursing home performance, enforcing compliance with Federal standards, and other factors affecting the quality of care and quality of life in nursing homes. Appendixes provide a history of federal regulation of nursing homes, existing standards, a report of a survey of state health facility licensure and certification agencies, and statistical data on nursing homes and residents.(#/ Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations. THE JOINT COMMISSION GUIDE TO QUALITY ASSURANCE. Chicago: Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations; 1988. //This guide "places quality in context for individual organizations and instructs health care professionals in the theory and performance of quality assurance." Chapters review the history of the interest in quality, integrating quality in a health care organization, the monitoring and evaluation process, and the effect of quality assurance on the patient, practitioner, and organization. (#/ Liebler, Joan Gratto; Levine, Ruth Ellen; Rothman, Jeffrey. MANAGEMENT PRINCIPLES FOR HEALTH PROFESSIONALS. 2nd ed. Gaithersburg (MD): Aspen Publishers; 1992. //"This book is intended for use by health care personnel who participate in the classic functions of a managerplanning, organizing, decision making, staffing, leading or directing, communicating, and motivatingyet have not had extensive management training." Part 1 focuses on selected management functions, with appendices providing examples of policies and procedures. Part 2 discusses organizational environment and dynamics.(#/ Lohr, Kathleen N., ed. MEDICARE: A STRATEGY FOR QUALITY ASSURANCE. Washington: National Academy Press; 1990. //This study was commissioned by Congress and prepared by the Committee to Design a Strategy for Quality Review and Assurance in Medicare, Division of Health Care Services, Institute of Medicine. The first volume presents an overview of the concepts of quality of care, descriptions of the current Medicare program, its quality:&B0*(( assurance efforts and problems associated with them, and recommendations for new directions. Volume 2 contains background documents.(#/ Palmer, R. Heather; Donabedian, Avedis; Povar, Gail J. STRIVING FOR QUALITY IN HEALTH CARE: AN INQUIRY INTO POLICY AND PRACTICE. Ann Arbor (MI): Health Administration Press; 1991. //This volume is the outgrowth of a study prepared by the Institute of Medicine and consists of three sections. The first section concerns the definition of quality of care. Part 2 examines the effectiveness of quality assurance and barriers to its constructive implementation. The final section discusses ethical issues and their implications for quality assurance.(#/ Pegels, C. Carl; Rogers, Kenneth A. STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT OF HOSPITALS AND HEALTH CARE FACILITIES. Rockville (MD): Aspen Publishers; 1988. //"The goal of this book is to assist management to deal with the numerous major and minor changes that are occurring in their respective internal and external environments. The book not only provides a structured process for strategic planning, but it also provides many techniques that can be productively utilized in the strategic planning activities of the hospital and health care service organization....Another important contribution of this book is its emphasis on inculcating in the health care manager the need to think in terms of generating and evaluating opportunities not only to remain competitive but also to grow in the face of increasing and threatening competition." This book is written for hospital/health care corporation managers, administrators, and students in the field of health care management.(#/ QUALITY ASSURANCE IN HOME CARE AND HOSPICE ORGANIZATIONS. Oakbrook Terrace (IL): Joint Commission on Accreditation of Health Care Organizations; 1990. //This book is "the first Joint Commission publication that focuses solely on assisting home care and hospice organizations to create and successfully manage quality assurance programs that work. This publication provides practical guidance for developing, implementing, and evaluating a quality assurance program that fits the specific demands of delivering care or services to patients/clients in the home or to the terminally ill in a variety of settings." (#/ Rowland, Howard S.; Rowland, Beatrice L., eds. HOSPITAL ADMINISTRATION HANDBOOK. Rockville (MD): Aspen Systems Corporation; 1984. //This textbook is generously supported with figures, diagrams, tables, checklists, self tests, and glossaries. The authors have covered the world of hospital administration, presenting discussions on management, organization,#'C0*(( planning, financial management, capital formation, expenditures, construction, information management, human resources management, quality assurance and safety, and the hospital and the law. Ʃ / Schulz, Rockwell; Johnson, Alton C. MANAGEMENT OF HOSPITALS AND HEALTH SERVICES: STRATEGIC ISSUES AND PERFORMANCE. 3rd ed. St. Louis (MO): C.V. Mosby Company; 1990. //This book is "aimed at students in health care management and delivery programs and health care professionals, managers, and governing board members at all levels of experience. This text differs from traditional management texts and references in its application of organization and management theory to contemporary issues in the strategic management of health services." Divided into five parts, the topics covered include hospital and health services management objectives in a rapidly changing environment; strategic management; health services organization issues; managerial functions and issues; and future challenges, strategies, and ethics.(#/ Shortell, Stephen M.; Kaluzny, Arnold D., eds. HEALTH CARE MANAGEMENT: A TEXT IN ORGANIZATION THEORY AND BEHAVIOR. 2nd ed. New York: Wiley; 1988. //Although written primarily for graduate students in the field of health services, other health professionals "who will assume managerial responsibilities or who want to learn more about the organizations in which they will spend the major portion of their professional lives" will benefit from this textbook. Sections include organizations and managers, motivating and leading people and groups, operating the technical system, renewing the organization, and charting the future. Includes case studies, managerial guidelines, and bibliographies. (#/ Starfield, Barbara. PRIMARY CARE: CONCEPT, EVALUATION, AND POLICY. New York: Oxford University Press; 1992. //This book traces the history and development of primary care as a concept, discusses the measurement and evaluation of the essential components of primary care, and focuses on policy issues in primary care in the United States. Its purposes are "to help practitioners of primary care to understand what they do and why, to provide a basis for the training of primary care practitioners, to stimulate research to provide a more substantive basis for improvements in primary care, and to help policymakers understand the difficulties and challenges of primary care and its importance."(#/ Wolper, Lawrence F.; Pena, Jesus J., eds. HEALTH CARE ADMINISTRATION: PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICES. Rockville (MD): Aspen Publishers, Inc.; 1987. :&D0*((Ԍ//This comprehensive text discusses the organization of the hospital in the first 20 chapters. Topics include the history of hospitals, health care facilities planning, management engineering, legal structure, and strategic planning and marketing of healthcare services. In the subsequent 13 chapters, the authors describe the operational aspects of the various hospital departments, as well as facilities management, corporate cost containment, and materials management. The text is supported with diagrams, charts, figures, appendixes, and worksheets.(#/  UH  Bibliographies American Hospital Association Resource Center. CURRENT MANAGEMENT RESOURCES FOR HEALTH CARE PROFESSIONALS. Chicago: American Hospital Association; 1986. //An annotated list of 107 books and four periodicals on management techniques for health professionals.(#/ American Hospital Association Resource Center. HISTORICAL PUBLICATIONS IN HEALTH ADMINISTRATION: A CATALOG. Chicago: American Hospital Association Resource Center; 1984. //A list of historical materials from this important hospital and health services administration collection. (#/ ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY OF INTRAMURAL RESEARCH ON LONGTERM CARE. Rockville (MD): U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, National Center for Health Services Research and Health Care Technology Assessment, Division of Intramural Research; 1987. //Covers 31 studies conducted by the Longterm Care Studies Program and the Aging Studies Program from 1980 to 1987.(#/ ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE HOSPITAL STUDIES PROGRAM. Rockville (MD): U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, National Center for Health Services Research and Health Care Technology Assessment, Division of Intramural Research; 1985. //Summarizes studies from the Hospital Cost and Utilization Project, the Hospital Cost and Clinical Research Project, and the Market Area and State Data Analysis Project.(#/ THE DEVELOPMENT AND MANAGEMENT OF AMBULATORY CARE PROGRAMS: AN ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY. Rockville (MD): U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Health Resources and Services Administration,:&E0*(( Bureau of Health Care Delivery and Quality Assurance; Washington: U.S. Government Printing Office; 1982 . //Contains citations to publications on "health care administration, clinical care, and health promotion and disease prevention in ambulatory care settings."(#/ DIAGNOSIS RELATED GROUPS. Springfield (VA): National Technical Information Service; 1990. //Contains 120 citations on the grouping system and its impact on patient care, hospital staffing and utilization, and use of new health technologies.(#/ Health care administration: a core collection. HOSPITAL AND HEALTH SERVICES ADMINISTRATION 1989 Winter;34(4):55976. //Core list compiled by the staff of the American Hospital Association Resource Center. Includes 147 books and 87 journals.(#/ HEALTH MAINTENANCE ORGANIZATIONS. Springfield (VA): National Technical Information Service; 1990. //Contains 160 citations on organization, administration, and evaluation of health maintenance organizations.(#/ HOSPITAL AND HEALTH CARE MARKETING. Springfield (VA): National Technical Information Service; 1988. //A bibliography of 349 citations on marketing of hospital and health care services.(#/ Kelly, Joyce V.; Keyes, Michelle M., compilers. MEDICAL PRACTICE PATTERNS, PATIENT OUTCOMES, AND QUALITY OF CARE ASSESSMENT: A SELECTED ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY. Washington: Association of American Medical Colleges; 1989. //Contains citations to 77 recently published journal articles on geographic variations in medical practice patterns, defining appropriate care for specific disease conditions, outcomes assessment, using administrative data to measure patient outcomes, and assessing and improving quality of care.(#/ Kiger, A.F. A guide to key journals in the field of health services administration. JOURNAL OF HEALTH ADMINISTRATION EDUCATION 1985 Winter;3(1):99110. //A guide to prominent journals in health administration.(#/ #'F0*((ԌKitson, Alison L.; Harvey, Gill, compilers. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF NURSING QUALITY ASSURANCE AND STANDARDS OF CARE, 19321987. London: Scutari Press; 1991. //Annotated listing of 479 articles. Sections on theory and background issues, philosophical aspects of nursing and quality, quality assurance measures available to nurses, and relationship of quality of care to nursing manpower studies.(#/ LONG TERM CARE: HOME HEALTH SERVICES. Springfield (VA): National Technical Information Service; 1990. //Contains 251 citations on noninstitutional care of the aged, disabled, or convalescent.(#/ Montague, J.; Montague, S.; Capparelli, E. compilers. PRIMARY HEALTH CARE BIBLIOGRAPHY AND RESOURCE DIRECTORY. Washington: American Public Health Association; 1982. //An annotated bibliography on primary health care activities and programs in both developed and developing countries.(#/ Weston, J.L.; Rose, L.R.; Beard, D.L., compilers. ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY OF PRIMARY CARE RESEARCH. Rockville (MD): U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, National Center for Health Services Research and Health Care Technology Assessment; 1987. //Includes sections on provider studies, technology assessment, health promotion and disease prevention, health status, organization, costs of care, health needs, access to care, patientprovider communication, and patient compliance.(#/G0*((  c  Health Technology, Equipment, and Drugs  W //Monographs and bibliographies related to health technology, equipment, and drugs include biotechnology, medical devices, drug development, and  W technology assessment.Ʃ / AHFS DRUG INFORMATION. Bethesda (MD): American Society of Hospital Pharmacists; 1989 . //"A collection of drug monographs on virtually every singledrug entity available in the United States." Arrangement is by 30 broad classes of drugs according to pharmacologictherapeutic classification (e.g., antiinfective agents); these may be further subdivided by type (e.g., penicillins.) Entries provide detailed information on chemistry and stability, pharmacology, pharmacokinetics, cautions, acute and chronic toxicity, drug interactions and laboratory test interferences, dosage and administration, and preparations. General monographs on broader classes of drugs precede individual entries. Index includes generic and brand names.(#/ American Association for the Advancement of Science. GUIDE TO BIOTECHNOLOGY PRODUCTS AND INSTRUMENTS. Washington: The American Association for the Advancement of Science; 1986 .  Y. //Formerly entitled Guide to Scientific Instruments, this supplement to the journal  Y Science is issued annually. It lists products and companies in 22 areas as diverse as computers and antibodies. An alphabetical list of manufacturers' addresses is included, as well as an index to products.(#/ Blum, Richard H., et al., eds. PHARMACEUTICALS AND HEALTH POLICY: INTERNATIONAL PERSPECTIVES ON PROVISION AND CONTROL OF MEDICINES. London: Croom Helm; 1981. //The authors and contributors to this volume represent an international mix of experts with varied experiences in the health specialties. Their common belief is that "improved health care depends on improvements in the provision of medicines...that policies and practices must conform to local situations (whether national or regional)..." and "...that a necessary approach to medicines provision, which is both healthstimulating and economically sensible, is an international affair." Chapters describe interested parties, introduction of new drugs, drug promotion, education, individual use, provision to less developed countries, role of international organizations, and policies on drugs. (#/ Ekelman, Karen B., ed. NEW MEDICAL DEVICES: INVENTION, DEVELOPMENT, AND USE. Washington: National Academy Press; 1988. O'H0*((Ԍ//This book is based on a symposium sponsored by the National Academy of Engineering and the Institute of Medicine. Its essays are wideranging, including accounts of inventions of medical devices, financial support for and product liability of medical devices, and discussions of trends in medical device developments as seen by hospitals, industry, physicians and government. (#/ Gay, James R.; Jacobs, Barbara J. Sax, eds. THE TECHNOLOGY EXPLOSION IN MEDICAL SCIENCE: IMPLICATIONS FOR THE HEALTH CARE INDUSTRY AND THE PUBLIC (19812001). New York: SP Medical and Scientific Books; 1983. //The papers in this volume examine the implications of health technology. An introductory essay by Dr. Theodore Cooper provides an overview of the status of medical care in this country. Dr. Robert Moser contributes an interesting paper about the "intellectual imperative" driving the advance of medical discoveries. Other topics discussed are the economic impact of technology as seen by physicians and insurers, the costeffectiveness of high technology, its monitoring and regulation, and its allocation.(#/ Gelijns, Annetine C.; Halm, Ethan A., eds. THE CHANGING ECONOMICS OF MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY. Washington: National Academy Press; 1991. //This volume contains papers presented at a conference held by the Committee on Technological Innovation in Medicine and sponsored by the Howard Hughes Medical Institute and the Agency for Health Care Policy and Research. Individual papers discuss the diffusion of new technology, the changing economics of pharmaceutical research, case studies of individual innovative technologies, and comparisons of policies influencing innovative technologies in other countries.