[Image from Voyager]

Voyagers to the Outer Planets

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Quantity DesiredItem Description Price
voyager-csVoyager to the Outer Planets-Complete Set1$320
voyager-s1Voyager to the Outer Planets-Browse Subset$40
voyager-s2Voyager to the Outer Planets-Uranus$30
voyager-s3Voyager to the Outer Planets-Saturn1$120
voyager-s4Voyager to the Outer Planets-Jupiter$130
voyager-s5Voyager to the Outer Planets-Neptune$40
Individual Volumes: -Volume 1     -Volume 2     -Volume 3     -Volume 4     -Volume 5     -Volume 6     -Volume 7     -Volume 8     -Volume 9     -Volume 10     -Volume 11     -Volume 12     -Volume 13     -Volume 14     -Volume 15     -Volume 16     -Volume 17     -Volume 18     -Volume 19     -Volume 20     -Volume 21     -Volume 22     -Volume 23     -Volume 24     -Volume 25     -Volume 26     -Volume 27     -Volume 28     -Volume 29     -Volume 30     -Volume 31     -Volume 32     -Volume 33     -Volume 34     -Volume 35     -Volume 36     -Volume 37     $10 each


        Planetary Data System
        NASA/Jet Propulsion Laboratory
        Mail Stop 202-101
        4800 Oak Grove Drive
        Pasadena, CA  91109
        (818) 354-4321




IMDISP (DOS) or Image4PDS (Macintosh)



This set contains four subsets of compressed and browse images. Each subset of discs is dedicated to one of the four systems explored by Voyagers 1 and 2.
System                                     Volume

Uranus                                      1-3
Saturn                                      4-5, 26-38
Jupiter                                     6-8, 13-25
Neptune                                     9-12
Volumes 1-12:
These discs are organized chronologically, with the first disc consisting primarily of pre-encounter images and the last consisting primarily of post-encounter images. Each disc contains directories organized by the object observed (e.g., Neptune, rings, a particular satellite) or for calibration or unclassifiable images. If there are more than 100 images of a particular object on the disc, the images are further divided into subdirectories based upon their image number. The images are the full-resolution (800 pixels by 800 scan lines) digital images returned by the Voyager Imaging Science Subsystem (ISS) cameras. No additional processing has been performed to enhance the images. The full-resolution images are compressed to permit more data to be stored on each volume. Decompression software for several platforms (VAX/VMS, IBM PC, and Macintosh) in several programming languages is available on the discs. The Macintosh decompression software is provided as a binhexed archive. The last volume in each subset (volumes 3, 5, 8, 12) also contains all of the images found on all previous discs in a browse format. Browse images consist of every fourth pixel of every fourth scan line, resulting in an image which is 200 pixels by 200 scan lines. These browse images are not stored in a compressed format and so can be used by software to locate quickly an image of interest prior to decompressing the full-resolution image. Browse images are located within a separate directory on the disc, with individual subdirectories based on the objects observed below that.

Volumes 13+:
Discs 13+ differ from the earlier discs not only in the completeness of the images, but also in the disc structure. The earlier Voyager CD- ROMs (Vols. 1-12) consisted primarily of compressed images with specific volumes (3, 5, 8,and 12) reserved for uncompressed browse images of all of the images from the volumes relevant to a particular encounter. Beginning with Volume 13, the browse images for that particular disc are co-resident with the full-resolution compressed images. The discs are organized chronologically. Each disc contains directories organized by the object observed (e.g., Jupiter, rings, a particular satellite) or for calibration or unclassifiable images. If there are more than 100 images of a particular object on the disc, the images are further divided into subdirectories based upon their image number. The images are the full-resolution (800 pixels x 800 scan lines) digital images. No additional processing has been performed to enhance the images. The full-resolution images are compressed to permit more data to be stored on each volume. Decompression software for several platforms (VAX/VMS, IBM PC, Macintosh, and UNIX) in several programming languages is available on the discs. (NB: Decompression software for other platforms can be obtained from other sources, including the discs for the other Voyager encounters.)

Starting with Volume 13, each CD-ROM contains their own browse images. Browse images are located within a separate directory on the disc, with individual subdirectories based on the objects observed below that.

1. Incomplete Set.  NSSDC has not yet received one or more volumes of this set. You will be charged only for those volumes in the set that we have in stock. Please check back periodically to order any remaining volumes which have arrived.

Subset Information

Volumes 13-25 contain the complete set of images taken by the Voyager Imaging Science Subsystem (ISS) for the two missions at Jupiter, whereas Volumes 6-8 contain only selected images. Browse images are included on Volumes 13-25, along with the compressed full-resolution images, whereas the browse images for Volumes 6 and 7 were included on Volume 8. Many errors in Volumes 6-8 have been corrected in the later subset.

Volumes 13-19 contain data from Voyager 1 only. Volume 20 contains data from Voyagers 1 and 2. Volumes 21-25 contain data from Voyager 2 only. Volumes 13-25 contain the total collection of Jupiter encounter images.

Volumes 26-38 will contain the complete set of images taken by the Voyager Imaging Science Subsystem (ISS) for the two missions at Saturn, whereas Volumes 4-5 contain only selected images. Browse images are included on Volumes 26+, along with the compressed full-resolution images.

Volumes 26-32 contain data from Voyager 1 only. Volume 33 contains data from Voyagers 1 and 2. Volumes 34-38 will contain data from Voyager 2 only. Additional volumes typically arrive every other month.

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Catalog content & ordering questions contact: Request Coordination Office
Programmer/Curator: Kelly Gygax, Kelly.Gygax@nasa.gov
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NASA Privacy Policy & Important Notices
NASA Official: Ed Grayzeck, edwin.j.grayzeck@nasa.gov
Last Updated: 31 July, 2008