California Department of Mental Health

Workforce Education and Training

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  • DMH Information Notice 08-20, Request for Application for Mental Health Services Act (MHSA) Workforce Education and Training Funding for Regional Partnerships - 07/29/08
  • Mental Health Services Act Five-Year Workforce Education and Training Development Plan -This Five-Year Plan, developed in response to Welfare and Institutions Code Sections 5820-5822 of the MHSA, has been finalized and was approved by the California Mental Health Planning Council. It covers the period April 2008 to April 2013, with subsequent plans to be developed every five years. This document provides a vision, values and mission for Workforce Education and Training programs and activities, and will assist California in moving toward an integrated mental health service delivery system.- 07/17/08 pdficon
  • DMH Information Notice 08-16, Plan Update Guidelines for Fiscal Year 2008/09 Addendum – Modified Process - 07/01/08
  • Mental Health Professional Shortage Areas - The Department of Mental Health (DMH) has been working with the Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development (OSHPD) to increase the number of California communities that are federally designated as Mental Health Professional Shortage Areas (Mental HPSA). A Mental HPSA designation provides access to federal benefits designed to bring mental health professionals to designated shortage areas and improve the distribution of such professionals. Benefits are many and varied, and include student loan repayment, scholarships and scholar placement programs, visa waiver programs, bonuses to psychiatrists, and a drug discount program. This booklet is a partial listing and description of potential federal benefits in which a designated Mental HPSA may apply. For more information on obtaining assistance in the designation process, or to add programs or correct information in this booklet, email 6/11/08

  • DMH Information Notice 08-13, Funding Augmentation to the Mental Health Services Act (MHSA) Workforce Education and Training Component - 06/10/08


Pursuant to the Mental Health Services Act (MHSA), the California Department of Mental Health (DMH) must collect county data, complete a statewide occupational needs assessment, and develop a five-year plan addressing a statewide mental health education and training program. In meeting this legal obligation, DMH is committed to increasing the quantity and quality of trained persons available for employment in the mental health system while increasing family and consumer involvement in service delivery and encouraging development of a diverse workforce. The MHSA envisions a system that promotes recovery/wellness for adults and older adults with severe mental illness and resiliency for children and youth with serious emotional disorders and their families.



Workforce Staffing Support - County Mental Health Programs are developing and implementing programs and activities as part of their Workforce Education and Training Component. This listing entitled MHSA County Workforce Education and Training Coordinators provides contact information for each County's MHSA Workforce Education and Training Coordinator. For more information on County programs and activities, or to update information on this listing, you may email, or - 06/23/08

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