(#/ Jennett, Bryan. HIGH TECHNOLOGY MEDICINE: BENEFITS AND BURDENS. New York: Oxford University Press; 1986. //"...by the early 1980's it was becoming obvious on both sides of the Atlantic that the benefits that high technology promises, of postponing death or reducing disability, sometimes exact too high a price.... Balancing the benefits and burdens of medical technology ranges from allocating resources between different kinds of patient to matching individual patients with specific technologies." So writes Dr. Jennett, a neurosurgeon and cooriginator of the term "vegetative state." In this book he compares the use of high technology medicine in North America and the United Kingdom and makes predictions about the use of technology in the future.(#/ Kanouse, David E., et al. CHANGING MEDICAL PRACTICE THROUGH TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT: EVALUATION OF THE NIH CONSENSUS DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM. Washington: Association for Health Services Research; Ann Arbor (MI): Health Administration Press; 1989. #'I0*((Ԍ//"This report presents the major findings from Rand's evaluation of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Consensus Development Program, a technology assessment and dissemination program aimed at facilitating the timely translation of biomedical research into knowledge that can improve the practice of medicine and public health. The evaluation, sponsored by NIH's Office of Medical Applications of Research, examines the success of NIH's dissemination activities and the effects that NIH consensus conferences have had on physicians' knowledge, attitudes, and practices."(#/ Roth, Julius A.; Ruzek, Sheryl Burt, eds. THE ADOPTION AND SOCIAL CONSEQUENCES OF MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIES. Greenwich (CT): JAI Press; 1986. //In their introduction, the editors state that "we believe that these papers highlight the need for a more critical assessment of technologies before they are widely disseminated." The papers in this volume deal with specific medical technologies such as CAT scanners, hemodialysis, and diethylstilbestrol administration, as well as general issues such as medical technology policy and the adoption of technologies by hospitals.(#/ Southby, Richard McK. F.; Greenberg, Warren; Luce, Bryan, eds. HEALTH CARE TECHNOLOGY UNDER FINANCIAL CONSTRAINTS. Columbus (OH): Battelle Press; 1985. //The papers in this symposium were originally presented at the second Harold and Jane Hirsh Symposium at George Washington University. They assess the impact of new technologies "not only from a clinical viewpoint but also from social, economic, and political perspectives." Health care technologies and their economic impact are examined from the viewpoint of government agencies, industry, and health care institutions. (#/  Ue  Bibliographies Chalmers, T.C., et al. Selection and evaluation of empirical research in technology assessment. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT IN HEALTH CARE 1989;5(4):52136. //A guide to locating clinical trials and empirical research in technology assessment.(#/ Fox, Ann Carbery; Klein, Lori; Meikle, Teresa, compilers. HOSPITAL TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT. Bethesda (MD): U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, National Institutes of Health, National Library of Medicine, Reference Section; Washington: U.S. Government Printing Office; 1991. //Contains 784 citations from 1984 to 1990, with emphasis on hospital management of highcost technologies and procedures.(#/#'J0*((ԌHarris, W.L. Jr.; Mellott, P.J. Home healthcare bibliography. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF HOSPITAL PHARMACY 1986 Mar;43(3):699704. //Annotated bibliography covering topics such as home healthcare program planning and marketing, legal aspects of home healthcare services, reimbursement for home healthcare services, trends in home health care, and specific types of home care programs.(#/ Leenders, J.; Marke, L.A. An annotated bibliography on home care technologies. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT IN HEALTH CARE 1985;1(2):37193. //Includes sections on economic aspects of home care, home care for endstage renal disease, home parenteral nutrition, home care for respiratory disease, hospice care, population characteristics of home care, and health service users.(#/ Rocheleau, K.D. Technology and aging: a bibliography. FRONTIERS IN AGING SERIES 1988;6:28493. //Bibliography on the development of technology useful for overcoming or alleviating handicapping conditions associated with aging.Ʃ /4K0*((  c  Research Methods  W //Monographs and bibliographies on research methodologies including clinical investigation, epidemiological investigation, quality assurance, and statistical  W methods.Ʃ / Abramson, J.H. MAKING SENSE OF DATA: A SELFINSTRUCTION MANUAL ON THE INTERPRETATION OF EPIDEMIOLOGICAL DATA. New York: Oxford University Press; 1988. //"The purpose of this book is to provide readers with basic epidemiological concepts and skill that will help them appraise published reports as well as their own findings." Exercises are based on applications in clinical medicine, public health, community medicine, and research.(#/  Y Abramson, J.H. SURVEY METHODS IN COMMUNITY MEDICINE. 4th ed. New York: Churchill Livingstone; 1990. //The purpose of this book is to provide information on design, conduct, and analysis of studies concerning community medicine. It is aimed at physicians and other health care providers who are planning investigations of groups by: health surveys, prospective studies, comparison of cases and controls, prophylactic and therapeutic trials, studies of the use of medical services, and other epidemiological and evaluative research. This book looks at "the community as the patient and suggests ways to appraise its health needs and suggests programs to meet these needs."(#/ Bailey, Diane M. RESEARCH FOR THE HEALTH PROFESSIONAL: A PRACTICAL GUIDE. Philadelphia: F.A. Davis; 1991. //The purpose of this book is to provide the student or clinician conducting research a brief and simple overview of the research process by leading them on a stepbystep sequence through each stage of the research process. Worksheets are provided at the end of each chapter. "The author provides the worksheets as hands on working tools to the 10 step research process." The book contains extensive appendixes of sample collection tools and publishing hints.(#/ Bland, Martin. AN INTRODUCTION TO MEDICAL STATISTICS. New York: Oxford University Press; 1987. //"This is a textbook of statistics for medical students, doctors, medical researchers, and others concerned with medical data.... The material covered includes all the statistical work that would be required for a course in medicine and for the examinations of most of the royal colleges. It includes the design of clinical trials and epidemiological studies, data collection, summarizing and presenting data,K'L0*((  Y probability, the Binomial, Normal, Poisson, t and Chisquared Distributions, standard errors, confidence intervals, tests of significance, large sample and small sample comparisons of means, the use of transformations, regression and correlation, methods based on ranks, contingency tables, measurement error, reference ranges, mortality data, vital statistics and the choice of statistical method."(#/ Burnarad, Philip; Morrison, Paul. NURSING RESEARCH IN ACTION: DEVELOPING BASIC SKILLS. London: Macmillan Education, Ltd.; 1990. //The intention of this book is to provide a structured approach to research for nurses. The book aims to make nursing research possible for those who are just setting out. It is structured with a series of exercises as a guide on how to conduct a research project and can be adapted to a variety of health care settings. References and recommended books and articles are listed throughout the book as a supplement to the text.(#/ Daniel, Wayne W. BIOSTATISTICS, A FOUNDATION FOR ANALYSIS IN THE HEALTH SCIENCES. 5th ed. New York: Wiley; 1991. //This book was written for "the advanced undergraduate and beginning graduate student and the health professional in need of a reference book on statistical methodology." A basic proficiency in algebra will be helpful for the reader of this text, as the emphasis is "on an intuitive understanding of principles rather than an understanding based on mathematical sophistication." This edition places new emphasis on computer applications.(#/ DeFriese, Gordon H.; Ricketts, Thomas C.; Stein, Jane S. METHODOLOGICAL ADVANCES IN HEALTH SERVICES RESEARCH. Ann Arbor (MI): Health Administration Press; 1989. //This volume is intended as an overview of examples illustrating the wide variety of methodological approaches currently being taken within the field of health services research to the study and understanding of fundamental health care issues and problems. All of the chapters in this volume were originally published as articles in  Y Health Services Research (see entry in the Journals chapter). Includes sections on descriptive data analysis, modeling health care use and system performance, modeling clinical decision making, health care program evaluation, and a case study of the research process. Includes bibliographies.(#/ Eddy, David M.; Hasselblad, Vic; Shachter, Ross. METAANALYSIS BY THE CONFIDENCE PROFILE METHOD: THE STATISTICAL SYNTHESIS OF EVIDENCE. Boston: Academic Press, Inc.; 1992. >&M0*((Ԍ//"This book describes a new set of metaanalytic methods known collectively as the Confidence Profile Method." This book consists of five parts. Part one introduces 13 specific problems faced by anyone who attempts to analyze evidence. Part two addresses the formulation of the analytic problem. Part three presents the mathematics of the Confidence Profile Method. Part four takes the 13 problems recognized in part one and applies the methods in part three to solve them, and Part five discusses issues that arise in applications. Computer software accompanies the book.(#/ Gelijns, Annetine C. MODERN METHODS OF CLINICAL INVESTIGATION. Washington: National Academy Press; 1990. //"This volume summarizes the first of a series of Institute of Medicine workshops whose intent is to critically examine the process by which biomedical research is translated into actual benefits in medical practice." This title is volume one in the  Y series Medical Innovation at the Crossroads.(#/ Hill, Auston Bradford, Sir; Hill, I.D. BRADFORD HILL'S PRINCIPLES OF MEDICAL STATISTICS. 12th ed. London: Arnold; 1991. //The preface to this classic text states "This is not a textbook of statistical methods,  Y and never has beenit is a text book of medical statistics, that is the use of statistics and statistical methods applicable to medicine." In addition to chapters on standard statistical methods, individual chapters include discussions of standardized death rates and indices, life tables and survival after treatment, measures of morbidity, and clinical trials.(#/ Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations. JOINT COMMISSION PRIMER ON INDICATOR DEVELOPMENT AND APPLICATION: MEASURING QUALITY IN HEALTH CARE. Oakbrook Terrace (IL): The Commission; 1990. Larson, James S. THE MEASUREMENT OF HEALTH; CONCEPTS AND INDICATORS. New York: Greenwood Press; 1991. //"This book is devoted to the task of discussing concepts and indicators in health measurement. It is intended not to provide definitive answers concerning health measurement but to lay the groundwork for future research into the health status of populations and individuals. It is meant to aid researchers and academics in studying the topic of health measurement." Chapters focus on the measurement of mortality, of morbidity and disability, of international health, national health, and state and local health.(#/ Longo, Daniel R.; Bohr, Deborah, eds. QUANTITATIVE METHODS IN QUALITY MANAGEMENT. Chicago: American Hospital Publishing, Inc.; 1990.''N0*((Ԍ//The aim of the authors is to provide "an aid in understanding the application of basic quantitative methods to quality management." This book is divided into five sections: the application of quantitative methods to quality measurements, statistical tests for comparing provider performances, an overview of peer review activities, a program learning guide to basic statistical concepts, and specific case illustrations of the concepts.(#/ Luft, Harold S., et al. HOSPITAL VOLUME, PHYSICIAN VOLUME, AND PATIENT OUTCOMES: ASSESSING THE EVIDENCE. Ann Arbor (MI): Health Administration Press Perspectives; 1990. //"This book provides a critical overview of the research on the volumeoutcome relationship" and offers "an examination of peerreviewed literature and a discussion of both consistent and inconsistent results across studies and procedures and diagnoses....In addition to exploring the evidence behind the volumeoutcome relationship, this book illustrates the role of research methods in shaping our understanding of an empirical relationship." The focus is on "how to interpret and digest empirical research" and not on "statistics or quantitative techniques."(#/ Lwanga, S.K.; Lemeshow, S. SAMPLE SIZE DETERMINATION IN HEALTH STUDIES: A PRACTICAL MANUAL. Geneva (Switzerland): World Health Organization; 1991. //In designing a health study its objectives must be clearly defined before a sample size can be determined. "This manual is intended to be a practical guide to determining sample size. It presents a variety of situations in which sample size can effect the outcome of the study, including studies of population proportions; odds ratios; and relative risk and incidents rates." A glossary and tables of minimum sample size are included.(#/ MEASURING MEDICAL PRACTICE: STATISTICS FOR THE PHYSICIAN. Chicago: American Medical Association, Division of Health Policy and Program Evaluation; 1987. //This booklet presents an overview of statistical methods relevant to the practice of clinical medicine. Introductory material is provided on different types of statistical  Y measures, as well as sections on assessing statistical data. A chapter on Statistics and  Y Health Policy Issues gives examples of the use of statistics in hospital mortality data, utilization review, and utilization of health services. Includes glossary, bibliography, and statistical appendixes. (#/ Munro, Barbara Hazard; Visintainer, Madelon A.; Page, Ellis Batten. STATISTICAL METHODS FOR HEALTH CARE RESEARCH. Philadelphia: Lippincott; 1986. //The purpose of this book is "to acquaint the reader with the statistical techniques most commonly reported in the research literature of the health professions." Includes''O0*(( sections on understanding data, analyzing relationships, analyzing differences among groups, and extensions of correlational techniques. Also includes exercises and bibliography.(#/ Polit, Denise F.; Hungler, Bernadette P., eds. NURSING RESEARCH: PRINCIPLES AND METHODS. 4th ed. Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott Co.; 1991. //This textbook covers research methods for nurses. It is divided into six sections covering the rationale of the research process and terminology, steps of a research project, research design issues, major techniques in the collection of data, preparation of data for analysis, and communication and writing about the research. Contains an extensive glossary of research related terms.(#/ Rao, C.R.; Chakraborty, R., STATISTICAL METHODS IN BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES. Amsterdam (Netherlands): Elsevier Science Publishers; 1991. (Rao, C.R., ed. Handbook of statistics, vol. 8). //The aim of this volume is to "disseminate statistical methodologies in the area of biological and medical sciences. Each chapter explains methods as well as applications of the statistical techniques for investing biological issues." The chapters in this book are divided into four sections: genetics and epidemiology, anthropometry and evolutionary biology, cancer biology, and medical statistics.(#/ Sechrest, Lee; Perrin, Edward; Bunker, John, eds. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY: STRENGTHENING CAUSAL INTERPRETATIONS OF NONEXPERIMENTAL DATA. Agency for Health Care Policy and Research Conference Proceedings; 1987 Apr 810; Tucson, Arizona. Rockville (MD): Agency for Health Care Policy and Research; 1990. Available from: NTIS, Springfield, VA; PB90101387. //This book contains the papers presented at the conference sponsored by The National Center for Health Services Research and Health Care Technology Assessment which is now the Agency for Health Care Policy and Research. The conference was held at the University of Arizona at Tucson. Each paper deals with an aspect of "data collection and interpretation of nonexperimental data. The aim of the conference was to enhance the investigator's ability to generate the best data possible when randomized experiments are not feasible or when they seem feasible but fail to be accomplished."