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Employment & Training Administration

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Region 5 ETA Staff

  • Staff Directory
    Searchable listing of employees of the Employment and Training Administration, Region 5.

Program Functions and Leads

Listing of employees, including Job Corps and ATELs, who are the leads for a particular program at the Region 5 level of the Employment and Training Administration.

Discretionary Grants

Office Listing

Contains listings of employees who are the lead contacts for USDOL-ETA sponsored programs in Region 5. Note: the chart below is an image map with Office/Division staffing links. There is no link to the Earmark Center.

Region 5 Chicago Organization chart (April 2006)
  • Office of the Regional Administrator - Region 5 Front office.
  • Division of Financial, Management and Administrative Services - responsible for the administrative and management functions that support program offices by providing assistance to ETA staff and to grantees for performance management and reporting, financial management and workforce information functions. It also includes staff who support office technology, regional budgeting and accounting and other support.
  • Office of State Systems - Responds to grantees operating within the workforce system at the state levels.
  • Division of Workforce Investment - Includes State awards for WIA formula programs, Wagner-Peyser, Trade Act training, National Emergency Grants, Workforce Information and the Community Service Employment Program for older workers.
  • Division of Workforce Security - Includes State and Program leads for Unemployment Insurance programs, DUA and Trade benefits.
  • Office of Special Initiatives and Demonstrations - supports the non-system grantees to enhance performance/outcomes and to better connect them with the workforce system. This office maintainsd grant management responsibilities for all special initiatives as well as the section 167 Migrant and Seasoinal Farmworker Grants, and granbts to assist disabled workers.
  • Division of Demonstration Grants - responsible for grants that are considered temporary in nature, including Congressional Earmarks, High Growth Job Training Initiative awards, Community Based Training Grants to Community Colleges, Faith and Community Based Training Grants, Responsible Reintegration for Youth Offenders and most other grant programs not targeted for state delivery.

Other Regional Information

  Region 5 Organizational Chart Adobe Acrobat PDF Icon

Created: April 17, 2007
Updated: January 13, 2009

Office of the Regional Administrator. Division of Financial, Management and Administrative Services. Office of State Systems Office of Special Initiatives and Demonstrations. Office of State Systems - Division of Workforce Investment. Office of Special Initiatives and Demonstrations - Division of Demonstration Grants. Office of State Systems - Division of Workforce Security.