California Department of Mental Health

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This Mental Health Services Act (MHSA) imposes a 1% income tax on personal income in excess of $1 million.  Statewide, the Act was projected to generate approximately $254 million in fiscal year 2004-05, $683 million in 2005-06 and increasing amounts thereafter. 

Much of the funding is distributed to county mental health programs upon approval of their plans for each component of the MHSA.  The MHSA provides funding to expand community mental health services in six different components:

  • Community Planning funds to involve the public in identifying local funding priorities;

  • Community Services & Supports funds to provide integrated mental health and other support services to those whose needs are not currently met through other funding sources;

  • Prevention & Early Intervention funds to reduce the stigma and discrimination associated with mental illness and provide preventative services to avert mental health crises;

  • Innovative Programs funds to improve access to mental healthcare;

  • Capital Facilities and Technology funds to improve the infrastructure of California’s mental health system; and

  • Workforce Education & Training funds to develop and grow the mental healthcare workforce.