(#/ Spilker, Bert, ed. QUALITY OF LIFE ASSESSMENTS IN CLINICAL TRIALS. New York: Raven Press; 1990. //This book provides several methods on how to conduct quality of life assessments. Along with providing the methodologies, discussion is given on the pros and cons of#'P0*(( each test and its appropriateness. The primary audience is academic, government, pharmaceutical, or other health professionals. The book is divided into five broad subject divisions: standard scales, tests, and approaches; ethical issues; special populations and approaches; and special problems and diseases.(#/ Steiber, Steven R.; Krowinski, William J. MEASURING AND MANAGING PATIENT SATISFACTION. Chicago: American Hospital Publishing, Inc.; 1990. //One of the main challenges to health services providers is developing a tangible method for measuring the perceived quality of care and satisfaction by consumers. This book provides methods used in several health care settings by which the research can customize the methods to virtually any service setting. Each method is outlined in a stepbystep approach. An index and references are provided.(#/ United Nations. Department of International Economic and Social Affairs. STEPBYSTEP GUIDE TO THE ESTIMATION OF CHILD MORTALITY. New York: United Nations; 1990. (Population studies; no. 107). //"The aim of the Guide is to provide the reader with all the information necessary to apply two methods for the estimation of child mortality. The reader is introduced to the basic concepts encountered in the measurement of mortality, the typical indicators of mortality in childhood, the rationale underlying methods described and the data required for their application. The methods are described in stepbystep fashion."(#/ Veney, James E.; Kaluzny, Arnold D. EVALUATION AND DECISION MAKING FOR HEALTH SERVICES. 2nd ed. Ann Arbor (MI): Health Administration Press; 1991. //This book reviews methods that can be used by administrators in evaluating health services programs. It is difficult for most administrators to document the accomplishments of their programs despite the great amount of time, energy and resources devoted to them. With funding for many health programs being eliminated, evaluation of health programs to determine their impact is essential. This book provides administrators with a variety of methods of conducting these evaluations.(#/ WassertheilSmoller, Sylvia. BIOSTATISTICS AND EPIDEMIOLOGY: A PRIMER FOR HEALTH PROFESSIONALS. New York: SpringerVerlag; 1990. //This book is intended for health professionals with no background in mathematics. The aim of the book is to give understanding of the underlying principles of statistics as well as a practical guide. The book is divided into five parts: the scientific method, probability, epidemiological methods, statistical methods, and the development of clinical trials.(#/ #'Q0*((ԌWilliams, Renee; Baker, Lynda M.; Marshall, Joanne Gard. INFORMATION SEARCHING IN HEALTH CARE. Thorofare (NJ): SLACK Inc.; 1992. //This book is intended as a guide to the health professional who wants to learn the skills to find, evaluate, and apply information from the health sciences literature to health care problems. Its purpose is to assist students and health professionals in learning searching skills and critically appraising research evidence. The book reviews the use of health science abstracts and indexes and computer databases.(#/  U1  Bibliographies Bausell, R. Barker, compiler. ADVANCED RESEARCH METHODOLOGY: AN ANNOTATED GUIDE TO SOURCES. Metuchen (NJ): Scarecrow Press, Inc.; 1991. //This guide contains references to 2660 journal articles and books on the process of conducting scientific research. It covers 78 topics on the research process from problem formulation to publication. The cited journals and books include the primary methodological sources available in fields such as psychology, medicine, sociology, and education. Each entry contains an abstract which provides an overview and statement of purpose of the article or book cited. Citations are listed  Y4 only under one topic category but an extensive index is provided for crossreferences.(#/4R0*((  c  Statistical Sources  W //Monographs and bibliographies on statistical sources include actual charts  W and tables, databooks, scientific tables, or guides to sources of statistics.Ʃ / Alderson, M.R. MORTALITY, MORBIDITY, AND HEALTH STATISTICS. New York: Stockton Press; 1988. //"The aim of this book is first to provide a comprehensive guide to the users of mortality statistics and second to list various sources of morbidity statistics on abortion, cancer registration, congenital malformation notification, hospital inpatients, morbidity treated in general practice, notification of infectious disease, sickness absence and indicators of morbidity from surveys.... The book should be of value to (1) those responsible for handling routine mortality and morbidity statistics in regional and national offices of vital statistics or health statistics and (2) users of routine data, such as epidemiologists, other medical staff, statisticians, and those involved in healthcare management."(#/ Bureau of the Census. STATISTICAL ABSTRACT OF THE UNITED STATES. Washington: U.S. Government Printing Office; 1878 .  YE //The Statistical Abstract "is the standard summary of statistics on the social, political, and economic organization of the United States. It is designed to serve as a convenient volume for statistical reference and as a guide to other statistical publications and sources." Among the healthrelated statistics listed in the 110th edition for 1990 are vital statistics; health and nutrition; social insurance and human services; and banking, finance, and insurance.(#/ Congressional Research Service. MEDICAID SOURCE BOOK: BACKGROUND DATA AND ANALYSIS. Washington: U.S. Government Printing Office; 1988. //This report was prepared to provide answers to the most frequently asked questions about Medicaid, including eligibility for benefits, services covered, administration of the program, types of providers who participate, scope of coverage for the poor, trends in recent legislation, and effectiveness of the program in terms of cost constraints and quality of care. Includes numerous statistical tables. (#/ Gilford, Dorothy M., ed. THE AGING POPULATION IN THE TWENTYFIRST CENTURY: STATISTICS FOR HEALTH POLICY. Washington: National Academy Press; 1988. //"This report is the product of a study that takes stock of specific questions faced in developing health policy for the elderly and charts a course for producing information from the existing national data systems to arrive at answers. The conclusions andM'S0*(( recommendations represent the end point of a long process." The Panel on Statistics for an Aging Population, established in September 1984 under the National Research Council, was assigned the task of examining the adequacy of statistical information and methodology for the aging population, with special attention to the area of health and medical care. In April 1983 the Academy complex sponsored a conference to determine the adequacy of available statistics for policy analysis for an aging society. The conferees identified a need for a "study of the problems and changes...that would increase the utility of national data systems." This report is the result of the efforts  YH of the above Panel. In addition to this publication, the panel also published Inventory  Y3 of Data Sets Related to the Health of the Elderly which describes in detail 117 existing data sets related to the health of the elderly.(#/ HEALTH, UNITED STATES WITH PREVENTION PROFILE. Hyattsville (MD): National Center for Health Services Research; 1975 . //This annual report is compiled by the National Center for Health Statistics. The first section, a chartbook, presents summaries, statistics, tables, and maps on selected measures of health status. The second consists of detailed statistical tables in four areas: health status and determinants, utilization of health resources, health care  YO resources, and health care expenditures. A third section entitled Prevention Profile is issued triennially. It "serves as an integral part of the Department's overall disease prevention and health promotion initiative by providing data to chart progress" toward health objectives for the United States.(#/ Health Resources and Services Administration. Division of Disadvantaged Assistance. HEALTH STATUS OF MINORITIES AND LOWINCOME GROUPS. 3rd ed. Hyattsville (MD): U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Health Resources and Services Administration, Bureau of Health Professions, Division of Disadvantaged Assistance; Washington: U.S. Government Printing Office; 1991. //A compilation of data from a variety of governmental statistical sources. Sections on vital statistics, prevention, reproductive health, chronic and acute disease conditions, injuries, human immunodeficiency virus infection, dental health, mental health, health of older Americans, utilization of health services, health insurance coverage and health care expenditures.(#/ Holland, Wilbur Wallis, ed. EUROPEAN COMMUNITY ATLAS OF "AVOIDABLE DEATH." Oxford (England): Oxford University Press; 1988. //Contains maps showing the mortality from various conditions in nine European countries. The diseases chosen were considered to be relevant to all members of the European Community and to reflect important aspects of health care provision in those countries. Examples include tuberculosis, asthma, appendicitis, Hodgkin's@&T0*(( disease, and chronic rheumatic heart disease. In addition to maps, tables show mortality and population data by small area.(#/ INTERNATIONAL HEALTH DATA REFERENCE GUIDE. Hyattsville (MD): U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, National Center for Health Statistics; 1984 . //"Provides information collected in mid1991 on the availability of selected national vital, hospital, health manpower resources, and populationbased health survey statistics. Information for the 34 nations included in this guide was obtained from the government and official agencies that are listed in the guide for further reference."(#/ Lentner, C. GEIGY SCIENTIFIC TABLES. 8th ed. West Caldwell (NJ): CIBAGeigy; 198184. //This title, comprising three volumes, covers units of measurement, body fluids, composition of the body, and nutrition (volume I); an introduction to statistics, statistical tables, and mathematical formulae (volume II); and physical chemistry, composition of blood, hematology, and somatometric data (volume III).(#/  U4  Bibliographies Andriot, Donna; Andriot, Jay; Andriot, Laurie, eds. GUIDE TO U.S. GOVERNMENT STATISTICS. 1986 ed. McLean (VA): Documents Index; 1986. //An annotated guide to 11,945 U.S. government statistical publications.(#/ Health Resources and Services Administration. Bureau of Health Professions. Office of Data Analysis and Management. AN ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY OF PUBLICATIONS PREPARED/SUPPORTED BY THE OFFICE OF DATA ANALYSIS AND MANAGEMENT. Rockville (MD): Bureau of Health Professions; 1990. //A selected list of reports and publications "designed to contribute to a better understanding of the issues, developments, trends, and projections concerning the Nation's health care personnel, with particular emphasis on their supply, requirements, and geographic distribution."(#/ National Center for Health Statistics. CATALOG OF PUBLICATIONS OF THE NATIONAL CENTER FOR HEALTH STATISTICS. Hyattsville (MD); 1980 . //An annual listing of publications.(#/ Q%U0*((ԌNATIONAL HEALTH AND NUTRITION EXAMINATION SURVEY (NHANES) AND DATA STUDIES AVAILABLE IN VARIOUS MEDIA. Springfield (VA): National Technical Information Service; 1989. //Contains 139 citations concerning the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey and the Hispanic Health and Nutrition Examination Survey.(#/ NATIONAL HEALTH INTERVIEW SURVEY (NHIS) AND DATA STUDIES AVAILABLE ON MAGNETIC TAPE. Springfield (VA): National Technical Information Service; 1989. //A list of 234 citations on the National Health Interview Survey.(#/ NATIONAL HOSPITAL DISCHARGE SURVEY (NHDS) DATA AVAILABLE IN VARIOUS MEDIA. Springfield (VA): National Technical Information Service; 1989. //A bibliography of citations on the National Hospital Discharge Survey and other discharge surveys.(#/ O'Brien, Jacqueline Wasserman; Wasserman, Steven, eds. STATISTICS SOURCES. 12th ed. Detroit (MI): Gale Research Co.; 1989. //A subject guide to data on industrial, business, social, educational, financial, and other topics for the United States and internationally.(#/ Singer, Ira D.; Meyerhoff, Allen S.; Schiffman, Susan B., compilers. A GUIDE TO HEALTH DATA RESOURCES. Millwood (VA): Center for Health Affairs, Project HOPE; 1985. //Contains descriptions of resource documents on health care data that have been published by both public and private organizations in the United States.(#/ VITAL STATISTICS: UNITED STATES MORTALITY AND NATALITY DATA AVAILABLE ON MAGNETIC TAPE. Springfield (VA): National Technical Information Service; 1989. //Contains 175 citations concerning tables and magnetic tape records of mortality and natality vital statistics for the United States.(#/ Weise, Frieda O., compiler. HEALTH STATISTICS: A GUIDE TO INFORMATION SOURCES. Detroit (MI): Gale Research Co.; 1980.  Y:& //One of the Health Affairs Information Guide series, this contains basic sources of vital and health statistics in the United States. Includes sections on general titles,%'V0*(( vital statistics, morbidity, health resources, health services utilization, health care costs, and population characteristics.(#/ Wilkin, David; Hallam, Lesley; Doggett, MarieAnne. MEASURES OF NEED AND OUTCOME FOR PRIMARY HEALTH CARE. New York: Oxford University Press; 1992. //The aim of this book is to outline methods to measure need and/or outcomes using nonclinical instruments. "The core of the book is a guide to 40 measures of need and outcome suitable in varying degrees for use in primary health care research and practice, divided according to subject matter." This book also reviews the theoretical and methodological issues relevant to measurement of needs and outcomes in health care.(#/ W0*((  c  Guidelines   W //The titles listed under guidelines are bibliographies of guidelines and practice guidelines. The sources of the guidelines are given in each bibliography so that copies of the guideline can be obtained. Another source in locating individual guidelines is the database CATLINE on the MEDLARS system. CATLINE is the  W online catalog of the National Library of Medicine.(#/ College of American Pathologists. STANDARDS, REFERENCE MATERIALS, AND METHODS: A PRACTICAL GUIDE FOR THE MEDICAL LABORATORY. Skokie (IL): College of American Pathologists; 1984. //This guide lists standards in the following categories: blood banks, chemistry, coagulation, diagnostic immunology, hematology, microbiology, nuclear medicine, safety, general laboratory. Each entry includes the full title of the standard, the sponsoring organization, and country. The document/standard type is also given. The standard is not included but must be obtained from the sponsoring organization.(#/ Food and Drug Administration. Center for Devices and Radiological Health. MEDICAL DEVICES STANDARDS ACTIVITIES REPORT. Rockville (MD): Food and Drug Administration; 1987. (HHS publication; FDA 874222219).  Y //The purpose of the MEDICAL DEVICES STANDARDS ACTIVITIES REPORT is to provide a comprehensive listing of current national and international, voluntary and regulatory standards activities in the field of medical devices. The report is organized into four sections: by sponsoring agencies, by product type, by organization with committee structure and key officials, and by the National Technical Information System accession numbers.(#/ HEALTHCARE STANDARDS. Plymouth Meeting (PA): Emergency Care Research Institute (ECRI); 1991. //This directory is a guide to hardtofind healthcare standards, guidelines, and recommended practices. The scope of the directory is broad including standards issued by medical societies, professional associations, government agencies, and other healthrelated organizations. The subjects of the guidelines cover all aspects of healthcare from specific diagnostic procedures to workplace safety standards. ECRI provides a telephone updating service. To check for more current information than the printed tool, the phone number is 2158256000.(#/ Indiana University. Health Services Research Center. REPORT ON MEDICAL GUIDELINES AND OUTCOMES RESEARCH. Indianapolis (IN): Health Services Research Center; 1991M'X0*((Ԍ//This publication is made up of two directories which are updated every six months: The Annotated Directory of Medical Practice Guidelines and The Outcomes Directory. These directories describe the methodologies and other common attributes of a selected number of guidelines and outcomes research projects. The directories include what health policy researchers consider the most thorough guidelines development efforts to date and the growing portfolio of grants and contracts of outcome research. Both directories are divided by sponsoring agency and then alphabetically by title of the guideline or outcome research project. The actual guideline is not stated but must be obtained from the sponsoring agency.(#/ Preventive Services Task Force. GUIDE TO CLINICAL PREVENTIVE SERVICES: AN ASSESSMENT OF THE EFFECTIVENESS OF 169 INTERVENTIONS. Baltimore (MD): Williams and Wilkins; 1989. //This book contains guidelines covering screening tests, counseling procedures, and immunization. The staff of the Task Force were based at and provided support by the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion of the Department of Health and Human Services. The aim of the Task Force in developing these guidelines has been to promote health and prevent disease. The guidelines are written so that age, sex, and other risk factors are considered for the best effectiveness of care. The Task Force took four years in compiling this work involving literature reviews,  Y debates, and synthesis of critical comments.(#/ QA, DIRECTORY OF PRACTICE PARAMETERS. Chicago: American Medical Association, Office of Quality Assurance; 1990 //"Practice Parameters are strategies for patient management, developed to assist  Y physicians in clinical decisionmaking." QA is published quarterly and is designed to facilitate the dissemination of recently completed practice parameters. QA serves to  Yg complement the Directory of Practice Parameters.(#/ Swartwout, James E., ed. DIRECTORY OF PRACTICE PARAMETERS. Chicago: American Medical Association, Office of Quality Assurance and Healthcare Organizations; 1992. //This directory is published from the AMA's database of practice parameters. It is  Y supplemented quarterly by the newsletter QA, DIRECTORY OF PRACTICE  Y! PARAMETERS and revised yearly. The AMA established the practice parameters database by surveying physician organization. Since then, in cooperation with the Practice Parameters Partnership and Practice Parameters Forum, a system has been established to track the development, completion, publication, and withdrawal of practice parameters which are maintained on the database. Only active practice parameters are listed in this directory.(#/ +'Y0*((Ԍ c  Health Information Systems  W //Monographs and bibliographies on health information systems include  W textbooks, glossaries, and source guides on health information systems.Ʃ / Agency for Health Care Policy and Research. Office of Science and Data Development. THE FEASIBILITY OF LINKING RESEARCHRELATED DATA BASES TO FEDERAL AND NONFEDERAL MEDICAL ADMINISTRATIVE DATABASES: REPORT TO CONGRESS. Rockville (MD): U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Agency for Health Care Policy and Research, Center for Research Dissemination and Liaison; 1991. //This report analyzes the data files available from government and nongovernment sources which might be used in medical effectiveness research, and the feasibility of linking data bases from a variety of organizations. It addresses issues of standards, confidentiality, and future availability of data. Appendixes include lists of selected Federal, state hospital, and private data bases.(#/ Austin, Charles J.; Harvey, William J. INFORMATION SYSTEMS FOR HEALTH SERVICES ADMINISTRATION. 3rd ed. Ann Arbor (MI): Health Administration Press; 1988. //"Intended to aid health services administrators in understanding the intricacies of information systems and how such systems can become effective management tools in their organizations." Contains sections on computing technology; information systems analysis, design and implementation; information systems in health services organizations. Includes a glossary of technical terms.(#/ Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society. CATALOG OF HEALTHCARE INFORMATION AND MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS PUBLICATIONS. Chicago: American Hospital Association, Healthcare Management Systems Society; 1988 .  YH //Formerly titled Catalog of Hospital Management Systems Publications, this is a catalog of proceedings, case studies, and technical reports. Entries in the section on case studies and reports are arranged topically. Each entry gives bibliographic information and price. (#/ Institute of Medicine. Committee on Improving the Patient Record. THE COMPUTERBASED PATIENT RECORD: AN ESSENTIAL TECHNOLOGY FOR HEALTH CARE. Washington: National Academy Press; 1991. //This report discusses the current state of patient record systems and recommends that "health care professionals and organizations should adopt the computerbased patient record (CPR) as the standard for medical and all other records related to patientM'Z0*(( care." Chapters describe how future patient record systems will operate, identify technologies essential to future systems, and discuss barriers to implementation.(#/ Shortliffe, Edward H.; Perreault, Leslie E., eds. MEDICAL INFORMATICS: COMPUTER APPLICATIONS IN HEALTH CARE. Reading (MA): AddisonWesley Publishing Co.; 1990.  Y_ //The editors state that their principal goal in this text is "to teach concepts in medical informaticsthe study of biomedical information and its use in decision makingand to illustrate them in the context of descriptions of representative systems that are in use today or that taught us lessons in the past." The first section provides introductions to topics such as the acquisition, storage and use of medical data, medical decision making, and system design and evaluation. The second section presents chapters on a broad range of specific applications such as medical records, hospital information systems, patient monitoring systems, and clinical research systems. The third section looks at future applications of medical informatics such as health care financing and technology assessment.(#/  Ud  Bibliographies Holland, G.J. A resource guide for faculty and practitioners. JOURNAL OF HEALTH ADMINISTRATION EDUCATION 1990 Winter;8(1):85100. //Presents an approach to searching for resources to support the education of health professionals in the field of health care information systems.(#/ HOSPITAL INFORMATION SYSTEMS. Springfield (VA): National Technical Information Service; 1984. //Contains 229 citations concerning the development, implementation, and evaluation of hospital information systems.(#/ Malec, B.T. Select IS [information systems] bibliography. JOURNAL OF HEALTH ADMINISTRATION EDUCATION 1990 Winter;8(1):10112. //Includes sections on textbooks, manuals, administrative systems, clinical systems, decision support systems, systems selection and implementation, and periodicals.(#/ [0*((  c  Special Issues  W //Monographs and bibliographies on special issues include health care for the indigent, health care for the elderly, organ transplant policies, public health issues, AIDS, homelessness, mental health care, alcoholism , drug abuse, and  W more.Ʃ / Battista, Renaldo N.; Lawrence, Robert S., eds. IMPLEMENTING PREVENTIVE SERVICES. New York: Oxford University Press; 1988. //A collection of essays on preventive services and health promotion practices focusing on the United States and Canada. Topics include economic and social discussions of preventive services, physician practices, and policy considerations in implementing preventive services.(#/ Blumstein, James F.; Sloan, Frank A., eds. ORGAN TRANSPLANTATION POLICY: ISSUES AND PROSPECTS. Durham (NC): Duke University Press; 1989. //The authors maintain that the organ transplantation policy of the Federal Government represents "a notable exception to the trend toward the competitive, marketdriven approach to health care." Chapters in this book examine the economics and ethics of markets for human organs, government policy and funding of organ transplants, and ethical criteria for procurement and distribution of organs.(#/ Brook, Robert H., et al. APPROPRIATENESS OF ACUTE MEDICAL CARE FOR THE ELDERLY. Santa Monica (CA): Rand Corporation; 1989. //"This report analyzes the literature regarding appropriateness of acute care provided to the elderly and, using this analysis, suggests policy options that could promote more appropriate care." The authors discuss frameworks that may be used to measure appropriateness and examine three kinds of care used by the elderly: hospital, physician, and pharmaceutical.(#/ Callahan, Daniel. SETTING LIMITS: MEDICAL GOALS IN AN AGING SOCIETY. New York: Simon and Schuster; 1987. //Written by the director of the Hastings Center, this book won a 1988 Pulitzer Prize. It discusses the changes that have been brought about by modern medicine in prolonging life, and the challenges that they pose in a society with an increasing population of the elderly. Rationing health care and terminating treatment are among the problems Callahan examines. (#/ Ciarlo, James A.; Brown, Timothy R.; Edwards, Daniel W., et al. ASSESSING MENTAL HEALTH TREATMENT OUTCOME MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUES. Rockville (MD):K'\0*(( U.S. Department of Health and Human Services; Public Health Service; Alcohol, Drug Abuse, and Mental Health Administration; National Institute of Mental Health; Division of Biometry and Epidemiology; 1986. //Intended to help mental health programs in the selection of treatment outcome measurements. Most of the book consists of an appendix with detailed evaluations of 31 outcome measures. These evaluations include information on cost, usefulness, and references for further reading.(#/ Dychtwald, Ken; Zitter, Mark; Levison, Joan. NEW DIRECTIONS FOR ELDERCARE SERVICES: COOPERATION ALONG A CONTINUUM. New York: McGrawHill Information Services Company; 1990. //The authors discuss "social, economic, and demographic parameters of the older population both today and in the future; health patterns of older adults and how they differ from those of the young; statistics on health care utilization and how that usage is financed; information about the many organizations that serve the health and lifestyle needs of older adults; and descriptions of the emerging eldercare system and what is needed to support it."(#/ Eisdorfer, Carl; Kessler, David A.; Spector, Abby N., eds. CARING FOR THE ELDERLY: RESHAPING HEALTH POLICY. Baltimore (MD): Johns Hopkins University Press; 1989. //This book includes sections on the characteristics and health of the elderly, paying for health services for the elderly, sources of health care, special problems of geriatric health care, and ethical and political dimensions of policy reform. The last section presents a variety of analyses of health policies as they relate to the elderly. The book "is intended to serve as a resource for healthcare policymakers, planners, practitioners, and researchers as well as for students of health policy, administration, and research."(#/ Garrett, Thomas M.; Baillie, Harold W., Garrett, Rosellen M. HEALTH CARE ETHICS: PRINCIPLES AND PROBLEMS. Englewood Cliffs (NJ): Prentice Hall; 1989. //A collegelevel textbook with two sections. The first discusses the principles of health care ethics, such as informed consent, autonomy, beneficence, malfeasance, confidentiality, and truthfulness. Chapters in the second section examine specific problems of health care ethics such as death and dying, abortion, transplants, testing and screening, and biomedical research.(#/ Gilmore, Gary D.; Campbell, M. Donald; Becker, Barbara L. NEEDS ASSESSMENT STRATEGIES FOR HEALTH EDUCATION AND HEALTH PROMOTION. Indianapolis (IN): Benchmark Press; 1989.#']0*((Ԍ//The aim of the authors was to create "a practical handbook which would have direct use in health education and health promotion planning and program development efforts." The first section places needs assessment in context. The other sections focus on specific strategies: assessments with individuals, assessments with groups, and selfdirected assessments. Appendixes provide examples of health status inventories as well as a list of available health risk appraisals and wellness inventories. Includes bibliography.(#/ Grant, Murray. HANDBOOK OF COMMUNITY HEALTH. 4th ed. Philadelphia: Lea & Febiger; 1987. //A wideranging introductory text on all aspects of community health. Topics covered range from health statistics and fundamentals of epidemiology to specific public health areas such as maternal and child health, dental health, occupational health, and disaster planning. The book also includes general overviews of medical care, health care delivery, health planning, quality of care, and health manpower.(#/ Holland, Walter W.; Detels, Roger; Knox, George. OXFORD TEXTBOOK OF PUBLIC HEALTH. 2nd ed. New York: Oxford University Press; 1991. //An encyclopedic textbook with a British slant. The four volumes cover historical aspects and general scope and strategies of public health, public health promotion, investigative methods used in public health, and specific applications. Most chapters conclude with extensive lists of references.(#/ Institute of Medicine. CONFRONTING AIDS: DIRECTIONS FOR PUBLIC HEALTH, HEALTH CARE, AND RESEARCH. Washington: National Academy Press; 1986. //This report, prepared by the Committee on a National Strategy for AIDS of the Institute of Medicine, is the result of a recognition by the Institute of Medicine of the need to develop recommendations about the best course of action for dealing with AIDS. This recognition surfaced following the Institute's October 1985 annual meeting which was devoted to the subject of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. In the first chapter the reader is presented with a summary and recommendations. Following are six chapters discussing understanding of the disease, future course and available resources, opportunities for altering the course, care of the HIV infected individual, research needs, and international aspects. This text is a handy reference for a wide audience, from the researcher to the clinician, from the health educator to the counselor to the concerned public. The information provided in the 11 appendixes and the glossary at the back of the book are most useful.(#/ Institute of Medicine. MOBILIZING AGAINST AIDS. Rev. ed. Cambridge (MA): Harvard University Press; 1989. #'^0*((Ԍ//An update to the above report, this book reviews the epidemiology of AIDS, the medical effects of HIV, its treatment and prevention, and the impact of AIDS on the health care system. Appendixes include the Centers for Disease Control definition of AIDS, a listing of tests for HIV infection, guidelines for the prevention of HIV transmission in health care settings, several Public Health Service recommendations and guidelines for counseling, testing, and education about AIDS, and a chronology of AIDS research from 1970 to 1975.(#/ Institute of Medicine. Committee on Health Care for Homeless People. HOMELESSNESS, HEALTH, AND HUMAN NEEDS. Washington: National Academy Press; 1988. //This study examines the phenomenon of homelessness, the health problems associated with it, and access to health care services for homeless people. It makes recommendations for changing eligibility requirements for health care services and for providing those services to the homeless. Appendixes on legislative efforts to aid the homeless, the methodology of counting the homeless, and the rural homeless are included.(#/ Last, John M., ed. MAXCYROSENAU PUBLIC HEALTH AND PREVENTIVE MEDICINE. 12th ed. Norwalk (CT): AppletonCenturyCrofts; 1986. //A classic, comprehensive textbook on all aspects of public health. The text is divided  Y into six sections: Public Health Methods, Communicable Diseases, Environmental  Y Health, Behavioral Factors Affecting Health, Noncommunicable and Chronic  Y Disabling Conditions, and Health Care Planning, Organization, and Evaluation. Most chapters contain extensive bibliographies.(#/ Melville, Keith. HEALTH CARE FOR THE ELDERLY: MORAL DILEMMAS, MORTAL CHOICES. Dayton (OH): Domestic Policy Association; 1988. //This book examines three positions relative to health care for the elderly: that comprehensive coverage should be the goal of policy; that rationing of medical care for geriatric patients must be instituted; and that the government's role should be to provide subsidized health care only to the needy. Includes suggestions for further reading.(#/ Moos, Rudolf H.; Finney, John W.; Cronkite, Ruth C. ALCOHOLISM TREATMENT: CONTEXT, PROCESS, AND OUTCOME. New York: Oxford University Press; 1990. //"This book reports a longterm effort to try to understand the context, process, and effects of alcoholism treatment." In the first section, treatment methods, short term outcome and prognosis are examined. The second part of the book looks at extra treatment factors which affect the recovery process, followed by a third section on alcoholism and the family. The last section discusses practical applications of the)'_0*(( information in the preceding sections, including suggestions for improving treatment programs.(#/ Newkirk, William L.; Jones, Lynn Dickey. OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH SERVICES: A GUIDE TO PROGRAM PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT. Chicago: American Hospital Publishing; 1989. //Intended for hospitals which seek to develop occupational health programs, this book "covers the services, legal issues, marketing needs, and ethical concerns facing programs as we begin the 1990s. It attempts to alert hospitals to frequently encountered problems and to suggest solutions that have proved successful elsewhere." The full range of occupational health services are discussed, including injury treatment services, employee screening, rehabilitation services, counseling services, and health promotion services.(#/ Parmeggiani, Luigi, ed. ENCYCLOPAEDIA OF OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY. 3rd ed. Geneva (Switzerland): International Labour Office; 1983. //Signed articles, arranged alphabetically by subject, intended as a practical tool for those responsible for the protection of the health of industrial workers throughout the world. Emphasizes preventive action. Contains approximately 200 new entries that reflect new knowledge or developments since the previous edition. Entries tend to be lengthy and give references. Some illustrations, cross references. Index of authors (with identifications and locations). Subject index. v. 1, A-K; v. 2, L-Z.(#/ Rowe, Mona, et al. AIDS, A PUBLIC HEALTH CHALLENGE: STATE ISSUES, POLICIES AND PROGRAMS. Washington: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service; 1987. //These volumes were developed by the Intergovernmental Health Policy Project at George Washington University. They are intended to be a guide for policymakers at  Y7 the state level. Volume 1, entitled Assessing the Problem, covers administration and organization of AIDS programs, screening and surveillance, confidentiality and  Y  potential for discrimination. Volume 2, Managing and Financing the Problem, discusses medical care, support services, education, and research, and the means to  Y finance these activities. The third volume, Resource Guide, contains lists of documents, organizations, and publications relevant to AIDS.(#/ Shin, Diana M.; Avers, JoAnne, eds. AIDS/HIV REFERENCE GUIDE FOR MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS. 3rd ed. Los Angeles (CA): UCLA School of Medicine, Center for Interdisciplinary Research in Immunology and Diseases; 1988. //This book consists of short summaries of information on many aspects of AIDS/HIV infection, including distribution, definitions, diagnosis, precautions, control of)'`0*(( transmission, and experimental therapy. A chapter on resources includes information on organizations, educational materials, directories, and publications. Includes glossary and index.(#/ Stoll, Basil A., ed. COST VERSUS BENEFIT IN CANCER CARE. London: Macmillan Press, Ltd.; 1988. //The focus of this book is the treatment of advanced cancer. The attitudes of patients and physicians in the United States and Europe are contrasted, as are views on  Y1 rationing of care in advanced cancer. In a concluding chapter, Saying No is Difficult  Y in Cancer, Stoll concludes that guidelines should "restrict treatment to those most in need and those most likely to benefit." The editor states that the book is directed at "health professionals involved in the clinical care of cancer patients, health economists, sociologists, and all those concerned with medical ethics and the rights of the individual."(#/ Sullivan, Sean; Lewin, Marion E., eds. THE ECONOMICS AND ETHICS OF LONGTERM CARE AND DISABILITY. Washington: American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research; 1988. //Chronic conditions and disabilities have replaced acute disease as the major health problem of the latter twentieth century. An introduction describes the need to reorient our health care system for individuals with functional disability, one which combines both health and social services and which would better enable the individual to function with the greatest degree of independence attainable. "The public and private sectors have complementary roles to play in ensuring...equal opportunity for these individuals to pursue their lives in careers by mitigating the effects of their impairments." The six essays which follow this chapter review the changing nature of our health care needs and suggest ways to make corresponding changes in the structure of caregiving in our society.(#/  Y; Waldron, H.A., ed. OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH PRACTICE. 3rd ed. London: Butterworths; 1989. //The aim of this publication "is to be of direct use to those actively engaged in occupational health practice wherever they may be, and as far as possible, to the problems which may arise from the complex interaction between work and health." The twentyeight chapters which are included in this book cover screening, occupationrelated hazards such as vibration, noise, ionizing radiation, etc., biological monitoring, analytical methods, treatment and first aid, vocational rehabilitation, and health promotion and counseling. A brief history of the field serves as an introduction. The text is supported with diagrams, charts, tables, a questionnaire, and bibliographic references.(#/ ''a0*((ԌWilliams, Phillip G. LIFE FROM DEATH: THE ORGAN AND TISSUE DONATION AND TRANSPLANTATION SOURCE BOOK, WITH FORMS. Oak Park (IL): P. Gaines Co.; 1989. //"The present volume may serve as a source book of information on the various issues pertaining to anatomical gifts." After an introductory chapter providing background on the many issues and considerations related to organ donation and receipt, the text of the 1968 Uniform Anatomical Gift Act is reproduced, along with recommendations of the Task Force commissioned by the National Organ Transplant Act of 1984. The next chapter contains a list of state anatomical gift laws. Includes glossary, directory of support services, and bibliography.(#/   U  Bibliographies AIDS BIBLIOGRAPHY. Bethesda (MD): National Library of Medicine; 1988 . //Contains citations from the National Library of Medicine's AIDSLINE, CATLINE, and AVLINE databases on all preclinical, clinical, epidemiologic, diagnostic, and prevention areas in AIDS. Published monthly since 1989.(#/ Annotated bibliography: quality of life evaluation. HEALTH POLICY 1988 Dec;10(3):28195. //Includes sections on methodological and policy issues and quality of life evaluation in specific diseases.(#/ BIBLIOGRAPHIES AND INDEXES IN GERONTOLOGY. Westport (CT): Greenwood Press; 1, 1985 . //A series of bibliographies on specific topics. Recent subjects have included legal aspects of health care for the elderly, and Federal public policy on aging since 1960.(#/ BIBLIOGRAPHY ON HEALTH INDEXES. Rockville (MD): U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Public Health Service, Health Resources Administration, National Center for Health Statistics; 1973 . //Covers documents on the topic of developing composite measures of health status.(#/ CORPORATE WELLNESS PROGRAMS. Springfield (VA): National Technical Information Service; 1987. //A bibliography of 129 citations on companysponsored physical fitness and other health promoting programs.(#/ #'b0*((ԌDIRECTORY OF GERIATRIC PUBLICATIONS. Mercer Island (WA): DRS Geriatric Pub. Co.; 1991 . //Over 1,800 books and journals published since 1985. Topics include death, dying, grief, and hospice; disabled and handicapped; home care and housing; longterm care; medical and nursing; mental health.(#/ Jones, Woodrow, Jr., compiler. BLACK AMERICAN HEALTH: AN ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY. New York: Greenwood Publishing Group; 1987. //An annotated listing of over 350 sources on black health care, with sections on assessment studies as well as specific health care problems.(#/ Korda, Holly, et al. (Abt Associates, Inc., Boston, MA). AN ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY OF SCIENTIFIC ARTICLES ON AIDS FOR POLICYMAKERS. Washington: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service; 1987. //A listing of refereed journal articles identified as being relevant to policymaking audiences. Annotations include findings, methods, sample size, and policy areas discussed.(#/ National Center for Education in Maternal and Child Health. STARTING EARLY: A GUIDE TO FEDERAL RESOURCES IN MATERNAL AND CHILD HEALTH. 2nd ed. Washington: National Center for Education in Maternal and Child Health; 1988. //Includes sections on pregnancy and childbirth, child health, adolescent health, maternal and child health services and programs, and special topics.(#/ National Perinatal Epidemiology Unit (Great Britain). A CLASSIFIED BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CONTROLLED TRIALS IN PERINATAL MEDICINE, 19401984. Oxford (England): Oxford University Press; 1985. //Contains 2770 reports of clinical trials in perinatal medicine.(#/ OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH SERVICES AND EMPLOYEE HEALTH PROGRAMS. Springfield (VA): National Technical Information Service; 1983. //Contains 93 citations on health care programs for employees.(#/ Pease, Elizabeth, compiler. OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH: A SOURCEBOOK. New York: Garland; 1985. //Contains annotated lists of books, periodicals, and government reports on many aspects of occupational medicine.(#/#'c0*((ԌPREVENTIVE MEDICINE: HEALTH EDUCATION. Springfield (VA): National Technical Information Service; 1988. //A list of 270 citations concerning the impact of health education programs on health promotion and disease prevention.(#/ SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY ON AIDS (ACQUIRED IMMUNODEFICIENCY SYNDROME) FOR HEALTH SERVICES RESEARCH. Rockville (MD): U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, National Center for Health Services Research and Health Care Technology Assessment. 1, Sep 1987 . //An annual bibliography which includes sections on communitybased care, costs, financing and insurance, public health, planning and policy, research and statistical methods, and provider issues.(#/ Siegler, Mark; Singer, Peter A.; Schiedermayer, David L., compilers. MEDICAL ETHICS: AN ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY. Philadelphia: American College of Physicians; 1988. //A list of 190 journal articles on ethical issues related to the practice of clinical medicine. Includes sections on decisions to forego lifesustaining treatment, medical economics, research ethics, and the physicianpatient relationship.(#/ Ziegenfuss, James T., compiler. QUALITY ASSURANCE, UTILIZATION REVIEW AND RISK MANAGEMENT, A CURRENT AND SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY. Sarasota (FL): American Board of Quality Assurance and Utilization Review Physicians; 1987. d0*((  c h7 JOURNALS ă  W //Journals listed include currently published professional journals, newsletters, newspapers, and annuals. The journals include titles in biomedicine; health services research; health planning and policy; health economics and business; health manpower and professional education; health facilities and services; health technology, equipment, and drugs; statistical methods, statistical  W sources; health information systems; and special issues.Ʃ / ACADEMIC MEDICINE. Philadelphia: Hanley and Belfus. Vol. 64, No. 1, Jan 1989 .  YB Continues: Journal of Medical Education. ADMINISTRATIVE RADIOLOGY. Glendale (CA): Glendale Publishing Corporation. Vol. 1, 1982 . ADVANCE DATA. Hyattsville (MD): U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Office of Health Research, Statistics, and Technology, National Center for Health Statistics. No. 1, Oct 1976- .  Y Supersedes: Monthly Vital Statistics Report; Provisional Statistics from the Center for Health  Ww Statistics; Supplement. ADVANCES IN HEALTH ECONOMICS AND HEALTH SERVICES RESEARCH. Greenwich (CT): Jai Press. Vol. 2, 1981- .  Y Continues: Research in Health Economics.   AHCPR PROGRAM NOTES. Rockville (MD): U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Agency for Health Care Policy and Research. 1990 . AIDS PATIENT REGISTRY. Washington: Department of Veterans Affairs, AIDS Program Office. Vol. 1, No. 1, 1988? . ALCOHOL HEALTH AND RESEARCH WORLD. Rockville (MD): U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. Vol. 1, 1973- . AMERICAN JOURNAL OF EPIDEMIOLOGY. Baltimore (MD): Johns Hopkins University, School of Hygiene and Public Health. Vol. 81, Jan 1965 .  Y! Continues: American Journal of Hygiene. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF HEALTH PROMOTION. Royal Oak (MI): Michael P. O'Donnell. Vol. 1, No. 1, 1986- . AMERICAN JOURNAL OF INFECTION CONTROL. St. Louis (MO): C. V. Mosby. Vol. 8, No. 1, Feb 1980- .S'e0*((Ԍ Y Continues: APIC Journal.  AMERICAN JOURNAL OF NURSING. New York: American Journal of Nursing Company. Vol. 1, 1900 . AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PREVENTIVE MEDICINE. New York: Oxford University Press. Vol. 1, No. 1, JanFeb 1985 . AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH. Washington: American Public Health Association. Vol. 61, 1971 .  Y Continues: American Journal of Public Health and the Nations Health. AMERICAN MEDICAL NEWS. Chicago: American Medical Association. Vol. 12, No. 26, Jul 7, 1969 .  Y Continues: AMA News. ANNALS OF INTERNAL MEDICINE. Philadelphia: American College of Physicians. Vol. 1, No. 1, Jul 1927 . ANNUAL REVIEW OF PUBLIC HEALTH. Palo Alto (CA): Annual Reviews. Vol. 1, 1980- . BIOMEDICAL INSTRUMENTATION AND TECHNOLOGY. Philadelphia: Hanley and Belfus. Vol. 23, No. 1, JanFeb 1989 .  Y Formed by the merger of Medical Instrumentation and Biomedical Technology Today. BIOSTATISTICA. Davenport (IA): Doneraile Park Press. Vol. 1, No. 1, JanMar 1990 . BLUE SHEET. Chevy Chase (MD): Blue Sheet Health Policy. Vol. 19, No. 29, 1976 .  Ym Continues: Drug Research Reports. BMJ. London: British Medical Association. Vol. 297, 1988 .  Y* Continues: British Medical Journal. Clinical Research Edition. BULLETIN OF THE MEDICAL LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. Chicago: Medical Library Association. Vol. 1, Jul 1911 . BUSINESS AND HEALTH. Montvale (NJ): Medical Economics Co. Vol. 1, No. 1, Nov 1983 . CANADIAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION JOURNAL. Ottawa: Canadian Medical Association. Vol. 1, 1911 .  YF& Called also: Journal de l'Association Medicale Canadienne; CMAJ. 1'f0*((ԌCARING. Washington: National Association for Home Care. Oct 1982- . CASE STUDIES IN HEALTH ADMINISTRATION. Chicago: American College of Hospital Administrators. Vol. 1, 1978- . CHILDREN'S HEALTH CARE. Thorofare (NJ): Charles B. Slack. Vol. 9, No. 2, Fall 1980- .  Y_ Running title: JACCH. Continues: Journal of the Association for the Care of Childrens  WJ Health. CODE OF FEDERAL REGULATIONS. Washington: General Services Administration, National Archives and Records Service, Office of Federal Register; 1938 . COMPUTER METHODS AND PROGRAMS IN BIOMEDICINE. Amsterdam: Elsevier. Vol. 20, No. 1, May 1985 .  Y Continues: Computer Programs in Biomedicine. COMPUTERS AND BIOMEDICAL RESEARCH. New York: Academic Press. Vol. 1, 1967 . COMPUTERS AND MEDICINE. Chicago: Medit Associates. Vol. 1, NovDec 1972 . COMPUTERS IN HEALTHCARE. Englewood (CO): Cardiff Publishing. Vol. 3, No. 5, SepOct 1982- .  Y Continues: Computers in Hospitals. COMPUTERS IN NURSING. Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott. Vol. 1, No. 1, Mar 1983 . CONGRESSIONAL QUARTERLY ALMANAC. Washington: Congressional Quarterly, Inc. Vol. 1, 1945 .  Y= CONGRESSIONAL QUARTERLY WEEKLY REPORT. Washington: Congressional Quarterly, Inc. Vol. 1, 1945 . CONGRESSIONAL RECORD. Washington: U.S. Government Printing Office. 1873 . CONTROLLED CLINICAL TRIALS. New York: Elsevier. Vol. 1, No. 1, May 1980 . DEATH STUDIES. Washington: Hemisphere Publishing Corp. Vol. 9, No. 1, 1985 .  Y# Continues: Death Education. DIGEST OF NATIONAL HEALTH CARE USE AND EXPENSE INDICATORS. Chicago: American Hospital Association/Dunlop Group of Six. 1984 . +'g0*((ԌDIGEST OF PUBLIC GENERAL BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS. Washington: Library of Congress. 1936 . DIMENSIONS IN HEALTH SERVICE. Ottawa: Canadian Hospital Association. Vol. 51, 1974- .  Y Continues: Canadian Hospital.  DISCHARGE PLANNING UPDATE. Chicago: American Hospital Association. Vol. 1, No. 1, Fall 1980- . DRG MONITOR. Cherry Hill (NJ): DRG Monitor. Vol. 1, No. 1, Sep 1983 . EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES. Van Nuys (CA): Creative Age Publications. Vol. 1, 1972 . EMERGING ISSUES IN BIOMEDICAL POLICY. New York: Columbia University Press. Vol. 1, 1992 . ENVIRONMENT REPORTER. Washington: Bureau of National Affairs, Inc. 1970 . EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH. Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell International. Vol. 1, No. 1, 1991 . EVALUATION AND PROGRAM PLANNING. Elmsford (NY): Pergamon Press. Vol. 1, 1978- . EVALUATION AND THE HEALTH PROFESSIONS. Baltimore (MD): Empirical Publications. Vol. 1, No. 1, Spring 1978- . FAMILIES IN SOCIETY. Syracuse (NY): Family Service America. Vol. 71, No. 1, Jan 1990 .  Y9 Continues: Social Casework. FAMILY AND COMMUNITY HEALTH. Rockville (MD): Aspen Systems Corporation. Vol. 1, No. 1, Apr 1978- . FAULKNER AND GRAYS MEDICINE AND HEALTH. Washington: Faulkner and Grays Healthcare Information Center. Vol. 43, No. 45, Nov 13 1989 .  Y" Continues: Medicine and Health. FEDERAL REGISTER. Washington: General Services Administration, National Archives and Records Service, Office of the Federal Register. Vol. 1, 1936 . @&h0*((ԌFEDERATION BULLETIN. Fulton (MO): Federation of State Medical Boards of the United States. Vol. 7, 1921- . FRONTIERS OF HEALTH SERVICES MANAGEMENT. Ann Arbor (MI): Health Administration Press. Vol. 1, No. 1, Sep 1984- . GROUP PRACTICE JOURNAL. Alexandria (VA): American Group Practice Association. Vol. 29, 1980- .  YH Continues: Group Practice. Journal of the American Group Practice Association.  HARVARD BUSINESS REVIEW. Boston: Harvard University, Graduate School of Business Administration. Vol. 1, 1922 . HASTINGS CENTER REPORT. HastingsonHudson (NY): Institute of Society, Ethics and the Life Sciences. Vol. 1, 1971 . HEALTH AFFAIRS. Millwood (VA): Project Hope. Vol. 1, No. 1, Winter 1981- . HEALTH AND SOCIAL WORK. Silver Spring (MD): National Association of Social Workers. Vol. 1, 1976 . HEALTHBUSINESS. Washington: Faulkner and Grays Healthcare Information Center. Vol. 4, No. 41, Oct 1989 .  Y Continues: McGrawHills Health Business. Incorporates: Medical Business Journal. HEALTH CARE. Don Mills (Ontario): Southam Business Publications. Vol. 21, No. 8, Aug 1979.  Y Continues: Health Care in Canada. HEALTH CARE FINANCING REVIEW. Washington: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Health Care Financing Administration. Vol. 1, No. 1, Summer 1979- . Includes an annual supplement. HEALTH CARE LABOR MANUAL. Rockville (MD): Aspen Systems. Vol. 1, 1974 . HEALTH CARE LAW NEWSLETTER. New York: Matthew Bender. Vol. 1, No. 1, Jul 1986- . HEALTH CARE MANAGEMENT REVIEW. Rockville (MD): Aspen Systems Corporation. Vol. 1, No. 1, Winter 1976- . HEALTH CARE STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT. Ann Arbor (MI): Chi Systems. Vol. 1, No. 1, Oct 1983- . )'i0*((ԌHEALTH CARE SUPERVISOR. Rockville (MD): Aspen Systems Corporation. Vol. 1, No. 1, Oct 1982 . HEALTH COST MANAGEMENT. Philadelphia: Health Cost Management. Vol. 1, No. 1, Oct 1983- .  Y Called also: HCM. HEALTH DEVICES. Plymouth Meeting (PA): Emergency Care Research Institute (ECRI). Vol. 1, 1971- . HEALTH DEVICES ALERTS. Plymouth Meeting (PA): Emergency Care Research Institute  Y (ECRI). Vol. 1, 1977 . See entry in Databases chapter under Health Devices Alerts for a description of the online service. HEALTH EDUCATION. Washington: American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance. Vol. 6, 1975- .  Y Continues: School Health Review.  HEALTH FACILITY MANAGEMENT. Chicago: American Hospital Publishing. Vol. 1, No. 1, Sep 1988 . HEALTH INDUSTRY TODAY. Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott. Vol. 46, 1983 .  Y  Continues: Surgical Business. HEALTH LAW IN CANADA. Scarborough (Ontario): Butterworths, for the Canadian Institute of Law and Medicine. Vol. 1, No. 1, Spring 1980- . HEALTH LEGISLATION AND REGULATION. Washington: McGrawHill. Vol. 12 No. 35, Sep 10, 1986 .  Ym Continues: Washington Report on Health Legislation and Regulation. HEALTH MANAGEMENT QUARTERLY. Evanston (IL): American Hospital Supply Corporation Foundation. Fall 1984 .  Y Continues: Hospital Management Quarterly. HEALTH MANPOWER MANAGEMENT. Keele (England): Mercia Publications Ltd. Vol. 14, No. 2, Sep 1988 .  Y! Continues: Health Services Manpower Review. HEALTH MARKETING QUARTERLY. Binghamton (NY): Haworth Press. Vol. 1, No. 1, Fall 1983- .  Y_% Continues: Health and Medical Care Services Review.  HEALTH NEWS DAILY. Chevy Chase (MD): FDC Reports, Inc. Vol. 1, No. 1, 1989 .3'j0*((Ԍ Y Continues: Health Daily. HEALTH POLICY. Amsterdam: Elsevier. Vol. 4, No. 1, 1984- .  Y Continues: Health Policy and Education.  HEALTH POLICY ANNUAL. Washington: Association of Academic Health Centers. Vol. 1, 1991 . HEALTH POLICY AND PLANNING. Oxford: Oxford University Press in cooperation with the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. Vol. 1, No. 1, Mar 1986- . HEALTH POLICY WEEK. Bethesda (MD): United Communications Group. Vol. 11, No. 13, Apr 1982- .  Y Continues: Morris Report on Federal Health Policy.  HEALTH PROGRESS. St. Louis (MO): Catholic Health Association. Vol. 65, No. 8, Sep 1984 .  Y Continues: Hospital Progress. HEALTH SERVICES MANAGEMENT RESEARCH. Harlow (Essex, England): Longman. Vol. 1, No. 1, Mar 1988- . HEALTH SERVICES RESEARCH. Chicago: Hospital Research and Educational Trust. Vol. 1, 1966- .  Y Continues: AHA Hospital Technology Series.  HEALTH SYSTEMS REVIEW. Little Rock (AR): FAHS Review, Inc. Vol. 24, No. 1, JanFeb 1991 .  Y Continues: Review (Federation of American Health Systems). HEALTH TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT REPORTS. Rockville (MD): U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, National Center for Health Services Research and Health Care Technology Assessment, Office of Health Care Technology Assessment. No. 1, 1981- . Published also in an annual cumulation. HEALTH TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT. Plymouth Meeting (PA): Emergency Care Research Institute (ECRI). 1990 . HEALTH TECHNOLOGY TRENDS. Plymouth Meeting (PA): Emergency Care Research Institute (ECRI). Vol. 1, No. 1, Mar 1989 . HEALTH TRENDS. London: Department of Health and Social Security. Vol. 1, 1969- . /'k0*((ԌHEALTH VALUES. Thorofare (NJ): Charles B. Slack. Vol. 1, 1977- . HEALTHCARE BOTTOM LINE. Columbus (OH): William O. Cleverley. Vol. 3, No. 5, Jun 1986- .  Y Continues: Hospital Bottom Line. HEALTHCARE EXECUTIVE. Chicago: Foundation of the American College of Healthcare Executives. Vol. 1, No. 1, NovDec 1985 . HEALTHCARE FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT. Oak Brook (IL): Healthcare Financial Management Association. Vol. 36, No. 6, Jun 1982- .  Y Continues: Hospital Financial Management.  HEALTHCARE FORUM JOURNAL. San Francisco: Healthcare Forum. Vol. 30, No. 4, JulAug 1987 .  Y Continues: Healthcare Forum. HEALTHCARE HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT. Plymouth Meeting (PA): Emergency Care Research Institute (ECRI). Vol. 3, No. 10, Jul 1990 .  YQ Continues: Hospital Hazardous Materials Management. HEALTHCARE INFORMATICS. Lakewood (CO): Health Data Analysis. Vol. 7, No. 2, Feb 1990- .  Y Continues: U.S. Healthcare.  HEALTHCARE MANAGEMENT FORUM. Ottawa: Foundation of the Canadian College of Health Service Executives. Vol. 1, No. 1, Spring 1988- .  Y Continues: Health Management Forum.  HEALTHCARE STANDARDS UPDATE. Plymouth Meeting (PA): Emergency Care Research Institute (ECRI). Spring 1990 .  YC Supplement to: Healthcare Standards. See entry in Guidelines section. HEALTHSPAN. Clifton (NJ): Law and Business. Vol. 2, No. 1, Jan 1985- .  Y Continues: Healthscan. HIV/AIDS SURVEILLANCE. Atlanta (GA): U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control, Center for Infectious Diseases, Division of HIV/AIDS; Rockville (MD): National AIDS Information Clearinghouse. Feb. 1989 .  Yx$ Continues: AIDS Weekly Surveillance Report. HMO MAGAZINE. Washington: Group Health Association of America, Inc. Vol. 31, No. 3, 1990 .5'l0*((Ԍ Y Continues: GHAA News. HMO PRACTICE. Buffalo (NY): HMO Group. Vol. 1, 1987 . HOME HEALTH CARE SERVICES QUARTERLY. Binghamton (NY): Haworth Press. Vol. 1, No. 1, Spring 1979- . HOSPITAL AND COMMUNITY PSYCHIATRY. Washington: American Psychiatric Association. Vol. 17, 1966- .  Y3 Continues: Mental Hospitals.  HOSPITAL AND HEALTH SERVICES ADMINISTRATION. Chicago: American College of Hospital Administrators. Vol. 21, 1976- .  Y Continues: Hospital Administration.  HOSPITAL LAW NEWSLETTER. Rockville (MD): Aspen Systems Corporation. Vol. 1, No. 1, Jul 1983- . HOSPITAL MATERIALS MANAGEMENT. Ann Arbor (MI): Chi Systems. Vol. 11, No. 3, Mar 1986- .  Y: Continues: Hospital Purchasing Management. HOSPITAL MATERIEL MANAGEMENT QUARTERLY. Rockville (MD): Aspen Systems Corporation. Vol. 1, No. 1, Aug 1979- .  Y Called also: HMMQ. HOSPITAL PEER REVIEW. Atlanta (GA): American Health Consultants. Vol. 1, No. 1, 1976- . HOSPITAL PHARMACY. Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott. Vol. 1, 1966- . HOSPITAL TECHNOLOGY SERIES. Chicago: American Hospital Association. Vol. 2, No. 25, 1983- .  Y Continues: AHA Hospital Technology Series. HOSPITAL TOPICS. Washington: Heldref Publications. Vol. 29, No. 9, 1951- .  Y Continues: Hospital Topics and Buyers Guide.  HOSPITALS. Chicago: American Hospital Association. Vol. 10, 1936- .  Y# Continues: Bulletin of the American Hospital Association. INQUIRY. Chicago: Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association. Vol. 1, 1963- . J&m0*((ԌINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EPIDEMIOLOGY. London: Oxford University Press. Vol. 1, No. 1, Spring 1972 . INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEALTH PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT. Chichester (England): John Wiley. Vol. 1, No. 1, Nov 1985- . INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEALTH SERVICES. Farmingdale (NY): Baywood Publishing. Vol. 1, 1971- . INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PARTIAL HOSPITALIZATION. New York: Plenum Press. Vol. 1, No. 1, Jan 1982- . INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REHABILITATION RESEARCH. London: Chapman and Hall. Vol. 1, 1978 . INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT IN HEALTH CARE. Cambridge (England): Cambridge University Press. Vol. 1, 1985- . INTERSTUDY COMPETITIVE EDGE. Excelsior (MN): Interstudy. Vol. 1, 1991 .  YK Continues: Interstudy Edge. INTERSTUDY QUALITY EDGE. Excelsior (MN): Interstudy. Vol. 1, 1991 . ISSUES IN LAW AND MEDICINE. Terre Haute (IN): National Legal Center for the Medically Dependent and Disabled, the Horatio R. Storer Foundation, and the American Academy of Medical Ethics. Vol. 1, No. 1, Jul 1985- . JAMA. Chicago: American Medical Association. Vol. 173, 1960 .  Y~ Continues: Journal of the American Medical Association. JOINT COMMISSION PERSPECTIVES. Chicago: Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations. Vol. 7, No. 9-10, Sep-Oct 1987- .  Y$ Continues: JCAH Perspectives.  JOURNAL OF AGING AND HEALTH. Newbury Park (CA): Sage Publications. Vol. 1, No. 1, Feb 1989- . JOURNAL OF AHIMA. Chicago: American Health Information Management Association. Vol. 62, No. 11, Nov 1991 .  Y# Continues: Journal (American Medical Records Association). JOURNAL OF ALLIED HEALTH. Thorofare (NJ): Charles B. Slack. Vol. 1, 1972- . B&n0*((ԌJOURNAL OF AMBULATORY CARE MANAGEMENT. Rockville (MD): Aspen Systems Corporation. Vol. 1, 1978- . JOURNAL OF AMBULATORY CARE MARKETING. Binghamton (NY): Haworth Press. Vol. 1, No. 1, SpringSummer 1987- .  Y Continues: Emergency Health Services Review.  JOURNAL OF AMERICAN HEALTH POLICY. Washington: Faulkner and Gray. Vol. 1, 1991 . JOURNAL OF BIOPHARMACEUTICAL STATISTICS. New York: Marcel Dekker. Vol. 1, No. 1, 1991 . JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ENGINEERING. City of Industry (CA): Quest Publishing Company. Vol. 1, 1976- . JOURNAL OF CLINICAL EPIDEMIOLOGY. Tarrytown (NY): Pergamon Press. Vol. 41, 1988 .  Yd Called also: JCE. Continues: Journal of Chronic Diseases.  JOURNAL OF COMMUNITY HEALTH. New York: Human Sciences Press. Vol. 1, 1975 . JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY HEALTH LAW AND POLICY. Washington: Catholic University of America Press. Vol. 1, No. 1, Spring 1985- . JOURNAL OF CONTINUING EDUCATION IN NURSING. Thorofare (NJ): Charles B. Slack. Vol. 1, 1970- . JOURNAL OF CONTINUING EDUCATION IN THE HEALTH PROFESSIONS. London: Taylor and Francis. Vol. 8, 1988- .  Y; Continues: Mobius.  JOURNAL OF DENTAL EDUCATION. Washington: American Association of Dental Schools. Vol. 1, 1936 . JOURNAL OF HEALTH ADMINISTRATION EDUCATION. Arlington (VA): Association of University Programs in Health Administration. Vol. 1, No. 1, Winter 1983- .  Y" Continues: Program Notes - Association of University Programs in Health Administration.  JOURNAL OF HEALTH AND HOSPITAL LAW. Chicago: American Hospital Association, American Academy of Hospital Attorneys. Vol. 21, No. 5, May 1988- .  YB& Continues: Hospital Law.  -'o0*((ԌJOURNAL OF HEALTH AND HUMAN RESOURCES ADMINISTRATION. Montgomery (AL): Southern Public Administration Education Foundation. Vol. 1, No. 1, Aug 1978- .  Y Called also: JHHRA. JOURNAL OF HEALTH CARE, LAW & ETHICS. Piscataway (NJ): R.L. McIntyre, Th.D. at the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New JerseyRobert Wood Johnson Medical School. Vol. 7, No. 2, Winter 1992 .  Ya Continues: Info trends. JOURNAL OF HEALTH CARE MARKETING. Boone (NC): Center for Management Development. Vol. 1, No. 1, Winter 198081- . JOURNAL OF HEALTH ECONOMICS. Amsterdam: Elsevier North Holland. Vol. 1, No. 1, May 1982- . JOURNAL OF HEALTH POLITICS, POLICY AND LAW. Durham (NC): Duke University Press. Vol. 1, 1976- . JOURNAL OF HEALTHCARE EDUCATION AND TRAINING. Chicago: American Hospital Association, American Society for Healthcare Education. Vol. 1, No. 1, Summer 1986- . JOURNAL OF HOSPITAL MARKETING. Binghamton (NY): Haworth Press. Vol. 1, No. 12, FallWinter 1986- . JOURNAL OF LONG TERM CARE ADMINISTRATION. Silver Spring (MD): American College of Nursing Home Administration. Vol. 2, 1973 .  Y Continues: Journal of the American College of Nursing Home Administrators. JOURNAL OF MEDICAL ETHICS. London: Professional and Scientific Publications. Vol. 1, 1975 . JOURNAL OF MEDICAL HUMANITIES. New York: Human Sciences Press. Vol. 10, No. 1, Spring-Summer 1989- .  Y Continues: Journal of Medical Humanities and Bioethics. JOURNAL OF MEDICAL PRACTICE MANAGEMENT. Baltimore (MD): Williams and Wilkins. Vol. 1, No. 1, Jul 1985- .  Y" Called also: Medical Practice Management. JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SYSTEMS. New York: Plenum Press. Vol. 1, 1977 .  Y[% Continues: Journal of Medical Humanities and Bioethics.  F&p0*((ԌJOURNAL OF MEDICINE AND PHILOSOPHY. Dordrecht (Netherlands): D. Reidel Publishing Co. Vol. 1, 1976- . JOURNAL OF MENTAL HEALTH ADMINISTRATION. Washington: Association of Mental Health Administrators. Vol. 1, 1972- . JOURNAL OF NURSING CARE QUALITY. Frederick (MD): Aspen Publishers. Vol. 6, No. 1, Oct 1991 .  YH Continues: Journal of Nursing Quality Assurance. JOURNAL OF OCCUPATIONAL MEDICINE. Baltimore (MD): Williams & Wilkins. Vol. 1, No. 1, Jan 1959 . JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL MARKETING AND MANAGEMENT. Binghamton (NY): Haworth Press. Vol. 1, No. 1, Fall 1986- . JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH DENTISTRY. Raleigh (NC): American Association of Public Health Dentistry. Vol. 25, 1965 .  Yd Continues: Public Health Dentistry. JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH POLICY. Burlington (VT): Journal of Public Health Policy, Inc. Vol. 1, 1980- . JOURNAL OF QUALITY ASSURANCE. Deerfield (IL): National Association of Quality Assurance Professionals. Vol. 1, 1979- .  Y Called also: JQA, Summer 1987- . JOURNAL OF RURAL HEALTH. Statesboro (GA): American Rural Health Association. Vol. 1, No. 1, Jan 1985- .  Yk Called also: JRH. Continues: American Journal of Rural Health.  JOURNAL OF SOCIAL POLICY. London: Cambridge University Press. Vol. 1, 1972 . JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY FOR HEALTH SYSTEMS. Norcross (GA): Institute of Industrial Engineers. Vol. 1, No. 1, May 1989 . LANCET. London: Lancet. 1823 . LAW, MEDICINE AND HEALTH CARE. Boston: American Society of Law and Medicine. Vol. 9, No. 4, Sep 1981- .  Yp$ Formed by the union of: Medicolegal News and Nursing Law and Ethics. LDI POLICY DISCUSSION PAPER. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania, Leonard Davis Institute of Health Economics. No. 7, 1985 .-'q0*((Ԍ Y Continues: Policy Discussion Paper/Leonard Davis Institute of Health Economics. MD COMPUTING. New York: Springer Verlag. Vol. 1, 1984 . MEDICAL CARE. Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott. Vol. 1, 1963 . MEDICAL CARE REVIEW. Ann Arbor (MI): University of Michigan, Bureau of Public Health Economics. Vol. 24, 1967- .  YJ Continues: Public Health Economics and Medical Care Abstracts.  MEDICAL DECISION MAKING. Philadelphia: Hanley and Belfus. Vol. 1, 1981 . MEDICAL ECONOMICS. Montvale (NJ): Medical Economics. Vol. 1, 1923 . MEDICAL EDUCATION. Oxford: Blackwell Scientific Publications. Vol. 10, Jan 1976 .  Y Continues: British Journal of Medical Education. MEDICAL ELECTRONICS. Pittsburgh (PA): Measurements and Data Corp. Vol. 8, No. 5, Oct 1977 .  YQ Continues: MED. Medical Electronics and Data. MEDICAL GROUP MANAGEMENT JOURNAL. Denver (CO): Medical Group Management Association. Vol. 34, No. 6, NovDec 1987 .  Y Continues: Medical Group Management. MEDICAL REFERENCE SERVICES QUARTERLY. Binghamton (NY): Haworth Press. Vol. 1, No. 1, Spring 1982- . MEDICAL STAFF COUNSELOR. New York: Matthew Bender. Vol. 1, No. 1, Summer 1987- . MEDICAL WORLD NEWS. New York: Medical Tribune. Vol. 1, 1936 . MEDICINE AND LAW. Berlin: Springer Verlag. Vol. 1, No. 1, Jun 1982 . MEDPRO MONTH. Tustin (CA): Medical Data Institute. Vol. 1, 1991 . MENTAL HEALTH STATISTICAL NOTE. Rockville (MD): U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, National Institute of Mental Health, Division of Biometry and Epidemiology, Survey and Reports Branch. No. 123, Jan 1976 .  Yr$ Continues: Statistical Note Survey and Reports Branch, National Institute of Mental Health. METHODS OF INFORMATION IN MEDICINE. Stuttgart: F. K. Schattauer Verlag. Vol. 1, 1962 ./'r0*((ԌMILBANK QUARTERLY. New York: Cambridge University Press. Vol. 64, No. 1, 1986- .  Y Continues: Milbank Memorial Fund Quarterly; Health and Society. MMWR. Atlanta (GA): U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control. Vol. 25, No. 10, 1976 .  Yx Continues: Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report. MODERN HEALTHCARE. Chicago: Crain Communications. Vol. 7, Jan 1977 .  Y5 Formed by the union of Modern Healthcare (Short Term Care) and Modern Healthcare  W (Long Term Care). NATIONAL MEDICAL CARE UTILIZATION AND EXPENDITURE SURVEY. SERIES B, DESCRIPTIVE REPORT. Hyattsville (MD): U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Office of Health Research, Statistics, and Technology, National Center for Health Statistics. No. 1, 1983- . NATIONAL MEDICAL CARE UTILIZATION AND EXPENDITURE SURVEY. SERIES C, ANALYTICAL REPORT. Hyattsville (MD): U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Office of Health Research, Statistics, and Technology, National Center for Health Statistics. No. 1, 1985- . NATURE. London: Macmillan Journals, Ltd. 1, 1869 . NEW ENGLAND JOURNAL OF HUMAN SERVICES. Boston: Osiris Press. Vol. 1, No. 1, Winter 1981- . NEW ENGLAND JOURNAL OF MEDICINE. Boston: Massachusetts Medical Society. Vol. 198, 1928 .  Yk Continues: Boston Medical and Surgical Journal. NIH GUIDE FOR GRANTS AND CONTRACTS. Bethesda (MD): U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. 1970 . NURSE EDUCATOR. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott. Vol. 1, 1976- . NURSING ADMINISTRATION QUARTERLY. Rockville (MD): Aspen Systems Corporation. Vol. 1, 1976- . NURSING AND HEALTH CARE. New York: National League for Nursing. JulAug 1980- .  YY% Continues: NLN News.  NURSING ECONOMICS. Pitman (NJ): Anthony J. Jannetti. Vol. 1, No. 1, JulAug 1983 .-'s0*((ԌNURSING MANAGEMENT. Chicago: SN Publications. Vol. 12, No. 9, Sep 1981 .  Y Continues: Supervisor Nurse. OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH REPORTER. Washington: Bureau of National Affairs, Inc. Vol. 1, 1971 . ONLINE JOURNAL OF CURRENT CLINICAL TRIALS. Washington: American Association for the Advancement of Science. Vol. 1992, Jul 1, 1992 . PERSONNEL. Saranac Lake (NY): American Management Association. Vol. 1, 1919 . PHYSICIAN CHARACTERISTICS AND DISTRIBUTION IN THE UNITED STATES. Chicago: American Medical Association. 1981 . PHYSICIAN EXECUTIVE. Tampa (FL): American Academy of Medical Directors. Vol. 12, No. 1, JanFeb 1986- .  Y Continues: Medical Director.  PRIDE INSTITUTE JOURNAL OF LONG TERM HOME HEALTH CARE. New York: Pride Institute. Vol. 1, No. 1, Summer 1982- . PROCEEDINGS OF THE ANNUAL SYMPOSIUM ON COMPUTER APPLICATIONS IN MEDICAL CARE. Bethesda (MD): American Medical Informatics Association. 4th, 1980 .  Y Called also: SCAMC. PROFILES IN HEALTHCARE MARKETING. Lancaster (PA): Wentworth Publishing. No. 29, 1st quarter, 1988 .  Y Continues: Profiles in Hospital Marketing. PROVIDER. Washington: American Health Care Association. Vol. 12, No. 3, Mar 1986 .  YV Continues: Journal American Health Care Association. PSYCHIATRIC HOSPITAL. Washington: National Association of Private Psychiatric Hospitals. Vol. 13, No. 2, Spring 1982- .  Y Continues: Journal - National Association of Private Psychiatric Hospitals.  PUBLIC HEALTH REPORTS. Hyattsville (MD): U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service. Vol. 89, No. 4, JulAug 1974 .  Y" Continues: Health Services Reports. PUBLIC HEALTH REVIEWS. Tel Aviv: International Scientific Publications. Vol. 1, 1972- . H&t0*((ԌQA REVIEW. Chicago: American Medical Association, Office of Quality Assurance. Vol. 1, No. 1, Aug 1989- . QRB. QUALITY REVIEW BULLETIN. Chicago: Quality Review Center. Vol. 1, 1974- . QUALITATIVE HEALTH RESEARCH. Newbury Park (CA): Sage Publications. Vol. 1, No. 1, Feb 1991 . QUALITY ASSURANCE AND UTILIZATION REVIEW. Baltimore (MD): Williams & Wilkins. Vol. 1, No. 1, Feb 1986- . RADIOLOGY MANAGEMENT. Sudbury (MA): American Hospital Radiology Administrators. Vol. 1, 1979- . REVIEW - FEDERATION OF AMERICAN HEALTH SYSTEMS. Little Rock (AR): FAHS Review. Vol. 19, No. 2, MarApr 1986- .  Y Running title: FAHS Review. Continues: Review - Federation of American Hospitals.  RISK MANAGEMENT. New York: Risk Management Society Publishing. Vol. 16, No. 4, 1969 .  Y6 Continues: National Insurance Buyer. RN. Montvale (NJ): Medical Economics. Vol. 1, 1937 . SCIENCE. Washington: American Association for the Advancement of Science. Vol. 1, 1895 . SECOND OPINION. Park Ridge (IL): Park Ridge Center. Vol. 1, 1986- . SOCIAL POLICY. New York: Social Policy Corporation. Vol. 1, 1970 . SOCIAL SCIENCE AND MEDICINE. Oxford: Pergamon Press. Vol. 16, No. 1, 1982 .  Y$ Continues: Social Science and Medicine, Part A: Medical Sociology; Part B: Medical Anthropology; Part C: Medical Economics; Part D: Medical Geography; Part E: Medical  W Psychology; Part F: Medical and Social Ethics. SOCIAL SECURITY BULLETIN. Washington: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Social Security Administration, Office of Research and Statistics. Vol. 1, 1938 . SOCIAL SECURITY BULLETIN. ANNUAL STATISTICAL SUPPLEMENT. Washington: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Social Security Administration, Office of Research and Statistics. 1955 . SOCIAL WORK IN HEALTH CARE. Binghamton (NY): Haworth Press. Vol. 1, 1975 .)'u0*((ԌSOCIAL WORK RESEARCH AND ABSTRACTS. Albany (NY): National Association of Social Workers. Vol. 13, No. 2, 1977- .  Y Continues: Abstracts for Social Workers.  SOCIOLOGY OF HEALTH AND ILLNESS. Oxford: Blackwell. Vol. 1, Jun 1979 . SPECIALTY LAW DIGEST. HEALTH CARE (MONTHLY). Washington: Bureau of National Affairs. Mar 1979- .  YJ Digests of cases are recompiled in volumes of: Specialty Law Digest. Health Care (Annual).  STATE HEALTH NOTES. Washington: George Washington University, Intergovernmental Health Policy Project. Jan 1979 . STATISTICAL BULLETIN (METROPOLITAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY). New York: Metropolitan Life Insurance Company. Vol. 65, No. 1, JanMar 1984 .  Y Continues: Statistical Bulletin (Metropolitan Life Foundation). STATISTICS IN MEDICINE. Chichester (England): Wiley. Vol. 1, No. 1, JanMar 1982 . TECHNOLOGY FOR NURSING. Plymouth Meeting (PA): Emergency Care Research Institute (ECRI). Vol. 1, No. 1, Nov 1986 . TOPICS IN HEALTH CARE FINANCING. Rockville (MD): Aspen Systems Corporation. Vol. 1, 1974- . TOPICS IN HEALTH RECORDS MANAGEMENT. Rockville (MD): Aspen Systems Corporation. Vol. 1, No. 1, Sep 1980- .  Y Running title: THRM. TOPICS IN HOSPITAL PHARMACY MANAGEMENT. Rockville (MD): Aspen Systems Corporation. Vol. 1, No. 1, May 1981- . TRUSTEE. Chicago: American Hospital Association. Vol. 1, 1947 . URBAN MEDICINE. Fair Lawn (NJ): Medical Pub. Enterprises. Vol. 1, No. 1, Aug 1986 . VITAL AND HEALTH STATISTICS. SERIES 1: PROGRAMS AND COLLECTION PROCEDURES. Hyattsville (MD): U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Office of Health Research, Statistics, and Technology, National Center for Health Statistics. Vol. 1, 1963 . VITAL AND HEALTH STATISTICS. SERIES 2: DATA EVALUATION AND METHODS RESEARCH. Hyattsville (MD): U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public+'v0*(( Health Service, Office of Health Research, Statistics, and Technology, National Center for Health Statistics. Vol. 1, 1963 . VITAL AND HEALTH STATISTICS. SERIES 3: ANALYTICAL AND EPIDEMIOLOGICAL STUDIES. Hyattsville (MD): U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Office of Health Research, Statistics, and Technology, National Center for Health Statistics. Vol. 21, Jun 1983 .  Y_ Continues: Vital and Health Statistics. Series 3: Analytical Studies. VITAL AND HEALTH STATISTICS. SERIES 4: DOCUMENTS AND COMMITTEE REPORTS. Hyattsville (MD): U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Office of Health Research, Statistics, and Technology, National Center for Health Statistics. No. 1, 1965 . VITAL AND HEALTH STATISTICS. SERIES 5: COMPARATIVE INTERNATIONAL VITAL AND HEALTH STATISTICS REPORTS. Hyattsville (MD): U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Office of Health Research, Statistics, and Technology, National Center for Health Statistics. No. 1, 1984 . VITAL AND HEALTH STATISTICS. SERIES 6: COGNITION AND SURVEY MEASUREMENT. Hyattsville (MD): U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Office of Health Research, Statistics, and Technology, National Center for Health Statistics. No. 1, 1989 . VITAL AND HEALTH STATISTICS. SERIES 10: DATA FROM THE NATIONAL HEALTH SURVEY. CURRENT ESTIMATES FROM THE HEALTH INTERVIEW SURVEY, UNITED STATES. ACUTE CONDITIONS: INCIDENCE AND ASSOCIATED DISABILITY, UNITED STATES. Hyattsville (MD): U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Office of Health Research, Statistics, and Technology, National Center for Health Statistics. Vol. 1, 1963 . VITAL AND HEALTH STATISTICS. SERIES 11: DATA FROM THE NATIONAL HEALTH SURVEY. Hyattsville (MD): U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Office of Health Research, Statistics, and Technology, National Center for Health Statistics. Vol. 1, 1964 . VITAL AND HEALTH STATISTICS. SERIES 13: DATA FROM THE NATIONAL HEALTH SURVEY. UTILIZATION OF NURSING HOMES, UNITED STATES NATIONAL NURSING HOME SURVEY. NATIONAL AMBULATORY MEDICAL CARE SURVEY. SUMMARY, UNITED STATES. DATA ON HEALTH RESOURCES UTILIZATION. Hyattsville (MD): U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Office of Health Research, Statistics, and Technology, National Center for Health Statistics. Vol. 1, 1966 . %'w0*((ԌVITAL AND HEALTH STATISTICS. SERIES 14: DATA FROM THE NATIONAL HEALTH SURVEY. DATA ON HEALTH RESOURCESMANPOWER AND FACILITIES. Hyattsville (MD): U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Office of Health Research, Statistics, and Technology, National Center for Health Statistics. Vol. 27, 1982 .  Y Continues: Vital and Health Statistics. Series 14: Data from the National Inventory of Family  Wx Planning Services. VITAL AND HEALTH STATISTICS. SERIES 15: DATA FROM THE NATIONAL HEALTH SURVEY. DATA FROM SPECIAL SURVEYS. Hyattsville (MD): U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Office of Health Research, Statistics, and Technology, National Center for Health Statistics. No. 1, 1981 . VITAL AND HEALTH STATISTICS. SERIES 16: COMPILATIONS OF ADVANCE DATA FROM VITAL AND HEALTH STATISTICS. Hyattsville (MD): U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Office of Health Research, Statistics, and Technology, National Center for Health Statistics. No. 1, 1989 . VITAL AND HEALTH STATISTICS. SERIES 20: DATA ON NATALITY, MARRIAGE, AND DIVORCE. Hyattsville (MD): U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Office of Health Research, Statistics, and Technology, National Center for Health Statistics. No. 48, 1989 .  Y Continues: Vital and Health Statistics. Series 21: Data from the National Vital Statistics  W System. VITAL AND HEALTH STATISTICS. SERIES 21: DATA FROM THE NATIONAL VITAL STATISTICS SYSTEM. Hyattsville (MD): U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Office of Health Research, Statistics, and Technology, National Center for Health Statistics. Vol. 1, 1964 . VITAL AND HEALTH STATISTICS. SERIES 23: DATA FROM THE NATIONAL SURVEY OF FAMILY GROWTH. Hyattsville (MD): U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Office of Health Research, Statistics, and Technology, National Center for Health Statistics. No. 1, 1977 . VITAL AND HEALTH STATISTICS. SERIES 24: COMPILATIONS OF DATA ON NATALITY, MORTALITY, MARRIAGE, DIVORCE, AND INDUCED TERMINATIONS OF PREGNANCY. Hyattsville (MD): U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Office of Health Research, Statistics, and Technology, National Center for Health Statistics. No. 1, 1989 . WASHINGTON NEWS LETTER. Washington: American Public Health Association. Vol 1, 1959 . ''x0*((ԌWOMEN AND HEALTH. Binghamton (NY): Haworth Press. Vol. 1, 1976 . WORLD HEALTH STATISTICS QUARTERLY. Geneva: World Health Organization. Vol. 31, 1978 .  Y Continues: World Health Statistics Report. WORLD HOSPITALS. London: International Hospital Federation. Vol. 1, No. 1, Jul 1964- . YEAR BOOK OF HEALTH CARE MANAGEMENT. St. Louis (MO): MosbyYear Book. 1991 . y0*((  c  0 ABSTRACTS AND INDEXES  ă  W //Abstracts and indexes listed include those that cover clinical care, statistics, bioethics, social services and behavioral sciences, administration and planning, dissertations, education, health information systems, insurance and  W business, and government documents.Ʃ / ABSTRACTS OF CLINICAL CARE GUIDELINES: A JOINT COMMISSION NEWSLETTER. Chicago: Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations. Vol. 1, No. 1, JanFeb 1989 . //Contains abstracts of clinical care guidelines from the report and journal literature.(#/ ABSTRACTS OF HEALTH CARE MANAGEMENT STUDIES. Ann Arbor (MI): Health Administration Press. Produced by the Cooperative Information Center for Hospital Management Studies, University of Michigan; Vol. 15, Sep 1978 Vol. 23, May 1987. //(#/ //Though no longer published, this is a good source (along with its predecessor,  Y Abstracts of Hospital Management Studies) of older studies of hospital management and planning. Includes journal articles and other published literature, as well as unpublished studies.(#/ AMERICAN STATISTICS INDEX: A COMPREHENSIVE GUIDE AND INDEX TO THE STATISTICAL PUBLICATIONS OF THE U.S. GOVERNMENT. Washington: Congressional Information Service. 1973 . //Covers statistical publications (or publications containing substantial statistical data) generated by executive, legislative, and judicial departments, research, administrative, and regulatory agencies, and special bodies created by Congress or  Y the President. See the entry under ASI in the Databases chapter for a description of the online service.(#/ BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BIOETHICS. Detroit (MI): Gale Research Co. Vol. 1, 1975 . //Produced by the Kennedy Institute, Center for Bioethics at Georgetown University. Contains citations to the literature on the ethics of abortion, AIDS, euthanasia, genetic intervention, human experimentation, new reproductive technologies, patients' rights, professional ethics, resource allocation in health care, and numerous other  Y" ethical, legal, and public policy issues. See the entry under BIOETHICSLINE in the  Y# Databases chapter for a description of the online service.(#/ BIOMEDICAL INDEX TO PHSSUPPORTED RESEARCH. Bethesda (MD): U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, National Institutes of Health, Division of Research Grants. 1989 .S'z0*((Ԍ//A source of information on extramural biomedical research programs supported by the Division of Research Grants, National Institutes of Health, U.S. Department of  Y Health and Human Services. Continues Research Awards Index (19751987). See  Y the entry under CRISP in the Databases chapter for a description of the online service.(#/ CCH CONGRESSIONAL INDEX. Chicago: Commerce Clearing House. Vol. 1, 1946 . //Looseleaf report on status of all pending legislation; indexed by subject, sponsor, bill number, and date of introduction.(#/ CIS FEDERAL REGISTER INDEX. Bethesda (MD): Congressional Information Service. 1984 .  Y //Weekly index to the Federal Register covering rules, proposed rules, notices, and  Y presidential documents. Indexed by subject, name, issuing agency, Code of Federal  Y Regulations section number, calendar of effective dates, and comment deadlines. See  Y entries in Journals chapter.(#/ CIS INDEX. Bethesda (MD): Congressional Information Service; Vol. 1, 1970 . //An index to publications of the United States Congress. Includes abstracts of Senate and House committee hearings, committee prints, reports, and  Y documents. Monthly, with annual cumulation. See the entry under CIS Index in the database section below for a description of the online service.Ʃ / CIS INDEX TO THE CODE OF FEDERAL REGULATIONS. Bethesda (MD): Congressional Information Service. 1977 . //Detailed monthly index arranged by subject, geographic names, and past, current, and future descriptive headings; contains administrative and legislative history of  YE Code of Federal Regulations.(#/ CODE OF FEDERAL REGULATIONS. Washington: General Services Administration, National Archives and Records Service, Office of the Federal Register. 1938 .  Y //Annual codification of general and permanent rules published in the Federal Register (see below) by executive departments and agencies of the government; arranged by subject in 50 titles representing broad areas subject to federal regulation. Reflects regulations in effect at the time of printing; updated by subsequent issues of the  Yz$ Federal Register.(#/ //Titles related to health care:(#/  WN& //` `  "Title 7hh0Agriculture  W7' //` `  "Title 9hh0Animals and Animal Products7'{0*((Ԍ W //` `  "Title 10hh0Energy  W //` `  "Title 21hh0Food and Drugs  W //` `  "Title 40hh0Protection of Environment  W //` `  "Title 42hh0Public Health  W //` `  "Title 45hh0Public Welfare COMPLETED RESEARCH IN HEALTH, PHYSICAL EDUCATION, RECREATION AND DANCE. Washington: American Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance. Vol. 23, 1981 . //Contains two sections: abstracts to master's and doctoral theses from institutions offering graduate programs in health, physical education, recreation, dance and allied areas; and a bibliography of published articles in the above mentioned fields. Topics include health promotion and other medical subjects.(#/ CSI CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ABSTRACTS MASTER EDITION. Gaithersburg (MD): National Standards; 1982 .  Yb //Provides abstracts of each issue of the Congressional Record (see entry in  YM Journals section). Coverage includes Congressional activities regarding bills and resolutions, committee and subcommittee reports, public laws, executive  Y! communications, and speeches. See the entry under Congressional Record  Y  Abstracts in the database section below for a description of the online service.Ʃ / CSI FEDERAL REGISTER ABSTRACTS MASTER EDITION. Gaithersburg (MD): National Standards. 1981 . //Provides abstracts of Federal regulatory agency actions as published in the  Y Federal Register (see entry in Journals section). Includes regulations, proposed rules, and legal notices issued by Federal agencies. See the entry  YX under Federal Register Abstracts in the database section below for a description of the online service.Ʃ / DIGEST OF PUBLIC GENERAL BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS. Washington: Library of Congress. 1936 . //Brief synopsis of each public bill introduced into Congress at the time of publication; lists sponsor, title, dates of reports, debate, enrollment, and passage, and summaries of each public law.(#/ CUMULATIVE INDEX TO NURSING & ALLIED HEALTH LITERATURE. Glendale (CA): SeventhDay Adventist Hospital Association. Vol. 22, 1977 . F&|0*((Ԍ//An index to articles in more than 300 journals in nursing and 14 allied health disciplines. Also covers relevant medical articles, articles from management, psychological and popular journals, and new books in nursing and allied health fields.  Y See the entry under Nursing and Allied Health in the Databases chapter for a description of the online service.(#/ CURRENT CONTENTS: SOCIAL AND BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES. Philadelphia: Institute for Scientific Information. Vol. 6, Jan 2, 1974 . //A weekly listing of the tables of contents of journals in social and behavioral  Y sciences. See the entry under Current Contents Search in the Databases chapter for a description of the online service.(#/ DIRECTORY OF PUBLISHED PROCEEDINGS. SERIES SEMTSCIENCE, ENGINEERING, MEDICINE, TECHNOLOGY. White Plains (NY): InterDok Corp. Vol. 3, No. 5, Jan 1968 . //A bibliography citing preprints and published proceedings of conferences, summer schools, symposia, meetings, and seminars that have taken place worldwide from 1964 to date.(#/ DIRECTORY OF PUBLISHED PROCEEDINGS. SERIES SSHSOCIAL SCIENCES, HUMANITIES. White Plains (NY): InterDok Corp. Vol. 1, Jan 1968 . //A bibliography citing preprints and published proceedings of conferences, summer schools, symposia, meetings and seminars that have taken place worldwide from 1964 to date.(#/ DISSERTATION ABSTRACTS INTERNATIONAL. A. THE HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES. Ann Arbor (MI): University Microfilms Vol. 30, Jul 1969 . DISSERTATION ABSTRACTS INTERNATIONAL. B. THE SCIENCES AND ENGINEERING. Ann Arbor (MI): University Microfilms. Vol. 30, Jul 1969 . DISSERTATION ABSTRACTS INTERNATIONAL. C. WORLDWIDE. Ann Arbor (MI): University Microfilms. Vol. 50, No. 1, Spring 1989 . //Citations, with abstracts, to dissertations accepted for doctoral degrees by accredited U.S. and over 200 nonU.S. educational institutions. See the entry under  Y# Dissertation Abstracts Online in the Databases chapter for a description of the online service.(#/ EDUCATION INDEX. Bronx (NY): H.W. Wilson. 192930 . )'}0*((Ԍ//An index to education publications in English. Covers primarily periodicals, but also  Y includes yearbooks and monographs. See the entry under Education Index in the  Y Databases chapter for a description of the online service.(#/ EXCERPTA MEDICA. SECTION 17, PUBLIC HEALTH, SOCIAL MEDICINE, AND EPIDEMIOLOGY. Amsterdam (Netherlands): Excerpta Medica. Vol. 50, No. 2, 1988 . //An international index, with abstracts, to journals covering biostatistics and biometrics, health care, epidemiology, screening and prevention, populations at risk, food and nutrition, life styles, and evaluation of interventions. See the entry under  Y EMBASE in the Databases chapter for a description of the online service.(#/ EXCERPTA MEDICA. SECTION 36, HEALTH POLICY, ECONOMICS, AND MANAGEMENT. Amsterdam (Netherlands): Excerpta Medica. Vol. 24, No. 1, 1988 . //An international index, with abstracts, to journals covering health services management, technology assessment, and product evaluation. See the entry under  Y EMBASE in the Databases chapter for a description of the online service.(#/ GOVERNMENT REPORTS ANNOUNCEMENTS & INDEX. Springfield (VA): National Technical Information Service. Vol. 75, No. 7, 1975 . //Contains about 1.4 million citations, most with abstracts, to unrestricted technical reports on U.S. and nonU.S. governmentsponsored research and development. Includes coverage of the biological and social sciences as well as business information. Also includes some federallysponsored translations and some non Y English language reports. See the entry under NTIS in the Databases chapter for a description of the online service.(#/ HEALTH CARE. Springfield (VA): National Technical Information Service. Vol. 87, No. 11, Mar 17 1987 . //An abstract newsletter covering many subjects including agency administration and financial management, community and population characteristics, data and information systems, economics and sociology, health care assessment and quality assurance, delivery and organization/administration, health care technology, health services, health resources, and health care measurement methodology.(#/ HEALTH SCIENCES SERIALS. Bethesda (MD): National Library of Medicine. Jan 1979 . //A quarterly publication, issued on microfiche, listing serials held by the National  Y[% Library of Medicine. See the entry under SERLINE in the Databases chapter for a description of the online service.(#/ /'~0*((ԌHEALTH SERVICE ABSTRACTS. London: Department of Health and Social Security. 1974 . //A monthly list of citations, with abstracts, on hospitals, health services, and medical practice.(#/ HOSPITAL LITERATURE INDEX. Chicago: American Hospital Association. Vol. 13, No. 2, Dec 1957 . //Prepared by the Library of the American Hospital Association (with the cooperation of the National Library of Medicine since 1978), this publication indexes journals on  Y hospitals, health planning, and health administration. See the entry under HEALTH  Y PLANNING AND ADMINISTRATION in the Databases chapter for a description of the online service.(#/ INDEX MEDICUS, CUMULATED INDEX MEDICUS. Bethesda (MD): National Library of Medicine. Vol. 1, No. 1, Jan 1960 . //Index to over 2,700 journals in the biomedical and health fields. Under other titles,  YO coverage back to 1879. Published monthly as Index Medicus and annually as  Y: Cumulated Index Medicus. See entry under MEDLINE in the Databases chapter for a description of the online service.(#/ INDEX TO DENTAL LITERATURE. Chicago: American Dental Association. 1962 . //An index to articles on dental topics from 761 journals and to papers published in  Y symposia and proceedings. See the entry under MEDLINE in the Databases chapter for a description of the online service.(#/ INDEX TO HEALTH INFORMATION. Bethesda (MD): Congressional Information Service. Vol. 1, 1988 . //The publications covered by this index have been selected from four abstract  Y and index services: CIS Index (see above), American Statistics Index (see  Y above), Statistical Reference Index (see below), and Index to International  Y Statistics (see below).Ʃ / INDEX TO INTERNATIONAL STATISTICS. Bethesda (MD): Congressional Information Service. Vol. 1, 1983 . //Identifies, catalogues, describes, and indexes publications of international, intergovernmental organizations.Ʃ / INDEX TO LEGAL PERIODICALS. Bronx (NY): H.W. Wilson. Vol. 1, 1909 .3'0*((Ԍ//An index to legal periodicals published in the United States, Canada, Great Britain, Ireland, Australia, and New Zealand. Also includes yearbooks, annual institutes, and  Y annual reviews. See the entry under Index to Legal Periodicals in the Databases chapter for a description of the online service.(#/ INDEX TO PERIODICAL LITERATURE ON AGING. Detroit (MI): Lorraine Publications. Vol. 2, No. 2, 1984 . //A cumulative index to Englishlanguage periodical literature on aging, as well as a list of books with references to book reviews for each.(#/ INDEX TO SOCIAL SCIENCES & HUMANITIES PROCEEDINGS. Philadelphia: Institute for Scientific Information. Vol. 1, JanMar 1979 . //Listing of published proceedings of conferences, seminars, symposia, colloquia, conventions, and workshops.(#/ INSURANCE PERIODICALS INDEX. Chatsworth (CA): NILS Publishing Co.. 1962 . //Bibliographic citations, with abstracts, to literature on the insurance industry,  Y6 including health insurance. See the entry under Insurance Periodicals Index  Y! in the Databases chapter for a description of the online service.Ʃ / INTERNATIONAL BIBLIOGRAPHY. Millwood (NY): Kraus International. Vol. 11, No. 1, Spring 1983 .  Y //Subtitled Publications of Intergovernmental Organizations, this listing is international in scope and includes sections on public health, medical science, social questions, and population.(#/ INTERNATIONAL NURSING INDEX. New York: American Journal of Nursing Co. Vol. 1, 1966 . //Sponsored by the American Nurses' Association and the National League for Nursing and published in cooperation with the National Library of Medicine. See the entry  Y under MEDLINE in the Databases chapter for a description of the online service.(#/ INTERNATIONAL PHARMACEUTICAL ABSTRACTS. Bethesda (MD): American Society of Hospital Pharmacists. Vol. 1, 1964 . //Citations, with abstracts, to the literature on the development and use of drugs, as well as the clinical, practical, theoretical, scientific, economic, and ethical aspects of professional pharmaceutical practice. See the entry underD&0*((  Y International Pharmaceutical Abstracts in the Databases chapter for a description of the online service.Ʃ / MEDOC. Salt Lake City (UT): University of Utah, Eccles Medical Sciences Library. Vol. 1, 196874 . //An index to U.S. government documents in the medical and health sciences. Includes monographic and serial government documents of the United States. Excludes technical reports.(#/ MONTHLY CATALOG OF U.S. GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS. Washington: U.S. Government Printing Office. Jan 1951 . //An index to the publications of U.S. government agencies, including the U.S. Congress. Covers Senate and House hearings on bills and laws, as well as agencysponsored studies, fact sheets, handbooks, subject bibliographies, and conference  Y proceedings. See the entry under GPO Monthly Catalog in the Databases chapter for a description of the online service.(#/ MONTHLY CHECKLIST OF STATE PUBLICATIONS. Washington: Library of Congress; Vol. 13, Jan 1922 . //A record of state documents issued during the last five years which have been received by the Library of Congress.(#/ NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE CURRENT CATALOG. Bethesda (MD): National Library of Medicine. Jan 1966 . //A catalog containing citations to all printed monographs, and printed and audiovisual  Yi serials acquired by the National Library of Medicine. See the entry under CATLINE  YT in the Databases chapter for a description of the online service.(#/ NURSING ABSTRACTS. Forest Hills (NY): Nursing Abstracts Co. Vol. 1, 1979 . //Contains topicallyarranged references to Englishlanguage journal articles intended to serve as a research tool to nursing literature. Includes sections on nursing management, health care economics, and hospital policies.(#/ PAIS BULLETIN. New York: Public Affairs Information Service. Vol. 72, Oct 1985 Sep 1986 . //A selective list of the latest books, pamphlets, government publications, reports of public and private agencies, and periodical articles relating to business, economic, and social conditions, public administration, and international relations published in+'0*((  Y English throughout the world. See the entry under PAIS International in the  Y Databases chapter for a description of the online service.(#/ POPULATION INDEX. Princeton (NJ): Princeton University Office of Population Research and Population Association of America. Vol. 3, Jan 1937 . //An index to the literature of population, family planning, maternal and child health care, program operation and evaluation, demography, censuses, vital statistics, and  YL related health, law, and policy issues. See the entry under POPLINE in the  Y7 Databases chapter for a description of the online service.(#/ PSYCHOLOGICAL ABSTRACTS. Washington: American Psychological Association. Vol. 1, Jan 1927 . //An index, with abstracts, containing "nonevaluative summaries of the serial literature  Y in psychology and related disciplines." See the entry under PsycINFO in the  Y Databases chapter for a description of the online service.(#/ SCIENCE CITATION INDEX. Philadelphia: Institute for Scientific Information. Vol. 1, 1961 . //Contains citations to worldwide literature across a wide range of scientific and technological disciplines. Covers approximately 4,500 journals. Topics covered include biomedicine, clinical medicine, technology, and applied sciences. See the  Y entry under SCISEARCH in the Databases chapter for a description of the online service.(#/ SOCIAL PLANNING, POLICY & DEVELOPMENT ABSTRACTS. San Diego (CA): Sociological Abstracts. Vol. 1, 1979 . //An index with abstracts to articles on the applied aspects of sociology. Topics covered include program evaluation, social welfare services, and social planning.  Y. See the entry under Social Planning, Policy & Development Abstracts in the  Y Databases chapter for a description of the online service.(#/ SOCIAL SCIENCE CITATION INDEX. Philadelphia: Institute for Scientific Information. Vol. 1, 1972 . //Contains over 2.2 million citations to significant articles from the 1,400 most important social sciences journals worldwide and social sciences articles from 4,500 journals in the natural, physical, and biomedical sciences. Topics covered include business and finance, community health, economics, management, sociology, and  YL& statistics. See the entry under Social SCISEARCH in the Databases chapter for a description of the online database. (#/7'0*((ԌSOCIAL SCIENCES INDEX. Bronx (NY): H.W. Wilson. Vol. 1, 1974 . //An index to periodicals in the social sciences. Subjects covered include community health, public administration, sociology and social work, and gerontology. See the  Y entry under Social Sciences Index in the Databases chapter for a description of the online service.(#/ SOCIOLOGICAL ABSTRACTS. New York: American Sociological Association. Vol. 1, 1953 . //Contains citations, with abstracts, to articles in sociology and related fields. Topics covered include methodology and research, health and knowledge, demography, policy and planning, and social welfare. See the entry under  Y Sociological Abstracts in the Databases chapter for a description of the online service.Ʃ / STATISTICAL REFERENCE INDEX. Bethesda (MD): Congressional Information Service. Vol. 1, 1980 . //Indexes, with abstracts, statistics contained in publications from more than 1,000 leading American sources.Ʃ / UNDOC: CURRENT INDEX. New York: United Nations. Vol. 1, 1979 . //An index to United Nations documents.(#/ WHODOC. Geneva (Switzerland): World Health Organization. 1982 . //Lists documents useful in health administration and for health personnel. Arranged alphabetically by WHO program.(#/i0*((  c X/` hp x (#%'0*,.8135@8: